APRIL 2008 50 Cents PINE MOUNT in LAKE NEWS the Official Newspaper of Pine Mountain Lake Property Owners Groveland Favorites Announced Page 55
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APRIL 2008 50 cents PINE MOUNT IN LAKE NEWS The Official Newspaper of Pine Mountain Lake Property Owners Groveland Favorites Announced Page 55 Annual Report Inside www.PineMountainLake.com TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 19228 Pine Mountain Dr. Groveland, CA 95321 PRSRT STD Administration . 2-9 U.S. POSTAGE PML Calendar of Activities/Announcements . 16 PAID Permit# 451 Clubs/Activities/Recreation ......................... 11-15 STOCKTON, CA Country Club/Entertainment ......................... 10 Change Service Crossword ..................................... 59 Requested Community Corner/Games .................. 17-24, 43-52 Home Improvement Directory ....................... 60-66 “Homes on the Hill” Real Estate ..................... 25-42 Classifieds .................................... 67 2 ADMINISTRATION PML News • APRIL 2008 RESIDENT’S MESSAGE The Pine Mountain Lake News, By Ron Maguire • Board President established July 25, 1973, is printed monthly for residents of Pine Mountain Lake and vicinity by Pine Mountain Lake Association, Groveland, California 95321. this the Department of Fish and Game that wake-boarding and knee-boarding SUBSCRIPTION RATES: will have approved our request to dredge are very enjoyable and an activity which Co-owner subscription: and it will move forward to the County is super for youngsters. On the other $3 per year for consideration in the permit process. hand, should nearly all other users of Single copies: 50 cents each We had no idea that this simple project the Lake be frustrated in their use of the Single mailed copies: $1.35 each could be held up for so long and involve Lake by large wakes? The Lake is just For non-members: $10 per year two years worth of (red tape) delays. too small for the large wakes produced SUBMISSION DEADLINE We had started developing an alternative by such an activity. 10th of the month by 4:30 PM plan which would not be quite as good The current Board as well as previ- Late submissions not accepted but now it seems we will move forward ous Boards spent enormous amounts of Visit www.pinemountainlake.com/ t’s April and that means spring with the original plan. And yes, it has time dealing with the problem. It is the pmlnews.html for ad rates and time in the mountains. Spring in become more expensive. Delays nearly conclusion of this Board that the origi- submission guidelines or e-mail: Ithe mountains is probably the most always increase the overall cost, but in nal concept of allowing water skiing [email protected]. beautiful the mountains can be consider- this case, the need to dredge is painfully only should continue and that activi- For the mutual benefit of all property ing the colorful flowers, green fields and obvious and must be done. ties which produce large wakes should owners, the Pine Mountain Lake News perhaps a little bit of snow remaining on For about ten years wake-boarding not be allowed. The current proposed reserves the right to edit all copy sub- the mountains. A number of important and knee-boarding have been allowed on amendment to the Lake rules is printed mitted for publication. The Pine Mountain issues will come to head this spring. In Pine Mountain Lake. This is in addition Lake News is a private enterprise, not a in this issue. Our Bylaws and State law public entity, and as such is entitled to the next few months we should have to waterskiing, which has been allowed require the current proposal to be pub- reject advertisements or articles in the some final answers for a number of very since the Lake was filled. For nearly as lished no less than 30 days before be- best judgment of its editor or publisher, important and very time consuming long as wake-boarding and knee-board- ing voted on by the Board. This means despite a probable monopoly in the area problems. ing have been allowed, complaints about it cannot be voted on until the May of its publication. Pine Mountain Lake The current status of the two actions the large wakes they produce have fol- Association is not responsible for, nor meeting. We expect whichever way does it guarantee the accuracy of, infor- brought against the Association by our lowed. As the popularity of wake-board- the rules may change, the rules will be mation contained in any ad placed in the former General Manager, namely the ing and knee-boarding has increased, so challenged. Our Bylaws and State law Pine Mountain Lake News. arbitration of his termination and the have the complaints. Many meetings allow such a challenge and they both lawsuit brought against the Association have been held between various user contain specific requirements which SABRE DESIGN & PUBLISHING and directors are both nearing comple- groups and also between the groups and must be followed. If a proper challenge Design/layout tion. It is inappropriate to discuss these Board Members without much progress occurs, one option is to poll the mem- CHRISTINA WILKINSON matters in detail until they are completed being made in finding a solution. Many bership by mailed ballot and the Board Publishing Editor and we are nearing that completion. efforts have been discussed and some has already agreed that a mailed ballot JUDI WILKINSON Let it just be said that we have always implemented which would reduce the will be utilized. It is very likely that Advertising Manager maintained that these actions are based size of the wakes but, in spite of those this issue will ultimately be decided by BARBARA COLDREN on complaints which are unfounded and efforts, complaints continue to increase. a vote of the entire membership. Editing & Distribution we are just as confident now as we have The problem has finally reached the In closing, it’s time to do your spring Pine Mountain Lake News been in the past that they will conclude point at which a petition has been pre- cleaning, get rid of all that stuff that has P.O. Box 605 in favor of the Association and the Di- sented to the board to eliminate wake been collecting all winter, break out the Groveland, CA 95321 rectors. boarding and knee boarding. This is a fishing poles, golf clubs, tennis racquets, Tel: 209/962-0342 We have just recently received infor- very emotional issue as it affects some sun tan lotion, etc. etc. and enjoy the Fax: 209/962-0774 mation which is very promising regarding of the very reasons folks have invested warmer weather which is just around the E-mail:[email protected] dredging. Hopefully by the time you read in this community. There is no question corner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS President • Ron Maguire Vice-President • Mike Gustafson Secretary • Bob Bangs Treasurer • Larry Santa Maria On the Cover Director at Large • Rita Hart Photo by David Wilkinson GENERAL MANAGER This is the beautiful view from Hole #1 of the Pine Moun- Joseph M. Powell, CCAM tain Lake Golf Course. Voted Editor’s Choice for best view from the golf course for Groveland Favorites of 2007. CORRESPONDENCE TO DIRECTORS Pine Mountain Lake Association You can read the many other favorite winners from the 19228 Pine Mountain Drive people of Groveland in this issue of the PML News. Groveland, CA 95321 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM Tel: 209/962-8600 PML News • APRIL 2008 ADMINISTRATION 3 GENERAL MANAGER’S MESSAGE Submission By Joe Powell, CCAM, General Manager Guidelines Administration Office Tree Removal units have been recycled and upgraded We received a request from a prop- The PML News is the You may notice some areas are a with new software and placed in other erty owner to install a street light at the official newspaper of little more bare than usual around the PML departments. We have seen a notice- intersection of Ferretti Road and Pine Pine Mountain Lake Administration Office and parking lot. able improvement in speed and service in Mountain Drive near Gate # 8. We are Property Owners We were concerned with the health of all areas due to the purchase. working with the County and PG&E to the trees and brought in our arborist determine easement ownership and pos- The PML News is dedicated to reporting to inspect them. Based on the advice Fence Replacement sible placement of a light. We may be PML Association business and PML As- of our professional we removed three The split-rail fence located at the en- required to petition the County for the sociation news to Pine Mountain Lake Monterey pines due to bark beetle in- trance to PML all the way to the Adminis- placement of the light, they would then Property Owners. festation. It looks like we were able to tration parking lot is in a state of deteriora- ask PG&E to place and maintain the The PML News receives more than 100 catch the infestation before neighboring tion and is budgeted for replacement this street light. Once we have made a deter- Tuolumne County/Groveland community trees were impacted. We are reviewing year. Our Maintenance Department plans mination as to responsibility, ownership related submissions each month. All such community related articles and notices appropriate trees for replacement and to start the fence replacement in April and and cost, we will make a recommenda- will appear in the PML News on a SPACE anticipate replacing them within the next we anticipate the project only taking one tion to the Board. AVAILABLE basis and at the DISCRETION two months. week to complete. of the PML News Publishing Editor. PML Restaurant Survey Record Monthly Financial Close Big Creek Bridge Inspection We continue to receive positive re- DEADLINES I would like to congratulate our Con- There was some concern regarding the sponses to our Restaurant Survey.