Monday, November 28, 2011

11 A.M. ———

QUESTIONS QUESTIONS entered in separate lists to be asked and answers given. ——— PAPERS TO BE LAID ON THE TABLE Following Ministers to lay papers on the Table entered in the separate list: — 1. DR. for Ministry of New and Renewable Energy; 2. PROF. K.V. THOMAS for Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution; 3. SHRI R.P.N.SINGH for Ministry of Corporate Affairs; and 4. SHRI VINCENT PALA for Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Minority Affairs. ———— STATEMENT BY MINISTER PROF. K.V. THOMAS to make a statement regarding Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Thirteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (Department of Consumer Affairs). ———— LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS

Bill for introduction

1. SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM to move for leave to introduce a Bill further The Citizenship to amend the Citizenship Act, 1955. (Amendment) Bill, 2011. ALSO to introduce the Bill.

Bills for consideration and passing

2. SHRI VILASRAO DAGADOJIRAO DESHMUKH to move that the The Academy of Bill to establish an Academy for furtherance of the advancement of learning and Scientific and prosecution of research in the field of science and technology in association with Innovative Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and to declare the institution known Research as the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, to be an institution of Bill, 2011. national importance to provide for its incorporation and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, as passed by , be taken into consideration.

ALSO to move that the Bill be passed.


The Prasar 3. SHRIMATI AMBIKA SONI to move that the Bill further to amend Bharati the Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of ) Act, 1990, be taken into (Broadcasting consideration. Corporation of India) ALSO to move that the Bill be passed. Amendment Bill, 2010.

NEW DELHI; V.K. AGNIHOTRI, November 25, 2011. Secretary-General.