Frederick William Dame (Exercising freedom of speech … as long as it still exists.)

Just Thinking

Number 160


Source: Just-for-you_phixr5-400x381.jpg

JT: I don’t understand what Obama means with “whip it out”. Does he want Michelle to beat him with her whip? ***

JT: Impress this statement into your minds!!!

From: assimilate-they-infiltrate?f=must_reads#ixzz49MpqpLbY

Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate

Let us first, dispense with the pretense.

Every notion we in the West have adopted in terms of dealing with Muslims, both individually and collectively, is wrong.

It is a policy based more on political correctness than on rational analysis, more on a misunderstanding of culture than religion. 1

The term "Islamophobia" was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought, a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. It was designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them, similar to the tactics used by the political left, when they hurl the accusations of "racist," "sexist," "homophobe" and "hate-speech." *** of-trump-stupid-divisive-and-wrong/

JT: David Cameron is against Donald Trump and his position concerning Muslims. This is another good reason why Trump is qualified to be President. *** to-strike-syrian-terrorists-with-moscow-def-minister/

JT: This could be a start to repatriate Muslim migrants in Europe back to Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan after first being relocated to temporary camps in the Saudi Arabian desert. ***

Source: .

JT: Methinks the DemocRATS and the Progressives of every political party took H. L. Mencken and John D. Rockefeller opinions as educational gospel! American society has been DUMBED DOWN!!! ***


JT: Think about this: What is of the utmost importance in the world? It is to give love and to receive love. Muhammad never gave anything but hate, exploitation, genocide, and ethnocide. What has the world received since Muhammad? Over one billion people killed in the name of Islam! ***

JT: Did Gary Welsh know he would “commit suicide” beforehand? *** blonde-haired-germans-live-on-tv-and-get-a-standing-ovation/


JT: Here are Donald Trump’s qualifications to be President!

Obama is against Trump… Check The Media are against Trump… Check The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check The establishment Republicans are against Trump … Check The Pope is against Trump … Check The UN is against Trump … Check The EU is against Trump … Check China is against Trump … Check Mexico is against Trump … Check Soros is against Trump … Check Black Lives Matter is against Trump … Check Move On is against Trump … Check Koch Brothers are against Trump … Check Bushes are against Trump … Check Planned Parenthood is against Trump … Check Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump … Check Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check Islam is against Trump … Check Kasich & Cruz are against Trump … Check Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump … Check


NOW THAT BEING SAID … It seems to me; Trump MUST BE the best qualified candidate we could ever have. If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!! Most of all, it will be the People’s Choice … PLUS, He’s not a Lifetime Politician … Check He’s not a Lawyer … Check He’s not doing it for the money … Check He’s a natural-born American citizen born in the USA from American parents … Check Bonus points! Whoopi says she will leave the country… Rosie says she will leave the country… Sharpton says he will leave the country… Gov. Brown says California will build a wall… Cher says she will leave the country… Cyrus says she will leave the country… The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail…. Hillary will go to jail…. The budget will be balanced in 8 years…. Americans will have first choice at jobs…. You will not be able to marry your pet…. You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify … (Not a criminal, etc.) Only live human American registered citizens can vote…. You can have and keep your own Doctor…. You can say what you want without being called a racist…. He will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Come to think of it, we have no place to go but UP! The fine print. As the old preacher said on Good Friday???..Christ was dead on the cross, the day turned to night, and the demons in hell were dancing a jig ???its Friday, but Sunday???as a??? comin???…and zero’s nervous. Though we can’t stop ’em from Trying… we can keep ’em from Forming any Bad Habits”

Terror… is nothing more than worry. You do… They win. Pursuant to Title 17 U.S.C. 107, Otherwise known as (the use of the Fair Use Doctrine) this posting is provided for educational purposes, research, critical comment, or debate without profit or payment .

(Source: ) ***


“According to the BBC, 55% of Pakistani-Britons are married to a first cousin, and as a corollary to that produce ‘just under a third’ of all children in the UK with genetic illnesses, despite being only 3% of the total births. As a direct result of inbreeding, the Muslim population is the only population on earth that is mentally and physically devolving. This inherent weakness makes Muslim populations more susceptible to nefarious, oppressive leadership and mass manipulation. The amount of objective evidence supporting this statement is colossal and obvious.” ( about-muslims-being-inbred/ )

JT: Methinks this is so much like the DemocRATS! Particularly the underlined part! ***

At Andy Kessler writes “...capitalism is not about greed. It is a system that weeds out dumb ideas from smart ones. The former generate disdain and losses; the latter generate delight and profits.”

JT: Methinks this is a description of the Obama regime because the Obama regime, a dumb idea, was not weeded out, but the smart, conservative politics were weeded out and the result was the generation of disdain and losses to the United States of America. ***

JT: My research tells me that Muslims have always loved death more than life! *** Bangladesh-to-prevent-further-infiltration-Sonowal/2016/05/22/article 3445833.ece .

JT: I think it’s an excellent idea. This could stop a second Hindu Kush (Massacre of Hindus). ***


干杯!!! ***


JT: After eight years of the Barack Hussein Obama regime and the DemocRATS, America is slowly dying. Here’s proof: (The person getting a sun bath is Michelle when she’s not being watched!)

Source: .


JT: Here’s a message for all POLDS (Progressives, Obots, Liberals, Dumbed- downers, Socialists-Communists) and #NeverTrumpers:

What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect. What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad? Trump’s-a not so bad, he’s for a better place.

So, shaddappaurface!

(Adapted from: .) ***

JT: If you don’t think American university students have been dumbed down, watch the video here: hamas/?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=afternoon- newsletter&utm_medium=owned . ***


by BigFurHat

Source: rd-220x300.jpg

JT: Supportive of this work of art is the opinion that Barack Hussein Obama is an insult to rat droppings! ***

Obama’s former “green jobs czar,” communist Van Jones, defends the Clintons, saying, “Do you know how hard it is to stay married in America? A lot of people are proud of the Clintons for being able to stick it out.” [93258, 92359, 92360, 92376] *** revolution-archeology-dig

JT: Of course Muslims will claim that they brought them to America in the17th century and therefore they are property of Muslims worldwide. *** crisis-daniel-greenfield

JT: The pure logic is that because Islam keeps its Muslims ignorant, poor, backward, and brainwashed, the flow of Muslim refugees will be perpetual. ***


Source: .

JT: It must be the answer of a progressive. ***

At 911-saudi-suits/ we read: “Last week’s unanimous passage of a Senate bill making it easier for 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia and other foreign terror sponsors was widely heralded as a major victory. It’s more of a cruel hoax. It turns out that just before the vote, Sen. Charles Schumer [D-NY] and other proponents of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act stuffed an amendment into the final draft allowing the attorney general and secretary of state to stop any litigation against the Saudis in its tracks. Yes, JASTA would remove the statutory restrictions that have prevented 9/11 families from taking the Saudi kingdom to court. But Schumer helped craft an entirely new section to the original bill, giving the Justice and State departments the power to stay court action indefinitely. All they have to do is inform the judge hearing the case that the US government has engaged with Riyadh in diplomatic talks to resolve the issue.”

JT: Is Charles Schumer of Jewish-American heritage or Saudi heritage, or did the Saudis purchase a Schumer fix? *** robots-in-china-2016-05-25?link=sfmw_fb

JT: This could be a possible solution to the problems of the DemocRAT Party. They already have Obots! ***

In the May 2016 issue of The Complete Obama Timeline , Don Fredrick reports that the “The Obamas are going to take up residence in Washington’s tony Kalorama neighborhood after leaving the White House, inhabiting the home of Bill Clinton Press Secretary Joe Lockhart…”

Don Fredrick then notes: “(The nine bedroom, 8-1/2 bath, 8,200 square foot mansion will be rented by the Obamas, for a reported $22,000 per month;)” 8

JT: Where is this money coming from? George Soros? Some Muslim-Arab account(s)? A foreign government for which Obama has been spying during the last eight years? The US taxpayers who have been paying into a secret Obama account for the past eight years without knowing it? ***

JT: I think I have come up with a possible program for Muslims that will win them a gold medal in any Olympic Games, summer or winter. Make rape an Olympic discipline and I’m sure Muslims would win! The medal could be called The Emulation of Muhammad Golden Rape Medal ! *** twice/

JT: LOL! ***

JT: Pure Islamic progress in the name of Muhammad! ***

JT: At americans-show-how-embarrassingly-little-they-know-about-the- country/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=owned&utm_campaign=morning- newsletter we learn how dumbed down American university students are concerning Memorial Day. They’re not dumbed down concerning Memorial Day only. They are across the board dumbed down. For those who are interested in some facts and trivia concerning Memorial Day, go to . *** burying-e-mails-since-first-lady/world/

JT: She did it and has been doing it because the act was and is patriotic, pure Hillarious patriotism! ***

JT: Michelle should be thrown out of the USA! She and Barry are a financial disaster to America ***

9 demonic-transgender-rights-are-causing-the-death-of-god/ american-catholics-your-nation-god-being-eroded

JT: God is alive, but God is not doing too well these days! ***

JT: Philip Zimbardo analyses Obama and his regime quite well! ***

JT: It’s full of political correctness. Ban the burka in all western democracies. ***

At NEVER-CHANGE-Zika-is-an-old-v-143445 we read that “ Zika is an old virus that has been known since about 10 years before scientists even knew what DNA was. It is a mild virus that causes no symptoms in 3 out of 4 people, and does not cause birth defects. It is such a mild virus that labs that stocked it would ship it out to anyone who ordered it ever since 1960. Something else is causing the birth defects, and that would be a newly introduced Tdap shot that is now given to mothers in the early stages of pregnancy. What could be the motive for trying to scapegoat a virus which is proven benign, but has a spooky name? EEEEW, ZIKA ZIKA ZIKA, RUN!!!!! and meanwhile our future is faced with an intellectual death via the needle in the name of Zika.

SALIENT ZIKA QUESTION: How much of that 1.9 billion the CDC is demanding from Congress to "fight zika" will end up in Hillary Clinton's back pocket?

JT: We’ll know immediately because Hillary and Bill are so transparent in their handling of the Clinton Foundation’ financial sources! *** rant-about-trump/

JT: I’ve read this person’s tweets. I’m convinced that he is a verbal cake thrower, the contents of which are insults to logic! ***

10 post-writer-editors-deleted-my-article-on-hillarys-imminent-indictment- disabled-me-from-writing/

JT: Methinks this is not the only deletions of information and destroying of information. Once the election is held, the Obama regime will start destroying most of the regime’s documents. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, Congress and all political parties should file for a federal injunction to stop the Obama regime from deleting emails and destroying documents. Obama and his cronies will destroy practically every written piece of information that was written before and during the regime’s usurpation of power. ***

Source: .

JT: World leaders are always ready to solve the world’s problems. - Sartaz Aziz: Pakistani economist, statesman, strategist, and the current Foreign affairs adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan. - John Kerry, Secretary of State, USA since 2013. - Abdullah Abdullah: Afghan politician, Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since September 2014. - Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif: Prime Minister of Pakistan since June 2013. - David Cameron: Prime Minister of Great Britain since 2010. ***


JT: Below is the application of Hegelian-Marxist Dialectic theory to consumption and loss of freedom.

Source: . ***

Source: .

JT: The above is a geopolitical map of the Middle East and Asia that shows the relationships of respective countries concerning treaties, competition, and conflicts as well as defense spending in excess of 5 billion dollars. ***

JT: Here’s photographic proof that Hillary asked Bill for advice on the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012! 12

Source: .


This conversation between a POLD (Progressive, Obot, Liberal, Dumbed- downer, Socialist-Communist) politician and a patriotic military veteran sitting in neighboring seats in a plane. It explains everything.

POLD Politician (PP) Let’s talk. I’m a politician and knowledgeable about everything.

Military Veteran (MV): Okay! What shall we talk about?

PP: (Thinking the MV is dumb!) Let’s talk about nuclear power and the role of politics.

MV: That’s a very interesting subject. But before we get into detail, let me ask you a question.

PP: Okay! Ask!

MV: Horses, cows, and deer all eat grass. Yet, deer excrete pellets, cows excrete flat potty, and horses excrete lumps. Why?

PP: Oh man! I don’t know!

MV: Do you really feel qualified to talk about nuclear power and politics when you don’t know shit?

(Adapted from: . *** 13 await.html

JT. Perhaps they are dried up grapes or dried up virgins! See also: .


JT: Quite mesmerizing! See also: . ***


JT: I ask if Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor understands the Dalai Lama? ***

Source: .

JT: True words!!! ***

14 refugees-helping-german-flood-victims/

JT: They learned how to create news from George Soros’ organizations and Barack Hussein Obama’s regime! Austria also has POLDS! *** prisons-includes-section-on-waging-holy-war-teaches-inmates-to-become- jihadists/

JT: This is interesting. If Islam is so peaceful and tolerant, why are Muslims in prison? Oh, I understand. They are all innocent of any wrongdoing, just like Muhammad was always innocent of any wrongdoing. Of course, he got off the hook because he claimed he was a prophet and he received his orders from Allah. Evidently, every Muslim who is in prison is a prophet!!!

Disintegrating : Visit Number Six

In a recent poll, the Green fundamentalist party MP is under 4%. It risks being expulsed from the Swedish parliament at the next election. That could be a positive development for Sweden, However, perhaps the empty seats will be filled by Muslims candidating for a position in the parliament. ( ) *** In the following photo you see Yasri Khan (first on the left) and the Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre (second on the left) with MP friends in Sweden.

Source: sverige?page=2


At Wikipedia we read: “Yasri Khan (born 2 April 1986 in Stockholm ) is a Swedish politician and the leader of peace organization Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice . Khan was a member of the Swedish Green Party , but left the party due to heavy criticism for refusing to shake hands with a female reporter from TV4 .[1] Khan himself stated that he was raised in the way that a handshake was too intimate, but didn't mean to disrespect women, and also noted that politics was not the right field for him. [2]

Khan was invited to participate in the United States' International Visitor Leadership Program in 2011. [3][4] This experience [5] is run by the U.S. Department of State "through public-private partnerships and tax payer funding. [6] "

At Wikipedia, we also read : “ Barbara Lerner Spectre (born 1942) is an academic [1] who is the founding director of Paideia, [2] the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden , a non-denominational academic institute established in 2001.

Barbara Spectre was born in Madison, Wisconsin , and educated in New York City . She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to , , where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to in 1982, she served on the faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University , and Yellin College of Education where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995- 1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996 and has lectured extensively throughout the United States. In 1999, she immigrated to Sweden and settled in Stockholm , joining her husband Philip, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue , and in 2000 she wrote the foundational paper to the Swedish government for the formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct. In its 10 years of existence (2011) Paideia has educated over 200 persons from 35 countries for leadership positions in the renewal of Jewish culture in Europe. In 2013 an interview in which Spectre discussed the role of Jews in promoting multi- culturalism went viral online.”

JT: I could not identify by name the other MP members on the picture. There's no link attached to the photo which gives away the names of those who raise their innocent fingers. However, the text under the photo say the persons on the pic work for project One Sweden and, believe it or not, each participant's one raised finger should symbolize this.

One Sweden is a network of Swedish organizations with the common goal to safeguard and develop the force and potential of young people and to create


meetings and dialogue between different groups for a more democratic, inclusive, and economic prosperous society.


These do-gooder and do-better Swedes are stupid and gullible, and politically correct green fundamentalists or even commies. For a Jewess to make the Muslim one finger salute and believe Sweden will prosper and be more democratic if it just has a "dialogue", or a policy of "cooperate with" and "include" (= let in, soak up) more Muslims into Swedish society is catastrophic. There is no Muslim country in the world that is prosperous because it is Muslim!

Barbara Lerner Spectre is a traitor to all Jews who have lost their lives to Islam and because of Islam.

As such Barbara Lerner Spectre and all those who identify with this sign are a disgrace to humanity.

For information on the Muslim one finger salute read: salute-1506249 .

For example, here is a person with whom Barbara Lerner Spectre identifies.

Source: 17

Here’s another person who identifies with this evil.

Source: 02/194109_5_.png

Well, I suppose it’s okay now because Barak Hussein Obama, the moral and ethical gift to the world does it. *** start-age-testing-refugees.html

JT: Methinks it way too late! *** reports, “A Swedish police report into rape and sexual assault committed by migrants has blamed ‘Nordic alcohol culture,’ ‘ignorance’ and the ‘non-traditional gender roles’ of European women for the growing problem. The report notes that Sweden has the worst rates of physical and sexual violence committed against women in the European Union (EU), according to a survey by the EU’s rights agency. …Migrants, it says, might not be able to ‘handle the alcohol,’ simply feel ‘horny,’ have ‘ignorance of the consequences for the girls,’ ‘have misplaced feelings,’ be ‘expressing anger in this way’ or be acting due to ‘peer pressure.’” ( migrant-rape-blame-culture-ignorance/ )

JT: Well, if that statement is not apologetic, I don’t know what is. Sweden is already the rape capital of the Western World! ***


This Syrian man with in Denmark with three wives and twenty children wants to go to wants to go to Sweden because the monthly social payments are greater than in Denmark.

Source: 214-000-in-child-benefits.html

But he was stopped at the Swedish border control. In Denmark he would get a yearly subsidy of 26,303 dollars (for the children only). In Sweden he would get double that amount for the children only. Other social amenities like housing heating, electricity, water, telephone, are extra subsidies paid by the Swedish taxpayers. ( fruar-och-20-barn ) ***

JT: Speaking of Swedish taxpayers and citizens, read the following article!

“The people suffering most cruelly in the “New Sweden” are the elderly. The costs of immigration borne by the welfare state have led to a quarter of a million retirees living below the EU poverty line. Meanwhile, the government recently added another 30 billion kronor (about $3.6 billion) to the migration budget. The 70 billion kronor ($8.4 billion) Sweden will spend on asylum seekers in 2016 is more than what the entire police force and justice system cost, more than national defense costs, and twice the amount of child benefits.

Sweden’s 9.5 million residents are thus forced to spend 70 billion kronor on letting citizens of other countries come in. In comparison, the United States, with its 320 million residents, spent $1.56 billion on refugees in 2015. The editorial columnist PM Nilsson commented in the business paper, Dagens Industri : “To understand the scope of the increase in spending, a historic look back can be worthwhile. When the right bloc came to power in 2006, the cost was 8 billion [kronor] a year. In 2014, it had gone up to 24 billion. That summer, then Minister of Finance Anders Borg talked 19

about the increase being the most dramatic shift in the state budget he had ever seen. The year after, 2015, the cost rose to 35 billion, and in 2016, it is projected to rise to 70 billion.”

For many years, the politicians managed to fool the Swedish people into thinking that even if immigration presented an initial cost, the immigrants would soon enable the country to turn a profit. Now, more and more research indicates that the asylum seeker immigrants rarely or never find work. The daily newspaper Sydsvenskan reported in February, for example, that 64% of Malmö’s immigrants are still unemployed after living in Sweden for ten years. The government openly calculates in its budget that in four years, 980,000 people will be living on either sickness benefits, disability pensions, unemployment benefits, “introduction benefits” or social welfare.

Swedes, who for many years have paid the highest taxes in the world without whining, are now taking to social media to express their anger that their money is going to citizens of other countries. More and more Swedes are choosing to emigrate from Sweden, mainly to the other Nordic countries, but also to Spain, Portugal and Great Britain, where taxes on pensions are considerably less. But there are worse problems than the economic aspect. A sense of insecurity and fear has gripped the many Swedes who live close to asylum houses. On some level, the government seems to have grasped that danger: in a recent decision to continue maintaining border controls, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman wrote: “The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap), MSB, makes the assessment that the flow of migrants still brings challenges to upholding security in society, when it comes to the ability to maintain certain important public functions, among other things. Several of these challenges are expected to persist over time. The Police Authority’s assessment is still that a serious threat to public order and internal security exists. The Immigration Service still advocates border controls.” (Source:

JT: This is intentional destruction of Sweden by immigration infiltration and the undermining of Swedish culture. It is no wonder that Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, has said “It may look strange but sorry … Islam has no place in Slovakia”. The problem is not migrants coming in, but “rather in them changing the face of the country.” (Source: muslim-refugee .)

Related: and,both with English subtitles.



For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, [Sweden] now has more men than women. Swedes don’t quite know what to make of this sudden male surplus, which is highly unusual in the West, where women historically have been in the majority in almost every country. But it may be a sign of things to come in Europe as changes in life expectancy and migration transform demographics. ‘This is a novel phenomenon for Europe,’ said Francesco Billari, a University of Oxford demographer who is president of the European Association for Population Studies. ‘We as researchers have not been on top of this.’” ( outnumber-women/ )

JT: Evidently Sweden counts male Muslim immigrants as part of the Swedish male population. The women don’t count in the figures! ***

JT: Here is another Jewish traitor who doesn’t like the truth about Islam. Well, I take that back. Perhaps he doesn’t know that he is of Jewish heritage or even what that means! Steve Zuckerberg’s Facebook has deleted the account of the Gatestone Institute’s expert on Sweden, Ingrid Carlqvist, for noting the 1,500 percent increase in rapes in the country and daring to suggest that it might have something to do with the huge numbers of Muslim immigrants. ( carlqvist )

Oh! Mr. Steve Zuckerberg! You are so pure in your actions!

End of Visit Number Six

Religion of Peace Atrocity of the Week

Hotel Massacre - Somalia


Other Recent "Misunderstandings of Islam"

2016.06.03 (Yemen) Ten women and a girl are shredded by Shiite shrapnel at a market.

2016.06.03 (Niger) Thirty-two defenders are slain during a massive Boko Haram assault on a small town.

2016.06.01 (Afghanistan) Fundamentalists storm a court building in a suicide attack that leaves five civilians and one police officer dead.

2016.06.01 (Somalia) Islamists stage a suicide assault on a hotel, killing at least sixteen guests.

2016.05.31 (Mali) al-Qaeda members murder four UN mission staff.

2016.05.31 (Afghanistan) The Taliban stop four civilian buses and summarily execute seventeen passengers.

JT: Well! Well! Well! What else has happened on the peaceful-and-tolerant- Islamic-loving-of-their-fellow-human-beings front since the last Just Thinking? Here are some peaceful and tolerant accomplishments of Islam during the writing of this issue of Just Thinking from .

The peaceful and tolerant undertakings were all accomplished with the silent approval of Barack Hussein Obama. He's such a wonderful leader!!! Barack Hussein Obama loves Islamic atrocities!

Date Country City Killed Injured Description

al-Qaeda members murder four 2016.05.31 Mali Gao 4 3 UN mission staff.

A chlorine gas attack by ISIS on 2016.05.29 Iraq Kahriz 2 21 a small village produces two dead children.

Four local security personnel lose 2016.05.29 Afghanistan Nadi Ali 4 10 their lives to a Taliban assault.


The caliphate imposes the 'rule of Wilayat al- 2016.05.29 Iraq 3 0 Allah' on three captives by Jazihra executing them.

Seven people are slaughtered at 2016.05.29 Iraq Mualimeen 7 35 a casino by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

A woman and her baby are 2016.05.29 Nigeria Biu 5 0 among five people slain by Boko Haram bombers.

Islamists machine-gun a dozen 2016.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 8 fan watching soccer on television.

ISIS shrapnel dismantles two 2016.05.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 20 women.

Four young men are beheaded by 2016.05.28 Syria Raqqa 4 0 the Islamic State.

Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two 2016.05.28 Philippines Sulu 2 3 people during an attempt to kidnap a female physician.

Three Shahid suicide bombers 2016.05.28 Syria Shaddadi 4 18 take out four Kurds.

Ain al- A woman is obliterated by an al- 2016.05.28 Syria 1 3 Dananeer Nusra rocket.

Holy Warriors fire ten rockets into 2016.05.27 Syria Aleppo 1 9 a neighborhood, managing to take down an elderly woman.

Saint Julien An off-duty soldier is stabbed by 2016.05.27 France 0 1 du Puy ISIS supporters while jogging.

Five UN peacekeepers are killed 2016.05.27 Mali Bamako 5 4 from a Jihadi landmine and small arms attack.

Two Shiites are gunned down by 2016.05.26 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 sectarian Jihadis.

Sunni snipers pick off a civilian in 2016.05.26 Syria Aleppo 1 0 a Shiite area.

Five people are killed when ISIS 2016.05.26 Iraq Tarmiya 5 3 booby-traps a house.

Three shoppers in a retail district 2016.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.


Jihadis strike a commercial area 2016.05.26 Iraq Mishada 4 16 with two bomb blasts, laying out four bystanders.

At least two others are killed by a 2016.05.25 Iraq Suleiman Bag 2 6 Shahid suicide bomber.

A porter is shot to death by 2016.05.25 India Kupwara 1 0 Islamic terrorists.

A physically disabled Hindu 2016.05.25 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 trader's throat is cut by radicalized Muslims.

Three women and two children 2016.05.25 Syria Aleppo 7 5 are among seven innocents torn to shreds by Sunni rockets.

Eleven lives are snuffed out by a 2016.05.25 Afghanistan Kabul 11 10 suicide bomber on foot targeting a bus carrying court employees.

Religious extremists gun down an 2016.05.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Ahmadi religious minority and injure his friend.

A transgender is shot by 2016.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 'conservative elements.'

Muslim terrorists shoot a cop to 2016.05.25 India Pulwama 1 1 death and injure a woman.

Patang Islamists fire on a police vehicle, 2016.05.25 Pakistan 2 1 Chowk killing two occupants.

At least five people are killed Hah, Tur when a suicide bomber targets a 2016.05.25 Turkey 5 0 Abdin checkpoint outside two historic churches.

Jihadis bomb a popular 2016.05.24 Iraq Zafaraniya 2 6 restaurant, killing two people.

Twelve civilians are hauled from 2016.05.24 Iraq Mosul 12 0 their homes and executed by the Islamic State.

Sunni extremists are suspected 2016.05.24 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 of a university bombing that leaves two dead.

Five civilians are killed and four 2016.05.23 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 5 4 others badly wounded by a Taliban bomb blast.


A teenager is publicly stoned to 2016.05.23 Syria Mayadin 1 0 death on charges of being gay.

A Shiite landmine kills a Saudi 2016.05.23 Yemen Jazan 1 3 border guard.

A police officer is shot to death by 2016.05.23 India Tengpora 1 0 Muslim terrorists.

A peace committee member and 2016.05.23 Pakistan Bara Bandai 2 0 his guard are assassinated by Islamist gunmen.

Children are among one-hundred and sixty innocents incinerated or 2016.05.23 Syria Jableh 161 300 blown apart by ISIS suicide blasts.

Islamic militants gun down two 2016.05.23 India Zadibal 2 2 cops at close range.

At least forty young people lining 2016.05.23 Yemen Aden 45 60 up for work are blown to bits by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.

Children are among the victims 2016.05.22 Sudan Arzini 8 5 when Arabs fire into a group of Africans at a mosque.

A Taliban rocket claims the life of 2016.05.22 Afghanistan Herat 1 7 a civilian.

Two Shiites are taken out by an 2016.05.22 Iraq Suleiman Beg 2 11 ISIS suicide bomber.

Two suicide bombers take out 2016.05.22 Syria Tal Tamr 5 0 five Kurds.

Six Assyrians are laid out by 2016.05.22 Syria Qamishli 6 15 Allah-praising suicide bombers targeting a Christian restaurant.

Nineteen young women and men 2016.05.22 Iraq Mosul 19 0 are executed by the Islamic State on charges of apostasy.

Eight people are burned alive in 2016.05.22 Iraq Rataba 8 0 ovens by the caliphate.

Sheikh Three local cops are laid out by a 2016.05.21 Egypt 3 0 Zuweid fundamentalist bomb blast.

A Taliban insider shoots six local 2016.05.21 Afghanistan Charchino 6 0 cops in the back.


Two people are blown to bits by a 2016.05.21 Iraq Tarmiya 2 7 Mujahideen bomb blast at a market.

A Shahid suicide bomber 2016.05.21 Iraq Dujail 7 28 massacres seven patrons at a popular market.

Five Kurdish rights activists are 2016.05.20 Iran Urmia 5 0 publicly hanged for 'conspiring against Islam'.

A Jihadi bomb blast near a row of 2016.05.20 Iraq Husseiniya 2 6 shops leaves two dead.

A young girl is killed when Sheikh 2016.05.20 Syria 1 5 terrorists bomb her Maqsoud neighborhood.

A woman is vaporized by an ISIS 2016.05.20 Syria Idlib 1 0 tank shell.

A UN security guard is gunned 2016.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 down by suspected Taliban.

Three civilians are captured and 2016.05.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 beheaded by the Islamic State.

Islamic extremists hack three 2016.05.20 Tanzania Mwanza 3 1 people at a rival mosque to death with machetes.

A 55-year-old homoeopathic 2016.05.20 Bangladesh Kushtia 1 1 doctor is hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.

Boko Haram set a village on fire 2016.05.20 Niger Yebi 8 7 and shoot into it, killing at least eight.

Fundamentalists gruesomely 2016.05.20 Yemen Wilayet 3 0 execute three men - one by crushing his head with a rock.

Mujahideen bomb an industrial 2016.05.19 Iraq Taji 3 10 district, killing three passersby.

Three citizens of the Islamic 2016.05.19 Syria Tabqa 3 0 State are executed for apostasy.


Frederick William Dame Patriotic, Steadfast, and True June 4, 2016