www.gphistorical.org Works Progress Administration - Grosse Pointe Guide A Compilation of Historical Stories and Interviews 101 Ranch, 210 Academy of the Sacred Heart, 319 Aldrich, Beecher, 437 Alexander, Robert, 228 Alger, Caroline Fay, 483 Alger, Caroline Annette, 483 Alger, Edward Swift, 305 Alger, Frederick H.(Col), 484-485 Alger, Frederick Moulton, 303, 305, 368, 483 Alger, Frederick M. Mrs., 260 Alger, Josephine, 483 Alger, Mary Eldridge, 303, 486-486 Alger, R.A.(Jr.) House, 8, 11, 46, 269-270, 304, 444-445, 483 Alger, Russell A. Jr., 484 Alger, Russell Alexander, 483 Alger, Russell Alexander Gen, 480-482 Alger, Russell, Mrs., 364 Allard, Edward, 292 Allard, John, 291 Allard, Phillip, 64, 291, 294 Allard, William B., 63 Allen, Bert, 64 Allor, David, 451 Aloma Theater, 447 Alter Road, 199 Altland, Daniel, 349 Altland, Daniel Mrs., 324, 348, 350 Amateur radio, Grosse Pte, 464-470 Anderson, Wendell, 448 Athman, Leo, 295 Athman, Phillip F., 294 Atterbury, Harriet, 262 Aubry, Frank, 65 Aust, Max, 437 Backus, Standish, 63, 292, 307, 492 Baiton, James, 54 Baiton, Robert, 54 Baker, F. W. Mrs., 136 Baker, Fred J., 286, 302 Baker, H.S., 349 Ballentyne, Ford, 63, 307, 488 Ballentyne, Howard Pierce, 489 Barbour, Edith Henry, 305 Barbour, Edwin C. Mrs., 252 Barbour, L.L., 318 Barnes, Alfred Cutler, 304 Barnes, Harriet J., 473 Barnes, John R., 347 Government Barracks, 198 Barrett, J. L., 65 Barthe, Charles, 338 Barthe, Theresa, 338, 369 Barthowski, J. Rev., 400 Barton, George R., 246 Baseball, Amateur, 224 Bateau, 1895 Bates, L.J., 362 Battlefield of Windmill Pointe, 330 Bayview Yacht Club, 150 Beaubiens, 188 Beaufait Farm, 61 Beaufait, Joseph, 64 Beaufait, Maglory, 355 Beaupre, Ralph E., 64, 259 Beaupre, Russell J., 62, 288 Beaupre, Theodore, 288 Becker, Charles F., 63, 292 Beerman, Arley, 236 Belfore, Joe, 251 Bell Meade, 61 Bell, Dr., 222 Belle River Disaster, 153 Bellehurst, 57, 320 Belleview, 60, 318 Bennett, Arthur H., 292, 307 Bernes, Sidney, 282 Berns, Waldo J., 63, 282, 283, 299 Berry, Fay Alger, 305 Berry, Joseph H., 55, 62, 304 Bery, John, 63 Bery, John, 283 Beyer, Edwin 291 Black Hawk, 104 Black Rain, 127-130, 131-135 Blondell, Harry, 214-215 Blondell, Neil, 62, 286 Blossom Heath, 221 Blue Ribbon Race Track, 190 Blue Ribbon Club, 217-218 Bodikar, Benjamin F., 282, 283 Bolio, John, 236 Book Building, 490 Book, Edward Irving, 491 Book, Frank, 491 Book, Herbert V., 491 Book House, Herbert, 387-388 Book, James Burgess, Dr., 489-491 Book Jr., James Burgess, 489-491 Book III, James Burgess, 491 Book, Sally Peck, 491 Boone, Otto, 213 Boulder Monument, GPP Waterfront Park 296-298 Brigham Young Night Club, 245 Brisson, Joseph T., Chief, 162 Brody, B. D., 290 Brooks, Carol, Mrs.(Newberry,) 473 Brooks, Frank W. Mrs., 364 Brownell, S.M., 346 Brownlee, Ruby, Mrs., 262 Brucker, Wilbur M., 300 Bruinck, J., Mrs., 438 Brule', Etiene, 25 Brush, Alfred E., 56 Brush, Edmund A., 320 Buhl, Lawrence, 371, 448 Burden, F.C., 349 Burell, Edward, 216, 217 Burgess, Clyde C., 282 Burns, Julius., 282, 283, 299 Butler, E.H., Mrs., 364, 378-379 Cadillac, Antoine, 27, 102 Cadieux Road, 199 Calecheas, 186-187 Cammeron, Belle, 324 Campau, Judith, 341 Canoe, birchbark, 185 Canup, M. Luther, Rev., 413 Carhardt, Hamilton, 349 Carhardt, Wylie, 349 Carioles (cutters), 119 Carpenter, Chester F., 62, 286 Carson, Warren H., 465 Carter, James, 64 Castle House, 212-213 Cavalier, Robert, 26 Chambers Sightseeing Tour, 181 Champlaine, S. de, 24 Chapin, Roy, 8, 14, 448 Chapin House, Roy, 270 Chapoton, Benoit, 52 Charlevoix Ave., 184 Chauvin House, 218-219 Chauvin, Charles, 37, 220, 359 Chauvin, Richard, 218 Checker Cab Co., 180 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR, 474 Chipman, J. Logan, 206 Chippewas, 194 Chisholm House, 231-232 Cholera Plague of 1854, 93, 94 Christ Church Chapel, 409-410 Christian Reformed Church, 411 Church customs, 38 Claerhout, Emil, 63 Claeys, Louise, 239 Clairview, 61 Clark, Arthur A., 63 Clark, Ralph M., 65 Clemens, Judge, 197 Cleochan, Sister, 437 Clinton River, 194 Cloverleigh, 58, 219 Coast Guard Station, HR 12494, 152 Coffin, Howard A., 291 Coma, Mother, 398 Conley, "Doc", 110 Connely, Emmett F., 62 Connor Road, 198 Connor, Richard, 194 Connor's Creek, 112 Connor's Creek Post Office, 198 Considine, John, 219 Considine, William 217 Conway, Joseph D., 156 Copeland, Royal S., Senator, 159 Corby, Daniel, 54 Corby, Thomas W., 63 Cottage Hospital, 264 Cottage, The, 320 Country Club of Detroit, 8, 207, 270-271 Coyle, W.H., 362 Creamer, Earl, 452 Cronin, John P., 302 Crowley, Daniel T., 302 Cullinene, Patrick J., Rev., 399 Damman, Adolph, 64 Damman, Archie, 63, 283 Dansbury, George F., 288 Darling's GP Garage, 244 Davis, George S., 61 Dayer, Walter A., 291 Defer, Frank W., 64 Defer, George, 218 DeHayes, Louis A., 63, 283, 299 Deming, Paul H., 62, 288, 368, 491-492 Demos, John, 202 Denk, Norbert F., 64, 453 Deporre, Jules, 64, 294-295 Derrick, Robert O., 448 DesRocher, John, 452, 454, 458 Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., 476, 479 Detroit & Erin Road Co., 196 Detroit United Railway, 192 Detroit Country Club, See also CCofDetr, 250-251 Devere, Peter, 292 DeVolger, Camille, 239 DeYonkers, John F., 63, 64, 283 Diegel, William C., 302 Dill, Hugh L., 62 Dillman House, Hugh, 8, 11, 46, 269, 368 Ditmer, Fred, 236 Dobson Inn, 222 Dobson Inn, #2, 223 Dobson, Wm. R., (Billy), 222, 282 Dodd Woods Place, 233 Dodge, Horace, 207 Dodge House, John, 267-268, 368 Dodge, John, 8, 13 Dodge, Percival, Mrs., 368 Doer, August, 208 Doer's Inn, 208-209 Dorance, Jr., William H., 294 Doubleday Doran Book Shop, 446 Douglas, Dwight, 257 Dowdle, John F., Rev., 402, 462 Drysdale, James (Chief), 65, 154, 162, 283, 451,452, 456 Duflo, John & Peter, 108 Dug Out, The 211 Duluth South Shores & Atlantic RR, 478 Dwyer, John M., 252, 368 Dwyer, Francis, Mrs., 368 Dwyer, John Vincent, Mrs., 446 Dyer House, John B., 55 E.Detroit & GP Electric RR, 19, 192 Edgar, Charles G., 291 Edgemeer, 55 Edwards, Alice, Mrs., 262 Elliot, John, 218 Elworthy, George, 259 Fair Acres, 475 Fairview, 111-112 Fellowcraft Mtr Boat Club, 235 Ferry, D.M., 62, 286, 368 Ferry, Dexter M. Mrs., 252 Finck, John, 436 Finkenstaedt, Harriet, Mrs., 262 Finnie, Haldeman, 443 Fisher Hotel, 204-207 Fisher House, 8 Fisher, Fred, 62 Fisher, M.Stephens, 64, 294 Fisher, Merritt M., 204 Fishing, 107-110 Fitt, F., Rev., 302, 408 Fitzpatrick, William G., 291 Flora and Fauna, 352-355 Fluitt, Albert O., Chief, 162, 288, 456 Ford Plate Glass Works, 486 Ford, Edsel Estate 15, 15, 269 Ford Building, 487 Ford, E.S. Mrs., 377 Ford, Edsel, 391-392 Ford, Edward, 486 Ford, Eleanor, 488 Ford, Emory, 486, 487 Ford, Emory Seyden, 487 Ford, Frederick C., Mrs., 252 Ford Frederick Sloan, 487 Ford, J.B., 448, 487 Ford, John Sattice Jr., 487 Ford, L.B., Capt., 486-487 Ford, Nell, 488 Ford, Stella Dumbar, 487 Forsythe, William, 371 Fort Gratiot (Pt.Huron), 25, 194 Fox Indians, 95, 330, 334 Fox Creek Channel, 124-125 Fox Creek Pumping Station, 112-114 Fox Creek, 6 French Settlers, 67 French Pear trees, 356-363 French Habitant, Customs, 35-39 French Habitant, Entertainment, 42 French Habitant, Families, 27 French Habitant, Family life, 39, 40, 41 French Habitant, Food, 32, 33 French Habitant, Houses, 28, 29, 30, 31 French, John, 249 French Habitant, Vehicles, 41, 42 French Habitant, Women, 33, 34 G & R McMillan's 265-266 Gambling, 224 Garden Club of Michigan, 252-255 Gardens in Grosse Pointe, 364-388 Gardner, Arthur, 448 Garska Road House, 236-237 Garska, Alfred J., 63, 259, 283, 299, 453 Garska, John, 236-237 Gaukler Pointe, 68, 100-101 Gaukler, Jacob, 68 George Ossius Park, 305-307 Ghesquire, A.A., 64 Ghesquire, Alois, 295 Giardin, Louis J., 63 Gillett, Shadrack, 107 Gillette's Fishery, 107-110 Gload, Austin, 292 Godderis, Charles, 239 Godfroy, Alexandrine Louise, 348 Godfroy, Gabriel, Col., 60 Godfroy, Pierre, 60 Goodrich, James, 64 Gore House, 237-238 Gouin Sr., John, 54 Gouin Jr., John, 54 Gouin, Maglory, 108, 354 Grace Hospital, 479 Grace Evangelical & Reformed Church, 412 Grand Marais, 6, 118-126 Grand Trunk Railroad, 198 Grant, Commodore, Mrs., 96-97 Grant, Commodore, 13, 48, 49, 50, 312, 338-342, 369-371 Grant, John, 50, 97, 312, 341 Grant's Castle, 13, 338-341 Gratiot Avenue, 194-198 Gratiot, Charles, Capt., 194 Gravier, John, 239 Gray, Roland, 251 Groehm, Otto J., 299 Grosse Pointe Democratic Club, 206 Grosse Pointe Topography, 72, 73 Grosse Pointe Post Office, 199 Grosse Pointe Shores, 63, 171-172, 289-290 Grosse Pointe Gun Club, 208 Grosse Pointe Township history, 67, 70, 71, 87 Grosse Pointe Shores Villiage Hall, 15 Grosse Pointe Farms, 8, 61, 169-170, 287-288 Grosse Pointe City history, 7, 8, 62, 167 Grosse Pointe High School, 8, 11, 46, 268, 344-347, 436 Grosse Pointe Ice Club, 210 Grosse Pointe Climatic Phenomens, 77-86 Grosse Pointe Park, 63, 165-166, 281-285 Grosse Pointe Township, 17-18, 64, 66, 163-164 Grosse Pointe City Monument, 300-302 Grosse Pointe Climate, 74-76, 78 Grosse Pointe Farms Sewage Pump., 288 Grosse Pointe Library, 272-273 Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, 19, 51, 150, 155, 210, 247-249, 267 Grosse Pointe history, 22, 23, 44 Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, 11, 46, 302-305, 408-409, 437 Grosse Pointe Club, 206, 256-257 Grosse Pointe Park Waterfront Park, 514-515 Grosse Pointe Pier Park, 513-514 Grosse Pointe United Lutheran Church, 413 Grosse Pointe Shores Waterfront Park, 517-519 Grouse, Charles, 251 Haas, Lillian H., Mrs. 445 Haass, George J., 345 Haass, J.H., Mrs., 393-395, 419-420 Hahn, August, 217 Half Way House, 195 Hall, Theodore Parsons, 14, 60, 308, 322, 370 Hamilton Park, 59, 319 Hamlin, C.W., 7 Hamlin, Marie Caroline,
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