GENERAL FUND BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY BRIDGEPORT IN CONTEXT BRIDGEPORT AT A GLANCE FORM OF GOVERNMENT Bridgeport is governed by its City Charter which was adopted by the state legislature in 1907 and revised in 1912 and 1992. The city operates under a Mayor-City Council form of government. The Mayor serves a four-year term. The Mayor sets policy, makes nominations and appointments to boards and commissions, and presides at City Council meetings. In addition, the Mayor acts as official City representative and liaison with various governmental and private agencies and oversees the financial aspects of the City government. Mayoral authority comes from the City of Bridgeport’s charter, Municipal Code, and the State of Connecticut General Statues. The City Council consists of 20 members elected to two-year terms. Each of the ten council districts is represented by two council members. The City Council holds regular meetings twice per month. Major responsibilities of the City Council include enacting ordinances necessary to govern the City and adopting the budget. Together the Mayor and the City Council oversee the five line divisions: City Clerk, Water Pollution Control Authority, Libraries, Department of Education, and the Registrar of Voters. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), a mayoral appointee, is responsible for coordinating the management and implementation of operational policies and practices for the Mayor. The CAO is the liaison between the Mayor and the head administrators of the City’s departments which include: The Office of Policy & Management, Civil Service, the Fire Department, the Police Department, Planning & Economic Development, Finance, Public Facilities, Health & Social Services, Labor Relations, the City Attorney, Weights & Measures, and Information Technology.
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