VOL. LXXXV, FASC. 170 2016/II


Christoph Sander, Early-Modern Magnetism: Uncovering New Textual Links between Leonardo Garzoni SJ (1543–1592), Paolo Sarpi OSM (1552–1623), Giambattista Della Porta (1535– 1615), and the Accademia dei Lincei 303

Elisa Frei, The Many Faces of Ignazio Maria Romeo SJ (1676– 1724?), Petitioner for the Indies: A Jesuit Seen through his Litterae Indipetae and the Epistulae Generalium 365

Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo SJ, El deseo de las Indias: las cartas indípetas de Alonso de Barzana SJ (1530–1598) 405

Bibliography (Paul Begheyn SJ) 445

Book Reviews

R.A. Maryks, Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness (M.G. Genghini) 553

A. Forrestal - S.A. Smith, The Frontiers of Mission (R. Clines) 556

S-s. Li - T. Meynard, Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China (G. Falato) 558

F. Fechner, Entscheidungsprozesse vor Ort (E. Schmid Heer) 561 R. Gaune Corradi, Escritura y salvación (E. Valenzuela Avaca) 566

C. Fluke, Die litterae annuae (M. Pillat SJ) 570

M. Miazek-Męczyńska, Indipetae Polonae (R. Danieluk SJ) 573

O.S. Damian, Antonio Possevino e la Transilvania (P. Oberholzer SJ) 578

P.M. Daly - G.R. Dimler, The Jesuit Emblem (R. De Marco) 580

E. Fontana Castelli, Marianna d’Asburgo Lorena (E. Rai) 584

L. Salviucci Insolera, San Camillo de Lellis (A. Petraccia) 588

D. Cosacchi - E. Martins, The Berrigan Letters (C. Staysniak) 592

J.T. McGreevy, American Jesuits and the World (C. Barr) 596

T. Bartók, Le père Louis Lallemant (S. Mostaccio) 599

Notes and News in Jesuit History 601 Bibliography on the History of the 2016

Paul Begheyn SJ

I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Roma), Clemens Brodkorb (Munich), Ad Dudink (Louvain), José Garcia de Castro SJ (Madrid), Dominique Gonnet SJ (Lyon), Miroslav Herold SJ (Olomouc), Yannick van Loon (Louvain), Luís González-Quevedo SJ (Indaiatuba, Brasil), Nicolas Standaert SJ (Louvain), and Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada).

For more detailed bibliographies on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www., a review of theological research. Publications on the web, unpublished dissertations and theses are not included in this bibliography.

You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to:

Paul Begheyn SJ Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies De Lairessestraat 61 1071 NT Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected]

in memoriam T. Frank Kennedy († 19 August 2016)

General Index I. The entire Society

A. General history 1. Auxiliary 1-2 2. Historical works 3-41 B. Special history 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 42-51 2. Institute 52-57 3. Spiritual Exercises 58-63 4. Spirituality 64-78 5. Pastoral activities 79-87 446 Paul Begheyn SJ

6. Cultural activities 88-111 7. Polemical writings 112-114

II. Countries A. Africa 115-124 B. America 125-244 C. Asia 245-320 D. 321-500 E. Oceania 501-502

III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 503-952 Complementary list of persons 540 Index of authors 541

I. The entire Society

A. General History

1. Auxiliary sciences 1. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus 2015’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 329-447. 2. R. Danieluk, ‘Some remarks on Jesuit historiography 1773-1814’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 34-48.

2. Historical works 3. F. Motta, ‘La compagine sacra. Elementi di un mito delle origini nella storiografia sulla Compagnia di Gesù’, Rivista storica italiana 117, 1 (2005), 5-25. 4. S. Pavone, ‘Preti riformati e riforma della Chiesa: i gesuiti al concilio di Trento’, Rivista Storica Italiana 117, 1 (2005), 110-134. 5. P. Scaramella, ‘I primi gesuiti e l’Inquisizione romana (1547- 1562)’, Rivista Storica Italiana 117, 1 (2005), 135-157. 6. L. Caselli Anzai & M.C. Bohn Martins (eds.), Histórias coloniais em áreas de fronteiras. Índios, jesuitas e colonos, São Leopoldo, Editora Unisinos etc., 2008, 259 p. 7. G. Chauvin, Petite histoire des jésuites, Paris, Éditions de Paris, 2008, 220 p. 8. A.D. Wright, ‘The Jesuits, Paul V and his successors after the Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 447

Interdict’, in A. Koller (ed.), Die Aussenbeziehungen der römischen Kurie unter Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621), Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2008, 35-47. 9. J.G. Martínez-Serna, ‘Procurators and the making of the Jesuits› Atlantic network’, in B. Bailyn & P.L. Denault (eds.), Soundings in Atlantic History, Latent Structures and Intellectual Currents, 1500-1830, Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press, 2009, 180-209. 10. E. Colombo, ‘Jesuitas y musulmanes en la Europa del siglo XVII’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 415-440. 11. N. Guasti, ‘La Compagnia di Gesù nel secondo Settecento’, Società e Storia 134 (2011), 661-672. 12. A. Coello de la Rosa a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 347 p. 13. I. Fernándeze Arillaga, ‘Las crónicas jesuitas de su destierro’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 283-292. 14. A. Gutiérrez a.o., Destierros, incertidumbres y establecimientos. Trayectorias y recorrido de la Compañía de Jesús (1604-2000), Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2012, 104 p. 15. P. Howell, ‘The ‘New Jesuits’: The response of the Society of Jesus to Vatican II, 1962-2012: Some alacrity, some resistance’, Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 42 (2012), 7-11. 16. D. Moreno Martínez, ‘Las almas de la Compañía de Jesús en el siglo XVI: ecos alumbrados’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 201- 222. 17. L. de Ahumada, ‘Teresa Rajadell and the Society of Jesus: a forgotten story of the monastery of Santa Clara and Sant Antoni de Barcelona (16th century)’, in B. Garí (ed.), Women’s networks of spiritual promotion in the peninsular kingdoms (13th-16th centuries), Roma, Viella, 2013, 239-255. 18. F. Artigalas, Les jésuites au Nouveau-Monde, Matoury, Ibis Rouge Editions, 2013, 176 p. 19. A.R. Batlogg, ‘Der Jesuit’, Studio: FOCUS und Ansichten 55 (2013), 87-100. 20. S. Barthélemy, ‘Un modèle disputé. Les Fidèles Compagnes de Jésus face à la Compagnie’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans 448 Paul Begheyn SJ

le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 219-233. 21. C. Delhez, La Compagnie de Jésus: L´ordre des jésuites, Namur, Université de Namur, 2014, 31 p. 22. D. Dossou & F. Ratsimbazafy (eds.), Revisiter l’histoire et redynamiser la vie spirituelle et missionnaire: Actes du colloque sur le bicentenaire de la restauration de la Compagnie de Jésus, Province de Madagascar, Antananarivo, Compagnie de Jésus – Province de Madagascar, 2014, 79 p. 23. M.E. Henneau, ‘Récit de vie d’une sainte en devenir dans le sillage des Pères de la Foi: le portrait de Julie Billiart, fondatrice des Soeurs de Notre-Dame, par sa compagne, Françoise Blin de Bourdon’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 235-248. 24. S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain- la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 302 p. 25. S. Mostaccio & S. Pavone, ‘Une histoire de longue durée. Le modèle ignatien par les hommes et par les femmes’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la- Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 3-26. 26. C. Osswald, ‘O ciclo de gravuras da obra “Societas Jesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans” e a cultura jesuíta do martírio na época moderna (sécs. XVI-XVIII)’, in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 147-153. 27. G. Rocca, ‘Les jésuites et les Filles du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain- la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 129-176. 28. A. Serra, ‘Madeleine-Sophie Barat et la Société du Sacré-Coeur entre Compagnie de Jésus et modèle ignatien’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 271-292. 29. J. Burrieza Sánchez, ‘“Hace mucho al caso tratar con personas experimentadas”. Los ámbitos femeninos de la Compañía de Jesús’, in his El alma de las mujeres. Ámbitos de espiritualidad Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 449

femenina en la modernidad (siglos XVI-XVIII), Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2015, 325-364. 30. E. Fontana Castelli, ‘The Society of Jesus under another name. The Paccanarists in the restored Society of Jesus’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 197-211. 31. B. González Buelta, ‘Supresión y restauración de la Compañía. Lectura sapiencial en tiempos de poda’, Razón y Fe 270, Nº 1389- 1390 (2014), 21-34. 32. P. Goujon, ‘Suppression et rétablissement de la Compagnie de Jésus. Ou comment faire corps en Église’, Christus. Revue trimestrielle de spiritualité publiée par des jésuites 245 (2015), 104-111. 33. N. Malcolm, Agents of Empire: knights, corsairs, Jesuits and spies in the sixteenth-century Mediterranean world, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 640 p. 34. R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 530 p. 35. P. Nelles, ‘Cosas y cartas: Scribal production and material pathways in Jesuit global communication (1547-1573)’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 421-450. 36. J.W. O’Malley, Eine kurze Geschichte der Jesuiten, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 165 p. 37. M. Recolons de Arquer, ‘Los primeros hermanos jesuitas’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 51-77. 38. M. Revuelta González, ‘El trasfondo histórico del restablecimiento de la Compañía de Jesús en 1814’, Razón y Fe 270, Nº 1389-1390 (2014), 35-46. 39. B. Soalheiro, ‘Writing, describing, persuading: Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists in Jesuit sources (1570-1721)’, Le Verger 5 (2015), 1-12. 40. T. Worcester, ‘A restored Society or a new Society of Jesus?’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 13-33. 41. Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814). Aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Mediasèvres, 2015, 121 p.

B. Special History

1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 201, 328, 334, 486, 567, 788, 822, 824 450 Paul Begheyn SJ

42. J. Bombardier, ‘Le oeuvre des Jésuites en Lorraine: le rôle de St Ignace de Loyola’, Annales de l’Est 1 (2014), 133-141. 43. J. Syrop Bergan & M. Schwan, Praying with Ignatius of Loyola, Chicago, Loyola, Press, 2015, 106 p. 44. J. Dzik, ‘Graficzne tezy z wizerunkami św. Ignacego Loyoli i św. Franciszka Ksawerego w Muzeum Archidiecezji Przemyskiej’ [Thesis prints with images of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier in the Archdiocesan Museum in Przemyśl], Hereditas Monasteriorum 6 (2015), 317-323. 45. P. Emonet, Ignatius von Loyola: Legende und Wirklichkeit, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 183 p. 46. P. Imhof, Grandi mistici: Ignazio di Loyola, Bologna, EDB, 2015, 75 p. 47. S. Kiechle, Ignatius av Loyola: mästare i andlig vägledning, Skellefteå, Artos, 2015, 188 p. 48. M. Lara & L. Lara, Ignacio y la Compañía. Del castillo a la misión, Madrid etc., EDAF, 2015, 373 p. 49. M. Rotsaert, Ignatius in zijn brieven, Averbode, Altiora, 2015, 172 p. 50. M. Ruiz Jurado, A la luz del carisma ignaciano. Estudios sobre san Ignacio de Loyola y la Compañía de Jesús, Madrid, Mensajero a.o., 2015, 326 p. 51. N. Sintobin, Leven met Ignatius. Op het kompas van de vreugde, Zoetermeer, Meinema, 2015, 96 p.

2. Institute 52. M. Friedrich, ‘Beispielgeschichten in den jesuitischen Litterae Annuae. Überlegungen zur Gestaltung und Funktion einer vernachlässigten Literaturgattung’, LiteraturForschung 4 (2007), 143-166. 53. M. Friedrich, ‘Governance in the Society of Jesus 1540-1773. Its methods, critics, and legacy today’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 41/1 (2009), 1-42. 54. M. Friedrich, ‘Archives as networks: the of record- keeping in the Society of Jesus (1540–1773)’, Archival 10 (2010), 285-298. 55. L. Ferreira Panazzolo & M. Massimi, ‘Categorias antropológicas nos Catálogos Trienais da Companhia de Jesus’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 3.1 (2015), 21-45. 56. P. Quattrone, ‘Governing social orders, unfolding rationality, and Jesuit accounting practices: A procedural approach to institutional ’, Administrative Science Quarterly 20 (2015), 1-35. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 451

57. K. Spinale, ‘The intellectual pedigree of the virtue of magnanimity in the Jesuit Constitutions’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 451- 469.

3. Spiritual Exercises 58. F. Heiding, Giving Ignatian Exercises at ecclesial frontiers, n.p., Lulu Publishing, 2012, 296 p. 59. A. Fraschina, ‘María Antonia de San José: los Ejercicios Espirituales y el Beaterio de Buenos Aires 1767-1878. Construcción de identidad, apropiaciones y rupturas’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la- Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 77-103. 60. W. Lambert, Gotteskontakt: Leben und beten mit den Exerzitien des Ignatius von Loyola, Würzburg, Echter, 2014, 110 p. 61. K. Rahner, Spiritual Exercises, South Bend, St. Augustine’s Press, 2014, 287 p. 62. A. Yi Jung Pan Ng, ‘Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercices and Chinese women’s spiritual formation in the Hong Kong protestant evangelical context’, Spiritus: a journal of Christian spirituality 14 (2014), 187-207. 63. A. Prosperi, ‘The two standards. The origins and development of a celebrated Ignatian meditation’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 361-386.

4. Spirituality 64. F. Bugliani-Knox, ‘To the greater glory of God, a psychological study of ignatian spirituality’, The Heythrop Journal 44 (2003), 381-383. 65. P.R. de Andrada Pacheco & M. Massimi, ‘The experience of “consolation” in the Litterae Indipetae’, Psicologia em Estudo 15 (2010), 343-352. 66. R. Faesen, ‘The grand silence of St. Joseph: Devotion to St. Joseph and the seventeenth century crisis of mysticism in the Jesuit order’, in J.F. Chorpenning, Joseph of Nazareth through the centuries, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2011, 137-150. 67. A. Preeshl, ‘Imagination and image: Ignatian prayer in “The Ascension”’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 19 (2011), 20-29. 68. A.T. Guillén, ‘Die ignatianische Kontemplationsmethode’, Geist und Leben 85 (2012), 402-412. 452 Paul Begheyn SJ

69. G. Rixon, ‘The Ignatian presupposition as a methodological ground for collaboration’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2012), 413-422. 70. M. Rotsaert, Geestelijke onderscheiding bij Ignatius van Loyola, Averbode, Uitgeverij Altiora, 2012, 179 p. 71. R. Zas Friz, ‘Ignatianische Mystik (Teil II). Französische Autoren vom 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert’, Geist und Leben 85 (2012), 120-135. 72. S. O’Brien, ‘With a mother’s imagination: Ignatian spirituality in the Society of the Holy Child Jesus (1846-1879)’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 197-215. 73. G. Cucci, ‘Il discernimento come tratto della spiritualità di Ignazio di Loyola’, Parola Spirito e Vita. Quaderni di lettura biblica 71 (2015), 185-196. 74. P. Gamberini, ‘Ignatian spirituality and Anglican ethos: a ‘family resemblance’’, One in Christ 49 (2015), 2-21. 75. J. van Gennip, ‘Orat pro Societate’, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis 18 (2015), 3-4. 76. L. McChlery, ‘How might the theory and practice of Ignatian spirituality inform vocational discernment in the Church of Scotland?’, Practical Theology 8 (2015), 2-18. 77. T. Noble, ‘Ignatian and Hesychast spirituality: praying together’, St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59 (2015), 43-53. 78. M. Ruiz Jurado, ‘Santa Teresa y los jesuitas’, Manresa: Revista de Espiritualidad Ignaciana 87 (2015), 17-28.

5. Pastoral activities 79. P. Foresta, ‘Gelehrte Seelsorger: Jesuiten und ihr Selbstverständnis’, in L. Schorn-Schütte (ed.),Gelehrte Geistlichkeit - geistliche Gelehrte. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Bürgertums in der Frühneuzeit, , Duncker & Humblot, 2012, 133-153. 80. E. López Pérez & J. Haers, ‘JRS: Faith doing justice. Discernment from and with refugees’, Gregorianum 93 (2012), 549-572. 81. M. Stark, ‘Der Jesuiten-Flüchtlingsdienst’, Hirschberg 2012, 214- 215. 82. P. Balleis, Recreating right relationships depending the mission of reconciliation in the work of JRS, , Jesuit Refugee Service, 2013, 92 p. 83. E. Kimman, ‘Money and missions’, in P. van Geest & R. Regoli (eds.), Suavis laborum memoria. Chiesa, Papato e Curia Romana tra storia e teologia / Church, Papacy, between history Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 453

and theology. Scritti in onore di Marcel Chappin SJ per il suo 70° compleanno / Essays in honour of Marcel Chappin SJ on his 70th birthday, Città del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 2013, 439-452. 84. L.A. Sabeh, ‘Missionação jesuítica: reflexões para a definição de um quadro teórico e de um método de análise historiográfica’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 274-298. 85. E. Colombo & T.M. Cohen, ‘Jesuit missions’, in Oxford Handbook of Early Modern History, Volume II: Cultures and Power, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 254-279. 86. E. López Pérez, ‘La reconciliación en el servicio jesuita a refugiados (SJR)’, Estudios eclesiásticos 90 (2015), 313-323. 87. L. Woodcock Tentler, ‘Contraception and the Council: A tale of three Jesuit moralists’, in M. Faggioli, The Legacy of Vatican II, New York, Paulist Press, 2015, 63-85.

6. Cultural Activities 88. I. del Valle, ‘Jesuit Baroque’, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 3 (2002), 141-163. 89. C. Sasaki, ‘Descartes and Jesuit mathematical education’, in his Descartes’s Mathematical Thought, Dordrecht, Springer, 2003, 13-44. 90. R. Danieluk, ‘Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu: un luogo privilegiato per lo studio dell’attività evangelizzatrice dei gesuiti’, Archiva Ecclesiae 53-55 (2010-2012), 221-254. 91. S. Mailloux, ‘Jesuit “eloquentia perfecta” and theotropic logology’, Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (2011), 403-412. 92. P.R. Melo de Oliveira, ‘Um estilo jesuítico de escrita da história: notas sobre estilo e história na historiografia jesuítica’, História da Historiografia 7 (2011), 266-278. 93. D. Mendonça, ‘Jesuits as international culture brokers’, in V. Maurya & M. Insúa (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Ibero-asiático de Hispanistas Siglo de Oro e Hispanismo general, Pamplona, Publicaciones digitales del GRISO / Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 429-437. 94. J.D. Savard, The impact of immersion programs at Jesuit colleges and universities. An assessment of service-immersion programs for undergraduate students, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, 272 p. 95. M.F. D’Amante, ‘Teatro educativo dei primi gesuiti: dalla retorica alla drammatizzazione’, Educazione. Giornale di pedagogia critica 2 (2013), 55-74. 454 Paul Begheyn SJ

96. P. Sharkey, Managing educational change. Leading an Ignatian charism project - a hermeneutic case study in a Jesuit school, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, 432 p. 97. F. Alfieri, ‘Conceptions de la femme dans la Compagnie de Jésus au XIXe siècle: physiologie, morale et psychologie’, in S. Mostaccio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain-la- Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 47-62. 98. C. Casalini, ‘Active leisure. The body in sixteenth-century Jesuit culture’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 400-418. 99. G. Menard, ‘Cristo Rey schools: Jesuit secondary education that works for the urban centre’, in Education for new times. Revisiting pedagogical models in the Jesuit tradition, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2014, 263-268. 100. M.M. Mochizuki, ‘The diaspora of the Jesuit press: Mimetic imitation on the world stage’, in A. Wardega (ed.), Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800, Abingdon, Ashgate, 2014, 113-134. 101. N. Vacalebre, ‘“Como un hospital bien ordenado”. Alle origini del modello bibliotecario della Compagnia di Gesù’, Histoire et civilisation du livre 10 (2014), 51-68. 102. K. Comerford, ‘Jesuits and their books: Libraries and printing around the world’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 179-188. 103. C. Gannett & J. Brereton (eds.),Traditions of eloquence. The Jesuits and modern rhetorical studies, Bronx NY, Fordham University Press, 2015, 448 p. 104. Y. Haskell, ‘Arts and games of love: Genre, gender and special friendships in eighteenth-century Jesuit poetry’, in S. Broomhall (ed.), Hearts and minds: Ordering emotions in Europe, 1100-1800, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 225-244. 105. J. O’Malley, ‘Jesuit schools and the humanities yesterday and today’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 47 (2015), 34 p. 106. J. Spermann a.o. (eds.), Am Anderen wachsen: Wie Ignatianische Pädagogik junge Menschen stark macht, Freiburg, Herder 2015, 238 p. 107. D. Tuohy, ‘Learning to love the world as God loves it: Jesuit humanism in education’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 104 (2015), 194-206. 108. A. Udiás, Jesuit contribution to science: A history, New York / Heidelberg, Springer, 2015, 277 p. 109. A. Valerio, ‘Leopoldina Naudet, l’Amicizia Cristiana e la Bibbia: Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 455

l’influenza dei gesuiti nell’apostolato del libro’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 79-109. 110. M.A. Waddell, Jesuit science and the end of nature’s secrets, Abingdon, Ashgate, 2015, 212 p. 111. Education for New Times: Revisiting Pedagogical Models in the Jesuit Tradition, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2015, 331 p.

7. Polemical writings 112. G. Imbruglia, ‘Le “Lettere provinciali” e la critica di Pascal all’idolatria gesuita. Tra propaganda e opinione pubblica’, in M. Donattini a.o. (eds.),L’Europa divisa e i nuovi mondi. Per Adri- ano Prosperi, vol. II, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 217-226. 113. M.V. Romeo, ‘Note etico-politiche nel Gesuita Moderno di Gioberti’, Quaderni leif 7 (2011), 19-46. 114. F. Damour, Der schwarze Papst: Der Mythos von der„geheimen Macht“ der Jesuiten, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 118 p.

II. Countries

A. Africa 115. F. Mkenda, ‘Early departure, late return. An overview of the Jesuits in Africa during the suppression and after the restora- tion’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and resto- ration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 553-466.

Algeria 116. C. Ravanel, ‘Ben Smen, centre spirituel jésuite à Alger’, Christus. Revue trimestrielle de spiritualité 245 (2015), 96-102.

Angola 117. J.K. Thornton, ‘Conquest and theology. The Jesuits in Angola, 1548-1650’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 245-259.

Egypt 118. C. Libois, L’Égypte et la Compagnie de Jésus, Achrafieh, Beyrouth, Dar el-Machreq, 2015, 240 p.

Equatorial Guinea 119. M. Vilaró y Güel, ‘La misión jesuítica de Fernando Poo y sus 456 Paul Begheyn SJ

dependencias (1858-1872)’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e Imperios de Ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 319-341. 120. J.L. Enyegue, ‘The Jesuits in Fernando Po (1858-1872)’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 482-502.

Ethiopia See also nr. 800.

121. A. Martínez d’Alós-Moner, ‘The birth of a mission: The Jesuit patriarchate in Ethiopia’, Portuguese Studies Review 10 (2002), 1-14. 122. A. Martínez d’Alós-Moner, Envoys of a human God: The Jesuit mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557-1632, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 419 p. 123. K. Windmuller-Luna, ‘Guerra com a lingoa: Book culture and biblioclasm in the Ethiopian Jesuit mission’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 223-247.

Madagascar See nr. 22.

Mozambique See also nr. 610.

123a. F.A. da Cruz Correia, ‘A Companhia de Jesus em Moçambique. Perseverança numa missão difícil’, Brotéria 179 (2014), 57-75.

South-Africa 124. A.N. Agonga, ‘Hoping against all hope. The survival of the Jesuits in Southern Africa (1875-1900)’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 467-481.

B. America See also 286.

125. C.M. Salazar Zagazeta, ‘El teatro “evangelizador” y urbano en los Andes: encuentros y desencuentros’, Criticón 87-89 (2003), 775-786. 126. M.E. Imolesi, ‘Mejor casarse que abrasarse. Jesuitas, matrimonio indígena y dispensas en Hispanoamérica colonial’, Seposal 2005. Seminario Internacional de población y sociedad en América Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 457

Latina, v. I, Salta, Grupo de Estudios Demográficos/GREDES, 2007, 393-412. 127. S. Anagnostou, ‘Protagonisten der Missionspharmazie. Jesui- tenapotheker aus Bayern und Franken in Lateinamerika’, in P.C. Hartmann & A. Schmid (eds.), Bayern in Lateinamerika. Transatlantische Verbindungen und interkultureller Austausch, München, Beck, 2011, 237-260. 128. J. Burrieza Sánchez, ‘Proyección de la Compañía de Jesús en América’, in M.A. Pena González (ed.), El mundo iberoamericano antes y después de las independencias: actas del V Simposio Internacional del Instituto de Pensamiento Iberoamericano, Salamanca, 20-23 de octubre de 2010, Salamanca, Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia, 2011, 231-258. 129. J. Meier, ‘Von Europa ans Ende der Welte. Die Niederlassungen des Jesuitenordens in Süd- und Nordamerika als landschaftprägendes Gesellschaftsmodell’, in V. Denzer a.o. (eds.), Homogenisierung und Diversifizierung von Kulturlandschaften: Siedlungsforschung. Archäologie / Geschichte / Geographie 29 (2011), 243-263. 130. A. Agnolin, ‘Atuação missionária jesuítica na América portugue- sa: a peculiar via renascentista, sacramental e tridentina à salva- ção no(s) Novo(s) Mundo(s)’, Tempo 18 (2012), 19-48. 131. M. Altic, ‘Missionary cartography of the Amazon after the treaty of Madrid (1750): The Jesuit contribution to the demarcation of imperial frontiers’, Terrae Incognitae 46 (2014), 69-85. 132. K.H. Arenz, ‘Além das doutrinas e rotinas: índios e missionários nos aldeamentos jesuíticos da Amazônia portuguesa (séculos XVII e XVIII)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 63-88. 133. E.C. Deckmann Fleck a.o., ‘“Con más buena voluntad que ciencia adecuada, acudían al alivio de los enfermos”: A Companhia de Jesus e as práticas curativas na América meridional (séculos XVII-XVIII)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 149-167. 134. P.A. Fabre a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús en América Latina después de la Restauración: los símbolos restaurados, Mexico, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2014, 273 p. 135. M.T. Matabuena a.o. (eds.), La restauración de la Compañía de Jesús en la América hispanolusitana. Una antología de fuentes docu- mentales, Bogotá, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2014, 335 p. 458 Paul Begheyn SJ

136. A.J. Pernety, ‘Relâche à Monte-video, & Digression sur les Jésuites’, in Histoire d’un voyage aux isles Malouines, fait en 1763 & 1764. Avec des observations sur le détroit de Magellan, et sur les Patagons, Volume 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 245-260. 137. P. Ruiz Martínez-Cañavate, ‘Ciudad y territorio en las misiones jesuíticas de indios guaraníes’, in M. I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 259-278. 138. R.H. Jackson, Demographic change and ethnic survival among the sedentary populations in the Jesuit mission frontiers of Spanish South America, 1609-1803, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 290 p. 139. I.M. Madaleno, ‘Medicinal flora and the Jesuits in America (XVI-XVII centuries)’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 111-147. 140. A.I. Prieto, ‘Jesuit tradition and the rise of South American nationalism’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 399-414.

Argentina See also nrs. 59, 210, 545, 546, 582, 590.

141. A.E. Fraschini (ed.), Index librorum Bibliothecae Collegii Maximi Cordubensis Societatis Iesu, anno 1757: edición crítica fililógica y biobibliógrafica, 2 vols., Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2005, 780 p. 142. F. Arias, ‘Las tierras, los ganados, los trabajadores ... Una posible reconstrucción de las estancias reduccionales de la experiencia jesuítica bonaerense, 1740-1752’, Mundo Agrario 10 (2010), 1-42. 143. A.M. Giménez a.o. (eds.), ‘Maderas empleadas en construcciones históricas jesuíticas de Córdoba, Argentina’, Anales - Museo de América 21 (2013), 212-228. 144. C.A. Page, ‘El proyecto jesuítico para la explotación y ocupación de las costas patagónicas en el siglo XVIII’, Temas Americanistas 30 (2013), 23-49. 145. M.C. Bohn Martins, ‘Jesuítas e índios nas “Missões Austrais”: uma experiência na pampa argentina (século XVIII)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 233-249. 146. C.P. Lucaioli, ‘Negociação e diplomacia nas fronteiras do Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 459

Chaco: Nuestra Señora de la Concepción de abipones’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 380-405. 147. H. Dong, ‘Physical and microbiological analysis of sandstone deterioration in the Argentine Jesuit missions’, Geomicrobiology Journal 29 (2015), 1-28.

Bolivia See also nrs. 220, 229.

148. V.H. Limpias Ortiz, ‘El Barroco en la misión jesuítica de Moxos’, Varia Historia 24 (2008), 227-254. 149. P. Nawrot, ‘Religiosity in the Jesuit missions of Bolivia (Moxo and Chiquito indians): Music as a tool for evangelization’, in K. Acharya a.o. (eds.), East and West: exploring cultural manifestations, Mumbai, Somaiya Publications, 2010, 277-298. 150. P. Nawrot a.o., Misiones de Moxos: Catálogos, 2 vols., Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Fondo Editorial APAC, 2011, 1674 p. 151. M. Baptista Gumucio, Una utopía cristiana en el oriente boliviano: historia de las misiones jesuíticas de Moxos y Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, Editorial Levylibros, 2014, 208 p.

Brazil See also nrs. 210, 507, 508, 550, 729, 794.

152. N. da Silva Gonçalves, ‘Os Jesuítas e a defesa da libertade dos Índios na segunda metade do século XVI’, in M.B. Nizza da Silva (ed.), De Cabral a Pedro I: Aspectos da colonização portuguesa no Brasil, Porto, Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, 2001, 69-77. 153. A. Schupp, A missão dos Jesuítas Almães no Rio Grande do Sul, São Leopoldo, Editora Unisinos, 2004, 268 p. 154. C.A. Castro, ‘Produção e circulação de livros no Brasil: Dos jesuítas (1550) os militares (1970)’, Encontros Bibli 10 (2005), 92-103. 155. L.A. Bolcato Custódio & V.F. Stello, ‘Preservación de las misiones: trayectoria de Brasil’, Apuntes: Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural – Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies 20 (2007), 142-153. 156. J. Meier, ‘Die Kirche und das Wirken der Jesuiten in Brasilien (1549-1759)’, in H. Ottomeyer & M. Kraus (eds.),Novos mundos – Neue Welten. Portugal und das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen, Dresden, Sandstein Verlag, 2007, 286-297. 460 Paul Begheyn SJ

157. M. Montserrat, V. Pereira, Colégio São Luís: a educação e os jesuítas no Brasil. 140 anos, São Paulo, Tempo & Memória, 2007, 95 p. 158. F.A. Aymoré, Die Jesuiten im kolonialen Brasilien. Katechese als Kulturpolitik und Gesellschaftsphänomen (1549-1760), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2009, 425 p. 159. S.T. Domingos, ‘Os jesuítas e a unidade nacional segundo a revista do IHGB (1839-1889)’, Política y cultura 31 (2009), 161-179. 160. L.F. Medeiros Rodrigues, ‘As “livrarias” dos Jesuítas no Brasil Colonial, segundo os documentos do Archivum Romano Societatis Iesu’, Cauriensia: revista anual de Ciências Eclesiásticas 6 (2011), 275-302. 161. R. Vainfas, ‘Un jesuita renegado de la orden en la evangelización calvinista del Brasil Holandés’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 399-412. 162. C. de Castelnau-L’Estoile, ‘Les frontières religieuses dans le Brésil du XVIe siècle: le chamanisme colonial des missionnaires jésuites et des Indiens tupinamba’, Cahiers des Amériques latines 67 (2012), 89-113. 163. M. Massimi (ed.), A Novela História do predestinado peregrino e de seu irmão Precito (1682). Compêndio dos Saberes antropológios e psicológicos dos Jesuítas no Brasil Colonial, São Paulo, Edições Loyola, 2012, 304 p. 164. E. Barros Barcelos Fernandes, ‘A Companhia de Jesus na capitania do Rio de Janeiro: espaços e poderes’, Brotéria 179 (2014), 175-196. 165. A. S. da Silveira, R. L. Carvalho, ‘“Para os que estimam as letras”: livrarias jesuítas, colégios de nobres e conflitos político- religiosos na capitania do Maranhão (séc. XVIII)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 129-148. 166. J. Marinho dos Santos, ‘A escrita e as suas funções na missão jesuítica do Brasil quinhentista’, História 34.1 (2015), 109-127.

Canada See also nrs. 647, 708, 710.

167. S. Dussault, ‘La Compagnie de Jésus et le Saguenay’, Saguenayensia 42 (2000), 14-17. 168. P.A.Goddard, ‘Canada in seventeenth-century Jesuit thought: Backwater or opportunity?’, in G. Warkentin & C. Podruchny (eds.), Decentring the . Canada and Europe in Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 461

multidisciplinary perspective, 1500-1700, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2001, 186-199. 169. F.J. Litva, Kanadský experiment. Polstoročie činnosti clovenských jezuitov v Kanada, Trnava, Dobrá kniha, 2005, 100 p. 170. A. Paschoud, ‘Les cosmogonies amérindiennes au miroir de la spiritualité jésuite: l’exemple des Relations jésuites de la Nouvelle (1632-1672)’, in V. Alexandrescu & R. Theis (eds.), Nature et surnaturel. Philosophies de la nature et métaphysique aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Hildesheim etc., Olms – Weidmann, 2010, 101-112. 171. S. Manning Stevens, ‘The historiography of New France and the legacy of Iroquois internationalism’, Comparative American Studies 11 (2013), 148-165. 172. P.G. Monson, ‘Sacred seeds: The French Jesuit martyrs in American Catholic historiography’, Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 17 (2014), 87-107. 173. J.B. Gavin, Teachers of a nation: Jesuits in English Canada (1842- 2013), Toronto, Novalis, 2015, 288 p. 174. J. Meehan & J. Monet, ‘The restoration in Canada. An enduring patrimony’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 386-398. 175. J. Monet (ed.), Builders of a nation: Jesuits in English Canada 1842- 2013, Toronto, Novalis, 2015, 286 p. 176. G. Rixon, ‘Engaged collecting: Culture transforming mission The Regis College Library, University of Toronto’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 265-282. 177. M. True, Masters and Students. Jesuit Mission Ethnography in Seventeenth-Century New France, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015, 264 p.

Chile 178. L. Berg Costa, ‘Restauración en Chiloé (Chile): la Iglesia de Castro’, Apuntes: Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural – Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies 20 (2007), 126-141. 179. R. Gutiérrez, ‘Las misiones circulares de los jesuitas en Chiloé. Apuntes para una historia singular de la evangelización’, Apuntes: Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural – Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies 20 (2007), 50-69. 180. J. Valenzuela, ‘Misiones jesuitas entre Indios “rebeldes”: límites y transacciones en la cristianización Mapuche de Chile meridional (siglo XVII)’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la 462 Paul Begheyn SJ

conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 250-272. 181. M. Iglesias Saldaña, ‘Mujeres indias y representaciones en crónicas jesuitas del siglo XVII en Chile’, Bibliographica Americana - Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios coloniales 10 (2014), 35-52. 182. C. Prado Berlien a.o., ‘La producción alfarera en la ollería de los jesuitas de Santiago, Chile (siglos XVII-XVIII)’, Trabajo y sociedad 24 (2015), 249-265.

Colombia 183. J.D. Cortés Guerrero, ‘La expulsión de los Jesuitas de la Nueva Granada como clave de lectura del ideario liberal colombiano de mediados del siglo XIX’, Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 30 (2003), 199-238. 184. B. Villegas, Tesoros del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario: 350 años, Bogotá, Villegas editores, 2003, 221 p. 185. F. González Mora, Reducciones y haciendas jesuíticas en Casanare, Meta y Orinoco ss. XVII-XVIII: arquitectura y urbanismo en la frontera oriental del Nuevo Reino de Granada, Bogota, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2004, 225 p. 186. J. del Rey Fajardo & M. Marín Cortés (eds.), La biblioteca colonial de la Universidad Javeriana comentada, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008, 756 p. 187. J. del Rey Fajardo & F. González Mora, Los jesuitas en Antioquia, 1727-1767: aportes a la historia de la cultura y el arte, Bogotá, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008, 526 p. 188. B. Villegas, Santiago Páramo y capilla de San José: iglesia de San Ignacio, Bogotá, Bogotá, Villegas editores, 2013, 127 p.

Cuba See nr. 935.

Dominica 189. S. Lenik, Frontier landscapes, missions, and power: A French Jesuit plantation and Church at Grand Bay, Dominica (1747-1763), Syracuse NY, Syracuse University, 2010, 364 p.

El Salvador 190. M.J. Iafrate, ‘The totus Christus and the crucified people: Re- reading Augustine’s Christology from below with the Salvadoran Jesuits’, Journal of Postcolonial Theory and Theology 2 (2011), 1-49. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 463

191. J. Sobrino, ‘The Jesuit martyrs of 1989 and the situation of the Church and world today’, in M.C. Bingemer & P. Casarella (eds.), Witnessing: Prophecy, politics, and wisdom, Maryknoll NY, Orbis, 2014, 158-168. 192. G. De Schrijver, ‘Martelaren in El Salvador. Uit naam van welk geloof?, Streven 82 (2015), 856-862.

Mexico See nrs. 637, 711.

193. J.A. Gutiérrrez G., ‘El colegio-seminario de San Luis Gonzaga de Zacatecas y sus primeras constituciones’, Espiral 11, n. 33 (2005) 137-165. 194. M.G. Aizpuru Cruces, ‘La emblemática en las imágenes jesuitas novohispanas del templo de la Santísima Trinidad en Guanajuato’, in R. García Mahíques & V. Francesc Zuriaga Senent (eds.), Imagen y Cultura. La interpretación de las imágenes como Historia cultural, vol. 1, Valencia, Biblioteca Valenciana, 2008, 139-150. 195. B. Aracil Vaqrón, ‘Festejos jesuitas y hegemonía sociocultural en el México (1578)’, Destiempos 3 (2008), 274-285. 196. G. Aguirre Beltran a.o., Los jesuitas y la construccion de la nacion mexicana, Città del Messico, Artes de Mexico, 2011, 104 p. 197. G.E. de Albuquerque Macedo, ‘As fronteiras do purgatório na capitania do Rio Grande: um estudo das representações espaciais jesuíticas (1599-1725)’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3 (2014), 214-232. 198. F. Baena Reina, ‘De “Tierra inhóspita” a “Tierra de Misiones”: Baja California y la última frontera jesuítica (1683-1767)’, Trashumante: Revista Americana de Historia Social 4 (2014), 88-110. 199. A. Classen, ‘The scientific, anthropological, geological, and geographic exploration of Northern Mexico by eighteenth- century German Jesuits missionaries. A religious and scientific network of multilingual writers with a focus on Johann Nentuig and Marcus Antonius Kappus’, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 122 (2014), 40-61. 200. R.F. Rentería-Valencia, ‘Colonial tensions in the governance of indigenous authorities and the Pima uprising of 1751’, Journal of the Southwest 56 (2014), 345-364. 201. M. Terán Espinosa, ‘La bandera blanca de San Ignacio de Loyola en la guerra por la independencia mexicana’, Efemérides 464 Paul Begheyn SJ

Mexicana. Estudios Filosóficos, Teológicos e Históricos 32, n. 94 (2014), 68-114. 202. M.L. Aspe Armella, ‘Jesuitas y cambio social en México. Apuntes para una historia socio religiosa de los años 60’, Efemérides Mexicana. Estudios Filosóficos, Teológicos e Históricos 33, n. 97 (2015), 112-123. 203. P. Chinchilla Pawling, ‘Jesuit restoration in Mexico’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 433-449. 204. M. Diaz, ‘The education of natives, Creole clerics, and the Mexican Enlightenment’, Colonial Latin American Review 24 (2015), 60-83.

Paraguay See nrs. 853, 854.

205. G. Wilde, ‘Guaraníes, “gauchos” e “indios infieles” en el proceso de disgregación de las antiguas doctrinas jesuíticas del Paraguay’, Suplemento Antropológico 38 (2003), 73-130. 206. A. Paschoud, ‘La beauté de l’ordre”: Espace ordonné et espace représenté dans les réductions jésuites du Paraguay d’après les Lettres édifiantes et curieuses (1702-1776)’, Versants. Revue suisse des littératures romanes 50 (2005), 71-96. 207. V. Vijaya, ‘Jesuit missionaries and the policy of accomodation: Examples from Paraguay and India’, in K. Acharya a.o. (eds.), St. Francis Xavier: his times and legacy, Mumbai / New Delhi, Somaiya Publications Ltd / K. J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham, 2007, 165-180. 208. R. Krüger, El tesoro de la ruinas, Buenos Aires, Editorial Sagepe, 2009, 484 p. 209. F. Fechner, ‘Heilkunde und Mission - Zum Quellenwert der Heilpflanzenkompendien aus der Jesuitenprovinz Paraguay’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 79 (2010), 89-113. 210. B.D. Sustersic, Imágenes Guaraní-Jesuíticas Paraguay / Argentina / Brasil, Asunción, ServiLibro: Centro de Artes Visuales / Museo del Barro, 2010, 424 p. 211. I. Telesca, La provincia del Paraguay: Revolución y transformación 1680-1780, Asunción, El Lector, 2010, 140 p. 212. I. Telesca, ‘San Ignacio: Frontera y periferia en el Paraguay colonial’, in B. Melià, 1609-2009 El comienzo de una utopía. IV Centenario de la fundación del pueblo de San Ignacio Guasú, Asunción, CEPAG, 2010, 113-134. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 465

213. I. Telesca, ‘Esclavitud en Paraguay: las estancias jesuíticas’, in M. Pineau (ed.), La ruta del esclavo en el Río de la Plata. Aportes para el diálogo intercultural, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (EDUNTREF), 2011, 153-172. 214. G. Wilde, ‘Las misiones jesuíticas de Paraguay: imaginarios políticos, etnogénesis y agencia indígena’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 181-198. 215. E.C. Deckmann Fleck, ‘“La sangre de los mártires es la semilla de cristianos nuevos”: a consagração póstuma de missionários jesuítas (Província Jesuítica do Paraguai - século XVII)’, Revista de História 168 (2013), 351-381. 216. J. Ahlert, ‘Os interstícios nas Missões Jesuíticas da Provincia Paracuaria’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3.2 (2014), 356-379. 217. J. Sarreal, ‘Caciques as placeholders in the Guaraní missions of eighteenth century Paraguay’, Colonial Latin American Review 23 (2014), 224-251. 218. R. Caria, Le reducciones dei gesuiti in Paraguay (1609-1768). Un’interpretazione teologica, Cagliari, PFTS University Press, 2015, 99 p. 219. I. Telesca, ‘The first return of the Jesuits to Paraguay’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 415-432. 220. K. Vélez, ‘“By means of tigers”: Jaguars as agents of conversion in Jesuit mission records of Paraguay and the Moxos, 1600– 1768’, Church History. Studies in Christianity and Culture 84 (2015), 768-806.

Peru See also nrs. 637, 921.

221. V. Oliver Muñoz, ‘La biblioteca del Colegio Máximo de San Pablo de Lima (1568-1767): una descripción’, Anuario del Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia 10 (2004), 817-828. 222. J.P. Tardieu, ‘Los esclavos en El Ingenio de Huaura. 1684-1767 (Colegio jesuita de San Pablo-Lima)’, in D. Aguerrevere Valero, Libro homenaje al padre José del Rey Fajardo sj, Caracas / Valera, Fundación de Dereche Público / Universidad Valle del Momboy, 2005, t. 1, 65-95. 223. B. Núñez Freile, ‘El pensamiento microbiológico de los jesuitas 466 Paul Begheyn SJ

de la Universidad de san Gregorio Magno en la real Audiencia de Quito’, Acta Médica Peruana 27 (2010), 65-73. 224. M. Cordero Fernández, ‘Rol de la Compañia de Jesús en las visitas de idolatrías. Lima. Siglo XVII’, Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia 21 (2012), 361-386. 225. A.C. Hosne, ‘The “art of memory” in the Jesuit missions in Peru and China in the late 16th century’, Material Culture Review 76 (2012), 30-40. 226. B.J.M. Weaver, ‘El inventario de la botica de los Jesuitas del Colegio del Cuzco, 1767/8’, Revista Andina 52 (2012), 209-242. 227. P. Guibovich Pérez, El edificio de letras. Jesuitas, educación y sociedad en el Perú colonial, Lima, Universidad del Pacifico, 2014, 174 p. 228. F. Quiroz, ‘La historia del Perú según Vizcardo y Guzmán’, Revista Sílex, n. 3 (2014), 59-78. 229. F. Torres Londoño & F.P. Martins, ‘Jesuítas, indígenas e o código religião nas crônicas de Maynas, Mojos e Chiquitos no século XVIII’, Revista História e Cultura, Franca-SP 3 (2014), 188- 213. 230. G.A. Bailey, ‘The iconography of Jesuit saints in the church of San Pedro in Lima’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 104 (2015), 468-480.

United States See nr. 378.

231. M.N. Schmalz, ‘Teaching justice and teaching justly: Reflections on teaching world at a Jesuit liberal arts college’, Christian Higher Education Journal 4 (2005), 1-17. 232. J.W. O’Malley, Lives of the Georgetown Jesuits, Washington, Jesuit Community, 2008, 34 p. 233. A. Sutto, ‘Lord Baltimore, the Society of Jesus, and Caroline absolutism in Maryland, 1630-1645’, The Journal of British Studies 48 (2009), 631- 652. 234. P. Poponessi, Mission. I Gesuiti tra gli indiani del West, Rimini, Il Cerchio, 2010, 116 p. 235. B. Birnbaum a.o., The Heights. An illustrated history of Boston College, 1863-2013, Chestnut Hill MA, Linden Lane Press, 2014, 240 p. 236. C. Coupeau, ‘La “Restaurazione spirituale” della Compagnia di Gesù: il caso del Maryland (1806-1892)’, Rassegna di teologia 56 (2015), 21-53. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 467

237. R. Mason, ‘The search for A,otonatendïe’, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 40 (2015), 116-133. 238. J. Neyrey & T. Clancy, Southern Jesuit biographies. Pastors and preachers, builders and teachers of the New Orleans Province, Lafayette LO, Acadian House Publishing, 2015, 256 p. 239. C. O’Donnell, ‘John Carroll, the , and the Society of Jesus in early Republican America’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 368-385. 240. D. Schlafly, ‘The “Russian” Society and the American Jesuits’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 353-367. 241. T.J. Shelley, ‘Ubiquitously useful: The Jesuit college of St. Francis Xavier, New York City, 1847-1912’, The Catholic Historical Review 101 (2015), 463-487. 242. P. Zavadil (ed.), Čeští jezuité objevují nový svět. Dupisy a zprávy o plavbách, cestách a živobytí z Ameriky, Filipín a Marián (1657- 1741), Praha, Argo, 2015, 831 p.

Venezuela 243. J. del Rey Fajardo, ‘El alma de la identidad jesuítica como fuente histórica primaria’, Procesos Históricos n. 10, Año V (2006), 21 p. 244. J. del Rey Fajardo, Expulsión, extinción y restauración de los jesuitas en Venezuela (1767-1815), Caracas, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2014, 620 p.

C. Asia

245. A. Martínez d’Alòs-Moner, ‘La Compañía de Jesús en Oriente (1580-1640)’, in C. Martínez Shaw & J.A. Martínez Torres (eds.), España y Portugal en el Mundo (1581-1668), Madrid, Polifemo, 2014, 391-417.

China See also nrs. 62, 225, 282, 314, 617, 625, 745, 764, 804, 839-848, 859, 918.

246. R.M. Loureiro, ‘Missionários jesuitas na rota da China 1542- 1545’, in his Fidalgos, missionários e mandarins: Portugal e a China no século 16, [Lisboa], Fundaçao Oriente, 2000, 397-419. 468 Paul Begheyn SJ

247. C. Pagani, ‘“Pour la gloire de Dieu”. Clock making and the Jesuit mission’, in her Eastern magnificence & European ingenuity: Clocks of late imperial China, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2001, 26-57. 248. M. DeStephano, ‘Changes of habit: the Jesuit process of sinification in the Middle Kingdom of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries’, Journal of the Chinese National Museum of Ethnology 1 (2007), 68-71. 249. T. Brook, ‘Europaeology? On the difficulty of assembling a knowledge of Europe in China’, in M.A.J. Üçerler (ed.), Christianity and cultures. Japan and China in comparison, 1543-1644, Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2009, 268-293. 250. R. Po-Chia Hsia, ‘The Jesuit encounter with Buddhism in Ming China’, in M.A.J. Üçerler (ed.), Christianity and cultures. Japan and China in comparison, 1543-1644, Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2009, 19-44. 251. M. Kemp, ‘Tricks of the stage: a restored imperial theatre in China reveals how Western techniques of visual perspective brought by the Jesuits were adopted by an eighteenth-century Chinese emperor’, Nature 463 (2010), 432 p. 252. S. Li, ‘Literary translations of the Ming Jesuits’, Logos & Pneuma (Chinese journal of theology) 33 (2010), 39-66. 253. R. Po-chia Hsia, ‘The political theologies of empires: Jesuit missionaries between Counter-Reformation Europe and the Chinese empire’, in J. Miller & L. Kontler (eds.), Friars, nobles and burghers - sermons, images and prints, Budapest / New York, Central European University Press, 2010, 213-232, 254. M. Reed, ‘Bernard Picart on China: ‘curious’ discourses and images taken principally from Jesuit sources’, in L. Hunt a.o. (eds.), Bernard Picart and the first global vision of , Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, 2010, 215-234. 255. M. Musillo, ‘Mid-Qing arts and Jesuit visions: Visual encounters and exchanges in 18th-century Beijing’, in S. Delson (ed.), Ai Weiwei: Circle of animals, New York, Prestel, 2011, 146-161. 256. A. Dudink, ‘Jesuit accounts of Chinese history and chronology and their Chinese sources, East Asian science, technology and medicine 35 (2012), 89-138. 257. Q. Han, ‘The Jesuits and their study of Chinese and chronology in the 17th and 18th centuries’, in L.M. Ribeiro Saraiva (ed.), Europe and China: Science and Arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co, 2012, 71-79. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 469

258. Z. Huaqing, Die Missionsgeschichte Chinas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedeutung der Laien bei der Missionierungsarbeit (ca. 16. - 19. Jh.), Sankt Augustin, Steyler Verlag, 2012, 308 p. 259. D. Antonucci, ‘Notes on the Qiung-Zunghar war (1690–97). The Jesuit sources’, in Acta Pekinensia. Western Sources for the Kangxi Reign, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2013, 371-387. 260. N. Golvers, Libraries of Western learning for China: Circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit mission (ca. 1650 – ca. 1750). Vol. 2: Formation of Jesuit libraries, , Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven, 2013, 559 p. 261. G.J. Hughes, ‘The ‘Acta’’s four portraits’, in Acta Pekinensia. Western Sources for the Kangxi Reign, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2013, 89-138. 262. P. Rule, ‘The historical significance of the ‘Acta Pekinensia’, in Acta Pekinensia. Western Sources for the Kangxi Reign, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2013, 17-39. 263. L.M.F. Sequeira, ‘The ‘Acta Pekinensia’ Project of the Macau Ricci Institute’, in Acta Pekinensia. Western Sources for the Kangxi Reign, Macau, Macau Ricci Institute, 2013, 51-54. 264. R.J. Smith, ‘Jesuit interpretations of the “Yijing” in global perspective’, in his Mapping China and managing the world: Culture, cartography and cosmology in late imperial times, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, 166-192. 265. F. Biebl, ‘The magnificence of the Qing – European art on the Jesuit mission in China’, in E. Homburg & A. Klijn, Encountering ‘the Other’. Travel books on North-America, Japan and China from the Maastricht Jesuit library, 1500-1900, Maastricht, Maastricht University, 2014. 266. A. Haverkamp, ‘European image of China in the seventeenth century – Fascinating cultures stained with repulsive misbelief’, in E. Homburg & A. Klijn, Encountering ‘the Other’. Travel books on North-America, Japan and China from the Maastricht Jesuit library, 1500-1900, Maastricht, Maastricht University, 2014, 199-220. 267. C. Hui-Hung, ‘A Chinese treatise attributed to Xu Guangqi (1615): How the Jesuits in China defined ‘sacred images’, in S.J. Deiwiks a.o. (eds.), Europe meets China, China meets Europe: The beginnings of European-Chinese scientific exchange in the seventeenth century, Sankt Augustin, Institut Monumenta Serica, 2014, 71-101. 268. M.S. Junhyoung, ‘The Jesuits and the portrait of God in late Ming China’, Harvard Theological Review 107 (2014), 194-221. 470 Paul Begheyn SJ

269. H. Qi, ‘Knowledge and power: A social history of the transmission of between China and Europe during the Kangxi reign (1662–1722)’, Proceedings of the International Congress of , Seoul, 2014, 2014, 1217-1229. 270. E. Ryden, ‘The Jesuit role in the transmission of European science to China 1600-1945’, Omega. Indian Journal of Science and Religion 13 (2014), 66-84. 271. J. Clarke, ‘The Chinese rites controversy’s long shadow over the restored Society of Jesus’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 325-330. 272. N. Golvers, ‘The pre-1773 Jesuit libraries in Peking as a medium for Western learning in seventeenth- and early eighteenth- century China’, The Library 16 (2015), 429-445. 273. N. Golvers, Libraries of Western learning for China: Circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit mission (ca. 1650 - ca. 1750), vol. 3: Of books and readers, Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2015, 637 p. 274. C. Guillen-Nuñez, ‘Rising from the ashes. The Gothic revival and the architecture of the “new” Society of Jesus in China and Macao’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 278-298. 275. P. Mariani, ‘The Phoenix rises from its ashes. The restoration of the Jesuit Shanghai mission’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 299-314. 276. R. Po-chia Hsia, ‘The end of the Jesuit mission in China’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit Suppression in global context: Causes, events, and consequences, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 100-116. 277. R. Po-chia Hsia, ‘Jesuit survival and restoration in China’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 245-260. 278. Z. Qiong, Making the New World their own: Chinese encounters with Jesuit science in the Age of Discovery, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 500 p. 279. P. Rule, ‘Restoration or new creation? The return of the Society of Jesus to China’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 261-277. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 471

India See also nr. 207.

280. J. Everaert, ‘Soldiers, diamonds and Jesuits: Flemings and Dutchmen in Portuguese India (1505-90)’, in A. Disney & E. Booth (eds.), Vasco da Gama and the linking of Europe and Asia, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2000, 84-104. 281. J. Javier, Fuente de Vida, Tratado Apologético dirigido al Rey Mogol de la India en 1600, San Sebastián, Universidad de Deusto, 2007, 560 p. 282. H.N. Ward, ‘Good news to women? The Jesuits, their pastoral advice and women’s reception of Christianity in the Portuguese East Indies; Goa and Japan’, in D. de Mendonça (ed.), Jesuits in India: History and Culture, Goa, Xavier Centre of Historical Research, 2007, 125-158. 283. M. Cadafaz de Matos, ‘Obras do Seráfico São Boaventura impressas em Velha Goa em 1559 (uma iniciativa do Jesuítas)’, Itinerarium. Revista Quadrimestral de Cultura 56 (2010), 483-494. 284. R. Dhruv, ‘The French Jesuit manuscripts on Indian astronomy: the narratology and mystery surrounding a late-seventeenth - early eighteenth century project’, in F. Bretelle-Establet (ed.), Looking at it from Asia. The processes that shaped the sources of history of science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2010, 115-140. 285. J. Kalapura, ‘Centenary of Bihar, platinum jubilee of Patna Jesuit Province: Historical and theological reflections’, Journal of Indian Theology 2 (2012), 48-80. 286. H.N. Ward, ‘Women in the eyes of a Jesuit between the East Indies, New Spain and Early Modern Europe’, in C. Lee (ed.), Western Visions of the Far East in a Transpacific Age (1522-1657), Farnham / Burlington VT, Ashgate, 2012. 287. J. Kalapura, ‘Indian astronomy and Christian mission: the king of Jaipur and Jesuit astronomers, 18th century’, Indian Church History Review 47 (2013), 17-37. 288. G. De Vylder, ‘Interaction between religious groups as a strategy for survival and expansion: Case-study: Catholic Jesuits and Hindu Ramakrishna mission in 19th century India’, in Workshop on orders and itineraries: Buddhist, Islamic and Christian networks in Southern Asia, c. 900-1900, Singapore, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 2013. 289. G.Naik, The Goa Jesuits. A concise account of the origins of the Goa Province (1890-1999), [Goa], Province Archives Jesuit House Panjim Goa, 2014, 25 p. 472 Paul Begheyn SJ

290. A. Pinto, ‘The achievements of the Jesuit educational mission in India and the contemporary challenges it faces’, International Studies in Catholic Education 6 (2014), 14-32. 291. J. Flores, The Mughal “Padshah”: A Jesuit treatise on Emperor Jahangir’s court and household, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 200 p. 292. S. Pavone, ‘The Province of Madurai between the old and new Society of Jesus’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 331-350. 293. void

Indonesia 294. R. Madinier, ‘The Catholic politics of inclusiveness: a Jesuit epic in Central Java in the early twentieth century and its memory’, in M. Picard & R. Madinier (eds.), The politics of religion in Indonesia: syncretism, orthodoxy, and religious contention in Java and Bali, London / New York, Routledge, 2011, 23-47. 295. J.N. Sánchez Pons, ‘Misión y dimisión; las Molucas en el siglo XVII entre jesuitas españoles y portugueses’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas e imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 81-102. 296. M. Derksen, ‘Een koloniale missie: jezuïetenmissionarissen op Java, 1859-1900’, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis 18 (2015), 73-79. 297. R. Kurris, Terugblik vanaf de zijlijn. Zestig jaar missionaris in Indonesia. Bezorgd door P. Begheyn, Nijmegen, Valkof Pers, 2015, 286 p.

Israel 298. M. Gilbert, Les Jésuites et la Terre Sainte, Rome, Pontifical Biblical Institute, 2014, 155 p.

Japan See also nrs. 282, 818.

299. S. Kinryū, ‘The Ikkō-shū as portrayed in Jesuit historical docu- ments’, in M.L. Blum & S. Yasutomi (eds.), Rennyo and the roots of modern Japanese Buddhism, Oxford / New York, Oxford Univer- sity Press, 2006, 72-82. 300. A. Kawaguchi, ‘The Roman alphabet notations of Japanese in the letter, Keichō 9.9.27 (1604.11.18) (ARSI, Jap.Sin. 33, 76r-77v)’, Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 473

Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University: Humanities 73 (2007), 7 p. 301. W.J. Farge, ‘Translating religious experience across cultures: early attempts to construct a body of Japanese christian literature’, in M.A.J. Üçerler (ed.), Christianity and cultures. Japan and China in comparison, 1543-1644, Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2009, 83-110. 302. H. Vu Thanh, ‘Principles of missionary geography in Jesuit spirituality and their implementation in Japan (16-17th centuries)’, Bulletin of Portuguese/Japanese Studies 18/19 (2009), 175-191. 303. O. Takizawa, ‘La continuidad de la mentalidad medieval Europea en la misión de Japón - En torno a la política de evangelización’, Hispania Sacra 62, n. 125 (2010), 27-42. 304. M. Oka, Shonin to senkyo-shi: Nanban boecki no sekai [Attività dei gesuiti in Giappone nel commercio internazionale durante i secoli 16-17], Tokyo, Tokyo Daigaku Shuppan-kai, 2011, 382 p. 305. J.M. Shin, ‘Avalokitessvara’s manifestation as the Virgin Mary: the Jesuit adaptation and the visual conflation in Japanese Catholicism after 1614’, Church History 80 (2011), 1-39. 306. R. Arimura, ‘The Catholic architecture of early modern Japan: Between adaptation and Christian identity’, Japan Review 27 (2014), 53-76. Jesuit churches, p.58-67. 307. T. Gonsalves, ‘The Jesuits, science and Japan’, Omega. Indian Journal of Science and Religion 13 (2014), 85-92. 308. C. Pelliccia, ‘I gesuiti in Giappone (1908-2008): a proposito di una recente pubblicazione. Contributo a una ricostruzione storiografica’, Cristianesimo nella storia 35 (2014), 591-615. 309. P. Schwemmer, ‘My child Deus. Grammar versus Theology in a Japanese Christian devotional of 1591’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 465-482. 310. A. Watanabe, ‘Neo-Latin in 17th Century Japan: two epistles from Japanese seminarians to the Jesuit Superior General (ARSI, Jap.-Sin. 33.75, 78)’, JASCA (Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity) 2 (2014), 137-148 [6]. 311. H.N. Ward, ‘Images of the incarnation in the Jesuit Japan mission’s Kirishitanban story of virgin martyr St. Catherine of Alexandria’, in W. Melion & L. Palmer Wandel (eds.), Image and incarnation. The early modern doctrine of the pictorial image, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 481-501. 312. Y. Orii, ‘The dispersion of Jesuit books printed in Japan: Trends 474 Paul Begheyn SJ

in bibliographical research and in intellectual history’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 189-207. 313. H. Vu Thanh, Devenir japonais: la mission jésuite au Japon 1549- 1614, Paris, Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, 2015, 520 p.

Korea 314. S.H. Cheong & K.H. Lee, ‘17 seigi chŏnbangi Yesuhwe Chungguk sŏnkyosa-tul ŭi Han’guk kwanlyŏn charyo haeje’ [Accounts on Korea by Jesuit missionaries in China during the first half of the 17th century],Inmun kwahak yongu nonch’ong 35 (2013), 205-243.

Lebanon 315. R. Herzstein, ‘The oriental library and the Catholic press at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 248-264.

Philippines See also nr. 242.

316. P.A. Fabre, ‘Un désir antérieur. Les premiers jésuites des Philippines et leurs indipetae (1580-1605)’, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 71-88. 317. R. García-Herrera a.o., ‘Northwest Pacific typhoons documented by the Philippine Jesuits, 1566-1900’, Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007). 318. P. Girard a.o., ‘“Frailes mozos y de poca letras!”. Quatre ordres religieux (Augustins, Dominicains, Franciscains, Jésuites) aux Philippines entre 1572 et 1605’, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 113-172. 319. J. Dalupan Hofileña (ed.), The Ateneo de Manila University: 150 years of engaging the nation, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University, 2010, 246 p. 320. S. Anagnostou, ‘“Medico de pobres”: Heilkunde und Pharmazie in den philippinischen Missionen (16. - 18. Jh.) als Medium des internationalen Wissenstransfers’, Innsbrucker historische Studien 28 (2012), 237-250. Regarding Georg Joseph Kamel S.J. and Pavel Klein S.J. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 475

Syria See nrs. 752, 798.

Vietnam See nrs. 813, 838.

D. Europe See also nrs. 249, 253, 269, 265, 266, 269, 270, 273, 286.

321. P. Shore, ‘A unique seventeenth century Rusyn catechism and the Jesuit connection’, in R. Kirwan & S. Mullins, Specialist Markets in the Early Modern Book World, Leiden / Boston, 2015, 371-388.

Austria 322. P. Schöbi, ‘Sherlock Holmes an der Stella Matutina’, Montfort. Vierteljahresschrift für Geschichte und Gegenwart Vorarlbergs 61 (2009), 259-276. 323. Aufhebung und Wiedererrichtung des Gesellschaft Jesu in Österreich, Wien, [Österreichische Provinz der Gesellschaft Jesu], 2014, 22 p. 324. M. Pillat, ‘Rom am Inn: römische Priesterausbildung in Innsbruck während des Ersten Weltkrieges; Aspekte der Kollegsgeschichte’, Korrespondenzblatt Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum 124 (2015), 42-59.

Belarus 325. M. Inglot, ‘Le missioni della Compagnia di Gesù di Russia Bianca (1772-1820)’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 319-354. 326. I. Kadulska, ‘The Połock Academy (1812-1820). An example of the Society of Jesus’s endurance’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 83-98.

Belgium See also nrs. 635, 780. 327. M. Hermans, ‘Génèse de la pédagogie jésuite: ses particularités dans la Province gallo-belge’, in Du collège jésuite au collège municipal 1603-1815, Luxembourg, Saint-Paul, 2003, 39-63.328. P.A. Fabre, ‘Les voies d’une canonisation: Écriture, portrait et récit de vie dans l’invention flamande de saint Ignace de 476 Paul Begheyn SJ

Loyola’, in J. Beyer a.o., Confessional Sanctity (c. 1500-c. 1800), , Philip von Zabern, 2004, 132-144. 329. A. De Bruycker, ‘En todo amar y servir a su divina majestad: Wiskunde in de opleiding van de Vlaamse jezuïeten. Een cultuurhistorische benadering’, Scientiarum Historia 32 (2006), 37-58. 330. J. Muller, ‘Communication visuelle et confessionnalisation à Anvers au temps de la Contre-Réforme’, Dix-septième siècle 240 (2008), 441-482. 331. X. Dusausoit, De jezuïeten in de stad. De jezuïeten en de Belgische maatschappij van de negentiende eeuw (1831-1914), Bruxelles, Le Cri, 2011, 922 p. 332. V. Verbrugge, ‘De Belgische jezuïetenprovincie in de Eerste Wereldoorlog’, Trajecta 23 (2014), 315-335. 333. N. Crépin, ‘Le collège de la Compagnie de Jésus de Nivelles (1624-1773) et ses relations avec d’autres institutions religieuses’, Revue d’histoire du Brabant Wallon. Religion, Patrimoine, Société 29 (2015), 311-320. 334. A. Delfosse, ‘From Rome to the Southern Netherlands: Spectacular sceneries to celebrate the canonization of Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier’, in J. Mara De Silva (ed.), The sacralization of space and behavior in the Early Modern World, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, 141-160. 335. G. Ems, ‘Un Nouvel An chez les jésuites. Étude du manuscrit emblématique à l’occasion de la visite de Léopold-Guillaume le 1er janvier 1650 au collège bruxellois de la Compagnie de Jésus’, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis 93 (2015), 693-729. 336. A. den Hollander & E. Van Looveren, Het Ruusbroecgenootschap. 90 jaar hoeder van spiritueel erfgoed. Een rijke en levende collectie van de Vlaamse jezuïeten aan de Antwerpse Universiteit, Antwerpen, Bibliotheek van het Ruusbroecgenootschap, 2015, 32 p. 337. N.J. Kay, ‘Crowning Mary and castrating Priapus: the Antwerp Jesuits and their spectacular lessons in idolatry’, Simiolus 38 (2015/16), 131-143. 338. J.W. O’Malley, Art, controversy, and the Jesuits: The Imago primi saeculi (1640), Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2015, 771 p. 339. G. Proot, ‘The evolving typographical identity of theatre programmes produced for the Flemish Jesuits in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’, in W.A. Kelly & G. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 477

Trentacosti (eds.), The Book in the Low Countries, Edinburgh, Merchiston Publishing, 2015, 11-53. 340. V.I. Stoichita, ‘“Quel corps?” Rubens, les jésuites et le corps ressurgi du noir’, in R. Müller a.o. (eds.), Theologisches Wissen und die Kunst. Festschrift für Martin Büchsel, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2015, 335-343.

Croatia 341. M. Šapro-Ficović, ‘The history of Jesuit libraries in Croatia: An overview’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 283-301.

Czech Republic See also nrs. 418, 667.

342. K. Mačák & G. Schuppener, ‘Seznam jezuitských profesorů matematiky v pražském Klementinu’ [The list of Jesuit professors of mathematics at Clementinum], in their Matematika v jezuitském Klementinu v letech 1600-1740, Praha, Prometheus, 2001, 186-193. 343. P. Nevímová, ‘Vliv spirituality Tovaryšstva Ježíšova na výzdobné programy řádových kostelů’, in S.I. Čornejová (ed.), Úloha církevních řadů při pobělohorské rekatolizaci, Praha, Univerzita Karlova & Scriptorium, 2003, 217-249. 344. M. Koldová, ‘Jezuitská tiskárna v Praze (1635-1773): na základě pramenů z Národního archivu’, Sborník Národního muzea v Praze. Řada C - Literární historie 50 (2005), 1-42. 345. 150 let geografie na UK v Praze. Katalog výstavy. Čeští jezuité cestovatelé a objevitelé k. 450. výročí, příchodu jezuitů do Prahy, Praha, Geografická knihovna PřF UK, 2006, 48 p. 346. K. Černý, ‘A century of miracles. Miracles of Jesuit saints in 1620-1720’, Virus: Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin 7 (2008), 175-183. 347. M. Koldová, ‘Jezuitská tiskárna v Praze (1635-1773): a porovnání jejího fungování s jezuitskými tiskárnami v okolních zemích’ [The Jesuit printing office in Prague (1635-1773). Comparison of its operation with Jesuit printing houses in neighbouring countries], in R. Krušinský (ed.), Problematika historických a vzácných knižních fondů Čech, Moravy a Slezska, Olomouc, Vědecka knihovna, 2008, 227-254. 348. P. Onliková, ‘Obrazové cykly v jezuitských řádových domech’, in I. Čornejová a.o. (eds.), Locus pietatis et vitae, Praha, Univerzita Karlova & Scriptorium, 2008, 435-446. 478 Paul Begheyn SJ

349. K. Černý, ‘‘’Diarium Patris Ministri’’, a Jesuit view of social structures at the break of 18th century in south-west Bohemian town of Klatovy’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Medica. Monographia 156 (2009), 123-132. 350. E. Kovács, ‘Stopy vzájemnosti českých a uherských jezuitů v katalozích uherských jezuitských knihoven ze 17. století’, in R Krušinský (ed.), Problematika historických a vzácných knižních fondů Čech, Moravy a Slezska, Olomouc, Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci a.o., 2010, 209-215. 351. A. Rousova a.o., ‘Škrétovo Zvěstovani Panně Marii z kostela sv. Ignáce v Jičíně. Uměleckohistorické zhodnocení a restaurováni díla’, in L. Stolárová & K. Holečková (eds.), Karel Škréta (1610-1674). Dílo a doba. Studie, dokumenty, prameny, Praha, Národní galerie, 2013, 377-390. 352. J.C. Germain, Of Jesuits and Bohemians, Montreal, Véhicule Press, 2014, 160 p.

France See also nrs. 42, 71, 189, 772.

353. C. Montfort, ‘Mme de Sévigné and the Jesuits in the Siècle des Lumières’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 12 (2001), 167-177. 354. A. Paschoud, ‘Les penseurs éclairés et la Compagnie de Jésus: “Sur la destruction des jésuites de France” de D’Alembert’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 7 (2004), 123-131. 355. C. Jouhaud, ‘1626: Les jésuites parisiens dans l’œil du cyclone’, in B. Barbiche a.o. (eds.), Pouvoirs, contestations et comportements dans l’Europe moderne. Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Yves- Marie Bercé, Paris, PUPS, 2005, 185-199. 356. A. Gopnik, ‘Could David Hume have known about Buddhism? Charles Francois Dolu, the Royal College of La Flèche, and the global Jesuit intellectual network’, Hume Studies 35 (2009), 5-28. 357. I. Turcan (ed.), Quand le Dictionnaire de Trévoux rayonne sur l’Europe des Lumières, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2009, 190 p. 358. E. Perrin (ed.), L’Orient des lyonnais, Lyon, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée / Jean Pouilloux, 2010, 240 p. 359. M. Demeillez, ‘Campra maître de musique au collège Louis- le-Grand de la Compagnie de Jésus’, in C. Cessac (ed.), Itinéraires d’André Campra (1660-1744): d’Aix à Versailles, de l’Église à l’Opéra, Wavre, Edition Mardaga, 2012, 61-75. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 479

360. L. Losserand, ‘Le noviciat des jésuites de Paris (1610-vers 1806): à la recherche de la mémoire des pierres’, Bulletin de la Société Historique du VIe arrondissement de Paris 25 (2012), 91- 108. 361. D. Avon, ‘Une France catholique en “terre d’islam”. Les jésuites en mission dans la première moitié du XXe siècle’, in M.V. Dmitriev & d. Tollet (eds.), Confessiones et nationes. Discours identitaires nationaux dans les cultures chrétiennes: Moyen Âge - XXe siècle, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2014, 313- 328. 362. J.C. Richard, ‘Du Saint au collège Jean-François Régis’, in J.M. Massadau a.o., Les pères et les collèges de la Compagnie de Jésus en Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier, Arts et Traditions Rurales, 2014, 7-12. 363. S. Broomhall, ‘Devoted politics: Jesuits and elite Catholic women at the later sixteenth-century Valois court’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 586-605. 364. M. Choudhury, The wanton Jesuit and the wayward saint: A tale of sex, religion, and politics in eighteenth-century France, UniversityPark PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015, 232 p. 365. F. Conrod, ‘The romantic historian under Charles X. Evaluating Jesuit restoration in Charles Laumier’s Résumé de l’Histoire des Jésuites’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 229-241. 366. P. Lécrivain, ‘Les missions étrangères au coeur du rétablissement de la Compagnie de Jésus en France’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 15-49. 367. F. Métin, ‘Fortification teaching in seventeenth century French Jesuit colleges’, in K. Bjarnadóttir et al. (eds.), “Dig where you stand” 3. Proceedings of the third international conference on the history of mathematics education, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 25–28, 2013, Uppsala, Uppsala University, Department of Education, 2015, 279-292. 368. S. Mostaccio, ‘Shaping the Spiritual Exercises: the “Maisons des retraites” in Brittany during the seventeenth century as a gendered pastoral tool’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 659-684.

Germany See also nrs. 127, 199, 621, 726, 875. 480 Paul Begheyn SJ

369. R. Meyer, ‘Norddeutsche Aufklärung versus Jesuiten’, in H.E. Bödeker & M. Gierl (eds.), Jenseits der Diskurse: Aufklärungspraxis und Institutionenwelt in europäisch komparativer Perspektive, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, 99-132. 370. U. Strasser, ‘A case of empire envy? German Jesuits meet an Asian mystic in Spanish America’, Journal of Global History 2 (2007), 23-40. 371. C. Flucke, ‘Episoden aus den Jahresberichten der Hamburger Jesuiten 1618-1773’, in R. Zollitsch & H.W. Stork, Kirche in der Diaspora des Nordens, Husum, Matthiesen, 2013, 71-90. 372. A.C. Magniez, ‘Les Exercices spirituels sur la scène d’une congrégation mariale. L’expérience originale des jésuites munichois (1695-1717)’, in L. Isebaert & A. Smeesters (eds.), Poésie latine à haute voix (1500-1700), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 211-226. 373. H.G. Aschoff, ‘Das Jesuitenkolleg in Heiligenstadt’, Jahrbuch für mitteldeutsche Kirchen- und Ordensgeschichte 11 (2015), 5-38. 374. C. Brodkorb & N. Steiner, Geschichte der Deutschen Jesuiten 1814-1983 im Spiegel des Provinzarchivs, München, Eigenverlag, 2015, 32 p. 375. C. Flucke (ed.), Die litterae annuae: Die Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Altona und Hamburg (1598-1781), 2 vols., Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, 1300 p. 376. W. Holter, Sankt Peter Köln - Kirche der Jesuiten, Kunst-Station, Rubens-Kirche: Kleiner Kirchenführer, Köln, Sankt Peter Köln, 2015, [14] p. 377. D. Höltershinken, Jesuiten in Dortmund: in der geistigen Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen der Moderne, Bonn / Freiburg, projekt verlag, 2015, 156 p. 378. S.M. Johnston, ‘“What is California? Nothing but innumerable stones”. German Jesuits, salvation, and landscape building in the California missions’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 36-55. 379. R. Krebs (ed.), Ein Haus wird Herberge: fünfundzwanzig Jahre jesuitisches Wirken am Floßplatz 32 in , Leipzig, KSG Leipzig, 2015, 53 p. 380. J.S. Lowry, Big Swords, Jesuits, and Bondelswarts. Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance, and German Political Catholicism, 1897–1906, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 384 p. 381. V. Seibel (ed.), Wie betest du? 80 Jesuiten geben eine persönliche Antwort, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 184 p. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 481

382. J.C. Smith, ‘The Jesuit artistic diaspora in Germany after 1773’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 129-147. 383. N. Trippen, ‘Die Kölner Kartause und die ersten Kölner Jesuiten in der Reformationszeit’, in T. Gaens & F. Timmermans, Tradition et transformation. Les chartreux dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne, Saint-Étienne, CERCOR, 2015, 301-306.

Hungary 384. Z. Kádár, ‘The difficulties of conversion: Non-Catholic students in Jesuit colleges in western Hungary in the first half of the seventeenth century’, The Hungarian historical review: new series of Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 3 (2014), 729-748. 385. G. Szabados, ‘Jezsuita „sikertörténet” (1644–1811). A magyar történettudomány konzervatív megteremtőiről’ [Jesuit ”Success Story” (1644–1811). On the Conservative Initiators of the Hungarian Historical Sciences], in T. Gergely (ed.), Clio Inter Arma: Tanulmányok a 16-18. századi magyarországi történetírásról, Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia BTK Tört. Int., 2014, 203-226. 386. P. Shore, ‘Enduring the deluge. Hungarian Jesuit astronomers from suppression to restoration’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 148-161.

Ireland 387. M.C. Considère-Charon, ‘Studies: Le parcours historique d’une revue sous la houlette des jésuites irlandais’, in J. Genet a.o. (eds.), Le livre en Irlande: L’imprimé en contexte, Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2006, 313-322. 388. D. Burke, ‘Irish Jesuit chaplains in the First World War’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 104 (2015), 168-175. 389. D. Burke, Irish Jesuit chaplains in the First World War, Dublin, Messenger Publications, 2015, 120 p. 390. B. Grogan & B. Flannery, The characteristics of Jesuit education: A charter for Irish Jesuit colleges, Dublin, Jesuits in Ireland, 2015, 208 p.

Italy See also nrs. 483, 600, 653, 676, 803. 482 Paul Begheyn SJ

391. B. Majorana, ‘Le missioni popolari dei gesuiti italiani nel XVII secolo. Il teatro della compassione’, in C. Sorrel & F. Meyer, Les missions intérieures en France et en Italie du XVIe siècle au XXe siècle. Actes du colloque de Chambéry (18-20 mars 1999), Chambéry, Bibliothèque des Études savoisiennes, t. VIII, 2001, 87-102. 392. B. Majorana, ‘Une pastorale spectaculaire. Missions et missionnaires jésuites en Italie (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)’, Annales. Histoire, Science Sociales 57 (2002), 297-320. 393. A. Robotti, ‘Il collegio dei Gesuiti a Capua. Analisi, rilievi e documenti’, Disegnare idee immagini 24 (2002), 62-73. 394. G. D’Angelo, ‘Il manoscritto Gesuitico 972 della Biblioteca nazionale di Roma. Descrizione e trascrizione di un testimone del Catalogus plantarum del Giardino dei semplici del Collegio romano’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Sansepolcro, Aboca Museum 2007, 231-232; 323-337 (Appendice 1). 395. M. Venier, ‘Il catalogo dei libri in uso nella farmacia del Collegio Romano (ca. 1876)’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Sansepolcro, Aboca Museum 2007, 237-240; 347-387 (Appendice 3). 396. A. Zaccardi, ‘Il Giardino dei Semplici al Collegio Romano trasmesso dal manoscritto 153 dell’Archivio della Pontificia Università Gregoriana’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Sansepolcro, Aboca Museum 2007, 233-235; 339-345 (Appendice 2). 397. A. Barzazi, ‘I gesuiti iberici in Italia tra libri e biblioteche’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 337-353. 398. L. Biasiori, ‘Il controllo interno della produzione libraria nella Compagnia di Gesù e la formazione del Collegio dei Revisori generali (1550-1650)’, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia Serie 5, 2/1 (2010), 221-249. 399. B. Majorana, ‘Varios afectos y varias especies sensibles: la predicación de los jesuitas misioneros en las zonas rurales italianas (siglo XVII-XVIII)’, in L. Gentilli & R. Londero, Emocionar escribiendo. Teatralidad y géneros literarios en la España áurea, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, Madrid-Frankfurt am Main, 2011, 217-237. 400. A. Maldavsky, ‘Entre mito y saber: los jesuitas milaneses y las misiones lejanas en el siglo XVII’, in C. de Castelnau L’Estoile Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 483

a.o. (eds.), Missions d’évangélisation et circulation des savoirs XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Madrid, Ediciones de la Casa de Vélazquez, 2011, 41-57. 401. C. Russell, ‘Imagining the “Indies”: Italian Jesuit petitions for the overseas missions at the turn of the seventeenth century’, in M. Donattini a.o. (eds.), L’Europa divisa e i nuovi mondi. Per Adriano Prosperi, vol. II, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2011, 179-189. 402. M. Turrini, ‘I “piccoli” nel collegio dei nobili di Parma (secc. XVII-XVIII)’, Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines 123/2 (2011), 371-379. 403. D. De Lucca, ‘The dissemination of Jesuit military mathematics from the Collegio Romano to Emilia-Romagna region of , 1600-1750’, The Journal of Baroque Studies 1 (2013), 77-99. 404. C.R. Balestreri, ‘La serie dei disegni della Provincia Mediola- nensis Italiae’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 173-189. 405. E. Colombo, ‘“Infidels” at Home. Jesuits and Muslim Slaves in Seventeenth-Century and Spain’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 192-211. 406. K.M. Comerford, ‘Cosimo I dei Medici’s Cooperation with the Jesuits in Creating a Christian Realm in His Expanding State’, in K.M. Comerford a.o. (eds.), Politics, Gender, and Belief. The Long-Term Impact of the Reformation. Essays in Memory of Robert M. Kingdon, Genève, Droz, 2014, 95-118. 407. E. Garofalo, ‘Progetto e revisione. Il modo nostro nelle vicende del collegio dei Gesuiti di Iglesias’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 215- 232. 408. T.J. Gómez León, ‘Bartolomeo Ammannati, arquitecto y benefactor de la primera sede jesuítica en Toscana: San Giovanni Evangelista (1572-1592)’, in M.I. Álvaro Zamora a.o. (eds.), La Compañía de Jesús y las artes. Nuevas perspectivas de investigación, Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014, 191-213 409. G. Nardone, ‘Alcune vicende dell’istituto filosofico “Aloisianum” della Compagnia di Gesú’, Studia Patavina. Rivista della facoltà teologica del Triveneto 61 (2014), 181-207. 410. C. Casalini, ‘Building a Duchy to the Greater Glory of God. The Jesuits and the Farnesian Educational Policy in Parma (1539- 1604)’, Educazione. Giornale di pedagogia critica 4 (2015), 29-48. 484 Paul Begheyn SJ

411. E. Garofalo, ‘New Architectural Models and Building Tradition: A Dialogue in Early Modern Sardinia - The Jesuit Church in Sassari’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration 9 (2015), 143-156. 412. B. Majorana, ‘Lingua e stile nella predicazione dei gesuiti missionari in Italia (XVI-XVIII secolo). Alcune riflessioni’, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 45-1 (2015), 133-151.

Latvia 413. K. Ogle, ‘Jezus biedribas urbana strategija un tas istenosana Latvijas teritorija’ [The urban strategy of the Society of Jesus and its implementation in the territory of Latvia], Materiali Latvijas makslas vesturei 6 (2007), 9-35. 414. R. Kaminska, ‘The fate of the parish church and the Jesuit mission in Indrica’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 123-132. 415. K. Ogle, ‘Contribution of the Society of Jesus to the heritage of architecture of Latvia’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 105-121.

Lithuania 416. I. Katilienė, Diarium Collegii Societatis Iesu: ab anno 1710 ad anni 1723 septembrem exclusive: 1710-1723 metai [The diary of the Vilnius Jesuit college], Vilnius, 2004, 680 p. 417. N. Bulotaité, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Baltos Lankos, 2007, 40 p. 418. S. Narbutas, ‘Praha–Vilnius: jėzuitų poveikis lietuvių kultūros raidaiskiej [Prague-Vilnius. The role of Jesuits in the development of Lithuanian culture]’, Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka (2007-2008) (2011), 52-70. 419. A. Vaškelienė, ‘Pergalės prie Vienos šimtmečio paminėjimas XVIII amžiaus Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės akademinių aktualijų kontekste’ [The commemoration of the centenary of the victory at in the context of the academic realities of the 18th century Grand Duchy of Lithuania], Senoji Lietuvos Literatūra 32 (2011), 181-194. 420. D. Burba, ‘Jėzuitai kaltintojai ir kaltinamieji: 1734-1773 m. Vilniaus pavieto teismų knygų informacija’ [Jesuits: Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 485

prosecutors and the prosecuted. Information on Jesuits contained in the castle court and land court books of the Vilnius powiat in 1734-1773], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 161-176. 421. M. Čiurinskas, ‘Kražių jėzuitų Summariola vitae (Nekrologai, 1665–1732) – Lietuvos provincijos jėzuitų gyvenimo, kasdienybės ir istorijos veidrodis’ [Summariola vitae (obituaries) of the Jesuits of Kražiai (1665-1732) - a historical mirror of everyday life of the Jesuits of the Lithuanian province], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 149-159. 422. R. Danieluk, ‘Lituanica w Rzymskim Archiwum Towarzystwa Jezusowego: możliwe kierunki poszukiwań’ [Lituanica in the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus: possible directions for analysis and research], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 135-148. 423. R. Darowski, ‘The philosophy of the Jesuits in Lithuania from the 16th until the 18th century’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 47-51. 424. L. Grzebień, ‘The circumstances of partition of the Polish province and the origin of the Lithuanian province’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 19-28. 425. M. Inglot, ‘I membri della provincia lituana nella Compagnia di Gesù dopo il 1773’, in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 37-44. 426. N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 306 p. 427. N. Markauskaitė, ‘Šventųjų jėzuitų paveikslai Lietuvos muziejuose’ [Images of Jesuit saints in the museums of 486 Paul Begheyn SJ

Lithuania], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608- 2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608- 2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 89-103. 428. J. Trilupaitienė, ‘XVII a. Lietuvos jėzuitų muzikinės kultūros bruožai’ [Some features of the musical culture of Lithuanian Jesuits in the 17th century], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 53-64. 429. R. Urbaitytė, ‘Lietuvos jėzuitų vaidmuo naujienų perdavimo procese XVIII a.’ [Role of Lithuanian Jesuits in the process of transmitting news in the 18th century], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 219-231. 430. V. Vaitkevičiūtė, ‘Jėzuitai pamokslininkai: tarp įmantrumo ir klasikos’ [Jesuit preachers: between intricacy and classics], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 73-86. 431. L. Venclauskas, ‘Kauno jėzuitų gimnazijos bendruomenės kūrimasis (1924-1944)’ [Formation of the community of the Jesuit (1924-1944)], in N. Markauskaité, (ed.), Jėzuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas [Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): life, work, heritage], Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2012, 273-282.

Luxemburg See nr. 663.

Malta 432. A. Azzopardi, Jesuit Schools in , vol. 3 (1934-1965), Malta, St. Aloysius College, 2006, 365 p. 433. A. Azzopardi, Jesuit Schools in Malta, vol. 4 (1965-2007), Malta, St. Aloysius College, 2008, 472 p.

The Netherlands See also nrs. 280, 539, 540, 620, 765. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 487

434. J. van Gennip, ‘Handelsgeest of ordesgeest?’, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis 14 (2011), 3-4. Regarding “Villefort & Co.” 435. J. Smits, Vademecum van religieuzen en hun kloosters in Noord- Brabant, Alphen aan de Maas, 2011, 940 p. Includes the following Jesuit houses: Helvoirt (478), Oosterhout (621), Ravenstein (673), Grave (859-860) and Vught (879-880). 436. A. van der Stoep, In het voetspoor van monniken. Het kerkelijk reilen en zeilen op Schiermonnikoog door de eeuwen heen, Schiermonnikoog, Uitgeverij ‘t Heer en Feer, 2011, 346 p. On Jesuits, see pp. 215-218. 437. P. Begheyn, ‘The Jesuits in the Netherlands during the generalate of Diego Laínez’, in P. Oberholzer (ed.), Diego Laínez (1512-1565) and his Generalate. Jesuit with Jewish roots, close confidant of Ignatius of Loyola, preeminent Theologian of the council of Trent, Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2015, 279-288. 438. J. van Gennip, ‘Studeren op andermans kosten. De studiefondsen van de Nederlandse Provincie der jezuïeten, ca. 1852-1965’, Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 83 (december 2015), 15-24. 439. M. van Gestel & M. Noij, ‘Het Berchmanianum als broedplaats van de zuivere Ariër’, Vox 16/4 (2015), 28-32.

Poland See also nrs. 44, 424, 513, 814.

440. J. Trypucko, The Catalogue of the Book collection of the Jesuit College in Braniewo held in the University Library in Uppsala, 3 vols., eds. M. Spandowski & S. Szyller, Warszawa / Uppsala, Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek / Biblioteka Narodowa, 2007. 441. R. Danieluk, ‘Obecność jezuitów na Świętojańskiej w dokumentach Rzymskiego Archiwum Towarzystwa Jezusowego’ [The presence of Jesuits in Świętojańska Street in the documentation of Archivum Romanum Societatis Jesu], Studia Bobolanum 3 (2010), 89-98. 442. H. Grabowska, ‘Szwedzi a Polska, czyli o rodzimych księgozbiorach w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Uppsali’ [Books of former Polish Jesuit colleges in Braniewo, Frombork and Poznan, now in Uppsala university], Biblioteka 14 (2010), 109-118. 443. L. Grzebień, ‘Znaczenie jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej na 488 Paul Begheyn SJ

przełomie XVI i XVII w.’ [The significance of Jesuits in the Polish Commonwealth in the 16th and 17th Century], Studia Bobolanum 3 (2010), 37-54. 444. J. Beyer, ‘En luthersk pràstson som jesuiteleve i Braunsberg (1639-1641): Lars Andersen från Othem på Gotland’, Arv och Minne. Medlemsblad 34 (Januari 2011), 24-26. 445. J. Łukaszewska-Haberkowa (intr. and ed.), “Examina novitiorum” (Egzaminy nowicjuszów) jezuitów z Braniewa z lat 1569-1574 [“Examina novitiorum” (Jesuits entrance examinations) taken in Braniewo between 1569 and 1574], Kraków, Akademia Ignatianum - Wydawnictwo WAM, 2012, 240 p. 446. A. Mariani, ‘Rola Jezuitów w pogrzebach szlachty Polsko- Litewskiej w XVIII wieku. Między reżyserowaniem pompa funebris a wysławianiem nieboszczyka’, Nasza Przeszłość 119 (2013),177-196. 447. A.P. Bieś, ‘Periodyzacja obecności Towarzystwa Jezusowego na ziemiach polskich. Struktury organizacyjne oraz edukacyjno- oświatowe i pastoralne formy aktywności, część 1’ [The periodization of the presence of the Society of Jesus on Polish territory. Organisational structures as well as educational and pastoral forms of activity, part 1], Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana 17 (2014), 57-87. 448. L. Grzebień, ‘Jezuicki ośrodek badań historycznych w Krakowie’ [The Jesuit Historical Research Centre in Krakow], Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana 17 (2014), 35-56. 449. M. Kośka, ‘Sumariusz wpisów dotyczących majątku pojezuickiego z protokołów posiedzeń Rady Administracyjnej Królestwa Polskiego w latach 1815-1830’ [Summarium of entries concerning the former Jesuit property from the minutes of the Administrative Council of the Kingdom of Poland meetings in 1815–1830], Hereditas Monasteriorum 4 (2014), 331-350. 450. W. Kubik, ‘Początki i rozwój Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie’ [The beginnings and development of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow], Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana 17 (2014), 15-34. 451. K. Wiśniewski, ‘Kościół św. św. Piotra i Pawła Apostołów oraz inne zabudowania jezuickie i benedyktyńskie w Pułtusku (inwentarze z lat 1781–1882 oraz dokumentacja fotograficzna) [The Church of SS. Apostles Peter and Paul and other Jesuit and Benedictine buildings in Pułtusk (inventories from 1781-1882 and photographic documentation], Hereditas Monasteriorum 5 (2014), 107-161. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 489

452. R. Butterwick-Pawlikowski, ‘Before and after suppression. Jesuits and former Jesuits in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, c.1750-1795’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 51-66.

Portugal See also nr. 295.

453. E. Giménez López, ‘Portugal y España ante la extinción de los jesuitas’, in M. Tietz (ed.), Los jesuitas españoles expulsos. Su imagen y su contribución al saber sobre el mundo hispánico en la Europa del siglo XVIII, Madrid / Frankfurt a.M., Iberoamericana- Vervuert, 2001, 337-358. 454. F. Palomo, ‘“Homens enviados de céu”. Les “formes de présentation” des missionaires de l’intérieur (Portugal, XVIe- XVIIe siècles)’, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 287-306. 455. C. Stuczinski, ‘Le Portugal, les missions et les Juifs pendant la Contre-Réforme: un cas atypique?’, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 341-359. 456. M.A. S. de Carvalho, ‘O lugar do homem no cosmos ou o lugar do cosmos no homem? O tema da perfeição do universo antes do paradigma do mundo aberto, segundo o comentário dos jesuítas conimbricenses’, Veritas 54.3 (2009), 142-155. 457. ‘Expulsão - Os Jesuítas e a República em 1910’, Brotéria 171 (2010), 109-125. 458. J.A. R. de Carvalho, ‘Os jesuítas nas vésperas da I República: o “Novo Mensageiro do Coração de Jesus” (1881-1910)’, in H. Barreto Nunes & J. Viriato Capela, O mundo continuará a girar. Prémio Victor de Sá de História Contemporânea, 20 anos (1992-2011), Braga, Conselho Cultural da Universidade do Minho etc., 2011, 217-229. 459. N. Dias a.o., ‘Influência dos Jesuítas no ensino em Portugal’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian, Real Sociedad Bascongada de Los Amigos del País, 2012, 337-350. 460. J. E. Franco, M. I. Morán Cabanas, Empreendedorismo educativo dos Jesuítas no Portugal moderno: polémicas e imagens, Coimbra, Grácio, 2012, 146 p. 490 Paul Begheyn SJ

461. C. Jiménez Artacho a.o., ‘La presencia española en la revista Brotéria durante el primer tercio del siglo XX’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian, Real Sociedad Bascongada de Los Amigos del País, 2012, 351-367. 462. M. Realdi, ‘El tortuoso camino a la astrofísica de alta montaña. La construcción de un observatorio de los jesuitas en Sierra Nevada, 1965-1969’, in N. Herran & X. Roqué, La física en la dictadura. Físicos, cultura y poder en España 1939-1975, Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013, 259-275. 463. B. Vivanco Díaz, ‘La expulsión de los jesuitas de Portugal en la “era pombalina’, Arbor. Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura 190 (2014), 13 p. 464. H. Leitão & F. Malta Romeiras, ‘The role of science in the history of Portuguese anti-Jesuitism’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 77-99. 465. F. M. Romeiras, Ciência, prestígio e devoção: Os Jesuítas e a ciência em Portugal (séculos XIX e XX), Cascais, Lucerna, 2015, 304 p.

Romania 466. L. Stanciu, ‘Trnava – spaţiu formativ al elitei române ardelene în secolul al XVIII-lea’ [Trnava (Nagyszombat) – The formative space of the Romanian intellectual elite in the XVIIIth century], Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica 13 (2009), 101- 112. 467. V. Rus, ‘Missio Dacica între toleranţă şi intoleranţă religioasă’ [Missio Dacica from tolerance to religious intolerance], Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica 15 (2011), 7-26. 468. D. Andersson, ‘On borrowed time: Internationalism and its discontents in a late sixteenth-century university library’ [of the Báthory Jesuit college in Transylvania], Journal of Early Modern Studies 1 (2012), 9-20. 469. I.A. Pop, Cultural diffusion and religious reformation in sixteenth- century Transylvania: How the Jesuits dealt with the Orthodox and Catholic ideas, Lewiston NY, Edwin Mellen Press, 2014, 232 p.

Russia See also nrs. 240, 663, 672.

470. G. Afinogenov, ‘Jesuit conspirators and Russia’s East Asian fur trade, 1791–1807’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 56–76. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 491

471. N.A. Chrissidis, An academy at the Court of the Tsars. Greek scholars and Jesuit education in Early Modern Russia, DeKalb IL, Northern Illinois University, 2015, 384 p. 472. M. Inglot, ‘The Society of Jesus in the Russian Empire (1772- 1820) and the restoration of the Order’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 67-82.

Slovakia 473. L. Csontos, ‘The and the Slovak Jesuits’, Studia Bobolanum 4 (2013), 5-17. 474. M. Varšo, ‘Jezuitské divadlo v spišskej kapitule. Divadelné drámy z polovice 17. storočia’, Slovenské divadlo [Slovak Theatre] 62 (2014), 188-202. 475. J. Haľko & L.Rojka, Dejiny jezuitov v Bratislave do roku 1773, Trnava, Vydavateľstvo Dobrá kniha, 2015, 192 p.

Slovenia 476. L. Kovačič, ‘Pouk matematike pri jezuitih in ’ [The teaching of mathematics in the Jesuit school and Jurij Vega], in T. Pisanski (ed.), Jurij baron Vega in njegov čas. Zbornik ob 250-letnici rojstva, , DMFA – Založništvo / Arhiv Republike Slovenije, 2006, 57-75.

Spain See also nrs. 17, 78, 295, 405, 453, 677, 719, 934. 477. C.C. Noel, ‘Cleric and crown in Bourbon Spain, 1700-1808. Jesuits, Jansenists and enlightened reformers’, in J.E. Bradley & D.K. Van Kley, Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe, Notre Dame IN, Notre Dame Press, 2001, 119-153. 478. F. Delgado (ed.), Facsimile of Luz, y guia de caminantes jesuitas, por su provincia de Andalucia, de la Compañia de Jesus, en una exacta, y curiosa tabla [etc.], Sevilla, Geronymo de Castilla, 1755, Córdoba, Ediciones Edisur, 2002, 33 p. 479. D.M. Navarro Catalán, ‘Introducción a la Arquitectura Jesuítica: La Provincia de Aragón’, Anals de la Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana 77 (2002), 137-157. 480. F.L. Rico Callado, ‘Espectáculo y religión en la España del Barroco; las misiones interiores’, Chronica nova 29 (2002), 315- 339.481. M.L. Copete & B. Vincent, ‘Missions en Bétique: pour une typologie des “missions intérieures”, in P.A. Fabre & V. 492 Paul Begheyn SJ

Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 261-285. 481. M.L. Copete & B. Vincent, ‘Missions en Bétique: pour une typologie des “missions intérieures”, in P.A. Fabre & V. Bernard (eds.), Missions religieuses modernes. ‘Notre lieu est le monde’, Rome, École française de Rome, 2007, 261-285. 482. C. López Pego, ‘Las tesis de Alcalá (1601-1603). Tres doctores de Alcalá y cuatro jesuitas comparten juntos una cárcel de la Inquisición’, Anales Complutenses 19 (2007), 233-258. 483. D. MacCullouch, ‘Cross-currents in Spain and Italy: Valdesians and Jesuits (1500-1540)’, in his A history of Christianity. The first three thousand years, London, Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2009, 655-662. 484. E.J. Alonso Romo, ‘La Compañía de Jesús en la vida y obra de Juan Bautista de la Concepción’, Trinitarium. Revista de Historia y Espiritualidad Trinitaria 19 (2010), 109-144. 485. R. García Cárcel, ‘Los jesuitas y la memoria histórica’, in J.L. Betrán Moya (ed.), La Compañía de Jesús y su proyección mediática en el mundo hispánico durante la Edad Moderna, Madrid, Sílex, 2010, 15-22. 486. E. Serrano Martín, ‘Annus mirabilis. Fiestas en el mundo por la canonización de los jesuitas Ignacio y Francisco Javier en 1622’, in J.L. Betrán (ed.), La Compañía de Jesús y su proyección mediática en el mundo hispánico durante la Edad Moderna, Madrid, Sílex, 2010, 297-343. 487. A. Verdoy, ‘La confederación nacional española de las Congregaciones Marianas o la movilización de la juventud de la Virgen (1919-1923)’, Estudíos eclesíástícos 85 (2010), 547-573. 488. N. Mendoza Maeztu, ‘Hermanos coadjutores albañiles y arquitectos. Tres casos para la historia constructiva del Colegio de la Compañía de Jesús de Zaragoza’, Artigrama 27 (2012), 439-456. 489. C. López Pego, ‘La vida intramuros en el Colegio Complutense de los jesuitas entre 1543 y 1633’, Anales Complutenses 25 (2013), 87-120. 490. L. Manrique Merino & W. Soto Artuñedo, ‘Una sátira de los jesuitas desterrados en 1767: “diálogo famoso”’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 76 (2013), 5-189. 491. N. Soriano Muñoz, ‘Tiempo de memoria, olvido y manipulación. Los jesuitas españoles expulsos y la vindicación de la conquista de Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 493

América’, Manuscrits. Revista d’història moderna 31 (2013), 137-162. 492. W. Soto Artuñedo, ‘La Compañía de Jesús en Andalucía y Canarias. La Provincia Bética’, Proyección. Teología y mundo actual 254 (2014), 241-276. 493. M. Cabada Castro, Crónica de un encuentro-desencuentro cultural: análisis antropológico de las misiones populares jesuíticas en Galicia, Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2015, 205 p. 494. I. Fernández Arrillaga & N. Guasti, ‘The exiled Spanish Jesuits and the restoration of the Society of Jesus’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 178-196.

Sweden See nrs. 440, 442.

Ukraine 495. I.O. Ciborowska-Rymarowicz, ‘Druki medyczne i botaniczne w księgozbiorze kolegium Jezuitów w Ostrogu’ [Medical and botanic books in the collection of the Ostroh Jesuit college], Hereditas Monasteriorum 4 (2014), 161-171.

United Kindom See also nrs. 76, 622.

497. J.E. Kelly, ‘Introduction: Panic, plots and polemic. The Jesuit and the Early Modern English mission’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 511-519. 498. L. Mcclain, ‘On a mission: Priests, Jesuits, “Jesuitresses,” and Catholic missionary efforts in Tudor-Stuart England’, The Catholic Historical Review 101 (2015), 437-462. 499. T.M. McCoog, ‘“Est et non est”. Jesuit corporate survival in England after the suppression’, in R.A. Maryks & J. Wright (eds.), Jesuit survival and restoration. A global history, 1773-1900, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 162-177. 500. A. Walsham, ‘The Pope’s merchandise and the Jesuits’ trumpery: Catholic relics and Protestant polemic in post- Reformation England’, in J. Spinks & D. Eichberger (eds.), Religion, the Supernatural and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 370-409.

494 Paul Begheyn SJ


Australia 501. K. Cronin, Missioned in Company: Jesuit co-missionary spirit and activities, / New Zealand. A golden jubilee overview, 1951- 2001, Ranchi, Catholic Press, 2003, 207 p.

Mariana Islands See also nr. 242.

502. A. Coello de la Rosa, ‘Luces y sombras: la efímera congregación de Nuestra Señora de la Luz en las islas Marianas (1758-1776)’, in A. Coello a.o. (eds.), Jesuitas en imperios de ultramar. Siglos XVI-XX, Madrid, Silex, 2012, 223-255.

New Caledonia See nr. 792.

New Zealand See nr. 501.


Acosta, José de (1540-1600) See also nrs. 817, 925.

503. C. Ando a.o., ‘Ancient authorities intertwined. Natural philosophy, history, and theology in the writings of José de Acosta, S.J. (1540- 1600)’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 1-35.

Aguilar, Joseph de (1652-1708) 504. G.C. Flórez Dávila, ‘“Todos morimos y nos deslizamos como el agua”: La muerte en los Sermones Morales de Joseph de Aguilar en el Virreinato del Perú. (1652-1708)’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 2 (2014), 65-84.

Alegre, Francisco Javier (1729-1788) 505. A. Mayer, ‘Modernidad y tradición, ciencia y teología: Francisco Javier Alegre y las “Institutionum theologicarum”’, Estudios de historia Novohispana 47 (2012), 93-126. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 495

Aleni, Giulio (1582-1649) 506. J. Marx, ‘Sinisation du christianisme et théologie de l’adaptation dans l’apologétique de Giulio Aleni (1582-1649)’, in N. Brucker (ed.), Apologétique 1650-1802. La nature et la grâce, Bern, Peter Lang, 2010, 167-200.

Anchieta, José de (1534-1597) 507. E. A. V. de Oliveira, ‘Notas acerca de José de Anchieta, dramaturgo de Espírito Santo y de Brasil’, in M. Zugasti a.o. (eds.), El teatro barroco: textos y contextos, Vitória, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014, 79-98. 508. J. Corréa Monteiro, ‘O Padre José de Anchieta e ação evangelizadora da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil: linguagem, catequização e conversão na primeira missão brasileira’, Brotéria 181 (2015), 71-93.

Arrupe, Pedro (1907-1991) 509. D. Mollá Llácer (ed.), Pedro Arrupe, Carisma de Ignacio, Bilbao, Mensajero / Santander, Sal Terrae / Madrid, Universidad P. Comillas, 2015, 320 p.

Assmuth, Josef (1871-1954) 510. W. Kuhne, ‘Joseph Assmuth, Theologe und Biologe’, Jahrbuch Hochsauerlandkreis 2015 (2014), 45-50. 511. W. Kuhne, ‘Der „Ameisenpater“ Josef Aßmuth: Geprägt von der Väter Heimat’, De Fitterkiste. Geschichtliches aus Winterberg und seinen Dörfern 23 (2014), 75-83.

Azevedo, Manuel de (1713-1796) 512. D. Antonucci, ‘The “Eastern Tartars” in Jesuit sources: News from visitor Manuel de Azevedo’, Central Asiatic Journal 58 (2015), 117-132.

Badeni, Jan (1858-1899) 513. A.P. Bieś, Jan Badeni SJ (1858-1899). U początków ruchu społecznego katolików w Galicji [J.B. Beginnings of the Catholic social movement in Austrian Galicia], Kraków, Wydawnictwo WAM-Akademia Ignatianum, 2012, 393 p.

Balde, Jakob (1604-1668) 514. P. Weiß & A. Winkler, ‘“Poeta[e], & pictores, multâ similitudine 496 Paul Begheyn SJ

necti”. Joachim von Sandrart und Jacobus Balde’, in A. Schreurs-Morêt a.o. (eds.), Die Künstler der Teutschen Academie von Joachim von Sandrart: Aus aller Herren Länder, Turnhout, Brepols, 2015, 407-413.

Balthasar, Hans Urs von (1905-1988), Jesuit until 1950. See also nr. 829.

515. A. Štrukelj, ‘Krisztusban élt élet. Hans Urs von Balthasar teológiájának eleven középpontja: a keresztény életállapotok’, Vigilia 70 (2005), 457-466. 516. C.I. Avenatti da Palumbo, ‘La experiencia mística como corazón de la estética teológica de Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Teoliterária 3 (2013), 10-23. 517. D.S. Long, Saving Karl Barth: Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s preoccupation, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2014, 304 p. 518. M.L. Yenson, Existence as prayer. The consciousness of Christ in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, New York [etc.], Lang, 2014, 231 p. 519. M. Bieler, ‘God and the cross: The doctrine of God in the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Communio. International Catholic Review 42 (2015), 61-88. 520. J.R. Brotherton, ‘God’s relation to evil: Maritain and Balthasar on divine impassibility’, The Irish Theological Quarterly 80 (2015), 191-211. 521. J.R. Brotherton, ‘Damnation and Trinity in Ratzinger and Balthasar’, Logos. A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 18 (2015), 123-150. 522. J.R. Brotherton, ‘Presuppositions of Balthasar’s universalist hope and Maritain’s alternative eschatological proposal’, Theological Studies 76 (2015), 718-741. 523. A. Carpenter, Theo-poetics: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the risk of art and being, Notre Dame IN, Press, 2015, 250 p. 524. P. Casarella, ‘Unforgetting an unlikely bond: Barth, Balthasar, and the future of ecumenism’, Pro Ecclesia 24 (2015), 134-140. 525. J.M. Ciraulo, ‘Sacramentally regulated eschatology in Hans Urs von Balthasar and Pope Benedict XVI’, Pro Ecclesia 24 (2015), 216- 234. 526. J.A. Fout, ‘Hans Urs von Balthasar on the glory of God’, in his Fully Alive. The Glory of God and the Human Creature in Karl Barth, Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 497

Hans Urs von Balthasar and Theological Exegesis of Scripture, London etc., Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015, 105-143. 527. R. Gawronski, Word and silence. Hans Urs von Balthasar and the spiritual encounter between East and West, Oxford, Second Spring, 32015, 384 p. 528. V. Holzer, ‘L’unité de la christologie. La contribution du théologien Hans Urs von Balthasar à la résolution de la “diastase” entre «Historie» et «Geschichte»’, Revue théologique de Louvain 46 (2015), 204-224. 529. K. Leamy, The Holy Trinity: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and his sources, Eugene OR, Pickwick Publications, 2015, 180 p. 530. W. Löser, ‘Gehorsam bis zum Tod: Die Theologie der Kenosis im Denken Hans Urs von Balthasars’, Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio 44 (2015), 245-257. 531. W. Löser, Geschenkte Wahrheit: Annäherungen an das Werk Hans Urs von Balthasars, Würzburg, Echter, 2015, 350 p. 532. J.N. Martin, ‘The “whence” and “whither” of Balthasar’s gendered theology: Rehabilitating kenosis for feminist theology’, Modern Theology 31 (2015), 211-234. 533. J.N. Martin, Hans Urs von Balthasar and the critical appropriation of Russian religious thought, Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2015, 320 p. 534. K. Oakes, ‘Von Balthasar on Barth: a few lingering doubts’, Pro Ecclesia 24 (2015), 148-153. 535. M. Secomb, ‘Responding to the call of God. How mission makes the person for Hans Urs von Balthasar’, The Way 54/3 (2015), 79- 92. 536. A. Štrukelj, ‘Leven in Christus. Christelijke levensstaten centraal in de theologie van Hans Urs von Balthasar’, Communio Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift 40 (2015), 260-272.

Bea, Augustin (1881-1968) 537. S. Marotta, ‘La genesi di un ecumenista: la corrispondenza fra Augustin Bea e il vescovo di Paderborn Lorenz Jaeger (1951- 1960)’, in L. Ferracci (ed.), Toward a History of the Desire for Christian Unity. Preliminary Research Papers, Zürich, Lit Verlag, 2015, 159-191. 538. J. Wicks, ‘Augustin Cardinal Bea, SJ: Biblical and ecumenical conscience of Vatican II’, in M. Faggioli, The Legacy of Vatican II, New York, Paulist Press, 2015, 185-202. 498 Paul Begheyn SJ

Beckers, Adam (1744-1806) 539. P. Begheyn, ‘Adam Beckers (1744-1806), (Ex-)Jesuit in Amsterdam, and the Society of Jesus from Suppression to Restoration’, in J.D. Burson & J. Wright (eds.), The Jesuit suppression in global context. Causes, events, and consequences, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 216-228. 540. P. Begheyn, ‘Adam Beckers (1744-1806), (ex-)Jesuit in Amsterdam, and the Restoration of the Society of Jesus’, in Tradice Východu a Západu v dialogu. Interkulturní a ekumenický dialog I (2015), 210-217.

Bellarmino, Roberto (1542-1621) 541. A. Giostra, ‘La lettera di Bellarmino a Foscarini 400 anni dopo’, Alpha Omega 18-2 (2015), 253-264.

Bergoglio, Jorge Mario (1936- ) 542. R. de Almeida, ‘A visita de Franciso e a abertura do compasso’, Estudos de Religião 27 (2013), 297-303. 543. J. Bergoglio & A. Skorka, Papst Franziskus: Über Himmel und Erde. Jorge Bergoglio im Gespräch mit dem Rabbiner Abraham Skorka, München, Riemann Verlag, 2013, 256 p. 544. A. Englisch, Franziskus Zeichen der Hoffnung. Vom Erbe Benedikts XVI. zur Revolution im Vatikan, Gütersloh, C. Bertelsmann, 2013, 429 p. 545. F. Mallimaci, ‘El catolicismo argentino de Bergoglio y el papado de Francisco: Una primera aproximación desde la Argentina’, Sociedad y religión 23 (2013), 211-244. 546. F. Mallimaci, ‘Crisis del catolicismo y un nuevo papado: Bergoglio antes de ser Francisco y el sueño del papa proprio en Argentina’, Estudos de Religião 27.2 (2013), 270-296. 547. E.M. Merz & M. Schwabeneder, Franziskus. Vom Einwanderkind zum Papst, Wien [etc.], Styria, 2013, 239 p. 548. M.H. de Oliveira Nicolini, ‘Francisco, o Papa Latino-Americano: carisma, simpatia e pragmatismo nos limites das periferias da existência’, Estudos de Religião 27.2 (2013), 214-248. 549. V. Pace, ‘Habemus Papam. Jorge Mario Bergoglio frente à crise sistêmica da Igreja una, santa, católica e romana’, Estudos de Religião 27.2 (2013), 140-158. 550. R. Pampnet Rodrigues, ‘Cristianismo profético: esperança e utopia em Helder Camara, Henri Desroche e na JMJ do Papa Francisco no Brasil’, Estudos de Religião 27.2 (2013), 249-269. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 499

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Gagarine, Ivan (1814-1882) 671. M. Chemelewsky (ed.), Prince Ivan S. Gagarine: Journal 1833- 1842, Paris, DDB, 2010, 334 p. 672. M. Chemelewsky a.o., L’affaire Gagarine. La conversion du prince Gagarine au catholicisme: un drame familial, politique et religieux dans la Russie du XIXe siècle, Roma, IHSI, 2014, 367 p. 673. R. Danieluk & B. Joassart, Au service de la réconciliation des Eglises. Jean Gagarin, Jean Martynov et Victor De Buck. Correspondance. Présentation, édition et commentaire, Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes, 2014, 1320 p. Garasse, François (1585-1631) 674. B. Dupas, ‘Autour du Père Garasse, 1623-1626: l’invention collective d’un auteur unique’, in I. Moreau & G. Holtz (eds.), 510 Paul Begheyn SJ

Parler librement: La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle, Lyon, ENS Éditions, 2005, 47-61.

Geisthövel, Conrad (1590-1625) 675. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Katholische Reform in Ahlen und anderswo: P. Conrad Geisthövel und der Einsatz von Jesuiten’, Jahrbuch des Kreises Warendorf 64 (2015), 23-27.

Giannettasio, Nicolò Partenio (1648-1715) 676. C. Schindler, ‘Wissen ist Macht! Nicolò Partenio Giannettasio (1648-1715) und die neulateinische Gelehrtenkultur der Jesuiten in Neapel’, Scientia Poetica. Jahrbuch für Geschichte der Literatur und Wissenschaften / Yearbook for the History of Literature, Humanities and Sciences 18 (2014), 28-59.

Gil i Estalella, Pere (1551-1622) 677. R. Galdeano Carretero, Historiografia, erudició, identitat: sobre l’autoria de l’”Epítome de la genealogia dels comtes de Barcelona” (c. 1588/1589)’, Manuscrits. Revista d’Història Moderna 32 (2014), 153-178.

Ginneken, Jacques van (1877-1945) 678. G. van der Stroom, ‘Jac. van Ginneken en ‘de Leidsche kringen’ in 1941. Archivalisch addendum’, in S. Lestrade a.o. (red.), Addenda. Artikelen voor Ad Foolen, Nijmegen, Radboud Universiteit, 2015, 415-424.

Girard, Jean-Baptiste (1680-1733) 679. M. Choudhury, ‘Genre, religion et histoire de la culture politique et de la vie privée en France: le procès Girard-Cadière’, in S. Mostacchio a.o. (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre. Femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien dans le long XIXe siècle, Louvain- la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014, 27-45.

Gonzaga, Luigi (1568-1591) 680. O. Logan, ‘San Luigi Gonzaga: Princeling-Jesuit and model for catholic youth’, in P. Clarke & T. Claydon (eds.), Saints and Sanctity, Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2011, 248-257.

González de Santa Cruz, Roque (1576-1628) 681. P.R. M. de Oliveira, ‘O “martírio” e o processo de canonização Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 511

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González Faus, José Ignacio (1933- ) 682. P. Leiva Béjar, ‘Dios, única esperanza verdadera para una historia crucificada: la pasión de Cristo y el rostro de Dios en la teología de José Ignacio González Faus’, Proyección: Teología y Mundo Actual 62, n. 257 (2015), 153-174.

Gracián, Baltasar (1601-1658) 683. A. Egido, La búsqueda de la inmortalidad en las obras de Baltasar Gracián, Madrid, Real Academia Española, 2014, 358 p.

Grande, Rutilio (1928-1977) 684. J.M. Tojeira, ‘Il martirio di Rutilio Grande’, La Civiltà Cattolica 166, 3958 (2015), 393-406.

Gretser, Jakob (1562-1625) 685. B. Roling, ‘Der Engel als Spielfigur in den Dramen der Jesuiten Jakob Gretser (1562-1625), Jakob Bidermann (1578-1639) und Georg Bernardt (1595-1660), in C. Meier a.o. (eds.), Akteure und Aktion. Figuren und Handlungstypen im Drama der Frühen Neuzeit, Münster, Rhema Verlag, 2008, 233-267.

Grimaldi, Claudio Filippo (1639-1712) 686. Z. Xianqing, ‘Claudio Filippo Grimaldi S.J. and his role in the Rites controversy’, in Xiao lishi: Ming Qing zhi ji de Zhong Xi wenhua xiangyu, Beijing, Shangwu, 2015, 122-138.

Gruber, Gabrijel (1740-1805) 687. S. Južnič, ‘Gruber’s Karst Research - Gruberjevo raziskovanje krasa’[Gruber’s speleological and karstological research in Carniola], Acta Carsologica 33 (2004), 277-298. 688. S. Južnič, From Francesco Robba through Gabrijel Gruber to Bruno Urh. The fountain of the three, Ljubljana, Nacionalni inštitut za arhitekturo, 2012, 42 p.

Guldin, Paulus (1577-1643) 689. D. Gronau, ‘Paulus Guldin, 1577-1643, Jesuit und Mathematiker’, in F. Pichler & M. von Renteln (eds.), Kosmisches Wissen von Peuerbach bis Laplace - Astronomie, Mathematik, Physik, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 2009, 101-120. 512 Paul Begheyn SJ

Gumppenberg, Wilhelm von (1609-1675) 690. R. Dekoninck, ‘Une science expérimentale des images mariales. La “Peritia” de l’ “Atlas Marianus” de Wilhelm Gumppenberg’, Revue de l’histoire des religions 232 (2015), 135-154.

Gusmão, Alexandre de (1629-1724) 691. M. Massimi, ‘“Quomodo legis?” A leitura à luz do método inaciano na novela do jesuíta Alexandre de Gusmão: “História do Predestinado Peregrino e de seu irmão Precito” (1682)’, História, Histórias. Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em História UNb 2.4 (2015), 23-43.

Haight, Roger (1936- ) 692. M.C. Astorga, ‘Constructive Christology in Roger Haight’s Jesus, Symbol of God: A continuing critical Christological discourse’, Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 4 (2000), 187-219.

Hardouin, Jean (1646-1729) 693. A. Paschoud, ‘L’érudition au péril de la foi: l’oeuvre apologétique de Jean Hardouin (s.j)’, in N. Brucker (ed.), Apologétique 1650- 1802. La nature et la grâce, Bern, Peter Lang, 2010, 201-215.

Hasselbauer, Franz (1677-1756) 694. P. Maciejko, ‘The Rabbi and the Jesuit: On Rabbi Jonathan Eibeschuetz and Father Franciscus Hasselbauer editing the Talmud’, Jewish Social Studies 20 (2014), 147-184.

Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo (1735-1809) 695. B. Fraser, ‘Spain, 1795: Reconsidering Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro (1735-1809) and the visual language of the deaf’, Dieciocho: Hispanic enlightenment 33 (2010), 259-278. 696. N. Hernán Perrone, ‘Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro SJ (1735-1809) y su posición ilustrada sobre la astrología’, IHS. Antiguos jesuitas en Iberoamérica 3 (2015), 4-21.

Heugten, Jan van (1890-1963) 697. F. Kurris, ‘Jan van Heugten SJ, vernieuwer van de literatuurkritiek. Het tijdschrift Boekenschouw tussen 1929 en 1941’, Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 82 (juni 2015), 33-44. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 513

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889) 698. D. Sobolev, ‘Hopkins’ rhetoric: between the material and the transcendent’, Language and Literature 12 (2003), 99-115. 699. J. King, ‘Hopkins’ affective rhythm: Grace and intention in tension’, Victorian Poetry 45 (2007), 209-237. 700. J. Llewelyn, Gerard Manley Hopkins and the spell of John Duns Scotus, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2015, 200 p. 701. P. Mariani, ‘The mystery and the majesty of it: Jesuit spirituality in the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins’, Studies in the Spirituality of the Jesuits 47/2 (2015), 32 p. 702. E.F. Marshall, ‘Hopkins’s sermons and “Felix Randal”. Responses to hardship in his urban parishes’, Religion and the Arts 19 (2015), 320-338.

Intorcetta, Prospero (1625-1696) 703. L.M. Paternicò, ‘Prospero Intorcetta e il Confucius Sinarum philosophus’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 109-122. 704. S. Benedetti, ‘Sapientia sinica (1662): sulla prima traduzione a stampa dei Dialoghi confuciani ad opera di Prospero Intorcetta’, Atti e Memorie dell’Arcadia 3 (2014), 167-208. 705. C. Ferrara, ‘Prospero Intorcetta traduce Confucio’, in G. Tamburello, Gesuiti siciliani del ‘600 nel celeste impero. Relazioni di lunga data tra Sicilia e Cina. Atti del Convegno (Palermo, 27 dicembre 2013), Nardò, Besa Editrice, 2015, 11-36.

Jeune, Paul Le (1592-1664) 706. D. Deslandres, ‘Paul Le Jeune (1592-1664)’, in D.O. Hurel & M.C. Pitassi (eds.), La théologie. Une anthologie. Tome IV: Les Temps modernes, Paris, Cerf, 2013, 144-151.

Jin Luxian, Aloysius (1916-2013) 707. The Memoirs of Jin Luxian: Volume One: Learning and Relearning 1916-1982, Hong Kong, University Press, 2012, 296 p.

Judge, William Henry (1850-1899) 708. D.A. Kingma, ‘Calling them to their duties: William Henry Judge, S.J., American missionary to the Canadian North’, Historical Studies 80 (2014), 43-62. 514 Paul Begheyn SJ

Kappus, Marcus Antonius (1657-1717) 709. J. Stanonik, ‘Marcus Antonius Kappus: a reevaluation’, Acta Neophilologica 40 (2007),61-74.

Kino, Eusebio (1645-1711) See also nr. 763.

710. G. Gómez Padilla, ‘Historia e importancia de un proyecto sobre Eusebio Francisco Kino S. J.’, Espiral. Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad 20 (2013), 215-235. 711. G. Gómez Padilla, ‘Kino en Europa y en la ciudad de México (1661-1681)’, Desacatos. Revista de Antropología Social n. 48 (2015), 108-121.

Kircher, Athanasius (1601-1680) 712. J. Godwin, Athanasius Kircher: le théâtre du monde, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 2009, 302 p. 713. I. Lelková, ‘Poslední polyhistor? Přehled literatury k životu a dílu Athanasia Kirchera’ [The last polymath? An overview of the literature on the life and work of Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680)], Studia Comeniana et historica 83-84 (2010), 46-68. 714. A. Bähr, ‘Die Waffen des Athanasius Kircher SJ (1602-1680). Prolegomena zu einer biographischen Enzyklopädie’, Saeculum Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 65 (2015), 135-176. 715. J. Glomski, ‘Religion, the cosmos, and Counter-Reformation Latin: Athanasius Kircher’s “Itinerarium exstaticum” (1656)’, in C. Bianca a.o. (eds.), Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Monasteriensis. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Münster 2012), Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 227-236.

Koniáš, Antonín (1691-1760) 716. K. Bobková-Valentová a.o. (eds.), Krátké věčného spasení upamatování k životu a době jezuity Antonína Koniáše, Praha, Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, 2013, 193 p.

Kozłowiecki, Adam (1911-2007) 717. S. Cieślak, ‘Kardynał Adam Kozłowiecki SJ (1911–2007) i papież św. Jan Paweł II (1920–2005)’ [Cardinal Adam Kozłowiecki SJ and Pope Saint John Paul II], Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana 17 (2015), 89-103. 718. A. Kozłowiecki, Not und Bedrängnis: Als Jesuit in Auschwitz und Dachau. Lagertagebuch, Regensburg, Pustet, 2015, 700 p. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 515

Kresa, Jakub (1648-1715) 719. P. Štěpánek, ‘El jesuita moravo Jakub Kresa, maestro de Antonio Palomino, entre Madrid, Cádiz y Zaragoza’, Ibero- Americana Pragensia XLIII 2009 (2012), 163-168.

Kunić, Rajmund (1719-1794) 720. I. Bratičević, ‘ Novi prilozi za životopis Rajmunda Kunića’ [New contributions to Rajmund Kunić’s biography], Povijesni prilozi 43 (2013), 193-215.

Kurris, Ruud (1929-2011) 721. R. Kurris, Terugblik vanaf de zijlijn. Zestig jaar missionaris in Indonesia. Bezorgd door Paul Begheyn, Nijmegen, Valkhof Pers, 2015, 300 p.

Laboon, Jake (1921-1988) 722. R. Gribble, Navy Priest: the Life of Captain Jake Laboon, SJ, Washington DC, CUA Press, 2015, 376 p. 723. R. Gribble, ‘Jake Laboon: First fleet ballistic missile submarine chaplain, 1959-1961’, Journal of Church and State 57 (2015), 529- 550.

Ladaria, Luis (1944- ) 724. G. Uríbarri Bilbao, ‘Semblanza de Mons. Luis F. Ladaria, SJ, en el marco de la presentación de un libro homenaje’, Estudios Eclesiásticos 90 (2015), 145-154.

Laínez, Diego (1512-1565) See also nr. 437.

725. P. Oberholzer (ed.), Diego Laínez (1512-1565): Jesuit with jewish roots, close confidant of Ignatius, preeminent theologian of the Council of Trent, Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2015, 1074 p. 726. P. Oberholzer, ‘Diego Laínez y la cultura alemana’, in E. García Hernán & R. Skowron (eds.), From Ireland to Poland. Nothern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World, Valencia, Albatros, 2015, 333-350.

Lapide, Cornelius a (1567-1637) 727. J.A. García Benjumea, ‘La filiación adoptiva en Cornelio a Lapide’, Isidorianum 24 (2015), 89-166. 516 Paul Begheyn SJ

Lefeuvre, Jean (1922-2010) 728. T. Meynard (ed.), Jean Lefeuvre, Jésuite et sinologue, Paris, Cerf, 2007, 145 p.

Leite, Serafim (1890-1969) 729. F.M. M. Ruckstadter, M.C. G. Machado, ‘Um projeto católico de nação: Serafim Leite S. J. (1890-1969) e a obra “Páginas de História do Brasil”’, Teoria e Prática da Educação 18 (2015), 111-121.

Lemieux, Germain (1914-2008) 730. J.P. Pichette, ‘Germain Lemieux, jésuite, prêtre collecteur au Québec et en Ontario’, Port Acadie, 24-26 (2013), 108-123.

Lenaers, Roger (1925- ) 731. L. Dupré, ‘Roger Lenaers en de mythen van het christendom’, Streven 82 (2015), 996-1003.

Leppich, Johannes (1915-1992) 732. M. Trautmann, Mit Glaubensglut und Feuereifer: Werenfried van Straaten und Johannes Leppich – zwei charismatische Gestalten im deutschen Nachkriegskatholizismus, Vallendar, Patris, 2009, 255 p.

Lessius, Leonardus (1554-1623) 733. D. Stanciu, ‘The condemned biography of Leonardus Lessius and the debates on the efficacy of grace’,Ephemerides Theologiae Lovanienses 91 (2015), 257-269.

Libanio, João Batista (1932-2014) 734. A. P. Garcia, Theologie auf der Suche nach “Lucidez”. Aspekte der Theologie von João Batista Libanio, Bern, Peter Lang, 2015, 310 p.

Listl, Joseph (1929-2013) 735. W. Rees, ‘Prof. P. Dr. Joseph Listl SJ (1929-2013)’, Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht 182 (2013), 498-507.

Lobo, Jerónimo (1595-1678) 736. J.P. Cabral, J.M. da S. Martins, ‘Padre Jerónimo Lobo, SJ - um mis- sionário e um naturalista no Índico’, Brotéria 180.5 (2015), 465-489.

Lohr, Charles (1925-2015) 737. R.F. Duffy & J. Reppert, ‘Publications: Fr. Charles H. Lohr, S.J., Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 517

1925-2015’, Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion 70 (2015), 407-422.

Lonergan, Bernard (1904-1984) See also nr. 595.

738. K. Williams, ‘Objectified conversion as foundational in theology: A conversion between Rosemary Haughton and Bernard Lonergan, S.J.’, Lonergan Workshop 23 (2012), 513-541. 739. R. Doran, ‘Lonergan’s ethics and Ignatian election’, Theoforum 45 (2014), 133-156. 740. C. Friel, ‘The social ontology of Smith and Lonergan’, Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s. 5 (2014), 7-38. 741. P. Kidder, ‘Lonergan, liberalism, and the good of cities’, Theoforum 45 (2014), 81-99. 742. D. Helminiak, Brain, consciousness and God: A Lonerganian integration, New York, Suny Press, 2015, 432 p. 743. M.H. McCarthy, ‘Authenticity as self-transcendence. The enduring insights of Bernard Lonergan’, Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2015, 456 p. 744. N. Rotundo, ‘Morale ed economia in Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan’, Studia Moralia 53/2 (2015), 317-340.

Longobardo, Niccolo (1565-1655) 745. I. Iannaccone, ‘Niccolò Longobardo da Caltagirone S.J. (1565- 1655): La sismologia di Rinascimiento nella Cina dei Ming’, in G. Tamburello, Gesuiti siciliani del ‘600 nel celeste impero. Relazioni di lunga data tra Sicilia e Cina. Atti del Convegno (Palermo, 27 dicembre 2013), Nardò, Besa Editrice, 2015, 59-79.

Lubac, Henri de (1896-1991) 746. J. Milbank, Le milieu suspendu: Henri de Lubac et le débat sur le surnaturel, Paris, Cerf, 2006, 144 p. 747. J. Milbank, The suspended middle. Henri de Lubac and the renewed split in modern Catholic theology, Grand Rapids / Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2015, 2120 p. 748. F. Vermigli, ‘Cinquant’anni fa Le mystère du surnaturel di de Lubac: coordinate storico-teologiche di uno “chef-d’œuvre”’, Vivens Homo. Rivista di teologia e scienze religiose 26/1 (2015), 245- 270. 749. S. Wood, ‘Henri de Lubac and the Church-world relationship 518 Paul Begheyn SJ

in Gaudium et Spes’, in M. Faggioli, The Legacy of Vatican II, New York, Paulist Press, 2015, 226-247. 750. W.M. Wright, ‘Patristic exegetical theory and practice in De Lubac and Congar’, New Blackfriars 96 (2015), 61-73.

Luengo, Manuel (1735-1816) 751. I. Fernández Arrillaga & C. Martínez Tornero (eds.), Manuel Luengo, Diario de 1814-1815. El final del destierro y la restauración de la Compañía de Jesús, Alicante, Universidad de Alicante / Madrid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2015, 731 p.

Lugt, Frans van der (1938-2014) 752. P. Begheyn (red.), Frans van der Lugt SJ (1938-2014). Bruggenbouwer en martelaar in Syrië, Nijmegen, Valkhof Pers, 2015, 119 p. 753. Het gemeenschappelijk leven helpt ons de moeilijke omstandigheden te boven te komen. Pater Frans van der Lugt, jezuïet, 1938-2014 [in Arabic], Compagnie de Jésus au Proche-Orient et au Maghreb, 2015, 30 p.

Malagrida, Gabriel (1689-1761) 754. M. Rodriguês, Vida do padre Gabriel Malagrida, Pará, Centro de Cultura e Formação Cristã. Arquidiocese de Belém, 2010, 582 p.

Maréchal, Joseph (1878-1945) 755. K. Neufeld, ‘Joseph Maréchal und Karl Rahner: Vom Umgang mit Thomas von Aquin’, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 137 (2015), 127-140.

Márquez, Pedro José (1741-1820) 756. O. Flores Flores (ed.), El clasicismo en la época de Pedro José Márquez (1741-1820). Arqueología, filología, historia, música y teoría arquitectónica, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2014, 645 p.

Martín Patino, José Maria (1925-2015) 757. ‘P. José M.ª Martín Patino (1925-2015), in memoriam’, Razón y Fe 271 (2015), 347-352.

Martini, Carlo Maria (1927-2012) 758. G. Ravasi, Martini, mes trois villes: Rome, Jérusalem, Milan, Paris, Cerf, 2006, 112 p. 759. void. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 519

760. E. Impalá, Vita del Cardinal Martini. Il Bosco e il Mendicante, Roma, San Paolo Edizioni, 2014, 261 p. 761. D. Modena, Carlo Maria Martini: Le silence de la parole, Paris, Parole et Silence, 2014, 157 p. 762. D. Modena, La théologie du cardinal Martini. Le mystère au cœur de l’histoire, Bruxelles, Lessius, 2015, 320 p.

Martini, Martino (1614-1661) See also nr. 928.

763. G.O. Longo, Martini, Chini, Pozzo: Gesuiti Trentini protagonisti nel Seicento, Trento, Il Portolano, 2010, 56 p. 764. F. Masini, ‘Martino Martini: la Cina in Europa’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 71-82. 765. O. Zwartjes, ‘Jacob Golius (1596-1667) and Martino Martini (1614-1661): The Vocabularium Hispanico-Sinense (Bodleian Library, MS Marsh 696) and the study of Chinese in the Netherlands’, in Zbigniew Wesołowski (ed.), Early European (1552-1814) Acquisition and Research on Chinese Languages = Monumenta Serica 2011, 305-382. 765a. M. Castelnovi, Il primo atlante del regno di mezzo. Martino Martini e la conoscenza geografica dell’Asia, Trento, Università di Trento, 2012, 180 p.

Mascardi, Nicolás (1624-1673) 766. M. Biehl, ‘Nicolás Mascardi e a carta-relación de 1670: uma análise preliminar das observações astronômicas realizadas pelo missionário jesuíta’, Oficina do Historiador 7 (Supl) (2014), 1780-1797.

Mascarell, Vicente (1660-1730) 767. C. von Collani, ‘Salvation or condemnation? Vincentius Mascarell’s ‘Apologia’ in the Chinese rites controversy (1701)’, International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 3 (2012), 89-113.

Masen, Jakob (1606-1681) 768. J. Nowaszczuk, ‘Epigrammata longiora sine vitio. Egzemplifikacje Jakuba Masena w cyklu Narodzenie Chrystusa’ [Epigrammata longiora sine vitio. Jacob Masen’s long-short epigrams in the cycle De Christo nato], Roczniki Humanistyczne Filologia Klasyczna 63 (2015), 123-147. 520 Paul Begheyn SJ

Maureder, Josef (1961- ) 769. B. Eckerstorfer, ‘Die Kunst der richtigen Entscheidung. Josef Maureder SJ im Gespräch’, Erbe und Auftrag 91 (2015), 42-59.

McVerry, Peter (1944- ) 770. O. Freely, ‘Citation for Fr Peter McVerry, SJ. On his conferring with an honorary doctorate by the National University of Ireland’, Milltown Studies 74 (2014), 1-3.

Ménestrier, Claude-François (1631-1705) 771. A. Adams, ‘New light on the 1691 edition of Claude-François Menestrier’s Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand’, Glasgow Emblem Studies 39 (2009), 1-12. 772. D. Chantrenne, ‘La cour du collège des jésuites de Lyon, des décors au service d’une pédagogie active: le père Claude- François Ménestrier, Lyon, 1631-1705, et le peintre Pierre Paul Sevin, Tournon, c. 1645-1710’, Cahiers d’histoire de l’art 7 (2009), 7-15. 773. G. Sabatier (ed.), Claude-François Ménestrier: Les jésuites et le monde des images, Grenoble, PUG, 2009, 335 p.

Moingt, Joseph (1915- ) 774. J.P. Gallez, ‘L’“humanisme évangélique” de Joseph Moingt: un tournant théologique de l’humanisme chrétien’, Laval théologique et philosophique 70 (2014), 119-141. 775. J.P. Gallez, La théologie comme science herméneutique de la tradition de foi. Une lecture de “Dieu qui vient à l’homme” de Joseph Moingt, Leuven, Peeters, 2015, 476 p.

Molina, Luis de (1535-1600) 776. C. Teixeira, Luís de Molina S.J., Tratado da justiça e do direito. Debates sobre a justiça, o poder, a escravatura e a guerra, Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2012, 537 p. 777. M. Kaufmann & A. Aichele, A companion to Luis de Molina, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2014, 505 p. 778. A. Storck, ‘Molina in a Spanish treatise against Machiavelli’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiago Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 389- 402. 779. J.A. Tellkamp, ‘Francisco de Vitoria and Luis de Molina on the Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 521

origin of political power’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiago Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 231-247.

Montcheuil, Yves de (1900-1944) 780. D. Bosschaert, ‘Gustave Thils’ “Théologie des réalités terrestres” in dialogue with Marrou, Maritain and de Montcheuil’. Louvain theology at the crossroads of Christianity and culture’, Cristianesimo nella storia 36 (2015), 65-83.

Montengón, Pedro (1745-1824) 781. M. Cerezo Magán, ‘Pedro Montengón, jesuita y literato alicantino del siglo XVIII: su impronta clásica’, Nova Tellvs 29 (2011), 175-225.

Moran, Marshall (1906-1992) 782. D.A. Messerschmidt, Moran of Kathmandu. Pioneer priest, educator and ham radio voice of the Himalaya, Thailand, Orchid Press, 2012, 388 p.

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Murray, John Courtney (1904-1967) 785. F. Cadeddu, ‘A call to action: John Courtney Murray, S.J., and the renewal of American democracy’, The Catholic Historical Review 101 (2015), 530-553. 786. D. Hollenbach, ‘Religious freedom in global context today: Some contributions by Vatican II and John Courtney Murray’, in M. Faggioli, The Legacy of Vatican II, New York, Paulist Press, 2015, 248-272. 787. B. Hudock, Struggle, condemnation, vindication: John Courtney 522 Paul Begheyn SJ

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Noël, François (1651-1729) 795. D.D. Novotný, ‘François Noël, S. J. (1651−1729): Byli starověcí číňané ateisté? [‘Were the ancient Chinese atheists?]’, Studia Theologica 16 (2014), 111-132. 796. F. Wong Ching Him, ‘The unalterable mean: Some observations on the presentation and interpretation of Zhongyong of François Noël, SJ’, Journal of Chinese Studies 60 (2015), 197-224. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 523

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(1930-2015)’, The Catholic Historical Review 101 (2015), 712.

Peñuela de la Cobiella, Joaquín María (1902-1969) 806. A. Garcia-Ventura & J. Vidal, ‘Asiriología y política. Joaquín Peñuela y la diplomacia española durante el primer franquismo’, Pyrenae. Revista de prehistòria i antiguitat de la Mediterrània occidental 45 (2014), 153-169.

Peramás, José Manuel (1732-1793) 807. M.A. Suárez, ‘“Antiquorum exempla”: Memoria poética y retórica en las “Laudationes Quinque” del P. Peramás’, Bibliographica Americana - Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios coloniales 1 (2004), 9 etc. 808. M. Feile Tomes, ‘Erratum to: News of a hitherto unknown neo- Latin Columbus epic, Part II. José Manuel Peramás’s “De invento novo orbe inductoque illuc Christi sacrificio” (1777)’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 22 (2015), 383-389.

Pereira, Tomás (1645-1708) 809. D. Antonucci, ‘Tomás Pereira. Musica e diplomazia per l’imperatore’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 135-148.

Persons, Robert (1546-1610) 810. V. Houliston, ‘Robert Person’s precarious correspondence’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 542-557.

Pignatelli, José Maria (1737-1811) 811. P. Lécrivain, ‘Giuseppe Pignatelli (1737-1811), protagonista di una rinascità’, La Civiltà Cattolica 165, 3942 (2014), 501-509.

Pigot, Edward (1858-1929) 812. D. Branagan, ‘Earth, sky and prayer in harmony. Aspects of the interesting life of Father , SJ, BA, MB, BCH (1858- 1929), Part 2 (1911-1929)’, Earth Sciences History 29 (2010), 232-263.

Pina, Francisco de (1585-1625) 813. A. S. Morgado, ‘Francisco de Pina, S.J. Um linguista português no Vietname’, Brotéria 181.2 (2015), 115-128. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 525

Pisa y Palma, Alonso de (1527-1598) 814. F.J. Aranda Pérez & D. Martín Lopez, ‘El toledano Alonso de Pisa y Palma S.I., “Apóstol de Posnania” (1527-1598)’, in E. García Hernán & R. Skowron (eds.), From Ireland to Poland. Northern Europe, Spain and the Early Modern World, Valencia, Albatros, 2015, 351-385.

Poirot, Louis de (1735-1813) 815. S. Gang, ‘Between ‘original meaning’ and ‘vernacular language’: The translation of the Bible and exegesis of the Jesuit Louis de Poirot during the Mid-Qing period’ [in Chinese], International Sinology (Guoji hanxue) 5 (2015), 23-49.

Polanco, Juan de (1517-1576) 816. L. Mancini, ‘“Et questo mi pare quanto agli studij vostri”: una lettera inedita di Juan de Polanco a Pedro di Ribadeneira (1547) alle origini della pedagogia gesuita’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 84 (2015), 187-219.

Possevino, Antonio (1533-1611) 817. A. Romano, ‘La experiencia de la misión y el mapa Europeo de los saberes sobre el mondo en el renacimento: Antonio Possevino y José de Acosta’, in G. Wilde (ed.), Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad, Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2011, 133-154.

Poza, Juan Bautista (1588-1659) 818. G. Marino & M. López Forjas, ‘Un manuscrito inédito del P. Juan Bautista Poza, SJ: Apología de los mártires de Japón (1557- 1628)’, Estudios Eclesiásticos 90 (2015), 75-128.

Pozo, Cándido (1925-2011) 819. J.J. Ayán Calvo, ‘El P. Cándido Pozo, S.J. como teólogo: sentir con la Iglesia’, in Estudios sobre Historia de la Teología. Volumen homenaje en su 80° aniversario, Toledo, Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso, 2006, 293-318. 820. J.J. Ayán Calvo, ‘Bibliografía del P. Cándido Pozo, S.J.’ in Estudios sobre Historia de la Teología. Volumen homenaje en su 80° aniversario, Toledo, Instituto Teológico San Ildefonso (2006), 341-404. 526 Paul Begheyn SJ

Pozzo, Andrea (1642-1709) See also nr. 763.

821. S. Fuentes Lázaro, ‘Andrea Pozzo filohabsburgo, o la identidad política de un artista jesuita’, in S. Diéguez Patao (ed.), Los Lugares del arte: Arte, Identidad y Representación, vol. 1, Madrid, Laertes, 2014, 243-264. 822. L. Salviucci Insolera, Andrea Pozzo e il corridoio di S. Ignazio: una “bellissima idea”, Roma, Artemide, 2014, 184 p.

Pubička, František (1722-1807) 823. J. Zouhar, ‘Osobnost a dílo Františka Pubičky S.I. (1722-1807) ve světle české historiografie’ [Life and work of František Pubička S.I. (1722-1807) in the light of Czech historiography], Acta Universitatis Carolinae Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 52 (2012), 45-67.

Rahner, Hugo (1900-1968) 824. A.R. Batlogg, ‘Hugo Rahner, historiador de la Iglesia e investigador sobre Ignacio’, Manresa: Revista de Espiritualidad Ignaciana 88 (2016), 89-92.

Rahner, Karl (1904-1984) See also nrs. 755, 869. 825. H.D. Egan, ‘Karl Rahner’s theological life’, Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 8 (2004), 179-187. 826. M.J. Liberatore, ‘Oppositional communities as locations of grace: Karl Rahner and postcolonial theories in dialogue’, Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 16 (2012), 74-101. 827. T. Becker, Von Gott her und auf Gott hin. Analyse des christlichen Freiheitzvollzugs im Werk Karl Rahners, Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2013, 292 p. 828. G. Brett,The theological notion of the human person: A conversation between the theology of Karl Rahner and the philosophy of John Macmurray, New York, Peter Lang, 2013, 288 p. 829. K. Vechtel, Eschatologie und Freiheit: zur Frage der postmortalen Vollendung in der Theologie Karl Rahners und Hans Urs von Balthasars, Innsbruck, Tyrolia, 2014, 347 p. 830. F. Berríos, ‘Noción de “espíritu” en Karl Rahner’, Teología y Vida 56 (2015), 197-227. 831. B.A. Eckerstorfer, ‘Karl Rahners Impulse für das Ordensleben. Eine Spürensuche für das 21. Jahrhundert’, Erbe und Auftraf. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 527

Monastische Welt. Benediktinische Zeitschrift 91 (2015), 245-259. 832. J.T. Farmer, ‘My theological reflection with Karl Rahner: Rupture, discontinuity ... incomprehensible mystery’, INTAMS Review. Journal for the Study of Marriage & Spirituality 21 (2015), 203-211. 833. C. Keppeler, Heil ohne Kirche? Antworten von Karl Rahner, dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil und der Erkärung “Dominus Iesus”, Hofheim, Skepping Verlag, 2015, 203 p. 834. A. Mayer, Karl Rahners Mariologie im Kontext seiner transzendentalsymbolischen Theologie, Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, 500 p. 835. J. Roberts, ‘Informed by grace: Terrence Deacon, Karl Rahner, and emergence’, Theology and Science 13 (2015), 96-116. 836. M. Weiler, ‘Karl Rahners Interpretation der Erbsündenlehre. Teil II, A, in his Unheil in guter Schöpfung. Zur Theodizeerelevanz der Erbsündenlehre, St. Ottilien, Eos Verlag, 2015, 124-157.

Reeds, Georg (1717-1773) 837. J. Meier, ‘P. Georg Reeds SJ (1717-1773). Jesuit aus Koblenz und Missionar in Niederkalifornien’, Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte 67 (2015), 165-179.

Rhodes, Alexandre de (1593-1660) 838. K. Schatz, “... Dass diese Mission eine der blühendsten des Ostens werde...”: P. Alexander de Rhodes (1593-1660) und die frühe Jesuitenmission in Vietnam, Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, 260 p.

Ricci, Matteo (1552-1610) See also nr. 925.

839. M. Fontana, ‘Matteo Ricci: gesuita “euclideo” alla corte dei Ming’, Giornale di Astronomia 36/3 (2010), 24-29. 840. R. Scartezzini, ‘Gesuiti in Cina nel solco di Matteo Ricci’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 19-44. 841. N. Koss, ‘Matteo Ricci on China via Samuel Purchas: faithful re-presentation’, in C.H. Lee (ed.), Western Visions of the Far East in a Transpacific Age, 1522–1657, Farnham / Burlington VT, Ashgate, 2012, 101-115. 842. M. Maher, ‘Jesuit formation and its influence on the methods of Matteo Ricci’, in A.E. Clark (ed.), A voluntary exile: Chinese 528 Paul Begheyn SJ

Christianity and cultural confluence since 1552, Bethlehem PA, Lehigh University Press, 2013, 39-58. 843. C. Guillen-Nuñez, ‘The portrait of Matteo Ricci. A mirror of Western religious and Chinese literati portrait painting’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014), 443-464. 844. D. Poli, ‘I “Dieci capitoli di un uomo strano” nel contesto inculturativo promosso da Matteo Ricci’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 83 (2014), 533-543. 845. F. Wood, ‘Ricci, Matteo’,Berkshire dictionary of Chinese biography 2 (2014), 984-991. 846. C. Hong, ‘On Matteo Ricci’s interpretations of Chinese culture’, Coolabah 16 (2015), 87-100. 847. Y. Liu, Harmonius disagreement: Matteo Ricci and his closest Chinese friends, New York etc., Peter Lang, 2015, 246 p. 848. L. Song, ‘Two Daoists who encountered Matteo Ricci in Nanjing: Xingshenzi and Li Chedu’, Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 47 (2015), 1-11. 849. void.

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598-1671) 850. C.M. Graney, Setting aside all authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the science against Copernicus in the age of Galileo, Notre Dame IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2015, 288 p.

Rieger, Christian (1714-1780) 851. S. Južnič, ‘Spanish king’s astronomer Rieger’, Quaderns d’Història de l’Enginyeria 11 (2010), 199-219.

Rodrigues, João (1562-1633) 852. F. Lachaud, ‘João Rodrigues (1562-1633) on the art of tea’, The Japan Mission Journal 69 (2015), 44-57.

Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio (1585-1652) 853. Z. Saldivia M. & F. Caro P., ‘Ruiz de Montoya y su mirada pre- científica del Paraguay’, Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades 16 (2014), 399-414. 854. G. Chamorro, ‘Antonio Ruiz de Montoya: misionero etnógrafo del Paraguay’, Boletín Americanista 70 (2015), 17-33.

Rulli, Giovanni (1918-2015) 855. ‘In ricordo di p. Giovanni Rulli S.I.’, La Civiltà Cattolica 165, 3941 (2014), 423-425. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 529

Ryllo, Maksymilian (1802-1848) 856. G. Romanato, ‘Il “ben noto” Padre Ryllo’, in his L’Africa nera fra Cristianesimo e Islam. L’esperienza di Daniele Comboni (1831- 1881)’, Milano, Corbaccio, 2003, 60-69.

Sailly, Thomas (c. 1533-1623) 857. D. Imhof, ‘An author’s wishes versus a publisher’s possibilities: The illustration of Thomas Sailly’s prayer books printed by the Plantin Press in Antwerp c. 1600’, in E. Stronks (ed.), Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014, 205-220.

Salazar, Hernando de (1577-1646) 858. A. Dubet & F. Negredo del Cerro, ‘Le pouvoir de la grâce: le projet politique d’Hernando de Salazar, confesseur du comte- duc d’Olivares’, Siècles. Cahiers du Centre d’Histoire «Espaces et Cultures» 13 (2001), 19-28.

Sambiasi, Francesco (1582-1649) 859. E. Corsi, ‘Our little daily death. Francesco Sambiasi’s treatise on sleep and images in Chinese’, in F. Roudaut (ed.), Religion et littérature à la Renaissance. Mélanges en l’honneur de Franco Giacone, Paris, Garnier, 2012, 427-442.

Sanchez Labrador, José (1714/17-1798) 860. M. Alliatti Joaquím, ‘Bastaba esta general insinuación dela utilidad, que saca la Medicina de los Insectos, para apreciarlos [...]: um estudo das virtudes terapêuticas de insetos na obra Paraguay Natural, do padre jesuíta José Sanchez Labrador’, Revista Latino-Americana de História 3 (2014), 70-84.

Santi, Angelo de (1847-1922) 861. R. Saiz-Pardo Hurtado, ‘P. Angelo De Santi, S.J.: nuovi documenti per una biografia (I). Bibliografia’,Rivista Internazionale di Musica Sacra 32, 1-2 (2011), 363-468.

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam (1592-1666) 862. C. von Collani, ‘Johann Adam Schall von Bell (Tang Ruowang)’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 59-70. 863. H. Fengran, ´Nantu cang Yan Jie jiaoben: Tang Ruowang

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Schott, Kaspar (1608-1666) 865. T. Conlon & H.J. Vollrath, ‘Kaspar Schott’s letters to Philip Vegelin 1661-1664’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 83 (2014), 273-305.

Schreck, Johann (1576-1630) 866. I. Iannaccone, ‘Johann Schreck: i Lincei alle corte dei Ming’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 95-100.

Schurhammer, Georg (1882-1971) 867. R. Fernández Gracia, El fondo iconográfico del P. Schurhammer: le memoria de Javier en imágenes, Pamplona, Cátedra de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, 2006, 147 p.

Schwager, Raymund (1935-2004) 868. J. Niewiadomski & N. Wandinger, Dramatische Theologie im Gespräch. Symposion. Gastmahl zum 65. Geburtstag von Raymund Schwager, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2003, 256 p. 869. N. Wandinger, Die Sündenlehre als Schlüssel zum Menschen. Impulse K. Rahners und R. Schwagers zu einer Heuristik theologischer Anthropologie, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2003, 488 p. 870. R. Siebenrock & W. Sandler, Kirche als universales Zeichen. In memoriam Raymund Schwager S.J., Münster, LIT Verlag, 2005, 464 p. 871. E. Carr, ‘Raymund Schwager, SJ, in Fourvière and Fribourg’, Contagion 22 (2015), 221-245.

Segundo, Juan Luis (1925-1996) 872. M.A. Tennant, ‘Placing Robert Hall in dialogue with Juan Luis Segundo on the issue of human rights’, American Baptist Quarterly 28 (2008), 228-241. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 531

Semmelroth, Otto (1913-1979) 873. D.M. Doyle, ‘Otto Semmelroth and the advance of the Church as sacrament at Vatican II’, Theological Studies 76 (2015), 65-86. 874. D. Doyle, ‘Otto Semmelroth, SJ, and the ecclesiology of the ‘Church as sacrament’ at Vatican II’, in M. Faggioli, The Legacy of Vatican II, New York, Paulist Press, 2015, 203-225.

Sittartz, Gottfried (1650-1718) 875. R. Müller, ‘«Beim Vogelschießen und den damit verbundenen Zusammenkünften arten die Pfingstfeierlichkeiten in schlichtweg skandalöse, ausschweifende Trinkgelage aus». Zur Situation einiger Pfarreien im Herzogtum Westfalen um das Jahr 1700 nach einem Bericht des Jesuiten Gottfried Sittartz’, in R. Haas (ed.), «Fiat voluntas tua». Theologe und Historiker - Priester und Professor. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Harm Klueting am 23. März 2014, Münster, Aschendorff, 2014, 363-392.

Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612) 876. J. Tazbir, ‘Piotr Skarga po czterystu laty’ [Piotr Skarga four hundred years later], Studia Bobolanum 3 (2010), 55-68. 877. R. Darowski & S. Ziemianski (eds.), Ksiega Pamiatkowa z Okaji Czterechsetlecia Smierci ks. Piotra Skargi, Krakow, WAM - Ignatianum, 2012, 436 p. 878. J. Michnicka-Gajek, ‘Bank Pobożny księdza Piotra Skargi w Krakowie. Szesnastovieczna odpowiedź na problem ubóstwa i zadłużenia’ [Piotr Skarga’s in Cracow. The sixteenth-century answer to the problem of poverty and debt], Roczniki Teologiczne 62 (2015), 141-166.

Smet, Jan-Pieter de (1801-1873) 879. G. Bishop, Black robe and tomahawk, The life and travels of Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet, SJ (1801-1873), Leominster, Gracewing, 2003, 314 p.

Sobrino, Jon (1938- ) 880. O.E. Valiente, Liberation through reconciliation: Jon Sobrino’s Christological spirituality, Bronx NY, Fordham University Press, 2015, 272 p. Solano Gutiérrez, Jesús (1913-1982) 881. J. Pérez-Boccherini Stampa, ‘Semblanza teológica del P. Jesús 532 Paul Begheyn SJ

Solano Gutiérrez, SI (1913-1982)’, Revista Española de Teología 74 (2014), 309-347.

Southwell, Robert (1560-1595) 882. S. Monta, ‘«Uncommon prayer? Robert Southwell’s Short Rule for a Good Life and Catholic domestic devotion in Post- Reformation England’, in L. Gallagher (ed.), Redrawing the map of Early Modern English Catholicism, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2012, 245-271.

Spee, Friedrich (1591-1635) 883. L. Châtellier, ‘Spee in Frankreich’, Spee Jahrbuch 9 (2002), 99- 108. 884. B. Schneider, ‘Jesuitische Elitenbildung - Friedrich Spee im Horizont der Jesuitenschulen und der Marianischen Sodalitäten’, Spee-Jahrbuch 17-18 (2010), 15-36.

Stoeger, Bill (1943-2014) 885. D. Edwards, ‘Toward a theology of divine action: William R. Stoeger, S.J., on the laws of nature’, Theological Studies 76 (2015), 485-502.

Strada, Famiano (1572-1649) 886. F. Lucioli, ‘«Forma inimica pudoris». Le Prolusiones Academicae de stylo poetico di Famiano Strada’, in L. Isebaert & A. Smeesters (eds.), Poésie latine à haute voix (1500-1700), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 131-147.

Stumpf, Kilian (1655-1720) 887. P. Rule & C. von Collani (eds.), Kilian Stumpf SJ, The Acta Pekinensia or Historical Records of the Maillard de Tournon Legation, Volume I December 1705-August 1706, Rome-Macau, IHSI-MRI, 2015, 735 p.

Suárez, Francisco (1548-1617) See also nr. 626.

888. N. Brieskorn, ‘Pensar a substância em Francisco Suárez – A respeito da Disputatio metaphysica XXXIII’, Veritas 54 (2009), 128-141. 889. M. Carmona García, ‘El sacerdocio de Cristo en Francisco Suárez, Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 533

a la luz de sus contrastes con la explicación tomista’, Giennium 13 (2010), 9-88. 890. L. Prieto López, Suárez y el destino de la metafísica. De Avicena a Heidegger, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2013, 356 p. 891. A. Biassini, ‘Dal Diritto come «res iusta» al Diritto come «potere»: un confronto tra Tommaso e Suárez’, Apollinaris 87/1 (2014), 33-80. 892. F. Bertelloni, ‘Francisco Suárez, crítico del monismo de Marsilio de Padua’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiago Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 319-338. 893. G. Burlando, ‘Defensas históricas del poder político: F. Suárez y J. Locke teóricos de la moralidad por el acuerdo’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiago Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 339-349. 894. J. Gracia & D. Novotný, ‘Trascendentales y categorías en la metafísica de Suárez’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiago Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 449-458. 895. J. Koblížek, ‘Pojetí společenské smlouvy u Františka Suáreze’ [The concept of the social consent by Francisco Suárez], Studia Theologica 16 (2014), 67-87. 896. M. Lecón, Acción, praxis y ley. Estudio metafísico y psicológico de la acción legislativa en Francisco Suárez, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2014, 180 p. 897. L. Novák (ed.), Suárez’s in its historical and systematic context, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter & Co, 2014, 348 p. 898. S. Pierpauli, ‘La equidad en Aristóteles, Tomás de Aquino y Francisco Suárez’, Anales Valentinos Escritos del Vedat: revista de filosofía y teología 1-2 (2014), 267-294. 899. A. Santiago Culleton, ‘Mutability and immutability of the ius gentium according to Suárez’, in R. Hofmeister Pich & A. Santiango Culleton (eds.), Right and nature in the first and second scholasticism. Derecho y naturaleza en la primera y segunda escolástica, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014, 301-317. 900. S. Castellote Cubells, Francisco Suárez, teoría sobre el espacio. De la inmensidad y la infinidad de Dios, al espacio imaginario y los mundos posibles, Valencia, Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer, 2015, 299 p. 534 Paul Begheyn SJ

901. J.A. García Cuadrado, ‘La armonía de facultades en la gnoseología de Francisco Suárez’, Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica 71 (2015), 587-615. 902. V.M. Salas & R.L. Fastiggi, A companion to Francisco Suarez, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 383 p.

Sveinsson, Jón (1857-1944) 903. G.F. Gudmundsson, Pater Jón Sveinsson Nonni, Reykjavík, Opna, 2012, 526 p.

Taille, Maurice de la (1872-1933) 904. M.M. Matthiesen, Sacrifice as gift: Eucharist, grace and contemplative prayer in Maurice de la Taille, Washington DC, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, 320 p. 905. J.M. McDermott, ‘The rediscovery of Maurice de la Taille: Beyond a recent book’, Josephinum Journal of Theology 20 (2013), 33-60.

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881-1955) 906. H.D. Egan, ‘The Christocentric mysticism of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’, Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 8 (2004), 121-136. 907. T.M. King, La messe de Teilhard: une lecture de La messe sur le monde, Paris, Médiaspaul, 2008, 255 p. 908. A. Articulo, ‘Towards an ethics of technology: Re-exploring Teilhard de Chardin’s theory of technology and evolution’, Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (2014), 518-530. 909. R. Gibellini, ‘La costituzione conciliare “Gaudium et spes” e Teilhard de Chardin’, Rassegna di teologia 55 (2014), 663-672. 910. H. Scerri, ‘Teilhard de Chardin on insects in The Phenomenon of Man’, Melita Theologica 64 (2014), 51-62. 911. I. Spangenberg, ‘Die ‘vergroening’ van die Christelike godsdiens: Charles Darwin, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin en Lloyd Geering: original research’, HTS: Theological Studies 70 (2014), 1-9. 912. L. Avan, Résonances: dialogues entre saint Jean de la Croix et Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Quebec, Saint-Léger éditions, 2015, 127 p. 913. B.B. Bidlack, In good company: The body and divinization in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, sj and Daoist Xiao Yingsou, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2015, 236 p. 914. J. Dourley, ‘Conspiracies of immanence: Paul Tillich, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and C.G. Jung’, Analytical Psychology 60 (2015), 75-93. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 535

915. C. Feldmann, ‘Der Pater der “nach Schwefel roch”. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Jesuit und Naturwissenschaftler, versöhnte den Glauben an den Himmel und die leidenschaftliche Liebe zur Erde’, in his Träume beginnen zu leben. Große Christen des 20. Jahrhunderts, Kevelaer, topos plus, 2015, 269-292. 916. D. Harrison, ‘The Gods of Spinoza and Teilhard de Chardin’, Philosophy Now 106 (2015), 26-28. 917. P. Terhal, Wegen naar een menswaardige toekomst. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in gesprek met Martin Buber en Jan Tinbergen, Soesterberg, Aspekt, 2015, 242 p. 918. B. Vermander, ‘Teilhard de Chardin en Chine’, in Les jésuites aujourd’hui: depuis leur rétablissement (1814) Aller, rencontrer, servir, Paris, Médiasèvres, 2015, 91-100.

Teles, Baltasar (1595-1675) 919. A. Guimarães Pinto, ‘Um poema latino do P. Baltasar Teles, S. J. (1595-1675) / A latin poem by Father Baltasar Teles, S. J. (1595-1675)’, Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 17 (2015), 413- 428.

Thjulen, Lorenzo Ignazio (1746-1833) 920. A. Guerra, Il vile satellite del trono. Lorenzo Ignazio Thjulen: un gesuita svedese per la controrivoluzione, Milano, F. Angeli, 2004, 368 p.

Torres Bollo, Diego de (1550–1638) 921. F. Pierno, ‘À la lisière de l’ “autre monde”. Le Pérou dans la Relatione breve de Diego de Torres Bollo (1603)’, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 34 (2011), 61-96.

Tucci, Roberto (1921-2015) 922. ‘In ricordo del cardinale Roberto Tucci S.I.’, La Civiltà Cattolica 166, 3957 (2015), 305-308.

Tyrrell, George (1861-1909) 923. A. Meszaros, ‘Revelation in George Tyrell, Neo-Scholasticism, and “Dei verbum”’, Angelicum 91 (2014), 535-568.

Valdivia, Luis de (1561-1642) 924. M. Cruz Alonso Sutil, ‘Luis de Valdivia (1561-1642) S.J. Estudios 536 Paul Begheyn SJ

sobre las lenguas de Chile para la intermediación lingüística en los conflictos bélicos’,Mutatis Mutandis 8 (2015), 127-147.

Valignano, Alessandro (1539-1606) 925. D. Poli, ‘La pastorale comunicativa della Compagnia di Gesù nella linea strategica di Alessandro Valignano, Matteo Ricci e José de Acosta’, in R. Librandi, Lingue e testi delle Riforme cattoliche in Europa e nelle Americhe (secc. XVI-XXI), Firenze, F. Cesati, 2012, 493-522.

Vanhoye, Albert (1923- ) 926. Y. Picquart, Entretiens avec le cardinal Albert Vanhoye, Avignon, Docteur angélique, 2014, 79 p.

Velasco, Juan de (1727-1792) 927. S. Navia Méndez-Bonito, ‘La reivindicación del Reino de Quito en la Historia del Reino de Quito en la América meridional del jesuita Juan de Velasco’, Estudios ecuatorianos: un aporte a la discusión, 2006, 167-183.

Verbiest, Ferdinand (1623-1688) 928. N. Golvers, ‘Ferdinand Verbiest: un erudito sulle orme di Martini’, in L.M. Paternicò (ed.), La generazione dei giganti. Gesuiti scienziati e missionari in Cina sulle orme di Matteo Ricci, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 83-94.

Vieira, Antonio (1608-1697) 929. M.C. Ferreira De Almeida, ‘Diálogos transatlánticos y enmascarados en la “guerra de las finezas”: el sermón del Mandato del Padre António Vieira, la objeción o la impugnación de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, la réplica de Sor Filotea, la réplica de Serafina y la defensa de Sor Margarida Ignaci’, in N. Fourtané & M. Guiraud (eds.), Emprunts et transferts culturels: du monde luso-hispanophone vers l’Europe, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2013, 221-230. 930. L. Gomides Freitas, ‘Se queres entrar para a vida, guarda os mandamentos (Mt, 19, 17): livre-arbítrio e salvação no pensamento jesuítico. Notas sobre um sermão de Pe. Antônio Vieira’, História e Cultura 3 (2014), 168-187. 931. I. O. Santos, ‘Padre Antônio Vieira e o projeto colonial: uma análise da IV Parte do Sermão da Sexagésima’, Revista de Cultura Teológica 85 (2015), 89-105. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 537

932. M.C. de Miranda Nogueira Coelho, ‘António Vieira between Greeks, Romans, and Brazilians: Comments on rhetoric and the Jesuit tradition in Brazil’, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 45 (2015), 225-236. 933. C. Zeron, ‘From farce to tragedy. António Vieira’s hubris in a war of factions’, Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), 387-420.

Villanueva, Francisco de (1509-1557) 934. J. Díaz Risco, ‘Francisco de Villanueva, primer jesuita alumno de la Universidad de Alcalá’, Anales Complutenses 27 (2015), 163-191.

Viñes, Benito (1837-1893) 935. L.E. Ramos Guadalupe, Father Benito Viñes, the 19th-century life and contribution of a Cuban hurricane observer and scientist, Boston MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, 171 p.

Wasmann, Erich (1859-1931) 936. A.J. Lustig, ‘Erich Wasmann, Ernst Haeckel, and the limits of science’, Theory in Biosciences 121 (2002), 252-259.

Weitenauer, Ignaz (1709-1783) 937. S. Paul, Ignaz Weitenauers neulateinische Tragödie “Annibal moriens”. Ausgabe, Übersetzung und Interpretation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2015, 633 p.

Wolff, Matthias (1779-1857) 938. J. Braakman, ‘“En zie, geheel Twenthe kwam in beweging”. Over een jezuïet, het Heilig Scapulier en de massale toeloop naar Oldenzaal in het najaar van 1843’, Tijdschrift Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis 18 (2015), 5-12. 939. A.M.A.J. Driessen & G.P. van de Ven, Zusters van JMJ. Geschiedenis van een congregatie 1822-1962, Hilversum, Verloren, 2015, 448 p.

Xavier, Francis (1506-1552) See also nrs. 334, 486, 867.

940. R. Fernández Gracia, San Francisco Javier Patrono de Navarra. Fiesta, religiosidad e iconografia, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2006, 312 p. 941. C. Osswald & D. Carvalho Wilks, ‘Pilgrimages to the tomb of Goencho Saib or St. Francis Xavier’, in I. Arellano & C. 538 Paul Begheyn SJ

Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 179-193. 942. P. Štěpánek, ‘Goa en el arte barroco checo: San Francisco Xavier recibe el documento de fundación del seminario de Goa, cuadro de Juan Cristóbal Handke en la iglesia de la Universidad de Olomouc, y su contexto’, in I. Arellano Ayuso & C. Mata Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise: assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita: asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015, 251-265. 943. J. Andrle, ‘Xaveriánská legenda v středoevropském a českém písmenictví raného novověku [Xaverian legend in Czech and Central European literature of the early Modern epoch], in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 23-33. 944. I. Arellano, ‘The prince of the sea (St. Francis Xavier), by Lorenzo Ortiz’, in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 34-38. 945. K. Černý, ‘Unfortunate falls, bladder stones, and plagues. Reli- gious medicine of St. Franciscus Xavier’, in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 59-65. 946. P. Gupta, The relic state: St Francis Xavier and the politics of ritual in Portuguese India, Manchester / New York, Manchester Uni- versity Press, 2014, 266 p. 947. A. Lauro, ‘Baroque theatricality of the 17th century. Francis Xavier - a presentation of the personality in the dramatic and operatic apotheosis of the 17th century’, in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 124-129. 948. J. Macháčková, ‘Obraz sv. Františka Xaverského od J. J. Hein- sche pro uherskohradišťské jezuity’, in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 539

Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích, Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014, 130-136. 949. P. Oulíková, ‘Deset misijních let sv. Františka Xaverského ve výtvarném umění’ [Ten years of missions of St. Francis Xavier in sculpture], in P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 154-160. 950. P. Štěpánek (ed.), Svatý František Xaverský a jezuitská kultura v českých zemích [Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuit culture in Czech lands], Olomouc, Palacký University, 2014, 208 p.

Zimmermann, Carlos (1871-1950) 951. F. M. Romeiras, ‘A constituição e o percurso das colecções científicas dos jesuítas exilados pela 1a República: o caso de Carlos Zimmermann SJ (1871-1950)’, Archivum Historicum So- cietatis Iesu 84 (2015), 287-327.

Zurstraßen, Hermann (1823-1881) 952. K. Neufeld, ‘Hermann J. Zurstraßen SJ (1823-1881)’, Warendor- fer Schriften 41/42 (2012), 137-148. 540 Paul Begheyn SJ

Complementary list of persons

Bernardt, Georg (1595-1660) 685 Bidermann, Jakob (1578-1639) 685 Buck, Victor De (1817-1876) 673 Javier, Jerónimo (1549-1617) 281 Kamel, Georg Joseph (1661-1706) 320 Klein, Pavel (1652-1717) 320 Nádasi, János (1613/14-1679) 612 Ribadeneira, Pedro de (1527-1611) 816 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 541

Index of authors Asenjo, J.A. 637 Abreu Vieira de Oliveira, E. 507 Aspe Armella, M.L. 202 Abreu, A.F. 794 Astorga, M.C. 692 Adams, A. 771 Avan, L. 912 Afinogenov, G. 470 Avenatti da Palumbo, C.I. 516 Agnolin, A. 130 Avon, D. 361 Agonga, A.N. 124 Ayán Calvo, J.J. 819, 820 Aguirre Beltran, G. 196 Aymoré, F.A. 158 Ahlert, J. 216 Azzopardi, A. 432, 433 Ahumada, L. de 17 Baena Reina, F. 198 Aichele, A. 777 Bähr, A. 714 Aizpuru Cruces, M.G. 194 Bailey, G.A. 230 Alberti, V.V. 553 Baker, K. 623 Albuquerque Macedo, G.E. de 197 Balestreri, C.R. 404 Alencar Arnaut Toledo, C. de 793 Balleis, P. 82 Alfieri, F. 97 Bang, S.H. 633 Alliatti Joaquím, M. 860 Bange, P. 650 Almeida, R. de 542 Baptista Gumucio, M. 151 Alonso Romo, E.J. 484 Barros Barcelos Fernandes, E. 164 Altic, M. 131 Barthélemy, S. 20 Amante, M.F. D’ 95 Barzazi, A. 397 Ambrogetti, F. 552 Batlogg, A. 19, 824 Anagnostou, S. 127, 320 Becker, T. 827 Andersson, D. 468 B e g h e y n , P . 1 , 2 9 7 , 4 3 7 , Ando, C. 503 539, 540, 721, 752 A n d r a d a P a c h e c o , P . R . 6 5 , 7 8 9 , Bellitto, C.M. 805 790 Benedetti, S. 704 Andrle, J. 943 Berg Costa, L. 178 Angelo, G. D’ 394 Bergoglio, J. 543, 561 Antonucci, D. 259, 512, 809 Berríos, F. 830 Apollonio, S. 801 Bertelloni, F. 892 Aracil Vaqrón, B. 195 Beyer, J. 444 Aramburu Zudaire, M. 658 Biasiori, L. 398 Aranda Pérez, F.J. 814 Biassini, A. 891 Arellano, I. 944 Bidlack, B.B. 913 Arenz, K.H. 132 Biebl, F. 265 Arias, F. 142 Biehl, M. 766 Arimura, R. 306 Bieler, M. 519 Articulo, A. 908 Bieś, A.P. 447, 513 Artigalas, F. 18 Birnbaum, B. 235 Aschoff, H.G. 373 Bishop, G. 879 542 Paul Begheyn SJ

Blot, P. de 636 Casarella, P. 524 Bobková-Valentová, K. 716 Caselli Anzai, L. 6 Bohn Martins, M.C. 6, 145 Castellote Cubells, S. 900 Bolcato Custódio, L.A. 155 Castelnau-L’Estoile, C. de 162 Bombardier, J. 42 Castelnovi, M. 765a Bosschaert, D. 780 Castro, C.A. 154 Bost, B. 663 Cerezo Magán, M. 781 Braakman, J. 938 Černý, K. 346, 349, 945 Branagan, D. 812 Chamorro, G. 854 Bratičević, I. 720 Chantrenne, D. 772 Bravo Pereira, M. 649 Châtellier, L. 883 Brereton, J. 103 Chauvin, G. 7 Brett, G. 828 Chemelewsky, M. 671, 672 Brieskorn, N. 888 Cheong, S.H. 314 Brodkorb, C. 374 Chinchilla Pawling, P. 2 03, 628 Brook, T. 249 Choudhury, M. 364, 679 Broomhall, S. 363 Chrissidis, N.A. 471 Brotherton, J.R. 520-522 Chuan-hsing, H. 625 Brown, A.J. 599 Ciborowska-Rymarowicz, I.O. 495 Bruycker, A. De 329 Cieślak, S. 717 Bueno, A. 640 Ciraulo, J.M. 525 Bugliani-Knox, F. 64 Ciszek, W.J. 638 Bulotaité, N. 417 Čiurinskas, M. 421 Burba, D. 420 Clancy, T. 238 Burke, D. 388, 389 Clarke, J. 271 Burlando, G. 893 Classen, A. 199 Burns, J. 562 Cloutier, D. 564 Burrieza Sánchez, J. 29, 128 Coello de la Rosa, A. 12, 502 Butterwick-Pawlikowski, R. 452 Cohen, T.M. 85 Cabada Castro, M. 493 Collani, C. von 767, 862, 887 Cabral, J.P. 736 Colombo, E. 10, 85, 405 Cáceres, A.M. 563 Comerford, K.M. 102, 406 Cadafaz de Matos, M. 283 Comte, A. 634 Cadeddu, F. 785 Conlon, T. 865 Cargnel, J.G. 669 Conrod, F. 365 Caria, R. 218 Considère-Charon, M.C. 387 Carmona García, M. 889 Copete, M.L. 481 Caro P., F. 853 Cordero Fernández, M. 224 Carpenter, A. 523 Corréa Monteiro, J. 508 Carr, E. 871 Corsi, E. 859 Carvalho Wilks, D. 941 Corte, D.M. La 805 Casalini, C. 98, 410 Cortés Guerrero, J.D. 183 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 543

Coupeau, C. 236 Dusausoit, X. 331 Crépin, N. 333 Dussault, S. 167 Cronin, K. 501 Dzik, J. 44 Cruz Alonso Sutil, M. 924 Eckerstorfer, B.A. 769, 831 Cruz Correia, F.A. da 123a Eckholt, M. 565 Csontos, L. 473 Edwards, D. 885 Cucci, G. 73 Egan, H.D. 825, 906 Dael, P. van 620 Egido, A. 683 Dalupan Hofileña, J. 319 Eliott, M. 792 Damour, F. 114 Emonet, P. 45 Danieluk, R. 2, 90, 422, Ems, G. 335 441, 673 Englisch, A 544 Darowski, R. 423, 877 Enyegue, J.L. 120 Daub, S. 803 Erbacher, J. 555 Deckers, D. 554 Everaert, J. 280 Deckmann Fleck, E.C. 133, 215 Fabre, P.A. 134, 316, 328 Deibl, H.J. 659 Faesen, R. 66 Dekoninck, R. 690 Farge, W.J. 301 Delfosse, A. 334 Farmer, J.T. 832 Delgado, F. 478 Fastiggi, R.L. 902 Delhez, C. 21 Fechner, F. 209 Demeillez, M. 359 Feile Tomes, M. 808 Derksen, M. 296 Feldmann, C. 915 Deslandres, D. 706 Fengran, H. 863 DeStephano, M. 248 Fernández Arillaga, I. 13, 494, Dhruv, R. 284 751 Dias, N. 459 Fernández Gracia, R. 867, 940 Díaz Risco, J. 934 Ferrara, C. 705 Diaz, M. 204 Ferreira De Almeida, M.C. 929 Didier, H. 281 Ferreira Panazzolo, L. 55 Domingos, S.T. 159 Flannery, B. 390 Dong, H. 147 Flores Flores, O. 756 Doran, R. 739 Flores, J. 291 Dossou, D. 22 Flórez Dávila, G.C. 504 Dourley, J. 914 Flucke, C. 371, 375 Doyle, D.M. 873, 874 Fontana Castelli, E. 30 Driessen, A.M.A.J. 939 Fontana, M. 839 Dubet, A. 858 Foresta, P. 79 Dudink, A. 256 Fout, J.A. 526 Duffy, R.F. 737 Franco, J.E. 460 Dupas, B. 674 Fraschina, A. 59 Dupré, L. 731 Fraschini, A.E. 141 544 Paul Begheyn SJ

Fraser, B. 695 Gonsalves, T. 307 Freely, O. 770 González Buelta, B. 31 Friedrich, M. 52-54 Gónzalez de Cardenal, O. 556 Friel, C. 740 González Mora, F. 185, 187 Fuentes Lázaro, S. 821 González Sanz, J.D. 631 Gaillardetz, R.R. 566 Gopnik, A. 356 Galdeano Carretero, R. 677 Goujon, P. 32 Gallez, J.P. 774, 775 Gould, J.L. 660 Gamberini, P. 74 Goulding, G.K. 567 Gang, S. 815 Grabowska, H. 442 Gannett, C. 103 Gracia, J. 894 García Benjumea, J.A. 727 Graney, C.M. 850 García Cuadrado, J.A. 901 Gribble, R. 722, 723 García Peláez, R. 655 Grimes, K.M. 641 García-Herrera, R. 317 Grogan, B. 390 Garcia-Ventura, A. 806 Gronau, D. 689 Garcíca Carcel, R. 485 Grössing, H. 604 Garofalo, E. 407, 411 Gruber, F. 568 Garrod, R. 626 Grzebień, L. 424, 443, 448 Gavin, J.B. 173 Guasti, N. 11, 494 Gawronski, R. 527 Gudmundsson, G.F. 903 Gennip, J. van 75, 434, 438 Guerra, A. 920 Germain, J.C. 352 Guibovich Pérez, P. 227 Gestel, M. van 439 Guillén, A.T. 68 Giard, L. 630 Guillen-Nuñez, C. 274, 843 Gibellini, R. 909 Guimarães Pinto, 919 Gilbert, M. 298 Gupta, P. 946 Giménez López, E. 453 Gutiérrez, A. 14 Giménez, A.M. 143 Gutiérrez, J.A. 193 Gimm, M. 864 Gutiérrez, R. 179 Giostra, A. 541 Guzzardi, L. 605 Girard, P. 318 Haers, J. 80 Glomski, J. 715 Hal’ko, J. 475 Goddard, P.A. 168 Hamel, A. 647 Godwin, J. 712 Han, Q. 257 Golvers, N. 260, 272, 273, 928 Hanna, D.J. 606 Gomes Machado, M.C. 729 Harrison, D. 916 Gómez Canseco, L. 602 Haskell, Y. 104 Gómez León, T.J. 408 Have, J.B.M. ten 668 Gómez Padilla, G. 710, 711 Haverkamp, A. 266 Gómez Ruiz, F.A. 648 Heiding, F. 58 Gomides Freitas, L. 930 Heijden, C. van der 569 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 545

Helminiak, D. 742 Kalapura, J. 285, 287 Hendrickson, D.S. 791 Kaminska, R. 414 Hengsbach, F. 570 Kasper, W. 572, 573 Henneau, M.E. 23 Katilienė. I. 416 Hermans, M. 327 Kaufmann, M. 777 Hernán Perrone, N. 696 Kawaguchi, A. 300 Herzstein, R. 315 Kay, N.J. 337 Hollander, A. den 336 Kelly, J.E. 497 Hollenbach, D. 786 Kemp, M. 251 Holter, W. 376 Kenny, P. 654 Höltershinken, D. 377 Keppeler, C. 833 Holzer, V. 528 Kidder, P. 741 Hong, C. 846 Kiechle, S. 47, 574 Hosne, A.C. 225 Kilroy, G. 618 Houliston, V. 810 Kimman, E. 83 Howell, P. 15 King, J. 699 Huaqing, Z. 258 King, T.M. 907 Hudock, B. 787 Kingma, D.A. 708 Hughes, G.J. 261 Kinryū, S. 299 Hui-Hung, C. 267 Knobloch, E. 644 Iafrate, M.J. 190 Kobližek, J. 895 Iannaccone, I. 745, 866 Koldová, M. 344, 347 Iglesias Saldaña, M. 181 Kośka, M. 449 Imbruglia, G. 112 Koss, N. 841 Imhof, D. 857 Kovačič, L. 476 Imhof, P. 46 Kovács, E. 350 Imolesi, M.E. 126 Kozłowiecki, A. 718 Impalá, E. 760 Kraume, A. 643 Inglot, M. 325, 425, 472 Krebs, R. 379 Iommi Amunátegui, G. 645 Kroupa, J.K. 611 Iommi Echeverría, V. 645 Krüger, R. 208 Ivereigh, A. 571 Kubik, W. 450 Jackson, R.H. 138 Kuhne, W. 510, 511 Jeffreys, D.S. 639 Kurris, F. 697 Jiménez Artacho, C. 461 Kurris, R. 297, 721 Joassart, B. 673 Kurris, R. 721 Johnston, S.M. 378 Lachaud, F. 852 Jouhaud, C. 355 Lage Reis Correia, P. 617 Junhyoung, M.S. 268 Lambert, W. 60 Južnič, S. 687, 688, 851 Lapi, C. 798 Kádár, Z. 384 Laqua-O’Dinnell, S. 621 Kadulska, I. 326 Lara, L. 48 546 Paul Begheyn SJ

Lara, M. 48 Machielsen, J. 652 Lasala, F. de 788 Maciejko, P. 694 Lauro, A. 947 Madaleno, I.M. 139 Leamy, K. 529 Madinier, R. 294 Lecón, M. 896 Magniez, A.C. 372 Lécrivain, P. 366, 811 Maher, M. 842 Lee, K.H. 314 Mailloux, S. 91 Lehner, U. 799 Majorana, B. 391, 392, Leitão, H. 464 399, 412 Leiva Béjar, P. 682 Malcolm, N. 33 Lelková, I. 713 Maldavsky, A. 400 Lenik, S. 189 Mallimaci, F. 545, 546 Li, S., 252 Malta Romeiras, F. 464, 465, 951 Liberatore, M.J. 826 Mancini, L. 816 Libois, C. 118 Manning Stevens, S. 171 Limpias Ortiz, V.H. 148 Manrique Merino, L. 490 Lindeijer, M. 664, 665 Manzatto, A. 575 Linka, J. 612, 667 Marasescu, I. 627 Little, J. 651 Mariani, A. 446 Litva, F.J. 169 Mariani, P. 275, 701 Liu, Y. 847 Marín Cortés, M. 186 Llewelyn, J. 700 Marínez Tornero, C. 751 Lobão Carvalho, R. 165 Marinho dos Santos, J. 166 Logan, O. 680 Marino, G. 818 Long, D.S. 517 Markauskaité, N. 426, 427 Longo, G.O. 763 Marotta, S. 537 Looveren, E. Van 336 Marsh, J.L. 598 López Forjas, M. 818 Marshall, E.F. 702 López Pego, C. 482, 489 Martín Lopez, D. 814 López Pérez, E. 80, 86 Martin, J.N. 532, 533 Löser, W. 530, 531 M a r t í n e z d ’ A l o s - M o n e r , A . 1 2 1 , Losserand, L. 360 122, 145 Loureiro, R.M. 246 Martínez-Serna, J.G. 9 Lowry, J.S. 380 Martins Ruckstadter, F.M. 729 Lucaioli, C.P. 146 Martins, F.P. 229 Lucca, D. de 403 Marx, J. 506 Lucioli, F. 886 Maryks, R.A. 34 Lukaszewska-Haberkowa, J. 445 Masbou, C. 613, 614 Lustig, A.J. 936 Masini, F. 764 Mačak, K. 342 Mason, R. 237 MacCullouch, D. 483 Massimi, M. 55, 65, 163, 691 Macháčková, J. 948 Mata Induráin, C. 603 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 547

Matabuena, M.T. 135 Morán Cabanas, M.I. 460 Matthiesen, M.M. 904 Moreno Martínez, D. 16 Mayer, A. 505, 834 Mostaccio, S. 25, 368 McCarthy, M.H. 743 Motta, F. 3 McChlery, L. 76 Muller, J. 330 Mcclain, L. 498 Müller, R. 875 McCoog, T.M. 499 Musillo, M. 255 McDermott, J.M. 905 Naik, G. 289 McDowell, E. 797 Narbutas, S. 418 Meceri, F. 557 Nardone, G. 409 Medeiros Rodrigues, L.F. 160 Navarro Catalan, D.M. 479 Medina Pellegrini, J.A. 576 Navia Méndez-Bonito, S. 927 Meehan, J. 174 Nawrot, P. 149, 150 Meier, J. 129, 156, 837 Negredo del Cerro, F. 858 Mei-Tin, H. 646 Nelles, P. 35 Melo de Oliveira, P.R. 92, 681 Neufeld, K.H. 675, 755, 952 Menard, G. 99 Nevímová, P. 343 Mendonça, D. 93 Neyrey, J. 238 Mendoza Maeztu, N. 488 Niewiadomski, J. 868 Mendoza, R.C. 558 Noble, T. 77 Mergoil, J. 783 Noel, C.C. 477 Mergoil-Daniel, J. 783 Noij, M. 439 Merz, E.M. 547 Novák, L. 897 Messerschmidt, D.A. 782 Novotný, D.D. 795, 894 Meszaros, A. 923 Nowaszczuk, J. 768 Métin, F. 367 Núñez Freile, B. 223 Meyer, R. 369 O’Brien, S. 72 Meynard, T. 728 O’Donnell, C. 239 Miazek-Meczynska, M. 608 O’Leary, B. 666 Michnicka-Gajek, J. 878 O’Malley, J.W. 36, 105, 232, 338 Milbank, J. 746 Oakes, K. 534 Miranda Nogueira Coelho, M.C. Oberholzer, P. 725, 726 de 932 Ogle, K. 413, 415 Mkenda, F. 115 Oka, M. 304 Mochizuki, M.M. 100 Oliveira Nicolini, M.H. de 548 Modena, D. 761, 762 Oliveira Santos, I. 931 Mollá, D. 509 Oliver Muñoz, V. 221 Monet, J. 174, 175 Onliková, P. 348 Monson, P.G. 172 Orii, Y. 312 Monta, S. 882 Ornellas, F.M. 793 Montfort, C. 353 Ortega, A. 559 Montiel, C.J. 616 Osswald, C. 26, 941 548 Paul Begheyn SJ

Oulíková, P. 949 Quattrone, P. 56 Pace, V. 549 Quiroz, F. 228 Pagani, C. 247 Radde-Antweiler, K. 581 Page, C.A. 144 Rahner, K. 61 Palomo, F. 454 Ramos Guadalupe, L.E. 935 Pampnet Rodrigues, R. 550 Ratsimbazafy, F. 22 Parolin, P. 577 Ravanel, C. 116 Paschoud, A. 170, 206, Ravasi, G. 758 354, 693 Realdi, M. 462 Paternicò, L.M. 607, 703 Recolons de Arquer, M. 37 Paul, S. 937 Reed, M. 254 Pavone, S. 4, 25, 292 Rees, W. 735 Pellicia, C. 308 Rentería-Valencia, R.F. 200 Pérez-Boccherini Stampa, J. 881 Reppert, J. 737 Pernety, A.J. 136 Revuelta González, M. 38 Perrin, E. 358 Rey Fajardo, J. del 186,187, Pessoa Garcia, A. 734 243, 244 Pichette, J.P. 730 Ribeiro de Carvalho, J.A. 458 Picquart, Y. 926 Richard, J.C. 362 Pierno, F. 921 Rico Callada, F.L. 480 Pierpauli, R.S. 898 Rixon, G. 69, 176 Pillat, M. 324 Roberts, J. 835 Pinto, A. 290 Robotti, A. 393 Pinto, P. 578 Rocca, G. 27 Piqué, E. 551 Rodriguês, M. 754 Pittl, S. 579, 659 Rojka, L. 475 Po-Chia Hsia, R. 250, 253, Roling, B. 685 276, 277 Romanato, G. 856 Pohanka, R. 619 Romano, A. 817 Poli, D. 844, 925 Romeo, M.V. 113 Politi, M. 580 Rosenberg, E. 582 Pop, I.A. 469 Rotsaert, M. 49, 70 Poponessi, P. 234 Rotundo, N. 744 Prado Berlien, C. 182 Rousova, A. 351 Preeshl, A. 67 Royannais, P. 632 Prevot, A. 657 Rubin, S. 552 Prieto, A.I. 140 Ruiz Jurado, M. 50, 78 Prieto, L. 890 Ruiz Martínez-Cañavate, P. 137 Proot, G. 339 Rule, P. 262, 279, 887 Prosperi, A. 63 Rus, V. 467 Qi, H. 269 Russell, C. 401 Qiong, Z. 278 Ryden, E. 270 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 549

Sabatier, G. 773 Seibel, V. 381 Sabeh, L.A. 84 Sequeira, L.M.F. 263 Saiz-Pardo Hurtado, R. 861 Serra, A. 28 Salas, V.M. 902 Serrano Martín, E. 486 Salazar Zagazeta, C.M. 125 Serrano, E. 800 Saldivia M., Z. 853 Sharkey, P. 96 Salvado Morgado, A. 813 Shelley, T.J. 241 Salviati, F. 624 Shin, J.M. 305 Salviucci Insolera, L. 822 Shore, P. 321, 386 Sánchez Pons, J.N. 295 Siebenrock, R. 870 Sandler, W. 870 Sievernich, M. 591, 593 Santiago Culleton, A. 899 Silva Gonçalves, N. da 152 Santiago de Carvalho, M.A. 456 Silva Martins, J.M. da 736 Santos da Silveira, A. 165 Sintobin, N. 51 Santos Gómez, M. 661 Skorka, A. 543 Šapro-Ficović, M. 341 Smith, J.C. 382 Sarreal, J. 217 Smith, R.J. 264 Sasaki, C. 89 Smits, J. 435 Saunders, P. 583 Soalheiro, B. 39 Savard, J.D. 94 Sobolev, D. 698 Scannone, J.C. 584-588 Sobrino, J. 191 Scaramella, P. 5 Song, L. 848 Scartezzini, R. 840 Sora, D. 653 Scerri, H. 910 Sorge, B. 592 Schatz, K. 838 Soriano Muñoz, N. 491 Schefer, A. 656 Soto Artuñedo, W. 490, 492 Schindler, C. 676 Soudier, C. 629 Schlafly, D. 240 Spadaro, A. 561 Schlegel, J.L. 589 Spangenberg, I. 911 Schmalz, M.N. 231 Spermann, J. 106 Schmuhl, H.W. 784 Spinale, K. 57 Schneider, B. 884 Stanciu, D. 733 Schöbi, P. 322 Stanciu, L. 466 Schossler, M. 670 Stanonik, J. 709 Schrijver, G. De 192, 590 Stark, M. 81 Schupp, A. 153 Steiner, N. 374 Schuppener, G. 342 Stello, V.F. 155 Schwabeneder, M. 547 Štěpánek, P. 719, 942, 950 Schwan, M. 43 Stoep, A. van der 436 Schwemmer, P. 309 Stoichita, V.I. 340 Sebastini, S. 642 Storck, A. 778 Secomb, M. 535 Strasser, U. 370 550 Paul Begheyn SJ

Stroom, G. van der 678 Vallely, P. 560 Štrukelj, A. 515, 536 Vandenberghe, A. 635 Stuczinski, C. 455 Varšo, M. 474 Suárez Varela, A. 600 Vaškelienė, A. 419 Suárez, M.A. 807 Vechtel, K. 829 Sustersic, B.D. 210 Vélez, K. 220 Sutto, A. 233 Ven, G.P. van de 939 Syrop Bergan, J, 43 Venclauskas, L. 431 Szabados, G. 385 Venier, M. 395 Szczeblewski, Ł. 601 Verbrugge, V. 332 Takizawa. O. 303 Verdoy, A. 487 Tardieu, J.P. 222 Vermander, B. 918 Tazbir, J. 876 Vermigli, F. 748 Teixeira, C. 776 Vidal, J. 806 Telesca, I. 211-213, 219 Vijaya, V. 207 Tellkamp, J.A. 779 Vilaró y Güel, M. 119 Tennant, M.A. 872 Villegas, B. 184, 188, 481 Terán Espinosa, M. 201 Vivanco Díaz, B. 463 Terhal, P. 917 Vollrath, H.J. 865 Thornton, J.K. 117 Vu Thanh, H. 302,313 Tojeira, J.M. 684 Vylder, G. De 288 Toro, S. 615 Waddell, M.A. 110 Torres Londoño, F. 229 Waldenfels, H. 594 Trautmann, M. 732 Wallish, R. 610 Trilupaitienė, J. 428 Walravens, H. 609 Trippen, N. 383 Walsham, A. 500, 622 True, M. 177 Wandinger, N. 868, 869 Trypucko, J. 440 Wang, Y. 804 Tuohy, D. 107 Ward, H.N. 282, 286, 311 Turcan, I. 357 Watanabe, A. 310 Turrini, M. 402 Weaver, B.J.M. 226 Udiás, A. 108 Weiler, M. 836 Ullmaier, H. 604 Weiß, P. 514, 599 Urbaitytė, R. 429 Whelan, G. 595 Uríbarri, G. 724 Wicks, J. 538 Vacalebre, N. 101 Wilde, G. 205, 214 Vainfas, R. 161 Williams, K. 738 Vaitkevičiūtė, V. 430 Wills, G. 596 Valenzuela, J. 180 Windmuller-Luna, K. 123 Valerio, A. 109 Winkler, A. 514, 599 Valiente, O.E. 880 Wiśniewski, K. 451 Valle, I. del 88 Wong Ching Him, F. 796 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 551

Wood, F. 845 Wood, S. 749 Woodcock Tentler, L. 87 Worcester, T. 40 Wright, A.D. 8 Wright, J. 34 Wright, W.M. 750 Wu, H. 662 Xianqing, Z. 686 Yenson, M.L. 518 Yi Pan Ng, A. 62 Younger, P.L. 597 Zaccardi, A. 396 Zas Friz, R. 71 Zavadil, P. 242 Zeron, C. 933 Zhang Xianqing, X. 802 Ziemanski, S. 877 Zouhar, J. 823 Zwartjes, O. 765