TRAFFIC TIMBER ISLAND REPORT The Rosewood and Ebony Trade of

DECember 2016 Cynthia Ratsimbazafy, David J. Newton and Stéphane Ringuet TRAFFIC REPORT

TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, is the leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. TRAFFIC is a strategic alliance of WWF and IUCN.

Reproduction of material appearing in this report requires written permission from the publisher. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of TRAFFIC or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The views of the authors expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessary reflect those of TRAFFIC, WWF or IUCN.

Published by TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa Regional Office c/o IUCN ESARO Hatfield Gables, 484 Hilda Street Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028

© 2016 TRAFFIC. Copyright of material published in this report is vested in TRAFFIC

ISBN: 978-1-85850-412-4

UK Registered Charity No. 1076722 Suggested citation: Ratsimbazafy, C., Newton, D. and Ringuet, S. (2016). Timber Island: The Rosewood and Ebony Trade of Madagascar. TRAFFIC. Cambridge, UK.

Front cover photograph and credit: Dalbergia madagascariensis tree in . © Julien Noel Rakotoarisoa / MEEF

This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents and the views of the authors expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. TIMBER ISLAND: Rosewood and Ebony Trade of Madagascar

Cynthia Ratsimbazafy1, David J. Newton1,2 and Stéphane Ringuet3 75$)),& 8QLYHUVLW\RI:LWZDWHUVUDQG6FKRRORI$QLPDO3ODQWDQG(QYLURQPHQWDO6FLHQFHV 3 WWF France © JULIEN NOEL RAKOTOARISOA / MEEF Dalbergia madagascariensis tree in Masoala National Park. iininsertnsseerrtt iimagemmaaggee oorr lelleaveeavave blbblanklanank 2015© FLORENT TOTO COALITION LAMPOGNO MAMABAY Hidden stock of rosewood at -

This project has benefited from financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the framework of sustainable development approaches in priority ecosystems (SCAPES) and through a programme entitled “Preserving Madagascar’s Natural Resources” implemented by a consortium of organizations including the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), TRAFFIC, Conservation International (CI) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).


LIST OF TABLES ...... v LIST OF FIGURES ...... vi LIST OF MAPS ...... vii PREFACE ...... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... ix ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...... x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... xiii 1. INTRODUCTION and BACKGROUND ...... 1 2. METHODS...... 7 3. RESULTS ...... 16 3.1. Biological characteristics of Dalbergia and Diospyros species...... 16 3.1.1. Summary of existing studies ...... 16 3.1.2 Role of the species in nature ...... 16 3.1.3 Life form characterisitics ...... 17 3.1.4. Regeneration potential ...... 19 3.1.5. Species distribution and density ...... 21 3.2. National status of species...... 22 3.2.1. Habitat and national distribution ...... 22 3.2.2. Abundance of species at the national level ...... 22 3.2.3. Population trend of species at national level and principal threats ...... 23 3.3. Illegal logging and trade at the national level ...... 25 3.3.1. Scale of logging and associated illegal or unmanaged trade ...... 25 3.3.2. National precious timber trade ...... 35 3.3.3. Export of precious timber ...... 40 3.3.4. Management of precious timber stocks (rosewood and ebony) ...... 50 3.3.5. Stakeholders involved in logging and illegal trade in Madagascar ...... 53 3.3.6 Factors underlying illegal harvest and related trade ...... 59 3.3.7 Ecological impact of the illegal logging of precious timber ...... 61 3.3.8 Socioeconomic impacts of illegal trade of precious timber: rosewood and ebony ...... 62

75$)),&5HSRUW7LPEHU,VODQG7KHURVHZRRGDQGHERQ\WUDGHRI0DGDJDVFDU LLL 3.4. Legal framework for precious woods ...... 67 3.4.1. The hierarchy of legislation in Madagascar ...... 67 3.4.2. Regulation and policy on timber harvest ...... 68 3.4.3. Specific regulations pertaining to rosewood and ebony ...... 69 3.4.4. The CITES listing ofDalbergia species and the loophole on palisander at a national level .....69 3.5. Implementation of the legal framework ...... 72 3.5.1. Protection against harvesting ...... 72 3.5.2. Harvesting in areas with strong resource tenure or ownership and in protected areas: ...... 73 3.5.3. Harvest Monitoring ...... 73 3.5.4 Stakeholders involved in the management of Madagascar’s precious timber ...... 73 3.5.5 Progress of the CITES Action plan implementation ...... 77 3.5.6. Penalization of offences related to rosewood and ebony ...... 80 4. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION ...... 84 4.1. Information on timber standing stocks: partial for some species and non-existent for others .....84 4.2. Information on illegal logging and related trade is limited, and no information on logging is . available at the species level ...... 85 4.3. Lack of transparency in the management of seized stockpiles ...... 88 4.4. A management system ineffective to ensure sustainable harvest and trade ...... 88 4.5. Inadequate resources to cope: example of Masoala National Park ...... 89 4.6. Instability & inconsistency of regulatory framework amplifies illegal exploitation & export ...... 89 4.7. Governance undermined by corruption ...... 90 4.8. Need to revise Madagascar’s community conservation development model ...... 90 5. RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 96 ANNEXES ...... 105 Annex 1: Agenda of the workshop to evaluate the scientific knowledge on precious timber (22-24 September 2014, ) ...... 105 Annex 2: List of participants in the workshop to evaluate scientific knowledge on precious timber (22-24 September 2014, Antananarivo) ...... 106 Annex 3: Questionnaire used in consulting national experts ...... 107 Annex 4: List of experts consulted ...... 109 Annex 5: Matrix of the SAVA and mission (21 January - 4 March 2015) ...... 110 Annex 6: Questionnaire given to villagers in vicinity of protected areas, logging sites of precious timber during the local surveys conducted by TRAFFIC between January and March 2015 ...... 110 Annex 7: Recommendations of the NDF workshop organised by TRAFFIC (22-24 September 2014, Antananarivo)...... 111

LY 75$)),&5HSRUW7LPEHU,VODQG7KHURVHZRRGDQGHERQ\WUDGHRI0DGDJDVFDU Annex 8: List of Dalbergia species having a tree life form and capable of achieving a minimum exploitable diameter (Species able to achieve a MED are listed in bold ...... 112 Annex 9a: List of formally described Diospyros species. (Species able to achieve a minimum exploitable diameter are listed in bold) ...... 113 Annex 9b: Lists of “species” not yet formally described as being part of the genus Diospyros. (Species able to achieve a MED are listed in bold) ...... 114 Annex 10: Regeneration potential of 28 MED Dalbergia spp...... 116 Annex 11: Regeneration potential of the 29 formally described MED Diospyros spp...... 117 Annex 12: Dispersal efficiency of MEDDalbergia spp. with information on densities ...... 117 Annex 13: Dispersal efficiency of described MED Diospyros species with information on densities .118 Annex 14: Characteristics of habitat and national distribution of 28 MED Dalbergia spp...... 118 Annex 15: Characteristics of habitat and national distribution of MED Diospyros spp...... 120 Annex 16: The national abundance of described MED Dalbergia spp...... 121 Annex 17: Characteristics of the national abundance of described MED Diospyros spp, ...... 122 Annex 18: Population trend and principal threats to MED Dalbergia spp...... 123 Annex 19: Population trend and principal threats to the known MED Diospyros spp...... 124

LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Examples of literature dealing with problems related to precious timber in Madagascar...... 5 Table 2: Principal stages of the preparation of the study ...... 8 Table 3: Principal information collected by source type...... 10 Table 4: Summary data on five consultation meetings organized by TRAFFIC between 26 January and 3 March 2015 ...... 12 Table 5: Number of persons encountered during this work by category and affiliation or organizatial category ...... 13 Table 6: Summary of existing biological and ecological studies on Malagasy Dalbergia and Diospyros species (MED species depicted in bold) ...... 17 Table 7: Number of Malagasy Dalbergia and Diospyros species for which information is available on life form and characterictics such as growth habit and on Minimum Exploitable Diameter (MED) ....18 Table 8: The number of stumps resulting from illegal harvsting observed in the Makira Nature reserve from 2013 through 2015 ...... 31 Table 9: Cost in MGA of timber in the markets of Andravoahangy and Mahazo (Antananarivo) ...... 36 Table 10: Number of processor and volumes of rosewood used annually in the main transformation regions ...... 40 Table 11: Minimum quantitative estimates of the scope of the harvest and export of rosewood ...... 43 Table 12: The 20 most heavily traded species of precious timber of Madagascar ...... 44

75$)),&5HSRUW7LPEHU,VODQG7KHURVHZRRGDQGHERQ\WUDGHRI0DGDJDVFDU Y Table 13: Inventory data relating to seized and declared stocks of rosewood and ebony (2010-2015) ..52 Table 14: Woodcutters' income in MGA depending on their type of contract ...... 54 Table 15: Estimated number of households engaged in activities related to the harvest and export of precious timber in 2015 ...... 58 Table 16: Principal regulations on the harvest and trade of Malagasy precious wood ...... 70 Table 17: Principal international conventions, declarations and resolutions on the conservation of precious timber, signed or ratified by Madagascar ...... 72 Table 18: Examples of stakeholders and initiatives attempting to combat the illegal harvest and trade of precious timber ...... 75 Table 19: Examples of the progress made by Madagascar in implementing the CITES action plan for Diospyros and Dalbergia ...... 78 Table 20: Offences related to illegal harvest and trade of precious timber: cases heard in the courts of , Maroantsetra and (2009-2015) ...... 80 Table 21: Offences relating to the illegal harvest and trade in precious timber: case registered at the court of Toamasina (2009-2015) ...... 81 Table 22: General comments on the different factors affecting harvest management of Dalbergia species ...... 86 Table 23: General comments on factors affecting the management of Diospyros species ...... 87 Table 24: Recommendation to fill knowledge gaps for NDF making ...... 92

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Number of Dalbergia species stumps identified in Marojejy National Park (2009-2014) ...... 28 Figure 2: Number of Diospyros species logs found in Masoala National Park (2010-2014) ...... 30 Figure 3: The changing numbers of stumps resulting from illegal logging identified in the new protected area of CAZ (October 2013-April 2015) ...... 34 Figure 4: Palisander sawn wood stock from CAZ awaiting transport to Antananarivo ...... 36 Figure 5: Volumes (m3) of legally logged palisander in CAZ from 2011 to 2014 ...... 37 Figure 6: Numbers of timber traders in possession of a licence or not in possession of licence in the timber markets of Ambodivona and Andravoahangy (Antananarivo) ...... 38 Figure 7: Volumes (in t) of palisander timber exported from Madagascar (2010-2014) ...... 41 Figure 8: Volumes (in t) of rosewood and ebony of formal and informal origin exported from Madagascar (1998-2014) ...... 42 Figure 9: Price trend along the supply chain(USD/t) ...... 46 Figure 10: Evolution of the price of rosewood logs in China (USD/t) from 2000 to 2014 ...... 46 Figure 11: Volumes (/t) and export routes to their countries of destination of Malagasy precious timber ...... 49 Figure 12: Trade flowchart listing stakeholders involved in the Madagascar timber trade ...... 57

YL 75$)),&5HSRUW7LPEHU,VODQG7KHURVHZRRGDQGHERQ\WUDGHRI0DGDJDVFDU Figure 13: Relationship between illegal harvesting of rosewood and lemur traps in the Masoala National Parks ...... 61 Figure 14: Relationship between the number of rosewood stumps and illegal encampments in Masoala National park (2010-2014) ...... 62 Figure 15: Trends in the number of non-resident visitors at borders and tourism earnings in USD ....63 Figure 16: Volume of rosewood and ebony seized outside Madagascar from 2011 to 2015 ...... 65

LIST OF MAPS Map 1: SCAPES intervention landscapes and the principal districts and villages visited during this work ...... 7 Map 2: Locations of cases of illegal harvesting of precious timber in and arround the Marojejy National Park (2009-2014) ...... 27 Map 3: Illegal harvest of precious timber in Masoala National Park (2010-2015) ...... 29 Map 4: Location of illegal logging areas in the Makira Natural Park (2013-2015) ...... 32 Map 5: Surveys of illegal logging areas in Mananara Biosphere Reserve (2009-2014) ...... 33 Map 6: Illegal palisander logging sites in the new protected area of CAZ in 2015 ...... 34 Map 7: Shipping points and deposit locations for illegal rosewood and ebony at Cap Masoala between 2010-2015* ...... 47


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 3 The total number of species of vertebrates is estimated at 1162, including notably freshwater fish (143 species), amphibians (244 species), reptiles (370 species), birds (209 breeding species) and primates (101 species) (cf. Anon., 2014a).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 1 &"%%"('!-+,-0'OMMR'OMNP;0!"!+)+,'-,%(,,( (.-N&"%%"('!-+,"' U2+,G'('>;OMNRH>  !!" .,,(  (+,--"('"'%. (+,- +-"('2"%% %%( "' ; "+,; (+,- %+"'  (+!+(%'-!('/+,"('( %'-( +".%-.+%.,G (!',(''!'#;OMMUH> ( "' (  ,+B,)+"(.,-"&+",,%-"' %' +-"('' (+,--"('; )+-".%+%2,"'%-OMMU'+%2OMMVQ&+$"' -!.),.+ "'"%% %%( "' -"/"-",>   ,+B,)+"(.,-"&+,++)+,'-2-! '+#) ' &*'0)&*0!"! )+(/"(-!"'-+'-"('%'(&,-"&+$-,0"-!!" !/%.)+(.-,> '+,"' "'-+'-"('%&'!,%-('.),.+ "'"%% %%( "' (  ,+B,+(,0((' ('2>!"%% %%( "' ( )+"(.,-"&+",'(-'0)!'(&'('"' ,+G-%; OMMT<!..+&'' (0+0=OMMV<'+"&%%'!(.;OMNMH;'-, +(&-!'(  -!NVVM,'-! "''"' ( -!OMMM,> (0/+;,"'OMMV; ,+!,' 1)+"'"' '.&+(.,)(%"-"%+",",;(&)'"2'.')+'-"'+,"'"%% % %( "' ( )+"(.,-"&+"')+(--+,;)+-".%+%2"''(+-!@,-+' ,+> !(.,',( +(,0(('('2-+,!/'"%% %%2.-"'-!&#(+"-2( % ,2 (+,-,G-%;OMMT<!..+&'=OMMV<'('>;OMNM<'+"&%%'!(.@=OMNMH>   ,+B, (/+'&'-+)+,'-2-!"'",-+2( '/"+('&'-;(%( 2'(+,- GH",-!"',-"-.-"('+,)(',"% (+ (+,-(',+/-"(''/%()&'-(  (+,- &' &'-)(%"2"' ,+>!'+%"+-(+-( (+,-GH.'+-!", -!0++'-( -!"&)%&'--"('( )(%"",'+ .%-"(',)+-"'"' -( (+,- (',+/-"(''&' &'-"'%."' '-"('%'"'-+'-"('%+ .%-"(',>%,( ',.+,-!(!+''(@(+"'-"('( %%"'"-"-"/,"&- (+,-(',+/-"('' &' &'->  (+"' (+-!+ .%-(+2&!'",&,()---!'-"('%%/%-()+(---!+-'0"% ,)",; ,+!,," '-0("&)(+-'-"'-+'-"('% +&'-,;'&%2 "'NVTR '-!('/'-"('('"(%( "%"/+,"-2GH"'NVVRG >%NTH>!,-0(('/'-"(', + .'&'-%-(-!(',+/-"('( ,)",GPR;O;)+,('%(&&'--( ; .' OMNRH>-!+$2 +&'-,," '2 ,++%/'--( (/+''( '-.+%+,(.+, '0"%,)",+-! +"''"('('/'-"('('+/'-"' '(&-"' (++.)-"('; '-!'"--"(',('/'-"(' "',-+','-"('%+ '"3+"&R0"-!-!+ ,,("-)+(-((%,S>"'%%2;"' .'OMNR; ,+%,(,.))(+--! +"''"('B, '(+,&'-( -!) %+)+0&%&$+ % ###/'#& ++ &%% ###) % # ,%%#&) %) >!&(,-"&)(+-'-( -!,", 0!"!)%2,&#(++(%"'-! (',+/-"(''-!&' &'-(  ,+B,)().%-"(',( #) ' &*'0)&, ,)",,(.-%"' .+-!+%(0>  *+ % %''% / & 

'' (+--((',+/-!% ,2)().%-"(',( #) *' *'(  &*'0)&**' * '-(('-+(%-!"'-+'-"('%-+"'-!"+)+(.-,; ,+()-+'(>OMNM@ NQN( OQ+!OMNM;)+(!""-"' -!.--"' ;%( "' '1)(+-( ,)"&',( +(,0((' ('2> 'OMNN; ,+%",--!% ,2)().%-"(',( -!,)","'))'"1 (   > 

 4 The logging of precious wood in Madagascar goes back to 1899, with the presence of a Malagasy company and an individual foreign operator established in the south of Masoala to exploit and export the precious timber in this area (Botokely, 1902). 5 Law no. 2014-005 of 19 June 2014 against terrorism and organized cross-border crime. 6 Protocol intended to prevent, suppress and punish people trafficking, in particular of women and children; Protocol against the illegal trafficking of migrants by land, air and sea; Protocol against the illegal manufacture and trafficking of weapons, their parts, elements and ammunition.

2 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar "'-!",,."' ( -!1)-"('%.-!(+"3-"(' (+-!1)(+-( +(,0(('('22 +'(>OMMV@MMP( OU '.+2OMMV; ,+!,1)+"'-!0(+,-)+"((   (+,--"('"'"-,'-"+!",-(+2G'+"&%%'!(.>;OMNMH>,)"--!'-&'-(  +'(>OMNM@NQN( OQ+!OMNM;"%% %%( "' '1)(+-!/('-"'. G'+"&%%;OMNQ< '+"' "-+;@( -!+ "(';)+,('%(&&'--(  ; '.+2OMNRH>  !+0+&'2%%,"'-!%.)-( (NR2 (/+'&'-%(+ '"3-"(','2 '-"('%'"'-+'-"('%,-(('/"'-!% ,2---()+()(,%",-"' -!,)",(   &*'0)&*'#) "'))'"1 (  > 'OMNN;--!+*.,-(  ,+-(-! -'"' (&&"--(  ; "/#) ,)",'NMQ &*'0)&*,)",0+%",-"' ))'"1 (  G'('>;OMNNH>!+(. !-!",%",-"' "'))'"1 T; ,+,(. !- -!(@()+-"('( (-!++-",-( -(,.))(+--!"'"-"-"/,-$'--!'-"('%%/%-( )+/'-(+%"&"--!%( "' '1)(+-( % ,2)().%-"(',( #) ' &*'0)&* ,)",>  *+ % %''% / & 

'' (+--(,-+' -!'-!('-+(%( -!"'-+'-"('%-+"'-!,,)",U' (%%(0"'  )+()(,%2 ,+;-!NS-!-"' ( -!(' +'( -!+-",G(NSH-( GP@ NQ+!OMNP;' $($;!"%'H"-(%",--!% ,2)().%-"(',( ('2 &*'0)&* ,)",'#) ,)","'))'"1 ( -!('/'-"('V>!", -"/%2&',-!-%% '&",)","'-!, '++%",->  ('%2; (NS()-'-"('%'-( "%"--"&)%&'--"('( -!%",-"' (  % ,2)().%-"(',( -!,,)","'))'"1 > "'$-(","('NS>NRO('C('2  &*'0)&**' *;'(,0((#) *' *(  ;-!",-"('%',-").%-,-!-  ,+,!%%NM=  KA *+# * = %&##&)+ &%. + +  )+) +=* %A*'),+ &%)0 /'&)+(,&+&)+ # *++/. )%(,+%&%A+) $%+ % %% ,%)+"%%#)#0&,$%+&)%0*' *'#%%&)/'&)+ O@ *+# * =*'')&') +=%. + "0')+%)*H %#, %+  )+) +=  #%+*&$$ ++= %+)%+ &%#)&' # $))% 1+ &%F G=$ % $'&)+ % &,%+) *=%%+ &%#% %+)%+ &%#)*) E&%*)-+ &%&)% 1+ &%*I')&** F)*) = %&)$+ &%+ ) %%%#0* *G+& %+ 0+ $ %*' *+&/'&)+@ &)"* &'** &,#&)% 1&)*#+*' *+&*+# * + (,+%&%A +) $%+ % %*)(, ) %'))' K P@ &##&)+=*'')&') +=%. + "0')+%)*=* % + %'))' L&-=+& ')') %+  + &%$+) #%+*+*&),* % %&)$%++& %+ 0$ % +/*+ 0)+) Q@ ,+ %'#%$)&&%/'&)+&*+&"' #*&+ *+ $)*,%+ #+  +% % &$$ ++ *'')&-+ )*,#+*&*+&"' #, +%,*'#%+&+)$ %. + &$'&%%+&+ *+&"' # -%###0,$,#+%%###0/'&)+> R@ &##&)+=*'')&') +=%. + "0')+%)*=* % + %'))' L&-=+& *+# * %&)$%+$ % *$*+&** *+ % $'#$%++ &%&%0/'&)+(,&+=  7 In the case of export from the country having listed the species in Annex III, an export licence issued by the management body of that country is required. It is issued only if the specimen has been legally obtained. In the case of export from another country, a certificate of origin, issued by its management body is required. In the case of re-export, certificate of re-export issued by the country of re-export is required.                               9 The listings bear the annotation #5, indicating that the only parts and products concerned are the "undressed timber, sawn timber and wood for veneering". 10 The action plan also stipulates other provisions for the attention of the Plant Committee. The importing countries, in particular the developed countries that are Parties to the Convention and the Secretariat of the Convention.

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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• ! '+%"(%( "%!+-+",-",( -!,)",> • ' (+&-"('('-!,--.,( -!,)",-'-"('%%/%> • !,)-( &' &'-( %( "' '+%--+> • !&,.+,-$'-(('-+(%%( "' '-+> • !"''-"/,'' "-,( !+/,-"'  (+(',+/-"('>  +"(.,,-.",G'('>;OMMV<'('>;OMNM<'('>;OMNN<'('>;OMNO<'('>;OMNP<'('>; OMNQH!/'('.-(/+-!%,- "/2+,('-!"(%( "%,)-,'!+/,-(  -!,,)",;.--!,-.",+&"'%"&"-"',()'"-",,-"%%" ".%--( "'"' (+&-"(' ',,+2 (+-!,-%",!&'-( >! + &'--"('( /"%%"' (+&-"('&$, '%2,",( -!)+"(.,-"&+,--.," ".%--(-+&"';(-!0"-!+,)--(-!"(%( "% '(%( "%,)-,( !+/,-'-+> (0/+;%%( -!","' (+&-"('",+."% (+-! ",,."' ( '/%()&'-( ,)" "&' &'-)%',>  %N%(0)+,'-,1&)%,( -!+,+!"'-(%( "' '"%% %-+( )+"(., -"&+(  ,+> '-!",('-1-;-!"&( -!",+)(+-0,-((&)"%%%/"%%," "' (+&-"(''-("'-" 2- ),'"' -( "%% (+-!,-%",!&'-( 0!"%

 11In 1992, CoP8 to CITES had adopted Resolution Conf. 8.3, which was revised – and taken up again in Resolution Conf. 10.3. 12Corrected by the Secretariat after the 13th, 14th and 15th sessions of the Conference of the Parties.

4 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar (',(%"-"' $'(0% ('-!,()')+(,,( -!-+"')+"(.,-"&+(   ,+;+)+,'-2-! '+#) ' &*'0)&* 

2(!# $"$%" '$$!" #"$$ $!" %#$"  #"

 $ %$ $ %$ "# " # $)! ( "' ( ++(,0(('%",,'+ +-"% -%;> OMMT G#) ,)",H0"-!"'+(##2-"('% +$; ,+ - "%%6 %;-+',)(+--1)(+--"('(", )(+-   OMMV  )+6".1% "&#$ +"(.,-+,)2( F.-0!()2, (,-+ "%&6; >;!..+&'; OMMV >; (0+2; >>; /';> > ! ,++(,0((&,,+> ,+ +-"% !..+&';>; (0+2; OMMV >> 1)(+--"('(",)+6".1% )(+-   OMMV ))(+-K'*.7-,.+%(&&+&('"%, )(+- %(%"-',,;  OMMV (",)+6".1&% !,=(",+(,;65'- )%",,'+> (",+(, ,+='-+6&(+-"- +-"% '+"&%%; - OMNM )+(--"('%'-.+ ".;>  ,++(,0((;"%% %%( "' '-! +-"% '',;  OMNM  -+()"%-"&+-+ $" (&&+&('"%,(",)+6".1&% !, '/,-" -"(   OMNM '+)(+- (&&+%!"''(","%%6 .1G('-(", ))(+-   OMNO )+6".1 ,+H  !+('"*..(",+(, !+('(%( " '+"&%%; > OMNQ %+/"0 + ".(",+(,4 ,+ )(+- ",';> OMNR   +()(,"-"('B"'-6 +-"(',,)5,(",   ;; OMNM )+6".1 ,+',%B''1 % +()(,% ,,("-"(''"%;  =#) ,)",- &*'0)&*,)",   ," '-"(' (+'' ++(,0(("' +-"% %%--;>>;+(0'; > OMNM  ,+ >;(+"$0;> >; -; @>;-(+; >> /.-1('(&"*.@ ",-K,)5,(", )(+-  OMNP )+6".1, '+,#) ,)",-  &*'0)&*,)", )"-%",-"(',!'-"%%(',#) - )(+-  OMNQ  &*'0)&* ,+',%B''1 %     / ("(%( ",1)%("-'-,(",+(,% +-"% '+"&%%; > OMNP  )    ) /%.-"('6(%( "*.*.%*.,,)5, )(+- ; OMNM 0 (",)+6".1%,)%.,(&&+"%",6,4   )  ,+G(",B65';)%",,'+-(", +(,H; --.-,6(%( "*.,,,)5,(",)+6".1 )(+- ;;> OMNN %,)%.,(&&+"%",6,4 ,+ /%.-"('6(%( "*.,(",)+6".1; )(+-  OMNP )+(/","('(''6,-1('(&"*.,;/%"-"('- &",.)("'-&6-!(,*.'-" "-"(')(.+ % ,-"('.+%,(",)+6".1  ,+ ."/"6(%( "*.. '+#) ',% +-"% 3 "'-,%&+#> OMNR +6 "('(+@,- ,+ 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 5 #-"/,

!)+"'")%(#-"/( -!",+)(+-",-(('-+".--(/"%%$'(0% ('-!,()' )+(,,( %( "' '-+"' ,+B,)+"(.,-"&+( -! '+#) '  &*'0)&*'-(1&"',,("-,("(('(&" -(+,>  !",+)(+-,-,(.--((&)"%,"/"%%"' (+&-"('',,+2 (+-! (+&.%-"('(  ,;.-%,(-(+",0+',,&(' ,-$!(%+,"'/(%/"'(',+/-"('' &' &'-( -!,,)",(.--!.+ '-' (+,)" "&' &'-)%',-(',.+ -!,.,-"'%&' &'-( -!,)",>  .@#-"/,

!",+)(+-"&,-()+,'-$2+,.%-,(-"' +(& "%0(+$.'+-$'-0' '.+2 OMNR' .%2OMNR-()+(/""'," !-"'-(-! (%%(0"' *.,-"(',(.-% ,2)+"(., -"&+= • !-"' (+&-"('",/"%% (+-! (+&.%-"('(  (+-!% ,2)().%-"(',(  ,)",( -! '+#) ' &*'0)&*;0!-$2"' (+&-"('",&",,"' ;'0!-", '-()+( +,,(' -!+"' ',,+2"' (+&-"('A • !-+-!,-'+!+/,-"' '-+)+(,,, (+-!,,)",A • !"!+-!&(,--+,)",;'(',*.'-%2)+-".%+%2/.%'+%.-("%% % %( "' '-+A • (0 -"/",-!&' &'-,2,-&).-"')%2-! (+,-&"'",-+-"('- ('-+(%%"' %( "' '-+( )+"(.,-"&+A • !-"'-+'-"('%)+(/","(',;'-"('%% ",%-"('''-"('%+ .%-"(',+"')%-( ',.+,.,-"'%&' &'-(  ,+B,)+"(.,-"&+,)",A • !-+(&&'-"(',' (+&.%--(,-+' -!'(',+/-"(''&' &'-(   ,+B,)+"(.,-"&+"' '+%'-!"&)%&'--"('(  )+(/","(', (',+/"' -!,)+"(.,-"&+"')+-".%+A 

6 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 2. METHODS

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

 &,)=))+)+2 .,"' -!,&),( -!"'-+/'-"('%',),G'('>;OMNPH>

 13 At present, there are three guides to preparing NDFs, the first prepared by IUCN (Rosser and Haywood, 2002), another by CITES (Rose, 2014) and a third by TRAFFIC (Leaman and Oldfield, 2014).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 7 3- " !#$# $!"!"$  $#$%)

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8 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

 14Tropicos® is a project of the Missouri Botanical Garden. It concerns a database and a website ( on tropical plants, mainly from the neotropical ecozone (Central and South America). This database is accessible to the public and it is possible to consult it remotely. It contains over 453 000 images, and the taxonomic and bibliographical data of 4.4 million herbarium specimens representing more than 1.3 million different species accumulated over the last 30 years. In addition, it contains the data of over 50 000 scientific publications. The database can be consulted using the scientific name and also the popular name in English or Spanish (Anon., 2015c).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 9 4- " !  "$  $)# %"$)!

#$$%$ # "  )!#  % $#  "$  $ 

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10 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 3.2.6.  #!# "   #"!$ 

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14 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar # *%)=!-+&C)%",'+D"'-!",+)(+-+ +,-(#) ,)", +(& ,+; !/"' %" !-+'+(0'",!(%(.+!+-0((>%",'+",",-"' .",! +(&+(,0((2 "-,(/%%/,'-!(%(.+( -!+$;0!"!/+",-0'" '&./GQO;P<QS; P<QQ;P<QP;P;)+,('%(&&'--( ; '.+2OMNRH>  -!,''(-"'-!(.+,( -!",,-.2-!--!+","'.+-.'+,-'"' ( -! (&&(''&C)%",'+D,'(-"' )+-( -! '.,#) @ -",%+-!--!  #) %",-"' "'))'"1 "'%.,(-!+(,0((')%",'+> 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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16 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar $C6-%%*1'0!+,!& !'$' !$&'$' !$+,-!+'& $ +1 & !' !+(!+: +(!+(!,!&'$;

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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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• "  ! (/-  &"-QL&!-3-* # - *. 3." -# (.# #)''/(#.3=  ." - QL-* # -:#( ),'.#)()(&#  ),'#-0#&&  ),PU-* # -(PL) ." - :"0  ., &#  ),'= )(&3:#( ),'.#)()( #-0#&&  ),NT-* # -:NP) ." - ,  &#-. --* # -1#."#(#0#/&-*& ) "# 0#(!= )1 0 ,: ), )/,-* # - &#-. 1#.":." , #-()#( ),'.#)(0#&& )(." #, = • " ! (/-#'$-&#'-#.**&# -.)!-,"-TQ -,# -* # -(MOL( 1 -* # -#(." *,) --) # (.# #.#)(= ." TQ -,# -* # -:TP"0 #( ),'.#)( )(&#  ),'(RU) 1"#",  -,# -., -=/,." ,:PS-* # -"0 #( ),'.#)( 0#&& )( (NU) ." ', *& ) ..#(#(!= .-")/& (). .". )/,) ." - NU-* # -)()."0 #( ),'.#)()( =  $D6-%*' $ +1 &!' !+(!+'*/ ! !&'*%,!'&!+ .!$$'&$!'*%& *,*!,!++- + *'/,  !,&'& !&!%-% 0($'!,$!%,*: ;

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18 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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• &# - .1 (GLCMLLVH:." (." -* # -"-&)1, ! ( ,.#)(,. ("- # #/&.3, ! ( ,.#(!;#.'3, " 2.#(.#)(# ." ",0 -.-!) 3)(."  , ! ( ,.#)(*#.3= • &# - .1 (GMLLCMLLLVH:." -* # -#-.' #/', ! ( ,.#)(,. (#.- -/,0#0&#- ,.#(# ." "#..#-().#-.,/, = • YMLLLV:." (." -* # -"-!)), ! ( ,.#)(*)(. (.#&:." -/,0#0&) ."  -* # -#- ,.#( 0 (1#."-)' "#..&)--E()(:NLMOF=  ,#)/-#)&)!#&-./# -)( /&(#'$-&#'-* # -"0 -")1(."., ! ( ,.#)( .% -*,.#/&,&3&)(!.#' E()(=:NLLU;()(=:NLML;()(=:NLMOF=* ,#)) .& -. SL3 ,-#-(  --,3 ),  &(#'$-&#'., :!,)1#(! ,)'- :(, " ",0 -.& #' . ,:E(.#)(&(, !#)(& 2* ,.-C =(( 2P:* ,-)(&)'' (..)

16 A list of 130 new or undescribed species has been discovered (Anon., 2013b; Anon., 2014b), this list includes 102 named species species with some information available on their biology and ecology (cf. Anon., 2013b). The 28 other species are in the process of being identified or formulated and no information is available yet for these species (P12, C3, personal comment to TRAFFIC, June 2014). 17 The term “undescribed” is used by MBG to characterise the new species, i.e. those species which are not yet accepted by the Malagasy plant specialists as Malagasy species. Even if information exists on these species, they are currently regarded as new or undescribed species. Research on undescribed species is in progress with information being updated as research work progresses. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

18 Certain nurserymen have gone so far as to suggest that without the event of a cyclone, the pollination of rosewood species would not be possible (Jaosoa Jean Pascal, Chair NGO Ranoala, plant nurseryman in Sambava, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January 2015). 19 If the regeneration rate (RR) is between [0 – 100%], the species has a problematic rate of replenishment and may disappear if the level of use is high; if the RR stands between [100 – 1000%], the species has an average regeneration potential, with survival certainty if the environment is not disturbed; if the RR is higher than 1000%, the species has good regeneration potential and its survival is assured (Anon., 2013b). 

20 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

20 This includes the mature individuals with the ability to produce fruit, i.e all trees producing or about to produce seeds. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

21 The basal area of a tree is defined as the area of a given section of land that is occupied by the cross-section of tree trunks and stems at the base this is usually a measurement taken at the diameter at breast height (1.3m or 4.5 ft) of a tree above the ground and includes the complete diameter of every tree, including the bark. Measurements are usually made for a plot and this is then scaled up for 1 hectare of land for comparison purposes to examine a forest's productivity and growth rate. 22 A small basal area is  2 m3 (Anon., 2010b). 

22 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

23 A small biovolume is  10 m3 (Anon., 2010b; Rakotoarisoa, DBEV, personal comment to TRAFFIC, November 2015). 24 A small basal area is  2 m3 (Anon., 2010b). 25 A small biovolume is  10 m3 (Anon., 2010b; Rakotoarisoa, DBEV, personal comment to TRAFFIC, November 2015). 25 IUCN. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. IUCN Species SurvivalCommission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

24 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 25 (,!$&,%('*$.'$-,!'&'(*!'-+,!%*$' !& !&+,-1*+

 ' "    " ,)$ $3.#)(&,%EF1- )/( #(MUQN-.,#../,  - ,0 :. !),3 )  : ),  )'#(!.#)(&,%#(MUUTE , ()=UT>OSQF="#-*,%)0 ,-UN MPL"#(." (),."> -.) !-,:#(." , !#)(: .1 (." .)1(-) (*( '0=)/.MTSLLL* )*& �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• %#(!)(.,)&) ." *,). . , 3&1 ( ), ' (.! (# -EMO:M:* ,-)(& )'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF; • " ')#.#)((/(10 ,#(!-/**),.) ." &)&*)*/&.#)(:#(&/#(!.",)/!"."  ),'.#)() &)&0#!#&( )''#.. -1"))(/.-/,0 #&&( #(0,#)/-*,.-) ."  ,)$ $3,%EMO:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : (/,3NLMQF= 

26 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar (?6 ',!'&+'++'!$$ $ *.+,!& '(*!'-+,!%*!&&**'-&,  *'""1 ,!'&$*#:?==F8?=>A;

                            #)&3MO:M:" ((4.) :NLMP  " ')-." 0#&3&)!! *, #)/-.#' ,#(." ,)$ $3,%1 ,  . ,'#( /-#(!."  .&)!/ ) 0-/&,*&(.-) !-,EF(.)(#-.,#/.#)() *&(. -* # -) !-,#(."  .- -()(." -#-) )(-/&..#)(-1#." 2* ,.-#(.2)()'3(*&(.#)&)!3E ,#-)0)'(&#(::* ,-)(& )''/(#.#)(.) : /( NLMPF=" -* # - )/(.) ')-." 0#&3&)!! E()(=: NLMQF1 , <  • (." ! (/- &<4 #)* 14&#"14!'&"''14$ &; • (." ! (/-#'$-&#'<4$ (-&'14(#,&14& $'14$ #'(- '"4 !-&#$- =

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 27 ! -*>6-%*' !!+,-%(+!&,!!!&,  *'""1,!'&$*#:?==F8 ?=>A;

 #)&3 <>1<1#(&#..=(#1 ")&-=;<@

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

27 The other national parks included in this application are those of Marojejy, Zahamena, Mantadia, Ranomafana, Andringitra, Befotaka- Midongy and Andohahela. On 26 June 2007, all these parks (including that of Masoala) were listed in the world heritage list in terms of the humid forests of Atsinanana (Anon., 2007).

28 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar * ,-)(&)'' (..) : (/,3NLMQF-#( ()' -/, " (*/.#(*& .) *, 0 (./- ) ."#-&))*")& EMM:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : (/,3NLMQF=)/. "/(, ) ( -, &. .)." #&& !&)&& .#)() ,)- 1))1 , , ),  ),NLML&)(  #(-)&.#)(&,%EMP(Q:M;MM:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : (/,3 NLMQF=  *O#&&/-.,. -."  0 &)*' (.) *, #)/-.#' ,",0 -.#(!:." '$),#.3 #(! ,)- 1)):#(." -)&.#)(&,%="#-#( ),'.#)(#-- )(*.,)&-)(/. #( ." *,% .1 (NLML(NLMQ=/,#(!." * ,#)NLLU.)NLMQ:*.,)&, *),.-# (.# #  SSU",0 -.#(!, -E*, --/, *)#(.-FE*OF=), ."(.1)>."#,-) ." - ",0 -.#(! , -1 ,  )/(#(NLML=#( ,"NLMQ: #0 ( 1",0 -.#(!, -"0  (# (.# #  #(." *,%=   , -#(!(/' ,-) ",0 -. ,)- 1))&)!- )/(#(." .#)(&,%3*.,)&& ,- ,)'NLML.)NLMP)( #,'-." )- ,0  , - #(." (/' ,) ) ( -().  .1 ( NLML(NLMQ=), 2'*& :)0 ,PMLL&)!-1 ,  )/(#(NLML:)/. #0 .#' -'), ."( #(NLMM(NLMN()/.MP.#' -'), ."(#(NLMO(NLMP=" *, - ( ) ONT ,)- 1))&)!- )/(#(." *,%#(NLMP( 0 ,." & --/( ,&#( -* ,-#-.(.#&& !&.#0#.# - #(." *,%=/,." ,'), : ,)' (/,3.)*,#&NLMQ:.& -.QL&)!-1 ,  )/(/,#(! *.,)&-)(/. 3*,%,(! ,-EMQ:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :.) ,NLMQF=  & -&)(!." )-.) *-..)*-)&#(." 3) (.)(!#&- ,0 -&).#)(-.) -"#*.#' ,#&& !&&3",0 -.  ,)'." -)& ), -.=,)'." - #( ),'& "&)#(! *)#(.-:")1--/**&3 ), #!(,!)0 -- &-("), #(." )* (- =#' ,-.)%*#& -,  &). &)(!." )-.) -)&(." 3) (.)!#&EMM:N;M:M:* ,-)(&)'' (. .) : (/,3NLMQ;MR:O;MQ:O:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF= 

(@6 $$ $ *.+,'(*!'-+,!%*!& +'$,!'&$*#:?=>=8?=>B;


TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 29 ! -*?6-%*'!' !+(!+$' +'-&!& +'$,!'&$*#:?=>=8?=>A;


- )(#( ),'.#)()(.#( #(."  .- ()''/(#.#)(-1#." .2)()'3(*&(.#)&)!3 2* ,.-E ,#-)0)'(&#(:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : /( NLMPF:." -* # -) *, #)/-.#' ,')-." 0#&3&)!! #(-)&,%/,#(!."  * ,#)NLLU(NLMM1 ,  & #)* 14!'&"''14$ &" #'$-&#'!&(!4

  "#  ! $  %#,./,  - ,0 E . !),3 F)0 ,-OSN%'N-.,&#(!.", , !#)(-:#= =: (&($#,) )() #(1#."*)*/&.#)() )/.MQLLLL* )*& �#(!#((,)/( ." *,%= .#-)(-# , .) )( ) ." ')-.-* # -,#"*,). . , -) !-,: )1#(!.)." (/' ,) -* # -(#.-"#!"& 0 &)  ( '#-'=%#,#-." #!! -.#(.. &)%)  (- "/'# 0 ,!, ( ), -..&)1(' #/'&.#./ #(!-,E()(=: NLMQ F=)'*, 1#."." *,%-) -)&(,)$ $3:." %#,./,  - ,0 "- '/"'), ,/!! . ,,#(:'%#(! --'), # #/&. ),.,(-*),.#(!&)!-= 0 ,." & --: ."#-*,%"-(). (-*,  ,)'#&& !&,)- 1))",0 -.#(!=  ,)'.) ,NLLU:." ",0 -.#(!) .#' ,:#(*,.#/&,) *&#-( , &-* # - "- ()(!)#(!#(%#,,%E(,#'&&:NLMPF= -/,0 3-)(." !,)/( /-#(!- '#> ),'&+/ -.#)((#, -()(-/&..#)(1#."-.% ")& ,-) ,)(.- .,#-.,#. (." 0#&&! -) ((,#0)&:'(#4(((. NT, 0 &." -& ) ."#-#&& !& &)!!#(!= && !&&)!!#(!* % #(NLMM:1#."OLL.)QLL* )*& 1")1 , )(/.#(!&## !& &)!!#(!#(."  ), -.=(0 ,! ) .", -"#*' (.-) &)!-1 (.* ,3 .1 (." ')(."- )   ' ,NLML( ,/,3NLMME1))/.. ,- ,)'." 0#&&! -0#-#. NU:* ,-)(& )'' (..) :NS ,/,3:NLMQ;MS:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :," NLMQFOL="1))/.. ,)/&.."..#'  &&/*.).1),)- 1))., -#&3E1))/.. ,- ,)'." 0#&&! -0#-#. :* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3:NLMQ;MS:M;MT:M: * ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF=.& -.NLL1))/.. ,-1 , & .)! .

28These three villages are regarded as the main ports of exit from the Makira forest (P22, A2; P23, C3, personal comment to TRAFFIC, much 2015). 29 It should be noted that the woodcutters questioned took part in the illegal felling of rosewood and wish to remain anonymous. 30 “The invasion:” by hundreds of people from the southern part of Makira, between December 2010 and February 2011, was confirmed by the gendarmerie of the outpost of (personal comment to TRAFFIC, March 2015).

30 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

* &8 * (*!$8 -& -$18(, ,7837 ',$ NLMO (I ( PP TS >@> NLMP MNP MLQ TN SS @EE NLMQ MNS ( ( ( >?D I(<#( ),'.#)(().0#&&  #)&3 =A1<1#(&#..=(#1))'(=;<@ 

31 One tree =3 to 4 logs 2 m long, 30 cm in diameter and weighing 150 kg (Anon., 2009b; Randriamalala and Liu, 2010). 32 Rantabe is a Malagasy urban municipality situated in the northern part of the region of Analanjirofo. Its population was estimated at 19 500 inhabitants in 2001 (Anon., 2001). 33 This quantity corresponds to 800 rosewood and ebony tree trunks, given that one tree produces three logs (Wilmé et al., 2009; Randriamalala and Zhou, 2010; rosewood collectors, woodcutter’s groups, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January and February 2015). 34 The average weight of a rosewood log is 145 kg (rosewood collectors, woodcutter’s groups, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January and February 2015). 35 Results obtained using SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool). This software is much more than simply a tool for collecting and storing data. It is a series of best practices, whose goal is to help Protected Area managers to follow-up, evaluate and appropriately manage their patrol activities better (Anon., 2015g). 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 31 (A6 ',!'&'!$$ $$' !& *+!&,  #!*,-*$*#:?=>@8?=>B;

#)&3 =A1<#(&#..=(#1))'(=;<@

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32 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar )/..1)#&& !&-"#*' (.-.))%*& #(((, .1 (  ' ,NLMP( ,/,3 NLMQENS:N;NT:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :,"NLMQF= " , #-()*/&#-" #( ),'.#)()(." ')-." 0#&3",0 -. -* # -= )1 0 ,: #( ),'.#)()(." #-.,#/.#)()  &'$'"#!"&#!".-." *, - ( ) 4 #)* :4 !&(!(4$ &#(." ((, - ,0 :." - -* # -&-) #(!')(!." ')-. " 0#&3&)!! #(." -)&,%=  (B6-*.1+'!$$ $$' !& *+!& &&*!'+( *+*.:?==F8?=>A;

 #)&3"#"41=;<@  '    " (% (#" (3"' (),,#),EF#-&). #(."  -. ,(!-,()(-#-.- )  )/,*,). . , -:#= ="' (.#)(&,%:(! ,#0)&* #& - ,0 :.,#. ./,  - ,0 )  .'*)((." (&'4).,>(.#.#)(&,%=),' 3  (- "/'# 0 ,!, ( ), -.1#."(, ) OTPLLL":#-)( ) ." &,! -.,#( ), -. &)#(!-,E()(=:NLLTF= )&)''/(#.# -�#(!#(."#-),,#),, &3" 0#&3)( (./,&, -)/, -:1#."-&-"(/,( ,'#(!(." )(!)#(!.,#.#)(&*,.# )  #.#( ,(. ,'#(!*/.*, --/, )(."  (0#,)(' (.=(-/-.#(&  ), -.",0 -.('#(#(! , &-)'$),/- -) ."  -.,/.#)() ."  ), -. )-3-. '(."#-#-.)."  .,#' (.)  &)&)''/(#.# -ENU:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :*,#&NLMQF=          

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 33 (C6 $$ $($!+&*$' !& +!,+!&, &/(*',,*'!&?=>B

 #)&31=;<@4!$''#"#)!"(#(* #$!"( "9"#"41=;<;:

/,#(!." -/,0 3)(/. 3 #(:#(. ,0# 1 * )*& -", )- ,0.#)(- )/.." /*-/,! #(#&& !&&)!!#(!) *&#-( ,-.#3OR-#./. -)/."> -.)  '.)(,4%#(-# ." "' ( - ,0 ENU:N;OL7OM:O:* ,-)(&)'' (..)  : /( NLMQF=,/%-" 0#&3&) 1#." , -"&3/.*&#-( ,&)!-1 , - (  .1 ('.)(,4%(#3=" (/' ,) .,/%-)(."#-,)/. "-#(, - .",  )&-#( NLMLENU:N;O(OL:O:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : /( NLMQF=  ! -*@6  & !& &-%*+'+,-%(+*+-$,!& *'%!$$ $$' !& !&,!!!&, &/ (*',,*':,'*?=>@8(*!$?=>B;


 &!#"(# (4&#", ." .1)-* # -."., ')-." 0#&3&)!! #(."  ), -. , ) #3E%).)( =:NLMOF=

36 Didy is a municipality in the Ankeniheny Zahamena Corridor (CAZ).

34 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

37 With its surface area of 384 000 ha, the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor is one of the largest vestiges of the humid dense evergreen forest of eastern Madagascar (Anon., 2015i). Conservation International has been rolling out conservation and local development projects in this area for more than ten years. 38 Palisander trees (Dalbergia spp.) are destined for high-end use, cabinet making, fine luxury joinery, marquetry, luxury flooring, string instruments, etc. (Rajemison, 2013).

39 One palisander tree 40 cm in diameter can produce three planks (TRAFFIC surveys conducted with the woodcutters of Didy between 20 and 25 April 2015). 40 , 1USD equal to 2500 MGA, (average rates for 2015), this rate is used throughout the report 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 35 $F6'+,!& ',!%*!&, %*#,+'&*.' & 1&  2':&,&&*!.';

*'-,+ !, :%;0 *!: ; -%*'(!+  !#&++:%;0 +'$9%'&,  & , :%;0 &(% OL2ML2P=L MLLLLLCMTLLLL QL>TL NQ2ML2N=Q & * , NL2NN2N=Q RLLLLCULLLL NLL>QLL NL2NL2N=Q NL2MQ2N=L &.), PL2MQ2O=L RLLLLCULLLL MLL>NLL #)&3 &'#" #'&*(#"1"&*#"-" .#(!&!& ('1$& =;<@  ! -*A6$!+&*+/&/''+,'#*'%/!,!& ,*&+('*,,'&,&&*!.'                             &(%-EMF:& * ,-ENF(),-EOF K *,#&NLMQ:*&#-( ,-.)%.#3:'.)(,4%  /,0 3-)(/.  ),."#-, *),...#' ,',% .-#((,0)(!3: -).,3:')#0)(( .." '#()&& .#)(-#. -) ." - .#' ,--/"-#3:, 0 &.".." #&& !&*&#-( , .#' ,*,)/.--)&#((.((,#0)! ( ,&&3)'  ,)'/(*,). . .. >,/( ), -.- &). &)(!-# ." *,#0. )1( &() #3PM(#.--/,,)/(#(!, -=" *,)/.- , ')-.) . ()( & /( ,&)-) ",)&),)." , ), -.*,)/.--/"--+/,  *)& -),*&(%-)  /&3*./-(*#( E* ,-)(&)- ,0.#)(:*,#&NLMQF=    

41 Didy is a rural municipality of 15,000 people located in the Province of Toamasina. It belongs to the Alaotra Mangoro region and the district of Ambatondrazaka (Anon., 2015j).

36 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

! -*B6'$-%+:%@;'$ $$1$' ($!+&*!&*'%?=>>,'?=>A



2000 ) 3 Ambatondrazaka 1500 Amparafaravola Andilamena Volume (m Volume 1000 Moramanga


0 2011 2012 2013 2014  #)&3 ><1>1#(&#..4(#1 )"=;<@  !!""$  #!"&3*,#4 .",)/!")/.." )/(.,3:*&#-( ,.#' ,#-*,) -- #( 0 ,3.)1(1#."#( !-,= )1 0 ,:." '$),#.3) )'*(# -*,) --#(!."#-.#' ,(().*,)/  )/' (.-*,)0#(!#.-& !&#.3E* ,-)(&)- ,0.#)(*,#&NLMQ;N:M:* ,-)(&)'' (. .) :3NLMQF=#( ." )*.#)() @* ,'#.-3. ( ,A:." (/' ,) )* ,.),- ")&#(!)* ,.#(!* ,'#.-"-,)** :1#.")(&3MP)* ,.),-#(NLMP)'*, .)NMP#( NLLQEN:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :.) ,NLMPF= 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 37  -*#. ." @* ,'#.-3. ( ,A-3-. '." -/,0 3)(/. #(." .#' ,',% .-)  (,0)"(!3( -).,3#(." *#.&(.((,#0)#(*,#&NLMQ, 0 & .".<  •  ." OL.#' ,0 (),-0#-#. E#= =-13 ,>,* (. ,-:,* (. ,-:' ,"(.>-13 ,- (' ,"(.-F:TLV"()& !&)/' (..#)(E#(&/#(!&#-- 4*-- ,:)* ,.#(! * ,'#.:%()1(-&# ( PN(, ),))%-F#(." #,*)-- --#)(E =#!/, RF; • )( ) ." *&#-( ,)(-& #(." ',% .-1-)'*(# 3-/**),.#(!)/' (.- *,)0#(!#.-),#!#((.,(-*),.E&#-- 4*-- ,:&)!!#(!* ,'#.(, ),))%F; • &&)* ,.#)(---)#. 1#."*&#-( ,.#' ,E&)!!#(!:.,(-*),.:-& ) ,1*,)/. )(." ',% .(*,) --#(!F,  #&#.. 3&)- )>)* ,.#)(1#." ( ), ' (. /."),#.# -E#' ,- && ,-) ." (,0)"(!3( -).,3',% .-:* ,-)(&)'' (.- .) :*,#&NLMQF; • TLV) *&#-( ,-)&)(." ',% .#-#&& !&EN:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : .) ,NLMPF=  ! -*C6-%*+',!%*,**+!&('++++!'&'$!&'*&',!&('++++!'&'$!&!& , ,!%*%*#,+'%'!.'&&&*.' & 1:&,&&*!.';

 #)&3')&*-1$& =;<@

'&1!' !+(!+&*'+/'' +(!+7  &.")/!"*&#-( ,.#' ,#-"#!"&3*,#4 )(." (.#)(&',% .: )(3(,)- 1)) .#' ,, -)/!". . , ),." )(-.,/.#)() "/.-:." '(/ ./, )  /,(#./, /.')-. -* #&&3 ),-/&*./, (',+/ .,3ES:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : (/,3 NLMQFPO=  " '#(/- ,-) ,)- 1))( )(3, )( (.,. #(." '),)(#'(#PP( , !#)(-1" , ." , , : ),#(-.( :." , , -/&*.),-.".'% �#(! 2&/-#0 &3 ,)' 1),%#(!1#."." - *, #)/-1))-E* ,-)(&)- ,0.#)(:*,#&NLMQF=" -/,0 3 )(/. 3  ,)'NL/!/-..)NP  ' ,NLMP#(')-#.,PQ:"(#, . *#.&(")' ) &!-3-/&*.),-:, 0 & ."  2#-. ( ) M:NLL")/- ")&-�#(!PR 2&/-#0 &3 ,)'." *,) -) ',+/ .,3(B),-../ .. (0- -/&*./,#(!= 

42 Licence: Professional card issued by the Ministry of Commerce to any operator engaged in a commercial activity 43 Ebony timber (Diospyros spp.) and rosewood timber (Dalbergia spp.) are sought after for the manufacture of musical instruments, objets d’art, marquetry and sculpture (Rajemison, 2013). 44 This region is situated in Fianarantsoa province in the centre of the island of Madagascar. 45 Ambositra is a Malagasy urban district, capital of the district of Ambositra, situated in the south-eastern part of the Amoron'i Mania region. 46 Each household includes a sculptor.

38 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar #0 ()(#.#)(- 0)/,& .)-/**&3) 1))(." 0 (.) .)/,#-.-:-/&*.),'3 +/#, -/**&3) ,)- 1))( )(3) .& -.N.) .#' ,* ,')(."EON:Q:* ,-)(& )'' (..) :  ' ,NLMPF=,#),.)." *)&#.#&,#-#-#(!-,1"#" )'' ( #( (/,3NLLU:)/.NPLL.) *, #)/-.#' ,1-*,) --  "')(."ENT TLL.) .#' ,* ,((/'F ),." .)1() ')-#.,&)( E =& MLF=" &!-3 *#.&#-")' .)TLL*,) --),-) ,)- 1))( )(3= ), ." *)&#.#&,#-#-: " )* ,.),/- .)(( ) .#' ,* ,')(."EOP:Q:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :3 NLMQF= .#-1),."().#(!.".." QL*,) --),-) *, #)/-.#' ,) ." , !#)(/- ."  -' +/(.#.# --." #,)&& !/ -#(." *#.&:#= =)( .)(( * ,*,) --),* ,')(.":#( .).&:." QL*,) --),-/- ( -.#'. QL.* ,')(."),RLL.((/&&3)(0 ,! EOO: Q:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF=  *.) (/,3NLLU:.& -.OULLL.* ,((/') ,)- 1))( )(31 , , +/#, .) /& #&." ( -) ." 1))>1),% ,-*,) --#(!,)- 1))( )(3#(." .", '#(#.# - ) ." )/(.,3E(.((,#0):')-#.,((.&"F=0 ,TLV) ." ,)- 1))( )(3*,) -- #(!-,#- -.#(  ),#(. ,(.#)(&&# (.-EON:Q:* ,-)(& )'' (..) : (/,3:NLMQ;OO:Q:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3 NLMQF= .-")/& (). .".."#-0)&/' ) OULLL.),, -*)(-.)." +/(.#.3)  ,)- 1))( )(3& !&&3 2*),. 3." .#' ,)* ,.),-G#= = .1 (NT (/,3( OL*,#&NLLU( .1 (NM *. ' ,(OL)0 ' ,NLLUH )&&)1#(!." #--/( )  .1)/."),#4.#)(-- )(( 2 '*.#)()*.  ),*,.#/&,., , ,)',".)  *. ' ,NLLUPSE()(=:NLLU;(,#'&&(")/:NLMLF=  #( NLLU:." *,) --),-' (.#)( )0  2* ,# ( &,! ,)*#(." #,*,)/.#)( ), .1)'#(, -)(-<  • (." *)-.>,#-#-* ,#):." , 1--",* , - #(." (/' ,) .)/,#-.-:#= MQRLLL .)/,#-.-#(NLLT)'*, 1#."TRLLL#(NLMLE()(=:NLMMF= •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

47 Interministerial order no. 003/2009 of 28 January 2009 giving approval for export to 13 rosewood forestry companies of the SAVA region; Interministerial order no. 38 244/2009 of 21 September 2009 on exceptional export, authorizing named parties to export on an exceptional basis ebony, rosewood and palisander using the previous inventory; this applied to those operators whose situation was in order regarding taxation and the forest administration; maximum quota of 25 containers allocated to 42 companies. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

48 Intsia bijuga (known in Madagascar as “hintsy”) is a very widespread species on the coasts of the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, including in eastern Madagascar and the Seychelles. In Madagascar, Intsia bijuga wood (“hintsy”) is particularly sought after for heavy carpentry, construction, notably shipbuilding, parquet flooring, carpentry, doors, furniture, railway sleepers, vats and tanks, shingles and for decorative purposes. In the mid-2000s there was considerable trade in merbau trees (several species of Intsia, especially Intsia bijuga and Intsia palembanica) with Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea as the main producers and China, India and the European Union as the main importers (Anon., 2015k). Denmark and the Netherlands submitted to the 8th Conference of the Parties to CITES (2-13 March 1992, Kyoto, Japan) a proposed amendment for the listing of the genus Intsia in Annex II (Anon., 1992), a proposal that was rejected. According to a review of the profiles of some timber-producing and consumer countries (Anon., 2015l), exports of Intsia bijuga to China are regarded as high risk when they come from Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea or the Solomon Islands. However, the case of Madagascar was not considered in this review. 49 The listing was done following a proposal from Brazil (cf. CoP8 Prop. 91) at the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties of CITES (2-13 March 1992, Kyoto, Japan). 

40 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar #!/, SF=)/.TTV) ." -  2*),.-)/,, #(NLML()/.UV#(NLMM= .-")/&  (). .".()#( ),'.#)(#-0#&&  ),." 3 ,NLMO= (NLMP:NP.) *&#-( ,.#' , 1- 2*),. .)"#(E#!/, SF=

! -*D6'$-%+:!&,;'($!+&*,!%*0('*,*'%  +*:?=>=8?=>A;


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

&& !& ,)- 1)) 2*),.- ,)-  .) )0 , ML QLL . #( NLMP: E()(: NLLU; #&'6 . &=: NLLU; (,#'&&(")/=:NLML:(,#'&&:NLMP:/.& ,:NLMQF#= =MR.#' -'), ."(

50 Palisander Dalbergia species were harvested in terms of logging permits by mutual agreement (between forest administration and timber company) until 2001 and then from 2001, the harvest permit is acquired by tender (Rose Razanarisoa, Chairperson of GNEFM, personal comment to TRAFFIC, October 2014). 51 The volume of ebony represented only 1% of the total (P1, A1; P11, A2, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January 2015). 52 These 52 000 t of precious wood came from 100 000 rosewood trees (and ebony trees), including over 60 000 trees cut down in the Protected Areas (Anon., 2009b; Randriamalala and Liu, 2010). The value of the illegal trade in rosewood was then estimated at EUR400 000 per day, supplying the international markets (Anon., 2009b).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 41 ." .).&) #&& !&0)&/' - 2*),. /,#(!." .", *, 0#)/-3 ,-:#= = ,)'NLMM.)NLMO E =#!/, TF=

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

53 Formal exports refer to authorized exports for operators preselected by the forest administration between 1998 and 2009. The last formal export dates back to 2009. Informal exports refer to all exports that were not permitted, fell beyond the authorized volume, or took place beyond the authorized period.

42 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar $>>6 !&!%-%)-&,!,,!.+,!%,+', +'(',  *.+,&0('*,'*'+/''

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

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 43 $>?6 ?=%'+, .!$1,*+(!+'(*!'-+,!%*'  +*

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• "(#&'(3  .1 (NLLU(NLMM#(-)&,%E, !#)(F:-)>&& @ ), -.)1( ,A- &&-)(  ,)- 1))., .)&)&)&& .),- ), .1 (NLLLL(QLLLLE .1 (S( MQFEM:M;MR:O;PM:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF="#-#-."  +/#0& (.) NM.)OQ* ,." *,# #-'#(#'/') M=P.)N=O.#' -"#!" ,."(."  1! -*#.)1))/.. ,-QP=" &.. ,, *#(')/(. .1 (MQLLL(NLLLL EQ(SF* ,33." #,-/* ,0#-),EP:P;Q:P;PN:O;PO:O;PP:O: * ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF;  • ((&'(# (#"$#"(9* <")&C:3 (-)&.#)(&,%:." *,#',3)&& .),- &&-,)- 1))&)!.OLLLEMF* , %!1#.")( &)!1 #!"#(!(0 ,! ) MQL%!EP:P;Q:P;PQ:P:* ,-)(&)'' (..)  : ,/,3NLMQF=" -%##(!QQ) &)!-)-.-QLLLLENLF* ,* ,-)(* , 3:!#0 (.".#.! ( ,&&3( - )/,* )*& #(. '.).,(-*),..", &)!-= .1 (NLLU (NLMN:." 0 ,! /,.#)() ." 1&% .1 (." &)!!#(!, ( #,-.&)! *).1-

54 One woodcutter can fell on average between 3 and 5 trees a day (depending on the density of the trees, the topography, etc.). Working on the lowest estimate felling of 3 trees per day (the equivalent of one tonne), the wages of the woodcutter come to about USD 15-USD 21 per t. 55 Skidding is a type of forestry operation which consists of transporting the felled trees from where they were cut down to a road or a place of temporary deposit. This is generally conducted by a group of four people dragging the log across the ground from the site of harvest to the nearest informal beach loading points or to the nearest road reachable by tracks 

44 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar .1)3-E#-.( ) )/.MLL%'F=#( NLMO:." .#' .% (.)."  *).#- -.#'. . .", .) )/,3-1&%#(! /- ) ." #(, - , '). ( --) ." &)!!#(!, -EPN:O; PO:O;PP:O;PR:O:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF=  • (('#"# (#"$#"(9* =")&D:3 " - )()&& .#)( *).#-! ( ,&&3-"#**#(!*)#(. ),")1-.,(-*),.#(!,)- 1)) &)!-:1#." "%#&)!,'1),." .1 (QLLL(RQLLEN>N=QF=" *,#   * (-)(." +/&#.3) ." .#' ,(." (/' ,) /3 ,-EP:P;Q:P:OR:M;PS: P:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF=  • (-#"(#" 1#"&&* (((&"''$!"($#"(9 (# '&")& C: " (&)!-, .,(- ,,  ,)'")1-.)#!#(. ,(.#)(&.,(-*),.0 -- &-:%#&)!,')  ,)- 1)))-.- .1 (OLLLL(PLLLLE .1 (MO(MT.NLMQ ,. -FEPT:O;PU:O;NN:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) : ,/,3NLMQF=  •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

56 Rosewoods (Hong Mu in Chinese) are prized raw materials in the traditional furniture industry, valued for its high quality and its ability to fulfil technical requirements of certain aesthetic furniture styles. The royal furniture in the Forbidden City Museum tells the old story of the first shipment of MG timber exported to China after explorer Zhenghe’s visit to Africa nearly 600 years ago. MG rosewood was once considered a special gift to ancient China from Madagascar.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, rosewood utensils were given to emperors by dignitaries (Anon., 2010a; Schmidt, 2014; Caramel, 2015; Petera Loyn-Lung, economic operator, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January 2015). The continued demand for MG rosewood today is proof of the sustained interest in the furniture and art craft in traditional Chinese culture, which had first blossomed during the Ming Dynasty. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 45 ! -*F6*!,*&$'& , +-(($1 !&:9,;


Price in USD/tonne (x USD/tonne in Price 

 Forest Village 1 Village 2 FOB in Wholesaler Retailer in Madagascar inChina China  #)&'3"#"41=;<;2"&!  (#)1=;<;2&! 1=;<@2)&*-1=;<@

! -*>=6.'$-,!'&', (*!'*'+/''$' +!& !&:9,;*'%?===,'?=>A


             #)&'3"#"41=;<;2" .&=1=;<>2 (& #-"5 )"1#"#!#$&(#&1$&'#" #!!"((#1 ")&-=;<@:4

**'-,+!&  +*  !"! */(.#&NLLU:)'-#(1-." *,#(#*&*),. ), 2*),.) *, #)/-.#' , ,)' !-,EOQ:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :,"NLMQF= (NLLU: )&&)1#(! ,  ()=NLLU>LLO/."),#4#(!MO 2*),. ,-) ." , !#)(.) 2*),./(, -- ,)- 1)):."  *),.) )"6', ' ." *,#(#*&*),. ),-"#**#(!)(.#( ,-) ,)- 1))=" *),.)  )'-#()-#)(&&3/-  ),.,(--"#*' (.-EQM:R;QN:M:* ,-)(&)'' (..)  : ,/,3NLMQF=   -# )" ',()'-#(1"#", &, 31 &&%()1(*),.- ),." #,.#' , -"#*' (.-:)." ,&( -.#( *),.-QS#(&/#(!'*')&"' :'*(0)(:

57 There are, however, seventeen (17) ports: Toamasina, Antsiranana, Nosy Be, Mahajanga, Toliara, Antalaha, Vohémar, Morondava, Tolagnaro, Port Saint Louis, Morombe, Manakara, Antsohihy, Maintirano, Sainte Marie, Maroantsetra and Antalaha. Only four of them (Antsiranana, Toliara, Vohémar and Toamasina) have adequate port infrastructures: wharf, deep draft, quayside surfaces, warehouses and stevedores, enabling commercial operations of loading and unloading of merchandise on the wharf. In seven ports (Nosy Be, Mahajanga, Morondava, Tolagnaro, Port Saint Louis, Manakara and Mananjary), the commercial operations are done in the harbour by 

46 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

barge navigation and access to the port with a wharf is achieved by straddling a shallow river. In the other ports, access is limited to the traditional small boats which ply a regional route or those boats which only require a shallow draft and limited facilities (Maro, 2008). 58 The term “boutre” (dhow) is generic and designates a whole variety of vessels that are quite different from each other. Their common element is that they are made of wood and equipped with one or two masts, each with a trapezoidal sail, known as “an Arab sail”, similar to the Latin sail, with the difference that its forward point is truncated. The name of boutre or dhow is also given to little cargo boats of traditional Arab construction which ply the coastal areas of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean from Madagascar to the Gulf of Bengal. These are motorized vessels capable of carrying loads of 300 to 500 t, with a very slender wooden hull. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

59 The Lacey Act is an American law adopted in 1900 which protects wildlife from trafficking. The amendment to this law in 2008 to include plant products was the first prohibition on trade in illegally sourced timber products. In terms of the amended law, it is illegal to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire and purchase, in the framework of international trade or trade between American States, any plant acquired or marketed in violation of the laws of the United States, of any American State, the tribal territories and foreign countries. The Lacey Act concerns the entire supply chain. Any illegal activity at any point of the chain means that the product cannot be legally marketed in the United States. All parties, and not only the party introducing the product into the American market, share equal responsibility before the law (Anon., 2013e). 60 False documents certifying the legality of Malagasy timber are created in Hong Kong SAR, thus enabling the timber to enter China (Ndrato Razalamanarina, President of AVG, personal comment to TRAFFIC, April 2015). Changing the certificate of origin is another technique used (P40, C3, personal comment to TRAFFIC, April 2015). 

48 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar ! -*>>6'$-%+:9,;&0('*,*'-,+,', !*'-&,*!+'+,!&,!'&' $ +1(*!'-+ ,!%*

#)&31=;<@8 $&()'""#&!(#"#"(#&! ,$#&(#$&#)'(!&9=;;;5=;;D:1 '.)&'9=;;D5=;<@:"(&#)"#&!(#"# (-&#!,$#&(&'#(&#"

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 49 @7@7A7 & %&,'(*!'-+,!%*+,'#+:*'+/''&'&1;  ,!,*"P) ." .#)(*&()*. 3." MR.")( , ( ) ." ,.# -.)  E(!%)%:,"NLMOFE.",)/!" #-#)(MR=MQN:@)(# -E#'$-&#'-* # -F( *&#-( ,-E &-* # -F) !-,FA-.#*/&. -.".@ '&$)('"$ " !&##"(,$#&(#('(# '#('(!&)"( ((""#!!((#' $$&#*(""'#")("$ "#&()'#('(# '"#&&(#(&!"+( $&(#('(# ''"  -#"'(()(""(&#&(')(#,$#&(7= . -")/& (). " , .".." , , .", . !),# -) -.)%-<- #4 -.)%-:-.)%- &,  3)* ,.),-(/(# (.# # -.)%-=  (!"!  ),#(!.) 2* ,.-)(-/&. 3 E =(( 2PF:- #4 -.)%*#& -)(-#-.)  ,)- 1))( )(3)( #-. /,#(!'#--#)(-.))(.,)&(- /, *,). . , -= " - '#--#)(-1 , )(/. 3." -%), :."  ), -.'#(#-.,.#)(:),3$)#(. '#--#)(-)'*,#-#(!! (,' ,# :()." ,*,). . , '(! ,-=" -.)%*#& - 1 , +/#,  . ,." */&#.#)()  , RM((#(!",0 -.#(!:&)!!#(!( 2*),.#(!) ,)- 1))( )(3#(!-,RN=" -.)%*#& -, &). #(0,#)/- !)0 ,(' (.! (# -.." , !#)(&(#-.,#.& 0 &-/"-#-.,#. ), -.- ,0# - (, !#)(&(#-.,#.! (,' ,# =  ). :.& -..", - ,# -) -.)%*#& #(0 (.),# -"0  ()(/. :1#."."  #,-.#( NLML.." , +/ -.) ." E#, .),. ) ), -.)(.,)&:NLML:/(*/&#-" , *),.F= - )(#(0 (.),3#(NLMM1-)(/. .",)/!"(#(0 (.),3'#--#)()''#--#)( 3."  #(." #-.,#.) (.&"('0E#, .),. ) ), -.)(.,)&-:NLMM: /(*/&#-" , *),.F=."#,#(0 (.),31-)(/. 3)(-/&.(3. '#(NLMN E()(=:NLMNF=- )(." - #(0 (.),# -:.- 1-*, *, 3." #, .),. )  ), -.)(.,)&) ." .), ),- #4 ( &, -.)%*#& -E()(=:NLML;()(=: NLMM;()(=:NLMNF=  " )/.)' ) ." #(0 (.),3) -.)%-) ) NLMO1-*/&#-" #(),& (%)(-/&.(3, *),.E()(:NLMP F= -*#. ." #(0 (.),# -:#.#--.#&&# #/&..)"0 ( 2. -.#'. ) -.)%-- #4 EQQ:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :3NLMQF=1) -/!! -.#)(-1 , */. ),1,3-.% ")& ,-)(-/&. 3 #(." , !#)( 2*&#(#(!."#-# #/&.3:(' &3:#F )&&)1#(!." )(.,)&'#--#)(-,,# )/.3."  ), -. '#(#-.,.#)(, -/&.#(!#(- #4/, -:( 1-.)%-, /'/&.#(!-.#' *-- -:(##F."  -.)%-,  #(!-.)& ( ,)' ,.#(&).#)(-1" , ." 3,  #(!" &=   !"!  (NLMM:." /,! .")- )* ,.),-")&#(!-.)%*#& -) *, #)/-.#' ,.)'%   &,.#)() ." #,-.)%-.)." ) :)'#..#(!.)&,# 31".1)/&"** (.) -.)%-.".1 ,  &, ES:N:* ,-)(&)'' (..) :3NLMPF="#--. *1- /( ,.% ( )&&)1#(!." #--/#(!) ,#(( )(." , !/&.#)((* (&.# -) ) ( - , &. .),)- 1))( )(3RO=&.")/!"MLQ)* ,.),- &, ." #,-.)%-E()(=: NLMMF:)(&3NR) ." 'E)/.NQVF1 , & .)-/**&3-/**),.#(!)/' (.--*,)) )  & !&#.3E ),#(-.( : ,.# #. ) ),#!#() ." -.)%-:.,(-*),.&# ( ),&#-- 4*-- ,F) 

61 Decree no. 2010-141 of 24 March 2010 62 Article 2 of this decree stipulates that “henceforth the logging, harvesting, transport, marketing and export of rosewood and ebony are prohibited”. 63 Ordinance n’2011-001 of 8 August 2011 

50 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 51 5 TRAFFICReport: TimberIsland-Therosewood andebonytradeof Madagasca 2 (*# !   "     ! %)'('$)'(,&           "    !        % & % &

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64 Illegal operators with no supporting documentation to prove the legality of their wood. 65 This refers principally to extortion of money by intimidation.

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 53 %%"' 9.--"' .)9,*.+"' ( ')"-,0"' +,.&&+"3, (%%(0,CKI9J:KM9J9 )+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHL:KJ9J:KK9J9)+,('%(&&'--(  9+.+2IGHLD;  • %%"' ;-!-"&-$'-( %%+(,0((-+0"-!"&-+1"' IL&/+", (+"' -(-!1)+"'( 0((.--+,.-+' , +(&-!"+-2&"'.-,-('!(.+ (+ 1)+"'0((.--+,'.)-(I!(.+, (+))+'-",< • .--"' A+,,"' ;('-+'.-"'-(-0((+ (.+%( ,9)'"' ('-!,"3' "&-+( -!-+<!",-"/"-2(.%-$.)-(K!(.+,( 0(+$< • *.+"' ( ;-!",()+-"('(',",-,( -+', (+&"' '.'+,,%( "'-()"0"-! -,< -0"%%.,.%%2.-,*.+(+"'-(+-' .%+ (+&MM<'!(.+( 0(+$)+%(  0(.%'-((&)%--!",()+-"('< • "-,0"' ;0!"!(',",-,( ,0"' .)-+-+.'$,%(' -!"+%' -!.,"' ,0<  -!+()+-"(',C (+"',-'9,$""' ( %( ,',%-()+"&+2(%%-(+,D' (&)%",!20((.--+,9.--!-)',('-!-+&,( -!('-+--!-!!,  +0"-!!",,.)+/",(+CKI9J:KM9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHL: KJ9J:KK9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9+.+2IGHLD<  %"$ # $"$# %HK)+,'-,-('+&.'+-"('( 0((.--+,)+-"/"-2<(+1&)%9 (+ ,*.+"' ( ',0"' -"/"-",9-!"%20 ",(.-HLGGGCL

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66 This rids the piece of wood of all or part of its sapwood, reduces its weight and facilitates its layout with other pieces to make a framework or a structure (

54 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar -!(%%-(+.2,-!%( ,0"-!!",(0'&('2 (++,%%"' -!&-(-!,.)+/",(+,=-! )+( "-&+ "' (+-!(%%-(+",!" !+"',.!,,CJM9H:JN9H9)+,('%(&&'--(  9+!IGHLD<  #"%,# '#%&#%!"#$%'#%&  !,('+2(%%-(+,(+&"'()+-(+,&"'%2+,""'-!",-+"-( '-%!9  ,+>,/'"%%)"-%9"'-!)+(/"'( " (=.+3<!2'"/""'-(-!+ - (+",C'+"&%%9IGHJ:)+,('%(,+/-"('9 '.+29+.+2'+!IGHLD;  • HJ!",-(+"%()+-(+,0!(!' +'-+(,0(('('2(%%-"(')+&"-,2 -! (/+'&'- (%%(0"' -!2%(',"'IGGI'IGGKC'('<9IGGP:"%&5$.+ IGGPD< • JI()+-(+,&+  +(&-!",,."' ( -!1)-"('%1)(+-)+&"-"'IGGPMN • '(-!+HGG()+-(+,0"-!(.-0!-,(/+)+&"-!/-$'/'- ( -!%$(  ('-+(%,'%% (++.)-"('-/+2%/%<   +%,,( 0!-!+!",-(+"%(+'0(&+,9%%()+-(+,%% %2,$-(% "-"&"3 -!"+()+-"(','!"/,("%)-"%"-2-!+(. !(&"'-"('( (++.)-"('9 %(2"' -+ "('%9",-+"-(+(&&.'%%/%''  "' "'!+"-%0(+$CH9H:LN9 H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD<  "'#" +$#%'%&#  (+"' -(-!,.+/2('.-2 "'-!+ "('9-!1)(+-+,( -!", + "('(',",-( -0(- (+",( ()+-(+,; • !(,0!(!/'"'/(%/"' (+,-+2()+-"(','-!1)(+-( )+"(.,-"&+ ,"'-!HPPG,9' •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

67 Decree no. 38244/2009 of 21 September 2009; 68 i.e. the export conditions, e.g. packaging (if there is any), the quantity exported in relation to the sum of money paid, etc. 69 According to the information collected by TRAFFIC in the SAVA region, the Chinese buyers were more or less absent between 2013 and 2014, which does not, however, mean that they did not import Malagasy rosewood and ebony, but rather that they trusted their local partners. From the end of 2014, the quality of the timber exported from Madagascar seemed to deteriorate, which brought the Chinese back to Madagascar to take care of the selection of wood to be exported to China themselves (P11, A2; P16, C3; P1, A1, personal comment to TRAFFIC, January 2015).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

70 These local witnesses insisted that they had no information on the name of the boat or the identity of the company. According to these witnesses (personal comment to TRAFFIC, March 2015), the crews of the vessels transporting the illegal timbers wouldpaint the vessels before landing, so that the name of the vessel was obscured.

56 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar (%78/% #*%' &'"&' # %&")# )"' &%'!% '%

 Guide / So-called “Forest Owners” 

 Harvest site level Wood cutters 

Primary collectors

Secondary collectors/ operators

Foreign exporters National exporters District / Regional level

International transport companies (Delmas, UAFL, SEAL, SAFMARINE)

Raw timber wholesaler

Processing industry Raw timber retailer International level

Export companies (Finished products)

Consumer countries


# $#$( '#"&  !%(%)().%-"(',%"/"' "'-!/""'"-2( )+"(.,-"&+)+(.-"('+,+ -+"-"('%%2,.,",-' +&+,C+"9'',9',.%-"/-"('D'"',(&,,9 +& ,!+(),C/'"%%'%(/,D<(',*.'-%29/"%% +,%"/"' "'-!+ -2"%% % .--"' ( )+"(.,-"&++'(-"+-%2"'/(%/"'-!-"/"-2C'('<9IGHG: '+"&%%' ".9IGHG:'('<9IGHID< 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

&'%'&  & #0# #0##(&# &")# )"')'& #0# #(&# & &&#'*''!%%)&' #(&# & &(%), "#' #!!% %"&$#% & ". ")# )  '  ". ( '-%! &% HG J J G K  &(!"-+%'' O J H I I  ') &)'/(' O K H H I '' M I G H J +(&"!2 M I G H J +('- '- HG M G I I ,-+  ''+"/(% M J G H I  &'"3' O J G H K &-(' '$&!"'2 M G G I K +3$ ,-NL  "2 HI G G K O  "+'' M H G J I #'  >< 8= ; 7> 9<   %"; .+/29IGHL

71 Cap Est is one of the most important harvest sites (important in terms of harvest volume) 72 The village of Belalona is situated on route 3B connecting the coastal town of Sambava with Andapa, a small town at the entrance to the Marojejy National Park. The distance from Belalona to Sambava is 45 km and 62 km to Andapa ( 73 Unlike the logging of rosewood and ebony, which occurs from time to time, the logging of palisander is permanently ongoing in the CAZ countryside; consequently, the link between an upsurge in harvest and development of illegal trade remains difficult to establish (Fidy Andriamananoro, DGF, personal comment to TRAFFIC, October 2014). 74 Stevedores are group of men that loading or unloading timber logs from or into the tracks or vessels 75 Manakambahiny Atsinanana is a rural community situated in the central eastern part of the Alaotra-Mangoro region. It belongs to the district of Ambatondrazaka

58 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 9090< '#%&("% ,"  %)&'"% ''%  !"%% %-+"')+"(.,-"&+",!+-+"32 +..%'--"/"-2%(' -!,.))%2 !"' +(&!+/,-"' -(1)(+-<!", +.&2+%-"')+-".%+-(('%"' "' (+&-"(' ('-!(+" "'( -"&+9-!,"3'A(+0" !-( %( ,9-1-"('--!-"&( 1)(+-' %," "-"('( .++'2+)-+"-"('(.&'-,<(+1&)%9.+"' -!-0(0/,CIO '.+2IGGP'IH)-&+IGGPD( 1)-"('%.-!(+"3-"(',-(1)(+-+(,0((' ('29-!(.'-+2+)(+-%2%(,-',-"&-K

76 The CPI varies on a scale from 0 (country perceived as extremely corrupt) to 100 (country perceived as not at all corrupt). This CPI classifies countries depending on the perception of the level of corruption. 77 In 2007, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation developed the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) forming the most complete set of quantitative data on the state of governance in Africa. Compiled using different sources and in partnership with the experts of a number of African institutions, IIAG provides an annual evaluation of the state of governance in each of the countries of the continent. It enables citizens, governments, institutions and actors in the private sector to assess the capacity of the State authorities to provide public goods and services and the effectiveness of public policies in each of the continent’s countries. The indicators are divided into four main categories: Security and sovereignty of the law, Civil participation and human rights, Sustainable economic development and Human development (cf.

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

78 Interministerial mission responsible for regaining control of the illegal exploitation of precious wood.

60 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar ((.+"' -!"+?&",,"('@CK9K:L9K:KN9K9)+,('%(&&'--( 9+.+2 IGHLD<

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79 This average weight was 150 kg between 2005 and 2007 (P36, E1; P37, E1, personal comment to TRAFFIC, March 2015).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 61  '"#%)%&"&!"''#"##% %&  !!' ( %'.,9&"'%2 (+,--"('9' ,+>,"'+,)().%-"('',"-2 !/'"'-" ",-!&"'.,,( (+%,"&'--"('"'-!2( '-(' "%C+(/ $.9IGHI:,%,("'$.9IGHID9-!+2%,("'+,"' (+%",,,',%(0"'  -!"+ +(0-!C'('<9IGHID<(&+)(+-,"'"--!--!",,"&'--"('",.,2,("% (+" "'-"'  +(&,(%,(',*.'(  (+,--"(''+"'CHM9J:H9I9 )+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD<  $&(%" %"."!$!"'"!""  -%%-!"%% %+(,0((9('2')%",'+%( "' ,"-,9/'"'-!)+(--+,9 ,%-"/!+/,-"' ',$""' ( %( ,+,.%-,"' (+,-%+'-!.,"&)+(/"' ,, C)-!,'-+$,D'"'-.+' "%"--"'  .+-!+/ --"('%+"' 9-!&'. -.+(  !+(%9',-%",!&'-( &),CHH9I9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2 IGHLD<(+1&)%9-0'IGHG'IGHK9IJL"%% %'&)&'-,0+"'-" ""'-! ,(%-"('%+$<!"'+,"'-!'.&+( '&)&'-,(/+-!",)+"(,&,-( (++%-%(,%20"-!-!"'+,"' '.&+( +(,0((,-.&),"'-" "C" .+HKD<  (%7:/ '#"&$'*"'"(!%#%#&*##&'(!$&"  "!$!"'&" &#  '#" $% 486761867:5


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62 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 63 !.,%-!(. !-!+ "('0,)+/"(.,%2%&(,-,% =,. ""'-"' ((9-!?+(,0(( +",",@",+.)--! +".%-.+%/%()&'-,-+- 2-!-!'/%()2-!+ "(' "'(=()+-"('0"-!-!"'",-+2(  +".%-.+"'IGGOCH9H9)+,('%(&&'--(  9 '.+2IGHLD</+2-"&-!+0,'.),.+ "'"%% %!+/,-'1)(+-(  +(,0((9-!/"%% +".%-.+%%(.+ (+0,," '" "'-%2+.90"-!-!2(.'  )+(.+, (.,"' ('%-+'-"/.,"',,,"'/(%/"' 1)%("--"('( +(,0((<!(,-(   +".%-.+%%(.++&"',-%.'-"%+!IGGP9"<<JGGG9 (+*."'-.)%"' -( +!HLGGG)+2CM)+2D.+"' -!?!2@)+"(,( +(,0((%( "' 9 "<<-0' '.+2IGGP')-&+IGHH'-0'&+IGHJ'+.+2 IGHK<-0'IGGP'IGHJ9-!+ "('-!+ (+1)+"',+",( +" ,!(+- ,9)+(.-"('!/"' %"',/+%2-!+(. !-!%$( '/"%%%(.+ (+ CH9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD<  # $'"#  +$ #''#" --! "''"' ( -!.),.+ "'"%% %%( "' "'IGGP9-!"%% %!+/,-( )+"(., -"&+'"-,&"',-$!(%+,0++ +,'&",( ,("-2<!",)+)-"('!, !' (/+-"&,-!'.&+( ,-$!(%+,"'/(%/"'"%% %-"&+!,"'+,' .+-!+9-!+(. !-!&#(+"-2( )(0+ .%()+-(+,(&"' )+-( )(%"-"%"+%,< )+-(+,'(0'#(2+-"'.-!(+"-2')+(&"''"'-!&"'",-+-"(''&('  -!)().%-"('CH9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD< (0/+9-!&"' +,(' (+-!",,("%)-'",-!-&(,--"&+()+-(+,)+"/-!!+/,-'-+ ( )+"(.,0((,% %-"/"-29,"&"%+-('2(-!+.,"',,90!"!'%,-!&-( ('.--!"+-"/"-",.'",-.+'"'-!).%"2<.+-!+&(+9-!,()+-(+,+ "&)%&'-"' ,("%'('(&"/%()&'--"/"-","'-!"++,9'(',*.'-%29 -!,("%)-'( -!"%% %-"/"-2+%--()+"(.,-"&+", +.%%2(&"'  ,-%",!CH9H:JO9H:HM9J:KH9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9+.+2 IGHLD<  #&&#%""&('#'  +$#%'#$%#(&'!% +(&(/&+IGHJ-(-(+IGHL9%(,-(LGGG-( +(,0(('('2(+" "'-"'  +(& ,+0+,"3"'/+"(.,%(-"(',"'-!0(+%C" .+HMD<%" !-%2%,,-!' OGQ( -!/(%.&( ,"3.+,-(($)%"'IGHK9-!-"&+,"3"'"' )(+"'2IGHK %('(',-"-.-"' NGQ( -!-(-%/(%.&( +(,0(('('2,"3(.-," ,+ "'-!-2+< (0/+9-!"' )(+'#.,-",2,-&"('HJ(/&+IGHL-( +-.+'+ (( JGGGG+(,0((%( ,,"3"'+!IGHK(+" "'-"' "' ,+ C.-%+9IGHLD-("-,!"',='-"('%"-2"&)(+-+,('-! +(.',-!-? "# $$ #$$  $#$"#  "$#"!%" "$"#$0C.-%+9IGHLD<  !%(,,( +'"' ,C(++,)('"' -(-!,/(%.&,,"3D-(-!% ,2---+,.+2 ",,-"&--IGG&"%%"('CJ9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 .%2IGHLD< 

64 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar (%7

  %"#-  )%#$"  +3122, +3124%$"+3125.

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

80 These figures were provided by a doctor verbally, but he was not willing to send TRAFFIC an existing written document containing these statistics. 81 It is difficult to estimate the total number of young people involved in wood cutting, as this number can vary over time. A very rough estimate by the authors of the total number of these young men for all of the sites (given that some woodcutters move from one site to another) would be in the order of 2 000 men.

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 65 !.,,( -!","'+,"'-!&(+-%"-2+-&(' .%-,(.%"' %.'2,/+% -(+,9'&%2;  "D /2%(!(%(',.&)-"('9)+-".%+%2&(' 0((.--+,',-/(+,<.+"' -! ?+(,0((!+/,-@9+(0'+"'&(!"-+%''',%%(.-HGG-"&,&(++-, ( +)+0$OI9NG-"&,&(+(--%,( 0!",$2OJCH9H:J9H9)+,('%(&&'--(  9IGHLD9'-!&$+,( -!-+"-"('%%(%+.&?-,-,@',%%(.-KG -"&,&(+( "-OKCH9H:J9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9IGHLD<!",%(!(% .,'.,/"(%'- " !-,90!"!(,"('%%2%-(-!<(',.,!,' ('.-('-!-(-%'.&+( -!,.,2%(!(%(',.&)-"('< ""D "'-,.+"' -+ %%"' ',$""' CJ9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 +.+2IGHLD< """D ",,9 /+'%"'"' !!,9 +/-2 -" .'&%'(.+",!&'-"'-! (+,-< "/D --%&'-( ,(+,,,("-0"-!-!!+/,-'"%% %-+"')+"(.,-"&+<!", )!'(&'('&"'%2('+',-!(%%-(+,CK9K:L9K:J9H:H9H9)+,('% (&&'--( 9IGHLD<(+1&)%9"'-!&.'"")%"-2( &(!"-+%''9 -0' .'')-&+IGHJ9-!+(%%-(+,0+$"%%OL,+,.%-( -! ,--%&'-( ,(+-0'(%%-(+,(+-0'(%%-(+,'1)(+-+,CK9K:L9 K:J9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9+.+2IGHLD<  -",++ (+-!(",( -!,0((.--+,',-/(+,-(,'-$-(-!"+ &"%", '"-!,',. ,--!--!20+.+""'-! (+,-(+-!+(0'"'-(+"/+,CKI9J: KJ9J:KK9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD<)(+-%2'('( -! /"-"&,> &"%",!/+-((&)%"' (%%(0"' -!-!( -!"++%-"/,CMK9J:ML9 J:MM9J:MN9J:MO9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 '.+2IGHLD9$'(0"' -!- -!1)(+-( +(,0(('('2",)+(!""-' (+ +( +)+",%, +(&&)%(2+,(  -!,0((.--+,',-/(+,CMK9J:ML9J:MM9J:MN9J:MO9J9)+,('% (&&'--( 9IGHLD<  '"'+,"'-!&(+-%"-2( .%-,!,'(,+/9"')+-".%+"'/"%% ,%(,-( !+/,-,"-,<CK9K:L9K:J9H9MN9J:MO9J9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 +.+2IGHL         .+"' !?+(,0((!+/,-@9"'+,"'-!+-( ,''-+.'2 +(&,!((%!, '+(+--!)+"&+2',('+2,!((%,( /"%% ,%(,-(-!!+/,-' ,!")&'-,"-,<!",!,+,.%-"'-!-&)(++2%(,.+( ,!((%,+(.'),- C&(!"-+%''9&)'/('9-,"'+'DCJ9H9)+,('%(&&'--( 9 +.+2IGHLD<         (+IGGP9-!'.&+( &" +'-,"'-!&.'"")%"-2( &(!"-+%'',"-.-"'-! /""'"-2( ,(%+$'/+1IG)()%)+2+CJ9H9)+,('%(&&'--(  9+.+2IGHLD<-0'IGGP'IGHH9-!",&.'"")%"-2+(+IGGQ-( JGGQ"'+,"'&" +'-,'-+")%"' ( ,&%% +(+2,-(+,9+,'!(-%,OM<.+"' -!

82 Two crates of beer per week outside of the “rosewood harvest” compared with 30 crates per day during the “rosewood harvest”. 83 One bottle of whisky per week outside of the “rosewood harvest” compared with 10 bottles per day during the “rosewood harvest”. 84 5 litres of rum per week outside of the “rosewood harvest” compared with 30 litres per day during the “rosewood harvest”. 85 The reporters of this information were not sure if there were three collectors or two collectors and a woodcutter as they had some difficulty in identifying these people who came from outside the village. 86 Outside of the timber logging periods, the municipality of Ambohitralanana has only three groceries, two bars and a hotel.

66 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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

87 A grassroots community consists of any voluntary group of individuals united by the same interests and obeying the rules of a shared life. It includes, depending on the case, the inhabitants of a hamlet, a village or a group of villagers. The grassroots community has a legal personality and operates as an NGO in accordance with the regulations in force (Art. 3 of Law no 96-025 of 30 September 1996 on the local management of renewable natural resources). 88 Vondron’Olona Ifotony or Local Grassroots Community. 89 These patrols carry out various activities which relate to both antipoaching and anti-bushfires, and also to recording slash and burn farming, illegal exploitation, mining activities, etc. 90 The term HIMO ("highly labour-intensive public works") used by the International Labour Organization (ILO) designates the methods which combine light equipment with labour in an optimum mix to ensure quality and minimize costs in creating or refurbishing infrastructures (Tajgman and Veen, 2000). In Madagascaar, the State construction programmes provide short-term employment at low wages for qualified and unqualified workers in highly labour-intensive projects such as road construction and rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures, reforestation and soil conservation, and allow the poor to earn a minimum wage by enabling the unemployed to join the labour market (Subbarao, 2003). This terminology has been globally adopted by the “Safety Net” unit of the World Bank and in the strict sense of the term includes any work which incorporates a heavy labour cost and whose objective is to make a rapid transfer of income to workers. In practice, this definition has been extended to the State construction programmes, certainly those that are highly labour- intensive, but with other goals, longer duration, and other modes of payment (in provisions, for example) (Andrianjaka and Millazo, 2008).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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Ǥ Ǥ90:080( '#""$# ,#"'!%%)&'

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68 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 69  7

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76 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar                !,)+)+(.&'-)+,'-"' -!+ .%-(+2 +&0(+$ (+ (+,- (/+''"' ,+,('-!%(%(+,-6+-0(+$CD< >, +&0(+$(',",-,( +"'")%,9+"-+"' '"-(+,C D (+/+" "-"('( -!% % ,(.+"' ( -"&+C$(-(+",($<9IGHMD<!","'"-"-"/0,," '-(,.))(+--! "&)%&'--"('( '-"('%'"'-+'-"('%)(%"2('-!,.,-"'%.,(  (+,-9-! %"&"'-"('( "%% %1)%("--"(''-(&$"&)+(/&'-,-( (+,-&' &'-<   !,(',*.'-%2&,.+/2( %%-!1",-"' % ,2% %-1-,-!- (/+' (+,-1)%("--"('9 +(&-!!+/,-,"--(1)(+-9/"-!-+',)(+-')+(,,"' ( -"&+< %%'-"('%% ",%-"(' (/+'"'  (+,--"/"-",9)+(--"('( -!'/"+('&'-9%' (0'+,!")90(+$+,>+" !-,9!%-!', -2'-+!/'-$'"'-((.'- C$(-(+",($<9IGHMD<  90;0;%#%&&#' '#"$ "!$ !"''#"  (%%(0"' -!%",-"' ( -!,)",( -!,-0( '+"'))'"1 (  C(HM9+! IGHJD9'-"(')%'(',",-"' ( ,/')+"'")%-"(')("'-,0,()-2","(' HMH

91 These two missions took place respectively between 19 and 23 January 2015 and 9 and 13 March 2015. The objective of the first mission was to assess the effisciency of the system in place to detect the illegal shipment of protected species. The second mission aimed at assessing the progress made by the Government of Madagascar to combat illegal harvesting and export of precisous timber. Following these missions, the assessment team from ICCWC issued a list of of recommendations for the attention of the Government of Madagascar (P55, A2, personal comment to TRAFFIC, November 2015).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 77 8TRAFFICReport: TimberIsland-Therosewood andebonytradeof Madagasca 78 Table 19: Examples of the progress made by Madagascar in implementing the CITES action plan for Diospyros and Dalbergia

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92 These courts were selected because the cases of logging and export of precious wood in the timber production areas which are the subject of this study are dealt with in these three courts. 

80 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar #BA7%*)#+!% +&+ !## # )-*+%+)!%')!&,*+!$)7*) !*+)+ + &,)+&&$*!%>B@@I9B@AE?

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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 81 $!.!(0%2!(5$%#$.0!+" .+,,!  $.#!/*  %/)%//(/ *!!4,(%*! 0+(.#!!40!*05 ,.+ ! 1.(!..+./ +))%00! 50$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*H3$% $%*)+/0 /!/)'!/%0 %),+//%(!0+ +* (1 !0$! .%)%*(,.+ ! 1.!1* !.0'!*K  *" 0H !"% %!* %!/+",.+ !//+./1/0* !U!K#K+*0$! +*0!*0/+"0$!%* % 0)!*0H!0 KV+"0$! 00!)!*0/ .3*1,50$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*H".!-1!*0(5.!/1(0%* $.#!/0$0.!*+0$!(  1,!"+.!0$! +1.0/ 1!0+%*/0* !/%* (1 %*#J  • $!00!)!*0 *!*2%/#!+""!* !//0%,1(0! %*0$!.+0! 0! .!/+ !UV10 .!"!.0+0$!,!*(0%!/,.+2% ! "+.50$!+.!/0! .!!+"`c *1.5_ga^+*0$! .!+.#*%60%+*+"0$!"+.!/0.!#%)!%* #/ .gaK • $!,!./+*,.!,.%*#0$!00!)!*0%/*+0/3+.*M%*+""% %(gb* 0$!.!"+.!0$!/00!)!*0 %/*+0 )%//%(!%* +1.0K • *5.!"!.!* !/0+0$!.%)%*(+ !+*+.!/0""!* !/.!"!. '0+. %** !*+Kd^M_`f +"a 0+!._gd^0$0 !0!.)%*!/0$!,.+ ! 1.!,,(% (!0+,!*(0%!/+"+""!* !/#%*/0 0$!(!#%/(0%+* +2!.%*#"+.!/0.5H$1*0%*#H"%/$%*#* 0$!,.+0! 0%+*+"*01.!K$%/ . %** !$/0+!.! %* +*&1* 0%+*3%0$! .!!*+Kd_M^ef+"f!.1.5_gd_0$0 ,.+/ .%!/)+ (%0%!/+"%),(!)!*00%+*K$! +*0!*0+"0$%/ ! .!!!4,(%*/0+(.#! !40!*00$!Q3!'*!//R+"0$!/* 0%+*/,,(%! 0+0$!/!+""!* !/! 1/!%0/0%,1(0!/0$0 Q* +', * -$,!'&+', !+*!&&/!$$(-&!+ 1!&' KJJJJGOH ,'LJJJJJGKJJH&(*!+'&+&,&''&%'&, ,',/'1*+'*'&$1'&', ,/' (&$,!+@EU.0KbcVgcK  0/$+1( !*+0! 0$0. %** !*+Kd^M_`f !(/3%0$$1*0%*#* 0. %*#%**%)(/,! %!/ U%. /H#)!LVH10 +!/*+0 !(3%0$0$!(+##%*#+"0%)!.0((K!%0$!.%/.!"!.!* !) !0+ . %** !*+K`^__M^^_+"f1#1/0`^__+*0$!,!*(0%!/+"+""!* !/.!(0! 0+.+/!3++ *  !+*5H#%2!*0$0*+%),(!)!*00%+* ! .!!!4%/0/K  * %0%+*0+ !"% %!* %!/%*,!*(0%!/H0$!.!%/#!*!.(( '+"0.*/,.!*0#+2!.** !3%0$%* 0$!2.%+1/,1(% /!.2% !/%* $.#!+",.+/! 10%+*/.!(0%*#0+(+##%*#* 0. !+",.! %+1/ 0%)!.H0+0$(+ (* *0%+*((!2!(UafH_I_H_H,!./+*( +))!*00+ H *1.5 `^_cVK +. %*#0+.*/,.!* 5 *0!.*0%+*(U5.!H`^_aVH0$!&1 % %(/! 0+.%/((!#! 0+! 0$!)+/0 +..1,0,1(% +.#*%60%+*H (+/!(5"+((+3! 50$!,+(% !* 0$! %2%(/!.2% !Iceh+" 0$!,!+,(!/1.2!5! H,.0% 1(.(50$+/!".+)0$!,++.!. (//!/H/00! 0$0 +..1,0%+*%/ .! 1..!*0,.+(!)%*0$!,1(% /! 0+.H!/,! %((5%*0$!&1/0% !/5/0!)H0$!,+(% !* 0$!00! 10$+.%0%!/K  $!%//1!+"0$!( '+"0.*/,.!* 5%*0$!0.!0)!*0+"(%0%#0%+*%*0$! +1.0/3/(/+ $%#$(%#$0! 50$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*UcgH`H,!./+*( +))!*00+ H *1.5`^_cI `eH`H,!./+*( +))!*00+ H. $`^_cVK$!(00!. )%*%/0.0%+*%/*+0%* ,+/%0%+*0+"+((+31,+""!* !/0$00$!5$2!0'!*0+ +1.0H/%* !0$!&1 #!/.!"1/!0+ +))1*% 0!3%0$0$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*+*0$!,.!0!40+")%*0%*%*# /! +*"% !*0%(%05K 2!*"+. /!/3$!.! ! %/%+*/$2!!!*) !H0$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*%/*+0%*"+.)! +" 0$!/! ! %/%+*/UcgH`H,!./+*( +))!*00+ H *1.5`^_cI`eH`H,!./+*( +))!*00+ H. $`^_cVK 

93 Heading VII (Penalties of offences) Section II (Offences and Penalties) of this Decree stipulates, for example, that "whoever shall exploit forest products, without having been authorised to do so, or without enjoying right of use, shall be penalized by a fine of 50 to 1000 francs and a prison sentence of between 15 days and 3 months or one of the two penalties alone […]." (Art. 50) or that “the sale and trade [prohibited] of products arising from special permits, logging licences or rights of usage, shall be punished by a fine of 50 to 500 francs and in the case of a re-offence, a prison sentence of between 15 days and 3 months […].” (Art. 52). 94 The Agents authorized to take statements can only be appointed after having taken an oath before the Court (Article 48 of the Protected Areas Code of 7 August 2001). 95 Implementation Decree no. 61-078 uses in the same terms the content of article 45 of Ordinance no. 60-128. 

82 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar  '"## % #$ '$'#%##.  4,!.%!* !$//$+3*00$00$!"%#$0#%*/00.""% '%*#+"/,! %!/+"3%( "1** "(+.H %* (1 %*#,.! %+1/0%)!.H%//1,,+.0! 50$!!""! 0%2! +*2% 0%+** /!*0!* %*#+" 0.*/#.!//+./"+1* #1%(05%*0!.)/+"0$!(3K%* !`^^gH)!)!./+" %2%(/+ %!05%*0!.!/0!  %*!*2%.+*)!*0(""%./$2!.!-1!/0! 0$!!/0(%/$)!*0+"/,! %( +1.00+ !(3%0$ !*2%.+*)!*0()00!./* %//1!/.!(0! 0+,.! %+1/0%)!.K$!.!/+*"+.0$%/.!-1!/0%/ /! +*0$!%*!""! 0%2!,.+/! 10%+*+"0%)!..!(0!  /!/0 %/0.% 0* .!#%+*((!2!(K/* !4),(!%*0$! %/0.% 0+"*0($H+10+"`d /!/ +* !.*%*#%((!#($.2!/0* 0. !+" .+/!3++ * !+*5!03!!*`^^g* `^_cH+*(503+ /!"%(!/3!.!0.*/"!..! "+. ,.+/! 10%+*0+0$! !*0.( +1.0%**0**.%2+K +3!2!.H0$!/!03+ /!/H%*2+(2%*#`^ /1/,! 0/H3!.!*+01(0%)0!(5,.+/! 10! ! 1/!0$!,$5/% ("%(!/3!.!*+00.*/"!..! 0+ *0**.%2+ 1!0+( '+""1* /Ue`HcH,!./+*( +))!*00+ H!.1.5`^_cVK  (0$+1#$/1/!-1!*0#+2!.*)!*0/$2!*+0!!*$+/0%(!0+0$!"1("%()!*0+"/1 $,.+&! 0H%0 $/*+05!0!!*.!(%6! K%((,.+,+/%*#0$!!/0(%/$)!*0+"/,! %( +1.00+ !(3%0$ +""!* !/.!(0! 0+%((!#($.2!/0* 0. !+"*01.(.!/+1. !/H*+0(5.+/!3++ H3/ %*0.+ 1 ! 50$!+2!.*)!*00+0$!0%+*(//!)(5%* 1*!`^_c* 3/ +,0! 5 ,.(%)!*0+*_e0$! !)!.`^_cK$!%),(!)!*00%+* ! .!!$/!!*,.+)1(#0! 100$! %),(!)!*0%*#&1 % %(+ 5%/5!00+!!/0(%/$! K 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 83 4. DISCUSSION and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``* `a!(+3VK  $%/,.+ !//%/%)! 0% !*0%"5%*#%*"+.)0%+*#,/3$% $)5(+ '0$!%//1%*#+"K 0 (/+$%#$(%#$0/0$!*!! 0+/0.!*#0$!*'*+3(! #!+*%+(+#5* ! +(+#5+"$* !*  !'+(1*'++(!+H* 0$!%),+.0* !+"/!00%*#1,*0%+*()+*%0+.%*#/5/0!)"+.0$!#!*!.K /0(%/$)!*0+")+*%0+.%*#/%0!//$+1( !/! +*.!,.!/!*00%2!,.!/!* !+"$* ! * !'+(1*'+/,! %!/*  +2!.%*#0+0(.!+" %/0.%10%+*/"./,+//%(!K+*%0+.%*# 3+1( )'!%0,+//%(!0+ +*"%.)2%((!%*"+.)0%+** 0+/0.!*#0$!*+1.'*+3(! #!+10 *1)!.+1//,! %!/* $%00/K$%/3%((,.+2% !*%*2(1(!/ %!*0%"% /%/0+#1% !*  /0.!*#0$!*"+.!/0.!/+1. !)*#!)!*0U%* (1 %*#,.! %+1/0%)!./,! %!/V!*/1.%*#.0%+*( !4,(+%00%+*0$.+1#$%//1%*#+"P/K  * .3%*#1,#!*!.(+2!.2%!3+"0$!,.+(!)+",.! %+1/0%)!.$.2!/0* 0. !%*  #/ .* 5$%#$(%#$0%*#%* !-1 %!/* S+. !"% %!* %!/%* 0H'*+3(! #!H )*#!)!*0H +*0.+(* )+*%0+.%*#".)!3+.'/+",.! %+1/0%)!.H0$%/.!,+.0!),$/%/!/ 0$!"+((+3%*#,+%*0/J  • $!%* !-10!%*"+.)0%+*+*/0* %*#/0+ '/+"0%)!."+. !.0%*/,! %!/* 0$! /!* !+"%*"+.)0%+*"+.+0$!./K • */1""% %!*0(5 !0%(! %*"+.)0%+*+*%((!#($.2!/0* 0. !* 0$!/!* !+"2%((! %*"+.)0%+*+*/,! %!/(!2!(!4,(+%00%+*K •  '+"0.*/,.!* 5%*0$!)*#!)!*0+"/!%6! /0+ '/K • $!)&+. %/ .!,* 5!03!!*,+(%0% ( ! %/%+*/U,+(%0% ( ! (.0%+*/H%*0!.*0%+*( 1* !.0'%*#/V* 0$!%.%),(!)!*00%+*+*0$!#.+1* K • $!%*!""! 0%2!*!//+")*#!)!*0/5/0!)/%*#1.*0!!%*#0$00$!(+##%*#* 0. !+" ,.! %+1/0%)!..!*+0,.!&1 % %(0+0$!/1.2%2(+"/,! %!/K • $!%*/0%(%05* %* +*/%/0!* 5+"0$!.!#1(0+.5".)!3+.'3$% $+*(5/!.2!/0+),(%"5 %((!#((+##%*#* !4,+.0K • #+2!.*)!*0 $((!*#! 5,+ '!0/+" +..1,0%+*%*2.%+1/*0%+*(* .!#%+*( !,.0)!*0/*  %2%/%+*/K • $!(+*#+2!. 1!*!! 0+.!2%/!* %),(!)!*0/1/0%*(! !2!(+,)!*0)+ !(/K  D8A8 %&)$+!&%&%+!$)*+%!% *+&"*!*')+!#&)%&%9/!*+%+&)*&$*'!*  $!.!%/%*/1""% %!*0%+(+#% (* ! +(+#% ( 0 1..!*0(52%((!+*,.! %+1/0%)!.+"  #/ ."+.0$!%//1%*#+""+.0$!!4,+.0+"0.!!/,! %!/K,/%*!//!*0%( %*"+.)0%+*%* (1 !/,! %!/1* * !H.!#!*!.0%+** ,+,1(0%+*0.!* /H,.0% 1(.(5/%* ! 0.!+*(52%((!".+)"!3/%0!/0$1/)'%*#%0 %""% 1(00+!40.,+(0!.!(%(5K 

84 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar *5+"0$! +),+*!*0/+"0$!  0%+*,(*"+.(#/5!'+(1*'+* $* !+(!+H .!-1%.!/+1* '*+3(! #!+",+,1(0%+*/001/K%* !`^^gH%+(+#% (H! +(+#% (*  04+*+)% /01 %!/$2!!!* +* 1 0! 5.!/!. $%*/0%010%+*/H/1 $/* H0+ ,.+2% ! 0%*/1,,+.0+",,(% 0%+*/"+.(%/0%*#+"(#/5,.! %+1/0%)!.+* K +3!2!.H0$! 1..!*0'*+3(! #!2%((!+*0$!%+(+#5* ! +(+#5+")+/0/,! %!/%//0%((0++ %* +),(!0!0+!(!0+)'!%*"+.)!  +*/!.20%+*)*#!)!*0 ! %/%+*/K  $!(#/5/,! %!/+"$* !* !'+(1*'+$2!*!2!.!!*0$!/1&! 0+"/5/0!)0%  04+*+)% !2(10%+*K1.0$!.)+.!H%+(+#% (* ! +(+#% (%*"+.)0%+*%/)%//%*#"+.c`Kdh +"0$! !/ .%! /,! %!/+"$* !* !'+(1*'+gd* (%00(!%/'*+3*+100$! +*/!.20%+* /001/+"0$!/!/,! %!/K  4%/0%*#"+.!/0%*2!*0+.%!/,.+2% %*#0$!%*"+.)0%+*.!-1%.! "+.0$!%//1%*#+".!"!3 %**1)!.H$. 0+ !//+.%* +),0%(!3%0$)+.!.! !*0 0H)'%*#%0 %""% 1(00+,10 "+.3. .!(%(!"%#1.!/+*0$!/0* %*#/0+ '/+"0%)!.%*"+.!/0/K!%0$!.0$!.!(-1*0%0%!/+" 0$!0.!!/"!((! *+.0$!(+ 0%+*/3$!.!0$!53!.!(+##! .!'*+3*H +*/!-1!*0(50$!.!%/* ()+/0 +),(!0!( '+"/ %!*0%"% '*+3(! #!+*0%)!.,.+ 1 0%+*(!2!(/K * %0%+*H!4,!.0/ +*/1(0! 5 0$.+1#$+100$%/3+.'.!*+0%*,+/%0%+*0+!/0%)0!0$!.!#!*!.0%+* , %05+"'!5/,! %!/K$!( '+"'*+3(! #!+*.!#!*!.0%+*%/ +*/% !.(!$* % ,%* !2!(+,%*#)*#!)!*0,(*/"+.0$!/!/,! %!/K  D8B8 %&)$+!&%-!##&%!## ##& !% %)#++)!*#!$!+5%%& !%&)$+!&%&%#& !% !*-!##++ *'!*#-#  $.+1#$%0/#.+1* ,0.+(/H0$!/5/0!)+"/1.2!%((* !!4%/0%*#%*0$!,.+0! 0! .!/* /%0!/ )*#! 50$!(+ ( +))1*%0%!/!*(!/% !*0%"% 0%+** $* (%*#+"((05,!/+"+""!* !/ +))%00! %*0$!)+*%0+.! .!/U1/$"%.!/H,+ $%*#H%((!#(3++ 100%*#!0 VK +3!2!.H )+*%0+.%*#*  +*0.+("+ 1/! +*$.2!/0+",.! %+1/0%)!..!)%*/(%)%0! K$.+1#$+100$%/ /01 5H+*(5 #/ .0%+*(.'/3/(!0+,.+ 1 !%*"+.)0%+*+*0$!$.2!/0+" ,.! %+1/0%)!.0#!*1/(!2!(%*0$!,.+0! 0! .!/+".+&!&5H/+(* **.K+. 0$!,.+0! 0! .!/0$0$2!!!*0$!/1&! 0+"0$%//01 5U'%.HVH0$!%*"+.)0%+* .! +. ! +*%((!#((+##%*#+"0%)!. % *+0 +*0%*%*"+.)0%+*!2!*+*#!*!.(!2!(K +*/!-1!*0(5H 0.!/1(0%*#".+),0.+(/U1/%*#V +*+0)'!%0,+//%(!0+!/0%)0! 0$!2+(1)!+",.! %+1/0%)!.(+##! %*0$!/!(* / ,!/K              

96 Of the 28 species of Dalbergia with MED, information is available only for 15 species (53.5% of the species with MED). Of the 29 species of Diospyros described, information is available for only 41.4% of the species with MED; in total, there is information for 27 species of Dalbergia and Diospyros (47.4% of the total). 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 85 #BB7%)#&$$%+*&%+&)*+!%  )-*+$% $%+&"*'!*

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86 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar #BC7%)#&$$%+*&%+&)*+!% + $% $%+& # )" #*'!*

+&)*+!% + $% $%+& %)#&$$%+* +  )-*+!% *0*+$ !&#& !# )+)!*+!* `K_ %"!"+.)/ *"+.)0%+*+*$!%#$0%/#!*!.((52%((!U`dS`g/,! %!/V* "+.  U`bS`g/,! %!/VK$!!4%/0%*#%*"+.)0%+*+*0$!(%"!"+.)+"!'+(1*'+/,! %!/ !*(!/0$!%./!*/%0%2%050+,.!//1.!/* 0$.!0/0+!!2(10! K `K` !#!*!.0%+*,+0!*0%( *"+.)0%+*2%((!"+.+*(5_`+"0$!`g !/ .%! /,! %!/3%0$K *"+.)0%+*/+*.!#!*!.0%+*.0!.!)%*/2!.5(%)%0! 0+ !.0%*(+ 0%+*/3$% $ $2!!!*0$!/1&! 0+" $+ /01 %!/K$!%*"+.)0%+* 1..!*0(52%((!/$+3/ 0$00$!2!.#!.!#!*!.0%+*.0!+"0$!/,! %!/2.%!/!03!!*_^^T_^^^hK `Ka %/,!./(!""! 0%2!*!// *"+.)0%+*%/2%((!"+.0$!)&+.%05+"0$! !/ .%! /,! %!/3%0$ U`_S`gVH0$! !*/%0%!/!%*#'*+3*(+ ((5"+.&1/0+2!.$("0$!/,! %!/U_dS`gVK *"+.)0%+*+*0$! %/,!./( , %05+"0$!/,! %!//$+3//0.+*#2.%0%+*".+) +*!/%0!0+*+0$!."+./%*#(!/,! %!/U2.%0%+*%*0$!+. !.+"_e0+c^^ %* %2% 1(/S$"+./%*#(!/,! %!/K `Kb %00 *"+.)0%+*%/'*+3*"+._g/,! %!/10.!)%*/1*2%((!"+.`^/,! %!/3%0$ K *"+.)0%+*2%((! +2!./+*(5_^^,+,1(0%+*/+"g/,! %!/Kcbh+"0$!/! ,+,1(0%+*/$2!!!*"+1* +10/% !0$!,.+0! 0! .!/K ++,*+%+!&%##-# %/0.%10%+*0*0%+*((!2!( *"+.)0%+**+02%((!"+.0$!)&+.%05+"0$! !/ .%! /,! %!/3%0$ `Kc U`_S`gVK 1* * !0*0%+*((!2!( *"+.)0%+**+02%((!"+.0$!)&+.%05+"0$! !/ .%! /,! %!/3%0$ `Kd U_cS`gVK +,1(0%+*0.!* /0*0%+*( +,1(0%+*0.!* /.!#. 1((5 ! (%*%*#"+.0$!!%#$0/,! %!/"+.3$% $ `Ke (!2!( %*"+.)0%+*%/2%((!K  *"+.)0%+*.!)%*/)+.!(%)%0! 0$*"+.0$!$* !/,! %!/H*+0+*(5%*0$! 1(%05+"%*"+.)0%+* *1)!.+"/,! %!/3$% $.!0$!/1&! 0+"/01 %!/H10(/+%*0$!*1)!.+" `Kf (+ 0%+*//01 %! ,!./,! %!/K  +%*"+.)0%+*+*0$.!0/%/2%((!"+.gch+"0$!/,! %!/3%0$U%* (1 %*# .%* %,(0$.!0/ +0$ !/ .%! * 1* !/ .%! VK$%/%*"+.)0%+*%/2%((!"+.+*(5!%#$0 /,! %!/K$!*0$!%*"+.)0%+*%/2%((!H%((!#((+##%*#* /(/$* 1.* `Kg ".)%*#.!0$!)%*0$.!0/% !*0%"%! K % $%+& )-*+!%  `K_^ ((!#($.2!/0%*#+.0. ! $!.!%/,.0%(%*"+.)0%+*"+.0$!0. ! /,! %!/K$!.!/1(0/+"0$!%*2!*0+.%!/+" %((!#((+##%*# +*+0/$+30$!/%010%+*+"0$!$.2!/0%*#+"0$!/!/,! %!/K0+* 0$!0. !+"!'+(1*'+/,! %!/%/2!.5/ . !K$!/ (!+"0$!!4,(+%00%+** 0. ! +"!+*5.!)%*/ %""% 1(00+!2(10! 1.0!(5K `K__ *#!)!*0$%/0+.5 *#!)!*00$0\/3%*#/\!03!!*,.+$%%0%+*/* 0!),+..510$+.%60%+*+" 0. !K `K_` *#!)!*0,(*+.!-1%2(!*0 +)*#!)!*0,(*!4%/0/"+.!'+(1*'+/,! %!/K `K_a &! 0%2!+"0$!$.2!/0%*# +*! /5/0!)%*0$!)*#!)!*0,(* `K_b 1+0/ +*! &%+)&#& )-*+!%  `K_c .2!/0%*#%*0$!,.+0! 0! .!/ +%*"+.)0%+*2%((!K `K_d .2!/0%*#%*.!#%+*/1* !.(*  +%*"+.)0%+*2%((!K 0!*1.!+.+3*!./$%,/5/0!) `K_e .2!/0%*#%*+,!* !//.!/ +%*"+.)0%+*2%((!K `K_f !(%%(%05+"$.2!/0%*# +)*#!)!*0,(*%*,( !K )*#!)!*0 ,')-!*!&%& )-*+!%  `K_g !0$+ /1/! 0+/1,!.2%/! +)!0$+ %*,( !H!4 !,0%*0$!,.+0! 0 .!/U,0.+(/V* /! 1.%*#+"0$! $.2!/0%*# ,.+0! 0! .!/5)%(%0.50.++,/K `K`^ !(%%(%05+"/1,!.2%/%+*+" SY $.2!/0%*# %%+!-*%-%+ *& )-*+!%  `K`_ /! +),.! 0++0$!.0$.!0/ +%*"+.)0%+*2%((!K `K`` * !*0%2!/"+. +*/!.20%+*+" S"+. #/ .[/ 1..!*0/%010%+*K $%00 `K`a * !*0%2!/"+. +*/!.20%+*+" S"+. #/ .[/ 1..!*0/%010%+*K $%00 &!%&)$+!&%-!##8 `K`b 1((5,.+0! 0! ,.+,+.0%+* +%*"+.)0%+*2%((!K ""! 0%2!*!//+"0$!"1((,.+0! 0%+* +10"1(!""! 0%2!*!//#%2!*0$!1,/1.#!%*%((!#(!4,(+%00%+*%*0$!,.+0! 0!  `K`c )!/1.!/ .!/K `K`d !#1(0%+*+"$.2!/0%*#00!),0/ S"+. #/ .[/ 1..!*0/%010%+*K YSJ+0,,(% (! 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 87 D8C8 "&+)%*')%0!%+ $% $%+&*!1*+&"'!#*  $!( '+"0.*/,.!* 5%*0$!)*#!)!*0+"/!%6! /0+ ',%(!/+",.! %+1/0%)!.3/.%/!  5/0'!$+( !./ +*/1(0! 5 %*0$!0%)!.M,.+ 1 %*#.!#%+*/K %00(!%*"+.)0%+*%/ 2%((!+*0$!2+(1)!/+"/0+ ',%(!//!%6! K1.0$!.)+.!H0$! ! %/%+*50$!#+2!.*)!*0 U! .!!*+K`^_bMg^d+"`b 1*!`^_bV0+/!01,*%*0!.)%*%/0!.%( +))%00!!0/'! 3%0$ .!$%(%00%*#0$!.+/!3++ * !+*5/! 0+.H!4 (1 !  %2%(/+ %!05* /".+)0$! ! %/%+*M)'%*#,.+ !//K$1/0$!0.*/,.!* 5+"0$!.+/!3++ /0+ ',%(!//!//)!*0U%K!K0$! %*2!*0+.%!/H!(! 0.+*% 0##%*#* /! 1.%*#+"0$!(+#/+"0$!/!/0+ '/geV%/ +10"1(K ! ! 5 0$!.%)!%*%/0!.P/+""% !3%0$0$!/1,,+.0+"0$!+""% !+"0$!.!/% !*0+"0$!!,1(% H0$%/ %*0!.)%*%/0!.%( +))%00!!%/ +),+/! !4 (1/%2!(5+")!)!./+"0$!+2!.*)!*0H%* (1 %*# .!,.!/!*00%2!/+"!(!2!*)%*%/0.%!/gfK  +3!2!.H!2!*0$+1#$0$!.!%/3.!*!//+"0$%/,.+(!)00$!$%#$!/000!(!2!(H%0$/*+0 !!*(!0+,.!2!*00$! +*0%*1! %((!#($.2!/0* 0. !+",.! %+1/0%)!.K,.0".+)0$%/H 0$!(#/510$+.%0%!/,.+2% !*+%*"+.)0%+*+10 /!/+"%((!#((+##%*#* !4,+.0+. +10/!%61.!/+",.! %+1/0%)!.+10/% ! #/ .K$!/,!! $!/+"0$!*0%+*(10$+.%0%!/ (35/!40+(0$!2%.01!/+"gg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

97 The interministerial committee (consisting solely of representatives of the Ministries) has replaced a steering committee consisting of the government institutions and environmental civil society. 98 The Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance and the Budget, the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralisation and Public Security, the Ministry of Environment, Ecology, and Forests, the Ministry of Commerce and Consumption, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Transport and Meteorology, the Ministry of Culture and Craft and the State Secretariat to the Ministry of National Defence responsible for the Gendarmerie. 99,19869.html 

88 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar D8E8 %(,+)*&,)*+&&'.!+ + *#&+ ')&#$7/$'#& *&# +!&%#)"  *0$!.!#%+*H0$!"%#$0#%*/0%((!#(!4,(+%00%+*$/0'!*,( !%*%*0$!" !+".),*0 !/0.1 0%+*+"0$!"+.!/0/H +),*%! 50$!0+0(".1/0.0%+*+"+""% %(/%*2+(2! %*0$! +*0.+(* /!%61.!+",.! %+1/0%)!.K/+(0%+*(.'.!"(! 0/0$%//%010%+*3$!.!+*! +"0$! 10!,.+(!)/%*`^^g3/0$!( '+")0!.%(* "%** %(.!/+1. !/K$!*0$! "1* %*#"+.*%*0!.*0%+*(,.+&! 0 )!0+*!* H00!1 #!0/3!.!*+0((+ 0! 0+H+. %  *+0.! $H0$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*1*%0/00$!.!#%+*(* (+ ((!2!(/K *0$!)&+.%05+" /!/H0$!,.'+""% %(/*+(+*#!.$2!,.+,!.1*%"+.)/H0.*/,+.0%/+"0!*%* /00!+" .!,%.* 0$!.!%/*+1 #!0"+.0$!%.2!$% (!)%*0!** !K$!".1/0.0%+*+"0$!/!+""% %(/ +*/!-1!*0(5)*%"!/0/%0/!("%*( '+"6!(* )+0%20%+*%*"1("%((%*#0$!%..+(!H/+)!$2%*# +,!*(5/00! 0+ 0$00$!5.!0!),0! 0+ !,00$!'% ' '/+""!.! 50.""% '!./K ,.0".+))0!.%(.!/+1. !/H +),.0%2!(5(+3/(.%!/ !*010!0$!".1/0.0%+*+" !*"+. !)!*0/0""3$+"!!(,+3!.(!//%*0$!" !+"$!2%(5 +..1,0&1/0% !/5/0!)#%2!*0+ .!(!/%*#0$!+""!* !./,,.!$!* ! 50$!/!#!*0/K  *0$!%.00(!#%*/0%((!#("!((%*#H0$!,.'/0"")'!#.!0!""+.0/0+)4%)%/!0$!#.+1*  ,0.+(/U%*0!.)/+"0$!.! +2!.! 50$!,0.+(/* ".!-1!* 5+")+*%0+.%*#V* 0+!4,!( 0$!%((!#(+,!.0+./".+)0$!,.'+.,.!2!*00$!%.%((!#(%*0.1/%+*K +3!2!.H0$!/+( 0%+*(.'0!) +!/*+0$2!/1""% %!*0$1)*.!/+1. !/3%0$+*(50!*+""% !./%*,( !K 0!.%(* "%** %(.!/+1. !/.!(/+%* !-10!"+. +*0.+((%*#0$!!4,(+%00%+*+",.! %+1/ 0%)!.K%!( /0""_^^ **+0 +* 1 0Q +*0%*1+1/R/1.2!%((* !+"0$%/0!..%0+.5+"`acc')`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fa`S`^^^+"a^ 0+!.`^^^H,.+$%%0%*# 0$!!4,+.0+".+/!3++ * !+*5* )!)+.* 1)*+Kg`aS^cS S%+"d +2!)!.`^^c!*(%*#0$!).'!0%*#* !4,+.0+"/0+ '/+"!+*5* .+/!3++  ! (.!  +""% %((510$+.%/! 3%0$+100$!,.%+..!,!(+" *0!.)%*%/0!.%(. !.*+K__fa`S`^^^+"a^  0+!.`^^^ +),.%/%*#,.+$%%0%+*K  /)!*0%+*! +2!H0$!( '+",+(%0% (3%((+"0$!(!#%/(0%2!10$+.%05 +*/0%010!/)&+. +/0 (!0+(!#(%),(!)!*00%+*H* %*01.*!* +1.#!/%((!#((+##%*#* 0. !+"3%(  ,.+0! 0! /,! %!/K  

100 15 field officers of the Masoala National Park were recruited in 2010 and 10 others are in progress (P14, C1, personal comment to TRAFFIC, March 2015).

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 89 D8F8B8,+$&# !*#+!&%  . %** !*+K`^__M^^_+"f1#1/0`^__ !(/3%0$,!*(0%!/"+.+""!* !/.!(0!/0+.+/!3++  * !+*5K$%/ +*/0%010!/0$!+*(5(!#(.!"!.!* !0+,!*(0%!/%),+/! "+.0$!!4,(+%00%+* * 0. !+",.! %+1/0%)!.%* #/ .* 5!00+ 0!*+ ! .!!%),(!)!*0%*#0$%/ . %** !$/!!*!* 0! K+*/!-1!*0(5H,,(% (!.!#1(0+.5".)!3+.'+*0$!%//1%*#+" ,!*(0%!/%//0%((0$03$% $ 0!/ '+2!.$(" !*01.5H%K!K. %** !*+Kd^M_`f+"a 0+!. _gd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d^M_`f+"a 0+!._gd^* %0/ ),(!)!*0%*#! .!!*+Kd_M^dfH)!*/0$0 %0%/*+0,+//%(!0+$2! !0!..!*0!""! 0+*/0'!$+( !./%*2+(2! %*%((!#($.2!/0* 0. !K * /!/,.+/! 10! 50$!+)/%* +1.0H0$!)4%)1),!*(05%),+/! "+.0$!%((!#( $.2!/0H0.*/,+.0* 0. !+",.! %+1/0%)!.$/*!2!.!4 !! ! /%4)+*0$/%*&%(K  D8G8&-)%%,%)$!%0&)),'+!&%  +..1,0%+*((!#! (5.!)%*/0$!)&+." 0+.0$01* !.)%*!/0$!!/0(%/$)!*0+"#++  #+2!.** !%* #/ .H3%0$*+*!+"0$!,1(% /! 0+./%* #/ ./!!)%*#(5!4!),0 U5.!H`^_aVK$%/ +..1,0%+*1* !.)%*!/#++ )*#!)!*0+"0$!,.! %+1/0%)!.0. !".+) (+ ((!2!(0$.2!/0/%0!/0$.+1#$0+!4,+.0K 0+ 1./0((/0#!/+"0$!0. ! $%*K1.%*# 0$!%//1%*#+"0!),+..5!4,+.0,!.)%0/H/+)!+""% %(/.!((!#! (5.%! 50%)!.+,!.0+./ %*+. !.0+#!0,!.)%0/H!2!*0$+1#$/0+ ',%(!2!.%"% 0%+*3/*+0 ..%! +10K+)!+,!.0+./ ((!#! (5.%!+""% %(/0+#!0,!.)%//%+*0+!4 !! !4,+.0(%)%0/H* 5!0+0$!.0%)!. +,!.0+./((!#! (5,.+2% !,.%20!2!$% (!/* )+0+.%'!/0+0$!(3!*"+. !)!*0+""% !./ 0$0.!/1,,+/! 0+ +*0.+(0$!0.*/,+.0+"0$!%.0%)!.K  $! +..1,0%+*)50'!0$!"+.)+",+(%0% (%*"(1!* !/+/0+5,//0$!"+.)(,!.)%00%*# /5/0!).!-1%.! "+.0.*/,+.00%+*+",.! %+1/0%)!.K*"+. !)!*0+""% %(/)500%)!/! .%! 0+01.*(%* !5!0+0.1 '/+. *+!/ ..5%*#%((!#((+#/K$!*.!#1(0+.52%+(0%+*/ .!"+1* H&1 % %( +..1,0%+*+ 1./0+,.!2!*0,.+/! 10%+**  +1*0%(%05H(!2%*# %0%6!*/ 3%0$+10(!#(.! +1./!K  D8H8+&)-!*  *):*&$$,%!+0&%*)-+!&%-#&'$%+$&#  )+*#0$!a^3++ 100!./%*0!.2%!3! 5 %*0$! +1./!+"0$%/3+.'H`f.!/,+* !  0$00$!( '+"%* +)!* 0$!/ . %05+"!4,(+%0(!*01.(.!/+1. !/_^_.!0$!)%*.!/+*/ )+0%20%*#0$!)0+#!0%*2+(2! 3%0$0%)!.0.""% '!./K+ +1*0!./1 $,.+(!)/H((0$!

101 For these woodcutters, a large part of the natural forests are protected and their access to the natural resources remains limited to the sustainable use zones of the Protected Areas (which constitute at most 20% of the total surface area of the Protected Areas). In fact, they state that their resources, (yams, honey, wood…) are rapidly running out. 

90 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar .+0! 0! .!)*#!./%* #/ .%),(!)!*0%*#(+ ( !2!(+,)!*0,.+&! 0/H%* (1 %*# 0$! +*/0.1 0%+*+" +))+*%*"./0.1 01.!H0$!,.+)+0%+*+"%* +)!M#!*!.0%*# 0%2%0%!/H %* +)!)*#!)!*0 , %051%( %*#+"0$!(+ (,+,1(0%+*_^`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`^^^K

102 As for example on income management, the sustainable use of firewood and the introduction of production techniques. 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 91 5. RECOMMENDATIONS  +)% + %"%&.# &%"%!&'0)&**'!*.!+ -!.+&+ !**,!% & *&)/'&)+   "$$$$  $"#" "*$ #  .%+1/ 0%+*/U(!`bV.!.!-1%.! 0+"%((0$!#,/%*'*+3(! #!+*0$!%+(+#% ( $. 0!.%/0% /+"!'+(1*'+* $* !/,! %!/%* (1 %*#0$!%.$%00.*#!H*0%+*( %/0.%10%+*H,+,1(0%+*0.!* /H0$.!0/* $.2!/0 5*)% /K$!0(!!(+3,.!/!*0/0$! )%*.! +))!* 0%+*/* 0$!/0'!$+( !./.!/,+*/%(!"+.0$!%.%),(!)!*00%+*K • * .!/!"1* %*#0+" %(%00!0$!!2(10%+** .!/!. $%*0+/0* %*#/0+ '/+",.! %+1/ 0%)!.%* #/ .H!/,! %((5J%V0$!1* * !+"/,! %!/%*0$!%.$%000(!/0"+. 0$+/! 1..!*0(5%*0. !* 0$+/!3%0$)+/0,+0!*0%("+."101.!0. !H%%V0$!/01 5+" "+.!/0.5! +(+#5* .!#!*!.0%+*+"/,! %!/H* %%%V0$! ."0%*#+"/,! %"% )*#!)!*0 ,(*//! +*0$!.!/1(0/+"0$!%*2!*0+.%!/K • 1%( 0$! , %05+",.+0! 0! .!)*#!./0+((+30$!)0+% !*0%"5,.! %+1/0%)!. /,! %!/%*0$!%.,.+0! 0! .!/* 0+ +((! 0 1.0!%*"+.)0%+*+*%((!#($.2!/0 5*)% /00$!%. +*/!.20%+*/%0!/0$.+1#$0$! +,0%+*+"*0%+*()+*%0+.%*#/5/0!)K • $!.!%/*!! 0+"%((0$!#,/%*'*+3(! #!+*%+(+#% ( $. 0!.%/0% /+"0$!$.2!/0!  /,! %!/H%* (1 %*#0$!%.$%0005,!H*0%+*( %/0.%10%+*H,+,1(0%+*0.!* /* 0$!0$.!0/ " %*#0$!)%*0$!3%( K  #BD9&$$%+!&%+&!##"%&.#  '*&)$"!% 

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

92 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar  "$$$$      • 1,,+.00$!!/0(%/$)!*0+"*0%+*()+*%0+.%*#/5/0!)"+.$* !* !'+(1*'+ ,+,1(0%+*/5/0.!*#0$!*%*# +((+.0%+*3%0$.!/!. $%*/0%010%+*/* 0+ +* 1 0 !*/1/+",+,1(0%+*/+"0$!/!/,! %!/K • .!,.!* %),(!)!*0%+ %2!./%05)*#!)!*0,(*"+.$* !* !'+(1*'+ ,.%+.%0%6%*# 1..!*0(5!4,(+%0! /,! %!/* 0$+/!3%0$,+0!*0%("+."101.!!4,(+%00%+*I • .+)+0!0$!1/!+"*0%+*(0%)!.(!#(%052!.%"% 0%+*/5/0!)H/1 $/0$!".)!3+.' !2!(+,! 5 "+. #/ .U 1(%!*+!('+0+.%/+,$KH`^_dVK • 10%*,( !/0.+*# +))1*% 0%+*//0.0!#50+ %//!)%*0!%*"+.)0%+*+*0$! .%)%*( *01.!+""+.!/0+""!* !/H5$%#$(%#$0%*# .%)%*( 0%2%0%!/3$% $$2!.!/1(0! %* !0!..!*0 ,!*(0%!/I • .#!*0(5!* 00$! ),(!)!*00%+*! .!!+". !.*+K`^__M^^_H,1*%/$%*#+""!* !/.!(0!  0+.+/!3++ * !+*5K   "$$$$  $ &"$  #"  • . !.%0/%*0!((%#!* !/!.2% !/H!K#K * 0$!"%** %(%*0!((%#!* !/!.2% !  0+ %*2!/0%#0!0$!0.""% %*,.! %+1/0%)!.* )+*!5M(1* !.%*#.!/1(0%*#".+)0.""% '%*# * 0+ 0%2!(5 +M+,!.0!3%0$%*0!.*0%+*((3!*"+. !)!*0#!* %!/%*+0$!. +1*0.%!/H !/,! %((50$+/!0$.+1#$3$% $ #/ .P/,.! %+1/0%)!.0.*/%0U"+.%*/0* !H 1.%0%1/H0$!+)+.+/H*6*%W%* (1 %*#*6%.XH*  !*5VK • +.)((5.!-1!/0 0+!*/1.!0$0 +1*0.%!/%*2+(2! %*0$!0.*/,+.0H,.+ !//%*#*  +*/1),0%+*+" #/ .P/,.! %+1/0%)!.U,.0% 1(.(51.%0%1/H$%*H0$!H !.)*5* .* !V,.+2% !0! $*% (* "%** %(//%/0* !0+,10*!* 0+0$!%((!#( (+##%*#+"0%)!.* 0$!.!(0! 0. !K • +((+30$!.! +))!* 0%+*/ !2!(+,! 5 "+((+3%*#0$!%.)%//%+*0+ #/ .%* *1.5`^_c+*.!%*"+. %*#0$!"%#$0#%*/0".1 1(!*0 0%2%05%*0$!,.! %+1/0%)!.0. ! * /0.!*#0$!*%*#0$!%),(!)!*00%+*+"(3/K.+ !*0$! %/ 1//%+** %),(!)!*00%+* +"0$!/!.! +))!* 0%+*/)+*#/0 +),!0!*0*0%+*(+.#*%60%+*/.!/,+*/%(!"+. +)0%*#".1 1(!*0 0%2%05.!(0! 0+3%( /,! %!/%* #/ .K •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• 0.!*#0$!*%(0!.(* )1(0%(0!.( +M+,!.0%+*3%0$$%*%*0$!".)!3+.'+"$%*M ".%  +M+,!.0%+*0+.%/!3.!*!//)+*#$%*!/!+,!.0+./*  +*/1)!./+10 %((!#(,.! %+1/0%)!.+.%#%*0%*#".+) #/ .K$%/ +1( 0'!0$!"+.)+" ),%#*_^a !(%*#3%0$((/,! 0/+"%((!#((+##%*#* 0$!.!(0! 0. !+",.! %+1/ 0%)!.%* #/ .K

103 China, the main destination for Madagascar’s illegal timber, has launched several campaigns to crack down on the international trade in African species. These campaigns have focused on different aspects of the illegal trade in wild species (trafficking, international transfers and illegal processing). With the aid of three telecommunications companies, reminder messages were being sent to Chinese citizens travelling abroad in order to dissuade them from engaging in illegal hunting, purchasing and transporting of wild species and the products derived from them (p.40, C3, personal comment to TRAFFIC, June 2014). 

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 93 • $*#!0$!/001/+",1(% +.#*%60%+*/3+.'%*#"+.#++ #+2!.** !%*+. !.0+!*/1.! 0$!%.%* !,!* !* !%* ..5%*#+100$!%.)%//%+*H!K#K _^bH3$% $ !,!* / %.! 0(5+* 0$!+""% !+"0$!.!/% !*0+"0$!!,1(% H%** %( *0!((%#!* !*%0U VH0$! *0!#.%05 "!#1. +))%00!!U VH+.0$!0%+*(/!.20+.5+"0$!*2%.+*)!*0* 0$!+.!/0.5 ! 0+.U_^cVK • *0.1/00$! +M+. %*0%+*+").%0%)!/1.2!%((* !+"2!//!()+2!)!*0/+""0$!!/0 +/0+"  #/ .0+*%* !,!* !*0K.#*%60%+*%*+. !.0+2+% *5'%* +")*%,1(0%+**  .%0% %/)+.%#%*0%*#".+)0$! !*0.(10$+.%05* 0$!(+##%*#!*0%0%!/H"+((+30$! .! +))!* 0%+*/ !2!(+,! 50$! 0!).%/%*#".+)0$!%.)%//%+*0+ #/ .%* *1.5`^_c+*(3!*"+. !)!*0* ".1 ,.!2!*0%+*.!(0%*#0+,.! %+1/0%)!.K • *(.#!0$! *0!.)%*%/0!.%(+))%00!!%* $.#!+".+/!3++ * !+*5//!//)!*05 %* (1 %*#0$! %2%(/+ %!05*  +*/!.20%+*/K • +*/% !.%* (1 %*#(%/* !.0%)!./,! %!/%*0$!/)! 0!#+.5+" +*/!.20%+*/001/ * ,.+0! 0%+*/.+/!3++ * !+*50+$!(,%* (+/%*#0$!(++,$+(!3%0$.!#. /0+0$! +*"1/%+*+"!*"+. !)!*0 0%+*/* $.2!/0%*#+"0$!/,! %!/K   "$$$$  $ "$"# $ "#$#$"$   • !01, +))1*%05/1,,+.0 ),%#*"+.0$!! +*+)%  !2!(+,)!*0+".!/3%0$,.! %+1/ 0%)!."+.!/0/K$! ),%#*/$+1(  +),.%/!/!0+"/$+.00+(+*#!.0!.)/ 0%2%0%!/ "+ 1/! +*/0.!*#0$!*%*#(0!.*0%2!(%2!(%$++ /* )5%* (1 !(+.%*0!*/%2! /$ .+, ,.+ 1 0%+*+.+0$!./+1. !/+"/1/0%*(!%* +)!,,.+,.%0!0+0$! +))1*%0%!/K$!)%* %)+"0$%/3%((!0+!*/1.!0$0 +))1*%0%!/.!*+00!),0! 5%* !*0%2!/+""!.! 5 %((!#(0%)!.+,!.0+./K    "$$$$  $ #$") " %#$  • !2%/!0$!.!#1(0+.5".)!3+.'+"0$!+""!* !/.!(0%*#%*,.0% 1(.0+%((!#((+##%*#*  %((!#(0. %*#%*"+.!/0.!/+1. !/* 0'!0$!*! !//.5)!/1.!/0+!*/1.!0$00$!/! +""!* !/.!,1*%/$(!5,!*(0%!/0$0.!!""! 0%2!H,.+,+.0%+*(*  !0!..!*0%**01.!K • */1.!0$!0.*/,.!* 5+",.+/! 10%+*5#%2%*#0$!"+.!/0 )%*%/0.0%+*0$!.%#$00+  !//((%*"+.)0%+*,!.0%*%*#0+ /!/,.+/! 10! 50$!,+(% !* &1/0% ! !,.0)!*0/ +*0$!%.!$("K • .*/(0!%*0+ +)!/0% (30$!,.+2%/%+*//0%,1(0! 5%*0!.*0%+*( +*2!*0%+*/.0%"%!  * S+./%#*! 5 #/ .H%*,.0% 1(.0$+/!+"0$!*%0! 0%+*/+*2!*0%+*#%*/0 .*/*0%+*(.#*%6! .%)!* 0$!*%0! 0%+*/+*2!*0%+*#%*/0+..1,0%+*I • )!* +.1, 0!*0%+*((!#%/(0%+*%*0!.)/+"#1% * !,.+2% ! 5*%0! 0%+*/ ""% !+*.1#/* .%)!K$%/3%(($2!0$!!""! 0H)+*#/0+0$!./H+"%((!#(0. !%*  #/ .P/,.+0! 0! /,! %!/+""1** "(+.! +)%*#*+""!* !,1*%/$(!50 (!/0"+1.5!./P%),.%/+*)!*0K • 1,,+.00$! , %05+"+0$!.!*"+. !)!*0#!* %!/%*0$! +1*0.50+1/!+0$!..!(!2*0 (3/H/1 $/ .%)%*(H*0%M +..1,0%+*H0. !H"%** !H!0 K0+/!!'$%#$!. !#.!!+" ,!*(0%!/H*+0&1/0(%)%0! 0+1/%*#0$!"+.!/0.5(3/    "$$$$        

104 BIANCO is the independent anticorruption bureau. However, it should be pointed out that its Director General is appointed by the President of the Republic on whom its operating budget also depends. 105 In fact, this organization should be independent; however, its operating budget depends on the Ministry responsible for Forests. 

94 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar • +* 1 0%*M !,0$%*2!/0%#0%+*/%*0+ /!/+" +..1,0%+*.!(0! 0+,.! %+1/0%)!.0 %""!.!*0(!2!(/+"0$!"+.!/0H&1 % %(* 1/0+)/ )%*%/0.0%+*%* #/ .I • '!,1(% 0$!.!/1(0/+",.! %+1/3++  +..1,0%+*%*2!/0%#0%+*/K   "$$$$  $ #$")   • /0(%/$* +1*0%*#/5/0!)3$% $)'!/%0,+//%(!0+#1.*0!!0.*/,.!* 5"+.0$! +((! 0%+*H)*#!)!*0*  %/0.%10%+*+".+5(0%!/* 04!/(!2%! 50$!"+.!/0/! 0+.I • /0(%/$#+2!.*)!*0"1* 0+1%( 0$! , %05* %),.+2!!-1%,)!*0+""+.!/0.5+""% !./ * 0+,.+)+0!.1.( !2!(+,)!*0,.+&! 0/%*0$!.!//0.+*#(5""! 0! 5%((!#((+##%*#+" ,.! %+1/0%)!.K • /0(%/$/,! %(%6! 1*%0/+" 3%0$%*0$!1/0+)/!.2% !0+,.+2% !!4,!.0%/!.!-1%.!  0+% !*0%"5$* !* !'+(1*'+/,! %)!*/ !/0%*! "+.%((!#(!4,+.0* !*/1.!0$0(( 1/0+)/00$!+. !. *$2! %.! 0 +))1*% 0%+*/3%0$.!(!2*0/,! %(%/0/%* % !*0%"% 0%+*00$!+.!/0.5!,.0)!*0H+.!/0.!/!. $%*/0%010!/H(+ (  !)%H*  +0$!.%* %2% 1(!4,!.0/3$+ *,.+2% !0$%//!.2% !+* ((K • 1%( 0$! , %05+"0$!1/0+)/ !,.0)!*00+% !*0%"5* /!%6!%((!#(/$%,)!*0/+"3%(  "(+.* "1*K 


TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY  * .%*&'H K K !0 %(66+H K U`^^fVK .214 1(% / 7 10! %*0!*/%0< ! %*M PA12.! U V,+1.(.+0! 0%+*+ %(!7 #/ .J.+(;)!/!0,0%+*/ ! +(%0%-1!K ".% !#%+*+.'%*#,!./H!.%!/+K__eK  * .%)*+*H K U`^^_VK &$1+$!$!4*($!++&*G$* !+(@H&+$+*5 !'&+  "&  ,  '*'&.@ <)+%.! ! %* P01 !H  +.=0 *0**.%2+H  #/ .K_c^,K  *+*K U_gg`VK %&%&,,'((&!+ & ', '&.&,!'&@ &$-+!'&' &,+! +((@ !& ((&!0 K.+,+/(/1)%00! 5!*).'* 0$!!0$!.(* /0+0$!f0$+*"!.!* !+" .0%!/0+ U`M_a. $_gg`H 5+0+H ,*VK+ 1)!*0+f.+,g`Kc,#!/K  *+*KU`^^_VK &+%&,+'%%-&+LJJK&,*(*!+(*$*' *%% $''*&$$ &!.*+!,1 .   , $C  A &$1+ 5'&'%!)- %5$!'*5 ('-* $ (*!+  5!+!'& , &'*%,!'& , !$' - (-$!+ %5$!'*5+K $00,JSS333K%(+K +.*!((K! 1S%(+S 0".K$0)(K`^+2!)!.`^_cK  *+*K U`^^eVK + +!,+ &,-*$+   +*=   !& ,  '*5 !&+*!,++-*$$!+,- ,*!%'!& '&!$  $C @K$00,JSS3$ K1*!/ +K+.#S".S 01(%0!/SacfK `^ +2!)!.`^_cK  *+*K U`^^fVK %(%;.! +%/ ! .+/!J *0.! )50$! !0 .<(%0

96 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar $00,/JSS333K %0!/K+.#S!*#S*!3/S,.S`^__S`^__^g`fZ0%)!.Z,,!* %4 K,$,K`d +2!)!.`^_cK  *+*KU`^__VK,,++$!-0+.$-*+-&!.*+$$+0(,!'&&$$+&+$++,-*+(*,-*5+ - (* &,!'&$  *'""1@ ++!+,& &,*&,!'&$ + +!,+ - (,*!%'!& %'&!$ +'*6,+ -%!+$C&,+!&&&K!*%(H #/ .K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*KU`^__ VK 5+*.!'+( 4* &&* '*=('-*$'&+*.,!'&$!'!.*+!,5 ,$5.$'((%&,-*$$('(-$,!'&*!.*!&@.!/!*00%+*0+K #/ . 0%+*(.'/K $00,/JSS333K"*K !S"%(! )%*SS + 1)!*0/S0$!)!*S%*0!.*0%+*(!.*01./ $106S`^ __M".%M_gM+.Z #/ .K, "K+*/1(0! _f!,0!)!.`^_cK  *+*K U`^__ VK (('*, C!&.&,!*  +,'# +!+!+ , 5$*5+ &+ $ *5 !'&K %.! 0+.0!!*!.(+"+.!/0/H #/ .K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*K U`^__!VK ,,-,+ 5'$' !)-+ + +(4+  '!+ (*5!-0 $+ ($-+ '%%*!$!+5+ 3  +*@!,.0+"%+(+#5* (*0 +(+#5+"0$! 1(05+" %!* !+" 0$! *%2!./%05+"*0**.%2+H #/ .(*0,! %(%/0/.+1,H   H  #/ .K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*KU`^_`VK5.!+!'&++,,-+'&+*.,!'&++(4+$* ! , !'+(1*'+KH *0**.%2+H #/ .H%//+1.%H*%0! 00!/K  *+*KU`^_`VK '&' *( !$*5 !'&K5 !'&@ #/ .K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*K U`^_` VK ,- +-* $ +,'#  '!+  *'+ &+ $ *5 !'& @ *'",   MMJN? D%5$!'*,!'&$ '-.*&&+!$!4*+$(*'-,!'&,'%%*!$!+,!'&+'!+ (*5!-0 3  +*RK 0%+*( /!.20+.5 +" 0$! *2%.+*)!*0 *  0$! +.!/0.5 ! 0+.HH #/ .+""% !K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*KU`^_` VK2(10%+* !((!1.%+(+#%-1! 1. 0%+*( !.+&!&5KK.%/H .* !K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  *+*K U`^_aVK  &!$'&(,', *'",K MH /$%*#0+*H *%0!  00!/K *,1(%/$! 3+.'%*# + 1)!*0K  *+*K U`^_aVK .$-,!'& 5'$' !)- + '!+ (*5!-0= (*'.!+!'&  '&&5+ ,0'&'%!)-+= .$!,!'&,%!+-('!&,%5, '+)-&,!!,!'&('-*$ +,!'&-*$+'!+ (*5!-0   +*K !,.0)!*0 +" %+(+#5 *  (*0  +(+#5 +" 0$!  1(05 +"  %!* !+"0$!*%2!./%05+"*0**.%2+H%*(.!,+.0 M K  *+*KU`^_a VK$* !/,,K H`^_aK$00,JSS333K%1 *.! (%/0K+.#Ka^ 1(5`^_bK  *+*KU`^_a VK!'+(1*'+/,,K H`^_aK$00,JSS333K%1 *.! (%/0K+.#Ka^ 1(5`^_bK  *+*KU`^_a!VK'-,)-.'-+.2+.'!*+-*$ 1,+,,+A&!+=$4 $%&,'!+ $I,$$'!-+,*$!&&LJKL+-*$C!&,*!,!'&$I0($'!,,!'&'*+,!4*!$$5 $@ 1.+,!*+))%//%+*K!2!(+,)!*0* ++,!.0%+*K $00,/JSS , %05b !2K! K!1.+,K!1SKKKS!"%Z( !5Z 0Z".Z_a^_`_K, "@ P- -+,LJKO@ 

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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 99 +//!.H K!0!2+$%0.KU`^_^VK.$-,!'&+++,,-,+'&+*.,!'&+)-$)-++(4+ $* !K*,1(%/$! .!,+.0K  +0+'!(5 U.  (%-1!VK _g^`K $.+*%-1! +))!. %(!H %* 1/0.%!((! !0 #.% +(!K .-   +*=bJacdTadcK  .+3*H K KH *  1.!2%0 $H K U`^^bVK +*#M0!.) %), 0/ +" (+##%*#+*"+.!/0 %2!./%05%*  #/ .K *'!& + ' ,  ,!'&$ %1 ' !&+ ' ,  &!, ,,+ ' %*!=0+*5.++'H!3+.'H*%0! 00!/K_^_H_dJd^bcTd^bgK  10(!.HKU`^_bVK!& ('*!&,*(,+%++!.!$$ $+ !(%&,'  +**'+/''@ +*#5K$00,JSS*!3/K)+*#5K +)S`^_bS^dS/%*#,+.!M%*0!. !,0/M)//%2!M%((!#(M /$%,)!*0M+"M) #/ .M.+/!3++ SK+*/1(0! `^ 1(5`^_bK  10(!.H K U`^_cVK !& ('*'-*,?!$$!!,,!%*,*!#!& , *'- '-*('*,+&','-*(*'$%K +*#5K $00,JSS*!3/K)+*#5K +)S`^_cS__S/%*#,+.!M +1.0M%((% %0M0%)!.M0.""% '%*#M0$.+1#$M +1.M,+.0/M*+0M+1.M,.+(!)SK+*/1(0! _b+2!)!.`^_cK  .)!(H KU`^_cVK+(+(H(!+%/-1%/%#*!K  '&UVK`b *1.5`^_cH $00,JSS333K(!)+* !K".S,(*!0!S.0% (!S`^_cS^_S`bS+(+(M(!M+%/M-1% /%#*!Zbcd`fccZa`bbK+*/1(0! _c!.1.5`^_cK  1 15H K KH 0H K KH !2+$%0.H KH %((%!./H KKH +//!.H K *  +0 K U`^^`VK    -%!&'+'  +*@+5(+0*% . !*/H !3K K  5!. KU`^_cVK !*0%"% 0%+* +" /+)!  #/ . $* !* !'+(1*'+/,! 1!/K *,1((%/$! .!,+.00+ /0* +10$!.*".% K  *6$+.*H KKH ,,!(!.KKU_ggdVK !)1./+" %.%* 5"+.!/0K *J*6$+.* KKH+.# KK U /VK'$' 1&'&'%1',*'(!$*1'*+,!&  +*K.%)0!!,+.0H/,! %( %//1!HbdM_J`ceM`ebK  ++ )*HKKH!0!*/0! H KKU`^^cVK, 0! !/0%)0!/+"%+0%  %2!./%05* !* !)%/)"+.  #/ .K*10UagVJ_McK  .+2!HKH%*'!H KH $!1"!*HKH%*H KH,,%*#HKH+!.HKH* .%)**0/+HKH*  .1))!.HKU`^_`VK,0%((%*'#!/!03!!* +.(,.+4%!/+"0!..!/0.%(.1*+"" .+// (.#!!)5)!*0%* #/ .H!' '+!&+=S=MJPMAMJRK@  5.!HKU`^_aVK'**-(,!'&? +,-*(-$!('!&,5-'! ,@#%.2!  #/ .K $00,JSS#%.K2! K) #/ .K+2!.M(+#K +)S.0% (!M +..1,0%+*M(!M/! 0!1.M,1(% M,+%*0!M 1M +%#0M__fgfa^a`K$0)(K+*/1(0! `a 0+!.`^_cK  .,!.HK KH0!%*%*#!.HK KH1 '!.HK KH 1$*HK!0 3'%*/HKU`^^eVK%"055!./+" !"+.!/00%+* *  "+.!/0 ".#)!*00%+* %*  #/ .K &.!*'&%&,$ '&+*.,!'& UabVJa`cMaaa@  1)!.0H KU_gcgVK.%#%*!/,.

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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 103 %()

104 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar ANNEXES

Annex 1: Agenda of the workshop to evaluate the scientific knowledge on precious timber (22-24 September 2014, Antananarivo)

Dates and Times Sessions Responsables 22 September 2014 8h30 – 09h00 Reception of participants TRAFFIC 09h00 – 09h05 Welcoming address SG MEEF/ DGF 09h05 – 09h10 Workshop opening speech USAID 09h10 – 09h40 What is CITES? Role of the CITES scientific authority and management CITES scientific authority authority and management authority CITES decisions for Madagascar; perspectives of the Plants Committee, Standing Committee and the Conference of the Parties 09h40 – 09h50 Objectives of the workshop Julien Rakotoarisoa 09h50 – 10h10 Results of research on precious timber (Dalbergia spp. and Diospyros spp.) MBG

10h10 – 10h45 Overview of the procedures to establish a Non-Detrimental Finding CITES Scientific Authority

10h45-11h00 Coffee break 11h00 – 11h15 The Malagasy populations of Dalbergia spp. and Diospyros spp.: Summary of TRAFFIC available knowledge 11h15 – 11h45 Working groups – Use of NDF guide on the species Julien Rakotoarisoa 11h45 – 12h30 Formation of groups and beginning of work All participants 12h30 – 14h00 Lunch break 14h00 – 15h00 Resumption of group work All participants 15h00 – 15h20 Report group by group All participants 15h20 – 16h00 Discussion on the differences between the radar charts of each group All participants 16h00 – 17h00 Working groups All participants * Identification of the species exploited by the forestry industry in order to use them as model species for NDF exercizes

* Formation of two working groups, one for the species of the northern region and the other for the species of the southern region ** Use of the 27 species cited in the working document for prepare the NDF

** Identification of the names of the species depending on their exploitation location, use of maps to identify the harvest locations. Formulation of radar charts by each group (maps will be available to mark the harvest areas) 23 September 2014 09h00 – 09h10 Recap of instructions for the working groups Moderator 09h10 – 10h45 Working groups All participants 10h45 – 11h00 Coffee break 11h00 – 11h30 Report of the working groups All participants Presentation of radar charts for each group and plenary discussion.

11h30 – 12h00 Finalisation of radar charts 12h30 – 14h00 Lunch break 14h00 – 14h10 Description of the new task for the working group: research priorities: Moderator identification of the research priorities based on the NDF results illustrated by radars, the questions which will lead the discussion will be: * What is the information required? * How is this information to be obtained? * Who will be involved in the collection of information? What will be the timeframe for this research and collection of information? 14h10 – 17h00 Working group All participants 24 septembre 2014 09h00 – 12h00 Working groups (finalisation of the action plan) All participants 12h30 – 14h00 Lunch break 14h00 – 15h30 Working groups (contd.) All participants 15h30 – 16h30 Feedback from each working group All participants 16h30 – 17h00 Closure USAID / DGF

TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 105 ŶŶĞdžϮ͗>ŝƐƚŽĨƉĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂŶƚƐŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƚŽĞǀĂůƵĂƚĞƐĐŝĞŶƚŝĨŝĐŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞŽŶƉƌĞĐŝŽƵƐƚŝŵďĞƌ ;ϮϮͲϮϰ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϰ͕ŶƚĂŶĂŶĂƌŝǀŽͿ 

Noms Prénoms Institutions Fonctions ANDRIAMBOLOLONERA Sylvie MBG Coordinatrice de Recherche ANDRIAMIALISON Lanto DREEF Menabe ANDRIANARIJAONA Jean Joseph DREEF Anosy ANDRIANARIVELO Soafara N MBG Assistant de projet AZIHAR Saïd Hugues DREEF DREEF SAVA BOTOVAVY Dieu Donné DREEF DREEF Antsinanana CAMARA Christian MBG Représentant permanent CHANG KUON Alain MEEMF Directeur de Cabinet DAULLFUS André Consultant Individuel Consultant NADIA Ralinivo AVG Responsable de Communication NEWTON David TRAFFIC E/S Africa RABARIJAONA Romer RGB Kew Chercheur RABEATOANDRO Marcellin MEEMF SG RABESIHANAKA Sahondra DGF Point focal CITES RABESISOA Lalaina MEEMF Cabinet RAFAEL Corrine USAID Legal and Policy Manager RAJEARINTSIRA Fred M sg/SCE/EN Divisional commissioner of police RAKOARIMAMONJY Josette DREEF DREEF Boeny RAKOTOARISOA Solofo E RBG Kew Programme Head RAKOTOARISON Fenonirina DBEV Biologist RAKOTOMALALA Olivia Banque Mondiale Environmental specialist RAKOTOSON Georges GNEFM CA RALAMBOMANANA Bakoly MFB/DGI/DLFC Tax Inspector RAMANANANTOANDRO Tahiana ESSA-Forêts Lecturer and researcher RAMANGASON Guy Suzon Madagascar Nationa Parks DG RAMAROSANDRATANA A V UNIV Tana CITES Scientific Authority Flora RAMBELOARISOA Gerard WWF Director of Conservation RANARIVELO Valencia WWF IFS PC RANDRIAMANAMPISOA Hasina Durell Programme Coordinator RANDRIAMANANA Dafison José MEEF DCF RANDRIAMANANORO Fidy José MEEF DGF RANDRIAMANTENA Fanja Olga CUEE/MNP CUEE RANDRIAMANTSOA Jean Joseph GNEFM Treasurer RANDRIANARIFETRA Hysaima CAJ/MNP CAJ RANDRIANARIMISA Aristide WCS Research coordinator RANDRIANASOLO Harison CI Coordinateur of the research on the species RANIVOARISOA Pascaline DGE I/C Flora/DVRN RARINIRINA Miora Lalaina CITES Flora SP RASOAVAHINY Laurette MEEF/DCBSAP DCBSAP RASOLONIRINA Ramenason DREEF DREEF Alaotra Mangoro RATSIMBAZAFY Cynthia TRAFFIC Programme Officer RAVAOMANALINA Harisoa DBEV CITES Scientific Authority Flora RAZAFIMAMONJY Nivo DBEV Biologist RAZAFINIMARO Tantely DREEF DREEF Analanjirofo RAZAFINTSALAMA Claudie GNEFM Chairperson GNEFM RAZANARISOA Rose GNEFM Chairperson VIA Sabine Marie D. DREF Diana RAVELOSON Lovanirina Joël Consultant TRAFFIC Freelance consultant

106 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar %%/C7,*+!&%%!),*!%&%*,#+!% %+!&%#/')+*       !&#& 0%&#& 0&+ *'!*&+  %)"% # )" #% !$'#$%++!&%&    8        • )!+"0$!,!./+*JLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKKLL •  .!//U0!(!,$+*!H!)%(VJLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKLLLLLKLLLLK • +/%0%+*JLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKL • )!B .!//+"$%/S$!..#*%60%+*S%*/0%010%+*JLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKKK  8    %&)$+!&%&%+  )-*+!% %&%*)-+!&%&+  %)"%  # )" #    %$ # #"&$ $$%# $# # $"#) ! !&*'0)&*  _K $0%/0$!.+(!+"0$!Q/,! %!/R%*%0/! +/5/0!)* %0/ +*/!.20%+*/001/O `K +*5,+,1(0%+*!2(10%+*/"+.0$!/!/,! %!/!4%/0O "5!/H53$+)O$0 )!0$+ +(+#5S%!/%/U.!V1/! O aK /0$!.!*0%+*(/1.2!%((* !/5/0!)"+.0$!,+,1(0%+*/+"0$!/!/,! %!/O bK $0.!0$!,.%* %,(%//1!/%* +* 1 0%*#"1((!2(10%+*+"0$!/!/,! %!/O cK $0,. 0% !/.!,10%*,( !"+.0$!)*#!)!*0+"0$!/!/,! %!/O dK $0.!0$!0$.!0/0+0$!/1.2%2(+"0$!/!/,! %!/O   $#$)  $ ""$  $# #  eK /0$!2+(1)!+"$.2!/0%*#'*+3** )+*%0+.! U"+.!4),(!H0. !/01 %!/H $.2!/0%*#)+*%0+.%*#.!/1(0/VO fK /0$!.!/01 5+..!0$!.!/01 %!/+*0$!.!#!*!.0%+*+"0$!/!/,! %!/O gK $005,!+"%*"+.)0%+*%/2%((!0+ !/ .%!0$!1* * !* ,+,1(0%+*0.!* 0 0$!*0%+*((!2!(O _^K *0$!(/0_^5!./H3$0%/0$!,!. !*0#!+"%((!#($.2!/0%*#%*0$!,.+0! 0! .!/ +),.! 3%0$0$!0+0($.2!/0O  .*5) ,#+!&%*%$!%!*+)+!-)(,!)$%+*  __K *5+1#%2! !0%(/+"0$!*0%+*(* %*0!.*0%+*((!#%/(0%+*+*0$! +*/!.20%+*+" 0$!/!/,! %!/O _`K $0%/0$!,!.)%0/5/0!)1/! "+.0$!$.2!/0%*#* 0. !+"0$!/!/,! %!/O _aK /0$!.!,.+(!)%*.!(0%+*0+0$!!4%/0%*#,!.)%0/5/0!)O _bK "5!/H.!0$!.!35/0+%),.+2!0$!!4%/0%*#,!.)%0/5/0!)O )&*'!*&"% # )" #   

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TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar 111 %%/H !*+&"*'!* -!% +)#!&)$%'#& !-!%  $!%!$,$/'#&!+#!$+)>'!*#+& !- )#!*+!%&#

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124 TRAFFIC Report: Timber Island - The rosewood and ebony trade of Madagascar

DECember 2016 Registered Limited Company No. 3785518. UK Registered Charity No. 1076722, website: Email: [email protected] Fax: (27)123428289 Telephone: (27)123428304/5 11536,Hatfield,PO Box Pretoria,South Africa c/o IUCNESARO Regional Office Africa East/Southern TRAFFIC TheRegional Director For information, further contact: conservation and sustainable development. plants context inthe of biodiversity both working animals on inwild and globally trade is leading the non-governmental organization monitoringTRAFFIC, trade wildlife the network, is astrategic allianceof with kindsupport the of This document was produced