3 January 2015

It is with continued that the Church celebrates the Christmas Season. Within this season, we celebrate the feast of the epiphany. On this day, we remember the arrival of the wise men, or magi, at the manger. The magi were able to find the Child Jesus because of one important factor: guidance. It was the guidance of the star, which brought them to the manger. As we imagine the journey of the wise men, we become aware of the importance guidance in our own lives. Each one of us is dependent on it. Each time we travel to a new place, we need guidance. We need direction. We can see how important our guidance systems are to us. We use our computers or cellular phones constantly for direction and guidance. However, the guidance given to the wise men was from God. He used the star to bring the wise men to the infant king. It was the star that they saw which sent them searching. The wise men found the infant king because they allowed themselves to be guided. Are we searching for Jesus? Do we seek Him through prayer and the reading of Scripture? It can be very easy to stop seeking God. Many people in our world may tell us that it is useless to look for God. We may be told that he does not exist, or that he does not care to have a relationship with us.

But we would benefit to take Herod’s word seriously, as the wise men did. Herod said, Go and search diligently for the child. Now is the time for us to go and search diligently for the child Jesus. How? We must turn to Mary. One of the greatest titles for Mary is Stella Maris. This means Star of the Sea. In our relationship with Mary, she always guides us to Jesus. Even the Hail Mary prayer guides us to Jesus. Every Hail Mary calls on the name of Jesus. God uses His mother to guide us to His Son, just as he used the star to guide the magi to the manger. If we find that we are lost and far away from God, we must turn to Mary in prayerful devotion. Her heart knows the best path on which to find Christ. When we experience great difficulties, we must call on the name of Mary. Saint Bernard tells us beautifully, Look at the star, call on Mary. If you are tossed by the waves if , of ambition, or of , look at the star, call on Mary. If , or impurity throw themselves against your soul, look at Mary. In danger, in affliction, in , call on Mary. You will not go wrong if you follow her, and not lose heart if you pray to her; you will never be lost if you think of her. If she guides you, you will reach port safely. May this celebration of the epiphany teach us to raise the eyes of our hearts and look about. We must look to Mary to find our way to Jesus.