I f T d n c K e s t ■ i-i'' Is evidently forgetting Its -oljllga- ,The Ladles* Auxiliary o f the tton to the town. There la^ a Manchester Chamber of Com­ 83,800 mortgage, oh the p r o p e l Coon, Fox Club Jap Soldiers Use Dope A bout Town merce, of which Mrs. L. T. Wood Heard Along Main Street and the seller 'extended an addi-' Average Daily Circulation is president, will hold a cigarette tlonal 81,000 mortgage. The To Hold Trials For the Month af Sept^ber, IMS tea Monday afternoon at four An^ on Some o f Manche»ter*» Side Slrdets^ Top family that purcha.’ied the proper, Before Battling Yanks 1 M ni HW* Kelsh Swanson, o'clock at the home of Mrs. ty is in debt to the town to U)e whosa husband, Ralph Swanson, George W. Cheney, 21 Hartfofd - ■ ^— - . ' \ laft on Tusaday tor scrvioa In We are still hearing repercus-jjcity as a sort of half-home. Mayor extent of 83.591.42 for aid extern!: Road. The members will bring cd duriiig the depression years.'" MgsI ^ Picturesfiup of Japanese soldiers use "narcotics-would riot harm you it night Member of the Audit U. S. Maivy, win Join the etaff of to tho tea cartons of cigarettes slons from that story The Herald■ ■' Dennis O’Connor, a YD veteran, is The town has been mo.st fortu­ to keep up, their courage facing; They would even try to steal th< ttia lipAlnM Beauty Salon in the for the inductees leaving for the caiTled previous to Primary day known to a lot of local veterans Sports; Taketi Place Bureau of Circulations nate in most of its dealings with American a61dier» in the South ' « V"** ' Wwaoe buiMlnr Monday, as a service. A large attendance of about the plans of a group of young o f the last war. and his brother ; to -sleep.' those Who received help during the Oit October 24tli. Manche»ter——A City of Vittoge Charm time operator. the membera is hoped for. Republicans to up.set things gener­ Judge Jim is a political leader in Pacific, according to Charles I-; "One night, after a big attack ally in the local political set-up. East Hartford. Dinny O’Connor is bad years. But here and there Paqiiin, 22, and Clafim^ H. we piled Jap bodies in a hole ' ie also godfather to the proprietor of cas-'s arc found where it is diffi­ ■ Private Henry Pfohl, talented We've been told that the story was “rhe Manchester Coon and F'ox Paquln. 21, sons of Mr. ano"^ frs.! front o( our positions, and be- VOL. LXIII., NO. 15 (GlassUM Adverttslug on Pago 8) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS- Iwritona at the regiment stationed Daughters of Liberty. No. 125. ■’manufactvircd" just to sllr up W alters GrilLat the Center here cult to get any payments. Such club announces another of its fa­ Charles Paquin of 29 Buckla'hd^iieve It or not, all the bodies wen here, wUl sing at the 7:30 eyening L. O. L. I., are requested to meet things generally. We've- also been and Is said to have a financial in­ cases are' being referred to the mous Coori* dog field trials for a street. Buckland, both of whom ;^<jne the next morning. How thc> —iificc tomorrow In the chapel of tomorrow evening - at seven told that it was the product, of terest In the grill. Mayor Dinny town counsel wlm will take action week from tomorrow, October 24, are recovering from wounds suffer-' did"'It— nj one knows." the South Methodist ehurch. o’clock in Orange hall. From someone’s vivid imagination. dines at Walter’s about once a to make collection. Any family at Its club grounds In North Cov­ od in the New Guinea fighting at Speak Good English there they will proceed to the "Where did the rumor start?" week. I hat assumes such an obligation entry. An unusually large entry the Fletcher General Hospital in "Some bf, the Japs speak gooc Preparing Rain of Fire for Japs Group 8 of the Memorial Hos­ Dougnn Funeral Home, to pay a we have been a.sked. That Is rather BUI Mortensen' is known well, as that cited above is certainly list is in ' prospect. Ohio. i English aml'"'from the densenes! Reds Roll Forward pital Auxiliary, Mrs. D. M. Cald­ final tribute of respect to Miss hard to say. Rumors start and too. in Manchester. Regular pa­ taking a load on. It would seem This group of sportsmen pre­ Charles and Clnrcncc. who were of the jungle they would yell at Fifth Ar well, leader: and Group 1. Mrs. Hsnnah Hughes, a valued ’mem­ spread rapiflly and when ,you hear trons of the Biishnell Memorial that they would want to" , clear sent several times each year one insepara,ble as kids m Manchester, | us at night, tclung'rfs what com­ James M. Shearer, leader, will ber s'nd former treasurer of the the story it Is rather difficult to know him to be a fine fellow. their debt to the town before un- of the most picturesque of sports. are now together as casualtie8 ofipany, regiment ana myiaion W4 ■leet Monday at two o’clock at lodge. learn the point of origin. We do While serving in the State Senate dertakin): such a real estate bur­ The trials are largel.v attended 'by. this war, each having sustained were aerving with, urging us tt Mortensen made a lot of friends, With New Drives; the hospital. know that three or four members den. The Interest alone on In many in.stances. whole families identical wounds in the South Paci-. go back to the United States, be­ George J. Kelley.'Of 111 Main of the insurgent Republicans talk­ Mortensen surprised the city mortgages would pay a fair for t% trials are in the shape of fic fighting from Jap shrapnel and' fore it was too late. They eVej. The regular meeting of the Gari­ street, has boiight the property of ed too loud one night in a local Vhen he won the State Senate rental. a^coimtry fair. There are refresh- shell shock. Wot'indcd together, told us where we trtined at ma­ 3 Towns; baldi Society will be held tomor­ the late William McGuire at 206 restaurant--or is grill the proper race in the last election and some m««)ts. music and then the excite-, they were evacuated two days neuvers in the States." row afternoon at 2:30 at the Ital- Main street. This has been the word ? say he is going to spring a real Wonder whatever became of ail meiu. of the race. apart from the bitter beach fight­ The Paquin brotners enlisted to­ tan-Awerican Club on Eldridge home of the McGuire family for Then, too, the Insurgents have .surprise in the coming city elec­ that foodstuff that was allowed The'-cUibhouse which l.s situated ing and were returned to the gether in the National Guard of tion, but our mone> is still on street more, than 35 years. Mr. Kelley been meeting quite often at a hou.seholders who guaranteed they off Route 44 on River Road In United States for hospitalization Connecticut in 1939 and have re­ plans to move his family to his new certain garage—filling .station up Mayor O’Connor. We think it’s were atocking their larders in or­ N orth, Coventry, has a natural aboard the same ship and cro.ssed mained with the same unnamed home about the first of November. the Green way. We’ve been told going to be Dinny’s Day. der to feed city evacuees in case of "back .stretch" of a race course the country to Ohio on the same unit since their enlistment until Clinch Hold on Both Yji^iiian Food Stabs W est that garage is really the headquar­ a bombing? where the racers ma.v be seen for hospAal train. they were casuals In the New Dnieper River Banka,!' ^ ^ ters of the "fintr group. Now A' local woman was recently at least a quarter of a mile, be­ Describes Jsp Marines Georgia fijfhtiiig. discharged from her employment plans are underway to get out a Camillo Andisio. Hale’s Self fore they reach the coon tree. ‘The Jap Marines are big and They both declared that the Jap Threaten Disintegra- S u p p l y C u t S Hitter Surrenders— , Board of Appeals big anti-Hyde vote at the Repub­ in a nearby war plan£. The reason Serve manager, says we don't 'The barking o f ' the dogs, th^ courageous,” asserted Clarence in defehses set up at the Munda Air Caiicello, Ruviano and lican party Caucus next August. for the discharge was absentee­ know anything about inflation or gathering crowds, the auctioning,- a newspaper Interview after his ar­ Base was a hard nut to crack— but tion of Entire Ger-; ^ r • I I But He’s Only Private Yank• Planes j ism. We don’t believe the employ­ Nerrone Beyond Vol- To Meet Thursday Well, it will seem good to havs a high food prices yet. Circulated the bracing Fall atmosphere with rival at the base hospital, to which it was accomplished, but not with­ ihan Front; Encircle- 1 ^ 0 0 n L j I K C l y crowd at the caucus for a change. ers know' the circumstances. Her about Hale’a thia week was a letter a real country background, is ap­ his brother in a bed by his side out considerable losses to our Allied Headquarters, Algiers.
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