University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-8-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-08-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-08-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/743 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBD QUEBQUE MORNIN G J 1 OHrV.TIIIKII YUAK. VOI,. CLXXV. No. 39. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Wednesday, November 8, 1922. TIUCB FIVE CUNTS. HEW YORK ELECTS 1IIH II MAY Official "Eyes" of America BERNALILLO COUNTY K CALL CONGRESS Gather lor Conference in Berlin IS LLEO UP SUBSTAHTIAL MM 10 MEET S m VICTOR RACE Special Session May Be AJDRITY FOR DEMOCRATS JfflATE Summoned for Nov. 20; Senate and House Lead- Miller Is Defeated in the Gubernatorial Con- ers Endorse the Proposal. The Vote in Albuquerque Was Almost a test, While Calder Loses in Fight to Retain Washington, Nov. 7. President Landslide; the Republicans Practically Con-ced- e Seat in House of Harding expects to issuo a call Loss Upper Congress; Speaker Thursday or Friday .'or a special the of the Entire Ticket, Includ- Gillett Is Re-Electe- d. session of congress convening No- ing Legislative Candidates. vember 20, it was announced today at the White House. Cm n New 7 mid- Hie faee of returns received com-Hil- York, Nov. (by the Associated Press.) At It was said that although the Fckles. is. For corporation l. up until 2 o'ciorU this missionor; 144: .Mont night the congressional returns were complete from only president was not ii. com- morning, ova. liernulillo county lias returned u 24 9. For representative: Weil, seven states. mitted to the proposal for the spe- 2 substantial mujnrlty for the deino- - 151; Ciiego, Jo. For represcnta-1.")- 1; cial session which has generally live: .Mohr. 24 At that hour the election of 119 democratic represent- cratic state and county tickets. Jordi, 2. For atives and 67 out of the total of 433 had been been expeetel by congressional In cny of AllHiuncrnue the representative: Candelaria, 137: republicans lenders, only an eleventh hour demon at h OtO Chavez, 2 55. Commissioner First of mind ould him Was almost a reported, but these figures were in no wise indicative of change, prevent landslide. Th in the district: Ilerrera, 141; Armijo, 252. - call. majority0 from issuing the will reaeh or ae- - Commissioner Kvond district: Je- the political complexion- of the next congress, as large The for a special session city mote, plan cor. ling to tin deinoeraUc claim, sus Ilimioi'ii, 14S; llezmck, 215. blocks of districts with heavy republican delegations in after the election has received the For For commissioner Third district: endorsement of se.iate and city and unty the majority in general bo 1 o ti) mh n. 151: 243. For some, and heavy democratic delegations others still house leaders. It is understood apparently nil well ovi r Fuit, s treasurer; Sanchez, Svvope, were to be from. the feels that by meet- Republicans night practical-los- lis; heard president ly conceded th of their 215. For clerk: "Werner, 151; Gov- at least two weeks in advance entire 2 Albany. X. Y.. Nov. 7. nessee, wher Cordell Hull, chair- ing r t. t Harris. lis. For assessor: Ilub-bel- l, of the tile legisla- county tie: carrying with it ho man of the democratic national regular session, - For shtiriff: ernor Miller, receiving the returns tive bo so advanced ' : ;l three liuliil.iles for t'no state lcg- ill. Lewis, 144: committee, whs elected to the program i.f iH '0' M W4 Vfc Islat Camera, 25ii. For school in the executive chamber if the house from the four.h district over as to enable congress to clean up 'M; a lire. superin- fl It w;is in lie eve- tendent: Rurke. 155; Muntoya, conceded apparent early capital ear;y tonight, Representative C. iss, the repub- its slate by the time tho regular 23S. Probate a Mr. session ends next March :. The ning, when reports of straight bal- Judge: Sanchez, lijj; Mr. Smith's election and sent lican incumbent. Hull repre- were .MeClelbin, 21.'!. For sented same de- among administration of- lots given out. that the dem- surveyor: telegram ot congratulation to his the district when feeling ocrats had linss, 411. feated two years ago. ficials has been that unless on carried the city pre- opponent. would be cincts by tin average of from two I'roeinct 12 115. With 2.530 out of 2. 747 districts earlier start is made than Nov. 7. with congress meeting the to one to four to one. The sub- For senator: Mavis, 02; Jones, in New York city heard from. Philadelphia, Returns possible 220. 57: from 96 districts out of 8,021 in first Monday in December an extra sequent count showed that this For congress: Warren, Smith had run up a plurality of nec- held Morrow, 220. For governor: Hill, .The ever Pennsylvania, give Clifford Pinchot session undoubtedly would bo proportion good throughout 442,804. greatest margin 4. the scratched re- 00: 220. For lieutenant in for governor, 7,417, and John A. essary after next March The ambassadors, alter their conference. ballots, though liinklo, given a candidate by the city for the snapped publicans had claimed that governor: Gallegos, 115; Faca, 200. any previous election wan 417,000, McSparren, 4,125. Although the program The they U. S. 29 special session has not been work- amliassadoi's from the Ambassador Houghton to discuss ton: Hentano, Hungary; drew, to would gain when the seratcht'i For secretary of slate; l)e won by John F. Hylan in the may- For senator districts the conditions in middle give David A. Recti, ed out.deiinitely it briefly provides United States to tho middle Eu- Europe. Switzerland; (jisbon, to l'uiand; were chalked down. On straight Georges, II"; Chacon, 20!i. For oralty contest last year. republican, Heft to Ambassadors Wash- and to Con- C." 2.6(50; Samtel E. consideration bv the. house of in rigid: Houghton, (lei'iuany. ballots the democrats ami in the slato auditor: IJelgado, Vigil. Shull, democrat, fr ropean countries, conferring burn, to C'astloe, ditions in central were dis- 205. For Nov. 7 Asso- 1,033. the merchant murine bill and work Austria; attache Kuropo city by 1,412. treasurer: .Matson, 120; New York. (by the anti-- Berlin recently at tho calling of to stall? at cussed the Cnrbin. 10O. K0r ciated At 11 o'clock The same number of districts by the senate on the Dyer j department Washing by diplomats. Reports from the. country pre- attorney Press). al-- 1 z era I: 2 9 eastern standard time less than give George Wharton Pepper, lynching measure, which has cincts early indicated reduced Sedillo. 120: llelmielc. half of the returns for United for the otVier seat in the I7. ready passed the hous . Admin-- ! majorities in tho repul). For superintendent: P.laney, 153; S. and B, 1,225. istreition lenders hope these two! lican strongholds. Itanchos do F.ekloH, 220. For land commi-sione- r: State9 senator and representative senate, Fred Kerr, measures can were in and less be disposed ot by the LI! FOLLETTE IS Atrisco turned in a democratic ma- Muller, 70; L'aea, 202. For in congress than time the MQCRAT3 GflS EXPLOSION Prat-to- n. in the Ariz., Nov. 7. Four regular session convenes, jority of 25S. Barelas showed a supreme court: liarnes, 67; half a dozen turnovers Phoenii, house leaders have 210. com- been recorded. precincts in Maricopa and assured the, close vote. San Jose went demo- For corporation present lineup had reported that by the timo com- missioner: 182. house. Gillett county, three of them in Phoenix, president cratic by ISS, and the republicans Hill, !io; Montoya, In the Speaker mittee work i: a number of the' carried 11 Fur 110: has been and Meyer give for governor: Hunt, democrat. Alameda by only votes. representative: Weil, G37. regular appropriation bills will VICT0RI0U S TO HAVE went two 107. For London, the or.ly socialist, had 722: Campbell, republican, I'ajarito republican by Griego, representative: have been finished. , UDISi to one. Mohr, 171. in Scattered from lor,; Jonli, For rep- been defeated. Two precincts Yavapai county - reports 4 The house com- Kli resentative: give Hunt, 294; Campbell, 00. appropriations other Idealities showed small dem- Candelaria, 53: In the senatorial contests, the mittee has been called to meet Kri- - 7. com- ocratic majorities, and it. was ap- Chavez. 2! County commissioner Now York republican state day to begin its work. Ar- mittee had conceded the defeat of Denver, Nov. 7. Unofficial re- 20Q.0QQ MARGiN SEATS KILLED 80 MEN parent that tie? democrats would First district: Ilerrera, 5S; the es- 211. commissioner Senator Calder by Dr. Royal S. turns from precinct in the KRESS carry county. The official mijo, County timate at Second disfrlet: I!2; Keze-nie- k, Copeland, New York city's demo- Capitol hill district, Denver, gave NO EXTRA EDITIONS democratic headquarters itomero, health commission. In for governor: Griffith, republican, tv as that the county outside 1he 210. For commissioner Third cratic, OF NEW YORK would bv :!00 district: 04: H07. Connecticut, Senator McTean, re- 329; Sweet, democrat, 79. PAPERS Seven Republican Congress- Present Delegation in the Rescue Crews Out city go democratic Tlankin, Butt, state t lie same Bring to -- on.
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