
What's Up Feburary 2016?

The Cost of Bad and Good People Doing Bad Things

I was in court the other day to observe the beginning of a trial. Two people accused of killing someone. Officially, the court had a judge, 12 people in a jury, the two accused, probably about seven lawyers, four police officers, and about 10 people that worked in various positions or the court. This trial is scheduled to involve all these people for four months. A good justice system is important, but if someone had not killed someone, none of these people would have spend four months of their lives figuring this one out. I am not going to say that if only the accused had experienced a better intramural program in school they would not have been accused of murder. But I do think that schools that do not invest sufficient time in running an exciting, engaging, and positive intramural program, will spend at least as much time dealing with students doing bad things. Let us invest in doing good.

Another good read on this topic is: ARTICLE : Play 'boosts children's development and happiness' http://www.bbc.com/news/education-28658441?platform=hootsuite

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Be sure to follow our Games of the week on Facebook... Most recently we added:

Cup Stack Tower

Equipment: Several packages of large plastic party cups (the disposable kind are fine, although they might crack if the kids are too rough on them!) This activity can be done one child at a time, two at a time, or several at a time.

Description/Objective: On “GO”, each student has one minute to make a tower using the cups, but stacking them, first one up, second one on top of first one and up-side down, third one on top facing up, fourth one on top and upside down….. See who in your group can make the tallest tower in one minute! If your tower falls, you must start over! (Note: It's a good idea to set up a long table near a wall, and tape a tape measure to the wall, so students can see how tall their tower is) http://www.ciraontario.com/cup-stack-tower http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp http://www.pecentral.org/lessonideas/ViewLesson.asp?ID=10167#.UZZBcKPudr4


Equipment: 8 paper plates

Objective: Turn over all eight plates in correct order

How to play:

• Split group into teams of 4-6 • One at a time, players run from start to eight paper plates, turning over one plate looking for plate #1 • If correct, choose again, if wrong turn plate(s) over, run back and tag the next person • Continue until one person can turn over all eight plates in correct order http://www.ciraontario.com/paperplaterelay

SCORE BOARD DODGEBALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHTYTIUeC5o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36xD14HgDLM&feature=youtu.be




Trading Spaces" could be the most popular dodgeball game out there! View game set up and actual playing below: Trading Spaces Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L805AR8xiBw Trading Spaces Played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYJRHagIG5E

BARRICADE BALL Barricade Ball - this week's version of dodgeball! Description: https://youtu.be/eBJWNu88dU0 Game in action: https://youtu.be/t8x8yIt2bLY You can also check out "World's Greatest Dodgeball Games" for more dodgeball ideas: http://www.ciraontario.com/greatest-dodgeball-games


Click on the links below to view this week's version of dodgeball: Partner Ball! Partner Ball Description: https://youtu.be/98yjPC5lFoo Partner Ball in Action: https://youtu.be/lY0ZU4LKL00


Equipment: three gator skin balls, lots of beanbags, 4 mats

Objective: Capture the minerals from the planet without getting caught by the aliens


Describe to the class that they are on a far away planet and that it is the year 2235 where space travel is the key to the future of mankind. They have found a mineral that can double the speed of space travel and can only be found on this far away planet. Mining can only be done during the day and the aliens like to take hostages and sell them back to their miners. The miners must try to collect the mineral while not getting caught by the aliens.

Setting up:

• Lay one mat in each corner of the gym to form a space station • Throughout the rest of the gym scatter beanbags or other small objects that represent minerals • Divide the class into four mining teams and pick three aliens giving them a special stun ball (a gator skin ball) How to play:

• The aliens start the game in the middle of the gym • Whenever the head alien (teacher) calls out ‘daytime’, the miners go out and collect minerals one at a time and return it to their space station • At the same time, the aliens try to hit the miners with their stun balls. • If hit, the miners become frozen. They cannot be hit when in their space station • When the head alien calls ‘night time’, miners that are not frozen drop any minerals in their hands and return to their space station • At this point, the miners may buy back their hostages using their minerals if they have enough (this amount is determined at the beginning of the game by the teacher). If they do not have enough money they remain frozen until their miners can collect enough minerals to buy them back • The head alien calls out ‘daytime’ and the fun starts again http://www.ciraontario.com/alienation


Equipment: pinnies for both teams, gator skin balls (one is its own unique colour), basketball

Objective: Score baskets and European handball goals without getting hit from the sidelines.

How to play:

• Two teams are created and they line up on either side of the gym • Five players from each team wear pinnies and play European Handball. • One player from each team wears a different colour pinnie and plays one on one basketball on the same court • Sideline players throw gator skin balls at the opposing players playing handball or basketball • If hit, they leave the court and give their pinnie to the player in the front of the line and go to the end of the line • The new player replaces the person that was hit and the game continues • One point is scored for a European Handball goal and two for a basket http://www.ciraontario.com/quiddich


Interested in being a superhero? ACTION! Super Shielders by Gopher Sport is just what you need. For more great game ideas, go to: http://www.ciraontario.com/by-all-games


Equipment: Tennis balls or bean bags or rubber deck rings, 4-6 hula-hoops, pinnies

Objective: Taggers want to fill up the cereal bowls, non-taggers want to prevent the cereal bowls from being filled up

Setting up:

• Place a box of tennis balls in the centre of the gym • Place the hoops in each corner of the gym How to play:

• Give four players pinnies and the rest of the players a tennis ball • Designate a hula-hoop for each player wearing a pinnie • The students with pinnies are trying to tag as many people as they can • Once a person is tagged, they take the tennis ball to the tagger’s hoop and go to pick up another tennis ball • Each hoop represents a cereal bowl, and the game is over once the box of tennis ball is empty • Note: The tagger must tag several other people before they tag the same person twice http://www.ciraontario.com/cornpopsfruitloops


Equipment: Tennis balls, Pinnies with a pouch

Objective: Be the first player to empty your pouch

How to play:

• Select 5 taggers (kangaroos) and give each tagger a pinnie and 10-12 tennis balls each • The students wearing the pinnies carry the tennis balls in their pouch • These students have to try and tag 10-12 people first without dropping any balls as they run around • Each time they tag someone they get to remove a tennis ball • All the other students try to avoid being tagged and can only be tagged twice by the same person • The first person to empty their pouch wins Variation: Play this game in reverse where the person chases others to collect balls and fill their pouch http://www.ciraontario.com/kangarootag

Interested in Some Great Reading?

ARTICLE: Want kids to listen more, fidget less? Try more recess... this school did See what happened when a school tried recess four times a day http://www.today.com/parents/want-kids-listen-more-fidget-less-try-more-recess-school-t65536

ARTICLE: PONDERING POTENTIAL Messaging the positive about physical activity instead of the avoidance of disease... A positive mind shift? http://www.movelivelearn.com/pondering-potential/

ARTICLE: Are we focusing on enough joy and play in learning? https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/mom-what-do-i-expect-from…/


Scott McDowell takes a moment to share and reminds us of the importance to teach like everyone is watching. Check out his blog on this below and find more great stories at: http://www.ciraontario.com/home

Looking for a Workshop Leader?

CIRA Ontario provides workshop leaders for TGfU, Leadership, Active Recess, DPA...

Contact us at ciraontario@.com 905-648-2226

For more information go to: http://www.ciraontario.com/workshops

Below some pictures from a recent four-hour workshop at Nipissing University (Brantford Campus) • Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) • Physical Literacy • Daily Physical Activity (DPA) • Intramural Leadership

OASPHE/CIRA Ontario 2016 Conference Registration is open

Go to the following location for more information and to register. http://www.ciraontario.com/conference