Common Efforts Inthe Development of Rural Sarawak, Malaysia

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Common Efforts Inthe Development of Rural Sarawak, Malaysia Common efforts inthe development of rural Sarawak, Malaysia • ^ & i L 08201.655 RGGrijpstra Stellingen 1. In het empirisch sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek wordt de groep te weinig als eenheid van analyse gekozen. 2. Het toepassen van significantietoetsen op populatiegegevens i* zinvol. R. Adriaanse, De toepasbaarheid van statistische toetsen op populatie• gegevens. Sociologische Gids 1976(3). 3. Habitual integration (de samenwerking nodig voor instandhouding van een groep) heeft een positieve invloed op het ontstaan van action-oriented integration (samenwerking gericht op nieuwe groepsdoeleinden). Dit proefschrift. 4. Action-oriented integration (samenwerking gericht op nieuwe groeps- doeleinden) verdwijnt wanneer mogelijkheden tot individuele ontplooiing ontstaan. Dit proefschrift, 5. In dié dorpen waar de overheid veel initiatieven tot ontwikkeling neemt, vertonen de inwoners een geringe neiging tot samenwerking. Dit proefschrift. F.W. Young, A proposal for cooperative cross-cultural research on intervillage systems. Human Organization 25:46-50. 6. Geddes' conclusie over een gebrek aan ondernemerschap bij de Land Dayak was voorbarig. W.R. Geddes, The Land Dayaks of Sarawak, 1954. Dit proefschrift. 7. De rol van loslopende varkens in het ecologisch systeem van een dorp in tropisch regengebied wordt onderschat. Dit proefschrift. 8. De overgang van landbouwsystemen met naar intensief en frequent grondgebruik wordt belemmerd door de hoeveelheid arbeid die daarvoor moet worden aangewend en door een lagere opbrengst per eenheid ingezette arbeid. E. Boserup, The conditions of agricultural growth, the economics of agrarian change under population pressure, 1965. Dit proefschrift. 9. De toenemende incorporatie van'kleine boegen iri ontwikkelingslanden in de markteconomie brengt hen ertoe produktiemethoden toe te passen die hun eenzijdige afhankelijkheid doet toenemen, en die de produktiecapaciteit van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen aantast. IAC Wageningen, De kleine boer en de ontwikkelingssamenwerking (eindrapport studieprojekt). ' i 10. Proefvelden waarop met de methoden en hulpmiddelen van kleine boeren wordt gewerkt moeten een belangrijke rol spelen bij het onderzoek naar agrarische technologie voor ontwikkelingslanden. IAC Wageningen, De kleine boer en de ontwikkelingssamenwerking (eindrapport studieprojekt). 11. Buitenlandse donors en deskundigen kunnen alleen een bijdrage leveren aan programma's tot geïntegreerde ontwikkeling als. zij een dialoog onderhouden met bevolking en lokale overheid. IAC Wageningen, De kleine boer en de ontwikkelingssamenwerking (eindrapport studieprojekt). 12..Het succes van ontwikkelingsprogramma's wordt vaak uitsluitend afgelezen aan effecten op korte termijn, zonder rekening te houden met de blijvende verbetering van de positie van de groepen waarop zij gericht zijn. B. Clackson, The measurement of benefits - a dilemma. International Development Review / Focus 1976(1). 13. Elke kwaliteit uit zich als een zekere kwantiteit, en zonder kwantiteit is er geen kwaliteit. Mao Tse-Tung, Methods of work of party committees. 13 maart 1949. 14. Verstehen en versjteren zijn géén antipoden. 15. Fietsers die er in slagen een verkeerslicht te passeren juist voor dit op rood springt, bereiken een piek-ervaring. Proefschrift van B.G. Grijpstra Common efforts in the development of rural Sarawak, Malaysia Common efforts in the development of rural Sarawak, Malaysia Dit proefschrift met stellingen van Bouwe Gerard Grupstra, landbouwkundig ingenieur, geboren te Oosterbeek op 27 mei 1946, is goedgekeurd door de promotor, dr. R. A. J. van Lier, hoogleraar in de empirische sociologie en sociografie der niet- westerse gebieden. De rector magnificus van de Landbouwhogeschool, J. P. H. van der Want Wageningen, 25 juni 1976 B. G. Grypstra Common efforts in the development of rural Sarawak, Malaysia Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de landbouwwetenschappen, op gezag van de rector magnificus, dr. ir. J. P. H. van der Want, hoogleraar in de virologie, in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 22 september 1976 des namiddags te vier uur in de aula van de Landbouwhogeschool te Wageningen Centrefor Agricultural Publishing and Documentation Wageningen -1976 Abstract Grijpstra, B.G. (1976) Common efforts in the development of rural Sarawak, Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Wageningen, (xii) + 239 p., 37 tables, 3 figs, 15 photographs, 163 references, 13 appendices, English and Dutch summaries. Also: Agric. Res. Rep. (Versl. landbouwk. Onderz.) 851. The subject of research was whether it is possible to establish modern cooperative societies in traditionally in• tegrated communities. Views of laymen, politicians and sociologists are presented. The characteristics of tribal societies and loosely structured societies are discussed. An analysis is made of the location of research in Sarawak, in particular the Government's development policy and aspects of the Land Dayak structure and culture. Case studies and surveys showed that Land Dayak villages disintegrate when they are incorporated into the market economy and political structure of Sarawak. The frequency of traditional cooperative ac• tivities diminishes and new activities do not become institutionalized, because no material sanctions are con• nected with social control. Sometimes an outwardly oriented traditional leader or close guidance by develop• ment workers retards the process of disintegration. This thesis will also be published as Agricultural Research Reports 851. © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, 1976. No part of this book may be reproduced and/or published in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publishers. BIBLIOTHEK* Curriculum Vitae The author was born in 1946 in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands. In 1963 he completed his secon• dary education at the Christelijk Lyceum in Arnhem and enrolled as a student at the Agricultural University of Wageningen. In 1970 he graduated in rural sociology of the tropics and subtropics. Secondary subjects were: cooperatives and credit systems of non-western countries, marketing and market research, and industrial organization. As a part of his study he worked for five months with the Centre for Agricultural Research in Surinam (CELOS) in 1968. There he studied farmers of Indian and Javanese origin who cultivate irrigated paddy, in particular their farm management and their contacts with the agricultural extension service. From 1970 until 1974 he was a research associate of the Department of Rural Sociology of the Tropics and Subtropics of the Agricultural University, which enabled him to do fieldwork in Sarawak, Malaysia. At present he is a lecturer at the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology of Nijmegen University, teaching research methodology. He also participates in an interdisciplinary research team which studies the possibilities to improve the position of small farmers in developing countries. The initiative for this project was taken by the International Agricultural Centre (IAC) in Wageningen. Acknowledgments The sentence 'the author is solely responsible for the contents' can be read in the foreword of many a dissertation. It indicates that writing a dissertation is the burden of one person alone, which, however, cannot be done without advice, assistance and stimulation from others. I received these from the following persons and organizations: - My late parents encouraged my studies, and set an example by their own dedicated and well- considered way of working. - Prof. Dr R. A. J. van Lier has moulded my interest in sociology when I was his student, and supervised my research project. The suggestions and remarks made by him often were clues for my work. - The Agricultural University of Wageningen created the conditions for this research project. - The staff of the Department of Rural Sociology of the Tropics and Subtropics, as well as other Departments of the Agricultural University made many valuable comments on the draft report. - The State Government of Sarawak gave its consent to the research project and rendered assistance through many organizations, in particular the Office of the State Financial Secretary, the Department of Agriculture and the Sarawak Museum. - The Bidayuh of the Upper Sadong District among whom the topic of research was investigated, in particular the people of Riih Daso under leadership of the late TK Salog ak Debak and TK Nyarung ak Ragi. It is my sincere wish that my work, though in an indirect way, should contribute to their welfare and well-being. - Mr Tan Kia Chiew, then headmaster of Riih Daso School. He was a friendly and helpful neighbour. - Dr J. P. Andriesse shared with me his knowledge of the soil and its occupants, which he had gained through his work in the Soils Division of the Department of Agriculture. - Fathers Mak and Houben offered hospitality, as well as the opportunity to speak my mother tongue. - My assistants and interviewers - Mr J. W. te Kloeze rendered assistance as intermediary with the Computer Centre, Wageningen. - Mrs W. M. Laoh-Gieskes typed the different versions of the manuscript. If only my drafts had been as complete as her typing this report would have been published much earlier. - Mr J. R. Glasmacher drew the figures and designed the cover. - Pudoc made the final draft ready for publication. - Jeanne Petroesjka has added a dimension to my life, which is valuable in itself and puts other dimensions in relief. Samenvatting Het doel
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