
The Ouachita Citizen www.ouachitacitizen.com Thursday, April 6, 2017 • 9A

Something Special Martha Jane Anderson

“Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest.” From Matthew for I have come to save you, not to judge you. The annual Ruple-Brown Tournament is June 2 at Bayou De- siard Country Club at $150 per golfer! Call 348-6173 for info. a recent bucket-list trip, Amy Dewees and friends had a great time in Indian Wells, Calif., at the Paribas Tournament. They watched the American in an exciting doubles match along with other tennis greats: , , , and . In the fun group with Amy were: ABOVE: California Bound Tennis Friends ABOVE: Laurel Ann Box has been ABOVE: Linda Reeves and Carol Ginger and Ginger Barron, Amy DeWees, and Jean accepted to High Point University! Ledoux celebrating. Barry Barron, Futch. Congratulations! Gwen and Steve Richard- son, and Jean LEFT: Judge Futch of Wendell Man- ning, Sigma Nu Farmerville. alum, with son, Lisa Nelson, Veep at LSU, Denise Smith Jefferson; new and Allison Sigma Nu initi- Cattar hosted Martha Jane Anderson ate, Walker Stin- retired from ULM after the Potpourri son; and new 35 years of service as Book Club with president of Assistant Dean of the best Straw- ABOVE: Marilyn Stern and Flint Robertson. Sigma Nu at Students and SGA Advisor. berry Cake and LSU, John chocolate cov- ABOVE: Graydon Lewis. ered strawberries from Classic Cakes Rosemary and Randy in West Monroe, finger sandwiches Ewing cele- and cheese straws in Lisa’s lovely brating Fairview home. Carol Ransom gave a Ashley’s great review of the book, “Over the surprise Edge of the World,” about Ferdinand party. Magellan and his escapades while competing with the Spanish king for riches through the spice trade. Great news in our family is that Margaret Manning, Judge Wendell and Ashley’s daughter, will graduate with highest honors from LSU’s Honors College in May. She has been awarded a scholarship by Notre Dame’s Law School where she will study Constitutional law. Janet Masur shared that Kathy Barnhill is an invited guest to the White House for lunch with Melania ABOVE: Karen and Paul Stinson cel- Trump. The even better news is that ebrating at Ashley Manning’s family pretty daughter, Julia and husband, surprise dinner at Genusa’s. LEFT: Luke Letlow, are expecting a baby Susan and daughter, Becca Dupuy, of boy in October! Stanley Dupuy fame, at a lovely party ABOVE: Mary Grace and Jacinda Flint Robertson shared some inter- in her honor. Dupuy making the party in time. esting trivia: The New York Duponts and the London Duponts collabo- rated to make a new fabric. They set- tled on the name Ny for New York and lon for London! Thus the name Nylon was born at the World’s Fair in 1939... and women started buying nylon stockings! LEFT: Deano Casola, cute Save the date of Saturday, May 7, to fiancé of support the Children Museum’s An- Becca Dupuy. nual Luncheon and Home Tour. Monroyan Mil Bodron, noted Dallas architect, Dr. Buddy and Laverne’s son, will be the guest speaker! Lunch at the Museum and Home Tour tick- ets are $50 each. Don’t miss! Grandson, John Graydon Lewis, ABOVE: Becca Dupuy and Taylor and Michelle Guillot, has been named President of Sigma party hosts. Nu fraternity at LSU! Mary Alice, “Baby” Jackson Loflin, celebrated her 90 years young birth- day with family and friends at her Buie Drive home. Remember that the Holy Spirit that God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline! Let’s call on the Holy Spirit who lives in us for help and re- newal for it is a free gift just for the asking.

ABOVE: Janet, Chas and Sylvia Masur at the Lotus Club for Shrimp Family Supper. RIGHT: Joy Loomis and Kathy Patrick at Martha Jane Potpourri Book Club.