! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Architectural !Design !Competition ! PARK !PAVILIONS ! for ! BORDEN !PARK ! CASTLE !DOWNS !PARK ! JOHN !FRY !SPORTS !PARK ! MILL !WOODS !SPORTS !PARK ! VICTORIA !PARK ! ! ! ! (is !in !the !process !of !being) !SANCTIONED !BY !THE ! !ASSOCIATION !OF ! ARCHITECTS !! !

City of Parks Amenities Buildings Competitions Page 1 of 30 ! PROJECT !NUMBER: ! ! CP R2240 ! Close !of !Registration: ! March !01, !2011 ! Deadline !for !Entries: ! March !22, !2011 !before !2:00 !pm, !local !time ! ! ! TABLE !OF !CONTENTS ! ! LIST !OF !DOCUMENTS ! Cover !Page ! Table !of !Contents ! Introduction !and !General !Information ! Competition !Background ! Instructions !and !Guidelines ! ATTACHED !DOCUMENTS ! City !of !Edmonton !Draft !Professional !Services !Agreement ! City !of !Edmonton !General !Terms !for !Construction ! City !of !Edmonton !CAD !Standards !&!Consultant !Deliverables !Manual ! City !of !Edmonton !Checklist !for !Accessibility !&!Universal !Design !in !Architecture !

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LIST !OF !REFERENCE !MATERIAL !(AVAILABLE !ON !SECURE !SITE !FOR !DOWNLOAD !AFTER !REGISTRATION) ! General !Information !  This !Competition !Brief !  City !of !Edmonton !–!Draft !Professional !Services !Agreement !  City !of !Edmonton !–!General !Terms !for !Construction ! Borden !Park !Information !  Air !Photos !  Site !Photos !  Borden !Park !Building !! Program !  Borden !Park !Site !Cadastral !–!AutoCAD !file !  Borden !Park !Site !Survey !–!AutoCAD !file ! Castle !Downs !District !Park !  Air !Photos !  Site !Photos !  Castle !Downs !District !Park !Building !! Program !  Castle !Downs !District !Park !Site !Cadastral !–!AutoCAD !file !  Castle !Downs !District !Park !Site !Survey !–!AutoCAD !file ! John !Fry !Sport !Park !  Air !Photos !  Site !Photos !  John !Fry !Sport !Park !Building !! Program !  John !Fry !Sport !Park !Site !Cadastral !–!AutoCAD !file !  John !Fry !Sport !Park !Site !Survey !–!AutoCAD !file ! Mill !Woods !Sport !Park !  Air !Photos !  Site !Photos !  Mill !Woods !Sport !Park !Building !! Program !  Mill !Woods !Sport !Park !Site !Cadastral !–!AutoCAD !file !  Mill !Woods !Sport !Park !Site !Survey !–!AutoCAD !file ! Victoria !Park !  Air !Photos !  Site !Photos !  Victoria !Park !Building !! Program !  Victoria !Park !Site !Cadastral !–!AutoCAD !file !  Victoria !Park !Site !Survey !–!AutoCAD !file ! !

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The !City !of !Edmonton !–!a!brief !history ! ! The !springs, !sloughs, !ponds !and !streams !and !the !North !Saskatchewan !River !valley !were !the !home !territory !of ! Aboriginal !people !drawn !to !its !shelter !and !wild !game. !A!Hudson's !Bay !Company !(HBC) !explorer !passed !near ! the !site !of !present Rday !Edmonton !in !1754. !His !trip !was !part !of !the !HBC's !effort !to !trade !directly !with !the ! interior !First !Nations, !rather !than !depending !on !Aboriginal !middlemen !to !bring !furs !to !posts !located !on ! Hudson !Bay. HBC !and !the !North !West !Company !both !established !trading !posts !in !the !area. !! When !the !two ! companies !merged !in !1821, !the !HBC !post !was !retained, !as !was !the !name !Fort !Edmonton. !1! ! The !Klondike !Gold !Rush !in !the !late !1800’s !helped !grow !Fort !Edmonton !as !an !economic !centre. !! It !was !on !the ! land !route !to !the !Yukon, !and !became !a!stopping !off !point !for !the !purchase !of !supplies. !! During !this !time ! Edmonton !was !given !the !moniker !“Gateway !to !the !North”. ! ! In !1904 !Edmonton !was !incorporated !as !a!city. !Edmonton !became !the !provisional !ca pital !of !the !new !province ! of !Alberta !in !1905, !and ! !capital !in !1906. !1! ! The !City !of !Edmonton !developed !just !north !of !the !North !Saskatchewan !River !valley, !while !the !town !of ! Strathcona !developed !south !of !the !valley. !! The !two !were !amalgamated !in !1912, !putting !the !North ! Saskatchewan !River !Valley !in !the !geographic !centre !of !the !City. !! The !High !Level !Bridge, !designed !by !the ! Canadian !Pacific !Railway, !opened !in !1913, !connecting !th e!two !areas !for !all !modes !of !transportation. !! It ! continues !to !be !an !important !North RSouth !transportation !route. !!! ! Economic !booms !prior !to !World !War !I, !during !World !War !II, !and !during !the !oil !booms !of !the !70’s !and !90’s, ! resulted !in !construction !booms !that !formed !the !City’s !skyline !and !character. !!! ! Edmonton !maintains !strong !economic !connections !to !the !oil !and !gas !industry !in !Northern !Alberta !and !the ! Territories, !and !continues !to !serve !as !the !gateway !to !the !North. !! As !the !provincial !capital, !it !has !a!large ! number !of !public !sector !employees. !! It !is !a!“college !town”, !with !two !universities, !a!number !of !colleges, !and !a! technical !school !that !is !the !largest !apprenticeship !trainer !in !. !!! Its !diverse !economic !base !has !helped ! Edmonton !fair !well !during !the !global !economic !crisis. !!! ! Edmonton !continues !to !grow !at !a!rate !above !the !Canadian !average, !with !the !2009 !municipal !census ! recording !a!population !of !782, !439. !! Its !metropolitan !population !exce eded !one !million !in !2008. !1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1!http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/planning_development/history Rof Redmonton.aspx )!

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The !History !of !the !City’s !Parks !and !the !Buildings ! ! Edmonton’s ! park ! system ! provides ! places ! for ! active ! individuals ! and ! groups ! to ! play, ! connect ! and ! compete. !! Playgrounds !and !sliding !hills !are !provided !for !children. !! Walking, !running, !boarding !and !bicycling !rails !allow !people ! of !all !ages !to !exercise !and !meet !their !neighbours. !! Indoor !facilities !located !on !parkland !give !Edmontonians !a!place ! to ! experience ! new ! activities, ! meet ! neighbours ! and ! get ! fit. ! ! Contact ! with ! the ! natural ! environment ! allows ! Edmontonians !to !connect !with !the !land !and !the !natural !world. !! Spaces !for !quiet !contemplation, !natural !and !man R made, !offer !a!respite !from !busy !lives. ! ! Edmonton !has !over !4,500 !hectares !of !maintained !parkland !and !open !space, !or !about !6.5 !hectares/1000 !peopl e! (2 004). !! If !river !valley !parkland !is !included, !the !City !can !boast !over !12,000 !hectares !of !parkland !and !open !space. !! To ! put !this !in !perspective, !Edmonton’s !total !area !of !parkland !and !open !space !is !73% !of !the !total !land !area !of !Red ! Deer, !Alberta. !! This !parkland !includes !290,000 !trees, !13 0!kilometres !of !trails, !11 !major !and !65 !minor !park !bridges ! and ! 321 !playgrounds. ! ! Total ! park ! infrastructure ! excluding ! land ! values ! is ! $1.6 ! billion, !including ! facilities. ! ! This ! is ! approximately !6% !of !the !City’s !total !infrastructure !value. !!! ! Park !amenity !buildings, !or !pavilions, !have !a!long !history !in !Edmonton. !! Borden !Park !(1906) !and !Victoria !Park !(1 91 1) ! are !both !listed !as !Landscape !Resources !on !the !Register !of !Historic !Resources !in !Edmonton. !! Three !sets !of !buildings ! at !Borden !Park !are !also !listed !as !significant !historic !resources. !! Many !park !pavilions !are !available !for !year Rround ! use: !warm !up !areas !for !cross !country !skiing !and !outdoor !skating !in !th e!winter !replace !concession !stands !and !pi cnic ! shelters !in !the !summer. ! ! The !City !of !Edmonton !Parks !department !is !an !active !participant !in !the !design !and !construction !of !park !space !within ! the ! City, ! employing ! full Rtime ! Landscape ! Architects, ! Drafting ! Technicians ! and ! Project ! Managers. ! ! Unlike ! other ! municipalities, !the !City !of !Edmonton !uses !th ese !in Rho use !professionals !to !design !and !often !construct !park !spaces. !! As !a!bonus, !Community !groups !and !local !organizations !who !are !interested !in !improving !their !neighbourhood !park ! spaces !have !access !to !these !professional !services !free !of !charge. !!! ! Edmonton’s ! parks, ! trails, ! river ! valley ! and ! natural ! areas ! connect ! Edmontonians ! to ! their ! com munity, ! to ! the ! environment ! an d! to ! one ! another. ! ! Open ! spaces ! provide ! year Rround ! recreation, ! relaxation, ! natural ! beauty ! and ! ecological !integrity !to !Alberta’s !capital !city. !! Edmonton’s !parks !breathe !life !and !sustainability !into !a!vibrant !urban ! environment. !! As !a!partner !in !the !Park !Pavilion !Design !Competition, !the !City !of !Edmonton !Parks !Department !is ! committed !to !preserving !th e!history !an d!looking !toward !to !the !future !of !park !pavilions !within !the !City. !! !

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Facts !and !Tidbits ! ! Climate: ! ! Edmonton !is !the !Northern Rmost !metropolitan !area !in !Canada !and !has !extreme !seasonal !temperature ! variations. !While !the !temperature !gets !above !30°C !for !4!or !5!days !a!summer, !it !is !common !for !the ! temperature !to !remain !below !R 30°C !for !extended !periods !of !time !in !winter. !! Climate !plays !a!vital !part !in ! construction !as !materials !and!building !systems !need !to !be !proven !to !work !in !these !weather !extremes. !!! ! At !summer !solstice, !Edmonton !receives !seventeen !hours !and !six !minutes !of !daylight, !with !twilight !extending ! throughout !the !entire !night !during !summer. Winter !lasts !from !November !to !March, !and !varies !greatly !in ! length !and !severity. !The !shortest !day !of !the !year !has !less !than !7!½!hrs !between !sunrise !and !sunset. !1!! ! Sports: ! ! Edmonton !has !a!proud !sporting !history. !! It !is !the !home !of !the !Edmonton !Eskimos !of !the !CFL, !the !Edmonton ! Oilers !of !the !NHL, !and !the !Edmonton !Capitals !of !the !Golden !Baseball !League. !! Edmonton’s !entrance !signs ! mark !the !perimeter !as !the !“City !of !Champions”. !!! Edmonton !has !grassroots !support !for !all !types !of !sport, ! allowing !the !City !to !host !events !such !as !annual !World !Cup !Triathlons, !the !Canadian !Finals !Rodeo, !the !Honda ! Edmonton !Indy, !the !2010 !International !Track !Classic !and !2001 !World !Track !&!Field !Championships, !2005 ! World !Masters !Games, !and !the !2003 !Heritage !Classic !hockey !game. !!! ! Multiculturalism: ! ! Edmonton !is !becoming !more !culturally !diverse. !! Just !over !50% !of !population !is !of !European !Ethnic !origin. !! The ! 2001 !Federal !Census !lists !17.8% !of !the !Edmonton !metropolitan !area !population !as !“foreign Rborn”. !! More ! immigrants !are !now !coming !from !Asia !and !the !Middle !East !than !from !any !other !region, !including !Europe. ! Multiculturalism !is !celebrated !in !Edmonton !during !the !Heritage !Festival, !a!3!day !ev ent !featuring !pavilions ! representing !85 !cultures !around !the !world !which !are !also !present !in !Edmonton’s !communities. !!! ! Festivals: ! ! Edmonton !is !known !as !“Canada’s !Festival !City” .!! It !hosts !over !30 !festivals !spread !through !the !year, !including ! the !Edmonton !Folk !Music !Festival, !Taste !of !Edmonton, !International !Fringe !Theatre !Festival, !Works !Art !&! Design !Festival, !Street !Performers !Festival ,!Winter !Light !Festival, !and !Ice !on !Whyte !–!an !outdoor !ice !carving ! festival. !!! For !more !information, !see !http://www.edmonton.com/for Rvisitors/festival Rcity.aspx .!! ! Garbage !(yep, !that’s !right !–!garbage): !! ! Since !initiating !a!curbside !recycling !program !in !1988, !Edmonton !has !become !a!global !leader !in !effective !urban ! waste !management. !! Through !recycling, !reuse !and !composting !programs, !the !City !diverts !close !to !60% !of ! residential !waste !from !Landfill. !! The ! !is !to !divert !90% !by !2012. !2! ! ! ! ! 1!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton ! 2!http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/Environment/City_recycle_factsheet(web).pdf

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The !City’s !Commitment !to !Design !Excellence ! ! The !City !of !Edmonton !has !established !two !programs !which !promote, !develop, !and !reward !design !excellence !in ! public !buildings, !civic !buildings, !and !their !surrounding !environments. !!! ! The !Edmonton !Design !Committee !was !established !in !2005 !to !review !presentations !from !both !Civic !departments ! and !the !public !in !regards !to !Major !Developmental !Applications !and !Direct !Control !Rezo ning !Applications !within !a! pre Rdetermine d!geographical !area, !and !Public !Projects !city Rwide. !! The !committee !reviews !these !building !projects ! for !their !compliance !with !three !principles: !1) !Urbanism, !2) !Design !Excellence, !and !3) !Scale, !Connections, !&!Context. ! This !process !is !meant !to !be !a!collaborative !one, !with !a!dynamic, !creative !and !delightful !new !urb an !landscape !as !its ! ultimate !go al. !! The !winning !designs !of !the !pavilion !competition !will !be !presented !to !the !Edmonton !Design ! Committee !for !a!pre Rconsultation !assessment !and !formal !presentation !as !part !of !the !subsequent !(awarded) !phase ! of !work. !!! ! The !Edmonton !Urban !Design !Awards !are !produced !in !cooperation !with !th e!Ro yal !Architectural !Institute !of !Canada ! (RAIC), !the !Canadian !Institute !of !Planners !and !the !Canadian !Society !of !Landscape !Architects. !! Awards !of !Excellence ! and !Honorable !Mentions !are !awarded !in !six !categories !of !urban !design !which !include !the !disciplines !of ! architecture, !landscape !architecture, !and !urban !planning. !!! The !awards !run !on !a!bi Rannual !basis: !winners !from ! these !pro grams !are !automatically !submitted !to !the !RAIC !National !Urban !Design !Awards !which !are !awarded !in !the ! subsequent !years. !! Edmonton !Urban !Design !Awards !have !been !handed !out !in !2005, !2007, !and !2009. !! While !there !is ! no !requirement !for !the !pavilion !designs !to !be !submitted !for !awards !as !part !of !th is !com petition, !there !is !an ! expectation !that !the !design !be !of !a!relevant !caliber. ! ! The !City !of !Edmonton !hopes !the !legacy !of !these !two !programs !will !be !the !expectation !of !excellent !design !by !all ! Edmontonians. !!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! http://www.edmonton.ca/ !city_government/planning_development/edmonton Rdesign Rcommittee R background.aspx !

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The !City’s !Commitment !to !Sustainability ! ! The !pavilion !designs !must !meet !LEED® !Silver !requirements !and !the !objectives !of !the !City !of !Edmonton !EcoVision. 1! However, !the !approach !to !the !competition !design !should !consider !a!broader !definition !of !sustainability. !!! ! The !City !of !Edmonton !is !dedicated !to !building !a!socially, !environmentally, !economically, !and !financially !sustainable ! society. !The !document !“The !Way !We !Live !–!Edmonton’s !People !Plan” 2!takes !these !objectives !and !makes !them ! tangible !through !outlining !Strategic !Policy !Directions !which !promote !sustainability !in !all !its !aspects. !! Some !of !these ! principles !which !could !be !considered !include: !promoting !volunteerism, !partnering !with !community !organizations, ! advocating !for !integrated !learning, !promoting !active !transportation !modes, !maintaining !and !restoring !the ! biodiversity !of !Edmonton’s !natural !environment, !promoting !environmenta l!best !pra ctices !in !urban !design, ! construction !and !re Ruse !of !materials, !and !partnering !to !support !the !attraction !and !retention !of !a!diversity !of ! people !to !help !build !Edmonton’s !economy. !!! ! Edmonton !has !proven !its !commitment !to !sustainable !principles !through !its !world !class !waste !management !system ! and !its !recent !investment !in !its !public !trans portation !system. !! This !competition !is !an !opportunity !to !further ! broaden !the !expectation !of !sustainability !in !the !City !of !Edmonton !through !inspired !ideas !and !innovation. !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1!http://www.edmonton.ca/environmental/programs/ecovision Redmonton Rreport Rto Rcitizens.aspx ! ! 2!“The !Way !We !Live !–!Edmonton’s !People !Plan”, !approved !by !City !Council !July !2010 !!! http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/city_wide_initiatives/edmontons Rpeople Rplan.aspx )! ! 3!City of Edmonton Policy Number C532

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1% for Art Program ! ! 1% !of !the !construction !budget !of !each !pavilion !will !be !dedicated !to !the !administration !and !production !of !a!work !of ! public !art. !! The !winning !competitor(s) !will !work !with !the !City !of !Edmonton !and !the !Edmonton !Arts !Council !in !the ! selection !of !public !art !specific !to !their !site. !!! ! While !the !exact !process !for !ar t!selection !has !not !been !predetermined, !the !selection !of !an !art !work !is !typically ! based !on !choosing !several !locations !at !the !project !site !suitable !for !a!work !of !art. !! After !the !winning !building !designs ! have !been !selected, !these !possible !locations !and !a!project !brief !will !then !be !issued !through !an !RF Q/RFP !process !by ! the !Edm onton !Arts !Council. !! Artists !will !then !submit !proposals !for !a!work !of !art !for !the !locations !given, !as !per !the ! typical !EAC !process !for !City !of !Edmonton !Projects !to !adhere !to !the !%!for !Art !Policy. !! The !winning !scheme !will !be ! selected !by !a!jury !consisting !of !representati ves !from !the !arc hitectural !team, !Parks !&!Recreation, !Buildings ! Construction !&!Design, !and !3!local !artists !of !varying !experience, !as !run !by !the !EAC. !!! ! Competitors !are !encouraged !to !identify !some !locations !for !public !art, !both !integrated !and !non Rintegrated, !as ! part !of !the !competition !entry. !!! ! Any !architecturally !integrated !art !th at !is !pr oposed !by !the !architect !of !a!winning !design, !and !forms !an !integral !part ! of !that !design, !will !be !considered !part !of !the !base !building, !and !will !need !to !be !included !in !the !building !budget. !! 1% ! for !art !will !remain !additional. ! ! Public !Art !is !considered !to !be !a!key !com ponent !to !the !attr activeness !and !identity !of !a!city; !it !demonstrates !the ! character !of !communities; !investment !in !the !arts !strengthens !the !local !economy; !and !support !for !the !arts !is !a! reflection !of !a!progressive !municipality. !1! ! The !purpose !of !this !policy !is !to: ! Improve !the !livability !and !attractiveness !of !Edmonton; !increase !public !awareness !and !appreciation !of !the !arts; ! stimulate !the !growth !of !the !arts !and !arts Rrelated !business, !use !public !art !to !help !meet !urban !design !objectives !of ! municipal !developments; !and !to !encourage !public !art !in !private !develop ments !through !example… 1!!! ! Public !art !is !defined !as: ! ! Any !original !work !of !art !that !is !accessible !to !the !general !public. !! Typically, !the !creation !a!Public !Artwork !takes !into ! consideration !site !and !context !as !part !of !its !process; !the !Artwork !can !be !functional, !integrated !or !discreet !to !its !site ! (types !are !further !described !in !the !MA P). !Pub lic !Art !mediums !can !include, !but !are !not !limited !to: !sculpture, ! installation, !paintings, !drawings, !prints, !photography, !multi Rmedia !projects, !murals, !mosaics, !land !art/earth !works, ! or !projects !which !incorporate !design, !architecture, !or !landscape !architecture. !In !edition, !multiples !or !series !of ! artworks !may !qualify !provided !the !run !is !limited !and !consis tent !with !professional !artistic !standards. !! While !it !is ! recognized !that !architecture, !interior !design, !and !landscaping !are !artistic !in !nature !and !have !artistic !components, ! this !policy !defines !Public !Art !as !a!distinct !component !of !a!building !project !that, !while !it !may !be !integrated !to !its ! site, !is !created !by !a!person !engaged !as !an !Ar tist !or !its !creation !is !directed !by !an !Artist. !1!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1!City !of !Edmonton !Policy !Number !C458C !!!!!

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Why !a!Competition? ! ! Architectural !competitions !level !the !playing !field !between !firms !of !all !experience !levels !and !backgrounds. !! The !focus !of !an !awarded !competition !is !not !the !profile !of !an !individual !firm, !but !the !challenges !and !objectives ! of !the !project !at !hand. !They !allow !for !a!less !restrained !showcasing !of !skills !and !a!greater !variety !of !outcomes. !! An !architectural !competition !allows !for !a!broad !display !of !inspiration, !innovation !and !creativity. !!! ! The !Park !Pavilions !competition !is !meant !to !bring !a!level !of !interest !and !design !excellence !to !these !projects ! that !they !may !not !have !garnered !if !released !through !a!typical !RFQ !and !RFP !process. !It !is !another !way !of ! reinforcing !the !City !of !Edmonton’s !commitment !to !“cutting !edge” !quality !design, !and !ensuring !that !it !is ! brought !to !all !civic !buildings !regardless !of !size !or !budget. !! ! ! This !competition !will !give !the !City !of !Edmonton !Building !and !Construction !Branch !a!greater !awareness !of !the ! design !capabilities !of !the !firms !which !enter. !It !will !give !those !firms !the !opportunity !of !developing !a!“City !of ! Edmonton” !portfolio !which !will !serve !them !well !in !answering !RFQ !&!RFP !calls !in !the !future. !!! ! Building !on !the !legacy !of !Edmonton’s !historic !park !pavilions !along !with !initiatives !such !as !the !Edmonton !Design ! Committee !and !Edmonton !Urban !Design !Awards, !the !City !of !Edmonton !is !encouraging !a!higher !level !of !design !for ! municipal !projects. !!! !

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COMPETITION !BACKGROUND ! ! This !architectural !competition !is !for !the !design !of !5!pavilions. !! It !is !open !to !all !architects !eligible !to !be !licensed !in ! Alberta, !or !teams !with !an !eligible !architect. !! Due !to !the !competition !schedule, !this !means !that !there !must !be !an ! architect ! on ! the ! team ! with ! a! Canadian ! provincial ! association ! registration ! number, ! or ! a! Canadian ! Archite ctural ! Certification !Board !(CACB) !number !for !professionals !practicing !outside !of !Canada. !! There !is !no !student !category !for ! submissions; !however, !students !could !form !part !of !a!submission !team !with !a!registered !architect. ! ! Each !pavilion !is !located !in !a!different !Edmonton !park !and !has !an !individual !program !and !budget. !! Th e!single !entry ! fee !will !allow !the !entrant !to !submit !designs !for !as !many !as !one !or !all !five !of !the !parks. !Multiple !submissions !for !a! single !park !will !require !separate !entry !fees. !! The !design !for !each !park !pavilion !will !be !judged !separately. !!! ! A!boundary !for !the !location !of !the !pavilions !within !ea ch !park !is !given !within !th e!competition !attachments !available ! after !registration. !! The !footprint !of !the !pavilion !and !any !related !overhangs !must !be !entirely !within !this !boundary. !! The ! extent ! of ! complimentary ! landscaping ! with ! each ! pavilion ! is ! at ! the ! discretion ! of ! the ! architect/design ! team; ! however, !the !budget !given !for !each !pavilion !must !cover !the !cost !of !this !landsca ping. !! A!portion !of !the !program !of ! each !pavilion !will !be !funde d!by !the !City !of !Edmonton !(CoE) !and !a!portion !will !be !funded !by !a!partner !organization. !! The !plans !should !be !organized !such !that !the !base !building !(CoE !funded) !components !could !be !built !in !a!prior !phase ! to !the !part ner !organizatio n!components !if !required. !!! ! The !five !parks !for !which !a!pavilion !each !will !be !designed !are !Mill !Woods !Sports !Park, !John !Fry !Sports !Park, !Castle ! Downs !District !Park, !Victoria !Park, !and !Borden !Park. !!! ! See !http://maps.edmonton.ca/Scripts/main.asp !for !a!City !of !Edmonton !map !to !find !the !Park !locations. ! !

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MILL !WOODS !SPORTS !PARK ! ! History !! ! Mill !Woods !Sports !Park !is !located !on !a!40 !ha !site !in !South !Edmonton. !! It !was !initially !designed !in !1982 !as !a!District ! Activity !Park !to !accommodate !various !active !recreational !opportunities !for !the !surrounding !community. !Significant ! changes !have !been !made !to !the !original !plan !during !co nstruction !of !th e!park, !and !it !has !subsequently !been !developed ! on !a!piecemeal !basis. !Landscaping !of !the !site !was !completed !with !the !original !sports !field !development. !The !east !side ! is !heavily !treed, !while !the !west !and !central !portions !of !the !site !are !sparsely !planted. !! ! The !park !contains !many !amenities !for !the !are a. !! Two !high !schools, !Holy !Trinity !and !J. !Percy !Page, !and !the !Mill !Woods ! Recreation !Centre !are !located !at !the !northwest !corner !of !the !site: !a!large !storm !water !management !facility !and !spray ! park !are !located !at !the !east !side !of !the !site. !There !are !also !a!number !of !sport !facilities !th rough out !the !site !including ! ball !diamonds, !soccer !and !football !fields, !track !and !field !facilities, !tennis !courts, !a!cricket !pitch, !and !a!skateboard !park. ! These !facilities !serve !local !sports !groups, !the !two !schools, !and !the !general !public. !Other !amenities !in !the !park !include ! picnic !sites, !seating !and !rest !areas. !! ! Program !synopsis ! ! A!ce ntral !ame nity !building !is !required !to !serve !a!variety !of !functions. !It !shall !provide !public !washrooms !and !must ! accommodate !several !articulated !needs !of !site !stakeholders, !as !expressed !in !the !program !space !list. !The !partner ! organizations !which !have !an !interest !in !partnering !with !the !City !for !the !development !of !the !building !in clude !Mill ! Woods !Little !League, !the !Grizzlies !Football !Association, !and !the !Mill !Woods !Soccer !Association. !! They !would !like !to ! have !the !ability !to !utilize !meeting !space, !change !rooms !and !officials’ !rooms, !and !private !storage !space. !The !Edmonton ! and !District !Cricket !league !and !the !Alberta !School !Cricket !Association, !who !also !use !th e!site, !are !not !pa rtnering !with ! the !City !of !Edmonton !for !space !within !the !pavilion. !! ! The !fundamental !concept !for !the !design !is !a!community !friendly !and !flexible !structure. !Community !space !and !public ! washrooms !are !the !primary !programmatic !elements. !The !structure !shall !be !designed !for !LEED !Silver !rating !as !per !th e! City !of !Edmonton’ s!EcoVision !and !shall !include !a!high !standard !for !day !lighting !and !natural !ventilation. !The !proposed ! design !shall !respect !the !function !of !the !park !as !a!host !site !for !major !events. !! ! The !plans !should !be !organized !such !that !the !base !building !(CoE !funded) !components !could !be !built !in !a!prior !phase !to ! the !partn er!organization !components !if !required. !!! ! !

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JOHN !FRY !PARK ! ! History ! ! John !Fry !Park !is !a!68 !acre/5.5ha !parkland !site !located !in !South !Edmonton !between !28 !Avenue !and !31 !Avenue. !The ! name !was !chosen !in !recognition !of !John !Wesley !Fry !(1876 R1946), !who !served !as !an !alderman !from !1932 !to !1936 !and ! Mayor !from !1937 !to !1945. !Du ring !th is !time !he !played !a!significant !role !in !devising !a!plan !to !refinance !Edmonton’s !debt ! during !the !final !bleak !years !of !the !Great !Depression !and !guiding !Edmonton !through !WWII. ! ! The !site !contains !a!number !of !ball !diamonds, !rugby !fields, !and !a!city !of !Edmonton !Parks !operations !yard. !Some !of !th e! organize d!sports !clubs !currently !have !lease !arrangements !with !the !City !for !preferential !use !of !the !site, !but !the !general ! public !may !also !book !the !sports !fields !when !available. !A!4.6 !ha !parcel !within !the !site !has !been !identified !for !a!potential ! future !recreational !facility. !! ! The !adjacent !land !uses !include !several !light !industrial !bus inesses !to !the !north, !west, !an d!east; !Billy !D’s !Driving !Range ! and !the !Alberta !Volleyball !Association !each !lease !a!portion !of !land !owned !by !the !City !Transportation !Department !to ! the !south !of !the !park. !! ! Program !Synopsis ! ! A!central !amenity !building !is !required !to !serve !a!variety !of !functions. !It !shall !provide !pu blic !washrooms !and !must ! accommodate !several !articulated !needs !of !site !stakeholders, !as !outlined !in !the !detail !space !list. !The !partner ! organizations !which !have !expressed !an !interest !in !partnering !with !the !City !for !the !development !of !the !building !include ! the !South !Edmonton !Elite !Baseball !Association, !the !Capital !City !Soft ball !Association, !and !the !Edm onton !Ladies !Softball ! Association. !They !would !like !to !have !the !ability !to !utilize !meeting !space, !change !rooms, !officials’ !rooms, !and !private ! storage !space. !The !Leprechaun !Tigers !Rugby !Club, !which !uses !the !site !as !well, !is !not !partnering !with !the !City !of ! Edmonton !for !space !within !the !pavilion. ! ! The !fu ndame ntal !concept !for !the !design !is !a!community !friendly !and !flexible !structure. !Community !space !and !public ! washrooms !are !the !primary !programmatic !elements. !The !structure !shall !be !designed !for !LEED !Silver !rating !as !per !the ! City !of !Edmonton’s !EcoVision !and !shall !include !a!high !standard !for !day !lighting !and !natural !ventilation. !The !pro posed ! design !shall !respect !the !function !of !the !park !as !a!host !site !for !major !events. !! ! The !plans !should !be !organized !such !that !the !base !building !(CoE !funded) !components !could !be !built !in !a!prior !phase !to ! the !partner !organization !components !if !required. !!! ! ! ! !

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VICTORIA !PARK ! ! History ! ! Victoria !Park !was !named !in !honor !of !Queen !Victoria !(1819 R1901). !The !majority !of !this !park !land !was !acquired !by !the ! City !of !Edmonton !in !1912, !at !which !time !it !was !known !as !Hudson’s !Bay !Company !Flats. !! It !was !renamed !to !Victoria ! Park !after !local !women’s !groups !petitio ned !Cit y!Hall !to !identify !the !park !with !a!famous !woman. !The !land !was ! established !as !an !urban !river !valley !park !that !proved !to !be !popular !as !a!picnic !destination !and !with !local !sports !groups. ! A!rifle !range, !horse !stables, !and !Edmonton’s !first !cricket !pitch !were !established. !! ! Victoria !Park !is !located !on !the !north !ba nk !of !the !Nort h!Saskatchewan !River, !west !of !the !High !Level !Bridge. !The !site !is ! 122 !ha. !! The !River !Valley !by Rlaws !apply !to !this !site. !! ! Today, !the !site !has !a!number !of !uses !and !amenities. !! The !rifle !range !and !stables !no !longer !exist, !but !the !park !has !pi cnic ! sites, !hikin g!and !bike !trails, !a!ball !diamond, !horseshoe !pits, !a!cricket !pitch, !and !an !outdoor !ice !skating !rink !in !winter. !! Victoria !Park !Golf !Course !is !located !within !the !park. !! It !is !an !18 !hole !golf !course !with !a!driving !range, !and !is !owned !and ! operated !by !the !City !of !Edm onton. !Trees !have !been !planted !to !separate !the !golf !links !from !the !reminder !of !the !park. ! During !winter !months, !the !slopes !above !the !park !became !a!series !of !sleigh, !toboggan, !and !ski !runs. !! ! There !are !existing !portable !trailers !at !Victoria !Park !which !accommodate !both !City !of !Edmonton !and !partn er !group ! needs. !! The !trailers !and !public !washroom !facilities !have !reached !the !end !of !their !lifespan !and !will !be !removed !to ! facilitate !the !development !of !the !new !amenity !building. ! ! Program !Synopsis !! ! A!central !amenity !building !is !required !to !serve !a!variety !of !functions !at !Victoria !Park. !! It !shall !provide !public ! washrooms !and !should !accommodate !several !expressed !needs !of !site !stakeholders. !! The !building !will !act !as !a!central ! amenity !building !for !Victoria !Park !serving !both !the !public, !ongoing !seasonal !programming !carried !out !by !the !City !of ! Edmonton, !and !the !Edmonton !Speed !Skating !Association. !! The !Edmonton !Speed !Skating !Association, !a!partner !group ! with !the !City !of !Edmonton, !wo uld !like !to !have !the !ability !to !utilize !meeting !space, !skate !change, !and !washroom !areas. !! Over !the !long Rterm, !the !Edmonton !Speed !Skating !Association !has !requested !additional !space !for !training, !storage, !and ! ice Rresurfacing !equipment. ! ! The !fundamental !concept !for !the !design !of !this !building !is !an !environmentally !sustainable !and !flexibl e!structure ! consistent !with !developme nt !standards !in !Edmonton’s !River !Valley. !! Space !for !the !public, !partner !groups, !and !City !of ! Edmonton !programming !are !the !primary !programmatic !elements. !! The !structure !shall !be !designed !for !LEED !Silver ! rating !as !per !the !City !of !Edmonton’s !Ecovision !and !shall !include !a!hi gh !st andard !for !day !lighting !and !natural ! ventilation. !!! ! The !plans !should !be !organized !such !that !the !base !building !(CoE !funded) !components !could !be !built !in !a!prior !phase !to ! the !partner !organization !components !if !required. !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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BORDEN !PARK ! ! History ! ! Borden !Park !is !an !excellent !example !of !park !development !in !Edmonton !over !the !past !100 !years. !! It !has !been !home !to ! Edmonton’s !exhibition !grounds, !its !Zoological !Garden, !Edmonton’s !only !roller !coaster, !a!tunnel !of !love, !a!duck !pond, ! as !well !as !the !site !of !one !of !Edmonton’s !first !outdoor !swimming !pools. ! ! Borden !Park !is !situated !on !20 !hectares !in !nor theast !Edmonton !at !the !corner !of !112 !Avenue !and !79 !Street, !but !it !hasn’t ! always !had !these !boundaries. !! When !the !land !was !purchased !in !1906 !by !the !City !of !Edmonton, !it !consisted !of !140 ! acres !of !mostly !swamp !far !outside !the !City !limits. !! However, !the !City !pla nners !had !a!vision !which !went !far !beyond !the ! necessity !of !accruing !land !for !buildings !and !infrastructure. !! Their !vision !recognized !the !importance !of !the !health !and ! well Rbeing !of !the !public. !!! ! In ! 1914, ! the ! East ! End ! Park ! was ! renamed ! Borden ! Park ! in ! honour ! of ! a! visit ! from ! Pri me! Minister ! Robert ! Borden, ! a! renaming ! which ! made ! it ! a! destination ! worthy ! of ! the ! newly ! instituted ! trolley ! system ! and ! launched ! a! series ! of ! developments !designed !to !provide !outdoor !recreational !opportunities !to !Edmontonians. !! The !early !1900’s !was !the ! golden ! age ! of ! Borden ! Park. ! It ! was ! the ! destination ! for ! family ! events ! and ! was ! hom e! to ! many ! attractions ! including ! fairground !activities, !a!zoo !and !an !outdoor !pool. !!! ! Philosophies !of !park !design !change !with !the !times, !and !during !the !1930’s !and !1940’s !there !was !a!shift !away !from ! activities !requiring !intensive !supporting !infrastructure !and !towards !those !of !a!pastoral, !informal !quality. !! Borden !Park ! evolved ! to ! res pond ! to ! this ! shift. ! The ! zoo ! was ! relocated, ! the ! fair ! attractions ! shut ! down, ! and ! passive ! open ! space ! remained. !Although !considered !a!City Rwide !park, !Borden !Park !became !closely !identified !with !the !residential !areas !that ! had !grown !up !around !it. !! People !living !close !to !the !park !developed !a!sense !of !owners hip !and !prote ctiveness !toward !it. !!! ! In !1954, !in !response !to !another !shift !in !the !needs !of !park !users, !the !City !of !Edmonton !undertook !an !extensive !redesign ! of !Borden !Park. !! The !new !plan !called !for !features !such !as !a!renovated !outdoor !swimming !pool, !a!band !shell, !walkway ! system, !water !features, !comfort !stations, !wading !pools, !tree !planting, !storage !areas, !picnic !areas, !tennis !courts !and ! baseball !diamonds. !! The !changes !would !provide !visitors !with !a!balance !between !passive !green !space !and !recreational ! facilities. !!! ! Borden !Park !has !remained !virtually !untouched !since !the !1950’s. !The !City !of !Edmonton !continues !to !maintain !it !and ! residents !continue !to !visit, !bu t!with !th e!diminishment !of !its !once !vibrant !appeal !comes !pressure !on !the !land. !Borden ! Park !needed !a!reason !for !being !and !a!face !lift. !! In !2006, !in !an !effort !to !protect !and !revitalize !this !important !piece !of ! Edmonton’s ! history ! and ! regain ! a! once ! vibrant ! and ! active ! outdoor ! space, ! th e! City ! of ! Edm onton ! partnered ! with ! members ! of ! the ! surrounding ! communities ! to ! prepare ! a!revitalization ! plan ! for ! Borden ! Park. ! ! The ! result ! was ! a! plan ! which !protects !the !history !of !Borden !Park !while !preparing !it !for !the !future. !! The !revitalization !plan !is !scheduled !to ! commence !construction !in !the !spring !of !2011. ! ! Program !Synopsis !! ! A!central !amenity !building !is !required !at !Borden !Park. !! It !shall !provide !public !washrooms !and !a!multi Rpurpose ! seating/warm Rup !area !for !community !use. !! Unlike !the !other !pavilions !in !this !competition, !there !are !no !partnership ! groups !that !need !to !be !accommodated; !therefore, !there !are !no !phasing !considerations. !!!!!! ! The !fu ndamental !concept !for !the !design !of !this !building !is !an !environmentally !sustainable !and !flexible !structure ! consistent !with !development !standards !in !Edmonton’s !River !Valley. !! Space !for !the !public !and !City !of !Edmonton ! programming !are !the !primary !elements. !! The !structure !shall !be !designed !for !LEED !Silver !rating !as !per !the !City !of ! Edm onton’s !Ecovision !and !shall !include !a!high !standard !for !day !lighting !and !natural !ventilation. !!

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CASTLE !DOWNS !DISTRICT !PARK !! ! History: ! ! Castle !Downs !District !Park !is !located !in !the !Dunluce !neighbourhood. !! The !Park !services !all !the !communities !in !Castle ! Downs !with !a!population !of !over !55,000, !as !well !as !draws !from !other !neighbourhoods !east !of !97 !Street !and !South !of ! 137 !Avenue. !! This !park !is !located !in !Nort hwest !Edm onton !and !is !18.35 !hectares !in !size. !!! ! The !first !planning !for !the !Castle !Downs !District !Park !started !in !1983, !and !was !grade !leveled !and !seeded !in !1986. !! The ! revised !master !plan !for !Castle !Downs !Park !was !developed !and !approved !in !2001, !funding !was !not !available !at !that ! time !to !pro ceed !with !th e!implementation !of !the !master !plan. !! Funding !has !now !recently !become !available !to ! implement !the !master !plan !from !2001. ! ! The !first !stage !of !the !two !stage !implementation !plan !was !the !upgrading !and !expansion !of !an !existing !playground !and ! water !spray !park. !! The !local !community !group !removed !and !re placed !the !play ground !and !water !play !equipment, ! expanded !the !water !spray !park, !and !is !building !a!permanent !washroom/ !change !facility !for !the !spray !park. !! Pathways ! were !added !for !access !to !the !site !in !the !form !of !biking !and !walking !trails !from !the !surrounding !communities. !! Additional !trees, !picnic !tables !and !benches !were !adde d!to !th e!site. !! This !portion !of !the !project !is !nearing !completion ! and !will !be !finished !in !the !Spring !of !2011. !!! ! Program !Synopsis: ! ! The !amenity !building !for !Castle !Downs !District !Park !will !include !washrooms, !and !facilities !for !two !site !stakeholders: ! the !Edmonton !Seahawks !Football !Club !(NEMFA) !and !the !Edmonton !and !Di strict !Cricket !Cl ub. !! NEMFA !and !the !Castle ! Downs !Recreation !Society !(CDRS) !have !identified !the !need !for !storage !in !a!new !facility. !!! ! The !fundamental !concept !for !the !design !is !a!community !friendly !and !flexible !structure. !Community !space !and !public ! washrooms !are !the !primary !programmatic !elements. !The !structure !shall !be !designed !fo r!LEED !Silver !rating !as !per !the ! City !of !Edmonton’s !EcoVision !and !shall !include !a!high !standard !for !day !lighting !and !natural !ventilation. !The !proposed ! design !shall !respect !the !function !of !the !park !as !a!host !site !for !major !events. !! ! The !plans !should !be !organized !such !that !the !base !building !(CoE !fu nded) !comp onents !could !be !built !in !a!prior !phase !to ! the !partner !organization !components !if !required. !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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1.0 THE !DESIGN !COMPETITION ! ! 1.1 The !City !of !Edmonton !is !pleased !to !hold !this !set !of !Design !Competitions !for !new !amenities !buildings !in !five ! Edmonton !parks. !! This !is !an !Open !Competition !limited !only !to !those !who !can !be !registered !with !the !AAA !to ! complete !work !in !Alberta. !! This !means !there !must !be !an !architect !on !the !team !with !a!Cana dian !provincial ! association ! registration ! nu mber, ! or ! a! Canadian ! Architectural ! Certification ! Board ! (CACB) ! number ! for ! professionals !registered !outside !of !Canada. !! There !is !no !student !category !for !submissions; !however, !students ! could !form !part !of !a!submission !team. ! ! 1.2 The ! winners ! of ! this ! competition ! will ! be ! invited ! to ! enter ! into ! an ! Ag reement ! with ! th e! City ! of ! Edmonton, ! executing ! the ! City’s ! standard ! Professional ! Services ! Agreement ! (PSA). ! ! The ! City’s ! General ! Conditions ! of ! Consulting !Services !will !apply. !! A!copy !of !a!draft !PSA !and !the !General !Conditions, !is !included !for !reference ! purposes. !! Note !that !the !CIty !has !not !selected !the !method !of !construction !at !this !time. !The !success ful !firm ! must !com ply !with !all !City !contract !documents !including !the !forms !of !insurance, !Worker’s !Compensation !and ! other !requirements !stated !in !the !General !Conditions !of !Consulting !Services. ! ! 2.0 DESIGN !COMPETITION !APPROVAL ! ! 2.1 This !Design !Competition !is !in !the !process !of !being !sanctioned !by !the !Alberta !Association !of !Architects. ! ! 3.0 PROFESSIONAL !ADVISOR ! ! 3.1 The !CIty !has !appointed !a!Professional !Advisor. ! 3.1.1 The !City !has !appointed !David !Murray !Architect !AAA, !FRAIC !upon !the !recommendation !of !the !Alberta ! Association !of !Architects, !as !the !Professional !Advisor. !! Mr. !Murray !is !an !architect !in !private !practice, ! residing !in !Edmonton. ! ! 3.1.2 The !Professional !Advisor !shall !have !no !vested !interest !in !th e!competition, !shall !not !participate !in !the ! execution !of !any !subsequent !or !derivative !commission, !and !shall !act !impartially !throughout !the !entire ! competition !process. ! ! 3.1.3 Responsibilities !include: ! ! .1 Ensure !that !the !both !the !City’s !and !the !competitors’ !interests !are !safeguarded !in !keeping !with !the ! competition !rules. ! .2 Ensure !that !the !anonymity !of !the !en tries !is !maintained !thr oughout !the !competition. ! .3 Arrange !for !the !submitted !questions !and !the !subsequent !answers !to !be !promptly !distributed. ! .4 Examine !all !entries !upon !submission !and !ascertain !if !they !comply !with !the !mandatory !requirements. ! .5 Notify ! all ! entrants ! that ! their ! submissions ! have ! been ! received ! and ! indicate ! that ! they ! have ! been ! acce pted ,!or !in !the !case !of !non Rcompliance, !rejected. ! .6 Draw ! up ! a! checklist ! of ! mandatory ! requirements ! to ! be ! attached ! to ! every ! prize Rworthy ! entry ! and ! signed !by !the !Professional !Advisor. ! .7 Assist !the !Jury !and !instruct !it !in !procedural !matters. ! .8 Ensure !that !the !Jury’s !decision !on !awards !is !in !compliance !with !the !com petition !conditions. ! .9 Advise !the !City, !the !competitors !and, !subsequently, !the !publicity !media !of !the !competition !results, ! .10 Prepare !a!Jury !report !with !supporting !reasons !for !the !awards. ! .11 Oversee !a!public !exhibition !of !the !entries. ! .12 Ensure !that !the !awards !are !promptly !paid !to !the !winners. ! ! ! ! !

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4.0 THE !JURY ! ! 4.1 Each !project !will !judged !independently. !The !jury !will !consist !of !5!persons, !4!of !whom !will !constitute !the !main ! jury !and !will !judge !each !project. !For !each !of !the !4!projects, !a!separate !individual !has !been !appointed !to !the ! jury !as !the !5th !member. !! The !following !persons !have !been !appointed !as !members !of !five !(5) !person !juries: ! ! MAIN !JURY !R! STEVE !McFARLANE, !Architect !MAIBC, !AAA, !MRAIC, !LEED !AP ! MAIN !JURY !R! JANET !ROSENBERG, !Landscape !Architect !OALA, !FCSLA, !ASLA, !IFLA, !RCA ! MAIN !JURY !R! PIERRE !THIBAULT, !Architect !OAQ ! MAIN !JURY !–!CAROL !BELANGER, !City !Architect !AAA, !MRAIC, !LEED !AP ! ! ! ADDITIONA L!JURY !MEMBERS !(per !specific !park !site): ! ! MILL !WOODS !SPORTS !PARK !–!JIM !BLACK, !City !of !Edmonton, !Landscape !Architect, !AALA, !CSLA ! JOHN !FRY !SPORTS !PARK !–!JIM !BLACK ,!City !of !Edmonton, !Landscape !Architect, !AALA, !CSLA ! VICTORIA !PARK !–!GILBERT !CATABAY, !City !of !Edmonton, !Landscape !Architect, !AALA, !CSLA ! BORDE N!PARK !–!MAR TINA !GARDINER ,!City !of !Edmonton, !Landscape !Architect, !AALA, !CSLA ! CASTLE !DOWNS !PARK !R! MARTINA !GARDINER ,!City !of !Edmonton, !Landscape !Architect, !AALA, !CSLA ! ! ! ! STEVE !McFARLANE !BIOGRAPHY ! Steve ! McFarlane ! is ! a! founding ! principal ! of ! mcfarlane ! green ! biggar ! architecture ! +! design !(mgb) !based !in !North !Vancouver !BC. !! ! A! dynamic ! you ng! firm, ! mgb ! strives ! to ! make ! noteworthy ! contributions ! to ! architectural ! practice ! both ! locally ! and ! around ! the ! globe. ! Consistently ! innovative ! work ! has ! garnered ! numerous ! accolades ! in ! its ! seven ! years, ! including ! an ! unprecedented ! six ! Lieutenant ! Governor’s ! awards ! in ! BC, ! the ! RAIC ! Award ! of ! Excellence, ! the ! North ! American ! Wood ! Design ! Award ! and ! the ! II DA ! In teriors ! Award ! along ! with ! a! host ! of ! others. ! In ! 2009, ! mgb ! was ! one ! of ! forty ! international ! firms ! honoured !to !be !nominated !for !the !Marcus !Prize. !! ! Steve ! is ! dedicated ! to ! design ! that ! stretches ! across ! many ! disciplines. ! He ! embraces ! architecture !that !responds !thoughtfully !to !its !context, !climate !and !topography, !while ! balancing !th e!lessons !of !the !past !with !the !responsibilities !of !the !future. !Steve !feels ! that !the !poetics !of !rigour !are !especially !needed !now, !in !the !new !era !of !sustainability, ! and ! he ! strives ! to ! create ! an ! ethic ! of ! simplicity ! and ! directness ! in ! the ! search ! for ! architecture ! that ! endures ! through ! the ! rewards ! of ! thoughtfulness, ! integrity, ! an d! restraint. ! He’s ! committed ! to ! an ! investigative, ! collaborative ! approac h! that ! values ! design !as !a!process !of !communication, !exploration !and !innovation. !His !dedication !to ! quality ! has ! provided ! a! foundation ! for ! his ! leadership ! on ! a! diverse ! array ! of ! notable ! projects, !spanning !a!broad !range !of !building !types, !scales !and !settings, !from !rural !to ! urban. !!! ! Steve is curre ntly a member of the City of Vancouver Urban Design Panel and was recently appointed to the City of North Vancouver Advisory Design Panel. He also remains active as an educator and mentor, and has been a sessional instructor for the UBC School of Architecture and the RAIC Syllabus program. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Web !site: !http://www.mgb Rarchitecture.ca/ !! !

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JANET !ROSENBERG !BIOGRAPHY !! Janet !Rosenberg !+!Associates !(JRA) !is !one !of !Canada’s !most !distinguished !landscape ! architecture ! and ! urban ! design ! firms ! with ! an ! extensive ! portfolio ! of ! ! high Rprofile ! projects ! from ! nearly ! three ! decades. ! ! JRA ! is ! a! widely Rpublished, ! award Rwinning ! company, !recognized !internationally !for !innovation !and !design !excellence. ! ! At !the !helm !of !the !firm !is !Jane t!Rose nberg, !an !enthusiastic !defender !of !the !public ! realm !and !avid !proponent !of !environmental !sustainability !whose !professional !goal !is ! to !make !the !world !a!better !place !one !landscape !at !a!time. !! As !founding !principal !of ! JRA, ! she ! has ! been ! pushing ! the ! boundaries ! of ! landscape ! design, ! leading ! her ! firm ! towards ! the ! comp letion ! of ! numerous ! par ks ! as ! well ! as ! commercial ! and ! residential ! spaces, !bringing !landscape !architecture !to !the !forefront !of !discussion. ! ! Among ! her ! many ! commitments, ! Janet ! is ! a! founding ! member ! of ! the ! Toronto ! Tree ! Foundation ! and ! a! long ! standing ! participant ! of ! Toronto’s ! Waterfront ! Review ! Panel ! and ! the ! City ! of ! Toronto ! Design ! Review ! Panel. ! ! Sh e! also ! freque ntly ! sits ! on ! international ! jury ! panels ! as ! well ! as ! speaks ! about ! design ! at ! conferences ! and ! universities ! across ! North ! America. ! ! In ! recognition ! of ! her ! work, ! Janet ! has ! been ! awarded ! an ! Honourary ! Doctorate ! from ! Ryerson ! University, ! a! prestigious ! Urban ! Leadership !Award !from !the !Canadian !Urban !Institute, !the !OAL A’s !Pinna cle !Award !for ! Landscape ! Architectural ! Excellence, ! and ! the ! Governor ! General ! of ! Canada ! Confederation !Medal. ! Web site: http://www.jrala.ca/ ! ! ! ! PIERRE !THIBAULT !BIOGRAPHY !! Pierre ! Thibault ! est ! architecte ! depuis ! plus ! de ! 25 ! ans. ! Il ! croit ! (fermement) ! que ! l’architecture !a!une !influence !beaucoup !plus !grande !qu’on !le !croit !sur !nos !vies. !! Il ! a! conçu ! plusieurs ! maisons ! en ! osmose ! avec ! leur ! environnement. ! Mais ! aussi, ! l’Abbaye !des !moines !cisterciens !à!St !Jean !de !Math a, !l’es pace !chorégraphique !Jean R Pierre ! Perrault, ! le ! musée ! d’art ! contemporain ! de ! Charlevoix. ! La ! maturité ! de ! son ! travail ! lui ! a! valu ! des ! prix ! et ! mention ! au ! Québec, ! au ! Canada, ! aux ! États Runis ! et ! en ! Europe. !Il !enseigne !à!l’École !d’Architecture !de !l’Université !Laval !et !a!été !professeur ! invité !au !MIT. ! ! Through !envir onmentally !incisive !responses !to !the !needs !of !clients !in !urban, !regional ! and !wilderness !settings, !Pierre !Thibault’s !practice !has !been !distinguishing !itself !since ! 1988. ! Primarily ! active ! in ! landscaping, ! and ! cultural ! and ! institutional ! design, ! his ! penetrating ! vision ! and ! finely ! honed ! vocabulary ! have ! earned ! him ! citations ! and ! awards !in !Québec, !Canada, !the !United !States !and !Euro pe .!Principal !designer !as !well ! as !project !manager, !Pierre !Thibault !works !with !a!well Rformed !team !of !professional ! architects ! and ! senior ! technicians ! whose ! proven ! qualifications ! complement ! one ! another. !Together, !the !team !combines !design !and !building !expertise !with !the !latest ! model Rrendering ! technologies ! to ! meticulously ! craft ! projects ! grounded ! in ! the ! aspirations !and !requirements !of !individu als !and !communities. ! ! The !design !mastery !the !firm !has !developed, !particularly !within !the !last !ten !years, !is ! the ! result ! of ! Pierre ! Thibault’s ! personal ! and ! continued ! research ! into ! the ! inherent ! dialogue ! between ! architecture ! and ! the ! environment. ! The ! quality ! of ! his ! projects ! is ! also ! the ! result ! of ! rigorous ! follow Rup ! at ! eve ry ! stage ! of ! a! project’s ! realization, ! from ! design !to !completion. ! Web !site: !! http://www.pthibault.com/ !!

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! ! CAROL !BELANGER !BIOGRAPHY ! Carol !graduated !from !the !Technical !University !of !Nova !Scotia !with !a!Masters !Degree ! in ! Architecture ! in ! 1992. ! ! After ! 15 ! years ! in ! private ! practice ! he ! worked ! as ! a! senior ! urban !designer !in !the !City’s !planning !and !development !group !where !he !chaired !the ! Edmonton !Urban !Design !Awards !in !2005 !an d!20 07. !! Since !2007 !Carol !has !held !the ! position ! of ! City ! Architect, ! during ! which ! time ! he ! has ! worked ! to ! emphasize ! the ! importance ! of ! urban ! and ! architectural ! design ! for ! the ! betterment ! of ! the ! city ! and ! communities ! that ! we ! live ! in. ! ! Leveraging ! the ! City’s ! current ! standards ! in ! design ! excellence, !Carol !is !eager !to !be !working !on !th is !design !com petition !to !encourage !the ! continuation !of !the !architectural !discussions !and !momentum !that !has !been !building ! since !the !recent !competition !held !for !the !new !Art !Gallery !of !Alberta. ! ! ! ! ! JIM !BLACK !BIOGRAPHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim !arrived !at !the !Parks !branch !of !Asset !Management !and !Public !Works !in !19 99, !after ! some !15 !years !in !private !practice. !There !is !a!renewed !and !politically !supported !desire ! in !Edmonton !to !greatly !improve !the !built !environment !and !this !is !being !reflected !in ! greater ! resources ! being ! directed ! toward ! elevating ! design ! beyond ! the ! strictly ! functional !or !economical. !This !competition !reflects !that !desire. !! ! ! ! ! ! ! GILBE RT!CATABAY !BIOGRAPHY !!!!!!!!! Gilbert ! Catabay ! is ! a! Landscape ! Architect ! with ! over ! 20 ! years ! of ! experience ! in ! landscape ! architecture, ! both ! in ! Bahrain ! (Middle ! East) ! and ! Canada. ! He ! ! has ! accumulated ! a! diverse ! range ! of ! project ! expertise ! in ! downtown ! improvements, ! streetscape ! design, ! urban ! design, ! community ! development, ! sports ! field ! and ! park ! planning, ! entry ! monuments ! and ! re gional ! plan ning ! design. ! He ! is ! responsible ! for ! all ! aspects !of !landscape !architecture !serving !both !public !and !private !sector !clients, !and ! draws !upon !a!wide !range !of !experience !in !the !development !process !from !conceptual ! design !to !master !planning !through !to !implementation. !! ! ! ! ! MARTINA !GARDINER !BIOGRAPHY ! Martina ! has ! worked ! as ! a! Landscape ! Ar chitec t! in ! the ! City ! of ! Edmonton ! Parks ! department ! since ! 2006, ! after ! graduating ! from ! the ! University ! of ! Guelph, ! and ! spending !almost !3!years !in !private !practice. !! Her !work !at !the !City !has !focused !on !the ! betterment !of !parks !within !our !communities !and !encourages !partnerships, !dialogue ! and !consensus !building !with !those !who !will !use !the !sites !sh e!is !involved !in. !! Martina ’s ! role !as !a!landscape !architect !allows !for !innovation !and !improved !aesthetics !for !City ! of !Edmonton !parks. ! ! !

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5.0 TECHNICAL !ADVISORY !TEAM ! ! 5.1 The !CIty !will !be !commissioning !several !technical !advisors !to !assist !the !jury !with !assessment !of !the !entries. !! The !advisors !will !have !no !affiliation !with !the !competitors !concerning !their !entry !submissions. ! ! 5.1.1 The ! City ! has ! appointed ! Mr. ! Graeme ! Alston, ! Managing ! Director, ! BTY ! (Alberta) ! Ltd. ! as ! the ! Cost ! Consultant !to !advise !the !Jury. !! Mr. !Alston’s !role !will !be !to !aid !the !City !of !Edm onton !in !setting !out !the ! appropriate !project !budgets !based !on !the !program !identified !prior !to !the !competition !opening. !! After ! the ! submissions ! have ! been ! received ! Mr. ! Alston ! will ! review ! the ! submissions ! and ! comment ! on ! the ! feasibility !of !the !designs !being !able !to !meet !the !requirements !of !the !bu dg et. !! These !comments !will !be ! available !to !the !jury. ! ! 5.1.2 The !City !has !appointed !Ms. !Kristy !Trinier, !Public !Art !Director, !Edmonton !Arts !Council !as !the !Public !Art ! Consultant !to !advise !the !Jury. !! This !role !will !include !the !review !of !submissions !to !indicate !the !viability ! and !pote ntial !of !the !public !art !locations !suggested !within !the !proposals. !! Any !comments !will !be !made ! available !to !the !jury. ! ! 6.0 PROJECT !BUDGET !DETAILS !! ! 6.1 Mill !Woods !Sport !Park ! Construction !Budget ! The !construction !budget !based !on !the !attached !program !has !been !established !at !$3.3 !M. ! ! Fees ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category ! Construction ! ! 4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% ! Budget ! Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! $3.30M ! Activity ! ! ! ! st ! Design Competition – 1 6.25% ! $19,078.13 ! place !award. ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! $19,078.13 ! Schematic !Design ! Design !Development ! 12.5% ! $38,156.25 !

50% ! $152,625.00 ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! $15,262,50 ! Construction ! Administration !&! 15% ! $45,787.50 ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! $15,262.50 ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! $305,250.00 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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6.2 John !Fry !Sport !Park ! ! Construction !Budget: ! The !construction !budget !based !on !the !attached !program !has !been !established !at !$3.8 !M. ! ! Fees ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category ! Construction ! ! 4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% ! Budget ! Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! $3.80M ! Activity ! ! ! ! st ! Design Competition – 1 6.25% ! $21,968.75 ! place !award. ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! $21,968.75 ! Schematic !Design ! Design !Development ! 12.5% ! $43,937.50 !

50% ! $175,750.00 ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! $17,575.00 ! Construction ! Administration !&! 15% ! $52,725.00 ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! $17,575.00 ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! $351,500.00 ! ! 6.3 Castle !Downs !Park ! ! Construction !Budget ! The !construction !budget !based !on !the !attached !program !has !been !established !at !$2.6 !M! ! Fees ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category ! Construction ! ! 4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% ! Budget ! Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! $2.6 !M! Activity ! ! ! ! st ! Design Competition – 1 6.25% ! $15,031.25 ! place !award. ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! $15,031.25 ! Schematic !Design ! Design !Development ! 12.5% ! $30,062.50 !

50% ! $120,250.00 ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! $12,025.00 ! Construction ! Administration !&! 15% ! $36,075.00 ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! $12,025.00 ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! $240,500.00 ! ! ! ! ! !

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6.4 Victoria !Park ! ! Construction !Budget ! The !construction !budget !based !on !the !attached !program !has !been !established !at !$2.31M. ! ! Fees ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category ! Construction ! ! 4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% ! Budget ! Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! $2.31 !M! Activity ! ! ! ! st ! Design Competition – 1 6.25% ! $13,356.87 ! place !award. ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! $13,356.87 ! Schematic !Design ! Design !Development ! 12.5% ! $26,709.38 !

50% ! $106,837.50 ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! $10,683.75 ! Construction ! Administration !&! 15% ! $32,051.25 ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! $10,683.75 ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! $213,675.00 ! ! ! 6.5 Borden !Park ! ! Construction !Budget ! The !construction !budget !based !on !the !attached !program !has !been !established !at !$1.2M ! ! Fees ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category ! Construction ! ! 4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% ! Budget ! Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! $1.2 !M! Activity ! ! ! ! st ! Design Competition – 1 6.25% ! $6,937.50 ! place !award. ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! $6,937.50 ! Schematic !Design ! Design !Development ! 12.5% ! $13,875.00 !

50% ! $55,500.00 ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! $5,550.00 ! Construction ! Administration !&! 15% ! $16,650.00 ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! $5,550.00 ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! $111,000 ! ! ! ! !

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7.0 COMPETITION !SCHEDULE ! ! Announcement !and !Registration !Open: ! January !25, !2010 ! ! Close !of !Registration: ! March !01, !2011 !at !2:00:00 !PM ! ! Close !of !Questions: ! March !01, !2011 !at !2:00:00 !PM ! ! Deadline !for !Entries: ! March !22, !2011 !at !2:00:00 !PM !(local !time) ! ! Competition !Due !Diligence, !Technical !and !Cost !Review: ! March !24/25, !2011 ! ! Adjudication: ! March !29/ 30, !20 11 ! ! Announcement !and !Exhibition !Opening: ! Week !of !April !1, !2011 !(TBD) ! ! Exhibition: ! Week !of !April !1, !2011 !! (TBD) ! ! Pick Rup !of !Boards !by !Entrants: ! April !30 !–!May !30, !2011 ! ! 9.0 SINGLE !POINT !OF !CONTACT !FOR !QUESTIONS !DURING !THE !COMPETITION ! ! 7.1 Firms !and !their !representatives !shall !not !attempt !to !communicate !directly !or !indirectly !with !the !Jury !or !the ! Technical !Advisors, !or !any !member !of !the !City !staff !involved !in !this !competition, !except !the !City !Contracts ! Consultant !(Lavonne !Drynan) !who !is !the !designated !liaison !for !the !Professional !Advisor. ! ! 7.2 Firms !finding !discrepancies, !inconsistencies !or !omissions !in !the !Design !Competition !Do cumen t!or !having !any ! questions ! or ! requiring ! clarification ! of ! the ! intent ! or ! meaning ! of ! any ! part ! thereof ! shall ! notify ! the ! Contracts ! Consultant !in !writing !by !email !prior !to !the !Close !of !Questions !date. !!!! The !Contracts !Consultant, !will !review !all ! questions !with !Mr. !David !Murray, !Professional !Advisor. !! All !questions !will !be !answer ed !in !writing !and !the ! answers ! will ! be ! issued ! as ! addend a! to ! the ! competition ! and ! issued ! to ! all ! registrants. ! Verbal ! instructions ! or ! clarifications !shall !not !be !binding !unless !confirmed !in !writing. !!! Contact !information !is: ! ! ATTENTION: !! LAVONNE !DRYNAN !! CP R2240 ! Email: !! [email protected] !! Phone: !780 R496 R8897 ! Fax: !! 780 R496 R5015 ! Hours: !8:30 !a.m. !to !12:00 !noon !and !1:00 !p.m. !to !4:30 !p.m., !local !time, !Monday !to !Friday. !

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8.0 COMPETITION !FEES !AND !REGISTRATION ! ! 8.1 This !competition !is !open !to !any !architect !eligible !to !be !registered !with !the !Alberta !Association !of !Architects. !! Reciprocal !Registration !for !the !AAA !requires !that !an !architect !be !registered !in !another !Canadian !province !or ! territory. !! Architects !registered !outside !of !the !country !must !be !registered !in !their !home !jurisdiction !AND !have ! a! Canadian ! Arc hitectural ! Certification ! Board ! Number. ! ! These ! numbers ! will ! be ! required ! to ! complete ! registration !for !this !competition. ! ! 8.2 To ! participate !in ! this ! competition, ! interested ! firms ! must ! register ! with ! the ! City ! of !Edmonton ! and ! submit ! a! registration ! fee ! of ! $150.00 ! (including ! GST). ! ! This ! non Rrefundable, ! non Rtransferable ! single ! registration ! fee ! allows !for !submissions !in !on e, !two, !three, !four !or !all !five !of !the !park !competitions. !! No !one !team !can !submit ! more !than !one !design !per !park !unless !another !registration !is !processed. !!! ! ! 8.3 Registration !is !a!2!stage !process. ! ! 8.3.1 The !first !stage !is !payment !of !the !$150.00 !registration !fee. !! Non Rrefundable !payment !is !online !by !credit ! card !only !(VISA/MC/Amex !accepted) !through !the !City’s !eReg !system .!! eReg !requires !a!person !to !sign ! up !and !get !a!login !and !password !to !be !able !to !make !a!payment. !! This !login !and !password !may !be !used ! to ! sign ! up ! for ! any ! City ! of ! Edmonton ! class ! or ! program. ! ! Once ! th e! pa yment ! has ! been ! completed ! through ! this ! system ! you ! will ! be ! contacted ! via ! email ! within ! 2! business ! days ! by ! the ! competition ! administration !to !complete !the !second !stage !of !the !registration !process. !! !!  Link !to !eReg !sign Rup !(for !new !eReg !accounts): ! http://webproxy.edmonton.ca/forms/programregistration/default.aspx  Link !to !eReg !login !(for !existing !eReg !accounts): ! https://ereg.edmonton.ca/MyAccount/MyAccountUserLogin.asp?SCheck=640364879&S DT=40561.5887847222&Referrer=https://ereg.edmonton.ca/MyAccount/MyAccount.asp  Link !to !Competition !payment !page !(for !entry !payment !for !this !competition): ! http://ereg.edmonton.ca/Activities/ActivitiesDetails.asp?ProcessWait=N&aid=16761 !!!! ! !! ! 8.3.2 The ! second ! stage ! of ! registration ! will ! be ! via ! email ! with ! the ! competition ! administration. ! ! A! formal ! Registration ! Form ! will ! be ! sent ! with ! information ! required, ! such ! as ! the ! architectural ! registration ! or ! CACB !number. ! ! 8.3.3 Once !the !registration !form !and !payment !have !been !received !and !processed !an !email !invitation !will !be ! sent !with !links !to !access !the !detailed !background !information !and !drawings !for !each !of !the !parks. !!!! As ! well !an !email !confirmation !will !be !sent !to !the !entrant, !within !2!business !days, !along !with !the !team’s ! formal !registration !num ber. !! This !number !is !the !only !identification !that !is !allowed !to !appear !on !the ! submission !documents, !other !than !in !the !sealed !envelope. ! ! Anyone !submitting !a!design !that !does ! not !have !a!valid !registration !confirmation !number !will !be !disqualified. ! ! 12.0 COMPETITION !AWARDS ! ! ! Awards !for !the !competition !are !set !based !on !the !work !involved !to !complete !50% !of !the !Schematic !Design !for ! each !project, !which !is !directly !related !to !the !amount !of !work !requested !to !participate !in !the !competition. ! ! Borden !Park !First !Place !Award ! ! $!6,937.50 ! Castle !Downs !Park !First !Place !Award ! ! $!15 ,031.25 ! John !Fry !Par k!First !Place !Award ! ! $!21,968.75 ! Mill !Woods !Park !First !Place !Award ! ! $!19,078.13 ! Victoria !Park !First !Place !Award ! ! $!13,356.87 ! ! Second !Place !Awards !(x5) ! ! $!5000.00 !(per !park) !

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13.0 FEES !ESTABLISHED !FOR !THE !WORK ! ! Reference !the !AAA !Recommended !Conditions !of !Engagement !and !Schedule !of !Professional !Fees. !! The !City ! acknowledges !the !AAA !recommendation !and !defines !this !project !as !AN !AVERAGE !BETWEEN !Building !Category ! 4!(Summer !Camp, !Park !Building, !Resort/Tourist !Building) !and !Building !Category !5!(Community !Multi Ruse ! Centre), !with !a!recommended !Fee !of !9.25% !of !the !construction !bu dget !fo r!each !park !building. ! ! 13.1 The !construction !budgets !have !been !established, !providing !the !basis !upon !which !to !proceed !with !this !Design ! Competition ! and ! lead ! into ! the ! completion ! each ! of ! the !5! parks ! building ! projects, ! and ! can ! be ! found ! in ! this ! document !under !the !respective !park !site !information. !The !AA A!recommended !Fee !is !9. 25% !of !the !budgeted ! cost !of !construction. !! This !Fee !shall !include !all !coordination, !administration !and !integration !of !all !services !and ! Sub RConsultant !services !required, !but !excluding !any !fees !related !to !scope !or !additional !changes !as !requested ! by ! the ! client. ! ! GST ! shall ! be ! excluded ! from ! the ! cost ! of ! construc tion ! and ! shall ! not ! apply ! to ! the ! Fee. ! ! See ! attached !draft !of !professional !services !agreement !for !more !detailed !information. ! ! 13.2 The !following !chart !shall !be !used !in !calculating !Fees !for !base !services !to !complete !the !project !following !the ! competition. !!!! ! FEE !CALCULATIONS ! Fees !AAA !Category !4/5 !!! –!! 9.25% Breakdown !of !Fees !by ! Project !Fees ! Activity ! st Design !Competition !–!1 ! 6.25% ! place !award. ! ! ! ! ! Remaining ½ of 6.25% ! Schematic !Design ! !! Design !Development ! 12.5% !

50% ! Construction !Documents ! Bidding !Assistance ! 5% ! Construction ! ! Administration !&! 15% ! Commissioning ! ! ! ! Post Construction & 5% ! Warranty ! TOTAL ! 100.00% ! ! ! 14.0 LATE !ENTRIES ! ! 14.1 Non Rcomplying !or !late !entries !will !be !disqualified. ! ! 15.0 THE !JURY’S !DECISION ! ! 15.1 The !jury !reserves !the !right !to !not !make !a!first !award, !in !which !case !the !City !is !not !bound !by !the !results !of !the ! competition. ! ! 16.0 COPYRIGHT !AND !INTELLECTUAL !PROPERTY !RIGHTS ! ! 16.1 The !copyright !and !intellectual !property !rights !of !each !design !is !to !be !retained !by !its !entrant !author !who !shall ! grant !jointly !to !the !Sponsor !and !the !Professional !Advisor !the !right !to !publish !and !exhibit !the !entries !with !full ! accreditations, !at !their !discretion. ! !

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17.0 THE !COMMISSION ! ! 17.1 The !City !shall !only !make !use !of !the !winning !submissions !for !this !project !and !shall !agree !to !engage !the !winning ! architect !should !the !project !proceed !at !any !time !within !two !years !of !the !date !of !the !award. !! The !City !will ! enter ! into ! a! Professional ! Services ! Agreement ! (PSA) ! with ! the ! winner ! using ! the ! Ci ty’s ! standard ! form ! of ! contra ct. !! Remuneration !shall !be !commensurate !with !the !AAA !Recommended !Conditions !of !Engagement !and ! Schedule !of !Professional !Fees, !taking !into !account !the !First !Award, !which !represents !compensation !for !half !of ! the !schematic !design !stage !fees. ! ! 17.2 Should !the !City !determine !the !winner !to !be !lacking !in !experience !or !capability !to !carry !out !the !commi ssion, !it ! reserves !the !right !to !require !that !the !winner !associate !with !an !architectural !practice !of !recognized !experience ! and !capability, !as !accepted !by !both !the !City !and !the !Winner. !!! ! 17.3 The ! winner ! shall ! comply ! with ! the ! governing ! legislation ! prescribing ! the ! requirements ! for ! licensing ! and ! provisioning !of !professional !se rvices !to !the !public !of !the !Alberta !Association !of !Architects. ! ! 18.0 SUBMISSION !REQUIREMENTS ! ! 18.1 Background !Drawings !Provided !by !City !of !Edmonton ! ! 18.1.1 The !City !will !provide !CAD !drawings !of !the !Parks !and !environs !in !electronic !format !for !the !use !of !the ! entrants. ! ! These ! drawings ! may ! be ! downloaded ! from ! a! City ! of ! Edmonton ! sharepoint ! site ! with ! a! password !that !will !be !provided !to !entrants !after !registration. !! See !the !table !of !conte nts !for !a!list !of ! the !drawings !and !information !that !will !be !available !on !the !sharepoint !site. ! ! 18.2 Anonymity ! ! 18.2.1 The !entries !will !be !anonymous !and !will !consist !of !four !components: ! ! Written !Submission, !in !an !unsealed !envelope ! Presentation !Boards ! Electronic !File !(PDF) ! Sealed !Env elope !for !Identification ! ! 18.2.2 Any !submitted !item !outside !of !the !above !list, !such !as !video !or !models, !will !not !be !shown !to !the !jury. !! Photographs !of !built !models !can !be !included !on !the !presentation !boards. !!! ! 18.2.3 There ! can ! be ! no ! indication ! of ! the ! entrants’ ! identification ! other ! than ! the ! registration ! nu mb er ! anywhere !except !in !the !sealed !envelope. !! The !professional !advisor !reserves !the !right !to !reject !any ! entry !if !the !submission !requirements !are !not !carefully !followed. ! ! 18.3 Written !Submission ! ! 18.3.1 The ! written ! description ! will ! be ! submitted ! in ! a! separate ! letter Rsize ! unsealed ! envelope. ! The ! registration ! identification ! number ! will ! be ! printed ! on ! the ! outside ! of ! th e! envelope ! along ! with ! the ! words !“WRITTEN !DESCRIPTION ”. !! The !written !submission !will !be !not !more !than !5!letter Rsize !pages !in ! length !and !not !folded. !Use !the !following !format: ! ! Registration !Identification !Number ! List !of !the !Design !Problems !that !have !been !Addressed ! Rationale !for !the !Resol ution !of !the !Design !Pr oblems !

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Description !of !the !Design !Solution !including !Sustainability !Principles, !and !%!for !Art !Locations, ! ! and !Edmonton !Design !Committee !Principles !addressed ! Summary !of !the !Technical !Aspects !of !the !Design !Solution !! Outline !of !the !Anticipated !Capital !Construction !Costs !of !the !Entry ! In !addition, !include !6!(six) !copies !on !8.5” !x!11 ”!to !be !distributed !to !Jur y!Members. ! ! 18.4 Presentation !Boards ! ! 18.4.1 Each ! Submission ! will ! consist ! of ! no ! more ! than ! 2! –! 24” ! x! 36” ! boards ! in ! vertical ! format. ! ! The ! presentations !shall !be !mounted !on !¼” !foam !core !board. !! In !addition, !6!(six) !copies !of !the !contents !of ! the !Presentation !Boards !shal l!be !submitted !on !8. 5” !x!11” !to !be !distributed !to !Jury !Members. !! ! 18.4.2 The !presentation !boards !shall !only !be !used !to !present !2D !materials. !! No !items !of !significant !depth ! should !be !mounted !on !the !boards. !! ! 18.5 Electronic !File !(PDF) ! ! 18.5.1 The ! electronic ! file ! shall ! be ! submitted ! in ! the ! unsealed ! envelope. ! The ! registration ! identifica tion ! number !will !be !printed !on !th e!outside !of !the !CD !cover !and !on !the !CD !itself !along !with !the !words ! “ELECTRONIC !FILE ”. !! The !Electronic !File !should !be !burned !on !a!standard !CD !and !shall !be !protected !in ! a!standard !CD !cover. !! The !Electronic !File !should !include !separate !high !resolution !PDF !an d!JPG !files !of ! each ! of ! the ! presentation ! boards ! submitted. ! ! The ! Electronic ! Files ! shall ! be ! named ! with ! the ! Registration !Identification !Number, !the !park !site !and !a!dash !1!or !dash !2, !!! (i.e. !“315 RBorden R1.pdf”, ! and !“315 RBorden R2.pdf”). !! As !well, !any !individual !images, !as !shown !on !the !prese ntation !boar ds, !at ! the !discretion !of !the !entrant !may !be !submitted. ! ! 18.5.2 No !movies !or !animated !graphics !will !be !judged !as !part !of !the !submission !entry. ! ! 18.6 Sealed !Envelope ! ! 18.6.1 Each ! entry ! will ! be ! accompanied ! by ! a! sealed ! envelope ! containing ! a! copy ! of ! the ! Confirmation ! of ! Registration !Form !returned !from !the !City !indica ting !acce ptance !of !the !Registration !Form. !! This !form ! will ! contain ! a! Registration ! Number. ! ! Print ! the ! registration ! number ! on ! the ! front ! of ! the ! sealed ! envelope. !! ! 19.0 AWARD !CRITERIA ! ! 19.1 The !award !criteria !will !be !based !on !3!categories, !explained !in !more !detail !below, !Basic !and !Technical !Criteria, ! Design !Criteria !and !Other !Criteria. !! The !technical !advisory !team !will !review !the !submissions !for !compliance !in ! the !basic !and !technical !category !and !pass !along !any !comments !to !the !jury. !! The !jury !will !be !responsible !for ! selecting !the !submission !that !most !com pletely !satisfies !all !of !the !criteria !categories. ! ! 19.2 Basic !and !Technical !Criteria ! ! 19.2.1 Meets !the !program !requirements. ! ! 19.2.2 Is !reasonably !expected !to !be !able !to !be !completed !within !the !available !budget. ! ! 19.2.3 Has !responsible !Sustainable !Design !Principles. ! ! 19.2.4 Competent !cold !climate !design. !! !

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19.2.5 Universal !Design !compliant. !http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/AccessibilityChecklist2008.pdf )!! ! 19.3 Design !Criteria ! 19.3.1 Innovation !and !design !excellence. !! ! 19.3.2 Response !to !context !–!site, !circulation, !and !access. ! ! 19.3.3 Connections !to !the !park !and !beyond. ! ! 19.4 Other !Criteria ! ! 19.4.1 Potential !to !Meet !City !Policies, !Sustainability, !and !1% !for !art !locations. ! ! 20.0 DEADLINE !AND !SUBMISSION !ADDRESS ! ! 20.1 The !Deadline !for !Submissions !is !as !per !schedule !above !(section !7). !! Submissions !received !after !this !time !on ! the !specified !date !will !be !rejected !without !further !consideration. !! The !Submission !is !to !be !delivered !to !the ! following !address: ! 20.2 ! ATTENTION: !! LAVONNE !DRYNAN !! CP R2240 ! ! The !City !of !Edmonton ! Corporate !Services !Department ! Materials !Management ! Room !800, !Chancery !Hall ! 3!Sir !Winston !Churc hill !Square ! Edmonton, !Alberta, !Canada !! T5J !2C3 ! Email: !! [email protected] ! Phone: !780 R496 R8897 ! Fax: !! 780 R496 R5015 ! ! Hours: !8:30 !a.m. !to !12:00 !noon !and !1:00 !p.m. !to !4:30 !p.m. !local !time, !Monday !to !Friday. ! ! 21.0 PICK !UP !OF !SUBMISSIONS ! ! The !Presentation !Boards !submitted !will !be !retained !for !a!1!month !time !frame !for !a!possible !public !exhibition. !! After !this !time !the !presentation !boards !will !be !kept !for !an !additional !1!month !(April !30 th !to !May !30 th ,!2011) ! during ! which ! time ! the ! boards ! may ! be ! picked ! up ! by ! the ! entrants. ! ! ! After ! May ! 30 th ! the ! Boards ! may ! be ! destroyed !or !disposed !of. !! Pick !up !location !will !be !the !same !as !the !submission !location !above. !! Please !have ! your !registration !number !available !at !time !of !pick Rup !to !easily !identify !your !submission. !! Pick !up !hours !are ! limited !to !8:30 !a.m. !to !12:00 !noon !and !1:00 !p.m. !to !4: 30 !p. m., !local !time, !Monday !to !Friday. ! ! 22.0 DISCLOSURES/CONFLICT !OF !INTERESTS, !if !any .! ! 22.1 Unless !otherwise !indicated !in !the !Submission, !the !Respondent !represents !and !warrants !that: ! 22.1.1 Neither ! the ! Mayor, ! nor ! a! City ! Councillor, ! nor ! a! City ! employee ! has ! any ! financial ! interest, ! either ! directly !or !as !a!shareholder, !director, !officer !or !partner, !in !the !Respondent; ! 22.1.2 No ! spouse, ! child, ! parent ! or ! parent ! of ! the ! spouse ! of ! either ! the ! Ma yor ! a! City ! Councillor ! or ! a! City ! employee !has !any !financial !interest, !either !directly !or !as !a!shareholder, !director, !officer !or !partner, !in ! the !Respondent; !and !

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22.1.3 The ! Response ! is ! submitted ! without ! collusion ! of ! any ! other ! person ! who ! may ! have ! submitted ! a! Response !to !this !Competition !and !the !Response !has !not !compared !figures !with !any !other !party !that ! may !be !submitting !a!Response !nor !made !an !agreement !with !any !other !party !whereby !that !party !has ! agreed !not !to !submit !a!Response. ! ! 23.0 FREEDOM !OF !INFORMATION !AND !PROTECTION !OF !PRIVACY ! ! 23.1 All ! documents ! submitted ! to ! the ! City ! will ! be ! subject ! to ! the ! protection ! and ! disclosure ! provisions ! of ! the ! Freedom !of !Information !and !Privacy !Act !(“FOIP”). !! FOIP !allows !persons !a!right !of !access !to !records !in !the ! City’s ! custody !or ! control. ! ! It !also ! prohibits ! the ! City ! from !disclosing ! the !Respondent’s !personal ! or ! business ! information ! wh ere ! disclosure ! would ! be ! harmful ! to ! the ! Contractors ! business ! interests ! or ! would ! be ! an ! unreasonable !invasion !of !personal !privacy !as !defined !by !FOIP. !! Contractors !area !encouraged !to !identify !what ! portions ! of ! their ! submissions ! are ! confidential ! and ! what ! harm ! could ! reasonable= ! be ! expected ! from ! its ! disclosure. !! However !the !City !can !not !assur e!Contractors !that !any !portion !of !the !Contractors !documents !can ! be !kept !confidential !under !FOIP. ! ! 23.2 !The !City !may !make !public !the !names !of !any !or !all !Respondents !to !this !Competition. !

City of Edmonton Parks Amenities Buildings Competitions Page 30 of 30 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EDMONTON AND (Consultant) FOR (Park Name) Pavilion

Agreement No.:

Project No.:

Admin Document Number

Professional Services Agreement (Construction) January 2006 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 1 of 12

THIS AGREEMENT is dated the day of 200 Agreement Number ______


THE CITY OF EDMONTON A Municipal Corporation (the "City") - and - LEGAL NAME OF CONSULTANT (the "Consultant")

Whereas the City wishes to retain the services of the Consultant on the following project NAME OF PROJECT (the "Project");

And Whereas the Consultant has agreed to provide services to the City for the Project;

The City and the Consultant mutually covenant and agree as follows:

1. The following documents outline the terms of this Agreement: (a) Agreement Form (b) Description ofWork (c) Payment Terms (d) General Terms

2. The Consultant shall provide the services and complete the work described in the Description of Work (the "Services").

3. The Consultant shall commence the Services no later than ______and complete the Services by ______, subject to any warranty period as stipulated in the Description of Work.

4. The City shall pay to the Consultant, for the performance of the Services and in accordance with the Payment Terms, a sum not to exceed (SPEC NOTE: THIS VALUE INCLUDES CONSULTANT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS) ______($______) plus GST of ______($______) for a total not to exceed the amount of ______($______) all in Canadian Funds. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 2 of 12

5. The Designated Representatives for the Agreement shall be: for the City: Project Officer for the Consultant:

6. Notices or other correspondence shall be addressed and delivered to the parties as follows:

(a) To the City at:

(b) To the Consultant at:

The City and the Consultant sign and seal this Agreement as follows:

Signed for the Consultant: NAME OF CONSULTANT

Per: (affix seal over signature) Date:

Signed for the City: Approval for the City of Edmonton: CITY OF EDMONTON As to form: Law Branch As to content: Per: Project Manager Simon Farbrother, MCIP, RPP, MA City Manager Department Manager Date:


1.1 This Project involves the design and construction of a xx sf park pavilion building as per the winning entry to the park pavilion architectural design competition. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 3 of 12

1.2 The Consultant shall design the project to include;

(a) Program requirements.

(b) Flexibility in the design to accommodate future stakeholder program uses.

1.3 The Project must be designed to meet City of Edmonton policy C532, requiring LEED silver as a minimum standard.

1.4 Project design and construction shall meet the requirements of the Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings.

1.5 The Consultant shall design to incorporate any energy conserving or alternative energy measures or products for which the incremental cost has a payback of eight years or less. The Consultant shall bring to the attention of the City, any products or measures with a payback in excess of eight years but that have the potential for significant energy or greenhouse gas emissions savings.

1.6 CCTV systems and/or other security measures may be a requirement of this project. As the design is developed more detailed information and consultation with corporate security will be required.

1.7 The Consultant shall coordinate contract administration of the renovations in accordance with the approved budget and approved schedule.

1.8 The Consultant acknowledges that the City’s procurement practices are carried out in accordance with the Agreement on Internal Trade. Where practicable, all construction procurement will be advertised using a national electronic bidding service.

1.9 The Consultant shall prepare all cost estimates as described in Article 5.0 Project Estimates.

1.10 Drainage Services Branch has published the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines and the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Field Manual (available on the City of Edmonton website), which provide guidance on the need for and implementation of Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures for any projects that involve ground disturbance. The measures range from preparation of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, to implementation of good housekeeping measures. For projects involving significant ground disturbance or work in the vicinity of waterways (river bank, river valley, ravines, etc.) refer to these documents as required for this project.

1.11 The Consultant acknowledges that this project will require the Consultant’s physical presence at the project site within twenty four hours of a request from the City during regular business hours.


2.1 The Consultant shall be the Prime Consultant and be responsible for all architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, landscaping and other works required to provide complete renovations to the Facility. Specific responsibilities will include, but not be limited to the following: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 4 of 12

2.1.2 Schematic Design

(a) The Consultant shall review with the City, alternative approaches to the design of the Project.

(b) The Consultant shall make representation/submission at a pre-consultation and a final consultation to the Edmonton Design Committee (EDC) as a step in obtaining the Development Permit (information available on the City of Edmonton website). The Consultant shall review the representation/submission with the City, prior to both the EDC pre-consultation and final consultation.

(c) The Consultant shall make representation in the percent for public art procurement process as directed by the Edmonton Arts Council (under City Policy C458B). The Consultant shall coordinate the inclusion of the percent for public art content within the Project. (d) The Consultant shall design the Project to serve the best interests of the City, with due respect for environmental concerns, capital cost and operating efficiency in accordance with current practices, energy conservation requirements and other acceptable standards established by the City and other regulatory authorities.

(e) The Consultant shall review all statutes, regulations, codes and by-laws applicable to the design.

(f) The Consultant shall consult with and make representation/submission to the Edmonton Design Committee as a step in obtaining the Development Permit.

(g) The Consultant shall recommend the most cost-effective action plan including design alternatives, construction costs, materials and schedules.

(h) The Consultant shall submit three (3) copies of a schematic design report for the City's approval. The Consultant shall submit the preferred design concept with reasons for its recommendation, identify alternatives studied and their advantages or disadvantages, provide a construction cost estimate and schedule for the recommended design, and define all products and methods and their alternatives.

2.1.3 Design Development

(a) The Consultant shall prepare to the satisfaction of the City design development documents consisting of drawings and other documents appropriate to the size of the Project to fix and describe the size and character of the entire Project as to the architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate. The Consultant shall base the design development documents on the approved schematic design documents and approved estimate of Construction Cost.

(b) The Consultant shall obey all applicable statutes, regulations, codes and bylaws in performing the Services.

(c) The Consultant shall provide the City with a cost estimate and schedule based on the design development drawings. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 5 of 12

2.1.4 Detailed Design

(a) The Consultant shall prepare, to the satisfaction of the City, contract documents which:

i) consist of all drawings and technical specifications;

ii) are in accordance with the standards of the City;

iii) are based on the approved schematic design documents and the approved estimate of construction cost; and

iv) set forth in detail the architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical requirements for the construction of the Project.

(b) The Consultant shall ensure that all drawings are complete, clear and in CAD format. The Consultant shall prepare the drawings on AO sheet size if specifically approved by the City in advance. Otherwise the Consultant shall prepare the drawings only on A1 sheet size.

(c) The Consultant shall prepare specifications which:

i) are complete, clear and concise;

ii) include a statement setting forth the general scope of work followed by a description of the various classes of work segregated under the proper sections;

iii) include an appropriate heading for each section;

iv) include a table of contents listing the section headings and page numbers;

v) when describing products and processes, use terms that are standard in the industry and consistent with the terms used in the drawings;

vi) conform to the format used by the City in its own specifications.

(d) The Consultant shall, in preparing the specifications address, at minimum, the following subjects:

i) scope of work;

ii) products;

iii) submittal requirements;

iv) quality control requirements;

v) workmanship and fabrication;

vi) tolerances; DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 6 of 12

vii) criteria for temporary works;

viii) erection criteria;

ix) field review of construction;

x) inspection and testing;

xi) provision for the construction contractor to provide notification prior to commencing significant segments of the work; and

xii) warranties

(e) The Consultant shall advise the City of any adjustments to previous estimates of Construction Cost and schedule indicated by changes in requirements or general market conditions.

(f) The Consultant shall review all statutes, regulations, codes and by-laws applicable to the design with the authority having jurisdiction. The Consultant shall apply for and obtain all consents, approvals, licences and permits necessary for the Project.

(g) With regard to Canadian Electrical Code Section 2-306, Shock and Flash Protection, equipment in City facilities is likely to require maintenance while energized. As part of the design for new facilities, the Consultant shall perform a shock and arc flash study, ensure that the requirements of 2-306 are met, and that labelling is in accordance with the Appendix B referenced documents (ANSI Z535.4 and IEEE 1584).

(h) The Consultant shall ensure that all disciplines sign, seal and date all drawings and the specification title page prior to the contract documents being issued for Tender.

(i) The Consultant shall obtain contract document sign-off by the City prior to the contract documents being issued for Tender.

(j) The Consultant shall provide the City with one set of original technical specifications and one set of reproducible drawings for tendering purposes. The Consultant shall provide the City with an electronic copy of the technical specifications and drawings in pdf format, with files arranged and bookmarked as directed by the City, for purposes of electronic posting. The City will print and distribute the Tender documents.

(k) The Consultant shall provide the City with a revised or final construction cost estimate of the work.

2.1.5 Bidding

(a) The Consultant shall participate in pre-bid meetings, including pre-bid site meeting and answer questions during bidding.

(b) The Consultant shall, with the City’s review, provide any addenda required to clarify pre-bid discrepancies. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 7 of 12

(c) The Consultant shall provide advice to the City during bidding, including bid evaluation and recommendation for award.

(d) The Consultant shall provide the City with all conditions governing unit prices, alternative prices and separate prices that are to be submitted by the bidders.

2.1.6 Contract Administration

(a) The Consultant’s assignment of the role of prime contractor shall cease on the date a chosen construction contractor becomes prime contractor for the Project. The City will advise the Consultant in writing of this date.

(b) The Consultant shall review for approval by the City, the construction schedule proposed by the construction contractor and comment on the procedures, methods and sequence of work.

(c) The Consultant shall advise the construction contractor on the interpretation of the contract documents and issue supplementary details and instructions during the construction period as required.

(d) The Consultant shall review shop drawings, product data and samples for conformity with the general design concept of the work indicated in the contract documents.

(e) The Consultant shall review and recommend to the City, alternative methods and products proposed by the construction contractor.

(f) The Consultant shall prepare for approval by the City, Contemplated Change Orders and Change Orders.

(g) The Consultant shall verify the construction contractor’s progress claims and final construction contractor’s invoices and issue progress certificates for the City's acceptance.

(h) The Consultant shall review charges for additions or deletions and draft applicable change orders for the City's approval.

(i) The Consultant shall maintain records related to the contract documents.

(j) The Consultant shall provide the City with copies of all correspondence affecting the Project.

(k) The Consultant shall conduct site inspections with sufficient frequency, (minimum weekly recommended), during construction to ascertain that the work is being executed in compliance with drawings and specifications; submit inspection reports on site activities including progress, quality of work, defects/deficiencies, noted problems, any instructions issued and resolutions in the format as provided by the City. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 8 of 12

(l) The Consultant shall, upon prior approval by the City, arrange for the testing and inspection of products and work by an authorized inspection and testing company where the construction calls for such testing.

(m) The Consultant shall attend Project meetings.

(n) The Consultant shall recommend to the City, the withholding of payment for faulty or incomplete work.

(o) The Consultant shall undertake the following inspections, and prepare the necessary certificates complete with supporting documents as per specifications and requirements: - Substantial Completion Inspections - Construction Completion Inspection

(p) The Consultant shall review operating and maintenance manuals and as-built drawings for acceptance by the City.

(q) The Consultant shall receive the written warranties and related documents from the construction contractor and forward to the City for the City's review and approval.

(r) The Consultant shall recommend the date when the construction contract is completed.

2.1.7 Commissioning / Performance Testing

(a) The City will engage a third party commissioning agent to carry out fundamental and best practice commissioning in order to fulfil requirements for LEED® recognition and to ensure a fully functional building is turned over to the EPL.

(b) The Consultant shall provide co-ordination of the third party commissioning agent, beginning during Schematic Design, through all design phases, and follow up with performance testing during Construction. Performance testing shall be witnessed by the Consultant.

2.1.8 Post Construction Services

(a) Within one month of the receipt of as-built drawings from the construction contractor, the Consultant shall submit to the City one complete set of electronic ‘project record’ drawings on compact disk. The City will review the submission for compliance with the Buildings Design and Construction Branch CAD Standards. The Consultant shall make any necessary corrections and submit one complete set of reproducible ‘project record’ drawings on two mil blackline mylar and one (1) complete set of electronic ‘project record’ drawings in City Standard Autocad DWG format on compact disk. The Consultant shall submit the mylar ‘project record’ drawings on A1 or A0 sheet size to match the tender drawings.

(b) The Consultant shall ensure correction of warranty items to the City's satisfaction. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 9 of 12

(c) The Consultant shall perform the final acceptance inspection and submit a detailed report to the City on all deficiencies, providing recommendations for City's action. The Inspection and report submission shall occur before the end of one year after the date of Construction Completion.

(d) The Consultant shall provide compliance certificates for all disciplines as required by the authority having jurisdiction.

(e) Submit all documentation required by CaGBC for LEED® certification with eighteen 18 months from the date of substantial performance or interim acceptance of the project.

2.1.9 Construction Cost

(a) The Consultant shall prepare estimates of Construction Cost as previously set out in this Agreement, and as described in Article 5.0 Project Estimates.


3.1 Based on confirmation of the appointment of the Consultant by ______, the Consultant shall make reasonable efforts to ensure the Project proceeds according to the following schedule.

Task Latest Completion Date

Schematic Design

Schematic Design Approval by the City

Design Development

Design Development approval by the City

Detailed Design

Contract Documents approval by the City

Contract Documents Final Changes and Printing


Tender Evaluation and Award



4.1 The Consultant shall record and distribute minutes of Design meetings (including meetings with sub-consultants, user groups, utility companies and the City) and provide a copy to the City. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 10 of 12

4.2 The Consultant shall submit reports on site activities including progress, noted problems and solutions, in the format provided by the City. Progress reports will be submitted on a bi-weekly basis.

4.3 The Consultant shall attend weekly site meetings, or as otherwise designated, to ascertain that the work is being executed in reasonable conformity with the contract documents.


5.1 The Consultant is required to provide the estimates stated below:

Schematic Design: Uses some site investigation in conjunction with more detailed calculations and a closer look at the options available. All of the Project participants are involved at this stage, and any public consultation will have taken place. At the end of this stage the final budget for the Project is approved.

Design Development: The approved schematic design is more fully developed to fix and describe the size and character of the entire Project architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, elements, and materials.

Detailed Design: Detailed calculations undertaken and all detailed drawings and specifications prepared. This estimate is sometimes referred to as the pre-tender estimate.

Award: Prepared after the acceptance of the construction contractor’s bid to include the accepted bid plus any additional costs, for example supervision costs and utility charges, not included in the tender.

A detailed description of the work included in each phase of the Project is provided in the Description of Work.

5.2 The Consultant is required to provide estimates stated in the Table below to the accuracy’s shown:

Project Phase New Construction

Schematic Design -15% To +30% (Class 3)

Design Development -15% To +20% (Class 2)

Detailed Design (Pre-Tender) -10% To +10% (Class 1)

Tender Award -5% To +10% (Class 1) DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 11 of 12

5.3 All estimates will be checked against the final Project costs whenever possible and the accuracy obtained noted on the consultant evaluation form. This evaluation will also note any unforeseeable circumstances that may have affected the final outcome and be outside of the Consultant’s control. Inaccurate estimates provided over a number of projects may lead to a Consultant being denied future work.

5.4 If the tender period has not commenced within three months of submission of the contract documents by the Consultant to the City then the pre-tender estimate will be subject to adjustment to reflect any change in the general level of prices in the construction industry.

5.5 The latest of the approved estimates will be checked against the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal and the following actions will be taken:

5.5.1 If the lowest bona fide bid or lowest negotiated proposal exceeds the latest approved estimate of construction cost by more than 10%, the City shall:

(a) Give written approval of an increase in the construction budget, or

(b) Co-operate in revising the scope or quality of the work as necessary to reduce the construction cost, or

(c) Authorize rebidding or renegotiating of the contract, or

(d) Terminate if the Project is abandoned.

5.5.2 If the lowest bona fide bid exceeds the latest approved estimate of construction cost by more than 10%, unless there has been an increase in the construction budget or the Project has been abandoned or terminated, the Consultant shall modify at no additional fee, the drawings and specifications, or undertake extra services necessary to reduce the construction cost to within 10% of the latest approved estimate. The provision of these services shall be the limit of the Consultant’s responsibility for inaccurate estimates and having completed the required tasks the Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all other services performed in accordance with the Agreement, whether or not the Project is constructed.


6.1 The City shall provide full information regarding requirements for the Project which shall set forth the City's design objectives, criteria and constraints.

6.2 The City shall provide a construction budget.

6.3 The City shall provide for the Consultant’s use; one (1) copy of the City’s Division 0 and Division 1 specification in hard copy format; and (1) copy of the City standard drawing sheet in electronic format.

6.4 The City shall furnish information, surveys and reports as set out below:

(a) A legal description and a certified land survey of the site and adjoining properties as necessary showing the following information, as applicable: grades and lines of DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 12 of 12

streets, alleys, pavements and adjoining property; rights of way; restrictions; easements; encroachments; zoning; deed restrictions; boundaries and contours of the site; locations; dimensions and data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements, and trees; and full information concerning service and utility lines, both public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths;

(b) Subsurface investigation and report;

(c) Inspections, laboratory and field tests and reports as required by the Consultant, the authorities having jurisdiction, or the Contract Documents;

(d) Assist the Consultant as required in obtaining all necessary consents and approvals from authorities having jurisdiction.

6.5 The City shall, through use of the Materials Management Division of the Corporate Services Department and at the City's sole expense, advertise Tenders in the media, clarify bid procedures to contractors, and receive and open bids.


7.1 The City agrees to provide the Consultant with all information relevant to the performance of the Consultant’s Services as may be requested by the Consultant. Such information will be provided within reasonable time after request. All information, data and material of any type whatsoever shall be immediately returned to the City upon demand by the City or upon completion of the Consultant’s Services.

7.2 The Consultant acknowledges receipt of the documents issued by the City of Edmonton for the Competition entitled, “Architectural Design Competition Park Pavilions”. The following documents issued for the above noted Competition Call, are incorporated herein by reference and form part of this Agreement:

(a) Park Site - Air Photos – jpgs

(b) Park Site - Photos – jpgs

(c) Park Site – Building Program – pdf

(d) Park Site – Cadastral Plan – CAD file

(e) Park Site – Park Site Survey – CAD file

(f) “CAD Standards & Consultant Deliverables Manual” – Issue date November 2009.

(g) “City of Edmonton Checklist for Accessibility & Universal Design in Architecture” – dated 2008


8.1 The Consultant’s Services shall be supervised at all times by a member in good standing of the professional association relating to the Services to be provided. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Page 13 of 12


9.1 The City’s procurement practices require that Tender Documents be posted electronically in portable document file (pdf) format with the Edmonton Construction Association, for viewing only. The Consultant shall provide specifications and drawings in both paper and pdf format for Tendering purposes. ADDITIONAL TERMS Page 1 of 1


1.1 The City agrees to pay the Consultant for fees and disbursements as outlined below. The maximum amount payable by the City to the Consultant shall not exceed the total amount specified in Article 4 of the Agreement Form.


2.1 The Consultant fees are based on the completion of the following phases of the Services or the provision of the following deliverables apportioned as follows (GST exclusive):

Phase/Deliverable Percentage Fee

Schematic Design 12.5% (6.25% as part of competition award) $

Design Development 12.5% $

Detailed Design 50% $

Bidding and Negotiations 5% $

Contract Administration & Commissioning 15% $

Post Construction and Warranty 5% $

Total $

2.2 In event of termination, the fees for the design, contract administration and commissioning services shall be apportioned as follows:

At Schematic Design Phase percent of work complete plus $2,500.00 termination expenses

At Design Development Phase percent of work complete plus $2,500.00 termination expenses

At Detailed Design Phase percent of work complete plus $2,500.00 termination expenses

At Any Subsequent Phase percent of work complete plus $2,500.00 termination expenses

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2.3 The breakdown of hourly rates is as follows:

Partners (Principals) $

Project Director $

Contract Administrator $

Senior Specification Writer $

Senior Designer $

Job Captain/Senior Draftsman $

Senior Contract Administrator $

Administrative Support $


3.1 Disbursements are the actual expenditures of the Consultant’s employees, and the sub- Consultants in the interest of the Project. They include only the following items:

(a) Long distance charge for telephone calls;

(b) Long distance charge for fax transmissions;

(c) Courier services;

(d) Development Permit fees;

(e) Printing of Contract Documents if required in Description of Work of this Agreement; and

(f) Additional material testing, coring, and surveying which are not part of the original scope of work, but which are requested by the City.

3.2 Production of electronic plots are considered part of normal service and will not be reimbursable as a “disbursement”.

3.3 Notwithstanding Article 3.1, disbursements shall not exceed the sum of ______(GST exclusive) without the prior written approval of the City.


4.1 The Consultant may apply for payment monthly, as the Services progress, for the value of Services performed to a date agreed to between the Consultant and the City.

4.2 With each application for payment the Consultant shall include:

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(a) A reference to the purchase order number;

(b) A statement of amounts claimed based on the terms of payment, including authorized change, with Goods and Services Tax shown as a separate amount;

(c) Such evidence as the City may direct showing the Consultant's entitlement to the payment claimed.

4.3 Invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. The City shall notify the Consultant of any disputed amounts within 14 calendar days of receipt of invoice. In the event of a disputed invoice, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment and the City shall pay the undisputed portion.

4.4 In respect of each application for payment, the amount certified for payment shall be no greater than the value of the Services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement to the date of the application for payment less the holdback amount as, hereinafter defined, and less the aggregate of previous payments under this Agreement.


5.1 The Builders' Lien holdback is not a requirement of this Agreement.

5.2 The City may retain a specified holdback to the extent necessary to protect the City from loss on account of one or more of the following:

(a) The Consultant, in the opinion of the City, not making satisfactory progress,

(b) Defective work not remedied,

(c) Claims filed, or reasonable evidence in the opinion of the City indicating probable filing of claims,

(d) Evidence of failure of the Consultant to make payment to subConsultants or for product or for labour, and

(e) Damage to another Consultant.

5.3 In the event of any discrepancy in the Consultant's invoice, or should doubt arise as to the validity of any item, or should such similar need for checking or explanation be apparent, then the amount in question shall be temporarily deleted from the invoice and the remainder of the invoice paid. The discrepancy shall be investigated and the matter resolved before the issuance of the next invoice.


6.1 Upon completion of deficiencies, the City will issue a Consultant Completion Certificate to the Consultant.

6.2 The acceptance by the Consultant of the Consultant Completion Certificate, or the payment thereunder, shall constitute a waiver of all claims against the City under this Agreement.

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7.1 If, after any part of the work is completed in accordance with the City's previous decisions, it should become necessary for the Consultant to make unforeseen revisions for reasons over which he has no control, or if the Consultant is put to labour and expense by the delinquency or insolvency of the City's construction contractor or subcontractor, or as a result of suspension of work or damage to the work in progress by fire or otherwise, the Consultant shall be equitably paid for such extra work on a "Time Basis", plus any out-of-pocket expenses provided that the Consultant has advised the City of the need for the extra work and that the City has approved the extra work in advance. In any such case, the situation shall be called to the attention of the City prior to starting the unforeseen additional work and separate cost records shall be kept by the Consultant.


8.1 Should the Consultant be authorized by the City in advance to do additional work over and above that contemplated in this Agreement, such as quantity surveys, detailed cost estimates involving labour and material costs, checking and approval of contractor’s expenditures and costs when contracts are not on fixed-sum basis, investigations and reports on special systems or apparatus which are not included in the work, special shop, mill, laboratory or field testing and inspecting of materials, topographic or any other work that does not directly relate to the preparation of plans and specifications and supervision of the work, the Consultant shall be additionally compensated.

8.2 If particular problems arise which the Consultant considers will require engaging a specialist, the specialist's fees and out-of-pocket expenses shall be paid by the City, provided the City has authorized its engagement in advance.

8.3 Nothing in any Agreement between the City and the Consultant shall be construed to obligate the Consultant to prepare for or appear in litigation on behalf of the City, unless the Consultant is equitably compensated for such services on a "Time-Basis".


9.1 Time Basis shall mean the hourly rates previously specified.

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1.1 The Consultant shall comply with all reasonable requirements established by the City for the performance of the Services including, but not limited to, environmental, security, safety and emergency procedures and access.

1.2 The Consultant shall exercise the degree of care, skill and diligence normally provided in the performance of services in respect of projects of a similar nature to the Project.

1.3 The City and the Consultant, by agreement in writing, may make changes to the Services by altering, adding to, or de ducting from the Services set out in the Description of Work. The time for completion and Payment Terms shall be adjusted accordingly.


2.1 The Consultant represents and warrants that it has provided written disclosure to the City of any and all interests that a City employee or a City employee's spouse, children, parents, or spouse's parents may have in the Consultant or this Agreement, either directly or as a shareholder, director or officer of the Consultant.

2.2 The Consultant acknowledges and confirms that no corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship in which the Consultan t, its managers, shareholders, or directors have any interest, direct or indirect, will offer its services or submit a bid in the capacity of a contractor, subcontractor or supplier for any future contracts that may ensue from the work arising from this Project. For the purpose of this section, “interest, direct or indirect,” shall mean any interest as a shareholder, partner, or director. Notwithstanding this Article 2.2, the Consultant is not preclu ded from entering into a dditional professional services agreements with the City that may arise and be required as a result of this Project.

2.3 If the Consultant enters a contract with the City in breach of Article 2.1 or 2.2, the City may terminate that contract and seek da mages or indemnity from the Consultant.


3.1 The City shall pay the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of the Payment Terms, upon the performance of the Services to the satisfaction of the City.

3.2 Before paying the Consultant, the City shall determine if a non-resident withholding tax is applicable. If required, the City may withhold and remit the withholding tax to the relevant government authority. This remission is considered payment in accordance with the Payment Terms and the amount of the withholding tax remitted will constitute a payment to the Consultant.

3.3 Subject to Article 3.4, below, the City shall not pay any amount exceeding the sum stated in the Agreement Form unless the Consultant has obtained prior written authorization from the City.

3.4 When changes have been made to the Services in accordance with Article 1.3, the City and the Consultant may adj ust the Payment Terms accordingly. If the City and the Consultant cannot agree to the terms of the adjustment, then the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the Articles 16.0 to 19.0 of these General Terms. The City and the Consultant shall have

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no other claim against each other for any adjustment to the Payment Terms as a result of any change to the Services, except as set out within this Article 3.0.

3.5 No certificate, payment, nor any partial or entire use of the Project by the City shall constitute an acceptance of any portion of the Project that is not in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding that the City has approved a schedule, report, design, or method, such approval is to the content only and in no way relieves the Consultant of liability or responsibility for the document or consequence of that document.

3.6 The City may review its records with respect to business licensing, taxation and assessment and other accounts receivables prior to making any payment to the Consultant. The City may set off any overdue accounts owed by the Consultant to the City against any amounts otherwise payable to the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement.

3.7 If any builder’s lien is filed in accordance with the Builders' Lien Act, R.S.A 2000, c. B-7 or any successor legislation, in respect to or arising out of any of the Services performed or products being furnished under this Agreement, no payment shall be made to the Consultant until the lien is removed.


4.1 The Consultant shall submit to the City regular progress reports as set out in the Description of Work with respect to the Services provided by the Consultant. If the City, acting reasonably, determines that additional progress reports are necessary, the Consultant shall submit all additional progress reports requested by the City at no additional cost to the City.

4.2 The Consultant shall meet with the City as outlined in the Description of Work to review the progress of the Project a nd the performance of the Services. The Designated Representatives of the City and the Consultant are set out in the Agreement Form. If the City, acting reasonably, deems additional meetings necessary, the Consultant shall attend those meetings.


5.1 The City may temporarily suspend the Services by giving the Consultant fourteen (14) days advance notice in writing of the temporary suspension.

5.2 The City shall not be responsible for any fees incurred by the Consultant during the period of any suspension unless the Consulta nt satisfies the City that they are necessary fees by providing supporting documentation before incurring any such fees.

5.3 The Consultant shall resume and complete the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement upon receiving written notice from the City to do so. The Cit y shall make an equitable adjustment to the terms of this Agreement which are affected by the suspension including time requirements and Payment Terms. Any dispute as to what constitutes an equitable adjustment may be decided in accordance with the Articles 16.0 to 19.0 of these General Terms.

5.4 If the Consultant is delayed in completing the Services for a period of one (1) year or greater as a result o f changes to the Services or as a result of delays or suspensions required by the City, or as a result of a Force Majeure, the Consultant may request a change to the Payment

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Terms upon the provision to the City of supporting documentation evidencing that the Consultant’s costs in performing the Services have increased as a result of the delay.

5.5 For the purposes of this Section 5.0, “Force Majeure” means any cause beyond the reasonable control of th e Consultant, including, without limitation, any strike, lock-out, labour dispute, act of God, inability to obtain utilities, acts of any government authority, enemy or hostile actions, sabotage, war, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, washouts, nuclear and radiation activity or fallout, civil disturbances, explosions, fire or other casualty.

5.6 In the event that the performance of the Services by the Consultant is delayed, hindered or prevented by a Force Majeure the Consultant may at its option suspend its performance of the Services, in whole or in part, without liability or account thereof by: a) providing to the City notice of such Force Majeure, b) outlining the actions that the Consultant proposes to take to address any anticipated delay, and c) providing the City with weekly status reports outlining the actions taken by the Consultant to relieve the effects of the Force Majeure. 5.7 The City may terminate this Agreement, without liability or waiver of breaches by the Consultant unrelated to the Force Majeure event, if such a situation of Force Majeure continues for thirty (30) days.


6.1 The City may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving the Consultant notice in writing, if the Consultant:

a) in the opinion of the City, fails to complete the Services or any portion thereof within the time stated in this Agreement for such completion, or

b) becomes insolvent or commits an act of bankruptcy or

c) abandons the Project, or

d) assigns this Agreement without the required written consent, or

e) fails to observe or perform any of the provisions of this Agreement, or

f) has any conflict of interest, which may, in the opinion of the City, have an adverse effect on the Project.

6.2 The City may terminate this Agreement by giving the Consultant written notice fourteen (14) days in advance of the date on which the Agreement is terminated if funds are not available for completion of the Services or if the City abandons the Project.

6.3 If the Agreement is terminated for any of the reasons set out in Article 6.1, the Consultant shall pay the City upon demand an amount equal to all loss or damage suffered , both directly and indirectly by the City as a result of the non-completion of the Services by the Consultant. If the Consultant fails to pay the City for any such loss or damage on demand, the City shall be entitled to deduct the same from any payments due and payable to the Consultant as well as exercise any other remedies available to the City.

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6.4 Subject to Article 6.3, the City shall, in the event of termination of this Agreement, pay to the Consultant all reasonable fees and disbursements incurred by the Consultant in accordance with this Agreement up to the date of termination. The City shall have no further liability of any nature whatsoever to the Consultant for any loss of profit or any other losses suffered, either directly or indirectly, by the Consultant as a result of the termination of this Agreement.

6.5 The Consultant agrees that termination or suspension of this Agreement or a change to the Services to be provided under this Agreement in accordance with Article 1.3 does not operate so as to relieve or discharge the Consultant from any obligation under this Agreement or imposed upon the Consultant by law in respect to the Services or any portion of the Services that the Consultant has completed.


7.1 The Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, payments, suits, judgments, charges, expenses, actions, causes of action and costs arising out of:

a) the willful misconduct of the Consultant including, but not limited to, trespass or nuisance; and

b) the negligent performance of the Consultant’s services.

7.2 The City may set off any sums owed by the Consultant to the City pursuant to this in demnity from any sums due to the Consultant. This right of set-off is in addition to any other remedies available to the City under the laws of Alberta.

7.3 In the event that any action, suit, claim or demand is brought or made against the City or any of its servants, agents, or employees, as set out in Article 7.1, the City shall give the Consultant a written notice and the Consultant shall have the option of contesting the validity of the action, suit, claim or demand by appropriate legal proceedings. If the Consultant elects to contest, it shall give written notice to the City within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice from the City. On final determination of such action, suit, claim or demand, the Consultant shall immediately pay any judgment awarded against the City or any of its servants, agents or employees, together with all proper costs and charges.

7.4 In the event that the Consultant shall not elect, within the period of seven (7) days to contest any action, suit, claim or demand, the City may commence any such action, suit, claim or demand at the sole discretion of the City. The Consultant shall immediately pay to the City any sums paid by the City, together with any sum as shall represent the reasonable costs of the City in defending or settling any action, suit, claim or demand.

7.5 Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, for the purposes of Articles 7.3 and 7.4 costs shall mean party costs, and solicitor and his/her own client costs, whether the City retains in house or external Counsel.

7.6 The obligations of the Consultant under the articles of this Section 7.0, shall not extend to the liability of the City, its employees, agents, officers or servants where liability arises from the negligent act or omissio n of the City.

7.7 During the term of this Agreement, the Consultant shall carry the following:

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a) General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for personal injury and/or property damage. Such policy shall be endorsed to include the following:

 Contractual Liability (including this agreement);  Non-Owned Automobiles;  Independent Contractors;  Products and completed operations;  Broad form property damage;  Employees as Additional Insureds;  Property Damage Occurrence;  Cross Liability;  Contingent Employers Liability; and  City as an Additional Insured. b) Automobile Liability coverage in an amount not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and/or property damage.

c) Professional Liability Insurance covering the services provided by the Consultant with policy limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) per claim.

7.8 The insurance shall be in a form and with insurers acceptable to the City’s Director of Risk Managemen t. Certificat es of insurance shall be provided to the City by the Consultant or the Consultant’s broker upon request and evidence of renewal shall be provided to the City not less than thirty days prior to the expiry dates of the policies.

7.9 The Consultant shall be responsible for the payment of all premium and deductible amounts relating to the insurance policies, and the Consultant shall maintain the insurance from the date of this Agreement until the completion of the project.


8.1 The Consultant may, upon first obtaining the written approval of the City, retain the services of a subcontractor as may be required to perform the Services.

8.2 The Consultant shall be responsible for the performance of the Services under this Agreement even if the subcontractors retained ar e approved by the City pursuant to Article 8.1.

8.3 For subcontractors retained by the Consultant and approved by the City, the Consultant shall bind the subcontractors to an agreement containing terms and conditions which are consistent with the terms of this Agreement.


9.1 The Consultant shall comply with all relevant federal, provincial and municipal legislation, codes, bylaws and regulations as well as City policies and procedures. Where there are two or more laws, bylaws, regulations or codes applicable to the Services, the more restrictive shall apply.

9.2 The Consultant shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits or licenses required for the execution of the Services.

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9.3 Without restricting the generality of Article 9.1, in performing the Services, the Consultant shall comply with the provisions of the following legislation and any successor legislation: Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act , R.S.A. 2000, c. E-12; Labour Relations Code , R.S.A. 2000, c. L-1; Workers’ Compensation Act , R.S.A. 2000, c. W-15; Employment Standards Code, R.S.A. 2000, c. E-9, and Occupational Health and Safety Act , R.S.A. 2000, c. O-2.

9.4 Unless stipulated otherwise in this Agreement, the Consultant shall be assigned the role of prime contractor for the worksite an d is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all safety regulations for all of its employees and subcontractors on the worksite. The Consultant shall bring to the attention of all subcontractors the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations thereunder. The Consultant’s role of prime contractor shall end once a construction contractor has been assigned the role of prime contractor for the worksite.

9.5 If the Consultant performs the Services contrary to any laws, bylaws, regulations, codes and orders of any authority h aving jurisdiction, the Consultant shall be responsible for and shall correct any violations thereof and shall bear all resulting costs, expenses, penalties and damages. If the City is required to do anything or take any steps or pay any sums to rectify such non-compliance, the City may subtract the cost of such rectifications from any monies owed to the Consultant. Such action shall not be deemed a waiver of any action that the City may pursue to collect any monies paid that exceed the monies owed to the Consultant.

9.6 The Consultant acknowledges that it has reviewed and it understands the City’s Environmental Policy C512.

9.7 The Consultant shall provide to the City evidence satisfactory to the City of compliance with the Workers’ Co mpensation Act , R.S.A. 2000, c. W-15 within two (2) days of receiving notice by the City to provide such information.


10.1 The Consultant shall not, without the prior written consent of the City, assign the benefit or in any way transfer the obligations of this Agreement or any part thereof.

10.2 This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to the Agreement and, except as otherwise provided, the successo rs and permitted assigns thereof.


11.1 Any notices or other correspondence required to be given to either party shall be deemed to be adequately given if sent by prepaid certified mail, courier or fax to the addresses provided in the Agreement Form.

11.2 Notice given as aforesaid, if mailed in Alberta, shall conclusively be deemed to have been given on the fifth (5) working day following the date on which such notice is mailed.


12.1 This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made in and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta, and for the purposes of all legal proceedings this

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Agreement shall be deemed to have been performed in the said Province. Nothing herein shall restrict the right of the City to bring action against the Consultant in any Court of competent jurisdiction.

12.2 Words importing the singular or masculine only also include the plural or feminine or body corporate where the context requires.

12.3 The headings in the Agreement shall not be deemed to be part of this Agreement or to be taken into consideration in interpreta tion of the Agreement.

12.4 Should any provision of this Agreement be illegal or unenforceable for an y reason whatsoever, it shall be considered separate and severable from the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in force and be binding as though such provision had not been included.

12.5 Whenever a clause gives a party the right or obligation to exercise its discretion or ju dgment, that party shall act reasonably.


13.1 If two or more persons are liable to the City under the terms and conditions in this Agreement, their obligations shall be both joint and several. The City shall not be obligated to exhaust its remedies against either person and may pursue one or both of them as and when the City may elect.


14.1 The Consultant agrees that all base materials, research results, computer programs, drawings, documents and notes or materials of any type whatsoever developed or prepared by the Consultant (the “Documents”) in performance of the Consultant’s services shall vest in and become the absolute property of the City, including assignment of all copyright. The Consultant agrees that this transfer of property and assignment of copyright applies to the Documents notwithstanding that the Documents may contain wording to the contrary.

14.2 Ownership of such intellectual property does not include Consultant’s pre-existing intellectual property or any derivatives thereto. To the extent such pre-existing Intellectual Prop erty is included in the deliverables to the City, the City shall receive a perpetual, royalty-free, non- transferable, non-exclusive license to use the deliverables for the purpose for which they were intended.

14.3 Upon completion of the Services or termination of this Agreement, the Consultant shall deliver all of the Documents to the City on demand by th e City. The Consultant may keep copies of the Documents. Once the City has possession of the Documents, the City is solely responsible for the use that the City makes of the Documents in other projects. The Consultant is not liable for any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including but not limited to, litigation expenses and legal fees arising out of or related to the unauthorized reuse, change or alteration of the Documents.

14.4 Without prejudice to any rights which may exist in the City by virtue of any prerogative rights and powers or by virtue of the Copyright Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42, the Consultant agrees that

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all present and future rights in the copyright in the Documents will vest absolutely and immediately in the City.

14.5 The Consultant warrants that the Consultant is the only person who has or will have moral rights in the Documents and the Consultant waives in favour of the City, all of the Co nsultant’s moral rights, as provided for in the law of copyright, in the Documents.

14.6 If requested by the City, the Consultant agrees to confirm Articles 14.4 and 14.5 by executing a written assignment and waiver in any form requested by the City.


15.1 The Consultant agrees that all data, information and material provided to the Consultant by the City or obtained by the Consultant on behalf of the City in providing the Services will be confidential, both during and after the term of this Agreement. The Consultant acknowledges that this is a fundamental term of this Agreement.

15.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, data, information and material will not be considered confidential if such data, information and material is obtainable by the Consultant through other means than the City or on behalf of the City or if such data, information and material has been published or distributed by the City to the general public.

15.3 The Consultant acknowledges that, in adherence to the Freedo m of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , R.S.A. 2000, c. F-25 (“FOIP”) , the Consultant is required to comply with the provisions of FOIP pertaining to all information and records relating to, obtained, generated, collected or provided under or pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is subject to the requirements of FOIP and that all information and records pertaining to this Agreement will be maintained in confidence or disclosed by the City in accordance with FOIP .

15.4 With respect to this Agreement, "record" means a record of information in any form, including books, documents, maps, drawings, photographs, letters, vouchers and papers and any other information that is written, photographed, recorded or stored in any manner, but does not include software or any mechanism that produces records.

15.5 With respect to this Agreement, a "transitory record" is a record that is either a duplicate record, temporary information that has only immediate or short-term value, or draft documents and working materials.

15.6 The Consultant must (except for a transitory record): a. notify the City that a record is about t o be destroyed; b. receive written authorization from the City prior to actually destroying the record; and c. notify the City that the destruction has taken place. 15.7 The Consultant will provide to the City any records required to be created, obtained and maintained pursuant to t his Agreement within se ven (7) calendar days of notification by the City.

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15.8 If the Consultant retains a copy of the records created under this Agreement after the date on which the City has destroyed its copies of the records (pursuant to its records retention and destruction guidelines) the Consultant will provide the City with a copy of the records within seven (7) days of the City requesting those records as a result of a request for information under FOIP . This Article 15.8 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


16.1 The Consultant and the City agree to use their best efforts to resolve any disputes arising between them as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.

16.2 At all relevant times, the City and the Consultant shall: a) Make bona fide efforts to resolve all disputes by amicable negotiations, and b) Provide frank, candid and timely disclosure of all relevant facts, information and documents to facilitate those negotiations. 16.3 The Consultant and the City agree that any efforts to resolve their disput e by amicable negotiation or with the assistance of a mediator, at any time during or after the performance of the Services, does not suspend the expiration of any time limitation for taking any act under the Agreement unless the parties have specifically agreed in writing to waive or vary that time requirement.

16.4 Unless otherwise instructed by the City in writing, the Consultant shall continue to perform the Services and maintain its schedu le during any proceedings under Sections 16.0 to 19.0.


17.1 If the City makes any decision:

a) Required under a provision of the Agreement, or

b) In order to resolve a dispute between the City and the Consultant which could not be settled by negotiation,

the City shall provide such decision in writing with reasons. The Consultant shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the City’s decision as final and binding unless the Consultant gives a written notice of dispute to the City within ten (10) working days of receipt of the City’s written decision.

17.2 If the Consultant has given notice of a dispute to the City under Article 17.1 in respect of any decision o f t he City, the Consultant and the City shall appoint a Referee for review of the City's decision according to Section 18.0. The City and the Consultant agree to enter into the City's standard "Referee Services Agreement" with a Referee agreeable to both parties.


18.1 Within ten (10) working days after the Referee provides notice to the City and the Consultant that the Referee is prepared to commence the review, the Consultant shall deliver to the Referee and the City:

a) a written summary of the facts, information and arguments, and

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b) copies of all the documents on which the Consultant intends to rely.

18.2 Within ten (10) working days after the City receives the Consultant's submissions referred to in Article 18.1, the City shall deliver to the Referee and the Consultant:

a) a written summary of the facts, information and arguments, and

b) copies of all the documents on which the City intends to rely.

18.3 Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the City’s documentation, the Consultant shall have an opportunity to retract the Consultant’s referral t o the Referee prior to the Referee giving a decision on the matter. Even if the Consultant retracts its referral, the Consultant may be responsible for costs and expenses incurred, which decision is at the Referee’s discretion.

18.4 The Referee may:

a) require the parties to supply the Referee with any further written explanations or documentation the Referee considers necessary, giving each party an opportunity to respond;

b) on written application made before the Referee makes its decision, allow a party to submit additional written information or documentation which was not available when the original submission was made under Article 18.1 and 18.2, giving the other party an opportunity to respond; or

c) on written application, extend the time for making a submission under Article 18.1 or 18.2 in circumstances the Referee considers appropriate.

18.5 The Referee shall conduct a review, without an oral hearing of the disputed decision of the City, taking into account:

a) The City’s written decision and reasons given,

b) the submissions of the parties pursuant to Articles 18.1 and 18.2

c) any information obtained under Article 18.4, and the terms of the Agreement

18.6 Not later than thirty (30) working days after receipt of the last documentary submission under Article 18.4, the Referee shall make a written decision, with reasons, which may confirm or vary the decision of the City or substitute another decision. The Referee’s decision is final and binding on the parties unless the decision is referred to arbitration within the time permitted in Article 18.10.

18.7 If the City has made a decision which affects the schedule or time within which various parts of the Project are to be co mpleted, and the Referee determines that the Consultant ought to have been provided with more time, the Referee shall not make a decision varying or substituting the City’s decision respecting the schedule or time but may make a decision respecting reasonable compensation required to be paid to the Consultant under the Agreement.

18.8 The City shall bear the costs of naming and retaining the Referee.

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18.9 The Referee’s decision may require that the City or the Consultant pay for all or a portion of the costs and expenses of the Referee review. Such costs and expenses shall include, but are not limited to, the costs of the City and the Consultant in preparing their submissions for the Referee. Unless the Referee orders otherwise, the City and the Consultant shall bear equally the costs and expenses of any review by the Referee under Section 18.0.

18.10By giving written notice to the other party not later than five (5) working days after the Referee has given a decision to t he parties, either party may refer the decision of the Referee to arbitration under Article 19.0.


19.1 All disputes arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated with it or derived from it, shall be referred to and finally resolved under the Rules of Arbitral Procedure in accordance with the City’s standard practice.

19.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, all disputes under the Agreement referred to arbitration under Article 19.1 shall be:

a) held in abeyance until

i. the Services have been completed;

ii. the Agreement has been terminated, or

iii. the Consultant has abandoned the work, whichever is earlier, and

b) consolidated into a single arbitration before a single arbitrator under the rules referred to in Article 19.1.

19.3 An arbitral award rendered under Section 19.0 is final and binding on the parties and there shall be no appeal of th e decision to the courts.


20.1 The City may audit all financial and related records associated with the terms of this Agreement including timesheets, reimbursable out of pocket expenses, materials, goods, and equipment claimed by the Consultant.

20.2 The Consultant shall at all times during the term of the Agreement and for a period of six (6) years after the end of the Agreemen t, keep and maintain records of the work performed pursuant to this Agreement. This shall include proper records of quotations, contracts, correspondence, invoices, vouchers, timesheets, and other documents that support actions taken by the Consultant. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Consultant shall at its own expense make such records available for inspection and audit (including copies and extracts of records as required) by the City at all reasonable times and without prior notice.

20.3 The obligations of this Section shall be explicitly included in any subcontracts or agreements formed between the Consultant and any Subcontractors or suppliers of goods or services to the extent that those subcontracts or agreements relate to fulfilment of the Consultant’s obligations to the City.

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20.4 Costs of any audits conducted under the authority of this section and not addressed elsewhere will be borne by the City unless the audit identifies significant findings that would benefit the City. The Consultant shall reimburse the City for the total costs of an audit that identifies significant findings that would benefit the City.

20.5 This Section shall not be construed to limit, revoke, or abridge any other rights, powers, or obligations relating to audit which the City may have by Federal, Provincial, or Municipal law, whether those rights, powers, or obligations are express or implied.

Professional Services Agreement - Construction Projects December 2010 Capital Construction Buildings Design and Construction

Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual

18th Floor Century Place 9803 - 102A Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3A3 Date of Issue: November 2009

The City of Edmonton makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding these materials available solely on an “as is” basis. In no event shall the City of Edmonton or the authors of this product be liable to anyone for special collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of these materials. The City of Edmonton reserves the right to revise and improve its product as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of the product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product at all times in the future. 1 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.1 Purpose and Use of this Manual 3


2.1 Formats for Consultant Deliverables 4 2.2 Software Versions Used by the City of Edmonton 5


3.1 CAD Drawing Instructions 6 3.2 CAD File Naming 8 3.3 Consultant’s As built/Record Drawing Check List 9


4.1 Purpose 10 4.2 Design of the Layering Standard 10 4.3 Use of the Layering Standard 12 4.4 Layering Standard 13

APPENDICES A Feedback Form 1

Revised November 2009

November 2009 2 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 1.0 INTRODUCTION

1.1 Purpose and Use of this Manual

1.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Manual is to establish standards for CAD drawings and other related submissions for the design and construction of City of Edmonton building projects. Consultant agreements for architectural and engineering projects typically require the production and submission of deliverables in the form of drawings, specifications, reports schedules, etc. The City has recognized the need to establish standards for these project documents, since they are an important source of information for the on-going management of its facilities. Standardized project documents are a critical source of information for the automated Facility Management (FM) system, which the City has implemented to effectively manage its large inventory of facilities.

1.1.2 Use

Part 2 - Standards for Consultant Deliverables These standards describe the hard copy and software formats in which consultant deliverables for building projects are to be submitted to the City. These are subject to change as new software releases come out and are put into use by the City. Consultants are expected to comply with the latest revision of this Standard.

Part 3 - CAD Drawing Standards This manual provides specific instructions to consultants for the preparation of CAD design and record drawings for building projects. This section establishes basic drawing practices Consultants must follow when submitting CAD drawings.

Part 4 – CAD Layering Standards These standards establish a common and consistent approach to organizing and naming CAD drawing layers. They are based on the CAD layers and layering format in ‘CAD Layering Guidelines (Computer-Aided Design Management Techniques for Architecture, Engineering and Facility Management) Second Edition: published by the American Institute of Architects Press.

November 2009 3 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 2.0 STANDARDS FOR CONSULTANT DELIVERABLES

2.1 Formats for Consultant Deliverables

The following table outlines the acceptable formats of deliverables to be provided by consultants for projects completed for the City.

Deliverables Electronic Format and Version CD Disc Hard Copy Format Required Drawings

Working Drawings as required AutoCAD (dwg) Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Record Drawings AutoCAD (dwg) Yes 2 mil black line mylar printed from electronic version Specifications

- Specification Text Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat (pdf) - Detail drawings, forms, Adobe Acrobat (pdf) schedules etc. - Project specific details drawings, AutoCAD (dwg) and schedules, etc Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Tender Documents Adobe Acrobat (pdf). Yes

Standards & Guidelines Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Correspondence and Reports Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Project Addenda

Addenda text Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Revised drawings or sketches AutoCAD (dwg) Adobe Acrobat (pdf) Cost Information

Interim Cost Reports Microsoft Excel

Final Cost Reports Adobe Acrobat(pdf)

Pretender Cost Reports Microsoft Word

November 2009 4 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 2.2 Software Versions Used by the City of Edmonton

The following table indicates the software used by the City of Edmonton for Building project related work, as of the date of this CAD Standard.

Application Type Preferred File Format Acceptable File Format CAD AutoCAD 2004 AutoCAD 2002

Word Processing Microsoft Word 2002 Microsoft Word 98

Spread Sheet Microsoft Excel 2002 Microsoft Excel 98

Viewer for Portable Document Adobe Reader 6.0 Adobe Reader 6.0 Files (pdf) Creating Portable Document Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Files (pdf)

November 2009 5 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 3.0 CAD DRAWING STANDARDS

3.1 CAD Drawing Instructions

3.1.1 CAD Drawing Formats As noted in section 2.1 the City requires a complete set of record drawings for all disciplines in AutoCAD 2002 or later and in pdf format using Adobe Reader on a CD disc format as well as a hard copy 2 mil black line mylar printed from the electronic submission at completion of the building project. As a minimum, these record drawings shall identify who stamped the tender documents and the date of the stamp.

3.1.2 CAD File Naming To completely identify a project and to facilitate electronic storage and retrieval of documents all files must be labelled in accordance with the file naming conventions specified in section 3.2

3.1.3 . Project Number and CAD File Number The assigned project officer will provide a project number and CAD file number at the start of each project. This number must be included in the designated area in the title block on each drawing.

3.1.4 Bind and Purge Bind all modelspace and paperspace Xrefs in final version of drawing submitted in electronic form. Purge all unused blocks, dimstyles, layers, styles, linetypes and shapes from final version of all drawings.

3.1.5 Drawing Measurements and Scale All drawings shall be created using metric units using the millimetre as the standard unit of measurement (that is, 1 drawing unit = 1 mm). Draw all objects 1 to 1 scale. (e.g. If a wall is to be 3m long, the corresponding CAD lines will also be 3m long.

3.1.6 Drawing File Format All drawings must be provided as AutoCAD.DWG format. If drawings are translated from other CAD software then the Consultant must confirm the accuracy of the final AutoCAD files. Following is the format CAD documents must be submitted.

3.1.7 Symbols and Blocks Consultants may use their own standards for other blocks and symbols. No nested blocks shall be used. Create new blocks in layer zero ONLY. Predefined symbols and blocks must be inserted on the proper layer. All blocks must be uniformly scaled.

3.1.8 Fonts and Text Height Only standard AutoCAD font styles are to be used for all drawings. NO third party fonts may used. Text height should be 2 to 3mm for the final plot.

November 2009 6 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 3.1.9 Key Plan A key plan is required for any partial floor plan.

3.1.10 Model Space and Paper Space The City requires that all drawing items and related text be created and edited in Model Space. Use the layout tabs or paper space for composing your drawing sheet and defining views. Title blocks, general notes, schedules, charts and other non-graphic information is better suited to paper space. All viewports in paper space should be locked.

3.1.11 Drawing Sizes The following standard drawing sizes may be used.

Sheet Size Dimensions Prototype Drawing A0 1189 x 841 mm Can be adjusted A1 841 x 594 mm Available ANSI B 11 x 17 in (432 x 279 mm) Available

3.1.12Title Block and Layering A prototype drawing containing the City of Edmonton title block and the basic layering outlined in Part 3 of this Manual is available with this manual. This drawing has been developed to facilitate the use of these CAD standards by design consultants.

Title block is available from: Chrystal Annicchiarico, email: [email protected]

November 2009 7 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 3.2 CAD File Naming

The file naming convention for all project drawings is as follows (using an example): CEN101(MN)-02-A00.DWG with coding as follows:

CEN101 is the City of Edmonton code designation for the building or integrated site. MN is the floor number (FD) foundation, (SB) sub-basement, (BM) basement, (MN) main floor, (02) second floor, (MZ) mezzanine floor, (RF) roof, (L1) lower level 1, (P1) parking level 1, (XX) indicates a drawing without a designated floor. 02 is the year of the project (2002) A is the drawing discipline based on the following: C Civil (site) A Architectural S Structural M Mechanical E Electrical L Landscape Architecture (may be included in Civil) P Plumbing (may be included in Mechanical) F Fire Protection (may be included in Mechanical) SH Shop Drawings

00 is the drawing number in the set. .DWG is the AutoCAD file extension

November 2009 8 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 3.3 Consultant’s As-built/Record Drawing Check List

Project Name: Project Number:

Mylars Drawings are produced on 2 mil mylar. A complete set of drawings has been submitted. The set includes all required disciplines. The consultant has used the The City of Edmonton, Capital Construction title block. The drawing has been trimmed according to the CAD standards manual. There is an ‘As Built’ or ‘Record Drawing’ date. The CAD file name is present and it complies with the standards. The consultant’s logo(s) is present. The work description is identified. The project address included. The drawing titles correspond with the drawing content. The drawing is legible.

CD – Electronic As-Builts The drawings are submitted as AutoCAD files. The files are saved using the CAD file name and drawing title. There are no variations on the electronic drawings as to the mylars (see the Mylar list). A complete set of electronic drawings has been submitted. The electronic drawings include all required disciplines. There is only one sheet layout per drawing. The drawings are legible. The layers comply with the guideline in the Standards manual. The x-refs and images are loaded/attached/bound. Purge all non-applicable information (File-Drawing Utilities-Purge)

November 2009 9 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.0 CAD LAYERING STANDARD

4.1. Purpose

This layering standard has been designed to:

 organize graphical information so that it can be effectively grouped and manipulated for display, editing and plotting purposes.  ensure that all CAD based design drawings completed for all City facilities are structured and formatted on a consistent basis for archival and retrieval purposes.  organize drawing information in layers that can be used for both initial project development and on-going facility management purposes.

4.2 Design of the Layering Standard

This standard has been designed in accordance with the CAD layers and layering format in ‘CAD Layering Guidelines (Computer-Aided Design Management Techniques for Architecture, Engineering and Facility Management) Second Edition: published by the American Institute of Architects Press.

This layering standard is based on the following concepts in the CAD LAYER GUIDELINES:

4.2.1 Layer Formats Format as follows:


I. Major Groups (X) - The CAD LAYER GUIDELINES recommends the use of eight (8) major groups of layers as follows: C Civil Engineering and Site Work A Architecture, Interiors and Facilities S Structural M Mechanical (HVAC) E Electrical and Electrical Auxiliary Systems, including Telecommunications L Landscape Architecture (optional) P Plumbing (optional) F Fire protection (optional)

II. Minor Groups (YYYY) - This group comprises 4 characters and is used to subdivide the major groups on the basis of construction components or building contents (e.g., walls, doors, ceilings, furniture, equipment, etc.). Layers that are designated by a major and minor group only are referred to as “master layers” and are shown in bold type in the layering standard.

November 2009 10 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual III. Modifiers (ZZZZ) - These 4 characters may be used to further differentiate minor groups such as full height from part height walls. The use of a modifier is optional and is not required if the major and minor group designations for a layer are sufficient.

As an example of this layer format, the layer name A-DOOR-FULL would designate a layer in the architectural group with graphical information on doors which are full height.

4.2.3 Information Layers - The layer names for each major group are further divided into two categories for CAD layer management purposes.

I. Building Information layers - generally represent physical aspects of the site and buildings such as walls, doors, site improvements, diffusers, etc. Identification labels such as room numbers are also included in this category. This type of information is often shared between drawings.

II. Drawing Information layers - comprise notes, dimensions, title blocks and similar information. This type of information is usually associated with a specific drawing. Other speciality requirements such as riser diagrams and schematic diagrams are also included in this category.

4.2.4 Special Groups – I. The designations ELEV, SECT and DETL are used as either minor groups or modifiers to identify elevations, sections and details. These special groups may be used by consultants as required for design and construction drawings.

II. The “Read-me” layer (x-RDME) may be used with all major groups to provide reference information on file organisation. This layer is for user reference only and is not plotted.

November 2009 11 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.3 Use of the Layering Standard

4.3.1 The layering standard has been designed for use for all types of projects in the entire inventory of City facilities, including site development and utility services. Therefore, consultants should focus on the requirements for their design discipline and on the layers applicable to their specific project.

4.3.2 This layering standard is based on the minimum requirements of the City. Consultants may use their own standards for requirements that exceed those specified herein. Consultants may only use layers of their own discipline, e.g.: Architects must put plumbing fixtures on an A- layer for reference.

4.3.3 This layering standard is organized in accordance with the major groups in the traditional ASMEC order of architecture, structural, mechanical, electrical and civil (site). However, in the AutoCAD layering control command, the layers may be organized alphabetically as ACEMS.

4.3.4 The following standard modifiers may be added to any applicable layers:

I. Building Information Layers *-****- IDEN identification data *-****- PATT cross hatching pattern *-****- DEMO existing to be demolished (hidden linetype, colour 9) *-****- NEW new or proposed work (colour 10)

II. Drawing Information Layers *-****- NOTE notes (WHITE) *-****- TEXT general information and specifications (BLUE) *-****- SYMB symbols, bubbles, etc. (WHITE) *-****- DIMS dimensions (RED) *-****- PATT cross-hatching pattern (colour 13) *-****- NPLT Nonplot information and construction lines (defpoint layer) *-****- PLOT Plotting targets and windows (defpoint layer)

For example, A-WALL-DEMO would designate walls, which are to be demolished. A-FURN-TEXT would be used for specifications for furniture components.

4.3.5 The layering standard includes layers which may not be required initially (e.g., mechanical layers for brine systems) but may be required in the future.

November 2009 12 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.4 Layering Standard

4.4.1 Group 1 - Architectural, Interiors and Facilities

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

A-WALL Walls A-WALL-FULL Full height walls 4 (Cyan) continuous A-WALL-HEAD Door and glazing headers 0 to 15 continuous A-WALL-JAMB Door and window jambs 0 to 15 continuous A-WALL-PRHT Part height walls and fixed screens 0 to 15 continuous A-WALL-MOVE Movable walls & partitions 0 to 15 continuous

A-DOOR Doors A-DOOR-FULL Full height doors include swing 3 (Green) continuous A-DOOR-PRHT Part height doors include swing 3 (Green) continuous A-DOOR-OVHD Overhead door swing 8 (Dark Grey) hidden

A-GLAZ Windows, glazing, curtain walls A-GLAZ-EXTR Exterior windows and glazing 0 to 15 continuous A-GLAZ-FULL Full height interior glazing 0 to 15 continuous A-GLAZ-PRHT Part height interior glazing 0 to 15 continuous

A-FLOR Floor information A-FLOR-OTLN Floor or building outline 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-PLAT Floor Plate of a building 15 continuous A-FLOR-STRS Stair risers, escalators, ladders 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-EVTR Elevator cars & equipment 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-TPTN Toilet partitions 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-LEVL Level changes, pits, depressions 8 (Dark Gray) continuous A-FLOR-MLWK Millwork, built in cabinets 8 (Dark Gray) continuous A-FLOR-OVHD Skylights & overhangs 8 (Dark Gray) hidden A-FLOR-RAIS Raised floors 8 (Dark Gray) continuous A-FLOR-SIGN Interior signage 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-IDEN Room numbers 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-NAME Room names 0 to 15 continuous A-FLOR-LABL Floor Label 1 (Red) continuous

A-EQPM Equipment A-EQPM-FIXD Fixed equipment & appliances 8 (Dark Gray) continuous A-EQPM-MOVE Movable equipment & appliances 8 (Dark Gray) continuous A-EQPM-SEAT Fixed seating 0 to 15 continuous

A-FURN Furniture A-FURN-FREE Movable furniture 0 to 15 continuous A-FURN-SYST System furniture 0 to 15 continuous A-FURN-SCRN Movable screens 11 continuous

November 2009 13 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual Group 1 - Architectural, Interiors and Facilities (continued)

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

A-CLNG Ceilings A-CLNG-GRID Ceiling grid 0 to 15 hidden A-CLNG-OPEN Ceiling & roof penetrations 0 to 15 continuous A-CLNG-TBAR T-bar ceiling assembly 0 to 15 continuous A-CLNG-FIXED Fixed Ceiling 0 to 15 continuous

A-ROOF Roof A-ROOF-OTLN Roof outline 0 to 15 hidden

A-FENC-CHAIN Chain link fence 0 to 15 continuous A-PMFN Materials & finish plan White continuous A-FIRE-OTLN Fire separations 0 to 15 continuous

Drawing Information Layers

A-SHBD Sheet border & title block lines Red continuous A-SHBD-TTLB Project title block & name Red continuous A-SHBD-LOGO City of Edmonton logo Blue continuous A-SHBD-TEXT Misc. text in title block Green continuous A-SCHD Schedules White continuous A-LEGN Legend of symbols White continuous

CAFM Layers B-AREA-AS Floor area polyline 1 (Red) B-AREA-AS-TXT Floor area label 1 (Red) B-AREA-ASRM Room area polyline 1 (Red) B-AREA-ASRM-TXT Room area label 1 (Red) continuous B-AREA-BCRM Building common area 5 (Blue) continuous B-AREA-BCRM-TXT Building common label 6 (Magenta) continuous B-AREA-CONSTGR Construction gross polyline 4 (Cyan) continuous B-AREA-FCRM Floor common polyline 2 (Yellow) continuous B-AREA-FCRM-TXT Floor common label 6 (Magenta) continuous B-AREA-FLGR Floor gross polyline 3 (Green) continuous B-AREA-FLGR-TXT Floor gross label 3 (Green) B-AREA-SHRM Floor vertical polyline 3 (Green) B-AREA-SHRM-TXT Floor vertical label 6 (Magenta) B-HATCH Organizational Hatch 15-252 B-ORG-PRSNL-TXT Personnel Label 3 (Green) B-ORG-TXT Organizational Text 2 (Yellow)

November 2009 14 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.4.2 Group 2 - Structural

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

S-GRID Column grid S-GRID-EXTR Column grid outside building 0 to 15 continuous S-GRID-DIMS Column grid dimensions 0 to 15 continuous S-GRID-IDEN Column grid tags 0 to 15 continuous

S-FNDN Foundation piles, piers & reinforcing S-FNDN Foundation piles, piers & reinforcing 0 to 15 continuous

S-SLAB Concrete slab S-SLAB-EDGE Edge of concrete slab 0 to 15 continuous

S-ABLT Anchor bolts S-ABLT Anchor bolts 0 to 15 continuous

S-COLS Columns S-COLS Columns 0 to 15 continuous

S-WALLS Structural bearing and shear walls S-WALLS Structural bearing and shear walls 0 to 15 continuous

S-METL Miscellaneous metal S-METL Miscellaneous metal 0 to 15 continuous

S-FRAM Framing (beams, joints) S-FRAM-DECK Structural decking 0 to 15 continuous

November 2009 15 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.4.3 Group 3 - Mechanical including HVAC, Refrigeration, Plumbing and Fire Protection

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype


M-BRIN Brine systems M-BRIN-EQPM Brine systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-BRIN-PIPE Brine systems piping, valves, etc. 0 to 15 continuous

M-CMPA Instrument compressed air systems M-CMPA-EQPM Instrument compressed air equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-CMPA-PIPE Instrument compressed air piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-CONT Controls & instrumentation M-CONT-STAT Thermostats 0 to 15 continuous M-CONT-WIRE Low voltage wiring 0 to 15 dashed

M-DUST Dust & fume collection systems M-DUST-EQPM Dust & fume equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-DUST-DUCT Dust & fume ductwork 0 to 15 continuous

M-ELHT Electrical heat equipment M-ELHT Electrical heat equipment 0 to 15 continuous

M-ENER Energy management systems M-ENER Energy management systems 0 to 15 continuous

M-EXHS Exhaust systems M-EXHS-EQPM Exhaust systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-EXHS-DUCT Exhaust system ductwork 0 to 15 continuous M-EXHS-ROOF Rooftop exhaust equipment 0 to 15 continuous

M-FUEL Fuel systems (excluding natural gas) M-FUEL-EQPM Fuel systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-FUEL-PIPE Fuel systems piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-HVAC HVAC systems M-HVAC-CDFF HVAC ceiling outlets 0 to 15 continuous M-HVAC-ODFF HVAC other outlets 0 to 15 continuous M-HVAC-DUCT HVAC ductwork 0 to 15 continuous M-HVAC-EQPM HVAC equipment 0 to 15 continuous

November 2009 16 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual Group 3 - Mechanical (continued)

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

M-HOTW Hot water heating system M-HOTW-EQPM Hot water equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-HOTW-PIPE Hot water piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-CWTR Chilled water system M-CWTR-EQPM Chilled water equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-CWTR-PIPE Chilled water piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-MDGS Medical gas systems M-MDGS Medical gas systems 0 to 15 continuous

M-NGAS Natural gas systems M-NGAS-EQPM Natural gas systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-NGAS-PIPE Natural gas systems piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-PROC Process systems M-PROC Process systems 0 to 15 continuous

M-REFG Refrigeration systems M-REFG-EQPM Refrigeration systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-REFG-PIPE Refrigeration systems piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-STEM Steam systems M-STEM-EQPM Steam systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-STEM-PIPE Steam systems piping 0 to 15 continuous M-STEM-COND Condensate piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-OTHR Other mechanical systems M-OTHR Other mechanical systems 0 to 15 continuous


M-DOMW Domestic water systems M-DOMW-EQPM Domestic water systems equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-DOMW-PIPE Domestic water systems piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-SANR Sanitary drainage M-SANR-FIXT Plumbing fixtures 0 to 15 continuous M-SANR-PIPE Sanitary piping 0 to 15 continuous M-SANR-FLDR Sanitary floor drains 0 to 15 continuous

November 2009 17 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual Group 3 - Mechanical (continued)

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

M-STRM Storm drainage M-STRM-PIPE Storm drainage piping 0 to 15 continuous M-STRM-ROOF Roof drains 0 to 15 continuous

M-EQPM Misc. plumbing equipment M-EQPM Misc. plumbing equipment 0 to 15 continuous


M-CO2S CO2 system M-CO2S-EQPM CO2 system equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-CO2S-PIPE CO2 system piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-HALN Halon system M-HALN-EQPM Halon system equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-HALN-PIPE Halon system piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-SPRN Fire sprinkler system M-SPRN-CLHD Sprinkler heads, ceiling mounted 0 to 15 continuous M-SPRN-EQPM Sprinkler system pumps & equipment 0 to 15 continuous M-SPRN-OTHR Sprinkler heads, other 0 to 15 continuous M-SPRN-PIPE Sprinkler piping 0 to 15 continuous

M-STAN Standpipe system M-STAN-EQPM Fire hose cabinets, pumps & equipment 1 (Red) continuous M-STAN-PIPE Standpipe piping 1 (Red) continuous

November 2009 18 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual 4.4.4 Group 4 - Electrical and Auxiliary Systems

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

E-LITE Lighting E-LITE-EMER Emergency lighting 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-EXIT Exit lighting 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-CLNG Ceiling mounted lighting 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-WALL Wall mounted lighting 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-NUMB Lighting circuit numbers 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-SWCH Lighting switches 0 to 15 continuous E-LITE-CIRC Lighting circuits 0 to 15 dashed E-LITE-ROOF Roof lighting 0 to 15 continuous

E-POWR Electrical power E-POWR-WALL Wall outlets 0 to 15 continuous E-POWR-CLNG Ceiling outlets 0 to 15 continuous E-POWR-PANL Power panels 0 to 15 continuous E-POWR-EQPM Power equipment 0 to 15 continuous E-POWR-CIRC Power circuits 0 to 15 dashed E-POWR-NUMB Power circuit numbers 0 to 15 continuous

E-PROT Fire Protection Systems E-PROT-ALRM Fire alarms 0 to 15 continuous E-PROT-HEAT Heat detectors 0 to 15 continuous E-PROT-SMOK Smoke detectors 0 to 15 continuous E-PROT-EQPM Fire extinguishers 0 to 15 continuous

E-CTRL Electrical control systems E-CTRL Electrical control systems 0 to 15 continuous

E-GRND Ground systems E-GRND Ground systems 0 to 15 continuous

E-CCTV Closed circuit television systems E-CCTV Closed circuit television systems 0 to 15 dashed

E-VOIC Voice communication connections E-VOIC Voice communication connections 0 to 15 continuous

E-DATA Data communication connections E-DATA Data communication connections 0 to 15 continuous

E-SERT Security systems E-SERT Security systems 0 to 15 continuous

November 2009 19 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual Group 4 – Electrical and Auxiliary Systems (continued)

Layer Name Description Colour Linetype

E-SOUN Sound and public address systems E-SOUN Sound and public address systems 0 to 15 continuous

E-AUXL Other electrical systems E-AUXL Other electrical systems 0 to 15 continuous

November 2009 20 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual

4.4.5 Group 5 - Civil Engineering, Landscaping and Site Work

I.) CIVIL ENGINEERING C-PROP Property lines, easements, right of way C-PROP Property lines, easements, right of way 0 to 15 continuous

C-TOPO Contour lines & elevations C-TOPO Contour lines & elevations 0 to 15 continuous

C-BLDG Building footprint C-BLDG Building footprint 0 to 15 continuous

C-PKNG Surface parking lots C-PKNG Surface parking lots 0 to 15 continuous

C-ROAD Roads including lines & curbs C-ROAD Roads including lines & curbs 0 to 15 continuous

C-STRM Storm drainage site services C-STRM-EQPM Storm drain catch basins & manholes 0 to 15 continuous C-STRM-UNDR Underground storm piping 0 to 15 continuous

C-ELTR Electrical site services C-ELTR-EQPM Electrical substations & poles 0 to 15 Continuous C-ELTR-LITE Site lighting 0 to 15 Continuous C-ELTR-UNDR Underground electrical lines 0 to 15 Continuous C-ELTR-OVHD Overhead electrical lines 0 to 15 Continuous

C-COMM Communications site services C-COMM-EQPM Communication systems equipment 0 to 15 Continuous C-COMM-UNDR Underground communication lines 0 to 15 Continuous

C-WATR Domestic water site services C-WATR-EQPM Domestic water valves, tanks, pumps, etc. 0 to 15 Continuous C-WATR-UNDR Underground domestic water piping 0 to 15 Continuous

C-FIRE Fire protection site services C-FIRE-EQPM Fire hydrants, valves, etc. 0 to 15 Continuous C-FIRE-UNDR Underground fire system piping 0 to 15 Continuous

C-NGAS Natural gas site services C-NGAS-EQPM Natural gas valves, meters, tanks, etc. 0 to 15 Continuous C-NGAS-UNDR Underground natural gas piping 0 to 15 Continuous

November 2009 21 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual

Group 5 - Civil Engineering, Landscaping and Site Work (continued)

C-SSWR Sanitary sewer site services C-SSWR-EQPM Sanitary sewer manholes, pumps, etc. 0 to 15 Continuous C-SSWR-UNDR Underground sanitary sewer lines 0 to 15 Continuous


C-PLNT Plants & landscaping C-PLNT Plants & landscaping 0 to 15 Continuous

C-IRRG Irrigation System C-IRRG-SPKL Irrigation sprinklers 0 to 15 Continuous C-IRRG-EQPM Irrigation equipment 0 to 15 C-IRRG-PIPE Irrigation system piping 0 to 15 Continuous

C-WALK Walkways and steps Continuous C-WALK Walkways and steps 0 to 15 Continuous

C-SIGN Site signage C-SIGN Site signage 0 to 15 Continuous

C-SITE Site improvements C-SITE-FENC Fencing 0 to 15 Continuous C-SITE-CTRS Site contours 0 to 15 Dashed


November 2009 22 of 23 Buildings Design and Construction Cad Standards and Consultant Deliverables Manual Form for Feedback from Design Consultants

Design consultants should use this form to provide feedback on the use of the CAD standards. Upon completion, fax or email this form to:

The City of Edmonton: Buildings Design and Construction Branch Attention: Chrystal Annicchiarico Phone: (780) 423-4455 Fax: (780) 496-6618 Email: [email protected]

Comments provided by:

...... Name Date ...... Company Position ...... Telephone Number Fax Number

Comments: Refer to the section number in the manual and provide specific suggestions for improvements. Attach additional pages as required.
