AUGUST 1-2, 2011 TOKYO, TOKYO, 2011 1-2, AUGUST


Participants’ The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t Pro les initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing emerging market countries (EMCs).

The Forum is focused on some 70 emerging market economies in East and South Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa that share prospects of superior economic performance, already have or seek to create a conducive business environment, and are of near-term interest to private investors, both domestic and international. We expect our current list of EMCs to evolve over time, as countries’ policies and prospects change.

Further details on the Forum and its meetings may be seen on our website at

The Watergate Oce Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 201

Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel:(1) 202 393 6663 Fax: (1) 202 393 6556 A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group

Email: [email protected] Emerging Markets Forum A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group

Asia 2050 Book Launch Seminar

August 1–2, 2011

Hotel Grand Palace, Tokyo, Japan

Participants’ Profiles

PARTICIPANTS 3 Kyrgyz Republic Tolkunbek Abdygulov Tolkunbek the Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic the Minister of Development Department, Office of Department, Office Development Head of the Economy and Strategic Head of the Economy His research interests include macroeconomic policy coordination, development finance, development economics, Islamic principles of finance. Currently Mr. Abdygulov works as Head of the Economy and strategic development department, Office of the Prime Minister Prime the of Office department, development strategic and Economy the of Head as works Abdygulov Mr. Currently Department. Economic Asia’s Central in University American the at instructor time part as works and Republic Kyrgyz the of His professional experience is He granular. worked as an economist at the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (Central as of a Internationaldirector Foundation (NGO), Bank), Future as as a a Chair consultant of at Bank the Headquarter, World as an Expert at thethe of Administrationof Board Directors ofthe financial theMicro of company, President the Kyrgyz Re- public, Head of strategies and service program at the Central Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic on development, investments Regulation of the Kyrgyz Republic. at the Ministry of the Economic and innovations, and as First Deputy Minister Tolkunbek Abdygulov graduated with honors Tolkunbek from International University of Kyrgyz Republic in 1997 with Bachelor degree in International economic relations. He continuously works on his further education and holds Master degrees in Banking Internationalfrom University of Kyrgyzstan (1999), Master of Arts in degree Development Economics Graduate from School Japan of (2005) Internationaland Master Development, of Nagoya Public University, Administration University from of North Science. of Academy National the of Institute Economic the at student PhD a is he 2008 November Since (2007). USA Texas, 4 PARTICIPANTS A widelytravelledman,Dr. Ahmedismarried andhasoneson. in PhD Economics from PrincetonUniversity,a whileonleavefrom hiscivilserviceappointment. and USA, College, Dhaka Williams from from in Economics Economics MA Development in MA and another BA (Hons.) received subsequently in both He University. first) class (first class his in position first the obtained Ahmed Dr. Ahmed beganhisprofessional career asaLecturer inEconomicsatDhakaUniversity. SecretaryJoint as lastly Bangladesh, of Dr.Finance. of Ministry the in Division Relations Economic the of Government the in Prior to joining the World Bank, he served for over fifteen years in the erstwhile Civil Service of Pakistan and after independence in KenyaasChiefoftheWorld Bank’s RuralDevelopmentandenvironment Africa. OperationsforEastern Director.Country a retiring as Bank’sAfrica, the World and in Asia years East five tenureAsia, included His mission resident South in countries of number a across worked He development. to related issues policy and sectoral other on as well as issues macroeconomic on focused work his where Bank, World the at years twenty over Previously,for Dr.served Ahmed significantly contributedtomacroeconomic andfinancialsector growth andstability. Dr.Ahmed’sduring tenure implemented reforms enforcer.The and regulator effective an Bank Bangladesh the making (d) industrial in increase significant investment, (c) introducing measures major corporate governance for the first time in the Bangladeshi corporate sector, a and to contributed turn in which substantially, rate interest interestrate the down (b) introducing bringing and volatility, flexibility with minimal rate exchange the floating (a) included: achievements major Ahmed’s system. Dr. financial the of operation the in and (securitization), instruments financial and market) (bond markets financial new of development policy,the rate in exchange and monetary of conduct the in reforms wide-ranging introduced Ahmed Governor,Dr.was he While Bank. Bangladesh the of Governor as served Dr.Ahmed 2005, April to 2001 November From building assistancetoovertwohundred micro-finance institutions. 2005 to January 2007. PKSF is the largest apex fund for micro credit in June the from world, currently(PKSF) providingFoundation financialKarma-Sahayak and institution- Palli of Director Managing as worked Dr.Ahmed appointment, this to Prior future electionsare similarlysuccessful. that ensure to serve will which and vote 2008 December the of integrity the ensured which feat unprecedented globally a the help of the Bangladesh Army created an electronic voters’ list with photographs for over 80 million voters in Bangladesh, Dr.of with support Ahmed’sEC full the the administration, With governance. good strengthen to Commission Government Local a Commission, Information an Commission, Rights Human National a as such institutions new establishing (e) and full independence to the Election Commission (EC) to run election affairs in Bangladesh; (d) strengthening local governments; an creating (b) independent executive; Anti-Corruption Commission to the serve as from an institutional judiciary bulwark against corruption the throughout society; separating (c) giving (a) including democracy, strengthening at aimed policies reforms numerous and enacted Bangladesh of Government the leadership, Ahmed’sDr. Under Bangladesh. of history the in fairest and freest the as internationally and domestically both hailed widely were which 2008), December 29th (on elections Republic of Bangladesh from January 12, 2007 to January 6, 2009. Dr.His People’s the of office Caretakerof the oath the of took Minister) Ahmed (Prime Fakhruddin Adviser Chief as Government administration presided over the holding of parliamentary Former PrimeMinisterofBangladesh Fakhruddin Ahmed Bangladesh PARTICIPANTS 5 Malaysia Secretary-General, Secretary-General, Jaseem Ahmed Jaseem Islamic Financial Services Board Islamic Financial Mr. Ahmed Mr. led the ADB team that helped prepare the Implementation Plan for integration of capital markets in Southeast their in Exchanges Stock ASEAN the with closely worked also He 2009. April in Ministers Finance ASEAN by approved Asia, development of an Exchange Alliance, which begins implementation in 2011. Ahmed Mr. has a BA in economics Bangladesh. from of the national a is He University. Yale from economics in degrees graduate two holds also and Sussex of University Mr. Mr. Ahmed was also Practice Leader for Islamic finance at the ADBresponsible for programmesincluding managingTechnicalthose to Assistancethe IFSBjointly (TA) funded with the Islamic Development Bank. He was a member of the IFSB High Level Force Task on Liquidity Management, the group which proposed the establishment of the recently established International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation. Prior to his appointment to the IFSB, Ahmed Mr. served as the Financial Director, Public Sector, Management and Trade, Southeast Asia Department of the (ADB). In this he capacity, was responsible for managing the lending and ADB’s capacity building operations in Southeast Asia for the promotion of sound banking and non-banking fi- the in response ADB’s the led Ahmed Mr. capacities. regulatory and supervision of strengthening the for and sectors, nancial Southeast Asia to region the global crisis, which includes the of approval crisis three support under programmes the ADB’s to Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. Counter Cyclical Support Facility provided Jaseem Ahmed assumed the position of the Secretary-General of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) on 1st May 2011. 6 PARTICIPANTS committees, Member of Global Agenda Council on Poverty and Economic Development of the World Economic Forum, Economic Member oftheAdvisoryBoardWorld oftheGrowth Dialogue,MemberoftheGlobalBoard ofGDLNtheWorld Bank. the of Development Economic and Poverty on Council Agenda Global of Member committees, high-level external on serve to occasions numerous on invited been has Mr.Arakawa duties, managerial his to addition In World DevelopmentReport, anditscontributionsare stillincorporatedintothecompanionvolumesofeachyear’s WDR. the of issues various to contributing began also JBICI stewardship his Under Cities. Mega Coastal Asian in Mitigation and Adaptation Impact Climate and Asia researchEast collaborative Connecting directedthe projectsinclude he Among 2008. to from2007 (JBICI) Institute JBIC the Directorof Executive as then 2007, to from2005 JBIC at collaboration partner ment joint research projects with the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, first as Executive Director responsible for develop- from 2003to2005,hesupervisedoveralloperationalstrategyfortheorganization’s ODAportfolio.Later, heinitiatedvarious strategic dialogue with the World Bank and IMF. As Director General of JBIC’s Development Assistance Strategy Department oversaw whereMr. he 1999, to Washington from 1995 the OECF RepresentativeOfficeof of Chief D.C. as served Arakawa with handlingODAloanoperations,planningandstrategy, andresearch activities. Cooperation Fund (OECF). Economic During Overseas Mr.the Arakawa’sand (JBIC) time Cooperation at these organizations, International he for worked in Bank a variety Japan of departments the charged at careers distinguished following 2008 October in Agency) Cooperation International (Japan JICA of Advisor Special Senior as appointed Mr.was Arakawa Hiroto Japan International Cooperation Japan International Hiroto Arakawa Senior SpecialAdvisor, Agency (JICA) Japan PARTICIPANTS 7 (ADB) Iwan J. Azis Head, Office of Regional Economic of Regional Head, Office Integration, Asian Development Bank Integration, Asian Mr. Mr. Azis, an Indonesian national, obtained his Ph.D. and the University of Indonesia. in Economics from degree and his Bachelor’s Master’s degree University, in Regional Science/Economics from Cornell He has published numerous books and articles on current development issues. His latest book is “Crisis, Complexity and Network established in 2008. Azis is one of the founders of the Asian Peace Science Conflict”, Emerald, UK (2009). Mr. His expertise is on macro-financial economics and regional economic modeling and institutions. He has conducted research research conducted has He institutions. and modeling economic regional and economics macro-financial on is expertise His and consulting work for various international organizations, governments and universities. Prior to this, Mr. Prior Azis to was this, the Mr. Chairman of the Department of Economics at the University of Indonesia, and Director of the Center. Inter-University Bank-funded World Mr. Azis has over 33 Mr. years of professional experience as an economist and an Azis academic. was Before joining ADB, Mr. a Professor and Director of Graduate Studies of the Regional Science Program USA. He joined Cornelland University in 1992. at CornellJohnson Graduate School of Management University, Adjunct Professor of Economics of Iwan J. Azis is the Head of the Asian Development Bank’s Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI). He assumed office office assumed He (OREI). Integration Economic Regional of Office Bank’s Development Asian the of Head the is Azis J. Iwan in September 2010. 8 PARTICIPANTS From 17.12.2010 2010 2009–2010 2009 2008 2005–2007 2004–2005 2000–2004 1999–2000 1995–1998 1988–1999 Professional career: Manas—Man oftheYear”. Yearthe of Yearprojectthe the of in “Choice 2004” “Aikol Kyrgyzstan in festival-competition the of winner countries”, CIS in “Businessman the as elected International), Rotary of Foundation Rotary (nominee—The country the of regions in children for education of improvement and development the to contribution philanthropy,his for for Medal the by awarded was He Kyrgyz the of Republic. Government the under Academy Law State 2009—Kyrgyz in Management) Financial of School (Graduate Federation Russian the of Government the under Economy National of Academy.2005—Academy Agricultural In Moscow the from graduated he 1993 In Republic. Kyrgyz the Talasof regionin 1970 20, May on born was Babanov Mr.Omurbek First Vice PrimeMinisteroftheKyrgyzRepublic First Vice Advisor totheChairmanofJSC“Commercial BankofKyrgyzstan” Chairman oftheBoard ofDirectors “MunaiMirzaInvest”company, Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan PrimeMinisteroftheKyrgyzRepublic First Vice Chairman oftheBoard ofDirectors of“MunaiMirzaInvest”company, Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan Member oftheparliamentKyrgyzRepublic Member oftheBoard ofDirectors ofJSC“MunaiMirza”,Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan President ofJSC“Kyrgyzhlopok”, Jalal-Abad,Kyrgyzstan Deputy GeneralDirector of “Munai”company, Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan Director ofthe“Arlan”company, Taraz, Kazakhstan Representative of“Shymkentnefteorgsintez” companyintheKyrgyzRepublic Omurbek Babanov First VicePrimeMinister Kyrgyz Republic PARTICIPANTS 9 Cambodia of Cambodia Director General, Director Ming Bankosal Securities and Exchange Commission Exchange Commission Securities and Prime Minister’s Office: Gold Medal from the Prime Minister’s office in year 2002 office the Prime Minister’s Gold Medal from Office: Prime Minister’s Min- from Medal Gold 2003; year in Finance and Economy of Ministry from Medal Silver Finance: and Economy of Ministry of Economy and Finance in year 2008 Minstry ! from istry of Economy and Finance in year 2004; Moha Topaka Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia with the rank of Secretary of State of with the rank of Secretary General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia Director Director Deputy of rank the with Council Economic National Supreme of Chairman Moniroth, Porn Aun Dr. HE. to Assistant Team General, in charge of leading Financial Sector Incentives for securities industry development on Tax Group Working Head of Inter-ministerial and Exchange Commission of Cambodia is also member of the Securities As General Director, Committee Member of Financial Sector Development Steering on Financial Sector Development Group Deputy Head of Working Finance Ministry of Economy and Head of Securities Market Development Project, and Finance of Financial Industry Department, Ministry of Economy 1st Deputy Director Financial Sector Development on the Group of Working Member and secretary for the establishment of Securities Exchange in Cambodia Deputy Head of Negotiation Team Cambodia for the Development of Special Financial District in Deputy Head of Negotiation Team depart- of director of rank the with Cambodia of Kingdom the of Minister Prime Office, Sen’s Hun Samdech the of Member ment Assistant to HE. Aun Dr. Porn Moniroth, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and also advisor to the Prime Minister of Financial Industry Department Deputy Director and Finance Head of Financial Market Division, Financial Industry Department, Ministry of Economy Bank of Cambodia Trade of the Foreign of Director Member of the Board • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Medals and Distinctions: with the Ming following medals Bankosal was and awarded for his contribution to In the recognition development of Cambodia, Dr. distinctions by the Royal Government of Cambodia: Languages: Languages: English and French Mother tongue: Khmer; Foreign Working Experience: Working Cam- of Commission Exchange and Securities for Work Finance; and Economy of Ministry for Work Office; Minister’s Prime for Work of School Royal at internationalLecturer with partners; Negotiate and Work PornAun Moniroth; Dr. HE. to assistant as Work bodia; Investment Club, France at Royal University of Law and Economic Sciences; Member of Lyon Administration (ERA); Lecturer GovernmentPositions: Educational Background: 2000–2007: Ph.D. degree in Economic Sciences, specialized in Finance Money, and International Economics, University Lumière 2, FRANCE Lyon 2, FRANCE Lyon Banking, University Lumière Finance and in Money, 1999: Masters’ degree 2, FRANCE Lyon Lumière 1998: Maîtrise in Money and Finance, University 2, FRANCE Lyon Sciences and Management, University Lumière in Economic degree 1997: Bachelor’s 2, France Lyon Management, University Lumière Générale in Economic Sciences and 1996: Diplôme d’Etude Universitaire of Law and Economic Sciences, Phnom Penh, Cambodia at University Year 19921995: Finalizing the 3rd 10 PARTICIPANTS Feb. 2009 Feb. 2008 2006–2008 2004–2006 2000–2002 1998–2000 1997–1998 1992–1997 1971–1992 Working Experience: 1971 Education: Mr. onJanuary7,1949. Bekturganovwasborn Chairperson oftheBoard of theNationalScientificand Technological Center‘Parasat’ Deputy ChairpersonoftheBoard oftheNationalScientificand Technological Center‘Samgau’ Director GeneraloftheState Enterpise‘CenterofEarthSciences,Metallurgy, andEnrichment’ Director GeneraloftheState Enterprise‘CenterofChemicalandTechnological Research’ Minister ofEducationandSciencetheRepublicKazakhstan Deputy MinisterofCulture, InformationandPublicAccord oftheRepublicKazakhstan Kazakhstan Policy,Head ofDepartmentInternal MinistryofInformationandPublicAccord oftheRepublic ofKaragandaoblast(region)Deputy Governor work atChemical-MetallurgicalInstitute,KazakhAcademyofSciences Kazakh PolytechnicInstitute NationalScientificand Technological Nuraly Bekturganov Chairperson oftheBoard, Center ‘Parasat’ Kazakhstan PARTICIPANTS 11 Finance Indonesia Head of Fiscal Policy, Ministry of Policy, Head of Fiscal Bambang Brodjonegoro Bambang Prof. Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro Ph.D was born in Jakarta, on October 3 1966. Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Uni- versity of Indonesia in 1990, he continued to pursue, and has earned Master of Urban Planning and Ph.D in Regional Plan- ning from University of Illinois from Urbana-Champaign. His main areas of expertise are in economic development, regional Bambang joined Ministy of Finance since January 2011economy as and Actingfiscal Head decentralization. of Prof. Fiscal Policy Office. Previuosly he was Director GeneralTraining of Institute, Islamic IDB Research & (2009-2011) and Dean of the (2005-2009). Faculty of Economics, Universty of Indonesia 12 PARTICIPANTS these positionssincethen. of each held has He (CDC). Cambodia of Development the for Council the of Chairman Vice as and Finance, and Economy of Minister as 1994, October in appointed, also subsequently was he (RGC); Cambodia of Government Royal the of ment Develop- and Rehabilitation for Minister Senior appointed was he 1993, November In Committee. Drafting Constitution the Parliament. to elected was Thereafter,he he was appointed until Deputy Prime Minister of the Provisional of National Cambodia; Government and 1993, a member of early in Cambodia of State the of Government the to Adviser Senior as served Zaire in development (1988 to 1992). After the Paris Peace Agreement, he returned to Cambodia in 1992 to work as a UNDP industrial consultant; he then of management strategic the on project a of co-director a as him appointed then UNIDO company.private a in operations international for manager as working France, in lived Chhon Keat HE 1980s, early the In ofNationalUnionCambodia(1970–1975)underSamdechNorodomMinisters oftheRoyalGovernment Sihanouk. of Council the Subsequently,of Cambodia. charge of in Minister Government appointed Royal was the he Commerce,in of Industry,then of and Minister was he 1969, and 1967 Between 1968. until President was he which of Cham, Kampong of University Royal the founded he 1964, In enterprise. state engineering civil a ODEM, of Manager General appointed being Public of before Ministry Works; the in engineer chief a as served first He 1961. in Cambodia to back came Chhon Keat HE do research onthermo-nuclearfusionattheCenter for NuclearStudiesinFontenay-aux-Roses. degrees ArchitectureNaval in beforeearned (1960), he Engineering Nuclear to and on (1959) going Engineering Marine and graduates to do a high-school Baccalaureat serié of mathématiques in batch Cambodia, first he obtained the a scholarship of to go one to France being in 1954; After there, Cambodia. Province, Kratie in 1934 August 11 on born was Chhon Keat Minister ofEconomyandFinance Deputy PrimeMinister, Keat Chhon Cambodia PARTICIPANTS 13 Republic of Korea Yousam Choi Yousam Services Commission Division, Korean Financial Financial Division, Korean Director, International Finance Director, Mr. Yousam Choi is the director of the International Finance Division in Korean Financial Services Commission. Before joining Before Commission. Services Financial Korean in Division InternationalFinance the of director the is Choi Yousam Mr. the FSC, he was a director of the secretariat office in Asian Pacific Regional Committee of IOSCO. He has a Ph.D. degree the Seoul in National Business Uni- Administration from degree Virginia University and West a bachelor’s in Economics from versity. 14 PARTICIPANTS an avidgolfer, andaclassicalguitar player. Taekwondoa blackbelt, is Dr. Ocampo daughters. de two and sons two has he whom with O’, la Carolina Maria to married is He Land Robinson’s Corporation, Corporation, MontalbanMethane PowerCorporationandBacnotanConsolidatedIndustries,Inc., etc. Banking Commercial Rizal Investments, of House Co., Insurance Eastern Seaboard Metrobank, United Overseas Bank, ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, Philippine Airlines, Meralco, Globe Telecom Inc., Philam Savings Bank, including, among others, the Centennial Group (Washington, D.C.), Dun & Bradstreet (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd., Alaska Milk Corporation, abroad and Philippines the in both companies private several of Member Board and/or Chairman is and Dr.been had Ocampo de by thePhilippineWomen’s University inLaws,andbytheSanBedaCollegeHumaneLetters. Administration, Public in City Angeles of University the by Administration, Business in University Salle La De the by Causa) (Honoris the University of Michigan, a post-graduate diploma from the London School of Economics and has been conferred four Doctorates Dr. de Ocampo is a product of both De La Salle (grade school and high school) and Ateneo Universities. He received his MBA from Resources DevelopmentAwardHuman bytheAsiaHRDCongress. Asian the with conferred was Ocampo recently, More York). New in (based economics business international in authorities world’sleading the of one Board, Conferenceof the Baron’sWho’s several recipient of Advisors a of Board 2001 and the to elected in was he Asians 2004, In awards. Great Who the 500 of one as cited been had program, electrification rural Philippine the pioneering for Development Economic National of field the in awardee (TOYM) Men YoungTen Outstanding 1975 a is and D.C. Washington in the was Dr.who Forum. Ocampo, Markets de based Emerging The Forum: Economic Group) Global established recently a of Director (Centennial Founding Group Advisory Global a of Partner founding Asia a of is Institutions He Finance Development (ADFIAP). of Pacific Association the from Award Year the of few) Man the a of name recipient to first the Sutherland also Peter was and and Kissinger (Henry the leaders Trilateral of global distinguished member of ASEAN think-tank first international the an is Commission, He matters. economic international and Asian on advisor as acts and conferences international at speaker sought-after much a is Ocampo of rank the with France of Legion Republic la the by de Honneur National d’ Ordre the to named was he 2001, September In country. the to contributions outstanding his for 1998 in Dr. de Ocampo was conferred the Legion of Honor, the highest honor conferred on Filipino civilians by the Republic of the Philippines Regional KnowledgeHubs. of Board the of Chairman presently also Advisers of the RFO Center is for Public Finance & Regional Economic He Cooperation, which had been designated by ADB as of its of Board AIM the of member a is presently and elected subsequently was He 2006. May in position that from retired having Management of Institute Asian the of president past immediate the is He his tenure asoneofthe“world’s soundestbanks.” Bank of the Philippines and led its rehabilitation such that it was recognized by the prestigious international Banker Magazine during steps to end it and avoid a recurrence in the future. Prior to these posts, he also served as Chairman and CEO of the Development the Asian Financial Crisis and led the formulation of the Manila Framework—the blueprint for analyzing the crisis and formulating the of onset the at 1997 in Ministers Finance APEC the of Chairman as served also He Fund. Monetary International the of Governor Alternate an and Bank Development Asian the and Bank World the of Governors of Board the of member a concurrently was he was named “Asian Finance Minister of the Year” by the Euromoney and Asiamoney magazines, respectively. As Secretary of Finance, of the Year” by Euromoney magazine—the first Filipino and first ASEAN finance minister to be so recognized. In 1996 and 1997, he Minister “Finance named was he 1995, community. in finance Thus, international the by hailed was achievement whose economy Philippine the of resurgence the of architect principal the as recognized widely was V.and Fidel Ramos, (1994–1998) of presidency Finance the during of Secretary was He today, development. Filipinos economic multi-awarded and finance and global of recognized field the internationally in authority respected, an as highly particularly most the of one is Ocampo de F. Roberto Dr. Management andFormerMinisterof Former President, AsianInstituteof Chairman oftheBoard ofAdvisors, RFO CenterforPublicFinanceand Regional EconomicCooperation; Roberto deOcampo Philippines Finance PARTICIPANTS 15 Switzerland Simon J. Evenett Simon J. Professor, St. Gallen University St. Gallen Professor, Simon J. Evenett obtained his bachelors degree in economics from the University of Cambridge and his doctoral degree (again in economics) Previously from University. he Yale has taught at Oxford University and for ten years held fellowships at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC. He was also Director of Economic Research, World Institute, Trade and has twice served as a World Bank official. Professor Evenett has also served as a Member on several high level committees on Commission Warwick The Globalisation; on Group Level High Minister’s Trade French The including internationalcommerce and Financial System; Architecture. and The Zedillo Committee on on the the of Global Future the Trade Multilateral Trading Commission. He is a Reporting Member of the UK Competition Simon J. Evenett is Academic Director of the MBA programmes at the University of - Direc Programme also is He Economics. of Department the in Development St. Economic and Internationalof Gallen, Trade Professor Switzerland, where he is tor of the most established group of international and trade the Regional Internationaleconomists in Trade Europe, namely, policy Evenett is an expert in the commercial Professor Research. of Economic Policy of the Centre Economics Programme and strategies of the USA, EU, and the rising economic powers, such as China. He has published over 125 journal articles, book chapters, and books and is a including frequent public speaking lecturer, to corporate executives about international business strategy. 16 PARTICIPANTS Other RelatedCareer: Education: April 1975–November1980 December 1980–March 1982 April 1989–March 1993 April 1993–February1997 March 1997–March 2000 April 2000–September2002 October 2002–June2004 July 2004–March 2005 April 2005–March 2008 April 2008–March 2010 April 2010–Present Tomohiko Fujiyama Mitsubishi Corporation Columnist, NihonKeizaiShimbun, Inc. BA, Tokyo University, FacultyofEconomics(1975) Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Research Department Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Corporate PlanningOffice Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Planning &Research Department Industrial Research Team Manager (President, SiamMCTrading, Thailaind) Mitsubishi Company(Thailand),Ltd. Marketing &Coordination Department General Manager Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Planning &Coordiation Department Planning &Coordination Office Manager Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Corporate Strategy&Research Department General Manager Chief Representative forChina Mitsubishi Corporation Deputy ChiefRepresentative forChina (subsidiary ofMitsubishiCorporation) Inter-Active Inc.Tokyo, Japan President Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Corporate Strategy&Research Department General Manager Mitsubishi Corporation,Tokyo, Japan Corporate Strategy&Research Department General Manager PresidentSenior Vice PresidentSenior Vice (Coordination) Senior VicePresident, Japan PARTICIPANTS 17 CAF Venezuela L. Enrique Garcia L. Enrique President and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Officer, and Chief President Mr. García holds a Mr. B.S. and an M.A. in Economics and Finance from St. Louis University and doctoral studies at American University. Mr. Mr. Garcia has received doctoral he 2001 In and Malta. of other Order Sovereign the honorary and Venezuela degrees Perú, from Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil, several Bolivia, Argentina, of Governments universities and has been decorated the 2004 in by and Latina-CEAL América the de Empresario Consejo the by Award Integration Regional American Latin the received Magazine. Finance Latin by 2005 Year the of Man elected was Garcia Mr. Economía. América by Award Integration Regional He is Vice of President Canning House, member Dialogue, of the the Group of Inter-American 50, the Council on American Politics of George Washington University, the Advisory Boards of the CID at Harvard University, the Florida International and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Administration (IESA, Caracas). Latin American and Caribbean Center, University’s He taught at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and Catholic University in Bolivia (1973–1978). Mr. García is a Preferred Preferred a is García Mr. (1973–1978). Bolivia in University Catholic and Andrés San de Mayor Universidad the at taught He Sciences of Academy National the of Technology and Science of Council and Sciences Economic of Academy the of Member of Bolivia. Author of several publications. Previous Previous positions include: Minister of Planning and Coordination and head of the Economic and Social Cabinet of Bolivia of member as well as Bank Development Inter-American the and Bank World the Governorat capacity, this In (1989–1991). positions Senior Paraguay. and Uruguay Perú, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, representing Committee Development IMF-IBRD the at the Inter-American Development Bank including of Treasurer the Institution, Division Head in the Finance Departments Project and Representative in Analysis Argentina (1979–1989). and of Under-Secretary Planning and Coordination of the Ministry of Planning and Coordination and Board member of the Central Bank of Bolivia (1975–1978). Managing Director Division, Loan Chief Area President, the to Advisor Officer, Operations Senior 1973–1975). (Bolivia, S.A. Industrial Banco of Development Bank (1966–1973). of the Inter-American and Loan Officer Enrique García is President and CEO of CAF since December 1991. CAF is a multilateral financial institution committed to sustainable development and regional integration. Member countries include Perú, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, Jamaica, México, Panamá, Dominican Paraguay, Republic, & Trinidad Tobago as well as 16 private financial institutions. and Uruguay, 18 PARTICIPANTS and literature inthecontemporaryworld. traveller,avid An Macmillan. and had Express,Britannica Financial Encyclopaedia The life with discussing stints enjoys earlier he Sugata years, fifteen than more of experience With Studies. Development in MS a and Economics in Ph.D a has He in allareas ofthesocialsciencesaswellcontemporarybusinessbooksandjournals. Sugata currently heads the Commissioning team for books and journals at SAGE India—a global publisher of topical debates Vice President, Commissioning— SAGE PublicationsIndiaPvt.Ltd. Sugata Ghosh Books and Journals, Books andJournals, India PARTICIPANTS 19 Japan of Finance Toyoo Gyohten Toyoo President, Institute for International Institute for President, Monetary Affairs; Former Vice Minister Former Monetary Affairs; Mr. Gyohten is co-author of the book “Changing Fortunes” with Mr. Paul Volcker. is co-author of the book “Changing Fortunes” with Mr. Gyohten Mr. He served for many years in the Japanese Ministry of Finance until he retired as Vice-Minister of Finance for International in Affairs 1989, as well as working for the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development - Bank. He Work chaired ing Party III of OECD, Paris for 1988–90. He was a visiting professor at the Harvard University Business School, Princeton University and University of St. Gallen. He was a Chairman of the for Bank 1992–1996. of Tokyo, He chaired the Institute He Obuchi. Keizo Minister Prime the to Adviser Special as served he 1998, In International of 1994–1997. for Inc. Finance, for 1998–2010. Since September 2009, served as a Special Advisor to the Cabinet, as Special Envoy of the Prime Minister, he is Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance. Since December Gyohten 1995, has Toyoo been the President of the Institute the for as Internationaltradition its Monetary succeed Affairs to which Ltd.) is UFJ, a Tokyo-Mitsubishi of Bank The (currently Tokyo of Bank the by established foundation exchange bank. only specialist foreign Japan’s 20 PARTICIPANTS University ofPennsylvania. fromthe Economics in TechnologyPh.D. and a Science has of He Institute KoreaAdvanced (KAIST). the professorat a as served also He Tax National College. the of Dean as served and Bank World the at economist an as worked also tor.He Direc- Executive as Seoul in Meeting) Europe Asia (Third III ASEM the of administration the Dr.managed successfully Hyun Ministry ofFinanceandEconomy. the Treasuryof of Bureau and Policy Economic of Bureau Director-Generalof as served also He Council. Advisory nomic Eco- National Director-General the and of President the of Office the of Affairs Economic for Secretary as working agenda, to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy. He contributed in formulating and coordinating the national Advisor Special and Economy and Finance of Ministry the of Minister Deputy as served formerly He Korea. in official ment - govern a for path career unique sector,a public the in research and making policy in experience extensive has Dr.Hyun Trade Association. International Korea the Tradeof International for Institute the of President been has He Finance. and Strategy of Ministry the for Board Evaluation Organization) Serving Public Non-governmental (the NPSO of Chairman as served also Dr.Hyun DevelopmentCooperationCommittee. International tial Committee on Regional Development, Advisory Council on Presidential Committee for G-20 Summit and Prime Minister’s He is a member of the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness, Presidential Committee on Green Growth, Presiden- Korea.of tank think leading a (KDI), Institute Development Korea the of President currently is national, Korean a Hyun, Oh-Seok Korea DevelopmentInstitute Oh-Seok Hyun Republic ofKorea President, PARTICIPANTS 21 Kazakhstan Bank of Kazakhstan Oraz Jandosov Oraz Department of Economics, Moscow State University. Department of Economics, Moscow State University. Graduate Studies, Department of Economics, Associate, Institute of Economics, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Research of under the President Economic Council then Head of Division, Supreme Adviser, Kazakhstan. National Agency on Foreign First Deputy Minister of Economy and Chairman, Investment. of Kazakhstan. National Bank First Deputy Governor, National Bank of Kazakhstan. Governor, State Committee on Investment. First Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance KEGOC (Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company). President, Deputy Prime Minister. Association of Financial Institutions. Kazakhstan’s Chairman of the Board, Kazakhstan (economic and financial issues). Assistant to the President of Chairman, Agency for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection Competition. Co-Chairman, Democratic Party of Kazakhstan “Ak Zhol” (later “Nagyz Ak Zhol”). RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis. Director, Director, RAKURS Center for RAKURS Director, Minister; Former Governor, Central Central Governor, Minister; Former Economic Analysis; Former Finance Economic Analysis; 1983–1986 Employment: Feb 1987–Dec 1990 Jan 1991–Dec 1992 Jan 1993–Jan 1994 Jan 1994–Jan 1996 Jan 1996–Jan 1998 Feb 1998–Jan 1999 Jan 1999–Oct 1999 Nov 1999–Nov 2000 Dec 2000–Nov 2001 Dec 2001–Sept 2002 Jan 2003–Jun 2003 Jun 2003–Jul 2004 Mar 2002–Feb 2008 Oct 2008–present Education: 1978–1983 22 PARTICIPANTS Foreign languages: 2007 2003–2007 2002–2003 2002 2001–2002 1998–2001 1997–1998 1996–1997 1996 1993–1996 Experience: 2005 2005 1994–1995 1990–1992 1990 Education: Akylbek A.Kamaldinov Japanese, English Ambassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiaryoftheRepublicKazakhstantoJapan Kazakhstan EconomicDivision, OfficeHead ofExternal thePrimeMinister oftheRepublic Deputy Director, DepartmentofAsia,MiddleEastandAfrica,MoFA Head ofDivisionAsia,MoFA Head ofSection,Departmentbilateralco-operation,MoFA First Secretary, EmbassyoftheRepublicKazakhstaninJapan Second Secretary, EmbassyoftheRepublicKazakhstaninJapan First Secretary, MoFA Second Secretary, MoFA Third Secretary, MinistryofForeign Affairs oftheRepublicKazakhstan(MoFA) London SchoolofEconomicsandPoliticalScience Center forExecutiveEducationandProfessional Development Japanese LanguageInstitute,Japan Institute ofAsianandAfricanStates,MoscowStateUniversity Kazakh StateUniversity Ambassador oftheRepublic Kazakhstan toJapan Kazakhstan PARTICIPANTS 23 Kazakhstan Shigeo Katsu President, Nazarbayev University Nazarbayev President, Shigeo Katsu joined the World Bank as a Young Professional in 1979, and Department as Telecoman Division,soon economist, andWaterfirst later & in in Water the the Supply Energy, moved & Urban Division. to the Western Africa Projects Mr. 1991, end and 1989 fall Between 1989. fall until Benin in Representative Resident Bank’s the appointed was he 1985, In Department. Analysis Policy Economic Country Director, Deputy as Japan of Bank Export-Import the to seconded was Katsu Between 1992 and 1995, Katsu Mr. served as Principal Operations Officer for the Industry & Energy Operations Division, China Department, East Asia & Pacific Region, and subsequently was appointed Chief, and then Country of Director, the Regional Mission in Katsu assumed Abidjan, the Operations Cote Bank’s in d’Ivoire. position Mr. of 1999 Regional Director, his consisted where broadly responsibilities of operations, assisting and in serving the as management of the ECA Region’s served he where Region, ECA the of President Vice became he 2003 August In center. corporate the with liaison Regional the in this cpacaity for six years. He subsequently took on an assignment as Special Advisor to the Managing Directors of the in December 2009. Bank the World from and retired Bank, World 24 PARTICIPANTS has aPh.D.ineconomicsfrom Stanford University. sponding? (Edward Elgar, 2011), and Asia and Policymaking for the Global Economy (Brookings Re- Institution Press, 2011). He Business Is How Agreements:Trade Asia’sFree 2010), Elgar, (Edward Stability and Dynamism for Engine Economy: (EdwardElgar,Framework Worlda the Search for in The Regionalism Flows: Asian Capital 2010), Managing 2005), (OECD, Countries OECD for Challenges Development Asia: East towardsCoherence Policy 2004), Curzon, (Routledge Asia East in Regimes Rate Exchange 1996), Institute, (Urban Order Fiscal World New The include: publications co-edited his of Some system. monetary international the and Asia, East in cooperation and integration economic regional globalization, financial (2001–2003). Dr. Kawai has published a number of books and more than 120 academic articles in English on economic and Japan’s of affairs international for finance ministerof vice deputy as and Region(1998–2001), Pacific the Finance of Ministry and Bank’sAsia World East the for economist chief as worked Tokyo.also of He University the at economics of professor tion and integration. Prior to his tour, he was an associate professor in economics at The Johns Hopkins University and a full coopera- economic regional of charge in President ADB the to advisor special as well as Integration Economic Regional of ADB’sof head Officepreviously was He Institute. (ADB) Bank Development Asian the of CEO and Dean is Kawai Masahiro Dean, AsianDevelopmentBank Masahiro Kawai Institute (ADBI) Japan PARTICIPANTS 25 Japan Toyo University Toyo Business Administration, Business Administration, Kentaro Kawasaki Kentaro Associate Professor, Faculty of Associate Professor, Hyogo, Japan University (International Finance) Toyo Faculty of Business Administration, Associate Professor, InternationalFinance International Currency, 1993–1997 Gakuin University, Undergraduate, School of Economics, Kwansei 1997–1999 Kwansei Gakuin University, Master course, Graduate School of Economics, 1999–2003 Hitotsubashi University, Doctor course, Graduate School of Economics, 1997 March B.A., Economics, Kwansei Gakuin Univerisity, 1999 March M.A., Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University, April 2007 Ph.D., Economics, Hitotsubashi University, Science Center for Advanced Assistant of the Research Research University of Tokyo. and Technology, University. of Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo Assistant Professor University. of Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo Associate Professor of Regional Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank Office Fellow, Research Birthplace: Position: Area: Research Education: Degree: Career: Professional 2003 : April, 2002–March, 2005: April, 2003–March, April, 2006 2008 April, 2007–March 26 PARTICIPANTS nomics from Tsukuba University. Eco- in degree Master a and Law in degree Bachelor a Tokyo,has of He University Japan. the fromMr. graduated Kodera to theWorld Bankmanagement attheministerialmeetings.HewasaG20Deputyrepresenting DevelopmentCommittee. guidance meaningful produce to IMF the of Director Managing the and Bank, World the of President Chairs, assisted He Worldthe Bank countries transition and developing of participation and voice and change, climate crises, triple to financial cussed resource transfer, architecture, aid international Goals, Development Millennium the response of monitoring Executive Secretary of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee, where 24 finance and development ministers dis- nance for international affairs. Since 2006 until spring 2010, he served as Deputy Corporate Secretary of the World Bank and American Development Bank through their replenishment processes. In 2005 he was promoted to Deputy Vice-Minister of Fi- Inter-of Fund Investment Multilateral and Fund, Development Asian Fund, Development African IDA, for formation policy to as served he where ministry Deputy Director-General finance in International Bureau, in charge of Japanese the Multilateral Development Banks. He proactivelyto contributed returned then Kodera Mr. Asia. Central for Director Country as served and Bank World the to returned he 1997; (1991–1994).In Bank World the at Japan for Director Executive Alternate was He in Alexandria. Technologyand Science of TrusteeUniversity of Board Egypt-Japan the at of member a concurrently is He Asia”. in MDGs was a panelist at two side events at 2010 UN MDG Summit: “No Health Workforce. No Health MDGs” and “Focus Group on He Inter-AmericanCorporation. and Investment Bank, Development African the Bank, World the as such Banks velopment De- Multilateral at assignments level senior and Finance of Ministry Japanese the at career successful a throughacquired he which development, and finance economics, international in experience substantial brings He 2010. April in agency aid Kiyoshi Kodera is appointed as Vice-President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the world’s largest bilateral Vice President, JapanInternational Cooperation Agency(JICA) Kiyoshi Kodera Japan PARTICIPANTS 27 Japan Junko Koeda Assistant Professor, Department of Assistant Professor, Economics, The University of Tokyo Economics, The Ms. Junko Koeda is an assistant professor in the faculty of economics at the University of Tokyo. Before joining the university, university, the joining Before Tokyo. of University the at economics of faculty the in professor assistant an is Koeda Junko Ms. bachelor’s a and UCLA from economics in degree Ph.D. a has She Fund. Monetary International the at economist an was she international finance. are finance and macro of specialization Her areas the University of Tokyo. from degree 28 PARTICIPANTS bilateral developmentinstitutions.Mr. KohliisaFoundingDirector andtheChiefExecutiveofEmergingMarketsForum. and multilateral and governments, corporations, international major include clients Its Reforms. Governance and Systems Corporate Strategy for Emerging Markets; Financial Sector, Energy, Infrastructure and Urban Development; Research; and Political Procurement and Economic on: focused is work Its America. Latin and Asia in subsidiaries including companies, five He has been a major shareholder, President and CEO of the parent company since its inception. The group now consists of pany basedinWashington, D.C.,specializinginemergingmarkets. work in private participation in infrastructure. Harinder Kohli started the Centennial Group in 1998, a strategic advisory com- Maghreb countries and Iran. Between 1994 and 1998, he was Senior Advisor, East Asia and Pacific, when he led the Bank‘s for decisions lending all and strategy country for responsibleDirector the became he 1993, In East. Middle the and Europe in borrowers Bank all advised who experts technical senior housed Technicalthat the Department of Director the become to on went he 1990, In building. headquarters new winning award an built and companies, non-technology amongst mail electronic of user corporate largest the became staff, all for computers personal to access universal of concept the neered pio- networks, communications corporate global first Mr.the While createdof Bank one the position, latter this in was Kohli velopment; andtheInformation,Technology andFacilitiesDepartment—asoneoftheBank‘syoungestdirectors. the Group responsible for formulating and overseeing the Bank‘s policy and strategy on Industrial and Financial Sectors De- industries; Petrochemicals and Refining Fertilizers, Chemicals, in operations worldwide Bank‘s the for responsible Division relations responsibilities and worked in over 50 countries in all continents of the world. These positions included leading: the country and strategic technical, involving positions managerial senior of series a held he Bank, the careerat 26-year his ing Younga as Dur headquarters Professional.Washington DC its at Bank World the joined he Harvard,from graduating After study managementandfinance. Union Carbide India where he worked in its chemicals and metals division between 1967–70. In 1970, he came to the US to Mr.manufacturer,components Prestolite,automobiles productionat an careera engineer his as started Kohli before joining tion from theHarvard Universityin1972,withaMasters inBusinessAdministration. Born in 1945, Harinder Kohli studied Mechanical Engineering at the Punjab University (India) and graduated with high distinc- Forum; President andChiefExecutive Chief Executive,EmergingMarkets Officer, Centennial Group Harinder Kohli UnitedStates - PARTICIPANTS 29 (ADB) Haruhiko President of the Asian Development Bank President Graduate School of Economics Hitotsubashi University, Professor, Special Advisor to the Cabinet Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs International (Finance) Bureau Director-General, Institute of Fiscal and Monetary Policy President, International Finance Bureau Deputy Director-General, Bureau Osaka Regional Taxation Commissioner, Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs Bureau Division), Tax Affairs (of several divisions including InternationalDirector Tax to the Minister of Finance Secretary International International Organizations Division, Finance Bureau Director, D.C. Secondment to the International Monetary Fund, Washington. Ministry of Finance Joined Japan’s President, Asian Development Bank Asian Development President, Professional History Professional February 2005 July 2003–Jan 2005 2003–Jan 2005 March 1999–2003 1997–1999 1996–1997 1994–1996 1993–1994 1992–1993 1989–1992 1988–1989 1987–1988 1975–1978 1967 Education 1967 University of Tokyo, B.A. in Law, 1971 M. Phil. in Economics, University of Oxford, While Deputy Director-General While of Deputy the Director-General International Finance Bureau, he official developmentwas as- responsible for Japan’s President as served Kuroda Mr. ADB. including institutions financial development multilateral with relations as well as sistance of research the arm, Ministry’s the Institute of Fiscal and Monetary for Policy, one responsible year before Affairs, Internationalreturning for to Finance the of InternationalMinister Vice to promoted was he later, years Two Director-General. as Bureau Kuroda Mr. 2003, in Ministry the from retiring After representation. external and coordination, international planning, policy for was appointed Special Advisor to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Koizumi to advise internathe - coordination, international policy rate, finance exchange premier policy, monetary on books several on authored has He issues. international monetary tional taxation, and international negotiations. In a career spanning nearly four Kuroda decades, Ministry has Mr. of represented Japan’s Finance at a number of interna- tional monetary as conferences Vice Minister of Finance for International During Affairs. of his the terms as Director-General International Bureau and as Vice Minister of Finance between 1997 and 2003, Kuroda Mr. helped his Under crisis. financial 1997–1998 the design by hit economies Asian to and response implement Initiative—Japan’s Miyazawa billion US$30 the designed agreements swap currency of network a Initiative, Mai Chiang the establish nations Asian helped Japan leadership, to avert another crisis. Born on Kuroda holds 25 a October BA 1944, in Mr. and Law a from the Master University of Tokyo was he later, years Eight 1967. in Finance of Ministry the joined He Oxford. of University the from Economics in Philosophy of assumed a number Kuroda of senior posts Mr. seconded to the International Monetary Fund. After returning to the Ministry, international finance and taxation bureaus. in the Ministry’s Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda is Mr. the President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Board Chairperson of - of Direc ADB’s a for 2006 November in re-elected was and 2004 November in Governors of Board ADB’s by President elected was He tors. Junichiro Minister Prime Japanese of Cabinet the to Advisor Special was Kuroda Mr. ADB, joining Before term. five-year new Tokyo. at the graduate school of economics at Hitotsubashi University in Koizumi and a professor 30 PARTICIPANTS Economics. received his Ph.D. from the University in of California Political Southern Economy and Public Policy majoring in Development Korean Chaebol Reform Policy.” He holds a B.A. “South and an M.A. in Economics International fromand Seoul National University,Asia;” and East in Redistribution and Institutions, Mobility,Crisis, “Capital Most;” Matter Incentives Consistent but Matters, Reform Performance: Economic and Reforms of Quality Reform, Economic of Economy “Political 2004); Nov ics, Econom- of Journal Seoul the of Symposium 12th (The Spending” Redistributive and Institutions Risk, Financial Openness, institutional economics and political economic reform policies for developing countries. His working papers include “Financial veloping countries’ economic reform policies, and international political economy. Dr. Lee is currently conducting research on de- modeling, economy political quantitative includes research His liberalization. economic and FTApolicies, development, University. He has been involved in numerous economic international policy research areas related to economic international National Seoul at Studies International of School the Graduate the at Professor to Visiting a and Adviser Finance and Strategy Special of Minister G-20 the currently also is He Policy. Economic International for Institute Korea at Team Americas the of Director Economy,the and and Finance of Minister Deputy the to Advisor Economic International the is Junkyu Lee, and Finance,MinistryofStrategy Advisor totheMinisterofStrategy Senior International Economic Senior International Junkyu Lee Republic ofKorea Finance PARTICIPANTS 31 Republic of Korea Sangche Lee Sangche Services Commission Commissioner, Korean Financial Korean Commissioner, Dr. Lee also served on a number of government inquiries and advisory boards including Advisory Committee to the Board of Board the to Committee Advisory including boards advisory and governmentinquiries of number a on served also Lee Dr. National and Budget), and Planning of (Ministry Force Task Assessment Operation GovernmentFunds Inspection, and Audit for Government Policy Coordination). Informatization Evaluation Committee (Office During his tenure at KIF, Dr. Lee served as Senior Advisor to Minister Yoon Jeung-Hyun of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance Finance and Strategy of Ministry the of Jeung-Hyun Yoon Minister to Advisor Senior as served Lee Dr. KIF, at tenure his During (the Commission Supervisory Financial of Chairman the to Counselor Senior also was He 2011. March to 2009 February from 2005 to 2007. to the FSC) from predecessor Prior to his FSC appointment, he had worked as a Senior Fellow at Korea Institute of Finance from 1999 after receiving his in 1998. Columbia University in New York Ph.D. in economics from In March 2011, Lee Dr. became a Standing Commissioner of the Financial Services Commission of Korea for a three-year term. 32 PARTICIPANTS nomics from theUniversityofLondon. eco- in B.Sc. a and Malaya University from economics in master a holds Mr.Lim industries. on studies and developments macroeconomic on research in specializing (MIER), Research Economic of Institute Malaysian the at researchofficer senior a Mr.was 2005, Lim in Secretariat ASEAN the joining Before Blueprint. Community Economic ASEAN the the of particularly development coordination, Community Economic ASEAN handling officer senior the was he position, this assuming to Lim Chze Cheen is the assistant director of the Strategic Planning and Coordination Division at the ASEAN Secretariat. Prior Assistant Director, StrategicPlanning and Coordination Division,ASEAN Chze CheenLim Secretariat Malaysia PARTICIPANTS 33 United States Senior Resident Fellow, Fellow, Senior Resident Emerging Markets Forum Emerging Markets Johannes F. Linn F. Johannes From July 1, 2005, Mr. From Linn July serves 1, 2005, as Mr. Senior Fellow at Brookings. He has been engaged in and research advisory work on global governance, on transition issues in Central and South-East Europe, the CIS and on Turkey, transatlantic relations, Linn and also on served cultural as heritage Leader Project During preservation. and 2004-5 Lead Mr. Author for the UNDP Central Asia Human Development Report (December 2005). He edited (with Colin Bradford) Global Governance Reform: 2007). the Stalemate (Brookings, Breaking In 1988, he published, with Amarendra Bhattacharya, a study entitled “Trade and Industrial Policy in the Developing Countries Developing the in Policy Industrial and “Trade entitled study a Bhattacharya, Amarendra with published, he 1988, In of East Asia” (World Bank Discussion Paper No. 27). Linn In was 1987/88, Staff Director Mr. of World Development Report 1988 which dealt principally with issues of public finance in development. Between 1988 and 1991, he served asEconomic Senior Advisor in the Bank‘s Development Economics Staff, as the Director of its International Economics Department and as Director of its Country Economics Department. In 1991, Linn Mr. was appointed the World Bank‘s Vice President for Financial Policy and Resource Mobilization. In he that was capacity, in charge of overall financial policies and prudential resources donor and IBRD for resources capital mobilizing of charge in and IDA) and (IBRD Bank World the of management position the held Linn Mr. 2003, September through 1996 January From (GEF). Facility Environment Global the for and IDA for of the Bank‘s Vice President for Europe and Central Asia (ECA). A collection of his speeches were published under the title 2004).From Bank, (World Asia Central and Europe in Change Social and Reform Economic on Reflections – Years Transition Institution. Linn was a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings September 2003 to June 2006, Mr. Mr. Linn Mr. studied law at the Berlin, He Free University, Germany. received his training as an economist at Oxford University, in Bank World the joined Linn Mr. National. German a is He 1972). (PhD, USA Cornellat and 1968), (BA, England University, research, his on Based policy. development urban of issues on wing research Bank‘s the in worked he years nine For 1973. he published various articles on urban development and urban public finance, and also twoWorld: Policies books:for CitiesTheir inEquitable Developing and Efficient GrowthMun- of (OxfordUniversity the Universityat months Press, six spent Linn 1983) andMr. 1978, (withIn 1992). RoyPress, University Bahl)(Oxford Countries Developing Urbanin Finance Public as Subsequently a he Germany, visiting served researcher. ster, as country economist and economic advisor in the Bank‘s East Asia Regional Staff. 34 PARTICIPANTS Academy ofEnvironmental EngineersandFellowoftheAmericanAssociationforAdvancementScienceCouncil. Dr. Lohani is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering of United States, and is, a diplomate of the American Corporate and University, Cornell Chicago, of Leadership program atYale University University. programs, the of development schools management business several the by completed conducted has programs He including Engineering. in degree Doctorate a holds Lohani Dr. He wasalsoDivisionChairmanattheAsianInstituteofTechnology (AIT). in worked also He Bank. the of Secretary The Infrastructure and Environment and Departments at EnvironmentADB. Before joining and the ADB, Dr. Energy Lohani worked Clean at the Government of on Nepal. President the to Advisor Special Officer,Compliance ADB’s Chief the and governance) energy,and water,environmentlike (responsible areas thematic Department and sectoral Development for Sustainable and Regional ADB’s the of General Director the was he this, to Prior Dr. BinduLohaniistheVice-President ofFinanceandAdministrationtheAsianDevelopmentBank(ADB). Asian DevelopmentBank(ADB) Vice President, Financeand Bindu Lohani Administration, PARTICIPANTS 35 Argentina Claudio Loser Claudio Inter-American Dialogue Inter-American America; Visiting Fellow, Fellow, America; Visiting President, Centennial Group Latin Group Centennial President, Mr. Loser has participated in a large number of international conferences and has published in numerous journals, mostly on journals,mostly numerous in published has and internationalconferences of number large a in participated has Loser Mr. the (CAF), Corporation Finance Andean the G-24, the with closely worked has he Recently issues. economic American Latin Rio Group of Latin American Cooperation, and with a number of financial corporations, also dealing with developments in between these countries and the IMF. Latin America and the evolving relations Teaching, 1971–1972 Teaching, was He D.C. Washington, in University American at and Cuyo of University the at finance and economics international Taught in Lima, Peru. also a consultant for the Andean Group Mr. Loser Mr. was named Director of the Western Hemisphere Department in 1994. During his tenure, a number of important financial support programs were negotiated and implemented in theregion. Under his leadership, the department also was activities. technical assistance, and research actively involved in a wide range of surveillance, IMF 1972–2002 Department of in the the Western InternationalHemisphere Director Monetary Department, Fund. The Western Hemisphere one of the largest in the Fund, includes 34 member countries from North, Central and South America, and from the Carib- bean. Employement 2003–Present Senior Fellow at Dialogue, the a forum Inter-American Washington-based for opinion leaders and policymakers on Western 100 the members—from United States, Canada, and 22 The countries affairs. Hemisphere Dialogue’s of Latin America and the Caribbean—include seven former and presidents several ex-cabinet ministers, sitting governors, leaders, congressional and journalists.corporate CEOs, and distinguished academics Education in Argentina BS, University of Cuyo the University of Chicago in 1967 and 1971 Masters of Arts and PhD from 36 PARTICIPANTS Notre Dame. based in Brighton, UK and Africare based in Washington. Dr. Madavo received his PhD in economics from the University Alliance of HIV/AIDS International the of Boards the on serves currently Pakistan.He for chief Division Program as and Africa East Asia, East for Director Country as served he that, to Prior . HIV/AIDS on initiative special a championed capacity,he ing on economic growth, poverty reduction and promotion of good in governance 47 sub-Saharan African countries. In this his 35 year tenure with the World Bank, Dr. Madavo served as Vice President for the Africa Region from 1996 to 2004, work- During development. economic African teaches he where University Georgetown at Professor Visiting a is Madavo Callisto Program, SchoolofForeign Service, Visiting Professor, AfricaStudies Callisto E.Madavo Georgetown University Zimbabwe PARTICIPANTS 37 Resident Director General, General, Resident Director Katsuji Matsunami Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Development Japan Representative Office (JRO), Office Japan Representative He holds a master’s degree in civil engineering (water resources) from University of British Columbia in Canada. from (water resources) in civil engineering degree He holds a master’s Katsuji Matsunami is Resident Director General of Japanese Representative Office, Asian Development Bank, acting as a rep- a as acting Bank, Development Asian Office, Representative Japanese of General Director Resident is Matsunami Katsuji of Asian resentative Development Bank in Japan. He has been working for ADB than for 20 more years. Prior to his assign- Development Sustainable and Regional the of General Director the to Advisor Senior was he department, current the to ment Department, acting as focal point of ADB-wide agriculture and rural development operations, supervi- coordinating and sector preparation strategy the leading and development, knowledge and practice sector disseminating and promoting reviews, sion of programs funded regional agriculture research by ADB. In his career with ADB, he has been responsible for a range agriculture drainage, and irrigation including management, resources water on operations non-lending and lending ADB’s of Afghanistan, China and Mongolia. He and Asia, Pakistan Central in management environmental and development, rural and led numerous project processing and administration missions for various water, agriculture and natural resources related Asia, and Mekong Subregions. in many countries in South and West development projects 38 PARTICIPANTS Institute ofTechnology, NewYork. On1December2006,heofficially becameManagingDirector andCEOofSAGEIndia. fromMarketing in University,MBA Columbia an has gineering, YorkNew Textilein B.Sc. a and Technology from Fashion the He joined SAGE India as Deputy Managing Director in September 2005. He is in the last stages of his Ph.D. in Chemical En- Zealand, CanadaandUK. New in workshops handled exclusively and trainer a became he company.2003 the In for courseware producing of needs demanding the support to unit based India an up set He technicians. and engineers to training based workshop providing in leader market a and company Technologies,Australian IDC an with hands joining by writing for passion his pursued He detectable inksandgelbasedstampingsystemslaidthefoundationfortheseproduct linesinIndia. ultraviolet on work His world. developed the in corporations large of preserve the remained far thus had that formulations has been acknowledged as a first in India. In 1999 he left the field of food processing to spend time on researching chemical food dehydrated in preservatives based Sulphur of use the minimizing on work His farmers. small even for future brighter a ensuring thus technology dehydrating complex simplifying for Maharashtra of Government the by Vijayshree the awarded was he 1990 In benefits. the reap today India Central of belt growing grape the across farmers of thousands him to thanks first commercial fruit dehydration and preservation unit in Bangalore. The of Government India acknowledged his efforts and India’ssetup helped and Mysore India, of Institute TechnologyResearch Food Central the with closely working years four spent he 1987 in India to return York.his New On in beginning formally before long mills textile owned family in began tion educa- business His India. in printing screen silk pioneered who manufacturers textile of family a from comes Mehra Vivek SAGE PublicationsIndiaPvt.Ltd. Managing Director andChief Vivek Mehra Executive Officer, India PARTICIPANTS 39 Jayant Menon Principal Economist, Office for Office Principal Economist, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Development Regional Economic Integration, Regional Economic Jayant Menon, Ph.D is currently Principal Economist in the Office for Regional he has Economic Integration at ADB. At ADB Principal Economist in the Office is currently Jayant Menon, Ph.D worked on the India Desk, Regional Economic Monitoring Unit, Southeast Asia Department, and the ADB Institute in Tokyo. Re- Senior as time his of most spending decade, a than more for Australia in academic an as worked he ADB, joining to Prior economic on mainly worked he Monash Melbourne.At in University Monash at Studies Policy of Centre the at Fellow search Melbourne, Vic- of University the at worked also has He region. Pacific Asia the in issues investment and trade and modeling National Australian the at appointments visiting held has and DC, Washington, in University American the and University, toria University of Malaya, and the Institute University, of Southeast Asian Studies in He Singapore. holds adjuncts appointments a is He Peace. and Cooperation for Institute Cambodian and Nottingham of University University, National Australian the with co-editor of the ASEAN Economic Bulletin and serves on the of editorial several boards academic journals. He is the author or co-author of more than one hundred academic publications, mostly on trade and development, and particularly as they to Asia. relate His work has been than cited 200 more times based on the Social Science Citation Index, 1200 times based Papers in Economics (RePEc) index. and 12,000 views or downloads based on the Research on Google Scholar, 40 PARTICIPANTS has workedinHongKong,Malaysia,UKandIndia.HeanM.Phil.Economics. Mr.London. in Reuters at Europe,Africa for and Editor East Markets Middle Financial the was he ADB, joining to Prior Mitra tion. Monitor.Bond Asia quarterly ADB’sin involved closely is He flagship research on activities integra- and cooperation regional the of also and Monitor Markets Capital Asia to contributors principal the of one is He activities. cooperation market capital ASEAN to support lends and Initiative, Development 3 ASEAN+ an process, (ABMI) Asian Initiative Market Bond Asian in the participates He Bank. of (OREI) Integration Economic Regional of Office the in Economist Senior a is Mitra Sabyasachi Senior Economist,Office ofRegional Asian DevelopmentBank(ADB) Sabyasachi Mitra Economic Integration, PARTICIPANTS 41 - Cambodia Aun Porn Moniroth Minister Attached to the Prime Minister Attached Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry of Economy Minister and Secretary of State of the Secretary Minister and Dr. Aun Porn is the author of Moniroth various publications on democracy and economic development of Cambodia as well Dr. State Moscow from Science Political in PhD a and MA an holds He region. the in integration economic and globalization on as children. He is married and has three University and a Diploma in International Moscow School of Business. Business from ter. In January 2006, based on his outstanding leadership, record of accomplishments and potential to contribute to shaping to contribute to potential and accomplishments of record leadership, outstanding his on based 2006, January In ter. Economic Forum. Global Leader by The World as a Young Aun Porn was selected Moniroth of the world, Dr. the future Performing multifarious functions, he discharges responsibilities as the Chief Economic Adviser He to (RGC). Cambodia the of Government Royal the Prime of policies Minister development and financial and economic, setting in part crucial a plays leads the team the to policy prepare platform and socio-economic development plan and for programs the RGC. He writes all policy statements for the Prime Minister and advises him on all important strategic issues spanning a wide range of fields such as economics, trade, investment, finance and external cooperation. As member of Government of State for (Secretary reforming in and matters, fiscal growth, and stability macroeconomic managing in role key a plays he Finance), and Economy Public Financial Management System Aun of Porn Cambodia. In was Moniroth May appointed 2005, by Dr. the Royal Gov- report the prepare to Group Persons Eminent ASEAN-China the to Cambodia of Person Eminent an as Cambodia of ernment for Heads of State and Government of ASEAN and China to them provide with a vision of for direction ASEAN-China future work to Cambodia of Person Eminent an as nominated been has he 2005, August in Again, years. 15 next the in relationship Char ASEAN the on recommendations the prepare to Leaders ASEAN the by tasked Group Persons Eminent ASEAN the in Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth holds many senior and highly responsible positions in the Kingdom of Cambodia. He is the Chairman the is He Cambodia. of Kingdom the in positions responsible highly and senior many holds PornMoniroth Aun Dr. of State of Secretary and Minister; Prime the to Adviser Economic Chief (SNEC); Council Economic National Supreme the of Governors of Board the of Minister) Prime the (representing member a is he addition, In Finance. and Economy of Ministry the Governorsof Boards the on Alternate Cambodia Governoran for as serves and Cambodia, of Bank (Central) National the of (ADB). and the Asian Development Bank Bank Group for the World 42 PARTICIPANTS Bangladesh Government on6January,Bangladesh Government 2009. of Minister Finance the as oath took and 2008 December 29 on Sylhet from Parliament of Mr.Member elected was Muhith Mr. Muhithismarried.HiswifeSyedSabiaadesigner. Theyare parents oftwosonsandadaughter. President ofPOROSHand laterBAPA. eration war, and governance environment. He is a pioneer of Bangladesh Environment Movement and was also the founder Mr. Muhith is equally skilled as a writer. He has published 21 books on different subjects including administration, history, lib- Fellow ofW. SchoolinPrincetonUniversity1984and1985. Wilson Visiting a was He UN. the and WB of differentinstitutions in Consultant a as worked he Next 1982–1983. in Bangladesh of Minister Planning and Finance became He arena. International the in development and economics in specialist a as career glorious of innings second his started then and Government the with service his from 1981 in retirement self for went He has beenarecognized figure in World Bank,IMF, IDBandindifferent organizationsofUnitedNations. diplomacy.He economic in reputation outstanding earned has Mr. Muhith 1974–77. in Bank Development Asian the in tor Mr. Muhith was the first Alternate Executive Director in the World Bank from his country in 1972–73 and also Executive Direc - Liberation in1971. of the War during Bangladesh to allegiance his transferred who Embassy Pakistan of Washington diplomat first the was He of FinanceandPlanningMinistryin1977. then Bangladesh. He was appointed Secretary of Planning Division in 1972 and Secretary of the Economic Relations Division and Pakistan Central Pakistan, East differentof in departments served he 1956, in (CSP) Service Civil Pakistan joining After received MPA Degree from Harvard Universityin1964. and 1957–58 in OxfordUniversity at studied he period, service his During 1955. in university same creditfromthe with M.A from 1951 in examination Sylhet MC College. He stood first class first in B.A (Hons.) in English Intermediate literature in 1954 from Dhaka University and passed his in place first secured He life. student his throughout brilliant very was Muhith Mr. Muslim familyofSylhetin1934. respected a in born was veteran, language and fighter freedom diplomat, economist, renowned a Muhith, Abdul Maal Abul Abdul MaalMuhith Minister ofFinance Bangladesh PARTICIPANTS 43 Rajat M. Nag Rajat M. Managing Director General, General, Managing Director Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Development Mr. Nag began his professional career at the Mr. Bank of Canada and held senior positions in a leading international consulting firm before joining ADB. He holds engineering degrees from the Indian Institute DelhiTechnology, of and theSaskatchewan of University Universitythe from of Administration Business in degrees Masters obtained also He (Canada). Saskatchewan The London School of Economics. and in Economics from He has held several top positions in ADB. Prior to his current post, he was Southeast head Asia of Department ADB’s and on Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration. Special Advisor to the President Mr. Nag’s work has Nag’s given him Mr. wide-ranging insight into several issues and challenges relevant to Asia, including infrastruc- is in working to enhance regional economic integration. His particular interest financing, public-private partnerships and ture cooperation regional and integration in thriving Asia economies and and bridge the the millions gap of between the region’s poor people being left behind. With broad experience across Nag Asia, plays Mr. a critical role in providing strategic and operational direction to ADB, so that it achieves its mission of helping its developing member countries poverty the reduce and improve quality of life of their operations of ADB. people. He also oversees the risk management Mr. Rajat M. Mr. Nag is the Managing Director General of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He has been with the institution position in December 2006. assumed his current than two decades and for more 44 PARTICIPANTS 2010, hewasappointedtohiscurrent post. Mr.divisions, banking officer,executive of managing April appointed In was 2006. Nagahama April in Americas, the of head various corporate for manager as general serving After other non-Japanesecorporates. with U.S.and business he oversaw where Division, Banking Corporate Non-Japanese Americas the of manager general appointed was he York.2002, April In Mizuho’s consolidation of The Fuji Bank, The Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, and The Industrial took him back to New Mr. Nagahama worked in international business promotion as well as trust banking, until Oct 2001, when the preparations for 1989, in Japan to Returning corporates. non-Japanese other and U.S. covering posting, US first his to assigned was hama Mr.80s, Naga- early the in school Law Michigan of University the at studying After in1976. Group, Financial Mizuho the of Graduating from The University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Law, Mr. Nagahama joined The Fuji Bank, Ltd., one of the legacy banks area that Mizuho Corporate Bank has designated a key focus region for investment of resources and business development. an Asia, including world, the aroundfrom clients for Bank Corporate Mizuho of activities banking corporate and promotion business the oversees he Position, current his In ltd. Bank, Corporate Mizuho of president deputy is Nagahama Mitsuhiro Mitsuhiro Nagahama Mizuho CorporateBank,Ltd. Deputy President, Japan PARTICIPANTS 45

Japan Citibank Japan, Ltd. Citibank Japan, Masatsugu Nagato Masatsugu Vice Chairman, Director of the Board, of the Board, Director Vice Chairman, Mr. Nagato holds a Bachelor of Sociology from Hitotsubashi University and received a Master of Arts of Law and Diplomacy and Law of Arts of Master a received and University Hitotsubashi from Sociology of Bachelor a holds Nagato Mr. MA, with the IBJ scholarship in 1976. Boston, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the from He has served in various executive positions such as Executive Officer from 2000, Managing Executive Officer from 2001 at 2000, Managing Executive Officer from He has served in various executive positions such as Executive Officer Industrial Bank of Japan and Managing Executive ofOfficer Mizuho Bank2002, from Managing Executive of Officer Mizuho 2003. He left Mizuho Corporate Bank in 2006. Corporate Bank from He spent over 14 years in the bank’s overseas operations, including Houston from 1979, New York with Aubrey G. Lanston, G. Aubrey with York New 1979, from Houston including operations, overseas bank’s the in years 14 over spent He from and New York 1979 as General Manager, 1987, Bangkok from from an IBJ subsidiary primary dealer for US Treasuries and Head of Americas at Mizuho Corporate Bank. 2003 as Managing Executive Officer For over 34 years, Mr. Nagato has held many leadership positions in a prominent Japanese bank. Mr. Nagato joined Indus- Japanese bank. Mr. in a prominent positions has held many leadership Nagato 34 years, Mr. For over trial Bank of Japan (currently Mizuho Financial Group) in 1972 after he graduated In from Hitotsubashi Industrial University. Nagato worked Bank for of the Japan, Corporate Mr. auto, Banking electric Departments appliances specializing in energy, and trading company sector. Prior to joining Citibank Japan Ltd., Mr. Nagato was Deputy President and Representative Director of the Board of Fuji Heavy Fuji of Board the of Director Representative and President Deputy was Nagato Mr. Ltd., Japan Citibank joining to Prior maker. car the of brand signature the Subaru, of marketing and sales global covered responsibilities his where Ltd., Industry Mr. Nagato joined Citibank Japan Ltd. on June 25, 2011 and was appointed as Director, Vice Chairman as of the same day. day. same the of as Chairman Vice Director, as appointed was and 2011 25, June on Ltd. Japan Citibank joined Nagato Mr. contact with Japanese corporate clients. for senior relationship He is responsible 46 PARTICIPANTS 1982. Mr. in1956Osaka,Japan.HeismarriedtoAsakowithtwochildren. Nakao wasborn Berkeley,at California of University the from MBA a Tokyo,and of 1978 University the from Economics in B.A. a holds He for finance graduate andundergraduatestudentseverySaturday. international teaching 2010 of semester first the Tokyoduring of University at Professor Visiting as served He the paperswithasterisk*) for available are versions (English (1996). IMF” the of Role “Evolving and (1999), Finance”* International and Funds “Hedge “Japanese ODA Policy and the New World Trends of Development Aid”* (2005), “Japan’s Fiscal Policy in the 1990’s”* (2001), nomic Policy and MacroecoFinancial - Regulation” (2010), “Reforming the Monetary International System: Japan’sfor Directions Perspective”* (2010), Future Crisis: Financial Global to Response “International including papers many wrote also He Taxationand “International System”(1989:Nihon-sozei-kenkyukyokai). sector,public the within service his During Mr.Chuko-shinsho) (2008: Policies” Economic “US books, two published Nakao Summit andDeputy’s DeputyforG7/G20FinanceMinisters’Meeting.SinceJuly2009,hehasbeenatthecurrent position. pan, he became Senior Deputy Director-General of the BureauInternational and played roles of Financial Sub Sherpa for G8 Ja- to returning After D.C. Washington in Japan of Embassy the at Minister as assigned was he 2007, and 2005 Between Bureau, Directorand Director ODA, International CoordinationDivision, the Policy ofBureau.Development the of Division Bureau,Examiner, Budget International sion, Foreignof Affairs,Bureaucharge Economy,Budget in Trade Industry,and and Since 1997, Mr. Nakao worked as Director, Non-bank Division, Banking Bureau, and Director, International Organization Divi- (Advisor inthePolicyDevelopmentandReviewDepartment). economist staff senior-level a as D.C., Washington, in (IMF), Fund Monetary International the at worked Mr.Nakao 1997, early years at the Ministry, he worked in various Bureaus such as Tax,his Security,During there. career his and of International most Finance. spent From has 1994 then, through since and Japan, of Finance of Ministry the Mr.joined 1978, Nakao In Mr. Nakaoiscurrently servingastheDirector-General Bureau, oftheInternational MinistryFinance,Japan. Director-General, International Bureau, MinistryofFinance Takehiko Nakao Japan PARTICIPANTS 47 Japan Cooperation (JBIC) Cooperation Toshiro Nishizawa Toshiro Japan Bank for InternationalJapan Bank for Head of Country Credit Department, Credit Head of Country Mr. Nishizawa was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1959 and is married with two children. Japan in 1959 and is married with was born Nishizawa in Tokyo, Mr. He has been teaching (“the global economy and financing for development”) as a guest professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) of Osaka University and had teaching experience as a visiting at lecturer Kobe University and Chuo University. He is also a visiting lecturer (“Public-Private Partnerships”) at the Graduate (GraSPP) of the University of Tokyo. School of Public Policy Mr. Nishizawa holds a BA in Latin American studies from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (1982), a BA in economics from from economics in BA a (1982), Studies Foreign of University Tokyo from studies American Latin in BA a holds Nishizawa Mr. the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984) and an MSc in economics from (1988). the University of Tokyo He also served as Deputy Director General of International Finance Department I (Asia and Oceania) from July 2004 to Sep- to 2004 July Internationalof General from Oceania) and (Asia I Department Finance Director Deputy as served also He He has held various positions including: Group. Outreach Task Force tember 2006 and as Chair of the UNEP FI Asia Pacific loan officer in charge of lending operations at the Export-Import Bank of Japan;researcher in the Economic Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; economist in the Policy Development and Review Department of the IMF; advisor in the Private Sector Development Department of the World Bank; and Director and Senior Economist in Country JBIC’s Economic Analysis Department. Mr. Toshiro Nishizawa is currently Head of Country Credit Department at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Cooperation International for Bank Japan the at Department Credit Country of Head currently is Nishizawa Toshiro Mr. the international wing of the Japan Finance Corporation (JFC). He served as Deputy Head of the same September 2008 October to 2006 June department) 2009 from General and of Deputy JBIC Director Institute (the research department from to August 2008. Immediately prior to taking his current position, he was Director of Asia Department II at the Japan Center the JBIC. for International Finance (JCIF) on secondment from 48 PARTICIPANTS From PrimeMinisteroftheKyrgyzRepublic. January2011working asanadvisortotheFirstVice improve thebusinessenvironment. to project USAID the at permits and licenses of issues on consultant a as worked he January,2011, till 2010, April, From Republic onthedevelopment,investmentandinnovation. In November 2009 he was appointed as an expert of the Resources management service of the Central Agency of the Kyrgyz Kyrgyz Republic. In May 2009 Novikov was appointed as an expert of the department of regulatory impact analysis of the of Government the of EconomicDevelopmentandTrade oftheKyrgyzRepublic. Mr.Novikov2009 May interpreter,to trainee From2007 a September of position the in served Ministry the at specialist chief Ataturk foundationwhere heworkeduntilJune2007. in Ala-Too”“Westthen company and the company in part-time for accountant an as 2004 in Mr.Novikovcareer his started School oftheKyrgyz-RussianSlavicUniversity, majoringineconomics. Graduate the at correspondence by studying Currently engineering. enterprise of management and economics in majoring Mr. Artem Novikov was born in 1987 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. In 2007 graduated from Baltic State Technical University, Russia, Advisor totheFirstVice Artem Novikov Kyrgyz Republic Prime Minister PARTICIPANTS 49 Japan Motoyuki Odachi Motoyuki The National Diet of Japan The National Member of House of Councillors, Member of House October 9, 1963 Osaka Prefecture Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) twice) Member of the House of Councillors (Elected (second term) Elected to the House of Councillors (HC) for Finance (Kan Cabinet) Parliamentary Secretary Committee, HC the Financial Affairs of Director the Budget Committee, HC of Director Development Member of the Special Committee on Official Assistance and Related Matters, HC Elected to HC for the first time (the Former Prime Minister), HATOYAMA to Yukio Secretary (HR) Member of the House of Representative Japan Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, Lecturer, Health University of Occupational and Environmental CEO, Xenix Consulting, Co., Ltd. KPMG AZSA LLC) (current Office Joined Arthur Andersen LLP Tokyo Parliamentary Secretary for Finance, Secretary Parliamentary Career 2010: Birth Place: Political Party: Education/Qualification B.A. in Economics, Keio University Tax Accountant Certified Public Accountant/Licensed 2009: 2007: 2006: 2004: 1997: 1996: 1994: 1987: Date of Birth: 50 PARTICIPANTS Since October2007tillpresent—Deputy PrimeMinisteroftheRepublicKazakhstan. Prime the of Head Minister’sPlanning, Office. Budget and Economy of Vice-Minister Service, Civil for Agency the of Director Department Reforms, and Planning Strategic for Agency the at division of Head region, Kazakhstan South of (Governor) Akim Deputy From 1996 Mr. Orynbayev held various positions with the Kazakhstani civil service. These positions included, among others, University in2002. fromPolicy Duke Development Mr.International in MA and 1993 in University receivedfromState Orynbayev LL.BMoscow Yerbol Orynbayev Deputy PrimeMinister Kazakhstan PARTICIPANTS 51 Kyrgyz Republic Djoomart Otorbaev Djoomart Former Deputy Prime Minister Former Deputy Reconstruction and Development; Reconstruction for Enterprises, European Bank for European for Enterprises, Senior Adviser, Investment Climate Senior Adviser, In addition to his involvement in government and Otorbaev business, is Mr. the founding member of the Board of Trustees of the American University in Central Asia, the only self-governing liberal arts university in the region since Otorbaev has been honorary its member and and invited forums speaker boards on at emerging numerous markets 1997. Mr. inception in development and investment. Mr. Mr. Otorbaev has been graduated with honors from the Leningrad University Physical (1978), Institute (Moscow) (1981), and receives his Research Professorship in received Moscow (1989). He worked in few his research Ph. D. from Lebedev institutions, including visiting professor position at the Eindhoven University (The Netherlands) (1992–1996). From 1996 he is the CEO of Philips Electronics Representative office in the Kyrgyz Republic, later the Vice-president of Philips Electronics 2001 In Republic. Kyrgyz the in Netherlands the of Consul Honorary the became he 1997 From Asia. Central in organization he was appointed as a Special representative of the NGO President the of Table”, the Kyrgyz Round Republic “Investment on Association Public Foreign the Investments, of and Director at Executive first the the became and founded, he time same in the country. progress economic reform which is known for its contribution to the Djoomart Otorbaev is a Senior Adviser on Investment Climate in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), based in London. Between 2002 and 2005 he worked as a Deputy Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic on Eco- and Investments. nomic Development, Trade 52 PARTICIPANTS the Vice-President ofthePhilippineFulbrightScholarsAssociation,Inc.(1997–2006). was he and 2004 in Exchange Stock Philippine the of President was He (1998–1999). Society Economics Philippine the of 1992 and from 1993 to 1999. He was to also 1990 the from Chairman Pilipinas of ng the Sentral Philippine Bangko Social Science the Council of Board(1999–2001) and Monetary Presidentthe of member a and 1992 to 1990 from Authority ment Dr. Paderanga was the Secretary for Socio-Economic Planning and Director General of the National Economic and Develop - of Economics. in Commerce from De La Salle University in 1968. He is a professor of economics at the University of the Philippines School graduate studies in Industrial Economics at the Center for Research and Communication in 1972, and his bachelor’s degree Integrative and Development Studies (FIDS). He obtained his doctorate in Economics in 1979 from Stanford University, took for Foundation and (IDEA) Analysis Econometric and Development for Institute the of Board the of Chairman as serves He Administration. Aquino Noynoy under Director-General(NEDA) Authority Development and Economic National Paderanga Cayetano Cayetano W. PaderangaJr. Director General,NationalEconomicand Development Authority(NEDA) Philippines PARTICIPANTS 53 United States Praful Patel President, South Asia Region South Asia President, President, Centennial Africa and Centennial President, Middle East; Former World Bank Vice Bank Former World Middle East; In a career spanning 35 years, Praful has provided strategic leadership in managerial mission of poverty alleviation and in as regions varied as parts Africa, of East the Asia, Bank Latin the taking forward institution’s corporate positions in various America and Northern Africa and the Middle East. In the management skills and experience financial sector process, and management. macroeconomic Praful’s private infrastructure, sector, Praful has covered different sectors including urban, have also been called upon and to developing in support Bank the the representing role Bank’s institutional primary a agenda. played and He teams, country has of development effectively the supported led Committee, the organization’s Appeals implementing the Africa Capacity Building Program. He has also taken on senior management oversight of complex Bank- supported initiatives in countries confronting major macroeconomic shocks, post-conflict countries and countries involving international cross-boundary undertakings; and has piloted—in Southern Africa—the dialogue Bank’s based increasing on knowledge management and shift support of local Praful capacity. to retired from the World Bank in country 2008 and of Centennial Africa & Middle East. has taken over as President A Ugandan national, Praful Patel is one of the senior corporate leaders of the Bank. World He is the currently Regional Vice his completing after Program, Professional Young the through 1974 in Bank World the joined Praful Asia. South of President in the USA. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology later, in Kenya and, the University of Nairobi higher education from 54 PARTICIPANTS Corporation. Mr. Pellegrinireceived hisdoctoratedegree from Stanford University. Prior to joining the World Bank, Mr. Pellegrini was a policy analyst for the Auerbach Corporation and for the Research Analysis responsibility forInfrastructure. with Bank, World the of Department Africa Western the in Chief Division was Mr.Pellegrini 1987, to 1981 From services. Regions, where he was responsible for infrastructure (including urban development) and the private provision of infrastructure Earlier in his career, he was Division Chief, Technical Department, Europe and Central Asia, and Middle East and North Africa these sectors. in issues policy for responsible Bank the in managers sector regional all together brought which Bank World the of Boards and development of training programs. He chaired the Transportation, Water and Sanitation and Urban Development Sector tools knowledge web-based research, practice, best cross-regional of identification units, sector urban regional to support project operational of provision institutions, other policy,with sector partnerships global of of development development for Director of Transportation, Water and Sanitation and Urban Development at the World Bank, Mr. Pellegrini had responsibility as capacity his In infrastructure. and development urban of field the in experience international extensive has Mr.Pellegrini of theBoard oftheCentennialGroup. Advisory Board of Paranacidade, a Brazilian development fund that lends to local governments, and International is the a of partner chairman and past member a is Mr.Pellegrini Funds. Development of Association International the of cofounder a is Bank World the at Development Urban and Sanitation and Transportation,Water of Director former Pellegrini, J. Anthony Association ofDevelopmentFunds Development Practice,Centennial Director, Infrastructure andUrban Group; Cofounder, International Anthony J.Pellegrini United States PARTICIPANTS 55 Cambodia Phan Phalla Economy and Finance Economy and Director, IT Department, Ministry of IT Department, Director, He is currently the Director of the IT Department at the Ministry of Economics and Finance, and the Deputy Secretary General Secretary Deputy the and Finance, and Economics of Ministry the at Department IT the of Director the currently is He in Australia. National Economic Council. H.E Dr Phan Phalla completed his Ph.D. in Economics of the Supreme Dr. Dr. Phan Phalla joined the Ministry of Economics and Finance and the Supreme National Economic Council in has played 2004. a He key role in devising the Public Financial Management Reform Program in Cambodia and is actively engaged in representing Cambodia in ASEAN affairs. He is also a leading actor in developing national and regional strategic policy for the state. programs 56 PARTICIPANTS 2008–2012. (NLA). He was nominated by the Royal Thai Government and endorsed by ASEAN Leaders to be ASEAN Secretary-General for year charged with bringing peace and security back to Thailand’s deep South. He also served as MP in the National Legislative Assembly (NRC), Commission Reconciliation National the Party,on Democrat served the also of He Dr.Leader Thailand. Deputy a was Surin mission undertheleadershipof Tun Dr. MuhammadMahathir, formerPrimeMinisterofMalaysia,inJune2005. Bank’sDevelopment Islamic the of Com- member a Vision as (2020) assignments A.H. his 1440 completed just has He Indonesia. of Republic the of Government the and (GAM) Movement Independence Acehnese the between negotiations peace the advising Geneva, in (HDC) Dialogue Humanitarian for Centre Dunant Henri the of auspices the under Group” Men “Wise the of member a Dr.also 2002–2004, was Between Washington,Surin D.C. Cohen S. William Defense of Secretary US former of Group Cohen the of arm conference a Project, Leaders the to advisor an and University; Oxford Studies, Islamic for Centre the of Advisor Academic York;New in ForeignRelations International International on an Council the Boardof Advisory the International the of member of a Group(ICG); Crisis Board Advisory the TrustFund; Security Human UN the of Board Advisory the on currently is He 2004. until Globalization of Dimension ILO’sSocial the the on on served concurrentlyCommission World he 2002, In 1999–2001. from eignty Sover State and Intervention on Commission International the to advisor an as served also He 2003. until Nations United the of Security Human on Commission the of member a appointed was Dr.Surin mid-2001, in portfolio affairs foreign the leaving Upon tional community, brought aboutpeaceandsecurityinEastTimor. to Asian help governments restore law and order and that joint undertaking, with the support of the United Nations - and the interna of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1999–2000. In September 1999, while the ASEAN Chair, he led the efforts to get Southeast Chair the and Meeting Ministerial ASEAN the of Chair as served He 2001. to 1997 fromAffairsForeign of Minister and 1992–1995 of the House of Representatives (Chuan Leekpai), Secretary to Deputy Minister of Interior, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs during his hometown.HehasbeenreturnedtoParliamenteighttimessince1986.AsanMP, hewasappointedSecretary totheSpeaker He returned to Thailand in 1984 to his teaching position at Thammasat and ran for a Parliamentary seat from Nakorn Sri Thammarat, Asian Affairs attheAmericanUniversityinWashington, D.C.duringthatsameyear. Southeast taught He 1984. of half later the in Conference Republican Senate the for worked and 1984, in Party Democrat the for the Congressional Office of US Representative Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-New York), who later became theVice Presidential Candidate Dr. SurinjoinedtheAmericanPoliticalScienceAssociation’s Congressional FellowshipProgramin in1983–1984, whenheinterned assistant totheDeputyDeanforAcademicAffairs duringthesameperiod. Dr. Surin taught at the Faculty of Political Science at Thammasat University from 1978–1983 and 1984–1986. He also served as an Post, thetwoleadingEnglishdailynewspapersinBangkok,from 1975–1992. Bangkok the and Nation the for columnist a as worked He Egypt. Cairo,Research, Islamic of Institute Higher the at fellow a rently spent ayearandhalfstudyingArabicconductinghisresearch attheAmericanUniversityinCairo, 1975–1977,whileconcur also He Fellowships. Foundation Rockefeller and Association Churchill S. Winston the by supported was careerHarvardentire His tively, Studies. inthefieldofPoliticalScienceandMiddleEastern went on to Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., where he received his M.A. then and Ph.D. He in 1974 1972. and 1982 in respec- laude) (cum Science Political in B.A. his complete to California, Claremont,Men’s ClaremontCollege, from ship USA, in 1967–1968. He returned to Bangkok, Thailand and attended Thammasat University for two years before winning a scholar Minnesota, in student exchange school high a was and scholarship exchange (AFS) Service Field American the awarded was He secondary educationinhishomeprovince. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, born on 28 October 1949, is a native of Nakorn Sri Thammarat, Southern Thailand. He received his primary and Secretary General,ASEAN Surin Pitsuwan - - - PARTICIPANTS 57 Bangladesh Atiur Rahman Governor, Central Bank of Bangladesh Governor, Dr. Atiur Dr. Rahman took the helm of the central Bank of Bangladesh on May 1, 2009 economist renowned a been has as He the supervisor. and regulator sector financial 10th Governorauthority, policy monetary of country’s the Bank, Bangladesh in his varied roles as banker a and researcher, University a Professor, leader environment-friendly in and pro-poor, gender- sensitive indigenous development paradigm. Prior to his assumption of the office of the Governor, he was a Professor of Economics in the Department of Development Studies (2006–2009), University of Dhaka, and Chairman a centre of for of excellence Shamunnay, in development Trustees in research the Bangladesh. His previous roles also include Board Di- of of rector Sonali Bank, Chairman of the of of Board Directors Janata Bank and a long as tenure a Senior Fellow Research at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). He conducted various works research on economic development and published extensively revolutionon inthe Bangladesh.micro-finance For many years, he also the Devel- steered Credit Later University. Dhaka from Economics in M.A. his obtained Rahman Dr. Chairman. as Bangladesh in (CDF) Forum opment he studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London as a Commonwealth Scholar and completed M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics (1983). His PhD thesis “Peasants and Classes” published later as a book by the Oxford University Press is an acclaimed reference book in development research. He was awarded a Commonwealth The at Fellowship Doctoral Post Foundation Ford a (1989), Canada in Manitoba of University the at Fellowship Development University of London (1991–92), and a Visiting Fellowship, Research at the Institute of South-East Asian Studies, Singapore other and welfare public development, economic expenditure, public poverty, on writer prolific and popular a is He (1998–99). socio-economic issues. His published books total 45 as of 2009 of (2000) Medal which Gold 16 Dipankar are Atish in prestigious English the and including 29 awards are many in achieved Bengali. he For his society, the to contribution outstanding and the Chandrabati Gold Medal (2008). 58 PARTICIPANTS and diplomat Philippine cheerleader, international hepersonallyinteracts withmanyleadersinvariousstrategicandintellectualfora around theworld. the Ever opportunity. every at Nation-building in Teamwork and of ValuesUnity in pushing Solidarity and citizenry Purpose, the mobilizing Philippines, the throughout go the on always be to seems he retirement, In Philippines the of Forces Armed the (1986–1988) withtherankofGeneral. of Staff of Chief and (1988–1991) Defense National of Secretary as served also He Prize—the firstforAsians.Hispublicservicespannedatotal periodof51years. secessionists which won for him (together with Chairman Nur southern Misuari) and MNLF the Philippines the the coveted and 1997 UNESCO rebels Peace military with agreement peace a achieved he lows, historic to dwindled insurgency munist com- While law.Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) expanded the through infrastructure public of modernization the include to entities, public of privatization the encouraged economy.He the of liberalization the and industries key of deregulation the Average income of the Filipino family grew more during his administration than in the preceding two decades. He pushed Aquino.for and Marcos Presidents both of rule of periods combined the of inflows forex outpaced country the into exchange foreign of inflow total The annually.percent 5 averaged Product National Grossopportunity. equal to access and reform agrarian livelihood, and jobs handicapped, the and elderly the youth, the and training, children protection, skills environmental housing, and education health, poverty, regarding problems long-standing addressed that implemented was (SRA) Agenda Reform Social comprehensive a and dramatically recovered economy Philippine the 1993–1997, years the During from 1992to1998. fight poverty in accordance with the will of the Filipino people expressed by 229 structural/reform laws enacted by Congress energy that seemed to burst from his cool and at times steely demeanor.positive He pursued, focused and converged programs to his for remembered is He economy. the “Pole-vaulting”—propelled and 2000” “Philippines Daring,” and Sharing leader who always looked toward the future and whose thumbs-up optimism—captured in descriptive phrases like “Caring, a rememberedas is He industries. and homes our crippled that crisis power the to end an putting darkness, of out nation during his term as President from 30 June 1992 to 30 June 1998. He will be remembered as the leader who quickly led the well, for six years. Steadfastly and faithfully, he promoted the principles of people empowerment and global competitiveness and his willingness to be led—not by astute advisors and political strategists, but by the people whom he served, and served lead to rememberedV.ability is FIDEL his for PHILIPPINES, THE OF REPUBLIC THE OF PRESIDENT 12TH THE RAMOS, Emeritus, Lakas-ChristianMuslimDemocrats(CMD)Party Chairman Philippines; Emeritus, Federation (HDN) of Golf Clubs Phils., Network Inc.; Lifetime Honorary President, Development Centrist Democrats International (CDI); Chairman Human President, Honorary Bank; Metro Board, Advisory Member, Development; and Planning Family for Forum The Person, Eminent University; Salle La De YuchengcoAsia, East for Center Chairman, Honorary Winnipeg; Advisor,of Global University (Philippines); International Opportunity Patron, Member, Madrid; of Club Forum; Leadership Global Member, League; Maritime Emeritus, Chairman (PAC-WIPO); Organization Property Intellectual World Commission, Advisory Policy Member, Founding Foundation; MacArthur Douglas General Director, ary Honor Peace; for University UN Group, Member,Advisory (ICG); Group Crisis Trustee, International (2002-2010); Asia for At Present: Private Citizen; Chairman, Ramos Peace and Development (RPDEV) Foundation; former Chairman, Boao Forum Development Foundation;Chairman, Emerging MarketsForum;Former Chairman, RamosPeaceand President ofthePhilippines Fidel V. Ramos Philippines - PARTICIPANTS 59 - New Perspectives on Inter on Perspectives New Xiao Ren First Secretary, First Secretary, (co-editor with Allen Carlson) (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, forthcoming) People’s Republic of China Republic People’s Chinese Embassy in Tokyo Chinese Embassy U.S.-China-Japan Triangular Relationship (Hangzhou: 2001) (Beijing: and The U.S.-China-Japan Changzheng Triangular Press, Globalizations, East Asia: An and International East Quarterly, Asian Policy. He is a member of the China New Frontiers of Chinese Foreign Policy Dr. REN Dr. Xiao, currently on leave and based at the Chinese Embassy in Japan, was until recently Professor and Associate Dean at the Institute of International Studies (IIS), Fudan Shanghai, University, China. He is also the Director of the Center for Chinese Foreign Policy Ministry Studies of at in Foreign Affairs, IIS. he partnership In founded with that China’s capacity, the at Diplomat-in-Residence Fudan, the Program first of its kind in the Chinese institutions of higher learning. he Previously was Senior Fellow and Director of the Asia Pacific Studies Department, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS). joining SIIS in 2002, he taught at Fudan University Department of International 1992 to 2002 as Before lecturer Politics from Ren studied in the University of Essex in (1992–96), England (1996–2001) associate (2001–02). and professor Dr. professor (1990–91) and held research or visiting positions at interna - the theory, political international on University concentrates research His U.S.A. of DC, Washington, in University Turku, Finland, Washington George Nagoya University, Japan, and The tional relations of the Asia-Pacific, Northeast and His Asian Chineserecent security, foreign publications policy. are, among others, “Traditional “Traditional Chinese Theory and Practice of Foreign Relations: A Reassessment,” include Chinese) in and (available publications other His Cooperation.” Regional “Between Asian in Role Adapting China’s and Shaping: National Committee of Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP). He received his Ph.D. in political science political in Ph.D. his received He (CSCAP). Pacific Asia the in Cooperation Security for Council of Committee National University in 1992. Fudan from national Relations Theory academic international major some of boards editorial the on serves Ren Dr. 2002). House, Publishing People’s Zhejiang The journals including 60 PARTICIPANTS in politicalscience,majoringeconomyandLatinAmericanStudies,atLosAndesUniversityBogota,Colombia. He graduated in international political economy at the London School of Economics (LSE) and did his undergraduate studies and diplomatintheEmbassyofColombiaTheNetherlands. ForeignAffairs,of Ministry the Community,at Andean Caribbean the the of and General America Latin Directorfor Secretary Alternate the of Cabinet of Chief Colombia, of Affairs Foreign of Minister the of Cabinet of Chief as served Previously,he Andres RugelesistheCorporateSecretary ofCAF. Corporate Secretary, CAF Andres Rugeles Venezuela PARTICIPANTS 61 Tomoyuki Saisu Tomoyuki Chief Advisor to the President, to the President, Chief Advisor Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Development Mr. Saisu, a Japanese Mr. national, obtained his Master of Laws from Harvard Law School, and his Bachelor of Laws from the Japan. University of Tokyo, Prior to his appointment as Chief Advisor to the President, Mr. Saisu was Head of the Tax Policy Formulation Office of Japan’s Japan’s of Office Formulation Policy Tax the of Head was Saisu Mr. President, the to Advisor Chief as appointment his to Prior MOF. Mr. Saisu Mr. has over 18 years of professional experience. He has carried out positions in various capacities in the Ministry Bank for Reconstruction and Development. secondment to the European of Finance (MOF), Japan, including a three-year Tomoyuki Saisu is the Chief Advisor to the President. He assumed office in July 2011. office He assumed is the Chief Advisor to the President. Saisu Tomoyuki 62 PARTICIPANTS in 1977from theTokyo University. from 1993 to 1996. his He MA earned in Economics in 1980 from the University of Cambridge in UK, and BA in Economics Tariffand Customs WashingtonAdvisor,in as IMF DC for worked also He Affairs2008. Department Fiscal July Bureau until Remuneration Division, Research Division and Budget Division in the Budget Bureau. He was Deputy Director General for for the positions Director Affairs, International for Finance of Minister Vice Director, the Deputy of Office including posts various to appointed 1977, in Bureau Banking the in career his starting Finance Japan’sof the Ministry at experience professional his of most gained He 2002. to up serving 1999, in Department Systems Management and Personnel Budget, the of eral Gen- Director as ADB to returned He 1986. until President the to Advisor as 1984 in ADB the joined first He 2008. July in Bank Development Asian at Japan for Director Executive as appointed was Japan, of national a Mr.Sakaguchi, Masakazu Masakazu Sakaguchi Asian DevelopmentBank(ADB) Executive Director forJapan, PARTICIPANTS 63 CAF Venezuela Pablo Sanguinetti Director of Socioeconomic Research, Research, of Socioeconomic Director Pablo Sanguinetti is Socioeconomic Research Director at CAF Latin American Development Bank (CAF, Banco de Desarrollo Desarrollo de Banco (CAF, Bank Development American Latin CAF at Director Research Socioeconomic is Sanguinetti Pablo and (1989) MA a holds He Aires. Buenos in Tella Di Torcuato Universidad at Economics of Professor is He Latina). America de trade international includes interest research His Angeles. Los California, of University from Economics in degrees (1992) PhD Journal in International articles of published Econom- has He federalism. fiscal and development economic integration, and ics, Journal of Development Economics, Economics and Politics and in several other journals and books. He has occupied (2004). Bonn of University and (1999) (A&M) Texas of University (1994), Mexico New of University at positions scholar visiting the for consultant as worked has He (LARR). Review Research American Latin of board editorial the of member been has He World Bank, Development Inter-American Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (Comis- 1996–2000 in Argentina of Commission Internationalthe Trade of Board the of Member as served has He CAF. and Exterior). ión Nacional de Comercio 64 PARTICIPANTS recently namedheadofEUdelegationtoJapan. sador to Japan and China, before his position as Permanent Representative to the E.U. Amabssador Schweisgut has been Austria’s to UN-Mission in New posted Yorkbeen and having to TokyoAfter service. foreignhe became Directorthe General at joined the Ministry he of Finance. He Vienna served as in Ambas- Academy Diplomatic the and (Dallas) SMU at studies post-graduate University.Following Innsbruck of Faculty Law the Tyrol,from in graduated born Schweisgut, Dietmar Hans Hans DietmarSchweisgut European UniontoJapan Ambassador ofthe Japan PARTICIPANTS 65 Cambodia Ros Seilava Deputy Secretary General, General, Deputy Secretary Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry of Economy In charge of: Cambodia and PNG; Central Asia and Eastern Europe Health sector Internalstrategy; Bank’s Governance, and Participation Issue and Voice Affairs, Executive Board’s Policy (TOEF) Government framework; statistics and finance policy Macro-fiscal forecasting; Macroeconomic of: charge In task force and reform coordination In charge of: Coordinate SNEC’s research activities; Support research SNEC in policy preparing notes and advices In including charge policy of: SNEC’s Coordinate speeches for Prime Minister of Cambodia • • • 1985–1987: Technician at Ministry of Industry, Cambodia at Ministry of Industry, 1985–1987: Technician 1993: Lecturer, Phnom Penh Institute of Technology, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports , Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth Phnom Penh Institute of Technology, 1993: Lecturer, Department of Economic and Public Finance Policy at Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia Mar 2005–Nov 2006: Director, National Economic Council, Cambodia at Supreme Director 2002–2006: Research 2002–2005: Deputy Economic Director, and Financial Policy Planning and Monitoring Unit at Ministry of Economy and Cambodia Finance, Department at Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia Financial Affairs 1993–2000: Financial Controller, Bank Group at The World of Executive Directors WB Board Nov 2006–Nov 2008: Advisor to Executive Director, Employment Record: General at Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia Deputy Secretary Dec 2008–Present: In charge of: Economic and Public Finance Policy Department (Macroeconomic and fiscal policies/framework, MTEF and GFS); - coop ASEAN and International and other sub-regional Cooperation Department (ASEAN, GMS, Mekong-Japan Forum, ACMECS, eration initiatives); Financial Industry policies Department strategy, and (Financial regulations—Insurance, Sector’s SME Financing, Financial Services, Property and Real Estates, Stock and Bond Markets, Casino and Lottery) PFM reform program (policy related coordination) National Economic Council (SNEC), Cambodia General at Supreme Deputy Secretary Dec 2008–Present: Language & Degree of Proficiency: Language & Degree English—Proficient Russian—Proficient; Khmer—Mother Tongue; Other Training: 1998: Three Months March–May, Course in Market Economy and Financial Analysis by Joint Vienna Institute/ EDI of the WB/ and Moscow State University in Moscow; 1994: One Financial Year and Economic Studies Course for Financial Controllers and Inspectors by Ministry of Economy and Fi- nance/ USAID/ and Development Alternatives Inc. in Phnom Penh Education: U.S.A.; New York, Management, Columbia University, International (MIA) in Economic Policy 2000–2002: Master of Affairs former USSR; Institute of Pedagogy, University and Penza’s 1987–1993: BA, Social Studies, Phnom Penh former USSR School I, Volgograd, Technical Thermo-electric Energy Specialist, Volgograd’s Degree, 1982–1985: Technical 66 PARTICIPANTS India, includingasADBconsultant. and Laos, Cambodia, Nam, Viet in finance development in extensively worked has Ashok Bank, Development Asian joining to Prior Management. Development in Master a and Administration Business in Master a is He India. of national a is Ashok and publicsectorreforms. port to countries strengtheningfor good governance, revenue administration, expenditure rationalization, debt restructuring, ADB’s of needs financing the sup- bridging the providentfor lead and funds also sion Ashok countries. member developing for strengthening the capital markets and banking sector, developing long-term sources of institutional finance, such as pen- Ashok has over 20 years of professional experience in financial sector development in South Asia. He has designed projects Trade DivisionoftheADB’s SouthAsiaDepartment. Before taking up this position in September 2010, Ashok worked as the Director of Financial Sector, Public Management and finance ofADB. Integration (OREI). Ashok is the chair of the community of practice for regional Economic cooperation and co-chairs the community of practice for Regional of Bank’sOffice Development Asian the of Director Senior the currently is Sharma Ashok Senior Director, Office ofRegional Asian DevelopmentBank(ADB) Economic Integration(OREI) Ashok Sharma PARTICIPANTS 67 Japan Ministry of Finance Institutions Division, International Bureau, International Bureau, Shigeo Shimizu Shigeo Director of the Development of the Development Director July 8, 1963 University of Tokyo LLB, Faculty of Law, Graduate School, Cornell University MPA, Ministry of Finance (MOF) Budget Bureau, for Japan, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Assistant to Executive Director Tax Agency National Office, Tax Head, Yamaguchi (SESC) Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission Defense Agency Financial Bureau, International MOF Bureau, Services Agency (FSA) Communications and Policy Division, Financial FSA Supervisory Bureau, Minister’s of the Personnel Planning Office, Chief Personnel Inspector and Director MOF Secretariat, for Financial Studies, JETRO Düsseldorf Director of Regional Financial for International for Promotion Director Financial Issues and Director Cooperation, International MOF Bureau, First Country Assistance Planning Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Director, (MOFA) Affairs Ministry of Foreign Development Institutions Division, International MOF Bureau, Director, Education: April 1987 June 1991 July 1993 July 1994 June 1996 June 1998 July 2000 July 2001 July 2003 July 2004 June 2007 July 2009 July 2011 Date of Birth: 68 PARTICIPANTS experience inservinghisspasticchildfor35yearshasledhimtotheBuddha’s teaching. own his why and scrutiny; stand not do they how shows texts; religious basic the in suffering for explanations examines It Mother’sHarperCollins. a by Know published He been Does just sufferingbook, refutesreligions,has How 26th Heart? His inIndia,tonationalsecurity.ism, governance He haswritten26booksonavarietyoftopicsrangingfrom constitutionallaw, Indianhistory, modern religious fundamental- Heroes” whoseworkhassustained freedom ofthepress inthelasthalf-century. Investigative Journalism in India. The International Press Institute, Vienna, acclaimed him as one of 50 “World Press Freedom of initiator the as regarded widely is He Express. Indian the of Editor and Bank, World the with economist an been has He civilian awards, thePadma Bhushan. He is the recepient of numerous national and international awards, including the Magsaysay Award and one of India’s highest was acclaimedas“TheMost-outstandingMinister”ofMr. Vajpayee’s inearly2004. Government he CEOs, Indian of poll a In privatization. on work dogged and pioneering his for jury Times Economic Year”The the by of Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s cabinet. He was acclaimed as a “Star of Asia” by Business Week in 2002, as “The Business Leader Information and Communications in Disinvestment, Technology of Minister the of office the held he portfolios, other Among he studiedatSt.Stephen’s CollegeinDelhiandthenobtainedhisdoctorateEconomicsfrom SyracuseUniversity, USA. Jalandhar,(1941), in Punjab Born affairs. political and current on India’scommentators among known is best Shourie Arun Member, ParliamentofIndia;Former Minister ofTelecommunications, Commerce andPrivatization Arun Shourie India PARTICIPANTS 69 Indonesia Office of the Coordinating of the Coordinating Office Assistant Deputy Minister, Minister, Assistant Deputy Ministry of Economic Affairs Ministry of Economic Water Resource Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Resource Water Purba Robert Mangapul Sianipar Mangapul Robert Purba 70 PARTICIPANTS since 2004. insurance social and insurance health of development for support to policy financial formulate of charge in Administration Carleton University—Ottawa Canada since 2002 and has been work as deputy division chief at the Public expenditures and the at Administration and Policy Public of School the at Administration and Policy Public in Degree Master Mr.gained Son ance policyandhealthinsurancepolicy. Ministry of Finance to reform financial policy to support the development of social security in which focussed on social insur Mr.2010. May since Finance of AffaireMinistry the groupthe at his International advise Division and of Son Head as served Mr. Tran Van Son has been a member of the Policy Advisory Group of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam since 2008 and has Head of International AffairHead ofInternational Division, Policy AdvisoryGroup, Tran Van Son Ministry ofFinance Viet Nam - PARTICIPANTS 71 World Bank World United States Anil Sood Anil Forum; Former Vice President, Vice President, Forum; Former Senior Advisor, Emerging Markets Senior Advisor, Strategy and Resource Management, Resource Strategy and Mr. Mr. Sood graduated from Harvard Business School (MBA, Finance/International Business, 1975), Cornell University New Delhi (BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1971). (MS, Indian Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, 1973), and the Anil Sood is co-editor of the recently published book, India 2039: An affluent society in one generation. He is currently work- currently is He generation. one in society affluent An 2039: India book, published recently the of co-editor is Sood Anil Latin America. of the emerging markets in Eurasia and ing also on the long-term development prospects - responsi with Bank World the at Management Resource and Strategy President, Vice was Sood Mr. role, current his to Prior opera- world-wide its across resources of allocation the strategy, Bank-wide of implementation the forward carrying for bility tions, and support to the Bank‘s renewal program to enhance its development effectiveness. In his 30 year career at the World Bank, he occupied many senior positions concerned with the management of its operations sectors across different Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. in Europe, Mr. Sood is a principal of Emerging Centennial InternationalMarkets Group Forum. Mr. Over as the well past as Senior Advisor, four years, he has served also as Advisor to the Heads and Senior Management of the African Development Bank, the Is- Development Nations United the and Africa, for Commission Economic Nations United the Group, Bank Development lamic Programme on issues of strategy and development priorities, business planning and mobilization, resource and all aspects of development and organizational effectiveness. 72 PARTICIPANTS Outstanding Researcher Award forEconomicsfrom theNationalResearch CouncilofThailand. Press).Research),(MIT Economic Papers Dr.for Economic Asian 2004, the In and awardedwas Chalongphob National the number of journals, such as the Asian Development Review (ADB, Manila), the Asian Economic Policy Review (Japan Center Dr. Chalongphob is Chairman of the Executive Board of the Economic Society of Thailand and sits on the advisory panel of a in February2008,herejoined TDRI. Finance of Minister as duties his ending After 2007. March in Thailand’sFinance appointed of was Minister he until held he (1979-1985). He returned to Thailand to join TDRI in 1985. Dr. Chalongphob was appointed President of TDRI in 1996, a post Berkeley for two years (1977-79), then worked at the research department of the World Bank in Washington D.C. for six years Cambridge University, UK. After obtaining his Ph.D., he taught in the department of economics of the University of California, from economics Bachelor’s in his Ph.D. obtained through degree He Bangkok. in based institute research policy non-profit Chalongphob Sussangkarn is currently Distinguished Fellow of the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), a private Chalongphob Sussangkarn Development Research Institute Distinguished Fellow, Thailand Thailand PARTICIPANTS 73 - 15, 233 94, 684–689 96, 6107–6112 (1999). This (1999). 6107–6112 96, de novo methylation occurs in cancer cells as a Canada Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Sci. Acad. Natl. Proc. Moshe Szyf 397, 579-583 (1999); 579-583 397, Glaxo Smith Kline Chair in Glaxo Smith Sir James McGill Professor Sir James McGill Pharmacology, McGill University Pharmacology, PLoS ONE 3, e2085 (2008) and that marks of childhood found adversity are in adult human brains Nature Neuroscience 7, 847 (2004). New data from his lab shows that a similar process is associated with human Dr. Szyf’s discoveries provide a discoveries new provide paradigm His explaining alters work how “nature”. has “nurture” led to a paradigm shift Szyf’s Dr. in our understanding of the relationship between the environment and the biologi- genome and and social introduced the the idea between that bridge the molecular social a created has work This it. sculpt and genome the to talk could environment cal sciences a providing mechanism for the between relationship and Nature it Moreover Nurture. for provided the first time processes social of implications molecular the in interest new created and “Nurture” of magic the for explanation molecular a and social intervention. paved the way to realizing that DNA methylation could be modulated after birth and be responsive to external environmental externalenvironmental to responsive be and birth after modulated be could methylation DNA that realizing to way the paved results behavior maternal which by mechanism epigenetic an discovered he Meaney, Michael Dr. with collaboration In signals. in a stable alteration of the glucocorticoid receptor gene by DNA methylation in the hippocampus of the offspring (Weaver et al. suicide (McGowan et al. (McGowan et al., Nat Neurosci 12, 342 (2009). More recently, he has extended his interest to other areas of human health and behavior and demonstrated that DNA meth- DNA that demonstrated and behavior and health human of areas other to interest his extended has he recently, More (Nature signal biological reversible a is ylation ing vision that DNA methylation machinery is a therapeutic target is now well-accepted, two decades after he proposed it for the first time. Dr. Szyf received his Ph. D from the Hebrew University working with Aharon Razin on basic mechanisms of DNA methylation. methylation. DNA of mechanisms basic on Razin Aharon with working University Hebrew the from D Ph. his received Szyf Dr. cells. somatic in even process active an is demethylation DNA that evidence earliest the provided he studies PhD his During He then went on to a postdoctoral fellowship in Genetics at Harvard Medical School where he continued to make - ground breaking discoveries by providing the first evidence that sequence-specific In 1994, Dr. In Szyf 1994, has Dr. proposed that DNA methyltransferase is a prime therapeutic Pharmacol. target Sci. (Trends His work touches virtually every aspect of medicine and health and social services and has a broad intellectual impact beyond impact intellectual broad a has and services social and health and medicine of aspect every virtually touches work His sci- political and sociology economics, as biology molecular from remote as disciplines for relevance with sciences biological China, with internationalcollaborations interdisciplinary ongoing numerous of leader and initiator the is he result, a As ences. his of impact broad The US. the and Canada in groups multidisciplinary as well as Bangladesh and net ERA European Israel, work has attracted exceptionally wide spectrum of interest as indicated by prestigious invited keynote lectures and reviews and opinion pieces obesity, in a wide variety chronobiology, of scientific disciplines toxicology, from chemistry to psychiatry, child development and veterinary medicine. His invitations include the delivery of the 2009 Karolinska Research Lecture at the Nobel Forum, the second most important lectureship awarded by the Karolinska Institute after the Nobel prize, and an him on features includes coverage media The 2004. June in Stockholm in Epigenetics on Symposium Nobel the to invitation at the BBC, PBS, CBC News and articles about him in The Economist, Der Spiegel, Boston Globe, New Times, York and Globe and Mail, to name a few. mechanism of gene silencing in cancer. Dr. Szyf was appointed Assistant Professor at McGill University in Pharmacology and Pharmacology in University McGill at Professor Assistant appointed was Szyf Dr. cancer. in silencing gene of mechanism - Profes McGill James a simultaneously holds currently He 2000. in Professor Full to promoted was and 1989 in Therapeutics for Institute Sackler the of co-director founding the is He Pharmacology. in Professorship GlaxoSmithKline-CIHR and sorship Experience-based Research Advanced for Institute Canadian the of Fellow a is and McGill at Psychobiology and Epigenetics Brain and Biological Development program. direct and antisense of efficacy the demonstrated He ideas. these on based patents broad of number a filed has and (1994) inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase as anticancer agents in preclinical models (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1997). He founded the first pharmaceutical company in the world dedicated to epigenetic drugs: MethylGene. His pioneer 74 PARTICIPANTS He holdsanMBAfrom Stanford University(1981)andanLLBfrom Tokyo University(1977). Affairs). Inhis30yearsofcareer, hehasvisited50countriesforconsultation, negotiationortechnicalassistance. cial Bureau), administration of the Bank of Japan (Banking Bureau), and foreign policy on the Middle East (Ministry of Foreign Also involved in revenue management and collection (NTA), examination of public loan programs for small enterprises (Finan- Bureau. Fukuoka Regional Taxation Bureau, Director of Personnel Division, NTA, and Deputy Commissioner, Tokyo Regional Taxation Commissioner,as Served relations. public and management, crisis personnel, including management, organizational Third, as Co-Chair, Tax CompetitionProject, CommitteeonFiscalAffairs, OECD. Commissioner,TaxDeputy National proceduresas agreementTax TaxAgency. mutual Division, Served and Policy Bureau, International of Director as legislation tax non-resident and negotiations treaty tax with Dealt taxation. international Second, US-Japan StructuralTalks. WorkedMonetaryFundforfouryears. asAdvisortotheInternational finance,First, includinginternational development finance and foreign exchange market. Participated in Uruguay Round and areas ofexpertisethrough hispastexperiencesincluding theMinistryofFinance. major three Taniguchiearned Kazushige has 2008, March, in Japan Representative, Special the as position the Assuming Special Representative forJapan, Kazushige Taniguchi The World BankJapanOffice Japan PARTICIPANTS 75 Japan Cooperation Hiroshi Watanabe Hiroshi President and Chief Executive and Chief President Officer, Japan Bank for International Japan Bank Officer, Mr. Watanabe received LLB at the University of Tokyo and MA in Economics at Brown University. and MA in Economics at Brown LLB at the University of Tokyo received Watanabe Mr. In the past, he served as Management, various and Commerce of School positions, Graduate the of professor as including teaching to took he Vice MOF, leaving Minister After (MOF). Finance of Finance for International Affairs, in the Ministry of Hitotsubashi University. Hiroshi Hiroshi Watanabe is President and CEO of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) which made a new start in October 1st, 2008, as the international finance wing of premier policy-based the Japan Finance Corporation (JFC), Japan’s JBIC’s fulfill to operations finance international its steering is Watanabe Mr. JBIC, new the of leader the As institution. financing of the Japanese and internationalmission of contributing to the sound development economies. 76 PARTICIPANTS Born inJuly1947,Mr.Born Watanabe received hisdegree from theUniversityofTokyo FacultyofLaw. PHP. by Japanese in published Finance’, and Bank University,‘Islamic Kyoto lecturerbook at visiting the of a author was and He Managing Director oftheBoard, servinginthatpositionuntil2008. Subsequently, Mr. Watanabe was appointed Chief Risk Management Officer of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Senior Global CorporateBankingBusinessUnitandSeniorManagingDirector. the of Executive Chief Oceania, and Asia for Officer Executive Chief became he Taipei,2005, and in London Kong, Hong Mr. Watanabe started his career at The Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. in 1970. After actively engaging in international banking in Tokyo, the JapanChamberofCommerce &Industry. Mr. Watanabe also serves as Chairman for the Standing Committee of the Japan-India Business Co-operation Committee at (ABAC), where he represents Japan since being appointed by the Prime Minister in 2007. Among his other external activities, He also concurrently serves as Chair of the Finance and Economics Working Group of the APEC Business Advisory Council MonetaryAffairsInternational inJapansince2008. Mr. Yoshihiro Watanabe is Advisor of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. as well as Managing Director of the Institute for Advisor, TheBankofTokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ; ManagingDirector, Institutefor Yoshihiro Watanabe International MonetaryAffairsInternational Japan PARTICIPANTS 77 Benhua Wei Benhua Research Office (AMRO) Office Research Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Macroeconomic ASEAN+3 Director, Mr Wei holds a Master’s Degree (Economics) from the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China. Bank School of the People’s the Graduate (Economics) from Degree a Master’s holds Mr Wei Mr Wei’s international experiences include an appointment as China’s Alternateinternational Executive at experiences Director the include ADB, an ED appointment at as Carib- China’s Mr Wei’s AED and ED at the IMF. bean Development Bank, and as China’s Prior to this appointment, Mr Wei was Deputy Chief State of Administration China’s of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). He also previously worked Bank at of the China, People’s the central bank of China, as of the its Director-General International De- partment. Mr Wei Benhua is Director of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO). He oversees the AMRO’s work in the (AMRO). He oversees the AMRO’s Office Research of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Benhua is Director Mr Wei financial the of assessing the countries, ASEAN+3 the of soundness financial and situation macroeconomic the of monitoring vulnerabilities of these economies, as well ensuring the compliance of swap requesting parties with the lending covenants under the CMIM Agreement. 78 PARTICIPANTS Structure, G.J.D.Hewings,,Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg,1999. author with Budy P. Reksosudarmo, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Lindsay Saunders, in Economy,Understanding co- and Interpreting Economic Indonesian Inter-Regional the in Distribution Income and Decentralization the is publications his the of One Board(IRSA). Advisory Association Science Regional Indonesian the of member and 2009 February since Zones Economic for Economic Affairs since April 2010 until now. He currently serves as Executive Secretary I of the National Task Team Special Coordinationof CoordinatingInfrastructureMinister Development, Wuryantofor Deputy Regional Eko Ministry a and Luky is Deputy MinisterforInfrastructure and Office oftheCoordinating Ministryof Regional DevelopmentCoordination, Luky EkoWuryanto Economic Affairs Indonesia PARTICIPANTS 79 Japan Matching Theory and its Applications to School Choice Matching Theory and its Applications to Yosuke Yasuda Yosuke Assistant Professor University Pd.D. (Economics), Princeton Industrial Organization, Market Design Game Theory, work in progress Analysis on Collusion Auction Design, Theoretical Ph.D., Princeton University of GRIPS Assistant Professor DOCOMO Institute, NTT Fellow at Mobile Society Research Research Fellow of VCASI (Virtual Center for Advanced Studies in Institution) of KIER at Kyoto University Visiting Lecturer Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Institute for Policy Assistant Professor, National Graduate Graduate National Professor, Assistant Ouchi Hyoe Prize (Best Senior Thesis), March 2002. Ouchi Hyoe Prize (Best Senior Thesis), March Other activities/achievements 2002. March (Department of Economics, University of Tokyo), Valedictorian “Optimal Entry Regulation by Auctions: A Theory of Optimal Entry Auctions,” Journal of Social Science, in Japanese, Vol.55, Vol.55, Japanese, in JournalScience, Auctions,” Social of Entry Optimal of Theory A Auctions: by Regulation Entry “Optimal No.3–4, 121–138, 2004. Essays in Theoretical Industrial Organization, Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, September 2007. Industrial Organization, Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Essays in Theoretical “A Survey on Market Design,” The Nikkei, in Japanese, June 5, 2008. “Economic Analysis on School Choice,” Economist, in Japanese, January 13, 2009. “Matching Market Design,” Keizaiseminar, in Japanese, April–May, 2009. (with Fuhito Kojima) Japanese, April–May, in “Matching Market Design,” Keizaiseminar, “Game Theoretical Analysis on Bubbles,” The Nikkei, in Japanese, June 14–24, 2009. “Game Theoretical “Switching Cost Analysis on E-Money and Point Cards,” Operations Research, in Japanese, Vol.55, No.1, 19–24, 2010. in Japanese, Vol.55, Operations Research, Point Cards,” “Switching Cost Analysis on E-Money and “Sovereign Risk and Fiscal Reconstruction,” The Nikkei, in Japanese, March 4, 2010. Risk and Fiscal Reconstruction,” The Nikkei, in Japanese, March “Sovereign School Choice Design: A Game Theory Approach, in Japanese, NTT Shuppan, March 2010. (editor, co-authored) 2010. (editor, in Japanese, NTT Shuppan, March School Choice Design: A Game Theory Approach, Degree Specialty Topi Research Present Career Professional 2007 2007 2007–10 2008–11 2009 Selected publications Review, Economic American Reconsidered,” Mechanism “Boston” The Choice: School in Preferences Conflicting “Resolving Che) and Yeon-Koo forthcoming. (with Atila Abdulkadiroglu Title 80 PARTICIPANTS member oftheBoard ofDirectors ofJSC«SustainableDevelopmentFund«Kazyna». a JSC, “KazMunayGas” NC of Development Corporate of Director «KazakhTelecom»,Managing JSC of Affairs Economic of Director Chief Kazakhstan, of Republic the of Defense of Minister Deputy and Kazakhstan of Republic the of President the of Administration of Head Deputy Finance, of Vice-Minister Economy,First of Minister Deputy First the Kazakhstan, of Republic the of Government the under Reforms Economic for Center the of head the as worked years different in lessova Has extensive professional experience in the field of economics, finance, public administration and consulting. Zhannat Yert- lessova» ( YertZhannat - with talk «Professional program the of host Kazakhstan”, of Republic the of Government the under Center to Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, an independent director—the Chairman of theBoard ofDirectors of theNationalAnalytical Currently holds the position of Chairman of the BoardGoverning of Kazakhstan Taxpayers’s Association, a freelance adviser tor ofEconomicSciences,professor, authorofoverfifty scientificpapers. Zhannat Yertlessova graduated from Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov, specialty—mathematician. She is a Doc- Chairperson oftheBaord ofDirectors, the Government oftheRepublic the Government National AnalyticalCenterunder Zhannat Yertlessova of theRepublicKazakhstan; Advisor tothePrimeMinister Kazakhstan Kazakhstan PARTICIPANTS 81 Republic of Korea Jaehee Youm Financial Services Commission Financial Services Internatioanl Finance Division, Korean Internatioanl Korean Finance Division, Jaehee Youm Jaehee is Youm a staff of the International Finance Division in FSC Korea. She graduated from Ewha Graduate School of the of graduate 2008 a is and Interpretation English-Korean in degree graduate a with 2011 in Interpretation and Translation she earned where a BA in International Business. University of New South Wales, 82 STAFF range ofresponsibilities related toproject andfinancialmanagement. role of Finance Manager and Deputy Forum Manager of Centennial Group/Emerging Markets Forum where she carries a wide the on took degreeshe froma 2010, graduated withApril Charlotte laudeIn 2009, cumEconomics. May magna in In GWU database. where information volunteer Unit, Corps Peace universal a of Development creation the including projects various Staffwith trainers overseas assisted she & Training the in Headquarters Corps Peace the at worked she student, a As University. Washington George the attend to 2005 in DC Washington, to moved and Philadelphia of outside up grew Hess Charlotte March 2010. since Forum Markets Group/Emerging Centennial for Coordinator Forum and Assistant Project as working been has Katy specializing inrenewable energyconsulting. firm partner its and firm lobbying a for working year a spent she graduation, Kentucky.Following in district hometown her GW she interned on Capitol Hill and served as a Gene Snyder Congressional Fellow for the Member of Congress representing Katy Grober is a 2009 graduate of George Washington University, where she earned a BA in Political Science. While attending Deputy ForumManagerandFinance Emerging MarketsForum Emerging MarketsForum Charlotte Hess Forum Coordinator Katy Grober United States United States Manager STAFF 83 United States United States Policy Analyst Aaron Szyf Aaron Economic Analyst Drew Arnold Drew Centennial Group InternationalCentennial Group Centennial Group International Centennial Group is a Policy Analyst at CentennialAnalystPolicyInternationalat Groupanalyzing focusesa on wherehe is projectedsustainability debt Aaron Szyf Aaron and country risks for selected emerging economies. He graduated Massachusettsfrom the with Fletchera Master School of of Arts Law in and International Diplomacy Affair in and Internationalconcentrations Business. In addition,in Aaron Developmentholds a Master of ArtsEconomics in Modern Jewish (MALD)History from UniversityYeshiva and in New He earnedYork. his Bachelor of Science in Finance Summa Cum Laude from the Sy Syms School of Business of Yeshiva University in 2003. Drew ArnoldDrew graduated Georgetown from University in 2010 with an undergraduate in degree International Economics. He is currently pursuing a degree master’s in Applied Economics from John Hopkins University. He has been working at the Analyst. works as an Economic since 2009, and currently Centennial Group AUGUST 1-2, 2011 TOKYO, JAPAN TOKYO, 2011 1-2, AUGUST


Participants’ The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t Pro les initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing emerging market countries (EMCs).

The Forum is focused on some 70 emerging market economies in East and South Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa that share prospects of superior economic performance, already have or seek to create a conducive business environment, and are of near-term interest to private investors, both domestic and international. We expect our current list of EMCs to evolve over time, as countries’ policies and prospects change.

Further details on the Forum and its meetings may be seen on our website at

The Watergate Oce Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 201

Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel:(1) 202 393 6663 Fax: (1) 202 393 6556 A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group

Email: [email protected] Emerging Markets Forum A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group