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11-8-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-08-1922 Journal Publishing Company

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VICTOR RACE Special Session May Be AJDRITY FOR DEMOCRATS JfflATE Summoned for Nov. 20; Senate and House Lead- Miller Is Defeated in the Gubernatorial Con- ers Endorse the Proposal. The Vote in Albuquerque Was Almost a test, While Calder Loses in Fight to Retain Washington, Nov. 7. President Landslide; the Republicans Practically Con-ced- e Seat in House of Harding expects to issuo a call Loss Upper Congress; Speaker Thursday or Friday .'or a special the of the Entire Ticket, Includ- Gillett Is Re-Electe- d. session of congress convening No- ing Legislative Candidates. vember 20, it was announced today at the White House. Cm n New 7 mid- Hie faee of returns received com-Hil- York, Nov. (by the Associated Press.) At It was said that although the Fckles. is. For corporation l. up until 2 o'ciorU this missionor; 144: .Mont night the congressional returns were complete from only president was not ii. com- morning, ova. liernulillo county lias returned u 24 9. For representative: Weil, seven states. mitted to the proposal for the spe- 2 substantial mujnrlty for the deino- - 151; Ciiego, Jo. For represcnta-1.")- 1; cial session which has generally live: .Mohr. 24 At that hour the election of 119 democratic represent- cratic state and county tickets. Jordi, 2. For atives and 67 out of the total of 433 had been been expeetel by congressional In cny of AllHiuncrnue the representative: Candelaria, 137: republicans lenders, only an eleventh hour demon at h OtO Chavez, 2 55. Commissioner First of mind ould him Was almost a reported, but these figures were in no wise indicative of change, prevent landslide. Th in the district: Ilerrera, 141; Armijo, 252. - call. majority0 from issuing the will reaeh or ae- - Commissioner Kvond district: Je- the political complexion- of the next congress, as large The for a special session city mote, plan cor. ling to tin deinoeraUc claim, sus Ilimioi'ii, 14S; llezmck, 215. blocks of districts with heavy republican delegations in after the election has received the For For commissioner Third district: endorsement of se.iate and city and unty the majority in general bo 1 o ti) mh n. 151: 243. For some, and heavy democratic delegations others still house leaders. It is understood apparently nil well ovi r Fuit, s treasurer; Sanchez, Svvope, were to be from. the feels that by meet- Republicans night practical-los- lis; heard president ly conceded th of their 215. For clerk: "Werner, 151; Gov- at least two weeks in advance entire 2 Albany. X. Y.. Nov. 7. nessee, wher , chair- ing r t. t Harris. lis. For assessor: Ilub-bel- l, of the tile legisla- county tie: carrying with it ho man of the democratic national regular session, - For shtiriff: ernor Miller, receiving the returns tive bo so advanced ' : ;l three liuliil.iles for t'no state lcg- ill. Lewis, 144: committee, whs elected to the program i.f iH '0' M W4 Vfc Islat Camera, 25ii. For school in the executive chamber if the house from the four.h district over as to enable congress to clean up 'M; a lire. superin- fl It w;is in lie eve- tendent: Rurke. 155; Muntoya, conceded apparent early capital ear;y tonight, Representative C. iss, the repub- its slate by the time tho regular 23S. Probate a Mr. session ends next March :. The ning, when reports of straight bal- Judge: Sanchez, lijj; Mr. Smith's election and sent lican incumbent. Hull repre- were .MeClelbin, 21.'!. For sented same de- among administration of- lots given out. that the dem- surveyor: telegram ot congratulation to his the district when feeling ocrats had linss, 411. feated two years ago. ficials has been that unless on carried the city pre- opponent. would be cincts by tin average of from two I'roeinct 12 115. With 2.530 out of 2. 747 districts earlier start is made than Nov. 7. with congress meeting the to one to four to one. The sub- For senator: Mavis, 02; Jones, in New York city heard from. Philadelphia, Returns possible 220. 57: from 96 districts out of 8,021 in first Monday in December an extra sequent count showed that this For congress: Warren, Smith had run up a plurality of nec- held Morrow, 220. For governor: Hill, .The ever Pennsylvania, give Clifford Pinchot session undoubtedly would bo proportion good throughout 442,804. greatest margin 4. the scratched re- 00: 220. For lieutenant in for governor, 7,417, and John A. essary after next March The ambassadors, alter their conference. ballots, though liinklo, given a candidate by the city for the snapped publicans had claimed that governor: Gallegos, 115; Faca, 200. any previous election wan 417,000, McSparren, 4,125. Although the program The they U. S. 29 special session has not been work- amliassadoi's from the Ambassador Houghton to discuss ton: Hentano, Hungary; drew, to would gain when the seratcht'i For secretary of slate; l)e won by John F. Hylan in the may- For senator districts the conditions in middle give David A. Recti, ed out.deiinitely it briefly provides United States to tho middle Eu- Europe. Switzerland; (jisbon, to l'uiand; were chalked down. On straight Georges, II"; Chacon, 20!i. For oralty contest last year. republican, Heft to Ambassadors Wash- and to Con- C." 2.6(50; Samtel E. consideration bv the. house of in rigid: Houghton, (lei'iuany. ballots the democrats ami in the slato auditor: IJelgado, Vigil. Shull, democrat, fr ropean countries, conferring burn, to C'astloe, ditions in central were dis- 205. For Nov. 7 Asso- 1,033. the merchant murine bill and work Austria; attache Kuropo city by 1,412. treasurer: .Matson, 120; New York. (by the anti-- Berlin recently at tho calling of to stall? at cussed the Cnrbin. 10O. K0r ciated At 11 o'clock The same number of districts by the senate on the Dyer j department Washing by diplomats. Reports from the. country pre- attorney Press). al-- 1 z era I: 2 9 eastern standard time less than give George Wharton Pepper, lynching measure, which has cincts early indicated reduced Sedillo. 120: llelmielc. half of the returns for United for the otVier seat in the I7. ready passed the hous . Admin-- ! majorities in tho repul). For superintendent: P.laney, 153; S. and B, 1,225. istreition lenders hope these two! lican strongholds. Itanchos do F.ekloH, 220. For land commi-sione- r: State9 senator and representative senate, Fred Kerr, measures can were in and less be disposed ot by the LI! FOLLETTE IS Atrisco turned in a democratic ma- Muller, 70; L'aea, 202. For in congress than time the MQCRAT3 GflS EXPLOSION Prat-to- n. in the Ariz., Nov. 7. Four regular session convenes, jority of 25S. Barelas showed a supreme court: liarnes, 67; half a dozen turnovers Phoenii, house leaders have 210. com- been recorded. precincts in Maricopa and assured the, close vote. San Jose went demo- For corporation present lineup had reported that by the timo com- missioner: 182. house. Gillett county, three of them in Phoenix, president cratic by ISS, and the republicans Hill, !io; Montoya, In the Speaker mittee work i: a number of the' carried 11 Fur 110: has been and Meyer give for governor: Hunt, democrat. Alameda by only votes. representative: Weil, G37. regular appropriation bills will VICT0RI0U S TO HAVE went two 107. For London, the socialist, had 722: Campbell, republican, I'ajarito republican by Griego, representative: have been finished. , UDISi to one. Mohr, 171. in Scattered from lor,; Jonli, For rep- been defeated. Two precincts Yavapai county - reports 4 The house com- Kli resentative: give Hunt, 294; Campbell, 00. appropriations other Idealities showed small dem- Candelaria, 53: In the senatorial contests, the mittee has been called to meet Kri- - 7. com- ocratic majorities, and it. was ap- Chavez. 2! County commissioner Now York republican state day to begin its work. Ar- mittee had conceded the defeat of Denver, Nov. 7. Unofficial re- 20Q.0QQ MARGiN SEATS KILLED 80 MEN parent that tie? democrats would First district: Ilerrera, 5S; the es- 211. commissioner Senator Calder by Dr. Royal S. turns from precinct in the KRESS carry county. The official mijo, County timate at Second disfrlet: I!2; Keze-nie- k, Copeland, New York city's demo- Capitol hill district, Denver, gave NO EXTRA EDITIONS democratic headquarters itomero, health commission. In for governor: Griffith, republican, tv as that the county outside 1he 210. For commissioner Third cratic, OF NEW YORK would bv :!00 district: 04: H07. Connecticut, Senator McTean, re- 329; Sweet, democrat, 79. PAPERS Seven Republican Congress- Present Delegation in the Rescue Crews Out city go democratic Tlankin, Butt, state t lie same Bring to -- on. For Sanchez, 4S: was leading Thomas J. For secretary of IV probate judge: publican, Milli-ke- n ISSUED AFTER 7 P. men in Wisconsin. All His Is Re- The vote in 230. his democratic oppo- precincts gave unofficially: National Assembly Five More Bodies: Are was slow in, McClellan. For countv clerk: Spellacy, and all returns Will 61: Harris. 211. For nent. In Delaware, Senator Du 311; Noland, 108. Are Believed There Were No Believed to Be probably ilv Werner, was for New York, Nov. 7. With inl.r-es- t Supporters, turned; the Last not be received before tonight. sheriff: Lewis. 70: Zamora. 190. Pont, republican, leading ' 1 both term and the Ions Colorado Springs, Nov. 7. Two in the election .greater than to Won. Contests' Polls. in Precinct 12 . For treasurer: Sanchez, 00; Swope. the short oeen V :Ha$ at the the Workings. for- precincts in El Paso county for it tins tor years, New ork For senator: Davis. 14.": Jones, 217. For superintendent: I'.urke, term to follow. In , 2 . ."il. For congress: 00; Montoya, ISO. mer Governor Ralston, democrat, governor give: Griffith, republican, Milwaukee. Nov. 7. Senator New I.a., No.-- 7. Nov. 7 Warren, laO; 144: 90. evening newstia tiers . fter 7 o clock . Orleans Spangier, Pa., (by the .Morrow. 2(1. 1 1'reclnct '20 1C. with a of the state re- Sweet, democrat, I ! as For governor: till, only part con- as the result of an en- - M.. oliette. running Louisiana in the election today re- Associated Pressi. The lteilly 141; sr.J. For For senator: Davis. ported, was leading former Sena- For congressman: Third agreement Coal a llinkle. lieutenant (: Jones, two tered into by newspaper publish - j a f'efrtlbtfceli' fiy today's "Wisconsin turned to eonLTresis her present company's mine, swept by governor: (JallegoK, 14.1; Bnea, 201. For congress: Warren, 87; tor Albert 0. Beveridge, republi- gressional district, precincts ! out of 466. ers when that tlte - election, vim a. five to one favorite pas exolosioi, .yesterday inorninz, 2411. For of Hes arWriMY 207. For Jfll;. can, in what appeared to be a give; Hardly; republi- ijrcss delegation of eight democrats. The Wua cleared of its dead secretary stale: povunur: 104. men oh the New York i .jn-l- today. 141: 2fiO. 70; 217. For close contest. can, 123; Horn, democrat, Evening t,,n!clif ref urns, has been seats were not contested. Late this rescue George?, Chacon. For llinkle. lieutenant World Iu.d not to work ut afternoon, crews J 4 : Brat-- f S7: Speaker Gillett, republican, was idcjted elected I'ulted Slates senator, by out supreme court: Barnes, governor: Gallegos. Faca, i97. New Nov. 7. ter that hour. brought five bodies believed i.ii. 2 IS. land commission- For of state: Te from the second Massa- Haven, Conn., a esti- to be For secretary United States Senator V. The agreement of the newspa- majority conservatively the last in the workings. er: Mil Her. It.": Baca. 217. For 100; Chacon. 1H2. For chusetts district for his sixteenth George mated to exceed 1100,000 over his This the total of Georges, McLean had a lend of per owners, provided that morn- brought known attorney general: Sedillo. 151!; supreme court: Barnes, 0U: Erat-to- n, term, making him the patriarch nearly Mrs. Jessie Jack Hoop- ft dead to SO. Thirty-tw- o miners his democratic ing papers should not issue extra opponent, 6. Helmick. .242. For auditor: l)cl-gad- 201. commissioner ot the new house of representa- oer opponent, who dem- com- For of Thomas J. in from editions before 10:110 p. m. er, headed the shattered were rescued. Officials ot the 142: 230. treas- lands: 101: 1S5. tive, an honor held now by for- Spellacy, figures Avail- Vigil. For Mulkr. Haca. 39 towns out of 169 in the state. Thousands Jammed the bulletin ocratic independent ticket. pany declared that a of urer: .Matson, 230. For Sedillo. 91: mer Cannon, who was 21)11 ,r,:;:t um 102; Cnrbin, attorney general: Speaker The totals were: McLean, boards near 3'ark Row, und In able returns from out of their records made it practically For 2a2. For statu not a candidate for to repub nt 10 o'clock certain 112 were in the superintendent: Blaney, 144; Helmick, auditor: lican, 80,335; Spellacy, democrat, other centers were foreod to avail precincts give HEAVY VOTE that nun 02: Vigil, 181. For the new congress. "Undo Joe" toilette 20,767: :i.7ati. IT mine when the 1is)k Delgado. i themselves of incomplete eieotion Hooper. plnidoii treasurer: Matson. 14S; Cannon has had 2 3 terms but ..,u. Senator I.a Toi- Tlie total of lir.ted Oorbin, Forty-on- e towns for editions which were turned off the Closely following place. survivors 145. For they were not continuous. governor lette was his m.'ite. Gover- ineludns six miners were in superintendent: lilaney, gave: Temploton republican, 101,-- 7 presses of four newspapers before running who S3: Fckles. 203. For Three chairmen of important 7 nor John .1. Illalne. who when of corporation 23; Fitzgerald, democrat, 96.5S2. o'clock. publicly cage .the flond gas EDWARDS LEADS commissioner: Hill. 100: committees of the house of rep- acknowledge: th senator's leader- ALABAMA POLLSi and smoke issued from the mouth Montoya. in i For representative: Weil, resentatives were returned the - and advocated his of the shaft. The dead in- - Denver, Nov. 7. The first pre- ship platform. total 151. o: of Representatives RECORD FOR GROWING The vote on Hie race the 141; Griego, For roprescnla-jtiv- ei net t o in Denver on the gubernatorial t eludes three miners, rescued Mohr. Jordi. 153. Butler and McFadden of Penn- report same num- con-- 137; For Pule at this hour from tho alive. wi;o f.iilcd to regain : fiFHITIlB IfJ Continued on Tun. SWEtT POTATOES IS re-, 372: sylvania and Dempsey of New ber of was W H V M V I f M representative: Blaine, III precincts llbKMIIVUIItl .'eioitsneps. I U I ( 111 Chavez. 210. York. They are chairmen of the 1,861!: democrat UUI11I tUM For sheriff: Lewis, MADE MAN publican. liently. But! Further search of the headings Zamora. 170. naval, banking and rivers and BYJEXAS 2.31)4: Arnold, social- Strength Than Usual, was made Mine official.. 120; For probate Independent. tonight. Sanchez. 70; McClellan, harbors committees, respectively. ist. I!N."; Welles, 67. :irnl resetie men realised possi- Judge: DEMOCRATS SEE .Marshall, . No". 7. What prohibitionist, the Entire Democratic! the 220. For assessor: Hubbel, 137. is a Seven of tho states republican bility that one of two men might New York, rrov. 7. Up to 8 p. believed to be new record for La Toi- Is For treasurer: Garcia y Sanchez. sweet on black incumbent congressmen, till State Ticket Elected. have enteral the mine yesterday m. eastern standard time the re- growing potatoes lette also been re- without to boss. Si; tevvope, 202. For county school land in Texas was made by C. Ii. supporters, hnc reporting their Burke. 114: Mon- - turns from tho national congres- turned, to early returns, Nov. 7. The All miners listed as have superintendent: sional election were in REBUKED rioacli, a farmer living near May-fiel- according Birmingham, Ala., missing 1S3. For countv clerk: coming G.O. P. while In the eleventh district, Hu- been accounted fur, however. Partial Returns Give IUjm'toya. .n- - From ten liuo democratic state ticket, headed by Hill,,,. TiMti i . i-T...... slowly and the polls in many ttates rows, yards bert H. was un i, in, j in u, j .j or and feet Mr. Peavcy, republican, Wr. y were at that hour still open. long three apart. for election. V,'. Brandon for governor, 31.263 to 20,915 for county surveyor: Koss, 232; Glad- The "solid south" returned as l.toach has SO bushels ot opposed al- ding, 1. For commissioner dis- gathered was elected in its entirety, Final Re- usual democratic delegations in potatoes, the ground used neirg lican in Frelinghuysen: trict one: Herrera. SS; Armijo. 81 ELECTORATE one-fift- h though repul strength BALLOTS WITH Louisiana and tinder of, i 2nf. 65 Georgia, Mississippi, something anj 2 CLOSE CONTESTS some sections was the sult Is in Doubt. Second district: Kornero. i with indications that other demo- acre. At this rate, an acrj' of reported Hezemek. 227. Third district:' cratic strongholds south of the ground would have produced 400! IN CONGRESSIONAL heaviest ever recorded. Kankin, SO: 203. Newark. X. Nov. 7 With re- Butt, Mason and Dixon line were in no bushels, and since the potatoes are J., 2fi . Prediction of a Great RACE IN KENTUCKY turns from all of the state 1'reeiiirt j danger. Party being sold at $1.00 per bushel, that r. ii :k noon won t bf MAYFIELD NAME parts For senator: Davis. 127; acre S400. II At F in, Indications at Jones, Returns from the northeast and Made Is would have yielded The IX J,F,.1FHSH II' dragging slowly 425. For congress: Warren, 132; Victory Monday va-- 1 Nov. 7,-- lueom-- Jl were that the west, however, were just beginning. potatoes are of the Porto Rie&n Louisville, Ky ' (('clock tonight Morrow. 414. For governer: Hill. In Massachusetts the first returns Verified the and some of them v. eig'.i as! return!) from the eleven con-- i Ala., Nov, 7. Sen- results in New Jersey's senatorial 129: Being by riety, ' plete Birmingham, llinkle. 424. For lieu- in "V. of Ala and contests would : showed Senator- Lodge running much ijs six pounds each. gressional distriets Kentucky ator Oscar Fnderwood gubernatorial tenant Tovei-nor- his out- Election Returns. close contests. In announced ON CHALLENGED be close. At that hour, Gallegos. 11S; ahead of opponent. The show but two bania today formally extremely Haca. 423. For a standing result early in the even- tho fifth republicans claim the e- that he will not be a candidate for representatives of none of the can- of secret rv - state: Des 124: was tho of Nov. 7. A state- VIRGINIA DISTRICT lection of M. H. by op- of tbP democratic mi didates would hazard a confident George, ing apparent defeat Washington, Thatcher leadership Chacon. 41". supreme court Governor Miller in New York by ment issued at 11 o'clock tonight proximately 3.000 votes, with 5!) nority in the senate after March 4. estimate of the final result. Barnes. 117: WRESTED FROM G. 0. P. Contention Is In- 2:'. el- Bratton. 428.' For Alfred K. Smith, the democratic from democratic national commit precincts missing.' Democratic "Tlie condition of my health." That the Only of tlie state's 2.461 land of two in name of of the "makes :t advis- ection had tubulated commissioner: Muller, 117; governor years ago. Smith tee headquarters the headquarters claim the election said senator, Issued districts their Baca. 4L'3. nttornev carried Syracuse, the home city of Chairman Cordell Hull, reclared Ilristol, Va., Nov. 7. For the Kendrick Iewls by approximately able both in justice io tlie party junction by Judge votes by that time. These gave fp general: Mille- -, first time in 22 a democrat - Sedillo, 122; Helmick, 421. For Governor hy 6,704 votes. that "the prediction of a great years 1,000. ,. and to myself that I should not Blakeman at Groesbeck Senator Frelinghuysen, republican, statu The five women Mon has been elected to from re- 1 not I9d auditor: Delgado. 120; Vigil. first candidates democratic victory made last congress Scattered ' and incomplete offer for do 20,915, and (iovernor wards, 400. For treasurer: for the house to appear In the re- day in a statement from democrat the ninth Virginia district, giving turns from ;5",Out of ItlTi precincts want my friends to feel any un- Is Still in Force. democrat. :!l,2H:l. in the fight for Matson, 168: turns were beaten. were In the Old Dominion a solid demo W. about health Corhin, 377. For Four io national headquarters is being in thk tenth district gave John necessary alarm my tlie senatorial tog?.. For governor, of schools: superintendent Pennsylvania and one was in North verified by the returns from nil cratic delegation. Unofficial re Laiigfer.TCpubitcan, 7.1 a'; V. Tom but it Is not robust enough 'for mo Wichita Falls. Texas. Nov. A the same districts gave Itunyan, Blaney, 122; Eckles. 4 S i 'J to HI, For commission- Carolina. sections of which have turns tonight indicated that the . . continue after March tlie duties of all bu'loct on and Sis.lcr, corporation the country Hatcher, democrat, blanket challenge republican. 27.515;; er: Hill. 129; In the south Senators Trammell been from at hour. majority of George C. Peery, demo- of leadership which such which name democrat. . Jtontnya, 413. For heard this Tho third district. previously require Alayfield'.s appeiicd Weil." v Of Florida. George of Georgia, wonderful won crat, over his republican opponent, an constant attendance." as of till At 702 representative: 139: Griee-- "The victory by considered doubtful, rolled up senatorial candidate and midnight reti litis fiom 1 Swan-so- n ton. or Stephens of Mississippi and Governor Smith and Senator Cope-lan- d John H. Hassinger, for the seat of Upon home here from votes oast districts 2.4 '1 4 in representative: Jtobr. unofficial majority approxi reaching for Mayfield' by such out of the state 402. of Virginia evidently are elect- in New the statement now occupied by C. It. 1". Tho-- 1 Washington recently. Senator Un- was F.dwards 10!', 654 and Jordi, For represcnt.i-- t s York," Representative 6,000 to elect ballots, presented at practi- gave t smc-oed- mately ive: ed. Senator George Mrs. Baseom would derwood was bv bron- - I 'andelario. 22; Chaves, 419. continued, "will only "vary in do Slemp, republican, mas, democrat, over W. O. Moats, attacked cally all boxes In Wichita county S'J.tlOs for 'tilted States For W. II. Felton, appointed by Gov to re bo close to 2,000. ehitis and he had to cancel his The senator and Silzer 102.5iit sheriff: Lewis. 120: Zamora, Hardwick to gree, according early reports republican. today l'eddy supporters and 1 29. For ernor succeed the late ceived at democratic national head 'speaking engagements. His term challengo was present-'.- ! verbally at Hunynn iiH.tSO for governor. probate judge: Sanchez, Senator Thomas Watson. Site was as senator from Alabama extends each of the the 142; JleClellan. 400. For assessor- - the first woman senator tut never quarters. four next polling puiecs, liubbell. 170. For "General dissatisfaction with the M'CORMICK AND WIFE years from ;lnrch. contention being that the injunc- 'WOMEN IN POLITICS treasurer: Gar- took her seat. administration and LEADING tion issued Fiackinou at cia y Sanchez. 129; Swope. 423. returns from the sena. republican SAIL FOR FRANCE ON by judge For school Early the is Croesbeck placin-- ; .May-field- 's MAKE ME SICK.' SAYS superintendent: Burke. torial contest In other states were republican congress clearly (MSI against 134: Indicated In the returns received LINER MAURETANIA name on the ballot i'3 still in Montoya, 417. For county not indicative of the results, al up to this hour. BOMUS. force and effect. NEW YORK MERCHANT clerk: Werner, 117; Harris, 427. though shortly after 8 o'clock the "The are SOLDO For county surveyor: Boss. 442. early returns from the Nov! 7. Senator New York Times announced the cast and middle west where SEiATOR LODGE; New York, New Nov. 7. Women In For commissioner, First district: election of Dr. S. the Medlll of the SPARKS APPOINTED York, Royal Copeland, democratic candidates McCormlok, chairman make 1110 Herrera, 123; Armijo, 418. Second to the senate, in defeat generally senatorial committee, politics sick, "ruminated democrat, are leading and If these leads are republican BEER AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN lOugene Komanski. dry coeds mer- district: Romero. 110: Bezemek. of Senator Calder, republican. not will sec sailed with Mrs. McCormick for WINE chant as he. 137. Third district: Alfred E. Smith's over maintained only these Mauretania surveyed th" line of Bankin, 130; plurality tions record a CONTESTS CLOSE France on the today. BY AMERICAN LEGION feminine voters in ot a poll- Butt. 415. Governor Miller of New Y'ork con- victory, but give He said had voted mail front promise ot a nation wide revolt that he by ing place on upper Broadway. Precinct 2 2A. tinued to mount as' the returns beforo leaving Chicago and had Total vote 557. re- In. against the republican party with Indoanapolls, Ind., Nov. 7. Jo? Tho next tiling Komars'u knew cast. Straight, piled a of tho arranged to be kvpt informed by ILLINOIS to- ho was in publican, S3; Thn first turnover in tho con- restoration democratic elec- SWEEP Sparks of Columbia,, S. C, was a wvt side court, Ms straight democratic, so One-Thir- d the" wireless of tho progress of the 229. elections came In Ten- - party to power far as It can bo of Precincts day appointed chairman of the face bruised and scratched, his gressional accomplished at this election. The tions throughout the country. American National Rehab- clothes torn and missim. I'reclnot 2fi 1!H. Demo-crat- ic would invest- Legion jiJlar party has failed the in the State Give lie said that he ilitation it wnu an- a ot Total vote cast, 1030. republican economic conditions on Fur-op- e committee, answering charge (iisordtily tralght country utterly, and every indica- Lead igate Both Have nounced by the legion national conduct, preferred by oi:e of the republican, 120; straight demo tion at Candidate a and how the United Slates Propositions this hour is that tho people n. was women. cratic, o!t. in its economis rchabil-Itratio- Been Enor- headquarters. Sparks appoint- have decided to return to the party of 18,229. might help Carried by ed by Commander Owsley and suc- "The worst ot it is." paid Koman- 1'reeinrt 12 21!. WEATHER of progress and pros- A. A. he had told his Total vote cast, 666. re- performance, si-t- of mous Is Pre- ceeds Colonel tiprague of ski, after story, Straight Bady Alan Johnston, Majorities. and been dismissed 84; perity." Boston, Nov. 7. Close contests Gifford candi- Chicago. by tho court us publican, straight democratic, FORECAST. in- Pinchot, republican 180. for senator and governor were In diction of Observers. Mr. Sparks served as private sufficiently punished. already, Denver, Colo.. Nov. 7. New date for governor Pennsylvania, called me a. Prwinct 12 2 A. SENATORIAL RACE IN dicated returns from more than Jiau-retani- a. during the world war with the "they 'big Tammany Mexico: by was another passenger on the cheese' Total vote 562. General1, fair Wednesday one-tliir- d of election 7. Third and Scventli pioneers. He when I'm a straight repub- cast, Straight I. the precincts . Chicago, Nov. Illinois' and probably Thursday: somewhat R. S.EEMS TO HAVE in Massachusetts. The vote of 521 soldiers' bonus referendum haw been liaison man of the fifth lican." republican, 62; straight democra- warmer extreme north S tic. 206. Wednesday BEEN WON BY GERRY precincts, including 2 in the city and the light wine and beer propo- district of the veterans at Atlanta, portion. of Boston ga o Gaston, democrat, 2 ARRESTED, CHARGED sition were sweeping the state on Ga., for tho past year. NEBRASKA RETIRES San Jo.c. Arizona: Fair Wednesday and for a lead of '.229 over face of Straight ballots: Bcpubllcan, no in Providence. Tl. Nov. 7. senator, the early returns tonight. Thursday; important change I., With IrfKlgo, and Fitzgerald, WITH VIOLATING THE The bonus in the downstate IlllFHll OF I'ltO.MISK SUIT. GILBERT HITCHCOCK, 176; democratic, 351. a 1 republican, votp tomperature. load of 4,64 in 103 districts out democrat, for governor, a lead of with 131 nut of 3.548 New York, Nov. 7. A breach of Alameda. of .Senator G. of IOWA ELECTION LAWS precincts DEMOCRATIC SENATOR 145 - 194, I'ctcr Gerry 10.79G over Cox, republican. The reporting, showed the proponents promise suit for $200,000 was filed Final: Republican, demo- LOCAL ltl.l'ORT llhode Island Is deemed .Mrs. practically Boston precincts heard from cave of the payment to soldiers leading here today by Lillian C. Hunt- cratic, 135. Conditions for the twenty-fou- r a winner over it. Livingstone Gaston n of 43.795 and res .Moines, Nov. 7. Frank O. bv 190.7 er on behalf of her 2U old Omaha, Neb., Nov. 7. Nebraska ended 6 malorltv votes to the precinct. In year Itrela. hours at p. m. yesterday, Beecltman, his republican oppon 47,2(12. Thomas C. Sebring and Herman Ogron, both Cook countv Gertrude Hunter retired Gilbert JL dem- ballots: . Fitzgerald the first eight pre- daughter, Gladys Hitchcock, Straight Itepubiican, recorded by the university: ent. The remaining districts to be was elected giving Des Moines as their address Paul F. Heller. The ocratic United mates in 148: democratic. 141. B8 O'Brien, republican, cincts gave the bonus law a lead of against latter senator, , Highest temperature heard from ore for the most part Suffolk were arrested at the or tne 185 votes-t- 50 old Is a member of ono the election Lowest district attorney of county, polls the precinct. Tho wine years of Tuesday and at tho raiarllo. .29 democratic strongholds and for this including Boston, by a substantial first precinct in the third ward and beer referendum led 106,7 tho Newark's wealthiest families. snme time chose another demo- For senator: Davis, 93: Jones 41. , Is fa- by Kanga .... ,...23 reason Gerry held to be the margin over Joseph C. Pelletier, here today charged with violating votes to the precinct In the first crat, Charles W. Bryan, brother of For congress. Warren, 90; Morrow, 'Mean 44 vorite. In the gubernatorial race democrat, who was removed from the election laws. 131 downstate .TACOH C.IMUF.I, DK YD. W. J. as ot 4R. For Governor: Hill. 90; llin- 6 m. - districts renortlnir. Bryan, governor the Humidity at a...... SO W. S. Flynn, democrat, Is making a that office by the court. Accordlne to County Jailer Mo- and K5.1 in tho Cook Nov. 7. Jacob slate. kle, 43.. For lientenant governor: 6 m. supreme by first eight rhiludelphia, Humidity at p...... 4K strong race and holds the lead The 621 precincts gave for gov- Murray, Ogren Is not a resident of countv precincts. Gimbel, a member of the depart- Senator tliteheock conceded his Gallegos, SO; Baca, 44. For secre- Precipitation ..k...O with returns in from 105 districts ernor: Cox (H.t, 120.672: Fitzger tho precinct In which he attempted While the returns already In Rre ment store firm of Gimbel broth defeat a few hours after the polls tary of state: Pes Georges. 90". vmu 1!)4. Is Txl-gnd- vuiui;iiy out of The count Flynn, ald (D.). 131.4CS. For Renator: to vote. Sebring Is alleged to have few. political observers ers of Philadelphia, New York and closed, a note of Chacon. 42. For state auditor, o, .., . ., . predicted sending congrat- Direction of wind .Sojthweat democrat, 'I8.tti2; U. J. Gross, Gaston (I).), 128.176; Lodge (K.), signed tho papers as sponsor for that both propositions have carried Milwaukee died, nt his summer ulation! to 11. B. 90: Vigil. 41. For treasurer: Character of Clear Howell, republi- day ?7,Cii3. 109,917, Ogren. 'by enormous majorities. homo at Atlantic City today. can candidate. Cvntioued on I'ag Inu. I Page Twai ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL1 November 8, 1922

For secretary of state: Des Georges, N. Y. ELECTS SMITH rented. I shall build rooro houses, HIGH RECORD MADE made during tWe year, partly to 16.". is Glass-Lumb- 137: Chacon, For supreme because there a great demand speculation, and partly to the Wind Shield er CONSTRUCTION OF court: Barnts, 149; liratton. 161!. GOVERNOR; COPELAND ALBUOUEROUE IS fur them at paying rentals. BY FOUND STERLING moral Influence exerted by the Sii.OOO c. u u nmix. i; i.imhisk to. For land commissioner: Aluller, This has about peo- continued fall of 111 Mri-e- t RACE city ON THE BOURSE the German mark Sou lint I'iiuue 403 IGo; fcaca, 152. For attorney gen- WINS INSENATE ple, including suburbs. Tho sub- PARIS and decreasing confidence in for- eral: Sedillo, 157; llelmiclc, 1 15. V 01 urban population is more than half eign markets that Germany will Continued frum One. m cm 7 FEDERAL For utato auditor: Debjado, 105; rage as many as livo within tho corpor- Paris, Nov. (by the Associated never pay France's reparations. IBS Vigil, HS. lor slate treasurer: contest unof- III!! linidLU ation limits. Press). The pound sterling made 113. gubernatorial Matson. 159; Cor bin, For gavi, The Htato University is located I STIMKU IS 122; I'D. a new high lccerd on he Paris 360 school Dluney, 1 4 ; ficially: Sweet, Griffith, and is u wcil sustained and 7. avj:rtki. PHQNE mperintendent, Thcso were from precincls here, bourse today. The overage quota- Paris, Nov. (by tho Associated Eckk'S. 1J4. For coriioration figures high class school. You know the 69 The H-- 3, downtown tion was :Vancs. 50 centimes, or Press), threatened strike ot 15 Hill. 151; a precinct. oy federal made 5 Parcel prog ccniniitMon: Montoya, government large 2 francs centimes above the pre- gas workers In Paris has apparent- Delivery 15 2. ran mm For reiiesentatives: Weil, of land for the endowment f,7 45 been ,' vious ly averted. All New Nov. 7. Rock-ribbe- d giants top mark of francs the employes And Messenger Service. 147; (ii'lego, 157. For representat- York, of tho University, and tho State 1920. of four it centimes, readied in April, the affected plants reported Messages-Packages- - Baggage. Monroe which ive, Jiohr. 156; Jordl, 14S, For republieaa county, government upprupriaicn nooui Today's flurry was attributed for work today. Between Bernalillo representative: Candelnria, 156; gave Governor Miller, republican, Aaron Brown, 710 taol $100,000 a year for mrintenance, in to Road a more, 26.U0U partly continuation of French Chaves. 153. For sheriff: Lewis, plurality of than Sfltlta FP AvPniJP TellSi addition to what may I., u ppro-n- payments abroad in the. and Re 19U. In 1920, was won former Gov- re- - regular Domingo Being Us: zanmra, For probate by pi.j!it.d for now buildings autumn settlement for purchases. Want Ads Bring Quick Results on Railroad judge: .Sanchez, J56; McClellan, ernor Smith, democrat, by 6(KS. the Fn ki in His O n HonirVuutra located tti. For assessor: Hubbell, 88. Senator Calder, republican, carried u.,i3trt. l.fmU'Ttl ltnro from C. H. CARNES Level; Cuts Out Grades. For treasurer: Gareia, y Sanchez. tho county by over 5, Out). Town About Duke City. eastern universities, and they have 162: 8wope, 144. For school sup- to be high clans to secure employ- SPECIALIST IN OTtXAIl 7 ACTION 'Many miles tf road are either erintendent: Burke, 128; Montoya, Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov. Aaron Brown, 710 East Santa Fe ment. KKFIt construction or to b con- 175. For county clerk: Werner, (by the Associated Mayor avenue, arrived in Albuquerque Utt The great majority of the popu- 107 S. Fourth. Phone 1057-- under l!)6: 113. C. Walton of Pre). lation are here on account of cli between nnd Harris, For surveyor: J. Oklahoma City. November, so weak he could hnrdly structed Albjijueriiue Hons i7. For county commissioner: democrat, running on a farmer-labo- r mate, and the people come from fed- Into hotel and could scarce- Santa Ye at tho expense of the First district: Herrera, 143; Arm-i.j- platform, took the lead in get the every state in the whole nation. eral government. There ara three J09. For commissioner second the race for governor on early re- ly talk above a whisper. Tho other Many now are coming here from of thee roads at present, nil pass- dbitrict, Romero, 168; Bezemek, ports. Returns from 38 precincts day he visited the Morning Journal Europe. Ki8. commissioner dis- the Wal- office claimed he wus Ne Mexico is not cold like Co- ing over Indian reservations and For Third out of 2,937 in stite gave and feeling trict Kankin, 151; Butt, 149. ton 8,530 and John Fields repub- fit as u. fiddle, and lie certainly lorado In the winter, nor hot like Jjueblos. 2,472. looked like he was in perfect Arizona in the summer. The ch- - UMBER II. )'. Martin, of the radlllas. lican and conservative, engineer y health. Mr. Brown wanted o tell ia a sure cure for lubercti .bureau of is Final result: Republican major-il- mate GLASS PAINT jniblin ri!d, spending 12. Nov. 7. Carmi his old friends In Marietta, Ohio, losis if tho sufferer comes hero in several days in the Albuquerque ot Columbus, Ohio, A. candidate how he had improved since coming time. Too often they stay btuk CEMENT PLASTER of In- Ilanohos le Atri.oo. Thompson republican i; office of til,. supeiitileiKient V. so ho wrote a letter to the where contracted it until it dian cue cairns over the Final: Republican, 72; demo- for governor, was leading A. here, they 7J. democrat, by nearly Marietta Times. The letter, which teo late. While they stay ot home maris. purpose of this cratic, Donahey, was Times a con- - over the votes on returns from 195 of follows, printed in the hoping to get well, they are is t' check Santa Barlira. October 31 rtant t6 men, women a a J will bo constructed Final: 129; dcrno- - the state's 8,107 precincts early danger Hlbuquerque roada which Republican, 120 Fdltor ot The Times: Tor years children who come in contact, wiili under federal direction. Under a eralic, 1 1. tonight Including precincts : from Cleveland, Thompson's homo. I wus in a general contracting busi- them. recent ruling the federal govern-- (Iillili. ness in Marietta, where I have a This is a good town, aul it I; Lumber Co. ment will construct nil roads Final: Republican majori'.y of Senator Atlee Pomarene, demo led Simeon D. wide ncoualntunco and love the building fast. People ore coming throuRii Indian reservations and 16. crat, Congressman houses be Jose. Fess, republican, in the senatorial city and Its splendid peoply. here faster than, utt 423 North First Street pueblos. San 1 them. About $ 1.000, Final: demo- race BOO votes Because had contracted tuber built lor 0'0 SAY " 1 There are three of these roads Republican, 176; by approximately I was forced to from worth of have gone in. BAYER" when Aspirin between and cratic, 354. on returns from 68 precincts. Early culosis, movij buildings you buy Albuquerque a of approx- there to Albuquerque Now Mex this year or are going tir- - l'"a pas?siiiB over pueblo Krauts. Une C'oor's returns gave majority 1 In- Statement. 400 ratification of ico, in November of 1921. am Although there is a lo! of Unless you see the name and ror pain in general. Accept, Journal Want Ads Bring Results. of these is between Bernalillo and The democratic candidate who imately against In amer-dmen- unking yon to publish this letter dians near here, they arc good "Payor" on or on This road will be re- Berna-- the wine and boer The package only "Bayer" package which Domingo. were swept into office In i your wee it day edition so mat l Indians. Also tliero are a lot of tablets you are. riot getting the contains directions. located. Heretofore it has passed Ho will be ob- vote: 196 precincts for governor: proper county yesterday 15,173; may answer through Tho Junes a Spanish people in and ab"ut tins genuino Bayer product prescrib- Handy boxes of twelve tablets over rough, hilly ground. .U will liged by the democratic organiza- Thompson, republican, of but thev are citiacnu. ed by over to the democrat. 12,451. great number IiKiuines that city, gnod physicians twenty cost few cents. Druggists ulso be to run cIofb tion to comply with platform Donahey, come old not Please this for the inform. tuo years and 24 As- CARRY Fifty-eig- ht for sena- from acquaintances, print proved sale by sell bottles of and 100. DON'T railroad and on the same level, and will be left precincts i millions promises nothing Pome-ren- e, a few ot whom nave tuberculosis of my friends, and if there for colds, headache, pirin is the trade mark of This tor: Fess republican, 3,152; 1 thUH cuttinz out all grades. undone to the a busi 1 bill Monoace-ticucidest- er give county ; D. themselves or in their families. any charge send me tie; and toothache, earache. neuralgia. Uayer Manufacture of extern", 20 and j mss-lik- e, democrat, 3,62 Virginia MONEY ON YOUR road will between progressive government. cannot answer all 'he will remit. i lumbago, rheumatism. neuritis. of Adv. miles. Greene, independent 149. personally tjalicylicaeid. This was the statement made at e letters that come to me. Another road will run between One hundred and thirty-nin- midnight by O. Coors, chair- When 1 came on November i TRIP This Henry pVecincts on wine and amend- here KANSAN IN ADDRESS Albuquerque and Gallup. man uf the demoeratio central ber 4, I wus so weak that I could differ- ment, for, 8,837; 9,255. 1921, road will pass over three committee, after it had been' def- against, hardly get Into ihe hotel arc! I DENOUNCES ARMOUR ent pueblo grants. Tho third road established returns from initely by i"ov. 7. Returns from could scarcely talk abcvo a whis will be constructed between Santa the precincts in city and county Boston, When 1 ordered the few thing.-- : Be ex- one-fift- h outside ot per. Nov.' G. Money May Fe and Taos. Thi road will that had been of the state, I Hutchinson, Ivans., the entire ticket show Cox. for could eat, the waiters were likely tend between 15 and IS miles. elected by an overwhelming ma- Bosfon, republican, to ine other food, unless I Speaking nt a political rally here in Lost or Stolen on been governor consiaerauty bring - favorite Work these roads has tunning 1 s J. N, Tin- Instant jority. tho order. was weak In of for wrote tonight, Congressman noing on for some time past idea the cam- ahead I.odgo, republican, I could not so as to Mr. "My throughout and democrat, that speak cher of Medicine liodgc. c.inuioale various sections. As coon as paign lias been that the people senator, Fitzgerald, make understood. 1 was for of Travelers' Ills for governor, running slightly be myself and Our Cheques Martin has completed present of this county desired efficiency about all In, and the doctors bi'Ck Capper-Tinch- er determined hind Gaston, democrat, for sena the grain futures, with hvm's of fine are cashable investigations and and service in their govern- paL-se- d j everywhere, good tor. The vote of 229 election pre- home had sentence) of early trading act, denounced J. Ogdeu upon the entire territory which ment. Our candidates are pledged death me. are safe from theft and fur- cincts outside of Boston give for upon Armour. comes within federal scope, to and must In mI that obey their plat- governor: Albuuueroue two conditions Tho congressman cliarncleri t be if lost. ther construction will bo instituted form I will be glad if t tlio white plague. One is the Armour as who lias may replaced sections not covered. promise. Cox, republican. 56,652: Fitz- a manipulator in those yet the Journal will thank r. of SOi'O Tho oth .'!." a. Morning gerald, democrat, 25,257; for senti-to- altitude tivt. t is. l.iken cents bushel prolit on tho democrats and independent Gaston, democrat. 26,381; the dryness of the atmosphere. .'.a, 000. 000 bushels ot wheat from Let Ua Equip You For BERNALILLO COUNTY voters of this county for. their Lodge, republican, 49,229. While there is an ubundani supply tho growers, giving 20 ecnis "Good splendid efforts in the campaign. of good water here, it cornea from bushel of this amount to Great to the last drop the Trip. ROLLED UP MAJORITY We won becatiso of indefati- 11,0 me a Rue. U.S. PAT. OPP. the St Louis Mo Nov 7 (by the s- - oi KocKy Hritaiti and keeping lo tents work done by the women, Press)'.-Ja- l Ci'lTl,!'l san is tm-- 1 FOR DEMOCRATS gable soclated mes A. Reed tbrough bushel for himself. helped now and then by the men ldlnir hi, reinibliran - derground and Is brought into the, , First Bank of our The major- wb, ' by means n. wells. Savings Cuiitinurd frum I'nsc One. organization. nent It H Brewster v more than Hty reservoir Notwithstanding a woman's fond ity rolled up In this county will 4.000 ballots on returns from Tha water is always perfectly pure . ,1(,.8 f(,r i.argt.ins. nothing mak-- s and be an In' re- early 1 he ia aomitt Maison, 90: Corbin. 42. For at- important factor the 217 scattering t reclticts in Missouri nnnual rainfall only lf.,. madder than tho EiiKgestum Sedillo, Ilel-mle- sults In the stale. at an hour tonight. Iseven inches. Sometimes we ivi she is wearing nc or them. torney general: behalf- - of early much in ono back (,t. Trust Company 4 2. For school ruperintend-en-!; t, "On the democratic nearly that rain Philadelphia inquirer. I M. Blaiiey. S3; Kekles, 4 2. For organization pledge my efforts , AMJCQLEKQLE. N. land commissioner: Muller, 91: to the people of this community to the end court house 1Z The summers here are never Want Ads Bring Quick Results 42. court, that the '"",'" . , Baea, For supremn be Cldl4llU& JUIMIStllUi lt:(JU WHtt,n One u blanket Barnes. 89: Bratlon. 4 4. For cor- for the nest two years shall 3,951; Ferris, democrat, 2.64.". For sultry. sleeps under commissioner: 90; conducted strictly in the Interests every night, as from tho hottest poration Hill, governor: Groesbeck, republican. of Montoya, 42. For representative, of citizens and taxpayers." 4,305; Cummins, democn.t. 1.S92. part the day the thermome'er Veteran politicians last night drops about 45 degrees each night. Weil, 82; Griego, 40. For repre- never 92; 41. were enthusiastic In their praise 7. The coldest .nights sentative: Mohr, Jordl, cam- Beaver City. Xeb.. Nov. Thia to and from .he For Candelario, 90; of the work done during the one's teeth chatter, representative: Chairman Coors. was iiiuiiBucu 1MB mat i'.uh",i iloiVCRt of v. Liter Chaves, 42. For county commis- paign by It iiiv temperature the consensus of .icuiuHha eivuuiia, (lie til rt t lie thermometer regis-lt- a sioner: First district, Herrera, 88; opinion among precinct reporting showing for nights 4!: Second Ran- the old warhorscs that Coors had rise of about 45 degrees in tho day-- j Armljo. district. senator: Howell, republican, 70; time. kin, 88; Butt, 46; Third district. waged one of the hardest and Hitchcock, deimornt. So. A is miles In has heat and for 4 heard 4. For brainiest campaigns conducted An- Albuqueruuo dry Romero, t'0; Bezemek, For congress, fifth district: Is whisper this In was 7 dry cold. It us dry as the desert fanchez, 90;' county many years. It drews, republican, 6; Klmllen-berge- r, probate judge: Vet itself is in ,w forest of! 4". For county cW'k: freely admitted that by his work democrat, 81. the city Werner, 9T: Harris. 41. For in this county he had gained for fine big trees. 1 n 1 few sheriff: S9; 46. himself an important place In the San Antonio Tex.a Nov. 7. Re- When had been her? week A years ago as time is measured you would have Lewis, Xamora, was ablo to walk a mile easier than For assessor: Hubbell, 94. For state demoeratio organization. election of .'onressman Harry Oil. 42. I could walk a block when 1 io't been burned as a sorcerer for saying you talked to a person treasurer: Sanchez, 91: Pwope, Wurzbach of the fourteenth Texus seven For school Burke. riF.ncr: i district Is indicated re- Marietta. At the end of superintendent: wins cmr:;oN. by early week-- j hero I was able to' who was five miles away. SI; Montoya, 64. For surveyor: Portland, Ore.. Nov. 7. The turns which show a substantial stay 46. lead over shovel a ton of coal that had to b.'j itoss, Oregonian, republican, at 11 p. m., State Senator Harry one Vrrclnct 13. Hartzberg. his democratic oppo- moved from place to mother. conceded the election of Pierce, Because I knew would have Today accept the as a matter of course For senator: Davis, 147; Jones, nent. Returns from thirty-on- e I to you telephone democrat, for governor over live in even 1 156. For congress: 156; boxes in this (Hexar gave this climute. ifter and could life Warren, republican, by an estimated county am well of tuberculosis, I have scarcely imagine without it. Morrow, 14S. For governor: Hill, majority of 20,000. Wurzbach 2,338. Hartzber 1,725. l."2; Hinkle. 150. For built six houses here. I live in one lieutenant of them and have five of thetti governor: Gallegos, 303; Baca, 140. Journal Want Ads brins results. TJenver, Nov. 7. Four Denver In telephoning, as in so many other activities of modern precincts, reporting unofficially on the gubernatorial race, give life, Exide Batteries play a vital part. It is current from Griffith, republican, 598; Sweet, democrat, 394. an Exide that carries your voice over the wire in the Bell HOW TWO WOM EH Manchester. N. II., Nov. 7. Re- and most other telephone systems. turns from 20 election precincts out of 2S4 In New Hampshire give; For governor, YT. H. Good-ro- Exide Batteries operate the fire alarm, a majority ' propel republican, 2,822;, F. II. s :j ESCAPE DO PERATIONS Brown, democrat, 2,025. of the world's submarines, run mine locomotives, and The same precincts in 3 920 even the in the circus gave: A. O. Brown, republican, play "steam" piano parade. 4.O30; C. a. TUton, democrat. Doctor Advised Use of Lydia E. Pink-ham-'s 2,021. It is because the makers of the Exide Battery have Ties Moines, Iowa, Nov. 1. gained experience in building batteries for every purpose Vegetable Compound Ejmltli W. Brookhart, republican liJil candidate for Cnited States sena- since the beginning of the industry that the Exide for tor from Iowa, led Clyde L. Her Results in ring, democratic nominee, nearly . starting and lighting automobiles has earned the title of Happy Both Cases 2 to 1 in the first 75 to precincts long-lif- e St. Joseph, Missouri "Both of Lydia E. Pinkrmnvs Liver Pills and report out of 2,848 in the state. fie battery. my sides swelled and hurtfne bo used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative The vote: Brookhart. 11.415; Her- ,291. that I could not move or do any of Wash end the capsules and pre- ring, You will find the of an Exide a my work. There was heavy pres- recommended. I am Governor Kendall In 58 pre- dependable power great scription doing cincts received 10.560 votes and J. sure and pains through my lower all my work and have gained twenty comfort in and its life a worth-whil- e and the doctor told am H. Files, democratic candidate, They are motoring, long organs metotry pounds. I taking the medicines 7,208. LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- e till, but I feel tine. You have my The to - economy. for these troubles. He said proposal issue $22,000,- GOOD! pound I to use this letter for the j IU permission 000 ift state bonds to finance a state had this one chance, and if the good of others." Mrs. Mary uunua did nuiuier received d.&s votes, Vegetable Compound not help Mark, 37 Hamilton Av., White compared with S76 against, in 15 Electric fne nothing but an operation would. Plains, N. Y. precincts. The Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia After several bottles I felt f taking Service Stations Everywhere Branches In Seventeen Cities I it was helping me and now I am Some female troublesmay through Kansas City, Nov. 7. Unoffi- - f .ablo to do my own work. If my neglectreach a stage when an oper- cial returns early tonight from 79 testimonial will help others I shall ation is necessary. But most of precincts out of 2,530 in Kansas be glad for them to read it and hope the commoner ailments are not the for governor give: Morgan, re- - will do surgical ones; are not caused publican, 8.901; Davis, ' in r0UT be ' ' your Vegetable Compound they democrat, SSkfWwi '" you c,a jJLTSix " them as much good as it did me." by serious displacements, tumors, 7,935; Phillips, socialist, 179. fTttuSUWwiWwi confident of kitful repair r Wl fef'SIwStf'''TliStfcwjIXStSsi's. Mrs. Wm. Lockman, 613 N. 4th St., or growths, although the symp- riJCBSWig;. wk. fair price., and re-- J' Little Nov. 7. VW, pon-ib- le advice nt the near- - . . V - ,t5t Joseph, Mo. toms may appear the same Rock, Ark., 'i,T;WS J jr"Ma "fStSr- Scattered returns early tonight l3'mSSl0i: I White Plains, N. Y."l had such When disturbing ailments first indicated possibly one of the light- n pain that I could hardly walk and appear, tako Lydia E. Finkhsm's est votes in the history of the . the doctor said that I needed an op- Vegetable Compound to relieve the state. Ideal weather conditions eration. I was eick for a year be- present distress and prevent more throughout the Blate caused many fore I started taking your medicine serious troubles. Many letters have to believe that '.he vote in three 'and I could not work. I saw your ad- been received from women who districts In which there were con- In excess vertisement in a little book and that have been restored to health by tests would be of pre- nffw'rM about hmttmrHmnttmt Pink-ham- vious on account. Is how I came to take Lydia E. 's Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable expectations this thmn mutotnobUm bmttmrtm 1 Jn tho third district, where no mhoatd be mddmmmtf to tarn medicines. have been taking Compound after operations have Right In price, because the and been advised candidates were certified to op- - Vegetable Compound Lydi by attending pose John N. Tillman, democratic our buyers have t li e . Pinkham's Blood Medicine, also nioiuw at tliclr command nominee, the voters apparently to Text-Boo- buy right. ;t Lydia E. Pinkliam's Private k npon "Ailments were writing in the names of J. Frank Carleton, and .Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request, republican, in Write to the L.vdia IJ. Pinkliatu Medicine Co., Lynn, Massa- M. A. ltude, independent, on the It'lilit sole, chusetts. Tli is book contains valuable information. ticket, this according to advice wo wlect only what fash- ; Adf. here Is legal in Arkansas. ion lenders usmiro us are dihlKmil right. Bloux Falls, 6. P., Nov. 7. JVIMJW)jMWII,l I I' Winn, I. Wl returns from 97 pre- fUmlit in malum--, because -'.J--j,-11T Scattering flllf cincts over South Dakota show for wo deal only with nianii-fiuiurc- rs governor: McMaster, republican, who do thing 7,121; Crlll, democrat, 4.327; Daly, right. SWEATERS! SWEATERS! league, 2,77. Right in service, because Kor Colds, Grip or Influenza wo build on reproduction ON SALE TODAY and as a Preventive, take laxative on m ' always trying to do .MEN'S HEAVY RWKA'J KIIS m- - B 110 MO QUININE lets. The right. ONLY tfl.UUf( box beurs the signature or w J.I MIT ONE TO EACH CVSTOMKR Grove, (Be sure get BROMO.) 89C R'glit ever' time und Io Not l'ail to Uc Down Toiluy for There Will Be Txls verj- wny because In of Values V. Special ENTIRE FAMILY HAD "FIX" every Ciisc. what cvrr NEW de-fd- es ANOTUEH SHII'.MKNT OV HATS " 'Keen on Jon, our customer, right using Foley's wo mnlie It Honey and Tar. It will give quick right relief,' said the doctor, when the had "flu." Never entire family the IT'S 1UG1IT HIXAtSE 1 saw anything so. good," writes RADIO WE MAKE IT Mrs. A.B. Griffith. Andrews. Ind. BIGHT. Get an Exide Radio battery HE Neglected coughs and colds often BATTERIES 11 0JiEar lead to serlouB complications. Fo- for your radio set m ley's Honey and Tar. gives quick ONE CENT TO ONE DOLTAH relief. B'ree from opiates (Ingre- :1 STOHES CO. .131 W. Central Ave. I'honc iiUtf. dients printed on the wrapper). Largest selling cough medicine In THE LONG the world. Sold everywhere. LIFE BATTERY FOR YOUR CAR Adv. November 8, 1922 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Threo

don precinct, in Hidalgo county. gives. Davis, 21; Junes, 71. Warren,' AND r.; 03. BREWSTER RUNS SEVENTEEMEAR-0L- D ILLITERATE 'SIMEON D. FESS DEMOCRATS Morrow, Hill, 22; llinklc, 70. Estancia, N. M., Nov. 7. CALMLY DAY cino 12, Tor Golden Oiulo Siore AWAITS OF DEATH precinct N BEHIND REED IN i LEADS OPPONEWT G, 0. P. CLAIM A rance county complete, gives Ia- - AL&UQuRQu . vis, 47; Jones, U0; Warren, 4S; AN OLD sF6We wTf'HANW SPIRIT Danville, Ky Nov. 7. Sieve Morrow, 126; Barnes, 4S: lSnilton. is Just but the 123; Hill, 43; HInkle, 141; Galle-go- s, McQueen seventeen, 123; Do of life RACE 47; Baca, Georges, MISSOURI COUNT days his are numbered. Ill SENATE VICTORY N. M 46; Chacon, 123; Delgado, 47; For the boy is in t death house . Vigil, 126: Matson. 47; Corbln, of the Boyle county Jail here. 120; Scdlllo, 60; Helmick. 123; Murder was the charge 40; 123; Re- - against Be Hlanv, Kckles, Mtiller, On the Face of Early him. And of murder ho was con- Results in Ohio May Former Say There Was a OS; Baca, JOS; Hill, 33; Montoya, - 1 Democratic Incum- victed after a fair and Impartial T Be Undeter- Landslide in Their Favor; US; Candelaria. 51; Punning, 12 4; turns, trial. I ' I Close; May Laws, 47; Aiier, 126. bent Is Leadinq Opponent The law of the mountains caused mined Until Whole State Latter Say They Will Silver City, N. if., Nov. 7. him to take a life and the law o Estimated voto cast in Grant by Nearly 5,000. the state now demands his in rek Vote Is Counted. Beat 1920 Majority. county at today's election, 4,000, turn. with three precincts complete. McQueen is a product of the Columbus. Ohio, Nov. 7. I by the Leaders of both dominant par- The majority for Jones and llin- moun- mountains, a typical young Associated Press) Early unoffic- ties were claiming New Mexico kle is estimated at 400 to 600. 7. whom St. T.oulH, Mo., Nov. taineer to ial returns from election In lato last The .Miss Fckles, for state superintend- tlmii n of is the first law. He is unable to today's night. republicans lead the ticket Willi more third the Ohio, indicated that the results would be 2,000 ent, will likely In M'ssourl lionrd read or write. He has never been unde- said their majority with 3,000 or more majority. In- precincts mav be close and probably in while the ilem- - from. United States Senator inside a school or church. until the en- more than 1!)20. dications are that tho democrats were termined practically fa-- James A. Hoed. democrat, Reared by parents who tire state vote is counted. The ocrats saw a landslide in their j elected the entire county ticket. of more 10.- - In a notori- j 7. fig- held a lead than Illiterate, community early returns from about one ninth vor. Reports of Tuesday's election Santa Fe, Nov. Lacking ()i)0 votes over H. K. Ilrow-ste- r. ous for its moonshinlng element, Con- fa'.- - in a few of tiio districts showed received from over the state j ures except instances, Ills where the hatred of the "revenuer" voting Is claim- republican opponent, gressman Simeon D. Fcss, repub- low: democratic headquarters for McQueen J'ojn-eren- e, a to the senate. its only religion, I. ' i Senator Atleo ing Victory fop the ticket by lican, leading lxi s M Nov. 7. The j Unofflelal returns from 1.361 never received good advice or v for United States senator by Vegas. X. landslide. This claim appears to out of 3.87S In wholesome of preelnets the training. Jfi more than 3, SOU votes. About an republicans claim three precincts! be based upon reports polling state clve: Ttecd, 118,901; Isaac Cole was a "revenuer." le number of voting districts in Old Town by 1.000. The city is of heavy voto in democratic coun- Brewster. 132.287. have McQueen and equal of threatened ,to showed A. V. Donahey, democrat, democratic by several hundred. La ties, together w;ith reduction another lad indicted for moon- re- ill counties. leading Carmi A. Thompson, Cuesta gave the democrats ten! majorities republican shinlng. That's where the law of and President Harding's Republicans claim their ticket came in. Cole was publican, votes out of 3f,s. New Arrivals the mountains in is elected. Neither 7 personal choice, the guberna- M 7. Re-- ! headquarters f St. Louis, Nov. (by the Asso- found dead. votes. iAH Vegas. N. Nov. which to bat-- torial race by almost 5,000 from seven San has figures upon ciated Press). James A. Reed, But unlike the scores of other The vu;e in 906 of the state's ports precincts convincing claims. United senntor from Mis- cases where government agents S.1C7 United States Miguel county give Republican At 11:20 the vote in the city ot States precincts for f :l 7 on or are murdered the law was: 1'omer-ene- , ticket malority straight Fe had not been souri, In one of the most bitterly disappear senator Fess, 7).7:i0; ballots. or returns Santa completed. demanded its toll. 76.033; Mrs. Virginia Green, City Las Vegas contested elections the state has his trial young McQueen normal majority fur democrats. in During with only l're-Icin- Independent, trailing M , Nov. 7. ever known, was leading his re- denied that he was responsible for 901 votes. Las Cruccs, X. MISS ROBERTSON IS He declared that he dis- one. Organ, in Dona Ana publican opponent, R. R. Brew- Cole's death. Steve Tho vote on governor in 984 was under the influence of liquor McQueen. was: 80,410; county gives for senator, Jones. 20; BEATEN IN OKLAHOMA ster, for by nearly tricts Thompson 15. For Mor votes on the face of re- when the crime was committed. 85.1 These tabula- 'Davis, congressman, early re- even out Donahey, 3. row. nan-en- 1,". turns Then showing remarkable life as he snuffed that, tions included precincts 22; For governor. Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov. 7. tonight. he of Cole while his ure only thirty HInkle, 22; Hill, U. Three hundred thirty-seve- n sourcefulness for an Illiterate, attorneys from county (Cleveland). .Miss Alice Robertson of and never been frantic efforts to save him. Cuyahoga Santa Fe, Nov. 7. Reports from Muskogee, precincts out of a total of 3,873 declared that he had making The vole favorable to adoption the woman mem- Sweaters not from have exhausted republican headciuarters from over republican, only 31,-10- 5. that he knew right They already of the beer and wine constitutional gave Heed, 36,759; Iircwster, taught vote in Sixty-sevent- h wrong. every means except a direct ap- took a when 100 the state indicate a reduced ber of the congress, ex- amendment Jump on east, was tho But the was unmoved. The peal to Governor Morrow for (Cin- the democratic counties the defeated for by The entire state congressional Jury on precincts in Hamilton county won in was DEATH. ecutive clemency. They ask It side, while increases are shown ini man whom she tho repub- color-variet- y assort- ticket showed In verdict were beard from, making 1 Much is offered in our new also symptoms the of the lad's extreme cinnati) coun'ies. Heaibitiarters lican landslide of 020, Incom- the reports of def- So now with Spartan stoicism, grounds the vote for the amendment 64.445 republican of early returning awaits the day youth, he is the youngest ever sen- from construes thi1 to mean republican! plete returns indicated late tonight. ment of sweaters. All the better styles slipons, initely to the democratic columns. McQueen calmly and against 03,443 on returns W. veteran when tho law will snuff out his tenced to death in Kentucky. 076 majorities will be more than 2,000 W. Hastings, democrat, tuxedos and sweater coats are here for your in- Especial interest attached to the precincts. In 1 020. of who was unseated In greater than three terms, r:ice the eighth congressional Roswell, N. M., rrov. 7. Tola! of by Miss Robertson in the last elec- spection in such solid colors as grey, navy, black, district, where Mrs. St. Clair Moss, two m Chaves county tion, had a lead of almost two to and the woman candidate for state precincts copen, tan, flame, jade, etc., fascinating only give, Davis. 61; Jones, 132. War- one with 117 precincts reporting combinations of office on the ticket, showed a two IN ren. 70; Morrow, 136. Hill, C9; out of 266 in tho district. The squares and figures in brown, to 1 ELECTED REPUBLICANS lead over her republican LIST OF CANDIDATES llinkle. 173. count stood: Hastings, 12,338 and orange, black and green; tan, returns - green gold; ponent, Roach, scattering Lorilshtirg. N. 51., Nov. 7. Vale- Miss Robertson, 6,603. with the latest from 17 out of the 222 precincts TO SEMTE AW HOUSE TUESDAY brown and red, etc., featured sashes, of the district giving her 1,510, belts, cuffs, etc. against SR6 for Roach. TEXAS CONCEDE New Tork. Nov. 7. Tho follow- Mississippi: Stevens, D. PHYSICAL PROGRESS Wisconsin: R. ing candidates for congress were l.a Follette, OF BOYS IN Y.M.C.A. Vermont: Green, K. elected Tuesday: New York: Fifth, Black, P; sixth, FIELD WIN Priced from $2.69 to $12.00 CLASSES IS RECORDED Alabama: First, McDuffle, D.; Stengle, D; tenth. Celler, D; eleven- second, Tyson, D.: third, Stegall, th, ltionlan, D; thirteenth, Sulli- the best! From D. ; fourth. Jeffers, P.; fifth, Bowl- van, 1); fourteenth, Knott, D; fif- I Buy the first of November until seventeenth, Returns Show He Is the first of who ing, D. ; sixth. Oliver, D. ; eighth, teenth, lioylun, D; Partial January every boy 11; D. is enrolled In the de- Almon, D.: ninth. Huddleston, D.; Mills, nineteenth, Marx, Fusion gymnasium D. Ohio: Nineteenth, Cooper, R. Leading Peddy, partment of the T. M. C. A. 1s be- tenth, Bankhead, Fourteenth. ing watched carefully by Chief Wil Arkansas: First. Driver, D.; Pennsylvania: Candidate, by a Vote of D. ; Croll. V: twenty-sixt- Phillips, R; liams, physical director. The hoy third. Tillman, sixth, Sawyer, thirtieth Three to One. is tested and measured at regular D.; seventh. Parks. D. thiriyrtifth, Magee, R; intervals to see how fast he Is mak- California: First. Lea. D. and H.; Kent, p. Massachusetts: Tenth, Tague, 7. W. K. ing progress physically. second. Baker, D, and It.; third, Dallas, Texas, Nov. D. and It.; Nolan, K. D; fifteenth, Greene, It. director of tho republican atteries The tests nre of muscular Curry, fifth, Talbot, tfiry itst longer and D.; seventh, Barbour It. and Kansas: Fifth, Strong, R; seven- organization in Texas, p.t 11 o'clock strength and endurance and nerve R. steadiness. on D.; eighth. Free. R. and D.; tenth, th, Tlncher, tonight conceded the election of Deportment the Vermont: Fleetwood, R. can- gymnasium floor and cleanliness Osborne, R. and D.; eleventh, First, F.arle B. Mayfieid. democratic More Columbia Batteries are used in the Swing. R. and D. Michigan: Fourth, Kethcam, It. didate for senator, over K. of habits also count. Each hoy is sec- George Connecticut: Third. Tilson, It. Arkunsas: First, Driver, D; H and independ- com- judged on a basis of 400 points ac- Tillman. Peddy, republican United States than all other makes to a for his Florida: First. Drane, D.; sec- ond, Oldfleld. D; 'third, ent democratic condidate. Returns cording standard nge. a J''lna! tests will be made be- ond. Clark. D.; third, Smithwick, P; fourth, Wingo, D; fifth, Ragon, at that time showed practically bined, because Just D. sixth. D; seventh, fore the two months are up and D; fourth. Sears. P: Sawyer, three to one lead for Mayfieid. Georgia: First, Moore, D.; sec- Parks, D. Colonel Henry P. Llndsiey, Ped-dy- 's prizes will be awarded to those Fi;-st- , Columbias have been manufactured on a ond, Park, D.; third, Crisp, I).; Rhode Island: Burdick, R; while he large having the three highest averages. campaign manager, scale The enrolled fourth, Wright, D.; sixth, Wise D.; second, Aldrich, R. would not concede Mayfield's elec- considerably longer than any other dry 4 boys are showing up D.: Sherwood. D; nine- in tests ac- seventh Lee, eighth, Brand, Ohio: Ninth, tion, said: excellently the now, Bell. D.; R. battery cording to Chief Williams. D.; ninth. tenth, Vinson, teenth, Cooper, "From partial returns it seems The 3.000 D.; eleventh, Lankford, D.; twelfth, South Dakota: First, Christo-pherso- quite certain that on the face of manufac- point club for boys' Larson, D. second, Johnson, It. They have over 30 years of battery aquatics also started on, November U; it Mayfieid has a large majority of skill and behind 1. This contest will run for three Kentucky: First, Bardley, D.; Kentucky: Fifth, Thatcher, the vote." turing improved equipment second, Kinchelos, D.; third, , Illinois: Second, Mann, R; months. It includes all sorts of Thomas, D.: them swimming and contests. fourth, Johnson, I).; fouth, Rainey, D; fifth, Sabath, P; diving sixth, Rouse, D.: seventh, Cantrill, eighth, Kunz, D; ninth, Britten, It; each of which counts for a certain 11. Every improvement of any account has been number of D.; eleventh. Robsion. tenth, Chtndblom, R; eleventh, points. Boys reaching Louisiana: First, O'Connor. P.; Ueid. R: twelfth. Fuller, R; thir- NX IS AGAINST developed in the Columbia laboratories the 3.000 mark will be awarded second, Dupre, D.; fourth, Saridlin, medals for their prowess. teenth, McKenzie, R; fourteenth. D. ; fifth, Wilson, D; sixth, Favroi, Graham, It: fifteenth, King, li; The Columbia "Hot Shot" was the first suc- D.; seventh, Lazora, D.; eighth. sixteenth, Hull, It: seventeenth, From the results of recent exper- D. cessful assembly of dry cells in one package iments it Is to make Aswall, Funk, R; eighteenth, Holaday, Jl; MILE OF expected hogs Maine: All four republicans immune from cholera by the in- - nineteenth, Moore, R; twentieth. MP., has demonstrated its elected in September. D: twenty-firs- t. D; And again Columbia noculation with a serum. Massachusetts: Rainey, Major, First, Treadway, twenty-fift- h, Denison, R; at large. leadership through, the development of the R.; second. Gillett, R.; thirteenth, Yates, R; and Rathbone, R; at Winning a damage suit against a Luce. R.; sixteenth. Gifford. It. MURPHY STATES new Steel Case "Hot Shot" Battery Kentucky city trolley company, the large (vacancy) Hnck, It. STYLE IS THE MARK OF was handed over the en Michigan: Ninth, McLaughlin, Senate. QUALITY plaintiff R.: tenth. Woodruff. R. New York: D. Wherever a dry battery is needed, Columbia tire line, which was Junked and Minnesota: Second. R. Glague, New Nov. 7. Charles F. will give the best service of clothes one sold. Mississippi: All eight democrats Tork, always GUIDED in your choice by elected. Murphy, the Tammany Hall chief BE simple rule: Look for Style. It is the mark A pound of beans represents food North Carolina: Second, tain, issued tho following state- 1600 Kitchin, For sale near you by of That's the Guarantee value of calories. D.; eighth, Doughton D.; ninth, ARIZONA TURNED ment tonight. right quality. why Bulwinkle, D.; tenth.' Weaver, D. "I never had any doubt of Gov- carries Brand Clothes ernor election. His won- Clothing Company Society North Dakota: First. Birtness, R. Smith's known We recommend them al- Oregon: First, Hawley, R. and D. derful vote Is a great tribute. It Hardware Stores Electricians for, their style. Ohio: sec- is an endorsement of his fight for men who their First, Longworth, R.; General Stores Implement Stores ways and heartily for buy MOTHER ond, Stephens It.: seventh, Brand, TD DEMOCRATIC home rule for New York and other A wide of R.; cities of tho state. It tells the clothes carefully. variety styles yours tenth. Foster, R,; twelfth, Garages two-butto- Speaks. R.; twentieth. Mooney, D.; country that this state is against among them. Four, three and n suits, twenty-secon- d. Burton, R. the Harding administration and to waist. And finest will loose and shaped the the Oklahoma: Second. Hastings, D. ; PARTHUESDAY tho republican tariff law. It Move Child's Bowels with fourth. McKeown, D.; seventh, hearten the democracy of the na- Look for the name Columbia overcoats we've ever displayed. D. tion and brighten the prospects for "California Fig Syrup" Pennsylvania: Nineteenth, Sikes. 1924. D. Early Returns Show the En- "We hope the final returns will Maryland: Third. Hills. R. show that Governor Smith will UmM &m U ma.:- m mm vi m Kansas: Second, Little, R. tire Ticket Leading the have a democratic legislature to w,mmwCiA Pennsylvania: First, Vare, U.; help him fulfill the party rlat-for- m 218 West Phone 335 second, Graham, R. and P.; third, G. 0. P. Opposition by pledges." Central Ransley, R.; fourth, Edmonds, R. and P.; fifth, R. and Varying Majorities. ' Connellcy, I in r i. Wei.; sixth, Welsh, 11.; seventh, ryV Batteriesthey lift hogar .i Darrow, R. and P.; eighth, Butler. Preseott, Ariz., Nov. 7. ,i R.l ninth, Watson, R.; eleventh, Governor Campbell, as lie HIT TOBACCO l i Watres, R. and P.; fifteenth, n, stepped on the (rain nt 11:80 mmMmmMmmmmmM I R. and P.; sixteenth, o'clock toiii;;ht departing for Kiess, R. and P.; seventeenth, Santa Fe, X. M., officially au- Cummings. D. and S.; nineteenth, thorized tlio Associated Ihvss So Easy to Drop Cigarette Krledcr, It. and P.; twenty-firs- t, lo announce, that lie conceded Kurtz, R. and P.; twenty-fourt- h, tho eleefon of (leorgo W. P. Ligar of Chewing Habit. Kendall, R. twenty-fift- h, liis democratic oppo- and P.; Hunt, ' li Temple, R. s. and P.; twenty-sevent- h, nent, as governor. has helped thou- A m Strong, R.; thirty-secon- "I extend my congratula- sands to bronk tho costly, nerve-shatterin- g Porter, R.; thirty-thir- d, Kelly, R tions to Mr. Hunt nnd hope tobacco habit. When- D. and P.; thirty-fourt- h. Morin, that lie can keep the promises ever you have a longing for a Hurry mother! Even a sick child R.i thirty-sixt- h, Campbell, D., It. lie lins made,"' sulil tho gov- moliO or chew, just place a loves the taste of "Cali- and P. ernor. harmless tablet In nnowiccmen "fruity" fornia Fig Syrup" and it never South Carolina: First, Logan, D.; your mouth Instead. All desire fails to open the bowels. A second, Byrnes, D.; third, Dlmln-ic- rhoeniv, Ariz., Nov. 7. Early stops. Shortly the habit Is com- today may prevent a sick D.; fourth, MeSwain. D.; fifth, returns from today's election com- pletely broken, nnd sou are better child tomorrow. If constipated, Stevenson, D.j sixth, Casque D.; piled up to 10 o'clock tonight show off mentally, physically, finan- To the Ladies of bilious feverlBh, fretful, has cold, seventh, Kulmr. D. tho complete democratic state and cially. It's so easy, so simple. Albuquerque colic, or If stomach la sour, tongue : First. Reece, R.; congressional ticket leading the re- Get a box of and if it crav- coated, breath bad, remember a fifth, Davis, D.; sixth. Bvrns, P.; publican opposition by varying doesn't release you from all - good cleansing of the little bowels ninth, Garrett, D.; tenth. Fisher, D. majorities. ing for tobacco In any form, your Tnmnrrnw will bp. our onenin"- (lav and in order to jret acquainted lis often all that Is necessary. Texas: Third, Sanders, D.; fif- One hundred and one complete druggist will refund your money Ask your druggist for genuine teenth, Garner, J. precincts, including forty In Mari- without question. Adv. jwith the ladies of Albuquerque we will hold an INTRODUCTORY "California Fig Syrup" which has Wisconsin: First, Cooper, R.; copa county, out of 4 80 in the state directions for babies and children second, Voight, R.; third, Nelson, give George Hunt, democrat, 9.020; SALE with at almost cost. of all ages printed on bottle. Moth- R.; sixth, Lampert, R.j seventh, Governor Campbell, republican, prices er! You must eay "California" or Beck, R.; eighth, Browne, R.; 7,582 for governor. Poa-V- y, addi- - you may get an imitation fig syrup. tenth, Frear, R,; eleventh, Incomplete reterns from We have one of the selections of .Millinery in the South'- Adv. R. tional precincts In Maricopa county largest New Tork: First, Bacon, R.; indicate that Hunt has carried the lines of Ladies - to - wear. third, Lindsay, D.; fourth, Cullen, county, which was considered a re- Piles ,west, and the leading Ready EXHAUSTED FROM GRIPPE D.; eighth,- Cleary, D.; ninth, publican stronghold. are usually due to straining COUGH. O'Connello, .; twelfth, Dlcksteln, Hunt was also developing when and D.; twenty-fourt- h, IX; In Cochise and Gila coun- constipated. La grippe coughs rack tear Ganly, strength Nlijol ' lubricant Our shall be to the of merchandise pos- to a state exhaus- twenty-thir- Oliver, D.; twenty-fift- h, ties, according to early returns. being a policy give highest quality the sufferer of keeps the food waste soft tion. "Would get completely ex- Wainwright, R. and P.; Yavapai and Santa Cruz were the sible to a reasonable to the fact that the h. B'.-- . obtain at hausted from violent grippe twenty-sixt- Fish, R., and only counties In which Governor and therefore prevents price. Owing coughs," writes R. G. Collins, P.j eighteeenth, Carew, D.; thirty-fourt- h, Campbell was leading, the early Btraining. Doctors prescribe Mr. was in the manufactur- h, Danker, millinery liarnegat, N. J. "Tried Foley' Clark, R. and P.; twenty-nint- precincts reporting him a small ad- Nujol because it not only proprietor, formerly Parker, R. and P.; thirtieth, vantage. soothes of to he Honey and Tar and the cough Senntor the suffering ing business, and therefore knows how, when and where buy, ceased entirely." Used by three Crowther, R. and P.; fortieth, Ashurst nnd Congress- piles but relieves the irrita- F.-L- man generations for coughs, colds and Dempsey, R. and .; forty-firs- t, Hayden, democratic Incum- tion, comfort and is able to sell these hats at. than the average millinery forty-Becori- d, bents, were overwhelm- brings cheaper prices croup, throat, chest and bronchial MacGregor, R.; leading by to remove them. F.-L- .; thirty-secon- ing In the few helps Irritation. Foley's Honey and Tar Mead, D. and majorities precincts store can buy them at wholesale. thirty-fourt- h. while is a hiis btood the test of time. Con- Mott, R. and P.: reported every democrat on Nujol forty-thir- d. the state ticUet was his y lubricant not . tains no opiates Ingredients Snyder, It.: Reed,' It. leading op on the and P.; thirty-sixt- h, Taber, R. and ponent. TtT'Ta a medicine or js printed wrapper. Largest B selling rough medicine in the P.; thirty-sevent- Stalker, R, and twojm laxative so Watch Tomorrow's Journal For Our Sale , KAI.STON IS LKAKIXG. Introductory vuiid. Sold everywhere. Adv. P.; sixteenth, Cockran, D. ftFp cannot gripe. b Virginia: First, Bland, D.: sec- Indianapolis, Ntv. 7. Returns Try it today. ond. Deal, D.; third, Montague, P.; from 894 out of 3,395 precincts fouth, Drewry, D.: fifth. Hooker, In Indiana for United States sen- J Albuquerque Foundry D.; sixth, Woodruff P.: seventh, ator give: Ralston (P.). 162,290; Harrison, D.; eighth, Moore, P.; Beverldge (It.), 156,671; Henry and Machine Works ninth, Perry, D.; tenth, Tucker. V. (socialist). 111. BANKER'S MILLINERY Senate: Itnplntrni Fmimlprn Mnrhlnfet. CalifornTa: Johnson, R. and l The United States of ('Htiincn iii Iron lltann. Bronr. Alum Pepartment OilBlllllMIBWMsaHlZ 21412 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE. Ii.ii'ii Mmi,-i- Texas: Mayficld, P, Agriculture has trained women ijh Qinginea A LUBRICANT-NO- T A LAXATIVE 1'iiinn nip! irftMilin Florida: Tramoll, D. chemists who seek to learn food It rtur: nnd Office Albnuuerqu. Virginia: Swanson, i values for public information, November 1922 Page Four. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL 8, Max Brand as a novel r ; er. in the cast are jxooert .jmiis, tion has been to live up to the crit written by Wallace Beery, Gertrude Astor, orlon which the nowspuper writer under the original title of "Alcat-raz.- " SPECIAL COME FROM ENDS II James O. Barrows, William Fern?, had set for him. In this photoplay of romance ma service theaters today and he been to achieve and and western valor, immhiim L I Jack Donovan That has able friendship Til rides tho of a pan- this goal is attorned by tho vast fol- Tom again edges shoots with the ac- liv New "B" "The Old Home-stead,- " lowing of fan who acclaim him the tomimic hell, Issued Hie Intension Keivkf, Menlco Agricultural College Theater al NEVEK MADE A "1 TOP screen hero of his curacy of super-natur- aim. and TO BRING FOLK STATU COLLEGE, NEW MEXICO. OF U. S. TO WED a powerful Paramount pic- greatest type. IS STJI.T, MIX'S i;ECOTtT! That Tom deseives the pralso lie fights for th love of a beautiful ture, featuring a long list cf film SEE "J 1ST TONY" PASTIME has deceived is woman in such fashion a3 to thrill easily demonstrated . The control of the various wee- the Horse Association of America. stars, 13 being repeated today; also by hia work In the latest William the most blase of picture-goers- tho of the B'ox vils which infest Brain in New They say that business firms tire repeating the interesting pictures Tom Mix, popular star production, "Just Tony', TO SEE HOOTER beginning to discriminate in the If ALBUQUEROU E of "r'nthe Kevlew" and Current Fox constellation, was once named which comes to the Pastlmo thea- have Invaded Mexico i nt times extremely Now the drys will kind of equipment used for long Events." by a newspaper critic the movie ter today, for a run of four days. and there are German. Lut smiie precautions horses who never made a -- - Germany, number so that and short hauls, putting here failure," just Tony- aio features Mix's who will doubtless hold that this cut down their and vehicles back on ull short Tbcuter "Hurricane's and, ever since, Tcm'g one ambi noted horse, was Star. will do very little harm. M. Lyrlck "Tony", and is the last straw. Marlon Fe Arrange! lhcv hauls and route delivery work. R. Evans, of Washing-to- n, Gal," featuring Dorothy as Santa People 'i eveiitinii M always better than Phillips measure It is not anticipated that the horse the leading star, Is being repeated for Pullman Accommoda-- i the cuie, mikI the first will to numbers on D. C, and Ethelyn at the also to tno wee- - return former today Lyric; repeating prevention is Keep streets, but that the propor- "A Vacation Cocktail" Governor Mabey of!;;' In A city Hull, of Portland, Ore., comedy. tions; out. kooci tyie granao, tion will be generally greater, made iiom louue unu foivuv will continue to Meet Here and I'u.stlnie The cow- Utah Cannot Attena. which has been thor- and keep step Marry. Theater great flonrine, with the return of better business. boy film star, Tom Mix, is again at oughly cleaned before the grain hnv been made to- This is a question that tho New Coming from the Pastime in "Just Tony," a Arranpemeiita ipi put into it will do much together opposite See Mix's These Pull- Mexico is of Tom also at a trouble-sora- ? agricultural college ends of the Unit" States. M. story Horse; the National It. for a special train bearing ward lieepins down these val- man car to accommodate the peo- trying to solve for the lower Evans and Miss Ethelyn Hull were presenting a comedy, Tho who wish to come to Santa l'c pet. leys of tho southwest. The first quietly married in Albuquerque ple Jt they once pit u start, tlie 1, the Hoover banquet Sat- rec- planting was mado September Monday evening. Mr. Evans is as- to attend um of carbon bisulphide, in bo made THERE'S A GREAT AST night. The train will leave Miiidlclnook of and plantings will every sistant district forester of District ( urday ommended by lr. 1 5 tho N'o. IX "THE OLD MIO o'clock and will e. days throughout year 7, with at Wash- HOMESTEAD," Garment .Santa Fe nt New Mexico headquarters u:0i o'clock. tho agricultural 1922-2- D. and his home is in NOW AT THE "JB THEATEH Company arrive here about The grain should be placed ington, C, the banquet it will return Home grown seed is being used the Capital City. The former Miss fter In a tight compartment and the lived Tho "all star" been Have to Panta Fe, where the Pullman in for this experiment. This seed Hull at Portland, Ore. phrase has you seen the new arrivals at the National Gar- carbon bisulphide placed flat was secured from the mother to in for- much abused, but the cast of "The will be parked for the remainder well above tho The According friends the are tins grain. beets which were In 1921 service tho Evans-Hu- ll ro- Old Homestead" which is ment Company If haven't a of the night. Indications that is heavier than planted estry being recently? you there's from the carbon bisulphide and harvested in 3 922. shows mance dates back several repeated today at the "11" theater, lanrc crowd will come nir and wH'. llifl It years. in i the penetrate us as The was to may be said to be of store for you in the capital! and a number from towns as good germination those marriage have been truthfully that pleasant surprise garments tin from above it evaporates. grown farther north. The mother held some time ago but Mr. Evans calibre. Theodore Roberts, George farther north. . 'butj. the grain should be stirred was to T. themselves and in the VALUES. Governor Mabey of I. tali, wno a beets are wintered over right in unable obtain leave long Fawsett, Roy Barnes, Fritz occasionally in order to give it to malio the Port-- , Harrison Kathietn had been expected nt the banquet, to act. the field, their only protection enough trip to Ridgway, Ford, that on account belter opportunity being a light mulch of straw. land O'Connor, James Mason, Ethel wired yesterday Carbon bisulphide is highly ex- The recent forest Wales and others make a list of businep? of importance he would Varietv tests are also being management up plosive, so .should lie handled with Some of best conference at f'ooley pre- that is hard to surpass. b nimble to attend. lie is the made. the varieties Ariz., Coats $19.75 to $195 of chain- - care. If grain bin in have a of over 10 tons sented the desired This Paramount picture is based Manager M. U Fox the it will be to given yield opportunity. said barn, safest put the acre, with from 13 to IS Iter Mr. Evans was sent as representa- on Denman Thompson's famous h.r of commerce, yesterday per tive of his in which in , , . cent sugar, with S5 to 93 per cent district and while he play that celebrated actor Our selection of new coats is an one that he is fiuricuiiy - fUml- - o unusually good having diners tinnor - was attending the conference Miss appeared for thirty-tw- years, but tho list of purity. from ma-terial- s. lnnln;r number lied. Hull was speeding south and east is far more extensive in character the standpoint of styles, workmanship and 600. That is the largest If weevils are found in rolled from Portland. and can be accommodated in the presents a great drama wit.i All the season's most desirable woolens are that oais. do not feed the infested CUBA ROAD TO SAN Mr. Evans returned to Albuquer-ou- e plenty of comedy and a smnshhig Armory. rolled oats to the chickens and from the Cooley conference a climax. amply represented and the finest of popular furs. thus scatter the weevils over the JUAN OIL FIELDS few hours before Miss Hull ar- The story is familiar how the CULINARY TROUBLE place. Better destroy tho oats BETTER THAN GALLUP rived. As soon after the reunion son of Uncle Josh is falsely acjuscd and ask your grocer to refund as they were able to arrange the of theft and goes away tj meet CAUSES KIWANIANS the money you paid. two repaired to the residence of with stirring adventure and finally evi- Oil who wish to A. Suits, $19.75 to LUNCH When a borrower can give investigators go Rev. Hugh Cooper, pastor of the to bo restored to his homo aiJ $79.50 TO POSTPONE dence of good character, persist- to the Farmlngton country would First Presbyterian church. The sweetheart. But there is far moru ent industry and ability to direct do well to take the route via Cuba wedding, which was celebrated at than that to tho story. Thorn is Our three-piec- e will be no of the no 7:30 was suits, at very popular prices, are Thers meeting his industry Intelligently, he is rather than the Olallup route, ac- Monday evening, very adventure, love, human ennracter Kiwanis club this week. A a credit risk but becomes quiet. Even friends in tho- forest in abundance, humor that is tieh1 finding distinct favor this season. In addition to these tvHViMiif the reefll- - to F. S. Donnell, who has ,nilnn a credit investment. There is a cording service had no knowledge of the and spontaneous and pathos that is we have all that's new and luncheon would be decidedly just returned from an auto Journey wedding until after It was finished. good looking. lar vast difference between the two. new oil Is one deep and convincing. Tears and And, owing to an un- Tho of horses re- to the fields. There Mr. Evans and his bride left abound. malapropos. total number stretch on the route, be- laughter usual combination of culinary ceived by the 40 public stock Gallup Monday night for Washington, D. James Cruzo directed with dis- luncheon at least ut any tween Cubero and Lflguna, Mr. C. where they will yards during the first nine months Donnell cannot be trav- make their cretion and sympathy, this great! to New to of is out of of ex- says, that home. which was Dresses, $9.75 $69.50 Hats, $3.95 $16.7! the customary places the present calendar year eled, and it Is necessary to take story adaptej hv Perley the today. ceeded tho number for the same ten-mil- Poore Sheehan and K. be rea.1 In addition to question a e detour to avoid running Frank There must a reason for tho fact that the hats from our own California Tho Kiwanis club customarily period iDL'l by 52,934 Woods, eccnarized by Jullen people are to us as New Mexico's and to the Fashion hats we are dis- in the Y. Jf. C. during Into a road made impassable by referring factory, meets at lunchpon horses, according to reports of construction work. North of Gal- UNIVERSITY Josephson and supervised by Wal- - Dress Headquarters. A few moments' inspec- playing, we are now showing some of the best A. room. Rut recently United .States of TO ter Wood. banquet Y the 'department lup, in tho middle of the Indian tion and a comparison of our prices with others Fisk hats of the season. We know that you'll Mrs. Fftzpatrick, director of the This is an increase reason. see on vacation. agriculture. reservation, he says, the road is will, give you that want to them at National saving prices. banquet room, went of "3 per cent. so filled with chuck holes as to be DOROTHY PHILLIPS IS A substitute was obtained to fill This increase indicates a move- SCHOOEI SKIvM'EK XOW But decidedly unpleasant traveling. ft the bill during her absence ment toward normal business con- The route ERECT LARGE THE "HUUilCAXE'S i.AL-- ' . through Cuba, which the substitute has been quaran- ditions and also a general increase Mr. Donnell on his ALL DRESS SUNDRIES AT A SAVING to in her fam- took return tined, owing illness in the use of iiorses commercially journey, is 100 miles shorter than Dorothy Phillips, star of many to an mado Allen Holubar productions, returns ily. be-I- according analysis by the Gallup route, and much easier Tr T. M. C. A. banquet hall n HULL to the screen, after an absence of Most everyone in Albuquerque knows that they can save on women's and an to travel, he s.iys: FOR ME out of tho question, effort Mr. Donnell says leases are be- several months, In "Hurricane s misses' coats, suits and dresses at the National. Now we call to your atten- was made to obtain the bnnquet SAN JUAN COUNTY TO ing taken up for miles around 1 Gal," a First National attraction tion the fact our on clothes for for that savings children, stockings, loom of the Alvarado hotel Farmlngton, many of them in loca- which is being repeated at the undergarments Th meet in and dress as as those on our ready-to-wea- r. in- Kiwanis jt. However, HAVE A FARM AGENT tions where it would be necessary Present Housing Facilities Eydio theater today. Mr. Holu- all sundries are just great An ihnt room has already been given to drill a mile and a half to strike bar both produced and directed will --what we to be true. over MeOanna-Grnc- e this spection prove say to the Ray San Juan county has appropri- oil sand. Representatives of big Inadequate to Take Care production. "Hurricane's Gal" Stortz wedding breakfast at .ho oil companies, he eald. are filing H n big sea story in which Miss Kiwanians are able to ated the necessary money and of Need; Bids to Be has a hour the made a contract for tho employ- on some extremely likely looking Phillips the role of wild gather. ment prospects. Because tho Midwest untamed girl cf thfe sea who in- club has of a county clerk. For a Asked for Soon. herited from 5o the Kiwanis meeting time it that the county company has not the storage for a het Irish father, a been until next week. appeared of Mr. it or and law- postponed office would be abolished big supply oil, Donnell said, re- smuggler, spirit hate agent's the big well struck hss Without delay, the board of lessness and from her mother the in that county, ns there was a recently gents of the University of New N "has Co. not been tested. It run 350 warm romantic biood of the Span- ational IS WOJtTIT Garment CCT THIS OCT IT marked division of opinion as to Mexico will proceed with the erec- MONEY. whether a tax should bo made barrels a day, but Is believed to ish. Tho picture Is a real "thriller" levy be pood for many times that tion of a new residential hall for containing much intensely dramatic 403 West Central. MEYER OSOFF, Cut out this slip, enclose with for it. H, H. Moles, assistant ex- women on tho campus. The build- Manager. to & Co., amount If allowed to run freely. action that Is aided by n hydro- 5c and mail it Foley tension director of the United will bo for without a - 111., ing paid plane, a destroyer and a big schooii- LS35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, States department, of agriculture, special appropriation and will writing your name and address said yesterday that as soon as an FILE SUIT IN FLORIDA make no deficit in the institution's clearly. You will receive In re- available man can be found he will funds. Tho regents, confronted turn a trial package containing lie ssigned to San Juan county. LAND PURCHASE CASE with the need of more housing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Catron county, because the tax room for women students, voted for coughs, colds and croup; Fo- burden was too great, has given Suit for with to erect tho in sides J3.000, interest at last Friday building. ley Kidney Pills for pains up its county agent, at the sugges- S per cent for approximately six The approval of Governor Mechem .and back; rheumatism, backache, tion of the state tax commission. years and attorney's fees, was filed was given yesterday, and bids will lildney and bladder ailments; and John Koogler, formerly a farmer in the district court yesterday by be asked for within a few days. Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole- of San Miguel county, and who has W. Tho of some James Norment against Jay growth the university hag and thoroughly cleansing been the Catron county agent, has Turley and Urna H. Tur'.ey. The been so great that it was impos- cathartic for constipation, bilious- been transferred to (luadalupe suit is filed in a land case. sible this fall to house all the non- headaches. neces- ness, and sluggish county, which has made (he The plaintiff, Norment, pur- resident women students in tho bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. sary appropriation. chased a tract of land in Florida residential hall. Many of the from the defendants January 12, have been housed 1916, according to the records. in private residences. The build- EiuaraAtf The records also show that the pur- ing, it is understood, will conform w chase price was $n.000. , with the style of architecture of i! cam- w The complaint alleges that the the other structures on tho defendants did not hold clear title pus and will bo largo enough to to the land at the time of tho sale accommodate the neods of the In- and that the sale was, therefore. stitution for years to come. Illegal. Damages in the amount paid for the land, with interest The Literary Digest's Prohibi- at 8 per cent trom the date of tion poll would indicate that M-J-- B sale until payment of damages, Is many .are voting as they drink. Buy a can of Coffee asked. Washington Post. from your grocer. Take it home and try it. If it does MiIW ImSmmfml ll not exactly please you, re- turn it to your grocer and vercoats he will refund your full We just recently received another shipment of purchase price, no matter OVERCOATS which are the best values in now much have used Albuquerque. When our buyer was east he you took great pains to obtain the best values pos- out of the can sible. These OVERCOATS are mac--e In the best woolens and with a wide quality variety 8s of patterns. ' Gross, Kelly Company Wholesale Distributors $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Albuquerque Las Vegas Santa Fe and you void (ike Tree Tea DON'T FORGET fOur New Cleaning and Pressing Department "The Quality Coffee of America" "ROOFING I i E MICA-KOT- is the strongest, most durable and enduring, ready roofing, of its weight, that we have ever seen. It is Phone 520. 114 West Central. made of heavy felt, - mm rag thoroughly Ull IIVWJ.inilMIM mmmn- n huj,w,ii minim; piiii iwum saturated with asphalt forced into the goods at high temperature by a BRINGING UP FATHER. Copyright, 1S23, by the International News Service. McManus carefully controlled Carey process. Registered U. S. Patent Office. By George The saturated felt is then heavily I I I If j I I - -- I " j VOORST MrVb.CO'OFO tb DID bHE ( i I WELL-W- W V coated with a specially tempered l.yiWWO. AN' WHM- CI V asphalt compound and given a sur- kV face coating with crushed mica. JJ THE, aAjME Mica-Kot- e is specially recommend- ed where a long term of service on large buildings is required. 0J P. O. SORENSON CO. Wholetale and Retail Building Materials Brick Lime Cement North First St. & Marble Ava. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. r - irf , iT'l1MinritMl ifti raili Hi na miiiirirn


Iron will not r ist in water free ELECTION JUDGE HOLDUP ARTISTS from air. Mi:Ml M R f SOWN IIAIIS look s best of all after u Gulden (,!lu(. Woman shampoo. Adv. Daily Magazine Page TO BE ACCUSED SSAULT VICTIM Butcher Rejoices Over tOGBAPHER'S ROMANCE mmmOUEHOLDHINT1 SHORT OF FUNDS Wife's Recovery "My wife suffered for five veai'M BY JANE PHELrS and practically lived on toast and MENU HINT other and fruits. laf nii-- i. r i: on hot water. Doctors said she would vegetables woman iviawes Ain-- i wo 1! rcn li fast In preparing cabbage for salad Young j Holdups occurred in have to be operated for gall fin-e- st stones. A cou.v takfs possession or 'heart will be broke, if you don't!" BY LENORE Apples. Corn Flakes. It should be shredded into tho davit That Louis Baca! Two Hours Last Night; lady advised her to try HICK OFFICE. Do say 'broken'! Gladys in- Milk Toast. Fried 1'otntOGs. with a kriite, Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and s.ripa tain, sharp - 4 terrupted. "And, Cora, I'll help, Cookies. Coffee. avoiding the heavy of Marked Her Ballot Kepuo- Police Believe the Same after taking bottles over two portions she has Chapter 45. too. You have don a lot of I.nnclioon. Crisp i'l cold water iee Her Wish. Men years ago. bepn entirely 'Oh, Cora, isn't It great? You'll things for us. It's too bad if we Kippered Herring. water If possible and drain, in lican Against Committed Both. well ever since." It removes the be right near ma all the time!" can't do something for you." Kscnlloped l'otatoes. cheese-clot- until all surplus water catarrhal mucus from tho Intes- Xellle declared a the three girls Tears filled Cora's rnoM Paris Cookies. is removed. Democratic party lenders an- Two robberies, believed tinal tract, and allays the Inflam- eyes. Slewed Fears. would highway discussed Cora's new idea, and her "I can't stand so much kind- Milk. Cabbngo prepared in thla man- nounced last night that they to have been committed by the mation which causes practically No, black is not pasee, but this mornim, against new office. ness, girls," she smiled aa she is dis- Pinner. ner is an excellent substitute for file complaint same were committed all stomach, liver and Intestinal wherever it featured it is 13a a of pair, "Where In the world did you go them "I have been Cream of Tomato lettuce. It may be used us a gar- Louis- ta, republican judge were be- ailments. including appendicitis. wiped away. tinguished by and vivid Soup. No. .13, for al- pair, perpetrated so because of moth- interesting Crackers. nish for almost or tlio election in Precinct instum.-- One dose will convince or money this morning?" afraid afraid or any ualad, bat-l- ot lli one the men. in- embroidery other trimming. The o" the holdup "To my work, of course! I'd er and some way God is making ex- Broiled Lamb Chops. salad may be serve on ono of the leged wrongful marking no valuables on refunded at Rrlggs pharmacy and frock illustrated below, for of Clara a young wo- finding the per- troduced you, you didn't want me everything all right for me." is made of black de French Fried Potatoc. small incido leaves of the c.ibbago. itaca, son of their victim, struck him druggists everywhere. Adv. said 'God ample, crepe Red Salnd. Keel the sumo man. to stay and watch you vamp him, "Miss Carter always chine, with l.iagenta colored cerise Cabbnge and Celery cabbage prepared mnde an affidavit heavily over the head with a re- did Nelllo asked with a helps them that helps them- Pie. Coffee. way as the wnite cabbage is an Miss Ilaca has volver, a severe you?" " edged ribbon inserts in the bell rumpkin to tho effect that liaca, who it is iiffllcting scalp laugh. Then: "Isn't he just fine, selves!' Nellie quoted, "I guess of and and attractive garni.ih. thounh wound on the victim, Ramon was I shaped pleating the skirt HI'.CIPKS Red Cub base and Salad-T- wo declared, is not a relative Coiu? He treated you just the the old dame right. didn't sleeves. TODAY'S Celery took hor ballot Apodaca. same as he does the young ladles think so then when she said it, Cream of Tomato One oupfals shredded red cabbage of the sama niimo, was held 8:30 on Anyone who has seen the strik- Soup one from her and voted It s'raicht re- Apodaca up at Miss Dorothy brings to the office, because I grumbled." collection of Lanvin will at can of tomatoes seasoned with one cupful celery, boiled, dressing. South Fourth Btreet, between Coal ing in ice water Cut publican in the face of tlm fuel eon Just that same polite manner." medium sized onion three Crisp cabbage a desir9 to nnd Iron avenues. Two men com- "He ia a attractive man a When Cora let herself Into the sliced, celery in Inch lengths, then divide that she had expressed mitted tho ono a very ono Bmall leaf a vote democratic. holdup, holding gentleman. A real gentleman, room that was now hers she had cloves, bay and in thin strips; crisp in cold water. revolver breast little nutmeg. Cook one-hnl- d hour, mix H. Charles Koehl and Judge against Apodnra's Nellie, does not keep one manner gone there at once although she Drain and cabbage and ceiery was stated while the other rifled his pockets. Standard Corn, and visit Mr. Fallon's of- then strain. Ono tablespoon of add dressing ami servo garnished Richard 11. Manna, it for certain people, another intended to ono will file agatnsl When they found no valuables on No. 2 for others. He is gentlemanly to fice later and give him the first butter, tablespoon flour, one with parsley. Half white and half last niidit. charges his the man the Cans, of to- person holding all. I am so over having month's found, to her pint milk, cook, add strained red cabbage may be used instead liaca. gun struck him on the happy rentshe mato and a of soda and let of all ;irl Is In Tears. heavily lOVic Can. that furniture. That was one of surprise, tho cleaning woman at pinch red cabbage. a democratic head with the revolver. worried me how work and a on the floor. come to a boll. To make extra nice Roehl, who is The $2.40 24 Cans. the things that rug cream on said that ho saw the Baca second holdup occured at Case, I was to get the furniture even if Surely it had not been there be- put tablespoon whipped ITEMS OF INTEREST worker, 10: 30. Ramon Gonzales, who lives I top when you serve Elcctrio Stoker Arrives, girl come out of tho polling place 411 I found an office. had decided fore. court hotiHO In tours, and at South Arno street, was the on "Good Miss Baker!" The menu for dlnne' says French Veterans of many a hard fought ut the victim of the to buy it the installment plan. morning, Fried but of course one learned that stw had second one. He was Hut I hate debt so, and this will Mr. Fallon stood in the doorway. l'otatoes, battle with the family furnace wll upon inquiry held up on Lead avenue between 7 can make enough so Hoped pota- take Interest in an electric stated that Baca had marked her POTATOES be all in the rent. And such a She had been so surprised to sea special wishes. Roehl, Arno and Broadway, Again there not toes at lunch time and warm them stoking now on the ballot against her small rent fur on office in that the woman she had closed it. oven apparatus, with a sheriff, were two highwaymen and again "Good she answered, up in the for dinner when ihe market, which is a new Invention in company deputy one held a revolver his Colorado Whites, building!" morning," are ma- the place, and, he against "It's a small office," Nellie said, then: "I want to thank you for chops broiled, saving time and by a .Seattle engineer. The entered polling breast while the other rifled his energy. chine not feeds tho furnace says, Inquired of liaca why he had 100 $1.75. "and if I were you, Cora, I bet I the rug, Mr. Fallon. 1 am quite only The re- pockets. pounds, small owe to Her Lettuce Is more expensive now but removes tho ashes. marked the ballot. judge wouldn't worry about the sure I It you." frank and in to Roehl's state- Tho highwaymen secured two If ask them as had small places one plied, according dollars in a and rent. Perhaps you acceptance pleased him, cannot It; ono need not for- the grandmother, cash, pocketbook Red Pitted Pie Cherries, will ratso her and manner on got but Candle KjfRS by Flashlight. ment, that girl's a few trinkets from Gonzales. Af- to, they you!" appearance go tho delightful and when an is had who had been in her cotnpany. had It was the 20th of the month. the previous day. healthy Telling egg by wished to vote ter nil lie had in his noHRes- - No. 2 Cans, 38c naiads on that account. There are a pocket flashlight is easily done told him the girl Mr. Fallon had told Cora her rent "I found it hnd been discarded on slon, they ordered him to continue of too bo I tried it many fruits and vegetable by putting the egg in a cardboard republican. casr. vvnen " would not start until the first 'as being small, which we call and one a! The affair caused considerable iionzaies turnea io next had i Ha took the rent, may such, holder rolled like a funnel, Its look around the two had Pumpkin, tho month, but given here." signed least, should bo included In each small end the bulb of excitement at the polls, and almost disap- her the key and told her to take a receipt for a month, then said containing fisticuffs. peared, No. 14c. will one's daily diet. the flashlight. A pressure of the led to serious ftnth fionMles and Anncndn de Can, .js.sfon at once. in a low tone: "Your office is a fall and Raca continued to net as Judge iy me whole to be clean for LHm't feel Cabbage winter button and the light is thrown up scribed two men of similar appear- lt gives t3n days kept you. vegetable with decided talent for the funnel and during the remainder of the day. st t ready." she said gleefully. under any obligations, as she through throng! Affidavit. ance. This and the fact that the Spring Garden Peas, salads. It is delicious by Its?if, the egg. which will clearly show The were "Shall you hiro a girl?" Gladys started to object; "we pay for it and it combines well nt New Mexico two holdups almost Identical with our of with many the condition of Its contents. Ftate In leads tho to be- No. 2 Cans, 23c. asked. anyway. It goes suite County of Bernalillo, es. method, police "Not until I get started and get rooms, you know." Affidavit. lieve that the same pair committed work enough to warrant it. I "I must thank you Just the Clara Baca, being first duly both. Weber Valley Peas,, shall do it myself while I can." same," she smiled at him. "I her oath deposes and as sworn, upon "I'm afraid it will be Just have an office ready to start my says: REPUBLICANS WIN A No. 2 Cans, 14c. hard, maybe harder than working work instead of a bare room." RIPPLIHG RHYMES she is a qualified voter in went That VICTORY IN VERMONT for gomcono else," Gladys He lingered, chatting a moment, the County of Bernalillo, and pre- Silver Leaf on. "You will be so anxious to then left her. Could Cora have I B WA1T MASON. sented herself nt tho polling place Lard, 'I do all you can." Nellie broke in: heard him mutter: "She's a good in No. 13, where she was Yt., Nov. 7. Re- 10-pou- ! - - - Precinct Montpellcr. pail, $1.80. "I tell you what, Cora! Tou person to be with Nellie," she ..... :t registered voter, at about tin- turns from 209 cities nnd towns out tako work can get have it due to Nel- in of 1M7 In all the you might thought CCAIUNTEITD. horn- of ihe morning of the state give: For gov- do, he had been so more than trnugh, "is but a tinhorn hen. Oh,! l'.1'-- offered to Jacob-so- n and what you can't bring lie that once the November 7. '. and ernor. Proctor (K), 41.456; California Figs, home and I'll do it for you." kind to her. recognize origin of this other fowls, including owls, will was triven a ballot, which frock by the low waist- T a hen from Tleiiben (T), n.r,.i2. "No, Nellie, you work all day. She sought the superintendent extremely bought play the laying games, but my old was taken out of For senator: Creen ( 38,303; 30c Pound. line, which in many of her crea- Wrenn, he said that it would bird is never or shortly thereafter ft), that's enough without doing my of the building, got the address lay. stirred by sane hand by a republican Judge of Mayo (IJ). 16,615. tions this Heason Is lower than the and in my need, be I'd aims.- She ep.ts her work evenings." of a man to letter the door, call- guaranteed, lofty my corn, this; t. Louis Baca, who waistline favored most of the have an egg a I took his bird till she's a election, "I only mean until you get herself "C. Baker," it being by day. tinhorn, become IO mark the said ballot ing other French houses. And word that this oid bird would If JV1 boil nn In I proceeded started get so rich you won't no one's business if she were man leading bore, and egg oil for her over her protest, marking fore me this seventh day of No- then such graceful details as the sootho and comfort me, with buy it jit the store. It was agreed. re- 1322. need me. Jt won't hurt me a bit or woman so long as her work I tho same in the circle, under the vember, bands of which ex- golden fruit that could shoot into you gun Hi til red, she'd lay an H. (1. Public. to work a little evenings here at was well done. Then she bought with cgj; public-! n emblem, whereas she. bad (latling, Notary tend from neck to my fact! sloe Jlv a so now inal'O e from in an to waist, and neighbors' day; good you d desire to vote a My commission expires October home; it's different supplies, Just enough begin. from hens, in find were lav- i cMiressi her can would there float off into space poops pen, know should am. take the :i, l:,26. office somehow. One stop Later, if she got on, she as tho ing all the and. hen ' Nd locket. Affiant further times or wholesale. wearer walks, are other time; Justly proud, ana)." tongue or pen." did not need assis- and talk between here, try to buy characteristics of Lnnvin art which they cackled loud each eg;; was cried Mr. Wrenn, "could tel bow says that she do it time Please Tomorrow Delia Black Writes to T In her ballot, and any they please. make her models the adored ot worth a dime. But my old fowl tired feel! You fe( her . urn! tance marking 1 Cora. not ask for Fitch assistance. do as want you to, Cora, my the youth. put up no howl, announcing ess You rouse my scorn! You should did new-bor- of was dono In the It loafed around and have fed her meal! Cet henee. Tlmt all this -- pel of dem- clawed tho and to a ton of hence! You : ave no i presence Diego Shoats. the ground sense! of election in said corn. Nine weeks went past and thought you knew, you rwnb, that ocratic judge then at last I on Precinct No. 13. called Air. Wrenn; hens won't lay if fed in hay and not. "The fowl I bought," I said, dis- - field corn on the cob!" And further affiant sayeth HOUSEHOLD C. Baca. 1 EAHTvHOMEpROBLEMLS Clara (Seal) Subscribed and sworn to be- - SUGGESTIONS highly complimented by all ut the. Dear Mrs. Thompson: I have of divorce and he sayt that is not uonfevenee. A third v:i.i a trip to.' FOREST the Petrified Forest. The confer-- been married three years and have possible because of our little girl. IETI1 ; He claims to love her and wiys he ence offered a vote of thanks for' i. baby girl two years old. Before ar- success to the Enrich t!ie Diet thinks we ought to be able to A ,lts Apache Lumber I married my husband loved me so so we need not Knotty Problem. company. This company, tho laig-- range matters that The knots in children's shoe- ' much that he sokln't bear to be separate. He also seems to be WILL HAVE FIB est in New Mexico and Arizona, When the diet is deficient strings can be undone with - out of He loved me so readily contributed to com- vita-mine- my sight. afraid of what his will materially the -- s, employer the aid of a of I much that 1 dtdn t know whether think of our trouble becomes pair pincers. forts and entertainment of the in health building I cared for him. It wasn't always known. members of the conference. children and adults Did You Know. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1922 pleasant to have him around, but At first when I found my hus- EFFECT suffer in body and strength. every minute he could be at our band loved someone else I was very That a hotter oven is required REACHING j KENDRICK AHEAD OF house he spent Ihere. When he unhappy and I loyed him more for anything mixpd with water asked me io marry him I couldn t than ever before. Now I just fee! than, for things mixed with milk? i MONDELL IN WYOMING make up my mind, because I didn't disgusted and I want to be away Matters Scott's Emulsion fee I loved him enough. .My par- it all and free. My Old Many Important from parents .Stockings. Wwo Nov. 7. - ents liked him so much, however, would lake care of baby so that I If you expect to move save your Discussed and Decisions Cheyenne, Fifty- seemed so I fin- nine out of 059 cod-live- Our he that I old to precincts New and I am sure. am an gives; r Hats eager could work, stockings wrap the legs of of oil abounds 1 S Ken-clrlc- I pure ally gave my consent. child and would do the tables or chairs. Reached in Recent Con- Mondell, depublicnn, ,79 ; only they any prized They health-buudin- g It is funny, b''t after he had me thing to make me nappy. will not tear like paper and yet are ference at Ariz. democrat, 2,075. in he didn't seem to be quite so de- I am desperate about things. easily manipulated. Cooley, Fifty precincts out of 659 gives: vitamines. the lender Hats however. 1,063; dem- voted. For the first year, Would you advise me to go to my Hay, republican, Ross, is down in he was a pretty good husband Ho parents and not ask Tor a divorce, Macaroni. While the forest management ocrat, I,?79. body run came home most of the time me conference at Cooley, Arizona has Thirty-fiv- e out of 659 nights or would you advise to stay The best way to cook macaroni come precincts add tht and when he didn't come I knew where I am for awhile? 1 would Is to have a amount of water and gone, its influence upon give: Lucas, republican, 762; Tay- vitality, $4.50 large mm.- vitamine 'rich where he was. Then a very pretty be to a divorce and be before mac- - tho forest administration of the lor, democrat, G56; Carter, republi- tare willing get already boiling the United will I young girl started to work In the free ngain if you didn't think that aronl is put in and keep the water) States be both far can, 738: I.lttle, democrat. 61; ness of Scott's Emulsion to office where ho works and he foil would hurt my child. - until Jt is tender. Mac- reaching and permanent. And loticks, democrat. 670; Morton, Excel Hats bubbling chief ' the diet. It builds up health. in love with her. Whether he is DISGUSTED. aroni will take less time to boil in influence will be tho action republican, 774 ; Hendricks, demo- fascinated by her because he Is Your husband has a selfish and this manner and will not stick to taken toward making the funda- crat, 599; Winter, republican, 651; ficott ft Bowlie, nleomfield.N.J. 22-- mental effort of tho U. S. I I Mil ! married and can t have her, or he hnd not Forest Rose, democrat, ?0S. Vv I 'i, cowardly character. If the bottom of the pan. Bureau ai whether he really loves her is more been so utterly selfish he would the protection of the for- ja $6.50 , than I can say. At any rate, he have off his deslro for est preserves und the growing and fought the Bows on Nighties. of minus aDout ner an me time, com- other woman, but instead he let his A good way to have the bows harvesting timber. mm. berib-bone- One of the of pares me to her, and is ugly to the jleslre grow until he has brought always fresh and on d high lights the me. dainty conference was tho statement of GASSY Hats baby and tragedy to himself and his family. night-gow- is to work two STOMP Supreme About a month ego he o.Hd he Leave him once Col. Greeley, Chief Forester of the at since you buttonholes wherever the ribbon is U. couldn't stand his life any longer know that he is no longer true to desired it these S., who presided at tho con- and pull through ference, con- IHoating. Belching, Sour Klslncs, and he was going to be with tho you. I think when he finds that tie. ribbons can bo re- he informed tho $9.50 and The ference Pressure Bo Sure j woman he loved whether I liked it you have gone away and taken the moved when to that the public will Judge Heartburn, the gown goes the th work of Bervice to I'so Stuart's Dyspepsia or not. Since then ho has been baby his eyes will be opened and he laundry and are like new with tho largely Just Like the home until about mid- by the condition of the cut-ov- Tablets. away from will find (hat after all ha loves each wearing. meals or night every night. I have talked not other woman. I areas, whether they show the Chew one or two after These hats are advertised most by the people whe you and the time note how the stom- Ones would advise you to let the matter practice and sale tech- any and Big have seen them. They represent a studied effort of divorce rest for two or three nique have been efficient, as judg- ach settles down, feels fine, stops ed by the new secured. gas, acidity, sour risings, belching on our part to present the best hat values Albu- months. After you have been at growth doll car-rlng- M&E awhile Another high light was tho man- and such troubles due to indiges- Our Sidway has ever seen. O home with your parents for I sour querque 0 and away from him you will know ISIT! agement plans, tho necessity of tion. They neutralize tho aro making all most 1 which was universally acids, give the stomach an alka- Needless to say that the season's favored more truly Just how much you care such a lilt because In case as indispensable to the proper line effect and you need have no and are for him. you find that you rec- materials,, shapes trimmings amply feel only disgust, consider yourself SETTING Planning of forestry work. Thece fear to eat whatever you like. Get the youngsters MPS are r.eeded in view to CO cent box of and get a divorce. plans the a today any drug- ognize Unit they arc rapidly increasing demand for gist. No more drowsiness or forest products. The necessity tar feeling after a meal. In reality miniature Dear Mrs. Thompson: I am a heavy hearty Sltl-wi- 2-P- girl fifteen and I have been invited making these plans simple and un- And you get the benefit of your models of real y Boys' Suits The Sale of Art FOB derstandable was also recognized. food In more solid flesh. Most AIT to a dumb party. I wish . you carriages. Colonel Greeley the have a to would suggest a few ways to dress. mm emphasized people tendency acid, nil Embroidery IN DOUBT. necessity for liberal cutting Into gassy stomach Just after eating or 5l7,es, prices. $7.50 and $10.00 There is no particular costume stumpage prices. This will per- drinking coffee, etc. If a gtuart's .Tnst In time to Insure yonr for a dumb Wear Coach Johnson Puts Squad mit of silvacultural measures es- Tablet is chewed at Although these suits finishing t li o embroidery party. the dress to Dyspepsia you like ths best. New Stunts in sential leaving tho stand in good this time It neutralizes tho acids, are being sold for the ap- work on them before Christ- Through growing condition. lie also em- your stomach is sweetened, tho proximate price of ordinary mas time. , rw t0 Dear Mrs. Thompson: Kindly Anticipation of Arizona phasized the prime importance of gas Is prevented and you feel good stab suits, there's double a lotion protecting such areas. all over. it. Remember you I wear In every one of them. $2.00 Stamped Pillow Cases print for chapped hands. Try ' RUTH. Game. The conference Ineted six days can get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets The styles are Just what the and was District $1 .69 Glycerin, one ounce; bay rum, attended by the anywhere In U. S. and Canada. BfflT TP boys like this season and two ounces; carbolic acid, twenty With most of the men who were Forester from each of the eight Adv. the materials include cordu- $1.83 Stamped Luncheon drops. bruised In game out districts, including Alaska. There roy. In addition to the usual Cloths up Saturday's was also one from Ounces for for practise last night, the Loboa forest supervisor g boys' suiting started work in earnest in prep- each district, excepting from the best stores are showing. SI .49 g NURSE JOINS STAFF Arizona at Alaska, which Is District No. 8. aration lot the game Several 50o Hemstitched Towels AT EL MIRAMONTES Tucson, November 18. logging engineers, includ- Come in and Inspect BAKING Coach Johnson Introduced some ing Carter, Preston and KHleredge 39c brand new stunts Into last from Washington, Pearson, from Our Modern Read This and Miss Edith Tondro of Los An- practice District No. 3 and several super- Safety 40c Stamped Momle Cloth POWDER night, lining his entire squad up Towels KG geles is a new member of the staff across Inter- visors from District No, 3, attended Vaults the field, pausing at Deposit at MIramontes-on-the-Mes- a. She vals to block an oppo- the conference. Save imaginary One of the con- 20c No better made has Just arrived from Raton where nent, then lining them up again, the sidelights of she has spent several weeks and halls out on the ference was an evening symposium Hinds honey and almond 05o Stamped Scnrfi and throwing on sllvaculture For a moderate charge of price will remain here as nurse assistant field at every conceivable angle, yellow pone given cream 3!c regardless of tho hotel. Sha is a of Lobos dive for by H. Pearson. Another was a 69c MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT ... graduate and having the you may secure Pastorlne tooth paste... 2tc the Hahnemann nursing college in to used to short trip over the Apache sale per year 05o Stamped Center Pieces BY THE GOVERNMENT them, all this get them the condition of which was Mulslfled cocoanut oll...45o Chicago. She spent several years handling tho ball fast and to take area, a box in this vault pro- as a nurse for tho Durand face powder. ,. ,40c KiTii n nil inn rmri n surgical Mnyo advantage of any fumbles that may 69c at . . brothers Rochester, Minn., and occur in the game with the Wild- viding ample storage for Jergen's rice powder. , ISc 73c Stntnped Scarfs has had considerable oxperlenco in cats. Eutascka face 25c institutional wprk in California, powder... Blocking and tackling took up jewelry, valuable papers, facial 49c a bit of thu period, Woodbury's soap.l?c 75o Center Pieces good practice Cuticura bonds and other securi- 4 S. Stomped MASONIC SECTARY and will constitute a large part of Soap os. Pastorlne U. P. the practice from now until the ties, to which you have peroxide ISc 49c TO BE SELECTED AT game, for practically a stone wall Complexions Oriental cream, small. , 60c $1.25 Stamped Night Gowns d hold in EVERY DECEMBER fense will be needed to SLICE access at all times during Oriental cream, large. .$t.SU ELECTION check the muoh vaunted offense, 95c said to be as as the one Are Healthy-t-o? business hours. Heverls talc In glass..., 25c powerful B.OIiitBfit.Tmlcom.?.rr"tytf?;CmUrai X 85o Stamped Dresses A successor to Harry E. Walter, which gave Centre College a Uttla tddM: UtunrlN ,Dpt of our bread is a slice of good- Witch Hazel soap, 3 for.lffe ness, of wholesomeness a secretary of the Masonic lodges, trouble last year. genu- Powder compacts $1.00 69c who died recently, will be chosen Jones, star halfback, Is pretty ine staff of life! And our loaf RELIEF Tloubl-gan- 6"o ) FOR THl 0 at election Satur- is baked as only oread First Savings Bank Choice of Coty's t, Infants' Stumped the regular annual badly battered from last expert IrCSCS) which takes place in all lodges In day's game with the Buffaloes, and bakers know how, uniformly good Ouerlaln, Heveris "Coughs," Colds. Croup" December. not throughout, with that crisp gol- and and French - has appeared In practice this worn. i perfume Mr. Walter was for- the past week. Pearce, star whose fcj den brown crust. odors. 49c whooping cough, hoarseness guard, Children's 85c Stamped three years recorder of Ballut elbow was dislocated in the Texas Cutex manicure prepara- BV Trust Company Koinprm Abyad temple and secretary of Miner game, Is improving rapidly m tions 2."c BRONCHITIS Templo lodge. His work in being and may be able to get back In PIONEER BAKERY -- S010 EVERYWHER- E- donn in interim until elections AI HKJI'ITIKM K S. M. Mavis toilet water D5e 69c the the game before the Lobos meet 4COMMINDID frSOU) ST BRUOOlStS tOPTICIANl by Bernard Wiles and Fred White. the Wildcats, 207 South Ilrst Street, Pape Six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL November 8, 1922

guard, a shin- - guard, and regular football SHAKING OLD PERSIMMON TREE. r "M the City of Albuquerque, according ' THE to the plat thereof fliou may 0, Albuquerque MIorning Journal pants besides cleated shoes. i r 'I PROCLAMATION 1SS0, In the office of the probate "Why arent you playing?" was aske. clerk and recorder of AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER New Mexico. Published By him. rternallllo county. Von are further notified that the JOURNAL l' BLISH1X4J COMPANY I f k--? "I'm not good enough," was his re- . Vim, Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 7. Gov. said action is for the purpose of M, C. Mech.m has issued the fol- estate in tho . Editor ' establishing plaintiff's JOSEPH TAUSEK. Managing sponse. lowing Armistice Day proclama- foregoing described premises The boys in the game were equipped tion: claim which you or 310 west Gold Ave. against tiny Off: with no such paraphernalia as he had. The fifth anniversary of Armis- any or you may have adverse to tice Day occurs next in said prem- Trip iviosu were Saturday, the estate of plaintiff oi inem engagea in weannjr November 11. Last year the presi- ises and real estate, and that the as second -- i:las9 matter at the postofflce out their school dent and congress declared No- in action prays that En'ered N. ordinary clothes. Boy- plaintiff paid of N. M.. and entry In Santa Fe. vember 11 a legal holiday and the of shall lie forever barred Albuquerque. March 17. hood's democracy you see, is a real one. each you M., pending, undi.T act of Congress of whole nation mourned at the gntve and estopped from having any S7'J. It, is there that worth, not wealth, de- of the Unknown Soldier burled claim, right, title or interest In and cides one's standing in the game. that day at Arlington National to the said real estate adverse to SUBSCRIPTION HATES cemetery with the most solemn plaintiff, and that the plaintiff's One month by carrier or mail 'Y'k dignity and ceremony the world title mav be forever quieted and Three months IvVc BY THE WAY. has ever witnessed. set at rest. Plaintiff's attorseys On November 11, 1918, as we all nre Downer & Keieier, whose ad- One Year '"" recall, an armlstico was declared dress is Rooms 5 Cromwell The annual sign is in our midst that the between tho warring nations of the Building, Albuquerque. New Mex- ADVERTISEMENTS. of will of stuf- world, and our soldiers, sailors, ico. Unless you enter your ap- The Journal reserves the right to reject any price turkey have plenty marines with a sigh of gratitude pearance or cause the same to be advertising mutter that it may deem improper. fing in it. threw down their implements of entered on or before the first day for Mirietv meetings, curds of thanks, res- - warfare and turned their faces of December. 1922, Judgment will no- - de- oluiions. society und church socials, lectures, A eagerly toward home and peace. bo rendered against you by .,n. ..i.nreh meetings (except Sunday Peoria, III., girl eloped in a hydro- - This first Armistice Day meant fault and the decree prayed for in church programs) ae considered as advertising andplarie What chance has father now- - a "temporary cessation of hostil- said complaint will be granted, will he charged for at regular advertising rates. unless owns ities," but as time goes on it in- (Seal) FRED CROLLOTT, adays he a fast pursuit plane? vests Itself more and more with Clerk. Clerk. MI3M1IEI1 OF Til (0 ASSOCIATED PRESS the meaning of permanent' peace, By HARRY F. LEE. Deputy Press Is exclusively entitled to ' to the nation The Associated A good way to come up with those and its importance NOTICE OF SALE, of all news credited to clear-cu- t and signifi- the use for with taxes stands out No. 13388. It or not otherwise credited in mis papvi ami corporations charged dodging cant. This day brings back to us of Berna- a made Antonio C. Ortiz, Sheriff the local news published nerein. by keeping double set of books would vividly the supreme sacrifice New Mexico, Suc- thousands of our Boldiers on lillo County, 1922 be to tax them on both. by cessor in Trust to P. F. McCanna, WEDNESDAY November 3, foreign battle fields, the great Mutual Build- of the millions who sur- as Trustee for the hardships ing Association of Albuquerque, The advance notices seem to differ. vived, the heroic services of unci the Mutual, FORGET THEM NOT. nurses and at the bed-Rid- o New Mexico, One says Clemenceau will tell the United physicians Building Association of Albu- of the wounded and dying. New Mexico, a Corpo- States the whole be querque, ey truth about Europe, The day, therefore, should kept vs. W. T. Mur-ph- Disabled veterans of the World War In commem- ration Plaintiffs while he is here, and another says he will sacredly year by year and Meta Murphcy. De- t. as well make a simple plea Forget-me-no- And make six oration of these sacrifices, fendants. only speeches. as celebrating the victory of that Forget-me-n- ot by Notice Is hereby given by so has been set apart as American arms. of fore- today MER-RIT- T virtue of the final decree To these maimed and shell-shock- ed NOW THEREFORE, I, closure entered in the above cause Day. C. MECHEM, GOVERNOR 30. 1922, the under- OF NEW MEX- on August soldiers America owes a war OHITT OF THE STATE Special Master will on Fri- BY IOOT DO HEREBY PROCLAIM signed at 10 For M ICO, day, December 1. 1922, debt which it can never fully repay. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, o'clock in the forenoon at the front IN Al- service and the sacrifice 1922, A LEGAL HOLIDAY door of the courthouse at Old the they gave THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO. Bernalillo county. New (AUTO INTOXICATION, VOL. recom- buquerque, made, we can never recompense II.) I respectfully urge and Mexico, offer for sale and sell at they mend the day be kept in a and We gave our Ford some that public auction to the highest them too highly. alcohol, consistent with its meaning; best bidder for cash, the following So Its innards spirit LEGION As long as America endures as a free wouldn't freeze. that the AMERICAN ,.i r,ui;,in situate in Bernalillo It began to Jump and frisk take charge of the ceremonies, that New Mexico: Situate, lying to about, so- county, nation it will stand as a monument And tried to climb two all churches, lodges, schools, md being in the mining iiisiuami trees. labor ot e to in the prin- cial and civic organizations, addition to the Town Ainuquer-qu- their valor and their faith unions brotherhoods and patriotic in the County of Bernalillo ciples which they fought to maintain ; Its lamps went out. Its tires went flat, associations assist in preparing and TerritoVy ot New Mexico, Its timer missed Its stride. suitable programs for the day, and nd designated on the and in the we shall also all business be suspended as amended nnd map of honoring living, At times it did the step. that supplemental shimmy far as possible. said Iluning Highland addition to honor the dead. At times the Bug House glide. Done at tho Executive Office the Town ot Albuquerque, made by done and it is 6th day of November, otto Dieckmann In accordance Much has been encourag- this the R. L. Its breath came quickly in 192 with the survey made by to see here and there a parti- sharp snorts, WITNITS8 MY HAND AND THE C. E.. and filed in the of- ing youth, Like election booze Pavies, his in it smelled. GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE fice of the probate clerk and ally crippled, finding place again We feared if Snyder got a whiff, OF NEW MEXICO, recorder of said County of the ways of peace, making as good a citi- For ten years we'd be held. MERRITT C. MECHEM, Bernalillo on tho first day of May, Governor. A. D. 1887. as Lots numbered zen of himself as he made a soldier. MANUEL MARTINEZ, Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in That boat Attest: be- have within their wards tiny charged heavy trucks, Secretary of State. Block No. Forty (40). this sale Many hospitals Made haughty Chalmers turn aside. ing made to satisfy a judgment en- cause ths some of those pathetic figures of whom At last it hopped Sir tered in the above for George's car, WOMAN ADMITS ROBBERIES sum of $3,284.10, with interest on And no Nov. 7. Mrs. Cathe- it chills the heart to speak. It is impos- paid fare to take a ride. New York, $2,1 53.35 thereof at the rate of 9 NEW MEXICO CATTLE rine Flynr., wife of a mail earner from sible America should now court to- per cent per annum August that neglect admitted in Magistrate's 1 on That wayward Ford's a Juvenile, TO raf- 30, 922, with interest $215.33 turn all attention to the mere WILL BE SHIPPED that she was the woman of 6 cent them and Scarce three short day n doz- thereof at the rate per ceremonial of the dead. In our years at best; The Markets IOWA FOR FEEDING fles who had robbed nearly per annum, and interest on $480.77 honoring We think we'll take the drunken en Brooklyn homes getting Jewelry $434.64 at the rate of us thing She was held and thereof devotion to the living, let prove that To Captain Richard Guest. valued at $10,000. 6 per cent per annum from August By th AfcimciaU'd i'riw. Des Moines, la., Nov. 7. Ar- for action by tho grand Jury. these dead shall not have died in vain; thou- 30. 1922, a total of $3,349.53 being rangements to bring several due on the date of sale, together that who lie in Flanders fields and The glittering bit of verse set forth above was LIVESTOCK sand head of cattle to Iowa from RECOVERS FROM RHEUMA- with costs of suit nnd this sale. they New Mexico where con- in France Will never lack our homage, denied you yesterday because the Journal had some drought TISM. ILDA B. SGANZINI, ditions exist have been made by C. five monms Master. - thlns worth while that took us place, (lilt'iiso. W. "Had rheumatism Special We best can show that our words regard- it the paper 7 I Hunt, of the Iowa left knee ! Chicago, Nov. (J. ft. Depart- that would go from my eetUns better- - they'n probably crowd us farm bureau federation and vice reme- NOTICE OF SUIT. ing them are not empty, if we heed theikeps" ment of Agriculture). lings Jte. to my back. Tried many No. 13389. out an together' Book 38,000. lOo to 15c president of the Iowa farm credit relief. used modest of the ceipts Market it was announced to- dies without Finally Antonio C. Ortiz, Sheriff of Berna- quiet, unassuming, plea d av- corporation, In fifteen lower. Hulk 150 to Foley Kidney Pills and lillo New Sue- - livin disabled -me -not. 210 to day. writes County, Mexico, Forget starrett yi. .Tearl!) come from L erages, $8,3558.45; Mr, Hunt was in New Mexico days was entirely cured." cessor In Trust to P. F. McCanna, - may oyste ; m $ fti butchers mostly 8.50 8.60 W. J. Oliver, Vidalia. Ceorg but diamonds come from some poor fish." last week and made a contract on dull as Trustee for the Mutual Build- Fml IVornot and the Villin. top. $S.C5; packing sows, $7.1!fi behalf of Backache, rheumatic pains, Association of Albuquerque, DEFENDING THE TURK. Villin. Ah last I have 7.90; desirable the credit corporation and blurred ing hah at pigs around $0.50; with and Livestock headache, dizziness New Mexico, and the Mutual threw medium the Agricultural of kidney The floating population now Is found that terrible Fred Feeinot heavy weight, $S.20ifi'8.65; company of New Mexico pro- vision are symptoms Building Association of Albu- mostly off trale. If weight, $S.40(rf 8. 05; Pills A who has re- outside the three-mil- e limit. my theres enybody light weight, viding for the of Here- disorder. Foley Kidney querque, New Mexico, a Corpo- university professor just In werlcl 1 its O $8.35 8.50; $8.85 fO shipment and blad- a in is the hate, him. well, light lights, ford and Shorthof. cattle to Iowa quicklv relieve kidney ration. Plaintiffs, vs. Walter T. turned from stay Constantinople he may think he's smart but Im 8.50; packing sows, smooth, $7.50 farms. der trouble. Sold everywhere. Murphcy nnd Meta Murphcy, as that the Turk is "dig- "Great oaks from little acorns grow". And there smarter, ha ha ha ha! I laffl (h'm.OO; packing sows, rough. $7.15 Expense of the Mr. Adv. Defendants. quoted declaring I 7.S0; $8.40 & 8.r0. operation, well-bred- are lots of other Heer comes a messenger boy. killing pigs, Notice is that ," the things that had some nut as their Hunt said, would be '.orne by the hereby given by nified, refined, quite wonder if he's got a telegram for Cattle Receipts 11,000. Market cattle breeders of New virtue of the final decree of fore- progenitor. strong to on Mexico. reverse of the popular conception of him. me. I need one. Hay boy, who higher all killing Feeders in Iowa will not be re- LEGAL NOTICE. closure entered in tho above cause in same you looking for? Have you got a classes, quality plain; western quired to make any investment In on August 30, 1922, the under- Unfortunately, the newspaper, A lot of ua grassera in moderate supply; NOTICE OF SUIT. on Fri- folks were offered rides in automo- message for me? good the stock market but will get the of signed Special Master will stretched in black letters clear I and this beef heifers active. String choice In the District Court, County 1, 10 great biles yesterday, but nobody will see us until Messingcr boy. have, full market, value of the weight Mexico. day, December 1822, at again Is it Im on trale. yearlings, $12.00, some held high- added to Bernalillo, State of New in across the front was the caption, November, 1924. still your the animals by feeding, vs. o'clock the forenoon at the front page Villin. Fred Feernot! Cerscs! er; little done on western grassers he said. R, F. Heller, Plaintiff, Surety door of courthouse at Old Al- and stockers s a Corpo- the "Turks Massacre 1,000 Christians," Act 2. early; nnd feedi steady; Investment Company, buquerque, Bernalillo county, threw outsiders buying choice veal calves Unknown Claimants of the article which followed contained par- The man with the wooden leg uses It to get Villin. Well, at last Ive to ration; offer for sale and sell at him off the sent agen. If he upward $11.00; packers paying OLD NEWSPAPERS TO Interests in the Premises auction to the and details. It is hard to somewhere, but the man with the wooden head $10.00 nnd to Plaintiff. Defend- public highest ticularly revolting thinks he can get the best of this above; trade being BE USED the best bidder for cash, the following could never gets any place. largely 25c higher on vealers, qual- TO PROTECT ants. Bernalillo believe that these have been per- villin he's a bum thinker. Ha ha defend real estate situate in ha ha ha! ity considered. YOUNG IVIEL0N You. the above named countv, New Mexico: Lots Four refined, 1 PLANTS of petrated by anyone "dignified, Echo. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Sheep Receipts 1.000. Fat ants, and each you. are hereby (4), Five (5) and Six (6) in Block well-bred- ." Iambs 25c namea and Villin. (5. lissen to the echo. 1 active; opening sales to notified that the above Five (5) of the Terrace addition tff 50c higher. Early top nntives, Brownsville, Texas, Nov. 6. Old has begun action against as It is to understand that the im- dident know there was a echo $14.25 bane plaintiff to the City of Albuquerque, the easy r to choice fed west- newspapers, the of the order- vnu. hct-- packers; the obiect thereof being same are shown and designated on erns, $14.25 to ly housewife and the of the of in and pression of the Constantnople Turk was Echo. Neither there n int. Its shippers; $14.00 to despair quiet the title plaintiff the P'at of said addition filed in ngiu suppiv rangers street cleaner, are expected to play to certain real estate situate in the office ot clerk shaped somewhat by the allied armies tno disguised, like one. Ha. ha ha feeders: no a prominent in de the probate and ha! mostly early sales; part putting the Bernalillo county, New Mexico, recorder of Bernalillo and soldiers ha around first watermelons on to-w- Lots camping outside the walls, by Fireman Qulgley, who runs Into Villin. Fred Is there sheep steady. the market scribed as follows, county, New Mexico, June 3. 1891, Albuquerque Feernot: in the I'nited next Twenty-thre- e and of allies who streets. Is ill - States year. numbered (23) this sale made to satisfy a the patrolled the every other day, and unable to be at work. no limit tn ymu- disguises'.' Tho lower al- Twenty-nin- e being none. Kansas City. Rip Grande valley Twenty-fou- r (24), Block entered in the above a to take Fred Feernot. Abaolootly Kansas Nov. 7 p. most the to judgment Terhaps sportmanlike impulse Art City, (tT. Invariably places first (29), of the Perea aaditlon cause for the sum of $2,473.22, with Brakeman Ben Coles Is on of Agriculture). Cattle melons on the market. Melon the of Albuquerque as the . the part of the attacked promoted this again pulling brakes Villin. Wi ll, now T reely have city interest on $1,845.25 thereof at the the New Mexico Receipts 19,000. Reef sleers farmers generally plant the melon same are shown and designated on 9 cent annum was division. outwitted him and its about time. in rate of per per from defense. Perhaps it only inaccurate dull, steady with late seed in late or of said addition filed A 11 t must .lest to show I ap- dealings February early the map gust 30, 1922, Interest on observation. the of I say. Early top, $9.00; bidding Mill ba"li; March, but next year E. C. anil the office of the clerk and 84.63 8 At any rate, witness it 111 give this old probate $1 thereof at tho rate of per Marcelino A. Ortiz and It. A. Baca of preciate begger butcher stock and bulls active', A. V. who lo recorder of Bernalillo Sanla Fe 3 Yznnga operate the cent per annum from August 30, all the Turkish atrocities in history dis woman per: Is. steady to most cows, Cotulla in New 1. 1891. are in the city. ob- strong: $3.50 ranch the northern part county. Mexico, Mny 1922, interest on $332.80 thereof woman. Mulch HD this assertion. should Old begger f''4.50; many heifers, SO. 00 7.50; of Cameron county, to You are further notif 'd that 6 Au- proves Mercy Ha ha ha ha ha! expect plant at per cent per annum from liged. ha most canners around $2.25; 00 acres of melons in. Janu-nr- y, said action is for the purpose of sometimes but never Fred better early gust 30, 1922, and interest on temper justice, The New Mexico History club met at the office Villin. Foiled, .baffled, its grades cutters. $3.00 (fi 3.25; bulk old to estato in the 6 I utiliKing newspapers establishing plaintiff's $111.12 thereof at the rate of per If the Turk is guilty, he of Attorney A. B. McMillen last The discus- Feernot! penendcr. vealers, $8.50(S9.00; few, $9.50 protect the young during foregoing described premises cent a total of night. The F.nd. Hogs plants or per annum, should be sion was on the third of Receipts 11,000. Market the cool nights of late January against any claim which you $2,524.14 being due on the date of judged accordingly. chapter Bancroft's History dull, mostly 10c lower; off and of may have adverse to the is of Arizona and New more. spots early February. any you sale together with costs of suit, "The only trouble with the Turk his Mexico, and was directed by Packer top. $8.15; shipper This year tho Y'znagas tried out estate of plaintiff herein !n said ILDA B. H. E. $S.10; in SGANZINI, inherent passion for fighting," continues Fox. Dr. James II. Wroth was elected to f A LITTLE LAUGHTER J top. light lights, $7.75(fi;7.85; this method on 14 acres and it premises and that the plainfft Special Master. bulk desirable 190 to s successful said action prays that each of you be membership to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- proved they decided NOTICE OF SALE. the professor. Also, it might added, $8. 00(fi8.10; heavy butchers most- to plant CO acres to, melons next shall be forever barred and estop- nation of S. E. Newcomer. Business As Ho Found It. ly $7.90(ffl8.10; mixed In the District Court. State of New his methods of fighting. But does not weights and year, utilizing old newspapers to ped from having any claim, right, of Bernalillo, "How do you find business these quality, $7.707.80; bulk of sales, protect the title or inte-es- t in and to said real Mexico, County this trouble indicate an unpleasant char- $7.70(S8.10; sows plants. to said and No. 13.367. President B. P. Ripley, General Manager H. U. days?" packing steadv to estate adverse plaintiff H. H. behind "Same as By strong; bulk, title be forever E. L. Grose nnd Ackerson, acter the fighting? Mudge, Third Vice President J. W. Gen way always. going l7.10Si7.2fi; stock that plaintiff's may vs. G. R. KcndrlcU, out and looking for it." Every- pigs steady, mostly $7.50 8.00. GENERAL ALARM FOR quieted and set at rest. Trustee, Plaintiffs, be t.-- M. His Perhaps the Turk can changed. eral Superintendent D. E. Cain, Chief Engineed W. Sheen Ree.elnta Anna in Plaintiff's attorneys are Downer Park and Mamie Park, body's Magazine. MRS. HAMMERSTEIN F. B. J. and M. L. Perhaps his religion is at fault, or perhaps B. Storey, Assistant Chief Engineer C. E. Morse, and active; fat lambs 25c to 50c higher; & Keleher, whose address is Rooms Wife; Barclay l His Dr. James in- S. Mind the ueep Rieany to 25c higher-feeder- 5 Cromv.-el- Building, Albuquer- Barclay. Wife; his government. Meanwhile, until the E. Richardson of the Richardson Grain company Stop. . . ' SENT OUT BY POLICE C. Lewis, Lis Two tame up to Htpfldv tn utn T na que, New Mexico. Unless you enter Lewis and Vivian arrived last on a con- countrymen ""ft. V. Lewis; H, L fluences which mould his character are night special train. Mr. Storey for first and tive lambs, $14.00; western unsold- - or cause the same Wife; Amelia London the time, 7. your appearance His Wife, firmed the report that the Santa Fe is to build a in West Knd hotel. (i"nllty P'ain, bulk New York, Nov. A general to be entered on or before tho first Free and Ada Free, he had better be put stayed a 6 $.00 radically changed, cut-of- 60 alarm for Mrs. Oscar Hammer-stein, Defendants. southern f, which he said would be completed After they had changed for din- day of December, 1922, Judgment into a position where he can work no widow of the Impressario has will de- Notice is hereby given that ths within two years. He stated that whllo a ner they set forth in search of be rendered against you by be?n on tho more mischief. large the 'staircase, and camo upon a Denver. been sent out. by the police at the fault and the decree prayed for in undersigned, having amount of cut-of- f. thirty-fir- st of 1322, freight would be hauled over the dark lift the of which Denver, Nov. 7. Cattle Re- request of Mrs. Julia Farley, a said complaint will be granted. day July, shaft, gate 2.S00. who befriended Mrs. named and by the afore- Albuquerque would not be hurt In a business way, had been left open i'y a careless ceipts Market 10c In friend, has (Seal) FRED CROLLOTT, appointed a Beef .ar, m 7 Hammerstein since she was said court as Special Master in DEMOCRACY OF YOUTH. as the shop work here would be Increased. attendant. Seeing lights below steers. J r,n found Clerk. greatly cows and heifers. 4 nn c'r.n! a few weeks ago penniless and ill HARRY F. LEE, Clerk. certain final decree and ludgmcnt him, the firat man stepped down. - By Deputy He said the Santa Fe would continue to advertise calves $5. 75(3)8. 00- etr,,.i-- r on a In on that rendered in the above was "Are U bench Central park. , day You to to school or There a dull thud. you to NOTICE OF SUIT. cause, will on don't have go high Albuquerque and the Alvarado hotel as chief show shrieked his feeders, $5.75 7.35. Mrs. Farley told police that Mrs. of styled and numbered all right, Jarge?" In the District Court, County twenty-nint- h of November, to college to learn how to play football. points on the line. Hogs Receipts 7,4 00. Market Hammerstein accompanied by her State of New Mexico. the day companion anxiously. steady to 25c Bernalillo, 1922, q,t the hour of 10 o'clock a. One of the most thumbed rule "Yes," came the feeble reply, higher. I.nmbs coilie, Teddy, left her home yester- No. 13,588. of the Berna- thoroughly 12.00813.25; ewes. 6 A note left Mrs. m., at the front door "but mind the first sti p, it's a $4.00i' ' day morning. by P. F. McCanna, Inc., Plaintiff, vs. offsr for books we ever saw was trotted out Jerome Malete has succeeded Ed. Fluke in the Iambs, $1 1.75 m 1 2.50. " Hammerstein for Max a lillo county courthouse, every deep un!" Answers, London. Rubin, Louise do Reeyter (de Ruyter) sale nnd sell to the highest and few seconds the other while we tobacco house of Flesher and Rosenwaiu. Mr. student, at Columbia university, Cromwell, Henrietta M. de Reey- day who had a benefit for her best bidder for cash, the following a bunch of school Fluke is now bookkeeper for the Imperial laurdry. The Impulse. PRODUCE planned ter (de Ruyter). All Unknown real estate situated in Bernalillo watched grade young- at Carnegie Hall next t: Hey How did their romance Monday Heirs at Law of John de Reey- county. New Mexico, sters about on a vacant lot. night read: ter (de Deceased; Un- Six and tumbling M ttart? Chicago. "I wish to thank so much Ryter), Lots numbered (6) bey Her brother Is a teller In Chlcniro. you known Heirs at Law of Charles Seven (7) In Block numbered The arguments were fierce, and the Nov. 7. Butter for all have done for me. I T. ' the bank where he his xjar you Cromwell, Deceased; George of the With addition to fel- keeps ket unchaneed. am weak. I Two (2) line bucks were fiercer. These little TODATS TEIOIUGIT money. New York fc'un. very tired and very G. Haven, Jr., Unknown Heirs at the city of Albuquerque, New Eggs Market unchanged. can stand it no longer." Law of G. If lows put their whole souls into the game. 4,670 rases. George Haven, Jr., Mexico, according to the map : to Mrs. Mrs. Louise v No ISiltor Experience. Alive According Farley. Deceased; Henrietta thereof filed in the office of the "Some material in Poultry higher. Fowl. Hammerstein was and Crom- . pretty good that outfit, a Secretary Why do you advocate 14(fii20c: despondent Cromwell, Oliver Eaton Recorder of Bernalillo county on springs, 18',4c; roosters' said to a short time "Do twenty-sevent- h too. But sure enough, after every THE PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT. such a system of taxation? 14c; her ago: well, James Henry Roberts the day of March, play, turkeys, 35c; geese 22c If am Stotes-bur- y The ideas Senator Dormat liecause it has not be surprised I found Cromwell, Lucretia R. 1920. the argument started, and we fear the grand of humanity, of the importance Potatoes Market dull. Receipts dead some on Oscar's R. to never been trie d. New York Sun. 1i2 IT. night grave." (formerly Lucretia This sale will be made satisfy of man as man, are silently, but surely. cars. Total R shipments' game wasn't concluded without some spreading 7 rnr"- Cromwell), Emma Hazeldlne, the final decree and Judgment In . J. Wisconsin socked Ha- Even the most abject portions of society are visited Postponed HepoiitaiK-e- round Lucy Hazeldine Dame, Mary the aforesaid cause, rendered on private fights. 90W9Ec : "me bulk POPULAR LANDLORD All Unknown Claimants by some dreams of better conditions for which There was a man out in Wis- nh' ewt.; Minnesota zeldlne; July 31. 1922, wherein the plain- A few more years of football, young- consin who went to a revival meet- sacked LOCATED IN T0KI0 and All Unknown Heirs of Un- tiffs obtained Judgment of fore- they were designed. The doctrine that every round whites. R0i9nn cwt.; Minne- Ad- will grand and was to He sota known Claimants of Interest closure of a certain deed of trust sters, and you learn teamwork and e, ing pressed repent. racked ir,r, cwt'.; human being nhould have a means of wavered for a time and King. North verse to the Plaintiff in. the made by G. R. Park und Mamie M. : finally Dakota sacked Red river Ohins X', Toklo, Nov. 7. "A Nobleman discipline. Many lessons of of In i : Premises hereinafter Described, his wife, on the twenty-secon- d courage progress knowledge and virtue; of health, arose and s id "Friends, I want 90c cwt. and a Noble Man" is the descrip- Park, land temper-keepin- g are in store and to and tell how bad I have Defendants. day of January, 1921, the for you. comfort, happiness; of exercising the powers repent tion of a Japanese paper c Count the aboTe named defend- of which been, but i dasn't do it when the Kansas You, amount judgment is as In any boyish sport there are revealed the and affection of man, this Is slowly taking its place City. SaUai of Yarai, Ushlg me, Tokio, ants and each of you, uro hereby follows: Twelve Hundred Dollars grand jury is in s( ssion." Kansas City, Nov. 7. one of the landlords of the character-buildin- g as the social Fg?s great notified that the above namod ($1200.00) with interest fundamentals of and highest truth. "The Lord will forgive," the re- Market 1c higher. 42e. The who owns 170 thereon world Firsts, capital. Count, plaintiff has begun action against from tho seventh of April, there is that rare bit of That the was made for all, and not for the vivalist loudly shouted. Butter and poultry, houses in one quarter of the city, daj taught knowledge he unchanged. you and each of you. the object 1922, until paid, at the rate of ten few; that society is to care for all; that no hurflan "Probably will," answered the has according to the newspaper, thereof to the title of cent (10 how to make a place for yourself sinner, "but he ain't on that The in being quiet per per cent) per annum, being shall- perish but his own fault; that grand rising genoratlon Great offered to sell these houses to his in and to certain real together with the sum of One , ; through Boston Britain's colonial plaintiff among your fellows. Jury." Transcript. possessions is the tenants on the installment plan, estate situate In Bernalillo county. Hundred Twenty-thre- e the great end of the government is to spread a shield ni Dollars On the sideline of this terrific football rising generation. Ashevillc the occupants to pay double their New Mexico, described as follows: ($123.00) attorneys' fees, and all over of all these are draw She it a Times. o tiie rights propositions Isn't strange that present rent for five years at the Lots numbered Twenty-tw- (22). costs of this action, of which we were stood man's arm is to circum- including the game speaking ing into axioms and the npirit of them Is coming opial the end of which time they nre to own Twenty-thre- e (23) and Twenty-fou- r cost of advertising this sale and a ference of a Coal soon be on I- - another buy. He was loaded down with forth in all the departments of life. William Ellcry gi.l's waist? may the their own homes. (24), of Block numbered Fif- reasonable master's fee. Hp Iet's get a string and sec. k an-get-it list-W- all teen (15) of the New Mexico Town JULIA He had a head-guar- d, a nose- - Channing. JOHNSON, equipment. Selected. Street Journal, Journal Want Ads bring results. Company's Original Townsite of m Special Master. November 8,1922 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Seven

Mriass! Jtwitfill iliflo-r- f . Id! CLASSHIFH1ID) A'DV E1TISEME3MTS MycirisciEEOlls Pay

-- s 3 iiofi; srrrs vr J MR, INVESTOR JX This Ranch KINGSBURY'S KOLUMN lOUUTII AR) & Martin's Specials for for Thirty Days We in Cac, off of ave Van' Johnson FOR RENT have a closo property that White Brick just Central can be remodeled into Stucco ii uo and two or: of Luna estate and Insur- Week Only dandy just Handle real Seven-roo- if lo- -j A SNAP rent-in- s iVn Lave secured a on furnished hou-'- e on apartments at low cost, or, 5 boulevard; best location in tlio ance in any and all parts of the furnished house, listing bo into bus- room?. garasc, 1 e Eleventh furnace sired, can converted Fourth ward. til. US TODAY. for 5 per month for only this ranch for thirty street, heat, heatinif plant, maplo floors city. Ul). iness property. The location is .Uii:H.SO At KI1'11TII SI,,'U0; small payment down, (lays and at a price of $4,500. garage, $75. throughout, fi it place, built-i- n 7 trno.l slse rooms, mmlorn, We Five rooms, fur- ideal lor garage, filling station or ItEALTOIM HIGHLAND. balance like rent. give you our word that you glassed pordi, The feitturcs of the very best, east 3 20 S. with can't In Lo- nished, furnace heat. lih-land- s. apartments. Extra large lot. hnilt- - Fourth St. I'hone 414. ..'our-roo- brick furnished, A new hornet three rooms heat it the valley. front, on paved street, in the. furnace heat, fireplace, cated close on road. $52,011, price is very conservative. Let's lare lot and good garage; Flopping porch, hot water heat, in, paved talk it over. best locality in the e!lv nnd built-i- n For call for Mr. $1,000.00 Loan. can bo good porches, $4,350. features; priced right appointment (i bought for $000 less jn features, FOE SALE and will go this week; easy Hodges. I'hone 657. We want to borrow $ I r. n o n 0 Shelley-Brau- n Co, than cost. size JSSOO ; room The Littlo Office terms. on a now modern adobe, Ilealtors 1ai-- clothes closets, full frame bungalow, modern, Biggest Franklin & Company H, fireplace, oak floors, two screened Hi'and new house: 5 rooms security extra good. J'.T, W. Gold. Phone 223. Chas, Roehl cht in Realtors lawn. trnvfiK". chicken pn( s, Kat Central. Albuquerque with sleeping porch, hot water I'hone filO. lot. $5,ouy room brick bungalow, mod- hardwood Insurance. Loans, Investment J, D, Keleher, Realtor ileal Estate. on Tlione 240. 318 V. Gold heat, fireplace, 221 Secontl and ern, 4th vim, car Hue; i00 cash, built-i- n West Gold Avenue. 211 W. 110 Uolil. house anil ynnl. balance like rent. floors throughout, Gold OPPORTUNITIES ?5,5O0 located In whit stucco bungalow, features, garage, For or Investors. is In a good lo- mod ', hardwoud floors, good base- Fourth ward. The is Shopmen This proporty price Tvro-roo- convenient to cation and ran be botiffht for ment, furnace, garatre, sidewalk, lawn: right and terms easy. house, if we not ac- ttcar Luna Uuulevard. modern house with National Investment Co, .liop.i; $475; $75 down, $15 per only $5600 quick $4ior, 4 room, white itucco BUILDING LOTS month. A look will convince adobe, lot. lo- Realtors tion. l'lintralow, modern, very attractive, A in $525 sleeping porch, large Four Two rooniR ami convenient breakfast larfre beauty J,una district in Fourth ward. It's a Insurance AH Kinds. Thousand Dollars porch, you. nook, fireplace. glassed on N. cated to $75 $15 dm sleeping- furnished; Highlands, Good lot Thirteenth $750 at $ 1,700. Heal Estate shops; ?500; down, per porch; snap l ,i on t It . one-ha- Kice lots in Moore Is Hie to D, T. Kingsbury. Realtor block from. Central, In city Albright bottom price which T7 limits. Add $530 A. L, Martin Co,, Realtors List Your With Us. Two rooms ami porch, convenient Phono 007-- 210 W. tiolil Property this modern 5 room residence Rmo pood boss 1n business property. Nice lots in Terrace Add., 223 W. Cold. flioiio 15(! 206 1. W. (.old. Phone 33 to .shops, corner; $G50; $100 Lots of j located closo In re- and houses nil Darts thu city. only $430 - has been ilown, $L'0 per month. - conven-ien- Mil duced. It's worth Three rooms ami t A. F1LK1KSC11EI&, Reilton- Choice lots in University renlly $5,000. porch, As As It $330 up Ask ui? to sltopn. $1,000; $100 down, Long Lasts I'lre, Arrldeit, Aiidimobile Insurance, Heights to prove tliiH statement :10 Surety Bund.. Loan. I XEED MOXlir to per niotttli, No. g. I'hone 674.. to J. W, you. Two cottages, furnished and rent-e- l, PHONE 520 ill lourlli Street, loan; if you have any you Billingsly OWNER $10.00 Per Load wish to loan let me have it Wants to make a bid to do both Including furniture for you City Co,, Realtors $1,850; $400 down and A Cotter Gratia $15.00. and I will place it for you, that carpenter work and Realty $35 per to have your winter clothes riKht now. paint, month. ing you are planning to have t have i ustomer for 4 or 5 ao: V. A about and refined and save done. I'hone 1521. 416 .Vest Gold. Phone (tf)7. splendid investment proposition (Of 1,000 feet) FOR SALE R, McClughan, Realtor rooms r,''sitl ence on west siile for sonio one who would all expense of new clothes. Gold. buy Call with Wagon r.uslncss and properly for sale; 204 W. Gold. I'lioiKi of town, not suburban, on and rent them. $1.25. bargain for Cleaning and pressing quick sale; terms; i'.-ir- McMillion & Wood Terms Cash i'or particulars, address Owner, tfrmn. must be right. Do.- - L, caro of Journal. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. I In .iranro, Loans, Ilealtors. & FOR RENT Rooms. . L'dO West meter mi:i:u FOR RENT Houses. IN,.-,;s- l,insV" " (.old. McKinley Land I' E, Elder y roil I!HN It".', l) l' OU 114 "West Central Avenue. FOR RENT one-roo- Sojfi SAI.K Itiis,, burnet Ji'lj N'ul South Wailnut. FOR ItltNT Scveiai oul unfurnished. o H !, nr. Lumber Co. - HoiilliKdlth. --'(Ml West Gold. A FINE FOR RENT A Pew thrcu-roo- huusc, J'- FOR WALK iiaroTcoas heuter, al;:e" LK AJND We Call for and Deliver. HOME 1 larga it JitHJSt; eloso t o shops. Phone 1 'f"'J-- lrC'lt Iti'iAT l''unilshcrj ruoins. tsoutb Phone 314. l.wiia, CAU TODAY Albuquerque. New Mexico. 2 miles from C room stucco Wiiit-r- . riiinio i;-j- . FOR city; FOU RENT Two-roo- funuMied house SALE Acorn lie out- V range, With house; large porch, garage, with porrh. 105B S"Uth Walter. rowii, vcy joasunaulc. Weist t;i,i 22 No slcls. 1ll!-J- . & buildings, acres fine orchard NICELY furnished modern house, si Hi,,,,, TRY IH'i'irv .SAln.K; IIEST IN TOWN. Hogrefc Fanning On fail- ItKNT HELP WANTED. V4 PERSONAL. and alfalfa. account of rooms. Fourth ward. Forrester. FOR Cirnishccl rvom. Phone !";. 31.1 'a W. ;.,ll. Phone 673. in. !t1: ' i health will sell all or w- H,.o M,i ,'t'pcr. U HALE 'e:i v ing part. Foil RENT--Ne- modern completely Mule. c. ,,,i ..i. JlEAt, ESTATE BERNARD A, SLEYSTER JtJllAfcHLLU, kluHi maker, has 2417-U- -l 3 1. lno I'hone or 348. P. O. furnished four-roo- house. Call - onATsroxB t iiiv, west phono -- - moved to 110 K"tlth Third. 810-- K. giu. WA NT I'l.' Fox 102, Old Albuquerque, X. M. North Walnut. phone Mr. OoMI. liny to carry trays and wash F"R SALE l.Vnient cTlTTTi All Kinds of Insurance. Ffvc. all dlsln-s- (50 iT?. EruoiLS' Harmony llusio fur I'L'I'.S Isllnri roMtos, lmt "walcr no .Apply West Glrl. North REAL ESTATE. . Fott RENT New fits room modern liuit; Thirteenth, neonstons. it. Ft. Uriels, munaffcr. EM "" houso In Reasonable rales. 414 W'.sst silver. FUt MRAKEMEN, heslnuers $130, FO 1 S A L E a t e'l aTf 113 South Third 679-.- Highlands. lolttjm E, II r tiT pri ; Street. phone 14u2-- T'Ort K T ' ,, ri lati-- ?v.".u f w hieh Caro FOR SALE Houses. Phone ro tV,ui position?). Incite Mie. Call 1J.M-.- tins SSunsTilne Barher sllop, .,i; Journal. Foil KENT New modern Phone 14 DON'T forget FOU four-roo- house, 1""'"1': oo olril'tn'ii. IIOFouth iVninut. Railway, ,(iti FOR furnished A. '1. J n KENT Modern SAI.K 114 across from hula .hop office. i house, new; l'XTt LA ROREKS f 3.00 lo iipartment. North Maple. J r, o 7 just rodceoru'ed, nicely furnished, r:i;.T Mir, clfnu st"eulu and ?8.3 per day. history books. !H!i North S. VIGIL. 913 Soutf Second. '"rK" Terms. Nrtli Third. )i woman Km Fourth. Foil KENT Four-roo- lt'l Sout: Walter. usclwiillig rooins. 1:1 '4 North Thlnl. ;.o.i coulc, $50 per month. apartment with WANTED Private pupils by trained FOR SALIS By owiinr. A miM desl7-ii- pi mem i K Hoilth Third. ItOOFINf, 1'iHh. Moilern. Phone 1701-- ItKNT one lu 1S3t-.T- on lot on F.'U RENT Unfurnished lower flnt, Full room. EXPERT jtunrameed Phono . IR primary teacher. Hel'orcnii 3'ust (silver. Telephone J TO. fS.OO rictilulra A N K Vfung man for cir- - RENT tIouseKentn OWNER SAYS SEU. H"-- ::i(,-W- . five larae roouu, enclosed poi'ch, furnlrlioil. per muntli. :'0S traveling M A N7. Ni i : "a i. 119 North Kim. phono .outh u I;; ti n bo sales-min- i. vii ri 215 1?4 South Edlfh. Aruo. ork. JIut good Jurnlplieri cornplete North Seventh. Fine five-roo- mo'TTn YVA N T U D Two l to lioooin-pan- y Is UK sAL;: Cii'vulal .Morning IlEIPs digestion and nerve tonlo. l'i Hi home, pusseuK'-i.- nouse, furnlsfied. tlvee-roo- iin-f,, , in Manager Rent fwo S Anrtelcs or If FOR RENT .Modern furnished I'tm is. fm ,, large lootns nnd sleep-:.'- furnished, hn.rdv.vood finiah, heat, young vnun lo L"S eh'iiii taken nt once. IiKjUlr, 1;13 i:i:t nihr.i .lounutl. 'fo:i sa i.E - a" c'od ,vr.iii.g - - house with rlased-iT- i Ap- lltifufllishril. I'lMiir, '.Mloi-T- Foil!! .p... lars. i'g porch, furnished. .Vert,, Wal- built-i- n Fresno In a new car. Will ninRo rnt- Virginia l,ijulcnr,l. porch. til - size. T'hone w s t to 1'eaturen, larso porches,, r.'Ol South Walter. S M !' , .NTI'J- Ainu for Roneral work at i;l' See mn 'i'f S'.miiIi iQuIHl fs ply reaionahlo. at t'UH ALU Milan ftnull siiTiaro'luin. Meit he to SA "7i7st-el- u s splendid locution, cI,i::o in. The, Miopern, fuiuiRh-j- l:i;NT-Th- re phle t'R la ig7rhi l;E,T I'hre. rooms uofl sle-p-- rg FOU KENT Desirable hU room modern h,.us7 1 l"l; waicTi will H" cn l'"it furoiifd milk crtw s n't run T?ord. Call 31 rj I o the- iiltAHFIGLD. tins maker, coltouo, South Waller; easy terms. w in at condition, very rcas, liable, South l'"i Ideal location. 3 2:7-- price indueeinoiil; term. 701 bungalow, hard ood floor, garage, rfioius, unU In, t 9 Phone vour watches and clocks for nominal Aisply K:,st .Santa I'e. " floor, st ic o fi er a. m. T'lrst. M''. Thorn. r. ;u,r, ! etc. Close In. Phone Wi,jt Iron. j. them ono yenr si A Three-roo- 1' price, ami Insure fr FUK LE stucco t'uuse. 'ANTEIj S;n1e man, firat class camp IAVE nalolKs and l "I! 770. 32:5 V. 11" n " FOR RENT Small in Univorntty HUNT-T- n,. r...7ins. chH,3 hiMJ, RENT Three furnished rooms riioiio Ccnlcjil. without further nut. M"n'i IOuxH'J. on corner; liarttaln cottage fott lurso .sunny cuuk, Muyi he meats, for one by 110 for quick Hela-hts- ul, experienced year Brasfield, ouulu ultli si, .ping porch. No children. 710 A u p y Sou room and hloeping porch, 'fly furnished for houaukvi'imiK. a bird. sio. loot) th Walter. 1 hr'al 'in pastry, tlood pay, long Lost ilazetdine. FOR RENT Miscellaneous. per month. Phono 91 Ill,', West c.,,,1. if Fuii SALI5 New modern homo. SiOO joh. on.'e satisfactory FOP. 4A1,E Five ti l'i lt REN ITvH.e, ft nli.NT Five-roo- brick ItliNT-o- ne i.ii'ks in -- dry gooiis fNiee ' I,,,..,.... FOIi HKNT liarase. Wet'l. down and Ilk Fun modern I'l'lt strinl) ;.,.,u, ;d can ho shown. 21 West counters. nnd monthly payment rent. 1.1. App.y Kahn' loa sleeping Adults. No ea- S:4 houso with gas and garage. Apply room. on, f,.lirrl ,. l,,,i,,i Oohl. porch sick. FOR SALE Jj'OK KENT Fireproof, frecieuniut A.Iainmi,nd, Kast Bilvr. 14'iJ-M- . ,1 North 1'irst. s ifh av. QUICK 711 West New York., phone ',,,( e,-- l!r,i,le 319 North l'lltn. VOt; fcALi; ttuee-roo- 'rl l4inaltf. FOR SA LE I 3 rug". on five-roo- I Olio s"eri'".Hoai,ing OR RE room house, of J collage, "RENT modern It T ,'ui ro.-oi- ntbjlt nicelv 2t.x 00 with FOR Furnished nolo., fr,,;tt "Ill store-roon- KENT Large room. sftilli High; very small iiavment. fit . N F. .VlKi'iter. imperial hutch; a bargain, it taken once. rooms i, Full house Willi garage. iJl South niilo i ntriin,'.-- Kumtivo lieut. No tick. EauiuJry, at prlvtil,. bath, sleeping porch. and modern, of light, above Matinram's storo, Phone ti!3, First National bank bulldlnit. w" :i ; .m "e '10 West Lead. "I North 13;s-.- plenty or tlance Walter. Inquire- ft 13 East Pfldfle, nth ollrr. Tn i- t- ,i a Ttfv Houtli second, phone closo In; brings $155 rent; easy desirable for Indses. school l"l Mt LE Tlii,-rnu- m w ba"th FOR s A L E A i r": very ith oT.V'h, do s7fli' FOR REN'i rcnsnnnhlo. Ph"ne FOR KENT Two fur nibbed , FOII ft K N T "V u n is "fn ,7, i rpT,Ti dTi per rurnlshed analMtti.ri).. terms; $6,500. hil'. lent at JL'.tno. small down t. l'K'O, II lone. I'.'M fini h,-- t. tw o glassed-i- n lsrlvato oi,triiii,-e- tr W ANTlili Woman to wusii the inrliog South li:ilh. AlbinueruiiA balance like rent. 1000 Kast rooms and suimOle for tuo. by day. D. ni:ATrv s.vr.i;s to. WANTED Houses. at Soutli Edith. No Hi, U. Cud South M";ill"r. 'litrtaglio. I'i'i North Second. (Ira ml. porch. Key 1UR SALE 111 S. Secoinl. l'lionc 009. t ' ElgllVThoil Leghorn bel.s '"I. LENT Desirable W 13 want a liome ut five ur bix rooms f'OU J3 FOU RENT bmall cot ago in Univer- KKNT llciiullfully fiirnishca ro,,:n WAN i'EI ih' (vr general housework, apurtinents, oALi; ownei. suburban home. Hl P:?1 and roosler: clnril''. K'4 .South three rooms and four In good location. 'ilve loweft cost four rooms sity Heights, room and sleeping porch, tn modern lionm. Ain'iv airs. Frod Wept Horn;. rooms each. and lHlfi-W- Waller, phone ItLTetV, 1104 and treet number, No ogenls. sleeping porch, ctty 5.oft per month. Phone . Tlanmi. C:M Norih Peroml. T'orth Second. price, water, rruu trees, grape aroor. PostoJ. WANTEDTtollnhlo Klrl fur general C A IIP rTTTl .iTThT" t"1' 1 ENT Nii ,.'i,a lr 'UR "apart-men- Horlresw me 9, care Journal. Ice box 21 3. FOIt RENT Six room nouse; bath, hot I'l'lt HKN'l' room houffw ni'k. Phone TSTt-- a7pM- RENT .Modern furnished l, city. ,'r,nt si,;,piufcr nicely ially. Work Guaranteed. R. II. - cold furnisher'!. Call at fninih-- t sieam heated. Arerill Anart- I'Olt HALE Three-roo- m and water; furnished. I'riiiilo .,, yl,K. A'AJKTEI Olrl fur housework. i atdweii. "a Salesmen. house with 210-- general Phono ents North Second "WANTED chlcKen house for two hundred chickens 218!fl West Oold. Phone KI7 !,!. iho",( For t Ifir, North Hyamor'. F'OR .SALIC for or c, jok- FOR REN'I' three-roo- A"nHvenH l, I" ciihmi. Three" rooms with imlh. TToT) m Ajh'les eatilg Furnished "Whittcd" Best VNTKlJ f.irutto. lights and water. K'06 West FOR KENT Ml'HltlAi. iMnr.miii: TvXnTEIT-- - H oil. r"amiTy of - . - ing, JL.ia ami O. H. - 171'J .North W. Iron, nhone . niceH- or itnfurnislv.?l. suit- rates Is i7re, fj.ti,, pet- box. nnsrl",.!,, ui..r. p. - town. Tall at Fouilh, furnished day or week. Oier tlir.-o- No infi J .) r, J 4 ' ,,rs, IN ADOBES MODERN ralliu" ehfldren. Columbia, Clarke, phone ern ami southern tr,9-W- r.. OhtHlers. l'X'lt Two able for couple. 1000 East Qrand, Tlieater. West Central, exposure. Phone riAl.i; furnished houses close "VVAN T I". You ng lady forbundle TYPEWRITERS, nli FOR I.TINO in. Rood F"tTi REN T Fuur-rou- n with o makes. Jl and up; RENT Three rooms ttnd hath, neighborhood, lot 50x140, ot.tai;o l'olt i;,:.T Tu liuftii I'lirulslied vrappinjT deftt. Apply The Eeonmnlsf. 3 per raonlh. for WELLCONTRACTOR. renting for $4u.0. Price $1,60.00. Ap fancy chicken house and small barn. for llplit tiousi Ufjepiri. tlns Albuuuertjue Typewriter ligiit housekeeplnor. C09 S.'il WANTED A woman for and Exchange, lis South Fourth. South First. Call at Savov I'lv North Third. West Iron, call W; Piuitli Kloi. ISIII-W- . cooking Hotel r.'ftte "Whittcd Built" Beneral . 713 Webt FOR SALE -- F. b' i I .s A J'" i housework, ppiy Bicycle with basket l''olt REN'I' Three rooms pumps trniks, tnweia. J. W')liln:. u i.Yj u r n h Jti huube, three LTst your vacant houses with tlm City FOIS ItKNT tieaui ,1 anj furnished for "BEST BUILT" HOAlEa d-l- t. l'o,nll',l, heat, light. Also r.nsoline ,,ouo 4".H West M:it'ftl. nhmio l.uMi. watt-r- and efficient nnd stove; light housekeeping, phone, and r'.omn, eleclrio lit;ht, city Realty Co., fur prompt room henrr? two. M'"-N- light fit! WAN I'ED-Ext- ohnnih-rmal- d. grinder and ctiloUens. Phooe water Phone I7X7-J- . 91 S giiraKf, !n tout lot, t;i)) down and 30 service. 07 West Hold, phone 7. I'hone Nor-- ecn-i- paid. North LOAN. ISOtJ B- HICKS' DAIRY llilhl. """MONEY TO P;rnv'nrh Snuih Arnn, Five-roo- furntshu I bun- Realtor FOR RENT EI.OIN HOT KLVieepTii- rooms and Cold. CLEAN MILK, with a cream Any JiO.OOo' to loan "jit fii't To, l'Oli S A Cntifornta bun- - with lit sleeping porch, heavy tine; Foil RENT Completely furnished V. galow glassed housekeeping apartments, by th. day. W A &V pints, an; Phone 7.13. downtown II. A. C. care p;iKu-- mmlfrn 2l. blocks In Phone 14'.3-- lit) t or month. r0'if. West XT Woman fur general house- 'marts, lie. apartment: slesm heat. Good loca- property. except lieat, Highlands. cJl Central. 122C-J- . - work. Phono W. II. Folt KALE Used tructorsi tion. Call S10 East Journal. troiii Jt.'lilnfun jiark. I, awn. treta, l'low- Mulberry. I i 10 Reed, Central, phone MorningTO Foil NT One Inrito llouSetteepiOK 4"t! South W. wafehes. ot. Vhonft ITIS-- room Walter, with gang plows. Hardware MONEY-- LOAN On 'frn,. " Full KENT Kour furnisii.d l,uu.v. r,'orn with kltehenutte and i.locplnt; H V A N'TKD ' A Department. J Korbcr It F'1!: I: ENT sum and everytbli'E valuable. Vtl A LK Coi ner lot on 1'hlf t eeiitii leely furnished: piano, etc. 4j a 0.tiU month. I'OS South '"in potent merioan woman O'mpatr.v J,u rooms, bath and sleep- poreli. Ar'l". '. o 31'. f"i liousework FOR SALE ib.xt'd u ing Mod- Vr. B. Marcus, 513 South Flrsr Mrvot hu, fshitn avenue. t;nr-nk'- month. No children or sick. general and cooking. Tli clous pi, ol.n porch completely furnished. Jhahle Apply La-K- f j n alrt-nd- FOR RENT south with 217 South Nlntli other varletiia. foriinr IkAViit ern. block fioni car line. 1205 STATE HOTEL FOR MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, nauhes built. AVjxter, Fink and West Hazeldlne. roin At f. 'J larnre sleeping Hot and rohl NT-:- ranch. North F""''th. fllo-.L"- East Gold. and stood liberal, reilshle. con- 1niii1rn North Thlrteetiih. rtF.NT OH SAUK F.lemintly fur- pnreh. W Lady fur houso to house phone jewelry; IJll vater. No siok. 002 South Three-roo- SALE f H'5 V 1st five-roo- Ann, phone an Room 3, SAXOPHONES bund full REN'I' fur- fidential O. ttlleh n. HAM5 At l'Ml South Ilfgh, new nished modern brlek houso. 17::l-,T- . vanning. Apply Superior and all Instrument. modern A nished plawtprecl fratno house with Steeping: inircli, Guvatje. Close in. H"te', over Wot worth. pew or used; private or class lnstruc-tlon- s apartment, newly refiuished. Fourth and Centra! 039-.T. en K. :: Never used 1001 TO CONTRACTORS f'Tenel poreh. full slzr! lot. Kar- Phono I'C'li KENT Liyh! houfiekeeprng room WANTED Waitress for two hours a above. Fred Ellis, Ph. by sick. Applv South NOTICE n J 7 villi 7.", i 1 i "I W:,",.r. en' at Cull at 14 South Wal- t'Oi: KENT Cor.y lilt In house in Un- sleeping poreh; huth. plnnie, day. Wages cents and two meals WOoi v7Y,d"i :a 2 i"lt"l" Tijeras ter. nKo front room. gt. chil- a Ft 'I'. Two- - The Board of Kegcnts of the iversity Heights, furnls'ted. three Well pop!e. No day. George's Cafe, S'll South Sec- Canyon, for your supply. Prompt de- RENT room modern K'tl dren. 410 West Cold. ond. Hot cold wa- State University of New Mexico, FOit BA LJi New homes by uwner; una rooms and sunny sleeping porch. livery, Canyon W'1 cnipfuiy. apartment. and rt4 L".'Sl-- 'JOS HIBR. ter, heat. Call 42P- - South Aeit Juld; one Tale, phone lit North I'OM KENT In n.-- huiJKa'ovv. COMI'l.ETE S'Tretarial Course. fiom'C, FOR SALE Kelffer's from .1 to i Albuquennie. invite bids for the 110 pirns J h ' adu ay. North May?-- on fourromL 210 FU'IINISHEL EU.N'GAI.OWS No vhtiriCO furnjpheil hpdrooin-livin- ruom room and tuition may be earned. Cat- cents per pound. i.yn.'h's orchard, erection of a unit of the women's .'. North terms. Call 821 Sil- de- Tree. Lo ti H74-W- . I'o RENT fur- of Maple; Weit for steam heat. Midleal attention if private hath: te.epht-ne- entrance. alog Mackay Business College, Forrester, .phone Three apartments. residential hall on the campus ver, J:4!)-- :I1S A i nished or phono no "5 month. SL North Hixt.ii, hoiie aS3-- seles. I'OR SALE 30-- 10 1" unfurnished. Steam heat, ADDITION sired, extra charge. Winchester nfio Not BRIGHTWOOD the university. i?A I.K New five-roo- 4M. and eld water. Parkview court. Folt modern John's Sanatorium, phone I OR RENT Two WANTED Girl or woman to assist with new condition for 130 or will take 410 Plans and may bo ndohe will humekct ping rotnns or 20 ",''! East Silver. specifications house, North Fourth ftrd, i urnis-ncu- housework, all electrical ap- shot guu in J,OU HUNT A furnished house, four rutse in. High lands. general gu.'igo part payment. HOME SITES obtained at the office of vim, Trost eonsldcr liKht ear as part of first pay- mod- and no 71G See rife at 4u7 West. Copper. WOODLAWN Apartment", four rooms. rooms and sleeping poreh; partly ??2.iV per month. Water and lights pliances Jaundry. Inquire A Trost, architects, 24 Armijo ment. Also two lots, Fourth ward. ern: Nov. ti. Em st ,'entral. SOFT SPOTS HeS'and 7ch furnished, bath, gas. sleeping porch, J4S5-- noatlv .reflplshed. l(er,dy Apply SG Ninth Third, cushion $10 Phone owner, nt month. Call 1321 Monthly. building, Albuquerque, N. Sr., upon 30,00. Applv 1001 ?i,,uth Walter. EARN 20 WEEKLY, SPARK TIME. AT prevent fullen inst'ps; cures all foot 3j per East Contrail $:orftvn. FOri RAYlKeauUful brick KENT Nicely furnished'. irlaed-i- :''! west Gold. deposit, of twenty dollars ($20). pressed 1,'OU KENT Ur&nd new modern four-roo- roll HOMra, addressing, mailing, music, troubles. $1. Planter Arch Supports. Thus. liunffalnw, five slrenlng room with nm-- t,, bath intorma-tio- V. 4'iS Three-r- .m Bidders will be to de rooms, aleeptnff poreh bunffalow wltli breakfast noolc In circulars. Fend lt'fl for music, Keleher Leather Co.. West Central. FUlt I1INT i modern fur- otares & Pfeiffcr required and double ld private home, rjood locution. Gen- Muslo 16;S nished with their sealed bids a certi- pressed Karaite; and two screen porches. Also chicken sic. American Co., FOR SALE Twenty-fiv- slimes Fitst apartment. Efficiency kitcben, posit hom near For In- tleman preferred. 831 West Sliver. n fied check 5 cpnt of the Phups. partlculara runs. On car line. 1213 North Twelfth, Broadway, N. T. National Rank stock; 27 shares State ond glassed-i- ileeplng porcb. Call Heal Estate, Insurance. for per quire 7ufl South Third. l'"OH Tt- Nftpth Maple. amount of their ' bids. Bond will cat! mornings. RENT Kurnlslicd room arijoliilng Male nnd Female. National Hank stock. Address P. O. 821 V. Gold. Phono 188. VOU HALE In bath, in new home; neBr sanatorlums hot 143, City. I'ult IIBNT Three larjce rooms, glassed-h- i bo required for the prompt and brick, oy owner; FOR RENT One of best hoima the WANTED Reliable and refined solici- 4'Ml South Seventh, corner lot, side- eilv. strict Iv modern and completely and nlversl(y. Suitable for one or two STOP 'those windows from f!cepinff porch. Buth. nicely full of the contract. women or man tors, all of the tate. Good rattling, eon- - performance walks, gjrnpre, chicken house, basement, furnished. Hot water heat, gas, hard and wire. No slck parts ep out ilu.r.' and cold air Ly fir housekeeping. Modern received Dr. A. Phone J.'l.ts-- , commission. All or part time. Write sand, Bids will be by J. hot water heat, hath room, laryo closctt. wood modern Bleeping an Installing Peace M'lni Weather enieuces; desirable location, tilfi West r. Bar-np- tt floors, poreh, E. K.. care Journal. Strips. P.eidy, Kecretary-treasure- la run front back and porches. built-i- n In choloe location. 1 742-- K. P. 100S For- evil alefplnj features, For "Rent-Room- s I'hone Thomas, building, Albuquerque, New Phong filS, or any real estate dealer in Three bedrooms. City Reality Co., 207 with Board Vv'A.n TEI) A man and wife to enre for rester. Vo"n RENT New nicely town. house. heat and b Mexico, and will bo opened and Went Cold. Phone t7. ROOlTTrJrrOAiri). en apaitment Home, FOR SALE On,: mu i: wagon; tin jmrtuirui., nain, gcreeiieu INSTANTLY f,"rveek!6lT O. Y., delivery Cn-trn- l. five-roo- water furnished. Ahswer X. fr'.nt nnd hack 1000 passed i.pon by the executive com- FOK SALE Closo in, brick noutn one d mountain spring wa- porcl?. East Hroadway. rare Journal. References required. No sick. Apply Rt East Con-- 1 Tou'U have to come a mittee of the Board of 'on and sleeping porches furnished with WANT 10 gon; one large freight wagon; four head Jump. ltegents y Two women to room and a . 1 two po- of horses. 929-- 414 Ins il want this new November 29, 922, nt the presi- fine furniture and used as apart- BUNCH of keys. Iteturu for reward to board. 1M1S South Edith. LET us train you to fill a superior Phono South you comfy, ments. ex- Second. n on dent's offico of tlie State Univer- The rent will pay your Fred Crollntt. FOIt sition. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. FOIi KENT Two rooms and KlasseJ-I- and bath bungalow; penses and your home free. I am leav- KENT P.oom. nna hoard If ile- - Ail Enroll NOW. in LOST Close cn:s-- Commercial Brauclres. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 20.001' slt'epinj? poreh, clean, de siraUla and the Heights, it's a beaut and sity Albuquerque. Will Jell for a Part Bunch of keys with tag. James slrcd in. Phone j. School ing city. bargain. W. KiCJ-li- . Western for Private Secretaries, army wool olive drab blankets, packed '"uutifuliy f iirnislred. Modern In every a bargain. Good terms. The Board of reserves S'U Ryan. Call phone ItOOHf , 801-- Regents cash. Call at South EdHh or phone and board. Hoinc"y UnfTdlereT Tijeras at Eighth, telephone In bwles. IS to n j( cf. Highlands, closa in, rtione 1076-- J 0D7-- LOST Soil original government tpf J. E. GOVCE REAL ESTATE the right to reject any or nil bids. or No agents. Brlndlo bulldog with white pose. North High, phone '."! W. bale. Communicate with E. 30t Name of Dlx on MEN AND WOMEN wanted for Detec- Klein, 118 V. Silver. I'hone 4J7. (Signed) J. A. TtElDY, collar. Reward, Men tn u- El Paso. FOU SA LE New 4fM-- V'ANTEl) hna r.l .ml r :. North Stanton, Texas. r. adobe white stueco, Phone tives: we can offer you position that Secretary-Treasure- five rooms, bath, large closets, Mountnln Homo, r.nx 4. CJrants. N. M will a handsome Income. Send liKKOUU a WANTED Miiceilaneous large LOST Black fur on New bring you buylnc phnnnjrraph. tlirlfij fireplace, basement, Areola heat, two neckpiece TA TILE HOARD for two for Detective people and from MIfpoutI sliou.d I'JM't.UT I'JAMI XUMNti J.'I.iO. 'vvTicn York avenue between and kciuI. men. stamps reply. Douglas people James it comes to increased tax- lovely porches, pergola, etc. This is Eighth Private r,OI South Agency, and Bonded, soq and hear the Valuphone. Durnn. JD20 West New York, Third. rViU 5977-T- t or at 1013 Forrester. futnlly. rllgli, phono Incorporated phone ation this proposed tax on wine an Ideal home and commands a won- N. C. st rat ions ot 21 4 South Walter. Ororge "THEY SATISFY" 3 derful view. Priced to sell. Good LOST In 'Bel en aut o 10 V. Vlano Co., ' and beer is abmt the onlv tax we csmp grounds. FOR I i NT one phone 0. fiurfa-je- or West New York, two for guntlontun only, WAN'H'.t) iuors to old can of coun- term. Oivner, lol small velvet box containing rings. bed on AUTOMOBILES. I'Ult ALI'. elec- 176-- a. think that will the 1444-T- t. sleeping porch. East Pianos, player planus, new, price reasonable. Xhone Is sure 'nul't f.iet when yoit put Suitable reward for return of Pr, lit). at- in Bul- phono fame. Control U. tric, orchestra pianos. with slot after 3 p. m. try good spirits. Manila Cameron. 71 H French street. Pa. EXPERT RADIATOR REPAIRING. about Erie, pre-w- values; speak letin. FOR RENT giaqt-d-i- K. Sheet Metal Works. 217 N. Third. tachments, phonographs: Tit AN'FLI1 and BUSINESS CHANCES. LOST Male American hull pup Houthcast; porch for I'll or write scaveijjrcr work Ume, HOBBS QUALITY CAHS pit and board suitable for two. 114 5 1600! quick action, phone reasonable rates. E. BALE about five months old. white NrtU FOR SALE LiK''t Bulck, P. Learnard 1'lano Co., 2H South a.. GrlffUh, Como in and looit them over and PROFESSIONALCARDS. FOlt Hotel, twenty rooms, pool Perfectly Maple. 11B Gold. George East Iron, J!)70-- hail and lease. 3ia South with exception of black spots covering Ford touring. West Walter. phone vou'll say llXNI VM ban gnod TABLE a ri First. eyes. Tall and ears trimmed. Name HOARD Can accommodate WANTED TO BUY Cheap Bulck road- WANTKD Overeont f"r youn mun. AIN'T IT TUB TRUTH ? WILSON 670 few table boarders. Good home cook- - p. L. Combs Hotel. L'BK KKKBCTO AUTO TOP and 8 BAT Hrefer brown with belt. Must AM) WILSON, Five-roo- Sport. Phone L found. ster. See Elliott. r. Ilht VOM HALE house and bmall rvorin dressta. Llffecto Auto Knamel. Vals-pa- he Wo buy thein. rebuild them and Attorneys, '"Kj nign. TtTM) TTulck ,K"d.and price risht. Kait Room 17 19 sroeery, close in. Call at li buys four, rubber, paint Knaniel on automobile. ( vhtrni, sell them. 15, and Cromwell Building. DRESSMAKING. FUR RENT Room with board. Home and Al. Room 7, First Na- Valspar 11D3-.- Seventh. 4 engine Plrmouth C'ottaire I'alnt. Homestead Phone "cklug. Prlvato fnnilly. 8J4 North tional Bank M A X UATtGAIN BTOKK. at CI 5 South Right on tho Jlain Stent. Two-stor- y $2, or home. bldg. Tloof Paint and Cement, FOIi SALE lirlck bulldtntf. SEWING by day, at Photic Plfth. Call phone 13S4-.- Paint, Kiref, will pny tlio for PHYKIPIANH M HITKUKOVM. 215 Jl.Or-i- SAVeTYo to 75 cent on used parts, assured. Tho. F. Keleher Leath- highest pricea South First; location coed for auy FOU per second-han- d KENT Have lovely for full over twenty-fiv- e dif- 408 U'5J-.- your clothir.r, ihoes and Hobbs Motor UR, 8. L. kind of business. tail- racatwy etc.; stock for er Co., West antral. Phono S A. Co, H1RTON. FASHIONABLE GOWNsi and .adits' W. 11. furniture. Phone X617-.- I'onvuieeoent, Mr. Reed, phon ferent Mcintosh Co., 31 If West Cop Disease of the Slomnrh FOU KALK of 218 South 4011 car. SO Our Advertisement. hc;ff and furniture oring. Walter, phone South FOP. SALE No. Scales, JJ5 WANTKD to loan on inort-srap:'- r.ook for Suite U. i;;.J, Walter. per. Simpson Money first Barnett Uislldlne and house. New house I'TIISi'-CLAS- boarding HEMSTITCHING and Phone S home-cooke- d Toledo Scale. $7e. of new pleating. nieuls, 35c. t.'rti i r ,i Do i,l.i,i, motor- - Tiie security the principal DR. MAItl.AKbT CAR'I VVKHillT, nnd furniture. i27 South Second. &KT-- J, room 9 Melinl Platform Scale. Ifl. our f irt-- t .1. 3D, building. Myrtle liootn and bocrd. 110 Ui2 first-clas- s er will consideration. Keleher. Dust j'ep Cycle In condition; Klat-tu- p 111. Kellencs tl:3 Central $1,000.00 or work to that amount will Pie vert. Ten cents yard. ""tith 11,71-- Desk and chair. "1 Wff; (V.iiii. phone 410. A Phone Broadway, phone de for light ear. Will pay difference. 115. 67). buy half Interest 'n m!nhif claim, HEMSTITCHING, 10 cent per yard, at f Large coffee mill, FOR SALE- for ore. care FOR KENT Large comfortablo room PPiy juf Norm rtrsr Oliver $30. UR. s. .mmile Mir.i:i.s, proapeeta good Minor, Madame Rose Dressraaklns shop, flrst-clas- a typewriter, 3x12 UUGfl 12.00 and table board. Phone FoTi SALE Davidson with side Clothe $10. CLEANED j 1XCOMK OsteopatUlo Physkitin Journal. hutM. over cafeteria. 1140-- J l lfarley mangl, Furnt-- 1 State Braey'B or Walter. t.cim-wa- Mattresses renovated, $3.30 up. Oltlzins Bank 881-- or ma-T- Inouire South car. Al condition. Bee t: Daltun adding machine, $!"!. owner instructed llhlg. Ph. I'Oti SALE One of the finest cafea tn j. 7 ture work, j PLEATING, accordion, aid and box; FOR RENT Nicely" toam Overland Hotel, between and Full sisod box prlt'Ks. repaired, packed. Awning me fur- DR. H. O. CI.AKKIQ, no7thern Arizona, long, excellent N. 215 North furnished, Porch curtains. Phone 89C-- Ervin to sell his completely mail order. Crane, heated room with flret-cla- s table a. m. or . and 9 p. m. ,, rjlnero. Phone l'0T. Eye, F,ar, Nose and Throat. trad, good location; two of the partners Seventh. Crane 8H Tleddlnif company. nished incomo property located to act Ad Apartment, phone Doarn. Phone 1327-- 110 South Artie. Barnett Building. Pbnuu (If. are leave for Europe; quick. In KODAK FINISHING 8 TIMES A DAf in the best renting section in Office Hour driati postnfflce box 814, Flagstaff. Arlx. HEMSTITCHING June promptly the ItOOMS tn cottages or main building. "THEY SATISFY" CARPEJTERING. not a best manner, lOo per a Ftemember, satisfaction guaranteed. the Highland. This is I to 11 . tn.. and I in t. m. SA possible price $13 to 130 week. Excellent tnenl. Is sure 'nuff fact when you speak FOU ODD JOBS and contYac work, call FOR LE Profitable business, estab- 117 CloliJ. Tif-- Singer Send your f int. nu t reliable estab- 23 cent for DIl. M. DcWIT'l lished five owner wishes to dis- yard. phone Medical care. St. John' Sanatorium. about t on per proposition HIGH years; Kewtna Mt.ohln. Cinuany. HOBES CAR9. lished firm. Keiurn postage pal months dtuinifr tho year, account of other JAMESON'S RANCH The to QUALITY ROOl-'- on reason-bl- mull I & three Osloopathlc I'hjslclun nnd Sui'gcn" pose having Interests; of place get Come in look them over and you'll repaired "r put new, orders. .anna Ilanna. Inc., low a For In- WANTED Uressmaklng and sewlns two trans- and L'ftfi0-- but a steady and liberal return 317 W. Gold Phone 604 price very and bargain. well; mile from town; TRUTH. We buy rjpor, "Waters, phone fotnmereini PhMnrfaphnrs. Fo News address box 695, all kinds by flay or garment. Work to home s,,y AIN'T IT TUB on the investment. Vo not terview, poatofflce rate for beat portation nnd from town; good rebuild them and ec them. WH WALL. rAHUII. and dec- N. M. guaranteed. Cheapest cooking. Phone 2238-J- . them, paintins FOR RENT Office or write but If mesa W. M. M. D. U New Etat hotel, HOBBS MOTOR C6. orating, call 2102-l- i. IS. C Davis, con- Room. phone you SHERIDAN, work. Mr. fto. NEW see .1. Colub phone 10SS-.- canvas porch, southern exposure; Right on the Main Slem, tractor, S2i fouth Third. b OH It iilN l' otfire or Uck room. business pleaso at Practice Mmlied (o also glassed-i- n room yact, be- porch. Dressing GKT 2.1 KHI'IAIA TH on your work. 623 South High any day GKMTO . IiUINARV IHftUASRS Sue with good can accommodate frBw"'oi?N Winter laying lieu. "WANTED Position" board; Work K. ave-nu- tween 3 and 5 m. Cash or S.ttl.l-- free. Kuaranteed, VOU HKNT 'fHee rooms. Central p. AXD DISEASES ! three I'hone ;.".3-T- OF THE Mrs. Shaw South Hcund. gentlemen Tt. Caldwell, t. Kor-he- r Wassxrinnn In Wam , ty t,i uay. i'h" phnro ahovn Mntson's Butk store. terms. Ijilairatnry Conaet'llon R. H"Ue,u TABLG BOAIttJiJan tw ! I'OH BALU Whlto U'Khnrtu i. 1445. accntnmdate FOl?SALi; doe and f . lug IP YOU nted or roof re- and company, Auto department. ClrlWTiii Bank MHO 01-J2. or Bucks, your porch Bldg. I'lmnf itcfl $l "0. Phone three peraon for n.eiiie by th 710 or call I!ii2-- ruilts, WAITED Housework. 130S South rooms across Mrs. rabbits. West Lead. paired renewed, phone FHH bAI.H ronsttna or bak-l- n week; the street. or to 322 Urns for Walter. 105 1C78-- FOR SALE Rabbi and liutche. 710 drop card 'rrth Broadway. 5411-R- Fleming. South Cedar, phone tts Nice and fnt. Phone ii'l N N an"dkalsom-inlng- ; iCOAKESjO: WANTED to take We" va- - South Broadway. P T I r hanging Diseases of Washing and ironing HEALTHSEEKERS have one GPape W, the li'ye. Glasses tilted VOU SALE fhcap. oun(t Ancona home; Phone 1304. ant room FOR SALE A fresh tow. Post Office all work cuaranteed. L, Sec-on- d 1597-- and porch. All modtr.i 1344-.- Office removed to 114 N. hens. 1(07 West noma, I nr.. !411-R- Owens, (509 South Edith, phone phone CLEANING John tiraduate nurse In tttten-danc- hot phone HOME' at. Ground 843. PArEB Kulanminlug. kalsomln-Ine- . floor. Phone Onndeon. 1S4-- rasa de Ora, 3 West SALE milk cow Alao PATNTI"G, pn perhaps lluf and FOR SALE Ranches. phone FOR Jersey cheap. O. tc collie 10H5 South Walter All work sruaianteed. George'Ke front porch. hall with r ;i. DR. W. T. MURPHEY WANTED Family washing. Call for ItOOMMATE wanted Would Hits pups. Morris. H10 North Reception UA.W'll lour el,tl,t,l.v fenced 1 . ,r,-- d Kighth, phone la ,r uoivs. and deliver. Phone !!(-J- slmt'e mv rouin and sleeping p l'olt SALE A cow and a year-ol- living room with French doors to dining room, which also LiuiltcHl Willi five-fo- wire, three-fourt- Jersey ::itm-- I'ractlce lo Tulierculosls. poultry h- - with a coi'valcscent voung male. P. O. 213. nice i sized room. Cutler's between dinitiv; room ami wr-F- lx WANTKD Work Call congenial Jersey pantry mile tt 13urels brldtte: by the man. e I WANT ynvj to InvesliKute my luw price. Barnett Building Phono H36. 6:"0 p. m, 1"4U-- Best of food. iiclub ph.n SALE One draft kitchen. Hide poreh off room. Kitchen is u larse room room house, three screened after Phone 1471-- Je FOR pair '"una heavy on ltlnd of a bulldlnfi propo.ltlon dining ii to j a a.m.: a to 3 pftihe; Ntnn. !("l-t'- i any built-i- n to side p.m. w..ter In house, new nd culutc--n l.'",T ME du your work, ft. B. ..,es Phone J. B. you In view. A, 11. Palmer. Humra-lo- with features, and has doors leaditip poreh. gHrage carpenter M 1 1! A M T T 15 - M Es A luve chicken and lur-ke'- contrnctor. E5tr,9-T- ON LE- - Dui Kv"X 41, fhono HiiS-- nnd to service which leads to servants liousus; I'uldwetl, phone A well, i .r; h. Fresh lloi.teln tiao, Builder, city, basement, porch Call owner. plnce to get cow: E404-.i- to ulso furniture: term. i. ALL HUlVlllNSON house olwuning nurse. else fresh Jersey. Phone VOttK or alteratlot s; all W' r' iltinrters. There is both a front nnd back stairway second fr Food you'll like to cnt. tlriiil'iaio NW n paint-I- IM00-J- eetlmutv-- f vvtd where are Joed one rlressinu; and wail eleatdnn. floor wuitnff. Cull 1 and ve Hill call for you 'ORSAI.E Six ows Kuaranteed; make story, there three rooms, romii, (falrotirncdc, sr. kalaomtnlnc and chimney weeplugt and show you also Duroo boar. W. Hunter, P. O. very close fisurc on a 1"h in Highlands plenty of closet room, hallway, tike bath room and linen 50S2-J- . 'round. J ll nd 20 AfdiUo lltiiliifnc. MATTRESS RENOVATING Odd .lot Man J17; S40B-K- !. 17io-v- a. L. John- phone MRS. for con box phono or Height. Plion closet. House is brick with hardwood floors and steam heat. Marshall's nrtvete home son, filfl John. MM ST AH A Hid LINE iVJATTFi KSSE3 remade, I4,:.0 and up. valoscents. excellent meals, table anc? FOR KALB OR TRADE On. team of There is also a double garage. All situated on paved street Th nrenK lor0 Knvlit, Et Furniture repairing. Awning work. nurse atten- big work hones. Apply Shufflebarger in ward. eir. Bed-dln- ir forsaleortrade tray service; furnace heat, the Fourth Ru- - 890-- FOR SALE Furniture. phant Butts dam and Hnt Fprlngs, N, cleanlnff, phone Ervln WHAT" have you to exchange for tion; on car lino; rate K0.00 and up. Transfer tine. 114 John. A at U, Meet all trnlna at Engl, leaving company. Oldamoblle "8" In excellent 1107 North Twelfth, phone 11S1-- J. FURNlTUItll rupalrltiff. Awning work. Bargain $10,000.00 Hot fipringa at 11:30 a, m. and SrSO p. m condition mechanically and otherwise? MRS. BeTui LUNlT'S FOR RENT Storerooms. Porch curtains. Phone 81NJ-- Erviu Dam A. Veflrns. prlva"te"sa,i,Horlu,n. OldMt drivers, beat Dam rara np tleortre Flemlnif. East I.ns 14l Annex. ',5 per vi tt, a Betldtngf coTnpan;'. I lift W typewriters: South Kdlth, u.l. nrratig. suit tenant Wm. T. Leverctt Dan. Una, ur five-roo- drlvt own cart W13 hive an extra good month. Private rooms, hot mid old foot brick building: good condition: VOH 8 A LIS Wicker bahy ciii l iuife. Writ for rnrvattitii9 our 110, , 13 West Golrl pt xpcoti and repairnd. Ifibbona for every mi pressed brick house that w. will sell woler, steam heat. Main building, east opposite Santa Fa .hop; reasonable sloe! roofiinj. Victor vht-(rrap- I'hone REAUTOR. HJ&FVmt UN TJK04., Prupg. eli lno. Albuquerque Typewrt r Ex or trade for desirable building lots. Ou room, glassed, t5. Good nieuls, troy term. See ur writ L. Heyruan. 109 Urge tit"cK' of flrntclaai uaed City Office, Univorsity Heights .Development Company. Hut Cpringa, N. MU cnantfe. phone Wi-J- , K2 South lourtrt. a curucr, tut (3xl0( (gel, I'hone 410. servk free, Norlh First, Albufjutrquo. M. furniture,. iZ Sotvji First, IV. Tage Eight ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL' November 3, 1922

M'KELLAR IS LEADING n OPPONENT BY RATIO m Mtfi i lOC I AA1 aiiiyi: j ' Z OF MORE THAN 2 TO 1 Our prices on groceries an I I I'hoim 15 aaaoV pasriJSB pw SBTf VJMUr A i"''55t "il"WJ(jJ WtT J- rock bottom compare ihom. I and Night Service. 11 1.111 m A I tij Jt - Trim., Nov. 7. Ken- MAIJl'CT 'ASII iKO( I I open and Closed Cars. wKmatS ! 1 1' ,V?V IrJ8 Memphis, -. IJ tl""!-- B Will he here this morning. Tiny art tt nil neth lJ. McKcllar, democratic can- ol).- S. Second. Plmnc 701I-- Cadillac and Hudson Sedan. I '"SS&m M 1 t tl m B' 11 f'1 61 M 5 t, fini' in Senlslii United ', - mrf3 large oysters didate for as' j " i );, r Siato National Hank. I A &J A 6M V. States senator from Tennessee, Kaam I was lending Newel! Panders, re- j publican nominee?, by a ratio of -- NOW SHOWING mora than two to one on the face yvrilZ: t of unofficial returns from (142 Folklore of New "The Art - ' of total of -- ,680 In Ten- Shop" tlii-i- lull will ihcin morn when made precincts a Of coiirso oii like nj") nessee. from these pre- Willi which i.- - nmii ,,se,l (if prime beef, best Returns ll('in.iiiiiircmit. cincts give McKcllar 36, SOT votes; , HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY suet, selected seeded mid ii.'l.'ss raisins, currants, ,Ado- 1" k V i npii'is, Newell Sanders. 16.209, Admission. SOc, Benefit - ,"'T'"".T s an sugar. The price now ,M ' candied Leghorn li'iiiis, imp' sums pre- Y. ll 2 Returns from the lante Club, W. C. A, - ' reasonable. Hi ii' ' ij:hl, SVi'i can of lbs. Let us snow- rnu the is very 'nm, Austin demo- I mmm mmmmt Jacques, - cincts gave Pcay, and Also Wit- - weight, cratic nominee for governor, 3, Swaters Caps. JESSC L. tASKV PIESEirT$;V, . tens. Our is "V.'V " Baby Department ' 4iv,'. X and Alf republican, ' Taylor, """ u. the of our mmmmm V&'ikliW&tW for 24,408. . oiio prettiest m m 'VA.V'xVVeAv'"'''lifVihrlSAitil'. WARD'S CASH STOKE Phone 28 508 West Central. Orders Delivered for 10c LOCAL ITEMS P,GS-P- Y rollSlied,C.oanedanaP,uV.;i IGS lljMft UAmOC " The Rev. C. II. Williamson of arrived to Memphis. Tenn.. has THEODORE ROBERTS ' .. . with visit his son, Robert Williamson, at ALCOHOL jfem San Ysidro. UKUW1INU rAol for Auto Uadlutom, CEOROE FAWCETT T.ROY BARNES " C. S. Warnoek, Corest ranger at J7t 'h 1 :r ic't Always the Cedro ranger station, visited Sur Price 75c a Gallon HARRISON FORD .FRITZ. RIOOWAY Finest Worth .the local fores; service office ready for you to make your sc- - PALACE' Vv i in connection with business a few We e. ' days. carry Theater While pertaining to his district. DRUG CC. B. res- In. Thomas Hull, an old time ident of Albuquerque and former employe of Fred Harvey, who has Delivery American home on been living at Seattle, Wash., for living TODAY-FO- UR DAYS s. the screen in STARTING the past eight years, has returned y 7)) Phone 54 a perfect pr0-- jig ' 'vfT$0& to citv. Mr. Bull has visited this ftrL j Auction. With all its thrills, ail the western and northern states. ' 1$ Mr. Hull represents the Palo Verde Ours j . its tears, its smiles, its heart- - Vineyard association of Los An- - i'A throbs. Theodore Roberts in ?eles. He is a life member of the VXl i'MJik HOME COOKING his Uncie Albuquerque lodge of Bilks, and all "1 --afrXVREUBEN the Masonic bodies and is a past Take Dinner IXYour iSTM M Josh." master. gffiWCa, t's This Kvening. (? f Ti . H V .'Ti- - llev. T. P. Harvey. Rev. S. 8. fel j Russell. Rev. J. W. Hal with I ' "A Bruner. George Cranberry ' Ham-- 1 need and at- - ' JSs ' Z'Z&r&'-Z-Siyfii Brown, R. McClughan, J. A. ! Sauce or Currant I ) care Al . A '. ' M. W f, mond, Mrs. D. L'chumaker, Mrs. JrV Jelly. tention. If you are ! f V V. ', T. W. Bruce. Miss Ona White, Miss i'f L hsJJ bothered with ZA XxjU S V- James Cruze '1 Lillian Slav and 8. V. Jackson left tired, hurting, ach- - t . yf.feft Production. last night for Tueumcari to attend YWCA Cafprpriai: "v the Baptist convention. A number " II si'oonii anil topper. , our store sna learn now Hundreds i, ft : of Baptists from Helen and Socorro 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumP of have benefited 'i':' - were here last night en route to people through liVVfe"X- Tueumcari. Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. C. Stutz left last night for New York. Mrs. Stutz will remain over the holidays in her former home in Washington. 1). C. Mr. Stutz will return in a sm,tvr ,V,H ,n' Bt OMr few weeks. Ii ; M L a ; the Heights I r Tony, ..ore Thn,s,la,, Novemln-- 9. 4U '"MWmn. 'h Dr. Jlurray, Osteopath. Violet-ra- y CVamm0anl fyfZgfc00 treatments. Armijo Bldg. Ph. 711. ; Wonder "7, Factory wood, full truck load, Horse five dollars. Halin Coal company. The Popular I' Yf nXvOJiiM iw Phone 91 Adv. iM Lucky Spot Dance VQI ?M $ WILL WIN l MS mr ANNOUNCEMENTS : YOUR HEART TOH1SHT WW communication of Tem- ;:r Special S. ple Lodge No. B. A. F. and. M., this e'ening at 7:;t0 for work in the first degree. Adv. pfc'i The Woman's Relief will Ik Si. Oorps IE i meet this afternoon. Adv. ! : DEATHS AND FUNERALS Adupled from J I HIS IMP 'I io Wonder- laTPD Max .Brand's ft M - ' Famous ful Story of KINNEY MacL. Kin- Tom Margaret Novel. Mix's ney, 17 years old, died at 9 o'clock "Alcatrnz.' Marring yesterday morning at her home, mid I 1 1 REVIEW CURRENT EVENTS "Tony," 1216 West New York avenuo. She ( (INTINl ll S TO I'. M. ADDED ATTRACTIONS: PATHE flime hero last March from Chica- PRICES: Matinee: Adults, 25c; Children, 10c. Night (6 to 11), Adults, 35c; go. She is the daughter of Major TODAY AMD TOMORROW and Mrs. 'C. (1. Kinney, and the Children, 15c. niece of Mrs. M. J. Helmick. her parents and aunt sho is : Tt. survived by a brother nnd sister, a'i'f iii iffi r 1 Gordon and Jane. Her mother, JUST TONV" brother and sinter came here with was to WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION her. The bodv taken French's pending the arrival of her Thomas Ice Cream Gordon Landon's The Jeweler 'father when funeral arrangements FOGG, will bo announced. 2 Gallon, Packed, Shade Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Shop Lowest rrlcea. and delivered, $1.00 Shades made to order. Highest Quality. DRY Funeral services for Mrs. Hand-Mad- e Opposite Fostornc. I'lione (Vigtor Luxor 118 Sou th Fourth. Beatrice Viola Dry, who died at Cloths) her apartment on South Third QoraDiu9hiJkos 2i)dkrtLtlU, -- Kirsh be 7 Curtain Rods street Monday morning will held Phone lfllK-J- . 415 North Sixth! TOM MIX from French's chapel Thursday af- uu Jlurricznts (JiL. ternoon at ":3o o'clock. llev, A. 'M. Knudson will officiate at the at Greenhouses services. $100 BONUS Ives "JUST TONY" Will' pay $100 bonus on loan Phone 732 S cent on close SEXTON Funeral services for of $2,100 at per 733-- Cleaners L"p Flower J 'Arthur A. Sexton were held yester-- ; In residence.. IIME Town Shoppe, Also Lupino Lane in "The Reporter' day morning at the I minaculiite C. It. TJjimni. DVEItS AND HATTERS Conception church. Rev. Father 32B Norlli Tliiril HUG CLEANING Cut Flowers Mandulari officiating. The body Phone 4 .":(. Cur. (Kb and Gold Regular Admis&icii Prices was placed in the receiving vault Floral Dcorntions for All at Strong Brothers mortuary Occasions. the service until Mrs. Sex- ton can take It to I'enn., Greenhouse, Fourth and Santa Fittsburgh, Phon HI2-- 421 V. Central! tor interment. Fe Avenue. . C. II. CONXFIt. M. I. I. O. RENT A CAR Albuquerque, N. M. ' Osteopathic Specialist, STEWART Walter Scott Stew- V 1 Drive Yourself New Fords fctern Bids. Tel. 701-- J. a23-- at his on Fast It Armistice Eve art died residence Memorials of the Better and nnd Sedans Central avenuo last night. He s Dodges, Coupes 5c DANCE-- his one broth- ALBUQUERQUE IiOlLLH 1'OWFU 5c survived by widow, Kind. DRIVEHLESS CAR CO. When in for new or er and five sisters who were with the market one Cars Delivered. used steam boilers, stationary or Armory him. He was of the partners "We the Freight" RAMBOUILLET ask us. in the Perfect Bake shop. Neil Pay portable, Nov. 10 is in of arrange- MEXICO I uc Friday, McNerney charge RAMS SEW STFEL CO., Music by ments which are still pending. II. Louis Halm. Mgr. Serenaders Q. E. Flekter m Moonlight SALE J'hone iioaa-j- . itcs. isi-- FOR j STOCKMEN, ATTENTION! City Fish Market ' X85-- 18 months i: MONUMENT WORKS R00 S. Second. Phone Age Emergency reduced rates now Deliver to All Parts of Town. Hanson'. Taxi Service IT'S COMING effective on alfalfa hay. Wire or Handle all kinds of sen food Mercantile write us for delivered price. R. E. dally. This is an exclusive fish Huning STUDEBAKER SEDANS Big n,nt ,as rush. Make your Levers & Co., Koswell, N, M. Adv. THE TORNADO OF THRILLS ! and oyster market. at fi aa selection now and have it laid Scotch Cured Herrings. Company Zo aside until Christmas. CARD OF THANKS. Growths Large Salt Mackerel lliUPiti l We wish to thank our Cancerous FRESH LOBSTERS TODAY Los N. M. "EASY TO REMEMBER." WISEMAN, JEWELER. many Lunas, Corner Second and Gold. friends for their kindness and sym- 8 Which Cause Tu- iHMHs pathy during the illness and death of our daughter and sister. Also Great Reols berculosis JSHSSSIBBBBIBBIHSHnSSBHHHHHHIBHMBHBB for the beautiful floral offerings. of MRS. ROSSITER Surprise Dr. Robert D. Brewington, MK. and A, one of the founders of Oste- AND FAMILY. Sensations. was AND FAMILY. Adv. opathy at Klrksville, Mo., CERRILLOS EGG COAL the first Osteopath in THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY THIS IS DR. FRANK E. MacCRACKEN, DR. DAISY II. MacCRACKEN. For years doing research Richelieu Buckwheat, 4 lb. bag. 41c work and has achieved re- Osteopathic Physicians. one Most Fuel Richelieu Rye Flour, 5 lb. bag 41c 506 W. Central. Ph. Office 89-- markable results. He is Albuquerque's Popular 89-J- - of the first to look upon tho Richelieu Graham 3 lb. 32c Residence Adv. UNIFORM SIZE. CONVENIENT TO HANDLE COSTS LESS Flour, package lymphatic system as the cause Richelieu Pastry Flour, 3 lb. package 37c of tuberculosis. BURNS LONGER MAKES MOST' HEAT sclentifio re- Richelieu Pancake Flour, lbs.. Through his MAKE YOUR NEXT ORDER. .CERRILLOS EGG l'j, .....16c Let Us Send a Man search work, cancerous growths Richelieu 3U lb 27c found In the stom- Oatmeal, package To that broken window have been Richelieu replace ach which cause tuberculosis Tapioca, package 15c glass. Albuquerqua Lumber Co. PHONE 91. HAHN COAL CO. Richelieu 421. 423 North First. and stomach trouble. Hominy Grits, package 13c Phone These growths can be re- moved without surgery. Richelieu Made Sugar, fy-- i Call at his office, 009 East 12 pound Central Ave., and you will be CONGRATULATION shown the three different Richelieu Pure Maple Syrup, quart $1.08 BOUQUETS FLORAL growths mineral, vegetable, W. R. WALTON, President nnd Munngcr. Richelieu Pure HORSESHOES and hair growths. Maple Syrup, pint 58c C15-- J. Phone GALLDP-DAWS- 0H Richelieu Candied Cherries, z. package ... .27c The Flower Shop CAHOH CITY Banquet Flour, 48 pounds $2.05 11 S. Fourth. Phone 088-J- . Iiola ruler of wild men of the sea but not of her ow n WE SPECIALIZE IN FUEL FOR DOMESTIC USE. Red Star Flour, 18 pounds $2.30 wild heart. Monarch Pearl Hominy, package 13c Sweep with her to drama, A FIRST NATIONAL romance, spectacular thrill GALLUP LUMP in , ATTRACTION Coal and Lumkr Company Gallup Lump Coal Supply OMERA EGG comfort Jmall Families NOW AT GUI'S TRANSFER ALLEN Startling 4 PHONES 5. Let bur up to tho minute trucks bring Phone 371. 322 S. Second KOLUBM'S P r o d u c tion to yonr home We carry a well selected stock of all that is good Superior Lump in Pure Foods, in small containers for small families. Starring DOROTHY PHILL Beautiful Perfect NOTICE! SEE: The seas of PI in 1 n ITT SKINNER'S Beginning Monday, Nov. 13, the pursuit through gale swept smuggling Albuquerque-Sant- a I'o Still schooner and destroyer; hydroplanes soaring overhead Furnace Coal Stage will leave twice daily-lea- ving to attack while in the midst of a hurricane seawoman WILLY-NILL- Y Albuquerque 7:30 a. m. of a kind swastika and 2 p. m., arriving at Santa and society woman battle for the one man. (Four that j r r Tin Fe 10:30 a. m. and 5 p. m. ' can't be beat.) Phone 60. 205 South First Street. Leave Santa Fe 8 a. m. and ADDED ATTRACTIONS: "A VACATION COCKTAIL" 4 CEDAR WOOD PIXON "TRY THE WILLY NILLY CASH WAY AM) RANK THE p. m., arriving Albuquerque AZTEC FUEL CO. DIFFERENCE." 11 n. m. and 7 p. m. PRICES: Split Wood, Kindling. Fireplace Logs Albuquerque headquarters: I'Iioik: Your Orders if Yon Cnnnol Come to Hie Store. 210 Matinee: to STATE COAL COMPANY ningling Bros, cigar store, Adults, 25c; Night (6 11), Adults, 33c; Phone 251 NEW Orders Over S.I.IHI Delivered Free. West Central. Phone 600. Santa Children, 10c. Children, 15c. PHONE 85. Smaller oiiIcin Dclhrml for nic. Fo headquarters: Bank confec- CltJ Office, KI8 South Second. tionery, phone 222. L. J. MILLER, Pres. I