Front Matter (PDF)
QTieRoyal c opL ancient ti.K M tnjirutea cCeCet sc. London 1945 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON S e r ie s A CONTAINING PAPERS OF A MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTER. VOL. CV. LONDON: Printed for THE ROYAL SOCIETY and Sold by HARRISON AND SONS, Ltd., ST. MARTIN’S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. J une, 1924. LONDON : HARRISON AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. m a r t i n 's LANE. CONTENTS SERIES A. YOL. CY. Minutes of Meetings, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 30 ; December 6, 1923 ; January 17, 24,31 ; February 7, 14, 21, 28 ; March 6, 13, 20, 27 ; April 3 ; May 15, 22, 29, 1924. No. A 729.—January 1, 1924. PAQ-E Address of the President, Sir Charles S. Sherrington, at the Anniversary Meeting, November 30, 1923 ...................................................................................................... 1 The Structure of Aragonite. By W. L. Bragg, F.R.S., Langworthy Professor of Physics, Manchester University.................................................................................. 16 Constitution of the X-Ray Spectra belonging to the L Series of the Elements. By H. Hirata. Communicated by Sir W. H. Bragg, F.R.S......................................... 40 The Absolute Energies of the Groups in Magnetic /3-Ray Spectra. By C. D. Ellis, Ph.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and H. W. B. Skinner, B.A., Coutts-Trotter Student of Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S......... .......................................................................... 60 The Dynamics of Cyclones and Anticyclones regarded as Atmospheric Vortices. By D. Brunt, M.A., B.Sc. Communicated by Sir Napier Shaw, F.R.S.............. 70 On the Degradation of Acoustical Energy.
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