Glenville State College October Z4, 1990 Volume 6Z Number 8
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LLE Glenville State College October Z4, 1990 Volume 6Z Number 8 . - ."., .'. ,-_c' - ... • "SAILING, SAILING" Watercolor Linda Chapman-Turner photo by • • • I I IS rl e The Glenville Stale Col pen and ink. Her paintings and in 1985, Hopen began a in lege Alumni Art Show will be held drawings reflect her inlerests in sculpture. His wOlks include eight • in the Art & Music Building from hiSlOry and natUre. She has major bronze figurative pieces in October 22 through November 30. .eoeived many awards for her work, Louisiana, Ohio, and West Vir I The show will be open from 10 which can be found in privale and ginia, including two bronze me a.m. to 2 p.m. daily and one hour topOlale coUections throughout the morial wOIks on the West Virginia acts of vandalism len or defaced materials can be before scheduled performances. United Stales. Capital grounds. Other COInmis in lhe Robert quite costly. For example, replac One of the artists partici In 1989, Turner was sioned wOIks include carved fig have much ing the book with the statistics cut pating is Bill, a na commissioned 10 develop a paint uresinwoodandSlOneforchurches officials. Two out would cost $22.50, but it is not tive of Charleston, started his pro ing of the Philippi Bridge as it ap and privale colleclOiS. slOlen from available anymore-it simply can fessional career at age 13 doing pearedin 1861. Afler 10 months of Also laking part in the and a of not be replaced. You may not free-lance carIOOns for a coaching on-location research, drawing and showisJoyceMoneypennyl.ough. cut out of a book with realize it, but all students absorb magazine. Since that time he has painting. a limiled edition repro Lough, a 1964 of GSC, is But lheCOfiCe.iI over these costs every time there is a graduated frulll GSC, started a busi duction was produced. a substitute in the Lewis doesn't tuition or fcc ness, and developed a distinguished Craig Drennen •. a 1988 County school .system, and the lhe inconvenience The pason or pasons who professional background. Pitzer's graduaae of GSC and a Gilmer mother of four chilcben. die library personnel, committed these offenses proba work has been distribuled across County native, is exhibiting mixed A 1967GSC ... lhe inconvenience bly think this is no big deal. Well, the Uniled StaleS, and Europe, and media in the 1990 show. Drennen a resident of Grantsville, for the the Library/Mooia CenICr Commit has received numerous regional is CUJreIIIly (;()jll~ McCallister. is submitting pen and 10 Richard tee definilely thinks differently and and national awards. for an M.F.A. in painting and an ink drawings of older DireclOr, "Over that is why they have decided that Another distinguished M.A. in ~ hiSlOry at Ohio Univer members. of our maleri any person caught deliberately 81li51 participating in the GSC show sity. The GSC Alumni Art each year. If even a defacing or stealing library mate is Linda J. Chapman Also exhibiting is W p. Show is free and 10 the pub- the information rial will be fined $100.00. Hope works primarily in waaercolor and Hopen. Upon g1adnariM flO... GSC lic. of photocopying fully this decision will deter any soon have a useless further vandalism of this kind. • disposal." Think In the meantime, what can this means. Without be done 10 stop this? Mr. Tubesing elves students would feels that the students need to take Glenville Stale College's English court jester beckons the of costumes, food, music and 9ther Parkersburg, Fair on the responsibility of seeing that Music Department will celebrate diners to join the festivities; trum entertainments. There will be ac MorganlOwn 10 find no other student gets away with the holiday season by presenting a pet fanfares announce the courses UlI'S playing leading characters, and of malerials available this. If you see a person commit Madrigal Dinner on Decem'bcr 8- of the royal Christmas Feast. The musical groups and insbUments are Also, the quality ting any type of defacement or 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ballroom of music of the court singers fills the involved. papers or other theft, demand that he or she stop or the Heflin Student Center. hall; wandering minstrels enter Tickets for this lively night research tum the person in to the library What is a Madrigal Din tain at the diner's tables. of food and entertainment will go because of lack of official before the person leaves. ner? Imagine a candlelit 16th cen The hislOric period is the on sale November 26. The public After all, he or she is vandalizing tury banquet hall, draped with col late 16th Century Renaissance of is invited. your materials and decreasing your orful heraldic banners and filled Queen E1inbeth I's Fngland. There chances of doing quality work. with the aroma of pine boughs. An will be nearly authentic recreation • Page 2 - The Glenville - 24.1990 Florida Everglades In Danger: Acres of Wildlife Die Daily • by The Florida are and pollute the emire IIIIIOIlg the most wildlife system. The pollution, arc's on earth. to carries . -Florida is one of the where from 10 10 20 times die Blowing in the country with OOllllai amount of phosphorus a&i 1000 new residents arriving daily. nitrogen. So much that the FAl a'.(}yer 60'11 of the original are being choked because of a lack four million acres of die of oxygen, and as many as four " 1-79, have destroyed. acres of wildlife are dying daily. The name Everglades What will happen 10 the comes from the American Indian Everglades? If something is 110l wadb done soon there will be no Ever walen of the Everglades are under left; they will be destroyed serious and are in danger of by the end of this century. Alo .. F being with the loss of one of the mosl The Everglades are home diverse areas in 52:10. pm. 10 an extremely diverse group of America and the extinction of dIoIf;; 52:10; pm. animals. AlligalOIS, Florida pan sands of animals, blind theas, and numerous spe ironically. is destroying what .. 2. '1111 cies of birds live within the Ever the development of South Florida ecosystem. This area, ac depends on- clean water. cording 10 There is nothing I dO houses roughly 1/3 of the animal 10 help save the Everglades, right? 5 on the North American Coo- Wrong! TheEverglades 5 tinenL in 1947 and this , - Population poses the larg- ' responsibility for protecting it is ia - est threat 10 the area. Not only are our hands. Since it is a National 3. the Everglades being drained for Park, the Everglades belong 10 III housing developments, but alSl) 10 of us. CongJcssmen have the abil plovide far the 365,000 ity 10 legislate laws designed to 5 new residents moving in yearly. protect \ the from .. S pa Another serious threat SbUction. Write your Congaw frliOlnmll the of SouIh- IRlwiceyow ,.. ern Florida. Pesticides used by the opinion on how and why the Ever ". farmers inlO the water supply should be saved. F 5 5 PPST; CST Insure Quality Major criticism has fo- WV slUdenlS are on cused on the effectiveness of edu their first PPST attempts. OSC is calos in the classrooms. After the experiencing the rale of sue s repOi t of 1983 in Problem areas for SlUdenu dicated a dramatic decline in the are the reading and math quality of the West Dents. To Virginia of Education who are ill-prepared for the exam. (WVDE) Pdicy SHlO, the College will offer preparalOlJ' which mandated both the Pre-PIO .beginning this spring. Gst fessi,onaI Skills Test (pPST) and 10 make up for tho8e . the Content Specialization Test : may bring (CST) 10 insuft: die quality them when they enroll in college. en. , The content In order 10 be certified by is another exam a teacher ed. the WVDE, at col must obtain a pall leges around the state must pass ing score on before he is permi_ the PPST sometime before gradu 10 student leach. To eliminate .. aIion. However, at Glenville Slate problem of culbnl bias, !he WVDI! College, the PPST must be ETS (the before a slUdent is inlO 10 develop a the educ"ion p!'Ogl'8lll. ries of IeSts for Accarding 10 Dr. Steve A specific leSt was .,. Dean of of the pared for subject 10 .. 10.11 pulpose of the PPST is "10 validate sure slUdents know the material. if have the ba their field of study. One aspect ttl sic skills essential for leaching." the exam which has received miQ math, and writing skills criticism is the fact that that slUdenlS should have acquired who minor in a certain area at the high sc~llevel are pass the same exam as by this exam. who major in that area. For 10 2S of , ample, a student with a minor • . ' • • i , , , . .. ... .... • ••• • •• . , -- , . ..... " . - .. •..... , ... -. .... - October 24, 1990 - The Glenville Mercury - Page 3 )• or)• "Peaks of Excellence" May Help Students' Educations By Paul Biser : Please Write--------__ States throughout the nation have become concerned with the by Sheryl Short quality and accountability of today's educational programs. Dr. Paul Even though you mayor least I had my family to turn to for Below are the addresse~ Marion, Chancellor of the State College System of West Virginia, is also may not support President Bush's support when I nceded it. My of forces on the ground and forces concerned. He has introduced a 19-point plan to increase the quality of decision to send troops to the Per husband had a kw close fnends to on the ships.