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[L' E : MIT. Continuous }Cairfbridge: v ., l NewsAd Service| -IMassachusetts -[ i l |-|- Since 1881I i;.Friday -October -31,1989. V-H dz 109,_olume Number 47 lo w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orn p-o IC: 1 table r By Niraj S. Desai jected to harassment, intimida-I be shown on registration day of J The Academic Council appears tion, abuse, or degradation. either term, during Residence/ z to support a new MIT Policy on The Office of the Dean for Orientation Week, or in Kresge - Pornography that would prohibit Student Affairs and the Comnmit- Auditorium. Also, the sponsor- the showing of -pornographic tee on Discipline would handle ing group must give six weeks ad- films in Institute common areas, complaints under ' n er t~phi s ss d f l i .d fl d w t . R i i ¢ m y the policy. The vance notice before the showing. according to a letter from Faculty two) groups would determine The proposed policy differs Chair Henry D. F+ -Jacoby and As- whether the policy was violated, from the present one, Jacoby ." toeci-efiims~4hose .pumr *eif to condone thie'Sbor sociate Provost S. Jay Keyser. and what sanctions would : be said, in that it limits its scope to ;'.2&na -or, -eabl~e- ,- ~y'P'ersopittig`hubtsantia dsexy M' But the proposed policy is tenta- appropriate. films that use ;ex cXTmNaten! 1.Ca,,3u eci ;pspel,a coy i - sexually explicit tive, Jacoby said, and is still material to dehumanize .natiiiI0, V'outd be laltubd t£gaFt.de ee.4X Council seeks feedback or abuse 'every much up for discussion." subj ects, rather than films which . ., are (l} Vpreseniixin, a dehumanizedbway, as sexual -objects- MIT's thites-.tommodites,-12 preneltd ,- bi¢'3b Qho., The proposal states that, ex- Academic Council, are-merely X-rated or. unrated. th~ibitin rsa Serise'3 9k~ in,4being.. cept for educational or disciplin- which is composed of the Insti- Jacoby said he did not foresee a Age (4 press td 'as Alga jeo4ts, tied, C44,t mite ary purposes, "no pornographic tute's top academic officials, has problem in deciding what films -t'is>`.dr h- caly'yabuised in 'ithir wiiys.`Ffl ""ablilr fw films shall be shown in common discussed the pornography pro- meet the policy's criteria. .<"Are 'O particular - Oice r--bth because of--tfi,,r~ponedera~nce, areas" - including classrooms, posal and appears to support it, The draft also does not include . .. and~u he hWicic~dnd t~iMIT that :i~,ca-sd~ti~de miS-t disrup'. lecture halls, corridors, and dor- according to Jacoby and Keyser. a provision for prior restraint, .tioia of ,student-Hves hav'e"...nvoved mateflWof this Ape mitory common rooms. Films But before acting, the counlcil Jacoby said. Groups or individ- .... jyember -of,'the-.bsitute.- muniy,y brn a complait "would like to hear comments ..-yeof ollon f.Sisi plic -in -accord>c'with:-normal I' tute shown by students in their own uals wanting to show films would I rooms would not be affected. and suggestions from faculty, not be required. to I . pi>.isludmgDrowses tz10t, -Qffe,ofthe, Dean - or Stu- have them The policy is aimed at films students and staff." screened in advance. O:nly after a .+.Derisdottotabt wethr . xot.t a- s.ponogrAphic,.ODSA, that depict the degradation or Jacoby and Keyser have been complaint had been filed would I .m- C7,0D ,maY, in ¢p iate situlations,,66e tohinvite mcetntrs abuse of individuals, Jacoby circulating a draft copy of the the ODSA or COD involve "Ofie' .60mminit* to give their. views onlth queitioh;.oft wheth~r, it, said. For example, films meeting proposal, which is the product of themselves in a case. f~s. ith'the-above. defintles 6f, por~no~apzy., RODSA of-CADD' this definition might present sulb- a year's worth of deliberation, In November 1987, the Com.- Shy *en decn>& in accorance- wVit~'h is aske wht soi-n jects among student and faculty id St hfi` ,, v ,,'cys, *h^te or5,,''_as as enjoying rape or humilia- mittee on D~iscipline ruled unani- tion, or as sexual objects to be groups. The current draft has mously that the present pornog- ' 'A "" 'It. 09t ds-thatch-vioslion, as';occu+ t~h physically abused. A policy on been reviewed by the Faculty raphy policy constituted " an Committee for Student Affairs .:'. yone waesho~ £ sho a~lmjit,u i.a such films is needed, according excessive restraint on freedom of oX~o to the proposal, because "every- and the Faculty Policy Commit- ;> mgaphi.coneitfthe caption 6o ask ior ani iddsok'Q" ovinioA m 5 expression at MIT.' The COD's one who studies or works here tee, and reflects those discus- ruling came in a case involving has a right to enter and use [com- sions. The proposal has also been Adam L. Dershowitz '89, who mon areas] without being sub- discussed with the Graduate Stul- intentionally violated the policy denlt Council and sent to Under- in February 1987. The proposed Group lotoks at a'cadeznn; |;( Somputing" graduate Association President policy is, in part, an attempt to Paul Antico '91, Jacoby said.; By Irene C. Kuo vanced level of workstation'ser- at comparable deal with the COD's criticisms of I schools. Thle full faculty is scheduled to Provost John M. Deutch '61 vice and a basic level of Another priority is to examine the present policy, Jacoby said. has charged a committee with compatibility with personal com- discuss the draft proposal at its f the organization of academic Nov. 1S meeting. studying MIT's educational com- puters. "There is presently a ten- computing, Jacksonl said. The Mlinority' seat puting needs after major external inbtenavcdeuaio Last week, Jacoby and Keyser f' group will -have to determine sent letters -to MIT hosusemasters- suppot OrProjctAhenaends that requires workstations whether tv and in- development of curricu- and to Neal H.hEDorow, ODSA could be-os in a yeaAdo 4-.aim! ' ' ividual computing needs-ad ea- lulm softare'sol -be the task 3Bey~ond its- ex-amination of pabilities,' he ad'visor- to, independent living explained. "Not of -. depanmentsis _-scheols;--r-a -groups,. urging chei to Aebte irk Uambd". 0 Project Athena,--the Committee peveryhing ,centrals on Athena-needs its- staff as the, current lack 'the proposal widely among stul- By Linda- D'Angelo on Academic Comnputation for pwr, bt sm oAtido of a formal structure has given the 1990s will consider education- powerstudetsom do."n theirdown dents, to inform them of the Minority representation on the rise to some confusion. What lev- proposal, stimulate discussion, Cambridge City Council could be al uses of MIT's el central network, computers, a rate lower than that of minimal support faculty and seek their reactions and threatened if the black vote is .academic computing connected ( Please turn to page 2) with suggestions." split between the five black can- sponsored and unsponsored -a didates in the research projects, mainfrae and ia-nned Curren~t policy has Nov. 7 election, ac- r FGary enthz~ood ad no blanket ban cord ing to the Cambridge Chron- supercomputer resources at MIT, amM icle. Saundra Graham, who at and selected database resources Quwafs Am The current pornography poli- available from outside the close of this term will end her sources. % |Ad11i11 Ad in| BEl gmezto fleos cy does not prohibit the use of 18-yearI role as the only minority The group will rely on surveys words was By Reuven M. Lerner "'a moderate way" to MIT facilities for showing porno- representative on the council, has within MIT, consultations with The words " abortion"5 and soften the advertisement, he add- graphic films, but it does regulate j experts joined other black activists in at the Institute and "birth control" were cut without ed. He said that in the foulr years the time, place, and manner in urgingI the city's black population elsewhere, and visits to other warning from a Planned Parent- in which the telephone directories which they may be shown. A t universities. to vote for black candidates. hood advertisement in last year's have included advertising, only group wishing to show an unrat- Many pundits believe that in one other advertisement Committee members will focus MIT telephone directories, ac- has been ed or X-rated film must have an order to assure the victory of at on how -computing resources, cording to Merle Kummer, asso- changed. Institute committee review the least one of the black candidates, K John Pratt, both existing and yet-to-be- ciate director for operations at an associate direc- film in advance. If the film doest the group should run as a slate. implemented, can improve educa. the Planned Parenthood office in tor of the Whitehlead Institute for not meet the standards of the A few, including State Rep. Alvin tion, according to Gregory A. Cambridge. Biomedical Research and a mem- screening committee, it may not _(Please turn to page 2) Jackson '70, who directs the Mark.Wilson, manager of the ber of Planned Parenthood, dis- II groxup's data-collection activities Communications Office at the approved of the changes. He and provides its general support. MIT Department of Public Rtela- said, "In an adult community He said Margaret L. A. "IMac- tions Services, admitted to having like MIT, this kind of censoring Vicar's ('65) position as dew for -asked University Directories, doesn't seem appropriate." He undergrduate ducation eXwhich'n publishes tihe directories, added the same advertisement ap- title as committee chair fnders "to remove both words" from the peared, uncut, in last year's score this goal.