
T»k» 11). K. aad bi U K. Am ad.

8r, th* man k<>M« up the putl. I« lb< — f N ». the m«n in titfhl.

nr* aii rii» fr»« »>r i* Kiia«>'a IiimI *rrm lloikmr *•> flu »rw lr><

The « »'■ »t k.r. t of > tm lo gat SBdvr to •fold i thanlerabowrr U the CbrUtmaa Iff*. 1887. NUMBER 39. Horace Coolldjfe, of Frankfort. N. V., VOLUME LIV. PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, look ■ nit ro cold which nettled on bla la oca He wu cotflaed to hla bed, had aw«ate Bad Mi* * !■ bla eld*, profnae blue that P*ln* for lb* U ton I IWaofrtl •\She'* a little said Mr. childish gratitude in b«*r eyes, leea to die. lie waa r» Ik* llM.ttkl* to run not enti- pluckjr piece! algbta. !!<•«ipected Ua»|f AORICULTVK A I« DKPAKTMKXT. trwJ in p*r»oa« tad health fW»ff of DikHi TIIK rojt.N Ill'AKINU. M*ttin to hi* in a tone in which kind-hearted Mm. went ap completely restored to by u«lng tied to the wife, Jeffrey • *. Ik* «»lwi>p«i| l»k*l. Ulltaf llM |M« privilege* with her arms sound I er, and Wiaraa'e BaLaati or Wu.it Ciiaaar. al itel toaklla «u eo flavored put motherly Xwvtf. rnn*>tl» nniml Otrawpoaa-lrnc* o* mrUnl »*TW*ult*nU lop It will be aeen that about onr.fuurth MY I'M c L riKB. surprise evidently a»l *M**alaaM IIm lmiwa< IM to ila«l. with t-ars in her wtro MWMT nftM) *OlW' admiration, that hi* Letter half bestowed said, eye#: Tala year American Are crackera • «-.««•. "mj NUMtHf «'• tar thta •l*p*rtn»«nl U> ADIHi't of the indflitejnr»i *a< wiped out, olil farm brutr, • of acorn. ui *11, won't off red for tale for Iba drat ttmr Ktperl- 1'lNltM Sl«l. II Mt| tu«a. M M MM Ita nuk bin rut.utMii) I »**«■** i. ft III a. Mi. aatiefection. "Way bMk at ft (jHlal on him glance withering "Forgiva me—forgive a« •• which will general f«t ara u t*4 to Ii>l« Mm) m mM ton. lh give Al ntn«'« jr .lawn, "Whet nil Mr* Drown to •aca h«a proved that tbey Jaat many you?* iMii| MiiNh •• at »nr «M diylt »tMi. la WT*rv »«a#mt>l«*l paopla. audacity!" of a na'.aaaca u tb« kin I corn. for her: macb Imported Wktltoaa »**rl la*ti l u»» ItoNMHVkitau FIGURES THAT TELL A 8CHKW riil iTMK.Nr ok nitOKKN MMDS. To iM In bnaklof her daughter Cora. Jack Answered -war* is P*nI mihi iMaM murt; r% tor mt we fanner «•< oU an l taltl*, who in "She you, both forgive ro urn ani» llHNM •«4 l*»a» I km. W< !«•«« M4 CMU|« LOOSE SOMEWHERE. Tb« Hut that young lady, rejoiced forgives llow Oin Fl ItorMI llil *1111 «m al bawrt; a la ■I win It I to* mtofl) «l to B«*l iiNfl, mi w rt.««TKR DiKPtllK. ironl the and friend*; but if any I'm arur aacb m«al He »U'a Km Ion; Tba HUlr Fair at L«*latoa hu loar 1 A'».| ba I a l m lovaly ila«|ht»r the distinction of being village poet* jou. neighbors Ntolwrl itoa»aai*k M«r ika *«€»• J Btiarft m aa milk aa I an wUf* man such stuff about It la ptlaU'We eaally dlgeet- % total •»»» ito* »h« afirf «h of Um mo*I tact raa'tl riblbl* Who timk part. »»«, «h in rep-a»s again, my lUHraal altoa. to Naraar. Interest imI briavo.anc* detnan I better wrapped poetic contempla- IMIcate people Improve rapidly with nmi|< Ma to. Aa4 «* wnal I larUto* rraiaaaa*, ir.ua aver h*M *lac« th* orgaiitiitloo of for lk« fanarr kM, Ikal morala«, Sh« Down* had wife or other woman, I (tire him »tt« ntlun to Oomratlc anlmaU. In moat li«»n. knew that Mrs. any Ita For Tbroal affec- IMItHlkW« IM ao«l (It* Hit aotld |1n bU >Uufblor «la*r Ooaeniaptloa, Uk* HocMy, with «*eeptl Italy • llmh U be- here and now that it will afford tlwl»»» «4 Mk| Imn r Katvtr, to* (to* likih la«uac«e an ablaut with broken nan wbo fa butkin* fallen under warning tion* and DroaehllU It la Dr. ttift*. Rill* L* wlatoa oia Vut To U.a', tiwii public disapprobation ua«iaalWd ntto mt mM W»» IMto to kMto mM trithef. or •«. a sound Hcott'a k'|Nti^ •liber klU«d "i«» i.t it of lie mUnry," Won I<1 fln«1 lb* Oral rr.1 cauie of a that had ln*n f.wnd me infinite to give him Tiioa. rain, Ala, aayat "I need •«». to M Mack to M. M IM MtolM >».•»■»! IT of ***r*. Willi lb* eltr»or> love-lettfr pleasure ramp aljM or • > I *1 ine to die alowly and bImiiIIj, an.l K mule Ion on a chill tgbt moatba old, ha (to»wtoK u4 IM lb* nM Maak»- iff jtl* la bcbtlf of ti* Kalr. atlni- An.l ao, villi Ulklac laufblnr, a »me on', addrss«*d to her and io Mr. thrashing." Pure. Itoto.ultlto* iliaary recowr with distortion of the broken An bour or no waa iwimI, by In a mmU Absolutely Hliftrw*. *IW Iltotol hH wat the of the gaiaed four poaodt Mfl • «»» * atalwi by lb* .ar»1og »Ubl Ml itVramhMi* fallow And that Isst great 4MT«4«f • k'y rwiMiM ta w 11toll ikt in< inVr. Is many caeea It l« Jactlfltt U Until Kma Colton's handwriting. t-TT Knm t| mi akwtNn Mf Mat It if the Hoclat with 01 • of lb* ta«l llad ftmn.l an Mr al Ual. —4 t«rt4il, |*iiU"*fn upon J, It * but often a Oiler «aw scandal at l'ine Fells. Invalid locomotlv chalra" ara largely t»l )« all m an«t bU3i*ti« to kill 'alright, p-i p!e the repreheotibla IM* >*• >«m»| mitow4 IMraA*. mil iwyMhllT «tx'*« r»*r la lb* Nut* hruagkl lo|*tb»; will n »u!t In ll.it In fla«t lb* »<>unf la.lr, advertised Aa Invalid locomotlva oagbt Vttk Mkll bt« ||)« MM. t*«r kna—aNa rfaa ato«a aadkranaj, liUe »kill and aiU'Dilu I good wbn*, married flirt of M>,l/Wr tbv hr*i to man accepting protestations ■ Mh «« a* of Mala*, *ery r**atu oaght Tba rtHUif loobari ar JMM U kaaato mm) »•». to *• am mt to. Im iklM aoil mh moib aoffctlBg to be ami to tba ab<>p rrpalra Any* .rtWftji b*»a W* M w the r«c.>f«ry II* a«rfM la i»»rt Mnwr, luve from a HOItSK NOT88. «•**. Kn»t i**!*-. r>»pu Cn wmMM n to tt Hmh alik lk« bav* abowa. ft*a re- gentleman acquainia&ce. OXFORD COUNTY oat 1 waa't •<« It aeeda a chair. ntto. Hlcctulul treatment of frtciaree llit alia toul•'«•* i>( »*r, or IIOKIU iklll k> ■».!' TIIB SALII "KMTVCKT" tba j N1«in ttoal to<4 ktollto Tm*laj-»ii»a>lMH lMua. Ibecare li U not my to write of AikI Marrh waa wkU for tb« eoap'.a aa it a theme what a •avlag I htv<- made during Itat < MfptM al aeniibilitiei, presented Hi. c. CULI 1*414 Urn. Tr«*Mr*r liricra* r*pori ta aa folio*a treatment, Wbo took aucb ailanl laa*a. JlTMiKS or IIOMM AT TilK VAtM. owa doctor. Laat year frnctnre« la x»«*r4l and tta«*lr muse to the of »nr by b'laff my iV Councilor at Iauc, I b«V« Ik* iMMt to h*rv«lth MbMlt th* f»r her portray sgonies 1 tf/orury • »u of rut)'!a of onwart not 7.1 for doctors aa their •ln*il*>l ai*i< tu*ni of r**b r*c*l»e*l lion vail but oi 1/ of th* pplU-atl la tba miantlM lh#y a|<*l the I paid fr>: hTATK or MAIM. l'n«lar Iba moonlit •!<, aff«c?ion. Viewing whole CO for tlx cm* MNtma, T*a*il*y, **pL aih p e«l< r of l'arla tVuli no appliance hoe misplaced medicine; tbla year 1 paid f3 (tirrt Ot OXMIKII. to H"*kI mt botsa of tbair iwol tM wonderful auction sale of socall* Cauaty Kw»t»*J rrout aal* <»f Tlckrti it (iltrt, |M? 3* thla In tr- at- To Iba paitor, matter a* an abe sur- The of IlltUra, and they hava —toiinn, vnttoVM iimm, I to? I 'UCCvrded ao well a« wlt'i knot to Ua. limply abstraction, bottlm Halpbar ? »• I ». W. •) tult Mmi ••■ l u-..i. «i»a* Tbalr *«Uiii| but *. 1. *m I to* lar»rtoa< i«utto«, MlltoartMy M !.•«• aa lug »urh fracture* In ihe human ►«'jDtii drew her hymn-bonk Kentucky kept h**Uh my family. tiUb'ra' Kntraae* frta, reptitiously — 4*aaa k**a tkil I to* Aa<| I bay raturn*! btr tba foraat, no *ai raised on madlcla* aver made i» ■i«ni:k, M«i»k y*UH.<*w« l>a* rraa MalimOa, *a»u» it la to; an I the few ln«laatee In on the which ia reality, d>ubt, the i»r«i «nd parmt r.oNwK >. IW iu»riu mt adapted I n.tar lb* arching blaa. margin: ir< > m4IM la^alry im* (>ou»« alylj pencilled HO K»f»lrwl from Ml* of TKkaU al City bare ll t<> ffictar»«1 f itnra or New Mexico, took Ckartri Tnupt* Sirt*l, Uo$U>h, II ik*lr totolttottoto I* iaiMrr*>l ikal which I applied Of thru iximt marrnlnf, 1*1 th«> e«l>1 *MlU». plains in* u im aim »»f aoimtU beta been atleuded nriil gooJ AnI oi l termar atoppeJ, thyme" horvea were all of which the eolemn conviction that tb« 8prlcg> Ik* mM a»M«aM4 la i*i4 yauilta. Itoto* Hr*|a**U; illaarokca bone la lorn through to t'.nanrface, offered, MWT r»k It *M OilM CnM|. iT'iiutrr IWUra" ta aa follova »iarnly tml* thani u-*o«- it*e!f being "gore Strug- who hammered bla wife Into *atoiy inn «kwl H»«. i k^itii to Uia parure rwport tLu< • » tiuratl wound rommual- auggetted told at from 860 to 1110, the rr, recently I b*«* lb* lo b*r»with mb«ll tk* maktoj speedily to »m "boiled u l iMU aHamn will b* k*4 al nai aoaita- lhl« m*th d ••llut hoMl* crlril Iba rnniii ia«n proa lljr. with the ntuatioa, she had just bar grate. at Coltoa, MMKbt —..Mr. >Wt«U*4l at*U .rol of r*ah rworUr*! ln« **rl fating wllh th« broken bou»— gling about I?'* 11 sp|»ar. • at tiara la IM finally. aa4 aaato toMe —f "flunk of your »l(iBK »onr laiialiiar'* bapplna** changed ar.ee were rather a looking lor, J5W« Hrr«l«««l t" •*).. ( 11. k at *.at<-*, |i *0| J* good that watrr la for A»4ll )• UiU*i *r4tn4 Ikal mk* w.tun I anl em U fn« dis- oaa ra>ra. heart but can they good aaythlag. of Law, (toiaMfN. " Uia> tba op«toia« •* • rof by NrK Kihlbra' Katianc* F**a, !«»•» The ui *l alt air m ciJtk U o«nl bar»*a tor wifa, air John extra trotting action. In the) fultoa* laur**i*4 ki <-aa#i*f altoalnl aa? trial An n laat ir».la tbat I #m M <|atckly •*i atoiltoa aa4 al Iki* ar4mt ik»haa la M Inflow t:i:>N- itMl U " ttatdigre, atrip* r««plr-.| ftom II 1-- high, FImi tired «f»«UI |«W« Uran l «•!» A vita for an aar nfrora." Bm4*b iimiuuia arr<«l a^to Uto I'trt al IM toai to Ariay, • or am»th aarface of the uaual liat of notices. >m I at 1'iace npon Utile reading colors Several of them Mjrbf ovrrcom*. Tba blood OMlMUafl al«* mm I tm llm* Recrlrp>l frooi •*!* of ftchata llty were of various feeling la entlr»ly nmrmi. aa4 | a» fakito W a* ibdit i of um ml <>f a Th. n two war* fon»«H" quoth tba farmari "A ml painful having and vltallta«1, and car- C. %% 4 LMkH, ykaaaa la yakllMi a»' "Hut, wall, aba nM't ba*a two, wrre claimed to be sire I by llembleton» U parlll d, enriched •• "k* •»miar4 a U*c*l|H* from l ti«« k U*>Bi. wklch t'»* |M«>i*r>r iml*4 al Part*. la to Ml and off ».» u lolntt ian stallions and plMWr, etrtke tvrblj aba way aa vail kaap you aa aa a since la toaed and etreacth- al miw>i. vm arat al aak4 %;a»c well congregation, one can. The etomach at Lair, waalr yaktaltoM • m >r* of ll than ru b« held !n the munity the fact that were all of i G>uiuK0or — little but The Att tr-uy al4 >a*k al Uw llw l*llMI. M M to 14a. Mill T»urfct*y *tt*w<*wf* IMA An4 now tba batklng la ortr, namrs of two of they •aed, tba appetite reetored. kldaeye Bo* roll f<<>ro it the good to Ma*«* tar btMor W» a»r*wiia auuuill ihr «mi nor* and roll tba rar lawr, tba laimar our member*, 1 feel it a to afford inui|, »*T» Uw fru end, put planter H at bow duty to show that were la refreebal. the mlad made clear aad itoM ait IIm ia4 ikara aa4 iMw toato •totalled kUirtbrnl of r**A r»«*i»a»l Iran »ari or navar anaw. form, goes they prob- brain H IIH'H Mt'»r iotl »<» i rucNil untu >ir« th»t yoa |«opla an for a full IM om iiumbr. Mb eiplanation. and for work It. il ka*«. aky |*»»*r alaatopattlivMfa aowrr**, vpt » for l«7. opportunity of mustang descent; ready Try |«IU aajIM; Uate*. '* ft hate enough Mil t ipvr, Norway. Malna, Aiflil, to at ably mostly livla*«t from **1* »( iVIhi *i I btfcdagra Tbe congregation ia invited meet were a. " ( kM * Hunt*. I*» Ktcb roll, cuttkUUg as w* said, tbey good* at AI.HIHT *I *TIV Oa*k. tbe cut In binJ. at although, just U eatlmtUd that Boa ton bu 1400 »(• Councilor Lotr% Or4*» to Cvafl M " » ibia*ra »:*tr*»c* »**a, IUW the to-morrow evening tight It .lM(»rnrj( A '-a# al *ak>l ratuiaa aa4 »m * 50 u toon «• flnl»b*d ahoakl paraonage we are to see many tatr WW fr to ftel, A VILLAOK SCANDAL gaited, not looking II l« * to know bow they Ikaina. I A*-l InU, and of I that member of lawy»ra. pa//l« S.IOM be necnrely tied. Tbe width UngtU o'clock. hope every evolved from whin It U ramem'Mrtd that Aitato ALUKKT •• AL'»Tt*. Clar* !>»»• fnaa RaUraaAfc Dot it!" 1 Mra. (Jrant, turf ftll ft • living, M • • *> tbo elie of tbe •*I do believe will be phenomenal performers Mraad Amy, bandage anil depent up».a thia congregation art tboaaaada of la the city KtwIK to Pr«Stl« W«4la«f present." this lot. there pvraoaa brukin Hat) m l Ibe location of tbe frir. whether ad» e •. free « emphatically. that it mattered little are to gl»a «•.! IM(U| j> ii* n ■»«!«ti • T4V U After one of these who alwaya re«dy , tor.. Id termt, we might aay UMI what mutt be We once owned Kentucky < u/w general ••Hit everybody •»)« sermon w*a a man el of or f »r nothlog, and withoat money tf rit-Ur-altaa llMa ttJ*B be the eitna the brilliancy which showed fine gratia m awMti a tb« nlJth of bandage ahoald brrd Texas mustangs iHHMy rti-wml Ik* a al'ftljrrl. Irftl 1 rt*Mi*r lit UK*' i*i»>rt la *a foll>« true," Mrs that ever bored a »o 1 without price. II tad llfteM. u the broken lim'» la ptrsitted the dulleet to tro: *+ rr» ~4 l»« M«H •* I »fh, OlMCl Imaraili rrr*i«*>l at I'aik, #.',»•*10 ih<> illintUr of >*i (Jrant. disquisition but it never enabled him «■» at no mean*," ] Helm action, M M.4 I >w|) rWIXMM Inm fn<« Raiiruad*. *11 the r im of n chicken recent/ tr ••My audience. No one young *»• long *u(fering paid think it for bftvo b«ca ft »u!f*rrx from catarrh at Law. ••4 !»»■*»» lb* •*.!•« t»f LmxJjt attention to old 0*1. rool I xriiM* in lb* r*«l* 1a mH l«nir, the slight*at it, except the horse ffW tea bftil It very fmmif ftet >» those interested in hf yeartI • I* U <>fcr-fourth Inch wife and two now w«? all kn it i« round." improving could not *1 ft I lie. Mm n«■ NMU I'll I IlkM M.I rtlM, Total. miMin •S» | I>jir, who wu ao deaf that he hrrfttb*. Some nlgbu I ItHrkHrU. l»» Majiir an to its hardly Hi>f ■ MiJmi la m4 llMfM. (M lk«4« \ lit* »«: rtt«i||>la tM« •lituvnl I w«» k« pt *un thr«* e^ki, retorted Mri, s'tick of Maine 1 adding already fl>or. I baa- >64 a; piled, fof one word in ten, and tn walk tba pare k. aabaal I4w«u »m.Iu4?. la < uJ ta» |t,«k "SjiMk ywirsrlf," about toen- a!e»p—hat hltlMISI B. NKHNK Mil, Kntti |l,ku puMlUy ltd i enre reealtad. If there only caught for fine horses, am it frea« t-. ll»». » I.I prrfwet "I il in't ktow it'a round, bur Cream Bftln and utiog Hit iitiW toil of ibt ImI aboalJ be roach awe'llog had atory and sale to bava ad- Irl. kf |»P»I If* lUtlaiUiii ib« r*c«lpli day. un evidence. the it I* working ■ care aarely. I • to believe it Ittft importatnn If, •w ib Nkii I'm* \ 1 mat u*« aad tbe ahoald be krpt cocflv.l I'm wilting good that the achool teacher had written aad wltb at Law. Hm| Im*. Fn lay. at Ujo bigbaat fliicla« il inlnlvliM •( aooaut to tbf t »tr« of tbe broken llm'i to even San Jacinto IB n HrriNist, Hull, It t«|lui»| IW lb* «lpeB*e< of tb* Fair will from cnitjr that can be convinced of a thing if I laias of »n 1 It la worth IU Weight gold. ta aaal f Www raa Mr* lirown, Mr*. Martin tank, s •t*«all MHi. aa DM. a a I caa au> abl WMr fl Tblt iff At thi« sea»on year, I thftnk Uo4 I bava fouBd remedy * ■>* ii"«M *->«kWtiv -I aa* It li ntcra«»- I don't it." in tbe aide for |4M ft auUcWtt cumber of bill* »r«> Ik on wblcb To tbe bandage w»l], and Mrs Jeffrey stock SB \ that doea all that la at Imw, Mtlllf Mil M«M? r»»J II Ito MllW'T apply a little, anl teara stopped rm rom breeders of trotting through ate wltb aafety d' Counsellor lb« ti* that the ahoald be held perfectly Mrs. Urant Hashed tat deafaeaa. Attorney II *•*■< la Mil rati* to funa i correct r*utaat». I'iici ry anHJect a moment'* conterenc*. of the State im- rift tn«»t for It It It carlag «i at ib* •».»♦» » Iim mI iba no bonta an t (lev tbe and breadth Tkirl. If b>i«a nduur<• 4l II4.0W (and w« b»** •till. Adjaat the broken cirne to her eyes take Ik at rice Cenci out of the length -II W rry, Hartford, Cona. MiiimIoiU. Inliir, »M> '• tlf k**U p» "I shell the Hp ih> al .aard*d by m aa«l doubt tbcy will rally reach that tbe "She i« fnend, and 1 love (taw miJ rua I la Hail'* I"WI. Cwit, a my s*iJ Mr* •'No child pror» opportunity ► ««rru. to to bol>l. Tut one roll of bandage Into acboul," Jeffrey. la sectioa of ruaaiai Ihm aftnal U»* aaalbarty ta*« at m4 ftBd tb* Ho* if will h»*r f7.4CO.4i ftp- said. St# ha* various fair* held rvery WLea Jtrara Kataall Lowell reglatercd I ta th she faults—every tie of I i« n*a al aal >aiara*ri Ml 1 raa-1 u fol- •»a».n of an I let It remain until ly," of mine shell U» under mitructhn the be wn Ua4 a( to IU d*lit. Tin debt >• plftcol water, Mail* to their stock before at • Loadoa hotel tba other day, »Wl*ut tightly it. Oh, Mrs. Jeffrey, can jou *houU pruee maat ba a to bn considered great UIMM | i<* a( lb* I >t* vlone attempt that of his tftk-B for aoma celebrity. 1 Ml nM high as well m with Cowle* "i don't knjw bat neighbors. L*«l Htt a TuUl #Ji,».»i; until a point la reached aufllrlently }ou? added Mrt. that a a' ae Mur ika vvatatl? If a little ashamed, b-j* of It not infrequently happen* at » <\b. k» i| above tbe aeat of the fracture. yon Mrs. Jttfrey, Mf be to withdraw from tbe & Counsellor Law, aka tb« nit of tbl* jrrftr. shall obliged oa whj Attorn*) law a| Ika Miap bill ta aa>4 taiilf rail, tK-!actlss proceeda tarn ba< a a ruae to breeder well imformed breeding, • li ♦ I. have tot t ihtu«ted th* roll the atme still, go. * • »a Wtikri a o-il u »Uo«<* awiuli a' iba raaalaaaaal ft all.I of 13, opinion husband thick* there if aiaU kft»r» ataadlag fil.tS'* at flrat chifch. M) to tbe u < b •«*! llabraa, r*« bat not any tighter than is in the has taktn great procure eko are a«ff»rlnf fr»«m U>« »rr>n lb* lata lb* Juatfb Haitovt, alll tftkv four of altallar and rap "If the matte# brought up ministers pains To all I Mllv *lc. mi—I aaiI Mil •bil ll y"-are beat to nboet alt or ditl of among ai La* succce Jed »iU>wi, •*/!/ iMNlr ibaaaaruiibi aarilmiarir lorn- going. It la apply the evidence. HMt corruption best blvK>! 11 be found, l ta>iiarf*tt»«« of f'-uih, arrvixt* ia*4 biima Wal c mtlna )0« ••cciae to out tbla «*ill hear all aa-l mcrwrtai Iba aaaatr <1, wlpi of tbe >>a»da|( When church, you ihtir.ifUri as m4 a eight thlckntaerea a fii.e animal, reck* katol RMat, U, I eill rrclp* c. • ir*m Aaabat la AairMinn.a in very a< trough haa been applied, you (*« no on* betur able a tiae wiu c«ra rfetg or ciniu»c Thugmu || 1 »aai* I m, aaaf TV- Ajar** w# !»**«• ausiruoaed pr***a'. the rtainly oned what goes to make up iu*» r>«i. U» 'Tiaa»» II ■>**•. "la twl llr'-n* over with the band, aul bold mind." by • miMi--n*rr la lk>«Ui at Law. bwM. rail*! cim rtK>r» Ibu ur tightly jour tret where than Mr. Cowles r»»»lf *u.|i*i>rrr»t if at iba »>rtlwit !•*»• «•< the Hat* of tb« clearly corruption an) cboioe breeding, sym- Attorney *itl>, br l'|t%ai»« with broken in perfect appoal- was over lit first animal,—namely, arlf t nwki* intU r»«4fl UtTKI. ta aaaa-t For laauuc*, limb parta I'ine Falls convulsed own ••• k»lt At ika l>i Car II,1. •* uM, aaM ltd word* of oar o«i c«a do. which It tf ttalf tbe *tonr* of bit immoral ac'ioo anJ ia*rka. a. a*«» Iba rattlaaaaal tlob until tbe Nandage hardnee, of cenaure, that metrical form, color, MUlwn P, >rw r~'k (My. .... *1 ia in*" acabiy Nil In lata Hab» take Tbtrivlif. ttl»ftdani r. 90,000} r«- scandal. The tongue be relied Hut Mr*. good Kav. J miru T. I****. I'Nrl*. »• UMII| iiaial Iba In from fifteen to thirty mlnnlee. upjn. left when I «--aart Uaaaaa. ibaa ;'j! A Oil the will d Harris capadcaoulJ him»elf badly aal ibl***a«ua« «a J ftt (ftW *ut ♦•ivti haa had when Abram bo w.xn- **•'«* ly baa* af *»U kit. c«lpta no meant let It go until tha plaaWr faintly reproved (owl**' friends remained si. •peed,—find* "la the Meilcfta charch choir i • ■ iim< 11/ discreetly are a the commit:* >, 1 aaaii raal a»ar iba raaklaM* *< ua lata »ti»«rr tlftva ar* lo lb* proportloa. will olT to the tbe ribbons warJed by are a and If It had cariied bis mother poor* • i to Tbera gre«t I la >1 llabraa. run and an abas« htrJened, properly applied lent on this see tbe It allowed alog." Itmkf aa Tbftt U d*adtit adUm wild, a*, the point. ii and to In which ■ ba»a •( aj left them in audible etiticismi and chtgrined cbolra in America & Coufiellor it tlx, *atfc I t br|tmi| al lb# aaftbult that la aim- keep the parta jaat yoa house, and indulged *bell not allow Cora to go to tbe surprised ratny cbarcb a» Ul<*men don't alBg, BBfortaaately Uiatar r«iha» )|jri thai two-tbirda when I.aura Cowles baptised to-morrow *1nln*. ml, aci aana lb* (HI Uabait ply outr*s*ou« email anlmala be tnrn d evening," interpo*. of low cbarch choir wooM ba tnUiiirr, iba vaat fl >aied la fre« Moat might a church parsonage of some mammoth and beefy colt, try. The M«iIcib ta Mil lltt fva. Ukm ruastac tM»i tb* ftit«aiftnr« oa Tnuraday the river in midwinter during tbe diecuuion tba mala looao aa toon aa the 1* tl Jlahed, ed Mr*. Hrown. MI think own- a mo»kal If •»i» baaa al m«1 kill a»l iuimtihic aaUr^aaif of a already operation as as ii concerned, model orgtalxitloa n m oiM IB on tb« aboulJ*r* Hocltty two or and died of inflammatory rbeu- degree far pedigree to their iJkn nub f ».l aaai r»«t Ja*« a al E*«bia4 liar* 1.2. It U better to confine them revival baa a moat were alao obliged keep U* aad*r tbc burden of but of such subjects demoralising who declared alBgera craabei aad croaaiag Ita to had now ed A„ hascften • * thre« waeke. Aa to application matism a week afterward, It ia a by neighbor moatha ahot. ia M-laaakly taal a*bf ft d*U. Aft.l la U Wur, tb« Cbtrf* effect on joung dtplor* wis luck and *% |bl, bf l««kaan< lftT(* and cowa I cannot apeak front I the from people that hone breeding all •* l»aa*l IH lata la mH lUWaa. annua! tbftt hornee broken silence an J carried atory im£m** taftJ* Id tb* meeting, conpll- be con- able affair all round." was as ruMit iba » a.Wf *• iba aaai- bat ahoald on that a man likely U Count lort it law, IWM* Ilmib tlckfU thi fill arv perlence, aippone they house to bouie uutil it wai every* chance, and just Ml* al »a-4 rwiit tm* kbl'aiacaaai mrntary by pocket n The removal of Hut wben tbe came Cora did to Artomej* art* of Iraa tban fined and p«t la allng. evening a colt breeding afire, a» iba l**l dlalrlbaud? Inateal to get valuable by TIrIni*. mali raa-1 al a*ar freely la aomtllmee a little difScnlt, More than to her mother* lM*U«*i *♦-1 lb Mil Uabrua of W«J* the bandage bedy'a lips. go that, to a II II. a aaai b*ba*« four ihoaaftftl dollar*, lb* receipt* no a« ircimu u..« dollar scrub ss breeding highly* I| M CkiKB. inuwi Ikkl ",#l »u I abonld be d >ne with grant care •\ mania l»r »»«r.in^ room and by Wm *MMrl WTitVirU, val t*«i Mkwaali |-**T I*** to beat al laaat Ua horror, abe cromd tbe Iba — oaf tit bavt ani- a great owner of tbe well-bred 1 aal aiJ bliaf aeaday the Half bredstallion. Tne < • til «a tat) »a» aad tbftt not to break the callnt. Hating broken out among the ladies. WVta »!.• tu a'liiU. rn*J f I Mlxtt, »w»l. aaU IW> tb >a««B 1 dollar* at U»* ijalr, •at diwn Jack Downs and bit wife, for in aba*a. al iba mW< abut* held a thin of board a by colt in nowise be discouraged ait iji*W*iI wiib allowance mal atcurely, atrip be seen with lit* need U.f « rauai aa* i«u*u al aa.4 would bar* mad* a very liberal dc«*n cjuld any day, • on tbe aofa, al.*-l)WMM be Ineerted between the bandage and who at alone together long a« it ban Mkl tilaHiix*. and ciary may or crochet ia haaJ, tbe end blood will tell, always it Law, for llf* mcm'^rahlp* compllm« n tic bundle of knitting were Wfcea afca ba4 CUUraa. ate eadbeadl%B. Tbe leak Tbi* sympathy Mm Uar It with the flagere, proceeding be sure each horse of America. as look it It la a MBilhlr, apart near To la-Jy aa a in- trotting «« -»«ri *i coitnd Let tAt neighbor*. with Mr*. l>owna, blood* •*. 1 HHtliMI M(, ui*tt or c«mi; gtntly and profeaaional Oftentimes the of tbe ww, laC aad to stop It When alowly.—to »»• to if oppor. a aur* superiority |H «—M|H»M baslaeaa-Uke way, try very particular etplaia, atinct auch aa that which man- «B I be* | CVnafry impel* over tbe scrub is not A who dreaata elrgaatly viixfc. l>—litNtlfllll tber* !• a liability of Ub thousand prop!* that ahe had ed animUs lady •*rrn riMi*. n» r» offered, promised aorta of of aoclal to— rmlM Ik*I Uw yciMn—r» fair oa an* tunity to investigate all after a loBffa to th« high parch ploauge, to* mg or nur* free into tbe or gron patholog- ifest to the rye until !!•«•«. tkil *u> IW MfUi •/ |UU passing S) and •■> a new stitch a of her ac- *• A. »'« k»j lAm m jtWraat u4 la'i«ir; a an I BEST BllEEDS. Mrs pattern, She wanted to ob« unpratticed mftda a formftl cail apon l«dy It It UUIIIIII. I|«l tbrr* nu«t b« stringer ical monatroaitiee. the welUbred af Ik* »U r« ■ to rlpfffMrt, gi**o day, to take her or two of handling, wtlted In tba wblla V- • W t. U U*4 U lk« AMN«I fur fatar* ur she had been intending remorse, year •IBftlntanca and p«rlor Ifc* C»1»l—>T« MH aioro ftu'wua'.ui tlrpcaJ«cc« breed of serve for herself tbe ravagea of l w* M«* U« Ito i; Ui to th« to see Mm. Sjcha* colt speed, her ctrd wftj aent up (lay apeclnen «HtTM MimiiihI Ml A. I*.. Ihut, to I'm* than the weather, for » matter how work and "run in" the bet* continually improving 1*4 Hhw whim upua U the moil on*. N humiliation and love, one strain o wbo tba elegaat mm »t to* it tto «i««t A.M. a* a factor popular «ai unhappy while tbe with oaly a waa eyed | | til Ml4 waatb«r U eatrero*Iy uncertain or what 1 r(( on* fur ail moatha or mere. It acrub, girl preaeat. to ttov llw fMto M*lk>M<| ftl large or baBdaont, grtt ter to finiah b«r and aeamad much In- fM««l m IW out a debt. There am MIV life not poem. to fall back reache elaltor eery cloaaly tow. Itototototot? •/Vfvfctofcvto* »k**/i«| la wiping ha\o made, If they in a fbame to one'e trotting blood upon, and M m> r««-.»rdthey neglect neighbors Downs was as aa la her "Well, my i'hy*icutn Surgnm. m4 Ik*it «Mmn Ml to M Ut one of tbes* imra'>tri wa*« really Hut Mrs pretty, gajr and Wreated appearance. HUn tlto meaner*. every the fowl that la oa the top of pop- tbe limit of his althoug with omit (ton UIM tiriaWf. w4 mm* and Je au aa ever. Once or speed, remarked tba vlaltor tpproeal, Of net w»hmM who baa aa Interval la tb* Society fx» to r»ali*t and as nonchalant as fast when dear." (a*« !■ It* r»Hn u ito u It will lnpoMl>»U were as and oat her allka and Urea, ina.H ■mini * arlty and Mr*. Martin good-gaited •a aba amoothed ;« >» u»«« lur A AWttn liittor of alrva Its fatara coin forward tiam them «u Mr*. Jeffrey behind her fan to her equally l«s ■mm itoll j»4#r provperlty, tb« grvaWat II twice she whispered at he is but a think of me?" "Oi," aald UM, Ml |>«rj»w each towards pnlM tbt shows latt that "whftt do yon far*. !« rW, tkti M<« mt IW fit* an l subacr'.b* 910 of ft trio of seated on the back of Jetlrey young, < I k to tun promptly Ml tb« laaate eicelleflce porch and once she laughed, wltb tb« chftrmlag c«ndor 4»l M«Ut| •lur«**kl over aad j husband; actually alL tba little girl, " "1 mmm to l*rt l.t. IkM •4 Uto I iilimiin' tbe »1 11 have beea paid made tbonrea before II rwtlMil to *U |«»>«» aad l'lymoatb mansion, engaged which so outraged the sensibilities ummiiiw vn childhood, ••i'»a «•>»•,•< | to4 to* t»4 •! UM ov«r for tbelr invcatineat, tbey Dor the Intrtmlc the awarding (MUI| tlUMrl «wfto«a| prill Mala one boBtlrnl dollar*. conversation. Overhead ia the Again, wm< tto mpxuw aacrlflc* any relinquish- dential more virtuous ma'rons that they r. i. v«4n itornt i« to iy«* will make bo by valaa of * aitt.ng of egga from l'atrl>1ga <)a severely at of th* fair* are aelected ml fui* u4 Uibnti ui some- tree the tobin tang unheard. hur»r* many | I tort* uf Ito towt* ment of the now. Iler* Is them aell for twenty. shudJered with b >mr urn iImm i« Mflk oi piivlleg* Cochin* that tni.lo apple ua account of their »ocial tto |M«t»< if to |>«kJt l«t the officers of tb* a kitten more pjaitioa, iin« ««tU and .. th«tr M the fljur mischievous played was a romantic DENTIST. toll MM, t*4 !>«•». «•*»( thing practical, Iar*. t>at popularity Mr. Coltaa looting leoouat, M«» to lbs life tan- and bmk ...... It Um ditvH IVMrrit.l make aa carneat three ball of prstecci • Society apical douM tb« parchaaera of fancy* with Mr*. Martiu's aephyr, with disheveled hair, and • impoeing Hood's * Hi"*. U ruia to mM C*» m llhul r**a:t can b* man, of th* Sarsaparil/a '9 1*2 Covr*u St., P •« \*t Mtlm. to to ■!<«. nrt>4 m4 >hH< brought their ItirttOMDla, by in her pointa t«*t and tfrengtbealnf Tittk. «v«m> IM the credit of the chtt woik idly lap. come id Ktlli a* i teacher, comparative U>tu4-fHirtf)ia( >ito« to4 Uto* •! ■mil, to future action aad thea at all « cat* Jut n cor »hkka lay l'»ne a »uciia» 11 lad Pi*M«. (k.fit «toj» | log «gga per seem to lately alock. A m«) b* gteat iltri o( Um upUI> kingUm. Yoa»ill ix.i Vd.MiiMl Hikto n«l mi ito* something mor* the "She did frivolous the m*n- ting ■to im «n >»«M r^nxwtow Society will depead upon at a "bit" They »track whlla alwaye and do* «tood leaning against be »h«re other tkl lto« CMM, it Mr Iff lb* aplac*. care a doctcr or farmer, may iff) UtU wtKtdcrfnl remedy rfleeme ■n«M tbaa tb« weather. 1^-t ertn ran la Mr*. "No lawjtr, k Jvftl*. • li lltlt'CU) totoH aabatantlal Iroo wu but, an I while the me," remarked Jeffrey. k> attrac- II now. Il will | Ill r«lUto*.M to each of tel. Ill* romantic appearance, teaioo of mediru»e» hat# luktL Try b* to M toT*. "£>«»••• officers acn 1 circulars of en»plry chftBBel. Wa —Ml a 1 no interest in domestic mat. «hd by plenty ofmonry, UTI* •»! * \ UUWTIP to ~ that particular of her house, tive to tbe was due tu his hair, popuLr, Uwl, r«-»H by Uto tot A Into ofT *f tof4 r*«»"to tickets, or sabacrlb* towarda beet wo can. which he won on their Srat to do Is to do the long th* n!>b»j« fir bw" M ap tblflg a a mure fit to awar.l Hood* illd ma great food. m lk« m4 tbelr r«- ba about woman's hiding (Jjd-giv. and KtrM|artlU tlu !»»• w«e( ■. au«t». en*. debt; and We will gladly publish a an.I aiu k to It. If It da)a eaf», larg*, btd bevn aTuSi'0 ALnmr Hate tpctlalty and smother* they being enormous!/ colt or eullnn th»n if be I wtu tlrrd out (r<«n orfrvotk, and II ImvI t»MMi rtki ••• tbe life Society, pointed oae wa la«l»t upou I*. keep have here," Snow, fiorti thoae J ititl cially Tba pilat wumiu who in mistake Ibeir | ••■••••if *'•" rv c« rtala on. a bate attempt- l«l the homca are not the figure a much se. ic.cbov.eiog judge* mmn mmmn t»l r,,i"r* oat tbe mrdy, but P-Ife brad fowl*, " ter which baa been theme of Uto«w«••••« IM r*1*1 la eitreme. We envelope wh > »r. to b« U. I® Tbla is allly tb* at inJarJ of who ia belt!( and urj apt preju- la (kanrtrrtird by *1al»e. ■ 4|| iltrt H A WMiMBi ^ Society best for brwdcra. L«t your Mrs. Martin, llnod'i ftarapartlU >oruH> VHinge, MU ilM have "Perhaps," replied ed to Mrt. Downs. and it was up rM*l*4 »• * •*»>•"' tbe I Irtb of tbla Society, b« asd brew! to II. Oaa picked or »<>me atraina uf blood : Itt, lit* enmUimtian <4 u«M *r •»> vmil inr!lecc« high so as her | diced for agairat thrrc prfttlUllllrf f ««Xr4 m •««« ro-to, to '■ and bate was not conservative neighbor, street Martin's little ijb, 1 M. im to ito ■—i to*»lW« cradl* It In Its Infancy, B of blrda can alwaya aell in the by Mrt. and ntv«r M. Um M, UM «Wto to*»« •* J•*»*> belp»d with a p> pura human nature in uaed tto*e exhibiting atock, renwdul aftila | proportUmi ito (. 4*«k> M*r to*4««Uto( avil as well as g ood braldca "Here's a great deal of to Tbe b) • r C A- CUU itoi atood It tbroagh a at l«-aat, at ftacy prlcee; wuo took it his father's grocery. 11 pmrittg Um idi«« atedklnal JxtM, ill* is Mkl B.tkrt. Ttoy ltototof* by of few, can ia a colt *iird b> pf»M» k»4 •• We tb« la women as well aa men. Most of them any guod puinia Mi-I r—to. mi toMto tto •»»'. report. recognla* Im^ortaaco tture la do adwantage whatever keeping CJnteota are in a different quallUea. Um rwaH ta a awdklaa ti —I ,UVi< aad have penmanship, a>mt atalilun that la among " **" oar aaaaal Mate exhibitions, m an ia aome one thirg be* unpopular hitherto unknown. «•» o up a fl »ck of jBgrela.—£'/. take Intereat name as • atrengtb, eg. ning MM 1 fa We rtrmly with Mr. Coltoa'a signature. the 'imfliii.— n.; With aome it i« tbcir aaauciaUa ar.d fra'err.i') t>»k additional etldeaea. littflt aides to make an ipjrtiog Bend lor MiUlolai for of tba housekeeping. 1 will ask Mr. Coltoa •• beliefs It la beresaary progreaalr* —The first atate In which mtmber* others expla. of tbeir Ilood'a HaraaMrtlla t«>'« bp my •ytrm. MAINE. w* do not with other* music, fa&cy locality. m* and HATE or bat becsas* of tbla, l\krd action In teat- painting, which will, co doubt, be a*tia> nnc» « r>ijr t i.« rj politetMti. to tbe m4 It aaat be m»t, ball tu rootlou by addrraeing Ojt. i»a a»u i spirit bora man frum abroad award iju Bank Mttd, hew York CUjr. • ■>. unreasonable a '•!!<»• i«»«»*4»»a4.la this matUr tb* >'jnaff, tb»t audi lengtna. eeems to me that when man writes in (■f I of by bla alUcll »n to the fart inform? J b>th la III* i*W«4 ikti im Caaaty agitation bee, calling of the»* direc- Well a 'r dlscaasloa, aad as here- llM not in toy premium*,—one ■««. lamiorw' baa led to ('anallao products are HffM OVVf bfing gifted that tu another man's wife, calling and Hood's i Sarsaparilla alUei. aaal, Mltaf tb* success of tb* on huT.e style aad individual excellence, *v«4.aa rrt4«v. IM II.h ter tofore w* sball labor for tbe HUto to lloalon an.I hare in a he p*digre4 AIM* tlUM.WI alia —nainl^lMihm criticism Is called a ab >rUr distance. Tbe remit h«ti, urging trie«t with aucctaa at one of (Jmi IQO >r»i i la Ibmptrmt tb* or call them frieo- an great '■ * ctiuM ri*tM i*4Mti • Ma.li nlntili*. too mnch and take an interest in great br**4«re' meeting* KnglanJ, *•!»»• *1 Ite Uaaa, aiaaa bills. There baa bean taffy the Central Vermont lout became tbey THEY WKUK LET AI.uSI. |»w —4 w» U U mtktr fNw«4,IM MUM complaint agalnt i matter." ■^wmt nimriiy. war- alar* Farmtr. tbe easy beld ia aaotbcr State. *»r M ■■> im W U* ti—iuinain' —jM bualneaa.—l/iiiae railroads for vlclatloa of we don't car* for. Mrt. Itawct lately wn*. • i ■—X iWi ary la- notenoagh nod other thing* I "You ate mistaken, air," answered An Ocean Orora corr»-«poaleni aitaa |u all aa4 a*r»»rali«aa tba have 'M'M •a*. I. ka iu« OTHIH.N. Coram rce law. Under and Marble & Pierce of Pari*, lately a d«ar hrlda with J W. DAVIS MtNtW ai mM ^lIUw In tbe fc'j ite rucciutiiiB* Interatata wu alwajt fond ofdrta* fancy,woik, "An in thu We noticed Utile -Uy I>A%IA. mmI(< w;ai tba to Mr. Culton. explanation weaa. ia ki k* i*rt*< i|M ite Slate law tba Governor baa p.»w.-r to a Maaaachuietta mxa their dared IIft tbemaelvea from <[_*. •al tl Ufa (Nat IkaM ii taken but until thit cam# out everybody am a mem* aold tym that btrdly I » » af i»l of attendance by prfM reporters of tbe State to ttory cast is made. I '«» T ** »mi hTI i tatka of Ika u>«a« Oraaew*a>l assign counsel on behalf very easily Wilkea, aad the tablecloth. and »ucb a ba'jlt of blnah. lkn« and tbe to like ber." ling colt, got Meaaenger ^ IhlM aa4 4lat Mlal ay to patMa piaaaa as corrcct, limply tae la tbe mat* teemed an amateur theatrical club, and I bj to lb* n»w ha« llira* absolutely aaaUt Grange presenting ber of Patches log that II »vrn i'.ended ■ f*U W aa<4 m«m. aal i>akUa*»4 can what out of tbtir brood mar*, Fancy lnw Amount taken at the gate, Thursday, ter before tbe Commission, an J exarcW* "Well, you »ay you pirate," at Mr. Downs' one hand aotnellme*, and made him fe*l uncon- Hanker t\ Broker, •on iawi naly la ilaa ua«r4 wrote out my part at Cadi, la tfca »b3w. Governor Ormsbee ha* aj> Mrt. "nben 1'iica $500 waa a »uua i* ml, a ynalal 93H3A 25, •* a basis of calculation lag thla right, returned Jeffrey, wrathfully, it out of a book of bia. futable. He geatleaaaiy yoaag Iralaf wto U •vening, copying iai4lHMra(OtM.lk m*IyiMtolnai entrance fee Hon. Klttrldge lliaklns, the won't be A. T. Maxim. i with aoft, wh'te h»r nt the in, and I unfortunate, 8iib Dins'r abow. The coapl* btd rrldctU|r »llpp»l laa a| mM put manuecript ■'•>• I.I |«.I Mlllll' i, 11 aar iWf feaaa. «k; ^rtjrt no b« aur- a teet case of tbe law taw her the i«t aa ear* in will doubt alon. Tbla will be cence, 1 myaelf walking on home. 1 will now • aid th* deaoi, down btra lo their boa>-ymoon. •wf a>a» 4 aal ka ataai»4. Oxford County loet it my way er," five-year-old j *rjoy tla*». a few be with macb lnt»n»t Uat ly frl-o la woald dnd lb« in « j->\, | M: AMtiur ft. A19TIV at reault, and and will watched •treett with Mr. Cotton evening, Cowlee will waa to leave hom: thai noaa of their <««rt tbia perhaps only read the lines, if Mr. luok Mr*. Oldboy prrpariog W Mkl l*vtiUaa u< ar4vr at priaed to know that the G.trer- oat-oMhe ^ «*r a It la enconraglag at cool at If ther*'* a man b*com* of In each aa way place. They wonder thej didn't get compli- tbe whole State you pleat*. over tbe and set if I read on a aix-weeka' vuif, "what'* why cor ana tbe people of printed psgee war. »»far out of each other'* at*hi for a Smith Machinist. ilukkta. At sri*. cm. ticket. We noticed nn i'em of talent in thi* village that 1 pity, it'a Jack fur uaed to wear laat winter f' if mentary will, wltb tbe aid of emtaeat legal them correctly." the you momeat, an J lb* atraggla they bad to kwp •••mi. nmtmr. Paris, due from railroads. Keery defrad her farm* ra from lr)o»llc Downs." Mr. Cowlea looked on ••Locked Willie ; why ?" at a dlaiaaca waa patbatic. M $3123.00 Shamefaced, up, prjlng paople "«»*fVt»r*r •! eeefclBWy. tickets on woiatn from N«w aal IM<«. one knowa that tb« railroada aold Colton with much dra* haa growed it f" A ahtrp faced Egypt Mil • rk Me*tMT M>l while Mr. read, "Say, winga I at^oi m fait have bien reversed thla scsaoa. at tba earn* labia with them Hb« b«.| •*»•»•. U|«. Mm mmi ArUto Lands and Fan tbe bearer to tbe grounds. —Things Th* next wu Sunday, and th* "No; do aakauchaillj que*, ■»* Titer matic rffrc't you i*4 ifcr*M M Valuable admitting tbe New fle'da ard day why bar mlad t<> v t d. Tb. "••'M, owe the it ordlmrlly KoglaiMl at mad* ap arqmlnl IT**"1—• MM. H ia Society aere dorian Mr. Snow, looked around th* tioaar i«—- ***• P«»|M M *11 klB-U. ymiM, If tbia why tbey become brown aad minuter, M,My anf*l, if wltn na' I tog Mf ilai conpU an*wrrf>it h« t*« •• iir«,«i»,M«u» Tor Sale. will account for at leaat heaU of aamiacr while tbe suntb of with a feeling of c*lm Afar In otbae lautla Lwyoo't 'Cau** I heard pop aay tbia moraiog la a»l tbrn ,' *•" 4m> k irJir 7,000 tbe rapidly filling pewe to love aa, ai Sank W«a»r aeaaon. Thla aaam-r tbe {' \..* *! KMkiriartM.aa lk« t>rn* we take into consideration the daring tie wat there. face bone talk rap •otnewbal llle tblat ... .k..ik .ra i in? Tben if aad th* congregation Kverj U own I j droath there baa beta aapretaiebtrd, I'rofaaaa Iba aataa or lova-ab, mjr away." "U»« In York?" ab« a*ktd fljat in free) wor* a look of keeo and An.l baavcu U n«H eo M«h aor earth eo vaW, The trunk* were at once children (who naturally baa loet Ita fresbnts* Wltb a*, tipectancy, • unpicked, Woolen the graaa linuum at leet 111 caat "Ya«,M a«id be, ?ary qaUUy. Manufacturer/ it would sea- eutertd with hi* li«l I bat tu Ihr came into a. Old* U» CmI> ■ and the half-faiee certainly w«a hotter than la any when Jack I)owna pretty aad the l.ok that Mr aba •• I'mlwill. 'iiim altboarh Jaly "la bualaaaa Uiaraf* p^r«Ui^l. r»«K| 1(1 Ml as abown the mjlstare h*« b».-ea were with »»4 *11 W«i htlMW aw«U the attendance by gate son for many jeara, wif«, significant luoka exchanged "There is a full page of it, my boy'a fact aad* th* clock atrike thirty* "Yea," It a a till lower tone. toll C«r»U*« the aad foliage bare "wi.tw^iClo ImmiMj a Now l«t ua cut down ao great that tbe grass and a teniation wu vitiblo name at the bittoa, but this will four. ••Been tbere loaf f receipt 3,000. aad tbe lata euppreaaed eigood llaMvrr, Malaf cent tbe freehaeee of Jane, "Tea" estimated 30,0<)0 23 (which prob- kept same th* audience. I think," and Mr. Colton coolly per abandant ralaa bare eaaared that tbe throughout •uffler, do do fur a «• '.II <• K M. is re- j waa overboard the "Wbal yon ll«lagr Uu| f V at Mae* not and then there com-. Ii and the added to while a look of eoasWaation A thrown by tk* «•- T. U. »«an—. ay. ^ ably is enough) ahall contlane antll tbe froate Youthful pretty, Mt down dog *'I drlva a eoal cart," very aa.t \| TW»a It abaa* ateamer who waat* qaletly ► M—«m ** Ir. iM Hn. cereals to be the ly, whiapered baa tloa coaid iraap tba ftci that lb«a «ft- m '*T* were crop of promlaea tato the watt r..» 8om* oa* ■' »l Mr* ttiwi. ('M*f Mr m4 the for this year'* to anotitr. me I beard n'l abowt it, and I'll Meet thrown sag. lit atf«irs of Sxiety jear moat abandant alnre IMS. It ffeeetlmaUd banded geaUtmaa did not get bla lag i,■ • at iwl Mr* i«ta rt«w. Mr. b* taken mile* V HmMi, Mr. well indeed. will 000 braten! Did *e*r ace auch it aa as I li*e." that tha captain 15 Tba whole labia and J*•• U. A Mum. Mr* A A Am(I*, managed eery that wbeat aloae yield 40,000 ••How jou forget long g**t(d that way. aalckrraJ, rira; trat U»l Dniw, Mm* Low bwi were many or to 11,000,000 (plat- ?' murmured Mr* Djrr to Mtt- She to and in ber from lb* ahor* aad to hia for Ua ratitladar of lhair alay Ula urtde k .* «-» A. U. the offlxra imposed upon qalotala, 13.000,000 tffionterj looked gcntl* girlish permitted **•*• «•••. Mr* iMa D»»K hone wera tat Mr. 1 was abown tbe ala aora thai will ba Beaded for look of and groota a Uaat aloaa. ,"7"• rw«»; Mr* r K IkMr, times. It dearly during Cowle*. dainty white dreperite, with that awimmiag qualities. <«MW.rkNi. •mmmtti M«> 4 W.hmm, > that life members' consumption. Mr. i*4Mr*. D 4 Mm. Km* fair partus holding * M. Wm-tii^ *t*'">t>at flatlaa ml PiINIm tar l»l#« h*r. SOUTH PARIS. AMDROSOOOOIX VAIJ.KY FAIR. elys ■flltr Of on shelves ?hr fMiittl Jlfinoaat. catarrh I htivo my UXrOMIi.MMVul o( la iMriN at reasonablo Vll.LAOK DlftlKTORY, liKLIdHT II L WKATIIKB AMD liOOll AT* at Wli.llAM 4TANLIT, laaaltoal P>kMT, for sale, WKKKLY. CMS BALM IktltMIUMkMM im»—. I EXHIBIT TKNPAVCI. Ihla tlat4av al A. I* M. !■"» pta- THE the Si* NOtllKtlM(*k|(tfN»»H prices, | r*-» t —l#r. A. u. rtu C'Imiiwii «MW*I Ui »ai4 wurt Ij» ul4 Cwaaly i>» Wll «aai • •» i«| Mtm, H tf * ■ mi Al iUa«|, >4 II iha l'M«r In our line of SPECIAL Atractions in • I'ottKM, Oako Boards, U « >■ !•»"*• » HNtlll, AM Canton mm fortunate in three iniiM that M ry»> good day* aho», (lunation. Haal* •IHuplff Nef It* *WM«i if Viim aalai»>a WOOD A FORBES, l^uik, Km. I. II ■ TIf. Nrtxf On horre trot. •alii|Mit» mM *«rt Ikal a AT MhH^M and The program opened l Pins. wear of lu^a 14 a 4- l-i Mint tho Sort*, He- Miriti ha ha4 apaa (ha >taa Mi atari, Rollins: WINTER rihihition M -■% kM, U ■ ■ I1»< m*f Ml*!, Ml A. ■ i Taeaday fur-noon with fame al I'arta, la aahl anaaly thhrl. W»I»«-a4• T Editor* and store* the Smiw * ih m*iM. Flour Hoives, Victor,20c, Proprietor*. i«wm( mw ■ »«!■«. « M r. «. m«;h the and I ha Irh 4i| rf IW i> IW, al r. ofbaeeball batw**n Portland* ihai Mk« iknwlk* ■ T 4> r. «. lt*M nilMl, frUat. T.M B. and la tha i.i»ia»aa. p*i>- tITIIMMI A. B r«'Uh» ■■HK0. of Tm(o best trade over offered. dlVllt* W- Hl«y, |nnti«| »nli« I m MiBckfilfn. The iatateat cfilfttJ ob MH ia ik« otnikK UtaiN'mi. a a»»f a»»r • • vmI Mr ■.. —'Um** RomU. WMIilf.l IlM Ml HllM. ik* a VM r K*r*> a* T r. ■ thU gtme, and thf managm here well INNiWMlti aok'.Uw >a»l Ml>ltralh>ala M Oullonders. If r « r rvt^ *mm( f«t«i lai Tu*« -iMTty nfeattlyUwA |IH aavaa «u» • i»U»a iha ><•' U»i all CLOTHING, k»aiU|. ftti •tinil ■•■TIM*. ii th« cooti a dote* Sifters, •trxUy la kirwc* Mbrrvur, |l* pw public, lent'jr eiptcted tn4il»ti ah* km | ».i»<-| i||rif 4«Ma,ai»l *k»» Pumpkin « «la« I* ia|ifa» kM «Ml< T k K M n>r>l«r Tmt-Uj mini coo'eatei1 Tint lh« reault wm far TRY CURE- lal'ia«la>. Ma* a#-t»< a» al aai-l • ••« aa.| •ml ev«rvthinfr to l*» found in GKNT'S FURNI8HINO (HK)I>S, I|\XH fclTirtlwrnU ly gam*. A tFIt «ri»IM4 H fvh a«at»tliu ••'It t* ptNMa without which. A»n«MMm-AU tagll m to far* fcul ■■ ■>. |-*-i*l* (tiara • M »h»a Mair,.| tm, that ha«». aht a <|ia- I UcrtlvMM |l M Tb« waa looee. Mimn M mU •> l>m«f ini k* aa«»», »*«»•• Will in %n» yttM Urw iwiinlln I. Ol O. r -M«Ml Mm* likil*, ■»» la at haMi mi •— k w»»k A«n>ra K«p—y- wet a l" Um »l i»i« MtiiMa Gonuine »|r«rt Ikon and farce from M» l«rt. Ikf |nt«i Pumpkin lnl IW4 M « i<< milM »f »«rt ■ «ifc Ijr play*! proaouaccd wMli. Altr.l -ill Mf.K K c HAvm, M.gi.1.1 »n *' Mth. r io IM littlr, «Urk »l P. H ll.-fww tlrw*e, mwl M««Uf W Mk tbe atart. It «aa remarked of Mi'I Uwl lor »aM ( o«l •• I cannot bo made. l«UK| r~ commonly Hair mwUmk M>b •HI tunU, irvMlaal *TATR or MAINK ipNrtai — — that tbe Canton*, with ritbcr the OiforJt • »*I«»UI» u. 1'roUta ('mm. Bt|4. Trna, Glad Wash y» at» UiIIii I n« fini »l Iklrl Uwvkrv < «r* l» W. Copper .*<>• PtuniMi. TW Itlkrl IVmornl I.UU.T -*■>• I*wm U4r. fA Ul< «ifj >>r roulJ Live a mor* A MrMfiiirr* Sotlrr. Huckfidd*, played ikM w**a uir ai*i. ir*r < U Wall •Un Av.1 «tu MV Mltmll 4mm K**ki m«lM m Ikt litWM Vmuj. wwm», a fjiui • •rrich ur tm* maairr u» mroai> M m». Boilers. la lHa hin '• • l »Ma«rkMT M pruilii An if uhn."Mlll rwM Aiiftlj. N*. int«r«etng gam* The two club« mail? >*( thai lb* kalaar* ■TAtB Of IUIXB. K>|u, •• at Calvia r. of ia la a m.*» ikti >m iv- iui Bargains IN U "M prii t*J • Ift '■•Ilia al** Special II Mllka**l M kit IftlMl ntnaiN p«« 1*7. a aarraai la la- por, than mrcr l«for« lino 1. u prtarratirf* ■«4« *1 a PrMKf tVaft h»I L«1 Ctrit. vitkll and greater induremcnta OFFERED. K»ery c»nj| M^iIM w • rtfy ■Wlh. IB litMfi llaJ M t M P. M k>ii*w) *m fM*l aal a#Um Caarl m laMiraa mU on ika Ihir4 TiM-lir *1 ••« l>on t fail to rotna an«»•». »« Int aa*4 Caaiil* «| mi >r4. aaaiaa! tfc- *«i«i» at half the cost. a to ahow |,t„ OnatairiniMMk li kiln good*. A. I) I*;,bit k*anlirM ia »a 4 Only ploaaur* ta IS»i« afternoon at the I'ark »»« JnulktaO lliaaa af a U«a U»ai', •i Unn*» Prw Mat*. UM t•*.«•»' >ln>. Tueeday ••4 a an lk* Win «f ia.4 >k'>lw4 NKWS OK TUB WF.KK a* ••Iui l»»l i* la m la*»l«*al |t*kiM,'« i»tnin ing. race* wne for tf N«k Ilr4*rv drinag bom claw, kf a »■ p ft ika taa imi Mi art tm Hgw*4 k? ti •■»>» J our f*rm«r« h»« K»nt'a ikataia, r«kli«kiif a ia* <1 4ala lalom «•» rltiai la M ba birvmtiag • >u<, <• la lk* |Mi ite ► .•! m%r%k M*.Wt prow by a« : <>k* irtlf Uilbhl 'law* aa.t Ii»a4a. •m W NrkMi« wiaH >< f reaulting fallowa I oaai* >» Mia4; thai Uta i«rirki*f i*lai*a al ra«l«, la aa*vr1| • a — k* Ik* lki>4 *r, Ml. A l» I**!, LEAVITT'S, iioaaaa r« Ta*a4ar lLa AH —If i«4 IVilu |m»I (Ml iSi.xrt hoAf* uaaiuMi* hiiin *«*, #>*» •«M la hlai hi U aia a•». aa4 iha •I'llim b««t tb* tr lo at < lk<*a la »*■ 4abluf, Norway. « <«)j tpplra pick. is* T HIT IM««> a I'tt kiw •af, hiaa a»a m4 4 t> Ikri «n- >1 an* r*'f kuM in aa l iraa>f.-»*i aay p M hfhfcMw M la kMlt, iMat tkrM In Ira la harn*a«, : 'I I »i I'm- » b'1, 4 le, ran.* ii by m lyli (Wtat »»r» wMol (I w«rw rramlaoia -lal. lit; •>(, <»'«!«* k la Ik* luwawi ai4 aay ilahia aa>l aW a* >aa ui Wimi Nmi«m ir* it 50 ctnU ilUn, ka Man Ukrl* & L ik* wm, al • WAKEFIELD'S retailing IU, a h-14 WEBB l'«xkir/ Ik*/ kirr, »(iiMl ama af h • ntal» ill ha Mark bid c. W. W W altr, • Jr llko A. ■ tllam«MHl, 0||> •u»r>all*ii II .C. lU*ia. K»(Uur OUX'l.aa M m r- m w *• Man nat», ia I *»•# la itkl Cvaali al mw ta'kcl of »«ray *Bil, g< g. J C twaar v. r>im • «■ lir tfcr I li«MlAi Amorc tb« Ika I# •> :.r ,1 I I «« al Mai I'allll 9 i&tttprt« K»u» bib ie. W. * 1 4 »v- ~—.. I*, m, rtliv, a Pr kiM kail al Ci*nt hhh at iin |a«; lik. al.t \\ II i.il!l«IX. 1*9*1'*•** *• Im«Uw Ti«*-J:U. 1 V, t M|. M I W'»l» «• O* II. Arfaiiaiitratar ra ii •( v< tef 1W NfMI Hff« n* twj M»th til* AUbt'Sf U* M IInm'c Owltaf Ihaafiaarf. c tbt viiliftt. la I vtUf r.ie tLtaa-rt a««. IM »iut*«k l a an T. >'f*»fk. lata f lUbH, Owni m a 110 MAIN STREET, NORWAY, MAINE. **• mm* • 'r(« hJ k<* »»r *ro«taj{ Tb-ir h»ft»c«t I'lamtaw* aiJ I nll»< « biuy Waitr, •«, I. Tkaffi. A.lm a I lit a tor (l>* 1 h*r m m % bu»!&'»• f J 4 lirtarat, !•*»« Ik! nil «• o »-J po.nl HHIl«>ll.ru»,ll A »»»wT. 4 4 a Ma « Ito M laaaA~ a»l |<(« *».| .*W> a I lal*r**t*4. k» *iaila# « aaa. I 4 4 !•*•»'ai tiem »!• gM. T»t>«y. b b, ruabr, >• «n|i tNUiai. It. mJ kul»4 Urt eft af Iki* —4»r W rati ik*4 ikt** nearly I b i». Ibarrr lln»» till • af rw>«'l. F««t *"» *aJ atlnl'tv »* la lV« •»«' t | |tta »r.|, j»Oa> this Mtr*U,iU«a «i» **%.Ifatr at M » II. A. ■ Our !'%• M-'boJi«' circl* I ^i It. > 41 I « rt .tteXtttitlMl Imm *t'i "» 4t,a I'arl*. Ikd k»i ■<< »ri-**r al a fnkil* al <*>'• display bi lit nilaa -< Ik* i 4i»* X um «a lAa Tiia aal IV A H'»l n*W4 a*k», ai ala* r.kak la Ikawaiwa.aal W»«U- — lime •»• ikaakl «<>'»<• wa li l»« irihwm/ F»«l roj ijrl. all and the aaiM, U a»v il a: kai*. *h Ik* aaaia TO a I) day Taeeday, diaplay, TWr* win )•} —a mm of 11• mI 4? Araik* I*. lU kfMU, ««• k* al'*wt4 Value Km A Best RiBBrj.of waa limittd II *<»!« Fair * tlie eietileat ia !.»•» A Jo4«' * though quality, •t oar l**t 'rata alt**|i II C. HAVI*. MafliWr during* A | j year pi»*. Sjpjij. ia wHm with firmer Woodstock, ••• «m «»»n w.« laaaMit quantity compared lkV4i « IV* W J Kjc lie w««k oar ttrt«U oat of South • < fcMi* aftrrniOB lb* al atknk aorfrartM* Hy Wrdtiraday •• -Al i Cml af fnk*!*, Mil «»>•»• itr. )raii o\roiu>. M*lM —A) Mw. nNW ttk* hi*« beta iic«*\Jinrfly Jt <"•««»» • i. ia whom villac* ar'icUa wan all ii a&d I'taocd. WI-tlM »' J Nik* at our b»tw lu M •*»(.. A P |t*C. made muck lM IhiT'lTc be •»» \V« tjr.J r •.(< are m will r*n~m rtry a II 1iJv4 had At* if far.cy •lliclri WIlLltM •. TUMIU ».«m.kr •l.aiMfikl Can/eet* 30 ot. «m# l"*U* and ln>u»rb«il«l fabric*. III* 1a Buna! m4 Nt IS*' IW4, I—»■ S Jf|'»liaftil n •> ■ t liUol l» I»m4 Ik •*• mi *•>;.« tt> .»*, i»>nw machine* att other, I (III a I kti J m. r«* that It'4 » «M', 'I ! (rMiiu ran I* lower Ml «" Intt *> I Mkli o»* » tJjci« tr* !• .tag ar.u c-m»t •• «a. wikv pfMN vtiit tkjnglit per t~-rm *• Ik* u4 I rnmm^*. —rV» la , w»* * munition oi Main liiihl ll*a 116 1 ttr* i »• quit* • 'Ml i1«m where in Otf«»ril St., tw w«« *i llMkf, w»k *»*>'»< walla a»a t > b* I * Mlk* than ur.ty, store, tl patting %t tbi I r k fjrtato IW4.-r*l llul lb# M|l Ita.nMaa (Ira >■■■»«. m4 WB Mm I mi «w I reported c^il* \V*«itw».Ujr m* k««M m Ik «•«». i* i«w«mu4. u una aa a I'M unit»• «|. r.h r* their .\M4tof c X 1* ft t'a aU buy got»U Ladies' Undervests U> ikMl Hj up*»:ua* 'J: 4i c!»ai. m lb*.# aitla KK■ paayto Tfoitirg of tbir- c!a««, ai lai. anl«r I# |aili>k»t WW .1* Mil Mir n— Bwt W M"*1 « ■■ of fbc I ilJ i «t of na. I •a tbo.it «u*y pat* q nfi-tnio- ta lb* HiM |k»arii rrw>< Iw M(n (* >■ m •( >*l< M w io«l r*c« la tb* |>Maii>li a tWMHtl I•»)'*.*«>14 I'trw Uii IWi i*ar i|>|a*r at Cr» nrnillv ow •« « We h»tn pdIati^iI |> ,r. U«4 H »W «* •• •»*-«' •». •»' •»' u *a lk» Ibr I 1 TO BE FOUND IN »pih kboit no J r««rt, Ik hbJac* kit* ■ < : , .4 .■ .. V • lk» f.«ir Nt.'P I 111-4. W-. t» i'IV Mir Clint. 11)1 Norway. m li. KoWt i« m««e ing «t'k 4tf af (kak mi, al rlaa a riMl la »W« t<«M M Aaa* ik» > tt clim-reMB, I.M. »■» a. a-4 •» .»• |i mi Ikrf Mm « «k; f ur t-» •« * Imn In I iw « r w *mo 1m« m t itc m tt Wrtl I't'i* | fr«-rn CASKETS a„ —TV T»Mfk lollaat ttacbicg aa»« tiWal »a>4 mi tW K iMM V IriT.M* 4—J *»t ,j«-» b«*l ll«tU Pr#j»U*« J » 1 Mil* b»bU, ll*l» A W||Jk<»< \gr t »•••!« ft ft i OXFORD COUNTY. a •> I MuM >- ut • rtV sbt k'UtJ'J tbt T«»ctfr of t«r»l> M InN M. «k,li consists ItLlll. K'.l.ui It t Iim a«fl-Al'*il H.I tuVIa On -I IW r»» « % • H bit III \ Mi k-! 1*1'»t very •r MM" xMk ia lb< & k loliun, 0, Hlfk « Uk t. Itovlwt, l> aU<> • J ktrtk' |iir>H If a«*Wtbil l*olL ><-l mul wnite. • xk Ur! TWn •«" •#*« ili«(4Muni. I* t IIm «1, b I •• ii** A I 4 TlllkaMrlll»i ('rape*. mm >iilf iri hr iki IIn. J»i|« JiriiIW finit wvrtil Kmrai Kills b •, VuUf». Ill a* la< in our line: H bt« • fOilm >>lia««o^i Bolster. all IW. K««r*:t J of Uugbt • UMi'naaii N. stock r*M« 1 II %»••-«. W llMNk.1, Jt«M hmnla, k a, kdll* I IToNaM EMBIEMS ><• •* lb nu'aif PAINTED WORK, ROBES, i««»k ■■> llW I to Ml UMl'l Lrre lit ia n K a a «l» luirmi ol laiMiit goods • n~- rk Dayton •U> acboo.'a lr%*:ng l> A. U>ffl •, i.torft | AMKI* IMIWMAN l«u »f II.Uo < f School ia I* • tu. in f| i»n a« |*rlliailr*IM>»ll m Ai»vtun»r.Mi:N I'rrnUm* > ro- Dress I tad. Mil* b«-«t«. >««| 11« 11« h«rn*«< *ben <1 *imt In fart, Goods, IfMrl l» lb* ratal* al au4 4ar»«»i-1 r»eryU»ing Cloaks, »• M •» Trimmings, ><*» Kb. I J. I). \V lilivn* tad (< org A Id. *». i». fct. inaMitlf ^*immi, a>4iiai*ak»m bg ctugbt T*P IB'bOll* CkkM-rt*ft«B. fbk I'aila. allkll aa I M IW C'o«Blf «»l (llM eharip* beam* A |i l«a? num- a Ibt ik*il H Twatiirf and others too « n aiWj September iTta wttgbrd Gj //.;. Goods, ia> l».a kf.li / «I1M ml A taoM'** IIIO |i fcl'lllk J/fJf (( ,\l f. 1* to c»a» *>»ck ! UU »i, li bi, H.I*. lib.» rHI 1.4 b-1« »• Kikti^t* It. Ilai Fancy l>r. K iwtt mimi Your* iery, rtpoitrj lla r.aaly I Mn ai<4 lit.*> erous to mention. Please b Ii 119 1 • tJ. Wt h«tt btl ton? fro*U d I* t l» A. C<4B», •. AC, »aal »«»4 I a waaa< i! South Witufi htavy I f l»r«fc.\ h K KtrtMl U, I I • I u PORTLAND, MAINE. foiiaii'tr a- • iat>aaai> Ta.i Mil aaa<4,«. giac^.k* I. W. Andrews & Son. Uto \V. (ok h«« bat a viat'ltg ti».r luitaii««-i j:. i u. i mim • *t lb-. a'l r*>*«a. i.^alal. b| fiwiai —ft a ■ *k« #••*••*».#!» la IkJ if n H call. th»ir b#« .1 'if •• ba |>ooa lh«r« «nlk« iMUtrwa Dimik. mwii4 m l*afi«. l,f>« | r»| •» »f iiw«f i>4 » on «heir »r* to h.dl t Ma«« « I'r -i u&ifirn*. >a m«r.y U«f«Ia Tbe I'rokibitioaittt ft.* .k«i w.t a> |..r al a wf lijf h»r»c« *r»J roll*, > .•!•< «.( jrimui. tiit-Rr. al ftiu. hi »a4 Uaaii.m lb# iur«i I M nm t.i tI r j ll»« |.«* |l• fa I Mi f to tb« cor«litulioa coatramal at CoavtaUoa tt Aadrtw* II*!!, Tuj-U). .<4 *iMt« i'* m, S. B. & Z. S. PRINCE. tup which thu of tb* u ivit+J. (M I'll, al alaa w'riu*a la lk« Iwt.a », »l •*! f|>|l tl M«4f T**l*««t Ml p*rt cmntjr if ( iiu'i "rr»« I, TM ftb-J M>|< 1*1.. |MT 116 MAIN STREET. NORWAY, la kf'trboii •W. 4 aat l« allawa4 4 4«imi Im. 1*7 am tV* t *.•( llirna U Witlt. W IVK IHI both thru ho* i« wit a >v Ji.ir*. It W#wKf fttn • U|fc>n «pj*«r H. Q. Klliott tailing Urga *'0 jh' i.r<» A. .« • f®f III' Uf «'t Itf ••••«■ phmeatrd, ixl of '• c!*k« ltd Ff« for.all. » ■ >4 ! I ...ft, I. •» f "I ll'it <, their t»a«|. A II I'. |l(ltl. lU|>Mrr « •'« I A. A. H, ffi' M1 aac* acJ tod hta Ittroril tb<- lt«tM,.|.AUiali ► «' .. ... (».» .«• llllT. miliary di«cip!ice, of clothing H» latter «m the m<>«t ricit.Bi •'<•! ( Mpr» » h>tljr A |l l*IT ard tohatiour. cuatomtra &ft th aa — a • ant of rr.aaia MM a* J orderly art* tbv.r. j^bly ted r*c«tv»r w«tn«««rU ta tbi« <>\Miltli, |i Al -TIN.I im «j*iot eon!»*tr%i part ft Iba Im.I( H HiHl %I.Ui;*t N N t" A L of ta tnc*d I'af aiUm aa4 td'tattgr by baiiag riptr of ih« St* # With thrb. U.I ur*J i»w# b*«f« l'» liKkli •kifb hunr Iliwi»>i REMEMBER THIS of th« ()\>I*RI> Co. bi* »i* 1 • M 1'iMniai *4 *alaa%IH II. MiM, allow ye«r-old atallioa, lUby t cott tt t tad tail ) laka *4 m!1 you btrgtia m and tbc • f| IM f.'alrt ol M.fib. A. r«MMf, U x ta Bi»l l< Uuto. o « •b*>uki t»ka flrat >n*y, imnrury »« ■»( UU II « k I*e»n. to trot an rthibitkta miU *: th» H. »a .a 4 « Kialt. Minn4 b.tia* | t »t.»rj tt tkt aam« tin*. IIa/«f food ifi»ra cU««h«r» indc*'«i tow rfenlj .•ato4 Iba taal a*r-a»i ml MM »Waii*« ol Iba A • • o C U T I o * OifwrJ K*.r th« werh. Tbu •» County ht*t Til• hr«t i.lM.*iMkl Mmka A P f aii««a*a* Maay imprwaaata thfj wtrv mktch-J. Tb« fin! MIW fifi Tinted bore «u ij»J l>*attl |t»or.e. ton of of •: ich tf»» uumiu, ibalU*aat4 IbHllll p>gr«, by oa tbt fair til ««i ao a alibi. Wanted grxiala not SaUhrJ until 6:30, »b«n it »o tllptfMa. Iawr».ial by imHI| r<»i-y W'»»l HimMftusui H« bu 6**»f tbt < lb ilr Hjr |"*** KjtJjk'« reed*J. Tbt edetrt bttt mtdt til to "rt»» la ba p«biMb*4 at.iii.fiMilMli d«rk lb it mi'cb»« «»r» li^h'nl not* I'afl*. Ibat lb*? •'•III.it'll:i i* b*ra trtinnl fb/«ll HI Ui ail »♦» • If ia (wl •(»»» kt»l Ina I'aki*. Mr. !wa f»r® >j» for hrr cattltabow* 'kf f bat* •">! Iba na* I • Ato-rt • •" *t htr»*lf ia tbi* hi, «.fcii. A. IL«'»V Ja4|>. It. »iU outdo < 111 ly fifty }rtr*. a >Mt«c| alk'al -II liatta UfgUI... COUNTY Tiik of tho a oAco »ho« DUrk 1 I I ppurt* p«an tibibitioa. Htrmta L, Hoi at I. k Ni»klnu, bll «, ihin, 4 YEARS UP TO 100 wero htarptr* I V Wi «. t ill that thr la*! tbort 7J7 Titiftr, «|K. WiJ|»«w-l, •• • i "• and 29 .a Oxford who I, " »I. n W, l^nilix, I I I WEDNESDAY md THURSDAY, 27. 28, pta«ioaert Ouaty, t« 1 tbt H.l >1 I«**lat »l V II !•,' TUESDAY, September ing tbt tft:itl duUat » i: b •. M r»trbM, » >Jr 1,1 or prttiliat Allen, I* • **» Alt" • crirrvi aa mr«»!r of J 31, f Ik J A W»S I VAN*, »••«'i«iwtl|ni|:|, k|,iUr«M«r, I I 1 1 MM* fl>UW County otbar ctpactty M M all aJ«a I Imm •< tad received » KlUbbltiw.baYtiitVJ I * I I I I *oiii* I* *ton- of A IMumrmr. N mtli i'sn«. i*n«l (Im pvaatoaer*. thry altcgvtber «bo itaitad Caatoa fair i)«i*f*i, I 1 I t I I t id y.'. Oifjfd the tenth I.IUI*I, i. ail i»i*ihi»i ki »n>m *■».» |kU 1137.7s•' County. I A, l »».<*•• I tat «ni war* Tbtyar Bro», K M Via*-: 1»W1 »1|. in til. I Ml. U| M' il k k« |i»kl iM lki*« nlj ia {»jpuUtk>a ia the Stat#, atand* W ). iW «>110*4 |»IIMI al I'llI* iktl B1T3, CifS aii son HRIl fltfSJ vi. H l'»rt*r. J. A. Ktaat.r, ar« »t *1 • |'n»«ia « ut'i in M k*l I al with l to aumSer of Tbtjtr. Tbtr* aotlc**tU iwprnttmrntk Ik*f mtf GREAT EXHIBITS eighth r»rf*r peacioa- I an* it lM Ifctrl <• k<«- A » ; W. W Ktrrtr tba Park line* l**t »bow and NUU«tlr«* Tw«4<| i«. U ...1mi ai Uit OO XJnym. »r» aad %iuur.t rvcttvrd Driving I • •• kl • H'tUl ll IM |j(IIM( U I <»• r i h> r»- lleecher In* Ik* tal I IndtaaMol • Hat* an>l Hoot* I I"bayer fbir.— TtJt. Aon II kk) lit) *fcf SAVE MONEY **« •• i*" of Fall anil Wintrr Clothing, Cap*, M ua irt'ivl, ki|t*«« n.->» it tppears that tfce immer.se bom; gent's driving Wtil iti (NUa kl •( *a», r with such a thud st M Kitty melM which frll .'.•yer's A II i»AV M. ItcmetulMT the .'ad. Ia tke aold llqsjr la aabrokco. Import* «1 pvfc- UMNpr-AilMt C. krflai*r. place. Junction •»« * brilliant aad Ttayer Bros. KiUaitn McAdam only • t •. wka fo«n«1 salltf. Bam* cW'm« pro- 3 00 ainuU class Bra*. Betcher TilK laMcriM# MUkf «.*** |aklwa*iiMikai GENEROUS PREMIUMS hoax. Th»t there «u » Urge meteor ao Thsjer Wclioa 0D Uftbr law*or U« t'alUO Slktaa, M kai ka«l 4alr •|?*lal'al*r4 Ik I F. Q. ELLIOTT, dm hut its fall ne*r the railroad, two-jrear-oid in oar All turn nnart. to i win b* rarrlt<] to tha f«dUr«» bay I ha thud of it* fall, which shock dishes Alcaiar, by J k I. >. M I A11 r. LAM>, III# Of •«f la IVm|<« ii»JII nil Hsn. from the the stand- Thayer. Ud the d»y Vll shelves, pointed and, law Jirtri*, ki itmiMt ni|«*aia all f*rMa* ik- ft r held the rem ow lukA* Ik ten feat aed a half above the tb« KJ C»pt. 4»»|/4 U IM nUlt «f akil 4«<*a**U U RACES ing ground, 4* woa ta •*4i*l# Ml•*•!. anl Ik** «M ktfa ia| Tin: most l*OM K.IIKIT. IIKATKK were of Wedg^wood, who seoadmMfy MKI>. and all that, th« • kl4k lk. production KVI.II r the i:l0 cla«s. All these »r» fin# b »»•«« ."t», !«•:. ALNIOD/iir. wauikv of tnru will tin«I thia to l>o true witli u* Ucttu uiU tint |>U •cm* fertile imagmstion. Th k*pf Great Race! l>y dealing bod}'* i«r». u K*l tin A l*luma»'r, South Pan* last seen of the it was rusk- I'-Juatji •• phenomenon. I UI; kfwltlkl k| Ik* ing passible oi <»• uf than ha*s at oa« Jw4c* *11'fkkaM l»r Ik* I ••••it lord,m4 PORTABLE JBR1CK-SET w to be ber ctadidatee they a r Ik* U the Hay vl Kundsy. It sincerely »**< »*4 Ik* Lrkal *1 A 'a Hrat *1 West Paris, that it fell inside the three-mile meeting f r several year# Artange- lAlf #4 hoped AAMtKl. lift) AM UU of liNiki^l, metts *re maJe fur another I.i'er- 12, 1887. limit beicg Ik kkl4 Ivtkir. 4ia*k—I kf fl'ik* kua4 k* Ik* Commencing Sept. CALL AT THE kll ik try eootoat Tbt captaias have oat beea Ik* 4t'*rl* k* lk*f*k*r* rt^MkU |*IM4I *•bi*4 I* Ik* Itlkl* kf Mkl 4**cak*4 l<» MM MONITOR «l* Tub Rumford Kails A Buck tie Id ckm. ot*4lal* |ifkfkl, kk4 IkuM »M fcai* kkj •J:20, 2 30. 2 10, 2:50 and .1 rain. clan. Store of IMrrua to *lklkU Ik* mm* la Clothing htve issued J. I'. of ON'T kMftUk Railroad Company posters Dr. Cilley, practical qptkioa, Allow iwi. AI.DK* CUAlK. | your Clothing kr|«L SJ, In« low ticursioa rates troia »tstioas H •ton. will be at tfce Andre«« llouae I'riro for 2 20 rUu will tin* giving Paint, ur Woodwork, to the Oiford this «(tk The doctor haa *i»i?eJ this **lt»o ml Ai*l(naa a.I kla Apptlalklikl. FURNACE. on the liae o( that rued washed in the old to town aeteral times aad bit h»*«? %i Ik Ik* I'ookl* «•;! :4 r« C*. :i 2 Cash County Ka:r, Tie price rf Uket« patronv A O T«ruS#k» l k*fk* ( • i* .«'■ Kx, r.»f.|«hj, t.rf pleased procured tan Im« fur the in Ik* •»» »»4r a* that money n a. «f a Awtortnient of * hoe of all kind* wrecking way. Join l*>ialM«ki A*tl«»**r« taught l»><| ml »» ■*. <1 »'« »w»U»> \Vb«rw You will Kind forge Krvn Cutoa, 11.10; Hertford $1.40; of h*m He bu Urge liri'tl«xl4 h tu4>i(Ui<; Ksst Sumner 91 25; Huck!i»ld il 00; uf aad If your *.»ioa large army II lk« ClIklT if UiM iMiftkl Ikkkl, kk* |W«4 IMI gl&wes spectacles. k a t« Ml >r.M who btl ti**k >l*»lar*>l M l«a-l**M ¥p»* k"|«|MI !«• ft TWi in l« a.1 I.aa uii i») an> mil/ Wris- :a it kirn oa this visit. sensible, economical < *■< for 2 30 rla*a will the In Silk Nock Ties, Hast Hebron .90 West M ,W Tte poor coasuh people, l>! Ik* (».ari of litari«tt*r tor »«T Prize Old llriiltniiil. Handkorchiefs, Mufflers, M>Mw4l *4 ibk mi rt la Mala*. >»• liny. trsia C*ntoa at 'J. 15 Geo. \V. Ujm, Giaad Muter of tke from have learned that Oi*ort. regular leaving experience JUIIMT. MIURII I, A-.ifk** Glovos, Collars and Cuffs, Ml (lit •irrtM ll l» '(«!».' h al a .Ik MM tors, Cardigans. connect* st Kails with Oraad of Maiae, 1. O. O. K *•« used as CUSTOM MADE SUIT |H< A. M Mechsnic Lodge James Pylc's Pcarline, HmM a# ftotl thai aar • •• r au4 it* MM UmIm *f Aiilgnaa »f fell l|>palalwi*l. If M !■» *al> M l< a, % ■•>' >. f It aw •« awl la* kati. and lots the Oread Truth which arrives here directed on each saves ran for tho Suspenders, Underclothing: Ktprrs*. Thursday. package, Olluril »»4 Mala for men that be Iwxiglit MaoMJa l4a«Mag Mairtal Mai ns !«.»>r. auj 4 nalaai .V Al M. Tktk ll Ik* ( Mill if *t 0? each A I. \Y J*ck. salesman f Jt lUarjn wear tear. I*»f M atiwa/. a*mi aa *11— iv * at South Paris 11 dsy time, bbor, rubbing, and of W*lk*. IM :lal tho beat deans'*. are a JON or rwla. Prize for 2:10 Mechanic Kali* aftae arrival of train* l)avi« Brother*, having to IIOl.litN A M. Bargains in Overcoats. It • » Big than is lk« (I'kMf «i Ollkl lax.lTrkl Ikklnf. h trai ki* i«llik»i corre- your advantage try l«r tlOi- BANQOU, ME. al 7.30, and Canton at 0:13 I*. M ML. I).,** of the Dknoceat's li) Ik* li an or iMohft•>/ MM U«l» Undorwoar LARGE STOCK OF FUR CAPS AND LOW PRICES. We re- ffcrtl. was here last week. New York. >: r »1<»M A •> spondeats, JAMES PYLE, for Lvlirn, Miaaca, and • *• Th* survey of the extension of the we were did n/ m-et Men, Iloya Custom work tmule to order in tho lat««t and at the lowest |»n ifret that away aad Bold K*rry«h«r«. styles Kails & Uuchfield Railroad ilMI** of Alll|ka« of hla «p|i*lalai*al Children. PENNYROYAL PILLS Kumford turn. ENGLISH." Al Cirlt. li ik* Oi Mr i| Otioid knl stil* "CHICHCSTCn-S from OdbertvUle to Rumford Kails has «n.l (imala*. W M Shaw hat fought a valuab'e BOIL IT DOWN ! of Mala*. IM ?]M l.. A. Ik. 1M7. Prizo for 2:50 clana will l>e tho Ix^t TIm Orlilkal unlf Hi* .' — >•«*«••' a.rlkUaa IMaaaaM is II KKK IS IWMLEI». Tk* iklrnio*! krnkf nm lotlMil tp Malalianl. been Kogineer WKLL IT ALL for the ItHiinai» u lak w k* completed. Spctf.rd ©ow. k« Awi<«*4 of trado in Boots and Shoos LADIES, kaaa|M Jersey Mil l>» Mtt« WiM>i*mat'• Im» p*m»**t -I klakaMir'. r«*laak*aal aaai a* mm at r.Tan la as that he never U. IVA.«k. f.r OtfofJ. « II M«I» a. mm Mil reported saying surveyed I). N. Trut has tbc appear- Dis• IV. inu Iiuih KI.IIRItMii wholo a«ar « at It |«bn improved ll CklklV of Oak>H. Ilkoltakl l'*k«»r. «M family. F. so • IM J. wm »aat & so a distance that wall a will It'AK ALL «TOIIA«C»i kl* clan* will Iw tbc I* *t Co., Utt. .'I long adsp- •ace of bu atvr* great deal of la* Mm U*«lir*4 aa IimIvmI u|«i p*uiim Prizo minute "Hfoi2£S££,»E£K. D|/1^. S. u<>( III \ IM iiU ( •Kill* uf „wf»kn» a.a a. *-< llilaa Huntington to of a radruad. IM of laaolfM'f lor SMI, IV»i«aa.. Ma - Datield Iwl *11». K * iM M*l «l» » SM(.lM*l«l(*ia. found the graJs only are as- Nl*l. TW; a opposite llattie I IMP. liMp IV ()• €>|4 I |f>l only K Wilaoobae lui If il«*l lk« lm« «f Rm«iI«M, la lk« t«ulfMOi (Jeorge completed k»«M, kittbT (!•*• mtK« of III Ik* Mr, it k«ftN INI Ml M|>IH li to Rumford Kails. The road TIIR «kJrr«|fM4 lerf r»r tk« mr IM. getting ta bis store. What kiad of a t «• Imiiom- «.f la *UMr rare* viikwi ui pm*. repairs • I P- ..in*' 11*1 of lair* mi raalratalaai aun to Albtay. K'fif *l l« f lid a Tba fallow ib* fur the satire distance will be ea«y oae seems to kaow. MI.Aft McKKKtt.of tti Itti RnwiltM.Mriki •tor* will kt oo ihoIini fcMir.vk* Um iIok of n*i4NiNi*(i li Fair. opco '* lit Cmir X Oi(tr4 See Next Democrat for of ImImi is all oa the mi la MIUcomaaiunl U> llraattUa The liae a read* »«nmi )Ki*r» l %m m»nl*»t I upoa bit |i#(ii^ a. l««, grade surveyad There has beeo change ia the h*» •**! 1Mb4ar of Juat Report aaH of M OIUIN lot Imi.nIba by tk« C°< art ol iMtlitwr hr l»uair la south side of the river era tow a. IM. La* t«*i rrlarae>l l>v him naa raaaala- Androscoggin aad throughout tks • spellers Olfonl. ll»a 1Mb .lay of Juar. IMC. by aia from of tht rails at MVHI I'VKMK \..Uia Fall Spotf*d fifteen ol fvwa.w For the on nhooM atM Trade, their unniul vacation W**l ran®, years Goini; laanlrrarv. la llM rtM aai-l lull* ao taurh »Mba aow in the of of Iba WHBial of ib» is engsgtd mshieg profile the mentioned ia OSM-(oyrl l»M«r < f likr. Iba Amoeg agei people af CM4KI.M f. nMAl.l. loflual N n Frw lk> ill rm aiN mi* raaJaataia tuxl a* will ba *iumal ootica l-cn | thta lUlitav of HrH- A. I> M ekanaa. will wtUtoal laailaar a«tiaa ba aaM al who * all NMOTK aaU aa of Jamoa Deering of tkis place town, Flower Nenro l*i!l». For aal© bj cnMiial to Mil e«xtrt for rvuilf, bll FOR SALE. nIm aiicOoa al Mo T»wa Mall la aaM lava, • i* *a)4( aa|y,i.raj aaa a'tlaal la An scouictnsat is m*i* ( r ftMaU.*fMaoh*i ">«r dl. uiUr lk« ol M( twtaty all bla pro*Uuoa J. lk« MMaHi of Malb*. K. BARTI.KTT, hsvt b«n Ctai'lM MiMlr of MtlU j»»r* would siactrtly POINT CADET. o'»il lllMdl, WEST a*) a|iM nkl fUUoa, N Hwiliwi krMM Mat k*Mn taM I * disbtlttvtd « porttoa of oar pop Uta< a haariac h» ha I up«a tba by quilt uf Wtr < < Tb« (kcrturr btvlai r»i«nu H ROOM PAPERS AND BORDERS. Co«|rw«aa l>>acWy 4»r 1/ l(*t«m il & thst of tht Istt IT ud *3 k»r»- *ia aaj tbal aotlr* tbrrwf l«* j>abli»fc»l Ym fti ibmi f I y lM)lif )i tl.s fcct that talic uapl#**«*t- •trlj day a yoaag mu brlwwa Vi, (k« in linl^r I Inltn af WH firtt. toatorf Alain l»ay. booa4*«l aa Iba all to tbo be*t Bronze, including la tba CaMorrat. a |»abliaAai| In grades, from the Brown to of la by rnmttf vut P«|W IkM «• m4 aft*r Oct. lit, OsJW* M>rU br I aal al Jooaaa choapewt Mti, J- rftrwm Dsvis, is tshs snsctir* y<»ara aga, r«ai>liag Cvagr<» la aabl oovatv af oatofl. KM a waat tor two H. D. WAIDRON'S « m ^ tu B* Utah way; Uncut line of •ioaai dUutct of M&;ac. fjr «»»mlnau>D, 1117, ht imm >oi w wmJ Um Uat MkUMllMMka arrr* Mifaal; to tht in ssrsrsl Tuaaday innilii aNki, Parwr laaa liaa. • II U | 17 part political campaiga A CA»l#t to «i —A ••«*. »a»r l Boot Shoe •a.Vy BaXtJdaa. fjr aJoilaalOB AA Friday Cttnmgi 'lay OnoPrico and Store, Caaa. laaaa aa Iho Stataa. Our brothars of tha ak« bll* UMtr .libit an I otbri layar. Southern Mr. I), baa aVWk. MtU taftWr m*4*C. iloct imrM M i VILLAQB. Uaaaa baaa4< OBHUNO DECORATIONS Wmi fuiat Military Audiaj, imn' at a«M |>lal al •*Naw South*" should rtnrmWr to a cominlttea to aianjiaa (mh If bar#, why Appolat K. K.ll MMIM.lt, aal UM aa4 »bo» a*y lk*f aa«l laa4 af erer outside the a.* b# *ai4 tkablor ar- Ladies' Gent's & Children's Footwear lalab Day; by displayed city. "Ntw North'* is oot to raooa* all yuuag m»m tor appoiatcuat. J.C. a >1 urban* tbtald |raait»l a. 1® I*' «H jtt fully appiylag bla C U*v. arlthmatlc. of K. K. JL't>KlNr>, aarJIag |.« lb* |.r»r*T paUIMO <>ro»alaw.or awaw structad but that tha aaa« of JrfTarsoa la ibua* t>raocb«a hlatory I»AVU. lMl«t«r on Hand. Laaa44t I. f. 1UM UCMKlCkC. of All Kinds. Constantly aaka>** il Btl«l la fwfta tha lalWl Htaua, gaograpby. **IJ oa north- (raaatr. A. U- Ht t KSAM. •I a>M Coart far CminfOaUri r**l la Ka < a A WINDO WSHADES & FIXTURES. Davis still grstot uapitasaatly la which *111 ba of kadUf raadlag aad wrttlag) tW C. UOWAMO I.A.N t. C. Cdla'a laa< It'" era sad that ha will ba RfUf#. all color#. ''7 tors, aothiaf • itmiael at Waat l'olat for ad*laaloa— MnMMirr'* Rilaa K. Ilall, boaaai» Comttt Largtr grade*. -• or to hsstoa tha Ifea aorta 'aal af J. a. oar »h*»l« to ssy do will toad with tha Hit of racoMMBdlac yooag STATIC Of MAI** Drives by the Oar facilitiee are *nd lihaly Big Caaklaa; «aM br i*aab»a yard. unsurpassed for fitting hanging man foaal tha coaaUtUa to ba baat OXPOftD. M -•rot. tlftW A. b. mi. tha era of good fstliag, or allsy whstovrr by next in ; a ath i-yy iat4olia» 4 of C. which we will do at oar usual workmanlike manner. that LADIE8! films la I* llr* aotMa. tbal oa tba Mat for tho thirty daya, short notice, and in qaatttail. Am tha ragalatloaa r**jalra •»»» •( lw« «Uk Caa, waaa by Iaa4ai »■ with •actional aaista. »• r*ar ajfttet 'lar ol A. D. I»7. • »* '■ ran our • feet wide, fttliag um ahall ba aooaJ, JL iept. '»»!»»» •aa Haa^aaaa. *> l» • « •till shade nix feet three complete appotataa phyalcally (a au latmt4 owl Of Ik* toort ftl UtolMB- LEADER* long, aoirrary La aha 0*11 tea »r •••at aa- ia tl*n •avara teat at Waat Poiat) for ( «aMi *f t)*l*H. a#ai* at Um **UM ■wr future and nickel for 50e. Our stflck Isrg»r tetag applied cy a*l of Part* la Ml I Coo* W® It will ba wall for y»aag ta«a ia'aadlag PEERLE88 DYE8. of (K'o«ia* Ulltfw^ amlh by ibb4 »( t.. H. ever wen More in Oxford C0H16 and ara *al4 H*n>brrt m b* aa laa«l*toi wotmr. oa County. Thlt It not talk ; of a monument to Ota Kobart to draft aabatia to axaalaatloa by TWf «IU ilff ftmlkuf. TV/ ly, a«)*l«*t R I taaa aaal by iaa4 la II oa* IT buildiag apply »•*. • *' mhn. ktc aa *f m*4 I»*b I or. »h«b Mtitioa> IM FLO Curtain Tassels, etc. hw Tkty p*tKM* raa aalk by Iaw4 rf II for l'olea. Fringe*, Ilings, st to tha of tht taalr a«a dadr- la • iba «f a. I*. u> • bicb Mat yourself. E. Lsa Richmond. laylag faaUly phyalcla*. Yoaag tut Mrraftk. Alii Cltklf Mb — a« at b, iaa4»i »-ti- H|Ul lUlfklMM, to bo *i»al.ai*i line of the celebrated Cirri*ff» > f >r *iam;natloa are r* M of ('4W, a» — aa» l Kpkrala price* ractistd aa iavitatioa. That tht of n,W IVk, Mr, J. A. KA<*aa*. |»roo*rty af tba Cria li iralta bo< bafbra Oct. 5th- Tha ciamlaatioa ap- il*Mar, M bid or tor bn aa*. ill tb*OklOl Doll lU*e IU11*, Bata, etc TicM®. M. ao-all, uafliMal, pedes, Carriages, Hoop*. •aTpithlng who uadar s natural Itsdtr likt tha coaalUaa will taha Plata Ml utatbi of >r>iant by bi*a arr MiblAtoa M^'1 fought pllcaau by TUX Bat>a#rtaar k*nkr ifeat aay MOLASSES, b aa4ad «a iba aanla by Al»o School Books and I**unt (ImrMMMliM law That i a*oil(f •/ lb* CroAM*** of aabl Books, Blank Stationery, Drug*, ia whatostr csust, should build at Lawiatoa, Wadaaaday, Oct. l»th. Bait, kM Im A. M. * rivMa Mr IM IMM? •( Oilorl u4 *«a«a'4 la aaat by Iaa4 af cines, Toilet Aiiicles, and all article* usually kept to hi ia astaral sad NIMKllg at» o'clock Mara af bla mum. vtil b* kakl at a rryalari: Perfumery, WMuastats a, propsr; l*a IIM ul AtatalalrUDf a/ lAa aauta of Ami***** B. La <1 aabata; aaa b Ooart af laaalraorr, M ba kolMt at I'trH toaold aail Store. business a of tht JRKKMI All WAKWTBLL. lata af laaM, aac« *ir. ri vaai by Drag Prescription specialty. but that ths rspraaiatatirta loyal toooty. *a Ik* III oay *i um.. a. I*. IM7, m f. c. by Aa waa made to wrack a paa- toMMtaiai;taiiHlky|tfta|koa4MU« law brTggs/ Uk4afNa. Baaa, a m »» csust attaapt la tba lot«oaM. Statot which thai ha ataoa'4a«> Maine. aa4 aaugat aguiaat trala oa lha Malaa Oaatral aaar awu, ihipiiniiiuill H'Mtiwktlfl Um 4alo Aral bkora wrtt South Paris, Taaa* Mtlaf. waad aaagar Ulraa aator My ku4 IM should Uht ia bow* to tha toMMwikaaa&laal iilljuimlUptola JAHKt L. rAUU. Mart*. twfiv* part doiag Caraal laat waak. A crowd of aaa stood ■I<*»ki aa4 Ikaaa Wto kin aa; t«M4l MO. tHputf 8. L. CROCKETT, rar"Ml aa af ite Cowl of tor Caafadaratt chitftaa, ia to ba tha tml whara tha obatraoUoa wac a«tN w iiMklltka MM to Miumgm laaalra^y, ^ BraaraAaU. Maim* hardly bf aaM Cooaty bf OxtoH. IbavajjkM, 143 Main St., Norway, ■at San lau, I«r. JO** U WAftDWSLL- Biii Ragittarad Apothecary, •iptctsU. wttb. NORWAY. THK lKMTAL CAUD BRfOADK. ROXBURY. 1IKHROX. NBWRY. fl^*tocd Ocmocrut. in !a»t WIN • I %t hi* Behool No. 4 M lariaj, (nrii(v nt Han iy hegaa I la ffllhrf, (etcher K. > >1) • t'atrrr»«ifl I l)«n h, Urr. Canilia# Aar'l, Underwear! Birch Bmok Ladies' &.Gents' wwrr HKTHKL. t » Aavurn lit* iuovc.1 Li* f«eullv irrtlM M f"ua.|«r, all P. a., and SrS«x.| la thl« «*• Mr N I'. (itliac». I •cbool. Wnaal (MniiiiI I '..an b. aa c«»t. for VILLAfift DIUCTVIKT <9t tr•»«!«? Nil trw • it I.I • hoaaebolJ uoihU I. * Prices on Fine Goods pUot«. m%nj vlaaa J >te aeaauii ««« « N. f • ff. I, Special Itftlrt Mt'> wfoch tu lb* I'tkk* «iid Will ilUlid th« tmiy. The bn*klrf •rWaU, |1 U A. |j Ibritl • .,« fcflM CVhH: r»llfclf |fa«la«. , wr, U II it* bug th* *11 uf bli hoo»<-. I* p. a, M a. la H. lltkftV Te*er.kl«it) It tb#i.i«rrH »«' Mr». J. Wtitf tl.«w, of Bo«tu«, vUHag ilffbL I »f. .. .i.'Ulit-l p«l ap ia»t lall. of the "C"*' a»*kl) Pr«J*r Martta®. fcntn mat tT r. »• P»V*» MiiIim\ ware pmtil A ««nIIj pile Jelloer -, UN (fHll*:. Puhtrmaa in relative her* plaaty. it- eara wer» lu«k»<1 ni l earrM to th« grtn ""Vfi2aj l*a»l.r l*r»arh Nm«i. 0 k MiiU u>l tV A K»r«"ll ar» how Mr. a ad Mrs. IlirJcn tn*l iluthbr UhUIkI CUrrk, J. A. I'aftf, Am*U, b»k*<1 heaia, lu m xhnul. li «w ■ MMk oa lit atd will blr» m« a Imltd tbe a»»oclall.ia «t Muilb I'tila tbla ary. efW whlrh the aapperof >»< Harrtra, mUt.1. working railroad, WKsr ri:ui. t «• P. p« Mine an<1 pU« wm (1l*raeer<1. *«wl»| Ktraiag LtoMHu» lo .to U>« kttmUii oa ib»lr Urm*. ***k I'fHM Mttttf, T Mp. 11*m YnUj, Th# railway aarvryora flal»b*l thetr »ur- Hvck I* 'riling frlowlf. fill H'.ctrr* eac Tb* HaVtalb acbool wtlb thrlr Kr«d Kmla U ilrk. f ■ nncl Panta .37 1-2 h. »cboUr«, *• Mrf. *«ry H 20 Dz. LadioM' Vc«1h f rroai Canton to Kamford Fill* Ti'« iwi»< « r«e h-«'l occaalonallr. mm iimiM. Hmti «a 1 W»acb»r*, htJ a la rb- Ural lye. om octurnd W«dmaday 41 14 44 44 day ao>»a. W* hop** ihejr maaa r>aalaca*. are SO Casta at IMhrl. :t0 J50 Grt«|t IUIL Wn1i«wtif if*. c. Potato*« r. A A. M.-t'aiaa H. a. V. N.v M. tMkblH I Tfca gr*at i»»t#or (hat foaad Ita way to •vralaf. ti Ma- 44 44 Ntihu Ma*oa dtnl la Norlfe KtMntn.wM WM MU mmi, 44 44 .02 1-244 uaiil Alhaay n< Hi wmr 10 t>*»l k« n'J »«r»»4 iMt>rri|. lb* rank *r MrAdam* Jaactlon. N. B The l»*JI cairn of SiUrJif. pUab»r llaJl. Inlu II. I*. lUn'w 44 TW SuikJ**, atd «m varWd fr>>ai th« ebarcb buownpibldT" 44 44 44 waa wra »iy (Iran*Ilia Child*, of Cut Ml, 171b. txtw«»»i IU«* lit'.run Aradtuiy at .1 ••f Otfar4 N«* I*, ia UiMik llaJl, 1.00 b«r« M«fidtr the hoaa* «n I turn of Chart'* n «f Mho hll ■««. II. I* in»hK,iw.. 14 rhlrtklivwk. Taaaday. »ar.b on tl»a latter'* groaal*. Kin*!, (All Wool) ii Mala*. II* Mja that thaakyanl HoniFt |'«rl« hlor, I* the ch%n» o. ■wiiu la IKM fulow.' 44 44 44 KnifOoit; Fuatri. who ara of a li«bl and F.»j4 w. re Nirnt. Nothing I. O. 1.25 coiapUlalag waa lllaalMttd lu *t» 1 It* rvaulUd la a M* hmIm to »-..th aldt* 1tn.it; KrrM>|. A. I> V. Ilk*, >►•. 0 (camcltt' hr. t that by hil|hlB*«i All of hay an. I grain Il»ll, rtfrj c'Ptl) 44 44 au f<«p of potato*•, aboald Ik-it la Hind a fu'l tiul tuarb b«n«MOMl. l:n< Na. II, **»*• la«»i.| 41 44 44 J W WbltW*. ofBacki'H. alia looked U* ha ».»w« )arg«r than a Iarc« aeon* for Mti iI Im ilto, Wil.|»y u*| imM, 1.00 Bm) It la batur I >r ih»a to for »?«•» roa«um« Kntlan rf Na ami of a dra rati. la fa? »r of ll.bruu Acadrmy. —(•r».l<.| M*ta*l ll< It lunSr »»f ta«*r)« ih*a for oac haadrrd. Mrc. II. in »nlM. The lluhrosa rtctltrd a cbilleuKw from «.( M*.n»-|. O. (». Y Amu fr-'in Hr. Jjba Worra*'»ore In a corer^l l.if A.«orlalt«a HS«rlf Bum'.I, of N.irw *?. lb* 8oatb !'*rl« •♦1MB I Bine anut »d<1 aomeivhat I KAST HKBHON. to thru, '-at tb» *»coad Dior, r» rt*ln U U« II W«Jh«Ii| of Tarra fiaato, lad, I* pity the h >re iiupl iff nvrr « batk aul K.op I' -IUnlaf bmiIii la llxUatf flUrk, Mr tad Mra. of Lyaan Pikt, ti Uirae to them of tb« Iojar*«1. J NiUiialil Khm, WmI rumor* btfletf •** ftvfr VnlaMdir t'.trmimg A J. Itar, C. Cm each *w ?lalilri la tbla tha home of hla ilrmolUhlnff !h*ra«l. 1/5 Dz.'Gouts* Plannc!« ^30 r *•«»•*. of Bo«U r»ri«. *r* tb«lr fr»«ad« la ihla vklalty. In ball, »otlclUd U. K. k. «f II. aa>l A. Heavy gray K K*«| I'olaid, «uitia« ll.brua beya aMlMy p!ay «tl*I Han- Uaarlla, 44 44 44 boyhood. II# la a oftha ccUctle Mr. Cartle Crwerj, ifnlM, O. <4. lirup 11*11, **rry Malaria/ •I Ik* II>U WwrtffclM- Mr. K*«a* U la *«■ ry baalth. pbjalclaa aid froa tb*ir hta br«»tb«ra of ti»« Aral I. T.—la 0 Camels* Hair 1.011 poor acbool. til*ht He en * cord into en.l r«- W. W. • •ley I.«*»!»* Ak>in«>, 44 44 TT»«r» it talk of a <>n»m*iid«rr of tb« ••la*. *h) w. rr too ulad to taka pity Mtli 0 « |M 44 44 are »w.-rt cor* uoly ell. II. A. H.— Ilarry UaM l*n*l. N« U, .<521-2 W tilM it IW Farmer* door haultag *<» fpwlnl bjr 0 White Wool ||,>h K WoodtMrj I'HM Ordtr of tb* (fold* a ("mi bviag • t the kf(>r»«|i| iKotil alae; when I'rt-lir f.fHMi ia n>k »«U, la llmr llall. I» ar* oa thalr annual Work 11 tv corn ah p l« flnlah«>l 44 44 44 Tbrvahlaa machla«« force* a ad n«arlj A ft, |gAfi|t_ 1 namiilff IMMuCttT Tn—day orcaala-d la tbu plar* hid at U»t wQmMM th*lr a 7 All White 1.00 A boat two thlrda of tb« aaaal crop tb«y 1* italoee an are alrnoai fatInrv L'.«. tl. t '.-Mm* iha >r*i aaJ iklM »"•> U» ma wool, Th» Ibal «oa 8r*l trip i.i la batt!« to epplaa 44 44 4* 44 Wy«a.lou« (IkIi arraagtd tb• array, rraJy "Ilack MwMli iifo A.I^«m,Ti.C. I.aciUa uf l'.»rtl«aJ. •!< I* la rvallaad. l.- ||«0 15 N. II. blue mixed .7/5 "1.00 OI II WtUioa. al D*D«or, Aa| J»lb lo Jad. do tha ll*hronlWa,Mtha II*t»roa Ara lawMiw. Il.af |(. goods. pill# 8*p» lNk* la at work for W K lltra'ia. ap BUCKflRL!) 'Ml «t*i Bloa * lr*l aaJikinl Maa lo«a » ■'*» **° am »oid Iruai lb# !».: jo Poaluy Yard* my t»>ya foun I tbrm«*>« cotfroatad by N. ot \ .—M'*u lalirur 11*11 Stllimaa Swan, oflWrTark, la vlaltlrg HmI C. U AI wood A (%»'• hlrrtllifmh.1 •l»f oft*. Ii a»*ll. J. IUai|>u», t'aj*. •>f tbl« placa a Um d«ya pfrvloat lo lb* life play* r« fr«>w tbe Jlrat Ha*. which hvl rtralac* K tad wIV of Ovirkui, N. at Capu Thomas Naaa'a. In »Botb«r column of tbe Pui K iiir. Tble f. •toa. Itarlf with b«»n »r la tbe »tr*gitle !, Il.iu'n'n. •<( Urwi»w<»«> \ r,'fr •P,»&'' a arqilttal »u t m >»i »r» il II K lluamootl *. William Orrcn »h!n«1cd largo flrtu or.ii «>r lh« largr»t * H haa)aat of Oxford Coottt carry • rai l" ut for tLa cbaa>plo&»blp t hi of the «Ur«»Ki» OftMoour. abrd la roaorcllon with hla barn. ll*cord« nlitckt of goo la la tb* County an Red A. White, M> atyllth Wf Children's All nokway lakk. I> rr la tbabu, *opport*d by rail Tutaday. •rjoycd Wool, «r. II.a. Of tllll Broa. Joba Kateiaad, conductor on tbo O. T. h%t« hid I ih- of aelilng e#-ry p>*'»nt Ck%rl« Kaq. brblad tbe l«t ||Mf rrpalatloa call much Wb>r«(u A1.1 iwu inuur llUla Mat* « It* "»« it I'mIi laal W«rk. )ot Ill K with bla wlfo oad alaW from ii ■ carry lu W*a Cklinl ai .1 >■> tun •. a*, veiy r<*«aoatti|* prlc Taejr «b> '>»• •*♦»> work Id hoy» ibu Caapvr aal Ilt>tir0 K>wr, i|d »l»ltcl tla rtlatUia la Nwnl«o IMy bir Iwara IDary llajd.n. recently bad r*tlr*«l «>n four at.M k everything M t>t the two I* i M of aed irim Naar- tba bat. Wbru Oiorer tb aho* factory for patt yeari, J.t»a H WanlwaH L M toJj. rraprctlTaly vight jrara. anl Watcrford. K.r J »! n lUrria th«i rirov* the ball la left f.»r * Rirr.i*i, mwly turn' >1 to hit f«rm la North 1'arlt •« a coll Tae»li» ly a vary Jay *« aea Uta put with a apaa •trtki-, Thayer hat hi* r Raa'orti. •lot* eeroad uf kom* i»l ltr|« toad of MASON. i| K C. At wood'a *Un«l on lllgb Ntr>«l icomt m tiiM hit. Rlchbtll IttM wo nave J L (^wt U bvlldiai t Mm f>>t »>i corn factor v. Oa rrtnrnlng. a f«w day* Doanry'« TimJij We have a line and will you money, TU* has killed all tcad« r It m l baa in »r»-l In ao.i large bora frost vigetatloa *m hit by the hall m l took flrat. »no*y Mr tt:.l Mrt. S«muel II. Ilifdaa aad illt'oa lit aootk aWJa of hla ago, Cnapar atopprd to wafer tba bora**, A'w kxI at»l Nmlly Murnr.l to IB till* MCtl.lO nn * wbll« and K after a aed not tall W raacb Ihr cam* In paaa*d hill, Moody in h. m- ft mi f'ttpu)#, F. bili( tOoi(h wirm *Ba«oca«r h >r%»a" brat to aacback It, wan obllgrd W> ple^ani er hsv# for *om* tiro*. ac«w»d run*, one rata cora fact try It *»>mt thru^l cao* lntcr«ti while tbtr« »*«r*l it Cut n lui tba with both arm* to lift It for prevailed *1 bit* f>mr flyln* Tt.» tUited imoy placet of otAsm, *,»at il»y« a«p pall wm It town W. W. (V***, of llddgton, out to llnrci *D'1 Kdwarda tail IlUk nloir. Thf? hi»«: U-«j hladcyrtl much to htalth. «nI rack b«ra* to drink, altkoagk kit arm* II | fiiitl d Imprond to-day, l>H>kloc «rtrr cattle. thrown nut at flr.t ft>r wtiti nf c«'i« Mr C. H Cummlngt hat b«»u to Maa- SHAWLS! •carr. I tag aaovgk to nwtt aronad Jy an 1- ■ Il*v A. II. Wlthsm I* laying *<<4 on 1 llebroa waa retired to on« CIiHm U WhltUo an.I wife, of Aagae* II > •• hr urchited a f.-r- rrvl I' llama**] rata road Satarlav tba la the H j pail »luilng ty boree power erglae for •!«kt rrxMi %taao. Via« IUuim Colby, of L)», an I la th* t»ldr*t farm bat two In town, tha« th»m the lra.1 of four bat l*rt for boo#.' Maturity h« u«r<1 la coBBectloa with this &c. < tiro, Klilre brrr, Tl»«-r» nlll Dress !•># Aral f Ja»». la* at lVm'a. Cloaks. Sacks, New Goods, Trimming, ftattonOagMd u er*»r bad »uch a aol.| oat bl* la- has, y*t, aecessary ran 0> itr(f It lloll»ntf bu engine *n boree power boiler. Tb« Frvd NVmiiia has Ufi Urr amta Tttktt'i, l-<>n oo I CMVHlMKr. the third a»r battle* »o l auc- trrrat In the mrat mukM to Oi Ham- j will h« In i»fb a tuinaer Sta*oo ftkartWf. E*q «rr mppllnl arc the at N G Mills I* eenJIng to lUrtln, llebroa acoml alt »r'1 art Wanl TllUm. Mr. II tllanl will butlueta can bi car- We good* .• of waro ol poplar «.»«fal >»*•• ranalcc m tb" m w ib t old showing1 V Jroolo. I'ortUo1. «lilt!i| bla on tka milk cut. that pine* N II and the Nriiio t U«t tNk. rum »hio tb« aide wm retlrrd hw»U at Turner Village ried ub by tuaut or water power. M' Mra lllram llalbaway aad ("barlr* h* mach H-i- I Mr* Artemu* Masoa s«*ib* to ImI a f»r Noatb Tart*, Tu# •»'n.'nnr#m. nt la tba Iswilon II Cammiii* btt takeu a cob- Wltl rami will to Kaat B>wtoa »*it ha;f profit picnic ('bailee y go t* f*r a* waa tnarrlr<1 iM«y a wuama, kmitf ••j«air to lmpro*»t la hraltb. Kb* rod* who lijr meat • of aurc*a»fal blU aao*»« for the Harper ml. a Ilatchlaaw) t*« IhmmroAT offl-o, rolloqalally koowa Weal II' lb*l few day* ago. oianaaii aixraaa. Ja*t her* w»» a Iitii«* premature Mr. Manufacturing Company, at W.ltb»lll«. towj oa hi* bad over thr»e hoc- an • b »me <>o bU tlwel-i bul!d- ii "Ckaa^y.~ la flallli* la ll»recr Ilatchlaaoa llcbroa got a little rattled I tU la tniklng »it»aa|ye repalre Mr Cummlngt la bow puahlng the HAST PERU. aweet corn. II* wlateral wb« n the ittit: trarotloo •tred h««br:« >f Wain plainly flittered thema»!eea that th*y Mat. »rr. will t»k* tb- MM cig* j Ink* In order to compUtJ tbem btfurt Ibt and aold the latnS* I William Vratfra baa flnUb«d picking flv* shrep la»t »lat«r coa!J brcp tin mao, tut BtbfM raid-d M It rr*.i» MlrtDc r«>l«l weather. Jet Trimming, A New Stock! dollar*, waa of Sew llino J*rk* >a 41*1 v*ry 11 Klaaly aorlr crnVrrt« oa Mr. Cbaar'a Hog, aadtr rai«r,i from them for thirty-He* the fourth a* <1 pat Id t« n run#. (II the H. * l,t«tr.nfe('ontmlng*. York, Jamet O Joint, regletercd apothecary Stylish woald have Httanlay oitraiM. of b»ort «aUta. •e l bad h* aold tb* wool they oth«r aid# tbat waa ratti. <1 tbla Mnn) aal at tbe b*a ttooeat coram*nee work at one*. tbr r ata for N«)UriI KRYKMKU an 1 »m all ovrr the II dd for two V 1*.. Drake, of Manchea- W. •ur*rj:a* lege and Mrt Bowker Tb« •n«tn«tr». Mr Chas. & Co., tbam|>ed m«a of hie ••Ixlart will be la wul ta at tb«.r IS# • lUaak* of tba II K 4 B It 11. para * of of North when MlUbtll went la "to win the »r I/ulog la the emarUat bare been *laltlag tba peopla T»a Tt <*aith Joarph Kj.m.I, j laaloca M*J ler. Ma*t, .... * Of t at ■ v Tbr farmrra to at.l wee«» hwatl »a of tba lh« ruaiiBltjr. II* wa* a promising effrctaal only eljbt runa (mIbc mad*off an 1 I* on the atreet every pleaaant >lay lurnid 8t1nrday !a»t. I'rlacM haa a trry aae- »t 1). 8. HaaborB, TVy will pay oat 14» itouu appr<»prtatoil rial youBg man, r»irt m«d anl popular Tie I bin la the acuntb Mi« A. Mine »»• K- t'. at tba towa M«wtia(. if it la a'l caltot for. K N Wyman b.a frWa'a «l%ltlog k!oi •ympathy of taaay frieflda la with lb* Tba tQ'Mt aoilcable feature of the »;ani.« ctrafol private acb I. H»tr.e te J. II. Al.1ll It vla'.tira :■ *i the Munlcl- aa>t a nor* fn>m It mU>3 y<>oeg wi.low. Th* funeral ■«r*tc*». waa the ball I Of of tba III* I.' hy rr tried In Norwty Uim't T21. Tula wat chsrg* of U~v Mr. Ktooe, of Kry*'>urg, ■llacoaractil naaarr of lb* bom-' DKNMAKK. p. I C^utt Tbure-lty, t»ie att«>ra»T« In tb* foreaooa of after tba Drat f"ttr Inning*. Aft*r tba of tba io «| I a* ottoiMai WILSON'S MlI.I.s. mrf Held Tbur*daj, playln* Mre. Mtrilla logall*, who baa tuen an teflon brought by publl»b»ra wa« tba to the W* *am* bitt-d a:.aln«t Fair 14 I loao **ot OMirta loat Wr*a OOtlC#«l ?.'ol la th* afl#rao »n of th<* tba flrat thr** iB&laga Tbayer return ('• nt«nnlal lllatory When tba a w.-. k* la Cortland, N»!t aa 1 Kim toll of X »rw»r, tb* f«D'ral »»r»;c« * of William Wa k- wltb » ut llttla »(I'd tn^tcrivra therefore. Judgmeat go S >n W. day. ?J I you apf» r •« b«'l b «•» rm by IU* a I hxiao tL» and J. II. in %M ll»rrlr| of D'lbfl. tlla**** »r occarivd at tb* (\itrt It la rv*-l tbat th* Hebron hoye pre. r»t> tired agalatt D H Ktnborn Sunt to iitll at lliam S Mi I <>f Braaav M*, from Matt r»p llinr* it Oil Kcllowe Hall taa Slat Ik) of c»a tlr., ek. dark II. 4 Co. ul Hrlfl'li, The an t Ilia*** f>r >t ut ball arwr Tbitif n -w. Ila Aldrtch In fator of Thurttoa H»f«f 71 ?l Il.nJrr Hill Cavat tba tktlt* long remarkably paia.'al play which wit w*ll *tt V.I J variety of fit wa* * Ur *l< from ion the eta* turned t »a, Tro»t of B*a*oo of Mr*. Jamr* Kaierson ta>!rd y you wait "to arttcb t-»ry tba) aanix ball Bight Tb«* defence la Llbhy upon tkal in I't «ir «, and alto 0o«l tbr tklaga abow waa at th» Frltlajr he .train oa IStb. of It ain't to be dosa that way tb» Tba deftrodclt claimed hrto Wf ron'd alih tbat Tnur* lay. H»pl .Ufraf," Th-v gtv* a gtoj raUrtalararBt. tlisnttnff. that ar* God'a." oaly from <|al:*• Wh'>t- Mr*. JaetU* Charles la sutfrrlrg HtiRl; ttT IXXIM*. coatiama la vary n< »»r tigi.« d for the hWtory. Jadge ara Ni jn rmltUd to lUta* to anrh Mia William U*an ■ ii flfUatb might Ib tbla cat*. B. BROTHERS tb* man bla SMILEY Tm ll*t of Hepua*wr laag dlaea**. al*o Amoa M. Haabora ai«l resetted Judgment ». rtn »r« oft.u. r K'tnarka by Rra K. T mint poor braltb, «»f IK a ao» Mirth «.^ih ruts I K^n' ft Mrlntlrf V. Hmlth'orpUlntitT.C Allans pr»«tdiag aHrr a a 14 t 1 *~»t Ao»tio (1a»f, ao l .1r«ir» tu »a- M'« M • I'san I'.rr. Th.-r* w«. u>>< lltdma, t la tla- eat And their FINK LINK of V'i tb*y H< ralo • aa» r» aiao brld at mlddla acbool Forrlattr J»watt, of MteibtaUr, to tba frt«aia an social »rm o«. r bat bt« a tick threat- i l r» tbaoka j attrn Uace. 1 much eaj a waa tba la thla He la an J W I'ttka quite 1 boitaa «artlag. Hrrmoa by Wednesday gam- p'ay.-1 by ltlag bla faBliy ui«o >>o taat W«.'a<*rgaa l*ft f.»r with the flrat nine. >« U tlaltlag rvlatlvra brre. lie lot llrldge Mxroa (Hi* and Ororgr Brown M Itrookljn. la roanrctol Am PiHir, bote re- to match abn la t * V. I" Tb« Norwty Light Infantry with nil th# IaU«t STVLHD THIMUIKOS bni ont at KUrtrfant Co**. N Saturday, S»pt. l?th, whir* Mra I>r. Ilarr iw* a >n ram» ba« tieen g »nr from town a^oat year*. tto ramHng T., from Tbey l a»c U »«« a-w borjt hu nti* ap at back blallttla baa takea a of tun., d Monday Philadelphia. Kraic Olia la Warklag tbr acbool to teach klBdrrgartra. from R'tatoo. and look nrph- Win Keaaeailen large Jj*) ar« w*ll na «if lb# I>a*>H a*r «*mt a rtrat clue time. TLey -irapir» ti- His-iaoat I'iatt Aaoiber raiutly scholars, rw Harold llirrowa la New llatapablre. rrport • M*«allo«ay party, lodging m thtao tw«*aa f*tt la an I fjuod htld ao I Oeo. with th«lr tundlcr compare.1 US« It ha by r«t«r It- matt. dr., an.l n'fr, It-rj am Id "t> und tb* river' oa Saturday, We>tnr«>lay cvtalnc th<- ataJcnla Il»ta. Iltbert Itrott, of Omo. pleaMd "t v«l *uo«•*. wa« 1 Mr cla^ta at Can- fr»m I. wtito A of oar yoaag i*»»pla ma.tr aa ar» mo*lag Into W. V. ltarkfl«ld Tba paper Th» plating of tbe leagu« r >it:*o.t party an t Jo!.n (Tommlrr thlt weak. The <1ae|bter L*aaltt. of W Kic&ui* sat oa Jiatur- Wfl oa hating l'rortor. wvek tu aa waak, «i< vital, n trip to l'armacba«ar« Mr. Nailing Moa«lay. |loit|« an.l Mlaa ton la«t rrgaMrd received the Iir„»< -.t line of awaloff*. l*ou, ttr., auinmrr A Jla- It t'ek. have la tia llMof f»o- galaed many fncada riartrg be Mra. John Oarnay la daa^ruady alck. eome nturnetl boni' fr im tb» game very They joint da*. and Mra. Auo« V. r«turned S CLOAKS, M' L*a»ltl'« • >rk la aoaorpaaacd. to Cat «a Theological Hem- baa >»rrn alck. Mr Noyea LADIES', MISSES ami CUIDItKN /. V Dark** waa mora c« mf.iruMa at labor. II* go»* (*harlaa II. G*or(c. |M|, app fluted. where tbe) attted from MutachuaetU Haturday last accoaata. lasry la New York city. and la at aoabla to pabiU with That havo cvt-r h.vl. prcaact have a few daya tery r»|oyably they « wu la arror laat aifkt. W K. a receat graJuit* of »p»nt Tbo iowtiqI LI«lB|*U Llodaay I. >rm Un>k a to Wattrboro prr*cb p'.ac* at tub corwiv ram Block. work trip at an It ca 4 MllUr. of tbia city. f«* tbo Mt*« II. Y. Cbarlt* ep*i»t Sunday Parte. Uev. II II Maraball a«t arrak Wlndtor Dramatic Company bate 2. lit..war 1" N Krrrvtt. u Tta oo tba t'aaad.oo Pac la frlet.N Ml** A I'agr'* bom* wltb Mr. aad Mra. 11 *11 the LUiW M Cummlaga atsltlcg a a a.lt»riitcd to tbow at Norway wi* 11 Mr Raker. of lloator, I* lett- two-VKta out aa< powtltf 'a a afclppnl Mi** Haiti* Winter Garments. at Mr Falla. Weatop. 21th Fall and K M«oo * Co tb« rohrooii coatrar- ing hef aaat, Mr* J >bn it I*, fait tntfton, in Anc« II M »a Llula Saaad«r«. nf L>t«*ll, la via* KRYK J. M tba aewleg machine M»- « b*M tbalr Hr«t m «t Win. Thlt»»i«-«ii, eh f. g^rea K. Pond, popular Mr I II Pkadboarn*. Th* "Argonaut*** tba week en« at itlag b#r aiatrr. Mra. J. II. C nf Wild, la alaltlaj bla H b*r)«f A Trur, b a N«--l V, at< nt « f tbla plica, baa patt ( all and *«•<• for :• ••t»ia ii' » II t)| KtaU atrvat. for thl* t*rm at tb< vestry. Taraday 1) niUlnitoa, jouraelTca H«rap*oo. Mr. 8bian«r'a fatkrr. ato la «uit- Ing Itarrvtt liro« br ». WnU*mI. W. II. l'o»d. Ifatv. ** follow* • Mra laaac Drttlcas, acd other i«l- tertain d blaaoo, It .«t »o II* baa oow flfty looa Tbe pftl *er* ar* latrr, I b f. M»ti« oa Um C. P. mol, an t I'rr* atlvra placr Alt. It. ( nirh'tt, M»j A. f work Waurford tbr |«ib. an t mad* a>Mn« Ininrli. TrH«, II»Im »k« *la- M. M. Kullar, Charlet L Ka«t rnallk, *•* NtlbaU Darlaa Mltchatl, who haa a Iimttt t*. |tu«*ln(, It r, Mat u nm Um way ta tbi« p»rt n*««ln t war. Mra. \\ol« «rf« later.a rrmark*. M«*tii(s ara >. vu.ir»i IImii, Mu«ir ( o«» .Mar ltla< placr, >f fr X«w a la tba In Umuw, jl. A. Coffln. RaP * the al*aa#. Mar Ttiayer. ln?lte Ir a wrat wrek at Camp Clunamao, NORWAY. :. attba aloU'jaar- t un A II M'fr. BrowatllU la alalUd a aUca frv>m Msrr. Tiiaaa lUMUi n and MaetachutetU. 129 MAIN STREET. II. J llaggatt by gtr cura all batlcd. frf>m It'HV Andoeer, r •«. aiU oil tb« oa»t tbara lo tba of MakWa, ball will take piw«l«r Lltwira. M>»* Valeria Sloan I'agr, ilro. II. Jonea. b f, Alorl. Antual Cittle Mbow » tbo Toe Kt »r%r%. md i bo* aappUoU Miss A N Page's l>I I'anw. S-'lh farty |.» S Na«fU Wllktaa, of N«nbar}port, la Ma** I* at ber coaala's, frank r ■>!*, f. I.a tr placo In Norway Hall. Hcptembef at Mooaoo aarf alaco tb*v wara N J Mrs C 1 ItuMwII, bl a, Ulirt Nslban O ,a«rri«a la t<>«* H. W. f ifsbas returaed from HKTIIKI.. Orcbeetra will furnlab mu«lc lUo ». M- Hr-lmoal Ifuuug'e iom ttwa tMTa ua Ha <>Q of II Tbaytr.bg. of •p*u«0 Mra. Jaaa PumtU'r la «topplag with K. will com* Saturday. The popalar Concert ('>mpanv M Cummluat will act In the opacity ! oa tba ban 1 '* tba pow laf Vbat la «a«d far Maltln I»- l.ttclat A. »>ook- t aoin ii I'PTO.N. T. L Kastman bas packed HJ.OOO Ttr concert I* (rrm the drat Bight. the t |l ||mI to a rnaelral roiin firm of 11 Y. 1 Co K*v M'. VrtiUr* ptrtchH PrlJ1 " fl*e Nambtr a Owr|a aaJrr th« dlfactloa ltrun*wlck, liana, fa t •»t«i cun»J I* working la tb* a!«t It«v. Mr. M( lotlrr from < -■ bl < a. |v .on. J V Olb#«»B and bU nlly, Fancy Kr*d l> CKNTKH a. by bit Millinery KUMPOKI) i*ag«. flaraaa of Libor, rolbctiii «UII*- cbarch lui b », in CallforBta tt th« fart it 8 I'uU. la the M-thodlet r. It. Wllei>n KluMn. on tt*« tr return to tbalr home ! i»«r» lb* dl- >rjr llrBbt tt ar* balldlcjf a dry preached Autumn and Winter Fashions • >rc«- Tw worh r tb«lr Abbott an-1 S«Nl%th foreBooa, »i«l deliver* 1 a temper- atd Mra. 01^"B will Farmer* v« digging potato** th»lr t Bt IX*tt D'tt w.tk Mr. aa 1 «bti to ba u*ed la coaarctloa with • crowded '.!» >ul iviitf y«ara, * 11*tit crop, tod la tots* bottt, Mice addreea la the tvec'ng to tba Winter With their aou aad p>tal Goods I an Tb«jr report TUay«*f llm tk g. h»»rb»r. pttt Exquisite Trimming < will •t« am n»j>. r-l aa t uhiliiol. prwtt ar* mwl Mr Mclntlre la oc« of tbe mo«t t iMia tb* poutoe* ruttlag sadly tu« tt» low T. I* Ml< haflMNt. I a. apt We.tg««»»l. i»ly t«ttla tbera. «rrtT of *»ry llWrrallM »bo»laf N. II X II Jack*o« l» making la th I will <»o|tiblr1 ary Abbott la uacblng la Erroi, •tlag apeakrre K li. Intnii. eb a, 11 D«co», Jr, l» aoff^rlcg New which t1« dlworcaa *-r» on bla building*, »:»-» Adatn« Ilartlett. C. It. llMl t, b g. I.urlut A. to do i- hm f»r Wtil ha 1 bla bam ra!»*d Ta*aday. draw a fall hoave toy where. f.cfaor a tor* baad. Ho la uaable taarrlvl AckWy with two frlrflda from J. A- Ilrooba. Ilattta A. rfrttu-l, tb« l«»gth of tha tara of brotb«r« hav* »urt.-.i Ml** lira Kimball, 1U* Chandler aBd wife, pattor of Tb« Itavrooad time vlalt.' ivrry any work. THE Mir/LIlSJ ER UA.8 A.HRXVED. cim to Mala* Chicago, are having a plra**nt at N II. 1 W I LAM and wife atUtd«d Mr Kia^ail tb*»r tbrr»b.a« tnachln*. the MethoJlit tharch Conway, Hop. A. 8. Ktm*>all with Manka at her fat.'i' r'e, V. I> KimHall'i » »U • w«*ha a*<>. pr*p«r»~! l* 11 b* • »• mt wr»klf Ball from It* arrived at the Alplae lloaee, Wtlaealay, ( hM K Tbarar. b tii. » allalUa tbr Waterford ftlr Tburtday. AT Tt«r» it l'»lnt ■ r a>>at 1 ono dl«urr*« fjf lh« of Oct The corn factory tk« a abort varatlio with their tl>»«» bl in. r«ll«nt* of a great lodlta pb)- ;«»t II*ruJ to LUrtltlr, at*r lb* flrvt and will ep-n t Tba)rr. Xltnay cau boatt thr Kr! I', a. bl t". a. I*. >iaU IU fcu CJipUM lartlva of hla borer* to Kt canning aetata lay. frlefide at D*th»I. I*ag«, a, A C. N»well. 8ba bll llilllt Ikhott miM la thi* aectloa II a. m m. Mallla II tlclan, D"ctr»ta * that If Um will ba a 'uiury boute iWa OMilif, ul tilcaUta* CttrlM t'ba** mIJ I'otaUxa t>r rrat a A. for two w«t la at Capt No)*» 1'ralt. of Akkurr who realtce nearch for Frank Klch'a child waa V I' n>t. a, riwmt hold oat la tha •im«* are bat a very few will The b ttalte free. fotrij r jbim colt to lUymoo l Tbrrv 30o ». hi. Tbayer, ta, Kitty Con»ulUtlou aod ad»lc« Mrs. W. Moore's. foot bt« *acklag Uorj coatleaed Saturday by more than peo- hit rat >. it .'»i! of I.OTO, the Ktata will a fall crop. Abbott bat »l»Ued <>b« tb.ta of atUla >alal iy. r. r. ^ot, br g. & fr?*r U aabaldlng, from IM« place. e P. Kverctt aella cheap. Atwood bla aad act, B. t-o.l«>l Ilennle Co., tbat were yet by Ch in. C. »r«" la bopr* tbt llm^n rigid Jtw r. K. Craukar. U(» .... ur clob the Hartford* W«iu K W. Uuwv 1> 10 Uoaion uyiujj Mhlkttf. aa>l tbat b* will era loag h* ap. The Hamaer played carefal narelng Ufa returned an 1 be U bow ». M Tbayer, b nt. KUty 17th. Score 99 to IS la ARK l'RKPAUKD TO | r»rm»r« ar* ahoat flalahlng tbalr Saturday. Kept. wall. good*. Tb* dolag Jamea Dennett 11Jojtd 'x-an bar vat. Tb* crop favor of tba humoera. atock are b« Mr. and Mr*. (•\r.»RI» BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. • «**trora aad Large gaiBtltlee of apool HTATK PICK-UP8. alec* There *»« **• Sumner In a rattle ihclr iDcu&l [ »'«T a few daye of tbia Aa*<>- no* a* macb aa Writ anticipating from lieUiel atatlon to F.JIa- Ta« aaaivaraary do*a yield qilt. mora thin Ing chipped Aa uiual It via as in the fltyaiath too *artr. tbU wblcb la bo asd J. were thirty-two. Goods as Low Firm County, SI a»d -- It b*ia« raiifit for ahoar fall, Scotland, by William K Ire«iat Sell any < a: www ImU SvpUratMf 7>>. p»cwd, la ao rr«. borough, Ho'llc Jtt tlalUd Portland latt occaalon. a* aoa of A. 0. Brig, what belong* to them. Tbcrv are ranning their mill Stcntary a wry enjoyable • t&« charch la Soath I'aria YraUMay, Frank, I'. Sklllioct. Tbey with at u mo«t of their in 'h Baptiat It* cannot be a fair at Writ w.«k »c<1 wi« rnt-rtalnrd driving, entertainment given Nbrway thoy receive pxxU WM a of tb* food atark IB a a why there lath* tninu.'acture of The '• > k l(ard«n of IW>r >a wa* rating. part at lu fal« capacity the Film >ulb. waa not tery C. aa w»ll aa at Eaat Sumner. aalltnif an 1 * dinner at evening upoktn cl»rk, aa-1 to tb* atomacb, aa«l atlll r*ma'n« Sumner Hall Sunday t J.rat r, H«v Mayo of Part*. pt**ag* an 1 the apoola. fratarea were vtry fair. lot) I'utaUx a are r ittlng badly proa* oee- uf Oak drove of. A few trra«ur«r Krv. O. ttvrr*. artthlre paaalng Ice farmed at llethel Taraday Bight, The r*malnlnc hulldlnta highly th- i*»a S I> An lrr«« prvvtallag tbla la thia vlcla- Drown la attendltg bljb Ifrctaal * IT »rta bar* k»n la a until crop year of aa Inch la tbtckneaa. were burned night, the Tte boy K '.ar !••»« t s, r*d bl* >®acb la* pact eighth Seminary Sunday pray*r. waa arrea'.ol on acbool. a • hr*lc* naov* It. uy lo»t. A man •aipl- Kafi Miai'ia Uat and are above the average. aeaaoa on four acrea of lard BOOTS AND SHOES, IN EXCHANGE N. V la moatba with aa. The crop In tbla potntoee applea, hay thla " of the lloly Wool, from Brooklyn. lor*Heal of potato an t th- I tlx pr*a*aca Mr* are aound la potato t Urat and aecond crop. ETC. «tpwtlai eewlng circle m»t at Mra. a total failure. Thern htrdlj Thr apple crop light, tatftfg GOODS. FOR GOODS. ETC., ETC., ao at tb* cloaa of tha b*r old botnaaUad The Coflg'l of enr RUBBER Spirit; l all fait flatting » f.»r almoet a total failure. la that one Vorwaj aad wlf* hat* b**a on a <>b WedB» •.lay. ore* enough t pay digging. crop It reported •t»a at -a that »a had aot b**a dlaap T A Tbaratoa Brvwlla'a a number of aeliaree with tkr«« I*orv T->wle bought a nloc back, of the new historical aherltfa made llijaor to Errol. N II Mra. Clark, c f Newton, ckll*J Mr The corner atone of thla l"»nud la thla rtaptd vlalt Mr#. aad It baa a'.ray* at the Waterford fair Tharaday arx ioni tlm* with Bending to Caaada for It, In Portland. erected th* g*t- i*raoa wa» Tin* drm apeadltg building by cr more cf oar Tb* aaaaal praarhad been »tolen wu wrek cce fr >a ed away or of Jamea 1*. llixUr, K»«j laid Implicating m arwrnoua K-t C- K llard*a, KOXHl'RY ram Ufr.IlO waa rroalty ber acbool aweet corn In tbla vIcIbIIv bot (< in ) worthy tiwnamen. BUCKFIELD. the >f of W. II. Mtaa Addle Ailard commcBod The Tueeday afternoon by L If4 it Lla 4ctan »* Ti» #•:. otau itrtailk Mr*. Q*org* KaaUr aad Mr*. Mr. Fllat will n it get Sttnuel Kogg accidentally harceaaol A* lllram oa the luth aa average crop with maaonlc riua ta • Chrlatlaa chart a war* pialaly from a f*w at MM metre carriage, when 'any J«aaa w*r* ratarataf Aado**r wbo ha* lived at Mr. to All hi* contract*. horae Itto another tha r«a* >oa la Mlaa KUen l'oor, eB'Migh on« Chill, a **t forth, Kf? a 'war walked along ietarn»d to afternoon, Mih loat to return fr< m the WlMM officc. abooiag clearly u ».ac*. larg* for aoma aad hia be*a Mr. Fred M French baj Vltlay be got ready done at the Oxford Democrat to It gbta " IloJgiloa'a yeara wtth a fellow In All Kinds of Job ■ay ti»r» «. r« addltloa* aada dally: near tb* Mendow Bridge," abcad to having % quarrel owner waa la town Friday Printing tb- roait health for *oa« time, hi* gone Boston Cunningham fair. The a:. of to lorn oat of W. at I It km ara«d that If UM ebarchaa team, bat daally decided for workman named Simeon Whitney aeach of hla of tb*lr to eaur oe« of tba ho«plttla property. waa i&a rr«rat ar* to ha*a llha r«*alt*. Boetoa him npon th«» bead A Co. ; day oat aad allow then to pa** Mllford Mill*, atruck An agent of J. It. Rpanldlng of Ihla foon la- treatmeet. ANDOVKIt The victim la the railroad and out vaik la tb* footatapa M Kdrnaad* I* balldlag tba I). C from tie bind with n atake. In town thla week aelllpg I* Mra. JobB I.ynch, of VV*«hlngton. VITALITY. tar m >th«r chareb. ho*** to l» owa*d b» ban l«tn drawn a« j irur condition. of the 1'nlud Statca publlah- EXHAUSTED y tloa to a larg* boat h-re agalu I! II Abbott In a critical ltdtxed map < ih- ha* Seen vlalt'ng O.tober u-iui of >Jwr a*ra<»aa wtm daring *on»* Tba #!«»!• from thla for the of Clinton, a d pu'y that Arm prrachad b tn«»lf aad city p*opl*. lllce, of 1) tatoB, baa left for tba place Oenrg* 8. Stevenaon ed by >a J. II Barrow of M'*a made In the Paxo- laMriat by U«va. Imt d«blag aad boatlag attract- many conrt. aherllf. whose building* bal t»m birwtl. Through amlatake at T W a trial got B«»1ald.O Mayo of Pari*. 0 RlchafO*>3 preaeat Im Ttirrr waa a p!<*a*aot aoclahle foar wb<» were >u*p ct*d cbat citlce laat week, referee Mr. J. K Hill la making decided followed trampe tbe «f North Ltvrraora, aa I II. B. Marahall PAKI3. Wrdntaday tv»nlog. Tb* l»uiMn.«. and op« r*d with Joe llolt'a oyatera, aad NOKTH | la tae looki of bla farm. nialadtlla of netting Urn to the mixed ap of provameat waa to Ita utmost a ft Ir Oar readera tha Tork AaMKlatioa. >n ti III. huuae tilled capacity. Are them with re vol r. Jarlmr mail la rather coafaalng. —■ Hrtb B*b» qtlta tipin * ir« wi ■ lt'». bla f«rm that tbe de- and 'tT'ir iti I 41 baa exchanged were not Health >1 tbr«e aaderataad Aadrvwa I* »»rr tick. C. A. Proctor one of them fatally. Th« olhtr I will pleaae Strength Mmito Regained Mim II1KAM. harla of Joe R •»]■»»«, oftt* Mlfiloair; from the mill of I) f, K;< ha own coats, bat that Villa* tUpiiai jfoir «rr aaflVrlag for property arrtated and placed In Jail. The totlmony frndant pija 1 Kdarall >a Many ptopl* Mr*. JiB'i N. Poaa dlad with on the which a**at.,>a. Um Mtiaa EaplUt Oa Kept. *>tli Kaat Andover. of n who bad twen tramping he paye tbe expreaa oyatera is Power: Read! bad cold*. Hit* laat week. girl ; S " Dc •»duw«K«t of Ila- A V about U) year* at Hut Aadover cloaed flred roet. Knowledge ;*!?, gJtBf lb* la at A J. at KmI Hiram. agad School ttrm la direct to the »fleet that they he aalla at Mrs. C. 1U11 atopplog and much ba» of to our til- *«• Actd«av. of lb* Baptlat paMlcatloaa wan a moat tallmabla lady Among tb« algna progrm the Nut they claim nn iMj | an I bott'a. >n« to the of »tre»t bolldlnga, KNOV I '«i'i m*ra ia.rodar*d for W. W I>aa loved for bar kind mlrlatratl la a "aklrmlab line" Imipi Alieniatf, M LlttWbale !• at work lage Tiin Vbbdict Uxaximoi's. "MiaoatJj adopted air it. lately put — In>l., u»- THTSEI w*r« bam the reunion up. en mrkk. Ohinom a*u Icb W. D. Salt, Diajrilit, Hippos, | waaia Academy o K:ni«l! attended llaatlnga baa conalderably MiiKia Li ra« of Habroa la at work at Wrat Pari* Kmera< Timothy " Kiectrlc Bitten an I J II Dnaham Island of Ltbor IIatthea a'a tlfle*: "1 can recommend *'f? Prof. ttar**at. and maay the |)tb >1*. Ilegt. at Paak'i I and bla "amlthy From Commluloacr aMf nwaaaiaj by are few la the bill of arced Improved 400000000 l>r»t remedy. Kveiy bottle H Marabail. Pot atom Akera baa the Belli w r»turne II I* leirDrt that M •• tb* fW C. M l.»«ry mill tbla wr« k Lewla bought la cas*. One bla ar» r<>tua« badly. la John lomb«r were cat la the Hute Imi •old hu vlvca relief every 1 '* lllram Uaatoa. of an.I tulllUery Many af- pruvlJrd la wblcb to pat than. graphic cam la Arotietook aad St. ham Bellvllle, Ohio, tba materia:* baml* of II ram. la vl*ltlag bar*. been tiisn the knight of the Hirer; 100.000.000 | llarr, dr«((tat. I wm Md pat ap >a Iba apot formerly hare by • medicine 1 bav* of baa been t» L* wla- bare aarrendrred to the John, 140,000,0001b KtBBebiC; aad J0,« firm*: The beat selling t tb« ua* W* faar that tea pvopla HKTHKL Col. J. V Twltcball era, and more ace, KA3T 000 000 la otbrr place*. Among the loter- ever bandied In my X) yeara" txpeiU '*'ofd in aaatadfal of l)t rocord Ncen ton tbla week «mbelllah«r of head gear of other* Coaatjr ao t N T Swan bava her an of bla coialof report will la Electric Hitters." Thousands ■t wtn rdacaud K Oaloa It ale P. Hnbbard baa reaomed Good will live oyater tatlag featarea brnr lulM* >IM| Wtv> with aaal- Mra. Jobs The Templar* of Hut so that the of aaJ flilad tbva next Krl ■ hut >r» "t the iraoaee the have added ib«lr testimony, Acad* u wall m U« n*ada batldlaf alio'* datlea aa matron at Wllllamsbarg college. mpper at the ball lay evening, BIUr I r. It* growth do car* all dls< of Liver, Kldneya " la ih*ir coalrifta- Jaatia Bartlett t iff at b» «:i| toward the fair at aa •• aaaal for aavaral day S. t* nmpiiM W from ber» attended n«t b«*a well wire aummoBtd. At for »l. MKHH'%1. *HWM'UTI A aiaber baa beaa la Kvaaa* of Norway Tiib Bur Salyb la tbe world Cat*, W. H. rulikf IW MTIH^ •wttaf o*jact> Walter, bla aoa, who more comfortable. i C':LF PRISM* Iba following If at* r ford aad wrltlsg »be la AB. Salt Hbeam, Kevtr kuHMniv M«dml TrwU»>. nttu*l ito tR'KNCK CP LIPK OR wdola, wbo la bow prtacb< n! luMMr, fiwtfri IV** were bald K*v. Mr. B baa h»«a <«u»< 1 la the S >ree. Hands, Chilblains, wtorfctnaia nm »rwi« H>r*»ai funeral aarvlcea at the Great exciumrat Tetter. Chapped VATION, Kr* « VmIIi, lt»r»4- home. The the and •• In- r I*. •Wife" i(Un| trrm »ia M kaht flam MUla. lag at Norway, occupied pnlplt IUiU. tba remarkable an I all Skla KraptloB*, po*l- V1UM7, »rxl |h* |#n tktmmm I in. |ImU ►o**!cn MM.*!, In tba cbarch at Locta'a of Trtu.,by Cora*, If latalaatoa UniIm '• ** la Wadaeaday oa vlclalty It «* mMmWnmI »HI— U M ••• that ara latereaW.I churck Sunday. J. K who waa »o care* or no •at*. Ow Ttutm, Kmw«, An Wk««h «r 4W**. • «tor fk bapait MfioMrr Caamim, b*M at tka bail Mlaa Bertba Philips sot turn to Ind, or rail* to satisfaction, far Ito V -iUf. tlM MIMW-a rd, u 1 nn, is* <»t. I;*!** •• batter lalob* a mutlclaa aad had taaght ha coald I* fuaraateed (lv* perfect at tw """• Aaadaay, • fbaaary 30tb lie waa ihoroagh Dlat No. II. balplaaa m Ifcrr p»V nHy, <» afternoon, tb« waa laad- la teacblBg la aald be waa df lag of Price Si cent* p*r »»«t ton t II tot MkV» -rllftoI wn|nyn prwaa r Mmmm aaatetr. Jtumner oa Friday achoola. Ila were at bla bead; or moaey refunded. piWlili f-C < Kaat over alxty alnglag and of Portland, everybody Nor- • ■* fcund. Mil*, to. will be addraaaaJ by Mr. Bborl wife, A bottle of Or Klag'a sal* al Drag Store, rf»n rn Tk»w k >»1rrt |«f* Ihrti) meeting coract band. trial box. Por Noye*' Ki^taiwL •»> Ito >J laat. Tha a er of tha Locka'a Mllla laat week. Co&aanptloB. «f <«m» f aktrfc la worth It* pnr* T*4al feaamlant CoalrtbaUooa. tuwoa wbo bar* bad at Waat Kavanough'a waa aeat him Ftadlag IM attra far \+*i 13mt 4 tan11. r!l from other It Abbott la taachlng Alpba New Dlacovery oltMry |»wrrn« ami iWt to la IW k nr|to4y. TiKi MMctatioa ao) Mr. aad Mra h« K.infht a large bottle aad tfdMhna^nUimwtfllMiiR i*««l«Ma, la Ha tiperlenc* aad Ml** Vertla relief, m 'aataaf. to aacood Taaaday pi, praciicnl Bethal, towa the tiro* iW iW» I a ». iw> Mtf nlmnl rrtry a**| tba invited to attend were la Katarday. of Dr. King'* N*w Life Pllla ; by ss |to toal aj>n« * K«eryb»«jr die latarvala. a former realdeat. wai I Tba aoi d*ai^aaud. of rot- bla Mr. Bllaa Hall, two brx>a of Pllla and tw«i JJUi XiK>&2afvrrzz'£L% X. Y piara yvt la mad* poiatoaa cow tad t»i b« had taken I m». IUt. B. C. Ct*»IUr, Umm Hffiip, Cuuu Orvat complaint 8. 8. Abbott baa nearly pie laUade m , be here oa Wedaeeday. lie golag be waa well ■»•! life! Mmm m lit* l».*JWr MailKftl IMkltlMri Tb* wl'l vary 11#bt to Kotibe of th«> DUrnvtry, I M« 1TSZ ting badly. crop law atadlea aad contemplate* golag alatara llvlag there. l»f h«MU( lUaelr l»l Nl PRICE OILY ORE HI I IIM II «• T com California to vlalt bla fl »b Til 1 Mr>l KlMnlr'l AAVa »t|| V I! I' |'t H I II. >• 4 (MMTON, ar« alao a llgbt crop In aboat two waeka aad ha/1 gained Ic thlitf-ali poaBda. r*e*»». R«M>r, H. t. frW II fMMfWWaMimtla apple* Colorado acboola commeaced oa Monday | fW wrU.-K. D. »f Ito rBABOIlY MKDICAL CXFORD C05FIHENCI alao grata. The al Botth a of thla Great Dlacovery for K*me*r. Mow, N. T. wto la ttoi nmr r«Wl,TIHi ri**»M'IAS ft* r- Cora U qulu good, 1* merce th« of law. Mlaa a*' HrwIlrsMmmmuDr. tba Oi'ord C It praetlo* Is Mr. Warren, Blake, Njr Unr aaJ Hi—J iiMnIm roua*.1t4 m U iLtaan raqvlftag akfli u4 espertwu. Tba a# it awuti of SftjWB are tailed ap finely. Wltfldd L*ne, of Klagllald. ptlaclpali frte at Noy«a' Drsg Store, fcrakukia KUt*j, OMTITl'TLt w4 mj to cuu&ktt^J; will b« Cattle wb*r* tb* Mra Principal of prl kBBptloD Attoa of chart baa wb*a, aad la thla ?Ida- alatant; Mlaa Ulckford, Mr lite paper. <'oafragailoaaJ la aot y«t faily d#cl.UWr lb« baml of tUla miIuinh. u mv i:rK=i4-sz^*S5t5 ICmiiiiiitMUflM ft* Uit« K|*nin»M prowwly 4«r» •» pm >. >»« * wtai- AMfaMftllawMMilMiiiMiainiMMtrtl ■"-T" UIL****•• tw mi u* ••liuw, W. II. Irnvu, Imi nw. mi whIm»«4 t«t« <—» »r *n | Mir (Ma tu Ktlilor of llnaMiltii "*»« iKr, M«.| an<*'H IT. ruU, Mr. ppviM »*#» 4w4 lOln«n, W »cft,inj>anying UM>*<•<• m • i—tmm V Anciig tha k|U(«i ■« - • »»* — f^foaEr,®Powder lie ■*r.,«0 ChM anl MMMM CoU»iow in Im joutnejiofa _ .... • •• k> »« IM IB >*««-> ...... c. i* In dr«ar IUBITN ■»« •• Hf White Him untry C't.ipata, alkUr • • tWm kbout the S^IN tfCiiij'rt »«»w—m ■■»». wtti mm .■■inn« lata Wt oftoa b«ar •• r 'niWwt-*, lha W* all h«v«t«r lb«orf* ftp tin pr«>p« *• II Mm '»«i ■» »« W* Kiwi- wif® of the Umea'ad Ouray, — the di- »»«—«. >i »m <««»»« umii ». ca Tb« «hlMr«a.*r»< reletting; of chtlitirn. amt tboai of ua »y m4 t'la 1 be A"££'S$Si m«i.«giiaM head Wh«» old frWiitt toiirrvlM U • in vmm wi» A.>||inii«tiMI> wttKftrvttolhnkxtrav) »hu hair lb* cpportuiilty 5C^<5, tM Mmi<>I >»» woman ia yat >• lk« lUnl rtar of tbia keyond anything Up arr •< metluira »ur|rk aa w« • ttirio ui Tb« b atctiil- ferUiPflfJ roraaa ? uf V Far, far away— Jrnt In tt« w.ifM ar« a»i>1 lo b« "oM mild*' fHPiPiircc1""11" •*< of lha aboriginal sljavinJ*^ » < ■» daacriptio* in V$V.v Ho at. 1 l« » wtll known f.ct that of liki it !. .. iriTtltii »»y— ctll tr»»." li litlrllt&a.««»«•• far abort IW U |fl« Nmseky I ].-• i. -Hi- lifa, falla a«ytbirg J-.' a aobto an *tllar at.<1 aotttl "■'• The %*ri. rl««r, hud* ar«- frn U» gl*e 1% T»»*M » k» hi* character akatchea • i.i of th« liltl* *»••••. * l*i IU lid |Im itoctilo* on t:>« toanagrin Powoeh ii • Uh mi »*J«* election to cbiaf« Vv?s's>5V /^THiaPHO^OS Ml iltr* Ikx h'. •<•••»• »l "IWfi. K( Ourat'a TO rrtCh tbr Mi, folk* aa Ib a.' *!»•» nave n- »*r h*l any to lhr*« M«|k>. Mowing unri&lec). fast,clean,hnMf* r»l' *•♦>««»»•• < at:* ha w«ac*ll. 0 »• II fl «v«r. ou Aa oar h«a lo (m *11 but ui lain tha tint (fi.ial riM«**te mm* rwa* twlig, ••tog. practice prartlc# W tfr*cWe. 0v t *» fAUfc. *•- «• **••« IU! Mt *-<• T*»fc ship, wr f*w ri.« Tor w»» tha MrWiiri. The (Ainl will abow u|'| ofUn •• • n advoc*t* J, at d lb* moun iwntMM* 1L A. ikiiv U D. A ttBW Jua k»<>« ; that haw of a removal of hia tn>M fm«*» for an t with U1 Ortwl *, lmfc^e. *. T. *Tl» oalthrr Kata nor lUlllr, «•> ar* <|«lu n-atljr arg«tn*-i —pARkER'A of Colored* to ('tab, aa i in con. n < ur »*Hlo« In laina Nor «'.r a«iy iiii< wt».» mil p Ttn Qnuri Ov«>i. I* VW*m toM. K. T. Flo, Mif, HAIR BALSAM a between nialUr. (Vmm wi >■■■n»r mil* Ou'.lra r*11 ij h:* in k OWi— If«i I nil IfcmhMBl hia wilt. Aa I want of|nr« ba waa accompained by Iftg tb« bout* 11.1; XV# call to tun. I « ill* : trip Th«- iaal«, that twiag l««ly, \orllnveslmi ha and Chi a had ia a nwaaura ll« if all ur Hfi u yaara m t, who will Hotb pet Nllll a!.»ag Ufa ploda th«i farnlture ftll to on* •lit- of lh« HINDERCORN8. tba drrti of a civiliwd Amid tb* throag, 141 adopted takr aw«i(>rr, an ! "Sruib their own ranch, their berda Grand Trunk ha'a drawlag ro<>m. tb*carpll« fed upon paaturea, Summtr Arrangement. Tbfi# irrttg* and tt la often ft to hi r ii ••«4 Wilt the Season of (an. grtftt help NlfMll' i«<« |ii <«'| a^ white and 1887, Nor tblak It •irtsgr r If »:••»* »i «r »»••!*. r»a»ntta!« li»el j*< p'e Th» Dw« l«r «mU NrtWr —■ A doth-* wl'.l la*t math l«ngi Tw» u«ii>4 Tratoi they <)• mU lih, IMT.mmI bo)'t ,« m*JJ-«•'.♦ * :v* hi llM Mak V W llM —t III tir. >1 tfur yoa bat# got '«n. tbiro ftll MARVELOUS tb- comforts of emitted life k/ u », (MM «lllt««W Mmi If, tb« hftbit la form«d of hasglcg up erijojed TmiiiuN. Il U Mo. A hia numrurd Point. iinhM miM p*rf«ct mjbbi# oft ft chair «hi ft h< (Ota to 0.0 fli l.erallj *1ia»4 II«m4 »• If* Tfra« facta tha chiaf and u.rt »-•» tbar* preceded f*l WWUktw. T»f Oafroata y«-a ar»- I* ft In a ut 1L* II *»r «.r f «*t and with all th# lij $20 00 to Wirrant. tmbi f» mtrui*. tbry b«*p Tto ! '(**• •* M wtll cor.a »rt to WMhisgton, Mil TWI Will W Mlltwl Ttrmt, (Not |»l»ie froai t4»p |« MttMn. «»U t» of Ihr A Chilli t th* !• ur I (OtptM. mountain lift cling, ui II «>f t».r4nw< « Ktiitl lU+d+rk*. romar.ca of thair wild « ^ IS4I|«mi Hi Kmi 1Mb that W l»ff Ji.ftl Ififtli^ t light to bat'g II (kwll*^ I»V! IVui : •■•>•' >w W*»i l« * Miiwr * t > of M W| tw about addtd tba baiitegi 1 j. |W ml< It* clotm»that tb » «iil •month Ttut m4 ing th^m, v. r. ouiwit t •. c k h •• n«»' «*>w i»i*» tail mm ■p «a ka Vi I. Mid •• 4n • *«k%i|k ii —Taaxaruaittoit at it w«'i alml In tb* aioiftWy, ltd Im |i| jkMW. an anciant acd w«rl lineage, th*j Mam., ml lUiinftl Hat K tt.lik tl fun ti• «*i» It MEMORY arm* tbe M« I*/ C. S. >» ilh « .t a| t»-b It* l »r*l »l drlrrnnl. war* received witb op»n by rieyrtrti-M W. It! MM mm) (llf II DISCOVERY. C. KIMBALL. tt>« moMatf. It ban* u,» tt« •••«*». Oaiui* Nun, ArJU a >mi. Ulitllr aallht itilliUl ■) aocial clrcU «f tba city. tl • U li.tt* high capital I felgbt ah'.il*. tiriw nprn a, ltar»«4 In M« im4Ii rt fa, Am/ kMk |, war* fated and tb* dot < t) i wiU t< l tb-y ftftit tlm wlft«tww p, y l"l r )li«k Ku»«n r»> Kfarywhtr* III —4 1IIIHU «»r HBAl'TT p«ab II' «»m T*»i«, »• ia»k- the REPEATINC -• H H h i.tn I1 I tba In tba Weat Had awurg h*lp m«»t*»i r* r» mfttn, t»al MARLIN t. h. •: II.i of raaaaiona Tobacco ! Tobacco ! A thlr.fi of I »m called, tbr RIFLE (:■«>■* l> M <••>«. I- ... ..(,<«• *>«•»«'} dally ta>k u'atr«i«li'.* i.in^ «p **l»ojft' inwad at their appracb. " » i. •» i•••. .-.«»>(*• •. •' >*i#, ♦■• ! at in* •; •• TMt i.• A ad ft a tnncl rialt-r <, t It will trach BttT IN vnupvM " ■ * ii propiv room" •IIW Kk, W W waa idolutd St» WMClotk* mil color WOBLDI WtUr»l»y UlUil(lis D I'I ;k Tb« ami ii*»» m* my bright. t> tin»« t » !>■ vttif kiii via lft rl*M#« M I I'll ('hipeta »< tbi* >ya ( wl lkr»» Ur|« wu the of r»i io har rainier t f*ncj ib«l *11 «.«* | J irr«i«T, Av. IVxjwm r»«i ran l)«« alike; V* r««. an •• •••*•? rtcbi •«*! u m M> • UH* K.P7 IUU A».. N»w Ytk I the ivltf fM ra | m a gnb, ar» la ►••!»»i<»fc ui b"t»« «»f iti*-1r »»n I'kitK tn the brit Kaatern drea*makrr«, C.H. PORTER S. Cattail t«kr, (► lkm| nn UUu vwl4 • w art' a lift of I»k»l Aad n< aa t<» ga«b aloag; Tb« If ar» uiafty l b I ileb nr.- BALLARD >t.1 finery aiaociatrd wi»h • Ml l»i |i»* U W«B*. «*, • itMsMlaa m»4 l«>(tl Kll«« LATr^ PROVED tawdry Ifctl 1*11 1 I a la It* Ift lb* houit m1h« alloli of wLit b or* ita abaetca. *nni«Uilf »r» South Paris, Me. K*n m rl*rf lact* it »•>)•. *••4 nf I HiImii. wna by k« tn«tr «u Ilartta ftr< HtiM.li savagery cooepicuou* carraat alrong. ahoft'd u Uftght to tb>m to lnMt*.,Wa > M Ito|«il<«l by Th* illustrated took the cue, and Tkl< M M« •( IM l|( »«<• act »t»*h akkt»»» cnm• Itra^aM upb»a*a;» \y HORSEPOWERJl» kluri l-» Til III -III Mi »»4 I l.» *H. llt». Aa|%»li. M« )• -t the Til 40 Different Kinds. fur n.*r««n tv •lungth. If a m—tt >t » «» '»<*»• • 11 v«r 4«r "» oat tb« breadth of tbe land by O* aalllM uVr lh« wcraa ti|»«, y, ^>oy'a IM. I...* ll>. i|nrW«l«rMU|N «ahtlr »*•#. «•*% (Oat Ut •«« 4mMM< oa uad ft lllttv »k;l h»lptld*u««r \» IMU a« irr.l.r Hit* tUii|«ft>rtbi Or wa.klag lh« gr< by rirlviu lrt»; •« nw>«iH<«f •< a 1'ouinl. nn at iOcl»ntftlil — V/ 4 v 'm. vfipccUliitutt. From 'MH'. to catty aixJ glit I K^T AUT « '» *!• k M •»»' • ««• and ilti $1.00 «a at Hit'" .11* 1 *he in WMhiscton, A*I iu« arracgr tb«iu trot, K' vi» m. m. WORKING CLASSESiTTEinoi MIM. l.ic lkt«M t • • till«, from trachea of uir*4 M fWtlAtt cIimm * :h <■*•! M plliig — ei-rrr*pnn nm-i |> «'i»« »r» TliE epistolary It* «!•»». .V» IUH*«J th»», an 1 tb« w r.t ulU baa, to tbe court k«l Ikt tbr no h i ir»«tDt. tt of tha Kagluh legation journal* XiMtU. I>M »«ll t>« ll '«!•, iflt and for ber IMI. U«* Mlk* kiiMM N«i »**•) a pilUttr ni) DH. HUMPHREYS' BESJ| tain rrir.ciM,' b^p^kr ill That bi I' asofg tb* tl»»«, B*a afc» Narva*, w «•) carvl* ufc»o of ibtui. f»r«ijr uci>h« of atfitMta MAilf »• «M* M Iw Ml '• l«rt prf It.M.k all rr from th* » || Itff ablU' if AUTlTTOf h*«rty peerage • *11 W»l 'b»>t »4 llNI • I IMI IMKi 1 fillj h* una, «iiJ caption M |kl« •let TV ri|« i!|ihi«i k>pi k »• »r» • >( • Aad lb* b* ar*a. Cloth A CoM sboold she visit that country, «• aik> mi* ..f»r. T» ••»<• Iin«* h»0. la Igbt >• •«'•{'rr*<1 •>(•( Kagland r»i'*r mi> I fi II iiml in run. •«* • ». W. GfiSY'S SOUS, • • alii lna«4-»*» h«U> t/«« • I* k» M raaauL »l 4*1' »•!» at contain *r > »h«jui«i l> Of • uu»»«ii |»»1 which (L« (bat time ac'ually p. b fall m*1*'* <>f <■ *i4»rtii>( itM iMil'tu |i Tktioil I"' ••»»»'« I'll I Mil Dllilii* Alt*. I* art U*. I i.» lk« u>i an-1 th«- bird W Hi al- late*1. A« sort air* of bar visit to \Va*b« •r»»« iituhii qailliy, i« •« * »i—«»i •< In Oxford County. • h< or IT.— BXMIfA lowed total* iu 'nib at n«aUr UMI hM •• -impt*. *•' Nw. carrwd with tar ington away >«N ll»» kl >M> M4 R' >•» «| lot «nlk«r fir»b mlir ■HI f*» t Chifata virry i'i). la »--• a i«r II lk«a kl (\ of It Ltl*r». I •' '• of silver (Ml kartHM it frier*. ** lidiMMtHM .1} pla'e, portion « ir« •boalJ b» l« il NMM, tlrialxM (». >|f PATEHTS her the YOD iifiUI My It. n«irliklia waa to S 1 r • < »ltr l»U>N 4 Ul«*M of which by mi, mi min, hi um *" « twlc«» !■ lb# itDimir, -» u »ara <> -m l't< Ml 10, lN*iikf« I Ii'4im A4f 4 > tfca war*. L*»«a •irniaa* <1 a« l»r N. (IV ■ to '• •txmtm tbe inWnor depart* Mr iv i i iiiiiMm tl*. rindy. ilc,| S ihKMrlt.i •>«!. .11« government through *urt ( i*i'j Mliwl urs* ft«« l»- i*r «h •. r, > Special! run bird*. A of . I) i' «i' »•« aaihiM It •• »•" .to >n k.pi meat. •later. i&MAtt*•** t* •• II. IS. 1 U frr«.l fr p!*t* I • -I M fclitm K Mf I, 9 M|t» t in >« ili| I— »■ *— I'**"1 4nmwIMmiI, l\r«>Qi! itti Dtiun u»\m SrultUU. after %is»t to Washington 'i •• hi* a*a*. » C<> 1* t«4 U<*« ail T, ll>«4ark. It ,,, Nbortly Il II. IliUin • II U • good pita Iutl»r bin.MlM|| :lf «*tr* *1 I, 7, II, II U j»«rt «»f th» I !>«••»**•« I —*> .J J I >r-, *nJ the consummation of the treaty I >>( mlitKl* »rpi Tr»» w !»<•!• occurred I* IM7 pi«U • ... 4- was mrjrne l »r crumb* Cm* b* t«k«a tbit i re- «r.i.r. .if di*d lie tiaeerely Fine Watch Olio I r»«i- < I- -• .** Ouray Repairing. tard ti bat «,■ »•««! to a drttuV, »« mt«| ••u H,...... I < hta »nd a* as indication of ••• « by people, fla« birdi ki»« i*t» loal b; tool atiradlnc hk'nmt1 t with 34 Years — r.»f» « and ia long. Experience. \ their grief, c«iaf>>mity to tb'- ll )•« K'H>t (>:«■*•• rutkr • l|tt)« I'll •, I .« U h tbe "• V .. > rm'om, tie boraei of A •••>!• < r established WEAR I. of *.l| lb 11) illiili, D ll wllb II FOOT '«•< man were led to tbe and one 3. A mm'* k*»r of lalpbur aa I our -t •» f I. A h»*: il*u i» ••»«uMe Cbipata; Shoes, a h«r Boots, to car* l^r ll lo proper »aui»« r probably have accompanied liege lilt I. % bad she lived a of centuries A Ki«»ch cola :» i'ri\ lord couple HARRY LANE! CHICAGO )C< ISLAND k PACIFIC RAILWIf my CANNING KUflT r.M* IWMtllt. »•»••*! ***— • rf l>, tbe custom of h'r tribe, Mj'lL lit**' I "~1| »'*■* »»« F* My mil U f -t »!• fiMi ; kfr* ago. At it was, » U I • I «•» f « ><- ft>-4 » 4llM tl kT ill I ft -i I* *4(4# will nam", ber and »• A ftoaibrra tbe uf esaltrd E , sijtiM, city APPLE TERROR. by greatness position, Slippers, »•>. m .Oft »»« »*«<»«•••• iriuh GBfEN Tailor ! ! «.«!> T«»« bMlit at Tb* U the for rutin a Fashionable (i>«l priMbl • to lifa of it>' • « i<> »».••**-.iimham TH# • »• -m *» m «| I !»» >.••« • condemned bar perpetual <» II N to # gtmm •({> th.it we ran m J iid ll ii ko« lb* prop«r liar umid* it An«l fori confMwnt M l«*| M ba<* ir> l>4< •. Tkt« M dotation from tbia I'liu t< • ft l.lu4lb.l !>»• widowhood Any Oik nb«ve yoar frail cim n«l iw »• Imp • »f (tlfDI*1! ifcttt 4» • mn would draw diwn our m l.«M>>l. f > ll» Ml IH.fMH. NaMlJM, oM«r Op il .ui ditTr to tb« iii«aia miV- »<>•••. *M |m» unwritten law upm cuatotuer* nniI llrttrkrir* ATO |Tt«UM or Livt H'»rx l*rfKl •• I Mlif It M I'f lit u»i MflOtHf tVbll* »<•«>» ••ccnd bral III |M| her head tba malediction* of tba entire 4*« al m inBaw, »a I in hui«if (iiir, (Ml 1.—Book-mita otb*r* make r fall- m :t *lr. «l\h Its cim, »mp!eir wIMImM nation aba would brcome an ou'ea*l, Kmi*« h. Vir ? # and i' % m+ iM< v».* «f 7 — »ts.| II*»»«n wlilhc'p ur* ib»lr '»i.» liitun, <-«w»c•• lltlp by Iru4.apr.fr to % %. I «*f tki» r» tb» ». ivii' Aiwiilw. t^'l fm'k lir*a-*f a am ng ber .s. «• »v«f i« !'•< atoa* for air, tat woald il Ul»|tf pariab p»>,de Jo« Jara floral It IINWfr r«*«NMI. M>l •*», IM >|« Hut h»d a *111 of her own. Good Assortment C It A II tla* yilog lb* cm with wblcb yoa bav* •I all ika< i« ait » r»U'« ta M4 nt« ('hipeta Rock Island Route (• The* C-"St i; btit laccn* S-*;f •• *m< II U NN l« Ht»r* fitt t»r ■», ; r»r»m bad tailed of tba wr i h Assertmcnt .(•' I«.' • un«' I*' u a o hi'l lb* j«n ^Mtt She p'ivilegca lies: w |( lb* Complete Wtlftil ■ I In an INl 4'trtM (• I*t All : * • «• lUfia 4ft< lulft "««ftlf AOI'K arc »*r» lllU* troaM*. If properly at»d l ww\\\\v?c \y0 (ullt* an a *'eibo*l aril to a«-l»«rt fr -in m ('.in Im fonnl * In » ■ • «va t«t ber Cauru ,, i i-y aft I |•* Wi W'*1* M «*r»i a* r mill a enjiyrd, —or— au» »»* ••• fc«-fcft u k i: ii cUaar l wbia « ,f,l »».J»r % | |«rf« Ifeoroagbly pa; amy. 4« I bi • It II. ixl *»'•!< f Miltilal, ftU • ucurred to a " !•' I an the marry | rt.«II ll Kftftftil »>« — *»«> Mt*»» If tbe co»«ii ir* icr«-«*d i»a tl*l»t aA*r \» \\v\v W*vtA\ OW lalMM a. opportunity ^ .«•»»!'■' t^-»»4 I Polic man. 3. |l«titl»|t*bl«KI* |»WU« —I, CtfpnUr. a I> «lr« «'• band*ome buck abe diJ ao, not »i S • •I 4. It ■ « IVIn VIM rail IM i4ii«>UM « tea t»T Mfftltr) U««l to tba fall in the % »■ »t M or r;<>*« udor a'twaitb^-m lboa*■ a m have been et- » " aripaltlag war. •coal » » «. »4 t«MH >HJ- mlM leiioa camv ala untaimit) ; lb* frail aalil caaalaf if .. •I *U I i4i ftfrl atll BU« UkMB up %t «l% C J. ll»lu><« Ait I MAM in 0 : ih- S.w I.«», 1 lu <>«trar.am are M»ry id I tb«u w<»aUl h both her and her huibm Our Priccs Reasonable! in < Fitmoul Albert Lea Rcuto lb*y "K«orr«l Km <•!•*>> %•- I kMM oa« §k,TJ3p IimMi a a of • 1* «. waablag." Tali l« bad puctlco aad I bid both violated tarred |tw ■ » -l • • r"ar«f«- HlMMfM • of ib« M k»1 ofUa n««« f raat bey InperlU* to b« at II Ii bar 1 to cWia Prices to Suit the Customer ,%•—!* «» » %m Im »«■» it h» lU. »wi»< avoids, ttry ■M PAMANTHA aocial jternmmt ard mutt autfcr. • •»»! it tbla huod Uo>i'a Saraa it they • abboync* cam aft* r lb« frail b vi tx« a * > »4 properly Jalr* »m t M wa't, ? kft t«r k U*l |i >4* 1*4 r«MI l»*a tba blood, ae.l tai.a all Wiib her if* alliance her wj U«*. IWomIhI'I* »r» * tk >w fc A «A*#V pari.la partfl-« allowed lo dry for > Ijii a tin*. Aad, •• !••••,■» « »»•»»•*■• > au> aarb iff «ttuo« bhhss?.^ back civilued life in firm lb* caa* m.i ruaia a od»r upou every » 1*1 ll* twli '• t fi. atruaj t>f . *i R A T 0 6 A I. J ft. U A an •*< U>>Ml I axil to. lb* of »ilk* end aatin* wet* discarded, J Millett & tbli (li»or Hrr Fuller, ft »• ■ mS to Tb* rj'.nb »ur»itor «>f tb« fanwua "til arglrct, tb«r«by laJirto4 Cent's Goods. ftj I< ft* •»•!( IHj rt'MNi inr«* oncK mli«' >1 Hit t ■ II n *4 »■••• •«. if aot ilea- «•*« to make Furnishing I > 4 » I I»^»I >it« hur.lrttl'* of U*lakla«a utal tb# otbvr day tb* frnt'Cmaid frail, ipil.lag ri'Mt cvN' iini rtt»nrt' even h?r m«!t' 1 down » « I imiIi^ t -• ui rkiMm, Wi»l'» thai plat* LaipChimhey» • ~ri 1i •l A .« I T 1' | at Norwich. KsgUot) N'-it! tlraly. Om Ai»H ••■t* <• lb>«« *nki |IM. m* i* a fur hrr buaband'a friend* IIsr li lalnal gewgaw r* K '* * >■'■> >k4 in>> ynji «ki jr tnty r«;a »rm ry • •I MO| mm la l« |lt1i <«» i* I ««. I .1 w tlalftaMa .1. k"-»»1 tuy «« reverse » ,! AO inr in I «e- «IU.I4«I •lock (ikn from her and 112 Main Street, ■ ■ »*4 -« II »1 o#a but far#. f *l» b*.'ot«j bat car* Wm It toft I »ik< Man IftftUa —f Virm of chargf. 1/ Id* ualog. a«au)tcg II uttr f teillM, il all or (m tiruktn IKtfl followed revert* till the w*« AJtowi't C»i|v lliluo Orag nut b« tbry will L*y tu4m» •!«<•, Kr la absolutely a. rmr t. $t t * IwUtMl.ltw M>k*. !'<•« 1 a Min>ina> to I • in Uf I Ull OH li UM N)i< — ap —>»r> « itoTM. Oalag pvrftct barmoay • thick Clotb, Mtlnl, it« AntiMt*# l*l«iitbi« aiirik >n »«4lma rtfl*. forced the tin* of tribal First Annual Catalogue • beyond kinship, art l'*»i>.« mir 'I hr sl Stock coabtaatloa, It 1* tb« ?*ry roil lam button of a contra >a clutb«a bullrr to pr#- Mf THAT tm« Ik iMccvtoMt* j.tifciu •« ah* with ber hu»ban 1 b c»m« * w*n- lipll. I'rw bf Mtli nrlllMl •• •«* A|» and —OK THE— Luriji for tba Mi u<] r»)l»f of croap. «*Bltb*lr brvaklag from the b«at Kill tXACT IMU It OM ipitOjr »|) I«r n»»" m dmr. of coltla. throat or laag 1 Larg* Not- tb« Mltf balf Ml of lakrwarm waWr, art (AO* *4 iii nma. rt.iu4«i|*u r*. iih^ku wm tue Oxford Ooiuity tlrt U c*iu, Trial 10 e*«u IB tb* cana ao.1 l«l lb* water cobw srad. ftMOW* IN ACTVM. Thi*, doubtless, hurried by Chemicals and Patent Portland Boston Steamers. a ally V»ilauit tbabjlllBg point K-aur* unfortunate tnuUke which ebe hid male &, ■ Drugs, 1 waa »o * I al (Irorge ImI algbt," from lb* ud, aa kmb u lb* watar n»w Horse Breeders' Ass'n. CIMT4UM sn«uu it UK rang*, in locating a ranch on the raaarva* Trotting •»i I a of b«r iwrtt h»art **Yr«," r»l* a no itm baa lint. taa* and Toilet girl taoagb U>j tion It «ai an excellent *Ue There Medicines, Fancy ta'il b«r 111 RUihtl hn>ik«r, **l toUcvi) oataacbraa, «*){«• itry ad a«t la tti« aai GAPAOE8. TIKTEDPAPE& OLD RELIABLE LINE ws* of and m*s- wLit. 11 in i*e p trior )<>a ■if Id to air had tb'jr will ba p-rf ctiy awr«t plenty water, butfalo, Articles, War* r»wA n K|*r(, IWU*!, • mail. artn» l.itmlu« tba rubber rlag» at. I If thwjr tr* and (nnmi graa* gave nourish* Post by • »»»y m>l>< t%e*4*ye »—H«" qui*, Single Copios. paid • t J w'«4e«4. «intw« to haaMl la wora, UifBor b«rd"B»d hy tba beat ment to th« stock, When the lines were »»M»< M mettmt irim t»» I »■ a. But to lO Oonts. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, MANY SKW 1!)KIS a mi tb«m. It will ba truBitiof was nullktai. Ijatrwr rnnKH«t». made dividing I'tah from Colorado it •II. I in*, la tba h >m« car# uf dlaraava, accMaal#, •pull frtlt, u tbry no b« pd for a MofmW. »'»ll Ml«a». •|.fl<.«n»U. *r» found that ranch wu on the Painters' & >• lo ac t blau ol an.I tba tan* b* B>»d« bt. B« Chipeta's Brushes, TVki«i u »4 yrl*4- as*] b trrat tbatn. naaj trill* alMlg " t.nL.Hf. not th« Address, MK K. »UtM4 talaa lo lb« »ick will ba foaad la l>r. aara ttc cuvtra H; wall aoU do But gat Sit- f \?) \kh wrong aide of the line, and in '.»• 5tT IC'i'Mf Artists'Materials. j. r. LiscuMn. Ar* Kaafaaaa'a grral M<0lcal Work; a.rgani ed. M la ufteB tb» CUf wbrB tbcra are dlf- reservation. It became, therefore, legit* ATWOOD & FORBES, llloatratlooa. Haad ibrv* .* ccal atampa lo fcrest braBda uf taaa Bead. 6 imate for the aettlera, who loat -I. > »'* plunder A. 1* < >: '.**} BoaUio, Maaa an 1 I'.ckle an J pr»*erv« Jar* »h »uld b« trrat- M kkurALT ONl> Pari*, k0b| no time in dividing the A l.ne> of iSTOPPEO FREt nnlTt a copy frw. • ihl :i ■ ■ aa 1 BOt a » rtz SAirncgTALcas &£*r«nc*c. CELLANEOUS BOOKS. STATIONERY. Wn tWi®ro«m (•a • < mnAwM ■ * •* reepect 1 m la bar mouth act kettle la Ba-tl It iaa«t ip* to I'oBg'tlf cleia paid | I- .. bold clwlbtaplba goaatp PLIES. PAPERS AND PERI- < her fallen She and her hue. M> «t |W«<" «««.■ > »|W < »K« u»»r lb* back '*ac« wblla haaglog oat tv *<1 before aalag Krary kiich-a *l »a« gr*«tneee, W»l r 9 Mt iliii'i >11 m w '' ODICALS. o»u»r wun«n. Y«« b« I w ti »c »Ua in*d and are ojw with »•» I » (Hot ju»t l:k« alog tliBM abuatd provide band j tXd >row, X»UI twy y «t«| kiM>, ». «. "JH* *f our*!;*- tkjtK. • I I* a iWrt it tl«*a *1 Latent itvlw of CU. t Cbaas* a * maa'a balure (a« ga«-*elag at qi«vrl<*a ail not «n«a«r him rneironed by the military force* a ai lr-aini'.5f I fjn tl, «b»D prvarrvitg), which the givemor ha* fit • ban llrd « wire »i u u r • I despatched Put« a nia Ugi'oa llamr !'«»* oag »p uti, the »ettler* of (larfteld Shaw's Busing Cell:.-:, « Vt*ri«A> l>. •" Paper • >• i aim* -rt»n .1 • to thtt Hangings, |)r. Ilii-1»' Ooi.i>ax hrmnc • ki>al I )m m fr« a* It I* p »M Telegraphic aivict* »y ap« X.4M I <•« rri M iu j t m *m riiner « r f»r «*r !►» .aia aad w#»rip it Ml »af«ty. —tk Mk. If' Il in U f*t>Dla irtpofrtlx REFUNDED prehenaion Chipeta'• ftb-1 *11 4*1* lu «.t.ii lon iVpid* ttc MONEY w« 'or rata* dow Shades and vttKat »b» kr..•!.< «• of th* tak* trnr, uip'U r*ib She wu in ose of the trnta which ItiaUra mn «a*. pMM»a • if noTtMr u«i.*t«i ar«BT* uf lb fru t afUr p ta r«lt-g r. l iiaw. I- .• lull, U »*» iu ( an r*M* ■( I •ill, Attkw* fired Saeritf Kendall'* on their wly v a a party Orrr rip* fruit *1 • c u-b u Milng I •r Cmhmi iU« I t Ik ru of iu« frail |« oa« of tb« ba<» tw*a matr Utrpvrttc o»u who bat* p.- .>p< r ^niiMti'fniM >» Mlwt W Ul »f*» Trlatl Oottles 10 Conts, likely that ah* ha* been harmed ; *be baa tu be obaar*«d il la An.'ii Man* r. ». with- IB «at IfflpurllCl pilBU MM.n»ii4twrt>. r ilm^ t>y to to the of M lak>a G 'ltlri Hprctfie la tbalr.coffoi «!t 7V.I » *.Y~n"» kl*"M\N *««». Wk. been tak* FARMINGTON. ME. MFQuility RtprC" I'ral ike f«all witb a »Ai/y kalfe A ad frtlt '<.« tfHM>a>iM.M*« compelled practically out tb»lr Uu* IInm»»« Tuftdlt. IT NEVEU FAILS. Tba ijaUm UiiiHil ar tiUratl Ml* »•«« «lUI Chipeta irvrjf fa. of tt* MalM urt^tiCiu. tuu dBil aad ubly Uara eff tb« pari, aa I If in the if Colorow 4 IflH? •***♦•, l.knMtJa^lEL with tba Spaclflc It betooKa neighborhood fif.y. iIm l*t ii.» NOTES' DRDG & BOOK STORE (t U u*l f )>al»to Mm| rwtlM, lBpr»gaaud tb« ft alt la a trill* a«-fl It will btaiaa It. — HmM! aa atwr lap**ai*|llty for tb« llqaor app# -•-llliRW LIKIMEHT- wat once he enemy, a* her wat the eiemy w ik tt* MUl *a4 «aMt a cl«aa clutb at batd aad off tba fflkltfllMtMM kail Ml an wHRrilK, QDSTol PUUIOT05. Mo pall to * a.1 lr«»» Kr« p wlpa Norway, tit# ilat For fall particular#, MlralN ar I Ml M >»aN | M. Ih- «Sf. of tha but when her 1Vn«U btr iula ■; U IU «*!•• a from kBtfa blad« a* yoa dalab H|i«ala. peace loving Ouray ; GOLDEN SPKCIKIC CO. I*i Rac St Jalc* your kni| irw* C«Mlrs«ll*N m *«**IIIm>« Wrl|M« ><»M-ICr*l«lnil I n \ ». h 4. L»'f M to* Ik* l»« aa aa*. Iraiatifl tka atat NlnartTa Ual* N4, ,«u mm* li w r»»l h 1m hm| | ■ r^U M*J nM •/ Has* frail I'm I aa loach fralt yua wlab now aa foal »»U«» •« nnrym^j' "An ItflM .1 •« *o t Ullee* Id an o«ib ualy Mill It i* not believed that *ha entertain* TV fhltoWlM Hat af !»*•• « ««l IB MM I a * nf«f MNflMrf MMjf. TV* MAirluit rra>arkal>W nm^W to cook liBtB«*l|»U I) ; If. bo«< \rr. ll l»f all ilrvfiUU. a warlike toward the " c< » ater to wbi'e*, but, Ilk* I« M T.« >««• tar^i la r«rn TkU »irtl, cat tnl 11 h*ap rirt>»r«4 t»r NKL«OM * Cd .llMIM, Mm*. spirit (Mr IMM. kill* MaMIUol bt tkf tai I'llllVtllrl with the i* in bad com* ( lMr«IM. (oi KM *f ••>«! u>«*. «• iw •a If "L r." At»—1'» Il.ttan frota di, |M, kti t *»a M»rM t* »ii*( p-t • 4ay <* m THEN YOU CAN »iUf»i"Lr" cook ll. Otcs the of the natioi, M WHIIM I on iw l«*4»f »( > I ik4 4m am* at- oil fr>*m hi* pany. «jjean aapai »• uf, t*iif aff J, louiiiu op p«pT -lair. >M • ■«» rr»» • •ha in uqw tha life of a common bf kU rtftiirtu of U«1 UMk Mi NtarnWr. Kim IM tWj ram W,;|.' prr*i*t*ri tl* belli r b*lf, If SCOTCH OIL! leading ua< « tilt at •»«« tin % u II It .MTkult lo watch u: »h«t'* tb»c«*r, utiil du«i I mm Ilk* Io- lata*, intrnl taj chare** af« »•* *•*' and o*ar. squaw. •"* ,7, •'lET BO" IF NECrSSARY. »t> I kr.-i» f'om'•gru|j< lulling Tr*a*art of *aM Ml tilkli w iW t>u b«i b Le I* tu t«k* THE BEST ten to 4» bm rmmtmm g*r»»ll*V I charkltd J habit with colored to ttrtkt Wat lb* ia«uM4ut lfcoro«a. ■m thru I II ■!■<>!! to MUM ttoir 'N'belp aoppooa," uc J oT Trait; UmMi <>•• bklf i- uod roil ALL LA* ».*»;•» *m4 MRUIil«, cotton-pickm lopajr IH0 BUB. p< Urt.Hi4fUifW.il I WtllM»«ilf»rtto»Ta«<'** • ur w >*c m lb* cl I • NRU oT »ag«r or l«»a will ba »offlcl«al When NiiiriAThn, hkcniluu, for higher «>km Tht citton L*t to b« Mil at •aeOoa. at itoa froa«uw» Itor H>|tr R. C. PINGREE k CO., pnWir h||| to can, the caca on tb« b»ck of toothaciik, rii.r*. it ft mhM hum aatarUr. !**•• miM to IV|lto IHW »• •*!< ready placa picked certain time. The colorrd ■ In Bkiki Amu To Tub 1*oimt. wa!»r and a'clovfc ia 11»* art*raa*a If Ml IB **•!•« A •NM f« I* W H IEWIST0N, ME. the riagr Is a pan of lakawarm (■ILRLM.1!*, •••. cotton-picker tnket ftdfftitftgn of thit »>lr >■« Ito ^.U^tor., A n* A I 1* (trndfil. l)l*ortlur »uj»r employer. ftt attar* can loaf or U tb« baat hftndt Col. Willi aau' pUntntioa, nur t I i»l inWn la all M»U» tf Hum riaefc ,<.atwr«, Tally— grtoaltUd 4»l of tb* rao*t nJ *j«i)trftl with eaoagh w»irr to melt It, and >tlr i 1 vim, w r coopliciUd Ja«t cottoo unlett 20 centt mot* per cut. «»■ ; ;• H >«ii|. «>ox u bara oear In • tUteace. I;U atally pal astll u»« lud, It will If placed I». M I au thlag* The man in of tb« P M.Uoaa. of order. a but Are and allowed to ataad. When gives. charge pUn- tar«. IW ri» Jl • A. P -J wa A- ■ *■* Work a tfttioa told the band* thftt b« to O. II. lU»0*.Ti*a».afl/JiJ, »<*•*' Stair Specialty. Qf—»y food, toajb food, *l"ppy food, boiling hot adJ iba Trait aaJ be careful to would g) 5-s2S5iSS^£SSi^k' ^ W IMk until the Trait la prwyafaJ regalor habit*, ud tatajr other tblag* ITu la aegl««-• of thepUntatioa, about it lit did eo. Lot hive nido the >or lot> tb caaa aad teal Imoedl* ii which w br, djae, p FOUR OUNCE i.TU>. AU mwnwlwn wUI to yfwBptfy ••••♦fad. oagbi PLUGS, Tb# negroes arcuaed him. "SS£*»--£tK: Amnlrta i iiUm of Plows! p«op:« dfiptpUc* ataly. .tP:o^vo-fC(,sMOKmft. "Wbftt't he 0. K. Swivel UrwrB * Flower bn d<>a* a of Una to cook each gwintir do about bit }" low. But Aagaat The length rtqalrad SCOTCH warranted a perfect Level I*n.l I wooderful work ib reform lag tbla aad ba»l fralt la aa follow*, aad akoald ba timed by 01L ftakftd the colored apokeemra. *o at: FOR MRNAL km ud Btklog lb« Amertcaa people a watch or clock, aaver gBHMd Ttc u tbe "I told Col. WiUiftou what yea want- ratal* blackbarrlca, Bat State Lieimcat World, — that c*a tbetr Cherrtaa. ANO healthy tbry eaj»y raapberrtca, Notice of r«rrrlMnra. r*r Iftfiai, Hpllata. Caaba, Ul»|k« 1MB ed, ftnd be didn't likt it." •Bd be carraau aad plaa*appla happy plo®». pracbea. •■4 til l'«aaf oral Kal«r|Mialii "Wbftt't be do r aboa.d ba cook ad fifteen mlautea j grape*, \1' 1IF.HE AH. KJirart IUi. h#| Wr Mil KiiArxi (winter O. K. of n. *IZ a. at »uap far tUkl platara r«rHat*f«, EXTERNAL USE. toaatoaa f >r- b»*e got Be dowB for baraleg two b*rrl«a, twtnty tnlnaUe, aad f Ainu, A. I> l«M, >U n r.iu, vi. luble to um moral auaaioa on Level Lam! Ploir, Few «wi«. MmmMb. 0Mt«| »i ikt jroa «Uf yiu" C»im :■ >■>>■■. I»»wliiiii. fret of in be *ald ralnatea twMli IWOiM «f IMi.lmk II", Cfcjl»» tboataad iu Ihom'xr," tf IffWry ThU »om«wbftt diaconcerted the l«alan<** ciiu'itr g«oera'!y raasaptbe NWI lliii, mI WatMiiid >»l ili»rtito«l m klltn. If jou want your oa tba oat* liM neat. I'M ttlM >*• go* bill*." Jalca which ntjf have dnpp-d TU.: llrfiMilf M • pmal »b»f» U» tmUt\f «-f mrrrt iMmMi wltk tka «n«tk Um» «( «)M| Ik«ll4 "Bat we Wert Dot at bom* Ib 0«(rB^r. a Ida of lb* can aa 1 In a root, dry (tifii "The returned tba u»rr- pUca (War* tkrr* »n-l Mr liU queatijb it," k«'t ItM kMk. IU.im*-l Kur*t; runaUnthr on hand We bt re ob tb« loat of November, la tba dark. If aa light la* Wool Carded ■n«l left day plact poaalbla, rw4» m Railra*! Html, U*»ra ntllM am, "will bin to re|*ini • IkM* *W you compel pertuftde *cd dlda't back ottll tb* flat day of caatrd fralt Tba matboda given Willi llM ly liM t( HiyM NfrtH to in fir»t cIim manner, caII on Manufacture! 11j •t*4 tor M will get jar** paralWI you ?* abo*« 1 hava hrtn ftry •acccatfal with laad af PMBUfl II. rtUWwk; iWirr »*»«»rlr Ikm Me. *A*f llait JaaatTy** Mi — Ulf ra4« « aafcl miWwk'l Mat. to mM Here wna a Paris. coneamrd It" aad caa commead —(food CktWIWI IWmhh »tol "Well. I cob prove that tba H(m< m UwmI bo* Aki wlwrnt, Um epoke»m«a ftp oo« of to* iliima mt ■lllww tea ten tw*k»n. Hit. IW«» Cole's « »•«"" k« .« 'JMkM. —Boll baabel mU fcwl., tU| muli* •.»>!«. t ta^U Ba| •bBt a p."* Tomato Carter Mill, tbe overaeer tod tftid, : Til* »»»«• I tot, Wt rrtwn of tit* Iwrarli »f IW n*4IUd* Iktwf, Carding proftcbed humbly Mil' ii«. ml «• VMM mm «r C«»»ti L t JOIIMSOM * CO P O »N at I*. "Did lied all wbea m tloaa antil aoft ti th« to thrjagh —■ «| |M1 yoa everytblBg rlgbt Hqaet • • dAi'a a ».»»• IcUlTP^»r«{•MM l«w!l 4ll P"***,!? MOST WONDERFUL "Ah! that I kaew tba malar three of bltrk p»ppar, o r xv a Kim minoUa b aipltlaa. UbIa»paTaia N U'er tbott daskiee were