D R T / C N B N T H Fl C FR
Sculpture Guide Sculpture of hybrid roses. roses. of hybrid varieties 115 The collectionconsistsofupto peakinmid–October. andafall mid–May withaspringpeakaround April untilfrost, isinbloomfrom offerings. Thegarden withseasonal Cunningham, billow inhonorofJeanne given on sculptures), respite. At either end, large urns(seeour eitherend,large At respite. ashady Dunn,offers Beverley dedicated to pergola, counterpoints: acolumnedcypress architectural provide Elegant structures symmetry. (mirror–image) formal strong style,with laid outinaclassiccross–axial is 1988, thisbeautifulandpopularfeature Kirkin Robert in 1963,andupdatedby inBirmingham.Originallydesigned garden envisionedabotanical whofirst Dunn, Jr., inmemoryofWilliamR.J. given Garden, Rose intheDunnFormal iscelebrated roses ofmodern thebeautyanddiversity flower, themostwidely–recognized Arguably Rose Garden Formal Dunn for more information information more for Bird’s Eye View Eye Bird’s Rosa ‘Peace’ Rosa ‘Henry Fonda’ ‘Henry have been bred. beenbred. have shrubroses, recently, and, more miniatures climbers, polyanthas, teas, floribundas,grandifloras, began; sincethencountlesshybrid era beginning themodernrose thisesteemed From cycle. flowering season–long anddramatic reliable aheavy, ofroses: intheworld first itboasteda ofitsflowers, fragrance Along withthehugesizeandrich ‘LaFrance.’ tea rose– hybrid first the named hisinitialcreation– and Chinainhisbreeding, from andtearoses re–blooming, weakly perpetuals,”whichwere “hybrid in1867.Heusedso–called rose modern thefirst with creating
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