
DOUGLAS DAILY DISPATCH. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927 FIVE Six Horses Fall Down Put This in Your Own Scrapbook and Keep YESTERDAY’S RESULTS TWO CHAMPIONS and DEMPSEY WILL Data Hand STRIBLING AND NATIONAL LEAGUE On Track Championship at } , 2-9; , 3-1. Cincinnati, 6; Pittsburgh, 5.

* Chicago, St. Two Jockeys Injured 1 CHICAGO, SepT. 7 W—Since the , James J. Jeffries on his retirement, 2-8; Louis, 6-4. TITLE immortal John L. Sullivan went down lost to Tommy fturns in 20 rounds at JOHNSON FAKED GAINED RESUME AMERICAN LEAGUE James J. Corbett, horses to defeat before there 'Los Angelos in 1906. ] CHICAGO. Sept. 7 m—Six heavyweight Twenty years later, Jack New York, 12. , 10. down, two and two have been 24 champion- Dempsey went being killed ship battles and only twice has the j lost his title to Gene Tunney atfer Only game scheduled. jockeys seriously injured and were , crown changed hands on a ten rounds, by the decision of the four others shapen up when a big AFTERLAY-OFF referee’si FIGHT, and two CHARGED 0. judges. ION AFTER ONE K. decision. referee AMERICAN ASSOCIAI ! field of 11 platers piled up near the i FIELDS, CREE, Ills., Sept. | The first time, Marvin Hart, to Previous heavyweight title battles Indianapolis, 6; Columbus, 3, Jack 1 first turn in the sixth race at Wash- LINCOLN OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 7 VP)— W. L. NEW YORK, Sept. 7 W ; 7 (As ) j whom the honors had been given by i were: Louisville, 1; Toledo, 14. , ington park today. —After a 48-hour layoff, Jack (Young) Stribling, the peach, Dempsey may fail to regain his much- Georgia Milwaukee-; rain. The spill came of Dempsey will put on his ring togs to- •‘DATE WINNER-LOSER ROUNDS PLACE who rose to the height of his | directly in front morrow resume training for his pugilism Kansas City-St. Paul; rain. cherished heavyweight crown in ; the club house was the most seri- ! to 1 1892 Corbett-Sullivan 21 New Orleans, La. in his class, was out on bond of SSOO coming battle with Gene Tunney just ever to occur track, world’s heavyweight championship with 1894 3 Jacksonville, Fla. here facing trial tomorrow on | ous on a Chicago Gene | Corbett-Mitchell tonight, SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION as Sullivan, Corbett, Fitzsimmons, Jef- j Jockey Mick riding his first Tunney. Fitzsimmons-Corbett 14 Carson City, Nev. a charge of participating in a sham Walter, The boxing tomorrow and Friday 11897 1 Atlanta, 5; Birmingham, 2. ! fries and Willard before him found the race on any track, to t ! 1899 Jeffries-Fitzsimmons 11 Coney Island, N. Y. or framed fight. j was believed will private, except to newspaper 1 Chattanooga, 3; Little Rock, 8. comebacK hurdle too tough to leap. have suffered a broken neck and be 1899 Jeffries-Sharkey (x) 25 Coney Island, N. Y. Johnson, heavyweight games J correspondents, but the former j Jack former Only scheduled. But the once famous giant killer Jockey G. Hughes was seriously title- ' 1902 Jeffries-Fitzsimmons 8 , who Leo Diebel, j also • ’ may appear before the public champion, seconded from the west can at least lay claim hurt, Jockeys on the four holder j 1903 Jeffries-Corbett 10 San Francisco. opponent, i other horses ,on Saturday, because the Kichapoo Stribling’s in last night’s al- INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE to having won the title after having were shaken up and bruised. Jeffries-Munroe 2 San Francisco. fight, was re- Rochester, Indians are going to make a 11904 leged “canned” also Buffalo, 12-8; 1-0* been knocked out. Jack, it will be re- The horses killed in spill were Dempsey Burns-Hart (x) 20 Los Angeles. on and a 9-3; Reading, 4-4. of the chief on that day. Tom Gibbons was 11906 leased bond faces charge of Baltimore, called, took the count at the hands “Fifteen Sixty,” owned by H. P. Gard- 1907 Burns-O’Brien 20 Los Angeles. assisting in the alleged frame-up. Jersey City, 1-0. Newark, 6-4. Jim Flynn a few years before he won ner of “Pommard,” inade a chief by the Black Hawks at 1907 Burns-Squieres 1 Colima, Calif. Kentucky, and , „ Diebel was released tonight when Syracuse, 6; Toronto, 7. the title from Willard in 1919. 1 Shelby before he fought Dempsey, and 14 f„dney, N. S. W. owned by A. Peternel of . the 1908 Johnson-Burns was put up by a friend. Stribling True, it may have been more or less latter wants to catch up on the St. 1909 12 Colima, Calif. SSOO Others which went down were “Prin- t’aul Johnson-Ketchel and Johnson obtained bond late this TEXAS LEAGUE of a synthetic kayo, but it went on cess veteran. 1910 Johnson-Jeffries 15 Reno, Nev. Elma,” “Roella,” “Stone Age” and f afternoon. Fort Worth, 1; Dallas, 2. the records as a knockout neverthe- “Ann H.” ¦ Tomorrow’s program calls for road 1912 Johnson-Flynn (x) 9 Las Vegas, N. M. ! work in the morning four five The pair were arrested by Inspector Beaumont, 3; Houston, 8. less. Dempsey later proved hfc mas- The big field, than and or 1914 Johnson-Moran ((x) 20 , . with more a rounds of boxing in the afternoon. of Detectives Ben Danbaum last night \ ) San Antonio, 9; Waco, 11. tery over Flynn by kayoing “Fireman half dozen inexperienced riders up, 1915 Willard-Johnson 26 Havana, Cuba. Wichita 8-4. The present plan of Manager Flynn after Referee Jimmy Murphy had ush- Shreveport, 5-3; Falls, Jim” in quick and decisive fashion. headed for the near the club 1 1919 Dempsey-v Willard 3 Toledo, Ohio. | turn is to have boxing the next four days, -1 ered them out of the ring in the sixth Fitzsimmons and Corbett both were closely grouped. 1920 Dempsey-Miske 3 Benton Harbor, Mich. house One rider at- and another layoff starting Monday, 1 round of their ten-round bout, calling WESTERN LEAGUE i defeated before they reached the fes- ; ! tempted to cut the bunched [ 1920 Dempsey-Brennan 12 New York. Wichita, 11; 9. j via Sul- across Dempsey, as a resifit of his loafing it a “no contest.” Tulsa. tive heights but not kayoes. | field and “Princess Elma” went down. ! i I 1921 Dempsey-Carpentier 4 Jersey City, N. J. game scheduled. held to draw few for two days, was peppy and cheerful Both fighters appeared lax in giv- Only livan was a a times i ! The others tumbled over until the 1 1923 Dempsey-Gibbons 15 Shelby City, Mont. their so was Jeffries ere each j and no doubt will be full of fight when ing the fans money’s worth. ’ and squatted ‘ width of the track in front of the 1923 Dempsey-Firpo 2 New York. he COAST LEAGUE atop the throne. he goes against his sparring mates to- 1 Stribling said hurt his hand in the I club house was filled with writhing 11926 Tunney-Dempsey (x) 10 Philadelphia. third round but a police physician At Los Angeles— ft. H. E. Sullivan and Jeffries were kayoed I morrow. Manager Flynn said the box- (x)—Decisions. said l Ciorses and prostrate jockeys. | | he saw no injury to the member. Hollywood .;6 9 1 just once, each losing his title on the ing will be of a more serious nature ; now “He could have fought Diebel with !Los Angeles ;7 14 1 occasion. Fitzsimmons suffered five | .from on with light fast oppon- j Teachout D. ents with the his injured hand tied behind his;' Fulerton, Mulcahy, :and knockouts and Corbett three during alternating . Applications Sent Agnew; There was no activity around Demp- How They Stand back,” declared Inspector Da|ibaum jj Murphy, Weathersby, Cun- their careers. Jeffries accounted for I ningham and Sandberg. sey’s camp He all morn- o o after he lectured the trio, telling them two of Fitz’s and as many of “Gen- today. loafed NATIONALLEAGUE ing, giving up his road work. The Out to Hunoters for that “you have staged these hippo- tleman Jim’s.” Team— Won Pet ’ At Oakland— H. E. tunneTnurses thing was Lost dromes over the country, but you can’t R. Willard was kayoed twice. Follow- most1 strenuous he tackled Pittsburgh 76 53 .589 get away with it here.” Seattle 10 1 ing his defeat against J breakfast, lunch, a card game with Kaibab three-round i Forest Hiint ' New York 75 53 .586 Stribling was secluded some place in Oakland ,7 11 0 ¦camp mates, and goif this afternoon. i Dempsey at Toledo, Jess staged a St. Louis 73 54 .575 the city tonight and the absence of Edwards, Nance and . Schmidt; short-lived comeback by kayoing Floyd Dempsey went to the Bob-O’Link i EYE, Leading Chicago 75 57 .568 his manager, Walk Miller, Gould, Dickerman and Read, 5 CUT OVER golf club, just few miles from Douglas citizens this week official Johnson four years later. Tyo months j a i Cincinnati 60 68 .469 Tunney’s camp, play 18 holes. ! received invitations from the forest could not be accounted for. Miller is .after the triumph, however, Willard j to 56 72 .438 At R. H. E. The cut suffered service in charge of the Kaibab Na- Brooklyn supposed to be in New York. Portland— was put to sit fp by Luis Firpo in an Tunney yesterday 1 Boston 55 73 .430 Sacramento :.9 14 1 came in for comment from Dempsey. ! tional Forest, in northern Arizona to Ira Vorhees, state boxing commis- elimination bout to find an opponent Philadelphia 48 84 .364 the Portland 3 8 Dempsey did not say that was glad l make applications for the privilege sioner, ordered purses of both 1 for Dempsey. ~! BUT he Keating and Severeid; Ponder, ON fighters up pending hearing at TRAINS held The only heavyweight Tunney suffered a wound, that might hunting deer during the one- a champion j jof Lincoln Friday 10 a. m. Hughes, Tomlin and Yelle, Shandling. outside of Dempsey to climb the purple ! not be difficult to reopen with the month open season beginning October AMERICAN LEAGUE at | LAKE VILLA, Ills., Sept. 7 OT— j Team— Won Lost Pot. “Pa” Stribling later said that Walk heights after being knocked out was ! a ’ • fight two w'eeks away, but he was ob- 1- i Nursing cracked eyelid, inflicted by invitations include an appli- New York 93 40 .699 Miller is just a “co-manager.” “He’s At San Francisco— R. H. E. Jack Johnson—Marvin Hart and Tom- , Chuck Wiggin’s in a sparring served to look at his brawny left hand I The head cation in which the prospective hunt- Philadelphia 76 56 .576 |inj New York now,” added the elder Missions j8 11 2 my Burns not being considered in the bout, Gene Tunney declared a holi- ovhen the subject entered discussion. } i ! er is expected to make a first and 70 60 .538 Stribling. “Anyway, all this mess ''San Francisco .12 18 1 titular list. i day today and visited with friends The right wound would be an excellent Eckert, for left hook, | second choice of date. Such applica- Washington 69 61 .531 could have been avoided if they had Belgau, Aydelotte and Whit- Johnson was floored for the count 1 ! across the Lake Villa. The vacation target Dempsey’s ney; Mails and said the to cham- ! tions as approved will entitle the Chicago 62 68 .477 investigated my son’s injury to his Vargas. by Joe Choynski in three rounds in i Flynn injury the are ; | I will continue through tomorrow with 1 for one day under the 54 73 .425 right hand. Tonight he can’t even O- 1901. Nine years later Lil Arthur won boxing workouts probably for both Fri- pion was a break in Dempsey’s favor, | holder to hunt j of forest rangers and St. 54 77 .412 shake hands, the hand is so sore. That No Breakfast Complete Without the title by kayoing Jeffries at Reno I day and Saturday. vnd that a fighter should take ad- I supervision Louis i -1 game Boston 43 88 .328 fight wasn’t framed and I know it.” The Dispatch. V * vantage of all the breaks. deputy wardens. 1 in 15' sessions. Johnson later met the j I Gene exposed the cut over his right j I fate of his predecessors, being stSppiV eye, before leaving camp, and assured j by Willard in 1915, in the twenty-sixth newspaper men it would heal com- ; round. pletely by the end of the week. Just j •/ *¦ * . ' . It’s a rather odd coincidence that a year ago this time while training j Johnson and Dempsey, the two long- for the first battle with Dempsey, ; . *»• • ¦ - r est ruling monarchs; were the only Gene said he suffered a similar acci- ones to gain the laurels after having dent without harmful No ! -'. • • results. •ir taken dreamland punches on the road j , stitches were necessary to close the ! . . • } , up the ladder. j wound. o I The oppressive heat bothered the ! heavyweight champion today and ! brought him back from his early American League ! morning foad work in a lather of I j perspiration. The titleholder is find- | in himself to BOSTON, 7, M s )—Babe Ruth: ing difficulty adjusting ! Sept. the change in climate from the cool, the Yankees 1 personally conducted to! thin air of Speculator, N. Y., where a 12 to 10 victory over the Red Sox ; i ' Tunney trained for five months in the in the last game between the clubs | foothills of the Adirondack mountains j year before 12,000 fans, here to- this before settling down here to the final j day. He homers for a made two total stage of preparation for his return of 49 making him four up on Geh- i the match with Dempsey at Soldiers’ field, ! rig. He hoisted off MacFayden in 22. stanza with onne on base. September opening the bout but two weeks away, In sixth his double drove in two With the slightly over 192 pounds runs and he later In the Gene scaled scored. today; six more than he weigh- on base, he almost ¦* eighth, with Shawkey at Philadelphia last ‘ connected with Harriss’ delivery for ed for the battle Camel fine another of his famous Ruthian fall. The champion’s condition ! ¦73 R S.,.**# Y-.J of poundage have con- ¦ smashes. f and lack excess vinced observers Tunney cannot Hose put over an eight that I The Red the 190-pound notch run attack in the fourth but could pull himsetf below within the two weeks. not hold the lead. next Q NEW YORK— AB. R. H. PO.A. E. cigarette cf 3 2 0 3 0 0 that makes I The Combs Koenig ss 4 1 0 2 3 0 N. J. COMMISSION MAKES Ruth If 5 3 4 2 0 0 Gehrig lb 5 2 2 8 0 0 FOUL BLOW EXPENSIVE Meusel rs 3 11 2 0 0 1 Lazzeri 2b 3 1 0 1 3 0 [ TRENTON, N. J., Sept. 7, (/P)—State Wera 3b 1 0 0 0 0 01 Boxing Commissioner Bugbee has genuine 1 0 0 smoking pleasure ‘Durst 0 0 the New Jer- ! a 0! added a new rule to Gazella 3b 1 0 12 0 0 sey boxing code. It is designed to Bengough c 5 0,1 71 0 curb the growing number of bouts Thomas p 5 0 17 10 and is aimed terminated by a foul - - -; Girard p 11 0 0 0 0 at the most vulnerable spot of the A ¦ Shawkey p 11 10 1 0 fighters, their purses. Hereafter, according to an an- Totals 34 12 10 27 8 0 j nouncement today, boxers taking part x—Batted for Wera in 6th. in a contest ended by a foul, even You can smoke Camels all day long BOSTON—' AB. R. H. PO.A. E. ! though the blow be held by the; Rohtrock ss 5 0 0 2 3 0! referee as unintentional, will receive Rogell 1 0 2 0! 3b ~ 2 3 pay only for the number of rounds Flagstead cf 4 1 ,3 2 0 0; fought. Should the foul be ruled in- Regan 2b 5 1 3 2 4 1 tentional the fighter held guilty will without thought but of the pleasure. Tobin rs 5 2 2 5 0 0 forfeit his entire purse and a propor- Shanre If 5 1 tionate amount, determined by the ' c Todt lb 5 1 0 10 1 0 number of rounds, will be deducted Hofmann c 2 113 11 from the purse of his opponent. All Myer z 1 0 0 0 0 0 money withheld will be devoted to and refreshment that each one • Hartley c 0 0 0 0 0 0 deserving charities. A Rollings 'zzz 1 0 0 0 0 0 MacFayden p 3 0 0 0 0 0 ' EVERY ONE Harriss p 0 0 0 0 11 KNOWS the answer—it was learned Wm. Moore zz 1 0 .0 0 0 0 the advantage thing brings* of long ago. ‘That's Crimmins p 0 0 0 0 0 0 There’s another everyone should know —it is Totals 39 10 13 27 12 3 that z—Batted for Hofmann in 7th. Custom Tailored Clothes Are zz—Batted for Harris in Bth. Best tobaccos and skilful blending. every choice for in 9th. by possible consideration. zzz—Batted Hartley J show New York 100 006 320—12 Let us tell you why and you the remarkably wide range Boston : 000 800 110—10 i Two ba.se hits: Ruth, Gehrig 2, of fabrics from which we can Gazella, Flagstead, Tobin, Shaner, make you a suit or top coat to Rogell, Regan. Three base hits: Re- measure. your own gan, Shaner. Home runs: Ruth 2. Make choice of color- Stolen bases: Meusel, Gazella. Sac- ing, weave and pattern and re- every piece rifices: Combs. Double plays: Ga- member that we of- you per zella unassisted, Rothrock to Regan fer is absolutely 100 to Todt, Rogell to Regan to Todt, cen pure wool. Todt to Rothrock to Left Our tailoring is assuredly be- Todt. on! sat- base: New York 5, Boston 7. Base! yond criticism. Come and be on balls: Thomas 2, Girard 3,. Mac- j isfied. Fayden 6, Harris 2. Struck out: by; DOUGLAS TAILORS Thomas 1, Girard 1, Shawkey 1, Raiment That Radiates Harriss 3. Hits off: Thomas 5 in 3 in- , 533 Eleventh Street Phone 252 nings (none out in 4th), Girard 5 in ; (none out in 7th), 3 in ' 3 Shawkey 3,! * MacFayden 4 in 5 1-3, Harriss 5 in 2 2-3, Crimmins 1 in 1. Hit by pitch- er: Koenig by Harriss. Passed ball: Hofmann. Winning pitcher: Shawkey. Notice Losing pitcher: Harriss. Umpires: Nallin and Dineen. Time: 2:31. t o AMERICAN GIRL PLANE J. Katib, former owner of the W. Va., Sept. 7, UP)— WHEELING, Volstead Case has taken over The Stinson-Detroiter monoplane in Elder of Lakeland,! which Miss Ruth the management of the Naco Fla., an aviatrix, plans a trans-At- about 15, lantic flight September will Hotel, Naco, Sonora, Mexico. be christened the . “American Girl,”, ' © 1927, R. J. Reynolds , today by Wheeling Tobacco ”> it was announced Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. . capitalists sponsoring the project. »i i