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Pre-Release Edition Quebec Aerospace 2015 AÉROMART MONTRÉAL PRE-RELEASE EDITION Table of Contents 3. Quebec’s Aerospace Cluster: Dear Readers, Staking its Claim in the Global Aerospace Community On the strength of the vitality and spirit of initiative of its businesses, the Quebec 6. Interview with Ministry of Economic aerospace industry is recognized for its considerable capacity to reinvent itself. Development, Innovation and Export Trade (MEIE), Government of Québec What is more, the expertise of more than 200 efficient, innovative firms, including 7. Interview with Aéro Montréal 15 principal contractors and equipment manufacturers, now ranks Quebec as a 8. Interview with Consortium for Research and leader among the world’s biggest aerospace centers. Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ) Aerospace is a veritable driving force in the Quebec economy and accounts for 9. The Big Four: nearly 42,000 specialized jobs. We are relying on this skilled labor and on the Drivers of Quebec’s Aerospace Cluster 11. Interview with Bombardier Inc. constantly changing sector’s other undeniable advantages in order to bolster our 12. Interview with Bell Helicopter Textron competitiveness and further promote investments in Quebec. Canada 13. Interview with Pratt & Whitney Canada More than ever, our industry possesses the strengths necessary to carry out inno- 14. Interview with CAE vative projects that serve as catalysts for the sector. Quebec firms offer comple- mentary, diversified products in addition to investing in research and develop- 15. The Consolidation of Quebec’s Aerospace Supply Chain: ment that enables them to consolidate their reputation for excellence from the Suppliers and the Path towards Integration standpoint of innovation. 17. Interview with L-3 Communications MAS 18. Interview with RTI Claro, Inc. Quebec also offers investors an attractive business environment, one that is par- 20. Interview with Avior Integrated Products ticularly renowned for its specialized training establishments and state-of-the-art 21. Interview with Mecachrome Canada research centers. 22. Interview with Sonaca Montreal 23. Interview with General Electric Bromont Numerous possibilities await companies that undertake promising projects in 24. Interview with Mecaer America 26. Interview with Héroux-Devtek Inc. this flourishing sector. We therefore invite investors from the world over to opt for 27. Interview with Alta Precision Quebec talent and to discover the rewarding business opportunities that Quebec 28. Interview with Electro-kut Inc. and its aerospace industry have to offer. 29. Interview with Zodiac Aerospace 31. Interview with Hutchinson Aerospace & We are indeed proud to present in the pages that follow entrepreneurs who are Industry Inc. keenly interested in this industry, which is a veritable economic linchpin and a 32. Interview with GGI International 33. Interview with Thales Canada source of wealth for Quebec. 34. Interview with Meloche Group 35. Interview with NSE Automatech Jacques Daoust Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Exports 36. Reinforcing Quebec’s Competitive Edge: Service and Equipment Providers Suzanne M. Benoît 38. Interview with Altitude Aerospace President and CEO, Aéro Montréal 39. Interview with Assytem 40. Interview with Adetel Canada 41. Interview with Tekalia Aeronautik 42. Interview with Aerosphere 43. Interview with TNM Anodizing & Paint 44. Interview with Verdun Anodizing and Ultraspec Finishing 45. Interview with CEL Aerospace Group 46. Interview with Turbomeca Canada 47. Interview with Avianor Inc. 48. Interview with JMJ Aerospace 49. Expert Opinion by JMJ Aerospace Welcome, 50. Future Outlook The pre-release of our Quebec Aerospace report published in part- 51. Index nership with the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade and Aéro Montréal is the culmination of twelve weeks of research and interviews with the sector’s top executives across the supply chain who generously donated their time and insights. Quebec Aerospace 2015 We look forward to receiving feedback and interviewing more indus- Journalist: Bryce Stevenson Project Director: Gabrielle Morin try players for the final version of our Media Relations Coordinator: Ty Jeevaratnam report to be released in June 2015 at Regional Director, EMEA: Sharon Saylor the Paris Bourget Show. General Manager: Agostina Da Cunha Senior Partner: Mungo Smith Executive Editor: John Bowlus Gabrielle Morin Graphic Designer: Leigh Johnson Project Director Cover Image: Courtesy of Bombardier Inc. Bryce Stevenson A Global Business Reports Publication Journalist For updated industry news from our on-the-ground teams around the world, please visit our website at gbreports. Global Business Reports com, subscribe to our newsletter by signing up to our VIP list through our website, or follow us on Twitter: @GBReports. Global Business Reports PRE-RELEASE | QUEBEC AEROSPACE Quebec’s Aerospace Cluster A Diversified Ecosystem The field of aerospace is a pinnacle of accounts for 70% of Canada’s total invest- nies, Quebec has roughly 20 public and high technology achievement. While many ment in aerospace R&D initiatives, a figure private research centers entrenched in regions of the world wish to develop which amounts to C$700 million annually. the field of aerospace, which play a criti- a toehold in the aerospace sector, few Continual R&D investment has been key cal role in supporting the industry’s ac- have been able to accomplish this feat as to sustaining the industry’s growth, which tivity and development. Quebec is also successfully as the Canadian province has averaged 5.9% annual growth over home to international aviation organiza- of Quebec. the last 25 years. In 2014, growth jumped tions such as the International Air Trans- Canada’s aerospace industry has a his- to 14.9%, elevating annual revenues to port Association (IATA), the International tory of over 100 years, and Quebec has C$13.8 billion. As one of Quebec’s most Business Aviation Council (IBAC), and emerged as its epicenter; the province successful industries, aerospace is also the International Civil Aviation Organi- drives 55% of the country’s total aero- its most highly exported sector, with zation (ICAO). Due to the variety of its space activity. A defining feature of Que- 80% of its activity targeted at international stakeholders and its tightly-knit compo- bec’s aerospace industry is its concentra- markets. sition, Quebec’s aerospace cluster has tion: 98% of its activity stems from the The driving force behind Quebec’s aero- garnered worldwide acclaim for its culture region of Greater Montreal, which renders space activity is the presence of four OEMs: of collaboration and capacity to inno- it the third largest hub for aerospace activ- Bombardier, Bell Helicopter, Pratt & Whit- vate. Theses dynamic qualities have af- ity in the world behind only Seattle in the ney Canada (P&WC), and CAE. Quebec firmed its position as a world-leading United States and Toulouse in France. The is the only Canadian province to benefit aerospace hub. Quebec aerospace cluster is comprised from such a strong concentration of OEMs. The link that binds Quebec’s aerospace of 41,750 highly skilled employees, four Supporting the OEMs is a host of roughly industry together is Aéro Montréal, an prime-contractors (OEMs), roughly 15 15 local and multinational integrators, inclusive association of industry mem- tier-one suppliers (integrators), and over including Héroux-Devtek, L-3 Communi- bers, which serves as a think-tank and 190 small to medium-sized enterprises cations MAS, Mecachrome Canada, Rolls- sounding board for enhancing industry (SMEs). Due to its extensive composition, Royce Canada, Sonaca Montreal, and collaboration and competitiveness. Aéro Quebec is recognized to contain, within Thales Canada. While integrators supply Montréal champions working groups and a 30-kilometer radius, enough compa- OEMs with comprehensive end-to-end cluster-wide initiatives to realize its mis- nies with ample capabilities to build an solutions, they rely upon an extensive net- sion of driving growth within the industry. entire aircraft. work of SMEs to deliver their end products. Its working groups focus on themes such Dedication to research and develop- A distinguishing quality of Quebec’s aero- as supply chain development, branding ment (R&D) further reinforces Quebec’s space cluster is the extent of its base of and promotion, and innovation, while its impressive position amongst the global uniquely specialized SMEs. In addition to initiatives tackle topics such as developing aerospace community. Greater Montreal its exhaustive base of industrial compa- the next-generation of environmentally The Bell 505 Jet Ranger X incorporates speed, range and comfort that will deliver you in style. Photo courtesy of Bell Helicopter. 4 Global Business Reports | QUEBEC AEROSPACE PRE-RELEASE Global Business Reports AÉROMART MONTRÉAL 2015 friendly aircraft (Greener Aircraft Catalyst one such organization formed to support tion and innovation has made Quebec’s Project, also known as SA2GE) and opti- R&D initiatives within Quebec’s aerospace aerospace cluster renowned in the global mizing the competitiveness of Quebec’s industry. CRIAQ is an industry led organi- aerospace industry; however, with the aerospace supply chain (MACH Initiative). zation charged with bridging the academic emergence of strong international com- The overarching goal of these programs and industrial sectors. Through applying petition within the
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