Inward 347 Documents 348 Homily
BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF CONTENTS Page BOOKS AND ARTICLES 311 CONCERT 347 CORRESPONDENCE - INWARD 347 DOCUMENTS 348 HOMILY 351 INTERVIEWS 351 LECTURES 354 MEETINGS 354 BOOKS AND ARTICLES A Pilgrim's Testament: The Memoirs of Ignatius of Loyola (1983) Divarkar, P. (Trans.) Rome, Gregorian University. Abbott, W. (Ed.) (1966) The Documents of Vatican II, London, Chapman. Abbs, P. (1974) Autobiography in Education, London, Heinemann. Abercrombie, N., Hill, S. and Turner, B., (1988) Dictionary of Sociology, London, Penguin. Accardi, R. (1989) 'Corporate Prophetability: The Prophetic Role of the Governance Liaison', Review for Religious, 48, 6, November - December, pp.915-921. Adelman, C. (Ed.) (1981) Uttering, Muttering Collecting, Using and Reporting Talk for Social and Educational Research, London, Grant McIntyre. Adelman, C., Jenkins, D., and Kemmis, S. (1980) 'Rethinking Case Study: Notes from the Second Cambridge Conference' in Simons, H (Ed.) (1980) Towards a Science of the Singular, University of East Anglia, Centre for Applied Research in Education, Occasional Publication No. 10. Adie, M. (1990a) 'Restoring responsibility', Education, 176, 24, 14th December. Adie, M. (1990b) 'Basic or marginal?', Education, 176, 25/26, 21st/28th December. Albrow, M. (1970) Bureaucracy Key Concepts in Political Science, London, Macmillan. Albrow, M. (1990) Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory, London, Macmillan. Aldrich, R. (1982) An Introduction to the History of Education, London, Hodder and Stoughton. Alexander, D. (1991) 'Curriculum turmoil in liberal democracies', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 23, 1, pp.71-78. Allan, R. and Hill, R. (1991) 'Political Illiteracy and Australian Teacher Education Programmes', Social Science Teacher, 20, 3, Summer, pp.87- 89. Allen, R.
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