The City of Sioux City, through its Airport Department (“the Department”) intends to collect Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) under application (PFC #7) with the Federal Aviation Administration (the “FAA”) to amend funding for twelve projects at the Sioux Gateway Airport (the “Airport”).

In accordance with Section 158.23 of CFR Part 158, PFC’s, we hereby notify you of our intentions to file an application with the FAA) for authority to levy and use PFC’s at the Airport. Pursuant to Section 158.23, the Airport will hold a consultation meeting with air carriers and the Public at the Airport on Friday, January 18, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. local time, regarding projects under consideration for PFC funding. At the meeting, the Airport will also discuss the need, justification, and financial plan for the proposed PFC program. The meeting will be held in the Airport Terminal Building 2nd Floor Conference Room.

The Airport intends to collect PFCs under PFC application #7 at $4.50 per enplaned passenger. The proposed effective date for the amendments is July 1, 2019. The estimated charge expiration date of the Airport’s PFC program is now projected at June 30, 2039. Total additional PFC revenues of $3,811,455.51 will be collected for the amended projects. All projects were originally funded with cash or bonds. The Airport is seeking public comments on the applications and on the following projects:

Project No. & Title: 7 .1 – Rehabilitate Taxiway F AIP 49

PFC Revenue: $409,381 Financing and Interest: $12,805.39

Project Description: This project is to design, remove, move and replace the existing Taxiway F to a new location to facilitate traffic.

Project No. & Title: 7.2 – Rehabilitate Taxiway A AIP 50

PFC Revenue: $440,000 Financing and Interest: $59,933.87

Project Description: This project is to design and reconstruct the existing Taxiway A north connector.

Project No. & Title: 7.3 – 17-35 Design AIP 51

PFC Revenue: $168,834.00 Financing and Interest: $30,940.19

Project Description: This project is for the construction of the North Ramp at the Airport.

Project No. & Title: 7.4 – FAA Reimbursable Agreement 17-35 Design AIP 52

PFC Revenue: $4,737.00 Financing and Interest: $868.09

Project Description: This project reimbursed the FAA for their review of the design for navigational aids relocated do to the moving of Runway 17-35.

Project No. & Title: 7.5 – Reconstruct Runway 17-35 Phase 1 AIP 53

PFC Revenue: $1,400,000.00 Financing and Interest: $190,703.08

Project Description: This project is the reconstruction of Runway 17-35 (Phase 1).

Project No. & Title: 7.6 – FAA Reimbursable Agreement 17-35 Construction AIP 54

PFC Revenue: $24,100.00 Financing and Interest: $4,416.52

Project Description: This project is to correct deficiencies including pavement, signage, circuitry marking, lighting and in the electrical vault that no longer meet advisory circulars.

Project No. & Title: 7.7 – Reconstruction Runway 17-35 Phase 2 AIP 55

PFC Revenue: $900,000.00 Financing and Interest: $164,736.37

Project Description: This project acquired a new passenger loading bridge to accommodate regional jets

Requests to Exclude Certain Air Carriers

Sioux Gateway Airport/Brig Gen Field does not request any exclusions from collecting PFCs.

The Airport welcomes the public’s comments and support for these projects, and will review all comments submitted in writing by no later than February 8, 2019. Please address any questions or comments to:

Mike Collett Airport Director Sioux Gateway Airport 2403 Aviation Boulevard Sioux City, Iowa 51111 Telephone: (712) 279 - 0167