Hydrogen Safety Training Materials

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Hydrogen Safety Training Materials HYDROGEN TOOLS FOCUSING ON SAFETY KNOWLEDGE MY ACCOUNT LOG OUT Enter your keywords WORKSPACESMain Site SearchRESOURCESFORUMSPARTNERSABOUT Home » Training Materials » Training Materials Hydrogen Safety Training Materials Below are links to online training tools targeted to different audiences: National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Emergency Response Training Resource Featured Resource! The California Fuel Cell Partnership and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory collaborated to develop a national hydrogen safety training resource for emergency responders. The resource provides a single repository of credible and reliable information related to hydrogen and fuel cells that is current and accurate and eliminates duplicative efforts among various training programs. This approach will enable government and private training organizations nationwide to develop their own training programs with consistent hydrogen and fuel cells content and standards. See more information about using this resource. Introduction to Hydrogen Safety for First Responders DOE's Introduction to Hydrogen Safety for First Responders is a Web-based course that provides an "awareness level" overview of hydrogen for fire, law enforcement, and emergency medical personnel. This multimedia tutorial acquaints first responders with hydrogen, its basic properties, and how it compares to other familiar fuels; hydrogen use in fuel cells for transportation and stationary power; potential hazards; initial protective actions should a responder witness an incident; and supplemental resources including videos, supporting documents, and links relevant to hydrogen safety. Hydrogen Safety Training for Researchers Laboratory researchers and technical personnel handling hydrogen need basic information on pressure, cryogenics, flammability, asphyxiation, and other risks and precautions for using hydrogen. The objective of the Hydrogen Safety Training for Researchers interactive online course is to provide basic hydrogen safety training. Introduction to Hydrogen for Code Officials The Introduction to Hydrogen for Code Officials online training course provides an overview of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, how these technologies are used in real-world applications, and the codes and standards required for permitting them. A short quiz is offered at the end of each module. In addition, the course features a Library section with supplementary information including publications, related links, and a glossary of terms used in the course. Vehicle Emergency Response Guides Honda FCX Clarity Honda FCX Clarity Toyota Mirai Mirai Documents Toyota Overall ERG GM Equinox Fuel Cell ERG ER Quick Reference sheet Hyundai Hyundai Emergency Response Guide AC Transit Bus AC Transit Bus ElDorado National – CA ElDorado Fuel Cell Bus H2 Tools is intended for public use. It was built, and is maintained, by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory with funding from the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office. Contact us Content Administrator National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING TEMPLATE A properly trained first responder community is critical to the successful introduction of hydrogen fuel cell applications and their transformation in how we use energy. We envision that hydrogen and fuel cell-related first responder training will be delivered locally to serve missions to protect life and preserve property, utilizing this national emergency response training resource as a consistent source of accurate information and current knowledge. These training materials are adaptable to the specific needs of first responders and training organizations and are meant to complement the extensive training programs already in place to serve their missions. The note pages format of the slides provides more details for the instructor to conduct the training. Instructors should share this information when presenting the slides. This nationally-focused training template is intended to serve as a resource and guide for the delivery of a variety of training regimens to various audiences. These materials are adaptable for different presentation styles, ranging from higher level overview formats to more comprehensive classroom training. Three example uses of the slides are provided in the included Excel file National_HFC_ER_Training_Guide_Examples.xlsx based on the discussion below. • L1 (Overview) – This example refers to a course directed to a responder audience that has little knowledge about hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The presentation is limited to background information to provide the attendee with an overview of the technologies and their applications. The instructor may very well choose to use additional slides appropriate for the audience. • L2 (Short Course) – A short course would be directed to a responder audience that has an intermediate level of knowledge about alternative fuel vehicle technologies not necessarily including hydrogen. One example could be an auto extrication classroom session for which background and other detailed information are minimized and operations-related slides are highlighted. • L3 (Full Course) – A day-long classroom curriculum could very well cover training materials contained in all the slides including practical exercises for which small groups would discuss incident scenarios. Some of these slides could also be used for purposes intended for an L1 and/or L2 training regimen. Feedback from presenters and audiences to the developers of the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Emergency Response Training will help ensure that the development of new and updated training content and techniques serves to continually enhance the value of this resource. Feedback should be provided to [email protected] or [email protected]. Revision Date: December 22, 2015 Suggested Use of Training Slides First Responder Training Template Slide NumberSlide Section Number L1-Overview Course L2-Short L3-FullCourse 1 The Program: What and Why 2 National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells ER Education Program 3 1.0 Introduction and Background 4 Fuel cells overview 5 6 Fuel cells- Where are we today? 7 8 2.0 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Basics 2.1 Hydrogen - Where does it come from and how do we use it now? 9 Why hydrogen? 10 Where do we get hydrogen? 11 Hydrogen uses 12 Hydrogen distribution 13 Transporting hydrogen today 2.2 Properties of hydrogen and its safe use 14 Hydrogen properties and behavior 15 Hydrogen properties: a comparison 16 Relative vapor density 17 Auto ignition temperature 18 Comparison of flammability 19 Flammability range 20 Comparison of fuel odorants and toxicity 21 22 Designing safe systems- gaseous hydrogen 23 24 Designing safe systems- liquid hydrogen 2.3 How a fuel cell works 25 Fuel cell basics 26 How a fuel cell works 2.4 Fuel cell applications 27 Fuel cell applications 2.4.1 Stationary/back-up power 28 24 x 7 reliable large industrial-scale fuel cell power 2.4.2 Industrial trucks 29 Fuel cells for speciality vehicles 30 Industrial trucks 31 Companies with fuel cell industrial trucks 2.4.3 Auxiliary power units (APUs) slides to be added in future version 2.4.4 Medium duty applications slides to be added in future version 2.4.5 Off-road lighting 32 Stationary fuel cell lighting application 2.4.6 Small-scale applications 33 Small-scale applications for fuel cells 34 3.0 Hydrogen-fueled vehicles (light duty and transit) 35 Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) 36 Public vehicles 37 FCEV coming soon 3.1 How the vehicles work 38 Standard components of all vehicles 39 FCEV vs. gasoline hybrid-electric vehicle 40 FCEV vs. compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicle 41 FCEV system layout 42 FCEV system and passenger layout 43 Fuel cell component location 3.2 FCEV components and systems 3.2.1 Voltage systems 44 Low and high voltage systems 45 High voltage systems 46 Bus low and high voltage systems 3.2.2 Hydrogen delivery and storage 47 Hydrogen delivery system 48 Hydrogen delivery system- bus 49 Onboard hydrogen storage 50 Compressed hydrogen storage systems 51 Example of gaseous hydrogen storage system 52 70 MPa tanks 3.3 Vehicle systems safety 53 Compressed hydrogen storage tank testing 54 55 Compressed hydrogen storage tank testing: high strain rate impact test 56 Compressed hydrogen storage tank testing: bonfire test 57 Equinox fuel cell- FMVSS 208 certification (occupant protection) 58 Hyundai ix35 FCEV- FMVSS 305 and ECE R94-25s certification 59 Hyundai ix35 FCEV- FMVSS 305 and ECE R94-50s certification 60 Fuel isolation in typical or normal operation 61 Hydrogen vehicle safety systems 62 Safety systems 63 Hydrogen sensors example 64 4.0 Stationary Facilities 65 Types of stationary facilities 66 Identifying stationary facilities 4.1 Fueling stations (light duty/outdoor, fork lift/indoor 67 Hydrogen fueling stations 68 Components for fueling a hydrogen vehicle 69 Hydrogen fueling 70 Hydrogen fueling diagram 4.1.2 Station safety systems 71 General station safety systems 72 4.1.3 Hydrogen fueling station configurations and components 73 Typical station configuration 74 Hydrogen fueling stations: gaseous hydrogen delivery 75 Hydrogen fueling stations: gaseous hydrogen storage 76 Hydrogen fueling stations: liquid hydrogen delivery 77 Hydrogen fueling stations: liquid hydrogen storage 78 Hydrogen fueling stations: onsite hydrogen generation by reforming 79 Hydrogen fueling stations: onsite reforming components 80
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