1. Documents of the CCP Central Authorities (in chronological order)

中央档案馆 (Central Archives). 中共中央文件选集 (Selected documents of the Centre). Vol. 11 (1936–38). : Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, 1991. “中央关于东北军工作的指导原则 (Central general policies toward the Northeastern Army), June 20, 1936,” 33–42. “中央关于争取哥老会的指示 (Central directive on winning over the Gelaohui secret society), July 16, 1936,” 52–56. “中央关于土地政策的指示 (Central directive on agrarian policy), July 22, 1936,” 57. “中央关于不同地区的地方工作指示 (Central directive on regional differences in civilian work), December 20, 1936,” 136–138. “中央关于统一战线区域内党的工作的基本原则草案 (Central draft regarding fun- damental policies in the party work within the territories of friendly forces), January 3, 1937,” 146–150. “中央通知:关于红军在友军区域的活动办法 (Central Notice: Regulations for the Chinese Communist Army’s operations in the territories of friendly forces,” January 6, 1937,” 151–152. “国民党三中全会后我们的任务 (Our tasks after the Nationalist Party’s Third Ple- num), April 3, 1937,” 169–175. “中央关于联蒋方针推动全国对日抗战问题给刘少奇的指示 (Central directive to about allying with Chiang Kaishek to facilitate an all-out war of resis- tance against Japan), April 4, 1937,” 176–177. “白区党目前的中心任务:1937年6月6日洛甫同志在白区党代表会议上报告之一部 (The CCP’s top priority in the Nationalist zones: Parts of Comrade Luo Pu’s report at the CCP Congress in the Nationalist zones), June 6 1937,” 224–264. “关于红军作战原则的指示:1937年8月1日洛甫、毛泽东致周恩来、博古、林伯渠 (Directive on the Chinese Communist Army’s operating principles: Luo Pu and ’s message to , Bo Gu and ), August 1, 1937,” 299. “中央关于南方游击区域工作的指示 (Central directive on the work in the guerrilla war zones of South ), August 1, 1937,” 300–304. “中央组织部关于改编后党及政治机关的组织的决定 (The Central Organization Department’s decision on the party and political organization branches following reorganization), August 1 1937,” 312–317. “中央关于抗战中地方工作的原则指示 (Central directive on local civilian work dur- ing the War of Resistance against Japan), August 12 1937,” 318–321. “中央关于同国民党谈判的十项条件给朱德周恩来叶剑英的指示 (Central directive to , Zhou Enlai and about the ten preconditions in negotiating with the GMD), August 18, 1937,” 322–323. “中央关于目前形势与党的任务的决定 (Central decision on the current situation and the CCP’s agenda), August 25, 1937,” 324–326. 254 bibliography

“中国共产党抗日救国十大纲领:为动员一切力量争取抗战胜利而斗争 (The CCP’s roadmap for anti-Japanese National Salvation: Total mobilization to win the war of resistance), August 25, 1937,” 327–330. “关于独立自主山地游击战原则的指示 (Directive on independent guerrilla warfare in the mountainous areas), Mao Zedong’s message to , Sept. 25, 1937,” 345–347. “关于华北我军作战的战略指示 (Directive on our army’s strategic operations in North China), Mao Zedong’s message to Zhu de, Peng Dehuai, Ren Bishi and Zhou Enlai, September 25, 1937,” 350–352. “关于整个华北工作应以游击战争为唯一方向的指示 (The focus of the CCP’s attention in North China must be on guerrilla warfare), Mao Zedong’s message to Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and Yang Shangkun), September 25, 1937,” 353–354. “第十八集团军军委分会训令:关于八路军作战的方针、任务及担负主地区划分 问题 (Order by the Branch Committee of the Eighteenth Army’s Military Commit- tee: the strategy, operations and demarcation of task zones), September 25, 1937,” 359–361. “关于克服对国民党的投降主义倾向的指示 (Directive on overcoming the Nation- alists’ inclination to surrender), Mao Zedong’s message to Liu Xiao and Luo Pu, October 13, 1937,” 365–366. “中央开展全国救亡运动的指示草案 (Draft central directive on launching a nation- wide National Salvation campaign), October 17, 1937,” 369–372. “中国共产党中央委员会对于召集临时国民大会的提议 (The CCP Central Com- mittee’s call for a provisional national congress), November 1, 1937,” 382–383. “关于华北红军的任务与扩军方法的指示 (Directive on the CCP army’s agenda and recruiting approaches in North China), Mao Zedong’s message to Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Ren Bishi, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and Yang Shangkun, November 13, 1937,” 390–391. “关于我军应坚决执行统一战线的方针及加强统战教育问题 (On educating our army about the united front), Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Peng Dehuai’s message to Zhu De, Ren Bishi and , December 6, 1937,” 408–409. “关于红军在友军区域内应坚持统一战线原则的指示 (Directive on adherence to the United Front policy in the friendly forces’ territories), Mao Zedong, , and Tan Zhen to the border area leaders, December 24, 1937,” 408–409. “中央关于北方局领导人分工的决定 (Central decision on assignments among the leaders of the North China Bureau), March 24, 1938,” 477–478. “关于目前晋冀豫党与八路军的任务的指示 (Directive on the 8RA and CCP net- works in Shanxi, Hebei and Henan), Luo Fu, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi’s message to Zhu Rui,” 479–480. “关于晋察冀边区货币政策的指示 (Directive on currency policies in the Jinchaji border area), Mao Zedong, Luo Fu, , Liu Shaoqi to Nie Rongzhen, and Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, August 17, 1938,” 539–542. “关于冀南新政府成立后的工作指示 (Directive on the agenda after the establish- ment of a new southern Hebei government), Mao Zedong, Luo Fu, Wang Jiaxiang, Liu Shaoqi to , Deng Xiaoping, Song Renqiong and others, August 20, 1938,” 541–542. “论新阶段:抗日民族战争与抗日民族统一战线发展的新阶段 (毛泽东1938年10 月12–14日在中共扩大的六中全会的报告) [On the new phase: The new phase of national anti-Japanese war and national united front (Mao Zedong’s report in the Expended Sixth Plenum of the CCP during October 12–14, 1938,” 557–662.