Alaska Oil (Spill) Education Spiral Curriculum

This Oil (Spill) Education spiral curriculum includes two tracks: “Ecosystems & Oil Pollution” and “Oil Resources & Energy Cycles.” As a spiral curriculum, lessons within each track build upon previous learning and prepare students for future lessons. The information is reinforced and solidified each time the student revisits the subject matter. The spiral curriculum also allows a logical progression from simplistic ideas to complicated ideas. The two tracks may be approached separately, or combined into a larger curriculum on “Ecosystems, Energy, and Oil.”

In its spiral form, a teaching team within schools or informal educators at learning centers can implement the curriculum year by year, building upon previous years’ lessons. On the other hand, most activities were designed with a broad audience age-range in mind. All lessons have the target age-range listed, and many include suggestions for adjusting the lesson for older or younger students. This allows educators to link 5-10 lessons together to create a cohesive unit plan for use during a single school year or quarter. The “Ecosystems and Oil Pollution” track is particularly easy to split into an elementary unit on ecosystems and a middle/high school unit on the effects of oil pollution on ecosystems.

Please bear in mind when choosing lessons for your students: this curriculum was created specifically for students that have no firsthand experience with oil spills. For this reason, great care was taken to ensure the activities were age-appropriate and would not induce undue fear in students. The lessons for younger ages begin with simple understanding and appreciation of ecosystems and energy. The potentially frightening topics related to oil spills should not be introduced until students are a bit older. However, in an unfortunate situation where students are directly affected by an oil spill, some of the activities designed for older students may be appropriate to help younger students process and understand what is unfolding around them.

Track 1: Ecosystems & Oil Pollution

Grades 9-10 Oil Spill Case Studies (different ecosystems) Efforts to Prevent & Clean Up Spills & Leaks

Ocean Literacy Principles: The Earth has one big ocean with many features. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected. The ocean is largely unexplored.

- Oil Spill in A Pan - Popcorn Spill - Oil’s Wandering Paths: ROV Ocean Surface Challenge - Oil’s Wandering Paths: ROV Challenge Stations

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

Title: Oil Spill In a Pan

This lesson plan is a compilation of several similar activities: - by Bonnie Jason - by Kara Johnson, Prince William Sound Science Center - and adapted by Elizabeth Trowbridge from Alaska Science and Marine Science Project: FOR SEA Poulsbo, , 98370 - with background information provided by Bruce McKenzie, Alaska Clean Seas

Theme: It is difficult and expensive to contain and clean up an oil spill.

Objectives: - Students will experiment with ways to contain and clean an oil spill. - Students will evaluate the challenges and efficiencies of various clean-up techniques. - Students will compare the success of different technologies under different conditions.

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Age Range: 6th-12th Grade

Materials: - Vegetable oil - Black tempera paint - Eye dropper - Clean up materials: - Nylon net - Nylon hose - Styrofoam - String - Straw or sticks - Fur or hair - Detergents - Seaweed/pondweed - Absorbent pads - Spoons, etc. - Large disposal containter (coffee can, etc.) - “Habitat” materials: - Grass - Mud

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - - Rocks - Sand - Fan (optional) - Saltwater - Freshwater - Worksheets - Clean-Up Response Worksheet - Clean-Up Cost Sheet - Pencils or pens - Newpapers - Aluminum pans or plastic bins (3 per group) - Stop watches - Ice cubes - Hot water


This hands-on activity is meant to simulate the challenges of containing and cleaning up an oil spill. This version of the activity has been adapted from many sources and includes an economic component as well as habitat and climate comparisons. It can be simplified for use with younger students or shorter duration.

Many different clean-up techniques were used following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Below a brief description of each technique is given. For more detailed information on various clean-up techniques and their merit, see references cited in the appendices. There are basically four ways to actively clean up oil spills: mechanical containment & recovery, application of dispersants, shoreline clean-up, and in-situ burning of oil. Another response, not always recognized, is “no response.” After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, NOAA studied sites that were not actively cleaned up and documented considerable survival and recovery of marine life.

Mechanical skimming of oil is considered the response method least harmful to the environment, but it requires large quantities of equipment and personnel, as well as fair weather. It is a multistage process – first you need to contain the oil, then you need to recover the oil, next you need to temporarily store and transport the oil, remove the water from the oil, and finally dispose of the oil. In each stage the oil is handled, so special safety equipment and training is needed. The process is time- consuming and can bottleneck at any stage, breaking down the system. Equipment used can include skimmers, booms, suctioning devices, and buckets.

Chemical dispersants are used to break oil into small droplets in the upper part of the water column. They cause a chemical change to occur in the oil that allows it to disperse into the water column. This removes oil from the surface, potentially reducing impact on surface-feeding and - animals. However, as the oil disperses through the water column and sea floor, it may increase the impacts on other species. Some of these species, such as small invertebrates and fish may

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - consume or absorb bits of oil and then be consumed by larger predators, increasing the threat of bio-accumulation (toxins being concentrated as you go up the food chain). Some studies show that dispersants speed up natural dispersion, degradation, and evaporation. Other studies show that the dispersants themselves are highly toxic and may be ineffective in cold waters. To be effective, dispersants must be applied soon after a spill, since weathered oils are hard to disperse. Mixing energy from wind and waves is also needed. Pre-approval is required from the government before dispersants can be applied on a spill.

Shoreline clean-up involves the physical removal of oil from beaches. This is the most labor and equipment intensive response method. Techniques must be chosen carefully. Removal of oiled sediments and biotic materials can sometimes create environmental problems such as beach erosion. Pressurized hot water used to wash oil off of rocks can kill intertidal invertebrates. Running heavy equipment on shorelines can sometimes do more damage than the oil. A variety of shoreline clean-up methods are available. The one(s) used depends on the beach type, location, type of oil, and the equipment and manpower available. Citizen clean-up programs after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill involved many different shoreline clean-up techniques, such as oiled seaweed pick-up on beaches. Seaweed is a natural oil collector so the more picked up meant less oil spread back out to bays and estuaries. Pom-poms made of oil-absorbent material were also used to pick up oil, and oil- absorbent pads were used to wipe off individual rocks. A rock washing program was developed by tying rocks in special bags where they would be washed by the tidal action of the ocean. Once back in the ocean, the oil can be picked up by mechanical skimming. Bioremediation, the use of fertilizer to increase populations of oil eating bacteria, was also tried.

Bio-remediation is the use of bacteria to eat the oil. There are many kinds of bacteria that occur naturally that consume oil to get their nutrients. This response method involves the release of large quantities of bacteria into the oiled area to eat the oil. While a useful tool, this has to be managed carefully and used in moderation to control depletion. If too many bacteria are added, they will use all the oxygen in the area, leaving none for the other organisms, often resulting in a dead zone, where nothing can live and there is a die-off of animals. This was a common method used in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon spill.

In-situ burning is the technique of burning the spilled oil. It creates a temporary air pollution problem that may pose a risk to people and animals exposed to the smoke. Unwanted fires can also happen, and controversy exists about this method’s effectiveness and . Burning works best on fresh oil within the first 24-48 hours. Specialized equipment and trained personnel are necessary.


Set up this activity outside if possible. If not, use old newspapers to cover the floor. Mix vegetable oil and black tempera paint and beat well to create pretend crude oil

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - students can safely work with. Fill two tubs per group with saltwater. Leave one tub as only water, but include “habitat” materials along one side of the other tub to represent intertidal habitats such as marshes, sandy beaches, and rocky intertidal zones. Give each group a different type of intertidal habitat: rocky intertidal (large rocks), sandy beach (sand), salt marsh (grass), mud flats (mud/clay), cobble beach (small rocks/pebbles), etc. Set up a clean-up material purchase station along one table.


Break students into groups and have each group gather around a tub of water. Introduce the lesson to students by explaining that you are going to create an oil spill in each pan. Their challenge is to investigate various containment and clean-up techniques. Discuss with them various clean-up products and methods, such as: skimmers and booms, dispersants (detergents), oiled seaweed or pompoms, absorbent pads, suctioning (eye dropper) and collecting with buckets. Each of these clean-up techniques comes with a cost: the cost of the material itself and the cost of disposal. Explain to students that each group has a $100,000 budget for their clean- up and oil disposal. Allow students to list alternative methods and experiment with them during the clean-up. Have students answer the first two questions of the worksheet.

Activities & Procedures:

Begin by placing a tablespoon of oil in the “open ocean.” Start the timer for one minute. As you wait for the oil spill response to begin, explain to students that they are trying to contain and remove the oil from the open ocean bin. If oil touches the edge of the open ocean bin, then it has moved into intertidal habitat – when this happens, you will place 1 tablespoon of oil into the tub with intertidal habitat. The students’ task is to contain, remove, and dispose of the oil as quickly as possible while staying within their $100,000 budget. If the oil cannot be contained and makes its way into the intertidal habitat, their task expands to include cleaning the habitat as best as possible.

After the minute passes, let the containment and clean-up begin! Students can send one representative per group to the purchase station to pick up materials and note the purchase on their cost sheet.

After two to three minutes, simulate a storm in each ocean tub by blowing or using a fan to move the oil around. Check tables to add a tablespoon of oil to the intertidal habitat bin as needed if the oil reaches the edge of their open ocean tub. (If any group is successful in containing and removing the oil before it reaches the edge of the tub, congratulate them on their efficiency, but still give them a new challenge by placing a tablespoon of oil in their intertidal habitat tub.)

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Continue the activity for 25 minutes, or until groups have reached their limit of clean-up activities. Have groups tally up their clean-up cost and estimate what percent of the oil was removed from the open ocean and intertidal habitat bins. Students should record this data on their worksheet and answer questions 3-5.

Have students share their data and record it on the board. What containment and clean up techniques seemed to be most successful? Which ones were least successful? Which techniques seemed to clean or contain the most oil for the least amount of cost? Did different techniques work better in different habitats? Did students develop any new materials or techniques? Analyze cost and percentage cleaned data to identify mean, median, and mode. As a group, identify the three most successful techniques that worked across habitats.

Now, it is time to change the climate and location of the spill. Allow each group to choose a new climate/location: warm saltwater with the same intertidal habitat type (80 degrees Fahrenheit), ice-filled seas (ice cubes), or a land-based spill (grass/dirt on either sides of the tub with a freshwater river or lake in the middle). Spill 1 tablespoon of oil into each tub, wait one minute, and then let students begin the clean-up with a new $50,000 budget and 15 minutes of time (since they only have one tub to clean). Be sure to simulate another storm by blowing on the tubs or using a fan. In the terrestrial habitat, sprinkle freshwater to simulate rain.

Have students tally up their cost, estimate the percent of oil they removed, and answer the final questions on the worksheet. Share this data with the class. Were the same techniques successful in different climates and locations?


Lead a class discussion, or have students reflect in writing about their experience. Have them first summarize what they learned about oil spill clean-up and identify the major challenges that they faced. Were they realistic challenges? What environmental factors influence clean-up and oil composition? In a new paragraph, ask students to state their opinion of the best techniques to clean up an oil spill. Are these techniques better than no response? Finally, students should respond to the prompt, “How clean is clean enough?” This is an area of debate among scientists, agency representatives, and local people who disagree about what “clean” really is. Ask students to explain how they would determine if an area affected by a spill was sufficiently cleaned and restored.


Assess worksheet answers for completeness, neatness, and accurate work. Because each clean up response will vary, use common sense and your own observations to evaluate student answers. Observe student cooperation, participation, and adherence to safety guidelines during group work. Evaluate student understanding of the challenges of containing and cleaning up a spill based on the effectiveness of

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - their clean up techniques, contributions during group discussions, and choice of changed location or climate for the spill.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Oil Spill In A Pan Clean Up Worksheet

Name ______Date ______

Oil Spill Clean-up

1. How do you think oil will interact with the coastline and the plants and animals that live there? Write a hypothesis, an educated guess.



2. Which materials do you think will work best to clean up the oil? Write a hypothesis, an educated guess.



3. Describe what happened. Were your hypotheses accurate?



4. Were you able to stay within your budget?



5. Write a conclusion about your experience cleaning up an oil spill with your funds and equipment.



2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Equipment and Techniques Cost Minutes of Use/ # used Total Cost Medicine dropper “skimmer” $100/minute

Rollers $1000/minute

Cotton ball $20/each

Oil Adsorbent Pad $50/each

Sponge $50/each

Nylon $30/each

Pipe Cleaner $50/each

Burlap Rope Boom $100/each

Nylon Rope Boom $75/each

Clothes Pin $100/each

Popsicle Sticks $25/each

Straws $25/each

Detergent $100/tablespoon

Total Equipment Cost 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Waste Disposal Cost Minutes of Use/ # used Total Cost Container for Wastewater $1,000/each

Discarded Roller $500/each

Discarded Cotton Ball $50/each

Discarded Oil Adsorbent Pad $100/each

Discarded Sponge $100/each

Discarded Nylon $50/each

Discarded Pipe Cleaner $100/each

Discarded Rope $250/each

Discarded Popsicle Stick $50/each

Discarded Straws $50/each

Labor $1,000/person/minute

Waste Subtotal

Equipment and Labor Subtotal

Total Cost Not to exceed $100,000 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Oil Spill In A Pan Standards

Science As Inquiry and Process: Students develop an understanding of the processes and applications of scientific inquiry.

SA1 Students develop an understanding of the processes of science used to investigate problems, design and conduct repeatable scientific investigations, and defend scientific arguments

The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:

[6, 7, 8, 9] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating

[10, 11] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, analyzing data, developing models, inferring, and communicating

[9] SA1.2 hypothesizing, designing a controlled experiment, making qualitative and quantitative observations, interpreting data, and using this information to communicate conclusions

[10] SA1.2 reviewing pertinent literature, hypothesizing, making qualitative and quantitative observations, controlling experimental variables, analyzing data statistically (i.e., mean, median, mode), and using this information to draw conclusions, compare results to others, suggest further experimentation, and apply student’s conclusions to other problems

[11] SA1.2 recognizing and analyzing multiple explanations and models, using this information to revise student’s own explanation or model if necessary

SA2 Students develop an understanding that the processes of science require integrity, logical reasoning, skepticism, openness, communication, and peer review.

The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:

[9] SA2.1 formulating conclusions that are logical and supported by evidence

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - [10] SA2.1 examining methodology and conclusions to identify bias and determining if evidence logically supports the conclusions

Concepts of Life Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, facts, evidence, systems, and processes of life science.

SC3 Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by:

[10] SC3. 2 exploring ecological relationships (e.g., competition, niche, feeding relationships, symbiosis)

[11] SC3.2 analyzing the potential impacts of changes (e.g., climate change, habitat loss/gain, cataclysms, human activities) within an ecosystem

Science and Technology: Students develop an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society.

SE1 Students develop an understanding of how scientific knowledge and technology are used in making decisions about issues, innovations, and responses to problems and everyday events.

The student demonstrates an understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by:

[6] SE1.1 recognizing that technology cannot always provide successful for problems or fulfill every human need

History and Nature of Science: Students develop an understanding of the history and nature of science.

SG3 Students develop an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change as new evidence becomes available through experimental and/or observational confirmation(s).

The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by:

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - [10] SG3.1 using experimental or observational data to evaluate a hypothesis

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

Title: Popcorn Spill

Adapted from OBIS Oil Spill, Delta Education, Box M, Nashua, New Hampshire 03061, used with permission.

Theme: Winds and currents spread oil from a spill very quickly, making it difficult to contain and clean up.

Objectives: - Students will estimate the environmental impact of a simulated oil spill. - Students will understand the impact of winds and currents on an oil spill.

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Age Range: 6th-12th Grade


- 20 liters of popped popcorn - Impact Challenge Cards - Pencils - Guides for identifying saltwater/freshwater organisms - 1 plastic bucket or can with a metal handle (about 20 liters in volume) - 1 50 cm x50 cm piece of plastic window screen, nylon mosquito netting, or several 50 cm x 50 cm sheets of small mesh cheese cloth - 1 large , strip of inner tube, or elastic band that will fit snugly around the plastic bucket - 3 100-cm lengths of wide duct tape or masking tape - 25 meters of heavy twine or light rope marked off in 5-meter intervals -1 mini-hacksaw, jigsaw, or serrated knife - Permanent marker


In spite of precautionary measures to prevent them, oil spills from ships, offshore drilling operations, pipelines, and natural seepage continue. As past spills have so tragically demonstrated, a major oil spill can take a devastating toll on wildlife. Inshore fisheries, shorebirds, intertidal organisms, and shallow subtidal organisms are most often harmed because spills usually occur in the shallow coastal areas where these organisms are concentrated. The environmental impact of an oil spill depends on the size of the spill, the prevailing wind and water conditions during the spill, and the variety and abundance of life (both wild and human) in the affected

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - area.


To make a popcorn slinger, cut out the bottom of the bucket with a hacksaw, jigsaw, or knife. With the bucket turned upside down, place the screen material over the open end of the bucket. Let the material drape over the side. With the duct tape or masking tape, tightly tape the edge of the screen material to the bucket. Firmly tie the 25-meter line to the metal handle on the bucket and tie a loop (large enough to go over a nearby rock or post) at the other end of the line.

Determine the location for your simulated spill. Although developed for the seashore, this activity may also be conducted at a lake, river, or stream. Reduce the amount of popcorn for smaller bodies of water. The activity will be more exciting if you choose a site with strong dispersal features (such as water currents and wind) and an abundance of life. Breakwaters or docks are convenient places from which to toss popcorn into the water. If you conduct the activity at an inland site where oil spills rarely occur, tell students that the activity simulates a toxic chemical discharge from an industrial or agricultural source.


Before you reach the site, discuss safety and assign a buddy system. Keep an eye on any non-swimmers.

At the site, tell the students that they are environmental impact experts who have been rushed to the scene of an oil spill to estimate its impact on the environment. Say that you will simulate the oil spill by tossing out a large bucket of popcorn to represent the oil. Explain you are using popcorn because it will not harm the environment, and it floats like refined oil.

Activities & Procedures:

Explain to your group of “experts” that they are responsible for estimating the impact of the spill on (a) the landscape, (b) the plant life, (c) the animal life, and (d) human activities. Divide the group into four smaller groups (keep buddies together), and give each group an Impact Challenge Card. Tell the teams to assume that anything the popcorn touches will be covered with oil.

Now you are ready to use your popcorn slinger. With the loop of the rope anchored to a rock or post, practice tossing the bucket a few times before putting in the popcorn. Take a strategic but secure position on a dock, breakwater, or large rock. The rope should be loosely coiled on a flat surface below your tossing arm so the rope will fly out freely when the bucket is tossed. Make sure you are not standing on the rope. When you are ready, grab the rope about a meter from the metal handle and start swinging the popcorn slinger over your head. When the bucket has

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - gathered momentum, let it fly out over the water. Try to pick a location where you can toss the bucket with the wind instead of against it.

Before you toss out the popcorn, ask the students to predict in which direction the spill will move and how long it will take to reach the shore. Ask someone to measure the time it takes for the spill to reach the shore or some other reference point.

After you have gotten the knack for tossing the bucket, place a small flat rock (about 200 grams) in the bucket and then put in about 20 liters of popcorn. With the teams ready to time and follow the spill, toss out the slinger. After landing, the rock will help pull the bucket under the water and the buoyant popcorn will be forced out the top of the bucket. Let the bucket sink beneath the surface before hauling it in so the spill won’t be disturbed.

Count the marked intervals on the rope as you haul in the bucket to determine the spill’s starting distance from the shore. Ask your environmental experts to begin their investigation. Join in and follow the movement of the spill with the rest of the group.

Near the end of the allotted time or after the spill has been thoroughly dispersed, gather the students together to have a SLICK TALK to report their findings. If you would like, you can give students a chance to (safely) attempt to remove the popcorn from the water using a variety of techniques.


At the end of your SLICK TALK, discuss the following questions: 1. How quickly did the spill reach the shore? 2. What agents dispersed the spill? 3. How might different wind or water conditions affect the spill? 4. How could an oil spill be prevented from spreading? 5. Who should be responsible for cleaning up a spill?


Listen as students describe their findings to each other during the SLICK TALK as a formative assessment. Observe participation, cooperation, and adherence to safety guidelines during group work.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Impact Challenge Cards

Impact Challenge Card #1 Impact Challenge Card #2 Landscape Plant Life

Follow the spill and estimate its impact on the landscape. Follow the spill and estimate its impact on plant life. Get the 25-meter length of rope from the popcorn slinger and use it to estimate the area the spill covers. • How many different types of plants were affected? • Which water plants and algae were hardest hit by Water ______sq. meters (length x width) the spill? Why? Land ______sq. meters (length x width) • How might an oil spill affect land plants? • How would animals that eat aquatic plants be • Where did most of the oil end up? Why? affected? • How might the underwater landscape be affected? • How did the oil spill change the general appearance of the landscape?

Impact Challenge Card #3 Impact Challenge Card #4 Animal Life Human Activities

Follow the spill and estimate its impact on animal life. Follow the spill and estimate its impact on human activities. • How many different types of animals were covered with oil? • How might an oil spill affect recreation like • What animals were hardest hit by the spill? Why? fishing, swimming, kayaking, and beachcombing? • Which animals might be capable of escaping from • How might boats, docks, breakwaters, and other an oil spill? Which animals might not be able to? structures be affected? • How might an oil spill affect animals that live • How might drinking water or food be affected? under rocks along the shore? • How might the local industries be affected?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Popcorn Spill Standards

Science As Inquiry and Process: Students develop an understanding of the processes and applications of scientific inquiry.

SA1 Students develop an understanding of the processes of science used to investigate problems, design and conduct repeatable scientific investigations, and defend scientific arguments

The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:

[6, 7, 8, 9] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating

[10, 11] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, analyzing data, developing models, inferring, and communicating

SA2 Students develop an understanding that the processes of science require integrity, logical reasoning, skepticism, openness, communication, and peer review.

The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:

[9] SA2.1 formulating conclusions that are logical and supported by evidence

Concepts of Life Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, facts, evidence, systems, and processes of life science.

SC3 Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by:

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - [11] SC3.2 analyzing the potential impacts of changes (e.g., climate change, habitat loss/gain, cataclysms, human activities) within an ecosystem

Science and Technology: Students develop an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society.

SE1 Students develop an understanding of how scientific knowledge and technology are used in making decisions about issues, innovations, and responses to problems and everyday events.

The student demonstrates an understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by:

[6] SE1.1 recognizing that technology cannot always provide successful solutions for problems or fulfill every human need

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

Title: Oil’s Wandering Paths – ROV Ocean Surface Challenge

By Prince William Sound Science Center,, with funding from the Oil Spill Recovery Institute.

Theme: It is challenging to clean up oil once it has been spilled.

Objectives: - Students will work cooperatively to design and build an ROV (remotely operated vehicle) in response to a mock oil spill. - Students will demonstrate how to operate equipment similar to real-life oil response equipment.

Duration: 3-6 hours (depending on age level/time availability, can be split into 2-3 days)

Age Range: 6th-12th Grade

Materials: ROV Build Materials (all available through PWSSC): - “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” power point presentation - “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet - “Points to Ponder When Designing ROVs” handout - “ROV Frame Examples” handout - ROV motors (3/team), control box and umbilical (1/team) - ROV power source (battery or wall adapter) and connection harness (1/team) - PVC pipe cut into various lengths (total 10 to 20 feet for each ROV) and drilled through to allow water to drain - PVC connectors o 12" PVC (4) o 6" PVC (10) o 4" PVC (8) o 3" PVC (10) o L (90°) connector (10) o T connector (10) o Elbow (45°) connector (6) o + connector (2) o _ connector (2) - Foam pipe insulation - Zip ties - Electrical tape

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - - Fishing - Netting - Clippers - Pliers Ocean Surface Challenge Materials: - Boom - constructed from: o nylon rope o foam floats or bits of foam o netting o large metal washers - Popcorn - Hand held strainers


ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) have received a lot of attention recently because of their use in the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. They were used both to record the amount of oil entering the water and in attempts to cap the well. Although ROVs were not used in the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill clean up, they are now a valuable technology in oil exploration, oil spill prevention through monitoring of oil extraction and transportation, and oil spill response. ROVs can go where it is too dangerous or expensive to send people and can be used to perform tasks or gather data and important information.

In this exciting activity, students work in teams to design a functional ROV and then deploy it at the beach or harbor to complete a series of oil spill response challenges. Oil’s Wandering Paths – ROV Challenge Stations is an alternative lesson that takes place in a pool or small body of water. These lessons can be combined, if you have access to both a harbor/beach and pool/pond. The process of creating the ROVs is the same in both lessons; only the final tests differ.


The worksheets, handouts, power point, and most of the build materials for this lesson are available from the Prince William Sound Science Center. Contact the Prince William Sound Science Center ( or [email protected]) to request the ROV Teaching Kit well in advance of your lesson. The PWSSC lesson materials focus on an arctic environment, but can be adapted to other environments if you so choose.

Determine number of groups in class (groups of 3-5 students) and divide the supplies for each group. Print 1 copy of “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet for each student and 1 copy each of “ROV Frame Examples” and “Points to Ponder” for each group. Charge ROV batteries.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Decide upon your location for the ocean surface challenge. Talk to the harbor master to arrange a time to conduct the ocean surface challenge in the harbor or identify a good beach location.

Create model boom by stringing or attaching foam to the nylon rope (to make it float) and attaching the netting below, with washers to it down. Before the ocean surface challenge, place netting or extra boom at the end of the boat slip in the harbor. If you are at a beach location, it is ideal, but not necessary, to set up this netting around the area where the “spill” will take place.


Hand out the “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet to each student. Give “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” presentation to the class and work through the worksheet questions. Provide students with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and provide suggestions about designing an ROV and responding to the challenges.

Divide the class into companies of 3-5 students. Hand out “ROV Frame Examples” and “Points to Ponder” to each group. Explain to each group that they will be a company and have to come up with their name and an ROV design. Give companies approximately 20 minutes design their ROVs. Companies must have their design approved before starting to build. The ROV design may be modified or changed later, but students should have some direction when beginning. Frame design must meet challenge tasks. Students should have access to the PVC parts and other materials as they design their ROV, but should not actually build anything.

Once companies are finished with their designs they are given their build kit and can start to build their ROV frames using PVC piping and motor sets. Provide at least 45 minutes and up to 3 hours for this process. Students should review the “Points to Ponder” hand out as they construct their ROV.

After initial frames have been built, demonstrate to each company how to attach the motors with zip-ties. Explain that companies must inspect the motor rotation and decide on a configuration for motors, based on the “Points to Ponder.” Guide students towards the correct placement for each motor in order to achieve the desired configuration; students secure the motors to their frame.

Once the motors are attached, companies should attach netting if desired and foam for . While companies are building and adjusting their ROV, rotate through companies to check for teamwork. Remind students to keep the “Points to Ponder” in mind. When some progress has been made, ask each company to present their ROV design to their classmates and receive critical feedback about how their ROV will accomplish the required tasks. While students are completing their ROV frames, make sure each frame and motors are tightened so nothing falls off in the water.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Before moving on to the water challenge, review procedures and remind students that there will be no swimming or wading. Remind students to keep batteries and control boxes away from water. When the ROV is being operated there must be always be a tether manager. Review the challenge and explain the point break down to students.

Perform a float check. Student companies bring their ROV to water’s edge and conduct a float test: does the ROV sink or float? Can it drive straight? Do ballast, floatation, or motor placement need to be adjusted? Provide students with 30 minutes to make any necessary adjustments.

Then begin the surface challenge. Divide the companies into 1-3 response teams so that each team has 3-4 ROVs and provide each response team with hand strainers and boom. Toss 6 cups of popcorn into the “spill area” and begin the timer.

The response team must wait 3 minutes before their ROVs can be deployed, but this time can be used to plan their response and attach boom and other tools to ROVs. Instruct the response team that all popcorn must be removed to shore. Student on the response team cannot go in the water (in fact, no students may go in the water), but they can use strainers to remove popcorn from the water’s edge. Explain that the following demerits will be added to their time: o Team member bickers, argues, or acts with disrespect (30 seconds) o Team member enters the water (30 seconds) o Team pulls tether to move ROV (30 seconds) o Clean up materials or ROV parts are lost (2 minutes)

You may choose to explain the following successful strategy to the response teams, or let them design their own response: 2 ROVs stretch boom between them to contain the popcorn while the other 1-2 ROVs scoop or push the popcorn to the water’s edge where team members can scoop the popcorn out of the water with the strainer. When the first response team succeeds in removing all of their popcorn, stop the timer and remove all of the ROVs from the water. Record the time and add any time demerit s to calculate their final time.

Repeat the process with response team 2 and 3, as necessary. The response team with the fastest final clean up time is the winner.


Once all groups have completed the challenge, have student teams disassemble their ROVs and return all materials to kit. Students need to clean up all foam, zip ties, tape and other trash before leaving.

Debrief the experience with students. Review the essential properties of water that affect ROVs (, density, buoyancy). Discuss which challenges were difficult or easy to complete. Review concepts of aquatic oil spills and how we can use

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - technology to respond. Ask students why ROV’s might prove useful in oil spill response. What are some of the challenges to using an ROV in oil spill response? What are some of the benefits? Evaluation:

Assess student groups based on their successful completion of the surface challenge and final response time.

Sources: Harry Bohm and Vickie Jensen, Build Your Own Underwater Robot and Other Wet Projects. Vancouver, B.C.: Westcoast Words, 1997. “Build your own ROV,” Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute website.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV Design and Oil Spill Response


2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Agenda

 Introduction to ROVs  Company teams conceptual design of ROV  Build ROV  Peer review of ROV design  Continue to build ROV  Poolside rules and challenge review  Float test in pool  Challenge competition in pool  Clean up  Wrap up

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - What is an ROV?

 Who can tell me what is an ROV?

 How can ROVs help us in the ocean?

 How do we operate an ROV?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - worksheet question What is an ROV?

 ROV = Remotely Operated Vehicle  Unoccupied, remotely controlled submersible vehicle  Used in deep and shallow underwater applications 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - arctic/logs/july23/media/dripping_rov.html What parts does an ROV have?

 Arms/manipulators  Navigation, GPS,  Lights Umbilical  Camera  Collection  Other specialized tools

Control box Battery Underwater robot

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Our Arctic is Opening Up

The Arctic is facing major challenges as the ice melts

More shipping, oil and gas exploration happening An oil spill in the Arctic would be a huge disaster

Many plants and animals would be harmed

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - What is it like in the Arctic?

 Remote  Dark  Extreme weather  Shallow water

 Ice covered water  The ice is often unpredictable  Freezing conditions 2014 Alaska Oilhttp://www.alaskadispatch.c Spill Curriculum - om/ worksheet question How could using ROVs help us in the Arctic?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - worksheet question Oil Exploration

During a recent exploratory oil drilling mission, the Black Gold Oil Company (BGOC) successfully located an offshore, ice- covered oil reserve and started extracting


A magnitude 5.5 earthquake struck and part of the pumping equipment separated under the ice

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - BGOC has contracted your company to build an ROV and:

1) Perform a scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice

2) Take a sample from a pool of oil under the ice

3) Return the sample to an analyzing station

4) Transport a piece of surface equipment

5) Respond to the open water spill in the polynya and remove oil from the surface

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -


 We are going to build ROVs to “respond” to an oil spill that occurs in the Arctic  Break into Companies of 3-4 students each  Study frame designs provided  Review Points to Ponder  Design your company’s ROV frame  You must design your ROV before getting the bag of ROV parts  Parts and challenge props are available to study  Peer review of designs part way through build  Float test in pool before challenge begins

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Your Parts

 PVC pipe (different  1 control box, umbilical, lengths) and set of 3 motors  PVC joints  Battery and harness L  Foam floatation T  Zip ties  Electrical tape <  Weights +  Netting __  Clippers  Pliers

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Motors are inside of frame

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Flotation is above weight

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV looks unbalanced; tilted

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV is neutrally buoyant in water column

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - -The-2008-MATE-ROV-Challenge.html

ROV has appropriate attachments for challenge

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

PWSSC 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - PWSSC 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Structure

The structure is the frame and keeps the ROV together  Bigger ≠ Better  Think of what the ROV must do to accomplish the tasks  Distribute weight evenly

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Purpose

 What are the specific tasks of the challenge?  What shapes/attachments/tools does your ROV need to accomplish the tasks?  Where in the water column does your ROV need to operate?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Motor Placement

 Attach motors with zip ties  Motors must be completely inside the frame  Motors must be underwater when the ROV is at the surface  Up/down motor is best placed as close to the center of the ROV as possible  Side motors can be placed at front, middle or back of ROV but must be balanced  If the motors are not balanced, the ROV will tilt  Test motors so you know which way they spin before attaching them to the frame

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Buoyancy

 You will use foam insulation for floatation  Attach floatation with zip ties  ROV should be neutrally buoyant and balanced  Think of where your weight is  You want floatation over the weight  Balance floatation so ROV doesn’t tilt or point up/down  You can attach ballast if needed

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Operation

 You will be by water – you are not to go into the water  Tether Manager controls tether for the ROV Operator. Operator will pass the control box to Tether Manager when his/her turn is up. The next person in line will become Tether Manager, etc.  Keep batteries away from water  Do not drop control box in water

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - DESIGN YOUR OWN ROV!


Directions: As you watch the power point presentation, complete the following questions.

1. What is an ROV? (slide 2)



2. How can ROVs help us in the ocean? (slide 2)



3. How do we operate ROVs? (slide 3)



4. What are three environmental challenges to working in the Arctic? (slide 6)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

5. How could using ROVs help us in the Arctic? (slide 7&8)




2. umbilical ______

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Oil Spill Response Challenge Objectives and Scoring (100 points total) During a recent exploratory oil drilling mission, the Black Gold Oil Company (BGOC) successfully located an offshore, ice-covered oil reserve and started extracting oil. The location was near a large opening completely surrounded by ice. While BGOC was in the process of pumping oil, there was a magnitude 5.5 earthquake which resulted in part of the pumping equipment separating under the ice. The BGOC had emergency response protocols in place and were able to shut down the pump within one hour, but not before oil was released both under the ice as well as into the large area of open water surrounded by ice. BGOC has contracted your company to build an ROV and then use it to locate, sample and identify ice-trapped oil, and help with both under-ice and ocean surface response operations: Task 1: Perform a scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice 5 points Simulated by driving the ROV back and forth to a small stationary underwater ring

Task 2: Take a sample from a pool of oil in the ice 5 points Simulated by surfacing the ROV inside a large floating ring and holding position for 5 seconds

Task 3: Return sample and have it analyzed 10 points Simulated by positioning the ROV in front of a stationary underwater square and holding position for 5 seconds

Task 4: Deliver a piece of equipment inside an station 20 points Simulated by flying ROV through a large stationary underwater ring (5 points), picking up an underwater small ring (5 points) and depositing small ring on a PVC arm (10 points)

Task 5: Transport floating equipment 10 points Simulated by throwing a beach ball out onto water’s surface and returning it using the ROV

Task 6: Respond to an open water surface oil patch in a polyana 25 points Simulated by gathering and removing floating popcorn/ping-pong balls from the water’s surface

Teamwork All team members participate in designing, building, and breaking down 25 points the ROV (10 points). All team members drive ROV during challenge (5 points). Team members give each other positive encouragement (5 points). Team members observe and obey all safety rules (5 points). Team members bicker, argue, or act with disrespect (-5 points). In Water Teams will have 15 minutes to test their ROVs in the water and make any changes to buoyancy, attachments, etc. Once the competition starts teams will lose 5 points for each pool-side modification to their ROV. Please do not pull the tether to speed recovery of items; teams will lose 5 points each time they pull the tether. There will be a “seal” in the water to help recover tangled machines however a team will lose 5 points if they use the seal.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - COMPANY NAME: ______


Draw your ROV design below ______

ROV FRAME DESIGN Approved by Teacher ______

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder when designing ROVs

STRUCTURE The structure is the frame and keeps the ROV together  Bigger ≠ Better  Think of what the ROV must do to accomplish t he tasks  Distribute weight evenly

PURPOSE  What are the specific tasks of the challenge?  What shapes/attachments/tools does your ROV need to accomplish the tasks?  Where in the water column does your ROV need to operate (at the surface or down in the water?

MOTOR PLACEMENT  Attach motors with zip ties  The propellers should not be able to hit a wall or floor  Motors must be underwater when the ROV is at the surface  Up/down motor is best placed as close to the center of the ROV as possible  Side motors can be placed at front, middle or back of ROV  Test motors so you know which way they spin before attaching them to the frame

BUOYANCY  You will use foam insulation for floatation  Attach floatation with zip ties  The top of the ROV should float level just at the surface  Think of where your weight is  You want floatation over the weight  Balance floatation so ROV doesn’t tilt or point up/down  You can attach ballast (additional weight) if needed

OPERATION  You will be by water – you are not to go into the water  Tether Manager controls tether for the ROV Operator. Operator will pass the control box to Tether Manager when his/her turn is up. The next person in line will become Tether Manager, etc.  Keep batteries away from water  Do not drop control box in water

“Points to Ponder” adapted from “What works, what won’t: 10 rules for designing a sub” in Build Your Own Underwater Robot by Harry Bohm and Vickie Jensen.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

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2014PWSSC Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -


2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV Challenge Standards

Science As Inquiry and Process: Students develop an understanding of the processes and applications of scientific inquiry.

SA1 Students develop an understanding of the processes of science used to investigate problems, design and conduct repeatable scientific investigations, and defend scientific arguments

The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:

[6, 7, 8, 9] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating

[10, 11] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, analyzing data, developing models, inferring, and communicating

SA2 Students develop an understanding that the processes of science require integrity, logical reasoning, skepticism, openness, communication, and peer review.

The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:

[9] SA2.1 formulating conclusions that are logical and supported by evidence

Concepts of Physical Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, universal principles, and facts that explain the physical world.

SB4 Students develop an understanding of motions, , their characteristics and relationships, and natural forces and their effects.

The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:

[10] SB4.1 recognizing that when one thing exerts a on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Concepts of Life Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, facts, evidence, systems, and processes of life science.

SC3 Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by:

[11] SC3.2 analyzing the potential impacts of changes (e.g., climate change, habitat loss/gain, cataclysms, human activities) within an ecosystem

Science and Technology: Students develop an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society.

SE1 Students develop an understanding of how scientific knowledge and technology are used in making decisions about issues, innovations, and responses to problems and everyday events.

The student demonstrates an understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by:

[6] SE1.1 recognizing that technology cannot always provide successful solutions for problems or fulfill every human need

SE2 Students develop an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity that lead to the exploration of multiple paths that are analyzed using scientific, technological, and social merits.

The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking by:

[6] SE2.1 identifying and designing a to a problem

[7, 8] SE2.1 identifying, designing, testing, and revising solutions to a local problem

[9] SE2.1 questioning, researching, modeling, simulating, and testing a solution to a problem

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

[10, 11] SE2.1 questioning, researching, modeling, simulating, and testing multiple solutions to a problem

[6, 7] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to investigate a question or problem

[8] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to investigate and evaluate potential solutions to a question or problem

History and Nature of Science: Students develop an understanding of the history and nature of science.

SG3 Students develop an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change as new evidence becomes available through experimental and/or observational confirmation(s).

The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by:

[10] SG3.1 using experimental or observational data to evaluate a hypothesis

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

Title: Oil’s Wandering Paths – ROV Challenge Stations

By Prince William Sound Science Center,, with funding from the Oil Spill Recovery Institute.

Theme: It is challenging to clean up oil once it has been spilled.

Objectives: - Students will work cooperatively to design and build an ROV (remotely operated vehicle) in response to a mock oil spill. - Students will demonstrate how to operate equipment similar to real-life oil response equipment.

Duration: 3-6 hours (depending on age level/time availability, can be split into 2-3 days)

Age Range: 6th-12th Grade

Materials: ROV Build Materials (all available through PWSSC): - “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” power point presentation - “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet - “Points to Ponder When Designing ROVs” handout - “ROV Frame Examples” handout - “Oil Spill Response” point sheet - “Oil Spill Challenge” diagram - ROV motors (3/team), control box and umbilical (1/team) - ROV power source (battery or wall adapter) and connection harness (1/team) - PVC pipe cut into various lengths (total 10 to 20 feet for each ROV) and drilled through to allow water to drain - PVC connectors o 12" PVC (4) o 6" PVC (10) o 4" PVC (8) o 3" PVC (10) o L (90°) connector (10) o T connector (10) o Elbow (45°) connector (6) o + connector (2) o _ connector (2) - Foam pipe insulation

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - - Zip ties - Electrical tape - Fishing weights - Netting - Clippers - Pliers Challenge Station Materials: - Hula hoops (2/testing station) - Medium sized rings (1/testing station) - Weights for hoops and rings (3/testing station) - Tethers (3/testing station) - Square 1’ PVC frames (1/testing station) - bucket with lid (1/testing station) - PVC arm (1.5’ tall with 0.5’ arm) (1/testing station) - Beach balls (1/testing station) - Ping pong balls (inside) - Volunteers (1/group)


ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) have received a lot of attention recently because of their use in the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. They were used both to record the amount of oil entering the water and in attempts to cap the well. Although ROVs were not used in the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill clean up, they are now a valuable technology in oil exploration, oil spill prevention through monitoring of oil extraction and transportation, and oil spill response. ROVs can go where it is too dangerous or expensive to send people and can be used to perform tasks or gather data and important information.

In this exciting activity, students work in teams to design a functional ROV and then deploy it in a pool or small water body to complete a series of oil spill response challenges. Oil’s Wandering Paths – ROV Ocean Surface Challenge is an alternative lesson that takes place at a harbor or beach. These lessons can be combined, if you have access to both a harbor/beach and pool/pond. The process of creating the ROVs is the same in both lessons; only the final tests differ.


The worksheets, handouts, power point, and most of the build materials for this lesson are available from the Prince William Sound Science Center. Contact the Prince William Sound Science Center ( or [email protected]) to request the ROV Teaching Kit well in advance of your lesson. The PWSSC lesson materials focus on an arctic environment, but can be adapted to other environments if you so choose.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Determine number of groups in class (groups of 3-5 students) and divide the supplies for each group. Print 1 copy of “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet for each student and 1 copy each of “ROV Frame Examples” and “Points to Ponder” for each group. Charge ROV batteries.

Decide upon your location for the challenge stations. Talk to the pool director and reserve pool time or determine an appropriate location at the beach or nearby lake.

Before the challenge stations, set up stations for each group to work through (see diagram). Each station will consist of: • 1 hula hoop submerged vertical in pool at depth • 1 medium sized weighted ring submerged vertical in pool at depth • 1 hula hoop horizontal floating on surface • 1 1’x1’ square vertical in pool at depth • 1 ring hook/weighted bucket • 1 beach ball • Ping pong balls • 1 “human seal” who is in water and can retrieve/reset challenge materials, untangle ROVs, etc (with appropriate gear if in ocean or lake)

Use weights and tethers to set up one hula hoop submerged vertically in the pool. Place another hoop, beach ball, and group of ping pong balls floating on the surface in different areas of the pool. Tape or zip-tie weights onto the bottom of a medium sized ring to get it to stay submerged and upright in the pool. Tape or zip-tie weights to the bottom of the 1’ x 1’ square so it will float upright above the bottom of the pool. Finally, create a ring hook by attaching an arm made of wire or PVC to a 5-gallon bucket. Then place weights in the bucket it and set it on the bottom of the pool.


Hand out the “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” worksheet to each student. Give “ROV Design and Oil Spill Response” presentation to the class and work through the worksheet questions. Provide students with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and provide suggestions about designing an ROV and responding to the challenges.

Divide the class into companies of 3-5 students. Hand out “ROV Frame Examples” and “Points to Ponder” to each group. Explain to each group that they will be a company and have to come up with their name and an ROV design. Give companies approximately 20 minutes design their ROVs. Companies must have their design approved before starting to build. The ROV design may be modified or changed later, but students should have some direction when beginning. Frame design must

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - meet challenge tasks. Students should have access to the PVC parts and other materials as they design their ROV, but should not actually build anything.

Once companies are finished with their designs they are given their build kit and can start to build their ROV frames using PVC piping and motor sets. Provide at least 45 minutes and up to 3 hours for this process. Students should review the “Points to Ponder” hand out as they construct their ROV.

After initial frames have been built, demonstrate to each group how to attach the motors with zip-ties. Explain that teams must inspect the motor rotation and decide on a configuration for motors, based on the “Points to Ponder.” Guide students towards the correct placement for each motor in order to achieve the desired configuration; students secure the motors to their frame.

Once the motors are attached, groups should attach netting if desired and foam for buoyancy. While teams are building and adjusting their ROV, rotate through groups to check for teamwork. Remind students to keep the “Points to Ponder” in mind. When some progress has been made, ask each group to present their ROV design to their classmates and receive critical feedback about how their ROV will accomplish the required tasks. While students are completing their ROV frames, make sure each frame and motors are tightened so nothing falls off in the water.

Before moving on to the water challenge, review water safety procedures and remind students that there will be no swimming or wading. Remind students to keep batteries and control boxes away from water. When the ROV is being operated there must be always be a tether manager. Review the course and explain the point break down to students.

Perform a float check. Student teams bring their ROV to water’s edge and conduct a float test: does the ROV sink or float? Can it drive straight? Do ballast, floatation, or motor placement need to be adjusted? Provide students with 30 minutes to make any necessary adjustments.

Next, begin the station challenge activities. Each group should proceed to a water challenge testing station. Each station needs an adult leader to keep track of points and monitor students. Students should take turns driving, at least 2 minutes each or the completion of one challenge activity (teams are given points based on working as a team). Teams may request that the volunteer “seal” reset their obstacle course (retrieve floating beach ball, reset hooks and rings) and untangle their ROVs from one another.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -


Once all groups have completed the challenge, have student teams disassemble their ROVs and return all materials to kit. Students need to clean up all foam, zip ties, tape and other trash before leaving.

Debrief the experience with students. Review the essential properties of water that affect ROVs (pressure, density, buoyancy). Discuss which challenges were difficult or easy to complete. Review concepts of aquatic oil spills and how we can use technology to respond. Ask students why ROV’s might prove useful in oil spill response. What are some of the challenges to using an ROV in oil spill response? What are some of the benefits?


Assess student groups based on their successful completion of the challenge stations and final points awarded.

Sources: Harry Bohm and Vickie Jensen, Build Your Own Underwater Robot and Other Wet Projects. Vancouver, B.C.: Westcoast Words, 1997.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - “Build your own ROV,” Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute website.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV Design and Oil Spill Response


2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Agenda

 Introduction to ROVs  Company teams conceptual design of ROV  Build ROV  Peer review of ROV design  Continue to build ROV  Poolside rules and challenge review  Float test in pool  Challenge competition in pool  Clean up  Wrap up

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - What is an ROV?

 Who can tell me what is an ROV?

 How can ROVs help us in the ocean?

 How do we operate an ROV?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - worksheet question What is an ROV?

 ROV = Remotely Operated Vehicle  Unoccupied, remotely controlled submersible vehicle  Used in deep and shallow underwater applications 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - arctic/logs/july23/media/dripping_rov.html What parts does an ROV have?

 Arms/manipulators  Navigation, GPS, Sonar  Lights Umbilical  Camera  Collection  Other specialized tools

Control box Battery Underwater robot

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Our Arctic is Opening Up

The Arctic is facing major challenges as the ice melts

More shipping, oil and gas exploration happening An oil spill in the Arctic would be a huge disaster

Many plants and animals would be harmed

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - What is it like in the Arctic?

 Remote  Dark  Extreme weather  Shallow water

 Ice covered water  The ice is often unpredictable  Freezing conditions 2014 Alaska Oilhttp://www.alaskadispatch.c Spill Curriculum - om/ worksheet question How could using ROVs help us in the Arctic?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - worksheet question Oil Exploration

During a recent exploratory oil drilling mission, the Black Gold Oil Company (BGOC) successfully located an offshore, ice- covered oil reserve and started extracting


A magnitude 5.5 earthquake struck and part of the pumping equipment separated under the ice

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - BGOC has contracted your company to build an ROV and:

1) Perform a scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice

2) Take a sample from a pool of oil under the ice

3) Return the sample to an analyzing station

4) Transport a piece of surface equipment

5) Respond to the open water spill in the polynya and remove oil from the surface

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -


 We are going to build ROVs to “respond” to an oil spill that occurs in the Arctic  Break into Companies of 3-4 students each  Study frame designs provided  Review Points to Ponder  Design your company’s ROV frame  You must design your ROV before getting the bag of ROV parts  Parts and challenge props are available to study  Peer review of designs part way through build  Float test in pool before challenge begins

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Your Parts

 PVC pipe (different  1 control box, umbilical, lengths) and set of 3 motors  PVC joints  Battery and harness L  Foam floatation T  Zip ties  Electrical tape <  Weights +  Netting __  Clippers  Pliers

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Motors are inside of frame

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Flotation is above weight

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV looks unbalanced; tilted

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - ROV is neutrally buoyant in water column

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - -The-2008-MATE-ROV-Challenge.html

ROV has appropriate attachments for challenge

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

PWSSC 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - PWSSC 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Structure

The structure is the frame and keeps the ROV together  Bigger ≠ Better  Think of what the ROV must do to accomplish the tasks  Distribute weight evenly

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Purpose

 What are the specific tasks of the challenge?  What shapes/attachments/tools does your ROV need to accomplish the tasks?  Where in the water column does your ROV need to operate?

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Motor Placement

 Attach motors with zip ties  Motors must be completely inside the frame  Motors must be underwater when the ROV is at the surface  Up/down motor is best placed as close to the center of the ROV as possible  Side motors can be placed at front, middle or back of ROV but must be balanced  If the motors are not balanced, the ROV will tilt  Test motors so you know which way they spin before attaching them to the frame

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Buoyancy

 You will use foam insulation for floatation  Attach floatation with zip ties  ROV should be neutrally buoyant and balanced  Think of where your weight is  You want floatation over the weight  Balance floatation so ROV doesn’t tilt or point up/down  You can attach ballast if needed

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder: Operation

 You will be by water – you are not to go into the water  Tether Manager controls tether for the ROV Operator. Operator will pass the control box to Tether Manager when his/her turn is up. The next person in line will become Tether Manager, etc.  Keep batteries away from water  Do not drop control box in water

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - DESIGN YOUR OWN ROV!


Directions: As you watch the power point presentation, complete the following questions.

1. What is an ROV? (slide 2)



2. How can ROVs help us in the ocean? (slide 2)



3. How do we operate ROVs? (slide 3)



4. What are three environmental challenges to working in the Arctic? (slide 6)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

5. How could using ROVs help us in the Arctic? (slide 7&8)




2. umbilical ______

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Oil Spill Response Challenge Objectives and Scoring (100 points total) During a recent exploratory oil drilling mission, the Black Gold Oil Company (BGOC) successfully located an offshore, ice-covered oil reserve and started extracting oil. The location was near a large opening completely surrounded by ice. While BGOC was in the process of pumping oil, there was a magnitude 5.5 earthquake which resulted in part of the pumping equipment separating under the ice. The BGOC had emergency response protocols in place and were able to shut down the pump within one hour, but not before oil was released both under the ice as well as into the large area of open water surrounded by ice. BGOC has contracted your company to build an ROV and then use it to locate, sample and identify ice-trapped oil, and help with both under-ice and ocean surface response operations: Task 1: Perform a scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice 5 points Simulated by driving the ROV back and forth to a small stationary underwater ring

Task 2: Take a sample from a pool of oil in the ice 5 points Simulated by surfacing the ROV inside a large floating ring and holding position for 5 seconds

Task 3: Return sample and have it analyzed 10 points Simulated by positioning the ROV in front of a stationary underwater square and holding position for 5 seconds

Task 4: Deliver a piece of equipment inside an underwater work station 20 points Simulated by flying ROV through a large stationary underwater ring (5 points), picking up an underwater small ring (5 points) and depositing small ring on a PVC arm (10 points)

Task 5: Transport floating equipment 10 points Simulated by throwing a beach ball out onto water’s surface and returning it using the ROV

Task 6: Respond to an open water surface oil patch in a polyana 25 points Simulated by gathering and removing floating popcorn/ping-pong balls from the water’s surface

Teamwork All team members participate in designing, building, and breaking down 25 points the ROV (10 points). All team members drive ROV during challenge (5 points). Team members give each other positive encouragement (5 points). Team members observe and obey all safety rules (5 points). Team members bicker, argue, or act with disrespect (-5 points). In Water Teams will have 15 minutes to test their ROVs in the water and make any changes to buoyancy, attachments, etc. Once the competition starts teams will lose 5 points for each pool-side modification to their ROV. Please do not pull the tether to speed recovery of items; teams will lose 5 points each time they pull the tether. There will be a “seal” in the water to help recover tangled machines however a team will lose 5 points if they use the seal.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - COMPANY NAME: ______


Draw your ROV design below ______

ROV FRAME DESIGN Approved by Teacher ______

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Points to Ponder when designing ROVs

STRUCTURE The structure is the frame and keeps the ROV together  Bigger ≠ Better  Think of what the ROV must do to accomplish t he tasks  Distribute weight evenly

PURPOSE  What are the specific tasks of the challenge?  What shapes/attachments/tools does your ROV need to accomplish the tasks?  Where in the water column does your ROV need to operate (at the surface or down in the water?

MOTOR PLACEMENT  Attach motors with zip ties  The propellers should not be able to hit a wall or floor  Motors must be underwater when the ROV is at the surface  Up/down motor is best placed as close to the center of the ROV as possible  Side motors can be placed at front, middle or back of ROV  Test motors so you know which way they spin before attaching them to the frame

BUOYANCY  You will use foam insulation for floatation  Attach floatation with zip ties  The top of the ROV should float level just at the surface  Think of where your weight is  You want floatation over the weight  Balance floatation so ROV doesn’t tilt or point up/down  You can attach ballast (additional weight) if needed

OPERATION  You will be by water – you are not to go into the water  Tether Manager controls tether for the ROV Operator. Operator will pass the control box to Tether Manager when his/her turn is up. The next person in line will become Tether Manager, etc.  Keep batteries away from water  Do not drop control box in water

“Points to Ponder” adapted from “What works, what won’t: 10 rules for designing a sub” in Build Your Own Underwater Robot by Harry Bohm and Vickie Jensen.

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2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Oil Spill Response Challenge Point Breakdown

Team Name:

Challenge Objectives and Scoring (100 points total): TOTAL SCORE: /100

Task 1: Perform scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice Task 1 Points: /5 Drive ROV back and forth 20 feet out and back (5 points)

Task 2: Take a sample from a pool of oil in the ice Task 2 Points: /5 Surface ROV inside a large floating ring and hold position for 5 seconds (5 points: 1 point/second)

Task 3: Return sample and have it analyzed Task 3 Points: /10 Position ROV in front of a stationary underwater square and hold position for 5 seconds (10 points: 2 pts/sec)

Task 4: Deliver a piece of equipment inside an underwater work station Task 4 Points: /20 Fly ROV back and forth through a large stationary underwater ring (5 points) Pick up an underwater small ring (5 points) Deposit the small ring on a piece of anchored PVC pipe (10 points)

Task 5: Transport floating equipment Task 5 Points: /10 Throw beach ball onto surface of pool and return it using ROV (10 points: 5 points for engaging ball, 5 points for returning to side of pool)

Task 6: Respond to an open water surface oil patch in a polyana Task 6 Points: /25 Throw popcorn onto surface of pool and gather it using ROV (25 points)

Teamwork Teamwork Points: /25 All team members participate in design, build, and break down ROV (10 points: 2 pts/student) All team members drive ROV during challenge (5 points: 1 point/student) Team members give each other positive encouragement (5 points: 1 point/student) Team members observe and obey all safety rules (5 points: 1 point/student)

Demerits Total Demerits: Team member bickers, argues, or acts with disrespect (-5 points) Pool-side modification (-5 points) Team pulls tether to move ROV (-5 points) Use of pool “seal” (-5 points)

Participation: Each team member must drive the ROV for a minimum of 2 minutes or complete one task. Teams are expected to help breakdown their machines after the pool competition.

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Task 1: Perform a scouting mission to search for pools of oil trapped under the ice 5 points Simulated by driving the ROV back and forth to a small stationary underwater ring oating hula hoop Task 2: Take a sample from a pool of oil in surface in hoop the ice

5 points beach ball Simulated by surfacing the ROV inside a large move ping pongs oating ring and holding position for 5 to water’s edge submerged square seconds

Task 3: Return sample and have it analyzed move beach ball 10 points to water’s edge hover in front of Simulated by positioning the ROV in front of a square for 5 sec stationary underwater square and holding position for 5 seconds ROV Task 4: Deliver a piece of equipment inside weighted ring submerged weighted an underwater work station hula hoop 20 points put ring on hook Simulated by ying ROV through a large stationary underwater ring (5 points), picking up an underwater small ring (5 points) and drive ROV back depositing small ring on a PVC arm (10 points) and forth through hoop

Task 5: Transport oating equipment 10 points Simulated by throwing a beach ball out onto ring hook water’s surface and returning it using the ROV

Task 6: Respond to an open water surface oil patch in a polyana 25 points Simulated by gathering and removing oat- ing popcorn/ping-pong balls from the water’s 2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - surface ROV Challenge Standards

Science As Inquiry and Process: Students develop an understanding of the processes and applications of scientific inquiry.

SA1 Students develop an understanding of the processes of science used to investigate problems, design and conduct repeatable scientific investigations, and defend scientific arguments

The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:

[6, 7, 8, 9] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating

[10, 11] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, analyzing data, developing models, inferring, and communicating

SA2 Students develop an understanding that the processes of science require integrity, logical reasoning, skepticism, openness, communication, and peer review.

The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:

[9] SA2.1 formulating conclusions that are logical and supported by evidence

Concepts of Physical Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, universal principles, and facts that explain the physical world.

SB4 Students develop an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics and relationships, and natural forces and their effects.

The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:

[10] SB4.1 recognizing that when one thing exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum - Concepts of Life Science: Students develop an understanding of the concepts, models, theories, facts, evidence, systems, and processes of life science.

SC3 Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by:

[11] SC3.2 analyzing the potential impacts of changes (e.g., climate change, habitat loss/gain, cataclysms, human activities) within an ecosystem

Science and Technology: Students develop an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society.

SE1 Students develop an understanding of how scientific knowledge and technology are used in making decisions about issues, innovations, and responses to problems and everyday events.

The student demonstrates an understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by:

[6] SE1.1 recognizing that technology cannot always provide successful solutions for problems or fulfill every human need

SE2 Students develop an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity that lead to the exploration of multiple paths that are analyzed using scientific, technological, and social merits.

The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking by:

[6] SE2.1 identifying and designing a solution to a problem

[7, 8] SE2.1 identifying, designing, testing, and revising solutions to a local problem

[9] SE2.1 questioning, researching, modeling, simulating, and testing a solution to a problem

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -

[10, 11] SE2.1 questioning, researching, modeling, simulating, and testing multiple solutions to a problem

[6, 7] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to investigate a question or problem

[8] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to investigate and evaluate potential solutions to a question or problem

History and Nature of Science: Students develop an understanding of the history and nature of science.

SG3 Students develop an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change as new evidence becomes available through experimental and/or observational confirmation(s).

The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by:

[10] SG3.1 using experimental or observational data to evaluate a hypothesis

2014 Alaska Oil Spill Curriculum -