PL9901732 INSTYTUT PROBLEMOW J/\DROWYCH im. Andrzeja Soltana The Andrzej Sottan INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT 1998 PL-05-400 OTWOCK-SWIERK, POLAND tel.: 048 22 718 05 38 fax: 048 22 779 34 81 e-mail:
[email protected] 30-34 Editors: D. .Chmielewska E. Infeld Z. Preibisz P. Zupranski Secretarial work and layout: Z. K^dziorek K. Traczyk Cover design D. Btocki Printed by Zaklad Graficzny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego ISSN 1232-309 Druk i oprawa: Zaklad Graficzny UW, zam. 249/99 Annual Report 1998 CONTENTS I. GENERAL INFORMATION 7 1. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 7 2. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL 8 3. DEARTMENTS OF THE INSTITUTE 9 4. SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE 10 5. VISITING SCIENTISTS 12 6. GRANTS 14 7. SCIENTIFIC DEGREES 18 II. REPORTS ON RESEARCH 19 1. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS 19 2. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPY AND TECHNIQUE 39 3. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS 61 4. DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION SHIELDING AND DOSMETRY 75 5. DEPARTMENT OF PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 83 6. DEPARTMENT OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 103 7. DEPARTMENT OF COSMIC RADIATION PHYSICS 121 8. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLAR THEORY 131 9. DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION DETECTORS 145 10. DEPARTMENT OF ACCELERATOR PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 155 11. DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING AND CONSULTING 171 12. ESTABLISHMENT FOR NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT 179 m. OBITUARIES 181 IV AUTHOR INDEX 183 PL9901733 Annual Report 1998 With dwindling means Polish science struggles for survival. To survive means to keep contributing to the world knowledge on a worthy level and to assure the continuation of this process, i.e. to at least reproduce the human and technical resources.