I f T d n c K e s t ■ i-i'' Is evidently forgetting Its -oljllga- ,The Ladles* Auxiliary o f the tton to the town. There la^ a Chamber of Com­ 83,800 mortgage, oh the p r o p e l Coon, Fox Club Jap Soldiers Use Dope A bout Town merce, of which Mrs. L. T. Wood Heard Along Main Street and the seller 'extended an addi-' Average Daily Circulation is president, will hold a cigarette tlonal 81,000 mortgage. The To Hold Trials For the Month af Sept^ber, IMS tea Monday afternoon at four An^ on Some o f Manche»ter*» Side Slrdets^ Top family that purcha.’ied the proper, Before Battling Yanks 1 M ni HW* Kelsh Swanson, o'clock at the home of Mrs. ty is in debt to the town to U)e whosa husband, Ralph Swanson, George W. Cheney, 21 Hartfofd - ■ ^— - . ' \ laft on Tusaday tor scrvioa In We are still hearing repercus-jjcity as a sort of half-home. Mayor extent of 83.591.42 for aid extern!: Road. The members will bring cd duriiig the depression years.'" MgsI ^ Picturesfiup of Japanese soldiers use "narcotics-would riot harm you it night Member of the Audit U. S. Maivy, win Join the etaff of to tho tea cartons of cigarettes slons from that story The Herald■ ■' Dennis O’Connor, a YD veteran, is The town has been mo.st fortu­ to keep up, their courage facing; They would even try to steal th< ttia lipAlnM Beauty Salon in the for the inductees leaving for the caiTled previous to Primary day known to a lot of local veterans Sports; Taketi Place Bureau of Circulations nate in most of its dealings with American a61dier» in the South ' « V"** ' Wwaoe buiMlnr Monday, as a service. A large attendance of about the plans of a group of young o f the last war. and his brother ; to -sleep.' those Who received help during the Oit October 24tli. Manche»ter——A City of Vittoge Charm time operator. the membera is hoped for. Republicans to up.set things gener­ Judge Jim is a political leader in Pacific, according to Charles I-; "One night, after a big attack ally in the local political set-up. East Hartford. Dinny O’Connor is bad years. But here and there Paqiiin, 22, and Clafim^ H. we piled Jap bodies in a hole ' ie also godfather to the proprietor of cas-'s arc found where it is diffi­ ■ Private Henry Pfohl, talented We've been told that the story was “rhe Manchester Coon and F'ox Paquln. 21, sons of Mr. ano"^ frs.! front o( our positions, and be- VOL. LXIII., NO. 15 (GlassUM Adverttslug on Pago 8) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS- Iwritona at the regiment stationed Daughters of Liberty. No. 125. ■’manufactvircd" just to sllr up W alters GrilLat the Center here cult to get any payments. Such club announces another of its fa­ Charles Paquin of 29 Buckla'hd^iieve It or not, all the bodies wen here, wUl sing at the 7:30 eyening L. O. L. I., are requested to meet things generally. We've- also been and Is said to have a financial in­ cases are' being referred to the mous Coori* dog field trials for a street. Buckland, both of whom ;^ —iificc tomorrow In the chapel of tomorrow evening - at seven told that it was the product, of terest In the grill. Mayor Dinny town counsel wlm will take action week from tomorrow, October 24, are recovering from wounds suffer-' did"'It— nj one knows." the South Methodist ehurch. o’clock in Orange hall. From someone’s vivid imagination. dines at Walter’s about once a to make collection. Any family at Its club grounds In North Cov­ od in the New Guinea fighting at Speak Good English there they will proceed to the "Where did the rumor start?" week. I hat assumes such an obligation entry. An unusually large entry the Fletcher General Hospital in "Some bf, the Japs speak gooc Preparing Rain of Fire for Japs Group 8 of the Memorial Hos­ Dougnn Funeral Home, to pay a we have been a.sked. That Is rather BUI Mortensen' is known well, as that cited above is certainly list is in ' prospect. Ohio. i English aml'"'from the densenes! Reds Roll Forward pital Auxiliary, Mrs. D. M. Cald­ final tribute of respect to Miss hard to say. Rumors start and too. in Manchester. Regular pa­ taking a load on. It would seem This group of sportsmen pre­ Charles and Clnrcncc. who were of the jungle they would yell at Fifth Ar well, leader: and Group 1. Mrs. Hsnnah Hughes, a valued ’mem­ spread rapiflly and when ,you hear trons of the Biishnell Memorial that they would want to" , clear sent several times each year one insepara,ble as kids m Manchester, | us at night, tclung'rfs what com­ James M. Shearer, leader, will ber s'nd former treasurer of the the story it Is rather difficult to know him to be a fine fellow. their debt to the town before un- of the most picturesque of sports. are now together as casualtie8 ofipany, regiment ana myiaion W4 ■leet Monday at two o’clock at lodge. learn the point of origin. We do While serving in the State Senate dertakin): such a real estate bur­ The trials are largel.v attended 'by. this war, each having sustained were aerving with, urging us tt Mortensen made a lot of friends, With New Drives; the hospital. know that three or four members den. The Interest alone on In many in.stances. whole families identical wounds in the South Paci-. go back to the United States, be­ George J. Kelley.'Of 111 Main of the insurgent Republicans talk­ Mortensen surprised the city mortgages would pay a fair for t% trials are in the shape of fic fighting from Jap shrapnel and' fore it was too late. They eVej. The regular meeting of the Gari­ street, has boiight the property of ed too loud one night in a local Vhen he won the State Senate rental. a^coimtry fair. There are refresh- shell shock. Wot'indcd together, told us where we trtined at ma­ 3 Towns; baldi Society will be held tomor­ the late William McGuire at 206 restaurant--or is grill the proper race in the last election and some m««)ts. music and then the excite-, they were evacuated two days neuvers in the States." row afternoon at 2:30 at the Ital- Main street. This has been the word ? say he is going to spring a real Wonder whatever became of ail meiu. of the race. apart from the bitter beach fight­ The Paquin brotners enlisted to­ tan-Awerican Club on Eldridge home of the McGuire family for Then, too, the Insurgents have .surprise in the coming city elec­ that foodstuff that was allowed The'-cUibhouse which l.s situated ing and were returned to the gether in the National Guard of tion, but our mone> is still on street more, than 35 years. Mr. Kelley been meeting quite often at a hou.seholders who guaranteed they off Route 44 on River Road In United States for hospitalization Connecticut in 1939 and have re­ plans to move his family to his new certain garage—filling .station up Mayor O’Connor. We think it’s were atocking their larders in or­ N orth, Coventry, has a natural aboard the same ship and cro.ssed mained with the same unnamed home about the first of November. the Green way. We’ve been told going to be Dinny’s Day. der to feed city evacuees in case of "back .stretch" of a race course the country to Ohio on the same unit since their enlistment until Clinch Hold on Both Yji^iiian Food Stabs W est that garage is really the headquar­ a bombing? where the racers ma.v be seen for hospAal train. they were casuals In the New Dnieper River Banka,!' ^ ^ ters of the "fintr group. Now A' local woman was recently at least a quarter of a mile, be­ Describes Jsp Marines Georgia fijfhtiiig. discharged from her employment plans are underway to get out a Camillo Andisio. Hale’s Self fore they reach the coon tree. ‘The Jap Marines are big and They both declared that the Jap Threaten Disintegra- S u p p l y C u t S Hitter Surrenders— , Board of Appeals big anti-Hyde vote at the Repub­ in a nearby war plan£. The reason Serve manager, says we don't 'The barking o f ' the dogs, th^ courageous,” asserted Clarence in defehses set up at the Munda Air Caiicello, Ruviano and lican party Caucus next August. for the discharge was absentee­ know anything about inflation or gathering crowds, the auctioning,- a newspaper Interview after his ar­ Base was a hard nut to crack— but tion of Entire Ger-; ^ r • I I But He’s Only Private Yank• Planes j ism. We don’t believe the employ­ Nerrone Beyond Vol- To Meet Thursday Well, it will seem good to havs a high food prices yet. Circulated the bracing Fall atmosphere with rival at the base hospital, to which it was accomplished, but not with­ ihan Front; Encircle- 1 ^ 0 0 n L j I K C l y crowd at the caucus for a change. ers know' the circumstances. Her about Hale’a thia week was a letter a real country background, is ap­ his brother in a bed by his side out considerable losses to our Allied Headquarters, Algiers. tiiriio Seized; Iinittfr- One of the subjects of the pre- son is home after a horrible ex­ from a dealer in Chinese textiles pealing to all lovers of sports. nodded approval. troops. Oct. 18.—(45—A German pri­ Best Enemy^ perience fighting in the South Pa­ inent of Kiev Looms. ------vate named Hitler aurrendcred The Zoning Board of -Appeals Primary rumor tales told us that in which he tells about dining with "But they are always hopped up It was in the latter tight that taut New Landiugfi o f he had enjoyed this year’s Primary cific. He is emotionally unstable— Sergeant Ernest Squatrito, Sergt. to the American Fifth Army Will hold hearings Thursday eve four friends in Kunming. China. .before they go into battle,” added Production Next Year and election more than any other you might call it battle shock. He He paid the check and the bill was the Manchester veterans. "It seems Michael Kokoch, Sergt. George Moscow, Oct. 18.—London, Oct. 18.—(45—R. A. F. planes for svery United States loss. a part of the steady reinforctment another. When "Star” heard that of the three cent stamp. W’hy The meeting will be held at the out of my hand as I stood guard ^9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint* Both drives menaced the Ukrain­ "Probable Losses” Not Included ORANGE HALL Expert workmanship. All work Art McCann was a prospect he wood paper or fibre shipping con­ Shorter allowances of meats and Mosquitos bombed targets in Ber­ of Gen. Dwight ,D. Eisenhower's guaranteed. Reasonable Prices. doesn’t someone in the Buckland Manchester Y.M.C.A. at night—and I never saw him,’ CH-nt. In the Service of the Pco- ians capital of Kiev with encircle­ The estimates do not include forces, it was disclosed. immediately withdrew in Mc­ tainers and zinc." area start action towards includ­ pie'- for SO Venn. dairy "products are predicted, while lin and western Germany without No obligation for an Mtlmate. The attendance prize will be Clarence said. ment. supplies of foodstuffs and oila as Tax, Spending thousands of German and Japanese Fires in Enemy Bear Areas. Cann’s favor remarking that he And they’re kicking about no ing that section in the city delivery "One strange thing about them 169 Dhnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. 104 More Jap Pltoes Write given by Henrj^Smith of Watkins 'The Soviets, meanwhile, report­ a group are expected to be main­ loss last night while fighters at­ planes damaged and countless From both the Fifth and Eighth thought the choice an excellent street lights! nr^fi ? Brothers. was that if you did not move, they Phone 6-2024 BIG PRIZES! \ 0 ed encountering German reservea tained at the ration levels of re­ tacked airfields and communica­ others listed as "probable losses." Army fronts came reports ot nu­ one. Gustafson was the candidate brought from Poland, France, The OWI’a second report on Amert- When Jim Rolston paints the cent months. ------— Hold Capital’^ tions in occupied territory., the Air merous fires in the enemy rear of the minority group of Select­ The gardening bug certainly got Netherlands and Denmark but add­ carr combat 'plane — performance Burton Insulating Co. white traffld guide lines on the \ There probKbly will be smaller STCBBT This pointed to the possi­ men or those who had been lined Tax Collector Sam Nelson this ed that they were pushing forward Destroyed in Battles Ministry announced today. said the ratio o f superiority over bility that the Germana were de­ Admission 25c ISO Oxford St. Hartford up before election as the anti- town’s highways he sets up little summer. Not only does he brag civilian supplies of canned fruits irresistibly. and vegetables in the first half of Stage Center Indicating the Allied air offensive enemy craft may be increased stroying supply dumps prepara­ Hyde clique. red flags to guard the freshly about the big proiiuction he got, The Russians now hold four main 1944. but in the second half the again was going into high gear sharply with the production of a tory to a general withdrawal,, al­ Although the new police board painted stripes. Now he finds he but he spreads stories about other bridgeheads west of the Dnieper: after a lull alnce last Thursday’s larger and more deadly bomber, has to call for police help to guard supply may be larger than in the though there waa nothing else to has had one meeting, it hasn’t yet amateur farmers. As good a story Two below Kiev in the Pereyaslav Nii» Send 62 Bomb- JraJe Luies American Fortiesa attack bn . "A totally new light bomber is indicate that further Allied ad­ organized. BUI Alien, the pruent the flags, because the kids swipe teller as he is, Sam hasn’t topped and Kremenchug sectors and two corresponding period this year. ' Mann f acturers Asmocia- Schwelnfurt, a large force of bomb­ at present in the state just pro Military, lend-Iease and other era and Fighters to vances toward the Italian capital rhairman, and veteran member of them. Jim says you can’t, turn Connie ApcI. local mail carrier. above Kiev, one immediately north tion Spokesman Ahks ers also crossed the channel toward ceeding production," the report frem any direction would be made the board is the logical choice to your back but what some brat They seem to be having a contest of the city and the other 100 miles non-civilian requirements probably Attack Oro Bay; 43 Remain Open the continent this morning. Fight­ disclosed, adding that the plane .except in the face of the most resume, but we understand that cornea along and lugs a flag away at the post office in telling whop­ to the north in the Loev sector. will more than offset any increase All Proposals for New ers escorteh them. would be "equipped with a power­ stubborn opposition., PRINCESS FOOD Jay Rand, the Bon Ami plant pers. Connie claims his tomatoes in production, the bureau e^^lain- Listed as Probables. Berlin last was raic|ed on Oct. 9 ful cannon and with interchange­ General Clark's American vet­ general manager, would not re­ Brig. General Hershey, the grew so tall he had to iise a step- No Wait for Reserves e*. . \ Levies Be Rejected. The Communist party organ — also by Mosquitos. able-noses for various types of erans of Salerno, captured the fuse the chair spot. The chair­ draft czar, has been accusing war ladder to harvest them. The net effect of smaller civilian Despite War Other Bombers Lay Mines towns of Nerrone and Ruviano in manship doesn’t mean too much plants of hoarding manpower. We Pravda disclosed the original Allied Headquarters in the Washington, Oct. 18.—(45—Tax Other bombers last night laid (Continued on Page Four) the high ground Jominating the ...FIT FOR A KING! and as far as Influence goes that wonder If he ever gave a thought The weekly gogster tells about crossings were made aa soon as the (Continued eu Page Four) Southwest Pacific, Oct. 18.— ’ and spending controvieraies—those mines in enemy waters, a commu­ ------:------V--— surrounding Jowlahds after fierce post has practically none. A place to looking Into the college situa­ the fellow who called nis doctor in Russians reached the river without (/P)— Allied airmen have Roosevelt Says Market nique said, and flghteis attacked Take the beet fooda available ti>- on that board la a chronic head­ tion. There are a good many the middle of the night saying his waiting for reservea, supply bases old-time favorites on the Wa.»hing- shinping off the Dutch coast aa (Continued on Pnge Six) or engineering equipment fo move blasted 104-^and probably day—prepare them skillfully (our ache at best. potential soldiers going to college wife had an attack of appendicitis ton Scene — continued at center- Essentials Available in well as enemy airfields and railway master chef does just that) and and getting draft deferment be­ . up. 'The newspaper added that 147—more planes out of the Foreign Help and please come quick. The doctor Woman Held stage in the Capital today. targets. you’ll imderstand why everyone 'The purchase of restaurants^ cause they’re studying engineer­ was Incensed. He called back “I these forces were now in a position Japanese Air Force in the Quantity to Supply to press all-out offensives from A spokesman for the National About 15 German planes stabbed says. "Princess Food Is Fit For A grills and so on where liquors are ing or chemistry or some other removed your wife’s appendix Southwest Pacific. In a series at Britain during the night, hit­ profession that's listed as essen­ completely-equipped bases on the Industry, Consiimer. May Become King!" sold has become quite a racket three years ago. Did you ever For Slaying Association of Manufacturera went of brilliant victories Friday ting at points in east Anglia and now that “ near prohibition' la tial. hear of anyone having two appen­ west bank. befoie the House Ways and Means Flashes! The drive in the Kremenchug and Saturday, announced to­ southeast England and penetrating with us. Hard liquors are becom dixes?’’ Hubby snarled. "No. but Boston, Oct. 18—(4*)—President to the London area to cau.se a one- (Lnte Bulletins ol the (45 Wire) Dinners 5 to 9 P. M. Daily Odd how time smooths were conducting the restaurant busi­ the call each evening when the On Exchange bedroom. Hit by British actions appeared to be- the same. have, but the essentials have been In Yugoslavia du.v to. terms in Westfield stale ness, and he even offered to ' let KNOFLA "Hate and Fear” Reasons OU-en Tokyo also claimed the Allied base promised originally. furiii, ‘ BfxKord, by County Judge AER O B IN G O paper arrives— the fltst spot on the available in sufficient quantity to The French were a pi-oblcm even the former owner have the' key ao front page to look at for many "Hate and fear," were the rea­ at Espifitu Santo in the New meet the defnands of industry and Frank H. Coyne oh guilty pleas to — - A T ------he could open up and sell the beer sons given by Mrs. Presuttl for Hebrides group had been attacked pm before the downfall of Binito Mils- ; abortion charges. .Mrs. Bnges- people, especially those having af­ Expectant Repatriates London Daily Mail Ad­ the consumer. N ’ Successpfi Are Re- HoUni and Italy’s subsequdi.it with­ that was on hand. The place Is still fairs planned for the evening or BROTHERS killing her husband, according to Thursday.) ‘This has been due to the splen­ ser rei’clied a !i to 8 year sen­ C3ounty Detective Joseph Mitchell Apparently seeking to emulate porte n P la n p fi a n t i British fliers inake ^ Masonic Temple-Center of Town the expectant repatriates hung Opened in Alabama; ceived from America and trans­ States Conserve Mileage Lasva. blew up a railway bridge I\ip V/pCIl r iane» aii . Huk© bomblnr attack* on Ger- over the rails of. the two vessels ferred to other governments. The and ripped up nearly two miles of Tanks B e illlJ Shi|»IM*t1. ! " “ "V monthly Nazi tighten wlU eagerly awaiting their transfer,- 80 Per CjBUt Stay Away Daily Mail aaid the senators were track to ?low the German ad­ - ^ ‘ ' I lie .driven from the skies, the ene­ “ ignorant of the facta" and added And Also Save 10 Millions vance. my’s war production will be- ” APa p TBALLET Japs Ask Day's Delay BoHton. Oct. 1 8 '- (4*1 New It waa explained' that the Jap- , Ala., (Jet. 5I 8.—(45' that "it is Worthwltlle pointing out Reporta Hard Fighting smashed and the Hitler govern- —Seventeen ' of Alabama’a' 81 that America herself has gained a armor piercing projectiles de.signed ment will coHapse' by Feb. I, enese had aake6 a day's delay in Chicago, Oct. 18—(45,—Mileage. others have adopted certain fea- The communique, broadcast by to rip open Axia planes, tanks and the exchange to • enable them to union minea w ere, re-opened to­ good deal of credit for material the Free Yugoslavia radio, re­ -Downey took the floor to critirisa 1 day but a aurvey of the coal flelda conservation pro’grams of' l^e va- Ivt** at these systems without us- other armored equipment apd em­ finish prraiigementa for -accom' supplied hy Britain. ing the whole. Twenty-nine states ported hard fighting near ' the what lie said were plans- of “ tb* 6 e ATON Indicated at leaat 80 per cent of In November' 1942,” the paper rlous states wil) save the ..nation placements, today are toeing .ship­ high conimand” to add another modati^ their nationals. operate car pools, and" all 48 states Adriatic port of Split, where 're­ ped to American invasipp, rArmie.s, the 22,000 idle minera had failed continued, "it waa essential, to million men to the net strentsih of B For the Americana, it was a one- more than 2.55,000,000 miles and have mileage administrators'. peated attacks by Marshal Erwin Brig. Gen. Burton' O. Lewis? com­ . day postponement, of the holiday to heed the retum-to-work plea supply milk to mothers and chil­ $10,000,000 in cash this year, the The council said many states the Arrtiy by April 1. declaring T from 'John L. Lewla, president of dren in North Africa. That milk Rommel's Nazi forces were said manding general^ of tHe Boaton Telephone 5994 that' theae men “ will be^f no value they had been awaiting 21 months Coune" of State Governments ea- hsd come to regard mileage con­ to have been thrown back. Ordnance district, said today.. and they were frantl^ly eager the United' Mine Workers, of was diatributad by the American timated today. servation aa a ^rmanent part of whatsoever, in any .attack upon ' America. / Red Oosa. So far aa the Morroc- The partisans announced the ,de­ He said present shipments repre­ to get aboard the Grip^olm to en­ To reach these totals and at the their administrative programs, feat of an enemy column near sent a smashing victory for an. in- Germany fpr~ IS months- 16 months HANSEN’S M M BAR joy the checaea, meats and aweeta 'The list of operating min^a in- cans and Algarians know it cams aame time Snaintaln easential ser­ and that at laaat four—Iowa, New or even two yamrm tram th# prea- Enaotskl In Bosnia and ths occu- duatry-ordnanca team compoaJd of which havs been the principal ciudtd the big Dolomite shaft of from America, as It certainly came vices, the council reperled, the Hampshire, South Dakota and ent day." M.MN ,\ND HAYNES STREETS the Woodward Iron Co., with 550 at the deaaand at American auth- patioii at the village ot Btudenl, tpp-fiight steel producers, shell shortage daring the internment state governments have adopted Washington—had put the program while local fighting was reportad makers, war production - steal ex­ and trip aboard the Japanese ship. men, and the Bradford slope of dritiaa. the following means, eitlier singly into'affect by atatutc. Throe R e ^ n a Far Slaying ' ^ Alabama By-Producta Oirp., with "But . . . it cams from our own around Sinj, Slgenik, Bakar. Kar- perts and hard driving ordnance O a the Teia Maru, however, or in combination: Itaaulta of conservation meas- lovac and Gospic,-^ all’’ centers of department metallurgical engin­ Nassau, Bahamas, Oct. 16^—(4) WILL BE CLOSED FOR INTERIOR REDECORATING Mr$. Kavanagji’$ Englith Muffint there was no« shortage of fine 500. Other captiye Workings were stocks at a time when it could ill . Pooled passenger cars; required urea were illustrated by the case- —<$pc>eial Proaecnotr .A. F., .Adder- idle. They supply coal for the fuel- be spared.!’ recent activity. A.ttacka were eers., champagne add French and Ital use of public carriers where possi­ of Mew Hampshire which cut state cbntimied on main railways in lev tokt a fta^amiui Suprende caprt ' Sold At iin liqueurs which have been un- ahy iron and steel mille here. Itendaes Many Thlaga Oivea Outproducing .Axis ble; eliminated unneceasary trips; travel 2,633,491 milea duiing the "■When we started.’’ General jur.v todpy that the crown ehavxM MONDAY, OCT. 18 THROUGH FRIDAY, OCT. 22 V known in . these parts for many Despite slowneaa M the bhek- The Dally Mail devoted three first six months bf 1943. Thia was Slovenia. withdrawn vehicles from aervlca; Yesterday’s Yugoslav broadcast, Lewis said.'"we were definitely be­ .Alfred da Mnrigny with conceiv­ moons. to-worh movement, one coal oper­ columns to explaining that land- operated all atate-owned vebiclM a 65.1 per cent reduction from the summing up the situation, said hind the eight ball. Today, we are ing the murder of, wealthy W The vessel, formerly, the French ator Buggested that "thia is the 'leaae waa “never Intended to be a from central garages; maintained previous year which was without Harry Oakes for three reayaMH Lea&ig Store$ and R«$taurant$ usual picture after a atrike, knd that Gen. Joatp CTlto) Broz' forces outproducing the Axis w-ith super­ W E W AN T YOU—^u r frieu^s aud cuhtomera— to Join us and again iiner Aramis, was ’ completely one-way"affair" and Itemised'many daily records of car movements;' a car pool, and the state expects “ For revesme, for eaUafactloai'auB stocked with wines and l^ueurs on the whole the picture la hope­ things which K aaid Britain "hah required advance clearance for of­ to aave 5,284,000 for the whole of now commanded all of the Croa­ ior air and ground ammunition." ful." tian coastal region and the north­ Ha said the new ahells were de­ for gala." He daclared that enjoy good jfood In pleasfint, cloanf congenial surroundings on Thronghout when the Japanese took her over. given America without ^ymenL" ficial buBineaa' trips; and 1948 at an estimated financial re­ haadeonie SS-year-oM dsfmdaM All Idle Over Week-End “ Between June, 3942, and ern coast of Dalmatia except Zara veloped as a. reaOlt of a backlog of These have largely been made talned rigid contra! over issuance duction o f 82S0,'00O. had taken Sir .Barry’s eM m Manchester and the Sute of Connecticut available,to the passengers as the All Alabama union- mines had 1943, the of gaaoiine and oil coupons. South Carolina reduced mileage and. Slgenik. Fierce struggles knowledge obtained in producing Japanese' seemingly don't like been idle over Uie week-end. The ed to American forces 54 per cent for the April-May-June with the Germana during the past armor, piercing projecUles of large daughter Naae:'. nej* 19 <11 Have Mileage Adminlstratora on a trip U California SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER 23 Phone: Manchester 42-50 147 Spmee Street Centralized control systems are quarter and Minneabta 41.5 oer )lhmr ssaea aamntaS ImS x u * _ ... (CauUaiMd aa Faaia FaurL (OtBUihiiaa M ftg a J r « v i J ik operation is ;15 stataa while cent. 40MUnua6 an .Page Pmur^ (Caattnuad am Buga Fouri X bad reached the west bank of the back our Connecticut boys with ChurcH Free Salween opposite Liku, about 05 IsReeleCled that ah* hoa reflelvied approxi­ stout arms of atacl; State Guards miles north of Paoshan on tha Award I& Won mately $85 for the .service men’a terapHoKday Now, Therefore, •!. Governor Burma road, after a two-day aaat-' Notice Will Be Given (Jhriatmas bcxei and that 22 have Raymond E. Baldwin, do makfe the Rationmg Data • Of Its Debt ward inarch from Plenma. Health Cliicf Mra O. F. BMr already been oent overseas. following ^ ^ On Maneuvers ■niere was no news of the ac- 49S-A BlMlnrOle MiM Lura (JolUiu, who has been !n October 27 Proclamation; In order that the tivitiae. of tha other two forces By Greyhound making her home with her slater, State of Connecticut shall uphold " . Furnished By Mrs. Raymond Lyman for the piuit Tomorrow ♦which: together with the first col­ If Shoe Date Fixed Mias Nelli*. McKnight, clerk of the honors won by Its mcfi and Its OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRAtlON St. James's Collection umn, total approximately 10.000 Dr. D. C. Y. Moore to Ij * year has returned to Wethersfield. Meeting Police Board, women In the battles of war and Companies G anil H Are New England Bus Sys* th* Ellington Congregational, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Andrews ]^ev. J. S. Neill and Mrs. iv. Baldwin Asks Non- Raglonai Department of Infomiatlon Yesterday Well--.-Over then. The communique said, Qialrinan for His 33rd headquarters. the battles of production, I do de­ Called Out by Order of however, that fierce fighting was Official Response to church, has received word frond: have returned from Groton Long State convention, Knights flEsaential Businesses to clare that Wednesday, October 27, S8 Tremont Btreet, Boston, 8, Massachusetts continuing throughout the entire tern Gets ,High Honor Rev. Glen T. Eno, now pastor o f Point where they have been spend­ Pythias, Orange hall. Neill to Be Honored at ahall be obaerv-ed as ’’Connecticut The $3,000 Needed. Term. ing a few days to close their cot­ London, OcL /l 8 .—(d5— Governor Baldwin. region. Rumors Heard Occa* In Contest. tlM Carolina Free Baptist' churca Address by Mrs. Lloyd Smith Farewell. France at Alglerii said today Aid in Collection-. Scrap Holiday”; i of Carolina, R. I., that he accepts tage there for the season. before Ann Spencer Volunteer, Bf^wn Ktamps tioned. Apply to local ration lt|^ard •The annual Collection taken at Dr. p. C. Y. Moore was ree'ected ' siEnally in Regard to Erench Naval units recently (1) That all retail businaaa Companies G and H. State for a purchase certificate. the call of the Ellington Congrega­ Nuraea’ Aides group at the “Y ” been engaged lii operationa In Governor Raymond JJ. Baldwin Brown Stamp F in Book Three chairman of the Mancheater Board Boston, Oct. 18—^Eastern Grey­ Rev. James Stuart Nelli, rector business- offices, theaters, M d oth­ oecomes valid witb stamps C, D rire Inspection St. James's church yesterday with tional church to become the pastor at 8. eastern Mediterranean er amusements, schools, ststs, Guards of Manchester, were mobl- Overnight Action.' hound Lines of New Ehigland won of St. Maiy's Episcopal church for proclaimed Wedneaday, OcU and E through October 30. A-car deadline March 31, B Oc­ the announced hope that it would Woman Held of Health fOt his 33rd year at the and will be ready to assume his Mrs. Luce Only Rummage sale, St. Mary's supplies And reinforcements couhty and municipal 'offices, and lixad yesterday morning at the Women’s Auxiliary, Parish House, U ‘'Connecticut Scrap HoU- BIim Stiuppa tober 31 and. C Novamber 30. be at least $3,000 In order to clear organization meeting of the Board the National Association of Motor duties here November 14, the past 25 years, and Mra. Neill Islands M the Dodecameoe oe all other activities nbt engaged In state armory in connection with " '. Gasoline By James Marlow and George To Distribute Werner Kupferschmld of the at 9:30 a. m. y " and aska that businesses not ths production of war goods, shall Stamps U, V, and W valid to the church debt went well over ef Health this mprnlng at 10:30 In'" ^elkd Bus Operators’ 1943 Safety Award Partly Wrong will be honored with a farewell by British forces. French to the war effort close Governor Baldwin’s test mobillaa- October 20. Stamps k , Y, and Z Number 6 stamps in A Books For Slaying Ellington-Vernon Farmers fibi- Thoroday, OcL 81 were/active earlier in the ccni cloas at 12 noon and remain closed tion order Issued at 6:30 a.^m., thoq fciatk. On Wednesday the tha Municipal building. The ap­ Woohington,' Ocfc 18— (ff)—The for intercity carriers o f 4ts class, Registration for Ration' Book reception at the church Sunday fefrom 12 noon until 6 p. m. and that valid to November 20. good for three gallons each cliange has returned from a trip afternoon, October 24, at five Mediterranean when they until « p m.; from Camp Baldwin, North Madl- through ^lovamber M. B and C cou­ pointment Is ferm three-year temi. Ration Books according to an announcement to the midwest where he purchas­ No. 4. Go to nearest school. Hours the manpower released by jwch »u|C«r V, pastor. RcV. William Jf. punn, ex­ Other officers elected were: Sec­ Office of Price Administration de­ o’clock In the parish house, to an miportant part In the recon< closing be used as scrap demolition (g) That all men, women end aon where the Governor end the pons are good for two gallons pects to make the final payment. Of Husband clares it has no Intention oi plan / ...... i made today by the bus organixa- ed a carload of corn and wheat for Waterbury, Oct. 18—(ff)— U. S. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. children so released shall consti­ Adjutant General had spent the Stamp No. 14, valid to November retary. Mr4. Emma L. Nettleton; which the parishioners and quest of Corsica.' and collection' crews. each. The collection yesterday waa tion. Competing tn the Eastern members of tbe local exchange. Rep. Clare Boothe JUice, the Fair- Zoning Board o f Aippeals Muni­ tute themselves a vast army of night with a battalion Of State 1, No. 15, and 16 each good for five Mrs. Alice Johnston, clerk; Miss to fix any expiration date for shoe territorial division for operations friends o f Rector and Mrs. NelU • His proclamation follows: pounds for home canning only,'hje- Stealing and selling stamps Is well above the amount aa)ced but No. 4 to Be Given to cipal building at 8. will be cordially welcomed. Carriage Maker Dies scrap workers: Guardsmen who were spending a sabotage of your ration. Refuse (Continued from Page One) Jessie M. Reynolds, contagious stamp No. 18, now valid. of less than 50 buses, Eastern field county congresswoman who Friday. OcL 22 Proclamation plre October 31. bSMuss there were some who disease nurse; David Chambers, Mra. James Harrison of Russell (3) That all public and private week-end there on maneuvers. . such traffic and report U to the Furthermore, OPA promise^ Rockville Residents on Ore, hound of New England estab­ busted Out of a spelling liee for Mobile Blook Bonk at St. ' Whereas: Those men charged ■hoes ware iinabls to make their dona­ partment. who s^ld the’ wom.an plumbing Inspector. that if it ever becomes necess^ street has been appointed gener­ New Britain, Qct. 18 — (ff) unth the high responsibility for the trucks not needed directly for war The order waa received by Col. f^eareat OPA office. - tions on Sunday, the amount will lished a record of 1,106,106 mile$ spelling, supersede ‘‘supercede," Mary’s Pariah House. Joaeph Nqlan, Chief of Staff In Stamp No. 16 In War Ration had aigned a statement, freely Learn filato Laws to OI ier some final date forr NoiNqi' 18 October 21 and 22. ( C o l u m b i a al chairman of the committee In Henry J. N. Vile, 84, a native How of wer weapons have taform* transport ha volunteered for ecrep Book One extended for one pair not be made known Immediately. of highway transportation with had qn apologist if not a defender SniMlay, OcL 84 Hartford and the teat mobilization The office of the Local Rationing given end- with no sign of emo­ (aip.lrman Moore ate ted today or 'other shoe stamps, thee public only three accidents, or 368,702 charge of arrangements. England "Who for 50 years condue|i» i“ed the several states that another collection; for an indeflnlta parted after Octo­ Among the donations was |100 that the Board of Health feels, that Mlaa Gladys M. Rice Outing, Llnne Lodge, K. of P., Rev. Mr. Neill submitted his ed with his father the famous (4) That group of men released machinery was put into operation, Board is locatad In the Lincoln tion. admitting all the details of .will be given “very adequaate” no- Rockville, Oct. 18.—(Special)— miles per accident. 575-12 Wlillmantic Divtsloa last night. cmx<»’ successful "scrap drive” is obso- ber 31. Looae coupons are not valid mailed by Sidney Ellis of the owners of buildings furnishing heat at VUla LoiHsa. resignation to the church on Sun­ riage making firm of James VUe from business be assigned aa scrap alerting and placing all units of echool oppoalte the mwt office. Of­ tha killing. tice in advance. Superintendent of Schools Philip - Ninety in Competition He was Dr. John A. . Gllmartin. lutely essential to 100 per cent except with a mall order. Ellla Cloak Company. Although Judge Norman TelUn in police for tenants should familiarize That's the'official reapoqse to Field trials, Manchester Coon day, September 19. It wais accept- and Son, died yesterday. “ ■ luotlon of steel duHng the demolition crews and truck work­ tha Guards into the field. fice houra are as follows: Monday, M. Howe announced over the More than ninety of the coun­ assistant superintendent of schools and Fox club at (3oventry club Fuel Oil not a member of the church he court today continued ths case to themselves with the state law con­ rumors heard .occasionally that Mra. Marshall .Squier is serving and a nationally known spelling Jag winter: and ers; and Block at Bolton Notch Period 1 ooupona of 1043-44 sea­ 10 a. m. to 4:80 p. m.; Tuaaday,. 3 week-end that the distribution of try’s major bds lines competed in grounds. Company H waa assigned by sold he wished to make the do­ Nov. 10. ^ cerning the landlord’s obligation to some day OPA might spring an the contest. Their bv.ses traveled as local chairman of the National and vocabulary authority. Whereas: The back-log of scrap (6) That during the period from son now valid to January 4, 1044. p. m. to 0:10 p. m.: Wadoasday, 2 Ration Book No. 4 would take War Fund Campaign which le to Wednesday, Oct. 27 October 16 to October 27 the State Battalion Commander William J. nation. Hamnier and Club Used furnish best at all rttsonable announcement to the effect that almbstr 600 million miles and av­ Instead of being all wrong. Mrs. at the nation’s steel mills is ade- Class 4 coupons iworth 10 gallons, p. m. to 0:10 p. m.; Thursday, 10 The value of the property owned times. "as of mi(’:ilght last night," or place in Rockville and Vernon, on be conducted between Oct. 15 and Meeting, Elducatlonal Club, Na­ udtc only for two months’ pro- of Connecticut shall devote to Makwell to place a road block at a. m. to 0:16 ^ m.; Friday, 10 a. A heavy hammer, wslghing Thursday afid Friday. October 21 eraged 49,9.56 miles per accident Luce was only 95 per cent wrong, than Hale school at 7:30. class 5 coupons worth SO gallons. by St. James’s pariah as carried No Less Than 66 something like th^ this or that Nine-tenths of the mileage was in Nov. 15. Contributions to this cam­ he said, because "supercede” is Suction of steel at the present un- scrap collection its unbounded en- Bolton Notch at the junction of Stovas m. to 0:10 p. m.: Saturday, 10 about foui* pounds, such as is used and '22. the schools being closed paign will further the causes of Friday, OcL 29 c' gies arid wMl to win an saEJy to­ Routes 6 and 44 and Captain Da­ on the books of the assessors it It is more or leas understood stamp wouldn’t bf good any more. intercity operations and In this given as a variant of supersede In praeedented rate; and Heating or cooking stoves using a. m. to 12:30 p,. m.—The tala- in machine shops, and a heavy that owners of apartment housee The shoe situation is termed for sessions on those, two days'. the following agencies which are Hallowe'en Dance, Army and Whereas: Connecticut industry vid McCollum and fifteen men un­ $464,000. type of service there was but one the footnotes of Webster's 1943 tal vtctory. coal, wood, gas or oil arb now ra- phona number la VkM64, club, wars thcxyveapons used by or landlords of office buildings shall • tight,’.’ and alt hands agree that The teachers will be In charge combining In thii* effort: USO, Navy Club at clubhouse. HESGIUPRaiff Thsr# will be no special serv- ireUea heavily on salvage for an un­ der his commend, accomplished the woman in the killing, accord- accident for eveiy 72,167 miles of unabridged dictionary. Saturday, Nov. 6 ' Icea held when the final mortgage furnish adequate heat when the eliminating ewlratlon dates of ra­ of the distribution of Ration Book travel. Foreign Relief, Refugee Relief, Five per cent would be a liberal ifyoarnoM gttt ceasing supply of raw materials; this mission. No definite mission ing to County Detective Mitchell. tion stamps loosens the amount of No. 4. At the Rockville High War Prisoners Aid, and United Regional meeting of Soroptimiat was assigned to Company G. note Is paid tome time this week weather IS such to make such prac­ High Safety Standards rating on such a basis, he declared, and puhlir Rerorffs An examination of. Presutti's tice a necessity. Dr. Moore said, but governmental control over the school; the Northeast and Maple SeaVhen’s Service. Other members clubs at ”Y.” Whereas: We\must not fail to which remained on the alert et In addition to the $6,000 needed body at Hartford bospHgl, where The award reflects the high not mentioning what the passing Rogers Estate British Fliers he pointed out that State statute supply of rationed goods. street schools the hours will be standards of safety maintained by of the local committee are; Rev. Wridneaday, Nov. 10 tha atate armory until the mobili­ to clear up the debt the church an autopsy was performed, dis- grade would be, , Hallowe’en Tea, Green PTA at hai alto purchased 36,000 in war requires that such ourntrs, or land­ HoweWr. OPA has come around from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. At the Tal- Eastern Greyhound and the rest Ralph Rowland, treasurer; Miss zation was ended at noon. ciosod dooens of brultsa kad^egr- to the theory—long advocated by Anne Dix, chairman of British the Green school. Warrantee Deeds bonds.' lords must furnish heat at all cottvllle and Vernon Depot schools of the bus Industry since an acci­ sraFFEDiPTomen Ouardanien taking part in the ations. Hardly a spot on his body IVhy ThMMm lt of Doctors Given Value Bomb Berlin "reasonable times" and that tam- many ^rsonS and groups—that the hours will be from 9 a. m. to dent, -as defined under the asso­ War Relief; Mias Gladys Rice, Erllng Steenberg to William F. called maneuver will receive one Since . becoming pastor of tbe escaped tbs blows. County DotedteCv. publicity chairman; Mrs. Henry OMs Lot of Baloney Results are usually so good bscgqM church In June, 1839, Father spcretuiratura of lass than 68 degrtts is fawer/ehoes will be sold under this 5 p. m. Mr. Howe' reminds those ciation’s contest rules, includes National Food / MeJSeaSm ^ HavO'Proscribod Johnson, property on Creatwood day's pay for their response to the tive Mitchell said be never saw a system than when everybody knew Bernltt, Mrs. LaVergne Williams, Vs-tio-not relieves oongestfcm, coir- Dunn has paid nearly 348,000 on wrimi|rimentol < to ths public health. applying for Ration Book • No. 4 any personal Injury or property QidcUjr Drive. state call. During N%ht body mutilated as badly. Board of Health has recsivsd that after a certain date a stamp that they must bring Ration Book Mrs. Henn' Beck, Aubrey Winter, New York— (ff)—John B. Turk, Meht Bratimg rects abnormal dryness, makes bieath- Other units of the 2nd Battal­ Inventory Shows It to the church debt.' ^ e i damage, however slight and re­ Policy Rapped ingeasier—and so helps pramott Boad^ Thomas Harvey to David and The. autopsy disclosed death a numbar ef complaints on house wptild Im worthless. No. 3 with them. He also stated gardless of who was responsible. Charles German, Mrs. Burton ration board official, undertook an Itodcr..INVITES RESTFUL SLEEP! May L. Foots, property Riv­ ion. of yihlch the Manchester Be Worth $138,550; was due to a fractured skull and and office heating to-date and the /OPA’s shoe ratloncrs, prior to Starkey, Mrs. Joseph Watterson, investigation of OPA ceiling viola­ refreshing skepl noOVTIKCOMMOT units are a part, established road ((YmtIniMd from Fags One) that they should apply at the same The association officials • be­ erside Drive and Weloome Place. excessive bleeding, tbe county de­ board pointb to the state statutes June 15 near-rlots at shoe school where they applied for the lieved it would not be unreason­ Mrs. Lucene Hennequln, and Mrs. tions. Because the OPA proiddes If you have a tough time getting to vo-tikmioL m w im —toniglit if yon blocks at strategic Dointa In the Details of Estate. tective said. The right side of the on hasting regulations os appUcs- /stores, held to the belief—which Archie Berkowltz. Hartford, Oct. 18-(ffl—The lack no. money for buying evidence, he elc^ tonight became transient con- need IL Um ss directed. Hartford and outlyliTg areas. tacks In northern France. An 104 More Jap previous ration books. able to expect that the 1943 con­ ShouM Not Plaii Banquet skull was laid wide open, end the ble here, and will be edherod te OPA-ers now say Bounded fine In Mra. Catherine B. Rran test figures might show a rise in The dance which the COGS of a consistent food policy by the was forced to shell out $45 of -his gntion fills up your nose and you have Operational details of the bat- R.A.F. squadron leader flying a sponsored Friday evening to raise The inventory of the estate of Hurricane sank a tug and at least forehead bore nine large geebes by the local Board o f Health. theory but wasn’t so hot In actual Mrs Catherine B. Ryan. 77 of 18 accident frequency. This is be­ Federal government Is heading the personal funds for. the eviden(:e— to breathe throu^ your mouth—a F a lls'b ty , Neb.—(;P|—The thief talloni yesterday were in charge the IsU Gertrude H. Rogers of Ptaiies Wrecked any one of which might have pro- practice— that an expiration date cause the nation’s buses are now funds for erecting an honor roll country for ”a dry milk bottle and Salami. But, he said he didn’t •few drops o f VICKS VA-TRO-NOL X VICKS of Captain Archie Kilpatrick, bat­ one barge off the Dutch coast. Gaynor Place, a Gold Star mother who stole a pig and three hens Prospect etreet, filed for probate uuced death. The right arm was would "catch” a lot of stamps un­ carrying a 50 per cent Increase in of local service men was very suc­ an empty break basket,” Gov. Ray­ mind — salami keeps better than up each nostril should help you in a Pertussin m«w( be good when thou* talion plans and training officer, Five other locomotives and a in memory of whose son, John W. •ends upon thousands of Doctors from Dr. R. W. Hixson shoulo not in the .Manchester District Probsts broken. spent, and In that way make up passengers and operating a 14 per cessful, and plans are being made mond E. Baldwin charged- Satur­ fresh meat. hurryl You can feel it bring tciiefi asatatco by Ueut. Merton C- Bal­ railway bridge were hit by Whirl­ (Conanned from Fogs Dos) Shower Is Given Ryan who died In World War I. to continue them every week for have meserlbad it for so asany yoarti plan a tianquet with his loot. The Court, shows an estate of 3136.* wind bombers in early-inomlng Mrs. Preauttl told the offloarB, for the extra shoes awarded by the John W. Ryan Post VFW of cent Increase in mileage over for­ day nlgbt. Ptrtussin acts at ones to reltsve your lard. battalion communications the present. hens. Dr. Hixson said, has a fowl 500.01, consisting of land and build­ sweeps over the Cherbourg penin­ the Allies' recent punishing raid on the county detectives said, that she ' local rationing boards In emergen­ Broad Brook Is named, died < on mer years. Comparisons with pre­ ’ In a state-wide radio broadcast eoughlng. Itlooeens and mskssphiegm officer. waited until her husband bad gone vious contest figures do show a Henry Beck, se iman 2nd class, sailer to rslsa. gate and effeotivt for typhoid, and tha pig waa aufleiing ings on Prospect street valued at sula. Rabaul, New Britain, the Japanese For Bride-Elcct cy and hardship cases. Sunday, at her home. the Republican goveriior warned of 126,200; land on Hackmatack to olsep, then left their bed ana ob­ very slightly higher accident ra­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck a-serious milk shortage in the old and young. Xaaapensivel from pyemia, a hog disease. Entire Works Devastated sent approximately 62 bombers and Unwanted Shoes Bought She was born In Scotland, June returned yesterday to Davlsville, Itoaea CUokena oa Axis street, valued at 11.243; stccka, tained the hammer with which she tio, but. since the increases are in- state., Reconnaissance photographs fighters against Oro bay. Their But there were any number of _, 1866 the daughter of Hugh and R. I., following a ten-lay furlough Jewtlry, credita, household ’ goods, dive-bombers came in low—a cus­ struck him on'the bead. 8ha con­ aigmiflcant In relation to traffic Livingston, Mont.—iF)— Stop show the entire works of the Miss Anna Anderson, deughta/ reports of persons buying shoes Catherine (Thompson) Ballantyne spent at his home here. "The fact Is,” he declared, "that Legsl Notlets 78 and wea$ng apparel, totaling tomary surprise tactic — but the tinued the assault os he rota from they didn’t want and didn’t like, ga.ins, the recorda indicate the our national food administration, T N |I0 CAIH »->. us If you’ve hsard it: Two farm Schweinfiirt ball and roller bear­ of Mr. and Mra. Malcolm Ander and came to this country 61 years Registration for War Ration 1106,107.81. surprise was on the Japanese. the bed, and after he had collapstd that didn’t fit properly, and so on, success of more extensive safety since the war began, has nevqr had a t a c o u r t or mo».tTE h kld youths drove their truck 12 miles ing plant, devastated by Ameri­ of 262 High street wee given/ a ago. She has lived In Rockville for programs developed to handle Book 4 wil! be held at Yeomqn’s at yjandieaur n-ltbin and tor ibt The Inventory waa filed b.v the American fighters in P-38s inter­ on the floor she continued to beat mleeelleneouB ahower at tna home Just to make Use of Stamp 7 be­ 20 years, coming here from Wlnd- Hall on Wednesday. Oct. 20, from a consistent and . comprehensive District of Manchester, on the Ktb to Livingston, then diacovared can bombers Thursday, are "now him, discarding the hammer for e wartime transportation. Phoenix State Bank & Trust Com­ cepted the first wave and then of Mrs. John Parson of 13 (M’sen fore the June 15 deadline. sorvllle. She was the widow of 4 to 9 p. m. and on Thursday, Oct. policy with respect to f«)d In gen­ dav of Ootoher. A. D.. Ittt. that chicken that had grown so pany, Hartford, and George H. inactive,” it was announced offi­ club, about 28 inches long and 3 Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Eiq., P40a came roaring into the battle. Hill street Friday evening. /Miss Aa to tbe emergency and hord- Michael Ryan. She was a member 21 from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. The pub­ eral and milk In.particular. fond of perching on the rear axle. Plnhey, executors of the estate of cially yesterday. inches thick. Judffc. At the same time a dispatch Dogfights at .\ll .Altitudes Anderson wet presented / with ahlp cooSa, local boards are gen­ of the Union Ongregatlonal lic is advised that It will be neces­ ’’The national government hsts When n » CALL: 3430 Estate of Kenneth U Meacham Tt had Invited friends, too—there Miss Rogers. oulSAVE Dog-fights raged from altitudes Admlte Knowing Husband Dead many beautiful and useful gifts by erally recognized to be lenient in sary to present Ration Book 3 never given the dairy farmer the Don’t barrow unnccasiarlly. late of Manchester, In said District, were 12 chickens on the axle. from Stockholm quoted a Swedish church Stanley Dobosz Unit No. Two Violent ^ T but if a IDsn It the beet solu­ deceased. industrial expert as saying the of lOO.feet to 28.t)00 feet. Mrs. Presutti, who following her her friends.- The KostessM were handing out special certificates, 14, American Legion Auxiliary of 'when making application for the sanie economic protection and as­ tion to your problem. ’Per- Tilt Administratrix havlna ex­ .damage Inflicted was so severs The enemy found it impossible to recital to the officers was locked Mrs. Ralph Watts, Mrs. John Ol­ particularly for children’s shoes. Rockville. John W. Ryan Auxi­ State Deaths new book. surances that it has given to eonel’t' I-Vlsit lean eervlce hibited her adniinlafratlun account Legal Notices Bring No. 5 Book "'that two years would be needed to get through to Allied shipping in up 'without bond on a charge of son and Mrs. John PoraoO This has led to suggestions that liary, VFW of Broad Brook and Mrs. Stanley Andrews reports everybody else.” le the. tlme-aavtnt way to get with said estate fo this Court for 78 tte bay. And when those still in Miss Anderson is the/fiancee of one. Juet phooa us your sp- allnwance. It \»y' put the vital war plant back into murder, admitted, the county de­ children's shoes be removed from the Friendly class of the Uhloiv the air gave up and streaked for Louis Roy of Metff etreft ^ ^cation. ’Then ihake one ORDEREDy-^That the 7Sd day of AT A COL’UT OK i’ROBATE HELD tective said, she knew her husband rationing, but OPA-ers figure it’s Shoo at GRANT, at .Manchester ivlthin and fur the As You Register full production. church. Yes, every day in the year visit to our ottce by sppoint- October. A.yD.. liiiJ. at » o'clock (w. "It may be possible for the 'nome they found it nearly as im< was dedd when she left him on the better to ^ stick to the present She leaves five sons, Thomas E. By The As-sociated Press »sign end get the e«tb. t.) forenu^, at the Probate USice, Dlstilct of Manohestar, on th* Itth jocjlble to escape. Allied fighters Grants saves yon money; biing* A lean of SlOO cmu sao.eo In said Jfanehester, be and the same day of Dcliiber A. D.. Germans eventually to restore 25 floor to surrender to police. She method—requiring that the whole^ Howard and Herbert of Rockville, Two violent deaths were report­ Instead of presenting Ration pursued them all the way to New you honest quality at the lo w ^ whan promptly repeM in IS la asataned fur a hearine on the Prssant WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Kai|., per cent of normal productive ca walked to police headquarters.. family’s valid atamps must be* Frank A. of Hardville and Ray­ ed fi Connecticut over the week­ mohtby consecutive install- allowance of said admlnlalratton Judge. Book No. 1 when residents of While the xrlme was being per­ I Engageijkentg used before extra rations ore al­ mond of Wafehouse Point; two possible prices. Our 37 year ssents ef tlO.OB eseh. .Loans HcCount with said aetata, and this Trust Batalss of Ji asle • W. Bid- Manchestei go to the schools on ® S r a l MacArthur’s communi end, one a man killed by a car as mads on your signature Onirt directs the Administratrix to well under .vntcles II and ill uf the first i sortie time,” said Brig. Gen. petrated, the Prcguttl children, lotted—and counting on the fact daughters, the Misses Elsie and IF YOUR DEALER IS history has been one of learn* alont. Call us today U you ■tve public notice to all persona in­ will of Themlore II. llldwcll late of Thursda.v and Fnosy. as at ' Frederick L. Anderson, command­ qua said the big retce of enemy Delores, 5 yeaVs old. and Joseph, that the extra effort necessary to he walked along the Berlin. Meri- planes was "virtualliharinihUatcd.'' Mildred D. Ryan of Rockville; ing how to do it better. Check need 410 to S300. terested therein to appear and be Manohattsr, In said District, dsesas- announced .they will present Ra­ er of the U. S. Eighth Air Force 4, slept In an adjoining bedroom in Watkinfl-Brooklngs get them may deter those who three grandchildren; three broth­ dent road, and the other a man heard thereon by puhliahina a copy The same day the Japttqese sent these values for proof of oar sd. tion Book Ho. 3. Bomber command. blissful ignorance' of the tragedy Miss Marlon Brookings of Pork don’t really need more shoes. ers Hugh Ballantyne of Rockvlll^ said by police to have been beaten of this order In loma newspaper Ths Trustset having exhibited Ao the front part of these books 15 bombers and 12 fighters OCCASIONALLY OUT OF T i f t u m a l FINANCE c a having a clrciilatlnn In said District their sniiiial account 'vlth said es­ His statement followed a de­ which came to the household. street announce the engagement An OPA spokesman says that Walter of Randolph, Mass., ■ and to death by his wife. success! at least live days before said day ef tate to this Court for aUowsncs, It when issued had only the name tailed study of photographs- which Finschafen. A small fornis^ISiKof Ml-s. Presutti’s parehts and other of her sister. Joss Anne B. Brook­ "from all Indications, on the whole The pedestrian fatality wSs Ben­ stale Tbsatav nalldlae and address it will be nscessary to Andrew of KtUfield. Mass. a.ia Ktaav------Ftma* hcarine—aod retuin make te this Is ' disclosed “ even more extensive P-40a interceptad and shot dow elatives were also in the ho'ma at ings, to PrivaM Roecoa L. Watltins the honor system haa not been jamin Dusuett, 60. of Meriden, Court. ORDKIILP:— Chat the '-’ad- day of flU In the rest before they report five bombers and a fighter and pro­ The funeral will be held on Wed­ Invest what you save in O. R. Rrawa. Mar. destruction and damage than was time, police revealed, of Moultrie. C org is, who is now abused. Tliere Always are Isolated whose neck was broken last night Ureaa* Na SSI WILLIAM 8. HTPK October. A--L) at » o'clovk (w. to register. This will save time for bably got throe more fighters. nesday afternoon at two o’clock at I Judge. 1.) forenoon, at the I’roUate, Office. first estlipated.” r^equtti, whose read name was stationed at/CAmp Edwards, Fal­ instances and cosea where there the Union Congregational church when he apparently walked Into In Bald Menuhestur, he and the same the teachers who will do the work. Again, all Allied planes returned, the aide of a car driven by a Mas­ CAMELS War Bonds and Stampsm I lt-iU-lS-«3. ' 'The Swedish dispatch, based on PoUno i9(it celled himself. James mouth, Ms wiU be abuses.” with rfr. George S. Brookes, PMior is asslsnsd for a hearing on ths The hours will be from 9 o’clock Saturday, Mitchell Bombers, cov­ because ofvfhe difficulty ift, tha sachusetts woman, atate police allowance of lahl accounts with In ths morning until 9 o’clock In on Interview In • the newspaper Miss B ookings who .la the of the ’church officiating. Burial —it’s because hundreds of millions of Ohtel cigarettes/Are said estates and this Court directs NYA Daglight Allehando, quoted ered by fighters, swept in over pronunclatlon-vqf his first hame, daughfier^ the late Mr. end Mrs. said. the evening on Thursday and Fri- Wewok and the adjoining , Boram will be in Grove Hill cemetery. now being sent to men in tbe service. In addition the ths Trustees to give puhllc notice the Swedish Industrial expert, lorinerly lived ats69 Oarlin strqet. Winfield wooklnge. attended Man­ The White Funeral Home will The other man killed waa to all pereone Interested therein to ffay. airdrome at tree-top height, de­ East-Hartford. It was disclosed be Guards Mobilized James Presutti. 38, whose wife, appear and he heard thereon hy who waa described as having on chester I^ h school for three years open Tuesday night and Wednes­ government’s own purchases for our fighting men, veterans’ stroying six bombers and four was arrested SaturdajNin a chargq Anna, 30, walked Into Hartford po- nuhitshing a cop}- ul this order in Finches are the largest family intimate kiiowledge of the Ger­ and graduated from Morse High day until noon for the convenience organizations, fraternal orders, clubs, friends and Relatives some newspuiirr having a circula­ man industrial sitaatlon, as say­ fighters on the ground and destroy­ breech of the peace, bcd&use of .School, / Bath Maine, and from lice headquarters' yesterday and of birds, having more than 1.200 ing or badly damaging 12 other For State Test of friends. said sh'e had beaten him to death everywhere are sending them Camels. Yes, C am epf After tion In said District at least flta ing that only one major boll bear threats allegedly made tes Teachers college, Lewiston. wedding Saturday days before said day of heating and species. bombers. One Mitchell was ds as hV lay In bed In the room next all, Camels are the favorite cigarette with men in a ll xht return make to this t'nurt. I Ing producer was left in Germany brother-in-law. He was rcleikS.e' She la at present teaching Miss Mildred Lillian Merton, WILLIAM «>. HVDE — the PW F factory near Berlin. Btroysd by anti-aircraft fire but ac bonds of' 3100, obtained b y " L .- High school at Shelter le- to'th eir two small children. De­ services-s—Army, N avy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.* ^ Legal Notices companytng fighters shot down 16 Hartford. Oct. 18.—(ffV—Close to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J udge. Preeutti, who said she did ''tia be . y . Mertan of 32 Windermere avenue tective Chris Picking said, an- j H-l«-ll-4t. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HEt.P of 20 to 30 intercepting enemy cause of fear of'Whnt her husband 3,000 members of the State GuanT nourtcing that she had been charged fighters and .probably destroying and its reserves mobilized at the and Technical ' Corporal Andrew with murder. ^*AFUELOILJ^- AT A COURT UK I'RUU.VTE llEl.U at .Manchester, within and for the might do tn retaliation. Mlkler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph at Uanclimlrr ultliln amt for the Diatrlet of MamOteater. on tha VKth thrss othors. Mrs. PrssutU told the officers late BaMvaUea con of the governor yesterday for day of October A\D, r.'tj. About Town Sixteen Japanese fighters, out test maneuvers In every part of the Mikler of Slavia, Florida vWll be DIAL 8^00 Dlslrlut of .Munrht>..l.r, on tlie 161X Present WILLIAAI 8. IIVDK. Ksr xdnilniatrator la directed to give tbs allowaaea of said administra­ aeroee. He was Inducted March ^ unite were already en- order for sale of property owned by Hassau’s charge that Screen Actor iiuhlic notice to the creditors-to tion account with said estate and Attack on Maungdatc Aug. 14 of this yeer. Her maiden the deceased. Errol ■ Flynn is the father of Jier ascertainment. of helra and this 27, 1642 and has been a member name was Pessulo. ca.mpeaNuid combined their sched LrlhK In their claims within said Court directs ths Administratrix to Marriage Announced 1-2 year old daughter. tlnte allowed hy poatinx a copy of of th ^ :n th Division. He arrived By British Success Presutti had been employed by Sees DM Drums In Uet^ uled maneliYerB with the exercise. this order on the public elan phat giva public notice to all persona In- home Tu^oday. Announcement is made o f the Counsel for Mrs. Hassau plan­ terested therein to appear and he New Delhi, Oct. 18—(/F)—While the Hartford Electric Steel Cto., marriage’ of Beatrice W. Welz and nearest to the place where the de­ heard thereon by publlahlng a copy Great Falls. Mont.— \^o ned to ask Juvenile Court Judge ceased last dwell within said town patrols diatroctod the enemy with police sold, and Mra Presutti Lester R. Kemble, Army, both of Thomas M. Foley to take custody and hy pul>llBhlnx the same In aoino of this erdsr In soma .nswsp^er Mrs. Ern6st Krltzmacher, preal- diversionary raids Saturday night, worked for the Callahan Paper years ago Drummer Godfrey R e^ newspaper having a circulation In having a circulation in -uid Uif- deqt of the ^aitc^cster Mothera donated his set of drums to a 8ul\ Workers I land Rockville which took place on Oc­ of the child from Mrs. Florence Quality on a budgatl irlct at least five days before said British troops 8ucccssfully'.iittBuk- Box Co- at .09 Albany avenue. tober 11 with Rev. Arnold F, said probate district, within ,teli day of hearing and return make te club bos called^ meeting of the ed with mortar fire the Japanese- Preauttl’a court record discloaes dier band. Recently, at a 3outh\ Mullen of San Francisco, a- great days froni the data of this oedsr. executive Imard f ^ tofhorrow eve­ Pacific base. Ueut. Retd, now In Probe of Waring, pastor the. Rockville aunL os a first step In her possi­ and return make t olhia court of this Court, J - held town of Maungdsw on the he was fined $ 5 and costa Feb. 16, Methodist church officiating. the notice given. ning at eight o’cib^k ih^.Center western coast of Burma, a com­ 1825, on a charge of frequenting the Marines, eyed the drummer tn ble transfer to cutody of her WILLIAM S HYDE ) Judgt, Heavy Bain Welcome H-ie-lS-tp. e______church house. munique announced today. a house of ill fame; a charge of on army show witb particular. in­ mother. Judge;- le hieavy rain of the week-end Mrs. Hassau has filed suit at. Il-ld-ll-ll. R. A. F, dive-bombers .followed non-support was nolled In 1937. terest. . The drummer woe using PhUedelphlai, OcL 18.—(ffA T h e was^ujost welcome to the farthers AT A COURT o r PROBATE. HELP Members of MysU^Reylew, with a rtld on Japanese troop Reed’s old drums. Los Angelea against Flynn asking at Manchsstsr within July 23, 1939, be was given a sus­ end of a work stoppage that start- in thlsviclnlty, many of the wells Novelty Cottons Woman’s Benefit AasQciauo|ii will positions, near Maungdaw and $17,000 for legal and medical ex­ nistrlet of Manchsstsr, on ths ISth pended aentence of 10 days for ed last Friday at Cramp’s ship­ being extremely low. During the British Hurricanes made a serisa New York City’s colleges grad­ penses plus $1,750 a month for day of Oetnh*'’; -YxPs uvriE Eaa meet this evening at 7:30 carrying a pistol without a per­ yard- was coupled today .. with present WILjLIAM S. H*D®» Bs^ti and Oak streets and proc«ed\to of attoeks on snsmy-oceupisd vil- night the Snlpslc Lake, Rockville' support on her petition to have the mit. On Jan. 16, 1939, ha was uate more than 16,000 studepta ^rkere* demands fbr a Federal water supply rose two Inches, and Why? Beeouse we bought thsM ■’'*T?iit Estate of Annie fow eis the home of Mrs. Stephan Horai lagsa and Army huts in the some given six months In jail for annually. InYwUgation of the plant by the actor declared the father of the RAYON area. as the lake is fed from springs and child. - sturdy, firmly wovien fabrics u-w of Herbert to pay their respects, breach of the peace, but the SwUSte’s Truman committee. brooks, it was expected that thie Manchester. In sa\d DlstrleL Ss- \Baauflghteni attacking the en­ charge was nolled on hie appeal to Members of Local 42, Industrial water level vvpuld rise another Inch in 10 and 20 yard pieces. Light MarUn J. Relster of Wapplng, emy’s Burmese supply lines set on Superior Court. Sept. 21, 1639, be HOSIERY **Th*s* Trustea having •**'•*‘***6 Union flf Marine and Shipbuilding or two within the next few days annual account with said estate to formerly of Washington street, flr^ r damaged a number of ves­ was bouncT over to Suportor C ^rt Workers ((310) voted yesterday to to dark colors for pajamas, sels, Including three large steam- Tbe water has been Six feet below this court for sllowanoe. It Is this town, is a patient at the on a charge of esseult with a dan­ /return to work today under a slx- the average water level for the Nfirth ('.oventry ORDERED:—That ths *3d Ssv 'ere and two oil barges, and scored gerous weapon, and sent to jail shirts, dresses. 36 in. width. O ci^ sr A. D., 1943. at 9 e’oloi^ (w. Hartford hospital. doy truce/ during which their past ten years, excluding the year hits on two oil tanka. R. A. F. Wel­ for three months. , ^ t.) forenoon, at rt'* lingtons bombed Akyab, about 55 negotiating - committee will" at­ of the hurricane. The National War Fund Drive In said Manchexter. be and ths same James Murray of the Coast While In Jail a warrant waa rt- tempt to eettle tbe dispute which la assigned for a hearing on the miles south of Maungdaw. .S4)cond Bowling League has started in town. Mrs. Walter Guard at Norfolk.pUl Va., waa home ceivCd from .. Ohio charging non- led to the stoppage. A second bowling league is being Keller is chairman. One of the fol­ allowance -of said account with said Attack Japoaeae Shlpplag ■up{>ort of fivir- children by a for­ Gabardine Remnants estate, and this Court directs the. for the week-end and hla brother, A communique from U. 8. The yard is one of the largest formed in Rockville at the Conran lowing will call at your home soon: Trustee to give public notice to all George, is enjoying a teK>day fuf' mer marriage in Ohio, and he OR tha Delaware river and iU re­ Bowling Alley and a meeting of Mra. O. O. Anderson, Mrs. (3harles persons Interested therein to ep- Tenth Air Force hpadquartera said served a state prison term fOr the Short lenjjths to 6 yards. Wash- lough from Fort Jackson. An­ cent launchings include cruisers the captains of the teams who are CartwrighL Mrs'. Roy Davis, Mrs. Se^rvice Anywhere ooar and be heard thereon by pub- American MItcheli bombers at­ offense, "County Detective Mitcbeil Able, 36 inch width. lehlng a copv of thie order In some other brother. Sergeant William lend oubmorinea for Uie Navy. to enter will be held tills evening at AllMrt Katzung, Mrs. Benton Oas- tacked Japanese shipping at- Ka- said. '< We will'make complete arrange­ n.wTp'L^er haVing a circulat onon Inin w.^iirray is at Camp McCain, Miss. tha, on the Irrawaddy river about the alley. keli, Mrs. H enry' *Reed, Mrs. aaid Dletrlct at I.''* Relatives Rally to AM •a ^ ^ . ments for you in your home town They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. 160 miles north of Mandalay, Sat-, A t the prepent time six teams Charles Strant, Mrs. Louis Whit­ If you are a newcomer to this a^hs: George 0< A. Murray of Charter Oak Mrs.'Pretu Hi’s .relotlvea imme­ have entered the league, and it is comb, and Christopher. Glcnney.. urday, sinking three 200-foot diately rallied to her aid and re­ Week-End Deaths . cqnmiunity. We ore members of street. boats with direct hits . and de­ asked that any other team inter­ The local quota is $2,600. Cretonnes > copy:>f "rtir. ord.r I'weri tained the services of Attorney the National Funeral Directors tar'Henr'y atfeot^ Mancheeteff. Conr stroying six or eight smaller crofL ested tn entering the league have The Red Cross room Will be open Association. 141 Henry - - ^ y d e Mrs. Josle Keloh of Wadsworth Anthony Tepogna to represent PLims "SHERLOCK HOLBiES Thursday at tho Grange Hall. Other American, bomber squad- her, Mr. Tepogna stormed at tbe BalUmore, Mra. MSry J. Bush representative at this meeting. The ’ r Judge. street is chairman of the Harvesv FACES DEATH” six teams entered to date include Coventry Grange ivlll meet 16 to 20 yard leogtlM. 27e rons dumped ten tons of explo­ county detective Amd Deputy man, 96, mother of the former mo­ supper which Mystic Reviewrj sives on an enemy air field at tion picture star, Francis X. Bush­ Vic’s 'Truclu Dispatch; -Happy Thursday evening at its hail. Rich colors. 86” width, yg . Woman’s Benefit oioocUtlon. will Chief Hickey beeguhe be was not Aces, Batsle Five, Scouts and Friday, Oct. 22, at 8 p. m„ the a t a c o u r t o r f Ro b a t e h e Ij^d Bhamo, 60 miles east of Katha permitted to see his client' Immo- Wild. - Than. - FrL - Sat. man. 81»e was born in Gettysburg, serve tomorrow evening at '6:30 Tony’s Five. annual meeting of the citizens of at Manchester within The Mitchells coneentrated on on- dlateiy on bis arrival at headquar- Pa. •jumuNce seRVKr District of Haneheetsr. on the 14th in Odd Fellowa banquet hall. A emy objectives at Nabu junction “WINTERTIME” New York —Dr. Eugen Kovacs, War Council Coventry New. School Building dsy 6f October A. D.._ 19.43 tors. Association will be held at the 225 MAIN ST..MANCHESTER DAY’ NIGHT 4340 ?re M ^ 'w L U itW s.*HY’DE. E.q., penny Bingo WUI to yesterday, .but full observation of He deolred to tell Mrs. F nouttl 48, formerly New York Hmee cor­ Tliere will be a meeting of the PLUS.'..‘REPORT PROM Vernon War Council this evening Booth DimoCk Memorial- Library PercaleN of Miss Eva F4mtom and Mrs. tbe damage was prevented by tbe to sign no statemehta without bin respondent tn BudiaresL '*'*Truet Eetafo of Jennto 0. El» Grace Howland. All members . TRE ALEUTIANS’* Philadelphia—Walter Lee Shep- ate 7:30 o'clock in the (3ouncil in South (Coventry. Everyone is u-w of HeUn 0. Chapman ISto weather." , approval, but was apparonttjr too are urged to attend either the 62, president o f the board of urged to attend. Manohaatar. in aald blitrlcL A*-. late for that pord, 62, president of the board of The Coventry P. T. A. will meet Florals, Stripes I supper or ths Bingo, os the proflta Mrs. Presutti willingly pennlt- baisteea of Germantown academy Checks. SO" wida. Trust## having axhihlio’d- Its will be used for the W ar Bond One of Main Jap Opposes RetnItHng Fines Wednesday. OcL 27, at the <3hurch anlu^ amount with aald satat, to ted a Hartford Times photograr and a lawyer. Community House. TTiis meeting thla'Court- for »yowanc«, U la fund. pber to snap her plotuva nt head­ Woohington —Robert Telverton Columns Retreating ' Torrington, Oct. 18.—lre. Clyde Marshall A new law provides that any bad.” caphalltla—for which , there is as poaiUon they have the allghUst when the war is over. This, ap- Marshal Rommel, acting swift­ . Phow 4658 person finding a War Ration B o ^ Welch asserted that th e. farm­ From Humans yst no. cure—usually manifested ^tcening Herald ly to’ counter this new threat to Not Candidate should place it in the mail imme­ For Criticism er’s failure to plan is not the re­ by fits. doubt on this the basic issue of parenUy, la shaping up as one of As Cars Meet Remain Open True ffion sult of negligence biit of his In­ Piipplea are most likely to de­ VOBUBHBD BY THIS his demands for the forthcoming his Balkan forcas, has. Opened a diately and the Poatal Department M P U I^ rRINTWO CO. tNa our day." fierce aerial campaign against vil­ RegistraUon for War Ration wu!l rieturn tt TO its rightful own- ability to gauge costs and returns. velop the encephalitis phase, If the course prescribed by Mr. Moscow Conference. “ Unable to Plan Ten Times Preva- are pointed nose. doge^ auch as l(«nohMt*r Conn. lages held by Mihailovic'a forces Despite War Police Board Head De* Book 4 will be held on Friday In e ^ Holders of War Ration Book FaYiners Protest Accii* WiUkie for the Republican party Yt will, of cowse, be an assur­ Autos Damagefl in Col* from his new general headquarters That One Is Kind- That Bolton at the North and Center fi'are advised to see that all books And because of low returns, be German shepherds, dacluhunds, THMU.8 rsiiaOTOM ^ares He Does \Nol satioii^^f “Tendency to said, the farmer is unable to plan lent as Distemper in and dobsrman pinschers. Mon­ U»n«««r seems to dictate the nomination' ance easily granted. Our troops at Belgrade, theae sources said. schools. Mn. Daniel HaUoran are completely filled out with n - M wdtd Ootobar 1. ttll iisioii on Bissell and Particularly heavy fighting was (Oontini^ from Page One) LastSf Says Rev. Ward, for labor supply, repair of ma­ grels were no more resistant than of Mr. WUlkie himseU that is are there for one purpose and ^ e k Reelection. will fie in charge of the reglati«p gard to the information desired on Shirk Tlieir Jobs.” chinery “or any other issue that Canines Kept Indoors. purebreds, he reports. sMUliad Ovary OvaalnK Bxoapt one. purpose’only—to help Russia. Holl Slrepts.- reported in Montenegro between In Sunday Sermon. the cover. When War Ration uM Holtdaya Bntarad at only because he has been, so far, t)ie Germans and Mthailovto's lasts, the more tremendous this The schools wUl be open Book 3 was given out only the WiU arise in the future. It is all The conclusion ,of a number of OStea at Hanoliaatar, Conn.. We have no territorial designs on problem will be. ' •The Police Bbard will meet to­ Hartford, Oct. 18.—^ faith as we and other peoples Kingsley Carpenter, 2; Malacbl suggested that the Grange might l*(^«p«etal diapatohaa herein are al It is because he alone offers con­ to grab Iran. He is frequently de-. more fully understand our prob­ forms.” Mr. Ward, added; ’The ing to be disposed of at the meet­ be held this evening at 8 p. m. be convened immediately to take doors and so seldom among dogs *■ raaarvad ' ______scribed as "peasant shrewd.” The Bissell street And Mrs. Maatropie- ed into Albania from Macedonia, to history of religion is a long, long ing, one being the need of provid­ Steel, L; Salvatore Giamboi, 1; in the basement of the Quarryville kept in outdoor kennels. structive leadership to the tro north on HoIK*trect, the con­ reinforce German garrisons under lems we will also have the cour- Clifford E. Griswold, 1; George action. For Greek People Richmond, Vs., Oct. 18—(.4’) ollant of N. B. A. agei'thc wisdom and the tolerance train littered with discarded ideas ing extra men for the department. Methodist church. All men of And Carl Welch, Tolland farm­ Contraotod From Humans . Full aarvlea thoughts and principles of his suspicion raised by, developments tact being made in the center of almost daily attacks from Alban­ and inadequate concepts, liut along Shedd, 1; WiUlam H. Minor, 2; the community a n cordially in­ The first section of the Atlantic ;Barrlea InA like this is that he is as ignorant' ian mountain warriors. to a world “Worthy of man­ er, declared that the charge was ’’There seems to be strong evi­ party. the intersection. Both cars contin­ kind's sacrifices and aspirations.” Misa, Irene Groot that trail walk men and women in FrlU Nonn, 1; Mark Carpenter, vited to attend. without basis and that the farmer Istanbul Oct. 18—(iP)-A repeti­ dence that the disease is contract­ Coast Line’s “Havana Special.” iV publlabara as he is shrewd. We have no de­ ued on across the intersection, Albanian guerrillas .were report­ Whose heart the character of true 1; Wlnford A. White, 2; Irma Jallna Mathawa Bpaol^ Asserting that the conference Jolly Club has all he can mi to keep operat­ tion of the 194J- famine during ed from human beings since the speeding northward between signs on Iran, which we regard as stopping against a large tree on ed to be putting up a spirited fight Adrian Groot. of 86 Linden religion has always burned; the Morra, 1; Dr. Clannee Sherwood, The Jolly club will meet this Raw Tork. Cbleaao. Datroll and the lawn on the northwest corner had established for itself "a well religion of love and kindness, the 2; Stanley B. Doblea, 1; A|me ing from day to day. which many thou.sands perished curve of incidence closely follows Petersburg and Richmond, derailed LBoaton. ____ Great Disengaging Movement an Independent nation. He should against the Germans in the Valo- merited reputation as an out­ street,’ has Shnounced the engage­ evening at 8 p. m. with Mrs. 'Rob­ Lasbury, a tobacco grower and appears in prospect for the Clpeeks that of human ‘ colds, and dogs shortly before midnight last night, of the intersection. na district, driving the Invaders ment of his daughter, Irene, to religion of humility and long- Jervis, 2; Paul Maneggla, 3; Harry ert Metcalf of South Road. ■ MEMBER DDTT bureau of The evacuation of Znporoshye know that. But can he aay the The front ends of both cars were standing forum for the consider­ suffering. the religion of mercy and produce broker, made the contro­ this winter unless their country is with the disease so often come killing a soldier and injuring at. Cl RCniJtTlONa from Drashovica Into the sur­ ation of business questions,” Hill Private Victor Puzzo, son of Mr. A. Munro, 1; Aldo Peace, 3; John Plan Harvest Supper versial statement at an agricul­ freed quickly from the Nazis or from homes in Which colds are ieast seven others. was. as described by yesterday’s same for himself? Or is he com­ damaged. No arrest was made by rounding hills and forcing them to justice; the religion of self sacrifice Patelli, 1; Samuel Jewell 2; Eve­ the Investigating officer, Raymond expressed the hope that its work and Mrs. Sebastian Puzzo, of 224 The Woman’s Society for Chris tural meeting In the county build­ new and larger shipments of relief prevalent," he declared In releas­ The military withhelo tbe dead The ilerald PrIntiDS Company. pletely shrewd after all and mere­ leave their dead and wounded be­ Charter Oak street. Private and courage, the'religion of hops lyn Heuser, 2; Clifford Loomis, I; ing the article. soldier’s name pending notification "Msnmes no flnanoTal rasponsl- Nasi communique, "carried out Griffin. . hind. ”rnay result in a fruitful contribu­ and joy.” Charles Lamb, 1; Cfiiarlotte E. tian Service of the Quaityvllle ing Saturday. food are’ sent to them. b?uib%oT''typotraphieal errors m - according to plan in the frame­ ly raising the question about our tion to our understanding of both Puzzo is with the U. S. Army church will serve a Harvest Sup­ Addressing agricultural officials Swept by enthusiasm over the Dr Whitney, author of previous of his next of kin. ■ psarins In advertliements In The Mihailovic is war minister in the Engineers and ia stationed in Quoting from ths statement of Tobias, 1; Elbert W. At^jiood, 1. and farmers, he charged that Allied Victories in North Africa works on distemper and canine in­ Four Pullman cars and the work of a great disengaging troops in order to stake out his exiled Yugoslav cabinet. King the problems and the opportuni­ St. Paul ’’when I was a child I Certificates for tubes: Malacbl per in the basement of the church '-fcaneheefer Evenina Herald ties of a better future.” West Virginia.. on Friday with the first table farmers were “going about i t , the and Sicily, the Greeks threw stocks fluenza, reports on 309 complete train’s diner were derailed, but movement in the east.” own claim? In any case, he is Yank Planeg Peter recently broadcast a plea*to spoke as a child. I understood as a Steel, 1; Clifford E. Griswold, 1; Monday, October 18 his countrymen to unite behind Business executives, gathered child, I thought as a child, but being served at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. wrong way” and had a “none too of horded footatuffs on the market histories of the disease in the' ar­ none of the cars overturned. A The Nazis had previously "dis­ wrong, and if that is going to be Blood Donors — Register now William H. Minor, 1; Dr. Clarence pleasant defeatist attitude.” in, the belief that they would be ticle, drawn from the' 800 cases rail, ripped from the tracks as the their guerrilla leaders to oust the from as far distant as California when I became a‘ man. I put away with Mrs. Swoiukon, 2-1442, for mo­ Sherwood, 2; Stanley R. Dobtee, Ethel Lee is chairman and has engaged” themselves. In the one of the questions before the. Best Eiieniy and Texas to discuss post-war selected the following menu: Peet Sees Coopention liberated before the winter, ac­ brought to his clinic. Meanwhile, train skidded to s stop, crashed Winkie At St. I^uis Gerpians. Most Miners childish things—and now abldeth bile tmlt visit. 1; Aldo Peace, 1. In reply, Peet last night de- cording to information reaching he said, only 8 jaaes of true dis- through the last car of the train course of the summer's fighting, Moscow Conference it should plans, heard Sir Gerald Campbell, faith, hope and love, these three,, Friday Grade 3 tin s: Daniel HaUoran, boiled ham, potatoes, carrots, tur- British,minister to- the .United nipps, pickl^ beets, relish, rolls, claied that despite the wartime here. tempei were presented. and caused tbe only casualties. Wendell.winkle at 8t.‘ Louis from points .like Orel, Smolensk, draw some of Secretary Hull's fa­ By 4 to 1 Flout Appeal but the' greatest of these Is lenre,” Production — Monday through 3 and two tubes; RusaeU Fountain, handicaps of scarce labor, high This was said to have exhausted Consists of Two Phases None of them believed, to be main premises, both mous plain speaking. States, declare in a prepared ad­ Mr. Ward suggested that we today Friday, 10-4:30; ’Thursday eve­ two used truck tires; Seoondo coffee, apple and pumpkin pie. i4wd two Kharkovj Taganrog, and Mariu­ dress that his government looked may but be in the childhood of Reservations must be made for wages and poor quality feed, Con- their last reserves and they now The disease consists of two seriously.,Injured, an Army nurse (Continued from Page One) Foreign Help ning, 7-9; Center church. Morra, recapping certificates for nscUcut dairy (arniera are whole­ face the winter months with insuf­ phases, he said, a throat phase in and three Army hospital attendants sound. pol. Such “disengagements” led forward to ”an expanding world (Continued from Page One) religious development and that Surgical Dressings — Every (our buck tires. tbe supper and can be made up H m first was that the people" economy In which co-operation, until Wednesday evening by call­ heartedly cooperating in the pro­ ficient clothing and fuel amid a which the dog "acts as if ho had hurt in the 'wreck were brought to them to tbs Dneipsr Line. There, opersflons.” Present types of only as many things which we Wednesday, American Legion hall, Oomhine Grades duction effort. rapidly rising disease rate caused a bone stuck In his throat,” and the Medical 0>llege of Virginia tbie country are likely to wel- according, to report. It was "ac­ Civilian Food May Become with a view to increasing the to­ miners walked out beginning last think of aa Significant for religion 10-4:30. At a meeting of pupUs of. tbe ing Mn. Ann Skinner, tel. 6622. planes have been Improved, OWI Wednesday when Secretary Ickea pass away, shall the true and Other details will be made public "Ws a n willing to go 100 per by two years of undernourishment. for some dogs a phase one to five hospital for treatnfi>nt. aams, In next year's presidential cording to plan” for the Nazla to said, to greatly increase and in­ tal amount of trade, ' will take Nurse Recruitment — Call Mrs. eighth grade of tbe North School Supply Cuts precedence over competition in a returned the mines to their own­ abiding faith come to dwell in our Myhaver, 6214. with their parents and Chairman in an advertisemerit latter in the election, an opportunity to show stand and hold. Perhaps they ex tensify their offensive power. Big Problem reitrlctlve market." er’s, saying they had no contract lives and in the world. week. and prove themselves free of long­ In the six months from March to with the operators aa their work George O. ROas of the School CBoIr Reheanal pected aid in such a stand from September, OWI said, more than British Moi« World-Minded Noraes’ Aides Corps Board and Supervisor L B. Dim- er dependence upon.ane particular ths fact that the Russian armies Seen Likely agreement had been made with Tomorrow evenmg at 8 o’clock, Memben of the Quanyville two and a half times as many (Oonttnoed from Pag* One) Sir Gerald said that ”I think the government. The walkout field it was decided to transport Methodist choir will mast for rs- ladtTiduat for leadership. As Mr. would nssd to pauss and conaoU- enemy planes were destroyed as in that you will find, even before the the Volunteer Nurses’ Aides Corps the pupils of the eighth grade to (Contmned from Page Oba) was not authorised, by tbe UMW. Delay of Day will moet at the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. hsarsal on Wednesday avsning at WniMe himself aUted, there are dats thsmselvas bsfora striking the preceding J9 months of the Italian workers within the Reich stench and smoke of battle have The mines operating normally Floyd Smith, pioneer woman avia­ the Center aehool ’’.The meeting 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Aon war. The box score shows 6,389 also definitely warrant the Ges­ rolled away, that the British will was held FYiday evening at the BO rigid party lines Interfering for further victories. But the Red siipplles of meata and dairy prod- employ approkimately 4,500 mefi, On Exchange tor, will speak to the group. Skinner. with this desire. That Republi- Axis planes blasted, out of action tapo’s suspicions that they may be be more communlty-mlnde-d, yes, but on the basis of crews report­ . F lirt .Aid Aasoclation North school and the advantages Other Meottnge Arndles rested only about ten ucta in 1044 probably will niean a at a cost of 11,239 American ships. far from content. So do tens of more world-minded in our think­ of such a change w en discussed. '-eans are anxious to have this diet slightly lower in calories, pro­ ing today only 3,200 were in the. Dr. Moran will be the speaker Members of the volunteer llrs- days, and then struck again. ”No enemy bombing remotely thousands of disarmed Italian sol­ ing and our attitudes than we ever minu. Three large non-imion (Continued from Page One) at the opening meeting of the Firat At the pnaent time Mrs. L. Smith, eountiy show its ability break the tein and calcium. However, be- rivals ours either In Intensity- . or diers who were sent to Germany m I -r teacher ot the North school has men plan to meet Wednesday ava­ By last week, they were en- , cause of higher levels of enrich- have been. mines have remained in (^eration. Aid Association at the Trade iling at the finhouse to oontlntM theory of the Roosevelt India gaged in bitter struggles tor pos-1 bread and flour, the diet accuracy,” the report said. where they were given the choice And,” he added, "we should John L. Hanratty, Intenuitlonal them. They used up moet of th* School Friday evening. Movies 33 pupils. By taking the eight the work on tbe meeting room. l^aaaabiUty Is obvious. But )t is al- Fly on 228,168 Missions of working or fighting. not be alone in this for, if it be representative to UMW, predicted beer and whiskey, however. will be shown, and a very interest­ pupila in the 8th gride to the saaslon of four key points on the may contain more Iron and the B In the 21 months of the war, •To these great, dissatisfied and Center school Mrs. Smith wiU only The Home Nursing meeting will '•D true that many Democrats and vitamins. tine that it is not only a war but a growing march back to the Amerlonoa Bendy to Move ing meeting is promised. be held at 8 p. m. on Tuesday at Dnieper Lino, Melitopol to the ex­ Army craft fiew on 223,758 mis­ unruly masses of French and Ital­ a world revolution through which mines.” He said he did not know Junior Red Cross have 25 pupils. Mrs. HaUoran oeoBtlaas Independents too would Ths bureau estimated sions, dropped 105,649 tons of •The Japanese'have not yet com- the home of Mrs. Ann Skinner. treme sooth, Zaporozhye, Kiev, production this year to be five per ian labm- now may be added the we ore traveling, I rather think of any local union in session yes­ pletcd their berth assignments. Wo have juat heard of the teacher at the O nter school has wtioome the opportunity to free and Gomel. If the Red Army bombs and probably damaged 2,196 thousands of Imported workers that well night every mother’s son terday which voted against re­ •The Americans are ready to move pleasure brought to a member of twenty-one at present and will cent above last year and 32 per enemy planes in addition to the have 29 after Tuesday when tbe theidtselves from any vague fear could gain these points, It was ob­ cent above the 1935-39 average. from Croatia Serbia and other and mothers too, will have to col­ turning to work. from the Japanese ahip Tela Maru the Junior Red Cross by a group 312 listed as certain kills. Dur­ parts of the Balkans—as well lect a lot of old ideas in the com­ Reminded of Lewis’ Plea of her fellow members, while she change is made. ^ tbat this great country can pro- vious thkt the war in Russia The 1944 outlook for major food to the Swedish Gripmolm, which Wire Company items: ing this period U.S. plaiies losses a small contingent of Portuguese ing bye and bye and place them In a radio appeal to the miners will take them home, but there has been confined to a hospital. No decision has been triads rel- ^ duce only one man, and one man would be near an and. Tbe next Meats—Production to be about totalled only 1,867. labor volunteers. on the scrap heap to avoid being yesterday, Hanratty reminded was notliing for them to do but Each boy and girl in her school atiye to changes at tbe ‘ South Strike Ended }only,‘’capable of wearing the toga Nasi line would have to be found" In hanging Up that record. Triple Guards Around Camps placed on the scrap heap them­ them.-Of a telegraphed return-to- ^ -. room selected a joke, each one was school where Mrsr LUUan Mack as high as this year’s record, but Army planes have beet, up against work plea of their national presi­ of leadership. In pre-war Poland and Rumania. non-clvillan requirements- are ex­ Unrest in all these people may selves.” A hundred Japanese of the 1,500 placed on a slip of paper, and each now has 36 pupils. pected to be 26 per cent higher. the best aircraft the enemy has to conceivably be inspired by recent He said that he hoped the Unit dent, and said that plea was back­ on the Gripsholm visited the paper roiled into a little cylinder. Start War Fund Campaign She second WUlkie premise, fol­ Now tha Red Army baa gained offer. OWI quoted Gen. Henry H. ed by William Mitch, UMW dis- New H i^en, r, Oct. 18—(ff)—Em- Milk—Production expected to events, and reliable reports from ed States and Great Britain would Tela Maru yesterday afternoon-to AU the,cylinders were sent, ode to Keeney Hutchinson, chairman ployes of lihe American Steel and lowing Inevitably from the first, one of theae points, and la atiU fall eight billion pounds below the Arnold, commander of the Army Germany indicate that thf Nazi co-operate in seeking internation­ trict president, and other local, Inspect the quarters they are to be opened, read and enjoyed each of the Cktnnectlcut War Fund cam­ was that such people must be Air Forces, aa saying that "all union leaders. occupy and to work out assign­ day, and the resulting laughs have paign for Bolton, announces that Wlire Company mill were back at strUdBg with positive vigor for food administration goal of 122 taking no chances—have tripled al trade at the close of the war, "If any man tells*you this advice work this morning while union and offered a good opportunity. They billion pounds, and two billion tj’-.jea of American fighter planes guards around the camps where although now they were engaged ments. Those aboard the Teia been thoroughly appreciated. the campaign is now under way com par y officials conferred on the ths other three. Whatever natural have shot out of the skies the best (to terminate the walkout) ia giv­ Maru 1,500 united SUtes, Cana­ . BIo<^ Donors in BoRon. He has asked bie co­ eaanot axerciae their choice un. confidence watchers of the Red pounds below this yeasts expected both voluntary and InvolunUry in a great race to get material in en with crossed fingers, he’s eith­ grievances that caused the two- output, .becauee of tight feed sup­ Interceptors both Germany and workers from the Mediterranean the quickest time to the plpce it dian and LaUn American national* Friday 1* the day for the month­ operation of several townspeople day work stoppage which ended lass it is given to them. They can­ Army may have In the outcome is plies and producer diasatisfactlon Japan have put against them.” nations are quartered. was most needed—"or rather two er a fool or a liar,” said Hanratty. —were permitted ashore for a .ew ly visit of ths mobile unit of the and they have agreed to make a not abandon present leadership Most Notabl« Achievement ‘There is st the present moment minutes while being registered and Hartford Blood Bank, and, last night. now .bolstered considerably by tha with prices. ^ Heinrich Himmler, Gestapo places, one straight on the top of every hope that within the next house-to-house canvass In order ■The company nported that all A house within a unless they are shown something Poultry — Total production The. most notable achievement chieftain, is even reported to have Herr Schleklegruber and the other assigned berths on the Gripsholm. usual, 250 donors are needed for to put Bojton over the top in the workers reported for the shift significant words of yesterday’s as made by filer’s commanded by few days a just solution to .the Huge cranes worked steadily that day. In addition to the groups should be about the same as this appealed to Adolf Hitler t a move straight or slanting," to use the miners’ grievances will be found." this drive $hat will care for the starting at 11 last night, officials ^ts equal or Its better. German communique. year’s record. Maj. Gen. Claire, L. Chennault in some of the most suspicious for­ shifting baggage and Red Crose from Cloak Com­ USO, prisoners of war and many If the Republican party wants China during the 13 months ended vulgar tongue, on the hard upper^^ pany and the Pioneer Parachute having agreed to negotiate this "A great disengaging move­ Eggs- -Expected to equal this eign laborera out of Germany "be­ bellv of Goerlng. supplies between the two vessels, other agencies. morning while work was resumed. to offer the people of America ment in the east” seems to be year’s record of five Wilton dozens. Aug. 4i They bagged 442 Japanese fore it is too late” and the work­ "The old way of looking at In­ iVo Rush to Obey , drawn up end to end In this tiny Company, a large number of other 'The' quota for Bolton is $625 Cor'pany officials said that a store " big" new s 23 opportunity, it must do Fruits—With normal yields, ci­ planes, probably destroyed 166 ers "poison the minds of good Ger­ ternational trade,” he added, "was harbor. The Gripsholm was donord^re needed to reach the re­ this year and-last year during .the “slowdown” by two women em­ phrase covering tbe greatest and vilian supplies would be somewhat others, sank 41,000 tons of ship­ Appeal by Lewis brought into her dock Saturday, quired figure. things, It must avoid ^ most painful retreat and defeat mans.” too often based upon the beilef I t you can make a donation this USO drive' the amount raised ex­ ployes started the stoppage. Union above this year. ping and damaged 88.000 tons. Within the last month there Is that there is only so much world Terre Haute, Ind , Oct. 18—(P)— the Teia Maru the day before. ceeded the quota for 1943. Mr. officials, although terming the other things. the Nazla have yet experienced. If 'Vegetables—An unprecedented American losses amouVited to 61 said to have been a striking in­ Miners straggled back to work at month, call Mrs. Swanson at trade to be done and that, if some Expect German Oollapee 2-1442, to arrange for an appoint­ Hutchinson has chosen as his stoppage "unauthorized,” asserted years ago! I these things, it will Zaporozhye is only one part of the demand expected this year. Sub­ pli.nes. crease of sabotage within Ger­ other nation gets our share, we two of Indiana’s closed coal shafts From a Chilean newspaperman . committee, Robert Metcalf, treas­ that the ’’slowdown” was an at- stantial Increases in acreage re­ Heavy bombers, in the first six many which the Gestapo traced today, but there was no rush to ment. teiqpt to increase the work load. ance of v l^ ry , even •plan In the framework” of this months of 1943, bettered the .ene­ shall have to go short. This belief returning aboard the Tela Maru Production Note* urer, and Kay Marshall, publicity. quired. back directly or Indirectly to for­ (lowed from the assumption that obey the resume-production plea came the first statement yesterday Book marks explaining the work Roosevelt /magic. If disengaging movement, tt takes my by a score of more than four eign workers. Even Polish and of John L. Lewis, United Mine Did you roturn your knitting to­ these things, the to one, knocking out 1,333 planes there Is a fixed amount of world bearing on conditione within Japan. day? Don’t forget that there are doqe by funds raised for the War UILD a oompitte houo* InsMe of a ato rtl lltUs Imaglnatlaa to guess that Russian workers,- Arhb apparently trade for which everybody must Workers pi^ldent. This correspondent, not a repatri­ Fund w en distributed in the people will hhM Uttle choice. Five Senators to 316 American losses, OWI said. have been docile enough tmtil this Less than' one-third of the nor­ a great many garments atlU but Two Submarines Doorway to the now fa­ 'Riat! was an almost unheard of thing the Nasls are preparing them­ Medium bombers In the same .pe­ fight. ate since hla country is not at war that a n needed early this week so churches in town on Sunday. Post­ What are thesedimgs? fall, are said to be an Increasing mal operations force of about 600 ers are on display in various parts mous “Cottage,” a house selves tor the losa of ths entire Hit by British riod showed more than a two-to^ problem. Enormous Expansion Possible reported at King’s mine of the with Japan, said high Japanese of­ that shipment may be made of the Slide Down Ways of five mc^el rooms. twenty-three years ago when we moved to . •The Republlca^party," said Dnieper Line, tor the loaa of. their one superiority over the foe. Rising Tide of Discontent “The truth is. we^ believe, that Princeton Mining Company—larg­ ficials appear to expect that Ger­ remainder of the quota. of. the town. Anyone dealring our present modem building. New Yorif Mr. WiUkie, "wUl hot deserve last footholds in Russia. "There la no getting away from In Bavaria, a rising tide of dls there lies before all of us the pos­ est i* Indiana. many will collapse but declare tha If you cannot arrange to return information should call Mr. Hut­ (Contlniied from Page One') the fact that the box scores, plus content with the conduct of the sibility of an enormous expansion However, State Labor Commis­ war vidU contlniie for five years af­ ..the garments personally, please chinson, tel. 3425. had one; Chicago had one; ao Manchester must leadership and cannotNii^ it it Lest it bs ooncludsd that this ter that. call the center, 5542, to that the A list of the canvassers will Jbe Groton, Oct. 18—(ff)—Two of B the other less calculable accom­ war among German farmers was in world trade. Industrial growth sioner Thomas R. Hutson said at / BMrely attempts to i^ eitee tmder is altogether discreet charity on •The official Japanese position, Motor Corps pick-up and delivery pnpared in a abort Urns and will the subifikrlnes that ConnecUcut have one. The thousands who .visited us during ship tons of articles and equipment plishments In destruction (such as reported tc have led to an order has taken place In ’many countries Indianapolis that advices from his war bond investors financed, the its banners the various negative their part, it should be pbtoted wrecking of enemy bridges, fac­ that foreign field workers hence­ overseas, accelerated In many observers In the coal fields indi­ the correspondent added, la that a on Wednesday may take care of it. be printed to enable the people to "opening” week back in 1920 saw a completely furnished hotiM/right inside andXl'n.S84 ship tons of construc­ German collapse would not affect •Shark” and the "Dream,” slid groups within the country. or out that the Red Army la provid­ tive materials,” the article declar­ tories and materiel) prove that at forth must return each night to cases by the exigencies of war. If cated all 17 shafts which closed If any of the Red Cross knitters know who will’ call on them fur of a store for the first time! Once again Watkins was giviu Manchester we determine to lopk upon this, not last week would be operating by the Japanese greatly since Japan la are out of work just now, or if their contribution. down the ways yesterday in the can it afford in formulating ing magnificent elements of cbm- ed on the basis of figures It said the present time oar comb*t Isolated barracks Instead of being Electric Boat Company’s first dou­ had been compiled by British and planes and our airmen are superi­ housed on the farms. as creating more competitors, but tomorrow morning. prepared to stand alone. From out­ there a n knitters who have felt Annual Bleeting Report "the most up-to-the-minute display ideas to help make furnishing your home poUcles to yield to the special' lulsion. The Red Army’s advance or to the planes and airmen of the Foreign newspapermen accred­ as creating more markets we can ward • appearances the Japanese that the garments to be made for ’Thirty 'attended the annual ble launching. pleas of self-interested economic Amerlcsn sources. people still are convinced' they will the Army and Navy w en too The . "Shark” was sponsored by /" a thrilUng and pleasant event I been ao conducted that the "Ths contribution hs's ranged enemy,” OWI concluded. ited to Berlin are beginning to feel go forward with coionfidence. meeting and supper of the Bolton Mrs. Albert Thomas, Wife of the WiU Not B«*ch Goal the atmosphere of distrust as Nazi ’I t will need 'q l^ g in g and win the war, be said. much to tackle, then an other Congngational church held Fri­ pressure groupa Nartq have never, for a moment, from', barbed wire to cooking One of the Japanese aboard the things that can be made that will Texas congressman; and the •Tt must find its strength not, stoves; from bombs to locomo- The report said that changes in leaders worry about the presence adaptable export pollc^n the part PoKce Court day evening in the Fireplace Room "Dnam” by Mrs. W. O. Chappie from the possibility of models, necessitating production of "non-Germanic” peoidea In the of mdustry to supply the changing Gripsholm said he regretted the be much appreciated. Perhaps you of the Community Hall. A boun­ as does the ^present admlnistra- tlvss; from Nlssen huts to para­ war had compelled him to leave havs a small amotmt of light col­ of West Mystic, wife of a subma­ Today furnished homes and rooms are no longer big news, but here having Ikne segmsnta of their chutes; from Spitfires to lemon delays, have made it obvious that Reich. Several Swiss correspon­ needs of overseas countries as tiful supper under thri direction rine office.’ hero. Hon, in dividing and ruling but in line outfiamed and aurrounded. the goal of 10,000 planes monthly dents in Berim have had trouble th’elr economies become advanced. America, but added philsophically ored yarn left over from some of Mrs. Jane Hutchinson, Mn. at. Watkins they continue to attract thousands yearly. Perhaps that’s squash; from artillery to socks.” Angelo Magri, 16, of 129 Pleas­ that "there Is nothing for me to do knitting you have done, or maybe Both ships w en pnsented with R national policy tt^at unifies the The Russiai^have been tactical The Dally. Mall concluded this by the end of 1943 would not be with the Oeatapo recently. It wlU also call for a degree of In­ ant street, Hartford, pleaded guilty Nells Merrill and Mrs. Hannah plaques showing they wen* fi­ because the original five room house.. .“The Cottage".. .now hM neigh­ reached. The production rate has Neutral businessmen who pre­ ternational cooperation In a num­ In America so it is better to return you a n willing to purchase two or people. masters of th^tuatlon from the phase of its review with the re­ to recklees driving In P611ce Court three balls, Baby jackets, bonnets, Merrill was served by Mies Betty nanced by war bonds purchased by mark that It was realized all tha been slowed, the agency report^, viously travelled unmolested In ber'of ways such as has.not been thie morning before Judge' Ray- home.” Bockus, Miss Thelma Bockua and the people of Ck)pnecticut in the bor?. In fact our model rooms have grown to village proportion. There "It must seek to make America, start of their Campaign. They Germany If their papers were in achieved before and which, ws All the Japanese interviewed booties, stc., a n needed (or the tlihe that ”lt was not loye of Bril' by engine shortages. Inequitable mond R. Bowers and was fined $25 emergency closet, although th en Miss Marie Hoar. Third War Loan drive. are 48 of them in all... some constantly in the process of refuraishings and after this war is over, a Und of have somehow beenxable to apply ain but the sfark realization, of distribution of raw materlaU, order now report they are stopped Imagine, can only be achieved un­ and costs. The case developed said they were well treated aboard At the business meeting Samuel frequently for questioning. der the leadership of our two coun­ slitp, that food wa* adequate but ia no jrarn on hand (or them at decoratings in order to bring you the very latest ideas in big time deco- ever-expanding opportunity — op­ sharp pressure at key polnta all the pCsslblllty of total war en­ plant roorganixatlons and labor from an accident which Involved preaent Soft knitted wash clotha Alvord was chosen ircdentor; re­ Help WllUmoatlo Oelebnte gulfing the United Statea that ahortagea. tries. ' the car of the accused and two that their own money supply was ports from (fieik Edna Sumner, ratingl. portunity not just for a few top along the front, eo that'toe Naxla ‘What we must seek, in collabo­ not sufficient to keep them in WlU also be appreciated. men to make their fortunes with promoted passage of the lend Production errors have been others, owned by Roland Newcomb Burgloal Dnesings 'Treasurer Adelia Loomis, Auditor WiUlmanUc, Oct. 18— 1 8 ^ (^ —rEdu- I your heart’s content.” ' On foreign affairs the author of planning and carrying out is, how­ the direction of tnternatlonsi in- on an overtime parking charge. one-quarter of the amount of oth experts, and the Ordnance depart­ vestments on co-operative ■ lines, damp and Hospital Gage nm ain m pastor of ths cators, child welfare and civic of­ *^ne World” sees no- prospect of ever smoothly It may be phrased, ers suppliea that America . hae In Yugos^via ment pooled their vast resources •Two local youths, charged'with The one room aehool buUdlng at Among the ncent r^ueets from church for the coming year at tne ficials observed at the Dwight are subjects which mUst engage stealing gasoline, were glvcii a day Oakland, owned by the town, is to peace "if we start by mi^ng ex­ clear admission of that fact.. ahipped," it said. and rolled up thslr sleeve*, th# the attenUon of our' reapecUve tha uniformed forces in the vicin­ prevailing salary. It was also Child C an Center yesterday the clusive offensive and defensive al- •Ihe comments of the .American general said. to day continuance this morning by be sold at auction on Friday after­ ity. through the Red Croas field voM that the advisory commit­ first anniversary of that center senatora aroused, tha . London press (ContiBoed from Pag* One) governments- in the not distant Judge Raymond R. Bowert. The noon at 5:30 by R M. Reid and directors, a n Included such things and the Scranton center, models | Ukneea between any two of the Work Contributed by CIvUlanB tee' investigate the manner in as have few other issues since tbe The work of the civilian group, future.” theft was discovered when gaso­ Sons. The building has not been as foothaUa, coat bangen, carpet for the rest of the country. Ouf Troop* Worry Joe Outlines Poet-War Geials used for sohool purpose* (oi the which the benevolences of the principal aiiUes. Such alliances outbreak of the war, and brought week were report^ to have oc­ including their expenses and the line was Ignited by fc.mdtch thrown Bweepers, men’s bedroom alippen church a n used. wiU but divide, not Unite the If we think aome Americana’ are from ' Sunday Di^wteh Columnist curred in various other parts of cost of prodpclng experimental BeaFdeley Ruml, cludrman of the to the ground as the boys were peat 10 years. Last summer the, and olaiistcal phonograph racorda. Dorothy Crisp this scorchln{^ re­ Bosnia and Montenegro, and near siphoning gasoline from a small de­ board havuig no further use for With such a varied list of artl- The following won elected world . . . ; I' know we will nev­ petty and suspiiclout in their at­ projecUles, was contributed gratis Federal Reserve bank of New York Clerk. Edna Sumner; treasurer. (Right). Through this doorway you mark; Trieste and Flume In northern to the Army Ordnance department. and author'of the Ruml ^ x plan, livery car owned by Qulnn’e Phar­ the building voted to. turn it back eles. It is probabU that evsnr fsm-, enter Coventry Houae, now diepTay- er get there If America tries to titude toward our allies—and macy, In rear of the store late Sat. to the town tly in town could find one a t two Alexander "Within living memory, her Italy. • "Although the- avallablUty of said in a prepared speech that a Bunce; member .of the executive ' THE 9UILIC LEARNS FROM Ing part of our extensive group of play a hand at the old game of we try to correct them—what (America’s), foreign policy has Nazla Poroea RepeOed vilrlous alloys changed several ’Tew of the- things ws have tr urday night. The report ws* ms-** At the annual town meeting things to donate. They can bs left Open Stock ’Trutype” Colonial Re­ 1^^ been a series of excursions In op­ In the northeastern coal and by Chief Albert Foy gf the South held early ,thl* riionth the seiect- s t the Rsd Cross oglce, or 4 call to committee for three years, Jane power politics;—a game which Is shall we aay of some of , the eue- times,” General Lewis said, "the shoot at” in post-war planning are men were authorized to dispose of Hutchinson; music committee, production's. Trutype pieces are played always a t the price of per­ portunism bent. not on the crea­ Umber re^on of Bosnia, Naal development was rushed until a “Hlght -employment and produc­ Manchester Fire department and Mr*. PhiUp Cheney, chairman of EXPERIENCE made of solid maple and are known piclona harbored by our allies tion of a sounder future but on forces were said to hav* been iw tion, maximum activity of private the arrest wo* riade by Officer*EJd tt and have engaged the Reid Com­ tlM (3amp and Hospital committee Mrs. Flora Chase, Mrs. 'Delight manent peace. superior triple alloy steel formula pany to sell it at auction. Tha Gisge; Mias Helen Berry; fiower for. their light,- glowing "Collector” about ua? ' talcing a present line of least re­ pelted after they had ^advanced was found. enterprise, an effective comiSensa- mund F. Dwyer. will taks care of having them pick­ orwAirrmiwviBPAu finish. » "Another thing I know. In all Probably ths most petty and sistance and apparent mkterial building, tt 1* said, can be convert­ ed up. Mrs. Cheney’s jiumber is committee, Mrs, John CtoUine; su­ almost to Tuxla. ’The new ordiiancs projectiles tory fiscal policy, prompt tax re ed into a small home. U i* located perintendent at church sehool, cur dealings with those of the childish of thess suspicions, or so gain.” More thaA 400 German* were for air and ground invamon forces duction, public works planned t< ' Ah Army order for 800,000 S31L The Sunday Graphic’s New killed and 200 wounded when a contribute to a more stable and wooden folding chairs saved 4,000 on Deming street and has a front­ Of course, the things Uks easy Mrs. Brownell Gage. PRINTED WORDS ebcui our conquered countries of ’ Europe, It must seem to Americans at any are far in advanoa of similar Nazi age of 168 feet on that street chairs, davsnports, wntlng tables. Mr. and Mm. Samuel Alvord (Left) This is the mantelpiece from with ouf potential friends and York .correspondent cabled that partisan group d*ralled a Ger­ projebtUes and ca» blast open Nazi more efficleht construetion indus­ tone^ steel. *prgenitttioii een only, per- our now famous Cushman Galleries rate, is reveajed by the fact that* while the five senators ’’were not try, a minimum protectipn against rugs and lamps, and any recre- were appointed delegatqg to repre­ when the war is over, with bur man train in northern Italy and plane and tank armor. ational squipment, kre always sent the church at the meeting ^luadf some readers fo where are shown picturaque Cush­ Joseph Stalin has asked assur­ bitter and emphatically not advo­ turned hidden artillery on the ”ln addition to having high mili­ the hazards of .life, and finally an man Colonial Creatl.ors. Ths vanquished enemies, we must en­ cating a return to Isolationism,” ^yreckage the communique said. tary- characteristics, these new provement in the operations and more than welcome. of the Tolland County Mlnlstem vesiigeto jfseh, ance from us that the troops we thrtr comments bad ’’handed am­ aii.1 Churehee Society to be held deep scuffing and ’’wear” marks, courage and seek to work exclu- now have stationed in Iran wlU projsctUes will conserve'tremend­ position of representative govern­ elhsfs _iliMa^'~1sxperience.. and the mellow, highlighted finish munition to the iaolationists on ment." VOLUNTEER BLANK — BLOOD DONOR SERViCB EtaoM Otaad Potrioreh October 28. Slvaly With the forces, that are be removed after the war. ous quantities of virgin alloy*, Manehestsr Chapter, Thy Amarican Red Croaa ' Aeeeeeom ia Seeoion - record • ’ cehvincinq are exclusive charaCterlsics of this platter.” ^ mihaUovic*§ Guerrillas which constitute a saving of tjve He said that "we must give due -Olir it fine furniture. naitbar Khsi-tainted nor Fasdst- These American troops are national resources 6t our.country, attention to our representative no- New Haven, Oct. 18.—(P)— The assessors for the ’Town' tSf tsstimonisl of fhs hiqh •■» Btained.' Open Offensloe 1 Want To OonaU Blood for,the Army and Nary Joseph Schneider at Bridgeport .Bolton will be in seMtop on six 'tran, so far as we kpow, for only ’Industry-ordnance teamwork cess.and.the measures and nti- csllsnies o^our sorvies. ' Xf It m a ts . to have the oonfi- Package Store Cairo, Oct. 18 —(dV-Gen. Dra- has provided United.- Nations tudss that may strengthen it. Our was olected grand patriarch ef days to assess property in the. one purpose.* y h at Is to build, ja MiliSaiovic’* Yugoalav gperril- Cenneeticut Odd Fellows lodges at town... Meetings will be held in ffmiee,ed the American people in speed up end help manage a sup^ laa, rslaUvely inacUve alpe* th* Armies with countless lethal keys economic and social problems are Name ...... ^. . . . Owners’ Ouling to Hitler’s European, fortress." exceedingly Important, but we the annual encampment on Batur- the (Community Hall Bolton O n ­ AND PUILIC BELIEF in us is tealgB policy the RepubUcan par. ply route through which Ameri­ Nazi* began o o c u i^ g garrison* need not for that reason naglect ter, on Tuesday, Oct 19,. Thum- ■ ths eollsctivs faith ef many ^ SCBBOt, as tt did at the end of can goods have been pouring into form*rly h*ld by Italian troops our Icgialative inatltutions, ’ on Address i...»-»**-»**-*-****-***»*****-**** (toy, -O ot 3l, Tuesday. "O ct 26, Members of the Manchester have taken the offensive and are Goes to Movie* to Sleep . fsmiliss «m have ssrvsd. the lost war, adopt pious reaolu the battle of Rqsala, both in the which *0 much depends, as we Liquor liuireday, Oct. 38, from 9 a. m. Package Store Association held an fighting bitter batUes with Mar­ to 6 p. m. Meetings WUl be held Mans ^edging latenmtiooaL coop- form of equipment for the front shal Erwin Rommel'a forces on Lq* Aiigslew— (F) —’•Mrs. Marie move on to extend and enriph our Phona ...... Age, 18-20.... Age, 21-60.... outing yesterday at the Villa Striker, who works at a war plant, democracy.’aemociBcy. New Haven, Oct. 18.-;—(JT—New on Friday, Oct 29 and on Mon­ AMBULANCE SEBVIOB aad then nominate a can lines and food for the people be­ Louisa In Bolton. Members from three front**. Yugoslav government Haven police were still sseUng to­ day, Nov. 1, from 9 a. m. to • R O T li K R f I N C the state association were.invited leader* said todny* •ay* she can’t find a place to Uye. He saidId .Jthat ^ t Congress could noti Cheek hour you prefer appointment: Who would reverse that hind tbe lines. So she goes to the home of friend* be expected, to do w the post-vwar day the thlevss who entered a p. m. November 1 is the last guests. After the dinner-the mem ApparenUy, Mihailovic’* Army package store mi West Water day on whKm property ‘can Yet, Stalin, whose. ' realism hers discussed niatters pertaining is eoFirtniwg it* drive* to wastom occasionally. to freshefi up a bit, planning, but suggested uiat ‘the 1-2.... 2-3..... 8-4.,... 4^5.....* URKE© WiUkie baUsvea, and and they're keeping her el^t-year- ^un cil a t State governments, ■trset Saturday and took , $500 declared. ~ ^ of MANCHESTER aeenis tch consist principally of to their business . Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina worth of liquor and ^ In 'cash, Samutf Woodward ia chairman Ih UsA that the people of this Zt was voted to coaiDnue to kesp and the new offenalve ia i|i >esr. Other members include lli; g cattdidou who hodgea pr .about the presence of troop* tha case iR ths oast* Yugoslavia by the red


servlcs at the grave la LAkevew hlB employdi In the form of a spe­ £j»t m clearing the streets were cial Christmas bonus. w n c — loM WTHT— 12M proving Of. gceat value in reopen­ cemetery in that town. Tax, Spending State Parley^;/^, OIjituary The b>Mrers were Carl A. Peter^ "Y et the War department says WDRO— 186S W>. BO—1418 |ip Fighter ing the ^p.at port to .^itabUsh we are bound by the certificate of Today's Radio vital supply fines. son, Norman W. Curtis, Harry P. m e n ^ Unbeate Curtis and Edgar H- Clarke. the contracting officer” In these War With the capture of Ruviano Hold Capital’s cases, Warren commented. To Open Here Q u V s Guest the Americans had forced their “Now here’s a sweet one,” he way onto the important highway Deaths Mrs. Katherine Howarth -f l ;00__WTIC — Backstage W lfe:^ 7]30—WTIC—Cloee Upe of Our The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Continued, explaining that a con­ Congdon-McKinney extending north through Alvlg- Stage Center tracting officer had approved d Grand Temple, Pythian . , WDRC —Home Front Reporter Fighting BTonta;' WDRC—Blon- nano and Dragonl, across the Vol- Elmore Charles I'aekard ^ Howarth of 65 Pleasant street, who Miss Gladys Elizabeth McKin­ News; WTHT — News; Music; die; 'WTHT—American Discus­ ^Reggie’ Root Poteca Is Cotnbinatioh of Handball, Sammy Baugh nlans Hear First- died at her home Saturday, was payment of $225 for a spare set tprho to Alife and Piedmonte Elmore Charles Packard,” of W ney, daughter of Mr. apd Mrs. Sisters, to Hold Con­ WNBC— Blue Frolics. sion League; WNBC—The Lonp held today at the home at 4 o^cldck (GonUnned from Page One) of false teeth for, a contractor’s William J. McKinney of Coventry, ‘Little Brown Jug’ Up id Account of War D’Olife, and cuttU^ across Ger­ Bushnell street, Hartford, a ■ for­ em:’'^e going to Russia. 1:15— WTIC — Stella Dallas; Ranger. Badminton and Plain Roughhouso and at 4:16 at the Zion Lutheran formerly of this town, waa mar­ vention Tomorrow. man communications..': - mer resident of this towm, died Other Items approved by con­ IVNBC — Glenn Miller. 7:45—wnc—RaUonlng. . Happy With Slings Four church. The Rev. Paul G. Prokopy through .a national retail sales tax, ried to Leland Smith- Congdm; the South Pacific. While Middle East heavy bomb- Sunday morning at the Hartford rather, than the Income tax laws. tracting officers, the comptroller 1:80 — w n c — Lorenzo Jonas; 8:00—wnc—Cavaloada of Amer­ hospital. officiated and burial was In East son o f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. The "43d annual session of the WDRC—Four Clubmen; WNBC ica; WDRC^Vox Pop; WTHT— In Annual Meeting of a u ln walloped .Maritza air- cemetery. Simultaneously, the Treasury’s said, - included charges of $1,500 UlMnbeiii of the lo«il Klwsnls ,jronaele on Rhodes HYid Coi itafbor Mr. Packard. Was born December general counsel, Randolph Paul, each for 1918 model Liberty Congdon of Clarendon, Vermont, Grand Temple. Pythian Slaters, —^Tlme Views the Newe. Sam Balter; WNBC—Newa. H illhouse T . Da Passes The bearers were: John Wlnzler, at a ceremony performed at 2:30 e e n given » flrat hand ac- in the Dodecanese and Syros har­ 17, J874, In New Britain, Cohn. He was telling the Annual Agricul­ trucks, $l,6p0 for 1928 model will open promptly tomorrow 1:45— w n c — Young Wldder 8:15-^WTHT—Let’s Learn Span­ received his early education in the Andrew Wlnzler, George Winzler, Saturday afternoon in the S^ond morning at nine o'clock In Odd Bnnra; WDRC — Ad Uner; ish; WNBC—Lum and Abner. bor In the Aegean, Northwest Jacob Wabrek, Michael Wabrek tural Outlook conference In an a- dump trucks, and $2,000 for 1912 it of flghtlng In the Southwest public schools of that city, and model steam rollers. Congregational church, Coventry. Fellows hall. Grand Chief Mrs. — Jimmy Dorsey. 8:30—w n A —The Voice of Flre- Minnesota-Michigai^ at ttelr regular Monday African bombers and fighters at­ and John Mrosek. dress that a salca tax would threat­ Former Yale Coach, Redskins Trim Green tacked communications behind the graduated from the Philadelphia en the government's hojd-the-llne Charged to Government Rev. Benton S. Gaskell, the pas­ Lothalre Fairclougb of New Brit­ • :00—w n c — Whan A Girl Mar­ etone; WDRC — Gay Nineties; ting today when Ser- harmacy College, after which he tor, who officiated, used the single ries; \WDRC — Four Way Min- News: WTHT—Sereno Gammell; Bay Packers 33-7 by Chester Nowicki, Just re­ lines, bombing bridges south of economic policy, that “dangcroua One contractor, Warren said, ain will preside. Reports and rou­ Dumped by His Alma Rome and the cast coa.st railway was employed as a pharrhacist at Reds Roll Forward dollars" are "battering price and contributed to a local community ring ceremony. tine. business will occupy the time streU; Niw*: WTHT — News: Caatlef in the Air; WNBC— Gridiron Leaders StEI, ed from the area was the the drug store of the W. H. Grant cheat campaign and was hailed by Palms and chryaanthemuma dec­ Johnny Morgan. Mater; Carries on as Air Route; Other Pro ■peaker. Sergeant Nowicki, near Pescara. rationing controls," and that m until eleven o’clock when the Music; WNBC — Newt. Leahy Tells Estate oh Depot Square. In 1917 view of a 841,000,000.000 Inflation the press as "a paragon of gen­ orated the altar, and the bridal Pythian Sisters will unite with i;;8—WTIC — Portia Faces Life: 9:00—wnc — The Telephone Hpld , Top Positions' Hartford resident; was former- Hit Coaatnl Railway Hour; WDRC—Radio Theater; High School Mentor. Results. Yesterday's air attacks were he assumed proprietorship of the With New Drives; potential in the public pocketbook," erosity,” but the contribution was music was played by the church the Knights o f Pythias in a me­ WNBC — Dick Tracy. employed by the Hartford Gas Packard Pharmacy located at the charged to the government and al­ 8:80—w n c — Just Plain Bill: WTHT—Gabriel Heatter; WNBC After Saturday’ s Tilts; mpany and was Introduced-by carried out despite , unfavorable a strong case could be made for morial service for deceased mem­ W hat Makes denter and conducted for many $21,000,000,000 of additional lowed by the contracting officer. bers of both orders. This aervloe WDRC — War CommenUry; Ad —Counter Spy. By Lou Black Chicago, Oct. l8.-^.-(e)—The toward Carlson, a gas company weather. . Pour Through Gap 0:15—WTHT—Grade FleMs. Chicago Bears, growling to them­ Ohio State Throws Medium bombers attacked Alife years, the drug, business establish­ taxes.” The former member of Congress will be held at the Hmanuel Lu­ Liner; WNBC — Jack ; Arm­ New Haven, Oct. 18—(ff)—Tall, Uve. ' - ed in T913 by Samuel Nelson, Jr. who serves aS- the government’s 9:30—w n c —Dr. I. Q.; WTHT— selves since last year for allowing Sergeant Nowicki told some I, .,.1„ „ the highway above Capua.Capua, In Cowdin challenged the $11,000,- theran church. At noon the La­ strong. slim, Reginald D. (Reggie) Root, Irish Click Scare into Purdue by Following his retirement from ', (Confinued from Page One) official auditor charged the War g;4(I_W nC—Front Page Farrell; Eagles’ Initiation Ceremonies; Washington to win the 1942'Na­ lesome and harrowing stories daylight yesterday, fighters made 000,000-plus Treasury estimate of dies Aid Society of Emanuel who should know, ^agrees that business. Mr. Packard moved to department with having adopted chur<;h will serve dinner to thu WDRC — American Women; WNBC — Spotlight Bends; tional Football League champion-^ Half Hour Lead; Coiv his experiences in fighting the sweeps up the east coa.st toward the sum business has retained after football coaches lead a tough ex­ Hartford where he and Mrs Pack­ in the Krenrcnchug sector. The taxes and distribution of dividends the attitude of ”to Hell^wfth the visiting Pythian members, undei "WTHT — 8upern\an; WNBC — Sports. Hhlp, may ‘get another crack at i^gaps and his tales were so inter- Ancona, 130 miles northwest of ard have resided foT^the past six Nazis called the fighting in the General Accounting office^ 10:00—^'WnC — Contented Pro­ istence aa has been alleged. But, the Redskins for the pro crown If Veterans of ‘T’ Forma­ nell Surprise in Victory Termoli. hitfing the coa.stal rail­ during 1941-42-43, saying a survey the direction of Mrs. Ida Soder- Captain Midnight. ■'•Stlng that a number of the mcra- years. Velikie Lukle sector "savage,"^ but "They want to leave It to the In­ berg and Mrs.* Ellen Modeah, gram; WDRC — Screen Star says ha, Ufa wouldn't ba worth tha current pattern continues to fbers remained after- the meeting way and knocking out trains and by the NAM Indicated a figure at Evening living when he couldn’t be out tion at ‘ Notre Dame. He leaves his wife, who before said Soviet attempts at a break­ least . $5,000,000,000 under the ept and inefficient contracting bf^ president o f the society. Play'; WTHT—Raymond CHap- be followed. -■ By Tea Meier li o u r to contlniie talking with motor transport, ^ h ree aircraft ficers, who are giving away money 6:00—w n c — News; WDRC — per; WNRC — Raymond Gram on a gridiron teaching a group of The Bears and Redskins re­ her marriage was Miss Nellie through were "frustrated.” ). Treasury estimate. The Pythian Sisters will return Return o f Miller and New York, Oct. 18.—(ff)—Just I'idtn- Sergeant Nowicki saw sor\'- were listed as m i^ n g from all Sandstorms of such intensity and property with reckless aban­ News; George B. Armstead; Swing. lads the sport. mained the only unbeaten teams 7 lee at Guadalcanal, the Russell Is- Kirke, and six daughters, Mrs. H. He told the committee that $10,- to Odd Fellows hall for their aft­ WTHT — News: WNBC —Terry operations. ' that the soldiers were blinded have don,” he .added. ernoon meeting. The business will 10:15—WTHT — Concert Hour; The aandy-balred Reggie cur­ In their respective dl-vlalonB after Mello and Bertelli’s how good are Navy Minnesota and 1 Rendova and New Georgia. W. Robb, and .Mrs. CTifton U Pat­ 000.000,000 was being collected In and the Pirates. lands, Two locomotives and a number swept over the Melitopol battle­ Another case cited by Warren Include the election and installa­ WNBC—Men, Machines and Vic­ rently ia Athletic Director and yesterday’s sessions, and should Southern California? Their game* J.He was wounded in action at Ren- of railway cars were shot up in ter. both of this.town; Mrs. Ralph state and local taxes, in addition to a;IIV _W n C — History in the Head Coach at New Haven’s Hill- Plav Factors. D. Gosch of Glastonbury; Mrs. ground at the Bouthem end of the $44,.600,000,000 in Federal taxes, aa "a nice one” Involved a charge tion of the new officers for tha tory. either be. defeated from kere on. this week against GArgia Tech, I'tlova. He. suffered wo\mds in one the raids toward Ancona. Headlines; WDRC — To Your 10:30— WTIC—Information Please; house High school where he is It wmild have to be rated an up­ William M. Carlson, of Minnea­ front, the Communist party organ and added: by a contractor for free meala coming year. and College of tha L4inn tad one leg and described an In other, sweeps up the Adriatic furnished to government employes Good Health; WTHT—Dick Mc­ WDRC—Guy Lombardo Orches­ doing a grand job of removing set. By Charles Cliamherlain polis, Minn.; Mrs. William J. Pravda said today. "We earnestly urge upon you The committee of past grand Carthy; WNBC —Sports; News. Pacific should give the answer and eident which happened* to him coast Warhswks scored direct hits Whipped up from the steppes, many of whom were receiving tra; WNBC — Yankee Doodle football from the doghouse. The Phll-PItt combine, the JiUe In a death stnigglc with a White, of East Hart ford;, and Mrs. that substantially $.65,000,000,000 chiefs in charge of arrangements Chicago, Oct. 18.—(ff) Well. Mr. help clarify the college football on a hrlilge south of Caramanico, the thick clouds of dust forced the compensation from the govern­ for the convention Includes Mrs- 6:30—w n c — Ask Me Another: Quiz. Ten years ago "The Reg,” da East's "surprise team,” rode Into j a p toldier. In reaching for his lohn Don.sbach. of Hartford. Also total take In tax®* from the Income WDRC — Patti Chapin; WTHT 11:00—Newa On All Stations. ' Chicago with an. undefeated Leahy, what have you to say about picture. southwest of Chiefl. troops to carry their rifles and of the *ntlre nation in 1944 is as ment for the same meal.s. Frances Chambers of Membrial some of his pals call him, was nbitfe he slashed his hand %cciden- Air Force headquarters an­ five grandehildren, ,MisB Jeanne —Overseas News; WNBC — Feed 11:16— —Harkness of Waslu league record of two, victories. Notre Dame? Careful, now. don’t The Midshipmen, Gophers and automatic guns under their rain­ large a* la wise or sound or safe." Tax Not Chargeable Temple, of this town, Mrs. Sarah wnc head football coach a^ Y ole, his only to find that the enemy and Miss Sally Robb, of this tow-n: In another case, he said, a con­ BTollcs. inton; WDRC — Joan Brooks; But the 4Eagles weris^ smashed be too optimistic. Trojans are among the naUhn’a 18 nounced that the Germans had Keigwin and Allyn Forreat wrlth coats, but the barrels were con­ Would Increase Food Prices Hartt of Unity Temple, Hartford, Alma Mater, where he was a star The Idea la to keep the ball la ttie air. __ dead. ■ „ lost more than 6,600 ab-craft iii tractor charged, and the contract­ 8:45—w n c — Lowell Thomas; WTHT—Music; WNBC — The tackle on tbe 1924 and 1926 alav- 48-21 by the Bears. Sid LuCkih'im Frank: "It wouldn't be wise on ui.beaten and untied teams but the U. 8. Marines, overseas; and stantly clogged and the men are Citing ■what, he described as sts- and Mrs. Harriet Nutland of Da­ whether they rank with such- For six days and nlghU at Ren- the Mediterranean In the 11 attacking with hand grenades, the ing officer allowed, a payment of •WDRC —News; WTHT—Music; Music You Want. ena: and, in 1926, the year ha waa pitched three touchdown passes, my part to admit that we've got was fighting continually. Leslie Kirke White, of East Hart­ tlstica of the Agricultural Bureau mon Temple of Rockville. The In­ By NEA Service recognized juggernauts as Notra months since the Allies landed In dispatch added. $70,489 for gasoline taxes paid by WNBC — King SlsUrs. 11:30—w n c — St. Louis Serenade; gradviated, - captain of lacrossa. ed at Miami Beach it should prove Dante MagnanI scampered . 96 a great team yet—one that would Japs favor night fighting ford. of Economics, Paul said that if a stalling officers will be Mrs. Fan­ Miami Beach, Oct.- 18— Poteca Dame, Army, Purdue and Pennsyl-* North Africa. The official state­ the contractoi in California, when nie Sanfof-d of Derby, Mra. Caro­ ■7:00—w n c — Fred Waring in WDRC—Romance. Turned to Coaching populpr in this country. yards with a kickoff and Harry compare with the great Rockne that's the time the bitterest Funeral services will be held 10 per cent salea tax had become vania still Is debated In some quaiv ment said 1,245 Axis planes had the tax was not chargeable. The line Wadsworth of Seymour and Pleasure Time; WDRC—I Love 11:45— WNBC—Del Courtney’s Or­ The popular Root could have made its bow in the United States Despite Its simplicity, the only Clark raced 81 more with a re­ teams, for Inatnoce. A team with ounters take place. The Japs Wednesday afternoon, at two effective, last July 1, there would ters. been found oh airfields In Italy, Threatening to Flank amount, he said, was recovered by Mra. Nutland. A Mystery: WTHT — Fulton chestra; News. started out on a business career when Miami Beach high school ! idea being to bat the ball back and covered fumble. the stamp of greatness must be a |4Ba cunning, cautious fighters o'clock, at the Watkins Ftmeral have been an average increase of the accounting office. Lewis, Jr.; WNBC— Mary Small 12:00—W nCj—News; Three Suns forth from one team to the other, Their games shape up as tha. most of them sntiashed by Allied six per cent in retail food prices Mm. L. S. Congdon Past grand chleft of the order with several prominent firms, but football players demonstrated ^ a Redsklu BlMt Packers team that has aho-wn the spirit ■'^irking silently and are always Home. ■ Hundreds of Thousands Cognac, gin, brandy, rum. Re-vlew.' Trio; WPRC — News; WTHT new Brazilian game on the sands the game is made exciting by the and fight to come from behind to b u t three in the country since . the alert. They are not afraid raids. London. Oct. 18.—(4>) — Soviet during -1944. held a meeting In Hartford this preferred (1) to coaoh and (2) to Meanwhile, Washington rolled - Of the abaqdoned planes 697 Rev. Dr. Wataon Woodruff, pas­ Scotch. Bourbon and ^ e whiskey,” organist, Mrs. Lawrence Robert­ T:16—w n c — Newt; WDRC— News. become a lawyer. He. did both, here. Po-teeka, as It is pronounced, gyrations and headlong dives of win.” Irish, Cadets, Botlermakera anff death and are reckless when in tor of, the Center Congregational men and guns are pouring through "This increase." He added, “ add­ afternooh. playerii as they go after the ball up its second straight win with a Quakers again take the field were German and 666 were Ital­ he declared, were charged for' to son. Mrs. Arthur Vinton sang Ed Sullivan BJntertains; WTHT 12:30—w n c — California Sere­ and In 1929, after getting hU law is a combination of handball,-Bad­ stunning 33-7 triumph over the But, Mr. Leahy, your team FaMtuad combat church, will officiate. Interment a widening hole deep. Inside the ed to a 10 per cent levy on food the amount of $10,000 but were re­ I Love You Truly” and. "Be­ — Musical Gems. nade News. to keep it in play. against opponents who do not rata ian. sales, would raise food cost by ap­ degree, grabbed at a chance to minton and just plain roughhouse. Green Bay Packers, the team hasn’t had a chance to prove its Three nevir members were Inl- will be in the Rnae Hill Memorial Dnieper river loop behind Dnepro­ sold in an Officers’ club. cause.” It can be played by teams of Tha ball has a base of soft greatness by coming from behind. in their class. sted today, the adralssioh In all nearly 3,000 enemy planes petrovsk, threatening to flank hun­ proximately 16 per cent. Finally, introduce football in Mexico. leather filled with ground rubber which earlier held the Bears to a have bedn found abandoned on air­ Park cemetery, in Rocky Hill. On Sept. 20, he said, he waa told Miss Loretta M. McKinney, sis­ Again Elected from two to e%ht. "niey stand Frank: "Ha, ha. that's right, Na-vy, with Notre Dame lurking ■ges being presented by Past The funeral home will be open dreds of thousands of Germans to taking into account both the direct Having "rooted” the nation's and sawdust. Similar to the shut­ 21-21 tie. Slingin’ Sammy Baugh fields captured by the Allies sinee hjr the War department that the ter of the bride waa maid of hon­ about eight feet apart and the ob­ flicked passes or 14, 8, 7 and 5 but don't make me laugh. We’ll be around the corner on October SO, ildent Herbert B. House. The Ttiesday afternoon and evening for the east os well as at Melitopol and price increases and the indirect General Accounting office had no fall sport south of the border, tlecock In Badminton, four feath­ Nov. 8, 1942 to Oct. 18 of this year. or, and Barbara Ann McKinney of Revival of Television Reggie returned to New Haven ject Is to keep the ball in the air. yards for' touchdowns and Andy behind plenty, let alone even com­ faces a real test in Georgia ’^ach. members are Stuart J. Was- friends. In the Crimea, a Reuters dispatch tax^lnduced increase in food prices, authority to disapprove any pay­ ers approximately five inches long Notre Dame Is the only tean that' In addition 3,529 planes were de Bolton, - niece ot the bride was Head of Order and the Yale coaching ataff where There are no rules, no points to be B'arkaa made another on a short ing on to win. We must play Illi­ Frank Nackowski and Major from Moscow said today. it is estimated that the coat-of-Iiv- ments made by contracting olficera just from the base and keep it has beaten the Engineais. "niat stroyed in the air. flower girl. Edward Congdon of he remained In some capacity un- counted and no net. plunge which finished off an 80- nois, Nayy, Army, Nohtbweatern, Sweet The attendance prize Mrs. Stephen Horan The dispatch said the Nazis were ing index would rise about 10 per except in cases of actual fraud. Originated on the beaches of Rio sailing always with the base to­ was a 55-13 walloping. If tha. On the east, above the Voltumo's cent." Clarendon, Vermont, brother of Seen in New York Area U1 last month. yard parade. Iowa Seahawks and Great Lakes— bed by Henry Smith was Mrs. Margaret (Tynan) Horan «-U8hlng up reinforcements, Includ- Undersecretary of War Robert the bridegroom served as- best di. Janeiro by a Brazilian known ward the opponents. Navy, after taking Duke and Pens. by Stuart Wasley. northward bend, American troops Opposes Army Request Mrs. E. J. Murphy Is Tbe 1933 Blue eleven, which he Because of the possibility of in­ Baugh raised hi* total to seven remember?” straddling the stream have advanc­ of 91 Oak street, wife of Stephen I ‘"K P. Pattqraon told the committee man, and the ushers were Thomas only as Leo, who meant it for touchdowns by passing in two Yeah bet you're plenty worried Stote on successive Saturdays Lindsay Warren, comptroller last week the department waa pro­ Chosen President o f. New York. Oct. 18—

Amos Tash ones asked mn old- tices? Each of , those Items means established merchant why he kept a new household, a petsntlsl mar­ fon on kdvertising: ket tor me. Those young couples Amos Tash—You've been at It may know I am in business but RENT A Gtu's Wants GLassified ForYbur Benefit now, Surely by this time they have never had occasion to be e te town must know partlculariy intsrsstsd in ms or Be Stfoag about ^ouand your stock. Why wbat I have to a4n. But now that Chapter XXn ■natch up hsr latter and hide it. do you continue to spend money they arc in tbs market,'! must not tVs arc not hers to play, to dream, Live Stock—Vehicles 42 WanUd— To .Buy by ad vertisin g to drift, . . AnnonneemenUi Automobiles for Sale 4 Wanted Autos— Help Wanted— F'craale 35 5 8 .. They put the town far behind but he had been too quick for bar. overlook the opportunity to em> Lost and Poond Lost and Found I Motorcycles- He bad already read it across her Mercbaht (plckingMm s copy of phasliM my wares. Ws have much work te do, end 1939 CONVERTIBLE coupe, radio 12 WANTED—WOMAN for cooking FOR .SALE—NICE PlGS, 30 to 75 WANTED TO BUY or trade for them. Sue recovered her eompos- loads to lift; g e n t l e m a n WOULD like ride ure so>that when the dawn found shoulder. k newspaper and turning, to col­ -NEAR BUS *top at Wood- LOST— MONDAY morning on and heater. Recently overhauled. W AN TED - 50 USED CARS. All and downatairs work. Own room pounds. Also proven Chester piga, few tdns good hay. lime Add to these reasons I' have Don’t shun yoyr duty, face It— tie to Hartford from vicinity of them te sight of the ranch Tubec "So you're the Holeman heir, are umn headed: "Vital Statisttce’ )’— given, the fact that people—good Mad and Mate, blue and white Pitkin street or 7:15 Hartford In. Owner going into service. Inquire makea and modela. Barlow Motor and bath, live In or out. Refer­ White boars,, one 8 months old sower. A,cnc Harrow, tobacco set­ you?" and the malevolence te his God's gift. Tlimplke. Arrive in city between had tbs whole story. And an amaz­ You will find the real reason mre customers of mine—arc continual­ •triped umbrella. Ftader please aurance bus. gold Auertlmc lapel Rene Gerard, 127 High. Salea. Phone^5404. Open eventnga. ences required. Call 5311. Guernsey Ayrshire bull, one 8 ter and cultivator. Frank C. laugh had rooted hsr In tbe chair. Be strong I 8sy not ths days era 11:30 and 11:46 p. m. Call 4044. pionths old heifer. Frank C. ing tale he found It wiiy it is necessary to keep on ad­ ly moving away from town, and watch. Of aenUmentel value. Re­ Smith. Pleasant Valley Road. So. "Well, well,” he had cackled. "How vertising. Do you see that 'list of ■vll; wlio's to blame? , m H 3-1358. Smith. Pleasant Valley Road, So. Her name waa Susan H. Lam­ others coming in to take their ward. Phone 2-1649 after 6 p. ip. RESIDENT TELEPHONE eollcl- Windsor. Tel. Manchester 7733. would you Ilka to spend a few death notices? 'Some of those peo­ Don't told your hands and Auto Repairing— * tor for part time work In own Windsor. Telephone Manchester bert She waa from Wkhlta Falla.- place. Theee newcomers don’t CHILD’S CLASSES with Automobiles For Sale 4 Business Services Offered 13 years at Yuma? Free grub and no ple were customers of mine. I qulssct- for shame? l o s t p u r e w h i t e m a l e 7733. and her mother had been Sara know anything kbout me, or my tinted leneea In light tan leather — Painting home. Miust have telephone Pleas­ rent—state’s prison, you know. must replace them from some Stand up, speak out bravely, in Spitz, brown harness Last seen CASH FOR YOUR CAR—Any 35 ant interesting work, recognized WANTED TO BUY baby stroller. Holcmans sister. store, or my mei'Chandlae, or my , caae'.'xBewart. Tel. 5578. WANTED— ELECTRICAL wiring "What I say te this town carries source. Do you see those birth God's name. Center, Manchester. . Answers to to 41. high prices paid. Drive over DON’T WAIT ANOTHER minute. and repairing. Call 3976 before by government as national de­ Telephone 2-0989. It waa all quite simple, really. service. I must tell them, or I cam Buddy. Tel. 4084 oT dog warden. now to 80 Oakland atreet. Brun- Winterize today, here la what we Poultry and Supidles 43 $am had never been mueh of a a great deal Of weight-1 could call notices? Thst means a new gen­ not . hope to sell them. If I don't E f OUNDXPAIR o f tortoise shell 7:00 p. m. fense measure. Training te your you a strumpet and no amount Of eration coming on—a generation Teacher (In New York's East »](gges. woods off Parker Reward 810. ner’s. Open evening until 9. Sat­ do: Grease your car, change to own home at your convenience. letter-writer, and be and his sister get a fair share of their business Side)—Whet is the difference be­ # 6 r s a l e —CHICK^ 7 weeks Rooms Without Board 59 bad never got along, and though be testimony from other sources that knewe nothing whatever atreet. Call 8700. urdays 6, Phone 5191—4486. winter oil., clean and flush radia­ W nte Box N, Herald. ' old 80c a piece. L. H. Kjellqulst, to compensate for the lost trade tween a cynic and s stoic? FOUND—YOtTNG DOG. Owner tor, use 1 quart rusterizer, change was her own uncle. Sue had never would do you ■ bit of gttod around about me or my merchandise. I of those who move away, I will ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. 388 Oakland atreet after 6 p. m. FOR RENT— ROOM, 2 girls pre­ Girl A cynic la a place where prove prOiwrty and pay for artv. 1939 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR sedan, to winter transmission and rear seen him. Her.-mother had died a here. I could say you had stolen must tell them by advMtIsing. soon be dolnj, my heavy figuring Call 3444. ferred, or married couple. Call 1938 Pontiac sedan, 1937 Bulck end, charge battery, check all couple of years back and since filings out of the bank,, or out of Do you see those mgrrlage no­ on the wrong side of the Isdgsr. Dial 8104. FOR SALE — THIRTY Rhode 2-1940 or inquire at 7 Florence my private safe, tor Initance. Or sedan, 1937 Dodge sedan, 1936 tires, also renew your application PLUMBING. HEATING and re­ Island Red pullets. Starting to that URii she had been a clerk In WILL CARE FOR Dodge sedan, 1937 Wyllia sedan. pairs. Call 6273 before 8 and after street. the firm of GOlcrist, Glllcrlst A might say you had eennived at RED RYDER for A gasoline book, all for 84.95. lay. Inquire 612 Keeney atreet.. burgling the .place with that shtft- Annquncementa 2 1936 Plymouth sedan. Cole Phone now 6191. Open until 9. 6 p. m. Patterson; up Unfil, that la. the CLEAN HEATED ROOMS, suit­ rod-lsttSF day when Mr. Glllcriat, leaa squatter—that drifter Jonci. FUNNY BUSINESS Motors. Telephone 4164. Brunner’s,-80 Oakland street. FOR SALE—4 1-2 MONTHS old able for 1, 2 or couple, Kitchen CHILDREN HAATC y o u r b a b y photograph­ EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, New Hampshire Reds pullets. 82. Sr., had called her into his private But the point Is thin: You may ed Ih your own home. Call 626.3 193.1 CHEVROLET COACH, 885. privileges if desired. Call 7019 or save yourself all his unpleasant­ ■ o Roofing 17-B able to do stenography and type­ apiece. Phone 2-0415. office. for appointment. George Dew, 1937 Plymouth coach, 8225. 1937 Garages—Service- apply 15 Proctor Road. He had wanted to know if she ness by marriage. Oh, no! Not with n?AnE By the Day Ford coupe. 1938 Plymouth coach ALL TYPES OF ROOFS repaired. writing, for construction Job. Ap­ me. With Mr. C arll^ ' the new m:''- RE.D photographer. , Storage 10 FOR r e n t —DOUBLE room, suit- had any relatives living In Arizona. 1940 Laaalle sedan, 1941 Packard Maintenance of roof, flashings, ply Manchester Development Article* for Sale 45 She had shaken her head. "But Stampede foreman. I p v e you till RIDER, able for 2 girls or couple. Cell morning to make up your mind." ACE convertible coupe, 1941 Packard FOR RENT—4000 SQUARE feet and chimneys. For reliable service Corp. Office. East Centei and 2-1614 or inquire at 47 Cottage that middle name of yours— Hole- In private horn* near Plant call Ed Coughlin 7707. „ HM«lLONJ Clipper sedan. Open evenings uu floor space, concrete, suitable for Lenox streets. FOR SALE—BABY’S PLAY pen street. , man . . ."And then she had remem­ Tubac mut^r'ed something un­ J, United Aircraft, til 9 p. m. Brunner's, 80 Oakland garage or storehouse. Will rent bered Uncle Sam. who lived on a der his breafh and it wa.s lucky for AND and pad, brand new. Call 3116. ONE-EIE atreet. Phone 5191. all or part Apply 128 Blsaell FOR RENT—NICELY Furnished ranch at Horse Prairie, and Mr. Haines he-^wasn't in reach. "An’ For Information WANTED atreet. Telephone 4970. Moving—Trucking- Gillcrist had beamed. then he left, eh?” SNATCH FOR SALE—2 SINGER sewing room, near. bath, continuous hot AS» THE iAi Storage 20 machines, 3 vacuum cleaners, water, for 2 girls. Defense work­ "If you can prove this relation­ Sue'nodded. .T e l e p h o n e 5002 EAPREfti Male or Female typewriter, Irons-and , cords, also ers. Call momlnga 8 to 12, and ship, I btUave you are really In "Ah' then you started fqr the liv­ SAFE 13 M otorcy cles—Bicycles 11 THE AUSTIN CHAMBERS CO- , luck,” he told her. "Yeu may come ery stable—" four bicycles and parts. 113 Main evenings 6 to 9. Tel. 2-H54. OPENED Help for Important WANTED local and long distance moving. street. te tor quite a tidy sum. He seems "Yes. I was so terrified I could FOR SALE—TRICYCLES: also FURNISHED ROOMS, single and Return load system, furniture, STENOGRAPHER WANTED at to have owned practically all of not even move tor the longest time. girla bicyclea, 822, 825 and 837. double. Shower bath, ateam heat, War Work storage. DltU 6260. Burton's, full time or part 'time. FOR SALE—PORTABLE Under­ Horse Prairie and, while I've no Then I thought of you! I was go­ We have cash huyers 81 Seaman Circle, Orford Village. free parking. 330 Adam street, FOR SALE Apply in pereon. wood typewriter, standard; tee idea whether the place is a town, ing to get a horse but Carlin stop­ We Will Aiso Use Em­ for the following box and also odd pieces of furni­ near Plant J. Tel. 3934. ranch or just wild river bottom. It ped me." NEW HOME Repairing 23 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, experl- ture. Inquire superintendent, 801 would appear to be negotiable else ployed Persoqs On a property if you enced as mother's helper. Excel­ Main street. that bank would not take so much . 4 rooms, with knotty pine PIANO' TUNING AND repairing. Tubac scowled. "Isn’t Carlin that BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Split-Shift Basis. MUST BE SOLD lent salary. Call 4033. Business Locations for trouble." lop-eared hound \ulm used to be !' sunparlor, and 2 unfinished have what we want. Player piano specialty. John The Stockman's Bank A Mort­ Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street Household Goods 51 Rent 64 Haines' bank guard?” And when I rooms upstairs; hot water WOMEN WANTED in eaaenUal gage Loa.n, o f Stockton, Arizona, she nodded, Tubac snarled: "I'm Inquire Tel. 4219. \«> Vf T O \ V ) 0 W j heat, oil; srarage; trees, and IMMEDIATELY war work. Steady work. Good FOR RENT— CENTRAx- atora at had advertised for helm of Sam goln’ to make that sldewlndln'—" pay. New System Laundry, Har­ 3 ROOMS QF FURNITURE con­ : an improvements. Lot 60 by 3 acre farm with sisting of complete bedroom, liv­ 1011 and 1013 Mate atreet. Suit­ Holeman, apparently . deceased. "But Tubac!" cried Sue, clutch­ Practically New 4-Room NEW (XINVERTIBLE TOPS. Cel- rison street. Mr. Glllcrlst had sat himself down ! 120 ft. Private owner. chicken coop anil 4 or iuloiil replaced, te curtains, all ing room, and kitchen. AU acces­ able for drug, shoe, millinery, ata- ing him. "What shell I do? My Rogers Paper tlonery, etc. Improving location, and written them, describing the coming out here won't stop Mr. Inquire on property any House with 2 rooms on sec­ kinds of leather work. Chas. Lak- sories included. Everything for firm as legal representatives of .*5 room house. . 8189.00. Terms. Alberts, 43 Allyn attractive rental. Epply Edward Haines from telling those horrible time. 27 Deerfield Drive, Manufacturing Co. ond floor nearly finished. ing, 90 Cambridge street. Tele­ Help Wanted— Male 36 Sam Holeman'a only surviving lies, will it?" » phone 4740.. street. J. Holl, Tel. 5118. : Pine Acre Terrace, Man- Mill and Oakland Streets Insulated and screened. heir. When the bank failed to an­ "No,” he growled. “I reckon It MAN FOR GENERAL work swer the firm’s third letter, Sue [ Chester, Conn. 10 acre farm with Steam heat and hot water around funeral home; inside and THREE ROOMS OF furniture for FOR RENT — COTTAGE atreet. won’t. But—” He broke ■ off to WANTED TO TUNE, repair and Commercial building about 3500 had taken matters Into hsr own heater, run by coal. Nice regulate yuur piano or player outside work. Call Watkins sale, present rent available to raise his head and sniff, "Say, look large coop for 2,000 purchaser of furniture. 95 Center feet of .ground floor apace. Baae hands and quite heedless of Mr. -you wait here, will you? The shaded lot. Price of house piano. Tel. .Manchester 2-U402. Funeral Service for appointment, GUlcrist's warnings, set out for' VigrrMeY.X ,A*tl.VF/Itom ‘ 5171. street, Manchester, Conn.. A pt ment under half of building ranch is just off there in the hol­ lo-ii chickens and or 6 has been reduced 1o a little 12. Call after 5 p. m. Steam heating plant, excellent Arizona. low an',, while I don’t look for any more than the new 4-room SEWING MACHINES, “ vacuums, light. Suitable for light manufac­ trouble, maybe I better look ‘It’s-that labor-saving guy on K. P. duty—mashing po­ Irons, and all small electrical ap­ WANTED—MAN WITH executive room house. houses. ability. One to take charge, of GAS RANGE, WITH electric unit turing. Good location te businea She had felt, there roust be some- around a little before I take you tatoes on the recoils!” pliances repaired. Uenume parts, Included, second hand. Coolerator section. Apply Edward J. Hen thteg about ths matter which was down there” And he reined off Splendid Business Opportunity expert workm-uisbtp. Parts for ail store during absence of manager. Call At 85 Branford Street Call at 681 Main street, for In­ 50 Ib. capacity, used one year. R. 1009 Main atreet. Tel. 5118. not quits above board. Cillcrist and Into the brightening light before THE METROPOLITAN LIFE HAS A SPLENDID ,5 room house with makes. A B. C. Ftxlt Co., 21 F. Rowan, 16 Coburn Road. Patterson had wholeheartedly Sue could' prote.st. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Maple street. Tel. 2-1575, terview. OPENING FOR A REPRESENTATIVE IN THE Any Time or Teiephom* .10.34 ■hared this opinion. And then, as the bright sun TOWN OF MANCHESTER WITH A GOOD SAL- 2 acres of land. BOY WANTED FOR light pleas­ WINDOW SHADES -VE»IETIAN Wanted to'Rent 68 She put up at the Stockton for Appointment. blinds. Owing to our very low came over vermllilon peaks, he a r y p l u s commissions . ANYONE APPI.Y- ant work. Nice hours, good .sal­ House as Miss Sue Lambert, of came in sight of Sam’s headquar­ ALLEY OOP Call or See FOR TOP VALUE ary. See Mr. Litchman, Arthur overhead, get our special low WANTED TO RENT—TWO or Joplin, Missouri, and secured a ING FOR THIS POSITION MUST NOT BE IN prices on high grade window ters ranch ahd. jerked his horse up IN A NEW HOME s^rug, Rubinow Building. three room furnished or unfur­ position as typist and public sten­ with a curse. | ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY. WHEN R ^ ■hades and Venetian blinds com­ nished apartment as soon as pos­ ographer. Within a month Mr. IGIUORIMG A FOCTUNE IM JEWEUST ALEXANDER SEE THE ONES WE ARE w A^CJED—MAN TO work in pletely installed Samples furnish­ His nose had not deceived him. ^ .HE CACBIEDOUTA SWOCD.AMO PLYING STATE AGE, WHETHER MARRIED WANTED sible. Write Box Y, Herald. Haines had asked her to be his FOyUDHlMSELF PEVEBED Aft A BUILDING AT laundry.. good pay. Apply 72 ed. Ckpltol Window Shade Co., secretary, apd that was how mat- Of all those grand old buildings > OR SINGLE, AND NUMBER OF CHII.DREN. Sim had built, nothing remained I LEADER. DUE -lOl JARVIS Maple street. 241 North Main street. Phone 'ters had stood when Tubac breezed THEAVJCIEM J WRITE BOX “E,” HERALD TO BUY GREENBROOKE 8819. Open eveninga Houses for Sale 72 into the picture. but a i tottering, askew chimney | KKJOW WHAT ^ WEAPOM Real Estate and Insurance MEN!- LAUNDRY work is cssen. and a handful of smouldering up- I TM)& ISALLASan, Walker street Until the advent of Tubac, she BUT tUKE IT f Center Street A modern six-room house tlal. Good pay. Steady work. New ENAMEL CX>AL BURNING range FOR SALE—FOUR FAMILY. 20 rights. All else was a red and * System Laundry, Harrison street. with extra oU burner, coll and oil had not got the least bit of syi- black bed of ashes! I Phone 4112 or 7275 in fine re.sidential district, room house, or will exchange for dence. Then things started hap­ ALEXANDER dnims. Call after 5 o'clock 4752. 12 room duplex house. In good This was Lot Deckermans' an- I preferably Northeast sec­ pening te a hurry. McGillis. Lot swer! Dogs— Birds— I’ets 41 location, near school and bus line. Ueckerman and Sheriff Ike Shal-' tion. Must have good sized JARVIS FOR SALE— ROYAL vacuum For further information Tel. 75:>'J. I't had closetM themselves With (To Be Continued) cleaner. Write Box X, Herald. SAFEGUARD THE FUTURE on 36 Alexander St. XlanchcHler FOR SALE —COCKER Spaniel, rallies in his private office. Then Assessors Noliee lot and be priced phonos: TWO FAMILY 12 ROOM hou ' abruptly,, next day, the Stampede black and white male. Well tram, FOR SALE -PORCELAIN t^ No False .Alarm Yel WORTH, hot inflation. Office 4112 RcNldonce 7275 ed and good dispositioii. Tel. 3304. all improvements, good local o::. lease had appeared te the files of A HOME OF YOUR OWN -.chrome kitchen table with fold­ Price 86,500. Terms. Six ro'> i the Holeman SkKate. To the inhabitants o f the ing benches. Apply 8 Cooper Philadelphla-L — The gun TOWN OF BOLTON CpciCER SPANIELS from chant- single house, steam heat, havi Still, although that was plainly Telephone 7051 street, second floor. Mrs. Pratt. wood trim, garage. Price 85,200. crew on. a merchantman here says 6-room sin- Starkweather Street. 8-room The Board of Assessors of the i plon stock. Adorable healthy pup­ evidence of something, it was not keXfMeaet. pies In solids and parti-colors, Cash 81,000. Farm o t 140 acre.v. evidence of Intention to defraud Jimmy is the next best thing to Hdt.H A waterwstc heat Oar- single. All Improvements but Town of Bolton, Conn., will meet on the following dates to receive and some full grown dogs. Jack FOR SALE-ELECTRIC range, near town. 16 head stock, 3 the Holeman heirs, so Sue had radar. The seven-months-old mon- Lat MxSS. S. P. $6,800. heat. Lot 06x150. Small chick­ key mascot waa born during a en eoop. S. P. 85.200. D. P. tax lists on the assessment of O ct Frost Kennels. 26 Gardne*' St. also wiring. Telephone 2-1929. horses, truck, tobacco shed. 400 kept her mouth shut. The time tor BIJMO. CALL hens, plenty wood. 30 acres till­ denouncing Haines and Deckerinan bombing raid on North Africa, FRECKLES AND HJS FRIENDS The Univcrtuil Hope fl.OOO. ^ 1, 1943 WE PAY CASH Now, long before there's any other AT BOLTON TOWN HALL able. 8 room house, lights, run­ might come any day, but she OaUandSt S-room sln- High Street. 5-room single. Tuesday, Oct. 19, Thursday, FOR GOOD Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Machinery and Tools 52 ning water. For price and terms mustn't stsp in ahead of time. sign of planes approaqhing, Jlnimy begins making monkeyshtees and ^ I l i tioNE OFOUA VfeS, THATJs B3R. A FRIEND 0$ MIN8 - , I Guejs veuke moud ■la. B«t-alr Garage. All Improvemeifla. Hot-air O ct 21, Tuesday, O ct 26, Thurs­ MODERN FURNITURE 5404 see James Rennie. 62 Hamlin Then had coma Marahal Jinx BUSINCSS, MISS ueur. JOE 5ARR- MISSING N ACTION.' F 'IMAT targa lo t s. P. O. P. FOR SALE- TWO GOOD family CJEMENT — MIXERS In stock street. Tel. 7567. Mueller and, with the run on the then heads for a life rsft. He KAY. BLIT w e heat- O. P. $800. day, Oct. 28. Friday, O ct 29 and WE NEED GOOD USED Milking machines, water bowls, ha.sn't given ■ fal.se alarm vet. $ 1 , 0 0 0 . Monday, Nov,, 1 from 9 A., M. to WE BUY "" cows. Inquire Pella Brothers, 364 bank, the Stampede crowd had got ■NOTI Bldwetl'a^treet. Tel. 740,1. new and used tractor plows. Dub­ Beech Street. 4-roort single. 5 P. 51. each day, except Oct. 29 ENTIRE ESTATES CARS AT ONCE the wind UP. They'd had a big sea- lin Tractor Company. Williman Blon with Nainaa this aftsrnoon . M cK ee Street. B -r o ^ sin -. Hot-air heaL Lot 69x80. S. P. and Nov. I, from B A . 5L to 7 li yon are moving and have tic. Quadruple To Be Bride ■la. Steam heat Oara$e. 1 8 i.700. D. P. 81.000-______P. M. excess Items, call us. 19.36 and Later. and 8ua bad guaased something Shapes Waist was due to^pop when the bank acre of land. S. P. 85,50. Terms arranged. Union street. Telephone 5709. Apply 'sisters, Mona and Roberta. And I m 80 glad George has fetihd a capable, ambitious girl— But it was the big coup hatched Mary- ths remaining sintls quad, reom alngle. All Improve­ Notice to the Tnhab.-ants of the for the morrow that tetersatad Tu­ did you know she s^t^ record last month tu rn in g out ments. Garage In boMd— To Buy 58 said; ‘'they aim to marry Barn's •iPOfPW* OFF A PCUASTATIN6 10 157x140. 8. P. *6,200. 1). P. Maple Street 2-famlly house owned and taxable te the Town Of place to Carlin, then CMrlin’ll step U MWU1I$, Aia *AI0 VHAkPCH WANTED T O \B U Y eaUbllahed 7W 8 $‘ TtMN fiOM.TMOMAg AMD $lji00. with two 4rroom flata Hot-air Manchester. out aad they'll have It!" THE Te r r ib l e T E M P gaio m r . BAhig g t h e s w o c b r 's C l e r k heat te lower flat Also 4-rooni DEPARTMENT . PERSONAL PROPERTY package store, - . Good location. Read Herald Advs. "But It waa only -tonight that JEFFkRSOM. FRBE A CANARV single uith all Improvements Aircraft. Machinery, Water Write fiarticulani to Box O, The they laamsd who I waa." M A N$M M »OR'« HOUCK West Center Street. 8-room but heat. .Must be sold to- 7 OAK STREET Power, liama. Horses, -Cattle, Herald. She had boon te tha aittlng room single. Steam heat with coal. gether. D. P. 8LO0O.______Sheep, Goats, Swine, Poultry, o f ths Broysr >lsos writing to Mr. 8-car garage, with workxhop r Jewelry. Glllcriat totting down the aalient above. Chicken coop. Lot COVENTRY LAKE^ Household Furniture, Commer­ featurea of local eventa and aaklng 128x214. 8. P. SI-IOO. Terms Year 'round 5-Room Cot­ cial Furniture, Libraries, Fanning bia adyica, whan of a audden she arranged. OCCUPANCY IN tage with Improvementa I-ot Tools, Tractors, Road Machinery- Crocheted Slippers looked up and found Hateaa star­ 80 DAYS. 50x300. S. P. $2,400. O. P. ' CHES'I'r™Antique Chest...... $86.00 Farm Produce. Mechanics Tools, ing down at har. Bhs had tried to $400. AVAILABLE NOW! BED—Antique. B e d ...... ___ 25.00 Cteods of Mfg., Cables, Etc., Bonds Main Street. 2-famlly houM- BED— Antique Bed . . . . . 19.6 and Notes, Ehccess CredlU, all. with two .Vnufin Hatti, Steam ANDOVER LAKE—, 5.0 other Taxable Goods. RADIO—Stewart Warner Cabinet Radio, AS IS. MUST BE FILED heat upper flat. tInt-aIr lower ' S-Koom Cottage. C:ui be PIANO"^Bchr Piano 45.00 Used for, year 'round, home. Such UsU shall bq filed not ['flat. 2-car garage. Lot 73x108. 5.00 Ideal for man whi> could make Electricity. Artesian well. CHAIR—Blue velour wing chair ' ...... i i ...... later than October tblrty-flnt te aniall repaln. S. P, *6.500. Septic tank. Lavatory. Lot CHAIRS—Antique Victorian Arm ChaM ...... Each 25.00 each year, or. If the thirty-first 1943 BY N f AfRVlC^ shall b« Sunday or a legal holiday, D. P. 81.000. LOM F.R FLAT 50x1.10. S. P. $2,500. D. P ,. CHAIR—Antique chair, beige u pholstery...... 15.00 .NOW AVAILABLE. $500., then on the next business day fol­ WAR BONDS CHAIR—Beige Wing Chair ...... 10.00 lowing. Failure to file such lists, OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE Ch a i r —Rebuilt club chair, Burbundy upholstery., 89.50 means (TEN PER CENT) a^dl- Baons Oflice Open 8:30 A .'M . to 5:.30 F. M. Daily Except* DINING ROOM—7 Piece Walnut Set...... 45.00 tional to taxpayers’ UiU. Tbs Office of the dpard of As­ . OH, SWELL-' MOM FINALLY” X SEE SOUR FOOTBALL LteTEM DURING ROOM—9 Piece Dteteg Suite, Uble. buffet, So long as a soldier esa'set and -\ % GAM.ES ? AFTERNOON, BUT ANSTbS, WHO • BOTMgflt I M C 1043; 8507 THEY COULDN'T Sh o u t e d • impietTN Willimantic Office: - ‘ ; REAL ESTATE and MfoTOR 1-8 vn. 824 MAIN STREET TEL. 1935 VEHKEES need not be Included CATCH THE AMD CAOSEC) H)S In sueh list. She'll look prettier than ever, MAM WITH DKATM? more poisejl and more pleaatef "C when she wears this frock—be­ LANK LEONARD cause it will shape her Agurs ’ m C K E Y FINN PofiBibiUtlc through the midriff! Its full skirt­ S246 ed, too! i (TS GOING \VVEU. WE CANT ^ t h e CAPTAIN WIAST THEN ITS THE W EU, MICKEY— M AYBE]------_ ^ Pattern No. 8507 la designed for 70 MAKE A IT E U THEM YET, AU ftmixs-r SNo) ^Fic,_8oys! YOU'RE GONNA SEE /W O U LO N T By Mn. Anne Cabot ^droom Slippers (Pattern Ho. ' % KITTY SOONER TMANJ sixM 3, 4, 5. 0, 7 and 8 ' years, Perennial favoritea—just aa pop­ 5246) send 10 cents in cote, your ' "Choiv” may consist af GREAT H IT< o r COURSE— BUT « 0 WAS atxe 4 requires 1 7-8 yards SO-tech WITH THE iT H E m KNOW AS LIEU Tf^N T YOU t h o u g h t ! ular today, as they were te Grand­ name and address and the pattern pooktd meal or if circumstances de­ AUSTRALIA -IS IN nisterial. number to Anne Cabot, The, Man­ MEN,< fSQON AS WE STAi^ c l a r k ! » mother’s dmy,—and she made lots mand our fighting men have issmsd : HEADING THROUGH THE PAOPIC. YOU For this attractive pattern, send of them, for all the family. Re­ chester Herald, 106 Seventh ave- tr> subsist on "Ration. K^!’ the -con- s a v f f f . k n o w ! 15 cents, plus 1 cent for postage, member? These are done te a , nue. Now Y ork-11, N. Y. Hteclose ceuiretsd food that all of them carry (E c a n a l ! : 1- cent postage for each pattern te cotes, with your name, address, handsome easy.-to-do braid stitch. into bsttia. pattern number and size to The Use two colors, a light and a dark ' ordered. - - Find the designs you’ll enjoy With nilllkna of mka and womsa Manchester Evening Heralo ' To­ shade. You’ll need 3 1-ounce balls in tiM SMrvlcM it win require a lot of dark wool and 1 ball of a con­ . crocheting, knitting and embrold- day’s Pattern Service, 106 7th ' of War Bond buying oa ear part t i trasting color. Stsrt them now and 1 erlng in the Anne Cabot , AVenujB, New York 11. N. Y. , keep them happy. MfXauihl .^>r,4,calt,. liK. * ■ . ' have a cpuple of pairs finished so our famous 32 page catalogue pf Have you seen the new issue of you,can use them as prscUeal and ^pstterne. The book Is a never fall- {/. J. rrsswry PsfwjswM ■8!U ‘T u h ion ," our 52-pSge guide to welcome Christmas gifts! tecr source of teapiratlon for nee- new sewing styles tor fall? Order To obtain complete crnchetln'g , dlcv. ork you’ll love to do. ' The Al- a copy today. The Dries is 25 cents. inatrucUons for the Breid Stitok > btim is 15 oenta . ■v-tl - ' . 1 STff-.ehis thepi have done their work and give bipod only 5 Umas in one year, will receive the first degree. W > - Espinall, of Plalnvllle: G. M. E., of the Pythian Order, and the 7M Slain it . Tel. 5880 pi-^decessor. members of Linnc Lodge are proud perhaps helped to save a life. and that after the fifth donation 460 Jap Vessels cart art rcP)— Western Germany; 17 In junction/ to Halt be held tomorrow night at 7 ;30 son. It is expected there will the women of the Ladles’ Aid so­ HELP the Navy announced in a Allied Headquarters, Al-' in the Temple. The Master Ma­ be a full attendance to hear these ciety. EUitablishment of -i system of com­ Lost in Operations. Making fif Butadiene. giers, Oct. 19,— (/P>— The bat- I son degree will be conferred. Thi That Wear communique today. The fig­ munity "cooked food centers” — two well known local men. Many matters, of importance will ...BLANKETS win tie of the Volturno river has ,| chairs will be filled by memtiers be acted upon at this convention, ures, contained in a commu­ glorified delicatessen shops where for planning any sort nique releaaed by Secretary of the London, Oct. 19.—UP)—The Roy­ Los Angeles, 6 ct. 19.—(/Pi— ended in victorj' for the; •of the fraternity employed at the John Fisher, who was wounded a’nd one of the most Important will Navy Knox at a press conference women war workers could pick up al, Air Force attacked Germany Enemy pljsnes aren't responsible, Mamilton Standard Propeller plant in the South Pacific and has been be the proposed changes in the by­ ...BLANKETS That We Are Proud To Sell the nucleus of the family’s dinner Fifth Army with the Ameri­ in East Hartford. Candidates laws of the Hospitalization Plan. included 148 enemy ships not pre­ in great strength last night, di­ but th l^ ow h has been having gas discharged, today went to work in of a banquet or cater­ viously listed as struck by torpe­ on their way home from the shop cans and British troops (gross­ will be associate workers. 'The Hospitalization Plan has been attaclu—and the city's official ln- the Manchester post office. He does in the war against Japanese —was suggested today by the recting the main blow against ing the river at ail points, it was angagad by Postmaster H. in operation since July 1. 1941. and shipping. president of the American Dietetic Hannover, while Mosquito bomb­ dign^tion has reached the court was announced today. Amer­ Members of King David Lodge OUn Grant to t the Christmas rush., during that time about 115.000 has ing occasion then see Association. been paid out in hospitalization There A re Hundreds Of These ’Blankets 3I» Shipa Sent to Bottom ers blasted targets in Berlin and st ican troops captured five .vil­ of Odd Fellows will visit Stafford The Nsvy's total showed that "If such centers were establish­ western Germany, It was an­ at. Mary's Woman’s Auxiliary benefits, "rhe piirpow of these ed," said Miss ' Frances MacKin­ 'On windless days, thin blankets lages on the eastern sector of th* Bprings lodge tomorrow night. 319 Japanese ships have been Four of the ball and roller bearing plants at Schweinfurt, Germany, are outlined on this U. S: nounced today. Fifth Army line in a sweeping The local delegation will leave will hold a rummage sale tomor­ changes la to enable the Plan to or call non, of St. Louis, in an Interview jdt fumes enveloped the city hall’s function more efficiently, and even sent to the bottom, 36 probably Army Air Forces aerial photo showing bombs l,.ir.:l 'fig on the prodliction center, raided by U. ,S. Eighth Seventeen bombers were lost proud 25-story spire and drifted advance of from three to five from in front of the Odd Fellows row morning from 9:30 on in the have been sunk a.id 105 others at the opening of the association’s miles. parish house, entrance on Locust tually to extend the benefits. In HATERS Blanket Department war conference, “the_woman war Air Force bombers Oct. 14. The plants indicated are: (1) Kiijelfischer; (2) Vereinigte Kugellager during the operatloifs, the full re lazily across the metropolis. Eyes block. Members desiring trans­ damaged since Dec. 7, 1941. Fabriken No. 11; (3) ■ Vereinigte Kugellager Fabrike' No. 1; .and (4) Flschtel and Sacha A. G. (AP suits of which were ob.scured by .Sweep Over River Barrier street. ----- Another important matter for worker could pick up, say, a hot moistened and smarted. portation are asked to call Noble \% ______■ The new reports of sinkings and photo by radio from London.) clouds which partially covered .the Simultaneously British troops Grand Kenneth Walker, phone diacuaaion. and action, will be the ARNOLD PAGANl cooked steW, and then fill in the Smokestacks of feverish war Five Year Plan. It has been cus­ damaging of enemy craft included targets, the Air Ministry sald-^ between Capua and the sea swept.^l or Secretary Charles . The Gleaners group . of the Telephon* 3902 or 5790 bill-of-fare with a quickly-pre­ plants are largely blamed, par; 3-0332, 8 tomary for each Grand Chancellor, 98 ships sunk, 5 probably sunk and Break 10-Day Lull over the itifficult river barrier a t J Roberts. Jr., phone 8388. South Methodist W.S.C.S., will 45 damaged. Previous communi­ pared salad — instead of going licularly the Southern 'California meet tomorrow evening at 7:45 to work along hia own line without home and attempting to get a full The raids broke a 10-day/ lull in Gas company's factory producing all points on bridges construetctt;^ ques had listed 221 as sunk, 31 pro­ large scale British bombardment bv American engineers. 8t. Mary’s Olris Friendly Socie­ with Mra. Thomas Humphries of bably sunk and 60 as damaged. meal on a ‘short order’ basis. Carpiiig Solons butadiene, an Ingredient for syn­ 3 UUey street KENWOOD Drain on Fnmily Pocket-Boqk operations and represented the thetic rubber derived from crude At the same time, Gen. Sir Ber». | ty will hold its firat meeting of Knox, explaining the announce­ Hull Quickly Plunges "Such short order cooking in the fourth heavy assault on'^Hannover oil. naid L. Montgomery’s Eighth the season tomorrow evening at ment of 148 additional craft sunk within 30 days. The efty was the Army continued to push back the T:80 in the pariah house. Sergeant Nawrton Taggart of the home, which is becoming increas­ Injunction Suit Filed 77th Divielon, is home-on a 15-day or damaged, said that prompt an­ Rate No Reply target of the last major British Germans and captured the towns nouncements of sinkings by sub­ ingly prevalent because \of the On city council instructions, furlough from Camp. Pickett, Va. large numbers of women in indus­ night raid on Oct. 8. of Santo Stefano and Montecll- Mias Nam# Byrd ad Oaorgla. HALE'S SELF SERVE BLANKETS marines provide "means of- help to Into Moscow Meet City Attorney Ray L. Chcaebro fone in their drive from the Adri­ Hannover, a city/with a norms) Methodist school axtanMon work­ Part of hia division is located in try, is not only trying on the al­ yesterday led a Federal court In­ Camp Pickett and part in Harris­ The Original In New England! the enemy and they are withheld ready-tired woman worker, but it By Cliarchill peacetime population of about atic coAst. er, la tha Bast Hartford area, win 100% Wool for that reason.” He added there junction suit to halt the plant's The Fifth Army push put then addreas a asaating o f all groupa burg, Penn. They have been in is a drain on the family pocket- 500,000, is the kite of the great operations, charging it emits "ob­ no longer is any information of Goes into .^Session With R o r d c P Osntlnental Gu^miwerke, where astride the Tltemo river whera ed Hm South MeUiodist W. S. C. the service since March, 1942, and book. Short order items, like’ noxious and offensive gases and have Juat returned from five silver Birch value to the enemy in the new an- chops, are expensive when used much of Germany's finished rub­ enemy resistance slackened. They S. at the church this aratilng at Kenwood Famous nouncenients, which means that Cquiplete Statement of Eden and Molotov On fumes detrimental to the health, captured the villages of Gloio, months’ service In the deserts of too regularly.” ber products arc manufactured. aafet.v- comfort and property of f;4(k the submarines that inflicted the To reach the city the British raid­ Liberi, Faicchio, Pontelatone and. California and Arisona. Ail the Prune Juice ______q i . 29c And she said that after-work Fiactb, Prepared at His ly Few Hours After citizens," members of the division lost heavy toll have completed their shopping for such items as steaks For Russians ers had to / fly ■ a round trip of Alvignano and also Bressa, near Anthony Obright. w** war patrols. Coneluding Long Hop. Deputy City Attorney HerViert the west coa.st of the Volturno, musician and orchestra Isades, weight as they were on short ra BLANKETS and chops— even when available— Re<|t|est, to Be Kept about 760 miles—provided they On those patrols the submarines 3 100% Wool ing near Finschhafen, New Guinea, of the record "or, if it should be ami Vyadheslav Molotpv, only a couljl scarcely have reached the 80% Wool— 20% Rayon target before a small force of Ger­ o’eloek !■ tbs Btpssr clubhous*. A Gold Medal and destroyed 24 of 35 planes bent expedient, for publication.” few hours after ccgicluding his ter-Allied conimi.ssions to fix Rus­ rspoet a t tbs Grsat OsuaeU bsld on raiding Allied shipping-. Capt. Peter MacDonald, a Con­ 14.000-mile flight to the Russian sia’s westrU-n frontiers may fesult man raiders cro.sscd into east An­ Making Desperate At­ Hatmaker Found Guilty ! ^ bi Hastfoid last wssk wlU be sub- The Japanese sent three troop- Roosevelt Calls Confer- servative, asked the prime minis­ capital. glia ana southeast England around Danbury, Oel. 19.— (Ab— Ber­ Large Pkg. 3 3 c from the Mosco- j meeting of midnight with attacks pre.ssed as mitbsd by Mrs. Myr* F itsgm id . B is q u ic k laden barges in toward the Fin­ ter if attention was called to the Spotlight on Uet-.Togetber- American, British $nd Russian tempt to Hold So.uth tram Nathan, treasure- and gca- Kenwood Blankets riposa Blankets Ipiicc With Probable "specific charges of unfair action fqr as London. Othar matters of importanoe will Sewing' Maclune schhafen beach before dawn Sun­ As the foreign secretaries set­ foreign mini.sters now) under way. Ukraine Stronghold in eral iiMnager of the Sport Hat Co. come up foe action, imd sdl mem- day. Heavy fire from Australians, and of bad faith made against the tled down to the first day's busi­ Raiders Cause Two Deaths of .Vnierlro, Ine., with Its plaat A gorgeouiilOOCc wool blanket that View to Blocking Rail- Scefetary of Statci Hull's ar­ It was London's third alert in as Beautiful Kenwood blankets that British in their report to Congress Im-nted In this city, was fined $33 bars are requeated t o attend. will give y o u '^ a ra of warmth and who had captured the former Japa­ ness, the Soviet press turned the rival in Moscow wit(i h staff of Face of Reil Drives. Sauerkraut 2 f«rMc will keep you warm for years. Size nese base Oct. 2. sahk two of the road Strike Ballot. by the senators . . . and whether many nights.. The (-aiders dropped and costs on • charge of Illegal service. Size 74;’x84” in blue, i-ust. spotlight on the long awaited get- personnel trained almbst purely in (is res and some explosives, causing Vacuum 72” x84” . Coloi-a: blue, itise, green, $ 1 2 . 9 5 $ barges. The third disappeared but to avoid a diffusion of ill wilt he together, at which the Russians European politics reinforced opin­ manufacture o f used, hr to, by:' green and dusty ih^ae. 13,95 at least tv,-o deaths and wreckage London, Oct. 19 )—The Ger­ rose beige and peach. General MacArthur's communique will place ^ on record the British (JP Judge Henry C. Wilson In City Baldwin Washington, Oct. 19.—(.fl’i —• consider a "second front" in west­ ion here that the thrbe-power con­ in .some areas. said the enemy troops "were large­ view ,of the facts." ern Europe an importartt topic. mans Were reported riishing re­ Court today. Nathan hod entered President Roosevelt today sum­ ference would attempt to clear A hot anti-aircraft barrage was Rummage SoU . 16-Qt. Bskt. ly destroyed. "The report in question was Despite their long, hard trip, the road for settlement of Russian inforcements from their Crimean a plea of nolo contendere to this ; $ 1 .9 5 A headquarters spokesman said moned labor leaders to a confer­ made to Congress in secret ses­ Hull and Elden were eager to be­ thrown up against thwNazi planes, court and Judge Wilson entered a rcT O ., OCT. u . f me a . m . Repairs A p p le ^ territorial demands. which instead of flying singly as in manpower reservoir to nature. Acting Secretary of State Ed­ London. Oct, 19. —(IPi—Field Writ*. Hartford, Oct. 1 8 ,^ 1 0 — "It is (Contli’iied on Page Six) I fr'emls.;' The small courtroom was Any Mak^I Any Model! only by. compliance that our eco­ (Continned on Page Four) — Approximately 18,000 of Ala­ A Joint three-power statement ward R. Stettinlus, speaking in Marshal Jan Christian Smuts, ' ii-bur.Z||.as the slm-ky real estate nomic structure will emergie from bama’s 22,000 union coal miners was issued at 11 o'clock last night Washington, set a dual goal for prime minister of the Union of : dealer^ started his testimony Bui^ti Insulating Co. Parts For All Makes! these chqotic times, sufficiently remained from their Jobs today the Moscow talka—a coordinated South Africa, predicted today a; : against .Vlfred de Marigny, Sir sound, so that a ’ general recovery despite retum-to-work appeals (Continued on Page Six) drive to'ward "cbmplete defeat of grand assault on Adolf Hitler's : Harry’s son-in-law, who is on trial l80.UZff the Signed An , early survisy revealed only .Through articles in the news­ cisl've part. By Yiifi;oslavs YOUR HOUSE “ In view of the intense . and maid who toM of leaving In Sir State Bar Association today. two of the 18 mines producing in­ Washington, Oct. 19.—(IP)— The papers Pravda, izvestia and Red Harry’s room the insecticide used, ARE YOU X Sutton Blankets dustrial fuel in operation; and prolonged strain- and excessive de­ PHONE MAN. 2-1575 With State OPA Director An­ position of the Treasury-Oct. 16: Star, .the Russian government has by the murderer In an attempt to both had less than normal crews. mands upon the British common­ COOPERATING? ^ 25 % Woql — 25% Cotton — 50% Rayon thony F. Arpaia, Mr. Knight dis­ Receipts. $74,490,927.61; expen­ been emphasizing the need for Mopping Up All Terri­ burp the body. 80^0 Wool cussed "legal aspects of price con­ Rusbia to Get Supplies All of the mines of the Tennes.see ditures'. $311,066,867.97; net bal- wealth. American -manpower has Po You Complete Service On I^oat An ideal blanket for years of warmth 'V- ■ - ' trol and rationing" as the State C^oal, Iron and Railroad Co., and anc6, $21,428,869,365.22. (Continued on Page Four) been rightly looked upon os our tory between Sava Riv­ From United. States, grand strategic -reservq ' in the Vouth Given Life Term ' ■ ElectrleaJ Appllanoes. and service. Colors:.blue, rose, green and Bar Association entered.'the sec­ the Republic Steel Corp., were Rate id'e, despite local union , votes west for the final moves of the er ami Aubtriaii Line. Augusta. 5le„ Oct. 19— (Jb — ( ' • cedar. Mothproofed ond day of its , two-day annual Britain and Canada. ______I Charles Richard Farrond. a husky. An “ E” Irons • Tonater* • Heetera • meeting at. the-Hartford county Isrt night,to. return to work. The war.” " the South African soldier- FOR V. "'. out was not authorized by, statesman said in a' war commen­ .1 ,/D, v,,oiv I giMHl-looking 1.%-3-ear-old Hnrx-ard . ,iFans - Etc. meeting, . London. Oct. 19.—(J*' . Yu„o-^ Haven, Conn.. Pennant?;, Washington. Oct. 19—(UP)—The the UMW. • , tary at the London Guildhall. Casualties on Economic Front Bthte department annotinced that Baltimoreans Defend City S la v patriot forces, having-appar-1 today wss sentenced to life You can help by burning coal Bring Your Appliance in r “ In this modem war," Mr. No Immediate Explanation ■'While therefore every ally will a third > agreement for lend-Iease go all out to bring about the final entiy routed German forces at a dn 5laiiie’s>stale prison by Sujierlor and coke. Vital oil It needed For Free Estimate! Knight said, “ it it- no longer the . There was no immediate ex­ supplies'-for Soviet Russia was planation of the failure of these climax." he added, "the U. S. A.— strategic railroad over the Sava Court Justice Robert -A. Cony after for the war effort. 75% Wool Chatham aimple problem of paying a few signed in London today by repre- Against Attack of PoeV he had pleaded guilty to murder­ INSULATE Lebanon blanketSi have been thousand mercenaries to do the miners. to return to their Jobs.- latest, freshest and most potent river near Sevnica, are mopping aentatlves of the United States, ing Barnard W. Jordan/Waterrille FIREPLACE CO.AI. fighting. ’The whole social and Both TCI and Republic have cut newcomer in the field— may have up aH Slovenian territory between ^made for years and Are national­ United I^bigdom, Canadian and steel and iron output because of to play the decisive part in the the river and the - Austrian fron­ flying Instructor, by shooting last YOUR ATTIC WITH GUARANTEED eccmomic structure o f the nation Soviet governments. Baltimore, .Oct. 19—UP)—WiUl*- But the bout went oh. and in- .August. Karrand previously- had- ly known for their wdymth and must be behind the effort and if- the coal ahortage. ci-nclusive act of the great war tier, a Yugoslav National Army of ; The announcement,'made simul­ the battle cry/‘go'back where you terloping workers were informed L'iieration communique said to­ plmded Innocent when arraigned SEAMAN ; A.B.C.FizitCo. Airloom Blankets wearing quality. Size 72” x84” this Is to be .done there are going Several commercial mines re- r>aiT>A fmm.” native Baltimoreans thevthey were: Ridxe-runnine.Ridge-running, Stump-stump d'rama." , $ taneously in London and Washing­ opendfi today, some with far less came from. Smuta_said that such a role in day. Aug. 17 before .Municipal Court FUEL & SUPPLY CO: ' in cherrywood, Antoinette t»lue, 12-50 to be casualties on the economic to defenq their be- Jumping, hay-shaking- ' skunks. ton, said the agreement provides have rallied to defend Judge Cyril M. Joly In WnterxIUe , Suenemom to Seaman Coat Co. 21 Maple St. Manchester An exceptional blanket fo r warmth, front. Just as there will be cs*- than, normal crews. Of the mines Judases the war would also be the best 'The communique said Sevnica rose dust and Screen. for the Supply o f armaments, loved monumental city from the jerks, iiill-biliies. worms, Justification for the all-important was occupied by forces of Gen. shortly after hi* arrest In .Mnsoa- and Poia Coal Co. > • BALSAM-WOOL beauty and aervice. Size 72” x84” in ualties' on the military front.’’ working yesterday, the picture "poetic" attack of a Johnny-come- and "ten-cerit editions of a Holly- equipment, materials and food­ was mixed, with some mines hav­ part America is destined to play Joslp (Tito) Broz which also were chusetts. The youth was ebaZged He said that not only do ‘ the stuffs to the USSR, by the first lately war worker. vv’ood wolf. w ith Iratolly shooting Jordan oe ha blue, rose, green and cedar. $ emergency price control and sec­ ing more men on the job and oth­ in the peace negotiations and the engaged in local fighting in four 7-50 three governments. , It all started when The Balti­ , Furthermore, they formerly hitch-hiked a ride with thq latter ers less. rebuilding of - the world. % Croatian towns controlling rail­ SazleJ ATTIC INSULATION ond war powers act provide-en­ This is the first lim e that .Can­ more Evening Sun published a livetl in caves and .subiisted on William Mitch, district UMW "For no nation in history has ways linking Zagreb with Fiume near the Wmlervllle alrport.- forcement tools but qjlso state ada has been a signatory of such poem entitled "Beloved Baltimore, •urnip greens, salt pork, garlic, • • ■ . Yen May Purchaaa Theia Blanketa O a^H ^’ a Cluk Plan laws'and "the ingenuity end eveii president, said hq wab hopeful ■o great and so honorable a des­ and Split, Sevnica i$ midway be­ an agreement, .th ou gh supplies Md.,’’ purportedly written by a tamales, snuff, poke and ■ fo m tween the- Ljubljonr and Zagreb Bitter Fighting In Savoy the personality" of those charged that the back-to-work . movement war worker, and where 't yvtll stop squeezings. tiny been marked out by . the At No Extra Charge. fmifi Canada previously had form­ course of events. Nohe ever had strongholds. > .Algiers, Oct. I t — (Ab —• Tha COSTS SO timf-SAVfS SO Mucm with enforcement ability. ed part of the lend-tease commit-; would 'gain momentum tomorrow may well be pondered by li^l ex­ Baltimoreans were clean, calm, Mrs. KaVanagh’s Ens^sh Muffins as district, officials continued so high a mission of good and ' - ’ . Cu t' Main Rail Line French Commlttre o f National iJb- 72x84 and 72x90 Rayon- Gitton and Wool ITnable to Report Findings m e ^ of the United Kingdom -and perts. thoughtful, gracious, long-suffer­ eration aiinnupred t4day that ineeting at the mines ing, God-fearing and progressive, goodwill. On none have ouch high Guerrillas also cut the main rail Sold At ; rw ran inw ni m raa aanaM (M m u m t i m ) aau Supreme Court Justice Arthur in some cases of that of the Uni­ The original verse d escribe the ter righting on a fairly large seate". The report from Mitch came as wljile the city was,a metropolis of hopes been built." line between Ljubljani and the F. EUs described, the procedure ot ted States, the state department city as a moth-eaten place of poor .port o f Trieste, the war bulletin had-broken out betwisen Oenoolt X the Judges’ committee on bar in­ said. the six-day-old work stoppage, in­ clinrate, ugly homes, bad odors, broad avenues,, woodsy parka and For Ahead at Plans volving !! , ' union diggers at ita Looking back through the asserted. troops and Frenchmen hiding X. tegration biit said be was unable ' To Get Raw Materials 2 000 outlandish speech' and exorbitant culture unsurpassed. the mountaina of upper M v a g ' Leading Stores and Restaurants BLANKETS ^ peak-tide, cut deeper into this dis. months of 1943, Smuts disclosed Near -Imotski, 75 mites south­ X to report on the findings tX the , The agr nent also provides, it atrcqt car fares. The intrepid poet was kissed off Ijiravinee, In soutbeastenr The-W. G.,Glenney Co. trict’-a output of war-vital iron, and that the United Nations already west of Sarajevo, a fierce battle group .08 which he is chairman is imderatood, for lend-leaae in re- OtlaeliB Aroused, by Hundreds in- these words: to escape forced lahor in ( steel. • have gone farther onq. achieved wax onld to be in progress and in 0 .Throughout' CoaL Lnnibcr,"Mamoiii^ Suppllea, fain t Solid colon and novelty ftguied because the Judges o f tha Superi­ vsiM from Soviet Russia, which It aroused citizens by the Hun­ Montonegro the Yugoslav offen- Infonontloa leleaa.ed. hy th 1h J W :I M 4 4 cOM or Court have not-yet .flnlahed undertakes to supply its western 14 Fonneen Shot Down dreds and the battle was Joinsd. Desr G d, forglvi this wretched mors than they hod planned to do 336 No. Main SL T*L 4148 Manehaater. blanketa. tl-ve woa gathering momentum. mlttee was that 4tt Noil Manchester and the State of Connecticut $ '-consideration o f them. Allies with'raw materials In return Fourteen fumkCes—seven steel­ The furore reached such s pitch soul, by next winter. 4.98 . v u N C M i S T i R C o m m * German forces In the Balkans with machlnOi'gnaa ooif . The .annual meeting will , close for armament and food. making open hearths and the The Sui, wos.mo.ved to remark edi­ WXiO Mcs but darkness in sighL Smuts referrsd only briefly to the Balkan situation, but Jic made also were reported to. be battling by armored eOrs, attached Phone: Manchester 4250 117 Spr.»K’e .Street tonight with a banquet. at the . Formerly Soviet Russia’s reci- same number of Iron producers— torially the netivea shouldn't prove Please lead him in thy finer way— puttees" hiding In the BALSAM WOOL IS GUARANTEED TO INCREASE COMFORT the outiahder’B points by the na- Show him beaut>\ .charm (OeaHaaod am P om Foora oratud Salla$u!ha mas (ObnUhiMd-iM Fag* Two) P . (ConUnued •• Pngs Two) (OontlaiMd na Paaa Fonrl < turt of thsir rebutjAls. UshL 1 iOoatlxM d aa fm aa
