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the jail iniJtpenisentlp bp cabtte! gitm 1907 $ 1 . 0 0

VOLUME XCI IMday^ April 16, 1^99 N um ber 22 In This Issue BRC Bricks Bkkerii^ Ends in Biamefui Blow

Last Governor of Hong Kong Addresses Corps Friday again motioned to Mogge. Mogge Second Class turned around and struck Schnute on the left side of the face with his 36-penny­ sergeant strikes weight class.ring-bearing right fist. subordinate after Schnute fell to the ground unconscious Sports on page 4 and was helped to the VMI Hospital by argument; both bystanders and Lt. Col. Robert B. Spore, ’70, VMI personnel director, who was cadets now facing TAC that day. “(Schnute] was just trying to get disciplinary action his attention [to re.solve the di.sagree- ment],” said Jeff Kuehne, ’01. by Jack Hagel Golf Co. cadre members, how­ ever, disagree. According to Golf Co. Cabet Managing Editor Platoon Sergeant Scott Mclnnis, Schnute was the instigator in the altercation. "In Second Classman Jay Mogge, a court of law, what Schnute did to Jay Golf Company first sergeant, struck would be considered assault.” Mclnni.s, Keydet baseball edges closer Third Private Kevin Schnute in the Mogge’s roommate, believes that to record breaking season face knocking him unconscious Monday, Schnute’s attitude needed correcting. Apr. 12, outside Crozet Hall following a According to Mclnnis, Schnute has the heated breakfast roll call squabble. In reputation among Golf Co. cadre as dis­ The Right Honorable Christopher Patten, last Governor of Hong Kong, speaks to the Corps in Cameron Hall. the wake of the altercation, both cadets respectful and sarcastic. “VMI is not See page 5 for full story. could face severe penalties. the real worid and people say what they According to witnesses, the fracas want to say and then hide behind the .started on the Bricks at formation when system,” said Mclnnis. “People like Major Penalties Handed Out Mogge corrected Schnute for turning his Schnute hide behind the sy.stem.” head in ranks. Mogge contin­ "Schnute is consistently a dis: finement, numerous PT’s and demerits) tion and there is obviously a large mili­ grace to the Corps,” said ued to scorn Schnute through tl for throwing a rack into the traditional tary aspect,” said Gibson, “I don’t .see the duration of the march- That’s Golf Co. Platoon Sargent 32 Large penalties why 1 should be getting boned for hav­ Laxmen fall to Radford woolies fire. The administration coerces down commenting on Christian Arilen, ‘00. handed out over a cadets to use their honor against them­ ing a hole in my duty jacket and come Schnute’s .second-rate ap­ just not “He goes out of his selves in order to punish other cadets in­ close to being kicked out of school. pearance. way to look like total two-week period, volved. Moore declined to discuss the Gibson continued, ‘The Commandants Opinion on page 2 “He was llaming him how you [crap],” added Mclnnis. admin, accused of details of his penalties. Office really docs not apply the correct Hell Week-style,” said Golf However, accord­ Second Class President Keane penalty to the right crime Bit is handing Co. Private Adam Breeding, deal with ing to Golf Co. Private "spring cleaning” Jones acknowledged that in comparison out silly bones. ’01. Breeding and other Golf Mike Butterfield, ’01 Williams .said, “I don’t want to problems.” Female double to other classes in barracks, the second Co. members said that the “Schnute couldn’t hurt a class usually makes smart decisions. see cadets get into trouble and I don’t by Tony Conway incident was the climax of Lt. Col. Robert B. Spore, '70 Ay- He’s a good guy, but Both the .second and third cla.sses have want to see cadets get suspended. Wil­ __ he’s not the military standards wrong, Cabet Staff Writer Mogge’s year long taunting ______the best conduct in the past two-week liams went on to explain that many of Schnute that has carried over from Rat of people and he doesn’t have his bear­ Mogge, and GC In the three weeks at VMI period. cadets are placed on conduct probation year. ing down.” there has been a sharp increase in the According to Colonel Ronald Wil­ because they do not keep a strict record Witness claim that Schnute tried Butterfield, Schnute’s Brother debate continued. number of .severe penalties dispensed by liams, ’64, Deputy Commandant, “ A of the demerits they receive. About half to remedy the situation by approaching Rat, however .said that an altercation was VMI’s commandant’s office. In a four­ large number of bones for alcohol in bar­ of the Corps flies by the seat of their Mogge after fall-out, but Mogge, not inevitable. “I think Mogge was in the teen day period, the commandant’s of­ racks mostly involved raLs. Realizing that pants when it comes to demerits,” Wil­ willing to discuss the situation at that right. It’s not the most opportune lead­ liams said, [cadets] don’t even know on page 5 fice has issued orders for eight suspen­ the majority of Fourth Classmen are un­ ‘ tfmeroiTereu to meet Schnute laier that ership position; to puiicli youi .iuboiui- Features sions, twenty-four “number-one” pen­ der the legal age for the consumption of they have exceeded 100 demerits in a day and abruptly left. nates, and nobody approves of the fact alties, and placed nine cadets on con­ alcohol, Williams went on to discuss how semester until I ask them to report to “Kevin’s the kind of guy that likes that Mogge hit him, but this has been duct probation. Eight of penalties Fourth Classmen obtained alcohol. my office. to re.solve stuff,” said Breeding. going on all year. You could see it com­ were alcohol-related penalties. Most rats get the alcohol from their dykes Williams also voiced his Schnute’s roommate. "Mogge’s been ing.” The acute escalation in the num­ when a rat is boned for alcohol in bar­ pointment at the large amount of alcohol vigilant and flagrant with him all year. I Many cadets have cited the dif­ ber of penalties issued by the racks, the first question I will is, who related penalties the commandants office think Kevin had had enough and wanted ferences in the agendas of Mogge and commandant’s office has not gone un­ got you the alcohol?” has dealt with in the past two weeks to .solve the problem there [verbally].” Schnute as the heart of the problem. noticed by the Corps of Cadets. Fourth Classman Joseph Gibson The Blue Book states that “a ca­ Schnute, said, attempted Schnute is a Third Class private and I.saac Moore, former Regimental currently has the highest number of pen­ det who accumulates more than 100 de­ to regain Mogge’s attention by taking member of the swim team. Mogge is a S-6 Captain, said, “none of the penal­ alty tours in the corps of cadets. His tally merits during a .semester will be imme­ hold of his arm as Mogge walked away. member of cadre and participant with ties that the commandants office is con­ Stands at approximately 405. Gibson dis­ diately recommended for suspension.” Mogge wanted Schnute not to touch him. See Cadet Strikes Face sidering fit the crime.” Moore and four cussed the pointless bones he has re­ Williams noted that, a recommendation Mogge again, walked av/ay. Schnute Cadet in Focus: Scottish other First Cla.ssmen received number- ceived and the effects they have had on for suspension is a last re.sort but many Page 5 Cadet Tony Conway one penalties (four months barracks con­ his cadetship, I came here for an educa­ cadets leave us no choice. '01 Class Honor Court Reps Named Is Race Still an Issue at VMI? Bringing Election Dispute to a Close

sacrifices... you’re going to have take the third class Historian said the is­ by Ben Kincaid this job more .seriously than you’ve ever sue could have been handled better VMI Hosts National Physics Cabtt Editor-in-Chief taken anything in your life.” if "we had just sat down and talked it He told them that time con­ over first. It was a miscommunica- Society Seminar straints would be enormous, sleeping tion." Alley .says he i.s'excited about JM HAI.L-April 14, 1999, the habits would have to change and that working with everyone on the court.” Class of 2001 Honor Court Represen­ they would have to “get ready to Bates feels it important for the Arts & Leisure tatives were announced to the Corps of work.” He explained that the new HC to be able to communicate easily Cadets. The result of the contentious Assistant Prosecutors would be re­ with and take suggestions from other HC election debate between the Class sponsible for the HC’s “leg work" important VMI student-run associa­ o f’01 and the 1999-2000 HC represen­ and will be working hand in hand tions such as the Regimental sy.stem, tatives resulted in the naming of a group with the prosecutors. the General Committee and the Ex­ of six which covers the broad spectrum Warthen also stressed that ecutive Committee. He said, “You of VMI including NCAA athletes, pri­ members of the Honor Court must set can dispell people’s paranoia [about vates, members of cadre and those who the example for the rest of the Corps. the HC] by working hand in hand are .seeking a commission in the mili­ He told the new members “you are with organizations.” However, tary. all in the fishbowl with us now” and he also said that the HC should be New HC representative Richard “everyone needs to look good.” independent in its actions and deci­ by David Budlong sisted upon remaining anonymous, said. T. Bruce, an EC/BU major from Warthen informed the third sions. Boulware said there “is a sepa­ Caliet Staff Writer Such comments by white cadets Harrisonburg, VA and member of the class reps of the honor bestowed ration on purpose.” may not be all that uncommon at VMI. The Pat McGee Band Keydet Basketball squad said, “Our upon them by their classmates and On the issue of the Honor "Niggers Leave. " “KKK Rules." Andre Curtis, a black First Classman said, diversity will help different people in the serious nature of the responsibil­ Court as an organization that is feared “Kill All Niggen:.” “1 am disgu.sted. Since coming to VMI, 1 the Corps be able to more easily ap­ ity ahead of them. He said that its by cadets, Boulware stated, "it is not Graffiti from the past? No. Tiy state­ have held and still hold a position of rank, Upcoming Events proach us.” time to “get in the right mindset.” something that should be feared, but ments written on bathnwm .stalls in Scott- I am on the REK?, and carry a decent GPA. New memliers include Bruce and Mercado said he was “very sur­ should be cherished.” Alley added. Shipp Hall jast last year. And these are just All of this while I was playing football a squad of five others who are; Ro prised by this, but 1 feH-very honored "The HC should be respected instead a few of the racist comments that can be for four years. Other blacks hold po­ M.Mercado, an EC/BU major from to be selected by my BRs for this po­ of feared.” found around Several desks and bath­ sitions of rank .so I don’t know what tliis Humor Oakland CA; Douglas T. Bates, a His­ sition.” The new representatives agreed room surfaces have varioas remarks, includ­ guy is talking about.” tory Major from Centerville TN; Will­ In the wake of the HC election that checks and balances on the HC ing some pro-nazi sentiments, engraved Chip Garber, a former football iam C. Alley, a Mechanical Engineer­ dispute between the third class and is a good thing, but should cotne from upon them. coach, de.scribed how he recTuited athletes ing major and NCAA athlete; Adam next year’s first class court, Bates felt within. Alley said, “We’re going to Black-s make up only 6.7% of the coming to VMI. "We do not simply re­ Geek Week!! Woytowich, an International Studies that the way the election was ulti­ have to keep each other accountable.” coips — a figure not out of line with the cruit for blacks. We only go after the best Major from Virginia Beach, VA; and mately conducted (in the presence of The 1999-2000 Honor Court other military .schools such as West Point’s athletes and if that means they arc black William M. Boulware, an EC/BU ma­ the third class and with guarantees by will formally take charge of the 6.0%, Annapolis’s 7.3%, or the Citadel’s then we uy to get them to come to VMI ROTC Cadets jor from Birmingham, AL. the HC that it would not be rigged) Honor System in a week. The new 7.5%. Of 1269 cadets at VMI last year, only to play. If they happen to be white then After announcing the selections "put faith back in the class as far as Assistant Pro.secutors will then begin 85 were black. Of these 85 blacks, 65 p;ir- we do all we can to sell them on this Tour VMI to the Corps, William T. Warthen, Presi­ how it was handled.” He describes a their jobs, working with next year’s ticipated in an athletic sptirt. schtwl.” dent of the 1999-2000 HC, took aside BR who was apprehensive and cyni­ first class. "Tliey are all here for .sports. 1 think Some blacks tliink the rank .sUuc- the new members and briefed them on cal about the way he thought the elec­ V/oykowich said, "I feel very they f*** ofl too much. I think they should Compiled from the what to expect and what was expected tion was done before, but now feels honored and privileged to be a part do more for the corps such as shining up, See Racism ridiculous antics o f VMI of their positions. He said, “You're’all good about “how the process went.” of the system. I am ready to take on shutting tlieir moutlvs during fonnatioas, and people going to have to make Alley, who is stepping down as the challenge." marching in step,” a white cadet, who in­ Page 5 Opinion Editor Staff Gussie Lord Devon Miller Conor Powell Chad Varanese The Corps 16 April 1999 Wife Cabet Page 2 Double Standards Are Wrong GC Send-ups Are Recently there was an editorial in ern femininity they had short hy Neil Mcllen The Ciulct which exclaimed that women hair. There are also many modern ex­ flCalitt Guest Writer at VMI should be able to keep their hair amples. Elizabeth Dole and Hillary Cabet ^taff longer and wear skirts. The author ar­ Clinton are progressive and ambition Not the Answer I remember very clearly all the gued that the third class females are be­ women. Both arc very feminine and keep their hair short. We can even look take, much less have the time to resolve k d h o r -in -c f iik f interviews on television. The ambitious ing mistaken for males, and that short hair by Brian Ross your petty disputes. I always thought Toclcl Kcnneil> high school girls who had been acceptcd is neither feminine nor practical. If they down the hill. The commi.s.sioned fe­ Cabet Guest Writer to VMI said that they were dcterniincd were .so interested in being lady like and males in the ROTC department em­ the GC existed simply to cadets Husiiu'ss MiiiiiintT to thrive here. They .said they wanted the expressing themselves, why did they body the military characteristics that who took another class’ privilege or, Jake Hujihcs VMI cxpericncc, and that they were not come to a military .school, and an envi­ VMI is based upon. Captain Jackson, In regards to having a GC penalty through appearance and/or action, dis­ coming to VMI to write books, change ronment that .scorns individualism? First United States Army, keeps her hair that allows faculty to bone cadets for dis­ credited the Institute. M vvcdsinu Miiniiiicr the system, or make a diffcrencc. The earrings, then long hair, and skirts. Where short. So do Captain Minnick, USAF, respect, there is a better way to help solve A traditional VMI course of ac­ Micah Wei girls themselves rcali/ed that to be ac­ do we draw the line? Some males could and. Lieutenant Meckfessel, United this problem. I believe that the GC is tion would be to form what else? A com­ simply of, by, and for the corps. It’s what mitted Committees .solve all sorts of di­ >si)ciiik‘ AdvertisiiiB Kditoi ceptcd they would have to blend in. argue that it is now acceptable for males States Navy. makes up the class system. Now I have lemmas, yeah, ok whatever. What we Cliris Copeiiliavcr Well, as Third Cliissman Gussie to have pierced cars as well. This is a This is a military school. Blend­ Lord says, "Girls are here at VMI now.” slippery slope. ing in and conforming is a basic part seen numerous times in my cadetship really need to do is take a deeper look at when someone will walk out of a C'irciiliilion Miiiii)(>er By .virtue of being at VMI they have de­ Furthennore, a woman’s haircut of life. Everyone here knew that be­ the people we are accepting here. Maybe and just be so irate with a professor that VVorih Bums stroyed the fraternal brotherhood that is a very superficial indicatorof her femi­ fore they matriculated. If a female here in the course of the admissions the language I hear I could not repeat in it should be required that all future ap­ they so desperately wanted to be a part ninity. It would be ab.surd to claim that has the misguided belief that long hair News & 1'i‘iitiiris.Kilitor this paper. But I have rarely seen a case plicants to VMI have to go through an of. This is not enough though; now they women like Audrey Hepburn, Amelia will make her more ladylike, perhaps Jack llagcl where a cadet is actually disrespectful of interview. After all, with all the hollering yearn for a greater degree ol' femininity Earheart, and Eleanor Roosevelt were she should reexamine why she came News Sliilf the profes.sor. If it has happened, in the about the appointments of the recent ca­ and individuality. anything less than the essence of mod­ to VMI in the first place. Tim Anuiriiii-Joyci; cases I’ve witnessed, I have never .seen det captains for next year and the fact Jdllll IJoll another problem with that cadet and pro- that not all of them excelled in each facet Jeremy l.aboic Aggression is Not Suitable at VMI fe.s.sor again. He has quietly kept his feel­ of cadet life, wouldn’t we get a whole Charles I-a ulkner ings to him.self. Everyone at some time lot more information about a cadet by Jack llagel only thing on your mind was how hard alternatives, but violence is unnece.ssary or another has their bad days and may speaking with him or her directly rather Dale lJurlach by Charles Faulkner you should punch that creep in the face. unless you or someone else is in dan­ talk behind someone’s back, but that’s than just seeing what is on paper? Magnus Norclenmaii Cabet Guest Writer But then rea.son and discipline took ger. life. You just learn to deal with the per­ What I’m saying is, if we want to Sieve Ham over. You knew that to hit that person In this case, the villain in que.s- son and move on. Getting acclimated to reduce our chances of admitting disre­ Wehb Moneiire There has been a case of assault would result in the loss of control, the tion was well capable of defending him­ someone is something we have all spectful cadets, an interview Dellon Lowery at the Institute. Yes, there have been of your discipline, and the loss of self. I have observed him and he is built learned to handle better since day one would ccrtainly indicate a lot about the cases before and surely we will sec them your cadetship. No doubt you wanted like a Mack truck. I doubt very much UpiiiimUidiijur here. behaviors and manners of a person, as OevDii Miller again, however this is never the way to smash that guy’s face in but you en­ that he has ever questioned his personal But if there are a certain number well as a lot of other intangible traits. .something should be handled at a school deavored to stick it out and you were safety. Regardless of this, the assault of teachers out there who frequently have Think about it: does an employer ever of disciplined and honorable men. In rewarded for it. took place at VMI where everyone is problems with certain cadets copping an hire a person without first going through I’alriek Slulls this case it was a second classmen who If someone called my mother the safe. attitude, then resolve the matter amongst an extensive interview process to see if (in some circles) is regarded as an ex­ Whore of Babylon, I would not hit him. At VMI we honor the sacrifices Ads &_Ujsiire iMlitor yourselves. A root of the problem may that person would be a logical fit in that emplary cadet. He holds a position of This isn’t the way gentlemen conduct made by our veterans. If you do not, Dave Iluni be that a few professors don’t .set clear company? The same goes when trying leadership and to his credit is seeking a them.selvcs and it surely isn't the way then you shouldn’t be here. And if you .standards for cadets to meet in theirclass- to find a young man or woman that llumuiiSliUlT commission in our nation’s armed anyone should. Admittedly, there are ever get the chance to speak to a vet­ rooms. When this happen.s, animo.sity would be a natural fit at VMI. If we Mall Irviiij’ forces. This cadet is also a brute, a dis­ times when violence is nece.ssary, but eran, ask him or her what they say about can breed pretty fast. But don’t use the consider ourselves to be a unique .school, Gene Hare grace, and a failure to his peers. at the Virginia Military Institute where violence. They deplore it, they GC. It weakens the system and quite what are we doing that sets us apart from Anyone who strikes another is cadets are somewhat protected by ev­ it, they hate it. War and violence are frankly, I’m sure the GC doesn’t want to the rest? simply undisciplined. Remember that ery regulation ever documented, there horrible things ladies and gentlemen John Wilcox time as a rat when you were,straining is no need for fighting. Walk away, and although we have disagreements Romancio Harrison .so hard you thought you were going to challenge him on the court, meet him and quarrels we should never our Lowery Ponders All Sian Miily pass out? Then that upperclassman the ring, face her on the field, or report hand against another unless it is abso­ I5en Gril'l'ilh came over and began to llame you. The him to the authorities. There are other lutely neccssary. Systems O^ieratlon Manii^’er The Big Issues Aaron Burncllc Check Forms Denounced by Delton Lowery have to stay for other team’s games scheduled at the .same time? All ath­ Clir Cntifl siiulcni newspaper ol Cabet Guest Writer letes work hard and deserve Corp’s Ihe Virginia Miliiary Instilule, was Everybody says, Lowery, you recognition. (C) Some cadets don’t esiablislied in llie Fall of 1907 anil As Their Frequency Increases always complain about everything. You even want to stay for football, so why has been eoniiiuieil since lhal lime. should they stay for other events? I Our newspaper is published every by Devon Miller know what, I am convinced I’m Chad numbers of cadets that boned them­ the entire corps had to form up to hear Friday evening during the aca­ Varanese’s '99 brother instead of my never minded staying, but not until I Catiet Opinion Editor selves as a result of these formations, the former Governor of Hong Kong demic year al Tin- Daily News natural brother, Chris Lowery ‘99. But had to see the Hong Kong guy did I the unusual nature of the gatherings speak. The questions asked of him Leatler in Staunton, except during The Corps was informed I don’t care, .so I’ll present a point (P), realize that mandating attendance is a following the speech were from In­ Corps trips, holidays, and exam Wednesday night at yet another check would lead one to believe it is high. counterpoint (C>, and what we should bad idea. (W) Try to find more ways periods. A yearly subscription is form (this one called with the intent The check form in Cameron Hall to ternational Studies majors. Maybe do about each one (W). for cadets to be willingly involved. A $2().()() on post am! $25.00 o(Tpost. of announcing the new HC Assistant hear Mr. Patten was only one of many they should be required as part of (P) It takes forever to answer baseball coach said that if cadets come (Cljr CatiflolTices are located on the Prosecutors) that the reccnt surge in such formations, and the video on their major to be in attendance. Even a Special. (C) I spoke with COL Will­ for PT’s but leave at their completion third I'loor of Maury Brooke Hall. such formations was cadet initiated. Jonathan Daniels was another where that, would be a requirement from the iams and he and his .staff are working before the game is over, then they Thank you for your support. It seems that a cadet approached the to be alright for the status check ca­ academic departments though, not hard. Cadets are submitting permits for shouldn’t even come. He feels if it dets had to he not only in the hall but Joyner. If the speech was deemed rel­ iTIir £nbrl Commandant with a bright idea on stuff he wouldn’t even think of when means 7 PT’s for a 16 inning double evant to History majors, maybe they VMI Box 7 how to speed up corps formations. If seated. If taps status checks were at he was a cadet (i.e. go to girlfriend’s header and a box lunch, then just do would be in attendance as well. Re­ Virginia Military Institute you make the formations check forms random times, only announced 24 prom, take an extended, etc. when they it! Why do I say this? Because my- Lexington, Virginia 24450-(004 then the cadets are responsible for hours in advance and you had to be quiring the whole corps to attend the have 90 PT’s or don’t have an extended .self and only one other cadet stayed boning themselves instead of having sitting in your chair in your room speech was not enough until they to take). (W) If you do this, get your for both games last weekend and saw F.-mail : VMICAIMZT(n'VMl.I-DU a regimental formation to take ac­ then maybe they would be more com­ made it a bone-yourself-if-you- heads out of your 4"' point of contact. Ben “Big Stick” Bradford belt a Grand i’ostal Number: USP6.S4-K80 countability. While yes, this does parable. don’t-attend formation. (P) Having to attach the per­ Slam to put us up 13-10 for the win, speed up the often useless formations The other issue at hand con­ mit to your merit approval form is a pain that’s why! Mnin Office so we can get to the studying we cerning check forms is the ease in in the butt. (C) Uncle Ron explained You would think people cho­ (.^40) 46.'^-.\‘i.^7 should have been doing all along or which they are djjne. Since a check how cadets are wrongfully requesting sen for Cadet Captains could pass the get to lunch in the case of CTT for­ form takes a lot less work from the Attention! merits that haven’t been approved. One VFT. Imagine the Reg XO giving the Facsimile mations, it has one major fault. It is Commandants Office and rankers, cadet recently requested merits granted “Meet Your Cadre” speech and failing (.540) 46.V5679 using the cadet’s honor against them. one may predict the Commandant to Gen Farrell is by the Governor last semester! (W) See the sit-ups. Well LCWB, you’ve made The Cadet Newspajjor is an eiluca- Many would say that these for­ be calling many more in the future. last paragraph. fun of my class and our Corporals all tional journal published weekly by mations are no different than the taps The Honor Court assured the corps offering a $100 (P) If .someone tells you he’ll year, but this joke is on you. However, i he Daily News I.eader, status-check in the honor regard. Taps at the same meeting that they were hit you if you touch him, THEN DON’T these guys are excellent leaders so the i’.O. Box 59 Staunton, VA 24402. status checks arc something that not behind the change but that the reward for the TOUCH HIM! Everyone has a right to VFT really is not that important. The iVriodieals postage paid at many accept based on the concept of Commandant must ask their permis­ his or her own personal space. If it were Reg XO is an exceptional NCAA ath­ I.exinglon, VA ease. I don’t feel it is to much to ask sion to make a formation check form. opinion article a girl, it would be considered sexual ha­ lete who does throwing events and to be in your room if you are in bar­ Well if the HC was planning on re­ rassment. (C) Did the kid really need therefore doesn’t do many sit-ups or run racks or to be on post at Taps as it jecting any formations from being that best to be hit? Seriously, the kid who was much. always occurs at the same times and check form you would believe that hit had had enough and was sick of be­ Lastly, it’s 99’s graduation, Editor's the rules are always the same as to Patten would be one of them. Meet­ portrays ing bullied. (W) I don’t think either and Liddy is 99’s choice. Live with it. being alright for the check. The re­ ings where the HC address the corps cadet .should be suspended. But, if one Remember how parents didn’t let stu­ cent checks have been nowhere near need all cadets to hear the informa­ Administrative goes, the other should go for provok­ dents at a High School have a song by Note: the same in standards of time while tion and maybe a check form is un­ ing him. Queen for their Prom or .something be­ derstandable then. It would be much Imbecility. Zl)t £nbft"Editorial and they have been rapidly increasing in (P) If cadets have to stay for cause the singer was gay? They acted frequency. While I don’t know the harder to convince me, however, that football games, then shouldn’t they as if their kids would turn gay. Opinion" section is intended to provide a venue for our readers to express any ideas and or arguments pertaining to VMI. All letters to the Editor and columns in this section express views held by the authors and do not O PEN 34 H O i m reflect the opinion of Cl) Friday & Saturday Seafood R«r £nbft or its Editorial staff. -U.L YOU EAT - With Crab I-CBS We reserve the right to edit Served from 5 p.m. - $12.99 for clarity and taste. Saturday & Sunday Drnnch Buffet Please fax letters to: ALL YOU CAN EAT Sei-ved from 8:00 am - 1 ;30 pm . . .$5.09 (540)463-5679 Restaurant & Hobbies Lounge or send then) to; Friday A Saturday Lata Night Breakfast Buffet Editorial Editor Served from 11 p.m. - 2 a.m ...... S5.09 VMI Box 7 Great Food Lexington, VA Great Prices C ^ o n te cuulpoin uu% 24450-0304 ExceUent Service Rt. 11 North Lexington or E-mail at 463-3478 Route 7 ~ Box 99A, Lexington, VA 24450 # (540) 464-9499 VMICADET@VMLEDU Leadership Opportunity Enjoy hands-on Leadership opportunities and Training with Army ROTC.

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These secultles may not be sold nor may olfers to buy be accepted ptiqi to the ume the te^isualion statement becomes Thb comtnunicallon shal nc( Any additional questions please contact Col. Cairns at 464-7555 or constituteanolfef to sell Of the solicitation o( an o ((a to buy. The New Martcel fu n d is a member o( the W orld fin d s . Inc. THE NEW MWIXET FUND HAS NO FORMAL caimsrb@mail. vmi .edi i RELATIONSHIP WITH VMI NOR DOES THIS COMMUNICATION EXPRESS ANY O f f ICIAL ENDORSEMENT O f THE FUND BY VMI OR ANY OF ITS ALUMNI AFFIUATES. Sports Editor. Staff Patrick Stutts Liam Connor Matt Bryant

16 April 1999 %])t Caliet Page 4 Sports Briefs Keydets four games away from Duke’s Brand turns to NBA; Avery and breaking single season record Maggette likely to VMI improves to 18-16 with victory over Georgia Southern, follow chasing record of 21 wins; Bradford leads team with .475 DlIUIIAiVl, N.C. — Fillon hatting average IJriiiul iiKidc hiniscll'cliiiible lor llic weekend the Keydets split a double the season out of the bull- NI5A (liiill Wciliiesdiiy. hccoining the header on Saturday to climb within pen. hy Limn Connor fit SI Duke player to Iciive college eiirly three victories of tying the VMI Unfortunately, the lor the pros. (Cabet Sports Editor record, while bringing their over­ Keydets could not gather The iKitioiuil college player ol all record to IH-15. The trend of enough “come from behind the year led Duke to the NCAA cham­ Despite the small following by tJen Bradford providing fireworks magic" in the second game. pionship game as a sophomore and members of the Corps, the VMI base­ with his bat for the Keydets con­ Despite a lead off home run will he giving up his last two years of ball team continues to chase a VMI tinued as VMI came from behind by sophomore Chris eligihility. lie is the I'ourth player to single season record of 21 wins, to ilefcat (Jeorgia Southern in the Catanzaro in the sixth inning, come out early lor the I99‘J NIJA which appears ready to fall. I.ast night-cap. w'hich cut the herd’s lead to dralt, joining Ron Artest (St. John's). Prior to one, the Keydets failed to Steve I'raneis (Maryland) and Albert last weekend’s bring home the tying run in White (Missouri). Underclassmen action. the Scott Thompkins, who was have until May If) to announce their Keydets in­ stranded at second at the end intentions. vited Marshall of the inning. The Keydets Meanwhile, sophomore point to VMI to par­ eventually wound up losing guaiil William Avery ol' Duke is e.\- take in a the night-cap 5-4, bringing pecietl to follow Brand's lead and double header their rccord to 17-14 heading Senior pitcher Brandon Howell picked up another win last week against GSU. make himsell' eligible lor the dral't, on Wednesday into a weekend showdown liSI’N was told through sources ear­ April 7. In the with Georgia Southern. singles by Ryan Colvin and Ed son. Ben said, “The team’s success lier in the week, though Avery’s par­ game of Last weekend (April 11-12) the Pearson and a walk by Eric Walker this year lies in years of recruiting. ents prel'er he stay in school. Avery’s the day. Ben Keydets hosted Georgia Southern loaded the bases for Chris Catanzaro. Over the past couple of years we mother. Terry .Simonton. drove to Bradford drove for a three game series that was Catanzaro’s single through the have been rebuilding and those were Dinham I'rom the I'aniily's home in home junior supposed to extend over to Sunday. right side of the infield brought some tough years, but now we have Augusta last week to encourage her John Long However, due to heavy rains both Pearson and Colvin home, cut­ a good foundation on which VMI son to stay in school. from second throughout Saturday night and Sun­ ting the lead to 10-9. Keydet can build upon.” Ben said “Our ■Sources also tell liSI’N that base to take the day morning the game was can­ homerun leader Mike Goldman goal this year is definitely to reach Duke rre.shman forward Corey lead 11-10. celled. Therefore, the Keydets then took a free base when a pitch 21 wins. We also want to head into Maggette is seriously considering the Later in the in­ wound up playing only two of the hit him. This loaded the bases for the Southern Conference tournament jini*p to the NIJA as well, meaning ning Bradford three games in the series. In the Ben Bradford. Once again, seeded in the top five. If we can do Duke could lose its three most talented a opening game of Saturday’s double Bradford performed in the clutch that, then we feel that we will have uiulerclassinen. header the Keydets battled the hitting a grand slam. With Ben’s just as good a chance of winning the ••••••••••••••••• Eagles tough through six innings. homerun the Keydets took the lead tournament as anyone. We don’t just However, in the seventh inning 13-10. VMI then brought in the want to make it to the tournament, Strawberry GSU exploded with six runs to put strong-armed Ian Ostlund to hold but maybe try and win it.” the game out of reach for the Key­ the lead and finish the game. The fi­ The Keydets will again be in arrested on dets. VMI wound up losing the game nal score of the night-cap was VMI action this weekend in Lexington the 11-.1. 13, GSU 10. taking on East Tennessee State in a cocaine charges Keydets In the second game both teams Senior Ben Bradford, who three game series. The Keydets will brought in laii battled back and forth until the fifth TAMI’A. h’la. — New York leads the Keydets with a .475 batting play a double header on Saturday Ostlund who inning, when the VMI bats finally ex­ Yankees outl'ielder Darryl Strawberiy Vt\ff cdcbrates after Ben llradford's f’ctme-winninj’ average, recently spoke about the beginning at 1 P.M. and will finish |)icked up his ploded for six runs. Heading into the was charged with jiossession of co­ f’riind slam af’ainst (ieorf’ia SoiiHiern. team’s success this year and what the the series on Sunday with one game secorul w'in of fifth the Keydets trailed 10-7, but caine and soliciting a prostitute team expects to accomplish this sea­ beginning at I P.M. Weilnesday night, police said. Strawberry, in a gold-colored 1999 Ford li.xplorer. solicited an tni- dercover officer for sex for $50. Sgt. VMI drops heartbreaker in Star VMI soccer tunes up M. Iliimlin of the Tampa Police De­ partment saiil alter the arrest about three miles from the Yankees’ train­ City Classic to Radford; Laxmen with spring season; ing complex. Upon being searched by ofUc- ers K. Daniel and 15. Holder al 10:10 p.m. IVI', 0..1 grams of |)owder cocaine bounce back against St. Andrews Keydets successful wrapjied in a .S20 bill was found in­ hy Patrick Stutts llnal 10-second countdown, a I lighlander Knights in a convincing 15-12 win. side of Strawbeny’s wallet, the police scooped up a rebound off a missed VMI reversed the trend from the previ­ saiil. Cabet Sports Editor Railford shot and put it past the VMI ous game by outshooting and Strawberry. .''7. was bookeil at in three tournaments After w’inning two straight road goalie for the win as lime expired. outgroundballing the opposition. The 12:22 a.m. Thursilay al the games, the VMI lacrosse team drojiped "I don’t think there is a more dif- game was not as close as the score indi­ Hillsborough County Jail. After he Keydet offense. a heartbreaker in the closing seconds to ficuli w ay to lose. This was a certainly a cated. VMI jumi)cd out to an early lead Fourths called up had his fingerprints taken and was The Keydets will also need a Railford University in the annual Star tough one. bin I'm extremely proud of in the llrst half, increased that lead in the photographeil for a mug shot, he was to fill void of spark coming off the bench, and su- City Classic, which was heki in Roanoke. Ihe guys and the way they fought back." third period, and then pulled the starters released on S6,()()() bond shortly after per-sub.stitute Brett Pasko will handle Virginia last Saturday evening. said Mason Ayers follow ing the loss. The with a nuarter remaining. 1 a.m. graduating seniors the job nicely. Co-captain Steve Fern VMI dug itself in a hole, trailing senior atiackman fmishcil the game with Matt Gallienne and Mason Ayers, I he Yankees, because of com- has the defense settled in for the Key­ 5-0 early in the contest. However, the three impressive goals and an assist. His also known as the “Usual Suspects,” ac­ plicateil rides involving baseball’s hy Matt Bryant dets. Fern has always come through Keyilets fought back behind leailership offensive counler|iart. Malt Ciallienne. counted for 6 VMI goals and 3 a.ssists. luxury ta.x. shifted him to a minor in big situations for the kickers, and of atlackmen Matt Gallieinie and Mason led the Keydel attack with four goals. Midfielder John Humphries tallied 3 Cabet Asst. Sports Editor league roster timing the offseason, now with the maturing Tony Conway Ayers. Clallienne gave V'MI its llrsl and MidfielderTony Saraccni scored once for goals, and freshntan Steve Schmidt fearing he wouKI not be healthy and Adam Maneen, the Keydet de­ only leail of the game by scoring with VMI. as did senior defender Gary Gold­ added 2. enough to play by Opening Day. The Keydet soccer program has fense should operate as a brick wall. just 2:27 remaining in the fouith i|uarter. smith. Brail Miiston added two assists, The "Usual Suspects" of Ayers had a successful spring thus far. Af­ The leadership on the team is • • • • • It appcareil as though VMI would w hile I'lric Sieberi had one. and Gallienne continue to lead the Key­ ter playing in three tournaments, the very important. Coming olT two less OJ fights off hold possession of Ihe ball and lei the .‘\s the score indicated, the game dets in total points scored. Ayers, who is kickers are 11-4 and looking to cap than par seasons, the attitude could remaining two minuies expire, but a Key- was \ei) close statistically. Radford in position to finish his VMI career in the spring olY with a win over divi­ very easily turn negative. However, gunman in golf del turnover alloweil the I lighlanders to oulshot VMI by a narrow 29-2S margin the top-5 in three offensive categories, sion three power Roanoke College. rising seniors Keane Jones and even Ihe score. Railford’s Jeff Winchell and ontgroundballed the Keydets 38-25. currently has 4 1 points, Gallienne totals Kenny “Bulls-Eye” Sykes will be course scuffle lieil Ihe game at 9-9 w ith only 5.^ sec- I'ollinving the tough loss to 3f) points, expected to fill the void of graduat­ omls remaining. The Keydel attack failetl Radford. VMI reliuned to Lexington VMI (5-6 overall) will finish ing seniors George Lawrence and i.os AN(ii;i.i;s — o.j. to caiiilali/e in the final minule. ainI the to host St. Andrews Presbyterian out the season in a difficult three Matt Bryant. Simpson wrestled and bit a gimman I lighlanders regained possession. (from North Caiolitur) in an afternoon game stretch. The first will come The Kickers opened the spring Radford set up the oll'ensi\e attack, and who tried to lob him I'uesday in the game at Patchin I'ield on Wednesday. against nationally ranked Lehigh in in Virginia Beach in the Virginia held Ihe ball for Ihe final shot. In Ihe parking lot of a golf course, police April 14. The Keydets thrashed the Lexington on April 17. Following Wesleyan tournament. Wesleyan had said. Simpson was cut on the lumil i t h e been ranked number one in division during the attack. three for 12 weeks. The Keydets beat Simpson chased the assailant in Mary Washington, Randolph Macon, is car u hile calling police on his cel­ and Mary St, Mount, only losing to lular phone, but gave u|) because the Wesleyan in the semi-finals. man was tunning red lights and po­ The second tourney for the lice told Simpson to pull over. kickers was at Virginia Tech. The Nobody has been arrested, said kickers lost to the Virginia Tech club officer Jason I .ee. a spokesman for the team, Tech United, but beat I.os Angeles Police Department. Bluefield. Tony Conway said, "The I'he assailant secmcil intent on defense was solid all day, but we did robbing him. Sim|ison said, but when not capitalize on our opportunities he offered him money aiul his crcilit until the last game." cards, he ditln'l take them. "He Rising senior Keane Jones will The Keydets then made their stepjied lowartl me and we wrestled provide needed leadership for the annual journey to Harrisonburg to par­ lor the gun. I bit his hand so he wotilil 1999fall season. ticipate in the Eastern Mennonite In­ let go of the gun." he said. Simpson Sophomore Zach Johnson has vitational. The Kickers faired well by cut his hand w ith the barrel ol the gun. the midfield anchored down for winning six games, only to lose to Asked if he thought the incident was Coach Ross and his staff. Johnson has Eastern Mennonite in the semi finals. an attem|)leil carjacking, he said, "He always been solid for the Keydets, The Kickers travel to Salem iliiln't want (he car. he wanteil me." and they will look to build their at­ on Thursday to take on Roanoke ••••••••••••••••• tack around him. Jason Seagle has College. Roanoke is a tough team; All spoi ls hiirf\ w vtv ( (inijnh'd I'nnn adjusted to the move from midfield they have an abundance of talent and ilif \'M I hillin’ iHii;c liH iiU'd (II: to striker. Seagle has tallied twelve utilize it very well. The match will unuAiiii.nIii Mason Ayers (No. 2) scored three against Itadjhrd and two in the win over St. Andrews. The senior goals this spring, which should add be a good test for the Kickers. The ihiliiiiiiil hi irh fniiihl III; (-.s/i/ currently has 41 points and is on pace to finish on VMl's top-5 list in three offensive categories. some much-needed firepower to the match begin at 8:00 p.m.

' i 16 April 1999 tCl^e Caljct Page 5 Cadet in Focus: Tony Conway Gov. Patten Adresses VMI Family by John Koubaroulis by Mike Purdy ,Cabet Staff Writer Cabet Staff Writer The Right Honorable Christopher Many of us always liear from the F. Patten, the last British Governor of public, “Oh, those VMI cadets, they are Hong Kong, .spoke at VMI on April 12 all alike.” True, the uniform keeps us at 8 p.m. Patten addressed the Corps and from defining our individuality, how­ as.sembled faculty in Cameron Hall to ever,’ the uniform cannot hide our per­ speak about foreign policy i.ssues in the sonalities. Tony Conway, a third class­ 2 1 “ century, especially concerning Asia. man from Reading, England, does not Earlier that day, he ate an informal lunch fear criticism for being his normal self. with seven cadets and discu.sscd interna­ Conway can be heard throughout bar­ tional events. Patten becomes one of a racks. He likes to wake barracks up at long list of prominent national and inter­ night with his joking “yuLs.” Not to men­ national leaders to speak in the H.B. tion F-16 air raids played over Johnson Jr. ’26 Distinguished Lecture his stereo. Series. im«i Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Tony Conway chose VMI over potential professional programs. Educated at Balliol College, Ox­ Chris Patten, former Gov. oj Hong Kong, speaks at VMI Conway moved to Reading, England Conway is very dedicated to time to get his blood pumping. Hiscon\- ford where he received a B.A. Honors when it was relumed to the People's Re­ studies majors conceniing specific aspcxts his father, a policeman, was VMI’s soccer program. According to mon sense approach to issues enables and M.A. Honors in Modem History, public of China. of SinivAiiierican relations. posted with an English branch. Conway teammate Zach Johason, 01’, “He is a him to tackle any obstacle with vigor and Patten entered politics in 1966 as a mem­ Patten’s speccli primarily focuscd In 1981 Bellon Kleberg, a promi­ went to .school in England, and is .still a hard worker.” fortitude. ber of tiie Conservative Research Depart­ on Asia and his experiences as the last nent Texas rancher and businessman, es­ British citizen. Before coming to the ‘Tony to me, is not only my big “His left foot is ab.solutely deadly. ment where he rose to position of Direc­ Governor of Hong Kong. Patten recalled tablished the Johnson Lecture Series in U:S., he was offered a soccer contract brother but my Celtic connection,” said His attitude is Uiemendous. He is very com­ tor. In 1979 he accepted the prestigious the pomp and ceremony of the British memory of his father a 1926 VMI gradu­ to play as a trainee for two years with Warren Neiland, 02’, an Ireland native. mitted. He is a comer .stone for us next year. Coolidge Travelling Scholarship in the departure from Hong Kong that he de- ate. Tlie pur]Tose of this scries is to altnict hopes of signing on a.s a professional, “Conway plays with his heart in the The .sky is the limit for him,” said Head VMI U.S. Patten than .served as the Parliamen­ .scribed as the, “last substantial British prominent world leaders who have deni- but he felt the best option he had wa.s to game. He doesn’t just go out and play. Soccer Coach Stephen T., 83’. tary Repre.sentative from Bath from May colonial possession.” He then empha­ onsirated comiwtent leadership. Others continue his education. So when it was You have to feel the game. Tony feels After two years at VMI, Tony be­ 1979 until April 1992. During this time, sized the importance of Asia in an eco­ who have sjHiken in this series ;ire British time for Tony to make a college deci­ the game. You can’tjust play soccer. You lieves the school has had an impact on his Patten filled a number of important gov­ nomically interdependent worid and the Prime Ministers Edward Heath and Mar­ sion, his brother who was studying at have to be soccer.” logic. "I am more objective now. I have ernmental positions including Under need for the spread of democratic val­ garet Tliaicher; foniierCli;uiceilorofWe,st Marquette suggested VMI. Tony is very optimistic about next greater confidence, and I am more likely to Secretary of State, Minister of Overseas ues. "It’s important that America realizes Geniiany Meiiiiut Schmidt; fomier White “I chose to come to the United season. Currently, the team is lifting voice my opinion,” he quipjied. Development, Minister of State at the De­ that the world is interdependent and that House Chief of Stall'. Howiial Bilker; Gen­ States bccause I wanted to further my weights three times a week, and plays John.son seems to feel that Tony has partment of Education and Science and economic and scxrial changes in China can eral \Villi;ini Westniurkuid, Commander of education, but at the .same time, I wanted soccer four times a week. Tony feels the also made his life easier at the I, saying, “the Chairman of the Con.servative Party. He affect the U.S.” agreed First Classman Ben the United Slates Forces in Vietnam; and to .study in a military environment, and morale of the team is good. “The team diy humor, you can always count .served as the last British Governor of Kincaid. Afterthe speech, Patton answered George Bush, fomicr President of the play soccer," said Conway. “VMI of­ has performed well this spring and will on that! He always has something to .say.” Hong Kong from April 1992 until 1997, some questions written by intemational United Stales. fered what I desired. I could .study En­ show improvement in the fall of 1999,” Conway plans on graduating in glish, commission in the AirForce, and he .said. 2001 with an English degree. He will Society of Physics Students Meet at VMI play soccer. VMI was a good combina­ Conway claims that his strategy take six months off to relax and then seek tion of all three aspects I was looking for performance on the .soccer field is a commission in the Air Force. by Magnus Nordeman for.” linked to anger, .saying, “for me, anger Conway’s roommate, Jason Cabet Staff Writer On top of everything else, Conway controlled to a certain degree plays a big Seagle, o r , says ofTony, “He is an easy The Virginia Military In.stitute already has the required qualifications to part.” guy to talk to and humorous at times. He once again played host for a significant fly airplanes for the Royal Air Force Conway rituali.stically listens to has a of humor thai is different from conference last weekend. Between Fri­ if he were to commission. music in the locker room prior to game people. He is fun to hang out with.” day and Saturday the Department of Physics and Astronomy hosted its an­ Second Classman Strikes Subordinate nual meeting for the Zone 4 Society of Physics Students. The Society of Phys­ —Continued From Page 1— ics Students is a national association dedi­ the Navy/Marine Corps Bulldog program. cated to the furthering of physics. It has Doug Bate.s, ’01, Golf Co. first corporal and fiiend of Mogge .said, ‘The thing that some rankers don’t undeiMand is people are several “zones.” VMI's zone includes VMI's Society of Physics Students and other Zone 4 Soeicty schools gathered here for different reasons, but the way we’re stiucaired here, the rankers have the upper-hand.” schools such as The United States Naval for their annual physics seminar last weekend. VMI hosted the seminar. Bates deplored Mogge’s choice of action. “We’re at a militaiy school and t h ^ ’s some kind of .standard. It’s a two-way suieet. Academy, Vir;ginia Polytechnic Institute There should be respect for everyone in the Corps. Rankers, as the epitome of that standard, .should do their jobs pn)fe.ssionally and treat and Johns Hopkins University. and it has provided us with more in.spi- ond day of the meeting on the subject people with re.spect. How can you expect .someone to li.sten to you if you don’t treat him or her with re.spect? It’s just not professional.” Major William C. McNairy, pro­ ration for future research in the science “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”. Fac­ Golf Co. Commanding OflTicer, Bany Williams, ’99, refused to comment. fessor of physics, was instnimental in ar­ of physics.” He continued. “Hopefully, ulty from VMI also gave their assistance According to VMI’s Blue Book, “Striking a cadet, by whatever means,” warrants penalty of .suspeasion or dismi.s.sal. In an early ranging the meeting at VMI. “We had our meeting will serve as an inspiration during the meeting. LTC Minnix and November CTT speech in Jackson Memorial Hall, Col. Ronald Williams, ’64, deputy commandant, declared that policy non-negotiable. about 30 participating students at this ears to other .schools when their turn comes LTC Carpenter hosted a special demon­ Unconfirmed reports of possible punishments speculate between a ‘number one’ penalty to saspension for Mogge. Schnute will likely meeting, it doesn’t .seem like much, but to host the annual meeting as well.” stration for the a.s.sembled students. The receive a penalty for instigation. Should Mogge get kicked out or saspended, he could jeopardize his military aspirations by losing his compared to the meeting [faculty and ca­ Cadets from VMI distinguished demonstration was named “Phabulous Marine Corps scholarship. dets] went to last year in Baltimore, the themselves during the meeting in several Physix Demos” and has been perfomied According to Rockbridge County’s Chief Deputy Sheriff, Capt. Chris Blalock, both as.sault (threatening to harm another person meeting this year at VMI was big,” Said ways. Cadet Janchaysang Suwatwong for several years in such diverse places by any means) and battery (to intentionally inflict pain on another person) hold the same penalty. An offender could receive a maximum McNairy. “I think the meeting went well. held a student presentation on the sec­ as kindergartens and graduate .seminars. of a year in jail and a one thoasand dollar fine. “I expect he will be saspended,” said Spore. ‘There’s just no for that kind of behavior. I understxind [Mogge] was really Cadets Inducted into Honor Society upset, but that’s not h9 w you deal with problems.” quirement,” in Virginia, “the lowest grade includc a service project at a local el­ According to Commandant Col. James N. Joyner, ’67, the case is under investigation by the Officer of the Guard As.sociation and by Webb Moncure point average,” and “the nastiest temper.” ementary school where the members the Executive Committee. De.spite the Blue Book’s recipe for dismis.sal or saspension, Joyner said, “Both sides should be heard_You Cabet Staff Writer “Dragging an anvil” behind them, he will be helping to teach the students. The always have to listen to and investigate all the circumstances in the i.ssue. You want to make sure you have all the facts suaight We have stressed, the new inductees managed to nomination of this yciir’s ollicers is also t o ^ fair to all the parties involved. We’re talking about an education and a life here.” A decision is expected next week. This year’s inductees to the James .secure themselves national recognition coming up, which is among the first ac­ Becaase the case is still under investigation, Schnute, Mogge, and Ben Murray, ’00, OGA president, could not comment.. Anderson Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma Na­ in one of the te.sting academic en­ tivities scheduled for this ye:ir’s inductees. tional Honor Society were recognized vironments in the country. In a separate Tlie history of Phi Eta Sigma at Racist Sentiment Still at VMI? Wednesday, Mar. 24. in a ceremony key­ interview. General Farrell stated that first VMI is relatively short as it was just estab­ noted by Brig. Gen. Alan Farrell. Gen­ year students face a “particular horror" lished on April 20,1998. Named after the -Continued From Page 1- eral Farrell, Dean of the Faculty and of “negotiating the ratline" as well as aca­ first dean of the Institute, James A. Ander­ ture of VMI is as racist as die corps. John Chisolm, ’00, a black ttack team member, said, “A team member called me and Adjunct professor of French, praised the demics. And when the national represen­ son ’13, tlie s(x:iety honors high acadcmic another cadet ‘niggers’ right to our faces last year. Wo went to the OGA, and the .sentence diat was given out after the trial was an cadets for their out.standing academic tatives of Phi Eta Sigma arrived for the achievement in institutions of higher leiim- apology letter to be written. The letter was not very sincere either, and I felt that the case was not handled properly.” performance and character during their establishment of the society at VMI last ing. Tlie history of the society itself, how­ VMI regulations at the dme stated that the harshest penalty to be given for “Language Unbecoming a Cadet” (personal) is a first .semester at VMI. Following the in­ year, they were “astonished" by the test­ ever, is much older, it was organized in perialty number?. duction ceremony, a small reception was ing atmosphere of the school and the 1923 at the Univensity of Illinois and now Dan Smith, ’98, the then-OG A repre.sentati ve who investigated the matter, .said when asked if he diought the apology letter was given for the newly named members. challenge imposed by first yearcadet life. has over 3(X) chapters nationwide. Induc­ a harsh enough penalty, “Looking back, probably not. I did not know that the VMI regulations had a penalty which existed for this During General Farrell’s .speech Thirty-two cadets were inducted tion into the s(x;iely is based u|xin the at­ situation.” he spoke of the “extraordinary achieve­ this year into the James Anderson Chap­ tainment of a 3..S GPA or better during the ^ Some think the two blacks may have read into the situation more than they should have, however. The offending white had no ment” of those who came to a .school ter of Phi Eta Sigma. Among the activi­ first semester of the freshman “rat" year at history of raci,st remarks, and during the trial, he stated that he thought it was simply a mi.sunderstanding and apologized. which has the “highest coarse load re­ ties scheduled for the society this year VMI. One of the major tension areas with racism inside the corps .seems to be athletics. There seem to be few racial problems between team members. Players say that they know that racism divides people into groups who then sides, and division among players makes it difficult for the team to work together. For this reason alone, most, if not all, of the athletes .say they Uy their lx:st to get along with other members of their respective teams. Black football player Cardell Winfield, ’99, .said, “If everybody is on the same page and race is not a factor, then everything would be a lot better. And probably the only factor that would play a role would be who could succeed in their caiver field.” White football player Chariie Bennett, ’99, said, “I think a sports team is a good model to look at as far as improvements for racial relations. If VMI could use this model effectively, I think the corps would be racially divided.” If there are few blacks at VMI, there are even fewer blacks on tlie VMI faculty. Last year, VMI had only 6 minority professors out of 134, and only 3 of these were black. From numbers pmvided by the U.S. Department of Education, the 1992 national average of black profe.ssors per college was 5%. VMI black professors make up only 2.2% of the faculty. 2809 IH. I.KE HW Y A former black Cadet, Ron Hill ’98, asked, “Why aren’t there more black profes.sors or even minority teachei-s here? I know there are teachers out there who are qualified.” LEXINGTON, VA 24450 Major Finnic Coleman, Class of 1990, came back to teach English and History at VMI, including tlie first black cultural history courses ever to be taught at VML (540) 463-9131 After only his first year of teaching, he left alnd took a job at another school he felt unwelcome by some of the faculty. or (800) 521-9131 “Here was a case where VMI was doing the right thing, .such as trying to diversify the faculty, but once again pcojiie spoke up and somehow the administration was wrong for hiring me.” “We ase this tired a$$ed rhetoric that black students or teachers don’t want to come here. All that racist doggerel is unfounded. Featuring: In room coffee makers. Free local calls. Lots of blacks need jobs and are willing to woric. So what is it that VMI does then to get minorities to come? Answer that riddle,” .said Coleman. Free HBO and Cable TV. Complementary Weekday .' General Alan Farrell, Dean of the Faculty, said, “When I came here I saw that situation [the number of minority teachers] and I Newspaper in ovir lobby. Special Rates for Seniors, thought it was terribly disappointing. We have had 30 years to come up with faculty members, and the adminisuniion continually hounds me about their right to govern the Institute, but what have they accomplishedT’ AAA rates. Group Rates. At Uie time of his hiring, Farrell sent the faculty a memo, asking “department heads to work harder to hire not only members of minority groups and women, but VMI alumni and Vietnam veterans as well.” He also wrote, ‘The sad fact is that VMI is deficient in its eff orts to broaden the viewpoint from which it teachcs. Be advi.sed that SPECIAL ** I will require evidence from each of you that aggressive, even untoward and unorthodox steps have been taken to find good people to Brin^; this ad during your next stay and receive 10% off enliven and invigorate our community before I will coasider a search clo.sed this year.” yourjcpom rdte. Ad must be presented at check-in. When asked about Finnic Coleman’s departure, Farrell said, “I’m pi.s.sed. I was delighted to have him back. He was tlie kind of guy that could have thrived at this place.” 16 April 1999 Clje Cattet

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16 April 1999 tIJjE CaiiEt Pajie 7 A&L Briefs Pat McGee Band WHY, WHY, WHY: Pamela Lee’s camp con­ firms her ditching her "Energized Acoustic Entertainment" implants. A nation dominantly Arts and .Sci- been a college band so phenon)- mourns. all-acoustic cncc. Inc. enal with grace and pure emo­ combination The Pat tionally charged talent. Many of by Dave Hunt llieir songs have been placed on DIG IT: Tammy Wynette’s of delcctablej M cGoc I5iuul flrtKt anil leisure €bitor r h y t h m s ,j re niill IIS lo be local samplers. The song "Pas­ body exhumed and s o u I f u one of the sion" can be found on the autopsied Wednesday—one melodics and inosi rc- AWARl: 5 compilation. "Who week after the singer’s poignant qucstcd bands Stole Her from Heaven" is on the Amid the constant launching Oasis • Acoustic, Volume 4. daughters ballads. The at colleges all of major groups one Pat M cG ee across the na­ "Ceamelodic" is on Music Re­ filed a wrongful death suit group remains to stay extremely Band has a tion. T h c y views Quarterly Disk. "Rebecca" against her fifth husband. independent, yet have the cult fol­ sound all have pcr- is on Oasis Alternative and Mil­ lowing of a well known Phish or a their, own iDrnK’d lo sold lennium Music South Carolina Grateful Dead. The Pat McGee sampler. Their CD "Revel" was OBITUARY: Anthony that' trans­ 0 u I s h o w I n band can faithfully be placed lates o n ­ 1 wc n I y - I'o u r featured in the "Top 12 Indepen­ Newley—singer/songwriter among the ranks of the Dave stage quite stales. "Grual. dent Recordings" in Performer (“The Candy Man”), actor Matthews Band and still remain simply into grciii band, Songwriting Magazine. (Doctor Doolittle), ex- independent. one of the played after The Pat McGee Band has Pat McGee had humble be­ been known has having the fast­ husband of Joan Collins— best live From G ood ginnings in Richmond, Virginia as sounds any­ n o ni e s a n d est growing fan base in the na­ dead of cancer, Wednesday a singer/songwriter armed solely where . . . As m ade them tion. They are all over the place, in Florida. He was 67. with his guitar and his inventive unique as the look like chil­ tape traders, friends, and the phrases. The Pat McGee Band has band sounds dren. We want Internet. They have also been now released their third Pal M cG ee featured in a book called “Jam .NEWLEYADD: He also in the studio, “General Admission.” It is an all- it is difficult back for Bands," by Dean Budnick, which cowrote the musicals Willy live ten-song set recorded at The to imagine sure!!!!!" can be found everywhere. Wonka and the Chocolate Bayou in Washington, DC and The their sound Bucknell Uni­ Pat McGee always displays Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. his grass-roots performances, and Factory and Stop the being any versity, Sigma Pat McGee has the raw en­ better than Alpha Kpsi- "General Admission" is no ex­ World—I Want to Get Off! ergy and captivating guitar talent w hen they lon. “Great ception. Several songs are almost that would make even the biggest are on stage, job, every­ ten minutes in length, and SIGNING OFF: Bill Hip-Hop artist want to buy his “ says MTV Online, Washington, Washington, DC, “It was a ball . . . body svent cra/.y for the band.” “Rebecca" is over twelve. “Who music and see his shows. PMB is Stole Her from Heaven" and Wendell, David D.C., November 1997. Pat’s got great songs . . . It’s real Hampden-Sydney College, Lambda Pat McGee on acoustic guitar and The band’s first CD “Revel,” passionate so I could really get my Chi Alpha. “Blew the roof off the "Flooding Both of Us" are en­ Letterman’s longtime lead vocals, A1 Walsh on guitars released in 1997, has won several energy in with them . . . They’re house, never had a band this good! riched with poetic and thought- announcer until his retire­ and vocals, Jonathan Williams on rave reviews and awards, includ­ all really good musicians so it was Definitely want them back." Char­ provoking lyrics and guitar great­ ment in 1995, dead of vocals, piano, and keyboards, ing several very prestigious easy to follow what they were do­ ter Club, Princeton University. ness. Many times he lets the au­ John Small on bass, Chardy dience take over and sing a cho­ cancer. He was 75. WAMMY awards in Washington ing . . .We’ve put them on a “Pat McGee Band was awesome as McEwan on percussion, and DC. Pat McGee’s solo album H.O.R.D.E. date.” always!” Randolph Macon College, rus. You can tell that he is always Chris Williams on drums. “,” 1995, also did Pat McGee is not only a won­ Kappa Alpha. having fun. The Pal McGee Band STRONGMAN WEAK­ “It can’t be long until very well in stores and with the derful artist and performer, he also The band’s songs have will be playing at Trax in ENS? Hercules TV star someone accrues the fortune-in- critics. contributes to the cause. He is on been circulated frequently through­ Charlottesville this Thursday, waiting of what has to be the April 22. Yours truly will be Kevin Sorbo tells the New In April, 1997, Jon Popper the Board of Governors in the out all eight seasons of MTV's most talented unsigned band in from Blues Traveler sat in for a set Washington, DC branch of the Na­ “Real World” and the six seasons there and if you have the means, York Daily News he’s the nation. Encompassing a pre­ with the band at the Bayou in tional Association of Recording of “Road Rules.” There has never 1 hope to see you there too. “99.9 percent sure the show is over.” CT COIN’ SOUTH: The season debut of cable toon South Park watched by 38 percent fewer viewers than F rid a y, F ib ril 1 6, lie 015*00 ‘Bis'vult? @ F riar T ucks in N arfolk, O f i . last year’s.

MARIAH MESS: A New York court reinstating a • lawsuit filed by a man who « claims he wrote the lyrics F r i d a y , f i p r i f R o66ins C anter in R ichm on, O F ^ . to Mariah Carey’s hit T6, fifili ’6116S @ “Hero,” the Daily News says.

:• STONE MAD: Sharon Stone and her hubby S a t u r d a y , f i p r i f /7, @[rI©© nJ[U A1 @ G i66y’s in M organtoan, 6^0. fighting a Frisco •“ neighbor’s planned home renovation, saying it would muck up their view of the I* Golden Gate Bridge. t, F i p r i f 1 8 , Fighting Gravity, Pat McGee & Kyle Davis

V STERN TALK: Partridge L a k e M a t a a k a O m p h . in G ^ifdam & burg, O f ) . ■ Family mom Shirley Jones 'y resigning as honorary cochair of a conservative '- media watchdog group— ;; on the badgering advice of T u e s d a y , f i p r i / 2 0 , BRIAN WESCOTT @ S e c o n d S to o p in Lex, O f). ^ rtoward Stem.

IG ET r e a d y , GET SET...: More than 700 Toys R Us outlets to open at 12:01 (^edne& day, f)p rit 2 1 , AiliS ©fiifs’giSKg® @ G r a d y C o v e in C haH otte, N C „ a.m. on May 3 to give Star Wars shoppers the very first shot at batch of new Phantom Menace toys. T h u r s d a y , f i p r i f 2 2 , Pat fTlcScC T r a K i n C harfotte& oi((e, O f ) i i

. Q LIVES! Desmond - m ; Llewelyn, the actor who *• plays gadget expert Q in ;; the James Bond series, T h u r s d a y , f ) p r U 2 2 , @ C f u h 2 0 0 0 in C haH otte, tfC z denying his character will Blue Oyster Cult r be killed in the upcoming 1’iM 007 Hick, The World Is Not Enough. F rid a y, F )pri( 23, [lOuDOilKiG §V2V0lI]DiII]SODg @ 9: 30 C lub in (da& hinyton, C^C '

• / A & L Briefs compiled / from E Online News. 4ii> / he H u m o r

Frida^^ ii> April Nuiriber 22 . ROTC Geeks Take Tour of VMIBRC Matching

1)Went to HSC, A) "Fist to Face" . got face beat-in. Schnute 2)Went to BRC, B)Downs & "Big got face beat-in. Nips" Kennedy 3)Expects to have C)"Oops I Crapped his face beat-in any My Pants" Cronin day now. 4)Corps cool-guy D)"Hot Lips" Hagel and his "daddy" 5)Got Dumped. E)Withers Moncure 6)Dumped (oops.) F)Delton Lowery

7)Glad He Wasn't G)"Heavy Pants" Room Orderly Mahala

Answers: 1)E 2)A 3)F 4)B 5)D 6)G 7)C The Third Leg of Joyner's Stool