When you want to visit a website, you type or paste the site’s domain name into

http://www.icann.org your browser, or click on an html link.

That domain name is sent to a server which translates the name into a series of numbers – the Protocol or IP Address - which the server uses to direct your request to the website’s physical location. This all happens in the blink of an eye.

Those names and numbers are called “unique identifiers” and are aligned with a standard set of protocol parameters that ensure computers can talk to and understand each other.

These are part of the IANA functions, which are managed by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

These functions aren’t just limited to browsing the Internet - they also enable you to send an email or backup photos to the cloud, amongst other tasks.


Coordinating the unique identifiers that make Internet The acronym was developed when the Internet run is an important IANA function. Jon Postel was administering the When a computer or device comes online, it needs to Assigned ARPANET, a U.S.-government- know how to talk to the other devices that are online. It is funded Department of Defense able to do so because there are standards set in place, Numbers network. It was originally called The and each device has a unique identifier. IANA, as it was just one person Authority performing the functions. Hello Welcome Since then, the Internet has grown tremendously. The world! online! IANA functions are no longer managed by just one person. Instead, they are managed by ICANN.


The IANA functions are a major part of the Internet The Internet is designed to be user-friendly and simple to ecosystem, but they are just one part. Other actors play a navigate. In performing the IANA functions, ICANN vital role in the operation of the Internet. coordinates Domain Names, like www..org. Each Domain Name points to a specific IP address. ICANN, in performing the IANA functions, coordinates the unique identifiers.

icann.org } DOMAIN NAME ICANN performs these functions under a contract with the NTIA. IP ADDRESS } Verisign edits and publishes the authoritative root zone file.

For more information, visit www.icann.org and follow @ICANN on twitter. 1 ACRONYM CHEAT SHEAT PROTOCOL ASSIGNMENTS IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force ACAP Response NUMBER RESOURCES Codes The Protocol Parameters management NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration AUTH-TOO-WEAK ENCRYPT-NEEDED function involves maintaining many of DNS: INVALID MODIFIED the codes and numbers used in DNSSEC: Domain Name System Security Extensions A key IANA function is the global coordination of NOEXIST PERMISSION Internet protocols. This is done in AS number: Autonomous System Number the Internet Protocol addressing systems, QUOTA REFER TLD: Top-Level Domain commonly known as IP Addresses. There are coordination with the IETF. two types of IP addresses in active use:


.uk Maintaining the Root Zone .org 2001:db8:582::ae33 .net Database is a key IANA .мон .tattoo function. It contains the .世界 The allocation of blocks of AS numbers to authoritative record of all the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) is another part  TLDs. of this function. AS numbers are used to identify THE the networks that control their own routing by connecting to multiple networks controlled by .uk Part of that function is other organizations. IANA .org .net processing routine updates .мон .tattoo for TLD operators, as well .世界 as adding new TLDs into The allocation of IP addresses and AS numbers FUNCTIONS .ruhr the root of the DNS. to RIRs are made according to global policies.  The five RIRs, each of which serves a continental region, establish consensus-based global policies. The Root DNS Key Signing DNSSEC Certificate Key allows people to verify DNS answers from the root Key Sign zone. DNSSEC is critical to NTIA the security of the Internet.

ICANN currently performs the IANA WHAT IS DNSSEC? functions on behalf of the global Internet DNSSEC is a technology that digitally ‘signs’ IANA Contract The Contractor shall provide the community under a contract from the services necessary for the DNS answers so you can know they are valid. ARIN operation of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority United States’ Department of Commerce. (IANA) in accordance with the To be sure of an answer’s validity, a digital attached statement of work. LACNIC Regional Internet signature is needed at each stage in the Registries (RIRs) ICANN NTIA, an agency of the Department of AFRINIC NTIA hierarchy from the root zone to the final domain Non-profit corporations that Commerce, performs a process check RIPE NCC name (e.g., www.icann.org). DNSSEC does not administer and register IP before authorizing changes to the DNS’s address space numbers encrypt DNS queries or answers. It lets you APNIC authoritative root zone file. within a defined region. know whether a DNS answer is valid.

For more information, visit www.icann.org and follow @ICANN on twitter. 2