COURSE   LE VEYER  MAISON DU ROY COURSE ˆ  SIMOUST BRIDGE ‹ SAINT GUILLAUME The Brown (or River) Trout ADVICE TO WHITEWATER PADDLERS Class IV/V – 6.5km Class II/III – 3km Recent genetic studies have highlighted the natural characteristics of the Brown Trout of the Haut . Farmed Learn how to paddle safely: A typically alpine course running through gorges that alternate gravel Magnifi cent gorges dominated by the Mont-Dauphin fort and the fi sh are poorly adapted to the severe conditions of the torrent. pits, drops and technical passages. The course runs along the access Hand of the Titan rock formation. A wide and enjoyable course. The diet of Brown Trout is varied and evolves according to the • Be sure you know what the dangers of the rivers look like: traps, road. Reserved for experienced kayakers with suitable equipment. type of habitat, young trout fry feed exclusively on insects and thresholds, fallen trees, siphons… Put-in point: the Simoust Bridge, right bank invertebrates, while from a certain size, the trout also feed on • Contact a club or a professional local instructor to guide you Guillestrois and Queyras ommunity s Put-in point: Le Veyer, right bank Take-out point: St Guillaume, a† er the RN94 bridge, le† bank small fi sh (minnows, dowels ...). Take-out point: Maison du Roy, right bank Secondary take-out point: the Saint-Clément-sur- white- (Communauté de Communes) Secondary take-out point: The Ruvenost tunnel, right bank water stadium by continuing the descent on the Durance. Administrator of the landing stages and river signs Inform yourself on: Specifi c risks: Trees, blockages, drops, rappels, eddies…The • The run, the water-level, the weather forecast Reception: +33(0)4 92 45 04 62 course is subject to frequent modifi cations due to fl oods. The Chabot • Check that the stretch you consider and the conditions match with Navigation is prohibited on the Maison du Roy dam lake. It lives in cold, fast fl owing, Guillestrois and Queyras Tourist Office turbulent and shallow streams, your technical skills, your equipment and your physical conditions. Details on white-water sports runs, instructors, It is a rare and sensitive species. guide-book and booking centre Its presence indicates a good quality aquatic environment. Be cautious: In Europe, it is classed as a Reception: +33(0)4 92 46 76 18 • Don’t paddle alone, give notice of your intended run and of the vulnerable fi sh and its habitat Booking centre: +33(0)4 92 46 89 31 is protected. Rare in the Guil, expected time of return it is found at the foot of the cliff s • Never navigate on a river in fl ood and beware of storms which can Queyras Regional Natural Park of . brutally increase the water level or provoke torrential outbursts on Information on the environment, local heritage COURSE ¡ ‹ WHITEWATER STADIUM AT STCLÉMENT these small rivers. Remember to look the weather forecaster and interpretation centres Class III - 150 m • Watch out for the Electricity Board automatic operations on the dams, even when the weather is good Reception: +33(0)4 92 46 88 20 Natural course with diff erent water movements, conducive to playful • Give up on doing your run if the conditions are not absolutely THE DURANCE COURSES practice and slalom. Permanent gates.. favourable French Canoe and Kayak Federation COURSE ¤  ST CRÉPIN  ST CLÉMENT SUR DURANCE Put-in and take-out: White-water base, Saint-Clément-sur- Class II - 8 km Durance bridge Respect: Steppinquedurancien et queyrass Natura 2000 site Wide course without special diffi culty. Gravel pits, good series of htt p:// waves in good waters. Possible intermediate take-out point: • The safety rules announced in the Code of Sport and by the French the lake at . Canoe and Kayak Federation Useful numbers • The other users of the rivers, particularly the fi sher-men: paddle as Emergency: 112 Put-in point: Aerodrome, Saint-Crépin bridge far as you can from the fi shing-lines or warn them gently

©Arc en Ciel - OTGQ Take-out point: White water stadium, Saint-Clément Bridge/ Dce Wether forecast (Météo Briançon): • The residents: be silent +33(0)8 99 71 02 05 Secondary take-out point: lake at Eygliers. The course can continue to Embrun, passing by the Rabioux rapids (4). • The environment by paying a— ention to the fauna and fl ora around Fishing Federation of Hautes-Alpes: +33(0)4 92 53 54 71 you, especially during the spawning season Canoe-kayak and white- • The parking areas. water sports runs on the Guil and the Durance

Publishing and contents: Communauté de communes, Tourist Offi ce of Guillestrois-Queyras, Queyras Natural Regional Park, Hautes-Alpes Canoe and Kayak Federation - Translation: Queyras Natural Régional Park - Map: ©Queyras Natural Regional Park, Alexandre Nicolas, 2017 - Pictures: 1st page SURICATE, report any problem on the water sports courses: ©Images et rêves, illustrations ©Valentine Plessy - Graphic design: Autrement dit communication, dangers, trees in the water, boarding ramp damaged ...

©Banzai ra† ing ra† ©Banzai april 2019. Printing: Pure Impression, 2.500 copies, printed on PEFC paper. ©OTGQ Do not li— e r. This is not a legally binding document. ey d re e D tt o Cervières e rm C i o ll

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C l R a u r i L s ê . t a e d L. des Parcours de canoë kayak etu sports d’eau vive u d s Cordes e e B s l é St-Martin- G t r o a n ng n du Gudeil-Q ueeyritè rdees la Durance, de moyenes nement àe très difficiles t Les Bialèr du C ol S t C Tor. -M a as rti Canoe-kayak and white-water sports runs ontheGuil and the Durance rivers, moderase tely to extremely difficult n des La Levée rête de Gardi Oules L. du Pré Roubaud C ole Welcome L. de Malrif Les Mounets L. Chalan Passage mythique de la triple chute sur le Guil l’Orceyrette COURSE §  LES RIBES  a r d Le Roux ECOLOGICAL RICHNESS The Grey wagtail of the streams s mb ouche n o Les Bertins e B t The Guil and Durance valleys offer varied ra³ingC courses, from moderate i L . d rê s u or CHATEAUXQUEYRAS te u d T Valpréveyre The Guil Valley is an exceptionally rich natural environment. This is In Italian, the bergeronne—e is CONSEILS AUX PRATIQUANTS a d l d e to very difficult rapids (classes II to VI) e C n Chabas Mg s u g Berg. des ne called “Ballerina” or “dancer”. s why it was integrated into the Natura 2000 environment protection Class II / III (4) - 6 km Formez-vous P s a Abriès La Gasque d e a M ’ é L. de d p Salins U The Durance and Guil mountain rivers have an outstandingn reputation in Europe. é é Mouvant ri • Apprenez à connaître les dangers de la rivière : i Souliers e r n t s P Le Lombard Malrif e network within the «Steppic Durancien and Queyrassin» zone Slender and elegant, this e as C Le Villard Le Cros drossages, arbres tombés dans la rivière, rappels, n C e Le Gouret Navigable, they cross a large part of the Queyras and the Guillestrois.t e d Kayak sur le stade d’eau vive de St-Clément-sur-Durance s d Be respectful, silent and attentive! Alternation of gravel pits and technical grids, middle of the course ballerina shakes its tail and siphons, coincements… n Le Tirail L’Hoche M L’Argentière- te o Les Eygliers g Independently, with a club, in a group or accompanied by professionals passionate ê ll n the whole back of its body. It • Faites appel à un club ou à un professionnel local pour r a Abriès e Take the time to observe the fauna and flora around you. steep-sided and demanding. Reconnaissance possible from the L. de C V de vous accompagner la-Bessée l’Ascension L. du d La Garcine P about their region, it’s easy to find the right option, duration and choice of G ey access road. rests constantly at the water’s Cogour ra P Informez-vous La Pause lata IMPORTANT course that best suits you. L. Marion . edge to gather all the insects • Du parcours, du niveau d’eau, de la météo L. de Bergerie La Condamine Néal L. du La Chalp Sachez que la meilleure protection consiste à • Vérifiez que le parcours envisagé et les conditions Lauzon de Péas Les Rochas THE GUIL COURSES Put-in point: Aiguilles- les Ribes, right bank that pass by in its reach. Like The Guillestrois Queyras whitewaterDepuis L’Argentière-la-Bessée courses are / synonymous with freedom and an partir dans le cadre d’un groupe, guidé par un cadre correspondent à votre niveau technique, votre matériel Souliers La Misère Aiguilles La Sellette the dipper, it builds its nest in the vegetation, at close proximity to Pays des Écrins l diplômé, connaissant parfaitement les lieux ou en Take-out point: Château-Ville-Vieille Chateau-Queyras - Place et votre forme physique impressive contact with an authentic natural environment. n u i Ristolas COURSE ¦  RISTOLAS  AIGUILLES LE GOURET Château-Queyras G Les Ribes Maisons G u prenant des renseignements auprès d’un club ou d’un d’Exiles, right bank the river. • Équipez-vous correctement pour la haute rivière et selon e Les Meyries i ell To Ristolas Jalinette l professionnel local. Crête de l’ Éch Rouet r. Neuves Class II / III - 6 km la réglementation : gilet et casque adaptés à votre taille Les Maisons d e Secondary take-out point: Aiguilles la Misère, right bank, or Ville La Casse Château e r Les Gay Depuis L’Argentière-la-Bessée La Cassière L. de u Ville-Vieille P g Roue Château-Queyras e Vieille La Rua, le† bank Pays des Écrins I z Le Pasquier y é COURSE ± ‹ L’ANGE GARDIEN  LE VEYER • Choisissez un bateau adapté à votre niveau de pratique o Ville-Vieille n S L’Échalp i A wide and open course, alternating gravel pitches and small passages Le Bathéou a La Rua n sur l’accueil qui sera réservé aux prochains et au parcours, correctement équipé de réserves Freissinières r Les Moulins Coste Arène e d d pratiquants et sur l’avenir de nos pratiques favorites. Class III / IV / V - 3 km Mas des Ducs . with obstacles. Reconnaissance possible from the access road. La Roche- Prats Hts r Specific risks: Mid-section to be checked (Gorges d’Aiguilles),

La Rua o Veillez à respecter l’ensemble des usagers de la T confortable Prats Bas T Bel Pinet Château rivière et de ses abords. demanding passages. Possible exiting very difficult. • Protégez-vous de l’eau froide de-Rame Le Serre L’Ange Gardien Ville-Vieille des Chabrands Put-in point: Ristolas, village entrance, le† bank Mythical passage: «Millenium» and «Triple Fall». Reconnaissance Soyez prudent L. du Villargaudin Les Es Topoguide disponible dans les Offices de Madalaoure Lauzet Cabane THE GUILCLASSES DE NAVIGATION Take-out point: Aiguilles - Le Gouret, le† bank possible from the access road. Reserved for experienced kayakers • Ne naviguez jamais seul, avertissez du parcours projeté s de Côte de du Baoude Gaudissard Molines- Tourisme ou sur et de l’heure de votre retour Combe fande Among theRiver most grades beautiful white water spots,L. the Lacr oiGuilx is a dazzlingly Secondary take-out point: Abriès Centre, right bank Avoid trampling and scraping the bo«om of streams ... equipped with suitable equipment. Peyre Non C La Rua (L. de Segure) Mouniere r en-Queyras • Ne naviguez jamais sur la rivière en crue et méfiez-vous Le Coulet ê Classe I – Facile / Easy IMPORTANT Le Serre L. du te Le Queyron beautiful site, home to one of the last wild rivers in Europe, with well- invertebrates live there! des orages qui peuvent grossir brutalement le débit du Champaussel Chalets de d Chalets de The best protection is to be part of a group of paddlers Lauzet e Montbardon preserved aquatic Classe II fauna – Moyennement and flora. difficile Amateur / Moderately thrill difficult seekers,L. Egorgea u you will Specific risks: Compulsory stop upstream of the Gouret Put-in point: SExit of the Ange Gardien combe, right bank cours d’eau. Pensez à consulter la météo. Pra Reboul Furfande Cro Le Veyer Fontantie guided by a licensed professional white-water Moussiere To se L. Baricle To not disturb this particular wildlife, • L. du r. ras Take-out point: Le Veyer, right bank Les Guions d navigate throughC o Classemb eremarkable III – Difficile / Difficult plunging gorges, on typically alpine and instructor,campsite perfectly familiar bridge. with the Dam: run and a cut-offthe impractical section, prohibited Lauzon e Le Veyer La Chapelue d ’ E do not navigate in low water and avoid barrages EDF, même en cas de beau temps F Le Châtelard y dangers of the river. u m Secondary take-out point: The Chapelue, le† bank Le Villard Cadoutre r engaging routes. a by prefectural decree. • Sachez renoncer ! Barachin f Classe IV à VI – Trèsr difficile à infranchissable / Very difficult to extrem a d A You can also contact local club or guide to have more landing outside the developed areas. Les Chapins n Bramousse ig Les Orgiers d With a total length of 50 km, the Guil hasu its source at the foot of Mont detailed information. Respectez e Le Pontet X – Barrage, infranchissable / Dam, eimpassable stretch L. You have found a pearl by the river? La Bourgea Le Tunnel s La Chapelue A Specific risks: Presence of steep slopes, numerous • Les règles de sécurité édictées par le code du Sport et la St-Crépin a Viso. The torrent begins to be visible at Lakegn Lestio and flowsL. d eintoFo rtheéant La Chapelle y r e It’s a good sign, the water is good Fédération Française de Canoë-Kayak Villaron Bas Villeneuve e lle l’Eychassier Pont de Chanteloube D u l Chalets de Durance at the foot of Mont-Dauphin, near Guillestre. drops and powerful currents. The Millennium passage Chaston Q i St-Véran the next white-water paddlers will be welcome on the quality and well oxygenated. More • Les autres usagers, en particulier les pêcheurs : éloignez- u Villaron Ht u Bramousse SIGNALÉTIQUE D’ACCÈS ET DE NAVIGATION Les Achards u Terre Noire Guil and Durance. Be sure you respect every user of the can be obstructed: beforehand check obligatory.. r G d’ vous des lignes de pêche et/ou prévenez gentiment de d To add to its powerful waters, many tributaries flow into this torrent, a Les Girards Access and river signs rivers and theirs surroundings. known than the adult, the larva that votre présence n Les Hodouls e from Ristolas toA Guillestre. The water quality is clear and cold.

Base de loisirs b Les Sagnes ig

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c lives in the water is identified by its

• Les riverains : soyez silencieux St-Thomas Le Vieux Coin u Accès routier vers l’embarquement, débarquement / Road Access

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e d’Eygliers Maison du Roy m Class II to V (6), navigatione is difficult and demanding in good waters, Guide-book available in Tourist Offices or on • o B to the landing stage 2 filaments at the end of the abdomen. It lives in the water and L’Aubréau Le Cros Le Coin la flore qui vous entourent, notamment durant les périodes C usually during May andn June. Mikéou La Fond Maison ch secretes a sticky silk that allows it to build a sheath by assembling et zones de frai (reproduction des poissons) Le Gros du Roy e Truchet d’Eygliers The favourable navigation Rampe periodd’embarquement, can range débarquement from April / Landing to September, stage plant debris and grains of sand ... These animals are the basis of • Les endroits de stationnement prévus à cet effet St-Guillaume Eygliers Pré Riond Gratteloup La Clapière L’O sometimes more, depending on the autumn rainfall. the rivers ecosystem and are very sensitive to pollution. La Bourgea Les Terrasses C Mont-Dauphin L’Ubac de l’Aval r i Navigation interdite / Navigation forbidden s t i s t This alpine torrent is subject to frequent changes in its physical Simoust Montgauvie C r i l l a n i l Learn how to paddle safely l a Réotiieer Quigoulet n characteristics during floods. ©Images et rêves • Be sure you know what the dangers of the rivers look like: traps, Gaboyer Guillestre Pont du Simoust C Danger barrage : arrêt obligatoire / Dam, danger : compulsory stop thresholds, fallen trees, siphons… rê Gr. Pie Le Chazal t • Contact a club or a professional local instructor to guide you Barbein e Sotto Bianca COURSE ® ‹ LES COMBES LE CHÂTEAUQUEYRAS Villaret La Lauze de Inform yourself on l’A Échelle de niveau d’eau / Water-level scale The adoux, biological reservoirs La Traverse up  L’ANGE GARDIEN Amoros ©Fabrice • The run, the water-level, the weather forecast Ch Brunissard that are unique to • Check that the stretch you consider and the conditions match T Va St-Clément- Gaudissard or. l l Class IV / V / X impassable - 3,5 km d o THE DURANCEL. de Communauté de Communes du Guillestrois-Queyras with your technical skills, your equipment and your physical PontLes Ea deux St-Clément C u n Clausis alpine rivers like h M d T o conditions. a ’ r sur-Durancance StadeBonne seau vive g ROADACCESS AND RIVER SIGNS é A Its wide winding riverbed is ideal for white-waterL. du beginners with . n Pont L. Miroir le l the Guil and the • Prepare your equipement specifically for white-water rivers and e C z b Longet La Lauze rê e e The passages through the Chateau and Ange Gardien combes are accordingly to the law: life-jacket and helmet appropriate for t t rcanoe-kayak, ra†ing and hot-dog courses possible. The courses here e t Parc naturel régional du QueyrasL. du Durance: a spring Road Raccess to put-in and take-out pointsd your size and weight, floating safety-rope and knife. La Sagne i e Loup very narrow, demanding and steep-sided. Reserved for experienced f s L. des are more suitable to all levels of practice, unlike the more difficult • Choose a boat adapted to your level of experience and to the run, B powered by the Les Chalp e l V Rouites e kayakers equipped with suitable equipment. The White-Throated Dipper equipped with floaters, stretchers and comfortable seating Va y courses of the Guil. The courses cross the Guillestrois Queyras from l r rivers groundwater. Put-in/take-out ramp d e • Wear appropriate clothes to be protected from the cold water Vers Rabioux - Embrun / Serre-Ponçon ’ s E s the Chanteloube bridge to Saint-Crépin and the Saint-Clément- c L. Ste- d B The adoux is The size of a small blackbird, brown r n . Be cautious e Anne o Put-in point: Château-Queyras - Place d’Exiles, right bank eauroux- i d e n sur-Durance white waterm base, howeverR practitioners can also start not connected with a white patch on its chest, a fast • Don’t paddle alone, give notice of your intended run and of the Navigation prohibited s r é e u b B r Take-out point: Ange Gardien, Right Bank expected time of return Alpes further upriver, at La Roche-de-Rame or Argentière-la- Bessée, and from upstream and surface-grazing flight on the • Never navigate on a river in flood and beware of storms which RIVER DIFFICULTY LEVELS can brutally increase the water level or provoke torrential CONTACTS Office de Tourisme intercommunal Danger dam: obligatoryParc naturel stop régional du Queyras Fédérationcontinue française de further canoë kayak downstream to the Rabioux Wave and Embrun. to the principal watercourse, which keeps it safe from flooding, water, it’s probably a dipper. Great Class I – Easy du Guillestrois et du Queyras Informations sur l’environnement, Specific risks: ATrees, blockages, drops, rappels, eddies... outbursts on these small rivers. Remember to look the weather Communauté de Communes low water levels and accidental pollution. Its more regular flow lovers of fast flowing and shallow forecaster Renseignements sur les activités, les prestataires, le patrimoine et espaces découvertes du Guillestrois et du Queyras Château-Queyras combe is very narrow and stopping or exiting • Watch out for the Electricity Board automatic operations on the Class II – Medium difficulty topo-guide des parcours d’eau vive Water level Informationscale on the environment, local heritage Comité départementalThe river des is Hautes-Alpes fed by rainfall and snow and glacier melt. The water quality and its constant temperature make it a biological corridor and a rivers, with cold turbulent water, it Gestionnaire des aires d’embarquements is impossible. Impassable passage in the middle of the Ange Gardien dams, even when the weather is good du Guillestrois Queyras et réservation de séjours and interpretation centres [email protected] good and quite cold. The favourableSURICATE, white-watersignaler tout problème period sur runs les fromparcours Classet III débarquements, – Difficult signalétique eau vive vital refuge for many species as well as a breeding area for Fario feeds on insect larvae that it catches • Give up on doing your run if the conditions are not absolutely Details on white-water sports runs, instructors, de sports d’eau vive : danger, arbre en travers, rampe combe. Administrator of the landing stages and river signs Guillestrois-Queyras Community of Councils March to October but white-water sports can be practiced here all favourable guide-book and booking centre Accueil : +33(0)4 92 46 88 20 Numéros utiles / Useful numbers d’embarquement endommagée… (brown) trout and sculpin. while walking down the river. Transparent eyelids allow the dipper to Class IV to – Very difficult to impassible Reconnaissance possible from the le† bank road for the 1st combe Respect Secoursyear en cas round d’urgence depending : 112 on weather conditions. see in the water just as well as in the open air. Accueil : +33(0)4 92 45 04 62 SURICATE, notify every problem on our white-water nd • The safety rules announced in the Code of Sport and by the X – Dam – impassable Accueil : +33(0)4 92 46 76 18 Queyras Regional Natural Park Météo France Briançon : +33(0)8 99 71 02 05 runs: danger, fallen-tree, damaged landing stage… and only during the descent for the 2 . French Canoe and Kayak Federation Centrale de réservation : +33(0)4 92 46 89 31 • The other users of the rivers, particularly the fisher-men: paddle as far as you can from the fishing-lines or warn them gently • The residents: be silent

• Réalisation : Communauté de communes et Office de Tourisme du Guillestrois et du Queyras, 2018 • Crédit photo : ©Arc en Ciel / OT du Guillestrois-Queyras, around you, especially during the spawning season ©Fabrice Amoros • Conception : Autrement Dit Communication, mai 2018 • Fond de carte réalisé par ©PNRQ, Alexandre Nicolas, 2017 • The parking areas Impression : Éditions du Fournel. Les informations présentées sur ce panneau ne sont pas contractuelles.