SCACRED ODDITIES Character research

1. Architect of Fox River State Penitentiary

2. Has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Civil Engineering

3. Tattooed jail’s map on his body and jailed with the intention of saving his unjustly charged brother from jail

4. Mastermind of Fox River escape

5. In the later seasons, he discovers he has hypothalamic hamartoma (a tumour)

6. Extremely smart with high IQ and combined with his condition of low latent inhibition (which allows his brain to be more open to incoming stimuli) Makes him a creative genius who is able to process details and steps of any stimulus better than others

7. Very protective of his loved ones and loyal to them, especially his brother and wife

8. Strongly sensitive and empathic. This can be seen in his refusal to hurt any innocent beings during his plan to escape and how he blames himself for all the sufferings faced by the innocent as a result of his plans, at one point causing him to wonder if his plan to save his brother at the cost of many innocent lives was worthed it TATTOOED BLUEPRINT

Tattoed the blueprint of Fox River State Penitentiary on his body, hence it made things easier for him to reference the things he needed to escape from the prison. Character research SEASON 1

Scofield tries to steal an wench to assist in his break through, which starts from his cell. He used a coin to obtain a long screw.

Artefacts: Allen wench, coin

Artefact: Pen ink

Whlie serving his time, he got promoted to do P.I., known as Prison Industries where he had a lot of chance to get hold onto items which he needed for his escape in Fox River Character research SEASON 2

Scofield met an equally smart and high IQ/EQ FBI agent, Alexander Mahone after escaping from Fox River. FBI Mahone is firm on catching Scofield because Scofield is always ahead of him in all the episodes. In all episodes, Scofield is seen wearing a black digital watch which is relevant to him. Timing is extremely important for his escape.

Artefacts: Watch, cash, fake ID, one single key Character research SEASON 3

After Michael Scofield has been brought to Sona for the death of William Kim, Michael discovers that the Company has Sara Tancredi and LJ Burrows. He discovers later with the information from his brother, Lincoln Burrows that he has to breakout James Whistler. Michael has to breakout Whistler as part of a hostage exchange to rescue LJ from the Company.

Artefacts: Variety of tools from the company, small and handy, capable of keeping inside his pockets Character research SEASON 4

The fourth season opens with Michael Scofield in LA, looking to even the score with Gretchen for Sara's death while Gretchen, Whistler and Mahone go about Company business. And in , Sona has burned to the ground, with T-Bag, Billick and Sucre unaccounted for. Meanwhile, Lincoln, LJ and Sofia are settling in as a family. Michael Scofield also discovers that he is sick.

Artefacts: Panama City map, cash, medicine, bullets Character TRAITS

1. Dirtiness doesn’t concern him

2. Extremely smart

3. Simple man - for all he wanted is a clear goal to save his brother and protect people around him

4. Not a merciless man - he doesn’t kill

5. Does not kill anyone and he dislike holding guns

6. Very well literate

7.Adaptable to circumstances and location

8. Haseverything planned out

9. Structured Artefacts

1. Allen wench

2. Coins, cash

3. Pen ink without pen casing

4. Watch

5. Fake ID

6. A key

7. Map of Panama

8. Bullets

9. Variety of tools Box INSPIRATION

As their escape plan involves a lot of digging and getting wet and hiding, one of the most important factor was a versatile and steady box.

Structure of the box:

1. Hastily built to aid his escape (runaway pack) 2. Craftmanship doesn’t matter 3. Portable 4. Easy to fit in stole cars 5. Can be buried and unearthed again 6. Can be soaked in water and still be reused SCACRED ODDITIES