THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Daily Ana Sunday, Carrier Delivery, 12 Eenta We Vol
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THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Daily ana Sunday, carrier delivery, 12 eenta we Vol. XLVI.—No. 284 ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING-, MARCH 26, 1914—TWELVE PAGES. SiMffle copies on the- streets and at newsstands, 5 cents. LINES ARE DRAWN Suspect In Bank Robbery Attempt and His Pretty Wife MAGICIAN HELD ON CHARGE FOR HARDEST FIGHT OF BOLD ATTEMPT TO LOOT OF WILSON BANK IN HEART OF ATLANTA Struggle Begins in House Edward Rhynata, of Denver, Colo., Arrested by Today for Repeal of Tolls , Kxernption Clause of the '• Call Officer James Palmer on a Charge of Panama Canal Act. '• Suspicion, After Howling Crowd Pursues the Would-Be Robber Who Held Up Negro Bank ALL THE HOUSE LEADERS in Auburn Avenue, Shot at Clerk, Hit Him ARE FIGHTING WILSON \ Over Head With Bludgeon, and Then Made Bolt for Safety. Personal Convictions on the Question Have Smashed Party Lines—Close Vote BANDIT STEALS BUGGY AND ELUDES Expected to Follow Bitter BIG MOB AFTER A WILD CHASE Debate. Washington, Match 25 — Lines were sharply dra\v n tonight for the opening Keeps Back Many of His Pursuers by Rain of of the most bltterlv contested legisla- tive struggle that has confronted .President "Wilsons admim&ti ation — the Pistol Balls—Rhynata Denies Guilt, but Has fight to repeal the law giving Ameri- can < oastwise ships free passage | Been Positively Identified by a Number of through the Panama canal Opposing i forces divided for the f n st ^Ki. rnish | Blacks—His Wife, Bride of Year, Visits Him in the conflu t which i\ ill open v, hen rt special i ule is presented to tne house tomorrow T:o limit debate on the repeal at Police Station—Couple Say They Have controversy- . For- the first time sincr the demo- Worked in,Local Theaters. < iaUc administration took ehaige of The go\ ernment admimsti atiun lead- ei s found a strong, lesourceful and determined element TV i thin a partv op- Foiled in -A wildly desperate attempt to loot the safety jaults of the posed to a policv which President Wil- Atlanta State Savings Bank, a negro institution, in Auburn avenue, which son personally had espoused Personal held by police on charge'of to ing to loot negro bank on Auburn asenue, and his bride ot a \ ear j contained upwards of -$2,500 in gold and silver, a white would-be bandit, late • convictions on the question almost Edward Rhjnata, of Denver, who *ha\ e obliterated party line-* Monday, bludgeoned a negro clerk, fled into Houston street, seized a hors,e This political situation, -with the in- (and buggy, raced through the downtown streets, pursued by police officers ternational chat <cter of the question | and a howling mob, fired some five shots at bis pursuers, and finally eluded in\ol\ed, and ' 10 stress the president j searchers in the block bounded b>- Hams fcnd Cain streets has p'laced on his position as neces- Routed With Slaughter, sary to the successful conduct of the DECIDE ON MAY 5 OPPOSE ELECTION^ A short time later a man claiming to be an actor, and giving Ins name administiation s foreign polu-v, com- as Edward Rhynata, of Demer, Col. was arrested by Call Officer James bined to make up a situation fraught Palmer, in a room at Cam and Williams streets The suspect was taken to w ith complications Villa and Rebel Forces ffoujve JLeadera Oppose Wilson. CITY TO PASS OF MANY OFFICERS j the banking rooms. He was identified by six negroes as the man seen The president's supporters lumght | earlier in the day at the Odd Fellows' building, in which the bank is located. declared they were gaining giound in the house, and one enthusiastic admin- MAGICIAN SUSPECT isti ation leader predicted the passage Are Fleeing Torreon DENIES GUILT. of the repeal bill bj a majority of BYCIIY nearly one hundi ed. The more con- Rhynata, at police barracks, denied anj connection « ith the attempted servative members of both sides, how- / hold-up and subsequent assault The suspect is married, land for the past ev er, an-ticipate a hard-fought strug- week has been llvin at Cain an gle. with a bt tter and protracted de- Atlanta's Most Aggressive War Department of Dictator Proposal to Give Council I S <l Williams streets. bate follow ejl b> a close vote. The attempted robbery of the savings institution, which is officered by Aligned against the president's de- Citizens Are Preparing to Huerta Announces Com- Right to Name Officials mand for the repeal are the three lead- J. O. Ross, W. F. Penn and C. C. Cater, reputable negro citizens, was in itself ers of the parties in the house — Repre- Victory Has Been Now Elected by People one of the most sensational circumstances ever occurring in the annals of sentative Underwood, of the derno- Wage Vigorous Campaign UNIVERSITY Atlanta's criminal history. ciats; Representative Mann of the re- 4s>r BiTg Civic Improvement. Gained in Crucial ^Battle of 'Will Bring- Fight: — "* The DanKr situated on tfie ground floor of the Odd Fellows' building, ; dock, of the ^ progressives. "Wings of If Vanderbilt Be Lorf, 200 Auburn avenue, has three entrances. One opens on the avenue, one all three liarttpa are. be,h.intl these lead- the War. 1 Atlanta's most aggressi\ e citizens— Institution Will Be Founded, Determined op-position to the charter opens into the hall of the buiJding , and one opens into an aJlej. A grill of ers On the Other"' hand, Chairman 1 Adam son, of the house interstate and physicans and la\men—who aie behind amendments which propose vesting in Iron work surrounds the banking counters, which have three wickets. One Says Bishop Hoss. council the power to elect city officers foreign commerce committee. Repre- the movement to float an issue of $750,- LOSSES OF THE REBELS of these is in Iront, one is on the side, at the center, and the third is near a sentative Henrj . chairman of the rules 000 bonds for a "Greater Grady Hos- now voted on by the people, was in- committee,; Representative Stevens, of dicated j esterday following: the meet- door which leads into the president's office, and also admits the clerks to Minnesota, and many other represen- pital," placed themselves solidly be- Baltimoie, March 25.—Unless there ESTIMATED AT 2,000 MEN ing of council's charter amendment the counting room. tatives ofT all three parties have ac- hind the project yesterday arid are to- 19 a. possibility of an appeal to the cepted the president's position. It g-en- day preparing to "wage a campaign un- supreme court of the United States committee. The Dank closes its books and doors at 5 o'clock e\ery day. But one eially was believed tonight that Ma- precedented in the history of the city. in the suit of the Methodist Episcopal Among other amendments to the employee remains until that hour, the other two leaving at 4 o'clock in joritx Leader L'nclerwood and other Enthused over the -widespread Inter- chui ch, south, against the ti us tees of charter the committee proposed that the afternoon. democrats, w hile sepaking against the According to Huerta Re- est created in the matter of the hos- Vandei bilt universitv, in Xashvilile, the chief of construction, .the comp- liiH and \ otmg against it, would "not Bandit Enters attempt to organize anv extended op- pital within forty-eight hours, the cen- Tenn , a strbng effort will be madei to ports, Rebels Were Lured troller, city marshal, clerk, treasui er, position ui t esort to obstructs e tac- tral committee met in the dh ectors* found a new university, whose control tax collector, superintendent of water- Bank. tics to pre\ent the passage of the bill. room of the I^owry National bank. shall be wholly in the hands of tJhe Into an Ambush and Shot works, warden and city recorder b"e on M ednusd.iv. .1 <> Hot,^ Ji son of First Tent \ ote JJkelj Today. There was absolutely no fi iction, and church, according to Hi shop E. E. elected by the ma>or and council The Vt noon tomorrow Chan man Henr> EAST LAKE SUFFERS the pi CM den l of the institution \\ AH Hoss, president of the board of educa- committee also -proposed including in \\ ill report a special rule, providing every suggestion offered was adopted Down — Rebel Agents at a No m the office of the establishment without dissent. tion of the Southern Methodist church for fifteen hours of general debate on the amendment a clause making the after J o t lock He sat at v, jpdoiv the repeal bill, and allowing no oppor- May S the Date. Thib board claimed control of Vahder- Juarez Say They Have No minimum salaiy jjf the chief of con- Xo 2 in the center of the counting tunity for amending the measui e. An M.ay 5, the clay of the count;, elec- bilt universtt\ until the decision' of struction $5,000 per annum and the attempt will be made to fix four hours News of the Battle. FRONTSECOND BLAZE room, it vtoik making out some noteb tion, TV as agreed on by the committee the supreme coui t of Tennessee last maximum $7,000 The committee was as a limit of debate on the proposed week stripped the church of all au- which \vcie to be ipnevvcd bj dcposi- i ule. If this is accomplished the first as the date for submitting the bond divided on the proposition to permit test vote will come late tomorrow question to the voters of Atlanta.