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Parli Vaijanath temple is one of the famous temple in Bid district. The shrine of Vaijanath is one of the twelve jyotirlingas of India. The temple is situated at a distance of about half a km. to the north-west of the town. The temple is supposed to have been originally constructed by Hemadri, the Chief Minister of the Yadavas of Devagiri. The present temple, a complete renovation was carried out some time in 1784 by the famous ruler Ahilyabal Holkur. The idol of Vaijanath is 'Shiva Linga' made out of a block of stone. In and around the temple there are twelve other lingas which go to signify the twelve Jyotirlingas of India. The daily worship starts at four in the morning with the playmg of musical instruments. The people believe that Vaijanath is capable of showering blessings on them and on fulfilment of vows they make offerings as promised. The utsav commences on Mahashivratra and last for flfteen days. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword (v) Preface (ix) Acknowledgement (xi) District Highlights - 1991 Census (xii) Name of the headquarters of Districtlfahsil their rural/urban status and distance from .... (xiii) district headquarters Important Statistics - I (a) 1

Important Statistics - I(b) .... ,. 4

Ranking of Tahsits in the district - II .t" 6 Summary Table 1 - Population of the District at the Censuses from 1901 to 1991 .... 7 Summary Table 2 - Number of inhabited villages and related population in specified _8 popUlation size ranges. Appendix 1 to Summary Table 2 - Area, Number of villages I towns and population 9 Appendix 2 to Summary Table 2 - Towns with population under 5000 10 Appendix 3 to Summary Table 2 - Houseless and Institutional popUlation. '10 Analytical Note - 1. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 11 Brief History of the district (11)

2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP Zilla Parish ad and Panchayat Samitis (13), Urban local bodies (13)

3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE & CROPPING PATTERN 14 Climate (15), Soil and Cropping pattern (15)

4. NATURAL WEALTH 16 Minerals (16), Fisheries (16)

5. BRIEF NOTE ON CENSUS 16 Census concepts Building (16), Census houses and households (16), Housing data (17), Electricity and Toilet facilities (17), Rural and Urban area (17), Urban Agglomeration (17), Standard Urban Area (18).

6. 1991 CENSUS FINDINGS - POPULATION, ITS DISTRIBUTION 18 Distribution of population in rural and urban area;:") (18), size, class and status of towns (19), Vlliages by popUlation size (19).

7. POPULATION GROWTH, DENSITY AND SEX RATIO 20 Population growth (20), Density (21 ),Sex ratio (21).

8. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 23 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharallhta State (23), Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 (24), SCI ST popUlation Decadal variation and sex ' ratio (25). (ii)

CONTENTS - contd PAGE 9. LITERACY 28 Definition of a literate(28), Rural and Urban Literacy (28), Male-Female share in total Literates(30), Literacy among SC and ST (30).

10. ECONOMIC ACI1VITY 31 Definition of work and classification of workers (31),Type of workers (31), Workers by Industrial categories (34), Non-workers (36).

11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES AND TOWNS 37 Educational facilities (37), Medical (40), Drinking water (41), Postal (41), Weekly market (42), Communication (42), Approach road, (43), Power supply (44).

12. LAND UTILISATION - LAND USE PATTERN 44 Forest (45), Irrigated and Unirrigated land (45).



15. TRADE AND COMMERCE 48 Workers in trade and commerce (48).


17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORTANCE 49 Fairs (49), Places of historical and tourist importance (50).

18. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISTRICT 50 Contribution of the district (50).

PART A· VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (SECTIONS I AND II) SECTION I - VILLAGE DIRECfORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the village directory. 53 Statement - List of villages fully merged in towns and outgrowth at 1991 census. 57 Map - TAHSIL BID (Facing Page) 58 Alphabetical list of villages - Bid €. D. Block 59 Village Directory - Bid C. D. Block 62 Map - TAHSIL GEORAI (Facing Page) 82 Alphabetical list of villages - Georai C. D. Block 83 Village Directory - Georai C. D. Block 86 Map - TAHSIL MANJLEGAON (Facing Page) 104 Alphabetical list of villages - Manjlegaon C. D. Block 105 Village Directory - Manjlegaon C. D. Block 108 (iii)

CONTENTS - contd PAGE Map - TAHSIL AMBEJOGAI (Facing Page) 130 Alphabetical list of villages - Ambejogai C. D. Block 131 Village Directory - Ambejogai C. D. Block 134 Map - TAHSIL KAIJ (Facing Page) 148 Alphabetical'list of villages - Kaij C. D. Block 149 Village Directory - Kaij C. D. Block 152 Map - TAHSIL PATODA (Facing Page) 170 Alphabetical list of villages - Patoda C. D. Block 171 Village Directory - Patoda C. D. Block 174 Map - TAHSIL ASHTI (Facing Page) 190 Alphabetical list of villages - Ashti C. D. Block 191 Village Directory - Ashti C. D. Block 194 APPENDIX I C. D. Blockwise (Rural) Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 210 APPENDIX II Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census Towns) 212 APPENDIX III C. D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenity other than drinking water 212 facility is available APPENDIX IV Summary showing number of villages having or not having SC/ST population. 212 C. D. Blockwise list of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste 213 and Scheduled Tribe population to the total population by ranges. APPENDIX V Alphabetical list of villages alongwith manual as well as computerised codes, .•.. 230 1991 and 1981. APPENDIX VI Statement showing social forest area in the villages. ... 25S APPENDIX VII Statement showing number of Girls Schools in the villages. .... 258 SECTION II - TOWN DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory. 261 Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV-A): STATEMENT I - Status and Growth History 264 STATEMENT II - Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 265 STATEMENT III - Municipal Finance, 1988 - 1989 266 STATEMENT IV - Civic and other amenities, 1989 267 (iv)

CONTENTS - contd PAGE STATEMENT IV - A - Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 268 S1A TEMENT V - Medical, Educational. Recreational and Cultural facilities. 1989. 269 STATEMENT VI - Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989. 270 Appendix to Town Directory 271

PART B - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Abstract (General) 276 Appendix to District Urban Primary Census Abstract 282 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 288 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 294 C. D. Blockwise village primary census abstract Primary Census Abstract - Bid C. D. Block 300 Primary Census Abstract - Georai C. D. Block 320 Primary Census Abstract - Manjlegaon C. D. Block 336 Primary Census Abstract - Ambejogai C. cr. Block 352 Primary Census Abstract - Kaij C. D. Block 364 Primary Census Abstract - Patoda C. D. Block 380 Primary Census Abstract - Ashti C. D. Block 392 Town Primary Census Abstract (1 to _7) 404 Annexure I - Note on Fertility - Mortality and Migration 432 Annexure II - Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1981. 437 Annexure III - Percentage Distribution of Migrants by place of birth, 1981 Census. 438 W) FOREWORD

PublicatlOll of the Distnct Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since then with some innovation/ modIfications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.!Union Territory administration. It inter-alia provides datal information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic ch~racteristics and on the avaIlability of certain important CIVIC amenities/ faCIlitIes in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, admilllstrators, academicians and researchers.

The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and Town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising VIllage and Town Directories and Part­ B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third part (C) of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which was also to be brought out could not be published in many States/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tahsil/town level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Infonnation on some n!.'w items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. SimIlarly, information on approach to the village was also (vi) provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of maccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of class I and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column On the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statements IV and V respectively.

The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the fonnat of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine­ fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four- fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to'" this. the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA \ for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planners in chalkIng out more effective developmental programmes.

One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional TahsIlrralukalPS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional Tahsil/Taluka/PS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of VIllage Directory and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as the C. D. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental plannmg.

In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to use Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/ floppies or from the published records. both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census alongwith the corresponding codes of 1981.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Govt. JUT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under (vli) the direction of Shri 1. K. Banthia. Director of Census Operations, Maharashtra on behalf of the State Govt.IUT administration which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication was initiated by Dr. K. P. Juaman, fonner Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M. M. Dua, Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of infonnationldata and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M. K. Jain. the present deputy Registrar General (8.S.). This task was carried out. by Shri A. K. Singh. Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri N. S. Soam, Assistant Director and his staff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr. B. K. Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all those who have contributed to this project.

New Delhi A. R. NANDA June ll, 1992. Registrar General, Indm


The Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India has in his foreword to this series of publications, not only provided the reader with the historical background of the District Census Handbooks but has also explained at some length the scope and coverage envisaged for this country-wide project. This volume contains the salient results based on the data gathered at the actual head-count and in addition contain a wealth of other non-census information in respect of Villages and Towns of the District. It is hoped that this volume would go a long way to meet the ever increasing demand for the micro-level • data in this era of planned development.

District Census Handbook of Maharashtra is a joint venture of the Government of Maharashtra and the Census Organisation of the Government of India. The design for the 1991 District Census Handbook was evolved Centrally by the Census Commissioner, India. In the preparation of the District Census Handbook, the role played by the Census Organisation is that of data gatherer and the cost of publication is borne by the State Government. In accomplishing this task we have had the ready and whole-hearted Co-operation of the staff at various levels of different departments of the State Government. Much of the data so supplied by these field-level officers have been cross­ checked with the data obtained from various departments and an attempt has been made to reconcile the discrepancies as well.

I am deeply grateful to Shri A. R. Nanda, I.A.S. the Registrar General, India for the benefit I have derived by way of guidance and advice. I also express my thanks to Shri M. K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies), Dr. B. K. Roy former Deputy Registrar (Jenera) (Map) and Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map).

Shri J. K. Banthia, I. A. S. held the Office of Director of Census Operations, Maharashtra and guided the operations of the 1991 Census. At present he is deputed for training at London in School of Economics and (X)

Pohtical Science. The data presented in this handbook were collected and compiled under the direction and guidance of Shn Banthia. We would deem it our duty, therefore, to offer him our sincere and grateful thanks for all that he did for this project.

In this Directorate, Smt. V. Y. Joshi, ASsIstant Director spearheaded the D.C.H.B. unit which meticulously scrutinised the non-Census data collected from various sources, finalised the list of villages and towns, etc. with the help of Shri S. V. Deorukhkar investigator. As regards, the write-up portion the persons who drafted the text, scrutinised, edited and supervised have been mentioned in the "Acknowledgement". The maps inserted in the D.C.H.B. are prepared by the cartography section under the guidance of Shri D. N. Chaurasia, Sr. Geographer.

The write-ups on fertility and mortality patterns and migration patterns based on 1981 Census data are contributed by S/Shri S. S. Kashyap and 1. D. Mhaiskar, Deputy Directors, respectively.

I take this opportunity to offer my grateful thanks to all officials in various grades who have been actively involved in voluminous work of compilation and preparation of this volume. The list of the officials of this Directorate closely associated with this work is given separately.

Lastly J am thankful to the Government of Maharashtra for having agreed readily to bear the cost of publication of the District Census Handbook volumes and for the special efforts to Shri P. S. More, Director, Printing and Stationery and his colleagues to print out the publication in a very nice fashion.

A. S. DANGE Joint Director of Census Operations

Census Directorate, Maharashtra, Bombay. Dated 1st May 1993 (Maharashtra Day). (xi)


WRITE-UP UNIT 25. Smt. S. S. Dahibavkar Lower Division Clerk Editing & Supervision 26. Shri L. S. Sawant Printing Inspector 1. Shri S. S. Kashyap Deputy Director D. D. E. UNIT 2. Smt. P. S. Kekre ... Assistant Director Shri R. S. Lal Assistant Djrector Drafting 1. 2. Shri S. R. Karve Investigator 1. Shri D. B. Kamtekar Computor 3. Smt. C. Huparikar Programmer 4. Smt. S. S. Sawant Lower Division Clerk V. T.D. UNIT MAP UNIT 1. Smt. P. S. Kekre Assistant Director 1. Shri D. N. Chaurasia Sr. Georapher 2. Shri S. V. Dcorukhkar Investigator 2. Shri A. S. Braganza Cartographer 3. Shri C. S. More Investigator 3. Shri D. M. Walve Sf. Artist 4. Smt. 1. R. Wagle Statistical Assistant 4. Shri A. 1. Randive Artist 5. Shri S. A. Karnik Statistical Assistant 5. Shri D. D. Padalkar Artist 6. Shri M. K. Pote Statistical Assistant 6. Shri V. V. Govekar .. , Sr. Draftsman 7. Shri R. T. Chichkar Statistical Assistant Shri S. D. Kauthekar Sr. Draftsman 8. Shri S. K. Naik Statistical Assistant 7. Shri B. V. Yadav Draftsman 9. Shri H. N. Bhoir Statistical Assistant 8. 9. Smt. T. S. Kauthekar Draftsman 10. Shri W. A. D'souza Computor 10. Smt. P. J. Naikar Draftsman 11. Smt. D. D. Walawalkar Computor 11. Shri J. G. Naikar Draftsman 12. Smt. 1. N. Sawant Comput~r 12. Shri V. S. Revankar Draftsman 13. Smt. M. M. Malshe Computor P.C.A.UNIT 14. Smt. S. S. Dabholkar CC?mputor 1. Shri A. S. Kulkarni Investigator 15. Smt. F. Rebello Computor 2. Shri S. G. Gavali Investigator 16. Shri P. R. Pachkar Computor Shri D. B. Mane Statistical Assistant 17. Shri K. H. Kelvekar Computor 3. 4. Shri D. K. Zambre Statistical Assistant 18. Smt. A. V. Kale Computor Shri R. B. Bhalerao Statistical Assistant 19. Shri S. L. Manjarekar Computor 5. Smt. S. D. Kulkarni Statistical Assistant 20. Kum. H. K. Khanzode Computor 6. Computor 21. Kum. C. D. Karkhanis Computor 7. Smt. W. A. D'souza Shri A. S. Nayak Operator 22. Kum. C. P. Dighe Computor 8. Operator 23. Kum. A. J. Patel Computor 9. Shri U. K. Joshi Shri P. D. Prabhulkar Operator 24. Smt. S. D. Shctye Lower 10. Division Clerk 11. Shri R. 1. Rasam Operator (xii)


(1) Bid district is one of the least urbanised district having one-fifth of its population in urban

areas whereas about two fifth of State's popUlation lives In urban area.

(2) The district sex ratio (944) is higher as compared to that of state (934) and a decreasing trend is seen since 1901.

(3) Bid district is the fourth lowest in respect of effective literacy both in persons as well as in females.

\ (4) In respect of population in the age group 0-6 the district stands fourth in the State.

(5) Village Kaij is the most populated (18,510) and Bavi Village the least populated (3) in the district.

(6) The economy of the district is primarily depend on agriculture. Out of 100 workers in the district 67 are engaged in Primary Sector.

(7) Other services is the most important non-agricultural activity of the district.

(8) Nearly all the villages in Georai Tahsil have some irrigated area and it ranks first in the district.

(9) Patoda village has the largest area (6303.00 hectares) and Nagzari Gaimukh village has the smallest area (16.00 hectares) among the villages of the district.

(10) Power supply facility is most impressive and it is available for cent per cent villages of the district. (xiii )


Sr. No. Name of Districtffahsil Name of Whether Distance from Tahsil Dlstrict{fahsil Urban/Rural Headquarters to Headquarters District Headquarters by Road / Railway (in kms.) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Bid Bid Urban 0 1. Bid Bid Urban 0 2. Georai Georai Urban 33 3. Manjlegaon Manjlegaon Urban 71 4. Ambejogai Ambejogai Urban 100 5. Kaij Kaij Rural 60 6. Patoda Patoda Rural 45 7. Ashti Ashti Urban 85

Note: Distance given in col. No.4 is by Road 1


Slale DistrlCI Rank

Population Total Persons 78,937,187 1,822,072 22 Males 40,825,618 937,410 21 Females 38,111,569 884,662 22

Ruml Persons 48,395,601 1,495,104 18 Males 24,536.280 765.849 17 Females 23,859,321 729,255 19

Urban Persons 30,541,586 326,968 - 22 Males 16,289,338 171,161 22 Females 14,252,248 155,407 22

Decennial populallon Growth rate (1981·91) + 25.73 + 28.95 7 Area (Sq. km.) 307,713.00 10,693.00 12 DensIty of population (per sq. km.) 257 170 24 Sex ratio(Numbcr of females per 1,000 males) 934 944 17

Literacy rate (Excludmg children 10 the Persons 64.87 49.82 26 age group of 0-6) Males 76.56 66.34 25 Females 52.32 32.34 26

Percentage of Urban populallon to tOl4ll population 38.69 17.94 21

Percentage to total population - (i) Main Workers Persons 39.28 4163 11 Males 51.24 49.28 23 Females 26.47 33.53 7

(11) Margmal Workers Persons 368 5.37 8 Males 0.92 1.43 6 Females 6.64 9.55 8

(IIi) Non-Workers PeT!>ons 57.02 53.00 24 Males 47.82 49.29 8 Females 66.87 56.92 27 ;> A 2


State Distrzel Rank Break-up of main Workers- Percentage among Main Workers (i) Cultivators Persons 32.81 49.13 5 Males 29.79 48.53 4 Females 39.07 50.05 9

(ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 26.81 30.51 16 Males 18.67 22.02 16

FemaJe~ 43.70 43.74 17

(iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Persons 1.52 1.69 12 Hunting and Plantations, Orchards Males 1:93 2.39 9 and allied activities Females 0.67 0.61 12

(iv) Mining and Quarrying Persons 0.37 0.11 21 Males 0.47 0.13 22 Females 0.17 0.06 24

[v(a)] Manufacturing, Processing Persons 1.61 1.18 22 Servicing and Repairs in Males 1.61 1.46 16 Household Industry Females 1.60 0.74 23

[v(b)] Manufacturing, Processing, Persons 11.60 3.04 25 Servicing and Repairs in Males 15.54 4.41 25 other than Household Industry Females 3.44 0.89 23

(vi) Constructions Persons 2.59 1.54 23 Males 3.39 2.31 22 Females 0.92 0.35 20

(vii) Trade and Commerce Persons 8.57 4.31 27 Males 11.47 6.64 26 Females 2.54 0.69 20

2·8 3


State District Rank

(viii) Transport, Storage and Persons 3.74 1.54 21 Commumcations Males 5.33 2.50 22 Females 0.44 0.04 24

(IX) Other SefVIces Persons , 10.38 6.95 21 Males 11.80 9.61 19 Females 7.45 2.83 25

Percentage of Scheduled Castes populatIon Persons 11.09 13.41 11 to total populatIon Males 11.02 13.40 11 Females 11.16 13.41 11

Percentage of Scheduled Tnbes populatIon Persons 9.27 1.13 24 to total populatIon Males 9.11 1.14 24 Females 9.45 1.11 24

Number of occupled residential houses 14,893,157 335,009 23 Number of villages Total 43,025 1,280 22 Inhabited 40,412 1,269 21 Unmhabited 2613 11 21

Number of Towns 336 7 24 Class I (Pop. 100,000 and above) 33 1 Class II (pop. 50,000 - 99,999) 30 2 Class III (Pop. 20,000 - 49,999) 114 2

Class IV (pop. 10,000 - 19,999) 102 1 Class V (Pop 5,000 - 9,999) 46

Class VI (Pop. below 5,000) 11

Note: OWing to admimstratlVe reasons, census could not be conducted in 33 villages of Akrani and Akkalkuwa tahstls of Dhule dIStrict (07). Only their population (persons, males and females) was obtamed through Secondary source. ConsIstency checks for Dhule dlstrlct and Maharashtra can not be apphed except for populatIon (Persons, males ~md females). 4 IMPORTANT

PercenLlge of Stale.{I)lslncl Populallon Density No of Household populallon Sex !'roportlon Percentage Percentage Percentage (In lakhs) houses per Size to Stale. Rallo of 0 - 6 of SC of S1' of LIlcralcs sq km populallon populallon

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Maharashtra 78937 257 48 514 10000 934 1711 11.09 927 64.87

Or Bombay 99.26 16,461 3362 4.84 1257 818 13.60; 652 105 82.50 Thane 52.49 549 113 479 6.65 879 16.87 5 18 1812 69.54 Ralgarh 1825 255 51 489 231 1,010 1677 279 1282 63.95 RatnagJn 1544 188 36 4.77 196 1,205 15.43 1 77 0.96 62.70 Smdhudurg 8.32 160 31 4.73 1.05 1.137 13.09 510 0.47 75.81

\ NasllIk 3851 248 43 550 488 940 18.83 8.48 24 ]8 6233 Dhule 2536 193 35 5.53 3.21 958 18.11 530 4088 5122 Jalgaon 3188 271 50 534 404 940 17.31 926 9.84 6430 Ahmadnagar 3373 198 35 538 427 949 18.23 12.41 712 6103

Pune 55.33 354 68 5 13 7.01 933 16.17 11.41 391 7105 Satara 2451 234 43 526 3.11 1,029 1620 9511 075 6667 Sangh 2210 258 48 522 2.80 9,58 1585 1256 049 6261 Solapur 32.31 217 39 5.58 4.09 934 1797 15.41 150 5639 Kolhapur 2990 389 70 5.26 3.79 961 1532 1275 0.49 5594

Aurangabad 2214 219 39 521 280 922 2030 13 79 377 5698 Jalna 1364 177 31 530 173 958 2145 1293 207 4625 Parbhanl 2117 192 34 557 2.68 953 2105 11 02 527 4760 Bid 1822 170 31 496 231 944 20.74 13.41 113 4982 23.30 221 38 572 295 945 21.04 18 15 11.84 48.17 12.76 169 30 548 162 937 19.10 1634 176 5427 Latur 1677 234 39 591 2.12 942 2020 19.06 224 55.57

Buldana 1886 195 36 535 239 953 1921 1149 506 6169 Akola 22.14 209 39 5.27 281 939 1810 11.95 703 65.83 AmravaLi 2200 180 35 515 279 936 1633 1748 1438 7006 Yavatmal 2077 153 30 5.03 2.63 951 1774 1092 2145 5796

Wardha 10.67 169 34 484 135 939 15.03 14.05 1559 69.95 Nagpur 3187 332 63 5.02 416 922 1586 1884 13.92 7364 Bhandara 2108 226 45 4.86 2.67 988 ] 610 1687 1470 6469 Chandrapur ]772 155 32 4.57 224 948 1651 ]690 1970 5941 Cadchrroh 787 55 11 483 1.00 976 ]798 1220 3870 4289

Note: Owing{o admlOlstrallve reasons, census could not be conducted In 33 Villages of Akmnl and Akkalkuwa LahSIIs ConsIstency checks for Dhule dIsmct and Maharashtra can not be apphed except for populatIOn (pcrsons, males, 5


Proportion of Workers to Mam Workers Work participatIOn rate Livestock, Manufacturing, Forestry, Processmg, Trans- Male Female Culll­ Agn­ Flshmg, Servicing and Construc- Trade and port, Proportion vators cullural Huntmg & Mining Repairs in lion Comm- Storage of (I) labou­ Plantations, and, Hol&.'hold Other (VI) erce and Other Margmal Orchards Quarrymg th (VII) Commurn- rers 'cd (IV) Industry an Services workers (II) and allI (Va) House- cations (IX) acllvities hold (VID) (III) Industry (vb)

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (11) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

52,16 3311 32.81 26.81 1.52 0.37 1.61 11.60 2.59 8.57 3.74 10.38 3.68

55.08 11.02 0.10 0.07 0.50 0.17 1.48 35.31 424 24.90 11.32 21.91 065 5490 2273 20.54 1021 2.06 0.39 1.19 28.55 4.01 13.27 6.51 13.27 247 51.57 36.25 44.81 17.65 2.95 0.37 1.52 11.39 2.77 6.33 3.36 884 4.41 47.72 42.74 63.48 9.63 3.04 0.61 1.38 4.03 2.61 5.04 2.28 7.91 7.71 51.18 4425 60.49 12.19 309 1.45 1.10 3.88 2.32 523 2.16 8.10 922

50.96 35.75 43.30 24.16 120 0.08 1.40 10.63 1.99 588 2.77 858 2.46 51.19 3914 37.53 39.58 145 0.08 0.97 4.59 1.30 567 1.95 6.89 5.66 5030 35.02 3002 44.32 1.42 0.06 1.28 5.03 1.37 6.01 2.83 7.65 2.74 51 12 40.50 47.35 2659 148 014 1.38 7.56 1.57 5.05 1.81 7.07 3.48

51.31 28.55 31.38 14.01 1.60 0.16 1.50 16.32 5.47 9.81 4.79 14.96 3.24 4954 3963 4928 21.58 180 0.21 2.22 618 1.78 5.46 2.72 876 7.95 5317 34.67 4344 24.19 2.04 0.13 129 7.76 1.99 6.94 2.78 9.42 725 51.27 34.29 33.73 31.56 2.07 0.16 2.36 1035 1.95 6.76 2.72 8.34 4.43 5461 37.31 45.91 17.00 1.61 0.23 2.20 12.30 2.28 748 2.54 8.46 701

49.55 35,28 41.19 28.35 1.24 0.10 0.90 8.03 248 572 2.29 9.70 2.66 52.34 42.84 4676 35.64 1.21 011 1.07 3.37 1.02 440 1.26 5.13 3.73 5160 3945 38.95 41.42 1.29 0.12 127 2.99 174 455 145 6.21 3.62 50.71 4308 49.13 3051 1.69 0.11 1.18 3.04 154 4.31 1.54 696 5.37 5009 39.07 36.77 4136 1.25 006 134 390 1.99 5.15 1.52 6.66 4.97 51.28 38.98 40.51 41.09 1.15 019 1.42 2.65 1.45 3.41 1.33 6.80 3.85 4928 3810 39.38 3911 077 0.24 0.92 3.53 169 552 1.54 7.30 4.72

5213 4292 38.97 43.44 0.96 0,06 0.93 273 1.16 4.43 138 5.94 287 51.41 3563 26.13 50.83 0.86 0.10 1.00 366 1.57 5.92 2.44 7.49 208 5406 3407 2153 52.42 1.47 004 1.31 3.42 200 6.02 2.52 9.25 4.04 5305 42.08 27.03 53.52 140 0.60 1.19 278 1.63 4.40 1 26 6.19 326

52.93 3565 27.79 46.15 1.60 0.20 0.73 5.41 1.89 4.91 2.11 921 2.35 49.84 24.12 1838 23.99 101 2.19 2.17 12 SO 5.44 1162 6.04 1566 1.97 5278 4745 4026 32.66 1.87 052 725 5.08 113 3.60 148 615 4.34 52.67 39.26 3254 35.56 2.43 390 178 5.51 255 453 2.21 9.00 410 5613 5142 5611 28.77 2.29 0.16 1.36 169 100 2.00 0.53 6.10 824 of Dhule dIstrict (07). Only their population (persons, males and females) was obtained through secondary source. and females). 6


Geom ManJlegaon AmbeJogal KalJ Patoda Ashn In tenns of Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (l) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

(I) T alai popolauon 336,934 2 236,299 s 272,748 3 344,505 270,383 4 173,288 7 187,915 6

(u) Talal area (m sq km) 1,51668 4 1,53535 3 1,673.37 2 1.295 73 7 1,75922 1,31082 6 1,47022 5

(m) Denstly of populauon 222 2 154 4 163 3 266 154 4 132 6 128 7


(IV) Sex rauo 928 6 965 954 4 924 7 943 3 957 2 955 3

(V) Proporuon Urban 3337 2 1001 4 1271 3 3769 606 5 532 6

(VI) Proporuon S C 1315 4 ... 1230 5 1352 3 1543 2 1647 922 7 1085 6

(vu) Proporuon S T 067 6 174 2 083 5 lOS 4 142 3 056 7 178

(VUI) Proporuon L,terate 5567 4402 7 4543 6 5538 2 4903 3 4562 S 4768 4

(u) Work Paruclpatlon rate (Mam 4146 6 5378 4777 5 4127 7 4886 4 5100 3 5145 2 + Margmal WorkeIS)

(x) Percentage of villages 9777 7 9948 3 10000 9932 6 10000 9938 4 9938 4

havmg Prundry School


haVIng PHS

(xu) Percentage of VIllages 9955 9326 4 9397 3 9932 2 7742 7 8438 6 9006 5

havmg well

(xm) Percentage of vIllages 2143 7 2850 3 3015 2 2466 4 36.02 2188 6 2360 5

haVIng Post Office


havmg Bus Stop

(xv) Percentage of VIllages 5938 2 3886 3 2412 7 9247 2527 6 3250 5 3354 4

haVIng approach by Pucca Road

(XVI) Percentage of VIllages 10000 9896 6 10000 9452 7 10000 10000 10000 haVIng elecmclty for

dom""uc purpose

(xvu) Percentage of VIllages 2857 2 2746 3 1910 4 753 6 3387 1125 5 621 7 haVIng Forest area

(xvw) Percentage of VIllages 8616 2 9534 8040 4 6644 7 8118 3 7250 6 7640 5 haVIng lmgated area 7

SUMMARY TABLE 1 Population of the District at the Censuses from 1901 to 1991

Dlstnct Totall Year Persons Decade Percentage Males Females Rurall Variatioo Decade Urban Vanalloo

(1) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8)

18. Bid District Total 1901 481,140 242,433 238,707 1911 606,104 + 124,964 + 25.97 306,099 300,005 1921 453,844 - 152,260 - 25.12 231,246 222,598 1931 616,675 + 162,831 + 35.88 316,389 300,286 1941 6Ql,946 + 75.271 + 12.21 356,508 335,438 1951 784,920 + 92,974 + 13.44 401,074 383,846 1961 949,673 + 164,753 + 2099 482,428 467,245 1971 1,223,694 + 274,021 + 28.85 626,223 597,471 1981 1,412,990 + 189,296 + 15.47 718,958 694.032 1991 1,822,072 + 409,082 + 28.95 937,410 884.662

Rural 1901 437,854 220.095 217,759 1911 565,903 + 128,049 + 2924 285,701 280,202 1921 417,875 - 148,028 - 26.16 213,042 204,833 1931 558,924 + 141,049 + 33.75 286,806 272.118 1941 620,283 + 61,359 + 10.98 319,171 301,112 1951 698,414 + 78,131 + 1260 356,487 341,927 1961 851,024 + 152,610 + 21.85 431,084 419,940 1971 1,074,393 + 223,369 + 26.ZS 547,019 527,374 1981 1,183,219 + 108,826 + 10.13 599.062 584,157 1991 1,495,104 + 311,885 + 2636 765,849 729,255

Urban 1901 43,286 22,338 20,948 1911 40,201 3.085 713 20,398 19,803 1921 35,969 4,232 - 1053 18,204 17,765 1931 57,751 + 21,782 + 60.56 29,583 28,168 1941 71,663 + 13,912 + 24.09 37,337 34,326 1951 86,506 + 14,843 + 20.71 44,587 41,919 1961 98,649 + 12,143 + 14.04 51,344 47,305 1971 149,301 + 50,652 + 5135 79,204 70,C'I}7 1981 229.771 + 80,470 + 53.90 119,896 lC'1}.875 1991 326,968 + 97,197 + 4230 171,561 155,407 8 SUMMARY TABLE 2 Number of Inhabited villages and the related Population in Specified Population Size Ranges

Dlstncl/C D Diode Total Total Number Less than 200 Number 200-499 Number 500-999 Number of Kurdl Populatlon Populauon Populauon Populauon lIIhabued Villages I\.rsOI15 MAtles Females Males Females Males Females Malcs Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

18 Ihdl>Mn

Bid 224 224,500 115,202 109,298 6 334 242 62 11,794 11,174 84 30,978 29,836

2 GUlm 193 212,634 107.'171 1<».651 3 169 152 42 8.072 7.943 75 24,480 26,(167

3 ManJ leg.on 199 238,083 121,771 116.312 3 179 193 42 7.698 7.309 67 23,6()3 22.648

146 214,676 110.706 103.970 3 125 95 12 2.246 2.176 49 19.795 18.666

5 KIIJ 1&6 253.997 130.670 123.327 67 55 20 3,689 3,570 63 23,477 22,606

6 Puoda 160 173.288 88,561 84,727 5 397 313 48 9,<»7 Sd67 47 18.103 17.320

161 177 ,926 90,962 &6,964 8 588 586 28 5,664 5.496 57 20,574 20,010

1.000-1.999 Number 2,000-4,999 Number 5,000-9,999 Number 10.000 and abnve Population Population Populdtlon Populduon

Males rUlla1 ... Males females

(1) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26)

18 llid ""!rlcl 381 273,589 263,084 143 199,892 188,474 18 62,321 57,310 2 16,968 15,213

56 38,410 36,855 12 16,263 15,475 3 10,305 9,163 7,118 6,553

2 Ocaral 37.414 %,677 16 21,091 22,031 4 12.751 11,785

3 61 43,427 42,343 22 32,797 30.802 4 14.067 13,017

4 49 36,214 34,231 30 42,587 39,867 3 9.739 8,985

5 KalJ 73 52,216 49,828 26 35,801 33.348 2 5,570 5.260 9,850 8.660

6 41 31,844 30,348 18 24.161 23.183 5,009 4,796

7 48 34,064 32,802 19 25.192 23.766 4,880 4.304 9

APPENDIX 1 TO SUMMARY TABLE 2 Area, Number of Villages/Towns and Population

No of PopulallOn occupied DIslnel{l'ah~t1/U A ICllyl TolaV Area l'opula- In- Un­ No reslden­ No of Persons Males Females Town Rurdl! m tlOn per hdbl- mhabl­ of IIdl house­ Urban sq km sq km ted ted towns homes holds

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) 18. Rid Dilotrict T 10,69300 170 1,269 11 7 335,009 367,181 H!22,072 937,410 884,662 R lO,600 87 141 1,269 II 277,002 302,478 141)5,104 76'l,tl49 729,255 U 92 13 '3,549 7 58,007 64,703 326,968 171,561 155,407

Bid Tahsil T 1,51668 222 224 61,555 68,888 336,934 174,739 162,195 R 1,50539 149 224 41,463 46,723 224,500 115,202 109,298 U 829 13,563 20,092 22,165 112,434 59,537 52,897

Gld (M) u 829 13,')63 20,092 22,165 112,434 59,537 52897

2 Georal Tah~ll T 1,53535 154 193 5 45,122 51,378 236,299 120,240 116,059 R 1,531.65 139 193 5 40,8'il 46592 212,634 107,977 104,657 U 430 5,503 4,271 4,786 23,665 12,263 11,402

Geordl (M) u 430 5,503 4,271 4,786 23,665 12,263 11,402

3 ManJlegaon Tdhsll T 1,67337 163 199 5 51,052 55,186 272,748 139,583 133,165 R 1,66864 143 199 5 45,012 48,391 238,083 121,771 116,312 U 473 7,329 6,040 6,795 34,665 17,812 16,853

MdIlJlegaon (M) U 473 7,329 6,040 6,795 ~4,665 17,812 16,853

4 AmbcJogdl Tah.tl T 129573 266 146 2 60,852 65,874 3,44,505 179,046 165,459 R 127774 168 146 38,027 40,247 2,14,676 110,706 101,970 U 1799 7,217 2 22,825 25,627 1,29,829 68,340 61,489

Parh (M) u 781 9,305 12,695 14,258 72,670 38,040 34,630

, AmbcJogat (M) u lO 18 5,615 10,130 11,369 57,159 30,300 26,859

5 KatJ Tdhstl T 175922 154 186 49,917 56,176 270,383 139,123 131,260 R 175428 145 186 47,(f76 53,009 253,997 130,670 123,327 U 494 3,317 2,841 3,167 16,186 8,453 7,933

Dh.uur (M) u 494 3,317 2,841 3,167 16,386 8,453 7,933

6 Paloda Tah~t1 T 13lO 82 132 160 32,257 32,257 173,288 88,561 84,727 R 1310 82 132 160 ~2,257 32,257 173,288 8t1,561 84,727 U

T 1,47022 128 161 34,254 37,422 187,915 96,118 91,797 R 1,41834 125 161 32,316 35,259 177,926 90,962 86,964 U 5188 193 1,938 2,163 9,989 5,156 4,833

Ashll (C T) 5188 193 1,938 2,163 9,989 5,156 4,tl33

Note (I) SlIIce the ~ource for the tot.tl area flgure~ m respect of the stdte dnd dl,tncts IS the SUIVcyor Gener,ll, whlie thdt for the toldl .Ired figures m re.peet of the t.th~ll, IS the Settlemcnt Commlssloncr and DITC(.tor of State Land Records Department, the totdl drCd~, as also the rurdl areas, for the Idh.tls III dl~tnct mdY not add upto the (.orrespondmg figures shown agamst the dlstnct (II) '1'.1' st,llld. for MUIll('IPdlity, 'C T ' for Census Town (II) Names of towns treated as su(.h lor the first tune III 1991 have been marked With dn dstemk (*) (IV) Names of towns treated as su(.h for the first lime III 1981 which contmue as town~ m 1991 have been marked With two dstemks (**) 10

APPENDIX 2 TO SUMMARY TABLE 2 Towns with Population under 5,000

Percentage to Urban populalion Name of dlstnct! Number of Populalion m the concerned town of the respective Dlstnctl Tahsil towns Tahsil (1) (2) (3) (4)

Bid Dstrld Nil Nil Nil

APPENDIX 3 TO SUMMARY TABLE 2 Houseless and Institutional Population

Houseless Population InStitUtional populalion DIstnctffabsil /U.A./ Total/ No of Persons Males Females No of Persons Males Females Cuyffown Rurall House­ House­ Urban holds holds (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 18 Bid District T 1,935 7,583 4,001 3,582 244 6,/~61 5,533 828 R 1,815 7,192 3,765 3,427 133 3,987 3,656 331 U 120 391 236 155 III 2,374 1,877 497

Bid Tahsll T 340 1,308 689 619 63 1,289 1,164 125 R 315 1,244 650 594 41 585 537 48 U 25 64 39 25 22 704 \627 77

Bid (M) U 25 64 39 25 22 704 627 77

2 Georal Tabs!} T 232 810 432 378 34 533 389 144 R 220 775 412 363 8 395 264 131 U 12 35 20 15 26 138 125 13

GeoraI (M) U 12 35 20 15 26 125 13

3 ManJlegaon Tahsil T 502 1,876 991 885 25 774 720 54 R 483 1,788 939 849 24 745 691 54 U 19 88 52 36 29 29

ManJlegaon (M) U 19 88 52 36 29 29

4. AmbeJogal Tahsil T 136 525 289 236 55 1,484 1,123 361 R 75 333 170 163 19 ISO 167 13 U 61 192 119 73 36 1,304 956 348

Parh(M) u 28 33 26 7 19 343 225 118

AmbeJogal (M) u 33 159 93 66 17 961 731 230

5 KalJ Tahsd T 271 985 527 458 18 1,189. 1,184 5 R 271 985 527 458 16 1,170 1,166 4 U 2 19 18

Dharur(M) u 2 19 18

6 Patoda Tahsa T 178 902 454 448 12 173 146 27 R 178 902 454 448 12 173 146 27 U

7 Ashtl Tahsd T 276 1,177 619 5S8 37 919 807 112 R 273 1,165 613 552 13 739 685 54 U 3 12 6 6 24 ISO 122 58

Ashtl (C.T.) U 3 12 6 6 24 ISO 122 58 11


1. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS hitch by scholars and planners alike. A number of new tables HANDBOOK based on PCA are also included and an effort has also been 1.1 District Census Handbook (DCHB) is a unique made to correlate the data with the geography of the tahsil. publication from the Census Organisation which in a These endeavours should make the Distnct Census condensed form gives details of the Census and non-census Handbook definitely more useful than ever before. mformation from the village level upwards to the district 1.3 The VIllage and Town Dlfectory as also the Primary level. It has, therefore, been acclaimed and recogmsed as Census Abstract mcluded in this handbook should quench one of the best sources of mformatlon next only to the the thirst of the planners mvolved in micro level planning. district gazatteer. Its origin lay 10 the 1951 Census when It Similarly, additional data revealing Civic and other amenities began as a Joint venture between the Government of India m class I and class II towns IS oriented to 'Mimmum Need and the State Government. The present one pertaining to Programme' especially in respect of slum-dwellers. Scho!ars 1991 Census IS thus the fifth in the senes. and planners alike should benefit from the data on amenitIes 1.2 The District Census Handbook as publIshed in 1951 by size of the town. mcorporated some basic demographic and economIC BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISTRICT mformallon' of the district, villagewise and townWise 1.4 The dIStriCt denves Its name from that of its separately, besides having some Important census tables headquarters town of Bid, earher known as Bhir, for the However, It underwent a radical change 10 the 1961 Census origm of which two explanations are given. The town by as a much more descripuve account of the district and a lot Itself IS set 10 a hollow or a "Beer' mto the scrap of the of non-Census 1Oformauon on climate, rainfall, agnculture, Balaghat plateau trenched by Bandsura river; and hence the mdustry, education, etc was added to it besides a number name Bhlf, the term 'BeeI' havmg undergone transformation of cross tables bemg picked up from various senes of Census m course of time mto or Bid. Secondly the -Persian tables. Till date it IS regarded as a model dlstnct census word 'Bhlr' meaning water, might also explain the ongin handbook. In 1971 the DIstrict Census handbook was diVided of the name. Prehistoric account of the district IS not mto Part A relating to Village and town directory, Part B available. In course of time when Aryans came down to contammg Village and town wise pnmary census abstract and south, k1Ogdoms were founded. Aga.'\tya was the first Aryan Part C reported on the admmlstratlve aspect and Census who crossed the Vmdhya and fixed his residence on the tables based on PCA etc. For the state of Maharashtra only bank of Godavari. This memorable event is commemorated Part A and B were pubhshed. The 1981 Census agam saw In the mythological story which represent Vindhya as the scope of It mcreasmg to contam the data on lIteracy bendmg before hiS guru Agastya, when the latter approached rate, primary health centres etc. It was published as Part A him. The sage asked the mountain to remam in that conditIOn and B and the same pattern has agam been followed in 1991. until he returned from south, which he never did. Agastya However, m 1991 some of the non-Census data include was followed by several other sages who establIshed their mformauon on glfl schools, social forestry area etc which hermitages in different regions of the south. IS proVIded m a separate Appendix, whereas Items like staple food and mformation on newspapers etc. have been omitted. 1.5 In the 2nd century A.D., Bid was under the rule of The non-census mformation collected at the Village level or Satvahanas Emperors. The earhest coms Issued by kmg town level by the TahsIldar/Chlef officer was scrutimsed and Satvahana have been found at and in Vidharba. venfled m each dIStriCt by the District Planning Officer. The After the Satvahanas reign, came the Vakatakas, Collectors were also requested to once again venfy m case Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas and Yadavs all Hmdu kings. Among senous discrepancies were observed. BeSIdes this, the non­ the Chalukyas, Pulakesm n was a powerful king who held census mformatlOn was cross - checked with the parent hiS supremacy over North and South Maharashtra for a long department. For example, mformatlOn on electriCity was tIme. The Asmaka country including the district of Bid was cross-checked With Maharashtra State Electricity Board, that annexed to the empire of Pulakesm II in the 7th century on roads With Public Works Department, on health With the A.D. Directorate of Health and so on. It IS felt that because of l.6 The 16th century saw the advent and nse of Nlzams thiS extra valldauon, mformauon proVIded in the 1991 OCHB and Moghuls m the entire country and Bid was no exception. should become more rehable and can be used Without any The Marathas revolted against the Moghuls but had heavy

Source HIS/ory DIS/TIC/ Gazelleer, Bid 12 set back in thIS dl~trict. The battle of Pampat (1761) was a Ambejogat. Then after 198}, 53 VIllages of Ambejogai tahsil great dIsaster for the Marathas. Mamthas contInued to rule have been transferred to Latur tah!'.ll of newly formed Latur the dl~tnct till 1817 I.e. when the struggle between the dIStrict BritIsh and the Pcshwas came to an end and the whole 1.9 The dlstnct now compnses of 1280 VIllages In 7 country was transferred to the Bnush. tahslls. After 1981, 67 new VIllages were created and 53 1.7 Kaij taluka, which IS a tahSIl of the present dlstnct villages of Ambcjogai tahSil were transferred to Latur tahSil also, was abolIshed to merge WIth Amba taluka In 1905. of the Latur dlslrlct. As regards towns, the number remained The name of Amba taluka was subsequently changed as at 7 since 1961 ull 1991. For admmistrallve convemence Mommabad taluka. Between 1906 and 1948 there were no the distrIct IS dIVIded mto 2 subdiviSIOns namely Bid and major changes m the boundanes of the dIstrICt. In 1950 Ambcjogai. twenty SIX enclave Villages of Ahmadnagar dl~trict were 2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET -UP transferred to Bid district and m return twenty one Villages fr'Om Patoda and Ashti tahsds were transferred to 2.1 There were major changes m the administrative Ahmadnagar dlstncl. set up of Maharashtra i;mmedmtely after the 1981 census resulLmg m Increase pf 2 diviSIOns and 4 dlstncts. The 1.8 One fourth area of the district was Jaglf. The pre<;ent Konkan dIvision mcludes 5 ,thstncts, the newly created Patooa tahsil was mostly Nl7am's own estate and was called Nashlk dIvls!On 4 dIstricts;' Pune' dl Vision 5 dlstncts, "Sarf-e-khas" It was taken over under the Sarf-e-khas Aurangabad dIVISIOn 7 dlstncls, newly created Amravatl (Merger) Regulation, of 1949 With the abolItion of all the dIVISion 4 (listncls and Nagpur dIviSion 5 dlstncLS. Thus 10 Jagrrs, therr Villages were taken over under dIrect government 1991 the Slate has 30 dlstncls spread over 6 diVISions. In admmlstratlOn In 1949 under the Hydembad (AbolitIon of BId dl:-tnct 67 new VIllages were createp after 1981 census. Jagirs) RegulatIon 1949 Consequent upon the mtegration 53 Villages of Ambejogm tahsIl were transferred to Latur of Sarf-e-khas and Jaglrs boundanes of all the tahsds m the tahsIl of newly formed Latur dlstnct. BId dIstnct now has 7 dIstrict were reconstItuted In the ye,rr 1950. A new tahsIl towns and 1280 villages spread over Bid (224), Gcorm (198), 'Kmj' was recreated WIth its headquarters ,\t KUlj. Patoda ManJlegaon (204), Ambejogal (146), KalJ (I87), Patoda tahsIl whIch was previously under Sarf-e-khas was converted (160), and Ashu (161) tahsils. The following statement WIth a 'mahal' Reorganisation of Slates in 1956 resulted in mdlcates the changes whIch occurred after 1981 m the the transfer of the distnct from Hyderabad State to Bombay number of Villages, towns to each tahSil and also the reasons State and SInce 1st May 1960 It forms a part of Maharashtnt for vanallon in bncf State. In 1962, Mommabad tahSIl and town was renamed as

Jurisdictional changes during 1981-91

No of Villages as per No of Towns

1981 Census 1991 Censu~ No of 1981 1991 Changes smce 1981 dnd Government New Census Census Name of Distract I Tdhstl ------NOtUICdllOll Number A~ In Bid AdJu~led Villages district dS per 1991 created JUflsdlcllon (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Uld 1,268 1,280 67 7 7 67 New villages created aflcr 1981 cellsus

* 53 Villages of AmbcJogaltahstllramferred to utur tahSIl of ncwly CTCdlcd !..atut dlstn<.l (No REN 4381-4567 (987)-M-I0 Dated 13 8 82

villagc (A,htl-R) merged 111 A~hu (.cnsu~ town

Non revenue Village IlIcluded III 1981 cemus Bid 216 224 8 8 New villages crealcd after 1981 census Geordl 192 198 6 6 New villages (.reated after 1981 census

ManJlegaon 202 204 3 3 New villdges ('TCaled dfler 1981 (.cn~us NOli revenue Village (Chlllchagavhan - 202) mcluded U1 1981 census 13

No of vLlldgcs as per No of Towns

1981 1991 No of 1981 1991 Changes since 1981 dnd Government Namc of DlStm.t I T4hsI1 ___C_c_n_su_s ____C_c_n_su_s_ Ncw Ccnsus Ccnsus Nowluuon Number As In Bid AdJu,tcd Villages Dlstnct .IS pcr 1991

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

AmbcJogal 199 146 2 2 * 53 vlildges transferred to LaturtahsLl ofLaturdl\tm.t. (No REN 43S1-4587(987)-M-I0 dated 13.882

KalJ 180 187 7 7 New villdges crcated aftcr 1981 cen,m

I'atoda 127 160 33 33 New villagcs credted after 1981 cen~us

Ashu 152 161 10 10 Ncw villages created after 1981 ccnsus 1 vlilage(Ashtl(R)LCNo 118forl981)mergcdm Ashu census town

* (I) Chatgaon (2) Morwad (3) L.lkhamapur (4) Pabl (5) Ddwangaon (6) Khanapur (7) Illl (8) Bhokardpur(46) Gavhan (47) Rcnapur (48) II,lIlumantwadl (49) Ramwadl (50) Kumbharwddl (51( Anandwadl (52) Kharola (53) IIdrwadl

2.2 For admimstrative purposes the distrIct IS diVided departments and the heads o[ those departments at the dIstrict into 2 sub-divisions of Bid and AmbcJogaI and 7 lahslls. level are Orflcers of Class I or II Service under the Slale The DistrIct Collector alongwllh the DIStrIct Judge, Government. At the Block level, the Panchayat Samllls (C.D. Supenntendent of Pohce, Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Blocks) have an elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman Panshad and other senior officers of the State government The Block Development Officer works as Secretary to the look after the development and regulatory [unctions In the Panchayat Samlll (C.D. Block). The executive aLlthority for district. At all tahsil level the Tahslldar, Block Development the purpose of carrymg out the proVISions of the Maharashtra Officer, Judicial Magistrate, Deputy EngIneers and other ZIlla Parlshad and Panchayat Samitls (C.D. Blocks) Act vests officers look after theIr respective departments for In the ChIef Executive OLflcer and the Block Development development and regulatory runctlOns. OffIcers The Deputy Chief Executive OffIcer works as a Secretary o[ the General body of the Zilla Parlshad. Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samiti~ Urban Local Bodies 2.3 WIth a VIew to promote development of democratIc 2 5 The statutory urban local bodies arc cantonments, mstitutlOns and to secure greatcr mUnICIpalities or mumclpal corporatIOns. The urban local measure of participatIOn by the bodies elect a counCillor [rom each o[ the wards and hIS people In Development plans and In term IS 5 years The local and governmental affalf\ President of the Munlclp-tl by decentralIsatIOn of powers and CouncIl or the Mayor of the functIons, Zilla Parishad and Panlhayat Samlll~ (C D CorporatIon as also hIS Blocks) have been estabhshed III the distriCts of maharashtra . Deputy are elected from m the year 1962 under the Maharashtra Z111a Parishad and amongst elected counCillors Panchayat samltIs Act of 1962. The JUrIsdictIOn of the ZIlla and their term IS for one Panshad and the Panchayat Samltls (C.D. Blocks) year. The ChaIrmen of corresponds to the distnct and tahstl boundaries except that varIOus committees arc also the mumcipal towns are not covered by them. elected from amongst the elected counCillors WIth a term of one year. Although for day to day admimstratIOn the ChIef 2.4 The Ztlla Panshad elects ItS PreSident and Vlce­ OI[lcer IS responSIble in a mUnICipal councIl, he works under President and Chairmen of ItS commIttees rrom amongst the the admml~trative control of the Prcs1dent of Mumclpal elected counCIllors. The term of office 01 counCIllors is fIve CouncIl In CorporatIons, a senIor lAS Offleer IS deputed years. An Officer m the sefllor scalc of LA.S IS deputed by by the State Government as MUnICIpal Commissioner who the Slate Government as the ChIef ExecutIve oflIcer to the IS responsible for day to day admmistratlon and the executive Zilla Panshad. The Panshad IS also assisted by varIOUS authOrIty lies In him. 14

3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE AND these steams have frurly fertIle sods and a better ground CROPPING PATTERN water condItion as a result that crops are cultivated both III the khanf as well as rabI season. Jowar IS the most Important 3.1 BId distnct IS sItuated In the central part of crop III both the seasons. Maharashtra and lies between 18'27' and 19'27' north latItude and 74'49' and 76'44' east longitude. It is surrounded by 3.7 The thIrd regIOn compnses practIcally tlle whole Aurangabad and Jalna dIstncts to the north, Parbham dIstrIct of Ashti tahsIl and forms the Sma basm portIOn of Bid to the north-east, Latur dIstrIct to the south-east, Osmanabad district. It IS made up of valleys of several small tnbutary district to the south and Ahmadnagar dIstrict to the west. streams drainmg soutltwards and south-eastwards into the Sma and separated by mtensely dIssected flat lopped 3.2 Bid IS the headquarters town of the distrIct to which Interfluent hills generally slopmg downwards away from the It gIVes its name. The history of Bid can be traced form Balaghat scarp. The soIls of thIS region are generally poor epic to ancient and medIaeval urnes. BId has a population bemg sbghtly more fertIle m the valleys. ThIS combmed WIth of 18,22,072 as per the 1991 Census and IS an Important the lowest rainfall in the dIstrict accounts for thIS area bemg wholesale commercIal centre of the dIStrICt. Though not the poorest regIon m the dIstrict causmg thousands to mIgrate connected by nul, BId is well connected to other Important annually to the sugar factories and farms m nearby commercial centres by a good network of roads. Ahmadnagar dIStnCt. However, this region has the mwumum 3.3 BId IS one of the thinly populated districts in the number of small sized trrigatIon, projects, in the dIStriCt. Food State. It has an area of 10,693.00 km2 WhICh constItutes crops dommate WIth Jowar bemg the mam crop grown 3.47 per cent of the total area of the State, and a populatIOn followed by ba)n. of 18,22,072 as per the 1991 Census, whIch IS 2.31 per cent 3.8 The three mam flvers of the dIstnct are the of the State. Amongst the 30 dIstrIcts m the State It ranks Godavari, which flows along the northern dIStriCt boundary, 12th m terms of area and 22nd m terms of populatIon. the Manjra, whIch flows along the southein dIstrict boundary, 3.4 Physiographlcally the diStrICt IS broadly dIviSIble and the Sma WhICh flows along the south-western distrIct lOto three dIVIsions, viz., the low lying northern dlVlslOn or boundary. lowland Bid; the hIgher part In the south formmg part of 3.9 The GodavarI rises in the Sahyadn range near the Balaghat plateau or hIghland BId; and a thud low lying Tnmbak m Nashik dlstnct and flows m a general west-north­ undulating area south-west and west of hIghland BId west to east-south-east direction. The flver flows along the comprismg almost the whole of Ashn tahsIl lYIng mostly tn northern dIstrIct boundary In a deep bed With high banks. the Sma basm. The banks nse to an average heIght of about 10 metres above 35 Lowland Bid consIsts of tlte Godavari valley proper the bed and someumes to even 15 metres above the bed or the GangathadI on the north, the Sindhphana valley along WIth the result that the water of the nver IS not eastly with Its trIbutary valleys and the mterfluent between these. available for irrigatIOn. The main tnbutaries of the Godavari This area includes the northern parts of Georai and WIthIn the distrIct are the Lendi, the Amnta, the Smdphana, Manjlegaon tahsils. This region has a general elevation from the Saraswati, the Gunwati and the Wan. about 550 metres in the west to a lIttle under 400 metres 10 3.10 The Manjra rises tn the northern edge of the the east. There are a number of reSIdual hIlls with summIts Balaghat plateau a little above GaurvadI. The river flows III of over 600 metres. These are generally hIgher In the west a general south-easternly dIrection and for a greater part of and become lower in the east. The soIl In thiS regIOn IS its course forms the southern dIStrIct boundary. The nver deep and extremely fertile. Jowar, cotton, pulses, wheat and flows In a deep bed WIth high banks and hence the water is grant are antong the main crops grown. not easIly available for Imgauon. Except for the Inchana 3.6 Highland Bid rlses from the low land BId by fmrly and the Wan, all the streams of the plateau drain IOta the steep and highly dissected slopes by the headward erosion Man]ra. The Important among these are the Chausala, the of streams. The dISSected scarp of thIS plateau on the north bmba, the BabhtI, the YelambohI, the KalJ and the Rena appears as a series of hills which are often descnbtX1 as the 3.11 The Sma rises north of Ahmadnagar and flows 1fl Balaghat ranges. On the northern slopes the sod is very thin a south-east directIOn It forms a part of the south-west and hIghly eroded and wherever possible hardly crops of dIStrICt boundary WIth Ahmadnagar dIstrICt. The Sma IS an bajn, jowar, and some tur is grown in the khanf season, Important trIbutary of the Bhlma nver and It Joms the latter southwards, thIS regiOn gently slopes towards the ManJra m Solapur dIStrIct a few mIles south of Solapur CIty. The nver. There are numerous steams flowmg southwards or Mehekn IS an important trIbutary of the Sina. south-eastwards towards the ManJra nver. The valleys of 15

Climate 3.17 The dIstrict as a whole is monotonously covered 3.12 The clImate by Deccan, trap basaltic lava flows whIch are spread out in of the distnct is on the the form of honzontal sheets or beds. The trap rocks are whole dry except uniform in compositIOn and are dark gray or dark greenIsh during the south-west gray m colour. They are dtstmguished into two types; monsoon season. The Vesicular and non-Vesicular. The non-vesIcular traps are cold season from hard, tough, compact and medIUm to fine grained and break December to February with a conchoidal fracture. The vesicular types are softer IS followed by the hot and tend to break more easIly. season from march to May. The south-west monsoon season 3.18 The Deccan traps by decompoSItion under tropIcal IS from June to September whIle October and November conditions, give rise to a porous rock called laiente which constitute the post monsoon or retreating monsoon season. forms a thin cap over the traps at many places. The traps 3.13 The average annual rainfall in the district is 750 often wither into a rich and fertile black cotton soil which mm. The rainfall Increases as one proceeds from west to forms vast spreads 10 dIfferent places. No dules of kankar east, it varies from 665.3 mm at Ashti near the western are commonly found m the sod. border of the district to 8~0.6 mm at Ambejogai near the 3.19 Trap rocks are generally barren of _any eastern border. About 80 pet cent of the total annual rainfall economIcally useful and Important minerals but bemg hard, IS received during the sou~-west monsoon season. The dense and durable are most SUItable for buildmg purposes, ram fall durmg the north-east monsoon, i.e. October and road metal, railway ballast and as an aggregate for concrete November, though scanty is very helpful for the rabi crops mixtures. Kankar on burning yields good lime WhICh is and also augments water in the wells and tanks. The variatIOn locally used for construction purposes. in the annual rainfall from year to year is faIrly large. More Soil and Cropping Pattern than half of the area of the distrIct on the western side receives irregular and uncertain rains and is liable to scarcIty 3.20 The soils of the dIstrict are essentially derived from and even famine conditions. The eastern part of the dIStrict, the Deccan trap WhICh IS the p~edominant roc,k formatIon however, gets more or less assured rainfall. of the distrICt. The maIO factor that has mfluenced the 3.14 The cold weather commences towards the end of development of SOlIs is the undulating and hIlly topography November when temperatures begin to fall. December is the of the distrICt. The SOlIs of the dIstrict can be broadly coldest month of the year with the mean daily minimum grouped into three kinds. temperature at about 12°C. In association with the cold waves (i) shallow soils, over northern India the mimmum temperature In the distnct (ii) moderately deep soils, may sometImes drop to about 3°C or 4°C. From March (lIi) medium deep soils and deep soils onwards temperatures begin to rise rapIdly. May is the hottest (i) SbaJlow SoU : month of the year with the mean daIly n:!aximum temperature at about 42°C. On indIvidual days the day temperature may 3.21 The shallow soils are dark brown to dark yellOWIsh rise to as high as 46°C. With the onset of the south-west brown in colour. They have single grain to blocky structure monsoons the temperature falls appreciably and the weather and are sandy loam to loamy In texture. These are mfenor becomes pleasant. With the WIthdrawal of the monsoons, soils having very low nutntIous content by respond to all day temperatures increase slightly and a secondary maximum kmds of fertIhsers. IS reached in October. Thereafter the temperatures begin to (ii) Moderately deep soil : decrease gradually. 3.22 Moderately deep soils are dark brown, dark reddish 3.15 The air is generally dry except during lhe south­ brown or dark gray brown in colour. They have single graIn west monsoon season when the relative humidity IS high. to blacky structIIre and are sandy loam to caly m texture. SkIes are heavily clouded to overcast during the monsoons Like shallow soils, these are also of mfenor qualIty and have but there is a rapid decrease of cloudiness in the post­ low nutritious content. They also respond to all kInds of monsoon months. During the rest of the year the skies are fertilisers. generally clear or lightly clouded. (iii) Medium deep and deep soils: 3.16 Dust storms are common during the summer afternoons. Thunder showers occur in the summer and 3.23 The medium deep and deep sods are dark brown monsoon months, their frequency being higher in June.and or black in colour. They are granular or blacky in structure In September. and are sandy loam to clayey in texture. The nutrItious 16 elements of these soils vary considerably and they respond operaLIons. Thereafter, geographical areas that could be favourably to nitrogenous and phosphallc fertilisers convenIently covered by each census enumerator were carefully carved out to constitute the enumerator's block. 4. NATURAL WEALTH 5.3 The second major step was the housellsting Minerals operatIon which was carned out In the State dunng May­ 4.1 No deposil<; of any mmeral have been reported so June 1990. Thereafter, m order to adhere to the prescnbed far in the district. Mming activity IS therefore, confined only work-load norms the actual census enumerator's blocks were to quarrymg of stones, clay, sand etc. carefully demarcated on the baSIS of the house list population Fisheries and the lay-out sketches and notional maps prepared for t~e houseitsting operatIOn. Houseitstmg operatIOn was abo 4 2 Flsh10g is mainly confmed to the Godavari nver, ulliised to collect w~lth of InformatIOn on Items such as which flows along the northern district boundary, as the predominant construction matenal used for houses, amenllies smaller nvers dry up in summer and hence restnct the available to the census households, number of living rooms development of fisheries. However, the completion of a etc. number of Irngation projects has lI1creased the scope of 5.4 Houseltstmg operation was, also, combmed With fbhenes 10 the dlstnct. economic census and accordmgly 'enterpnse lIst' developed 4.3 Flshmg 10 rivers and tanks IS done by me~n of cast by the Central StatlstlcalJorgan~satlon was canvassed along nets, drag nets, dnft neL<; and hOQk and lIne. Except m a With the house list. The enterpnse h~ts so canvassed have few vIllages along the banks of the Godavari, 10 Geof'dl and been handed over to the Centr~1 Stallstlcal Organisation and ManJlcgaon tahsils, the population of hshermen IS scattered presentation of data IS being done by that Orgamsation. 10 the dlstClCt and fIshmg IS done mamly as a part LIme job Census Concepts WIth agnculture being the mam occupation. The chief fIshmg communities are Kahar, Pardeshl, Koli and Phutana BhOl. Building Khiroda, Vambat, Tamllu, Dhok, Murrcl and SInghl are some 5.s A building IS generally a SIngle structure on the of the Important vaneues of Iish caught m the dlstnct Fa'>t ground. Sometimes It IS made up of more than one growing vaneties of major carps ltke Rohu, Catla and Mngal component UnIlS which are utrict are 1,935 and 244 comparabIlity and for admInistrative convenience, the respectively. definitIOn of urban unit which was adopted for 1981 census Housing Data has been continued In 1991 census also. The census defines 5.9 In BId dIstrict 75.66 percent of all houses are used a place as 'urban' if it has a municipality or a cantonment as dwellings (including 2.67 per cent partly residential), 7.84 board already constituted for it, irrespective of population, per cent are reported to be vacant, 10.38 per cent are used and If It does not have a civic body already constituted, as other non-residential houses and the remaining 6.12 per then: cent are used as shops, hotels, bUSiness houses, factories, (1) if it is expected to attain a population of at least 5,000 places of worshIp and schools etc. In rural areas of the at the ensuIng census; dl,tIlct 75.64 per cent (includmg 2.84% partly residential) of !.he houses are used as d .... ellings, 7.85 per cent are vacant, (2) if the density of populaLion is expected to reach a figure : 1 65 per cent are other non-residential houses and the of 400 per sq. km.: rcmainmg 4.86 per cent are used for vanous purposes as (3) If at the immediately precedmg census, at least three­ ~tbove. In urban areas of the dJ~tnct the corresponding figures fourths of its male workIng populati~ was engaged In are 75.68 per cent (mcludIng 1.74% partly resIdential), 7.81 non-agncullUIal pursUIts. per cent, 381 percent and 12.70 per cent respectIvely. The 5.13 It may be noted that the classification of places as per.:cntage of censu~ houses accommodating hotels, shops 'urban' or 'rural' for purposes of a census is made in (mclutlmg sweetmeat and restaurants), bUSIness houses, advance of the launchlOg of that census. Once the factones and places of entertalOmellt IS Significantly higher clas<;lflcatlon IS made on the expectations, it stIcks even In urban arcas (1270%) than In rural areas (4.86%). though the expectatiom may not be fulfIlled. Electricity and Toilet Facilities 5.14 In addItion, the Directors of Census Operations, 5.10 ElectrIcity IS aVaIlable for 49.95 per cent of the in consultatIon with Registrar General's Office, were also total households In the distrIct and the population covered permitted to claSSIfy margmal cases as urban UnIts, taking IS 50.70 per cent. 8619 per cent of the popUlation who into consideration the local cIrcumstances. Such marginal enJoys thiS faclhty live In owned houses and 11.44 per cent cases which could have qualified as urban units would live In rented houses. Similarly toilet facility is available to include major project colonlCs, new areas of intensive only 990 per cent of the households servIng 9.50 per cent mdustnal development, railway colonies and important tourist at the population. Among !.hese 57.89 per cent hve In owned centres, etc. houses and 36.84 per cent hve In rented houses. In urban Urban Agglomeration area~ 73 15 per cent of households enJoy electncIty faCIlIty servIng 73.20 per cent of the populatIOn. 63 25 per cent of 5 15 As In 1971 the concept of urban agglomeration thiS populatIOn lIve In owned houses and 34.56 per cent has been adopted for 1981 and 1991 censuses too An urban live m rented houses. TOilet faCIlIty IS available to 47.96 agglomeratIon may constItute: per cent of the households and the populatIOn served by (a) A city With contiguous outgrowth (the part of the thl'; faCIlity IS 47 10 per cent outgrowth beIng ouL'ildc thc statutory limIts but fallmg 5.11 In rural areas, electrIcIty IS aVailable to 45.47 per WIthIn the boundarIes of adJ0Inmg Village or villages); cent of the households and 4640 per cent of the populatIOn (b) One town With SimIlar outgrowth or two or more IS served by electriCity. Among thiS popu\allon 93 10 per adjOInIng towns With their outgrowths as In (a); or cent live In owned houses and only 4 53 per ccnt lIve In (c) A city and one or more adjOInIng towns WIth their rented houses. Thus 10 rural areas 'owned category' forms outgrowths all of which form a contiguous spread. a ~Ub~tanllaIIy higher proporllon than the urban areas. Toilet faCilIty II) available to 2 54 per cent of the households and Bid dlslnct has no urban agglomeration (U. A) POPUIJltOlI '>crved IS 2.30 per ccnt It IS observed that urban 18

Standard Urban Area females. It has 2.31 per cent of SUHes populatIOn spread over 3.47 per cent of its area. Among the 7 tahsils of the 5.16 Standard Urban Area (S.U.A.) concept introduced dIstrict, Ambejogal (344,505) IS the most populous and in 1971, has been followed in 1981 and 1991. The essential Patoda (173,288) the least. Other tahsils in order of their requirements for the constltullon of S.U.A. are: size of population are (1) Bid (336,934), (2) ManJlegaon (i) It should have a core town of a minimum population (272,748), (3) Kaij (270,383), (4) Georni (236,299) and of 50,000; (5) Ashti (187,915), (Ii) The contiguous areas made up of other urban as well 6.2 Out of the total 1,822,072 population of the district, as rural administrative units should have mutual socio­ 1,495,104 persons (82.06%) are residmg in rural areas and economic links with the core lown; and remaining 326,968 persons (17.94%) are residing in urban (iii) In all probability this entire area should get fully areas. Thus whereas in Maharashtra State, 38.69 per cent of urbanised within a span of two or three decades. the toLaI populaLJon is urban. in Bid district 17.94 per (.:cnt of the toW} populatJon IS urban. The average number oj Bid district has no standard urban area (S. U. A.) towns per hundred inhabited vi+lages IS often considered a~ 5.17 The basic unit for rural area is a revenue vlllage. an index of urbanisation: In Bid district there are 0.55 town~ A •village' may be defined as a statutory recognised unit for every hundred inhabited vlll;lges. Bid disuict is thus onc havmg definite boundary and separate land records. of the Jess urbanised dlstrlcts in the- SlDle (Tuble 1). 6. 1991 CENSUS FINDINGS· POPULATION, ITS 6.3 Bid dIstrict has 1280 vllI:;¥cs out of which 1269 DISTRIBUTION villages arc mhabited. The rural pOpulation is distributed among 1269 vlliages 10 7 tahstls. The avcmge number of Distribution of Population in Rural and Urban Areas mhabllcd Villages per Lahsil comes to ahQut 181. AmbeJogJI 6.1 Accordmg to the 1991 census the total population is the largest WhslI m terms of total population. Bid tah~ll of Bid district JS 1,822,072 with 937,410 males and 884,662 has the highest number of Villages (224) accounting for ]7.65

TABLE 1 Population, Number of Villages and Towns, 1991

Populallon Numbcrof No of Name of Tah8l1 'rOlal R:ura[ Orban Vtllagcs Towns p M F P M F P M F TOlal Llhabtted (I) (2) (3) (4) _(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

I. Bid 336.934 174.739 162,195 224.500 115,202 109,298 112,434 59,537 52,897 224 224

2. Gccrat 236.299 120,240 116,059 212,634 107,977 104,657 23,665 12,263 11,402 198 193

3. ManJlcgaon 272,748 139,583 133,165 238,083 121,771 116,312 34,665 17,812 16,853 204 199

4. AmbcJogai 344,505 179.046 165,459 214,676 110,706 103,970 12'•• 829 68,340 61,489 146 146 2

5. KalJ 270,383 139.123 131,260 253,997 110,670 123,327 16,386 8,453 7,933 187 186

6. Paloda 173,288 88.561 84,727 173,288 88,561 84,727 160 160

7. Ashu 187,915 96,118 91,797 177,926 90.962 86,964 9,989 5,156 4,833 161 161

DLStnct Total 1822,072 937,410 884,6621,495.104 765,849 729.255 326.968 171,561 1 "5,407 1,280 1,269 7

NOle In Maharashtrd, C D Blocks Rural and Rural part of tahstIs arc co-tcnmnus Hen(.c Table 1 (A) IS not presented

per cent of the total mhablted Villages. WIth regard to rural 6.4 The urban POpuluLlon IS dlSlIlbulCd among 7 umts populatIOn, Kal] tahSil leads among the 7 tahsils accountmg of which 6 arc mUUlclpal towns and one IS census town. for 16.99 per cent of the rural populauon at the diStriCt. In Bid IS the most populous town There IS no town In the terms of number of Villages ManJlcgaon tahsil holds the district which has less than 5,000 populaLJon. The average second place and populattonwlse It accounts for 15.92 per size of an urban centre of the district works out LO 46,710 cent of the rural population of the district and holds the persons [Table 1 (B)]. second place amongst the tahsiis.

3-8 19

TABLE ] (B) 6,6 Among t11~' 7 towns In the distrIct, one (Bid) IS class

Population and Numb~r of Towns, 1991 I, two (Ambc]ogai und Parh) arc cbss II, two (Gcorai and ManJlegaon) are c1as'l III, one (Dharur) is cla<;s IV and one PopulutlUn of Towns N..IfIlc and CIVIC dtlmllllstrllllon (AshLI) IS class V: Out of thICsl..: 7 lowns one is a census \1~lus of To ..... n P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) lown, In 1991 not a single lown IS merged. added or declassified in the dlslIict. (T"ble 2) AmheJut,ai M 57,159 JO,3D\) 2.6,859 2 Asht! C:I, ~,!)89 5,l~6 -1,'133 TABLE 2 1, BId M 112,434 59,537 52,8')7 New Towns! Towns decla~sif'ied, merged in 1991 census 4 DhJrur \t1 \0,186 8,453 7,933 GCOT.li M 23,665 12,263 11,402 ;-laine, of the lown PopuJlIlIoli IJ ManJlc);;Jon ]I,,! 34,665 17,812 16,853 tl) (2) 7 I'llrlt ~ 72,670 38,040 34,630 (~) Added Pupulatlon (I991 Census) NJ] Dhtncl 'J ot

CldSS i'opulallon ~Ize ~o of Tm'm 6.8 A Village on an avcr.tgc has a populutJon 01 1178 2 3 persons and 8.35 sq. km, of awa Of the 1269, inhabited ('ld'S l {1(),OOO and above villages, 29(229%) Hl0 small ~Ilcd With a population below (O()ncrdlly rcf"rred u" wy) 200, 254 (20.02%) ur0 in Lhe sile (..)a~s 200-499, 823 CIdS~ n 50,000 to 99YN 2 (1)4.85%) arc In lhe ~lle das~ JOO-1999. 143 (11.27%) are ellS, m 20,000 to 49,999 2 in the sile duss 2000·49Y9, IH (1.42%) arc III the size c1a!.r, Cia.; IV IO,(XJO to 19,999 5000-9999 lind the remaining 2 (0, 15%) arc in the sile class Clds. V 5,000 lO 9,999 10,000 and above, For a broader generalisation, villages have Clas- VI Less than 5,000 been further grouped as, small sized (below 500), medium

-TABLE 3 Percentage Distribution of Villages by Pnpulation RangE'S, 1991

11\0 and ~o and Perccntage 01 vlll~ge, til ca<..h rJ.ngc Name of Pcr<..cnlQg~ (It (hgures til pJ.rcnlhesl~ tndl('dle pCn,enl.igc of vtlJJ.gc~ III cJ.eh range) CD lllhd!'llcd Block villdge;, Less lhan 200 200-499 5(Xl-J,999 2,000-4:)99 5,000-9,999 10,000 and above (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

B"I 224 6 62 140 12 3 1 (100 00) (267) (2768) (62. 50) (536) (! 34) (045) 2 GcOllU 193 3 42 128 16 4 (lOO (0) (156) (21 76) (6632) (829) (2 (7) 3 M,tnJiegaon 199 3 42 128 22 4 (1 (Xl (0) (150) (21 ll) (6432) (11 06) (201) 4 AmbcJogat 146 3 12 98 30 1 (100 (0) (205) (822) (67 12) (2055) (206) 5 KdlJ 186 I 20 i36 26 2 1 (HXl 00) (054) (10 75) (73 12) (1198) 0(7) (054) 6 Palood 160 5 48 88 18 (100 00) (3 13) (3000) (55 (Xl) (1125) (062) 7 Ashn 161 8 28 105 19 1 (HXl (0) (4 (7) (1739) (6522) (1180) (062)

Dtstncl Totdi 1269 29 254 823 143 18 2 (100 00) (229) (2002) (64 85) (11 27) (1 42) (0 15) 20 sized (500-1999), large sized (2000-4999) and exceptionaIly 6.10 Within the seven tahsils of the district, percentages large sized (5000+). Within the dIstrict, small sized villages of small sized (less than 500) villages is the hIghest in Patoda of less than 500 inhabitants together account for 22.30 per tahSil (33.13%) and the lowest In Ambejogai tahsIl (10.27%). cent of the total inhabited villages with 6.56 per cent of the The percentage of medlUm sized (500-1999) villages is the rural population in the district, medium sized (500·1999) highest in Kaij tahSIL (73.12%) and the lowest In Patoda 64.85 per cent of the total ~nhabited villages and 57.31 per tahsil (55.00%). The percentage of large sized (2000.4,999) cent of the rural population, large sized (2000-4999) account villages is the highest in Ambejogai tahsil (20.55%) and the for 11.27 per cent of the total inhabl~ed villages and 25.98 lowest m Bid tahsil (5.36%). There are 20 exceptionally large per cent of !.he rural population and exceptionally large sized sized Villages (5000 and above). There are found scattered (5000+) 1.58 per cent of the total inhabited villages and in all the 7 tahsIl!> of the district. 10.15 per cent of the rural population. 7. PO PULA TION GROWTH, DENSITY AND SEX 6.9 A size groupwise distribution of the inhabited RATIO villages highlights the predominance of small and medium Population Growth sized units. Small sized villages of less than 500 inhabitants 7.1 Accordmg to the 1981 census the total populallon together account for 22.31 per cent. Compared to 1981 of the district was 1,412,990. During the 1981-91 decade undivided when this proportion was 29.62 per cent, there is there has been net addition of 409,082 persons. The decadal a definite decrease in the number of smaller units. ThIS may growth of the district works out to 28.9~ per cent and IS be due to shiftmg of some vlllagcs from small s1zed to highcr compared to thc State average (25.73%). Among the medium sized category. The proportion of medium sized 30 distrICts, Bld distriCt stands 7th in axerage growth rate. villages having 500 to 1999 mhabltants is 64.85 per cent DUrIng the earlier decade of 1971-81, the growth rate of compared to 61.94 per cent m 1981. This IS mainly due to the distrIct was 15.47 per cent. All the 7 tahsils have the shifting of a number of villages from small SlZed category registered a pOSitive growth dunng 1981-91. The rates of of less than 500. In the class of large and exceptionally large growth m Bid, Ambcjogai and Patoda arc above the district sized villages, the percentages has fairly increased. There average (28.95%). The remaming four tahslls have growth are now 163 (12.85%) such villages as agamst 106 (8.44%) rates below the district average. The growth rates for the to 1981. distriCt and tahsIls In total, rural and urban areas and percentage of urban population to total population are given m table 4.

TABLE 4 Decadal Change in Distribution of Population

Population Percentage decadal Vanatlon Percentage of Urban (1981-91) Population Name of Tahsu 1981 1991 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1981 1991 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

1. Bid 250,553 170,266 80,287 336,934 224,500 112,434 + 34 48 + 3185 +4004 3204 3337

2. Georal 188,521 173,026 15,495 236,299 212.634 23,665 + 25 34 +2289 + 5273 822 10 01

3 ManJlegaon 220,494 197,939 22,555 272,748 238,083 34,665 + 23 70 +2028 + 53 69 1023 1271

4. Ambcjogal 260,518 169,210 91,308 344,505 214,676 129,829 +3224 + 26 87 + 4219 3505 3769

5 KalJ 213,444 200,608 12.836 270.383 253.997 16,386 + 2668 +2661 + 2766 601 606

6 Patoda 128,216 128,216 173,288 173,288 + 3515 + 3515

7. Ashtl 151,244 143,954 7,290 187.915 177,926 9,989 +2425 +2360 i- 37.02 482 532

DlStnct Total 1,412,990 1,183,219 229.771 1,822,072 1,495,104 326,968 + 28 95 + 2636 i- 42 30 1626 1794 21

7.2 The average growth rates for the rural and urban TABLE 5 areas of the district are 26.36 and 42.30 per cent respectively. Distribution of ViUages by Density Patoda tahsil does not have urban area. Among all the tahsils Range of denstty Total No. of villages Percentage of VIllages Patoda tahSil has returned the highest growth rate (35.15%). (perSq Km) ill each density range ill each densuy range (1) (2) (3) 33 new villages were created in this tahsil after 1981 census. -10.00 8 063 It is observed that Ambejogai and Ashti tahsils have 37.69 1001-2000 1 008 and 5.32 per cent of urban population respectively in 1991 20.01-5000 22 173 census as compared to 35.05 and 4.82 per cent in 1981. 50.01 -100 00 271 21.36 With 17.94 per cent of its population 10 urban areas against 100 01- 200 00 710 55.95 State average of 38.69 pcr cent, Bid stands among the less 200 01 - 300 00 150 11.82 urbanIsed districts in the State. Among the 7 towns of the 300 01 - 500 00 34 268 dIstrIct, ManJlegaon has recorded the highest (53.69%) 500 Oland above 8 063 NotKnoWil 65 512 growth rate (Statement I) WhICh IS above the district urban average (42.30%), whereas Dharur town recorded the lowest All denSIty ranges 1,269 10000 growth rate. The 1981-91 decade witnessed a positive growth 7.5 The distribution of Villages by denSIty ranges rate 10 all the towns. In the earlier decade (1971-81) also indicates that those WIth medIUm denSities in ranges of 50 there was posItive growth rate I~ all the towns. In the rural to 200 account for 77.31 percent of the total mhabited areas of the dIstrICt, tahsil of BId (31.85%). Ambejogal villages. Very low densities of less than 20 persons . per _ (26.87%), KaIJ (26.61%) and Patoda (35.15%) have sq.km. are noticeable 10 only 9 Villages I.C. 0.71 per cent. regIstered hIgher growth rate than the district rural average There are only a few villages that can be classified as havmg (26.36%). All the tahsIls have regIstered a positive rural very hIgh densities. Villages with more than 500 persons per square kilometre hardly constitute 0.63 per cent, while growth rate dunng 1981-91 as also m the prevIous decade those in the range of 300 to 500 form only about 2.68 per (1971-81). cent. For 65 villages, density could not be worked out in Density the absence of the village area figures.

7.3 The overall denSIty of population in BId district is Sex Ratio 170 persons per square kilometre and is much below the 7.6 In Bid dIstrict as a whole there are 944 females for state average of 257. Among the 30 distriCts of the State every thousand males. This I~ shghtly higher than State BId holds the 24th place in denSIty of populatIOn. In 1981, average sex rallo of 934. When the distrICts are arranged m WIth an average denSIty of 132, the district held the 27th the descend10g order of sex ratio. Bid occupies the 17th rank. place. Withm the district, th~ sex ratio varies from 965 in Georm tahsil to 924 m Ambejogru tahsil. Generally rural 7.4 In line WIth high urban densities, BId district too areas have a higher proportion of females than the urban dIsplays a very high urban denSity of 3549 persons per areas. Bid district also conforms to thIS pattern. The sex square kIlometre agrunst a rural denSity of Ita persons per ratIo fIgures for rural and urban areas of the district are 952 square kilometre. These averages for the district are below and 906 as compared to the State averages of 972 and 875 respectively. The dechne 10 sex ratio is a common the State averages of 4,904 and 161 respectIvely. WIth10 phenomenon all over the country. Important factors ascribed the dIStnct, among seven tahSIIs, there are vanatIOns in to thiS phenomenon m general are (I) Higher female mortality denSity of population. AmbeJogm tahSIl has the hIghest compared to males, (II) Sex !.elective omiSSion in census density of 266 persons per sq. km .• while Ashti tahsil has and (iIi) Sex ratIo at buth favourable to males (Table 6). the lowest density of 128 persol}S per sq.km. If rural areas TABLE 6 alone are considered, it IS seen that AmbeJogai has the Sex Ratio, 1991 hIghest denSIty of 168 and AshU has the lowest denSity of No. of females per 1.000 males 125 persons. In the case of urban areas, Bid with 13.563 Name of Tahsil Total Rural Urban persons per sq.km. emerges as the most densely populated (1) (2) (3) (4) town whIle Ashti town holds the last place WIth a denSity 1 BId 928 949 888 of only 193 persons per sq.km. (AppendIX 1 to Summary 2. GeoTai 965 969 930 3. ManJlegaon 954 955 946 Table 2). Table 5 gives distrIbutIOn of villages accordmg to 4 AmbeJogal 924 939 900 density ranges. For convenient understanding of patterns, 5 KalJ 943 944 938 villages have been grouped under eight different denSity 6. PalOda 957 957 0 7 Ashu 955 956 937 ranges (Table 5). DIstnct Total 944 952 906 Note In Maharashtra. C D Blocks Rural and Rural part of the tahslls are co-tennmus Hence Table 6(A) IS not presented 22

7.7 From table 6 it is observed thal the rural sex ratio 7.9 The sex rallo reflects the sOCIO-cconomic and IS more than 900 m all the tahSlls of the distnct and demographIc charactenstJcs of the population. II IS therefore tahsilwisc figures reveal that the sex ratio figures vary woriliwhJle to study the tahSJ1Wlse scx-r~tios of 1981 and between 939 to 969 In rural areas. Withm the district lowest 1991. In both the censuses of 1981 and 1991 the rural sex rural sex ralio IS seen in AmbcJogai (939) and the highest ratios are more than 900. The rural sex ralio decreased in (969) in Gcora! tahsil. The sex rallo of Ocorai, ManJlegaon, all tahsils of the dlslnct in 1991 and urban sex TallO also decreased III all towns lfl 1991. The ruml and urban sex Patoda and Ashtl tahsils are higher Ihan the district rural ralios at district level J0clinc(\ by 23 pomts and 10 pOints average of 952. respectively dung 1981-9 I. The overall sex TallO at dIstrict 7.8 In the urban areas of dlffewnt lah.,I[:' the sex ratio lc\cl decreased by 21 points durlOg 1981-91. Tabk 6(1) VarIes considerably. The lowest ~I.~X rallO IS 111 Bid t:.lhstl shows the sex ratios for dislIict and the State from 1901 to (888) and the highest is 111 ManJlegaon tah'>ll (940) Among 1991. the 7 towns of the district the SGX mLlo varies between 886 7.10 1991 ccnsus recorded a sex ratio of 944 [cmales and 946. Bid town hw, thc second lowc~t sex ratio of 888, per 1000 males m the dlstnct. ThiS is higher Lilan that of while the second hIghest sex rallO of 938 is nollceable 10 the State average of 934. rIle sex ratio In Bid di!'.ulCl DhllIur town. 5 out of 7 towns have hlghcr sex raLIO than rcmained higher than that of Stale Smce 1901, except in the district urban average (906). GenGrally, a higher degree 1941 when It waf) lower l'ompared to th" Stale average. The of urbamsallOn connotes a lower sex ralio (Table 6(B)]. sex raLlo dcclmcd by 44 POJl1ts and 41 pomL'> at State and dlstnct levels respecllve!y during the lur-,t 90 'years. SlInllarly TABLE6(B) the sex rallO for the rural arcas at the State level dccrea!>ed Sex Ratio for Towns. 1991 by 31 POInts and at the district level it decreased by 37 pomts dunng 1901-91. But for the urban area a reverse trend Name and CIVIC adnllmstrall()l1 No of females status of Town per 1,000 males IS seen I. e. for the State level It increas0d \?y 13 points, (1) (2) while al the dlSlflct level It dc("rcascd by 32 points durmg 1 AmbcJogat M '186 the Jasl 9 decades. When the difference 111 Sex rullO of IS It IS 2 A~htt c:r 937 District lind SWtc in points compared, observed that 3. Bid M 8R8 thcre was a gap of 14,13,16,33,24,28 pomts durmg 1911, 1921, 1951, 1961, 1971 and 1981 censuses, which has 4. Dharur M 938 rcduccd to 10 points in 1991. From 1901 lo 1991 the sex 5 Geonil M 1)30 ratio m Bid dlSUlct l1uctuilted between 985 to 9·1 i exhlbltlOg 6 ManJlegaon M 946 a decre

TABLE 6(0 Sex Ratio, 1901-1991

Dlffercnte m .itWICI figures Year Slale DIMficr over the Slate Total Rural Urban Total Rural U.-ban Tolal RUr.!l Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) t8) (9) (10)

1901 978 1003 S62 985 98Q 1}38 ,7 - 14 + 76

1911 966 1,000 796 980 981 971 t 14 -19 + 175 1921 950 994 776 963 961 976 + 13 -33 + 200 1931 947 987 790 949 849 952 +2 -118 + 162

1941 949 989 ~10 941 943 919 -8 -46 + 109 1951 941 1.000 807 957 959 940 + 16 - 41 + 133 1961 936 995 801 969 974 921 + 33 -21 + 120 1971 930 985 820 954 964 885 + 24 -21 +65 1981 937 987 850 <;65 975 916 +28 -IZ +66

1991 934 972 875 ~144 952 906 +10 -20 + 11 Durercnec In pOints (1901-1991) -44 -31 +13 - 41 -37 -12 +:1 -6 - 15 23

8 SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED 12. Bhangi. Mehlat; Olgana, Rukhi. Malkana, Halakhor. TIUGES Lalbegl, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli 13. Bindla 8.1 Census provides the necessary data about the 14. Byagwa Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for evolving suitable 15. Chalvadi, Channayya plans for their socio-economlc uphftment and both the 16. Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar, Holeya Dasari planners and the ~dministrators heavily depend on thiS data. 17. Dakkal, Dokkalwar The highlights of 1991 Census as that of the previous 18. Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya, Dohor Census, IS the collection of detailed information on the socio­ 19. Dom, Dumar economic characteristics of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 20. Ellamalvar, Yellammalawandlu Tribes. 21. Ganda, Gandi 8.2 The President of India by Gazattc notification, under 22. Garoda, Garo article 341 (i) of the Indian constitution, has declared some 23. Ghasi, Ghasia castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes, 24. Hallcer rcce'> or tribes as Scheduled Castes as there is no standard 25. Halsar, Hasiar, Hulasvar, Halasvar d\!finitJon of Scheduled Casles. Similarly Scheduled Tribes 26. Holar, Valhar mean all such tribes or tribal communities or parts of or 27. Holaya, Holer, Holeya, HoJiya groups within such tribes or tnbal communities as arc 28. Kalkadi (in Akola. Amravati, Bhandara, Buldana, declared by the President of India, to be treated as Scheduled Nagpur, Wardha, Yavatmal and Gadchiroli districts Tnbcs under article 342 (i) of the Indian constitution. There and Chadrapur dlSlflct other than RaJuraa tahsil) is a slIght change in the dcflmllon of Scheduled Caste in 29. Kalla, Patharia 1991. Upto 1981, Scheduled Castes could belong to Hindu 30. Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha or Sikh religIOn only but for 1991 Census in addition to 31. Khallk, Ch!kkwa, Chlkvl Hindu and Sikh religions, Scheduled Castes may belong to 32. Kolupulvandlu Buddhist and Nav-Buddhist religions also. For Maharashtra 33. Korl there are some minor changes in Ihe list which was published 34. Lingadcr !n 1981 census and accordmgly in the 199} census, 59 casleS 35. Madgl and 47 tnbcs have been declared to be recog1flSed as 36. Madiga Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbcs respectively and the 37. Mahar, Mchra, Tw,tl,Dhegu Megu Ii'>t of Scheduled Casles and Scheduled Tnbes in the state 38. Mahyavanshl, Dhed, Vankar, Maru Vankar IS given below. 39. Mala Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 40. Mala Da..ari Maharashtra State 41. Mala Hannai I. LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES 42. Mals Jangam 1. Agcr 43. Mala Masti 2. Anamuk 44. Mala - Sale, Nelkanl 3. Aray Mala 45. Mala Sanyasi 4. Arwa Mala 46. Mang, Matang, Mmimadig, Dankhni Mang, Mang 5. Bahna, Bahana Mahashi, Madari, Garudi, Radhe Mang 6. Babd, Bant 47. Mang GarodJ, Mang Garudi 7. Balahl, Balm 48. Manne 8. Basor, BUfud, Bansor, Bansodi 49. Mashl.l 9. Beda jangam, Budga Jangam 50. Meghval, Mcnghvar 10. Bedar 51. Mltha Ayyalvar II. Bhambl, Bhambhl, Asadaru, Asodi, ChamudlU, 52. Mukri Chamar, Chamarl, Chambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, 53. NadlU, Had! Harall, Khalpa, Machigar, Mochlgar, Madar, Madig, 54. Pasl Mochl, Tclegu Mochl, KamaLi Mochl, Ranigar, 55. Sansl Rohldas, Nona Ramnami,Rohidas, Nona Ramnaml, 56. Shcnva, Chenva, Scdma, Ravat Rohit, Samgar, Samagara, Satnam, SurJya bJnshl, 57. Smdhollu, Chindollu SurJyaramnaml 58 Tlrgar, Trbanda 59. Tun 24

II LIST OF SSHEDULED TRIBES 26. Kol 1. Andh 27. Kolam, Mannervarlu 2. Baiga 28. Koli Dho~, Tokre Kob, Kolcha, Kolgha 3. Barda 29. Koli Mahadev, Dongar Koli 4. Bavacha, Bamcha 30. Koll Malhar 5. Bhaina 31. Kondh, Khond. Kandh 6. Bharla Bhumia, Bhuinhar Bhumia, Pando 32. Korku, BopchI, MouasI, Nlhal, Nahul, Bondhl, 7. Bhattra Bondeya 8. Bhll, Bhil GarasIa, Dholl Bhll, Dungn Bhtl, Dungn 33. Koya, ijhine Koya, RaJkoya Garasla, Mewasl Bhll, Rawal Bhil, Tad'll Bhll, 34. Nagesla, NagasIa Bhagalw, Bhllala, Pawra Vasava, Vasave 35. Nalkda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Kapadia Nayaka, 9. Bhunjia Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka 10. Binjhwar 36. Oraon, Dhangad 11. Birhul, Blrhor 37. Pardhan, Pathar, Sarott 12. Chodhara (excluding Akola, Amravati, Bhandara, 38. Pardhi. Advichinch~r, Phans Pardhi, Phanse Pardhi, Buldana, Chandrapur. CadchIroli, Nagpur, Wardha. Langoh Pardhi. Bahella, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Yavatmal, Aurangabad, Jalna, Bid, Nanded, Shlkari, Takankar, Takia Osmanabad, Latur and dlstncts and 39. ParJa Govardhanppur, Sarait'!, MahaankaJ Vadgaon and 40. Patelia Bhamthan Villages of Shnrampur tahsil of 41. Pomla Ahmadnagar distrIct whch have been transferred from 42. Rathawa Vaijapur tahsil of Aurangabad district. But wIll be 43. Sawar, Sawara \ treated as Scheduled Tnbe 10 Yedashi, Dudhagaon, 44. Thakur, Thakar, Ka Thakar, Me Thakur, Ma Thakar Gopalwadi, Kombadwadl, Kasbe-Tadavale, Jawale 45. Thoti (in Aurangabad, Jalna, BId, Nanded, (Dumala), Ambe Javalge and Koudgaon villages of Osmanabad, Latur, Parbhanl distrICts and RaJura tahSIl Osmanabad tahsil of Osmanabad distrIct which are of Chandrapur district and Govardhanpur, Sarala, transferred from Barshl tahsil of Solapur district) Mahankal Vadgaon and Bhamthan villages of 13. Dhanka, Tad'll, Tctaria, VaivI Shflrampur tahsil of Ahmadnagar distnct whIch have 14. Dhanwar been transferred from VaIJapur tahSIl of Aurangabad 15. DhodIa dIStrICt. But WIll not bt' treated as Scheduled Tribe 16. Dubla, Talavla, Halpau in Yedashl, Dudhagaon, Gopalwadl, Kombawadi, 17. Gamlt, Gamta, Gavlt, Mavchl, Padvi Kasbc-Tadavale, Jawale (Dumaia), AmbcJavalge and 18. Gond, RaJgond, Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, badl Koudgaon VIllages of Osmanabad tahsil of Mana, Bada Mana, Bhatola, Bhimma, Bhuta, Osmanabad district traIlsferrcd from Barshl tahSil of Koilabhuta, KOllabhutl, Bhar, Bisonhorn Mana, Chota Solapur rustnct) Mana, Daandami Maria, Dhuru, D])urwa, Dhoba, 46. VarlI Dhuiia, DorIa, Galkl, Gatta, Gatti, Galla, Gond 47. Vltoha, Kolwaha, Barodia Gowari, HIll Maria, Kendra, kalanga, Khatola, Koilar, Koya, Khlrwar, khirwaraa, Kucha Mana, Kuchakt Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 Mana, Madia, Marla, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, 8.3 Dunng 1981-91 som" portion (53 vdlages) of BId Mogia, Monghya, Mudla, Muria, Nagarchl, Nrukpod, diStrict was transferred to the newly formed Lalur dIstrict. Nagwanshl, OJha, Raj, Sonjhan Jhareka, Thatla, In 1981 the undIvIded Bid district returned 170,482 persons Thotya, Wade Marla, Vade MarIaa compnsing 86,421 males and 84,061 females. These 19. Halba, Halbl accounted for 11.47 per cent of the total population of the 20. Kamar dIstrICt. 90.17 per cent of SC population lIved 10 rural areas 21. Kathodl, Katkan, Dhor KathodI, Dhor Katkan, Son whIle only 9,83 percent were found m urban areas. As many Kathodl, Son Katkart 30 Scheduled Castes were recorded m the distrIct The three 22. Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathla, Tanwar, major Scheduled Castes were Mahar, Mang and Bhambt. Chattrl All these Scheduled Castes were found scattered all over 23. Khmrwar the distTlc 1. and constituted 91,15 percent of the total 24. KharIa Scheduled Caste populatIon m the distrICt. 25. Kokna, Kokm, Kukna 25

8.4 The literacy rate among the Scheduled Castes was labourers (56.91.%'1 urban areas. The work were mamly 21.19 per cent compared to general bteracy rate of 11.79 engaged as agricultural labourer:>.· Among agrIcultural per cent in the district. In rural areas 328 persons (including labourers, female proportions were substantially hIgher 7 females) were returned as graduate and above. In urban compared to males among the 3 major tribes. Among all areas 139 persons(mcluding 14 females) were reported as Scheduled Tribes 60 females (7.30%) reported married in graduates while 50 persons (1Oclud1Og 4 females) were the age group 10-14 and 314 females (62.55%) were marned reported as post irad~ates and 36 persons (including 4 in age group 15-19. Among the major tribes Koli Muhadcos females) were reported tcchnical graduates in urban areas. reported the hlghest number of 21 females (8.30%) marned Among the 3 major castes, Mahar had the highest literacy in the age group 10-14 and 127 females (70.56%) marrIed rate (23.08%) Male literacy raLC was also highest (36.70%) 10 the age group 15-19. among Mahars. Mahars reported the highest number (211) SC/ST Population, Decadal Variation and Sex Ratio of graduates (including 7 females) and post graduates (21) lllcluding 3 females and 10 Mahar males only reported as 8.6 The Scheduled Caste population at the tIme of 1991 tcchmcal graduates in urban areas. The work partIcipation census in Bid distrIct was 244,281 comprising 125,635 males rate among Scheduled Castes was 44.69 percent and 118,646 females. They constitute 13.41 percent of the corre<;pondmg to 40.36 perccnt for the general population. total distnct populatIOn as agamst 11.47 per cent in 1981. The Scheduled Castes were' mainly engaged as agricultural In 1981 the population of Schedule Castes stood at 170,482. labourers (67.26%). Each of the three major castes were Table 7 mdicates the distrIbution of villages by percentage mainly engaged as agricultural labourers and female range of Scheduled Caste population to total populatIon. propirtions in this category were substantially higher TABLE 7 Proportion of Scheduled Caste Population compared to their male counterparts in all the major castes. to Total Population in the villages Among all Scheduled Ca..o;;tes 1182 females (11,25%) were Percentage range of Scheduled No. of Percentage reported married in age group 11-14, while 4206 females Caste populatlon to total villages in of vIllages m (72.12%) were reported married in the age group 10-14. Populallon each range each range (1) (2) (3) Among the major castes Mangs reported highest number of 5.75 married females 561 (14.42%) 10 age group 10 - 14 as well No S. (' population 73 as age group 15-19 I.e. 1760 females (75.70%). -SOD 183 1442 501-1000 294 2317 8.5 In 1981 census, Scheduled Tribes accounted for 10 01-15 00 318 2506 090 per cent of the total populauon of the distrIct i.e. 13,405 IS 01- 20.00 190 1497 persons compris1Og of 6,867 males and 6,538 females. 92.67 20.01-3000 174 13.71 per cent of the Scheduled Tribes lived in rural and the 3001 and above 37 292 remaming 7.33 per cent lIved 10 urban areas. As many as All ranges 1,269 10000 21 Scheduled TrIbes were recorded m the dIstnct, among which three major tribes were recorded in the diStrict, among 8.7 In the district 73 (5.75%)villages have no Scheduled which three major trIbes were Koli Mahadeo, Bhit and Caste population at all. Among the re~ain1Og 1196 VIllages, Pardhl. These 3 major tnbes were found scattered all over the share of Scheduled Caste populatIOn IS up to 10 per the district and constituted 75.13 per cent of the total cent 10 477 vIllages and above 10 percent 10 719 VIllages. Scheduled Tribe population of the district. The literacy rate In 1981, of the total 1256 inhabIted Villages, 60 had no among Scheduled TrIbes was 17. 69 per cent corresponding Scheduled Caste populatIon, 608 VIllages had proportIon of to general literacy rate of 31. 79 per cent in the dIstrict. In Scheduled Caste population up to 10 per cent and the rural areas 32 persons (includ1Og 2 females) were returned remaining 588 had proporllon of more than 10 percent. Table as graduates and above. In urban areas 9 persons (all males) 7(i) mdicates ,the decadal vanatIon m Scheduled Caste were reported as graduates, while 4 persons (includmg 1 populatIOn. female) were reported as post graduates. Among 3 major 8.8 The decadal growth rate of Scheduled Caste trtbes, Kolt Mahadeo had the highest lIteracy rate (24.40%) population IS 54.55 percent agamst 28.95 percent for the female hteracy rate was als.o highest among Kolt Mahadeos district as a whole, I.e. Scheduled Caste growth rate IS nearly (10.79%). Kolt Mahadeos reported the highest number of 2 Umes the general growth rate of the dIstnct. Out of the graduates (12) and post graduates (2) all males. The work total Scheduled Caste populauon of dlstnct, 203,237 partIcipatIOn rate among Scheduled Tnbes was 43.05 per (83.20%) hve 10 rural areas and the remammg 41,044 as compared to 40.36 per cent 10 the general population. cent (16.80%) In urban areas. The Scheduled Caste populatIon Scheduled TrIbes were mamly engaged as agricultural has Increased all tahsIls of the dIstrIct dunng the last decade. 26

TABLE 7(t) Decadal Variation in Scheduled Caste PopulatioJl

Scheduled Caste PopulaLlon Percentage decadal vandllon 1991 (1%1-91) Name: of Tahsil 1981 TuLlI Rural Urhan ToLlt Rural Urban Tou) Rural Urban (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)

Bid 25,136 20,083 5,053 44,105 31,447 12,858 +7626 t 5659 + 15446

2 Georal 21,668 20,645 1,023 29,059 26,602 2,457 r 341 ) "1" 2~ 85 + 140 18

3 Man)lcgaon 25,362 24,327 1,035 36,870 32,950 3,920 + 45 31 + 3<; 45 + 27874

4 AmbcJog.ll 28,071 20,845 7,226 53,144 14,762 16,3&2 1 IN~: + 1'>676 + 15439

5 Kal) 29,775 27,954 1,8:!1 44,5:15 42,380 2,155 + 4~1 57 j 516! -r- 1834

6 Patodoi 12,035 12,035 15,971 1 ~,971 + 32,/0 + 3270

7, Ashll 16,012 15,41~ 594 20,397 19,125 1.272 +27 'W +2404 + 11414 D,stnd Total 158,059 14l,10; 16,752 244,231 2[13,237 41,rJ44 + 5'\ Yi + 4383 + 14501

Table 7 (11) indicates the whstlwlse total, rural and urban 8 10 The Scheduled Tribe ponubuon of Bid dl~tnct sex raUos of Schcduled Ca~tc populauon, Table 7 (ll) B stand:. .It 20,515 In 1991 compn~mg ,iU,684 males and 9,831 provides sex rallos for towns. fcmalc~. They conslltute 1 13 p<.'n:.cllt of, the tOLal dl5.LflCt TABLE 7(u) populatIOn as against 0.90 per cenl In 1981. Table R mdlcatcs Sex Ratio of Scheduled Caste by Tuhsils for thc dl<;U'lbutlon of VIllages by pelcenwge rll{lges of Scheduled Total, Rural and Urban Tnbe populatIon to total populatIOn III the dlstnct. No of females per 1,000 mdles Name of Tahsil Total Rural Urban TABLE 8 (I) (2) (3) (4) Proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population Bid 918 963 878 to Total Population in the villages 2 Gcoral 921 959 962 l'crccnlag'· range of Scl-,cdulcd No of I'er(.entagc 3 Mdll)lcg,j[oda 953 953 ]'\0 S T p<)pulaHol1 705 5556 7 Ashu 961 959 994 - 5 00 515 4058 'i 01-1500 39 307 DI~tnct Total 944 952 910 ISOl-2500 2 016 Nott In Mahdrdshtra, C D mocks Rural and Rural p

TABLE 8(1) Decadal variation in Scheduled Tribe Population

Schedule Tnbe Populauon Per~cnlage dc(..addl vanduon (1981-91) 1981 1991 Name of 'I "hsl' TOlal Rural Urban Total Rural Urban TOlal Rural Urban 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (<.J) (10)

1,217 1,056 161 2.241 1,579 662 +8414 + 49 53 +31118 1,933 1,843 90 4,112 3,977 135 + 11273 + 11579 + 5000 2,205 2,156 49 2.264 2,127 137 + 268 -135 + 17959

4 AmlJCJogal 1,069 '535 534 3,724 2,300 1,364 + 248 36 + 341.12 + 15543

S KalJ 2,535 2,436 99 3,850 3,706 144 +5187 t 5213 .. 45 45 () PdloJJ 735 735 979 979 r 33 20 +3320

2,528 2,479 49 3,34'5 3,284 61 -! 323:! + 32 47 +2449

DISllICI l'otdl 12.222 11,240 982 20,515 18,012 2,503 + 6785 +6025 .,. 15489

TABLE 8(1l) The rural sex rallo Se~ Ratiu or Scheduled Tribe by Tahsils for Total, vancs Irom 886 in Rural and Urban Gcor..ti tahsil to 959 in No of fcntales per 1,000 males Bid tahsil. Thc urban Name of Tdhsu Total Rural Urban sex rallo varies from (1) m (3) (4) 824 in Gcorai tahsil La Bid 935 959 881 1108 in Manjlegaon 2 Gconu 884 886 824 tahsil. Sex ratio 3 ManJlegaon 957 948 1,108 among towns IS the 4 AmbcJogal 897 890 910 III 5 KalJ 946 946 946 highest Manjlegaon 6 Palooa 946 946 o town (i1 OS) and 7 Ashll 920 919 968 lowest (R24) l'i shar~d by AmbeJogul DISlnct Total 920 921 911 and Gcorai towns Nole In Mah.lrd~hlra, C D B1~k, Rural dnd Rural part of Idhsils are co­ Icrmmus lIcnce ublc 8(11) A IS not prcscnted Table 9 !>hows dlsln­ bullon 01 Scheduled TABLE 8(it} B Castes and Scheduled Sex Ratio of Scheduled Tribe for Towns Tribes population In towns and theIr percentage", to lolal Name and CIVIC adnllmslrallon No of females populaUon. stalUs of Town pcr 1,000 males (1) (2) TABLE 9 I AmbcJogdl M 824 Percentage of Scheduled Castes! Scheduled Tribes 2 Ashll CT 968 Population in Towns, 1991 3 Bid M 81H Per(..cn- Pc[(..Cn­ tage of SC Idgc of 4 Dharur M 946 popula- ST 5 GcoraJ M 824 Name of Town Total 1'01,11 SC Total lion popula­ () ManJlegaon M 1,108 popula­ Popula­ ST to Iota! lion 7 Parh M 955 lion lion Popula- populd- to lotal lion lion popula­ DI.tnct TOld! (U) 911 lion (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

8 13 The sex ratlO In case of Scheduled Tnbes for the AmhcJogal 57,159 9,702 445 1697 078 total, rural and urban areas are In favour of males for the 2 A,hu 9,989 1,272 61 t273 061 3 Bid 112,434 12,858 662 1144 059 dJ\lnCl, except In urban areas of ManJlegaon tahsll where It 4 Dhamr 16,386 2.155 144 13 15 088 In IS lavour of females. There are 920 females for every 5 Geor,1I 23,665 2,457 135 1038 () 57 1000 males In lotal areas, 921 females for 1000 males In 6 MallJlegaon 34,665 3,920 137 11.31 040 rural arcas and 911 females for 1000 males 7 Parh 72,670 8.680 919 1194 125

111 urban areas of the dlstnct. Within the distrIct, sex mHO All Towm 326,968 41,044 2,503 1255 077 vanes from 884 in Georal tahSil to 957 m ManJlegaon tahSil 28

8.14 In urban areas. the Schedule Castes and Scheduled treated as illiterates even though they may be golOg to school Tribes constitute ]2.55 per cent and 0.77 percent of the total and can read and wnte a few odd words. In earher census, populatIOn respectively. The proportion of Scheduled Caste thiS limit was up to the age of 4 It has also been decided to population is higher in Ambejogai (16.97%), Dharur usc only effective literacy rates for the 1991 census i.e. , (13.l5%) and Ashti (12.73%) towns than Lhe district urban Lhe ratio of literates and populatIOn excludlOg Lhe age - group average of 12.55 per cent and proportIon of Scheduled Tnbe of 0--<5. a population is higher lo Parh (1.26%), Dharur (0.88%) and 9.2 Though the population of Mahara~;htra during AmbeJogal (0.78%) towns than the dIstrIct urban average 1961-91, almost doubled, the Jump In literates IS almost 4 of 0.77 per cent. The tahsilwisc rural proportion of Scheduled times, whIch In Itself IS a sIgmficanr achIevement. BId district Caste and Scheduled Tribe populatIOn to the total rural reported 719,512 persons as hteratl.!'>. They constItute 49.82 population in the district IS pre,sented m table 9 (!). per cent of total populatlOn (excludlOg 0-6 age group) of TABLE 90) the distriCt. The lIteracy rate of Bid dl<;tnct lo 1981 census Percentage of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes was 38.47 per cent. The literacy ratc for Bid (1istnct IS much Population in rural areas of C.D. Blocks, 1991 below the State average of 64.87 per cent and when the Pcrcen- Percell­ dIstncts are arranged lo the desccndIflg order of lIteracy rates, tage of SC tage of IS popula- ST Bid occupies the 26th place U'Idlcdung that the dlstnct Name of C D Block Total TotalSC Total Uon popuJa- JagglOg behmd other districts In respcct of literacy and popula- Popula- ST to total llon educatIon. The tahstlwlse hteracy rates by rural/urban and lion non Popula- popula- to total lIOn Hon popula- sex, 1991 are presented In table 10 tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TABLE 10 Literacy rates by rural/urban and sex, 1991 Bid 224,500 31,447 1,579 1401 070 (excluding children in the age·group 0-6) 2 Georai 212,634 26,602 3,977 1251 187 Tota]/ Percentage qf Literales 3 ManJlegaon 238,083 32,950 2,127 13 84 089 Name of Tqh;,Il. Rura]/ 4 Ambcjogal 214,676 34,762 2,360 1619 110 Urban Persons Males Females (1) (3) (4) (5) 5 KalJ 253,997 42,380 1,706 1669 146 (2) 6 Patoda 173,288 15,971 979 922 056 1 Bid T 5567 71 13 3898 R 4562 6308 2728 7 Ashu 177,926 19,125 3,284 1075 185 U 7526 8619 6279 Dlstnct Total 1,495,104 203,237 18,012 13 59 120 2 Geor... T 4402 6173 2590 8.15 From table 9(1) It is seen that proportIOn of R 41.56 5965 2314 U 66.16 7999 5139 Scheduled Caste population in the rural areas (13.59%) IS 3 ManJlegaon T 4543 6277 2725 not much different from their proportion in urban areas • R 4245 6023 2385 (12.55%). The proportIOn of Scheduled Tribe population in U 6576 79,96 5069 rural areas is ] .20 per cent agalO~t 0 77 per cent in urban 4 AmbeJogal r 5538 7029 3921 R 4643 6296 2884 ~areas. Rural and urban proportions of Scheduled Castes pomt U 7003 8201 5663 towards their almost equal distrIbution Ifl rural and urban 5 KdlJ T 4904 6569 3138 areas. R 4Sm 6480 3037 U 6373 7977 4694 9. LITERACY 6 P".oda T 4562 6335 2718 Definition of a Literate R 4562 6335 2718 U 9.1 A person who can bOlh read and wnte with 7 Ashli T 4768 6472 2984 understand 109 In any llmguagc has been taken as htcrale by R 4627 6353 2823 U 72 56 8562 5862 the Indian census. A DIstncl TOlal T 4982 6634 3234 person who can merely R 4516 6251 2699 read but cannot wnte. IS U 7089 8313 5729 not hterate. It IS not Note In Mdharashtra C D Blocks Rural and Rural part of tahsus are co­ necessary that a person tennmus Hence table 1O(A) IS not presented who is literate should Rural and Urban Literacy have received any formal 9.3 For the dIstrlCt as a whole, the lIteracy nile for males education or should have is much higher than that of females, 66.34 per cent of the pass&! any minimum educatIOnal standard. In add ILIon to males are literates while females account for only 3234 thiS, for 1991 census, all children of age 6 years or less are per cent. The tahsil wise break up shows that Bid tahsil with 29

55.67 per cent literates tops and Georal tahsIl WIth only 44.02 TABLE lO(B) per cent stands at the bottom. It IS observed that urban Literacy rates for Towns, IIJ91 (excl"ding children in the age-group 0-6) hteracy rates are higher compared to rural rates for both Percentage of Literates males and females In all the Name and CIVIC admmlslrallon tahsils. This is due to the fact status of Town Per~ons Males Females that urban centres and (1) (2) (3) (4) surrounding areas have better AmbeJogal M. 7315 8399 60.73 infrastructure so far as the 2. Ashu CT 7256 85.62 5862 educatlOnal facihues are concerned. Patoda tahsit havmg 3. Bid M 7526 8619 62.79 no urban areas has literacy rates below the dIstrIct average. 4 Dharur 6373 7977 4694 Bid tahsil has the highest literacy for males (71.13%) and M Ambejogal tahsil has the hIghest literacy for females 5 GcoraL M 661(· 7999 5139 (39.21 %) . Georai tahsil has the lowest literacy rales for 6 ManJlcgaon M 6576 79.96 5069 both males and females I.e .. 61.73 per cent and 25,90 per 7 Parh M 6750 8038 5337 cent respectively. DIstrict Total (U) 7089 8~ 13 5729

9.4 In rural area of the dIStrict the lIteracy rate IS 45.16 9.5 BId town has the highest lIteracy rate among the per cent with male lIterates haVing 62.51 percent and female seven towns Le. 75.26 per cent of the populauon is literate .. literates having 26.99 per cent. KaIJ tahSIl has the highest Dharur, Oeara) , MallJlegaon and ParH towns have literacy rural literacy rate of 48.09 per cent. In thIS tahSIl 64.80 per rates below the district urban average of 70.89 per cent. All cent of males (highest) and 30.37 percent of females the towns have male lIteracy rate of more than 75 per cent (highest) are lIterate The lowest rural hteracy rate I'> seen and that for female of more than 45 per cent. As far as the In Georai tahSIl (41.56%) wit~ male and female hteracy rate towns are concerned the (hfferentml betwecn male and also standmg at the lowest level In thiS tahSIl. There IS female literacy rates varies between 23 and 33 points. It IS SIgnifIcant dIfference m hteracy rates between males and observcd that females are bctter educated III urban areas than females m both rural and urban areas of the distriCt. Male theIr counterparts In rural areas. BId town has the hIghest hteracy rates are substantially higher compared to females llteracy rates for both males and females l.e. 86.19 per cent m both rural and urban areas m all the tahsIl, however m and 62.79 pyr cent respectIvely, while Dharur town has. the rural areas male literacy rates are more than double the lowest literacy rates 1 e. 79.77 per cent and 46.94 per cent correspondmg female literacy rates. Thus females are laggmg for both males and females respectIvely. Table 10(1) gIves far behmd males lfl literacy In both rural and urban areas. the male - female share In total literates. Table lO(B) indicates the urban lIteracy rates In the distrICt. TABLE 10 (.l) Male-Female share in total Literates, 1991

Total! Total LIterates Male-Female share m total Literates Name of Tahstl RuraV Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

T 148,683 98,639 50,044 10000 6634 3366 R 80,498 57,014 23,484 100 00 7083 2917 U 68,185 41,625 26,560 10000 610-5 3895 2 Georal T 82,239 58,316 23,923 10000 7091 2909 R 69,863 50,590 19,273 10000 72 41 2759 U 12,376 7,726 4,650 10000 6243 3757 3 ManJlegaon T 96,869 68,496 28,373 10000 7071 2929 R 78,958 57,281 21,677 10000 7255 2745 U 17,911 11,21S 6,696 10000 6262 3738 4 AmbeJogal T 152,221 100,516 51,705 10000 6603 3397 R 79,207 55,377 23,830 10000 6991 3009 U 73,014 45,139 27,875 10000 6182 3818

5. KalJ T 104,802 72,253 32,549 10000 6894 31 (Xi R 96,599 67,001 29,598 100 00 6936 3064 U 8,203 5,252 2,951 10000 6403 3597 30

TABLE 10 (J) - contd. Male-Female share in total Literate!!, 1991 ----~ TOUlII ToUlI LltcralCS Mak-PCJ1l1ilc share In tomI LUmales Name ()f Tahsil RuraU Urban J>crsum Males I'emall-, Persons Males Fl!lnllle. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

6 Patodll T 62,700 4·I,31U 18,317 ItX)()() 70,79 29,21 R 62,700 44,183 1I!,317 I(X)()O ',079 2921 U

7 A.htl T 71,99~ 49,977 22,021 \00,00 b941 3059 R ~,133 16,404 19,729 1(](J ,DO 7017 '~.'1,83 U 5,S65 3,573 2,292 10000 6092 3908

Dl~trict Totd! T 719,512 492,580 226,932 hXJOO 6[(46 3154 R 533,958 378,050 1~5,1)08 100 00 7080 2920 U 185,554 114,530 71.024 J(X),OO (,172 3828

MaJe-PemaJe share in total literates 9.9 It is seen thut 41 69 per cent of th(: Schcdulrd 9.6 A glance of table 10(1) reveals lrat the male-femak Castes in Bid district are htc~ate agamst 49.82 per cent 111 share in total lltcl"

TABLE 10 (1lI)-contd 10 household duties, studcnt.s, dependents, retired persons, Literacy Rates of Scheduled Tribes by rural/urban rcnllers, beggars are !>ome of the cdLcgones grouped as non and sex, 1991 work~rs. (excluding children in the age-group 0-6)

N~me ofTah~JJ TOlaV Percentage of Liter ales 10.3 There hu" been no conceptual change in definmg RuraV Urhan Pcrsom the workers between 1981 and 1991 census. At the 1991 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) census there has been mamly a three -fold claSSifIcation of populalion namely mum workers, marginal workers and non­ 6 Pdl!\I.Ia T 3() 25 4286 16 !IS worker:. which was adopted for 1981 also. In addition to R 302'i 4286 16 S'i U thiS, the mam workers of 1991 arc distributed m mne mduslrlul catcgonc~ 01 economic actIVities but m earher 7 Ashtt T 2815 4181 1342 census of 1981 thiS pICsenlaLion was up to four mdu~Lrial R 2719 4082 1253 cUlegories only . The mum workers and marginal workers U 7917 9600 6087 of 1991 arc comparable WIth the main workers and the Dmncl Total T 383H S415 2110 margmal work.ers 01 1981. There have been some conceptual j{ 'Hi! 4914 1556 differences in dcfining the workcrs in thc PICVIOUS censuses U 7503 81> liS 5977 of 1961 and 1971. The main workers plus the marginal workers 01 1981 or 1991 arc comparable w nil the workers 9.10 It is observed that 38.38 per cent of the Sch~dukd plus non-workers with I,econdary work of 1971 und workers Tubes are llterute. For males, It IS 54.15 per cent and for females the rate is 21.10 per cent. Among the tuh!>lls, the of 1961. Further for 1981 census, only four indusLrlU1 Scheduled Tnbe literacy rULe for A:.hll WhSl1 is the lowest categones of mam workers I.e. cuItivt\lors, agricultural i.e. 28.15 per cent, while Ambcjogm tahsil leads With lIteracy labourers, work.ers engaged in households industnes and rate of 52.24 per cent. other workers have been adopted agamst the nine mdusLrIaI categones of workers m 1971 and 1961. 9.11 LocatIOn, proximity to urban centres, caste compositIOn, settlement patterns, levels of social and 10.4 The mam workers of 1991 arc di~Lrlbutcd m nme economic development, attitude of Villagers towards literacy mdustnal cUlegones of economic actiVities. Nature of one's and female education, availability of schools and teachers actiVity and extent of participatIOn m econOlTIlcally and drop out rutes arc some of the Important factors productive work arc lhe deciSive fuelors for such u Influencing the level of hteracy In any given urca. These classdicallon. Level 01 economic development of different arc to be conSidered in greater detail for a deeper analYSIS regIOns wlthm the district, avullabihty of opportunities of the data on lIteracy levels. beSides willmgness to work e~peclUlly among women, Initiative and entrepreneur- ship evinced by the menfolk in 10. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY general etc. arc the Important factors that inf1uence lhe distributIOn of population under these three categories I.e. Definition of Work and Classification of Workers main workers, marginal workers and non-workers. Table 11 10.1 We must understnnd the term "work" correctly below shows the dlstribullon of mam workers, marginal because thiS WOld is used m a speCial sense m the census. workers and non-workers for total, rural and urban areas. "work may be dlfmed as 'partICIpation In any economIcally producllve aCllvlty.' Such partlclpaLlon may be physical or mental m nature. "Work" mvolvcs not only actual work but also effective supervISIon and direction of work. It als(J includes unpaId work on farm or 1fI family enterpnse."

Types of Workers

10.2 All those who had worked for the major part of the one year precedmg the date of enumerallon were recorded as mam workers (at least 6 months or 183 day~) while those who worked for ~omc lime dunng the one year precedmg the dale of enumeraUon but not for the major part, have be~n treated as margmal workers. All those who had not worked at all dunng the one year, prccedmg the date of enumerallon were recorded as non-workers Persons engaged 32

TABLE 11 Percentage of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non·workers, J991 Percentage of Total/ Mam workers to Marginal workers Total worker~ to Non-workers to N arne of Tahsil RuraV lota1 populallOn lo total popul"tion lOtal popUlalion total populallon Urban P M F M F P M F l' M F

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Bid T 3759 4682 27.64 3.87 084 7 14 41.46 4766 3478 58 54 52 34 65 22 R 43.69 49.37 3769 531 103 982 4900 5040 47.51 51 00 49 60 52 49 U 2541 4189 6.86 100 047 160 2641 4236 8.46 73 59 57 64 91 54

2 Gcoral T 44.48 5063 38.11 930 571 13.00 53.78 5631 5111 46.22 43 65 48 89 R 46.04 51.20 40.71 10.18 627 1422 56.22 57.47 5493 43 'Ill 4253 45.07 U 304S 4556 14.21 134 093 1.77 11 79 46.49 15.98 68.21 5151 8402

3 Manjlcgaon T 43.19 5126 3474 4.58 0.89 845 4777 52 15 ~l1S 5223 4785 ')682

R 4538 5211 38.33 499 0.95 9.21 ~0.37 53 (l6 4754 49 63 . 46.94 52.46 U 28.17 45.41 9.92 180 0.49 318 21}. 97 4; 92 1110 70 aJ 54 os 86 90

4 AmbeJogal T 37.80 4808 2666 3.47 064 654 41.27 4873 3320 5873 5127 6680 R 4458 5130 3742 514 076 981 4912 5206 4724 5028 47 94 52 76 tJ 26.58 4287 847 071 045 100 2729 4332 947 72.71 5668 9053

5 Kal) T 43.70 4946 3759 516 054 1006 4886 50.00 4765 5114 5000 5235 R 4435 4968 3871 547 057 10 66 4982 5025 4937 5018 4975 5063 U 3359 4613 20.23 038 007 on 3397 4620 20 '15 6603 53 so 79 0'5

6 Palooa T 4561 49.83 4120 5.39 078 1020 5100 5061 5141 49 00 49 39 48 'i9 R 45.61 4983 41.20 539 0.78 1020 5100 5061 5141 49 00 49 39 48 59 U

7 Ashtt T 4344 5067 3587 801 120 1513 5145 5187 5101 48 S5 4813 4899 R 44 13 5106 3687 834 120 1581 5247 5226 5269 4753 47744731 U 31.29 4385 17.90 207 126 294 3337 4'i112084 6663 5489 7916

Dlstnct Total T 4163 4928 3353 537 142 955 4700 5071 4308 5300 4929 5692 R 4481 5065 3867 632 163 11.25 51 13 5228 4993 4887 4772 5007 U 27 12 43 18 939 100 050 1.54 2812 4368 10.94 7188 5632 8906

(Percentages may not tally to 100 due to roundmg)

Note In Maharashtra, C D Blocks Rural and rural part of tahstl~ are co-termmus lienee Table II (A) IS not presented

10.5 The work parllcipatlOn rate for total workers IS workers of the dlstnct (40.28%) in 1981 and 41.63% m defined a<; the percentage of total workers to total populatIOn. 1991) hut for the State Increase IS negltglhle (38.71% tn In a similar way It IS dcfmed for mam and margmal workers. 1981 and 39.28% In 1991) However the proportIOn of 1991 census recorded 4l.63 percent of the di~trict population persons engaged In economically productive aCllvity to total as mam workers, 5 37 per cent as margmal workers and the population for the district IS higher than that for the State In remaining 53.00 per cent as non workers The corresponding 1991. Bid dlstnct holds the 11th rank when the 30 districts figures for the state arc 39.28 per cent, 3.68 per cent and are arranged In desccndmg order of the proportion of mam 57.02 per cent. Compared to 1981 census figures there IS a workers. slight mcrease in the work participation rate for the mam 33

10.6 Among the malO workers, male participation rate or more economIC activities to supplement the family in the dislrict is 49.28 per cent while that of females is income. 33.53 per cent as per 1991 cem!ls. The corrcspondmg figures 10.9 There are cOI1'lldewble vanations In work for males and females in 1981 were 53.97 per cent and 26.10 participauon rates an10ng the wh,ils of the dlStrict between per cent respectively. It shows that there is a decline in the rural and urban sectors and aho between a males and .vork participation rate for males, while for females the work females. Generally the worl< participation rate IS more ill participation rate has significantly mcreascd. The ~ex wi~e fural (44.81%) than in the urban areas (27.12%). Between break-- up shows that among males and females 1.42 per the lwO sexes, th<; rural - urban dIfferential IS larger among cent and 9.55 per cent of the population are marginal workers the females [(38.67%) TUfal and (9.39%) urban] than the as against the 1981 male and female marginal workers of males [(50.65%) rural and (43.18%) urban], Wltlun the 1.36 pcr cent and 10.12 per cent respectively. As compared district if rural Ufr,as are conSIdered. Georai occupies the to 1981 there has been shghL mcrease Jl1 male marginal first rank (46.04%) and Bid occupIes the last rank (43.69%) workers, while in case of female margll1al workers there has In work particlpatlOn rate. In Patoda tahsil, which is enurely been slight decltne. ruml, tile mrun workers form 45.61 per cent, which IS above 10.7 In the rural arca..<> of the dlSU'ict It is seen that the overall dIstrict average of 4 i .63 per ccnt and shghtly 44.g~ pereent are main workcr~" 6 32 per cent are margmal ahove the distrIct rural average of 44.81 per cent. The .. ,orkers and the remaining 4R.87 Pt'l CLl1t are non-workers. dlspanty between the proporuons of mmn workers among The COfr(",;ponding propOitiol'~ L)r the State arc 44.18 per males and femaks 1', comparatheiy less in rural are.as of c('nt, 5.48 pel cent and 5D.31 per cent rcspeCllvcly. It is the tah::als of Gcarm, Kmj and Patod.i but the.gap 1<; Wider c, 'cn that the work P,.d'llCIpatlOl1 nil.: th_-: rural aroas of the in AmbeJogal and Ashtl tahslls. The Table 11 (B) mdlcates dbttict is shghtly hIgher than the St~tc rural average. The the work pwticlpatlon Tates m urb,m areas. work partlCIpatlOu rate In the dl:>lTICt has mcrcased from 42.77 -per cent ]981 to 44.S1 per cent m 1991 10.8 Among !lIe mam workers, maJe particlpatlOn rate In rural areas of the dlstnct is 50.65 pC! cent, whlle that of females IS 38.(17 per I,;(;n! as per 1991 censuS. Margmal male a'la female workers ac,(;ount for I 63 per cent and 11.63 per cent and 11.25 per cent re1tpectIvcly of the total rural populatIon of the distnct. The proportion of female margmal workers IS higher than that of males because the femaks bl'sides attending to their household dulles also perform one

TABLE 11 (B) Percentage of Main worIH~rs, Marginal workers and Non-workers fur Towns, 1991

~ame dnd CIVIC Percentage of admllllstrdtion Mdm workers to Marglllal worker, lotal worrkers to Non-workers to stdtus of Town total population to total populatIOn total populatIOn tOlal populaLLon

p M F P M F P M F p M F (1) (2) 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

i\mbeJogal M 2612 4091 944 108 078 141 2720 4169 10 85 72 80 5831 8915 2 Ashli CT 3129 4385 17 YO 207 126 294 3337 4511 2084 6663 5489 7916 3 Bid M 2541 4189 686 100 047 160 2641 4236 846 7359 5764 9154 4 Dharur M 3359 4613 2023 038 007 072 3397 4620 2095 6603 5380 7905 5 Geordl M 3045 4556 1421 134 093 177 3179 4649 1598 6821 5351 8402 6 ManJlegaon M 2817 4553 992 180 049 318 2997 4592 1310 7003 5408 8690 7 Parh M 2694 4443 772 042 019 068 2736 4462 83

Dlstnct Total (U) 2712 4318 939 100 050 154 2812 43.68 1094 7188 5632 8906

~Pcrccntagcs may not tally to 100 due to roundmg) 34

1(}.10 In the case of urban areas, Bid town has the of the district·as well as the State and for every 2 femal~ ' .. lowest work pafticipatlon rate. of 25.41 per cent, w~ile main workers there are 10 male main workers in urban areas Dharur town has the highest rate of 33.59 per cent for main of the district as wen as the Stale. In the rural areas of the workers. There are significant variations in work participation district 50.65 per cent of the males and 38.67 per cent of rates between males and females all the towns. The variations the females are main workers. But in urban areas corres­ in the work participation rates of towns may be due to ponding rate is lower for males (43.18%) and substantially differences in the size classes of towns which differ in their lower for females (9.39%). Obviously the women folk socia-economic conditions and other infra-structural residing in rural areas arc economically more active than facilities. their coumer parL'I in urban areas. This is due to the disparity in the nature of economy of the two sectors for which the 10.11 The work participation rate for main workers in statistical data are compiled separately. Generally the rural urban areas of the district is 27.12 per cent as against the areas offer more opportunities for men and women to work State average of 31.52 per cent Four towns are above, and in the sphere of primary activities viz. agriculture and animal the remaining t.l}ree towns are below the district urban husbandf)l, etc. In view of the labour intensive nature of average (27.12%). Padi town has work participation rate agricuhural economy a large number of women are required (26.94%) close to lh~ disl]ict urban ~vcra.se. to participate in work especially during the peak seasons of 10.12 'In rurdl as well as in urban areas of the district, • agricultural operations like sowing and harvesting which are ~ proijOrtion of male main workers is considerably higher to be carried out in a short span of time coveripg .large areas &han ilial Jr f~~le main workers. Bid district too conforms in each village. to lhis pattern. In the iJistricl, the proportion of male main • Workers by Inilustrial Categories workers in rural and urban areas is 50.65 per cent and 43.18 per cent respectively as against the State averages of 52.05 10.13 Table 11 (i) gives the distribution of total, male and per cent and 50.02 per cent. Roughly, for every 7 female female W{)rkers by nine industrial categories of economic main workers there are 10 male main ~orkers in rural areas activities for the district and the State.

TABLE 11 (,) Distribution of workers' in nine categories of economic activities, 1991

Calegones of ~orkers Maharashlra Bid DtSlnCl

P M F . P M' F

(2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (1) .. (I) Cultlvalors• • '0172108 6230844 39412f?4 172658 " 224187 148471 (32,8J) (2979) (3907) (4913) (48 S3) (50 OS)

D AgnculLUn:1 Labouren 8313221 3905511 4401712 231452 101718 129734 (2681) (1861) (4370) (3051) (2202) (43.74)

ill LIvestock. Foreslry, Fishing, HlII1ung and Plantalions, 471731 403833 67898 12833 11028 1805 Orchards & allied aclivilies (1.52) (193) (067) (169) (2.39) (061)

IV Mmmg ~ Quall)'mg 115075 98335 16740 . 806 .6V 179 (0~7) (0.47) (0.17) (0.11) (013) (0.06)

V(a) Manufactunng, ~essm'g, Sel"llcmg and '498431 336644 161781 8946 6758 2188 Repairs m Houschold industry.- (161) (1.611 (160) (I t8) (146) (024)

V(b) Manufactunng, rf9Ccssmg, Servll;mg and 3597883 32500J1S 347275 23041 20393 2648 RepaIrS mother lhan Household Ulduslry (11 (0) (1S.54) (344) (304) (441) (0.89)

VI ConSlructlons 801735 709015 92720 11685 10659 1026 (259) (3.39) (092) (154) (2.31) (035) 35

TABLE 11 (i) - Contd

Catcgonci of workers Mmarashtra Bid o.SlnCI

p M F P M F

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (I)

VII Tr"dc & Commcrce 2656519 2400024 256495 32710 30660 2050 (8.57) (1147) (254) (431) (664) (069)

vm Transport, Stores & Communications 1160239 1115676 44563 11691 11566 125 (174) (5.33) (044) (I 54) (250) (004)

IX Other Service 3219165 2468051 751114 52767 44386 8381 (10.38) (11.80) (745) (695) (961) (283)

Total 310061 Oil 20918541 10087568 758589 461982 296607 (100.00) (100 (0) (100 (0) (100.00) (100 (0) (100 00)

10.14 The relative importance of the mam spheres of district. The ratio b_etween culuvators and~ agriculrural economic activity may be guaged from the pattern of labourers of 10:6 in the district differs fo,rm tbe State average dlstnbutlOn of mam workers according to the broad four - pf 10:8 The proportions of workers m other categorie~ are fold claSSificatIOn namely, cultivatIOn, agncultural labour, lower m the district than the proportion of workers m'the' household mdustry and other economic activities. The State. It may be seen that only one-fifth of the workers are economy of the dlstnct IS pnmanly dependent on agriculture engaged m the work olher than agnculture in the distnct. as supported by the fact that the cultivators (4913%) and Among them the major categones arc manufactUring, agricultural labourers (30.51%) together conslltute 79.64 per processmg, servicmg and repairs m other than Household cent of the total workers of the dlstnct as agamst the State mdu~try (3.04%), Trade and commerce (4.31%) and other average of 59.62 per cent. the agncultural sector has thus Services (6.95%). Tahsilwlse dl"tnbution of workers m nme absorbed about four-fif-lh of the total mam workers m the mdustnal categones of economic activIties is showjl m table 11(u).

TABLE 11 (d) Tahsilwise distribution of workers in nine categories of economic activities, 1991

Dlstnct{rahsu II ill IV V (a) V (b) VI VII VlII IX Total Cultl- Agn- Livestock, Mining and Manu- Mdnu- ConstN- Trdde Transport, Other Mam vators wltural Forestry, Quarrying fdctunng, fdctunng, Cllons and Storage and Services Workers Labourers Fishing, 'process mg. I'rocessmg, - Commcrce Commu- Huntmg and Scrvl~mg Servlcmg mcallons I'lantallons, and RCpdlrs and RCpdlrs Orchards& m In oUter allied llouS"ehold than aCllvllles Industry Household Industry (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Bid 56563 30103 2706 84 1768 6004 3088 9043 3947 13333 126639 (4465) (2377) (214) (007) (140) (474) (244) ("I 14) (3 12) {IO 53) (100 (0) \ 2 Georal 55447 33914 1653 68 1658 2329 950 3235 787, ;060 11)5101 (5276) (3227) (1 57) (006) (1 5ti) (222) (090) (308) (075) (481) (100 00) 3 ManJlegaon 47604 48523 2120 97 1487 3403 1801 4806 1236 6728 117805 (4041) (41 19) (180) (008) (126) (289) (153) (408) (105) (571) (10000) 4 AmbcJogal 47155 43206 2175 360 1208 6068 3717 8781 3619 13921 130210 (3622) (33 18) (167) (028) (093) (466) (285) (674) (278) (1069) (100 00) 36 TABLE 11 (ii) - conld.

Dlstnc:l{l'ahs!l n m IV V (a) V (b) VI vn vm IX Total Culli· Agn· Ltvestock, Milling and Manu- Manu- C'onstru- Trade Transport, Other Main valon cultural FOfI'IIly, Quarrying factunng, factunng, • ctions and Storage and SeMces Workers Labourers Fishing, Processing. Processing. Commerce Commu- Hunting and Servicing ServiCing mcaUons PlantallOm, and Repairs and Repairs Orchards& In In other allted Household than activities Industry Household Industry (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

5 Kai) 62900 40255 1271 33 1202 1861 604 3OS} 883 ~ 118154 (53.22) (34 m) (1.08) (0.03) (102) (l58) (0.51) (261) (075) (5.13) (10000) 6 Paloda 51569 18196 1161 45 847 1114 664 1521 500 3420 79044 (65.24) (2302) (1.47) (0.06) (1.07) (1.41) (0.84) (192) (0.64) (4.33) (100 00) 7 Ashll 51420 17255 1747 119 776 2262 861 2243 712 4241 81636 (62.98) (21.14) (214) (0.15) (0.95) (277) (l.05) (2.75) (0.87) (520) (100.00)

Dislnc.1 Talai 372658 231452 12833 S06 8946 23041 11685 32710 11691 52767 758589 (49.13) (3051) (169) (0.11) (1.18) (3.04) (1.54) (431) (1.54) (6.95) (100 00)

10.15 The proportions of both cultivators and TABLE t 1 (iii) agncultural labourers differ from tahsil to tahsil. The propor­ Cultivator and Agricultural labourers per 100 hectares of Cultivable Area tion of cultivators varies between 65.24 per cent for Patoda tahsil and 36.21 per cent for AmbejogaI tahsil. The Cultivators and Total Culuvable Culttvators and Agricultural Name of Tahsll Agncultural Area \ Pl'9portion of agricultural labourers vanes between 41.19 per labourers (10 hectares) labourers per 100 hectares of cent for Manjlegaon tahsil and 21.14 per cent for Ashti tahsil. Culttvable Area Such wide variations within the district are due to the (1) (2) ('l) (4) difference in the fertility of SOils and resultant cropping and Bid 86666 132850.94 65 land holding patterns. About 80 per cent of the workers 10 Georal 144161.00 62 the district are directly engaged in agriculLure as cultivators 2 89361 3 ManJlegaon 96127 147275.76 65 or agricultural labourers, which is but natural In the context 4 AnlbeJogat 90361 10343437 87 of the agncultural economy of the dlstnct. 5 Kal) 103155 14502901 71 6 Patoda 69765 107832.16 65 7 Ashll 68675 11908163 58

DIstncl Total 604110 899664 87 67

Non - workers

10.17 All those persons who have not worked at all dunng the entire year preceding the date of enumeration are

- .....~,.. claSSIfied as non­ workers. In the district the proportion of non-workers IS 10.16 Table 11 (III) gives the number of cultivators and 53.00 per cent, the agricultural labourers per 100 hectares of cultIvable area m cor res p 0 n din g each tahsil of the dlStTlCl. It IS seen from tabJe 11 (JJJ) that proportIOns In rural there are 67 cultIVators and agncultural labourers per 100 and urban areas are hectares of cultivable arca 10 1991 as agamst 49 10 1981. 48.87 and 71.88 per

The number vanes from S7 10 Ambcjogru tahSIl to 58 10 cent respectively. The

Ashtl tahSIl. proportion of non-workers 10 urban areas is higher 37 compared to rural areas for both males and females. However per cent of the 1269 inhabIted villages of the district and the ruraJ- urban differential is more pronounced for females these 1260 viJIages have as compared to males. The categories of main workers, 1448 prImary schools marginal workers and non-workers are complementary to including 28 schools each other. Therefore in areas where the proportion of malO exclusively for girls workers and marginal workers are high, the proportion of (Appendix VII) . In the non-workers would be naturally low. district on an average each village has at least one 11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES AND TOWNS primary school. All the 11.1 Information on this aspect IS furnished in detail in villages of the two tahSlls the vIllage and town directory statements and in a namely Manjlegaon and Kaij consolidated form In the appendix an also in the tables have at least one pnmary schoo! within their respective presented. The non-census information collecte.d at the limIts. These two tahsils have atlaincd cent per cent Village level or town level by the Tahslldar/Chief officer minimum educational faCility in the district was scrutinised and verified In each district by the District 11.3 There are many Villages havmg more than one Planning Officer. The collectors were also requested to once primary school 10 the distriCt. In Bid, Katj, Manjlegaon and agam revenfy in case serious discrepancies were observed. Ambcjogai lahsils on an average every Village has one and Besides thiS, the non-census mformation was cross checked more than one primary school. Some large vilmges have with the parent department , for example information on three or more primary s~hools. Middle schools, that is electrICIty was cross checked WIth Maharashtra State schools With facilities for teaching higher primary classes Electricity board, tbat on roads with public works (V to VIII standard) are functIOning in .167 out of the 1269 Department, on health with the directorate of Health and so inhabited VIllage..; of the district. As few villages have more on. than one middle school, the avcmge number of mIddle school Educational Facilities per villJge work~ out to 039 I.C. there arc nearly 4 middle 11.2 EducatIOnal facility at the mmimum level of schools for every 10 vl11agt!s In the distriCt. Nonnally when primary educallon IS available in 1260 villages, I.e. 99.29 the level of education in.reases, the number of VIllages

TABLE 12 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities

No of No (wllh pelcenLilges) of village~ haVIng one or more of the followmg amemtieS Name of C D Block mhablled villages Education MedIcal Dnnkmg Po~t& market /Hat Communl- Approach by Power water Telegrdph cauons Pucca road supply

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Bid 224 219 189 224 48 11 130 133 224 (9777) (8438) (100 00) (2143) (491) (58.04) (5938) (100 00)

2 Gecral 193 192 146 193 55 18 128 7S 193 (9948) (1565) (100 (0) (2850) (933) (tJ6 32) (3886) (100 00)

3 MIillJlegaon 199 199 162 199 60 32 59 48 199 (100.00) (8141) (100 (0) (30 15) (1608) (2965) (2412) (100.00)

4 AmbeJogal 146 145 119 146 ,6 10 liS 135 146 (9932) (8 I 51) (100 (0) r:!466) (685) (8082) (9247) (100.00)

5 KalJ 186 186 136 186 67 17 121 47 186 (100 00) (73 12) (lWOO) (3602) (914) (6505) l2S 27) (100 (0)

6 Paloda 160 159 76 160 35 14 72 52 160 (9938) (4751) (100 (0) (21 )\8) (875) (45.00) (3250) (100 00)

7 A,hll 161 160 113 161 39 9 84 54 161 (9938) (70 19) (100 (0) (2422) (559) (52 17) (3354) (100 00)

DI~lnct Total 1269 1260 941 1269 340 111 712 544 1269 (9929) (74 15) (100 (0) (26 79) (875) (56 11) (4287) (100 00) 38

TABLE 13 Proportion of rural population served by different amenities

, Toyl ProponlOn of rural popuialUlI'I serv~ by lhe amemly of Name of CD. Block population of mhablted Education Medical Dnnktng Post & manwl /J lal Communl- Approach by Power Villages In the waler Telegraph cation. ,upply CD Block Puccaroad

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) 8) 9) (10)

Bid 224500 224077 192866 224500 90953 38248 157000 161039 224500 (9981) (8591) (100 00) (4051) (17 04) (6993) (711'3) (1100 00)

2 Georal 212634 212379 18i938 212634 114691 54478 173084 121596 212634 (9988) (8886) (100 00) (5394) (2S.62) (81.40) (57.19) (100.00)

3 ManJlegdon 238083 2380&3 217364 238083 131023 80714 109900 93917 238083 (10000) (91 30) (100 00) (55. OJ) (3390) (46 16) (3945) (100.00)

4 AmbcJogal 214676 214676 195416 214676 97282 31202 194204 207621 214676 (100 (0) (91 OJ) (100 (0) (4532) (1453) (9046) (9&,71) (I 00.(0)

5 KalJ 253997 253997 211137 253997 [46499 54217 199248 90931 253997 (100 (0) (83 13) (100 (0) (5768) (2135) (1845) (~5.80) (10000)

6 Patoda 173288 172858 124435 173288 81819 41042 116194 86698 173288 (99.75) (71 81) (100 (0) (4722) (23.68) (6705) (50.(Y,f) (100.00)

7 Ashu 177926 177901 151732 177926 79175 27258 121756 75751 177926 (9999) (8528) (10000) (44 SO) (1532) (6843) (42.57) (100.00)

DlSlncl Total 1495104 1493961 1281888 1495104 741442 327159 1071386 837553 1495ID4 (9992) (8574) (10000) (4959) (2188)_ (1166) (5602) (100 00) havmg the f"cllIty and also the number of institutions IS II 5 There are only 9 villages which do not have any reduced. In the rural areas of the dlstnct, there are only educauonal faCIlity. Of these 5 Villages fall in Bid tahsil 153 Villages havmg one or more high schools. It means on alone, which has comparduvely low proportion of vJllages an average there is a high school for every 8 villages. Pre­ WIth primary schools I.e. below 98 per cent. Out of the 9 umvcrslLy educational faCilitIes are aVailable In only 4 villages Without educational facility In case of 8 vJllages at VIllages, whIle there are 4 degrce collegcs in the rural areas least a pnmary school is located at a distance of hardly 5 of the dlstricL There is not a smgle Adull literacy centre m kJlomctrcs. In respect of only 1 village the dIstance to be the rural areas of thc distrICt. EducaLlonal facihLlcs of some covered is between 5 - 10 Kilometres, (Table 14). or other types are aVailable in 1260 (99 .. 29%) out of 1269 InhabIted VIllages and the aggregate population of these TABLE 14 VIllages comes 10 99.92 per cem of the total rural population Distribution of villages not having certain of the dlstnct amenities, arranged by distance ranges from the

11 4 The sItuatIOn regarding schools IS the best In places where these are available

ManJlegaon and KllIJ tahslls where all the VIllages have Village not haVing the l\,'umber of Villages where the aIJlcmty IS coucatlonal faclhLles. In other four tahslls, Situation regarding amemtyof not available but avallable at a distance of proporuon of VIllages With cducauonal faCIlIty IS belter. They Total -5 Kms 5-10 Krns 10+ Krns arc GeorUl (9948%), AmbcjogaI (9932%), Patoda (99.38%) (eols 2-4) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) and A~htl (9938%). In the remalnmg one tah'>ll, Situation Educauon 8 9 regardmg villages wllh educallon faCIlIty IS fair I.e. BId 2 Medical 186 86 56 328 (9777%). Of the 283 Villages haVing less than 500 3 Dnnkmg Waler populaLlon eac,h, 274 (96.82%) have educatIOnal facihtlcs. 4 Post S.. 1 elegraph 630 252 47 929 Out of the 823 VIllages In the population mnge of 500--1999, 5 \1arkcl/Hdt 499 452 207 1158 all 823 (100.00%) avaIl of tlm facility. All the remaining 6 Communlcalions 412 113 32 551 163 Villages With a populatIOn range of more than 2,000 each avail of thIS facIlity. 39

TABLE 15 Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

Distance range No. of Number (With percentages) of Villages havmg r.he amenity of from the mhablled nearest IOwn 10 Drmkmg Posl& Commu- Approach by Power villages Edueallon Medleal Markel !Ilal (10 Kms) each range water Tcls:gOlph meallon! Pucca road supply

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

0-5 63 62 54 63 19 5 42 46 63 (98.41) (85.71) (100 (0) (30 16) (794) (66 67) (7302) ,(10000)

6-15 265 264 226 265 87 22 183 150 265 (9962) (8528) (100 (0) (3283) (830) (6906) (5660) (100 (0)

16-50 854 848 617 854 212 80 442 324 854 (99 30) (1225) (100.00) (2482) (9.37) (5176) (3794) (100 (0)

51+ 87 86 44 87 22 4 45 24 87 (9885) (5057) (100 (0) (25 29) (460) (5172) (2759) (10000)


Dlslncl T Olal 1269 1260 941 1269 340 11l 712 544 1269 (99 29) (14 15) (100 (0) (26 79) (875) (5611) (4287) (100 00)

TABLE 16 Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available

PopuJalton No of No. (wtlh pen:enl4ges) of villages havmg the ameruty 0"( range inhabited .. Dnnkmg Post & Approach by villages 10 Educallon Medical - Markelnlal CommuOl- Power- supply each range water Telegraph callons Pucea road

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .. (10)

-499 283 274 liS 283 14 8 81 62 283 (96 82) (40.64) ,(100.00) (4.95) (283) (28.62) (21.91) (100 (0)

500-1,999 823 823 68J 823 186 41 484 368 823 (100 00) (8129) (10000) (22.60) (4.98) (5881) (4471) (100.00)

2,000-4,999 143 143 138 143 121 44 128 96 143 (100.00) (96.50) (100 00) (8462) (30.77) (8951) (67 13) (100 (0)

5,000+ 20 20 19 20 19 18 19 18 20 (100 00) (9500) (100.00) (95.00. (9000) (95.00) (90.00) (100.00)

All ranges 1269 lz60 941 1269 340 III 712 544 IWJ (9929) . f!4.15) (100 00) (26.79) (875) (5611) (4287) (100.00) 40

11.6 In all towns of the dlstnct, facilitles are locally of villages havmg medical facilIty that they are ranglllg available for pnmary and secondary level of educatIOn and between 47.50 per cent in Palod" tahstl to 84.38 per cent In also for coUege education at degree level. In so far as Bid tahSIl. Wlthm the tech01caI education is concerned. Ambejogru town has one dl~tnct, the poSItion IS medical college and one polytechmc mstItute and BId town the best in Bid tahSil, has 2 polylechnic mstitutes. The nearest place with when,; as many as engineenng college IS Latur WhIch IS about 55 to 107 84.38 per cent of kilometres away from the respectIve towns. Next to Lalur VIllages are qUIpped are Aurangabd and Nanded where thIS faclhty can al~o be wIth some kInd of avaded. medical faclltty TABLEl7 (Table 12) and 85.91 Stbools per 10,000 Population in Towns per cent of Its popu- lation gets the benefIt No. pcr 10,000 Population (Table 13). The proportion ofvIllag~s with inedlcul facihty (.1ass name and CIVIC Higher Secondary/ JUIllO( Pnmary Statu. of Town Secondary/ Matncu Sccondary/ IS above the distrIct average (74.15%) 10 four tahslls and IntCI/PGC 1"tl00 Middle below m three tahsils. The pnmar>, health centres, sub­ JUnIor College centres and dispensanes serve not only the resident (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) populatlon of the concerned villages bllt also those resldmg

11 AmbcJogal M 0'52 17'i 140 280 III surroundmg VIllages. Generally these VIllages enJoy central locallon, and are somewhat away from towns and tend to V A;hu CT 300 300 501 be large Ifi population "!le. Bid M 071 205 311 320 111 IV Dhdrur M 061 305 305 305 11.9 Medl..:al (au lIlics of any type spccIflcd the vlllage dIrectory exists In more than seven out of every ten ill Georal M 042 169 169 211 (74.15%) vJlJages in 1991. These Villages ::K.count for 85.74 ill M.dl1Jlcgaon M 029 115 087 2.31 per cent of the rural populauon ot!he distrIct 328 (25.85%) 11 Parh M 028 165 165 316 out of 1269 mhabited vJllages do not have any type of

All Towns 04<) 187 214 300 medIcal facility In theIr respective .... Illage hmlts. Of these as many as 186 (56.71 %) are SItuated at a dIstance of 11.7 Table 17 mdicates schools per lcn thousand hardly 5 kilometre,> With reference to tile nearest place WIth population III towns On an average. the ratlos of schools medIcal td(..littlCS and anothcI 86 (2(j.22%) are located nt a per ten thousand population III urban areas of the dIstrict dlst~mce of 5 to 10 K1Jomelr<.)s But In the case of 56 arc 0.49 (Higher secondary /PUC) , 1.87 (Secondary I (17.07'1iJ) Villages the rc"idcnts have to cover more than 10

Matriculation), 21·t (JunIor Secondary/ MIddle) and 3.00 KtlomelJc~ to rcach a place with ~nme mCG,('a1 faCility (Tahle (Pnmary schools). In other word." m urban areas there IS a 14). IllS al5.o observed that aimosl all the big sued VIllages

HIgher secondary/PUC for every 20,436 persons, Secondary (5000+) are eqUipped \VIm some kind of medlcal bCllIty MatrIculatIOn for every 5,360 persons, Middle school for wlthm the Village, whIle '>mall VIllages (belu"" 500) barely every 4,671 persons and Pnmary school for every 3,371 ha\'e thIS faClhty (Tdble. l6) persons m the dl.strict. There are Marathl, Urdu and EnglIsh 11.10 Tanle 18 gives the number ot neds per 1,000 medIUm schools In the dlstnct. About 900 students have populatIOn Jfl th,.~ towns. On an aV(;wge there arc nearly three benefited from the Ashram Shalas exclusl'vC'iy for Adlvasls. beds per one thousand populatIOn 10 the urban areas of the Medical Facilities dislnct Out of 7 towns, onl} two lawns ~'how belleT

11.8 Medical facltIucs of one or the oth~r type ,]f(: av,ul:,l"lhty of beds pN 1.000 populallOn. AmbeJogm and available In 941 (74.15%) vtllages out of 1269 mhahlLCd Ashu town,~ enJoy a better posItJon and comparatIvely wcll-

VIllages In the dlstncL It IS observed from tahstlwlsc fIgures eqUIpped hospItals 41

TABLE IS TABLEI8.l Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns Single source of water supply other than Well, Tap and Hand Pump

Class, Name and No of beds U1 ClVlC Status medical mslltullons Name of Location Code Name of Vdlage Source of Town per 1000 populallon C,D Block (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) Georal Kurampmn River II AmbeJogal M 9.36 2 Borgaon Bk Rwer V Ashtt C,T, 3.50 3 Palharwala Kh RIver 4 Gungegaon Rwer BId M 165 S Palharwolla B K. Rlver IV Dhamr M 073 67 Devkheda River III Georal M J.S2 2 ManJlegaon 70 Nandur River III Mi>IlJlcgaon M 108 73 Punandgaon River n 'PaTh M 041 3 AmbcJogal 27 Devhala RIver All Towns 265

Drinking Water Facilities Postal Facilities 11.11 Regardmg drinking water facihtIC,), It 1S 11.13 In rural areas of the dj"tflct as a whole, the heartening to note that such faclhties are existing in all the facility of post and telegraph IS avallable to 340 (26.79%) VIllages m the dlslnct. It villages out of 1269 may also be mentlOned VIllages serving 49,59 that factors such as percent of rural sufficIency or aVailabIlIty popl4lauon of the of water throughout the dl:,IIlCt. The approxl~ year or otherwisc techn­ mate number of post ICal opimon regardmg the offIces IS 23 for one potability of the available lakh rural popu1a!ion water itself have not been of the district. Within exammed. In most of the the seven tahsils villages (1159) open well of the dls1nct, the per- and hand pumps (957) are the mam sources of dnnkmg water centage of villages havmg post and telegraph facility varies and 1Il 347 vJllages watcr IS supplied through taps. RIvers conslde,rably. Kalj tahsIl WIth 36.02 per cent has the highest also· supply watel to many Villages (263). It IS found that proportion, whereas Bid tahsJl With 21.43 per cent hold'S the 1119 (88.18%) out of 1269 mhablted Villages have more last rank. Only three tahsils oul of seven ViZ., Gcorai, than one type of source of dnnking water supply. However Manjlegaon and Kat) have proportions above the d lSlricl only Bid tahsil has largest number of villages (223) with a average of 26.79 per cent. single source of water supply through wells. Out of the 7 tahslls of the dlstnct, 5 villages of Gcorai tahsil, 3 villages 11 14 Postal facllllJes are nol available to 929 villages. of ManJlegaon tahsil and one village of AmbeJogal tah"ll Out of these as many as 630 (67.81%) are Slluat'~d at a have reported smgle source of water supply viz. RIver, other distance of hardly 5 blometres WIth reference to the, nearest than well, Tap and Hand pump. place Wlth postal facIlltles, The mhabltants of 252 (27.13%) VIllages have to cover a distance between 5-10 kIlometres 11,12 There is an Improvement mostly 10 all types to avail the postal facIlity. People of only 47 (5.06%) of dnnkmg water facilJlJes smce 1981. Now 9 VIllages out Villages have to cover a dIstance of more than 101ljlometrcs of every 10 have more than one type of source of dnnkmg to avail some postal facdlly. Among the 340 vIllages With In water supply as compared to every 3 Villages 1981. the facIhly of po!>t and telegraph, 14 \'il1age~ aJ e havmg 42 less than 500 population, 186 villages arc m the size class waterway IS located Within the terntonal JUriSdiction of a of 500-1999, 121 villages are in the size class of 2000-4999 Village, It IS conSidered and 19 villages have a populatIOn of 5000 and above (Table to have been served by 16). It is observed that as the population S1:/9 of the villages such faCility even It IS a . ' . increases, the proportion of villages having postal facility lillIe away from the also increases... There 1S a need to extend po'iLaI facJlltles to actual settlement The a large number of villages 10 the dlSlnct h,lvmg no such dlstnct enjoys rail facilities till now. facility, however, It has

Weekly Market Facilities good system of commu- mcatlOn mamly through ) 1.15 Generally large Villages have at least a few bu'> routes. In the district 712 (56 11 %) Villages have some permanent shops which deal with the dally necessilles of communication faciliLY available. The aggregate populatIon the reSidents. Weekly of the Villages With communicatIOn fac!lllics works out of markets are also held 71 66 per cent of the rural populatIOn of the dlstnct. in some of the import­ AmbcJogal tahsIl With 80.82 per ccnt Villages IS tlle be~t ant villages. In the served tallSll as agamst ManJlegaon With only 29.65 per cent rural areas of the which holds the last rank. As compared to 1981 undiVided district such markets dlstnct, the proporllon of commuOlcalJOn faClhtles has are held in as many as IOcreased steadily. Now 6 Villages out every 10 ,have 111 (8.75%) villages commuOlcallon fac1lltle,> as compared to 4 in 1981. out of 1269 10hablted Villages. The propor- 11.18 Out of 1269 villages, 557 (43.89%) Villages do tion of villages With not have any bus ~top or railway station and so there is no weekly markets to total number of m-hablted Villages 10 communication faCility available. Of these 557 Villages, the reSidents of 412 Villages have to cover hardly 5 kilometres tahsils v~es between 4.91 per cent 10 Bid tahSil to 16.08 113 per cent 10 Manjlegaon tashil (Table 12). Out of the 111 to reach place With such facility. For Villages it is Villages where weekly markets arc held, as many as 84 are between 5 and 10 kilometres, and for 32 villages it is more at a distance of more than 15 kJlometres from any urban than 10 kJlometres. The availabllty of thIS facJllty depends centre, while 27 villages are located at a distance upto 15 upon' the locatIOn of the Village with reference to road. kilometers (Table 15). Among the 712 Villages which have the aVailability of commUOlcallOn facility wlthm their respective limits 81 11.16 Of the 111 vdlages where markets / hats arc Villages fall 10 the populatIOn range of less than 500, 484 held, eight arc in the populallon range of less than 500,41 villages are JIl the range of 500-1999, 128 vlllagcs are 10 arc in 500-1999, 44 are in 2000-4999 and 18 arc 10 the the range of 2000 - 4999 and the remaining 19 villages fall population range of 5000 and above. Out of the 1158 Villages in the range of 5000 and above. The population size of a not havlOg weekly markets, 499 (43.09%) arc located wlthm village has an impact on the availability of communication a distance of 5 kilometres, with reference 10 a place where facility. It lS seen that, of the various types of motor vehicles such a facility IS avallable.ln the case of 452 (39.03%) and aVllllable 10 the dlslnct, motor cycles and scooters conslltute 207 (17.88%) villages the dIstance to be covered to reach a the largest number. The following table shows the number place where the marketing facility IS avadable is 5 to 10 of varIOus types of vehicles av~ulable In the district 10 the kilometres and more than 10 kilometres respccllvely. year 1989. Commllmication Facilities

11.17 U a bus stop or a railway station or a navigable 43

TABLE 18.2 TABLE 18.3 - contd. Motor Vehicles - 1989 Types of Roads OutSide the lunlt of MUnicipality Within the. P W 0 Zm; Total hmlto( Item No. of vehicles Panshad MIIIIlCIpII1i1y (1) - • (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Other State II,ghways 885.64 21.00 906.64 Motor Cycles and Scooters 9,8116 Major DlstnCl Road~ 315.63 958.49 1274.12 2. Jeeps 1,157 Other DlslnCl Roads 1491.79 '1491.79 3 Taxies 14 Village Roads 1381.61 1381.61 Other Developmenl Roads 4 Rickshaws 127 13.89 13.89 275.72

5 Pnvale motor for goods transport 141 Total 1486.94 3866.78 5353.72 275.72 6 Buses 895 Source. (I) Executive Englnccr, PWD Bid. 7 Ambulances 5 (2) Executive Englllccr. PWD (Z P.) Ward No.1 and 2 Bid. (3) MUniCipal COIIncLls, Bid Dlstnd. 8 School Buses 4 9 Others 1,542 11.20 No National highway passes through this district.

TOlal 13,781 Some important State highways passing through this district are:- Vasal-Ahmadnagar-Bhum, Malkapur-Solapur, Parli­ Source: Assistant Divisional Transport Officer, Aurangabad. AmbeJogal, and Latur-Lokhandi-Sawargaon etc.

Approach Road 11.21 In the rural areas of the district there is an improvement In respect of pueea road facility in 1991 than 11.19 Roads whether 'Pucca' or 'Kachcha' are the in 1981, when there were 365 villages having pucca road nervous system of a district. They act as a pull factor for faCility. In 1991 this has increased by 179. In this district the development and upliftment of the area. Roads with most of the Villages are accessible and are connected either cement concrete, black top and water bound macadam etc. by a pucca or a kachcha approach road or both types of come under pucca roads and the remaining are treated as approach roads 10 one or the other main or important road. kachcha roads. The length of roads In the dlstnct was 544 (42.87%) villages out of 1269 inhabited Villages have 5629.44 kms. in 1988-89. Out of this, 1486.94 kms. and pucca approach road facility. In this respect Ambejogai tahsil 3866.78 kms. roads are under the control of Public Works enjoys a beucr posItion with 92.47 per cent of the villages Department and Zilla Parishad respectively. The road length having pucca approach road and it holds the first place in the district are classified as Cement concrete (42.18 kms.), amongst the seven tahsils. On the other hand Manjlegaon Tar road (1240.12 kms.), Water bound macadam (3516.09 tahsil is in the most unfavourable position with only 24.12 luns.) and Others (831.05 luns.). The types of roads by length per cent vilJages. It IS seen that in five tahsils, the proportion are gIven in the following table. of Villages having pucca approach roads is less than 50 per cent (Table 12). The road net work in the rural ~eas TABLE 18:3 obVIOusly needs improvement m these tahsils. Types Roads by length in Kms, 1988-89 11.22 Proximity to an urban centre is a favourable factor Types of Roads Outside the Illmt of MWllclpahty Wlthm the that helps a village to socure the facility ~f pucca approach PWD .ZllIa Total hmltof Panshad MLII1ICIpahty road. Of the villages beyond 50 kilometres from urban (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) centres, only 27.59 per cent villages are having the pucca Surfacewlse road facility: For the villages in the distance range of 0-5, Cement Concrete 4218 6-15 and 16-50 kilometres, the corresponding proportions Black Topped 93744 23558 1173 02 67.10 of villages are 73.02 per ccnt, 56.60 per cent and 37.94 per Waler Bound Macadam 503 81 291711 342092 95.17 cent respectively. Others - 4S 69 71409 759.78 7l.27 11.23 The aggregate population of the villages with pucca roads forms 56.02 per cent of the rural population of Total 148694 386678 5353.72 27572 the district. When examined from this point of view,

2 Cat~gorywise AmbeJogai tahsil (96.71%) takes the first place and Bid tahsil Natlonallhghways With 71.73 per cent stands second in the list. Among the State Ihghways 28567 28567 remammg 5 tahSlls, one 1S above and four are below the 44 dIstrict ruml average In the tah~lls of Ambc]ogm and Bid, 11 15 It IS &een that m the dlslnct lhere arc 56 villages a greater proporuon of large sJ):ed vIllages enJoy the pucca whICh have the power supply for domestIc purpose only. road facility. Larger the sue of a village, greater are the while In another '56 VIllages it IS used [or domestic as well chalices of that village havlIIg tIns lacIlity. Thus out of 283 us other purposes. ElectnCIty for all purposes IS avmhble U1 villages having populauon less than 500, only 62 (21.91 %) 988 VIllages and only 7 vlilages It IS used exclUSIvely for villages havc pucca roads, whereas 18 (90.00%) out of 20 oLhr.:r purposes like mctusLnal and cOHlmcrcl:1i clc. In 159 villages with 5000 and more mhabitants have till';; facilIty Villages power supply 1& u<;ed fUl POIh domestIc and

Power Supply agncultural purPJses. Cent per cr.m rural 1'opulallon 10 each whsIl IS beneflLleu from pOVv..;r supply facllity. WlLh d 11.24 The proportion of clc\.'trifled vIllagcs for thI'> l-OVCrclgc of cent per (ent power ',lI\)ply in all tahslls, lhe district IS most ImpresSIve. All the 7 towns (100 OOo/c,) and dJSlflCll:flJO),<; a very comiolLahk 1'0<;JllOn 1269 vlI1agc~ I.C. lOO 00 11 26 It may he summed up from the tarcgomg per cent are enJoYIng lMf

TABLEi8.4 Distribution of villages having power supply

------Dtstnct-/C D Block CD 0I11y FAG only EO',}(lly ED,hO ED,EAG EA No po,",cr Total

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Bid '3 :;21 224

,2 Gcoral 1 2 102 86 193

3 M,uIJlegdon b 193 199

4 AmbeJogal 7 56 82 146

5 KalJ 185 186

6 Patoda 31 129 If,(l

7 Ashh J'l 56 92 161

Dlstnct 'I otal 56 3 7 56 159 988 1269

12. I.AND UTILISATION - LAND USE PATTERN to U1C year 1989 The total area reportcd under these columns tallies WIth tlJe LOtal geographlcalruea of the VIllage as noted 12.1 The mml&try of Food and Agnculturo. Government In column 3 of the Village ducctory Sometime!> the exact of India has recommended to the State Government the area of the Village and land u~e pattern have not been made standard pattern of land use claSSIfication ior the mamtenance available by the dlstnct authorities, and the S. 45

Forest Irrigated (by source) and Un irrigated Land

12.2 This includes all land classified as forest under 12.4 Columns 15 and 16 glVe all the agricultural lands any legal enactment dealing with forest or administered as and when added together would correspond to the net area sown plus the cuncnt and other fallow lapd. Area sown more than once during the same year if any, Ifl the Village is counted only once under these column~. In column 15 sourccwisc break-up of the irngated area is furnished by uslOg abbreViations. All lands that are lying uncultivated as fallow for more than 5 years in succession are regarded as pcrm,ment falluws (culturable waste) and are covered under column 17.

forests, whether State-owned or private and whcther wooded or simply mamtamed as forest land. Within the forest area itself, there may be 0Ccaslonaliy culuvated patches (,.r graLing lands, but !>uch area too arc s60wn under colu'lln 14 all forests. The process of regulansaQon of land grants and effectmg relevant changes to !he b~ic records of surveys and settlements are somewhat protractt:d and tIme 12.5 The concept of rrrigatlOn Implies the existence of consuming. Therefore the mformation based on records is source of water supply Within a reasonable distance and an in some cases at least, is likely to be different when arrangement to regulate the supply of water accordmg to compared With the actual fIeld Situation. the day to day needs of the crops raIsed in the fields. 12.3 The total forest area of the district IS shown m Naturally, therefore all areas which are cultivated under column 14 of Village Directory Statement. The forest area purely ralnfed conditIons are treated as umrrigated lands. 10 the dIstrict IS dIstributed among 257 VIllages accountmg SimIlarly the area under garden crops is conSidered for for 20.08 per cent of the VIllages 10 the distrICt. The toLa! column 15 only If there IS irrigatiOn. The Irrigated area in area under forest'> m thiS distnct is about 26,592.32 hectares the district IS distributed mto 982 villages out of 1269 and SOCial forestry area IS about 4,2.19.46 hectares as per inhabited Villages accountmg for 77.38 per cent. In 803 the position 10 1989. Among the 7 tahstls of the dlstnct Villages, lmgatlon IS done by well only. The area IITlgated Patoda tahSil accounts for one fifth of the toLa! forest area by 'nver' and 'other' sources account for 1.19 per cent and of the distrICt. The· forest produce IS diVIded into two mam 0.07 per cent of the total Irrigated area respecttvely. The classes. major and mmor. The major forest produce is fuel other sources used for lITigation are Government canal wood and grass. The mmor forest produce IS Tendu leaves (36.91%), Well (1.86%). Well with electriCIty (58.15%) and and Custard apple. Tank (1.74%). Table 18.5 gIves detaIls In respect of area lITIgated by source TABLE 18.5 Area irrigated by source (in hectares)

Name of Area lITIgated by source (m hectares) CD Block Government Well Well (with Tube-well Tank River Others Total canal electnc..lly) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (I) (8) (9)

I Bid 12451 16 1558.40 14009.56

2 Gcoral 1139182 759243 95400 1993825

3 Man)legaon 625910 419643 1045553

4 Ambe)ogal 251500 28417 408997 3600 85 IO 701024

5 Kal) 35120 1165803 71 82 12081.05 46

TABLE 18.5 - COllld

Name of Area tmaated by source (m hectaru) C.D. Block , Government Well Well (wtlh Tube-well Tank Riv~r Othen Total ,canal electnclI Y) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

6 Patoda 3511.08 4320.22 783130

7 Ashli 9798.43 1423.74 8986.26 SS.62 68.40 203324S DIStrict Total 33826.63 1707.91 S3294.SO 71.82 IS94.40 1094.72 68.40 91658.38

Percentage (36.91) (1.86) (S8.J.S) (0.08) (1.74) (119) (0.07) (100.00)

12.6 Within the district cultivated area is 84.67 per cent cent of the cultivated area of the district is irrigated. Ashti of the total area. Tahsils exceeding the district average tahsil tops with 17.07 per cent of the cultivated area under percentage of cultivated area arc Bid (84.80%), Gcorai irrigation. Other tahsils exceeding the dislricl average are (91.93%) and Manjlegaon (89.59%). The remaining four Bid (10.55%) and Goorai 13.83%). The remwning 4 tahsils tahsils are below the district average (84.67%). 10.19 per arc below the district average (Table 19). TABLE 19 Distribution of villages according to Land use (in hectares)

Name orc D. Block No. of tnhabtted villages Total area Percentage of cuJuvable Pe;eentage DC imgated area area to total area to-total cultivable area (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Btd 224 15666197 84.80 \ 1055

2 Georat 193 156810 56 9193 1383

3 ManJlegaon 199 16416641 8959 711

4 AmbeJosal 146 128992.64 80.19 6.78 S Katj 186 174307 22 8315 8.34

6 Paloda 160 13320446 8095 7.26

7 Ash!t 161 14809759 8041 17.07

Dlstnct TOlal 1269 106224085 8467 10.19

Noill Cull1vable area =Imgalcd area + Untmgated area

13. BRIEF NOTE.oN TOWN DIRECTORY Ahmadnagar and Latur respectively, located at a distance betwccn 30-60 kms. from the respective towns. In the mauer 13.1 There are 7 towns in the district and of these 6 of prOXimity to the nearest city other four towns in Bid are mUnicipal towns and one IS a census town. Four towns district are located between 70-102 kms. from the nearest namely Ambejogai, Bid, Manjlcgaon and Parh have been city. All the towns are not linked by.railway. The only enjoying the urban stat~s from 1901 census onwards. Dharur railway statIOn is at ParlL Other towns can avail rail faCIlIty and Georai have been enjoying the urban status from 1931, from the towns of Parh, Jalna, Road and whereas Ashti census town enjoys the same from 1941 Ahmadnagar. The district is not much effected by onwards. Bid town IS the headquarters of Bid dlslrict. urbanisation and urban mfrastructure. An idea regardmg the 13.2 Over the decades, the old towns have expenenced scale of financial transactions of the civic boches may be a vaned history of growth from 1901 to 1991. In 1991, 3 had from the data presented 10 Statement III of the Town out of the '] towns of the dislncl have population of less Directory. than twenty five thousand. Statement I 0'£ Town Directory 13.4 Data on ciVIC amenities shows that all the 7 towns shows the growth rate in the to~ns for the last 9 decades as are having dralOageAfacilitles 10 the f

13.6 In the state slums 10 class I (1 Ia~h & above) and class II towns (50,000-99,999) ar.e notifIed by competent authorities. There is one class ~ and two class II towns 10 the distrICt. However there are no notIfied slums within the muniCIpal hmits of these towns (Table 20). under-developed districts in the State. Presence of raIlway TABLE 20 lank contrabutes 10 development of industries but Proportion of Slums Population in Town unfortunately Bid is not well connected by rail. This is one of the reasons for It's industrial backwardness. There are Oass, name and CIVIC ProportIOn of !he slums Density 10 slums Status of the town population to total (Per sq km.) only 4 co-operative sugar factories in the district. The populalton of the town (I) (2-) (3) existmg mdustrial establishments are mostly very small m size. The employment m non-agricultural sector depends II AmbcJogal (M) There are no noltfilltl slums Within the MUniCipal limits mainly upon the village cottage industries. Bid (M) There are no noltfied slums Within the MUnlClpallunlts 14.2 The mdustrlal polIcy of the State is based on the II -Parh (M) There arc no noltfitJ slums 'basic decision to encourage mdustries in the developing and wlthm the MUnlClpalltmlts under-developed areas in the district and to disperse 13.7 MedIcal faCIlities are available m all the 7 towns. industries from the heaVIly congested areas of Bombay, FaCilities of higher educatIon at degree level and above are Thane and Pune. In the dIstrict, there are industrial estates available m all the 7 towns. AmbeJogaa (1) and BId (2) towns in Bid and Parh. MIDC has developed land for seuing up have polylCchmc institutions .• The only MedIcal college m of mdustnes such as' proccsslOg leather and manufacturing the district is at AmbcJogai town. The facilities for studying of electrIcal appliances. ThIs area IS given to small scale as m engineenng degree courses arc available at Latur, Vllad,. well as large scale industries. Aurangabad and Nanded towns whIch arc about 50 to 165 14.3 The most important small scale industries in the kIlometres from the towns not havmg this facilIty. distrIct arc leather pnx;cssing and manufacturing of el~trical 13.8 The facility of stadium is available m only two applaances.. Other regIstered units are Oil mills, Saw mills towns, while cmema theaters are available in all the 7 towns. ctc: which are located m BId and Parli. Sugar and cotto~ Ambejogal, BId and Parh towns have 7,3 and 2 audltonal mills also eXIst m the dlstnct but they are few in nu~ber. drama halls respectively. The facllaty of readmg rooms and Some anCillary commodity manufacturmg units such as public libraries IS aVailable an all the lowns of the district. PlastiC pIpeS and bags, Rough paper, Poha and confectionery 48 arc seen in the district. The district is under-deveJopcd as 14.4 Though BId district ]s undcr-developed In fhe Stale, far as industries are concerned, as such there is no big Ihe mcrease in the factories in the district has been quite mdustry in the district. Only in the power generating and sporadiC in as much as the number has swelled from 55 in sugar factories, the number of workers employed exceeds 1982 to 121 in 1939. Thus the growth is about 120.00 per 500. The following statement gives m detail the number of cent over 19~2. Total employees working 10 Central and r('!!istcred factories with number of workers employed at the Slate Goverllment and local boliles numbei 32,000 State and district level Since 1982. accounung for 1.47 per cent of the total State employees.

Number of registered factories and 'Workers 1982·89

Years Slate/Dlslncl 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 (1) (2) (3) (4) (:5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Maharashtra State Factones 20,342 21,052 21,628 22,451 23,889 24,971 :1.5,839 21),814 Workers 1,098,497 1,116,833 1,119,649 1,128,806 1,149,575 1,138,000 ),134,454 1,160,065 Bid Di~trict FaClones 55 74 96 96 93 99 115 121 Workers 3,656 3,788 3,689 4,142 4,435 3,907 5,225 5,830 District Pen'entage to State Factones 027 035 044 0.43 039 0.40 045 045 Workers 033 033 033 037 039 0'34 046 050 Percentage Increase over 1982·Stale Factones + 3 49 +632 + 10 37 + 1744 +2276 +'2702 + 3182 Workers + 3 49 + 193 +276 + 465 +360 +327 + 5 60 Percentage increase over 1982-Bid Faclones + 34 55 + 74 55 + 74 55 +6909 + 8000 + 109 09 + 12000 Workers + 161 + 090 + 1329 + 21 31 +687 +4292 + 59 46 Source Director of Industnes, Maharashtra

15. TRADE AND COMMERCE 15.2 The chief Import arUcles are Cement, Steel, 011 seeds, Kerosene, Cloth and PlastIC granules etc. Most of 15.1 The chIef export artIcles of the district are jowar, these goods are Imported from neighbounng distriCts and baJra, cotlon, groundnut oil and turdal. They are malOly Bombay. BId and Ambejogar arc two Important trade centres. exported to lalna and Aurangabad dIstricts (Statement VII Table 21). Workers in Trade and Commerce

TABLE 21 15.3 As per 199"census, the number of persons Most important commodity manufactured, engaged In trade and commerce In the distrIct ,Stands 32710, imported and exported in towns constituting 4.31 per cent

Class, name and CIVIC Most lJl)portallt commodity of the total maIn workers SUtus of the town Manufactured Exported Imported About 165 bankmg (1) (2) (3) (4) InstItutions were funct­

II Ambcjogal M Groundnut 011 Foodgrams Rice IOnIng in the dlstnct 10 V Ashll Leather goods CT BaJra Groundnutot! 1988-89. Out of these 70 Bid M Leather goods Leather goods Leather per ceot were workmg 10 IV Dharur M Groundnut 011 Confectionery Ooth & Ktrana rural areas and 30 per cent Goods 10 urban areas of the dlstnct. The bankmg faCIlity was ill Georal M Gmnmg COllon Jowar Sugar available to 78 Villages towns 10 the distriCt. There were 9 ill ManJlcgaon M Groundnut 011 Cotton bales Wheat bankmg InStitutIOns per 100,000 populauon 10 the dIStriCt. II Parh M Electnc bulbs Edible ot! Oil seeds The followmg statement Indicates the number of Villages having bankmg faCilitIes and the number of banking InstItutIOns. 49

IJanking institutions in the district, 1988.89 ?pita receipts fur seven lowns of the distnct works out to No. of vu!ag~:,1 Rs. 146.35. or which Rs. 62.19 are received through local towns where Srh. duled Co-operallve Dtttr!cllfshsu banking bll.

1 Bid 8 14 15 expenditure incurred per 2. Geonti 14 \4 10 head is Rs. 134.10, of 3. Manjlqaon 12 13 11 WhiCh Rs. 25.28 are spent 4. AmbeJogal 12 19 11 on general admmlstraUon, 5. Kaij 12 IS 10 Rs. 54.15 on publIc health 6. Patoda 8 8 4 1. Ashti 12 13 II and conveniences, Rs. nistnet TQtal 78 96 69 19.53 on public works, Rs, l.57 on pubhc institutions and Rs. 33.57 on all other aspects. Among all the towns. both Source' Distnct Stattstical Abstract, DIr(U;lOiatc of EconOlllic$ anti Statistics. 1988-89. the receipt received and the expendIture incurred per head. 15.4 Bid; Oeorai. Manjlcgaon and Ambcjogni being are the highest in Gwral town. important trade centres have more than half of the total 16.2 Total receipt of towns has increased in 1991 118 number of banking institutions m the district. The Slate Dank compared to 1981. It has mcreascd by more than two timts of India works as ,~ U'easury for the district. in Manjlegaoll, three tlm('lS m Bid and four times in 16. MUNICIPAL FINANCE Ambejogai towns. The expenditure has also increased by more than double m Manjiegaon and more than 3 times in 16.1 Table 22 gives per capita receipts and expenditure Georal and Parli towns. (in rupees) for each town in the district. The average, per TABLE 22 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns

Percaplta Recetpt (in Rs ) ExI>em.htul't' (m Rs ) Class. name and Total Rece1pt Receipt Total General F.xperull- Public Expendt- Other ciVIC su.tus of receipt through from all expendi- AdmmlS- tUle on WOlks lure on aspects the town taxes other ture traUOIl Pubhc Public sources Health mstttu- and con- ttQllS velllences (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (8) (10)

II AmbeJogai M 11052 958 10094 9475 2001 41.60 1066 22.48 V Ashtt C.T 2595 1146 1449 23.69 701 7.43 791 1.34 Old M 15779 8094 7685 13941 2574 76(1.) 23.91 13.16 IV Dharur M 12691 51.14 7577 91.85 2874 867 16.36 38.08 ill GeOI1ll M 23021 120 35 109 86 22273 2143 4348 2024 418 13340 ill Manftegaon M 95.93 S302 4291 94.88 28.59 2042 1321 326 29.40 11 Parh M 17454 6949 10505 17139 3011 6552 2431 417 46.78 All Towns 14635 6219 .8416 1'3410 2528 5415 1953 157 33.57

17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORT· stalls. Large quan- ANCE tities of agricul­ Fairs tural produce and other artIcles of 17.1 A large number of fairs are held 10 the dtstrict. Most of the fairs held in the district are associated with daily use are 1 • brought for sale. Important" deities and religious festivals. So far as trade IS , t I" ~ ~eopJe buy nece­ concerned. fairs are complementary to the w~kly markets. ssary articles in II) the fairs the traders and shopkeepers set up temporary "-II. these frurs. In this 50 di.triet three f"ill Me v~ famous, One is held in MaTch­ existence. InsJde could be ~n a mosque, probably as old April i,e. or me Twm'impure Devi which is celebmted on 8 ~ the fort itself. The fort of Oharur presents an interellting Mare)) and lMU for l' to 16 days at villuge TalwOOa, Ocorn! phenomenon both from ~hc points of new of human Tuhlil. The other two fairs pre the ShivlU'UU'i fair Dt Bid, on ingenuity and naturallandscapc: 1M MarkarBunknll1U day Dnd the PnrJi Vaijnath fuir at Parli. Atlhtl on the Mahashivratri day itself, These three fuirs attract nearly 50.000 Of more people. Besides the main fairs 17.7 AshU iii the birth plnce of tho famous historical mentioned above. there are Olhcr 471 rural and 11 urban figure Dnd philanthropist AhU)'ubai Holkat. 'th~r~ is tt dursah C"in in lhe di.uict. Moreover, it is the month April in which of Hazrut Sah Bukhari, .. Mugtim avuH)'lt. \he ~imum i.e. a 196 Cairs are held, liS. MAlOK CHARACTERISTICS 0' THE DISTRICT Place. or Historicallnd Tourist Importance tl.l [:)Ui to the dtouaht cooditian8 pr~vltiHnJ in the 17.2 Old temples and pienic poinll in the district pttl)' dl~ttic, fut pg~t fow )'Iilatli, it has not mt1d0 rut)' Ilignlficat1t an important role in shapUli the socio-ooonomie pattern of dent 1n agriculture altd industry. The dhitrh:t iii fiot endowed 8 dillU'lct. In Patoda tahsil, the Ramcshwar temple amidst with major economic rcsources, viz. agrlcultur.ll land, fishery the voJley is spectacular. During the period of July to or an abundance of mineral deposits. The main crop of the September. water fall is worth seeing. creating spectacular dislIict is jowar. Besides this, colton and sugarcane 1S also scenery and attracting many people from and outs1de the grown on small scale. Some of the agricultural products arc disll'ict. The 'Kbazana' well is located about 5 kms. from exported to nearby dislIicts of Nanded i.lnd Aurangabad~ The Bid tahsil. The speciality of the well is its constant level of dislIict imports most of the nc,cssary commodities. Majority water i.e. 10-12 feet and it was built dudng the lime of of the workers are engaged in' I'.~tricu,lturc as cultivators and SaJabat Khan. The centres of attraction of this disltict are agricultural labourers. The district has an under-developed ill old temples and historical places. agrarian economy. Bid 18.2 In addition to agriculture, there are a few small sized industr1es viz. four sugar factories besides power 17.3 In Bid town of the diSll'ict, there is a beautiful generating industry. Small sized units df leather processing, temple of 'Kankaleshwar'. The temple was built during the manufacture of elccll'ical appliances elc. are also seen in the time of Yadavas and is well maintained as can be seen from dlsll'ict. The chief indusUial products include confectionery, the art and sculptures which are intact even today. Besides leather goods, sugar, and cloth eLe. Rich mineral deposits there is the Jatashankar temple, Khandeshwar temple are not found in the district. Sand and stone are aVailable Khandoba temple at Bid. for construction purposes, Pard Vaijanath 18.3 Tourism has not developed in this district. There 11.4 ParH is well known for the shrine of Vaijanath are a few old temples, pIlgrim places and picnic points where cOHiliHting one of the twelve famous Jyotirhngas of India. there are local gatherings. Presently the youth peace forest Amtmg the major Ganesh temples mentIoned 10 the 'Ganesh project has been undertaken at Manjri 10 Bid. The object is MaJuttmya', four temples namely of Llmbaganesh, Navgan to develop 25 acres of land by tree plantation, development RajUri. Gangamasla and Namalgaon. of foresL.. , housmg complex and lake resort and create a picnic spot. 17.5 The Samadhi of the famous poet Mukundraj, IS locahld at a place 3 kms. away from AmbeJogai and his 18.4 'Maralhl' IS the local language of the distrICt. The books UtI Saraswati Goddess are a valuable contnbuuon. The meal consists of Roti and dal. Gancsh Ustav, Slumga, Dlwah, pitgrlitt place of Kaplldhara is located about 19 kms. away Ramnavml, Hanuman Jayantl, Muharram arc the relIgIOUS from Did tahsiL This place is famous as the meditation place festivals of the people but Makarsanknmti and Mahushivratri uf t~ ttisht Kl1}'Ult1uni. "Besides, there is the MukundraJ are the most Important fesuvals of the distriCt. People from Sllmadhl at Ambejogni. the neighbouring districts viSIt theIr native places willi n View to participate in the fatrs and festivals of the dl!llf"t. ttl 'fir" general the social and cullural life of the people hus been 17,6 Tho hlU fort of Charur is over 400 years old. 1t quIte peaceful during the decades. oCfcts 11 punoNmic view of the surfoundinS8. llefote it was Contribution of the District captured by AUfnnazcb, it chnnsed hnnds several times wnonpt the k1naOOrnI or Bijupur, Bidnr and Ahmadnugar. 18.5 BId dIstriCt has gIVen authors, freooom fighters The fort Is toe_ Itt I cnstance of about a furlung to the and soc.:ial· workers to the natIOn. Even from early times wMt .. r 1"11. ••• It (nt'. hill tinge with an average height or Ambejogai known as a great centre of education. Tho first metres. There are what appears to be, the Md foremost Mamthi poet Mukundmj hails from this district. I aates of which only the frames are now in The saint poet Dasopant lived and died here.





The 'VilJage Directory' is one of the traditional Appendix II, Land utilisation dala for census towns; compilations of the census. The format of the directory is Appendix Ill. C.D. Blockwise list of villages with no almost the same as was prescribed in the ] 981 census. It amenities other than drinking water facility; gives the ljst of vi1Jages, their location code numbers, 16eir area, population, amenities such as educational, medical, Appendix IV. C.D. Blockwise list of villages according communications, drinking water facilities etc. available to to proportion of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes them and also' the land use of each village. For this population. purpose. villages have been arranged tahsilwi..-;e in order of The above four appendices were also prepared for 1981 their locauon code numbers. The inclusion of alphabetical District Censu.'1 Handbook. The latter two are expected to list of villages with 1991 census population and the map help the planners for planning inputs in areas/villages where of every tahsil depIcting location of Villages by population basic infraslructure is lacking and also for evolving suitable SIze, urban-spread and important infrastructural facilities plans for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled available therein will further help the readers in identifying Tribes. any village in the tahsil. The Village Directory format has 18 columns and the 'Village' is a statutory recognised unit having a definite details giVen under each column arc as under: boundary and separate land records. In case a complete Column 1 gives the location code number of each village is treated as an outgrowth of urban agglomeration, village as this is necessary for identification of the village. data on amenities and land use for that village, have not been given in the Village Directory but shown along with Column 2 presents the name of the village. For filling the urban component. For those villages which have partly up of this column. 1981 District Census Handbook fias been used as the basis. This also includes the forest and merged in an outgrowth of U.A. data pertaining to uninhabited villages. remaining part of the village is shown In the Village Duectory and for the part merged or treated as an Column 3 shows the area (in hectares) of the village outgrowth, the details have been given under the concerned as mdicated by the Slate Revenue Department. urban agglomeration. Land use data for Villages treated as Column 4 gives the population and the number of Census Towns (Urban) in 1991 census can be seen in households in each village, to examine the correlation AppendiX II of the Village Directory. between the amenities available to the population and the If a village has fully merged into another village, the number of households. Figures given within brackets against location code number and name of the merged village are total population denote the number of households ID !he given both in the Village Primary Census Abstract and the village. Village Directory at the appropriate place. nata in respect Data on amenities such as educational, medical, of these two villages put togeti)er appear against the village drinking water, post and telegraph, days of marketlhat, with which the o!her village has merged. communi-cations etc. are shown under columns 5 to 10 of the Village Directory. In case if an amenity 18 not available The 'uninhabited' villages (villages with no population) within the referrent village, a dash( -) is shown in the have been indicated as such after furnishing details in column and next to it, in brackets the distance from the columns 1 to 3 I.e., the location code number, name and village in broad ranges viz., upto 5kms, 5-10 kms an~ 10+­ arca of the Village. In addition to all the above details, kms. to Lhe nearest place where ~e facility is available has followmg four appendices to Village Directory have also been given. This will help not only for local area planning been mcluded. but in regulating the proviSIOn of goods and services a~ Appendix I, C.D.Blockwise (Rural) abstract of well, so as to mmimlse the regional imbalances in the edUCatIOnal, medical and other amenttics; process of dcvelopment. 54

Column 5 shows the number of educational institutions Nursing home NH viz., primary or elementary school, junior secondary or RegislCred private practitioner RP middle school, mau-iculation or secondary school, higher Subsidised medical practitioner SMP secondary/intermediate / pre-university/junior coltcge, Community health worker CHW college, industrial school, trainning school, adult literacy school/centre and other educational institutions (sanskrit Others (specify) o pathshaJa, senior basic school, makhtab etc). Column 7 gives information regarding availability of If in a village, secondary school has middle and drinking water within the village. In case more than one primary classes also the same has been counted as three source is available to the viUage the same has been school i.e. secondary, middle and primary school. In case, lDdicated. Following abbreviations have been used for there are more than one institution of any type m a village indicating the source of drinking water in the village ;- their number is indicated within brackets against the Tap water T prescribed abbreviation.Following abbreviations have been Well water W used for presenting data on educational amenities :- Tank water TK Primary or elementary school P Tubewcll water TW Junior secondary or Middle school M Handpump (Bo({~weIl) HP Matriculation or Secondary school H River water R Higher secondaryjlntcrmediate/Pre­ Fountain F universitylJunior coUege PUC Canal C CoUege, Any coUege (graduate level Lake L and above) like Arts, Science, Spring S Commerce etc. C Nallah N Industrial school I Others (specify) 0 Training school Tr Information not available NA Adult literacy class / centre AC Other educational institutions Column 8 provides the postal facihlles such as post office. telegraph office, post and telegraph office and (Sanskrit pathshala, Senior basic telephone connections available in the village. Following school, Makhtab etc). o codes are adopted for indicating the information.

Column 6 provides data on medical facIlIties availab1e Post office PO in the village. Various types of medical institutions included Telegraph offIce TO and codes used for them are as follows ;- Post and Telegraph office PTO Hospital H Telephone connection Phone Maternity and child welfare centre MCW Maternity home MH Column 9 presents the mformation on day or chlys of Child welfare centre CWC the market / hat that held m the vJllage. ThIs information is based on local enquiry and generally relates to weekly Health centre HC or bl-weekly market If the market is held daily. monthly Primary health centre PHC or fortnightly it has been recorded accordlDgly. If market/ Primary health sub-centre PHS hat is not held in villages of the concerned tahsil at all. Dispensary D thIS column has been left blank. Family planning centre FPC Column 10 gives information as to whether the village T. B. ClInic TB IS served by any mode of public transport like bus, rail and water-way and the same has been indicated as follows ;- Bus stop BS 1. Forests

Railway station RS 2. Not available for cultivation -

Navigable water-way (including river, (a) Lands PDl to non-agricultural uses canal, back-water etc). NW (b) Barren and unculturable lands Column 11 refers to the state of roads etc. leading 10 the village. This is useful in determming as to whether the 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow lands· village is approachable bolh in fair and foul weather, and (a) Permanent pastw"cs and other grdZing lands. whether it is inaccessible only for some time in the year. The approach to village has been indIcated by the following (b) Lands under miscellaneous tree crops and codes: groves not included in the net area sown.

Pucca road (Cement concrete, Black (c) Culturable wastes. top, Water bound macadam) PR 4. FaUow lands - ~ocha~d ~ (a) Faliow lands olhcr than cwrent faflows Foot·palh FP NaVIgable river NR (b) Current fallows Navigable canal NC 5. Net area sown

Navigable water-way (other than river Column 14 includes all lands classed as forests under or canal) NW any legal enactment dealing With forests or administered as forests, whether State-owned or private, and whether Column 12 gives the information of the nearest town wooded or ntalOtained as potential forest land. The area of and its distance in kilometres in bracket from the referent crops raised in the forest and grazing lands or areas open vaJlage. In case, the nearest LOwn is located in another state, for grazing WIthin the forests has been included under lhe the name of the state has also been furnished. forest area . Column 13 relates to the availability of power supply Columns 15 and 16 cover all agriculLural lands to the village. The various codes used for this purpose are mduding the net area sown Wlth crops and orchards or net as follows :- cropped area and also current and other fallow lands. The Electricity for domestic purpose ED latter would Imply all lands which were taken up fQr Electriclty for agriculture EAG cultivalJon, but are temporanly out of cultivation for a Electricity for other purpose like indus- pcnod of not less than one year and not more than five years. The columns does not lOclude gross area sown or trial, commercial etc. EO gross cropped area. Net area sown thus represents the area Electricity for all purposes listed above EA sown WIth crops and orchards. Area sown more than once in the same year has been counted only once. Column 15 In case the power supply is released only for specific indicates extent of lITigated lands under various types of purpose, say agriculture or other it has been stated lfrigatlon. The following codes an respect of the sources are accordingly. In case the clectricity is not avadablc to the adopted :- village, a dash( -) has been mentioned in the column. Government canal GC Columns 14 to 18 give the details about land utilisation. The land use pattern given in the Village Pn vate canal PC Directory conforms to the pattern of classification of land Well (Without electricity) W usc as recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The Ministry of Agriculture has Well (WIth clectncity) WE recommended the maintenance of records of land use Tube-Well (Without electricity) TW pattem under five categories. These are as follows :- 56

Tube-Well (With electricity) TWE may be assessed or un assessed and may be in isolated blocks within cultivated holdings. Lands under thatching Tank TK grasses, bamboo, bushes and other groves for fuel etc. River R which are not included under orc.hards or forests are mcluded in this category. All grazing lands, whether they Lake L are permanent pastures and meadows or not, village Water fall Wf common and grazing lands within forest area are also included in this column. Others (specify) 0 Column 18 includes the lands not available for Total T cultivation such as barren, unculturablc land and land put Column 17 gives infonnation on culturable waste lands to non-agncultural use. All lands occupied by buildings, and includes all Jands avaiJable for cultivation whether nOl roads, railways, rivers, canals etc. form part of the land taken up for cultivation Of taken up for culUvation once but under non-agricullural uses. Barren and unculturable lands not cultivated during the preceding five years or mOre in include mountains, rocks, deserts etc. which cannot be succession. Such lands may be either tiillow or covered brought under cultivation, except at a very high cost. with shrubs and jungle.~ which are not put to any use. These 57


LQcauon Sr. No. Name of villages Code No. Merged in towns and Olltgrowths 1981 (1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Ashti (R) 118 Merged in Ashti Census Town MAHARASHTRA TAHSIL BID DISTRICT BID

"'" 2_t=:__ "*==::'j4i.._i::::::::::i' Km

5 I G E o A




~CIlCLES !!!1 .!:!!l!!'~ '"



Sr. Name orVallage Code. Populaaion Sr. NameofValla.e Code. PopuJauon No. No. No. iI! No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Adgaon 95 7CY2 38 Chakurwadi 182 837 2 Aher Dhanora 85 1106 39 Chandani 219 280 3 Aber Nimgoon 68 332 40 Chandcgaon 221 587 4 Aber Wadgaon 154 1797 41 Charahata 42 2117 5 Aherchincholi 5 1623 42 Chaudaswadi 170 192 6 Ambesawali 129 622 43 Chausala 211 5434 7 AmbiJ Wadgaon 193 749 44 Chavanwadi (N. V.) (lCY2) 93 320 8 Anandwadi 158 316 45 Chincholi Mali 77 702 9 Anandwadi (N. V.) (70) 69 880 46 Dahiphal (Chincholi) 76 637 10 Andhapuri Ghat 195 805 47 Dahiwandi 190 38 11 Anjawati 198 1835 48 Ocorayachiwadi (N. V.) (46) 52 310 12 Antharvan Pimpri 73 1479 49 Devi Babhulgaon 215 1069 13. Aurangpur 55 279 50 Dhangarwadi 150 935 14 Awalpur 21 336 51 Dhavjachlwadi 179 414 15 Babhal Khunta 136 522 52 Dhckan Moha 133 1523 16 Babhalwadi 115 435 53 Dhorwadi 125 488 17 Bahadarpur 2 678 54 Dhotra 212 156 18 Bahirwadi 74 580 55 D01phodwadi 176 727 19 BakarwaeJi 138 354 56 Ganganatbwadi 116 477 20 Balapur 192 664 57 Ganpur 75 9 21 Barhanpur 59 663 58 Gaulwadi 41 508 22 Bavi .213 3 59 Gawari 166 380 23 Bcdukwadi 114 398 60 Ghargaon 209 710 24 BcJapuri 13 427 61 Ghat Jawala 127 481 25 Belgaon 148 478 62 Ghat Sawli 139 1721 26 Belkhandi (Pa) 48 678 63 Ghosapun 14 1178 27 Beluca 23 1516 64 Gogalwadl 189 217 28 Bel wadi 120 402 65 Golangri 207 610 29 Bhalwani 46 490 66 Gundha 105 1068 30 Bhandarwadi 159 336 67 Gundhewadi 103 418 31 Bhatsangvi 56 568 68 Gunjala 101 248

32 Bhavanwadi 91 986 69 Hmg~ni 224 1053 33 Bid (Rural) 78 13671 70 Hingani (Havcli) 9 280 34 Bordevi 112 ,,350 71 Hingani Kh, 223 1488 35 Borkhed 200 1902 72 Imampur 89 870 36 Borphadi 92 1142 73 It 118 1222 37 Bramhagaon 134 235 74 Jadhavwadl (N. V.)(42) 44 459 60

1. BID C. D. BLOCK-- contd.

Sr. Name of Vtllage Code. P~uon Sr Name of Vtllagr Code. Population No. No No No (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

7S Jaitalwadi 173 459 114 Mahajanwadi 199 1110 76 larud 81 2242 115 Mahalas lawala 63 1739 77 leba Pimpri 222 1045 116 Mahindil 141 1314 78 lirewadi 70 791 117 Malapuri 53 2045 79 luj Gavhan 131 517 118 206 406 80 Kadamwadi 47 975 119 Mandav lali 152 772 81 Kakadhit'a 39 793 120 Mandavkhcl 1M 503 82 Kalegaoll Haveli 130 1287 121 Manewadi 204 636 83 Kalsamber 163 1180 122 Manjar Sumba 167 1494 84 Kambi 15 696 123 Mankurwadi 132 345 8S Kamkheda 16 2033 124 Manyarwadi 128 710 86 Kanadi 208 1110 125 Manzari Haveli 151 867 87 Karchondi 149 1329 126 Masewadi 146 586 88 Karegavhan 160 940 127 MauJ 135 828 89 Karzani 157 1034 128 Maujwadi 137 963 90 Katltoda 83 602 129 Mcngdewadi (N. v.) (42) 43 246 91 Katwatwadi 36 622 130 Mbalaspur 119 680 92 Kesapuri 124 471 131 Morgaon 187 2285 93 Ketura 24 824 132 Muggaon 113 303 94 Khadkighat 196 1305 133 Mulukwadt 147 1069 95 Khamgaon 6 602 134 Murshadpur (Raj un) 35 906 96 Khandala 186 959 135 Murshadpur (Ghat) 217 390 97 Khandepargaon 65 1545 136 NagputBk. 61 410 98 Khapar Pangn 28 1002 137 Nagput Kh. 62 1206 99 Khardewadj 177 843 138 Nagzari 50 797 100 Khundras 94 385 139 Nalwandi 80 3215 101 Kinhipai 12 212 140 NamaJgaon 11 403 102 Kolharwadi 87 1039 141 Nandur (Haveh) 7 710 103 Kolwadi 156 694 142 Nalhapur 97 2307 104 Kukadgaon 102 1052 143 Nawabpur 111 234 105 Kumbhari 194 534 144 Neknoor 172 8919 106 Kumsi 27 806 145 Nivdungawadi 175 318 107 Kurla 54 1714 146 Pali 155 3335 108 Limba Ganesh 145 2570 147 Palsingan 220 1578 109 Limbarui 32 1225 148 Palwan 40 1834 110 Limbarul 108 554 149 Pandharyachiwadi 180 677 111 Loladgaon 60 1097 150 Parbhani 123 1425 112 Loni (ShahaJanpur) 100 754 151 Pargaon Japti 8 372 113 Lonighat 201 1360 152 Pargaon (Slms) 18 1227 61

1. BID C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Village Code. PopulaUOll Sr. Name of Village Code ~lauon No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

153 Pategaon 109 378 189 Shnhabajpur 19 254 154 Patoda (Bel) 49 1530 190 Shuhajanpur (Kamldlcda) 17 754 155 Pcndgaon 10 1260 191 Shahajanpur (Limba) 31 270 156 Pimpaladevl 99 1028 192 Shahajanpur (Loni) 106 334 157 Pimpalgaon 117 683 193 Shidode 72 1451

158 Pimpalgaon Ghat 20~ 864 194 Shivni 82 1209 159 Pimpalgaon Mochi 84 745 195 Somnathwadi 142 289 160 Plmpalner 121 4359 196 Songaon 20 467 161 Pimpalwadi 45 1450 197 Sonpethwadi 161 436 162 Pimpargavhan 33 670 198 Sultanpur 210 543 163 Pimpamai 143 571 199 Surdithot 110 819 164 Pokhari 140 1261 200 Suryachiwadi (N.V.) (46) 51 234 165 Pokhari 144 863 201 Tadsonna 122 1990 166 POthra 218 899 202 Talegaon 34 1109 167 Rajkapur 64 178 203 Tandalyachiwadi 178 418 168. Rajuri Bk. (Navgan) 30 5115 204 Tandulwadi (Bhill) 3 651 169 Rajuri Ghodka 79 1537 205 Tandulwadi (Haveli) 4 513 170 Rakshas Bhuwan 57 510 206 Tandulwadi Ghat 191 917 171 Ramgaon 96 317 207 Tippatwadi 38 795 172 Ranjegaon 98 1121 208 Udandwadgaon 169 1106 173 Ratnagiri 165 444 209 Umrad (Khalsa) 67 668 174 Raulasgaon 197 994 210 Umradlagir 25 898 175 Rudrapur 22 477 211 Umri 66 284 176 Ruigavhan 205 433 212 Vaitagwadi 184 493 177 Rullimba 29 700 213 Wadgaon (Kalsamber) 162 415 178 Safepur 171 683 214 Wadgaon Gundha 104 1462 179 Sakhare Borgaon 185 821 215 Wadhavana 202 715 180 Sakshal Pimpri 1 2234 216 Waibatwadi (N. Y.) (84) 88 372 181 Samnapur 86 578 217 Waknathpur 58 547 182 Sanapwadi 174 430 218 Walipur 126 435 183 Sandarwan 107 506 219 Wangaon 188 888 184 Sasewadi 168 396 220 Wangl 90 1326 185 Satra 216 570 221 Wanjarwadl 37 1383 186 Saundana 26 832 222 Warwati 153 888 187 Sawanlwadl (N. Y.) (172) 183 492 223 Wasanwadi 71 862 188 Sawargaon Ghat 214 506 224 Yelambghat 181 2996

Total 224500 62 1. BID C. D. BLOCK VILLAGE !II!. .. .,.. I!IIII ... ---- II!'!_ ,ee~ tllII!!!lUI , ••" !!II. ~ .... lAHIlI Namf! gf VUI- •.., T"lIlllflll TPW - AmllnllJ@. InU.blll (If !lilt IIv,nliPlJ wlihltt lhl! vlll'll! II UI!r\ Q( !ho VWIIII! PgpulllUlm d•• 11 (,) ...hQwn 11'1 !)III millmll 1I® 1'lAll!llQ Ill" brapklll 11111 CIlIlI (Itt hll(!\Il1'f1 and Nil, Qf dl.lIIl1€1 \fI Inl,ljtd '1Ul,,_ vii" ~ .!lU, '-10 km •. @nd IOtll:m. pf NQ. l'Uundllci- ituuMoold1 _ Ill; ~Il~re., pl~~ _wltPRIIllII f'''_I\ll), ,. IIV~lllhl~ l_~~~Y~") Uph:t IW~ d04l\ft\al fWlI'" MlUfwlIl DriJdclI1j1: POJI PIIYQrdIlY· Olmm- rile,s) 11911111 waUl' "lid Qtlhe IIl1ifltioo ~lll) TIlIlI&fllpb mllltllt I (BII' $k!P. hilt, If lilly R4llw.y !iilldl)fl, WII!Cf WflY) :& , .. ! (I '1 8 9 10 - _ 1.CIRCLR

Slikaital Plmprt 1027.29 P:Z234 P PHS T PO Sun as H: 390 M CHW W H R Z Bahlldarpur 232.27 P:678 P CHW W,HP -(-~) ·(·5) as H:94 R 3 Tandulwadl CBhill) 4~O.7S P: 651 P CHW W +5) -(S·10) +~) H: J37 M liP R 4 Tandulwadi (Havel!) 33Ml P:S13 P -(.S) W .(-~) .(-S) as H: 11~ HI' R S Ahctchinch.oli 926.15 P: 1623 P PHS T.W PO .(5·10) BS H: 321 M CHW R

6 Khamgaon 230.76 P:602 P CHW T,W. +~) .(-5) .(-5) H: 126 R 7 NandUf (Haveli) 318.26 P:710 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(oS) -(oS) H: 149 R 8 PargllOn lapti 403.49 P:372 P CHW W,HP .(.5) +5) BS H:92 R 9 Hmaam (HaveU) 644.06 P:280 P -(-5) W,HP -(·5) -(-05) -(-5) H:72 R 10 Pcndgaon 422.65 P:1260 P PHS W,HP PO -(-5) as H: 246 M 11 Namalgaon 307.98 P:403 P(2) CHW W,HP ·(5·10) -(5.10) BS H: 80 M(2) R H 12 Kinhipai 207.90 P:212 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(1()+) -(.5) H:37 R 13 Bclapuri 198.14 P:427 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(10+) ·(-5) H:68 14 Ghosapuri 922.97 P: 1178 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 222 15 Kambi 407.48 P:696 P CHW W.HP PO -(10+) -(-5) H:117 16 Kamkheda 1150.32 P:2033 P(2) CHW T,W PO -(5-10) BS H:407 M HP 17 Shllhajanpur (Kamkhcda) 364.26 P:754 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS H: 165 1S l'araaon (Skal) 808,51 P: 1227 P CHW T,W, PO -(5-10) BS H: 222. M It H 19 Shllhabljpur 231.00 P:254 P CHW W,HP PO -(.5-10) BS H:57 It 20 Sonaaon 2.05,45 P:467 P CHW T,W PO -(.,5) BS H: 77 21 Awalpur 198.64 P: 336 P CHW W.HP -(5·10) -(5·10) -(.5) H: 51 R 22 Rudrapur 476.76 P:477 P CHW W.HP -(-5) .(·5) BS H: 85 23 Belura 819.64 P: 1516 P PHS W,HP PO .(5·10) BS H: 297 M CHW R 63 DIRECTORY

App"~ NIIJTII4I Pow{lr L1md "til ('.11, 1111;1 UIIdm' I

11 12 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18 NAVOAN RAJURI

PR Bid(13) BA W£(67.8S) 803.47 140.13 15.84

PR Bid(21) fA WE(12.2S) 193.02 27.00 Z

KR Bid(16) EA 6.00 WE(S4.00) 359.75 15.00 1600 3

PR BId(l7) EA WE(35.85) 26076 20.15 18.65 4 -

PR Bid(1S) EA WE(I40.70) 72370 3S.6O 26.15

KR Bid(14) EA WE(40.6O) IS3.86 15.45 20.85 6

KR Bid(14) EA WE(44.05) 255.01 15.95 3.25 7

PR Bid(t3) EA WE(32.40) 352.61 10.32 8.16 8

KR Bid(16) EA WE(60.44) 540.35 43.27 9

PR Bid(ll) EA WE(60.80) 328.26 33.5Y 10

PR Bid(10) EA WE(60.15) 214.61 33.22 11

KR Bid(IS) EA WE(30.45) 167.41 10.04 12

KR Bid(15) EA WE(21.49) 167.67 8.98 13

PR Bld(9) EA 14.00 WE(1330) 7j4.66 45.68 15.33 14

KR lJid(13) EA WE(81) til) 299.57 1851) 881 15

PR 8Id(12) GA 1500 W~(1l8 20) 113U9 829 21t~4 16 fK(200.90) PR Dld(17) EA 9.00 WE(M.OO) 293.604 l~.tIO 11.42 17

IlR Bld(ts) SA WB(34.37) 716.63 57.51 111

PR Bid(20) EA WE(SO.OO) 167.00 14.00 19

PR Bld(21) SA WE(15.3~) t8~.OO ~.10 20

KR Bid(19) EA WE(12.7S) 179.16 6.73 21

PR Bid(21) EA WE(l8.60) 262.10 40.41 22

PR Bid(20) EA WE(43.70) 61S.07 60.14 100.73 23 64

1. BID C. D. BLOCK~ contd. VILLAGE .... , , Loca Namo of VUlalle ToW.rea toll1 Amenilie1llW.ilable (if 1101 av4tiJable wilJl1n ~t' Yilbge a tlon of the "m.,e Populttioo clath (.) i. _howl! ift the CllllI1ftIIlind ,.it to it in bracket the Code (in beWIj'es and No. of duaMoe in bralld tlii1_', viz. 5 krill, 5·10lun'.anu 10+ltm. of No. rounded household. die ncart~t place whllN the (aality i$ .".iLllbtc is given) uptotwo ... -.-.~ M~l(;al DhnkUlS; Day or days , C(lmm- decunal Educa- POI' water .tn.j plat-es) bonal oflhe Iini~alJ«I (potable) TeleiNtph markel/ (Bus SlOp. 11M, If any Railway SLal.iOtl, Waterway) 1 3 4 5 6 7 S (} fO

24 Ketura 613.12 . P:824 P CHW T,W, -(5-10) -(5-10) -(.5) H: 188 M R 25 Umradlagir 605.91 P:898 P cnw W,HP +5) ·(10+) as H: 188 M R 26 Saundana 420.05 P:832 P CHW W,HP -(5·10) .(5-10) BS H: 14S 27 Kumsi 893.54 1':806 l' CHW W,H1' -(-5) ·(:'1-10) .(-S) H: 142 28 Khapar Pangri 854.71 P: 100l P CHW T,W -($-10) -(5.-10) as H: 168 M 29 Ruilimba 520.48 1':700 P ·(-5) W,HP +5) -(.5) -(-5) H: 167 R 30 Rajuri Bk.(Navgan) 2582.36 P: 5115 P(3) PHC T.W. PrO Sat as H: 1026 M RP(3} HP H CHW 31 Shahajanpur (Limba) 241.05 P:270 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:58 32 Limbatui 592.04 P:122.S P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) as H:255 R 33 Pimpargavhan 783.40 P:670 P CHW W,K -(5-10) -(5-10) as H: 127 34 Talegaon 777.12 P: 1109 P PHS W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:200 RP CHW 35 Murshadpur (Rajuri) 382.04 P:906 P CHW W,R PO -(-5) BS H: 186 36 Katwatwadi 879.13 1':622 P CHW W,HP -(-5) ·(-5) BS H: 121 37 Wanjarwadi 647.55 P: 1383 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:Z66 (641 38 Tippatwadi 879.i7 P:795 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 171 39 Kakadhira 534.88 P:793 P CHW W.R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 121 M 40 1'alwan 914.54 1': 1834 P CHW W,R PO -(-5) BS H:358 M 41 Gaulwadi 781.67 P:508 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:82 42 Charahata 1358.57 P: 2117 P(2) PHS T.W PO -(5-10) BS H:414 M CHW H 43 Mengdewadi (N.V.) (42) 329.86 P:246 l' -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(5-10) as H:53 44 Jadhavwadi (N.V.) (42) 384.35 P:459 P -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:58 45 Pimpalwadl 1489.61 P: 1450 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(10+) BS H:262 M R H 46 Bhalwani 1621.28 P:490 P CHW W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) , f ,~ ~ ~ J 1i:.84 , [ : " , [ t 47 Kadamwadi 388.81 P:975 P(2) CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS

I ~ I ~ i ( 4 ~ t • t ~,'149 R j I'~ ;1;1. WI 48 Belkhandi (Pa) 1825.34 P:678 P(2) PHS W,HP -(-5) :(}.~) . BS ...... ~ ...,.~ -- .~R:T76 ' -rnw "'R - , 6S DIRECTORY

Appro- Neal'tlSl Power Land usc (i e. area IUI

n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Bid(21) EA 'VE(~3.26) 491l.59 75.27 16.00 24

PR Bid(14) EA WE(55.65) 506.01 15.25 29.00 25

PR Bid(12) SA WE(21.60) 306.15 10.25 20.05 26 TK(62(0) KR Bki(lO) SA WE(8S.60) 766A9 25.80 15.65 27

PR Bid(9) EA WE(.l5.60) 783.67 965 35.85 28

XR Bid(l3) EA WE('30.60) 4:>9.53 10.25 20.10 29

PR Bid(14) EA 251.(17 \VE(250 60) 4357.84 R8.20 4060 30

KR Bid(12) EA WE(41.60) 18235 5.85 11.25 31

PR Bid(12) EA WE(4050) 495.29 2035 35.90 32

PR Bld(ll) EA 10.00 WE(40.1O) 60895 40,70 83.65 33

PR Bld(5) EA WE(20.25) 733.17 23.46 0.24 34

PR Bid(9) EA 9.00 WE(60.70) 267.87 15,85 28.62 35 PR Bid(16) EA • 36 PR Bid(15) EA • 37 PR Bld(9) EA • 38 KR Bid(7) SA 127.97 WE(4.00) 190,72 172.08 39 TK(40.11) PR Bid(5) SA 293.Q2 WE(24.92) 1009 21 ,44.06 25.00 40 PR Bid(1) EA • 41 PR Bid(13) EA WE(50.60) 1846.58 4884 126.76 42

PR Bid(14) £A • 43 PR Bid(17) £A • 44 PR Bid(13) EA 29.14 WE(20.75) 1300.08 113.24 26.40 45

KR Bid(19) EA 125.36 WE(l0.20) 1899.46 47.40 53.77 46 PR Bid(20) EA • 47 PR Bld(25) EA 118.18 WE(41.60) 1785.48 5617 212.72 48 66


Loca Name of VIll.ac TOlalarea Total Amenilles Bvatiable (if not avauable within the village a lion of the village Population duh (.) is shown m the column and next to It in bracket the Code (in heClarc. and No. 01 distance in broad ranges viz. 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and 1O+kms of No. rounded households the Itearelt place where the faCility 18 available is given) uptolwo Drinking Day or days decimal Educa· Medical Post Comm· water orlbe placc.) lional and umcation (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hal. if any Ratiway Slation. Waterway) ;: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

49 'alodla (Bill) 1919.27 P! 1530 P(3) CHW T.W PO .(5.10) BS H:311 M R H ~ N.gzari 900.50 P: 797 P CHW W,HP .(5.10) .(10+) -(·5) H: 190 R $1 Suryaddwadi (N. V.) (46) 3Z~A5 P:234 P ·(10+) T,W .(10+) ·(10+) -(5·10) H:39 n DcoraYlM:hiwlldi (N.V.) (46) 189A6 P:310 P -(10+) W,HP -00+) -(10+) .(5·10) H:4~


MaJapuri 814.61 P:204S P CHW W,HP PO ·(-5) -(·5) '3 H:378 M ~ Kurt. 1264.84 P: 1714 P PHS W.HP PO ·(5·10) BS H: 331 M CHW H ~ Auran8J'U1' 237.36 P:279 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:57 56 Bhatsansvi 298.71 P:568 P CHW W,HP -(5·10) -(5-10) BS H: 125 Kwhas Bhuwan 415.01 P:510 P CHW W,HP -(5·10) -(5-10) BS H: 189 R "58 Wakna&hpur 432.67 P: 547 P CHW W,HP :(-5) ·(·5) -(·5) H:119 R ~ Bll'hanpur 358.41 P: 663 P CHW W,HP .(.5) ·(·5) -(·5) H: 127 R S) Loilidpon 503.53 P: 1097 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 215 R 61 NagapurBk. 543.53 P:410 P PHS W,HP PO -(-5) BS H: 87 CHW R

62 NagapurKh. 514.86 P: 1206 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 183 M R 63 Mahalas lawala 602.86 P: 1739 P PHS W.HP 1'0 Tue BS H:371 M H 64 Rajkapur 285.50 P: 178 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:34 65 Khandepargaon 619.61 P: 1545 P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) ·(-5) H:255 M 66 Umri 178.64 P:284 P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:60 67 Umrad (Khalsa) 408.17 P:668 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 124 R 68 AbCI' Nimgaon 265.05 P: 332 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 74 R 69 Anandwadi (N.V.) (70) NA P:880 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 178 70 Jircwadi NA P:791 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 162 71 Wasanwadi NA P: 862 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: ISO 67 DIRECTORY

Appro- He.,..' Pow." Land IIliI (til. area undilt dtfferent types q! land lI.e in Location Kit town,"" di.tlltlce Suppl, hllCtarcl roundlld upto two decimal pJltAll) Code I" (inkm.) No. villa,. Potest Irrigated OntmSlllcd CulLurable Arcs not by loofte waste available for (mcludinll cultivation llool:harlltld llrove.)

It 12 13 14 I~ 16 17 18

1'1 Bid(3O) SA 613.41 WB(40.50) 1212.74 35.17 17.45 49

KfC Bld(Z!J) SA 217.20 W£(tMO) 5S1.17 63.72 57.91 ~O 1(1( lJid(:%4) EA • 51 KI Bid(21) 2A • 52


Pit 8id(13} SA 14.00 W£(llO.SO) 630.77 10.25 49.15 53

PR BidOO) SA WE(225.60) 911.66 46.10 80.8& 54

PIt Bid(18) SA W£(10.25) 208.38 18.73 55

PK Bid(ZO) EA WE(25.1O) 237.32 10.60 2569 56

PR BJd(21) EA WE(50.60) 318.31 to.25 35.85 57

KR BkI(20) SA WE(1S.70) 386.02 5.85 25.10 58

KR Did(18) SA WE(2S.S0) 282.56 10.lS 40.10 S9

PR Bid(lO) SA WE(2SS.2t!) 210.80 37.45 60

PR Bid(13) SA WE(14.26) 479.69 20.00 29.58 61

PR Bid(12) EA WE(35.00) 446.47 33.39 62

PR Bid(15) SA WE(62.00) 468.86 20.25 51.75 63

KR Bid(22) SA WE(20.50) 240.45 9.10 15.45 64

KR Bid(1S) EA WE(280.10) 300.46 10.85 28.20 65

PR Bid(lO) EA WE(S.OO) 160.00 10.64 66

PR Bid(9) EA WE(25.6O) 364.93 7.32 10.32 67

PR Bid(6) EA WE(30.50) 216.21 15.32 3.02 68

PR Bid(4) EA NA 69

PR Bld(5) EA NA 70 PR Bid(5) EA NA 71, 68


Lnea Name of Village Total area Total Amenltie. available (If not available within the village a tioo of the village Populauon dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in bracket the Code (in hectares and No. of dlstanal in broad range. viz. S Iun •• S-IO km •. and 10+kms of No. rounded households the nearest place whCftl the facility is available is given) Uillotwo Dnnking Post Day or days decimal &luea- Medical Comm- places) tional water and oCthe unication (potable) Telearaph market I (Ru.Stop. hat. if any Railway Station. Waterway) 2 :4 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

12 Shldode 902.93 P: 1451 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:278 73 Antharvan Pimpri 701.97 P: 1479 P(3) PHS T.W. PO -(-5) BS H:337 M CHW HP 74 Bahirwadi NA P:S80 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 103 75 Ganpur 270.53 P:9 -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:2 76 DahiphaJ (Cbincholi) 369.03 P: 637 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:98 77 Chincholi Mali 467.22 P:702 P CHW W.HP -(oS) -(5-10) BS H: 127 78 Bid (Rural) 5114.00 P: 13671 P -(oS) T.W .(-S) ~-5) +·5) H: 3226 M HP 79 Rajuri Ohodka 897.96 P: 1537 P CHW W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) as \ H:288 M 80 Nalwandi 1805.49 P:3215 P(3) PHC W.HP PO -(5-10) BS H: 652 M(2) CHW Phone H 8t Jarud 1541.31 P:2242 P(3) CHW T.W. -(5-10) -(10+) BS H:423 HP 82 Shivni 869.84 P: 1209 P(2) PHS W.HP PO -(10+) as H:274 M CHW H

83 Kathoda 536.33 P: 602 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(10+) BS H: 104 84 Pimpalgaon Moelu 593.30 P:745 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 129 85 Aher Dbanora 353.92 P: 1106 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 173 86 Samnapur 400.53 P:578 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H:99 87 KolhatWadi NA P: 1039 P CHW W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:201 M 88 Waibatwadi (N.V.) (84) 461.48 P:372 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 65 89 Jmampur 837.96 P: 870 P CHW W.HP -(10+) -(10+) BS H:226 90 Wangi 1336.15 P: 1326 P PHS T.W. -(5-10) -(10+) BS H:300 M CHW HP 91 Bbavanwadi 688.79 P:986 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H:206 92 Borphadi 2034.94 P: 1142 P(2) CHW T.W, PO -(10+) BS H:290 M R 3. CIRCLE

93 Chavanwadi (N.V.) (102) 364.72 P:320 P -(-5) .HP.R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:62 94 Khundras 288.86 P:385 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:79 R 95 Adgaon 585.40 P:702 P CHW W.HP PO -(-5) BS H: 190 M R H- 69 .


Appro- Nearest Power Land we (i.e. atea under different types of land use in Lotabon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code 10 (in kin.) No. village Forest Impled Unirrigated CulUlrable Arcanot by source waste available for (mcludmll culuvatlOll goocharand groves)

11 12 13 14, IS 16 17 }8

PR Bid(S) EA 10.00 WE(34O.45) 466.25 69.25 16.98 12

PR Bid(S) EA 5.50 WE(110.20) 348.06 60.20 17.41 73 TK(160.60) KR Bid(3) EA NA 74

KR Bid(S) EA NA 75

PR Bid(6) EA WE(34.60) 312.85 21.58 76

PR Bid(S) EA WE(40.26) 327.60 26.48 72.88 77

KR Bid(3) EA 91.00 WE(295.97) 4261.11 60.40 405.52 78

PR Bid(8) EA WE(58.20) 587.51 67.73 73.93 79 TK(110.59) PR Bid(14) EA 20.00 WE(186.20) 1395.36 85.43 50.60 80 TK(67.90)

PR Bid(t5) EA WE(40.oo) 1253.08 65.27 117.96 81 TK(65.oo) PR Bid(10) EA 35.00 WE(I00.00) 693.25 481.92 98.46 82- TK(150.00)

PR Bid(10) EA 8.00 WE(50.00) 325.44 108.36 44.53 83

PR Bid(6) EA 297.70 WE(44.39) 599.00 17.96 95.73 84

PR Bid(S) EA WE(110.05) 124.09 26.15 93.63 85

KR Bid(6) EA 7.00 W£(127.60) 200.00 46.33 19.60 86

KR Bid(7) EA NA 87 KR Bid(8) EA • 88 PR Bid(lZ) EA 362.75 WE(70.'JO) 350,93 53.58 89

PR Bid(12) EA 36.00 "£(68.50) 1009.78 20.00 154.37 90 TK(47.50) KR Bid(16) EA 91

PR Bid(30) EA WE(3S'(lO) 1751.72 141.85 106.31 92 PIMPALNER KR Bid(32) EA • 93 KR Bid(33) EA WE(7.00) 241.80 11.95 28.11 94

PR Bld(32) EA WE(12.40) 499.70 3.60 69.70 95 70 I. BID C. D. BLOCg- contd. VILLAGE

Loc:a N."" of Villa .. TOI#I area T()LeI Amlmide. av.llahlo (jJ IWt tv. LIMb'" wlUlin Ill. viU ... II uon 0{ IlIc villase P"P"ia&ion da'" (.) iI .hown in llIe ~lumn 8IId nelt ID It In br.ckolllle Cod. (10 luu;:ure. and No. (If di.tllQI:4I in br0a4 ranse. vj~. 5 lelJlI, ~·IO kin •.•nd JO+kml of No. rounded hou.eboilh Ill" nClircs, pl&cc where Ifte (.cili~y II aVfll1aIU 1,"jvllIl) upwtwo Ilduca· ~u:aI Drinldna IJOIt Dayarda)'. Comm· decimal water placet) IUIrIfll anl.i orlbe ulJi~1UJn (potabl4l) Telograpb ma""", (Bu. SIDp. h., iean), IlaUw.y 5c.ItIon, WlI.Crw.y) Z 3 4 5' 6 7 B 9 10 96 Ramgaon 260.40 1':317 P .(.5) W,HP .(.j) +~) , .(.5) H:72 Jl 97 Natbapur 1775.50 P:2lO7 P(Z) PHS T,W, PO Sat as H: 551 M RP(2) HP Phone H CHW 9& Ranjegaon S8().29 P: Il21 P CHW T,W ·(.5) .,.5) +S) H:338 M R 99 PimpaJadevi 981.70 P: 10Z8 P PHC W,HP -(.5) ·(·5) .(·5) H:248 CHW R 100 Loni (Shahajanpur) 619.94 P:754 P CHW W,HP +S) +~) ·(·5) H: 179 101 Ounjm 261.15 P:248 P .(.S) W,HP -(-5) .(.5) BS H:53 R 102 KuIutd,aon 933.98 P: 1052 P PHS W.HP ·(S.10) Mon BS H:213 M CHW R 103 Oundhewadi ~.77 P:418 P +5) W,HP -(S.lO) ·(5·10) .(.5) H:93 104 Wadgoon Oundha 635.60 P: 1462 P -(.5) W,HP -(5·10) ·(5·10) BS H:292 M R lOS Oundha 591.25 P: 1068 P PHS W,HP .(5·10) .(5·10) BS H:243 M R 106 Shahajanput (Loni) 379.47 P:334 P CHW W,HP ·(·5) .(-5) BS H:92 107 Sandarwan 389.06 P:506 P CHW W.NP -(.5) ·(·5) BS H: 155 lOS Umbarui 30l.Z1 P:SS4 P .(-5) T.W -(oS) ·(-5) .(.5) H: iSS M 109 Pafepoft 278.91 P:378 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) ·(5·10) -(·5) 11:91 110 Surdithol 566.33 P:i19 P CHW W.HP ·(·5) -(·5) ·(·5) H: I8() M 111 Nawabpur 169.29 P:234 P .(5·10) W,HP .( ·5) ·(5·)0) ·(5·10) H:51 112 Bordcyj 414.86 P:350 P .(.;) W,NP ·(·5) ·(-5) ·(.5) H:9O 113 Maggaon 280.18 P:303 P CHW W.HP .(5·10) .(5·10) -(5-10) H:69 R 114 Bedukwadi 374.01 P:398 P CHW W.HP -(·5) -(.5) -(·5) H: 109 115 Babhalwadi 370.28 P:435 P CHW W,HP ·(·5) .(-5) ·(-5) H: 107 116 Ganganathwadi 645.04 P:471 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:96 117 PimpaIgaon Majara 415.45 P:683 P CHW T,W -( ·5) .(5·)0) BS H: 151 118 It 1421.55 P: 1222 P CHW W.HP -(·5) -(-5) BS H:244 M R 119 Mhalasapur 564.74 P:68O P ·(5·10) W,HP -(-5) -(.5) BS H: 170 R 120 Belwadi 559.23 P:402 P CHW W,HP -(·5) ·(-5) ·(·5) 8:67 121 Pimpalner 1539.59 P:4359 P(2) PHS T,W PO Thu BS H: 1125 M(2) RP(3) HP Phone H CHW 71


Appro- Neare;,! Power Land use (i.e. area under difCerenltypes of land use in Location ach town and d.,lance Supply hectares rounded upto two decm18l places) Code to (mlan) No. vUlase Foresl Impled UnirrlgaJed CulturabJe Area,," by souree waSle Ivallable ror (Ulcluding cultivation goucbarand IlOVes)

II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Bid(30) EA WE(14.60) 236.19 9.61 96

PR Bid(32) EA WE(210 50) 1416.52 18.06 130.42 97

KR Bid(36) EA WE(60.70) 481.69 9.65 28.25 98

KR Bld(35) EA 10.00 WE(120.35) 812.55 28.15 10.65 99

KR Bld(30) EA WE(SO.60) 542.19 27.15 100

PR Bid(28) EA WE(S.60) 239.56 4.25 11.74 101

PR Bid(30) EA WE(35.SO) 1162.96 4.32 95.92 102

KR Bid(26) EA 103

PR Bld(25) EA WE(67.04) 550.52 585 12.19 104

PR Bid(24) EA WE(110.20) 883.59 10.85 52.38 105

PR Bid(30) EA WE(lSO.60) 204.13 10.39 14.35 106

PR Bld(30) EA WE(10.50) 343.47 35.® 107

KR Bld(32) EA WE(5.00) 139.19 110.02 47.00 108

KR Bid(36) EA WE(40.1D) 203.08 10.61 25.12 109

KR Bld(37) EA WE(80.10) 433.63 15.25 37.35 110

KR Bid (37) EA WE(7.00) 157.85 0 ..51 3.93 111

KR Bid(35) EA WE(25.40) 371.01 11.36 7.09 112

KR Bid(31) fA WE(20.10) 219.81 30.00 10.21 113 KR Bld(30) fA • 114 KR Bid(32) fA • lU KR Bid(18} EA WE(119.40} 371.61 23.33 116 TK(130.70) PR Bid(16) EA WE(65.80) 343.21 6.44 117

PR Bid(18) fA WE(200.15) 1096.31 15.09 118 TK(llO.00) PR Bid(16) EA 9.00 WE(80.l0) 443.03 4.47 28.14 119 KR Bid(32) EA • 120 PR Bld(30) EA WE(380.20) 2348.31 8.76 105.84 121 72

1. BID C. D. BLOCK- contd. VILLAG,E

Loca Name: of Vtllagc TOlal area Tollil Amenitu,1 available (if nOi avaiJaI>le Wl!hUl Ihe vUlase It tion of the village Population dash (.) 11 shown in the colUmn and next lQ 11111 brfU.:ket the Code (in heclares and No. of diSiance Ul broad (lIllge. viz. 5 kin!, 5·10 kin •. and lO+km. of N.o. rounded households the nearest place where the faCility is available is givlln) uptotwo EduC3· MedICal Drinking Post Day or day. decimal Comm- ltonal waler and 'lithe plaoes) uni~llon (potable) Tlllegraph marJ(et I (Bus Stop, bat, If any Railway Stillion. Waurway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10

122 Tadsonna 982.55 P: 1990 P PRC W.liP PO -(-5) as H:449 M FPC Phone H CHW 123 Parbham 851.92 P: 1425 pet) CHW W.HP PO .(5·10) BS H: 315 M 124 Kesapuri 37323 P:477 P CHW W.HP .( -5) .(-5) -(-5) H: 91 125 Dhorwadi 79963 P:488 P -(·5) T,W. -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 126 UP 126 Walipur 490.89 P:435 P CRW T.W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 105 127 Ghal Jawala 583.93 P:481 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:95 128 Manyarwadl 354,87 P:710 P -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -\5-10) -(-5) H: 163 M 129 Ambesawali 733.28 P:622 P -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(S-10) -(-5) H: 170 130 Kalegaon Havel! 836.50 P: 1287 P(2) PHS W.HP -( -5) -(-5) BS H; 328 M 131 JujGavhan 383.28 P:517 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 104 132 Mankurwadi 482.44 P:34:5 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(.5) H:90 133 DhekanMoha 1273.64 P: 1523 P{2) RP(2) T.W PO Tue BS H: 369 M CHW HP H 134 Bramhagaon 367.81 P.235 P CHW W.HP -C-5) -(-5) BS H:58 135 Mauj 495.56 P:828 P PHS W.HP PO -(-5) BS H: 355 RP CHW 136 B abhal Khunta 429.50 P:522 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 151 137 MauJwadi 620.39 P:%3 P CRW W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H'204 138 Bakarwadi 987.65 P:354 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:89 139 Ghat Sawli 545.78 P: 1721 P(2) RP T.W PO -(5-10) as H:350 M 140 Pokhari 1086.02 P: 1261 P(3) PHS W.HP .(-5) -(5-10) BS H:268 M(2) H 141 Mahinda 1419.62 P: 1314 P PHS W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:322 CHW R


142 Somnathwadl 33469 P:289 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 80 143 Pimpamai 1231.94 P: 571 P CHW T.W -(-5.) -(-5) -(-5) H'I60 144 Pokhari 913.58 P.863 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'165 73 DIRECTORY

Appro- Ncaret~ PO'\Vet Land ute (i.e. area Wlder dlffel'Cnt types of land use in Location 8th IOwn and dutance SlI}'Ply hccl4res roundld upto two decimal places) Cade to (In 11m.) No. village Forest Irrigated Untrrlgated CullUPlble Area not by lource waste available for (Including cultivation gouchar and grovel)

11 12 13 14 l' 16 17 18 PR Sid(32) EA WE(50.7S) 892.84 32.22 6.74 122

PR Bid(37) EA WE(l21.10) 682.33 42.18 6.31 123

KR. Bid(3S) EA 6.50 WE(11.4S) 350,95 433 124

KR Bid(31) EA WE(l2.00) 723.81 55.04 8.78 125

KR Bid(32) EA WE(1O.6O) 469.16 11.13 126

PR Bid(30) EA 10.00 WE(30.20) 519.16 12.76 11.81 127

KR Bid(26) EA 13.50 WE(30.6O) 216.54 31.69 12.54 128 TK(50.00) KR Bid(27) EA 14.00 WE(32.82) 622.31 52.91 11.24 129

FR Bid(20) EA 21.00 WE(llO.20) 607.20 5.74 92.36 130

KR Bid(18) EA WE(75.1O) 275.60 24.24 8.34 131

KR Bid(l9) EA WE(S.OS) 442.30 35.09 132

PR Bid(15) EA 95.51 WE1l9.1O) 959.16 91.24 37.63 133 TK(7UJO)

PR Bid(14) EA 45.11 WE(12.1O) 275.60 35.00 134

PR Bid(12) EA 199.04 WE(30.40) 1'85.42 22,28 58.42 135

PR Bid(ll) EA WE(15.30) '393.18 5.00 16.02 136

KR Bid(14) EA WE(10.40) 338.48 174.00 97.51 137 PR Bid(21) EA • 138 PR Bid(32) EA 144.97 WE(25.00) 1199.98 103.48 60.00 139

PR Bld(34) EA 26.00 WE(lO.40) 780.42 200 10 69.10 140

PR Bid(40) EA 287.06 WE(30.1O) 1073.23 29.23 141


KR Bid(40) EA WE(10.25) 207.93 90.66 25.85 142

KR Bld(42) EA WE(lO'(JO) 961.28 50.00 210.66 143

KR Bld(41) EA 124.90 WE(20.00) 586.65 99.43 82.60 144 74

1. BID C. D. BLOC&- contd. r ,'VILLAGE

Lcx:a Name oC Vtllage Total area Total Amemues avatlable (If not available wuhin Ihe village a lion of the village Population dash (-) 18 shOWl1 in the column and next to it IR bracket the Code (10 hectare. and No. of distance in broad rangos VIZ. 5 kml, 5-10 lema. and lD+kms of No. rounded households the nearesl place where the faciltty IS available is gIven) UplOlwo Dnnking deeunal fiduca· Mcdkal Post Day or days Comm· places) tiOnal water and oCthe umcatlOll (potable) Telegraph market! (Bus Stop, hal. If any Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

145 Limba Ganesh 1970.27 P'2570 P(4) PHC T,W PO Thu BS H' 531 M PHS Phone H RP(4) CHW 146 Mascwadi 447.60 P.586 P CHW T,W .(-5) (-5) ·(-5) H' 84 147 Mulukwadl 56204 P 1069 P CHW T,W -( -5) -( -5) BS II. 284 M 148 Bclgaon 34790 P'478 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.66 149 Karchondi 137860 P: 1329 P CHW T,W -(5-10~ -(5-10) BS H: 274 M R 150 Dhangarwadi 703.91 P:935 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 114 151 Manzari Havch 697.03 P. 867 P PHS T,W -(-5) -(10+) ~S H: 168 M CHW 152 Mandav Jah 547.07 P:772 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(10+) BS H.I71 R 153 Warwall 806.07 P.888 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H.153 154 Aller Wadgaon 125252 P 1797 P(2) CHW T,W, -(-5) -(5-10) BS H 346 HP,R 155 Pall 233052 P:3335 P(4) PHS T,W PO -(5-10) BS H: 629 M RP(2) HP,R H CHW 156 Kolwadi 419.39 P:694 P -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(10+) BS H.142 157 Karzani 1153.16 P: 1034 P(2) CHW W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) H: 176 M 158 Anandwadi 287.98 P:316 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.57 159 Bhandarwadi 46624 P:336 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5) H.80 160 Karegavhan 90391 P. 940 J> CHW W,HP ·(·10+) .(10+) -(5-10) H 253 161 Sonpcthwadi 862.25 P:436 P CHW W,HP ·(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.80 162 Wadgaon (Kalsambar) 56239 1>.415 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H 84 163 Kalsantbar 1324.90 P: 1180 J> PHS W,HP -(·5) -(-5) BS H: 274 M CHW H 164 Mandavkhel 527.53 J> 503 P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) --(5-10) -(-5) H: 107 165 Ratnagiri 320.18 P:444 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H 91 166 Gawan 295.24 P. 380 J> CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 81 W 167 ManJar Sumba 977.66 P: 1494 P PHS T no -(5-10) BS H: 289 M CHW W H HP 168 Sascwadi 484.14 P:396 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(5-10) BS H. 67 W 7S DIRECTORY

Appro- Ne.""t Power lAnd UJe (i.e. area under different types of land ule Ul Location adJ !OWn Md dit",," Supply heewo. rounded upto two decimal placel) Code SO (in km.) No. vllJap Porest JtriplOd Unirri.ated Cullurablo Area not by IOUtcc was'" available Cor (including cuhivalion goochar 8I1d groves)

II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

Pl Bid(30) EA WE(150.00) 1.503.38 17.03 299.86 145

Kl Did(28) EA WE(30.10) 274.84 15.42 27.54 146 TK(99.70) PI BW(27) EA WE(2S.60) ~02.48 12.50 2146 147

KR Bid(25) EA WE(ls'sO) 312.50 10.85 9.05 148

PR Bid(30) EA 634.35 WE(28.10) 587.50 50.30 78.35 149 KR Bid(l6) EA • 150 Pi DId(17) EA WE(lBO) 1209.111 108.90 69.73 151

PR Bid(19) EA 110.68 WE(47.3S) 274.38 54.33 60.33 152

PR Bid(lO) EA 217.41 WE(45.6O) 478.06 40.00 25.00 153

PR Bid(lO) EA 5.00 WE(210.70) 816.25 25.00 195.57 154

PR Bid(10) EA 2.00 WE(450.25) 1249.48 130.79 49S.00 155

PR Bid(l4) EA 102.41 WE(4.1O) 187.68 1500 110.20 156

KR Bid(15) EA 345.80 WE(70.00) 451.61 35.00 170.65 157 TK(SO.10) KR Bid(32) EA WE(5.00) 157.13 68.75 57.10 158

KR Bid(31) EA 13.50 WE(IO.OO) 329.74 76.60 36.40 ]59

KR Bid(35) EA WE(l2.25) 667.28 199.18 25.20 160 KR Bid(36) EA • 161 KR Bid(33) EA WE(9.15) 528.14 13.00 12.10 162

PR Bid(31) EA WE(15.00) 1174.90 110.10 24.90 163

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(S.OO) 395.00 100.00 27.53 164

KR Bid(26) ED 250.18 10.00 60.00 165

KR Bid(n) EA 13.00 WE(5.00) 182.24 95.00 166

PR Bid(20) ED 13.00 677.84 60.00 • 216.82 167

PR Bid(n) ED 350.14 50.00 84.00 168 76

1. BID C. D. BLOCK- contd. VclLLAGE

Loca Name of Village Total area Total Amenitie. available (If not avaU~le within the villagu a lion of the vllla"e Population dllsh (-) 11 shown In tho column and nellt to it in bracket the Code (in hectares and No. o{ distllnce in broad t:'I"ges VI~ 5 kms. S-lO lan •• and lO+km. of No. rounded households the ncare't place where the facility i. available II "iven) uplotwo Eduea- Medical DnnkUlg POlL Day or days Camm- decunal waLer places) tiooal and of the unication (potable) Telegraph market/ (BUI Stop. hat, if any Radway Slallon, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

169 Udandwadgaon 672.46 P: 1106 P CHW T -(-5) -(S-l~) BS H: 199 M W 170 Chaudaswadi 220.85 P: 192 P CHW W -(oS) -(-5) -(-5) H: 39 HP 171 Safepur 469.60 P: 683 P -(-5) T -(oS) -(-5) -(.5) H: 148 M W 172 Neknoor 3648.15 P: 8919 P(4) PHS T PTO Sun BS H: 1701 M(3) RP(7) W Phone H(3) CHW HP 173 Jaitalwadl 61462 P:459 P -(-5) W -(-5) -q) -(-5) H: 83 HP 174 Sanapwadi 499.61 P:430 P CHW W -(S.10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 91 HP 175 Nivdungawadi 424.56 P'318 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) \ -(5-10) H:98 HP 176 DOJphodwadi 286.31 P: 727 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:1l8 M HP 177 Khardewadi 286.3J P: 843 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 161 M HP 178 Tandalyachiwadi 389.91 P:418 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 136 HP 179 Dhavpchiwadi 382.38 P:414 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 80 HP 180 Pandharyachiwadi 363.60 P:677 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.136 HP 181 Yelambgbal 1447.69 P:2996 P(2) PHC T PO fn BS H:574 M(2) RP W Phone H CHW HP 182 Chakurwadi 932.80 P: 837 P -(-j) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 188 M HP 183 Sawantwadi (N.V.) (172) 265.93 P:492 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 108 HP 184 Vaitagwadi 439.74 P:493 P CHW W -(-5) -(-S) -(-5) H:94 HP 185 Sakhare Borgoon 546.11 P:821 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 154 \ HP


186 Khandala 975.73 P:959 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 168 M W HP 187 Morgaon 1438.92 P:2285 P(2) PHS T PO -(-5) BS H:448 M RP(2) W H CHW 188 Wangaon 584.98 P 888 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 180 M HP 189 Gogalwadi 124.36 P:217 -(-5) CHW W -(-51 -(10+) -(-5) H:32 HP 190 DahIwandl 74.08 P:38 .-(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-'5) H'7 HP 191 Tandulwadl Ghat 63113 P 917 P CHW T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H 181 W 77


Appro- Nearest Power Land usc (I.t. area under different lYpeS of land usc In Location ad! town and diltance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (in lan.) No. vill'ae Forest Irrigated Unlrri&ated Cullurable Area not by source waste available for (mcludlng culUvallon goochar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

PR Bid(23) EA WE(110.40) 519.00 2060 22.46 169

KR Bid(27) EA 6.00 WE(40.1O) 143.85 10.05 20.85 170

Xl Bid(26) EA WE(20.50) 339.25 40.25 69.60 171

PR Jhd(27) EA 10.00 WE(210.60) 3042 88 240.40 410.20 172

Kl Bid(30) EA WE(30.09) 532.14 16.(1) 36.30 173 KR Bid(3S) EA • 174 Kl Bid(34) EA WE(l2.05) 320.62 1.79 90.10 175

Kl Bid(32) EA WE(I40.50) 135.08 3.58 7.15 176

KR Bid(35) EA WE(39 (0) 23331 400 1000 177

PR Bid(36) EA WE(30.00) 30291 1700 4000 178

PR Bid(35) EA WE(60.00) 300.00 7.00 15.38 179

PR Bid(35) EA WE(40.00) 295.60 10.00 18.00 180

PR Bid(32) EA 16.00 WE(21O.22) 1339.11 llO.07 1134 15 181

KR Bid(35) EA WE(SO.OO) 702.80 10.00 170.00 182 XR Bid(30) EA • 183 KR Bid(31) EA WE(40.00) 364.14 25.60 10.00 184

KR Bid(32) EA 11.00 WE(150.60) 33006 25.35 23.10 185


PR Bid(25) EA WE(17.10) 834.60 124.03 186

PR Bid(30) EA WE(5S.65) 96S.63 50.00 367.64 187

PR Bid(31) EA WE(35.25) 522.25 10.00 17.48 188

KR Bid(32) EA WE(6.40) 110.20 1.76 189

KR Bid(33) EA WE(6.25) 61.12 4.71 2.00 190

KR Bid(35) EA 1.00 WE(24.94) 564.08 21.21 14.50 191 78

1. BID C. D. BLOCK:- contd. VILLAGE

~ Name of Villa ... Total.,. TOIaI Amenltle. avllt.".. (II I10lIIVldlllbie wilhln the villagll a tion olthevuta•• Population da,h (-) it .hown in the column lind IIOXI ", it In brICk. (he Code (in hcc"tI. and No. of dllllllte In &tOld "".,Ult. Htnt. S-1 0 tlml ••1Id 10+km. of No. rounded houl4lhold. the ".. ,,,t plle. whc!tlltw (lCilii)' i. IIflllabte j'llVen) ~two ecimat BduCl' Mcdill_l Drinldn. I'OIt bay or day. Comm· water untll8UOI! pIlUs) ttonal and "Idle (pol"''') Tele_fllpf! market! (flu. SL"I', ft •• i( any Railwl)' SUlIUm, Waterway) 2 3 4 ~ ,; 7 II ~ 10

192 Balaput' 1144.44 P:664 P CHW W ·(~-HJ) -(j-1OJ JJII H:'168 M HP 193 Ambit Wadsaon 619.06 P: 749 l' PHS W ·(~·10) -(5·10) as H:l~ M CffW ffP 194 Kumbhari 489.21 9:534 l' CHW W ·(~.10) -(S.lO) as 11:113 HP 195 AndhapuriOhat m.35 P:~ P CHW T .~1O) .(5·10) +") H: 194 W HP 196 KhadkiJltat 609.69 P: 1305 P PH. T PO .(10+) as ttl 157 M RP W 11 CHW «v 191 Raul·laon 102:%.09 P:994 P CHW T +~) -(lOT) as H: 188 W HP 198 Anjanwati 1314.82 P: 183' P PHS T 1'0 ' ·(5-10) BS H:)84 M CHW W HP 199 Mabajanwadi I1J2.42 ,: 1110 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) 'BS H:2j9 .M HP 200 Borkhed 2218.25 P: 1902 1'(2) PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:378 M RP W CHW 201 LoniJ)tat 1641.16 P: 1360 P PHS T PO -(10+) BS H:283 M CHW W 202 Wadhavana '77.8.5 P:71' P CHW W ·(S·10) .(10+) BS H: 172 HP 203 Pimpa1saon Ohat 689.62 P:864 P CHW T PO -(SolO) BS H: 193 M W 204 Manewadi 362.83 P:636 P CHW T -(5-10) ·(5·10) -(5-10) H: 140 W HP 205 Ruigavhan 355.08 P:433 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) ·(-5) H: 114 HP 206 Malewadi 370.40 P:406 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) .(-5) H:82 HP 207 GoJangri 562.99 P: 610 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 139- HP 208 Kanadi 606.96 P: 1110 P CHW W ·(-5) -(-5) BS H:229 M HP

209 Ghargaon 930.89 P: 710 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 149 HP 210 Sultanpur 284.D8 P:543 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 121 HP 211 Chausala 1341.48 P:5434 P(2) PHC T PTO Wed BS H:992 M(2) PHS W Phone H RP(5) HP CHW 212 Dhotra 387.70 P: 156 -(·5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) BS H:32

213 Bavi 198.00 P:3 -(-5) CHW W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) H'l 79


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e. area under dlffercnllypes of land use In Location ac::h town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two dcclmal placcR) Code 10 (inion.) No. viUage Forest Irrigated Ummgatcd Culturable Area not by source waste available for (includlOg cuitivallOn goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Bid(36) EA, WE(160.60) 91839 20.65 44.80 192

PR Did(37) EA 36.00 WE(ZlO.60) 337.55 15.85 19.06 193

PR Did(36) EA WE(8060) 368.8.5 10.2.5 29.52 194

KR Bid(40) EA WE(60.80) 410.65 10.65 20.25 195

PR Did(38) EA WE(31.59) 532.49 30.51 ]5.10 196

PR Bid(3l) EA 4.00 WE(98.20) 772.30 5.35 29.94 197 TK(112.30)

PR Did(34) EA WE(90.60) 1194.29 15.85 14.08 198

PR Did(35) EA 33.00 WE(80.70) 96499 23.73 10.00 199

PR Bld(40) EA 5.50 WE(120.60) 2029.74 52.26 10.15 200

PR Bid(41) EA WE(59.63) 1547.83 33.70 201

PR Bid(4l) EA WE(80.70) 453.45 15.85 27.85 202

PR Bid(40) EA WE(57.46) 296.70 5.30 692.99 203 KR Bid(40) EA • 204

KR Bid(38) EA 7.50 WE(50.1O) 274.60 7.50 15.38 205

KR Bid(39) EA WE(8050) 265.51 2439 206

PR Bld(38) EA WE(I02 65) 427.40 16.78 16.16 207

PR Bld(36) EA WE(40.10) 552.76 14.10 208

KR Bid(34) EA 7.50 WE(70.80) 834.51 18.08 209

PR Bid(36) EA WE(180.50) 83.27 20.31 210

PR Bid(34) EA WE(160.50) 1119.28 20.60 41.10 211

PR Bid(33) EA WE(8760) 269.72 22.68 7.70 212

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(10 15) 185.07 278 213 80

1. BID C. D. BLOCK- comil. vtLLAOE

Loca Name of Villa,e Toullfa Tolal Amemti ...... tl.ble (if II

214 Sawargaon Ghat 325.26 P:S06 P CHW W ·(5·)0) -(S-10) tJS H:93 HP 215 Devi Babhulgaon 889.47 P: 1069 P +5) T PC} -(,-to) -(oS) H:206 W HP 216 Satta 605.90 P:570 P CHW W :'(-5) .(5-10) -(-5) H: 119 HP 217 Murshadpur(Ohal) 273A1 P:390 P CHW W PO -(10+) US H:78 HP 218 Powa 764.55 P:899 I' PHS W PO -(10+) BS H: 163 M CHW HP H 219 Chandani 481.28 P:280 P CHW W -(-5) -{I 0+) ·(-5) H: 51 HP 220 Paismgan 730.96 P: IS78 P CHW T PO -00+) BS H: 341 M W HP R 221 Chandcgaon 283.71 1>:587 P CHW W ·(-5) .(10+) BS H: 109 HI> 222 Jeba Punpri 837.05 P; 1045 P PHS W p6 -(.5) BS H:241 M CHW R 223 Hmgani Kh 290.40 P: 1488 P CHW W -(-5) -(oS) BS H:267 HP R 224 HinganiBK. 1044.49 P: 1053 P CHW W PO -(oS) BS H: 219 M HP R

Orand Total 156661.97 P:224500 P(259) PltC(1) H: 46723 M(87) PH5(36) H(29) FPC(1) RP(36) CHW(183)

Note : (1) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 36, 37 and 38 are incJuded in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 30 (2) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 41, 47, 88, 91, 93, 103, 138, 150, 183 and 204 are incltided in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 40,48,84,82, 102, 105, 139,151, 172 and 203 respectively.

(3) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 44 and 43 are included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 42. 81


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e. atea under different types of land use In Location ach IOwn and dillmCe Supply hectares rounded upto two deCimal places) Code to (In Ian.) No village Forest Irrigated Unimgatcd Culturable Area not by source waste avadable for (Ulcludmg culuvatIon goochar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

PR Bid(30) EA WE(22.12) 252.36 15.68 35.10 214

KR Bid(39) EA 10.00 WE(47.20) 830.64 1.63 215

KR Bid(40) EA WE(34.76) 536.40 10.20 24.54 216

PR Bid(39) EA WE(25.75) 222.42 8.45 16.85 217

PR Bid(39) EA WE(60.70) 651.92 15.25 36.68 218

KR Bid(42) EA WE(30.65) 418.48 22.15 10.00 219

PR Bid(44) EA 16.00 WE(80.50) 593.82 25.14 15.50 220

PR Bid(42) EA WE(25.70) 241.76 10.45 580 221

PR Bid(40) EA 15.50 WE(55.10) 738.70 15.00 12.75 222

PR Bid(38) EA WE(5235) 226.59 1146 223

PR Bid(37) EA 35.00 WE(120.40) 829.34 1565 44.10 224

5425.04 WE (12451.16) 118841.38 6904 05 11211.41 TK (1558.40)

(4) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 51 and 52 are included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 46. (5) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 114, 115 and 120 are included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 121. (6) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 161 and 174 are mcluded m area break-up (Land use) of Locauon Code No. 181. (7) N.A. =Not Available ~======nl

tIt u

~~l'." ::: ,')(''-'I~ , u L_J \



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~=z'4 o· tig-0 !e 5- 0. • & 0'" 0.8: xl .. 0 ~5I ~;



Sr. Name of Vtllage Code Population Sr. Name of V dlage Code POpuldllon No No. No. No (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) () (4)

1 Adpimpn 19 596 39 Dhanora 191 848 2 Agar Nandur 37 1344 4() Dharwanta 138 861 3 Aher Vahegaon 128 1711 41 DhondraI 40 5757 4 Amla 189 1310 42 Dhumcgaon 18 891 5 Anandwadi 117 526 43 Digras 190 299 6 Ankota 146 49 44 Dimakhwadi 143 847 7 Antarvali Bk. 78 1911 45 DOIphodwadl 89 430 8 Ardhapimpri 20 758 46 Erandgaon 195 433 9 Ardhmasla 176 1647 47 Fulsangvi 134 1073 10 Aurangpur jawalka 177 uninlubited 48 Gadhi 65 4009 11 Aurangpur Kukada 198 521 49 Gaikwad Jalgaon 13 1186 12 Babultara 96 334 50 Gangawadi 85 1474 13 Bagpimplagaon 43 2484 51 Gangawadl (N.V.) (40) 38 564 14 Balhanpur 68 500 52 Gaundgaon 48 1115 15 Belgaon 41 1442 53 Georal (Rural) 47 97 16 Belgudwadi 156 473 54 Ghogas Pargon 98 1539 17 Bhadangwadi 112 416 55 Golegaon 157 1277 18 Bhat Antarwali 51 1114 56 Gondi Kh 70 660 19 Bhatepuri 165 664 57 Gopat Plmpalgaon 94 513 20 BhendBk. 168 691 58 Govindwadi 87 624 21 BhendKh. 174 505 59 Govindwadl (N. V) (47) 54 380 22 Bhend Takli 173 1218 60 Gulaj 8 2301 23 Bhogal gaon 75 1384 61 Gunlegaon 4 781 24 Bhojgaon 49 643 62 Hajipur 136 423 25 Borgaon Bk. 2 1420 63 Hingangaon 69 680 26 Borgaon chakla 118 808 64 Hirapur 150 1234 27 Borgaon Thadi 76 474 65 Hiwarwadi 25 663 28 Bori Plmpalgaon 16 826 66 Irgaon 196 531 29 Bramhgaon 22 781 67 Ilkur 149 700 30 Chaklamba 27 4727 68 Jalgaon (Majra) 180 250 31 Chavhanwadi 88 1236 69 Jalegaon 162 3762 32 Chikhali 114 427 70 lavaharwadl 111 634 33 Chopdyachiwadl 160 854 71 Jodwadi 121 385 34 Chorpuri 28 391 72 Kajala "123 642 35 Daithan 79 1552 7~ Kajalyachi Wadi 175 440 36 Deokl 82 671 74 kalwadi Mankapur (N. V) (142) 141 284 37 Deopimpri 52 1275 75 Kambl Majara 172 680 38 Dhalegaon 95 487 76 Katchil'lcholi 71 925 84

2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Vtllage Code. Populauon Sr Name 0{ Village Code. Populauon No. No No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

77 Kathoda 90 1169 118 Mirkala 64 1076 78 Kaudgaon 105 379 119 Mudhapuri 56 847 79 Kekat Pangri 152 2290 120 Mulukwadi 110 396 80 Khadki 132 695 121 Nagzari 36 1088 81 Khalegaon 21 2281 122 Nadalgaon 185 592 82 Khamgaon 35 705 123 Nandpur 1:71 477 83 Khandvi 62 2325 124 Narayanwadi 120 573 84 KherdaBk. 182 671 125 Nirngaon Mayarnba 135 1179 85 Kherdawadi 183 603 126 Nipani Jawalka 178 1614 86 Khopati 58 uninhibited 127 Pachegaon 193 3238 87 Kingaon 45 800 128 PadaJsingi 129 1947 88 Kolgaon 124 2159 129 Padulyacbiwadi 167 336 89 Kolher 44 1304 130 Panchaleshwar 10 1094 90 Koltyacht Wadi (N. V. ) (163) 164 266 131 Pandhari 74 621 91 Komalwadi 50 338 132 Pandharwadi 57 1018 92 Kopra 197 245 133 PaAgulgaon 72 264 93 Kumbharwadi 130 957 134 Patharwala Bk. 5 154 94 Kumbhe JaIgaon 23 712 135 Patharwala Kh. 3 313 95 Kuranpimpn 1 1198 136 PauIachiwadi 26 829 96 Loladgaon 147 484 137 Pimpalgaon Kanada 194 845 97 Lonala 170 433 138 PirnpJa 104 2763 98 Lukhamasla 83 1449 139 Pokhari 131 660 99 Madalmohi 126 5290 140 Raberi 77 1316 100 Mahandula 24 669 141 Rajapur 86 1269 101 MaharTakli 14 864 142 Rajpimpri 53 2607 102 MaJegaon Bk. 6 1201 143 Rakshasabhuwan 11 2074 103 Malegaon Chakla 99 693 144 Ramesbwar 187 301 104 Malegaon Kh. 7 1877 145 Rampuri 92 3010 105 MaJegaon Majra 186 260 146 Ranjani 66 1319 106 Malhivara 55 484 147 Ranmala 61 627 107 Mankapur 133 175 148 Rasulabad 29 517 108 Manmodl 109 633 149 Revki 81 1545 109 Manubai Jawala 91 683 150 Rohithal 155 1843 110 Manyarwadi 60 1064 151 Rokda 153 272 III Marfala 169 1074 152 Rui 179 1898 112 Makadwadi 137 471 153 Saidapur 122 512 113 Marutichiwadi (N. V.) (12) 15 368 154 Sangam Jalgaon 80 562 114 Mategaon 17 1608 155 Sathewadi 115 531 115 Maturi 100 1675 156 Savaleshwar 33 592 116 Mhalas Pimplagaon 32 511 157 Sawargaon Jahagii' - 34 unmlubited 117 Mirgaon 13 691 158 Sawargaon Pokhari 125 979 85

2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Village Code. PQf)Ulauon Sr. Name of V ulage Code. Populatl0n No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

159 Selu 161 1338 liO Takalgavhan Tarf Georai 140 599 160 Shahajanpur 113 uninhabited 181 Takalgavhan Traf Talkhed 159 543 161 Shahajanpur Chakal 145 952 182 TalewadI 63 841 162 Shekta 31 1683 183 Talnyachiwadi 39 1598 163 Shindewadi 67 436 184 Talvat Borgaon 192 1492 164 Shripat Antarwala 93 443 185 Talwada 84 7494 1(j5 Simpegaon 148 313 186 Tandala 116 738 166 Sindkhed 108 821 187 Tape Nimgaon 97 386 167 Sindphana Chincboll 184 554 188 Taradgavhan 30 1132 168 Singarwadi 102 384 189 Tartyachiwadi 144 436 169 Skala 154 486 190 Thakar Adgaon 163 1371 170 Sirasdevi. 166 2623 191 Tintarwani 101 1376 171 Sirasmarg 142 2471 192 Ukhadpimpri 139 830 172 Sujanpur 42 uninhibited 193 Umapur 12 5995 173 Sultanpur 181 463 194 Vadgaon Dhok 59 1759 174 SurdiBk. 158 624 195 Vadgaon Sushi 107 747 175 Surlegaon 9 980 196 Vabegaon Amala 188 1706 176 Sushi 106 877 197 Vanjarwadi 127 752 177 Takadgaon 46 1349 198 Varangalwadi 119 502 178 Takalewadi (N. V.) (104) 103 255 TOTAL: 212634 179 Takalgaon 151 871 86


Locauon Name of Vtllage Total area Total Amemhes available (if not available WUhlO the village a Code of the villAge Populallon dash (-) is shown to the wlumn and next to it to bracket !he No (10 hectares and No. of distance 10 broad ranges viz. S kms. 5-10 kms. and 100kms of rounded households !he nearest place where the factilly is avallable 11 glven) upto two Educa- Medical Drmking Post Day or days Comm- dectmal hona) water and of the unicauon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop. hat.lf any Ratlway Statton. Waterway) 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10


1 Kuranplillpn 45438 P: 1198 P CHW R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:203 2 Borgaon Bk 137326 P: 1420 P PHS R PO -(-5) BS H: 311 RP Phone CHW 3 Patharwala Kh. 292.44 P.313 P CHW R -(-5) -(-5) BS H:74 4 Guntcgaon 463.94 P:781 P CHW R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H: 164 M 5 Patharwala Bk. 493.71 P:754 P RP R -(-5) -(-5) -(10+) H 192 CHW 6 MalegaonBk 97848 P: 1201 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H:323 M W H 7 Malcgaon Kh. 78980 P: 1877 P RP T PO Wed BS H:377 M CHW W H 8 Gula) 174141 P: 2301 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H: 532 M RP R H CHW 9 Surlcgaon 98968 P:980 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) BS H' 240 R 10 Panchaleshwar 612.80 P: 1094 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) BS H'225 R 11 Rakshasabhuwan 142055 P:2074 P PHC T PO -(-5) BS H:444 M PHS R Phone CHW 12 Umapur 453912 P.5995 P PHS T PO Sun BS H: 1196 M RP W Phone H CHW

13 Gdikwad Jalgdon 715.30 P.1186 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 196 CHW 14 MaharTakh 440.50 P:864 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H: 242 15 Maruhchiwadl (N.V.) (12) 328.57 P.368 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.75 W 16 Bon Plillpalgaon 70896 p. 826 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 176 HP 17 Mategaon 131200 p. 1608 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:406 M CHW HP 18 Dhumegaon 46602 P:891 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.173 M HP 19 Adplillpn 831.33 P:596 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H: 141 HP 20 Ardhaplillpn 74514 P:758 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H: 181 HP 21 Khalegaon 2293.61 P.2281 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H.565 M CHW HP Phone H 87


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e. area under different types of land use m Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (mkm.) No village Forest Imgated Unirrigated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (mdudmg Culuvauon goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


KR Pailhan(6) ED GC(80.00) 355.46 18.92 EAG PR Pailhan(6) EAG GC(122.00) 1116.26 659 12841 2

PR Pailhan(6) ED GC(70.00) 202.61 1983 3 EAG KR Pailhan(8) ED GC(190.00) 204.07 0.82 69.05 4 EAG KR Geonu(27) ED GC(190.94) 254.00 6.52 4225 5 EAG PR Georai(27) ED GC(41O.00) 500.97 1256 5495 6 EAG

PR Georai(27) ED GC(47.60) 724.36 1075 7.09 7 EAG

PR Georai(27) ED GC(635.00) 108200 800 16.41 8 EAG

PR Georal(27) ED GC(340.00) 540.68 109.00 9 EAG KR Georm(28) ED GC(400oo) 146.80 6600 10 EAG PR Georai(28) ED GC(8oo.oo) 420.55 14.00 186.00 11 EAG

PR Georai(17) ED 8.50 WE(73.30) 3893.98 563.34 12 EAG

PR Georal(29) ED WE(60.00) 645.30 3.50 6.50 13 EAG PR Gcorai(25) ED 4.50 WE(3.84) 42442 7.74 14 EAG KR Georai(18) ED WE(17.80) 30933 144 15 EAG PR Georal(17) ED WE(36.60) 640.06 3230 16 EAG PR Georal(22) ED WE(70.90) 1188.35 52.75 17 EAG PR Georai(29) ED WE(9.00) 45000 702 18 EAG PR Georat(30) ED WE(4.20) 817 00 1013 19 EAG PR Georai(30) ED WE(10.84) 729.12 5.18 20 EAG PR Georai(21) ED WE(55.00) 220361 3500 21 EAG 88


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total Amemties available (if nat available within the village a Code of the village Populauon dash (-) lS shown in the column and nenlO it in bracket the No (m hectarel and No. of distance in broad ranges viz. S kmI, S-10 kina. and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faCility is avatlable is given) uptotwo Drinking dccunal Eduea- Medical Post Day or days Conun- uonaJ water and of the umeauon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SlOp, hat,lfany Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

22 Bramhgaon 45265 P:781 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 113 HP 23 Kumbhe Jalgaon 50732 P:712 p.. CHW W PO -(5-10) -(-5) H.189 HP 24 Mahandula 392.00 P:669 P CHW W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 154 HP' 25 Hiwarwadl 336.00 P: 663 P PHS W +5) -(5-10) -(-5) H'1l7 CHW HP 26 Paulachlwadl 91689 P.829 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:206 HP 27 Chaklamba 335360 P:4727 P PHC W PO Tue BS H' 1132 M FPC HP Phone, H RP(2) CHW

28 Chorpun 917.09 P:391 P CHW W -(-5) I -(-5) -(-5) H:94 HP 29 Rasulabad 518.00 P.517 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: III HP 30 Taradgavhan 324.00 P.1132 P CHW W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H:205 M HP 31 Shekta 144529 P: 1683 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H:400 M HP


32 Mhalas Ptmpalgaon 275.46 P.511 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: tOO HP R 33 Savalcshwar 37931 P:592 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H'121 R 34 Sawargaon Jahaglr 1758S Uninhabited 35 Khamgaon 456.70 P:705 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 121 R 36 Nagzan 358.80 P: 1088 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 219 W R 37 Agar Nandur 1161 06 P: 1344 P RP T PO -(-5) -(-5) H.275 W 38 Gangawadl (N.V.) (40) ... P.564 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 129 39 Talnyacluwadl 1481.36 P. 1598 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H' 316 M W 40 Dhondrai 321505 P:5757 P(2) PHS T PO Sal BS H: 1193 M RP W Phone H CHW 41 BeIgaon 577.39 P: 1442 P RP W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.311 CHW 42 SUJanpur 26089 Umnhabite 43 Bagplmpalgaon 84799 P'2484 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H: 561 CHW Phone 44 Kolher 662.26 P'1304 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 229 HP 4S Kingaon 72197 P:800 .P -(-5) W -(-5) ·(-5) BS H: 158 89


Appro- Nearest Power Land usc (I.e. area Wlder different types of land use in Location aelt town and disllll1ce Supply hectares rounded uplo two decllnal places) Code to (tnkm.) No. village Forest Inigated Ummgated Culturable Areancl by source waste avatlable for (mcludmg Cullivauan goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Georai(23) ED WE(7.24) 425.97 19.44 22 EAG KR Georai(22) ED WE(S.81) 460.02 39.70 1.79 23 EAG KR Georai(32) ED WE(25.00) 343.55 8.20 15.25 24 EAG KR Georai(37) ED' 15.00 WE(11.51) 285.00 10.10 13.19 25 ~AG KR Georai(30) ED WE(SO.OO) 766.89 85.00 15.00 26 EAG PR Georai(33) ED 85.00 WE(107.94) 2932.28 228.38 1:1 EAG

KR Georai(38) ED WE(O.72) 143.22 173.15 28 EAG KR Georal(33) ED 27.50 WE(1.00) 400.50 13.00 70.00 29 BAG KR Georai(31) ED 7.50 WE(13.06) 249.64 40.80 13.00 30 EAG PR Georai(28) ED WE(2V.92) 1293.8'l 52.00 71.56 31 EAG


PR Georai(27) EA WE(I04.00) 123.41 48.05 32

PR Georai(25) EA R(S4.00) 253.09 72.22 33

Uninhabited 34 PR Georai(15) EA R(206.00) 216.37 34.33 35

PR Georai(13) EA GC(200.00) 107.80 30.00 36 WE(21.00) KR Georai(14) EA 11.00 WE(302.00) 126.23 121.83 31

PR Georai(18) EA 38

PR Georai(l5) EA WE(342.00) 1100.41 38.95 39

PR Georai(15) EA 24.00 WE(850.09) 2149.40 191.56 40

PR Georai(10) EA GC(35.00) 400.00 101.39 41 WE(3S.00) Uninhabited 42 PR Georai(3) EA 7.67 GC(5.00) 600.00 145.32 43 WE(90.00) PR Georai(10) EA GC(l25.00) 398.26 14.00 44 WE(125.00) PR Geonu(12) EA WE(14.55) 693.42 14.00 4S 90


Locauon Name of Vtllage Total area Total Amemues available (If nat avatlable withm the village a Code of the village Populauon dash (-) IS shown 10 the column and next to It 10 bracket the No. (m hectAres andNo of distance 10 broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faclhty lS avatIable lS gIVen) uptotwo Medical Dnnkmg Post Day or days declmal Educa- Comm- water places) uooal and of the umcaUoo (potable) Telegraph market f (Bus Stop, hat, If any Rallway StAuon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

46 Takadgaon 1298.40 P: 1349 P RP T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'305 M W HP 47 Georai (Rural) 3415.22 P:97 P H T,W PTO Wed BS H:23 M FPC HP Phone H RP PUC C 48 Ga\Uldgaon 671.99 P: 1115 P CHW W,HP -(oS) -(-5) BS H:217 49 Bhojgaon 1101.01 P:643 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 163 50 Komalwadi 570.00 P: 338 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:79 51 Bhat Antarwali 417.00 P: 1114 P CHW W -(-5) -\(-5) -(-5) H: 171 M 52 Deopirnpri 1070.00 P: 1275 P CHW T,W PO -(5-10) BS H:317 M 53 RaJpimpri 1817.68 P:2607 P PHS W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H:538 M CHW Phone 54 Govindwadi (N.V.) (47) 236.77 P:380 P RP W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:69 CHW 55 Malhivara 422.74 P:484 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H:96 56 Mudhapuri 461.47 P: 847 P RP W,HP PO -(-5) BS H: 158 57 Pandharwadi 816.69 P: 1018 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:208 58 Khopati 428.07 Unmhabited 59 Vadgaon Dhok 1219.88 P:1759 P RP W -(5-10) -(-5) BS H:382 M CHW 60 Manyarwadi 752.54 P: 1064 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 185 61 Ranmala 643.94 P:627 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 167 M 62 Khandvi 1558.23 P:2325 P PHS W,HP PO -(-5) BS H:524 M Phone 63 Talewadi 434.96 P:841 P RP W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 166 CHW 64 Mirkala 597.00 P: 1076 P CHW W,HP PO -(-5) BS H:211 65 Gadhi 412.70 P:4009 P PHS W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H:842 M Phone 1I 66 Ranjani 1871.45 P: 1319 P RP W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H:290 CHW Phone 67 Shindcwadi 303.83 P:436 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:75 68 Barhanpur 227.60 P:SOO P RP W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 103 91


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i e area under different types of land use 10 Locauon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (mkm.) No. village Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Cullurable Area not by source waste avadable for (mcludmg Cultlvalion goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Georal(22) EA 33.00 WE(47.76) 110764 110.00 46

PR Bld(36) EA 31.44 GC(90.62) 3113.13 416.80 47

PR Georai(8) EA WE(10.00) 636.89 25.10 48-

PR Georai(15) EA 11.50 WE(60.00) 994.51 35.00 49

KR Georai(18) EA WE(30.00) 425.00 115.00 50

KR Gcorat(22) EA 800 WE(20.00) 361.00 28.00 51

PR Georai(12) EA WE(70.00) 863.00 137.00 52

PR Gcorat(13) EA WE(61.04) 1709.48 47.16 53 KR Georal(3) EA • 54 KR Georai(15) EA WE(17.12) 400.00 5.02 55

PR Gcorai(10) EA 8.00 WE(27.90) 392.00 33.57 S6

KR Georai(5) ED, 1.50 WE(28.50) 750.00 36.69 57 EAG Unmhabited 58 KR Georai(3) EA WE(66.98) 1018.05 134.85 59

KR Georai(4) ED, WE(30.50) 674.28 47.76 60 EAG PR Georai(10) EA 8.00 WE(28.61) 592.00 15.33 61

PR Georai(8) EA WE(HJO.oo) 1416.37 41.86 62

KR Georai(5) EA WE(6.00) 403.00 25.96 63

KR Georai(6) EA WE(13.17) 502.33 81.50 64

PR Georai(7) EA 33.50 WE(1I.OO) 343.50 24.70 65

PR Georai(9) EA WE(18.49) 1820.48 32.48 66

KR Georai(9) EA WE(l2.00) 270.00 21.83 67

KR Georal(12) EA WE(I1.63) 208.87 7.10 • 68 92


Loc:atiOil Name of ViJlaae Total ... TllIal Amenibes available (if not available wilhin lite village a Code of !he·villap Population dash (-) is shown in the column lIRd DClI.t to it m bracket the No. (in hccIares IIldNo. of dislllllC:C in broad JIIIles viz. 5 kDlS, S-lOml.1Ild lOtkms of rounded households !he nearest plac:c where the facility is available is liven) uptotwo Drinking Post Comm- decimal Educa- Medical DayordaYI waler and of the umcallon plac:es) tional (potable) Telegraph m.dtet/ (Bus Stop, hat, if any Railway Statton, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 3.CJRCLE

69 Hingangaon 458.88 P: 680 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 1"50 HP 70 GondiKb 399.63 P:660 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 144 HP 71 Katchincholi 959.73 P:925 P CHW T,,,,, -(5-10) -(10+) BS H: 182 M Hf 72 Pangulgaon 286.91 P:264 P CHW T,W -(5-1~) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:65 HP,R 73 Mirgaon 571.S3 P: 691 P -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) .(-5) H: 163 9 HP,R ", 74 Pandhari 623.18 P: 621 P CHW T,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 129 R 7S Bhogalgaon 880.91 P: 1384 P CHW T,HP PO -(5-10) BS H:263 M R 76 Borgaon Thadi 399.02 P:474 P ·(5-10) T,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) .(5-10) H:95 R 77 Raheri 879.45 P: 1316 P PHS T,W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:268 M CHW R 78 Antarvali Bk. 1659.71 P: 1911 P PHS T,W PO -(-5) BS H:423 M CHW HP 79 Daithan 739.M P: 1552 P PHS T,W PO -(10+) BS H: 367 M CHW H 80 Sangam JalgllOn 398.02 P:562 P ·(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 120 HP 81 Revki 1237.12 P: 1545 P CHW W,HP PO -(-5) BS H:332 82 Oeold 675.15 P: 671 P PHS W,HP PO -(-5) BS H: 164 83 Lukhamasla 1151.44 P: 1449 P -(10+) W.HP -(10+) -(10+) BS H:318 84 Talwada 3500.36 P:7494 P(2) PHC T,W PO Sat BS H: 1530 M CHW HP H 85 Gangawadi 948.08 P: 1474 P CHW T,W -(5-10) ·(5-10) BS H:261 86 Rajapur 1181.72 P: 1269 .p CHW T.W -(-5) ·(5-10) BS H:283 R 87 Govindwadi 705.20 P:624 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) H: 165 88 Chavbanwadi 574.60 P: 1236 P CHW W.HP -(-5) ·(-5) .(-5) H:221 89 Doiphodwadi 402.33 P:430 P CHW W -(-5) .(5.10) -(-5) H: 133 90 Kathoda 823.94 'P: 1169 P(2) PHS W,HP -(-5) ·(-5) BS H:287 R 91 Manubai law.la 599.40 P:683 P CHW W.R .(-5) -(-5) BS H: 137 92 Rampuri 2044.44 P:3010 P PHS T,W PO Sun BS M:603 M' CHW R H 93


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (t.e. area under different types 0( land use in Localion ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upo two dectmal places) Code to (to km.) No. vtllage Forest Impled Unirrigated Culturable Ateanct by source waste available for (including Cultivatton aoucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18


KR Georai(18) ED GC(150.10) 200.44 38.24 69 EAG WE(70.00) KR Georai(20) ED GC(I00.45) 230.66 53.52 70 EAG WE(IS'()() KR Georai(22) EA GC(5oo.oo) 400.73 9.00 71 WE(50.00) KR Georai(22) EA OC(66.00) 200.97 10.00 72 WE(lO.OO) KR Georai(22) EA WE(115.00) 380.00 76.53 73

KR Georai(25) ED R(l54.00) 462.54 6.64 74 EAG KR Georai(22) ED 15.00 R(l88.00) 540.50 137.41 75 EAG KR Georai(19) ED R(81.oo) 243.74 74.28 76 EAG PR Oeorai(25) ED OC(70.10) 739.00 70.35 77 EAG PR Georai(20) ED 23.00 WE(210.00) 1321.00 105.71 78 EAG PR Oeorai(18) ED 38.00 GC(170.40) 272.20 179.04 79 EAG WE(80.00)

KR Georai(16) ED OC(140.40) 108.20 89.42 80 EAG WE(60.00) PR Georai(12) ED 26.48 GC(500.00) 600.00 110.64 81 EAG PR Oeorai(8) ED 24.64 GC(325.51) 300.00 25.00 82 EAG PR Georai(16) ED 26.00 GC(225.20) 674.00 126.24 83 EAG WE(I00.00) PR Georai(15) ED 23.75 GC(l539.4O) 1627.21 20000 &4 EAG WE(llO.OO)

KR Georai(18) ED 11.50 GC(101.20) 543.18 292.20 85 EAG KR Georai(22) ED GC(64.10) 951.08 151.54 86 EAG WE(15.00) KR Georai(5) ED 20.00 GC(5.00) 643.56 11.64 87 EAG WE(25.00) K.R Georai(16) ED GC(70.60) 403.00 51.00 88 EAG WE(50.00) KR Georai(16) ED GC(9O.00) 252.33 10.00 89 EAG WE(50.00) KR Georai(21) ED GC(40.00) 680.18 93.56 90 EAG WE(lO.20) PR Georai(35) ED GC(I00.00) 476.40 9.00 91 EAG WE(14.00) PR Georai(40) ED 1.00 GC(400.00) 1348.38 154.06 92 EAG WE(l41.oo) 94


Location Name of VIllage Total area Total Amenitles avaIlable (If not avaIlable wnhm the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) is shown In the column and next to It In bracket the No. (m hectares and No. of dlStance m broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 100kms of rounded households the nearest place where the (arulty IS avatlable IS gIven) uptotwo Dnnkmg Day or days decImal Educa- Medical Post Comm- liona} water and of the umcatlon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop. hat. If any Railway Station. Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

93 Shnpat Antarwala 389.18 P:443 P -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 80 HP.R 94 Gopat Pimpalgaon 411.13 P: 513 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 123 HP.R 95 Dhalegaon 278.52 P:487 P CHW T,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 108 R 96 Babultara 221.51 P.334 P -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 76 R 97 Tape Nungaon 430.75 P:386 P -(-5) W.HP -(-5} -(-5) BS H:84 R


98 Ghogas Pargaon 1269.93 P: 1539 P PHS W.HP PO -(-5) BS H:393 M CHW

99 Malegaon Chalela 578.51 P: 693 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:207 M R 100 Maturi 2108.19 P: 1675 P PHS W.HP PO -(10+) BS H:392 M CHW H 101 Tintarwam 1048.91 P: 1376 P(2) PHS W.HP PO Sat BS H: 366 M CHW H 102 Smgarwadi 478.99 P:384 P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H' 91 103. Takalewadt (N.V.) (104) * P:255 -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 61 104 PIDlpla 3251.00 P:2763 P PHS W.HP PO -(5-10) BS H:648 M 105 Kaudgaon 423.82 P:379 P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 81 106 Sushi 98067 P:877 P CHW T,W PO -(5-10) BS H:232 107 Vadgaon Sushi 65114 P:747 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 171 108 Sindkhed 641.55 P: 821 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 198 M HP 109 Manmodl 461.98 P'633 P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 110 110 Mulukwadl 547.10 P:396 P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 111 III lavaharwadi 505.57 P:634 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 171 112 Bhadangwadi 531.42 P: 416 P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 82 113 ShaltaJanpur 7541 UnmhabIted 114 Chtkhali 41474 P:427 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.79 115 Sathewadl 596.88 P:531 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS H'130 116 Tandala 125919 P.738 P CHW W.HP -(10+) -(10+) BS H.179 M 95


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use 10 Locauon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two declD181 places) Code to (10 km.) No. village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (1Ocludmg Cultivation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Georai(45) ED GC(lOO.18) 200.00 8000 93 EAG R(9.00) KR Georai(43) ED 400.13 11.00 94

KR Georal(43) ED GC(9552) 17000 8.00 95 EAG R (5.00) KR Georai(34) ED GC(5.55) 200.96 15.00 96 EAG KR Georal(36) ED 8.00 WE(120) 411.55 10.00 - 97 EAG


KR Georai(39) EA WE(19.69) 1075.40 0.97 173.87 98

KR Georai(38) EA WE(5.35) 539.97 33.19 99

KR Georai(38) EA WE(15.36) 1803.12 28.34 26137 roo

PR Georal(33) EA WE(50.00) 805.15 193.76 101

PR GeoraI(43) EA 403.83 75.16 102

KR Geora1(43) ED 103

KR Geora1(27) EA 291.50 GC(10.00) 2777.29 112.00 104 WE(60.21) KR Georai(22) EA 35.51 WE(8.23) 361.84 18.24 105

KR Georal(13) EA WE(129.00) 800.03 51.64 106

KR Georai(27) EA 4.50 WE(119.00) 495.94 3170 107

KR Georai(10) EA WE(llO.Ol) 500.00 3154 108

KR Georai(25) EA WE(6.42) 450.00 556 109

KR Georai(25) EA WE(18.00) 360.90 168.20 110

KR GeoraI(26) EA WE(10.30) 484.37 10.90 111

KR Geora1(24) EA WE(17.84) 490.00 23.58 112

Unmhabltcd 113 KR Georai(26) EA WE(103.00) 290.49 2125 114

KR Georai(29) EA WE(2.27) 542.03 52.58 115

PR Geora1(35) EA 1240.68 18.51 116 96


Locallon Name of Vdlage Total area Total Arnemucs available (tC not avauablc wuhm the village a Code of the village Populallon dash (-) IS shown In the column and next to It in bracket the No. (10 hectares and No. of dutanal 10 broad ranges viz 5 knIS. 5-10 lans. and 10+kms of rounded household. the nearest place where the facility IS available IS given) uptotwo Medical Orinkmg Post Day or days Comm- d«:imal Educa- tional water and of the unicauon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SlOp. hat. If any Railway StaUOll. Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

117 Anandwadi 436.90 P:526 P RP W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 122 CHW 118 Borgaon Chakla 693.78 P:808 P -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 165 M 119 Varangalwadi 615.25 P:502 P RP W.HP -(·5) -(5-10) ·(-5) H: 124 120 Narayanwadi 46035 P:573 P -(-5) W.HP -(.5) -(5·10) -(-5) H: 123 121 lodwadi 766.21 P:385 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:94 122 Saidapur 519.84 P:512 P -(10+) W ~(10+) -(10+) -(-5) H: 101 M 123 KaJata 51002 P:642 P -(10+) W.HP -(10+) .(10+) BS H: 146 124 Kolgaon 1970.52 P:2159 P(2) PHS W.HP PO -(5-10) BS H:522 M CHW H 125 Sawargaon Pokhan 610.66 P:979 P PHS T -(·5) -(-5) BS H: 191 CHW W 126 Madalmohl 1998.25 P:5290 P(2) PHC T PO Tue BS H:998 M PHS W Phone H RP CHW 127 Vanjarwadi 617.77 P:752 P ·(-5) W -(-5) .(-5) -(-5) H: 186 HP 128 Aber Vahegaon 1506.03 P: 1711 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:360 M CHW HP 129 Padalsingi 1370.30 P: 1947 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H:441 M HP H 130 Kumbharwadi 782.22 P:957 P -(-5) W ·(-5) -(-5) -(·5) H: 215 HP 131 Pokhari 526.58 P:660 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 171 W 132 Khadki 496.15 P:695 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 146 HP 133 Mankapur 248.46 P: 175 P .(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:37 134 Fulsangvi 1103.25 P: 1073 P PHS W PO Mon BS H:254 M CHW HP H 135 Nimgaon Mayamba 535.15 P: 1179 P -(10+) W PO -(5-10) BS H:270 M HP H 136 Hajipur 478.90 P:423 P ·(-5~ T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:99 W 137 Markadwadi • P:471 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 85 138 Dharwanta 664.33 P:861 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 187 139 Ukhadpimpri 602.61 P:830 P PHS T -(-5) -(-5) BS H:202 M CHW W R 140 T akalgavhan Turf GeoraI 277.66 P:599 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 118 W 97


Appro- Nearest POWer Land use (i.e area under different types of land use In Locatlon ach !Own and dislal1ce Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (inkm.) No vilIaae FOOlst Inigaled Unirrigated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (including Culuvallon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ii 1

KR Georai(46) EA 6.00 WE(30.10) 321.04 79.76 117

KR Geotai(40) EA WE(17.35) 585.30 91.13 118

KR Georai(48) EA WE(80.60) 521.85 12.80 119

KR Georai(47) EA WE(1 05.1 0) 346.90 8.35 120

KR Georai(56) EA WE(7.27) 751.59 735 121

KR Georai(32) EA WE(30.OO) 489.84 122

PR Georai(32) EA WE(22.33} 47825 944 123

PR Georai(38) EA 34.00 WE(38.32) 1813.45 8475 124

PR Georai(23) EA WE(lO.oo) 490.00 110.66 125

PR Georai(21) EA 72.00 WE(105.88) 182037 126

KR Georai(23) EA WE(25.75) 575.10 16.92 127

PR Georai(14) EA 34.00 WE(41.81) 1333.89 96.33 128

PR Georai(15) EA 5.50 WE(40.80) 1229.45 94.55 129

KR Georai(20) EA WE(31.39) 740.00 1083 130

PR Georai(22) EA WE(lO.OO) 450.00 6.00 60.58 131

PR Georai(25) EA GC(10.17) 446.25 31.73 132 WE(8.00) KR Georai(30) ED NA. 133

PI{ Georai(36) EA WE(60.00) 998.74 44.51 134

PR Georai(34) EA 22.00 R(lSO.20) 328.30 3465 135

KR Georai(35) EA WE(35.00) 423.29 20.61 136

KR Bid(3S) EA 137

KR Georai(36) EA WE(30.60) 586.08 47.65 138

KR Georai(41) EA WE(25.70) 563.68 1323 139

KR Geor&l(36) EA WE(20.lO) 239.31 536 12.89 140

a-A 98


Location Name of Village Total area Total Amemlles avaIlable (If not avaIlable WlIhUl the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) 15 shown 10 the column and next to it m braeket the No (in hectares and No of dIStance in broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 10+kms of rounded households thepearest place where the facthty is available IS given) uptotwo Drinking Comm- dectmal Educa- Medical Post Day or days places) Ilonal water and of the umcaUon (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hat. If any RaIlway Stauon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

141 Kalwadi Mankapur (N.V.) 314.30 P:284 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (142) H:54 142 Sirasmarg 466.83 P: 2471 P PHS T PO Mon BS H:539 M RP W Phone H CHW R 143 Dimakhwadi 575.86 P: 847 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 166 W 144 Tartyachiwadi 501.98 P:436 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:85 145 ShahajlUlp\lr Chakla 75.41 1>: 952 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 203 R 146 Ankota 288.66 P:49 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 13 W R 147 Loladgaon 378.80 P:4&4 P -(-5) W -(-5) i(-5) BS H:84 HP R 148 Simpegaon 87.73 P: 313 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 62 HP R 149 Itkur 227.84 P:700 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:130 HP R 150 Hirapur 427.52 P: 1234 P PHS T,W PO Tue BS H:249 M RP HP CHW R 151 Takalgaon 313.12 P: 871 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 176 W HP


152 Kekat Pangri 133213 P:2290 P(2) PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:477 M CHW H 153 Rokda 208.65 P:272 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:70 154 Sirala 411.84 P:486 P -(5-10) W PO -(-5) BS H:118 155 Rohithal 1075.82 P: 1843 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H:362 M 156 Belgudwadi 579.74 P:473 P -(5-10) T -(5-10) -(-5) BS H: 124 W HP 157 Golegaon 719.00 P: 1277 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:301 HP 158 Surdi BIc. 553.31 P: 624 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 126 HP 159 Talcalgavhan TurfTalkhed 517.87 P:543 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 166 HP 160 Chopdyacluwadi 554.14 P: 854 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:253 HP 161 Selu 884.81 P: 1338 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) Fri BS H:331 HP 8-8 99


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (1 e area under d1fferent types of land use in Locat10n ach town and d1stance Supply hectares rounded upto two declfnal places) Code 10 (tUbn) No village Forest Imgated Ummgaled Culturable Area not by source waste ava1lable for (mclud1ng CulllvatlOn gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 , 16 17 18

KR Georai(35) EA WE(40.00) 225.00 49.30 141

PR Georai(35) EA WE(15580) 250.03 20.00 41.00 142

KR Georal(30) EA WE(75.00) 480.80 20.06 143

KR Georal(33) EA WE(90.04) 314.94 9700 144

KR Georai(30) EA WE(3.71) 70.00 170 145

KR Georai(25) EA WE(3.00) 270.33 1533 146

KR Georal(24) EA WE(20.51) 32800 30.29 147

KR Georai(22) EA WE(1O,48) 70.60 665 148

KR Goorai(18) EA WE(l343) 190.00 24.41 149

PR Georai(18) EA WE(50.76) 345.00 31.76 150

KR Goorai(22) EA 0.50 WE(21.05) 279.50 1207 151


KR Goorai(8) ED 60.61 WE(103.00) 1053.12 11540 152 EAG

KR Georai(12) ED 9.32 WE(l1.6S) 185.65 203 153 EAG KR Georai(16) ED 8.00 WE(16.82) 385.70 1.32 154 EAG KR Georai(13) ED GC(151.00) 783.21' ' 41.61 155 EAG WE(lOO.OO)

KR Georlll(15) ED GC(140.oo) 318.74 21.00 156 EAG WE(lOO.OO) KR Goorai(18) ED 15.00 GC(200.00) 331.49 62.51 157 EAG WE(llO.OO) I' PR Georai(34) ED 8.00 GC(312.00) 147.31 40.00 46.00 158 EAG KR Georai(33) ED GC(nl.OO), 162.00 6.87 -18.00 159 EAG KR Goorai(20) ED GC(386.00) 149.00 5.14 14.00 160 EAG KR Georai(32) ED GC(200.00) 626.97 32.84 161 EAG WE(25.00) 100


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total AJIICPlues avWable (If lUll available wi&lna the vlllage a Code of the vlllage Populatlon dasb (-) is $bown in the mluma aDIl naxt toil m blacJket !be No. (m hectares and No. of dtSIan

162 Jategaon 2346.68 P~3762 P(2) PHC W PO Thu BS H: 850 M FPC HP H CHW 163 Thakar Adgaon 687.69 P:1371 P CHW W. +5) -(5-10) BS H:252 M. HP 164 Koltyachi Wadi (N.V.) 292.00 P:26~ P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS (163) H:52 HP 165 Bhatepun 511.71 P:664 P CHW W -(oS) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 112 HP 166 Sirasdevi 1660.56 P:2623 P PHS W 00 Fri BS H:596 CHW H~ 167 Padulyachiwadi 632.04 P: 336 P -(5.10) W -(-5) -(-5) +5) H:47 HR 168 BhendBk. 443.25 P~~l P -(5-10) W -(-5) , -(-5) -(-5) H: 155 UP. 169 Marfala 915.74 P: 1074 P PHS WI -(-5) -(-5) BS H:295 M CHW UP 170 LonaIa 429.81 P:433 P -(5.10) W' -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 128 UP 171 Nandpur 342.41 P:477, P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) HlUO, HP 172 Kambi Majara 450.9~· ~6&O P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H! 146 173 BhendTakIi 919.34- P: 1218 P RP W PO The BS H:354 M; CHW 174 BhendKh. 652.48, P:505 P. CHW W, -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 13j UP 175 KaJalyachi Wadi 339.57 P:440 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:96 HP. 176 Ardbmaslt:· 1308.79 P: 1647 P FlHB W -(.5) -(-5) BS H:30& CHW- HP 177 Aurangpur lawalka 258.85 U~· 178 Nipani Jawalka 1440.09 p,; 1&14, P l),HC T -(-5." -(-5) BS H!3S2 M PHS W CHW UP 119 Rui 1324.82 P: 1898- P PHS, W, PO Sun BS H:418 M CHW., UP 180 Jalgaon (Majra) 241.02 P~250; P -(1lH-) W -(.5) -(-5) -(-5) H:5'3 UP

181 Sultanpur 646.41 P:46, P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Hi 12&: HP 182 KherdaBk. 687.29 P:'671 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H1152:. CHW, 183 Kherdawadi 1411.01 P:&J' p, CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Ht 144,· 18:4, SiBdphana.


Appro- NeanIIt p- 'LInd use (i.e.. .. lIftder.4iffehl'll types of land use m I..oQation ach cowa..... 1iisIma: &,pply 'lnctmu'l'OUIl4cd'upt«tcwo dabnal plaasl) Cede to (.'kIIl,) No. village Forest !nip- Unrrripted CulIurablew_ AJeanot ~1IGQn:e available for (mdlldmg Culuvation gOOdlaTCld groves)

II 12 r3 14 15 16 17 18

PR Georai(30) BID 5.50 GC(746.68) 1315.17 178.73 162 BAl:J WBClOO.oo)

KR Gani(21) ED OC~.OO) 3.15.17 12.48 163 BAG WH(.1OO.114) KR Oeorai(lS) ED OC(60:00) 192.65 9.35 164 EAG WH(30:00) KIt lJeorai(23) fiD 24.40 WE(2,1.67) 465.64 165 ~ PR IG~lS) BJi) 5.00 WB(3f).8B) '1624.13 166 'EMG KIt .~16) BD WE(1~.29) 617.:'15 167 ·E)\G KIt Georail(l2) ED ~.oa) 3'77.84 41.37 168 'BAG PR IGeorIl1~2) BD cQq35j)() 91S;n 26.97 t69 BAG ,PI. ,Oecni~18) ED 17.07 GC(9.00) 398.31 5.44 170 EAG KR Georai(l'7) ED WB(14.26) 316.44 11.71 171 EAG KR 1Geenai(l~) 1m 10:00 WE(i2.1.56) 392.65 26.78 172 .£.1\0 ,PR Georai(3D) ED WE(80.71) 869.03 29.60 173 BAG PIt 0e0rai(30) ED WE(17.18) 616:17 18.53 174 EAG PR Georai(17) ,liJi) WE(20.00) 310.00 9.57 175 EAG PR Oeocai(lO) ED WE(<48.35) 1204.72 55.72 a'6 'HAG Unmhabited In PIt Georai(l1) ED 17.63 WE'(33.91) 1283.41 10514 178 £1t'G

PIt (legrai(13) ,ED WE(45.54) 1255.80 23.48 119 EAG KR .Georal(20) ED 19.50 WE(l7.21) 200.70 3.61 1'80 £AG

KR Georai(14) ED WE(32.15) 606.50 :'1.76 181 EAG KR 'Georai(n) ED WE(30.00) 635.59 ~no 182 EAG . KR Georai(22) BD WE(lO.OO) 1367.75 ~J.l6 1&3 EAG KR 'Georai(28) ED 319.66 41.39 184 EAG

KR Georai(28) ED R(9.85) 453.16 13.55 185 EAG

KR Georai(25) ED R(2.03) 248:22 23.09 ltfi EAG 102


Locsllon Name of Village TOlaI area TOlal Amenllie. available (If IKlt available wilhin !he village a Code of the village Populallon dash (-) is shown in the column and nextlO it in bracket the No (Ill heClarcs IndNo.of dlS[4nce in broad ranges viz. S !em., 5-10 lam. and JOi-kms of rounded households \he nearest place where the faabty is available IS given) uplotwo Medical Drinking Day or days Comll'l- decimal Educa- Post walet places) 1101111 and of the unicalicn (polable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hal, ifany Railway Station, WlIerWIY) 2 3 4 S 6 1 8 9 10

187 Rameshwar 233.46 P:301 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(lOT) -(10+) H:74 HP R 188 Vahegaon Arnala 960.98 P: 1706 P CHW W PO -(10+) BS H:456 M HP H 189 Amla 958.90 P: 1310 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:301 M CHW HP 190 Digras 36431 P:299 P -(10+) W -(-~) -(-5) -(10+) H:93 HP R 191 Dhanora 732.16 P:848 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:'i94 192 Talvat Borgaon 939.43 P: 1492 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) BS H:278 M HP 193 Pachegaon 2031.60 P:3238 P PHS W PO Thu BS H:791 M CHW HP H 194 Pimpalgaon Kanada 644.33 P:845 P CHW W -(-5) -(oS) -(oS) H: 146 HP R 195 Erandgaon 486.60 P:433 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) H:99 HP R 196 Irgaon 540.80 P:531 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) -(·5) H:89 HP 197 Kopra 218.89 P:245 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) H:51 HP R 198 Aurangpur Kukada 354.47 P:521 P -(-5) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) H.118 HP

Grand Total 158009.63 P:212634 P(200) H(l) H: 46592 M(60) PHC(6) H(24) PHS(41) PUCCI) FPC(3) C(l) CHW(135) RP(24)

Note: (1) * Area of Location code Nos. 38, 103 and 137 are included in area oC Location Code Nos. 40, 104 and 134.

(2) -. ~ Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 54 is included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 47. - (3) N.A. == Not Available. 103


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (lll. an:a under different types of land use ill Locauon ach mWll and d\S\&ru:e Supply h~, rounded upto two decimal pla.ces) Code. to (in kin.) No. village Faresl lmgalCd VRlmgated CullUl1IblCl AlI:lInO( by source waste available (or (including Cuiuvarion goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 ,16 17 18

KR Georai(23) ED R(3.69) 200.99 28.78 187 EAG

KR Georai(26) ED WE(58.39) 872.78 29.&1 188 EAG

KR Georai(26) ED WE(36.38) 841.75 74.11 189 BAG PR Georai(29) ED R(2.18) 326.70 35.43 190 EAG

KR Georai(24) ED 7.00 ' WE(8.17) ~2.41 74.52 191 EAG KR Georai(26) W WE(SS.90) 824.81 58.66 192 EAG \, KR GeorIti(21) ED - WE(58.99) la44.10 128.51 193 EAG

KR Georai(22) ED WE{2.81) 590.61 50.91 194 EAG

KR Georai(24) ED is.OO R(25.45) 411.51 34.58 195 EAG

KR Georai(24) ED 21.00 R(20.1O) 447.70 52.00 196 EAG KR Georai(23) EAG R(15.30) , 179.39 24.20 191

KR Georai(28) ED R(28.20) 30982 16.45 198 EAG

1291.52 GC(I1391.82)124223.56 6M.41 10504.36 WE (7592.43) R (95400) ·MAt-tARASHTRA TAHSIL MANJl.£GA-oN s "I R J DISTRICT BID

o s ,

BElIENUE CiRClES ~ .!:!aim


H s

Not- e 0 Block Boundary of MonlleqaOf'! IS Co-terminus with TOh$al 8ounoary Excluding (III Statutory TowM

MSH-MoJor Stote Hlghw:JY



01 _ CapyngIII,_ Based upon SUrvty of Iod.a map Wtlh the perml'5Sf()tl of tht Surveyor GtnIral 01 indIO @ _ 105



Sr. Name of Village Code. Populatlon Sr. Name of Village Code. PgpulaliuI No. No No. No. (I) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 AadHingani 151 317 39 Dhorgaon 77 ·557 2 Abegaon 41 1383 40 t>igras 123 770 3 Adola 44 173 41 Dindrud 140 4468 4 Alapur 129 730 42 DubbaNajm 32 422 5 Amla 196 1238 43 Dubba Thadi 7 345 6 Anandgaon 120 1909 44 Dukdegaon 102 S40 7 Aurangapur 175 479 45 Ekburjiwadi (N. V.) (132) 134 372 8 Babhalgaon 139 1216 46 Ekdam 35 1309 - 9 Bahegavhan 111 1088 47 Fakir Jawala 144 873 10 Bavi 115 722 48 Gangamasla 45 2825 11 Belura 136 1091 49 Gavhan Thadi 5 431 12 Bhatwadgaon 53 1047 50 Ghalatwadi 78 993 13 Bhilegaon 199 593 51 Govardhan 169 2283. 14 Bhopa 142 620 52 Govmdpur 49 310 15 Bodakha 149 652 53 Govindwadi ,14 S98 16 Bodhegaon 204 1330 54 GUPJthadi 60 953 17 Borkhed 162 504 55 Harishchandra Pimpri 97 1201 18 Bramhagaon 75 536 56 Harki Namgaon 26 1096 19 Bramhagaon Devi 72 uninlubited 57 Hasanabad 173 324 20 Chatgaon 146 729 58 Hingani Bk 152 1566 21 Chhatra Borgaon 40 1254 59 Hingani Kh. 154 1363 22 Chhotiwadi 58 842 60 Hinganwadi (N. V) (65) 66 275 23 Chikhah 183 507 61 HiwamBk. 6 1458 24 Chinchagavhan 69 790 62 Hiwara Govardhan 165 1580 25 Chinchola 103 1872 63 Hiwargavhan 116 586 26 Chinchoti 105 1051 64 Irla Majra 31 260 27 Chinchawadgaon 92 1070 65 Jadid Jawala 28 1307 28 Dawargaon Bk. 81 82 66 Jaitapur 184 312 29 Dawargaon Kh. 82 uninhabited 67 JaIgavhan 164 499 30 Depegaon 50 748 68 Jaygaon 170 1586 31 Devdahiphal 145 1595 69 Jaykowadi 12 307 32 Devdhi 93 1572 70 Jaykowadi 21 683 33 Devgaon 85 570 71 Jiwanpur 135 484 ·34 Devkheda 67 710 72 Kacharwadi 155 379 35 DevlaKh. 130 442 73 KadiWadgaon 91 865 36 Devthana 194 1001 74 KaIegaon Thadi 8 477 37 Bhanagarwadi (paytalwadi) 23 565 75 Kanadi 180 329 38 Dhanora 98 221 76 Kandewadi 153 455 106


Sr. Name of Village Code. Population Sr. Name ofVjllage Code Populauon No No No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

77 Kanh&pur 109 358 118 Manjrath 39 1878 78 Kannapur 197 1225 119 Manor 55 886 79 Karewadi 203 1256 120 Manurwadi 54 798 80 Karl 148 1978 121 Mategaon 88 336 81 Kasari Bodakha 150 1453 122 Maujyachiwadi 95 636 82 Kasarwadi 163 1061 123 Mhatargaon 198 449 83 Kaudgaon Bk. 94 2293 124 Mogra 121 2110 84 Kaudgaon Ghoda 117 1473 125 Moha 202 2896 85 Kaudgaon Huda 167 1549 126 Mohkhed 159 1656 86 Kaudgaon SabIa 178 780 127 Morwad 112 1035 87 Kaudgaon Thaid 4 305 128 Mothiwadi 46 2017 88 Kavalyachiwadi 200 1110 129 Mungi 193 653 89 Kedar Sangvi 68 uninhabited 130 Nagadagaon 48 519 90 Kcnde Pimpri 99 228 131 NakhaIgaon 137 1306 91 Kesapuri 51 5184 132 Nandur 70 117 92 KhaIwat Nimgaon 83 1666 133 Nimla 195 393 93 Khamgaon 187 612 134 Nipani Takli 79 907 94 Khanapur 76 449 135 Nitrud 101 4671 95 Khaparwadi 90 577 136 Padoil 174 457 96 Kharat Adgaon 62 1327 137 Pandharwadi (N. Y.) (83) 84 uninhabited 97 Khatgavhan 122 706 138 Pardi 89- 502 98 KherdaKh. 36 1013 139 Patrud 119 77?IJ 99 Kni Adgaon 24 3240 140 Pawarwadi 63 530 100 Kothimbirwadl 147 304 141 Phule Pimpalgaon 37 209 101 Kothrul 125 1285 142 Phule Pimpalgaon 52 1720 102 Koyal 201 . 698 143 Pimalgaon (Nakhale) 138 603 103 Kundi 185 764 144 Pimpalgaon Gadhe 179 2604 104 Kuppa 114 2222 145 Pimparkhed 96 1482 105 Lahamewadi 128 772 146 Pimpri Bk. 168 2429 106 LauI 87 4306 147 Pimpri Kh. 124 1022 107 Laxmipur 108 275 148 Pohner 160 2818 108 Longaon 126 1961 149 Punandgaon 74 356 109 Lonwal 118 425 150 Pungani 33 376 110 Lukhegaon 56 442 151 Purshottampun 11 1588 111 Mahatpuri 9 543 152 pusra 113 811 112 Malipargaon 22 1313 153 Rajegaon 17 2209 113 Malnathapor 191 582 154 Rajewadi 100 1878 114 Mamdapur 166 574 155 RampimpaIgaon 27 320 115 Mamla 106 292 156 Renapuri 73 255 116 MangruI 38 1719 157 Rewali 188 1712 117 Manjlegaon (Rural) 65 uninhabited 158 Ridhori 3 694 107


Sr. Name of Village Code. Populauon Sr Name of VJllage Code PopulatlOO No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

159 Roshanpuri 57 727 182 SonnaThadi 61 1388 160 Sadola 13 2708 183 Sukh 186 647 161 Safdarabad 190 270 184 Sultanpur 10 1176 162 Salegaon 133 717 185 Surdi Najik 18 729 163 Salimba 107 1047 186 Surnarwadi 157 538 164 Sands Chincholi 47 1085 187 Surumgaon 59 717 165 Sangam 143 794 188 Takarwan 1 4251 166 Sarwar Pimpalgaon 42 726 189 Takh Acharya 176 1999 167 Sawargaon 25 2118 190 Talewadt 86 981 1168 Selu 189 520 191 Talkhed 30 3977 169 ShahaJanpur 16 675 192 Tapovan 182 519 - 170 Shahapur Majara 29 259 193 Telgaon Bk. 141 2047 171 Shelapun 71 789 194 Telgaon Kh. 34 741 172 Shelagaon Thadi 2 425 195 Tigaon 104 1234 173 Shimpelakli 64 1213 196 Tilasmukh 161 696 174 Shindewadi 127 786 197 ·UmnBk. 131 1751 175 Shmdewadi 171 836 198 Upli 117 3081 176 Shrungarwadi 20 730 199 Wadvani llO 7588 177 Shuklatirth Nimgaon 80 556 200 Waghora 15 1688 178 Simri Pargaon 132 1236 201 Waka 192 779 179 Singanwadl 158 664 202 Wangi Bk. 172 2026 180 Slrsala 181 6582 203 Warola 19 1934 181 Somthana 43 1170 204 Wharkarwadl 156 384 Total : 238083 108


Loc:atian Name of Village ToWallla ToW AmemIilsJ available (If not available-withm the villase a Code of die village PopulaUOIl dash (.) 18 Iltown in the column .... next to it m bracket the No. (ill heclares and No. of d18tanoe m broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-10 lans. and lO+kms Qf rounded households the _t pla


1 Talwwan 1812.25 P:4251 P PHS W PO Fri -(1G+) H:820 M D HP RP(2) CHW 2 Shelgaon Thacli 302.25 P:425 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:83 HP R 3 Ridhori 440.25 P: 694 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5~lO) -(5-10) H: 124 HP R , 4 Kaudgaon Thadi 361.87 P:305 P CHW W -(5-10) .(5-10) .(5.10) H:57 HP R 5 Gavhan Tlwii 279.27 P:431 P CHW W -(5.10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:S4 HP R 6 HiwaraBk. 1375.16 P: 1458 P RP W PO +5) -(10+) H:285 M CHW HP R 7 DubbaThadl 224.72 P:345 P CHW W .(5.10) ·(5.10) -(10+) H:"58 HP R 8 Kalegaon Thadi 263.70 P:477 P CHW W -(5·10) -(5~10) -(10+) H:95 HP R

9 Mahatpuri 352.81 P:543 P CHW HP .(5-10) -(5·10) -(10+) H: 101 M R 10 SultanpUr' 915.44 P: 1176 P CHW W .(5·10) -(5-10) -(10+) H:204 M HP R 11 PurshottampWl 1181.01 P: 1588 P PHS W PO -(10+) BS H: 317 M RP HP CHW R 12 Jaykowadi 385.80 P:307 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) H:51 HP R 13 Sadola 2306.82 P: 2708 P PHC T PO -(-5) BS H:4n M PHS W D HP RP R CHW 14 Govindwadi 702.83 P:598 P CHW T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 114 ·W HP 15 Waghora 1428.45 P: 1688 P caw w PO -(-5) .(5·10) H:313 HP 16 Shahajanpur 366.08 P:675 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) H: 135 HP 17 Rajegaon 1792.71 P:2209 P PHS W PO Mon BS H:438 M D UP RP CHW 109


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. area uruIer different types of land use m Locauon ac:b town and distam:e Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (in krn.) No. village Forest Imgaled UOlmgaled Culturable Area not by source waste avallahle for (mcluding Culllvalion goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TALKHED

PR Manjlegaon(30) EA 30.00 GC(350.oo) 1399.75 1 WE(32.50)

KR Manjlegaon(19) EA GC(I00.00) 190.05 2 WE(12.20)

.KR Manjlegaon(l5) EA GC(125.00) 309.65 . 3 WE(5.60)

KR Manjlegaon(16) EA GC(200.00) 154.67 5.00 4 WE(2.20)

KR Manjlegaon(l5) EA GC(I00.00) 164.22 5 WE(15.05)

KR ManJlegaon(15) EA GC(500.00) 857.66 6 WE(17.50)

KR Manjlegaon(12) EA GC(l00.00) 124.72 7

KR Manjlegaon(14) EA GC(120.00) 137.30 8 WE(6.40)

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA • 9 KR Manjlegaon(25) EA GC(200.00) 682.94 10 WE(32.50)

KR ManJlegaon(25) EA GC(SOO.OO) 995.09 40.00 359.21 11 WE(25.38) KR. Manjlegaon(22) EA • 12

PR Manjlegaon(13) EA GC(62.00) 2054.07 20.00 150.75 13 WE(20.00)

KR ManJlegaon( 13) EA NA 14

KR ManJlegaon(30) EA 40.50 GC(20.00) 1250.47 107.48 15 WE(lO.OO) KR ManJlegaon(25) EA GC(200.00) 152.85 0.50 4.39 16 WE(S34) PR Manjlegaon(25) EA GC(200.00) 1478.77 13.43 40.97 17 WE(59.5:4) 110


LocatlOn Name of Vtllage Total area Total Amemues avatlable (If not avatlable wIlhm Ihe village a Code of Ihe village Population dash (-) is shown III Ihe column and next to It m bracket Ihe No. (m hectares and No. of dlStance m broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10 kIDs and 10+kms of roWlded households Ihe nearest place where the faCIlIty IS avaIlable IS gIVcn) uptotwo dectmal Educa- MedIcal Drinking Post Day or days Comm- places) 110nai water and of the umcatioo (potable) Telegraph market / (Bus Stop, hat,If any Ratlway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 SurdlNaJik 382.85 P:729 P(2) CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H' 116 M HP 19 Warola 1162.40 P: 1934 P PHS W PO -(5-10) -(-5) H'439 RP HP CHW R 20 Shrungarwadl 839.07 P: 730 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 121 HP 21 Jaykowadi 462.02 P: 683 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 144 HP 22 Malipargaon 853.54 P'1313 P(2) CHW W PO -(5-~0) BS H: 244 HP 23 Dhanagarwadi (Paytalwadi) 764.34 P:565 P CHW W -(5-10) -(10+) BS H'l09 HP , 24 Kiti Adgaon 254253 P:3240 P PHS W PO Sun BS H: 610 M D HP Phonc H RP CHW 25 Sawargaon 1674.00 P: 2118 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H.362 M D HP RP R CHW 26 Harkl Nimgaon 945.22 P. 1096 P PHS W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H:204 D HP RP R CHW 27 Rampimpalgaon 380.00 P:320 P CHW W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) H: 57 HP 28 Jadid Jawala 540.41 P. 1307 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+) H: 198 M HP 29 Shah&pur MaJara 410.08 P:259 P D W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:53 CHW HP 30 Talkhed 2409.25 P:3977 P(3) PHe W PO Sun BS H: 774 M D HP H RP CHW 31 IrlaMaJra 338.16 P. 260 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 51 HP R 32 DubbaMajra 258.59 P:422 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'l09 HP R 33 Pungani 273.38 P'376 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 91 HP R 34 Telgaon Kh. 348.77 P:741 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 108 HP R 35 Ekdara 58989 P: 1309 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H: 222 M W 36 Kherdakb. 652.31 P: 1013 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:212 HP 37 Phul Pimpalgaon 541.24 P:209 P CHW HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H 35 R 111


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under dtfferent types of land use m Locatwn ach town and distance Supply hectljres rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (mkm.) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (mcludmg CU1UvallOli goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Manjlegaon(25) EA GC(20.00) 346.40 7.25 18 WE(920) KR Man]legaon(30) EA GC(600.97) 484.09 11.34 12.25 19 WE(53.75) KR Manjlegaon(25) EA • 20 KR Manjlegaon(20) EA • 21 KR Manjlegaon(10) EA WE(86.72) 744.65 6.16 16.01 22 PR Manjlegaon(12) EA • 23 PR Manjlegaon( 15) EA GC(200.00) 2809.73 110.00 137.14 24 WE(50.00)

PR Manjlegaon(lO) EA WE(5.00) 141849 250.51 25

KR Man]legaon( 19) EA WE(14.61) 1392.63 24

KR Manjlegaon( 14) EA 343.00 37.00 27

KR Manjlegaon(15) EA 40.00 WE(625) 485.57 859 28

KR Manjlegaon(14) EA WE(8.50) 401.58 29

PR Manjlegaon(18) EA GC(339.06) 2714.38 84.44 103.84 30 WE(6.6O)

KR Manjlegaon(23) EA WE(25.oo) 267.11 14.27 31.78 31

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA WE(30.oo) 188.58 14.01 26.00 32

KR ManJlegaon(22) EA 17.00 WE(27.oo) 221.90 7.48 33

KR Manjlegaon(28) EA WE(4000) 243.13 19.00 46.64 34

KR Manjlegaon(26) EA WE(35.oo) 539.29 15.60 35

KR Manjlegaon(22) EA WE(19OO) 633.31 36

KR Manjlegaon(18) ED 487.72 53.52 37 112


L.oeation NlIJIlc of Village Total arca Total Amcnlllcs available (If not available w1thm the village a Code of the village Populanon dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to 1t 10 bracket the No. (10 hectares and No. of distance 10 broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10kms. and 100kms of rounded households the nearest place where the facibty is avatIahIe IS given) uptotwo Dnnk10g Day or days Comm- decimal Educa- Med1cal Post water and of the umcanon pla<:ea) nonal (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hat, If any RaIlway Statton, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

38 Mangrul 2172.00 P: 1719 P(2) PHS W PO Tue -(10+) H:326 M 0 HP CHW R


39 Manjrath 2209.99 P: 1878 P PHS W po Tue BS H:393 M 0 HP H RP R CHW 40 Chhatra Borgaon 580.80 P: 1254 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:265 M HP R 41 Abegaon 1293.08 P: 1383 P PHS W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:317 M CHW HP R 42 Sarwar Pimpalgaon 622.69 P:726 P CHW T -(-5) -(10+) BS H: 122 W HP R 43 Somthana 244.45 P: 1170 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:1TI HP R 44 Adola 339.58 P: 173 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:35 HP R 45 Gangamasla 1355.97 P:2825 P(3) PHC T PO Wed BS H:574 M PHS W H D HP RP R CHW 46 Mothiwadi 1380.42 P:2017 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:393 HP 47 Sands Chincholi 1069.92 P:I085 P CHW W PO Sat -(5-10) H:227 HP R 48 Nagadagaon 415.34 P:519 P CHW W PO -(-5) -(-5) H: 138 HP R 49 Govmdpor 247.23 P:310 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:72 M HP H R 50 Depegaon 398.77 P:748 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 144 HP R 51 Kesapuri 1180.38 P:5184 P(2) CHW W PO -(-5) BS H: 1021 M HP H R 52 Phule Pimpalgaon 1131.00 P'1720 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:306 HP 53 Bhatwadgaon 887.00 P: 1047 P CHW W PO -(-5) -(-5) H: 190 HP 113


Appro- Nearesl Power Land Uie (I 6, area under dIfferent types rXlaod use In Looatton ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto tv. 0 declmdl pla~,) Code \0 (10 kIn.) No village Fores! Imgaled Unimgated Culli.l(able Areaoot by sourc~ 'l\-ute avaIlable for (illcluding CUlltVattOll goucllM and sroves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

KR ManJlegaon(15) ED 1737.26 434,74 38


KR Manjlegaon(16) EA WE(19.20) 1725.85 464.94 39

KR Manjlegaon(8) EA WE(1500) 425.80 14000 40

PR ManJlegaon(22) EA WE(75 10) 1217 98 41

PR Manjlegaon( 15) EA WE(5.40) 247.61 369.68 42

PR Manjlegaon(24 ) EA 244.45 43

KR Manjlegaon(26) EA WE(2.00) 292.78 44.80 44

PR ManJlegaon( 13) EA WE(30.00) 2863.14 320.85 45

PR Manjlegaon(lO) EA • 46 PR Manjlegaon( 6) EA WE(7.00) lO34.43 28.49 47

KR ManJlegaon( 6) EA 18.90 WE(883) 387.61 48

KR Manjlegaon(6) EA WE(2.38) 18212 62.73 49

KR Manjlegaon(6) EA WE(4.80) 332.97 61.00 50

PR Manjlegaon(5) EA 23.50 WE(5.30) 87058 281.00 51

KR ManJlegaon(S) EA WE(30.79) 93405 10194 6422 52

KR ManJlegaon( 4) EA WE(1.80) 86820 17.00 53 114


Loution Name of Village Total area Total Amenilles available (If not available withm the village a Code of the village Populallon dash (-) IS shown m the column and next to It 10 bracket the No. (m hectares and No. of dIstance m broad ranges VI1. 5 krns, 5-10 krns and 1O+krn. of rounded households the nearest place where the faahty IS avatlable tS givea) uptotwo Educa- Medical Drmkmg Post Day or days decunal Comm- llonal water and oCthe UDlcalloo places) (polable) Telegraph malltetl (BUI'Stop, bat,lf any Railway Stallon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

54 Manurwadi 291.55 P: 198 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 149 HP 55 Manur 1289.20 P:886 P 0 W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 214 RP R CHW 56 Lukhegaon 372.65 P:442 P 0 T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 83 RP W CHW HP R 51 Roshanpuri 611.00 P:727 P CHW W ·(5-100) -(5-10) BS H: 170 HP R 58 Chhotiwadi 411.60 P:842 P CHW W -(-5) , -(5-10) -(-5) H: 140 M HP 59 Surumgaon 311.82 P:111 P CHW W -(10+) Wed -(5-10) H: 169 HP R 60 Gunjtbadi 605.85 P:953 P CHW W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) H: 178 M HP R 61 SonnaThadi 890.65 P: 1388 P RP W PO -(10+) -(10+) H:300 M CHW HP H R 62 Kharat Adgaon 1034.26 P:1321 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:253 0 HP CHW 63 Pawarwadi 454_99 P:530 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:94 HP 64 Shimpetakli 813.08 P: 1213 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:309 HP R 65 Manjlegaon (Rural) 2253.97 Unmhabited 66 Hinganwadi (N.V.) (65) • P:275 P RP T PO Sun BS H:51 M CHW W H 67 Devkheda 297.00 P:710 P CHW R -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 138 68 Kedar Sangvi 240.39 Uninhabited 69 Chinchagavhan 413.00 P:790 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H: 137 R 70 Nandur 146.10 P: 117 P CHW R PO -(-5) BS H:20 71 Shelapuri 463.00 P:789 P RP W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 130 M CHW 72 Bramhagaon Devi 219.00 Uninhabited 73 Renapurl 344.05 P: 255 P CHW R -(5-10) -(SolO) BS H:53 14 Punandgaon 469.00 P:356 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) H:65 R 75 Brarnhagaon 497.00 P:536 P -(-5) W .(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:116 R 16 Khanapur 490.00 P:449 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H:80 0 R CHW 9-8 115


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. area WlderdIfferenl types of land UJe m Locahon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upI.o two (ie(:lmal places) Code to (mkm.) No. village Forest Imgated UnirriJllW Culwrable Area not by source waste available for (mcludIng CuluVlIIllon goucharand grovel)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Manjlegaon(2) EA N.A. 54

KR Manjlegaon(2) EA WE(62.69) 380.25 320.09 526.17 55

KR Manjlegaon(3) EA WE(5.67) 33298 12.(10 22.00 56

KR ManJlegaon(6) EA WE(15.00) 453.09 142.91 57

KR ManJlegaon(8) EA • 58 KR ManJlegaon(30) EA WE(9.60) 283.99 78.23 59

J(R ManJlegaon(30) EA WE(240) 603.45 60

KR ManJlegaon(25) EA WE(35.15) 783.85 71.65 ' 61

KR ManJlegaon(20) EA 22.00 WE(29.12) 983.14 62

KR Manjlegaon(10) EA 454.99 63

KR ManJlegaon(lO) EA WE(lOO.OO) 71308 64

Uninhabited 65 PR Manjlegaon( 1) EA 66

PR Manjlegaon(1) EA 293.44 3.56 67

Unmhabited 68 PR Manjlegaon(2) EA 104.50 308.50 69

PR Manjlegaon(2) EA 146.10 70

PR Manjlegaon(l) EA WE(8.00) 50.12 404.88 71

Uninhabited 72 PR Manjlegaon(2) EA 344.05 73

KR ManjJegaon(lO) EA 296.78 172.22 74

PR Manjlegaon(2) EA 23.02 473.98 75

PR Manjlegaon( 1) EA WE(8.00) 105.05 376.95 76 116


Locauon Name of Vulage Total area Total Amemlles available (tf not avauable within the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) is shown 1n the oolumn and next to It in bracket the No. (m hectare. and No. of distance in broad range. V1Z S luna, 5-10 kms. Ilnd 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the fllcthty is ava1lable is giVen) uptu two Educa- Med1cal Ormking Post Day or days Comm- dectmal tiona! water and oftbe umcation places) (potable) Telegraph market; (Bus Stop, hat, if any Railway Stauon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

77 Dhorgaon 502.00 P:557 P 0 W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 104 R 78 Ohalatwadi 818.66 P:993 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 176 R 79 Nipani Takli 870.99 P:9Q7 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 165 R 80 Shuklatirlh Nimgaon 576.71 P: 556 P CHW W -(10+) -(10+) BS H: 110 R


81 Dawargaon Bk. 151.33 P:82 P -(5-10) W -(5-'}<) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:l1 HP R 82 Dawargaon Kb. 249.52 Uninhabited 83 Khalwat Nimgaon 1120.66 P: 1666 P CHW W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 295 M HP R 84 Pandharwadi (N.V.) (83) * Uninhabited 85 Devgaon 816.00 P: 570 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:79 HP R 86 Talewadi 55664 P:982 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 178 HP 87 Laul 1525.75 P:4306 P(3) RP W PO Fri -(5-10) H: 666 M CHW HP Phone H R 88 Mategaon 389.76 P:336 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H:54 HP R 89 Pardi 769.26 P:502 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H: 101 0 HP CHW R 90 Khaparwadi 379.34 P:577 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H: 131 HP 91 Kadi Wadgaon 858.00 P: 865 P CHW W PO -(-5) -(5-10) H: 164 M HP 92 Chinchawadgaon 898.70 P:1070 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 197 HP 93 Devdhi 1251.47 P: 1572 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) H;343 M D HP CHW R 94 Kaudgaon Bk. 2161.78 P:2293 P PHS W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H:465 M D HP RP CHW 95 Maujyachiwadi N.A. P: 636 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 135 HP R 96 Pimparkhed 1~70.80 P: 1482 I CHW W PO -(5-10) -(10+) H:292 M HP R 117


Appro- Neare.t Power Land use (I e. area wtder different types of land use in Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decImal places) Code to (lOkm ) No. village Forest Imgated Unirrigated Culturable Area not by source waste avatlable for (includmg Culttvation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR ManJlegaon(2) EA 7.46 494.54 77

KR Manjlegaon( 13) EA 818.66 78

KR Manjleg8Cnl(13) EA WE(6.80) 856.24 7.95 79

KR Manjlegaon(10) EA WE(25.90) ~50.g1 SO


KR ManJlcgaon(23) EA WE(7.00) 138.57 5.00 076 81

Umnhabited 82 KR Manjlegaon(28) EA WE(2.00) 1498.00 83

Urunhabited 84 KR Manjlegaon(l2) EA GC(16.00) 758.00 37.00 85 WE(5.00) PR ManJlcgaon(24 ) EA • 86 KR Manjlegaon(20) EA GC(20.00) 1421.50 74.25 87 WE(lO.OO)

KR Manjlegaon(17) EA WE(7S'(lO) 251.86 62.90 88

KR Manjlegaon(16) EA WE(50.oo) 702.22 17.04 89

KR Manjleg8Cnl( 17) EA • 90 KR ManJlegaon(9) EA GC(42.oo) 752.70 5.30 34.00 91 WE(24.00) KR ManJlcgaon(20) EA WE(200) 886.70 10.00 92

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA S.OO WE(SO.OO) 1133.31 30.16 93

KR Manjlegaon(24) EA 12.00 WE(30.00) 2019.05 100.73 94

KR ManJlegaon(32) EA -----NA ------95

KR ManJlegaon(34 ) EA GC(40.00) 1216.63 1490 39.27 96 WE(60oo) 118


Locauon Name of Village TOIaI area Total Amenities avatlablc (If not available wuhtn the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) 18 shown In the column and next to It 10 bracket the No. (UJ heclares IUldNo. of distance UJ broad ranges viz. 5 kms, 5-10 lans. and W+kms of rOlUJded households the nearest place where the facthty is available is gIVen) uptotwo Dnnktng decunal &luca- Medtcal Post Day or days Comm- uonal water and of the umcauon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hat,lf any Railway Statton, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

97 Harishchandra Pimpn 1293.89 P: 1201 P CHW W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H'207 M HP 98 Dhanora 120.97 P:221 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) Thu -(5-10) H:31 HP 99 Kende Pimpri 161.83 P:228 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) H.32 M HP R 100 Rajewadi 1148.24 P: 1878 P CHW W Po Mon -(-5) H:322 M HP R 101 Nitrud 2869.36 P:4671 P(6) PHS W PO Mon BS H: 888 M D HP H RP CHW 102 Dukdegaon 229.92 P: 540 P -(S-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 112 HP R 103 Chmchola 1582.50 P: 1872 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:316 M D W RP HP CHW R 104 Tigaon 1444.50 P: 1234 P(2) CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 239 HP R 105 Chinchoti 946.77 P.1051 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) ·(5-10) H: 226 HP R 106 Maml. 310.69 P:292 P ·(·5) W ·(-5) ·(-5) ·(5·10) H:62 HP R 101 Salimba 859.18 P: 1047 P PHS W -(-5) ·(-S) ·(S-10) H: 185 D HP CHW 108 Laxmipur 216.59 P:21S P ·(·5) W -(·5) ·(-5) -(-5) H:47 HP 109 Kanhapur 518.94 P:358 P CHW W -(-S) -(-5) -(-5) H: 81 HP R 110 Wadvani 2038.13 P:7588 P(2) PHS W PO Wed BS H: 1691 M D HP Phone H RP(3) caw III Bahegavhan 905.20 P: 1088 P CHW W -(·S) -(-5) BS H: 206 HP 112 Morwad 1112.05 P: 1035 p CHW W ·(5·10) -(5-10) BS H:274 HP 113 PUsra 1023.01 P:811 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) H: 189 HP 114 Kuppa 1498.27 P:2222 P(2) PHC T PO Thu BS H:441 M PHS W H D HP CHW R 119


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i e. area under different types of land use In Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decunlll places) Code tQ (mkm) No. village Forest Irrigated Ummgated Culturable Area not by lource waste available for (includmg Culltvaltoo goochar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 11 18

KR Manjlegaon(35) EA GC(221.00) 1029.48 43.41 97

KR Manjlegaon(24 ) EA WE(6.10) 109 6S 5.22 98

KR Manjlegaon(21 ) EA WE(12.00) 146.83 2.00 100 99

KR ManJlegaon(24) EA 20.00 WE(75.00) 990.34 62.90 100

PR ManJlegaon(l8) EA WE(50.00) 3330.00 46.00 101

KR Manjlegaon(20) EA WE(50.00) 13310 8.00 38.82 102

PR Manjlegaon(35) EA WE(l20.00) 1322.80 10.50 129.20 103

KR ManJlegaon(30) EA 10.00 WE(60.00) 1240.91 11.00 122.59 104

KR Manjlegaon(35) EA GC(221.42) 681.94 43.41 IDS

KR Manjlegaon(42) EA GC(lOO.OO) 208.11 258 106

KR Manjlegaon(42) EA 12.00 GC(200.00) 314.18 33.00 107 WE(300.00)

KR ManJlegaon(45) EA WE(l6.~) 243.59 16.91 lOS

KR ManJlegaon(42) EA WE(l4.50) 487.53 1691 109

PR Bid(28) EA 22.50 WE(2.00)- 1874.59 139.04 110

PR Bid(30) EA 40.50 784.50 80.20 111

PR ManJlegaon(52) EA 30.00 WE(36.00) 943.15 102.90 112

KR ManJlegaon(32) EA 48.00 WE(30.00) 851.01 94.00 113

PR Manjlegaon(20) EA GC(125.00) 1168.39 15.00 119.88 114 WE(70.00) 120


Locatioo Name of Vdlage Total area Total Amenities avallable (tf not avaUable wlthm the village a Code of the village PopulatlO1l dash (-) u shown In the column and next to it in bracket the No. (m hectares and No. of dl$tance In broad ranges VIZ, 5 kms. 5 -10 kms. and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the facLlity is available is given) uptotwo Drmktng decunal Educa- Medical Post Day or days Comm- tlonal water and of the unlC&lIon places) (potable) Telegraph market I (BUI Stop, hat, if any Railway SLl.llon, Waterway) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

115 BaYi 234.14 P:722 P(2) CHW W PO Thu as H: 146 HP 116 Hiwargavhan 395.38 P:586 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 143 HP 117 Upli 1457.77 P;3081 P CHW HP PO -(5.10) BS H·750 M R 118, Lonwal 37549 P:425 P -(-5) W PO Thu as H:98 HP


119 Palrud 2372.00 P.7730 P(2) PHS T PO ~u BS H'1358 M 0 W H RP HP CHW 120 Anandgaon 173637 P: 1909 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H.428 HP R 121 Mogra 1913.25 P:2110 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:442 M D HP CHW R 122 Khatgavhan 243.20 P:706 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) H.156 HP R 123 Digras 240.82 P.770 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) H: 161 HP R 124 Punpri Kh. 543.73 P: 1022 P CHW W -(5-10) Tue -(5-10) H:255 M HP R 125 Kolhrul 1090.36 P. 1285 P D W -(-5) -(-5) -(10+) H.253 M RP HP CHW R 126 Longaon 128085 P. 1961 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:451 M HP 127 Shindewadi 719.00 P: 786 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'156 HP 12S Lahamewadi 1427.00 P.772 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'158 HP 129 Alapur 35545 P:730 P CHW HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.I72 R 130 DevlaKh. 45304 P:442 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) H:94 HP R 131 UmnBk. 834.12 P: 1751 P PHS W PO Sat -(10+) H.392 CHW HP R 132 Simn Pargaon 1147.88 P: 1236 P ..(10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) H 246 M HP 133 Salegaon 69512 P 717 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+) H.155 HP R 121


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in LocaUOII ach town and dIstance Supply hectares rounded upto two decImal places) Code to (in lan.) No. viThlge Forest Imgated Umrriaated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (including Cultivation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

PR Manjlegaon(28) BA 13.00 GC(92.00) 95.05 22.09 115 WE(12.00) PR ManJlegaon(52) EA 20.00 WE(O.80) 374.58 116

PR Manjlega~n(29) EA GC(65S.00) 784.29 10.00 8.48 117

KR Manjlegaon(20) EA GC(201.00) 90.49 57.00 118 WE(27.00)


PR Manjlegaon(9) EA WE(25.00) 2262.71 84.29 119

KR Manjlegaon(7) EA WE(26.32) 1710.05 120

KR Manjlegaon(12) EA WE(88.00) 1825.25 121

KR ManJlegaon(20) EA WE(9.80) 233.40 122

KR Manjlegaon(25) EA WE(39.00) 186.79 15.03 123

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA WE(54.00) 43493 54.80 124

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA WE(31.60) 1020.16 38.60 125

PR Manjlegaon(20) EA 36.97 WE(24.69) 119450 74.69 126

KR Manjlegaon(9) ED 719.00 127

KR ManJlegaon(9) ED 1427.00 128 KR Manjlegaon(22) ED • 129 KR Manjlegaon(18) EA 24.00 WE(2.80) 147.91 103.00 17533 130

KR Manjlegaon(10) EA WE(11.47) 803.18 19.47 131

KR Manjlegaon(20) EA WE(21.00) 1126.88 132

KR Man jlegaon(25) EA 12.00 WE(3S.60) 647.52 133 122


Location Name of Village Total area Total AmenltLes avallable (If not available wlthm the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) IS shown In the column and next to 1t In bracket the No. (In hectares andNo of distance In broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the facIlity IS available IS given) uptotwo deumal Eduea- Medical Drinking Post Day or days Cornm- places) uonal water and of the umeaUon (potable) Telegraph market / (Bus Stop, hat, If any Railway Statton, Water way) 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

134 EkbUfJiwadi (N.V.) (132) 460.37 P:372 P -(10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) H:49 135 Jiwanpur 35422 P:484 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H 70 HP R 136 Belura 803.33 P'1091 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H. 207 HP 137 Nakhalgaon 1232.00 P 1306 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 313 M HP R 138 Pimpalgaon (Nakhale) 407.72 P: 603 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 132 HP R 139 BabhaIgaon 981.79 P: 1216 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5.10) H: 244 M HP 140 Dindrud 160576 P:4468 P(2) PHC W PO Sun BS H: 1018 M PHS HP Phone H D RP CHW 141 TelgaonBk. 105267 P:2047 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:480 M D HP RP CHW 142 Bhopa 791.12 P:620 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 161 D HI> CHW 143 Sangam 645.82 P:794 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 151 HP 144 Fakir lawala 1081.37 P: 873 P -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) BS H: 276 M HP 145 Devdahiphal 659.89 P: 1595 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H: 342 M HP 146 Chatgaon 703.85 P:729 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H: 178 HP 147 Kothimbirwadi 492.34 P:304 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'I00 HP 148 Karl 1694.68 P. 1978 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H:423 HP 149 Bodakha 625.79 P:652 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H: 157 HP 150 Kasari Bodakha 1515.57 P: 1453 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H:412 HP 151 Aad-Hingani 41716 P:317 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5.10) -(5-10) H:58 M HP H 152 HinganiBk. 862.23 P: 1566 P PHS HP PO -(-5) BS H:315 D R CHW 153 Kandewadi 170.00 P:455 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(·5) H: 87 HP 154 Hingani Kh. 840.78 P: 1363 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 261 HP 123


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under dlfferent types of land use m Locallon ach town and dlltance Supply hectares rounded upto two declmal places) Code to (in Ian.) No. village Forest Irrigated Unmgated Culturable Area not by source waste avallable for (mcludmg Cultivation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Manjlegaon(23 ) ED N.A. 134

KR Man.J1egaon(24 ) EA WE(2.80) 348.62 2.80 135

KR Manjlegaon(20) EA WE(48.21) 1052.43 58.14 136

PR Manjlegaon(12) EA 37.00 WE(18.80) 1176.20 137

PR Manjlegaon(25) EA WE(8.20) 399.20 0.32 138

KR Manjlegaon(23) EA WE(36.14) 945.65 139

PR Manjlegaon(27) EA WE(380.oo) 1225.76 140

PR Manjlegaon(17) EA 2600 GC(87.65) 816.55 15.00 87.47 141 WE(20.00)

KR Manjlegaon(29) EA 10.00 WE(2.10) ~192.21 40.00 39.15 142

KR Manjlegaon(23 ) EA WE(8.50) 485.96 9.00 142.36 143

PR Manjleaaon(28) EA WE(5.00) 1076.37 144

KR ManjJegaon(24 ) EA GC(70.oo) 542.89 145 WE(47.oo) KR Manjlegaon(30) EA 45.00 GC(15.oo) 629.35 146 WE(l4.50) KR Manjlegaon(20) EA • 147 PR Manjlegaon(30) EA 116.98 WE(lO.OO) 764.20 290.00 513.50 148

KR Manjlegaon(28) EA 92.94 WE(5.oo) 527.85 149

PR Manjlegaon(29) EA 403.75 WE(lO.OO) 1101.82 150

PR Manjlegaon(39) EA WE(12.oo) 378.16 27.00 lSI

KR Parli(22) EA 316.34 WE(35.oo) 450.89 60.00 152

KR Parli(22) EA 70.00 100.00 153

KR Parli(38) EA WE(20.00) 820.78 154 124


Locauon Name of Village TOlal area Total Amen1t1es avauable (If nOl available withm the village a Code of the village Populanon dash (-) IS shown 10 the column and next to it in bracket the No. (in heclareS' and No. of distance in broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-10 lan •. and IO+kms of rounded households Ihe nearest place where Ihe facUlty IS available IS gIVen) uptotwo dectmal Educa- Medical Drmkmg Post Day or days Comm- places) uonal water and uflbe umcat\ort (potable) Telegraph market! (Bul Stop. hat. If any Ratlway Station. Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

155 Kacharwadi 130.00 P:379 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) H: 63 HP 156 Wharkmwadi 545.91 P:384 P -(-5) W -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H' 98 HP 157 Sumarwadi 526.49 P:538 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) H: 124 HP 158 Singanwadi 518.75 P'664 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 119 HP 159 Mahkhed 153691 P: 1656 P PHC T PO -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 377 PHS W Phone D HP RP CHW


160 Pahner 2795.56 P:2818 P PfiC HP PO Wed BS H:564 M PHS R Phone H D RP CHW 161 TIlasmukh 478.72 P:696 P CHW HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 132 R 162 Barkhed 52000 P.S04 P CHW HP -(5-10) -(SolO) -(5-10) H: 154 R 163 Kasmwadi NA P: 1061 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 253 HP 164 Jalgavhan 333.50 P:499 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H' 78 M HP R 165 Hlwara Govardhan 965.05 P: 1580 P PHS W PO Thu -(5-10) H: 317 M D HP R 166 Mamdapur 330.82 P.574 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:1l7 HP 167 Kaudgaon Huda 1047.20 P: 1549 P(2) -(5-10) W PO -(-5) -(-5) H:276 HP R 168 PunpnBk. 1853.09 P:2429 P -(-5) W PO Thu -(5-10) H:432 M HP 169 Govardhan 1339.00 P:2283 P CHW HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:390 M 170 Jaygaon 1103.00 P: 1586 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 278 M D HP CHW 171 Shindewadi NA P.836 P -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) (-5) H: 182 M HP 172 WanglBk. 1945.40 P:2026 P PHS W PO Pri .(5-10) H.399 D HP RP CHW 173 Hasanabad 527.00 P:324 P -(-5) W ·(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 69 HP 125


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e area under different types of land use In Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (m Ian.) No. village Forest Imgated Un irrigated Culturable Area not by source wasle available for (mcludmg CultivatIon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR ManJlegaon(20) EA 130.00 155

KR Parli(25) EA WE(lO.OO) 294.48 10.00 231.43 156

KR MlUl.)legaon(30) EA WE(7.00) 350.27 1000 159.22 157

KR Manjlegaon(21 ) EA WE(9.00) 477.39 12.00 20.36 158

KR ManJlegaon(22) EA 285.47 WE(45.30) 81114 40.00 355.00 159


KR Manjlegaon(14) EA WE(11.6O) 2676.32 33.95 73.69 160

KR Manjlegaon(30) EA WE(18.21) 367.00 10.57 82.94 161

KR Manjlegaon(34) EA WE(31.24) 425.26 23.97 39.53 162

KR Manjlegaon( 12) EA NA 163

KR Manjlegaon(15) EA WE(17.72) 298.90 5.26 11.62 164

KR Parli(20) EA WE(28.80) 931.00 5.25 165

KR Parli(21) EA WE(5.79) 250.03 75.00 166

KR Parli(22) EA WE(15.40) 1031.80 167

KR Parli(23) EA WE(10.25) 1842.84 168

KR Parli(25) EA WE(19.60) 1319.40 169

KR Parli(18) EA WE(41.80) 1061.20 170

KR Parli(18) EA NA 171

KR Parli(30) EA WE(40.80) 1895.60 9.00 172

KR Parh(21) EA WE(12.6O) 51440 173 126


Locauoo Name of Village Total area Total Amennies available (If not available wlthm the village a Code of the "illage PcpuiatlOD dash (-) is shown In the column and next to It in bracket the No. (in hectares and No. of dIStance in brood ranges ViZ. 5 kms, 5-10 lans. and lO+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faClltty IS available is given) uptotwo Educa- Medical Dl'Illklllg Post Day or days deeunal Corum- waler places) llonal and of the umC8UOIl (potable) Telegraph markel/ (Bus Stop, hat,lfany Railway Scallon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

174 Padoli 259.81 ll: 457 P caw w -(-5) -(-5) BS a:81 HP R 175 Aurangapur 238.92 P:479 P caw W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:96 HP R 176 Taldi Achaeya 1136.94 P: 1999 P caw W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:400 M HP 171 Kaudgaon Ghoda 1000.28 P: 1473 P caw W PO -(-5) -(-5) H:310 M HP R 178 Kaudgaon SabIa 579.40 P:780 P(2) CHW W PO -(5·10) .(-5) H: 161 HP 00 R 179 Pimpalgaon Gadhe 1511.46 P:2604 P PHS W PO -(5-10) -(-5) H:586 D HP CHW R 180 Kanadi 294.09 P:329 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 81 HP 181 Sirsala 2541.98 P:6582 P PHC W PO Thu BS H: 1601 M D TK Phone H CHW 182 Tapovan 276.56 P.519 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 100 M HP H 183 Chikhali 490.14 P:507 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) H: 100 HP 184 Jaitapur 251.69 P:312 P -(5-10) W -(5-1O) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 76 HP 185 Kundi 589.89 P:764 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 154 HP R 186 Sukli 392.10 P:647 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 144 HP 187 Khamgaon 617.39 P: 612 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 133 HP 188 Rewali 835.55 P: 1112 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:357 M HP 189 Selu 198.43 P:520 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H: 110 HP R 190 Safdarabad 204.50 P:270 P -(5·10) W -(5-10) .(5.10) -(10+) H:S9 HP 191 Malnathapur 543.78 P:S82 P CHW W -(5-10) Thu -(5-10) H:137 HP 192 Walea 852.35 p:n9 P CHW W .(5·10) -(5-10) -(5·10) H:232 HP 193 Mungi 823.59 P: 653 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) ·(5-10) H: 166 HP R 194 Devthana 611.15 P: 1001 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 172 HP 127


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (1 e. area under different types of land use m Loc:auon ach town and dIstance Supply hectares rounded uplo two dectrnal places) Code to (mkm) No. village Forest Irrigated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (mcludmg Culuvauon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

PR Parli(23) EA WE(2.00) 257.81 174

KR Parli(20) EA WE(265) 231.06 5.21 175

KR Parh(20) EA 1800 WE(2180) 109714 176

KR Parli(18) EA 122.00 WE(1539) 820.96 35.37 6.56 171 -

KR Parh(20) EA WE(14.60) 549.09 11.03 4.68 178

KR ManJlegaon(28) EA WE(19.90) 1489.56 8.00 179

KR Manjlegaon(18) EA WE(5.20) 288.89 180

PR Parli(22) EA 28.00 WE(1831) 2283.67 212.00 181

KR Parli(24) EA WE(1.80) 274.76 182

KR Parli(20) EA WE(520) 455.56 29.38 183

KR Parli(27) EA 11.00 189.30 51.39 184

KR Parli(20) EA WE(1.62) 490.83 97.44 185

KR Parli(21) EA WE(20.00) 372.10 186

KR Parli"(20) EA WE(20.00) 564.49 5.00 27.90 187

KR Yarli(28) EA WE(16.00) 819.55 188

PR Parli(5) EA WE(250) 195.93 189

KR Parli(14) EA WE(3.00) 201.50 190

KR Parli(l8) EA 20.00 WE(2.59) S21.19 191

KR Parli(20) EA WE(2.80) 849.55 192

KR Parli(18) EA 20.00 WE(2.40) 801.19 193

KR Parli(35) EA WE(20.00) 59115 194 128


Location Name of VlIlage Total al'll& Total Amenities avallable (if not aVllilabJ~ wlthm the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) is shown In the column and neltt to it In bracket the No. (in hectares and No. of dutance in broad ranges VIZ. S kms, S-10 kms clnd 10+km, of rounded households the nearesl place where the faCIlIty 18 a~allible IS glven) uptotwo Educa- Medical Dnnkmg Post Day or days Comm· decimal ttonal water and ofL~e unicauon places) !potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop. hat,lf ,my Ratlway Station, Waterway) .., 2 3 4 S 6 8 9 )0

195 Nimla 269.68 P: 393 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.51 HP R 196 Amla 99862 P: 1238 P CHW W -C-5) -(-5) -( -5) H: 262 M HP 197 Kannapur 810.70 P: 1225 P PHS W -(.5) -(-5) -( -5) H:225 HP R 198 Mhatargaon 671.2: P:449 P -(10+) W -oOt) -(10+) -(10+) H:94 HP 199 Bhilegaon 456.02 P:593 P CHW W -(5-10) Thu -\5-10) H: 122 HP 200 Kavalyachiwllrli 662.74 P: 1110 P CHW W -(.S) -(-5) BS H:278 HP 201 Koyal 482.91 P: 698 P CHW W .(-5) Sun -(·5) H: 159 M HP \ 202 Moha 1970.73 P:2896 P(2) CHW W PO Sat BS H: 715 M HP H R 203 Karewadi 1285.12 P: 1256 P CHW W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5) H: 296 HP 204 Bodhegaon 815.00 P: 1330 P PHS W -(5-10) Pri BS H: 218 D HI' CHW

Grand Total = 167129.29 P: 238083 P(223) PHC(8) H: 48391 M(67) PHS(37) H(19) D(39) RP(32) CHW(159)

Note: (1) '" Area of Location Code Nos. 66 and 84 are included in area of Location Code No. 65 and 83 respectively. (2) ... -Area break-up (Land use) of Locauon Code Nos. 20, 21, 23, 86, 90,129,147 are included in area break­ up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 30,26,24,101,83,136 and 142 respectively. 129


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e. area under different types of land use In Locallon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two declmal places) Code to (10 km) No village ['orest Imgated Umrngated Cullurable Area not by source waste available for (lnciud1Og CUiuvdlion gouchar and groves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR ManJlegaon(20) EA WE(20.00) 24968 195

KR ManJlegaon(20) EA GC(85.00) 913.62 196

KR ManJlegaon(30) EA GC(IOOO) 77370 197 WE(2700)

KR Parh(28) EA 2000 WE(6.49) 58847 5626 198

KR Parh(15) EA WE(23.18) 40975 2309 199

PR Parli(l3) EA 66274 200

KR ManJlegaon(30) EA WE(S.OO) 477.91 201

KR Parli(30) EA GC(12100) 1713 57 11147 24.69 202

KR Parh(18) EA 1285.12 203

KR Parh(17) EA WE(13310) 63164 421 4605 204

2143.35 GC (6259.10) 13661923 510717 838638 WE (4196.43)

(3) Area break-up (Land use) of LocatlOn Code Nos. 9 and 12 are mcluded In area break-up of Locallon Code No. 11. (4) Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 46 and 58 are mcluded in area break-up (Land usc) of Location Code No. 45. (5) N. A.=Not AVailable MAHARASHTRA TAHSIL AMBEJOGAI D DISTRICT BID l I s , J


Rf;VENIJE CIRCLES '" & ~ ~ Area Lasl to TahsIl LatUT .f 'I CD PARLI ~ Newly Creal_d latur Dlsl"''' Q) GHATNAtCUR ~------~~ AMIlEJOGAI lAHSll ® @ BARDAPUR /'" MANJLEGAON -<) I 8S' I ." -, c~'\ I " /'J86. \ { \:'_ ~/ r~




L c T


Note C 0 Block Boundar Y of Amt>.JOgGl oS Co-lor",,""" with lOhsi Boundary EJC'UOtIlg all Statutory lOwns


10-8 131



Sr. Name of Vtll

1 Akola 130 1097 31 Dhanora 132 2803 2 Arnbaltek 51 616 32 Dharmapun 68 5068 3 Arnbalwadi 46 1097 33 Dhaswadt 75 912

4 Ambejogai (Rural) 106 113 34 Dongar Pirnpia 109 1882

5 Anandwadi 64 334 35 Doundwadi 56 1017

6 Aswalamba 89 1454 36 Gardewadl 86 904

7 Babhalgaon 81 1268 37 Ghatnandur 57 7143 8 Bagzari 84 1021 38 Gholapwadl 59 223 9 Bardapur 137 6513 39 Glrwli (Apet) 102 815 10 Belarnba 20 1795 40 Glrwli (Bawne) 103 2100

11 Bharaj 121 1509 41 Glta 119 901 12 Bhatanwadi 80 1039 42 Gopalpur 5 373 13 Bhawthana 97 1843 43 Guttewadi n 551 14 Bhopla 25 551 44 Halamb 55 1673 15 Brarnhawadi 31 425 45 Kanumantwadi 58 298 16 Chanai 108 2893 46 Hatola 140 1651 17 Chandanwadi 139 501 47 Helamb 53 2230 18 Chandapur 43 556 48 Indapwadl 30 1129

19 Chlchkhandi 96 1764 49 In]egaon 13 1468 20 Chopanwadi 144 872 50 Jawalgaon 120 3664

21 Chothewadi 62 675 51 Jirewadi 29 2090 22 Dabhi 24 1998 52 Jodwadt 76 867

23 Danhana Ghat 72 1427 53 Jogaiwadl 115 754 24 Radi 134 883 54 Kanherwadi 26 3706

25 Daradwadi 74 489 55 Kasarwadl 39 1033 26 Dattapur 49 410 56 Katkarwadl 77 919 27 Daunapur 91 1861 57 Kauthali 14 1761 28 Dautpur 34 1311 58 Khapartong 69 839 29 Devhala 27 10 59 Khodwa Sawargaon 54 1985 30 Devla 129 2015 60 Kolnanadi 113 994 132

4. Ambejogai C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr Ndme of Village Code Population Sr. Name of Village Code Populdllon No. No No No (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

61 Kumbephal 124 2365 93 Nandagaul 45 2391 62 Kuranwadi 100 918 94 Nandgaon 136 1586 63 Kusalwadi 79 725 95 Nandnaj 40 833

64 Ladzari 66 1490 96 Nathra 12 1396 65 Laman Tanda 99 1230 97 Nawabwadi 60 415

66 Lendwadi 44 884 98 Nirpan 83 725 67 Limbgaon 138 1996 99 Pangri 10 2089

68 Limbuta 22 903 100 Parchundi 8 560 69 Lokhandi Sawargaon 110 2426 101 Parli (Rural) 28 97

70 Lonarwadl 18 537 102 Patoda 128 3006 71 Loni 16 1398 103 Patuwadgaon 146 4985

72 Magarwadl 105 978 104 Plmpla Dahlguda 104 2259

73 Maindwadi 52 865 105 Pimpri 143 601

74 Makegaon 125 1234 106 Pokhari 118 1476 75 Malewadi 42 1387 107 Pus 47 3019

76 Malhlvara 6 635 '108 Radl 123 3686 77 Mamdapur 127 1389 109 Rajewadi 98 946

78 Mamdapur (parli) 88 634 110 Rakshaswadi 87 977

79 Mandava (parli) 38 2289 111 Sakud 93 2703 80 Mandekhel 4 1373 112 Salunkwadl 63 998

81 Mandva (pathan) 94 1768 113 Sangam 33 884 82 Maralwadi 37 733 114 Saradgaon 41 2104

83 Mirwat 36 1441 115 Sarfarajpur 85 431

84 Morewadi 107 1895 116 Satephal 114 1004 85 Mudegaon 133 1580 117 Saundana 70 738

86 Murarnbi 61 767 118 Saygaon 122 3126

87 Murkutwadi 73 1057 119 Selu Amba 117 1015

88 Murti 67 625 120 Selu-Parali 15 896

89 Nagapur (parti) 23 3836 121 Shepwadi 101 1460 90 Nadgara 65 1128 122 Shripatrayachiwadi 111 533 91 Nagplmpn 2 1063 123 Somanwadl 82 897

92 Nandadl 126 892 124 Sonhlvra 3 872 133

4. Ambejogai C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Village Code Populatton Sr. Name of Village Code Population No No No No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

125 Sugaon 135 2031 136 Wadgaon Dadahari 17 2623

126 Tadola 131 901 137 Wadkhel 9 890 127 Tadoli 7 515 138 Wagbet 19 898 128 Takli Deshmukh 11 387 139 Waghala (Radi) 116 3824 129 Talegaon (Ghat) 142 1359 140 Waghala (parH) 1 983 130 Talegaon (parli) 21 1629 141 Wakdi 145 291 131 Talni 48 1243 142 Walewadi 141 608 132 Telghana 50 316 143 Wantakh 90 1547 133 Tokwadi 32 2153 144 Warabgaon 112 1218 134 Ujam 78 2774 145 Warwati 92 2081 135 Vaijawadi 35 2205 146 Yelda 95 2976 Total : 214676 134

4. AMBEJOGAI C. D. BLOCK VILLAGE location Name of Vlliage Total area Total Ameruues available (u nct Ilvauable within the village a Code of the village PopulatIon dash (-) IS shown tn the colullln and next to It m bracket the No (In hectares and No of dIStance In broad ranges ViZ. 5 lans, 5-10 lans. and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the facility IS avallable IS given) uptotwo Drinking Post Day or days decunal Educa- MedIcal Camm- water places) Uonal and of the umcalloo (pctable) Telegraph market I (Bus Slop, hat, If any Rauway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1, Waghala (Parh) 1234.24 P.983 P(4) CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H-178 M(2) R 2 N.agpimpn 838.71 P: 1063 P PHS T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) H: 179 CHW 3 Sonhivra 551.28 P:872 P CHW T.W ·(5-10) BS H: 178 4 Mandekhel 58070 P'1373 P(2) CHW T.W -(S-lQ) -(S-10) BS H'254 M R 5 Gopalpur 159.92 P:373 P(2) .(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H:58 M 6 Mallilvara 51779 P: 635 P(2) CHW W.HP -(.5) -<-s) BS H.139 M R 7 Tadoh 47322 P,515 P(2) .(10+) W.HP -(10+) -(1q+) -(.5) H: 108 8 Parchundi 251.00 P:560 P CHW W.HP -(1()+) -(10+) .(-5) H: 111 R 9 Wadkhe1 545.00 P: 890 P(3) CHW W -(l0+) ·(10+) ·(.5) H: 153 10 Pangri 605.37 p, 2089 P(2) PHS T,W PO -(10+) BS H 402 M CHW 11 Takli Deshmukh 28672 P'387 P -(11)+) T.W -(-5) -(-5) H: 78 12 Nathra 42235 P. 1396 P CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 258 M 13 InJcgaon 46017 P,1468 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(}O+) BS H 302 M 14 KauLhali 1697.11 P 1761 P CHW W.HP PO -(10+) BS H' 337 M 15 Sclu-Paralt 68355 P: 896 P CHW W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H.191 M 16 Lorn 1118.00 P: 1398 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(·5) H: 276 M 17 Wadgaon Dadahan 1471 00 P:2623 P PHS T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 558 M CHW HP 18 Lonarwadt 22099 P:537 P -(5-10) W,HP ·(5·10) -(5·10) ·(5-10) H: 110 M 19 Wagbct 32964 P: 898 P CHW W.R -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 190 M 20 Bclamba 68271 P: 1795 P PHS W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H:341 M RP R CHW 21 Talegaon (ParH) 610.18 P: 1629 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:275 M 22 Lunbuta 421.85 P:903 P(4) CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:220 M R 23 Nagapur (Parh) 218060 P:3836 P(3) PHC T,W PO Wed BS H. 785 M PHS R D FPC RP CHW 135


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e area under different types of land use m Locallon ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (1Okm.) No village Forest Irngated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste avaIlable for (mcludmg Cultlvatlon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18


PR Parli(17) EA WE(10.00) 1014.12 6000 12012 1 TK(30.00) FP Parli(17) EA WE(30.00) 71984 3887 5000 2

PR Parli(20) ED W(300) 51020 1808 2000 3 EO PR Parli(14) ED W(4.OO) 48333 1337 80.00 4 EO PR Parh(16) EA WE(30.00) 93.47 1520 2125 5

PR Parli(l3) EA GC(180.oo) 22628 51.51 6 WE(60.00) KR Parh(12) EA GC(140.oo) 25939 3383 7 WE(40.00) FP Parli(l4) EA GC(lOOOO) 105.00 600 8 WE(40.00) PR Parli(14) EA GC(205OO) 200.00 11.00 9 WE(129.oo) PR Parli(12) EA GC(199 00) 255.37 45.39 10 WE(105.61) FP Parli(l9) EA WE(1000) 275.00 172 11

PR Parli(18) EA GC(150oo) 15809 13.62 12 WE(lOO.64) PR Parli(17) EA WE(10.00) 417.55 17.00 15.62 13

PR Parh(16) EA GC(95.00) 134667 5145 14899 14 WE(55.00) PR Parh(9) EA WE(20.00) 634.00 1100 1855 15

PR Parli(9) EA WE(5000) 1013.00 3800 1700 16

PR Parli(9) EA WE(7000) 1246.00 13800 1700 17

FP Parti(7) EA WE(200) 18182 12.00 2517 18

PR Parli(4) EA WE(40.20) 25568 198 1168 19 R(20 10) PR Parli(15) EA WE(20.00) 517.29 3871 41.71 20 R(65.00)

PR Parh(9) EA GC(65.00) 500.00 818 21 WE(37 (0) FP Parh(lO) EA WE(1730) 37606 2849 22

PR Parh(S) EA WE(I1.20) 163907 53033 23 136


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total Amemtles available (If not available wllh10 the village a Code of the village Populatlon dash (-) IS shown 10 the column and next to 11 In bracket the No (m hectares and No of distance 10 broad ranges VIZ 5 kms. 5-10 lans. and ID+kms of rounded households the nearest place Where the faClhty IS avallable 15 given) Uplolwo Eduea- Drmk10g Post Day or days Comm- decimal Medical lIooal water of the umealloo places) and (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop. hat. If any Railway Stauon. Water way) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

24 Dabhl 850.02 P.1998 P PHS T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:352 M CHW 25 Bhopla 80196 P.551 P -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 86 M 26 Kanherwadt 1389.13 P'3706 P PHS T.W PO -(-5) BS H: 745 M CHW 27 Dcvhala 50313 P.10 -(5-10) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) H: 1 , 28 Parh (Rural) 4271.16 P'97 P(8) H T.W PTO ' Mon BS H'17 M PHC RS H D PUC FPC C 29 Jrrewadl 494.29 P:2090 P(2) CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:398 M R \ 30 Indapwadl 52812 P.1129 P CHW W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) H:238 R 31 Bramhawadt 323,87 P:425 P(2) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H 78 R 32 Tokwadt 56167 P:2153 P CHW T.W PO -(-5) BS H.399 M 33 Sangam 471.54 P:884 P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 164 M R 34 Dautpur 63119 P'1311 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H- 274 R 35 ValJawadl 38801 P'2205 P(2) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:458 36 Mlrwat 76450 P: 1441 P CHW .. T.W PO -(5-10) BS H.261 M R 31 Maralwadi 32640 P:733 P CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 130 38 Mandava (Parh) 109505 P:2289 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H 373 M R H


39 Kasarwadt 298.62 P: 1033 P CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H 186 R 40 NandnaJ 45141 P:833 P CHW T,W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) H'l44 M HP H 41 Saradgaon 93927 P:2104 P PHS T,W -(5-10) -(-5) BS H:415 M CHW 42 Malewadt 78567 P 1387 P(3) CHW T.W -( -5) -(-5) BS H 248 M 43 Chandapur 43247 P:556 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H 82 M R 44 Lendwadt 535.50 p 884 P(2) CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5) H 167 45 Nandagaul 138632 P:2391 P PHS T.W PO -(10+) BS H:446 M CHW H 137


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e area under different types of land use m Location aeh town and distance Supply hectares rounded uplo two decimal places) Code to (m krn.) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (mcludmg Cultlvalion gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Parli(6) EA GC(90.00) 40000 36.91 298.11 24 WE(2500) PR Parh(5) EA 567.16 20.67 214.13 25

PR Parh(3) EA 4555 WE(2600) 1165.89 11830 33.39 26

KR Parh(12) EA 49333 980 27

- PR Parh(l) EA 56332 WE(1l0400) 2133 17 33068 528.00 28

PR Parli(3) EA WE(l500) 226.01 61.99 191.29 29

PR Parh(3) ED W(200) 500.00 2612 30 EO FP Parh(2) ED W(110) 31034 300 9.43 31 EO PR Parh(3) EA WE(4100) 40767 2100 92.00 32

PR Parh(3) EA WE(8000) 31688 1198 62.68 33

PR Parli(7) EA WE(7000) 47852 2888 53.79 34 PR Parh(2) EO • 35 PR Parli(3) EO GC(3500) 66959 34.91 36 W(25 00) PR Parh(3) EO W(40 00) 270.92 1003 5.45 37

PR Parh(4) EO WE(5000) 99891 4602 012 38


FP Parh(8) EO GC(18 00) 199.59 64.03 5.00 39 W(12 00) PR Parli(10) EO GC(3200) 307.85 6356 3000 40 W(18 00)

PR Parh(6) EO W(2520) 774.71 1436 12500 41

PR Parh(3) ED 581.59 88.39 11569 42 EO PR Parh(3) ED 204 35 1594 212.18 43 EO FP Parh(9) ED 361.51 150.00 2399 44 EO PR Parh(5) ED 107655 20448 105.29 45 EO 138


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total Amemtles available (If not available wlthm the village a Code of the village Populallon dash (.) IS shown tn the column and next to !lID bracket the No (10 hectares and No of distance m broad ranges VIZ 5 k1OS, 5-10 kms and l()+kms of rou.'lded households the nearest place where the faClilty IS aVllllable IS given) uptotwo Drmkmg dectmal Educa- Medical Post Day or days Comm· places) tlOnal water and of the untcatton (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SLOp. hat. If any Railway Statton, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

46 Ambalwadl 133483 P: 1097 P CHW T.W ·(-5) ·(5-10) ·(-5) H: 203 M 47 Pus 1905.65 P:3019 P CHW T,W PO .(.5) BS H 653 M H 48 TaInI 59847 P: 1243 P CHW T.W ·(-5) .(-5) BS H:236 M 49 Daltapur 538.00 P:410 P ·(·5) T,W ·(-5) .(.5) BS H:74 M 50 Tclghana 25524 P:316 P .(5-10) T,W ·(5·10) .(5·10) BS H: 83 51 Ambaltck 374.72 P: 616 P CHW T,W ·(5-10) .(5'1.0) BS H. 93 M RS 52 MaIIldwadi 67184 P:865 P CHW T,W ·(-5) -(·5) ·(-5) H: 157 M 53 Helarnb 1149.62 P:2230 P PHS T,W ·(5-10) .(5·10) BS H 393 M CHW 54 Khodwa Sawargaon 144349 P: 1985 P(3) .(5-10) T,W PO -(5-10) BS H:364 M SS Halamb 54300 P. 1673 P PHS T,W PO .(5-10) BS H.299 M CHW 56 Doundwadi 87569 P: 1017 P -(-5) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 216 57 Ghatnandur 2861.00 P:7143 P(2) PHC T,W PO Sun BS H: 1363 M(2) FPC Phone RS H CHW 58 Hanumantwadl 107.00 P: 298 P .( -5) T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 59 59 Gholapwadl 13071 P'223 P ·(-5) T,W -(·5) -(-5) BS H:42 60 Nawabwadl 20065 P:415 P ·(-5) T,W ·(·5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 65 M 61 Murambi 42003 P 767 P CHW W.HP -(S-10) -(5·10) BS H: 157 M 62 Chothewadl 22574 P:675 P CHW T,W -(·5) -(·5) BS H: 142 63 Salunkwadi 23774 P'998 P PHS T,W PO ·(-5) BS H.209 CHW 64 Anandwadl 70600 P:334 P -(-5) T,W -(·5) .(-5) BS H:72 M 65 Nagdara 36349 P: 1128 P CHW T.W -(5·10) .(5-10) BS H:226 M 66 Ladzari 727.00 P: 1490 P .(5-10) T,W -(S·lO) .(5-10) BS H: 301 M 67 Murti 310.00 P: 625 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H.I02 M 68 Dharmapuri 2920.20 P:5068 P PHC T,W PO Tue BS H: 833 M pHS H D FPC RP(2) CHW 69 Khapartong 57644 P:839 P(2) CHW T,W -(·5) -(-5) BS H.159 139


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (1 e area under d1fferent types of land use m Locauon ach town and d1stance Supply hectares rounded upto two dec1mal places) Code to (mkm ) No vlilage Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste avatlable for (mc1udmg Cuillvallon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Parli(3) ED 143.64 94424 200.00 46.95 46 EO PR Ambejogai(15) ED 1666.67 209.98 29.00 47 EO

PR Ambejogai(13) ED 10084 419.00 30.00 48.63 48 EO PR AmbeJogru(15) ED 488.00 23.00 2700 49 EO PR Parli(6) ED 181.10 71.39 2.75 50 EO PR Parh(10) ED 313.12 52.20 9.40 51 EO PR AmbeJOgai(21) ED 410.53 25000 11.31 52 EO PR Parh(12) ED 885.20 153.52 110.90 53 EO PR Parli(12) EA GC(167oo) 1144 49 99.00 54 WE(3300) PR Parli(12) ED 50235 20'.65 2000 55 EO PR Ambejogai(23) ED 76760 80.00 28.09 56 EO PR Ambcjogru(18) EA WE(25.00) 273100 72.00 3300 57

PR AmbcJogai(l4 ) ED 104.00 3.00 58 EO PR AmbeJogai(13) ED W(1.00) 12047 9.30 59 EO PR Ambejogru(9) EA WE(3.oo) 189.47 8.18 60

PR Ambejogai(26) EA WE(2oo) 40368 14.35 61

PR AmbeJogai(13) EA WE(2.oo) 209.65 1409 62

PR Ambejogai(26) EA WE(2oo) 208.35 300 24.39 63

PR Ambejog81(23) EA WE(15.00) 624.00 30.00 37.00 64

PR Parli(22) ED 245.52 90.00 27.97 65 EO PR AmbeJogru(23) ED TK(600) 501.00 17800 4200 66 EO PR AmbeJog81(25) ED W(lO.OO) 29500 5.00 67 EO PR AmbeJog81(24) ED W(lO.OO) 4279.19 210.00 16500 68 EO

PR Ambejog81(30) ED ------. 69 EO 140


Localton Name of Village Total area Total Amemltes available (If nOl available WlthUi the village a Code of the village Populalton dash (-) IS shown ill the column and next to 11 ill brackeJ: the No (UI hectares and No of distance UI broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and 10+krns of rounded households !he nearest place where !he faClhty IS available IS gIVen) uptotwo Dnnkmg decimal Educa- Medical Post Day or days Comm- places) tlOnal water and of the umcatlon (potable) Telegraph market! (Bus Stop, hat, If any Railway StaltOfl, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

70 Saundana 26866 P:738 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H'128 71 Guttewadl 431.46 P: 551 P -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(-5) BS H'110 M 72 Dalthana Ghat 109900 P: 1427 P CHW T.W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 273 M 73 Murkutwadi 48100 P: 1057 P CHW T.W -(-$) -(-5) BS H: 188 74 Daradwadl 328.00 P:469 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:76 75 Dhaswadi 474.00 P: 912 P(2) -(-5) T.W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 147 76 Jodwadi 459.00 P: 867 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:136 77 Katkarwadl 517.00 P.919 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 147 M 78 UJant 158600 P:2774 P(5) PHS T.W PO Fn BS H: 519 M(2) RP Phone H(2) 79 Kusalwadi 46743 P 725 P(3) -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 128 80 Bhatanwadl 753.00 P: 1039 P CHW T.W -(-5) -(-5) ~s-- H: 195

81 Babhalgaon 915.59 p. 1268 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 232 82 Somanwadl 60733 P:897 P CHW W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H.167 R 83 Nlrpana 40263 P 725 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 151 M 84 Bagzan 54666 P: 1021 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 209


85 Sarfarajpur 586.40 P:431 P(2) -(10+) W.HP -(10+) -(10+) BS H: 104 86 Gardewadl 665.03 P.904 P -(10+) T,W -(10+) -(10+) BS H: 186 R 87 Rakshaswadl 815.86 P'977 :P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) BS H'165 R 88 Mamdapur (Parh) 45352 P 634 P CHW W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 106 89 Aswalamba 914.30 p. 1454 P(3) CHW W.HP -( -5) -(-5) BS H.286 M 90 Wantakh 1455.08 P: 1547 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:327 M 91 Daunapur 1715.18 P: 1861 P(3) CHW W,R -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 389 M 92 Warwati 895.37 P:2081 P PHS T,W PO -(5-10) BS H:377 M CHW 93 Sakud 198006 P'2703 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H.438 M 141


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e area under different types of land use In LocatIOn ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (mkm) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (including Cultlvauon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

FP ParIi(30) ED 70 EO • PR Parli(40) ED 71 EO • PR Parli(12) ED 604.01 207.76 28723 72 EO PR Ambejog8.1(45) ED W(lO.OO) 421.00 600 4400 73 EO PR AmbeJog8.1(49) ED 319.00 400 500 74 EO PR Ambejog8.1(89) EA WE(20.00) 429.00 2100 4.00 75

PR Ambejog8.1(48) EA WE(5000) 37700 25.00 700 76

PR Ambejogal(46) EA WE(1500) 450.00 4100 1100 77

PR Parli(30) EA WE(40.00) 140000 3600 110.00 78

PR Parh(27) EA • 79 PR Parli(27) EA WE(50.00) 52800 65.00 110.00 80

PR Parh(35) ED 717.72 3192 165.95 81 EO PR Ambejog8.1(35) ED 44900 52.49 10584 82 EO PR Ambejog8.1(38) ED 356.67 25.88 20.08 83 EO PR Ambejog8.1(30) ED 447.00 65.99 33.67 84 EO


PR Parh(31) ED 57334 1306 85 EO PR Parh(25) ED 627.71 885 28.47 86 EO PR ParIi(2l) ED 28.00 308.00 47986 87 EO PR Parli(21) ED 25.00 209.94 21858 88 EO PR Ambejog8.1(19) EA WE(40 00) 630.30 70.00 174.00 89

PR Ambejog8.1(17) EA WE(5000) 840.08 55.00 51000 90

PR Ambejog8.1(15) EA 63321 WE(S.41) 92030 SO.07 7319 91

PR Ambejog8.1(11 ) ED 585.20 29000 20.17 92 EO PR AmbeJogai(lO) ED 44422 65260 806.48 7676 93 EO 142


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total Amemlles available (If not available wUhm the village a Code of the village Populauon dash (-) is shown In the column and next to It 10 bracket the No. (m hectares and No of dIstance in broad ranges VIZ. SkIns, 5-10 kms and 10+krns of rounded households the nearest place where the faCIlIty IS avallable IS gIven) upto two Drmkmg Day or days decunal Educa- MedIcal Post Comm- places) tlonal water and of the umcallOQ (potable) Telegraph market! (Bus Stop, hat, If any Railway Stallon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

94 Mandva (Pathan) 147822 P 1768 P(3) PHS T PO -(10+) BS H.276 M CHW W R 95 Yclda 1912.07 P 2976 P PHS W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H 461 M CHW 96 Chlchkhandt 144371 P.1764 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:290 HP 97 Bhawthana 109728 P: 1843 P PHC T -(-5) Wed BS H: 312 M PHS W H D FPC CHW 98 RaJewadl 905.24 P:946 P(3) CHW T,W -(-5) ·(-5) BS H: 169 M 99 Laman Tanda NA P: 1230 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'181 M W 100 Kuranwadt NA P:918 P(3) CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H 150 HP R 101 Shepwadl NA P: 1460 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H 271 M W 102 Girwh (Apet) 38463 P 815 P PHS T -(-5) -(5-10) BS H.167 M FPC W CHW 103 Grrwli (Bawne) 99478 P. 2100 P FPC T PO -(5-10) BS H:447 M CHW W H 104 PImpla Dahiguda 109386 P'2259 P CHW T PO -(5-10) BS H 403 M W 105 Magarwadl NA P'978 P(2) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) BS H.173 M W 106 AmbeJogru (Rural) 9075.44 P: 113 P(4) D T PTO Tue BS H:22 M FPC W H PUC C 107 Morewadl NA P: 1895 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H:358 M W 108 Chanal 2061.00 P:2893 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H560 M W 109 Dongar Punpla 1568.00 P.1882 P PHS W PO -(S-10) BS H' 412 M CHW HP no Lokharldl Sawargaon 72763 P 2426 P PHS T PO Wed BS H:446 M RP W H CHW HP HI Shnpatrayachiwadl 352.21 P.533 P(2) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H. 90 HP 112 Warabgaon 637.07 P: 1218 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H 248 HP 113 Kolnanadi 623.90 P:994 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H'196 HP 114 Satephal 565.39 P.1004 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 168 HP 143


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e area under different types of land use m location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code lo (tn kIn) No village Forest Imgaled Ummgated Cullurable Area not by source wasle avatlable for (mcludtng Culuvallon goochar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR AmbeJogm(8) EAG 64904 WE(5.20) 376.98 38172 6528 94

PR AmbeJogm(12) ED 816.20 109587 95 EO PR AmbeJogai(12) ED 128820 682 14869 96 EO PR AmbeJogm(12) ED 100081 2266 7381 97 EO

PR Ambejog8J.(9) ED 364.09 541.15 98 EO PR Ambejog8J.(3) ED NA 99 EO PR Ambejogai(7) ED NA 100 EO

PR Ambejogai(2) ED NA 101 EO PR Ambejog8J.(11) ED 32008 44 70 1985 102 EO

PR Ambejog8J.(11) EA WE(9OO) 786.12 15960 4006 103

PR Ambejog8J.(7) ED 816.89 23214 4483 104 EO PR Ambejog8J.(2) ED NA 105 EO PR AmbeJog8J.(l ) EA 205960 WE(13160) 4786.34 117192 925.98 106

PR AmbeJog8J.(2) EA NA 107

PR Ambejogai(5) EA WE(23.00) 138300 14.00 641.00 108

PR Ambejogai(5) ED 1509 00 10.00 49.00 109 EO PR Ambejog8J.(10) EA WE(4297) 607.10 14.61 6295 110

PR AmbeJogm(12) EA WE(497) 34013 1.78 5.33 111

PR Ambejogru(13) EA WE(32.39) 548.37 12.69 4362 112

PR Ambejogru(17) EA WE(23 05) 57224 1.67 2694 113

PR AmbeJogru(7) EA WE(2:;: 22) 490.73 3020 22.24 114 144


Location Name of Village Total area Total Amemtles available (If not available wllhm the villdge a Code of the village Populallon dash C-) IS shown In the column and next to It In bracket the No (m hectares and No of distance m broad ranges VIZ 5 kms, 5-10 Ians and lO+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faclhty IS available IS given) uptotwo hduca- Medical Drmkmg Post DdY or days Comm- decunal water places) lIonal and of the umcatlOll (potable) Telegraph mdrket I (Bus Stop, hat,lf any Railway Station, Water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

115 Jogalwadl NA P 754 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H 145 M HP 116 Waghala (Radl) 104334 P 3824 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H 829 M RP HP CHW 117 SeluAmba 68687 P 1015 P CHW W -( -5) -(5-10) BS H 198 HP 118 Pokhan 96438 P 1476 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H 281 HP


119 Gita 48475 P.901 P CHW W -( -5) -(5-10) BS H'167 HP 120 Jawalgaon 238742 P.3664 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H 661 M CHW W H 121 BharaJ 86023 P 1509 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 271 CHW HP 122 Saygaon 134731 P 3126 P(2) CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H 478 M HP H 123 Rad! 222417 P 3686 P PHS T PO -(10+) BS H 630 M CHW W H 124 Kumbephal 1005 ';U P 2365 P PHS T -(10+) -(10+ ) BS H.404 M CHW W 125 Makegaon 50100 P 1234 P CHW T -(5-10) -(-5) BS H 276 M W 126 Nandadl 464 00 P892 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) BS H 164 M HP 127 Mamdapur 57242 P 1389 P D T -( -5) Sat BS H 286 M CHW W H 128 Patoda 1517.88 P 3008 P RP T PO -(-5) BS H' 572 M W H 129 Devla 111308 P. 2015 P PHS T PO -(-5) BS H: 391 M W 130 Akola 57518 P 1097 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H' 179 M HP R 131 Tadola 47423 P'901 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H.142 M HP R 132 Dhanora 159823 P 2803 P HC W PO -(5-10) BS H: 516 M PHC HP D R FPC CHW 133 Mudegaon 79700 P 1580 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H' 288 M HP 134 Dallhana Radl 38500 P:883 P CHW W -(5-10) -(10+) BS H 156 HP 145


Appro- Nelral Power Land use (i.e. Ifill under duterenl types of land use in Location ach IOwn Ind dl.tanu Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (inkm.) No. village Forelt Irrigated Umrrigated Culturable Area not by source waste available for (Illcluding Cultivation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Ambejogai(S) EA NA 115

PR Ambejogai(16) EA WE(20.70) 931.10 46.13 45.41 116

PR Ambejogai(19) EA WE(13.50) 603.32 39.09 30.96 117

PR Ambejogai(20) EA WE(1830) 828.84 50.19 67.05 118


PR Ambejogai(7) EA WE(12.40) 409.84 50.00 12.51 119

PR Ambejogai(10) EA WE(50SO) 1875.37 310.00 79.55 120

PR AnlbeJogai(17) EA WE(30.oo) 749.77 65.00 15.46 121

PR Ambejogru(19) EA WE(26,32) 124675 2252 51.72 122

PR Ambejogll1(19) EA WE(318.40) 1351.77 33880 215.20 123

PR Ambejogai(17) EA WE(75.00) 900.00 30.00 124

PR Ambejogai(18) ED 476.00 25.00 125 EO PR Ambejogai(11) EA WE(13.00) 428.00 23.00 126

PR Ambejogai(ll ) EA GC(80.00) 437.89 22.53 127 WE(32.oo)

PR Ambejogai(13 ) EA OC(329.00) 1112.90 51.81 14.17 128 WE(10.00)

PR Ambejogai(ll) EA GC(380.00) 624.20 66.88 30.00 129 WE(12.oo) PR Ambejogai(14) EA GC(80.oo) 391.30 63.88 130 WE(40.oo)

PR AmbeJogai(14) EA GC(62.00) 317.02 77.21 131 WE(18.oo)

PR AmbeJogll1(18) EA GC(108.oo) 1238.31 203.92 132 WE(48.oo)

PR AmbeJogll1(25) EA WE(20.oo) 719.00 34.00 24.00 133

PR Ambe jogll1(20) EA WE(10.oo) 328.00 12.00 35.00 134 146


~allon Nameu(Vtllaj' 'rucaJ .IVM 'r"". AmClnjtic~ lYdilablc

13:-1 Sug.llOll 9~2 O() P:21l31 P CHW T -(.S) -(.S) AS H' 357 M W 136 N:mdgaoo IVOS.15 r· 158(, P(3) CUW T ·(-S) .(.5) as fJ 307 M W 131 R.... dapuf 3517.00 P 6513 1'(6) "HC T PO Frj as II: 1126 M(2) PUS w "hone H(21 0 i{ r·pc 1<1' CIIW 138 Lambgaoo 1322.17 P: 1996 P(3) CUW T +5) ·(·5) as 11:352 M W 139 Chandanwadl 357.99 P.501 P CHW T ·(·5) -(S-10) as H: 106 W 140 Halola 1351.71 P: 1651 P PHS T 11() -(5-10) hS ":358 M CHW W H 141 WaJcwadl 291.35 P;608 P CHW W +5) -(10+) hS H; 114 HP \41 Talt:gaon (Ghat) 1302.31 P: 1359 P(3) CHW T -(S·\O) -(S-10) lIS H'289 M W 143 Pimpn 225.25 P:601 P CHW W -(5-10) -(-5) -(oS) H: 123 HP 144 CllOpanWadi 323.01 P:872 I' CHW T -(5·10) ·(-5) as H: 158 W 145 Wdkdi 237.37 P: 291 I' C'HW T -(SolO) -(5·10) -(-5) H:53 W 146 Palliwadgaon 1319.83 P:498S I> PHS T PO -(SoW) 8S H: 1042 M CHW W

Orand Total = 128992.64 P:214676 P(212) H(I) H: 40247 M(99) Ue(\) H(22) I'HC(1) PUC(2) PHS(30) C(2) O(!\) FPC(IO) RP(9) CUW(114)

NOIC: (I) -.- Area brcak-up(Land usc) of Loca uon Code No. 35 isincludcd inarcilbrcak-up(Landuse)orLocalionCode N().2H. (2) -t- Area break-up (Land usc) of Location Code Nos. 69, 70,71,79 arc meluded in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code No. 68. (3) N.A. = Not AVailable 147

DIRECTORY -. Aprto- -':c:atl.!~l Power 1and u~c (I.e. ar(_J undc 10 (IN 1.,1I., Nu. viUlCllC Forcsl ImWlwtl Ullltng..twd Cuhllr•.t,lc ArealKll by ~uutcc wasle IIvlldabie (01' (lIIcluJillll Cull.ivaUOIl goucllltrand groves)

il 12 13 14 15 16 17 III .. - ... ~------_-.._------

1'R AmbcJ{)glli(2:'i\ EA Wl!(35.IJO) 81400 22.00 51.00 135

PR. A01''''jol;:I;(2 i) ~A W£(1O.25) l'I76 ! 1 13.09 W5.67 136

I'K Aml>c),)gUl{ 18) EA W(34'(lO) 32-'3 'i') 4651 127.54 137 W[(75.OO)

PI{ Amb~jogai(20) EA W(15.IO) 1200.00 2661 138 WE(70A6) PR Amlx'JoglU(3{J) fD W(O.77) 356.(I() 1 22 13C) EO PR. AmbcJog:1I(30) EA WE{17S.S6) 1156.05 20.10 140

PR Al1Ibcjog.u(J7) EO WE(7.00) 27135 8.00 500 141 EO PR Ambcjog.u(32) ED W(7.00} 1232.32 20.00 43.00 142 EO I'R Amb.:jog.u(J3 ) ED W(6.00) 192.25 1500 12.m 143 EO 1'R Ambcjogai(25) EA WE(20.00) 279.63 23.38 144

I)R Ambcjog31(25) EA WE(10.00) 213.57 1380 145

I'R AmbcJogai(36) EA WE(19.82) 1242.00 58.01 146

GC(2535.00) W (284 11) 96424.13 ~62565 1216820 WE(4069.97) TK(36.00) R(85.1O) MAHARASHTRA TAHSIL KAIJ DISTRICT BID A H s ~m 2 eKm 0 A1 -4


~ G' 4 0 \


/ s .,..


Based i.4)On SurV'ty of Jndto map With the J)«mtSSiOn of the Surveyor G.rwral of .neita © Gowr_ 0' _ COpyroglll, -. 149



Sr. Name ofVLlJage Code Populallon Sr Name of Village Code Populallon No No. No No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) m (3) (4)

1 Adus 83 50M 36 Dahlfal Pahadl 41 677 2 Ambcwadgaon 51 1050 37 Dahlfal wadmavli 11 3132 3 Anandgaon 143 1416 38 Dalthana 174 756 4 Andhalyachiwadi 10 450 39 Daradwadi 163 685 5 Anegaon 148 918 40 Deogaon 12 1397 6 Anjandhav 74 1527 41 Dcpewadgaon 98 798 7 Anjanpur 108 916 42 DcvlaBk. 36 2133

8 Apegaon 112 261~." 43 Dhakanwadl 1M 621 9 Arangaon 27 1221 44 Dhakephal 125 1238

10 ~anwadi 59 715 45 Dhanegaon 147 1061 " 11 Asardhav 77 2750 46 Dhanora 110 1276 12 Aswala 72 1878 47 Dharmala 118 516 13 Aurangpur 102 577 48 Dharur 61 364 14 Awargaon 66 901 49 Dhavadt 92 768 15 Awasgaon 152 1215 50 DholTa 161 541 16 Bane.gaon 162 652 51 Dlghol Amba 99 1788 17 Bankaranja 122 1761 52 Doka 181 462 18 Bansarola 103 4512 53 Dongaon 31 552 19 Bawchl 145 389 54 Dunakwad 40 1230 20 Belgaon 159 760 55 Ekurka 157 906 21 Bhalgaon 146 801 56 Gadalyachi Wadi 167 387 22 Bhatumba 141 1284 57 GanJPur 63 933 23 Bhogalwadi 54 2168 58 Gappewadl 7 570 24 Bhopala 184 780 59 Gawandara 53 1205 25 Bobdechiwadi 128 769 60 Ghagarwada 60 1208 26 Borgaon Bk. 175 1837 61 Ghatewadl 3 540 27 Borisawargaon 101 1113 62 Gorwadi (N. V.)(9) 8 582 28 Chandansawargaon 123 1400 63 GOLCgaon 132 999 29 Chardari 48 910 64 Hadgaon 183 713 30 Chikhal Bid 47 1733 65 Hanumant Plmpri 173 1238 31 Chincholi Mali 179 3596 66 Hasanabad 73 322 32 Chinchpur 64 1021 67 HiwaraKh 106 650 33 Chmchwan 39 1728 68 Hlwara Plahdi 33 1727 34 Chondi 56 1493 69 Hal 96 4254 35 Choramba 58 1290 70 ISlhal 113 987 ISO

5. KAlJ C. D. BLOCK-contd.

Sf. '" lllle 01 Vill .. gc Code. p')PUlollion Sr. Name "I Villu)p! (","c. 1'llf'\Ildll()11 No. No. No. Nu, (1) (l} (3) (4) (I) (2) ('I) (4)

71 Jadhav Jawla 29 (120 109 Lumuntanc.lB 67 1360 72 Jancgaon 121 1203 110 Mllindwi.ldi 62 619 73 Jawalban l42 2159 tll Matcgaon 134 1>84 74 Jaybhaychi WOld, (N. V. ) (69) 70 302 112 M~llcwadi 160 693 75 Jiwacniwadi 5 2298 1\3 MUllgwadguon 186 1439 76 Jola 14 687 114 Malt<,ajog 26 1703 77 Kuij 127 125)0 115 Mohu Jahagir 57 20)7 78 KaJam Amba 1<8 2384 116 MorraH 78 1370 79 Kulcgaon GIl:11 172 1872 117 MOlCgoon l31 287 80 KlIflc.Ii Bad.m 105 1369 118 Mulcgaon 89 349 81 K:.mdi Mali IJ7 2219 119 Mundcwadi 156 918 82 Kunhobw:niwudi (N. V.) (36) 187 122 )20 Nagxari (L) 21 569 83 Kapryuchi Wadi (N. V.) (177) 176 289 121 Naglari Gaimukh S2 unillhabitcd 84 Kamlwadi 35 396 122 NahoJi \171 1998 85 Kasari 119 975 123 Naigaon 153 1858 86 Kushidwadi 6 384 124 Nundurghru. 166 5166 87 twlCwadi (N. V.) (54) 55 753 125 Narcwudi 154 582 88 K1\wadgaon 104 1153 126 Nirmulwadi (N. V.) (36) 34 299 89 Kclwnwadi 8) 736 127 Paithan 150 1489 90 KckatSami 87 1165 128 Puluskhcda 100 818 91 Kdgaon 158 398 129 Pangri 85 592 92 Kcndrcwadi 91 1066 130 Parga()o Pahadi 49 1592 93 Kcwad 178 750 131 Palhra 144 346 94 Khtidki 45 1852 132 Plmpalgalvhan 18 1237 9S Khodas SO 1089 133 Plmpallakka 43 518 96 Kodarl 95 1111 134 Pimparwada 69 1036 97 Kolhcwadi 22 933 135 Punpla Rui 44 738 98 Kolpimpri 79 1338 136 Pi ruchi wadi J 366 99 Kopra t09 533 137 Piscgaon 126 1401 100 Kordyachiwadi 2 1245 138 Pillhighat 168 622 10) Korcgaoo 28 1444 139 Rajcga()1l 170 J030 102 Kotharban 42 1271 t40 R

5. KAlJ C. D. BLOCK- (on/d.

Sr. 1'i41llC 01 Village (.Aide. l"ll'uJ.lUOn Sr. Name ofV,1I411c Code. 1'(l{lUllIllon No. No. No. No. (I) (2) (1) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

147 Sangaon 94 1544 168 Swdi 135 1349 148 Sungvi (S) 17 890 169 'I "kit 32 2405 149 Sumi 16 1096 t70 T.unbwa 120 239\ 150 Sami (Anl.lndgaon) 140 IS75 171 TuwJulwudi 65 876 lSI Sarukwadi 180 557 172 Tacnah U5 1287 152 Sarul 15 764 173 Tatborgaon III 971 153 Sasura ]3 718 174 ThclCgavhan 50 406 154 SalCCalwadl 182 1168 175 Tokcwadi 46 659 155 Saundana 114 1204 176 Tukuchiwadi 4 403 156 Sawlcshwar 151 111l 177 Umbrayachiwadi (N. V.) (76) 75 1478 J57 Shclgaon Ganji 130 855 178 UmrJi 93 1339 158 Shindi 19 2002 179 Umri 24 2062 159 Shirpura 30 685 ISO Undri 86 2096 160 Shirurghat 169 2751 181 Waghcbabhalgaon 155 2833 16) Somnalh Borgaon 107 1241 182 Wagholi 84 " 549 162 Soncsangvi 136 1214 183 Walcdi 149 239 163 Sonijawla ]39 1757 184 Warapgaon 177 1899 164 Sonimoha 68 1358 185 Wida 9 3327 165 Sonnakhota 38 854 186 Ycwta 20 2]24 166 Sonwalu 82 1241 187 Yusuf W,ldguon 138 3561 167 Sulcli 133 542 Total: 253997 152


Location Name of Village Tow area Tow Amenitie. available (If not available within the village a Code of the village Population dash (.) is $hown in the column and nellt to uin braclt« the No. (in hectares and No. of distance in broad ranlca viz. 5 kms, 5-10 !anI. and lO+knt& of rounded households the nearest place whcrethc facility 11 available i. given) upto two decimal Ilduca- Medical Drinking Pan Day or day. Comm- wawr places) lional and 01 the unicatian (polIIblc) Telegraph market I (Bul SIDp, hat, if any Railway StaIion, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 1, CIRCLE

Pirachiwadi 492.00 P:366 P -(5-10) HP -(5·10) -(10+) -(10+) H:93 2 Kordyachiwadi 1849.74 P: 1245 P ·(-5) W ·(5.10) -(5-10) BS H: 353 HP 3 Ghatewadi 911.88 P:540 P ·(5·10) HP .(10+) .(10+) .(10+) H: 181 4 Tukuchiwadl 564.80 P:403 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+) H: 106 5 Iiwachiwadi 2023.17 P:2298 P PHS HP PO -(1Ot) BS H: 368 M CHW " 6 Kashidwadi 294.42 P:384 P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H:96 7 Gappewadi 480.20 P:'570 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(lOt) -(-5) H: 150 HP 8 Gorwadi (N,V.) * f: 582 P -(-5) HP -(5-10) -(lOt) BS H:119 9 W\da 367886 P:3327 P(6) PHC W PO Sat BS H 786 M PHS Phone H RP(3) CHW 10 And!tal~achl wadi 73253 P:450 P -(-5) HP -(5-10) -(lOt) -(-5) H.193 11 . Dabifalwadmavli 2391.00 P.3132 P(2) PHS HP PO -(5-10) BS H:587 M CHW H 12 Deogaon 1214.00 P: 1397 P CHW HP PO -(10+) BS H:385 M 13 Sasura 514.99 P:718 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 180 HP 14 lola 520.56 P:687 P CHW W .(lOt) -(lOt) -(-j) H:210 HP IS Sarul 400.04 P:764 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 158 HP 16 Sarm 920.45 P: 1096 P CHW W PO -(10+) BS H' 232 M HP 17 Sangvi (S) 773,66 P: 890 P CHW W -(5-10) -(lOt) BS H:247 HP 18 Pimpalgavhan 689.92 P: 1237 P CHW HP -(S-10) -(10+) BS H: 342 19 Shindi 1627.31 P:2002 P(2) PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H:424 ' M 0 HP CHW 20 Yewta 1680.10 P: 2124 P PHS HP PO -(10+) BS H: 505 M D H CHW 21 Nagzari (L) 1229.81 P: 569 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) .(5-10) -(-5) H: 180 22 Kolliewadt 459.67 P: 933 P CHW HP -(oS) -(S-lO) BS H: 177 23 Lahuri 1981.55 P:2194 P(2) -(lOt) W PO 1'hu BS H:461 M(Z) HP H 153 DIRECTORY

Appro- Nearett Power Land ule (i.e. area under difforonltypOl oj land UICIIn Loc:«Iion Ieh town and- di'tanco S.. pply hoc;taros IOUndod upto two decimal placx:a) Cot1o to (In kin.) No. villa,,, Forcll lnigalOd Unirrl,ated Cullurablo AmllOl by lourcc waite av.ilablo {Of (imllildina wkivalion aouchar IIId ,rove.)

11 12 13 14 1S 16 11 1& WIDA

KR Dharut(10) SA 400.00 31.00 61.00

KR Dharur(24) EA WE(l813.'3) 15.30 20.91 2

KR Dharur(20) SA 421.39 490.49 3 KR Dharur(20) SA • 4 KR Dharur(lO) EA 2400.94 84.00 103.03 S

KR Dharur(20) EA 294.14 0.28 6

KR Dharur(20) SA WE(7.60) 366.40 27.51 78.69 7

KR Dharur(lS) EA 8

KR Dharur(10) EA WE(20.1O) 3439.01 11S.00 104.75 9

KR Dharur(lO) EA 676.93 55.60 10

KR Bid(25) EA 8.00 1810.00 350.00 223.00 11

KR Bid(25) EA 1110.00 69.00 35.00 12

KR Bid(24) EA WE(10.01) 468.96 27.01 8.89 13

KR Bid(24) EA WE(l6.37) 465.55 26.02 12.62 14 \ KR Bid(22) EA WE(5.07) 348.01 32.07 14.89 15

KR Dharur(22) EA WE(27.67) 834.42 45.09 13.27 16

KR Dharur(20) EA WE(21.30) 621.40 92.99 37.97 11

KR Dharur(12) SA WE(16.20) 593.22 37.09 43.41 18

KR Dharut(14) EA WE(16'(lO) 1489.77 112.86 8.74 19

KR Dharur(8) EA 1511.58 50.00 118.52 20

KR Dharur(lO) SA 469.81 700.00 60.00 21

KR Dharur(8) EA NA 22

KR Dbarut(B) EA 20.00 WE(30.S6) 1814.00 49.00 67.99 23 154


~allOil Name of Village TOUtIlirca Total Alllcnctic$ Ivadublo (If not aVlIllllhlc within thclIllI.ige II Code ofthc village I)opulation d,,,h ( ) IS showIl in the colull\o aod nc"l 10 It in brad(ct the No. (Ill hectares and No of dt'tllll"" in br(lad ranges VIol! S kms, S·l 0 kills anc.l lO+klm of rounded hou~eholds the nC:lrc\1 plolcc where the facIlity IS .aV:llloible I' given) UplolW\) Drll1klng Jlu,t Day or ,luys COllllll- dcdmal hlu(;jj· Mcdknl places) tlonal water lind Ilfth.; umullion (polubJc) Telegraph markel/ (Bul SlOP, hlot,lllIny RIIUway Stillion, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

24 Umri 1717.55 P:2062 P(2) CHW W ·(5· to) ·(5·10) ·(·5) H:417 M HP 2S Kothi 395.44 I): 540 P PHS W ·(-5) ·(10+) -(-5) H: 150 D HP CHW 26 Massajog 1545.43 P: 1703 P D W PO Mon BS Ii: 356 M CHW HP H 27 Arangoon 1498.18 p. 1221 P -00+) W -(10+) .(5·10) -(-5) H:220 HP 28 Koregaon 709.02 P: 1444 P CHW HP -(5.10) .(10+) BS H:285 M 29 Jadhav Jllwla 758.45 P: 1120 P CHW HP -(.5) .(5-10) .(·5) H: 221 30 ShlrP'lra 400.22 P:685 P -(·5) W ·(5-10) .(10+) ·(·5) H: 120 HP 31 Dongaon 312.75 P:552 P CHW W -(5-10) .(10+) -(.5) H: 113 HP 32 Takh 1159.05 1>:2405 P(2) PHS W PO ·(10+) BS H.431 M CHW HP


33 Hiwara Pahadi 205494 P: 1727 P CHW W PO -(10+) BS H:361 HP 34 Numalwadi (N.V.) (36) 215.35 P:299 P -(10+) W -(10+) .(10+) -(·5) H:75 HP 35 Karalwadi 315.10 P:396 P PHS W -(10+) .(10+) -(·5) H:96 CHW HP 36 Devla Bk. 2410JO P: 2133 P(2) CHW W PO .(10+) BS H: 677 M HP 37 Rui Pimpla 421.78 P:421 P CHW W -(-5) .(10+) BS H'103 HP 38 Sonnakhola 915.95 P:854 P(3) PHC W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:225 FPC HP CHW 39 Chinchwan 974 ]2 P: 1728 P PHS W PO .(-5) BS H:388 M Fl'C HP H RP CHW 40 Dunakwad 1058.39 P: 1230 P RP W -(-5) ·(10+) BS H:401 HP 41 Dahlfal Pahadi 522.60 P'677 P CHW W -(-5) ·(10+) BS H: 128 HP 42 Kolharban 906.74 P: 1271 P .(10+) W -(-5) .(10+) BS H:299 HP 43 Pimpallalla 819.92 P:578 P CHW W -(-5) .(10+) BS H: 160 HP 44 Pmlpla RUl 468.89 P 738 P CHW W -(-5) -(10+) BS H: 231 HP 45 Khadkl 1393.88 P: 1852 P -(10+) W PO ·(10+) BS H:394 M HP 46 Tokewadi 762.21 P:659 P .(10+) W ·(·5) ·(10+) -(·5) H: 166 HP 155


Appro· Nearest Powcr Land usc (i.c. area undcr dlrfcrenllYpcs uf land usc In Locllilon ."h !Own In~ dbllillce SUl'Ply hectares rounded uplo two IIcchllMI placos) CoUc (0 (In kn\.) No vjIJall~ F.)re~1 Irrigated Unlrngated C'ullllrllbic ANa not by sourc.c wllste IIvuilabic for (illcluJIIlIl cullivaLlon gOllchar and glOves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS

KR DhaJ'ur(8) EA WE(25.00) 1356.55 250.00 86.00 24

KR Dhsrur(8) £A W£(4.OO) 322.00 69.44 25

PR Dharur( 10) EA 8.00 W£(41.99) 1368.87 97.12 29.45 26

KR Dharur(t7) EA WE(3S.90) 1399.67 60.37 2.24 27

KR Dharur(14) EA 6.00 651.00 29.01 23.01 28

KR Dharur(16) EA 710.00 3M.OO }0.45 29

KR Kalamb(7) E~ WE(ll.09) 359.35 17.27 It.Sl 30

KR Dharur(15) EA WE(3.02) 191.61 10.00 108.12 31

KR Dharur(20) EA WE(l41.05) 915.00 70.00 33.00 n


KR Dharur(4S) EA WE(3S.1O) 1983.49 26.35 10.00 33

KR Dhlll'ur(45) EA WE(lO.15) 197.94 7.26 34

KR Dharur(42) EA WE(l3.18) 290.63 7.35 3.94 35

KR Dhlll'ur(40) EA 148.15 WE(45.90) 1149.08 37.35 36

KR Dharur(35) EA WE(28.35) 350.33 14.10 29.00 37

KR Dharur(30) EA WE(67.35) 816.55 32.05 38

PR Dharur(20) EA 35.00 WE(66.37) 865.67 708 39

KR Dhlll'ur(18) EA )90.52 WE(68.70) 691.37 57.80 50.no 40

PR Dharur(19) EA WE(63.70) 407.60 5130 41

KR Dharur(17) EA 218.31 WE(79.86) 545.23 63.34 42

KR Dharur(22) EA ]72.00 WE(5935) 403.00 4520 14037 43

KR Dharur(21) EA WE(58.30) 385.19 25.40 44

KR Dharur(24) EA WE(8730) ]239.78 6680 45

KR Dharur(23) EA 10.00 WE(30.85) 685.46 35.90 46 156


I..ocMion NIlIllC of Villa&c Total ,rei TOOl) Amenities available (If not available within the village a Code 01 the villaac ~ dash (-) IS shown tn the column and nc~t to it in bracket the No. (in~rcs and No. of distance III broad ranges viz. 5 kms. 5-JO krns. and 10+kms of rounded hoIIsehoJds the nCllICst placc where the facility is available IS given) \IptolWO Drinking clccimal Edut:a- Medical POst Day or days Comm- tiona! water and oflhe unication places) (potable) TclelJfjlph markel/ (Bus Stop. hat. If any Railway Station. Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

47 ChikbaJBid 2908.85 P: 1733 P(2) PHS W PO -(10+) BS H: 611 M CHW HP 4S ChaJdari 1205.44 P:910 P CHW W PO -(10+) BS H:364 M HP 49 Pargaon PaIladi 1163.03 P: 1592 P(2) PHS W PO -(10+) BS H:349 M CHW HP 50 Thetegavhan 238.50 P:406 P PHS W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:99 CHW HP 51 Ambewadgaon 672.74 P: 1050 P -(10+) T PO Thl,l BS H:24O M W H HP 52 Nagzari Gaimukh 16.00 Uninhabited " 53 Gawandara 1065.53 P: 1205 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:303 HP 54 Bhogalwadi 2359.87 P:2168 P(2) PHC T PO -(10+)1 BS H:689 M PHS W H CHW HP 55 Katewadi (N.V.) (54) 235.15 P: 75'3 P -«5) T -~-5) -(10+) BS H: 146 W HP 56 Chondi 703.98 P: 1493 P CHW HP PO -(10+) BS H:301 M 57 Moha Jahagir 1452.05 P: 2017 P(2) CHW w PO -(5-10) -(-5) H:454 M HP 58 Choramba 893.56 P: 1290 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H: 311 CHW HP 59 ATanwadi 111.82 P:115 P CHW W PO -(5-l0) -(-5) H:200 HP 60 Gbagarwada 924.85 P: 1208 P CHW W PO -(S-10) .(-5) H:329 HP 61 Dbarur 5771.05 P:364 P(3) 0 T PO Mon as H:55 M(3) FPC W Phone Fri H(2) RP(6) PUC C I 62 Maindwadi 693.25 P:6}9 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) .(-5) H: 185 HP 63 GaflJPUf' 443.95 P:933 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:200 HP 64 Chincbpur 531.13 P: }021 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 218 HP 65 Tandalwadi 861.09 P:876 P CHW W PO -(-5) as H: 198 HP 66 AWII'saon 447.57 P:901 P -(S-10) W PO -(-5) as H: 161 M HP 67 Lamanllnda S10.38 P: 1360 P CHW T -(.5) -(-5) ns H:21O W HP 68 Sonimoha t056;()4 P: 1358 P CHW W PO -(-5) as H:358 HP (I) Pimparwad •. 1723.19 P: 1036 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(oS) as H: 217 HP 157


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. IJea under differellt l)'pCS of lancIuse iR ~ ach town and distlinCII Supply hectll'l$ rwndcd upto two clecimal places) Code to (in krn.) No. village FQl'CSt Irria&lCd Ul\iqated Oalnarable A_ftal by source waste available for (indudina cuhiWlion padaar and 11OVeS)

11 12 13 loll -IS 16 11 18

KR Dharur(22) EA WE(13S.15) 2219.00 96.30 398.40 47

KR Dharur(16) EA 478.22 WE(39.30) 687.92 .c8

KR Dharur(17) EA 324.95 WE(l17.35) 634.03 86.'10 .(9

PR Dharur(12) EA 36.23 WE(38.10) 144.04 20.13 SO

PR Dharur(18) EA 16.00 WE(137.30) 449.24 70.20 51

Uninhabited S2 PR Dharur(19) EA 20.00 WE(l30.15) 57539 339.80 0.19 53

KR Dharur(24) EA WE(180.30) 697.37 1468.20 14.00 54

KR Dharur(23) EA WE(80.30) 124.70 30.15 SS

KR Dharur(18) EA 300.27 WE(179.30) 4.17 219.64 56

KR Dharur(12} EA WE(230.35) 906.so 315.20 51

PR Dharur(9) EA 12.00 WE(125.35) 218.90 537.31 58

KR Dharur(lO} EA 133.69 WE(139.30) 83.01 415.82 59

KR Dharur(13} EA 491.85 WE(94.35) 338.65 60

PR Dharur(2) EA 376.60 WE(435.9O) 4516.85 447.70 61

KR Dharur(5) EA 30.00 WE(130.20) 352.95 180.10 62

KR Dharur(9) EA WE(20S.30) 201.25 37.40 63

KR Dharur(10) EA WE(I40.30} 310.53 80.20 0.10 64

KR Dharur(8) EA 10.00 WE(190.30) 421.90 238.89 65

PR Dharur(7) EA WE(99.35} 250.05 73.17 25.00 66

KR Dharur(6) EA 1.00 WE(105.30} 265.64 438.44 67

PR Dharur(13) EA 222.45 WE(315.1O) 388.29 130.20 68 J ~.

KR Dharur(13) EA WE(20.1S) 49S.90 1207.14 ~9 1$8

S. KAU C. 1>. BLOCK - COHtd. V1Ll .. AHE

l.ucaUll'\ Natne uf VUlaae ruin! ita 'rutil Alnwitill.II"'Jltllhl~ (if 11U(.I\VIIlIIlbIIl ~illlllllhll ,,(IIIIAC 1\ OJde of Ute \fUlaIlC l'upolllUolI dasb (-) is ~howtl1H the oolUltln lind l!\I~t til It Ifl bracket th~ No. (In !leI-'lIIl'e. and No. of "i.lJI.n~ 111 bWlId t1l1l1lC~ viz. S km~,~· 10 km~, 1>1111 IOtl.tll~ il{ fOtIfIded hw"oold. the ucanm ('taLC wh,·(c til!' la~I)Il)' h BVlut.hlll ;~ !lIVel1) !lpulWO dl)Cimll 1WiU:a· Mcdklll Drinking Pl.hl !lAY ut'd(t)'1 C4lIfIm- liooat ~al4t IInJ or !he unlCIIUoo pla~) (I'l.ll.ablc) 1'dl:lItAl'h 1113{1.~1 (111>~ SUIt'. h.t,ll all)' Ibilt.JI)' StJitiuII. W.ilf.ctwIiY) :2 :3 4 5 6 1 it 9 to

70 l.ybita),c.:hi Wadi 212.20 P:302 P -(HIt) W -(-1J) -(-5) -(-5) (N.V.)(69) ":49 Hll 11 Rcpewadi 554.18 1':518 P -(Hh·) 111' +5) -(5-10) -(.S) H:94 72 Aswala 915,88 P: 1878 P PHS r PO -00+) as If: :JS3 M CHW W HI' 73 HafllUllibad 186.86 P:322 P CHW W -(-5) -00+) OS ti:68 UP 74 Anjandha't 927,91 P: 1S17 P PHS W I'!) .(1()~) RS ":264 M CHW HI' H '15 Umbrayachiwudi 175.05 P: 1478 P 0(5-10) W -( 5) -lj-l(» as (N.V.) (76) 1-4:214 UP 16 Rut Dhatut 1803.60 P: 1893 P(3) C'UW W PO -(S-I(l) as ":307 M HI' 17 Asardhav 1631.04 P: 2750 P(2) PHS w PO -(S·W) BS H:S02 M CHW HI' ?8 MurfAIi 1180.90 I': 1370 P PBS W PO -(5-1O) 85 H:293 M CHW HP


19 KoJpimpri 841.31 P: U18 l' CHW W PO -(j·lO) 85 H:236 M HP 80 Khadn 516.93 P: 1089 P -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS H: 216 UP 81 Kekanwadi 375.82 1':736 P .(-5) HP -(-5) +5) +5) H:tl7 82 Sonw.la 931.17 P: 1241 P PHS W -(5-10) .(5-10) 85 ll: 277 M RP HP CHW 83 AdIlS 240281 1': 5064 1)(4) PHC T 1'0 Sal as H:965 M RP HP Phone H 84 Wagholi 405.60 1':549 P -(-5) W +5) -(5-10) as H: 103 HI' 85 Pangri 412.84 P: 592 P :(5·10) HI' -(oS) .(5·10) RS H: 120 86 Undri 1329.19 P: 2096 I' PHS W PO -(5·10) as H:414 M HP H 87 Kekat S"rni 7U4.35 P: 1165 P CHW W flO -(5·10) -(-5) H: 216 M HP 88 Kallll1l Amba 1566.01 P:2384 P CHW HI' PO .(5-10) as 1-1:481 M 89 Mulcgaon 4219~ P:349 P -(5·10) HP -(-5) +~) +5) H:67 90 l..adewildgaort 1454.40 p: 2306 p PHS HP PO -(-5) RS H:510 M CHW 91 Kcndr"""adi 108051 P: 1066 P RP W -(-5) -(5-10) as H: 184 M HP 92 Dhavadi 747.99 P:768 P cHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) bS H: 165 HP ~--_,~- - . 159


A[IpI'O· Nc:a11ll1 l'i)W~r l.and use (I.e. arca IIIldcr difforonl types cC lalid usc in l.()Quun "h IOWI! dlld dl.lllllOO SlIfIPIy hcctal'Cl fUIlnded Uplo two dcc:imMt placcs) Code to (In Ian.) No. vjllaae FtWSt Irrigated Unimgatcd Cuiturable Arean~ by SOIIn:c waslC available fut (includina culltValiOO aOllchat and ,toVC.)

11 12 13 J.t IS 16 17 18

KR Obuarur(17) EA WE(lO.30) 116.70 8.5.20 70

KR OhJl'ur( t 8) EA WE(93.20) 366.40 85.41 9.17 11

KR Ohurur(13) EA WE(2l5.30) 412.38 188.20 100.00 72

KR OItlttlr(12) EA WE(36.40) 122.16 28.30 13

KR OharUt(t9) EA WE(196.30) 661.95 63.12 74

KR Dharur(23) fA 'WE(SO.30) 24.15 10.00 15

KR Dhatur(20) EA WE(375.20) 1241.00 181.40 76

KR Oharur(24) EA WE(315.20) 122834 81.50 17

KR O1tarur(21) EA WE(230.00) 68955 190.35 11.00 18


KR Dharur(6) EA WE(2.60) 766.10 47.01 31.66 79

KR Dharur{lO) EA 15.00 WE(S.08) 465.49 2818 0.18 80

KR Dhanu(IS) fA 364.82 6.00 5.00 81

KR Ambcjogai(7) EA WE(7.16) 291.11 519.21 47.69 82

PR Dharur(20) EA 2276.03 56.78 70.00 83

KR Dharur(9) EA 8.00 WE(5.25) 359.67 27.40 5.28 84

PR Dharur(6) EA WE(14.41) 354.48 25.16 18.79 85

KR Dharur(8) EA WE(15.46) 1185.37 70.92 57.44 86

KR Dharur(t2) EA WE(6.98) 653.36 37.03 6.98 87

KR Ambcjogui(25) EA 1504 80 18.69 42.52 88

KR Ambcjogai(20) EA 10.00 38080 24.28 6.87 89

KR Ambcjogai(21 ) EA 24.00 1375.93 31.33 11.14 90

PR Dharut(9) EA 2700 WE(1.55) 998.45 25.71 27.80 91

PR Dharur(12) EA WE(3.27) 714.01 3.00 27.71 92 160


~ NlMe 01' vm... TouIl ... Total Amenltl,. IvaUable (if not .vIUlable within WI! village a 0. ofthovlll... Population da.h (-) II .how" In 11111 wlumn and nlllt Lo h ill bracket the No. (III how"l IIId No. of diltance III broad rallse. vilt. ~ krn., 5-10 krnl. and 10+kmlof IOIII\ded households the "!llttllil plde!) whetll the facility is Iv.litllbllli. given) UptOlWO Bduca· Medical Drinklllil POSI 01),01da)" Cornm· decimal water pl.eel) llonal and afthe unication (potable) Telegraph market I (8ul Stop, hit, if any Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 .. 5 G 7 8 9 to

93 Umrai 611.49 P: 1339 P CHW HP ·(.S) +5) 8S H: 231 M 94 $qaon 1021.06 P: 1544 P PHS HP PO -(S·10) BS H: 279 CHW 9.5 Kod..-i 758.7S P: 1111 P(2) IP HP +S) -(S-10) BS H: 17' CHW 96 Hoi 2324.54 P:4254 1'(2) PHS T PO -(-5) BS H: 780 M CHW W H HP 97 LtdealOn 1065.44 P: 1889 P PHS W -(-5) -(5-10) ·(-5) H:366 M RP HP CHW 98 Dcpewadaaon 588.89 P:798 P CHW W -( -5) -(.5) BS H: 145 HP 99 DiaholAmba 1309.47 P: 1788 P PHS W PO 'fhu BS H:343 M CHW HP H 100 Palaskheda 508.14 P:818 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 170 HP 101 Borisawaraaon 594.13 P: 1113 P -(-5) HP PO Mon BS H: 222 M 102 Auran.pur 546.98 P: 577 P -(-5) HP -(-5) .(-5) BS H:119 103 Bansarola 1831.08 P:4S12 P PHC T PO Sun BS H: 915 M FPC HP Phone H RP(2) CHW 10. KawadaaOl\ 744.81 P: 11~3 P CHW HP -(.5) .(.5) .(.5) H: 238 105 Klndl Badm 803.93 P: 1369 P CHW HP -(.5) -(-S) -(.5) H:263 106 Hiw.aKh. 227.11 P: 650 P ·(10+) W +S) .(S.10) BS H: 132 HP 101 Somnath Borgaon 1011.30 P:1241 P PHS W PO -(S·10) DS H:233 M CHW HP 108 Anjanpur 451.22 P:916 P CHW HP -(-5) -(S-lO) BS H: 201 109 Kopra 370.08 P: 533 P CHW HP ·(-5) -(5-10) BS H:96 110 Dhanora 719.51 P: 1276 P(2) CHW w -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:257 HP 111 Tatborgaon 507.47 P:977 P CHW HP -(oS) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 177 112 Apegaon 977.12 P:2613 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:473 M RP W Phone H CHW HP 113 Isthal 609.86 P:987 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 221 W HP 114 Saundana 461.14 P: 1204 P -(oS) T -(-5) -(-5) BS li:,..22?1 W HP 161


Appro- Nearest Power Land usc (I.e area under olffcrcnttypcs of land usc m I..ocduon ach town ano distance Supply hectares rounded IIpto two deCimal plau:s) Code to (In km ) ~o village [ ore~t Irngated LnlmgJICU Cultuf.lhle Area 1101 by source wa.tc av,ulablc for (lIlt!UUlI1g cultlvauoll gOO<,hJf ,lIId grtlVC,)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR AmbcJogru.( 11) EA 607.47 2.58 1144 93

KR Ambcjogal(12) EA 99752 2354 94

PR Ambcjogat(13) EA 750 h8 8.07 1)5

PR Ambcjogai(18) EA WE(7100) 203416 171.00 48.38 96

KR Ambcjogai(21) EA 1900 WE(11890) 59645 30h 3<) 2470 97

PR Ambcjogat(17) EA WE(110 30) 25980 20992 8 S7 98

PR Ambcjogru(l2) EA 1.00 WE(617) 111293 7861 11076 <)'j

PR Ambcjogw(18) EA WE(l9.S0) 299.(1() 174.43 1431 100

PR Ambcjogal(20) EA 17.00 50540 5130 2043 101

PR Ambcjogal(22) EA 53750 32-t 624 102

PR Ambcjogal(31) EA 1200 176008 11 00 48.00 !O3

KR Ambcjog'I1(31 ) EA 900 71381 2.00 2000 104

KR Ambcjogal(20) EA 1200 772 01 400 1592 lOS

KR Ambcjogat(17) EA WE(2737) 14482 4759 7.31 106

KR Ambcjogat(17) EA 900 WE(2777) 90250 7055 148 107

KR Ambcjogm(20) EA GC(1161O) 171 JO 137.33 26.69 lOS

KR Ambcjogal(19) EA GC(1l740) 20010 48.36 422 109

KR AmbcJog:u(20) EA WE(l19 SO) 540.90 5911 llO

FP Ambcjog,u(22) EA GC(11770) lID 73 181) 66 1638 lit

PR Ambc jog:u(20) EA WE(l5870) 34600 44670 2572 112

PR Ambcjogal(21 ) EA WOO WE(11765) 173.15 30736 1.70 113

PR AmbcjogJI(21) EA WE(11940) 16790 16230 11 54 114 162


Localton Name of Vallage Tolal area Talal AmclllllCS avaiJable (if nOl avaLlable wilJlIn Ibe village a Code of the village Population dash (-) IS shown in the column and ncx110 tl in bracket the No. (m hectares and No. of distance III broad ranges viz. S kms, S-IOkms. and IOtkms of rounded household. the nearest place where the facihty 11 available IS 8lven) upto two Educa· Medical Dnnkmg POSI Day or days Comm- decimal waler pla(.cs) lIonal and oflbe umcal.ion (potable) Telegraph markel/ (Bus Stop, hat,lfany Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 to


115 TamaIi 771.29 P:1287 P(2) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:222 HP 116 SabIa 499.61 P:929 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 179 HP 117 KandiMali 922.84 P: 2219 P PHS W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H:415 M CHW HP 118 Dharmala 379.00 P:516 P -(-5) W -(-5) , ~(10+) -(-5) H:93 HP 119 Kasan 617.72 P:975 P CHW W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 192 M HP , 120 Tambwa 1417.38 P:2391 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:420 M W UP H \ 121 Janegaon 759.87 P: 1203 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H:238 HP 122 Bankaranja 678.66 P: ]761 P -(]Of.) W -(-5) -(1Of.) BS H:420 M HP H 123 Chandansawargaon 1018.88 P: 1400 P PHS W PO -(10+) BS H:283 M CHW HP H 124 Kumbephal 852.46 P: 1602 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H:289 M CHW HP H 125 Dhakephal 764.46 P: 1238 P CHW W ·(-5) -(5·10) BS H:210 M HP H 126 Pisegaon 699.43 P: 1401 P PUC W .(-5) .(5·10) -(-5) H:298 PHS HP RP 127 Kaij 4187.48 P: 18510 P(l1) D T PTO Thu BS H: 3647 M(5) RP(7) W Phone Fri H(5) HP TR 128 Bobdechiwadi 640.12 P:769 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 164 129 Salegaon 1909.75 P:2862 P PHS W PO Thu BS H:573 M CHW HP H 130 Shelgaon Ganji 347.09 P:W P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 167 UP 131 Motegaon 170.25 P:287 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H:'7 HI 132 Gotegaon 560.70 P:999 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:201 HP 133 Sukli 490.53 P:542 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) ~ 8:120 HP 134 Malcgaon 983.76 P: 1384 P PHS W PO .(5-10) BS H:328 M CHW HP H 135 Sunli 729.40 P: 1349 P COW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 8:249 W HP 12-B . 163


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. ara wder ddferent types of land usc m Locallon ach !oWn and dislllnce Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal places) Code to (inkm.) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by source waste avatlable for (tncludmg cultivation gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18


KR Dharur(lO) ED WE(5.00) 607.63 15.00 143.66 115 EAG KR Dharur(ll) EA 9.00 WE(lO.OO) 445.06 12.00 23.55 116

PR Dltarur(U) EA 48.50 WE(61.96) 760.49 20.00 31.89 117

KR Dharur(12) EA WE(29.13) 332.78 17.09 118

Kif. Dbarur(lO) EA 11.50 WE(73.35) 505.50 27.37 119

PR Dbanu(12) EA WE(65.30) 1313.70 38.38 120

KR Dbarur(23) EA WE(6.69) 741.00 8.31 3.87 121

KR Dharut(29) EA WE(442.44) 201.34 34.88 122

PR Ambejopi(23) EA WE(145.32) 813.09 29.84 3063 123

-PR Dltarur(28) EA 5.50 WE(30.00) 550.25 27.59 23912 124

PA. Oharur(23) EA 10.00 WE(4.87) 720.00 26.66 2.93 125

Dharur(23) EA 23.00 WE(4.oo) 65010 8.66 13.67 126

PR Dharur(IS) EA 54.00 WE(l60.00) 3110.55 SO.86 78207 127

KR Dharut(23) EA WE(21.42) 508.45 11025 128

PR Kalamb(16) EA 20.00 WE(132.30) 1717.31 34.10 6.04 129

KR Oharw(18) EA 2.00 WE(3.34) 333.71 8.04 130

KR KalaAJb(19) EA WE(20.05) 147.34 286 131

PR Kalamb(lS) EA 11.00 WE(20.35) 463.33 10.06 55.96 132

PR Kalarnb(16) EA WE(1717) 449.53 23.83 133

PR Kalamb(9) EA 1.00 WE(144.17) 793.01 45.58 134

KR Kalarnb(9) EA WE(82.96) 380.22 266.22 135 164


LocauOll Name of V Il!dge Total area TOldl Amenilles available (If nOl available wllhm the village a Code of the villdge l'opula[Jon da,h (-) IS shown III the column dod IIcXllo IIl11 brdckCl the No. (m heClares dndNo of dl;lolncc III broad ranges VIL 5 km~, 5-10 kms and lO+kms of rounded households Ihe nearcsl place where the fdCIIIIY IS available IS given) UplU IWO Drmkmg 1)051 Ddyordays deum .. 1 EduCd- Mcdlwl Comm- Hooal waler and oflhc UIIIUlIIOll rldce~) (pOldble) Tclegr.tph IlIdrkCI/ (Bus SLOp. holl,lf dny Rdllway Sldllon, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

136 SOl1Cloangvl 985.83 P. 1214 »(2) CHW T PO -(5-10) -(-5) H 260 M W HI> 137 Sadola 431.47 P 824 P CHW T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 145 M W H HI' 138 YusufWadgaon 244463 P.3561 I) PHS T PO .(10+) BS H 685 M RP(3) W Phone H CHW HP 139 Sonijawla 100552 P: 1757 P CIIW W -(5.10) .(5-10) BS H: 288 HP 140 Sarm (Anandgaon) 90121 P: 1575 P CHW W -(·5) .(10+) BS H 332 M HI' H 141 Bhatumha 800.75 1'. 1284 P CHW W -(·5) -p0+) -(-5) H.219 M HP H 142 lawalban 1321 16 1>'2159 I' CHW W PO Thu -(-5) H: 441 M HP 143 AnandgdOn 122849 P 1416 I> CHW T -(·5) -(10+) BS H 286 M W 144 I>athra 52908 P.346 P -(10+) W -(·5) ·(10+) BS II RO liP 145 Bawclu 47930 ]I 3S9 P CHW T -(.5) .(10+) fiS II ~4 W HI' 146 Bhalgaon 75536 I' 801 1'(2) ·(10+) T -(- ~) ·(-5) -(-5) H 134 M W HI' 147 Dhanegaon 55659 P: 1061 I> PHS T PO -Sun BS H 207 M RI>(2) W H CHW HP 148 Ancgaon 60281 I' 918 P CHW W -(-5) -( -5) BS H.168 HI' 149 Wakdl 24184 1"239 P CHW W -(-5) -( -5) -( -5) H 58 HI> 150 Paithan 56296 p. 1489 P PHS W -(·5) -(5-10) BS H.327 M CHW HI' H 151 Sawlcshwar 691.71 P: 1111 I' CHW W PO -(10+) BS H 262 M HP 152 Awasgaon 93492 p. 1215 I' CHW W -(-5) -(10+) BS H:235 M HI' H 153 Nalgaon 99001 P: 1858 I> CHW W PO -(-5) -(-5) H: 387 M HI> H 5. CIRCLE

154 Narcwadl 44056 1'.582 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H 103 HI> 155 Waghcbablt.llg.llm 241529 1"2833 I> PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H 610 M CHW W H HI' 165


Appro- Nearcsl Power Lind use (1 c arCd under dlffcrcnllypc, of land u~c In Locauon aeb IOwn and distance Supply heclares rounded uplo two dcumdl pla(.cs) Code 10 (10 km,) No vIllage forc~t Irngdwd Unlrngdled CullUf.lhle Area nol by source wdslc dvallablc for (Illdudlllg CUluvdllon goudlar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR . Kalamb(10) EA 14.00 WE(110 95) 31288 548.00 l36

KR Kalamb(23) EA WE(176.80) 428 25039 137

PR Kalamb(20) EA WE(225 40) 207002 -t260 10661 138

KR Dharur(23) EA 200 WE(4872) 100769 1586 2125 139

KR Dharur(25) EA WE(30 90) 82765 2672 15.94 140

KR Dharur(9) EA WE(24440) 53142 2493 141

KR AmbcJog3l(26) EA 750 WE(27.40) 1235.74 1.17 4935 142

KR AmbcJog.Il(28) EA WE(2690) 1127.18 4792 26.49 143

PR Kalamb(22) EA 1000 WE(l7 OS) 48446 17.54 144

PR AmbcJogm(28) EA 1000 WE(1250) 409.28 4.66 4286 145

KR AmbcJOgai(27) EA WE(64 20) 31624 374.92 146

PR AmbcJogm(28) EA WE(2260) 4490 48909 147

KR AmbcJog.lI(26) EA WE(440) 582.24 1617 148

KR AmbcJogal(25) EA WE(1 1 25) 2298 20561 149

PR Arnbcjogai(25) EA WE(30 10) S09 15 2351 150

PR AmbcJogai(22) EA WE(:;'i 20) 631.25 35.26 151

KR AmhcJogdl(25) EA WE(2277) 87379 l-t 42 2394 152

KR AmbcJOgru(27) EA TW(7182) 838.82 12.37 6700 153


KR Dharur(52) EA WE(200) 43600 256 154

KR Dharur(47) EA 600 WE(4500) 236000 429 IS5 S. KAIJ C. D. BLOCK - Contd. VILLAGE

Location Name of Village Tolal area Tolal Amenities available (if notavailllblc 'Within 1he YiIJa&c a Code of the village PopuJatwn dash (-) IS shown in Chc QlJumn .... next &0 it ill bqakeclhc No. (in hectare. and No. of dUllnal in broad rangca viz. S Imu, S-I01un •• and 10+Ian.0( rounded hwsehoWs the nean:st place ~ abe faaJlly ia availlblc is ,wen> uptotwo Post decimal Educa· Medical Orinkm& Dayordayl Comm· water o(lhe pt.cea) tiona! IIOd llllic:atiat (polabJe) Telc'llIph maul (Dq.SWp, hal,ifany Railway Stadon, Waaerway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

156 Mundewadi 793.49 P:918 P -(10+) W -(5-)0) -(S-10) -(5-10) H: 178 HP 157 Ekurka 742.04 P:906 P CHW HP -(5-10) -(S-10) -(SolO) H:264 158 Kclgaon 194.26 P:398 P CHW W .(5-10) -(5-10) 8S H: 102 HP 159 Bc1gaon 485.76 P:76O P CHW W -(S·,}O) -(S-10) as H: 130 liP 160 Malcwadl 768.07 P:693 P CHW HP .(5-10) -(S-lO) -(5·10) li~ 1S4 161 Dholra 888.53 P: 541 P -(10+) HP .(S\~O) -(S-10) -(5·10) H: 126 162 Bancgaon 228.78 P:652 P CHW HP .(S.10) -(5-10) ·(5·10)

H: 111 \ 163 Daradwadi 411.25 P:685 P -(10+) W .(S.10) -(S-10) -(S·10) II: 145 }lP 164 Dhakanwadi 334.10 P: 621 P .(10+) W ·(5·10) -(S.10) -(S-10) H:96 HP 165 Ramcshwarwadl 754.50 P: 1269 P -(-5) UP ·(S-10) -(S-10) -(5-10) H:202 166 Nartdurghat 2207.58 P:5766 P(2) PHC T PO Tue BS H: 1089 M PHS HP H RP(3) CHW 167 Gadalyachi Wadi 397.53 P:387 P -(5-10) W ·(S.10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:67 HP 168 Pltlhighat 242.00 P:622 P RP HP -(5.10) -(5-10) -(5·10) H: 105 CHW 169 Siururghat 997.00 P:27S1 P PHS T -(5·10) .(5-10) BS 'H:652 M CHW W H MP 170 Rajegaon 342.60 P: 1030 P PHS W -(S·10) .(5-10) -(5.10) H: 195 M CHW HP 171 Naboh 982.00 P: 1998 P .(5-10) W ·(S·10) ·(S·10) BS H:324 M HP H 112 Kalegaon Ghat 1312.11 P: 1872 P CHW T PO Sat BS H:376 M W H HP 173 Hanumant Punpri 632.20 P: 1238 P PHS T -(S·10) -(5-10) BS H:221 M CHW W H HP 174 Dalthana 568.00 P:756 P caW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 148 HP 175 Borgaon Bk. 1461.60 P: 1831 P -(5·10) T PO ·(5-10) BS H:360 M W HP 176 Kapryachi Wadi 316.05 P:289 P -(S·1O) W -(5·10) -(5-10) BS (N.V.) (177) 8:75 HP 177 Warapgaon 1215.46 P: 1899 P Pl!IS T -(S-10) -(5-10) as H:474 M CHW W UP 178 Kewad 928.94 P:75O P CHW W .(S.10) Thu IS H: 142 M HP 167


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. area Wldcr different types of land usc m Location ach town and dIStance Supply hectan:l rounded uplo two decImal places) Code to (in km) No village Forest Impled Unimgaled Culturable Area not bylOUn:e waste avaJlable for (includmg cultivation goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Dharur(46) EA WE(3.49) 435.00 5.00 350.00 156

KR Oharur(37) EA (0.00) 690.00 42.00 10.04 157

KR Oharur(34) EA WE(4.26) 19.00 171.00 158

KR ·OhIl'\lf(35) EA WE(3.76) 482.00 1'59

KR Dharur(38) EA 724.00 25.00 19.07 }iliO

KR Dharur(36) EA 8.00 741.00 20.14 119.39 161

KR Dharur(49) EA 210.00 15.45 3.33 162

KR Dharur(45) EA WE(4.00) 466.00 1.25 163

KR Oharur(45) EA WE(S.OO) 319.00 10.l0 164

KR Dharur(46) EA 681.00 6300 10.50 165

KR Dharur(52) EA 23.00 2084.30 84.28 16.00 166

KR Dharur(46) EA WE(4.00) 392.00 1.53 167

KR Dharur(49) EA 240.00 2.00 168

KR Dharur(47) EA WE(20.00) 962.00 15.00 169

KR Dharur(43) EA WE(6.00) 320.00 1660 170

PR Dharur(42) EA WE(12.00) 960.00 10.00 171

PR Oharur(37) EA 7.00 WE(13.00) 1332.11 20.00 172

PR Dharur(39) EA 7.00 WE(2.20) 620.00 3.00 173

KR Dharur(43) EA 7.00 WE(12.00) 534.00 15.00 174

PR Dharur(44) EA 35.00 WE(31.00) 1359.00 36.60 175

KR Dharur(40) EA WE(6.05) 305.00 5.00 176

KR Dharur(43) EA WE(l2.05) 830.00 373.41 177

KR Dharur(42) EA 12.50 'YE(12.10) 437.50 466.84 178 168


LOCdUon :\"dme of Village 10lal area Total Amelllllc~ avatlable (If not available within the Village a Code of the Village Populdtion dd~h (-) I, shown In the column and next to It In bracket the No (in hecldI-cs and No f)f dlltdncc In brodd ranges VIZ 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and lOi-km~ of rounded households the nedre~t plaLe where the faclltty IS avaJ}able IS given) uptotwo Drinking dc('lIndl Eduu- Mcdl(.dl Post Day or days Comm- wdter placCl.) uOIldl and of the umcallon (potdhlc) Telegraph market I (Ru~ SLOP. hat. If any Railway Stallon. Waler WdY) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

179 Chmcholi Mali 1468.38 P:3596 P PHC T PO -(5-10) BS H: 759 M PHS W H FPC HP CHW ISO Sarukwadl 51336 P 557 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) Ii 98 HP 181 Dokd 39637 P.462 P -(5-10) T ·(5-10) -(5-10) BS H' 120 W HP 182 S,ltcfllwddl 84600 P.1168 P -(5-10) W -(5-1Q) -(5-10) BS H: 204 HP , 183 H.ldg,ton 669.07 P713 P CHW T -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H' 204 W HP 1114 Bhopaia 412.10 P. 780 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H 141 HP 185 L..tkha 60300 P:757 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.149 HP 186 M,mgwddgdon 116000 P.1439 P CHW T PO -(5-10) BS H' 268 M HP 1~7 Kanhobachlwadl ISO 18 p. 122 P HC W PO Tue -(5-10) (N V ) (36) H 22 HP

Grdnd Total = 17432322 P:253997 P(228) HC(I) H: 530()9 M(87) PHC(8) H(44) PHS(44) PUC(I) D(6) C(1) FPC(5) 1(1 ) CHW(127) Tr.(I) RP(36)

NoJe (1) * Area of Location Code No.8 IS mcluded m area of LocaLlOn Code No.9 (2) -.- Area hreak-up (Land u<;e) of Location Code Nos. 4 and 187 arc mcludcd In Area break-up (Land usc) of Locallon Code Nos. 5 and 36 respectively. 0) ;\/ A : Nol Av,lllablc 169


Appro- Nearc~1 Power Land u~ (I e. area under dlffercnllypcs of land usc 10 Locallon ach town and d"lance Supply hcclare~ roundcd up'o two dcumal places) Code 10 (10 km) No village Foresl Imgdlcd Vmmgalcd Cllllurable Area not by soorce waste available for (mcludmg culuvallon goochar and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Dharllr(37) EA 34.50 WE(30 (0) 1380.00 23.88 179

KR Dharur(3&) EA WE(3.36) 500.00 10.00 180

KR Dharur(39) EA WE(lO.OO) 380.00 637 181

KR Dharllr(39 ) EA WE(6.00) 820.00 20.00 182

KR Dharur(40) EA WE(9.07) 650.00 10.00 183

KR Dharur(43) EA WE(l2.l0) 370.00 30.00 184

KR Dharur(44) EA WE(23 (0) 57000 to 00 185

KR Dharur(45) EA 200 WE(40.00) 1100 00 1800 186

KR Bld(25) EA 187

4423.24 GC( 351.20) 132860.96 15850.54 8631.76 WE (11658 03) TW (71.82) MAHARASHTRA TAHSIL PATOOA DISTRICT BID

Km 2i..*=,t,0_...i==__ i====i8 Km


:J: :z: ....;;.::.:::~:oil('---7i> BHI




S'Ir I c REVEN1.£ ~CLES , No. Nome




Sr. NlQ'llc of Vtllagc Code. Populauon Sr NlQ'llc of VtIlagc Cede. Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 AmaillCr 119 3158 28 Chincholi 123 587

2 Ambewadi (N. V.) (127) 140 580 29 Chumbli 86 1660

3 Anandgaon 33 1026 30 Dagachiwadi (N.V) (119) 126 434

4 Anandwadi 61 427 31 I>abiwandi 16 716

5 Anpatwadi 105 931 32 Daskhcd 98 2050

6 Antapur 144 477 33 Daulatwadi (N.V.) (108) 120 263

7 Arvi 11 2302 34 Dhalcwadi 102 761

8 Aurangpur 47 374 35 Dhangar Jaulb 87 1070

9 Badewadi 22 316 36 Dhangarwadi 51 335

10 Bahirwadi (N. V.) (21) 23 294 37 Dhokwad 40 123

11 Baragwadi 59 513 38 Domri 71 1917

12 Bargatwadi 19 9M J9 ~i 132 2910

13 Bawi 12 1956 40 Gandalwadi 159 442

14 Bcdarwadi 72 500 41 Gandhanwadi 121 872

15 Bcdarwadi (N.V.) (154) 148 378 42 Gavalwadi 149 885

16 Bedukwadi (N.V) (98) 97 128 43 Gayakwadwadi (N. V.) (129) 128 206

17 Belwadi (N.V) (100) 89 507 44 Gazipur 8 367

18 Bensur 82 1147 45 Ghatewadi (N. V.) (82) 79 243

19 Bhadkhcl 110 839 46 Ghalshil Pargaon 2 2317

20 Bhanakwadi Kh. 58 450 47 Ghugewadi 50 631

21 Bhatewadi (N.V) (133) 134 653 48 Gilewadi (N. V.) (100) 88 489

22 Bhurewadi (N.V) (160) 158 370 49 Gomalwada 28 1756

23 Bhayaia 81 2004 50 Hatkarwadi 57 308

24 Bramhanalh Yelamb 13 1386 51 Hmgewadi 27 846

25 Chalturwadi 117 500 52 Hiversinga 48 1905

26 Chandcrwadi (N.V.) (127) 141 601 53 Jamb 10 874

27 Cbikhali 143 1110 54 Jalhawad 24 475 172

6. PATODA C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Vlll.tgc Code. PopulatIOn Sr Name of VLlJage Code Populauon No No No No (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

55 Jatnandur 131 1905 84 Mangcwadl (N.V.) (18) 20 430

56 Iaulala 83 1257 85 Mangcwadi (N.V.) (100) 90 453

57 Jcdhcwadi (N. V.) (131) 130 138 86 Manur 21 1957

58 Jlrcwadi (N. V.) (127) 147 274 87 Manzari Ghat 106 457

59 K. Dhnnora 44 469 88 Misalwadi 124 426

60 Kakadhlra 65 892 89 MorJalwadi (NV.) (131) 116 533

61 Kanhobachlwadi 32 998 90 Muggaon 157 1743

62 KantalwadI (N. V.) (114) 115 275 91 Nafarwadi 103 1085

63 KaranJwan 76 978 92 Nagaryachlwadl (N.V.) (39) 37 525

64 Karcgaon 114 1205 93 Nagcshwadl (N.V.) (153) 138 405

65 Khadakwadl 66 856 94 N.ugaon 73 1545

66 KhalapuCl 41 2237 95 Nalwandi 133 1460

67 Khamba 42 582 96 Nandcwuh 7 1221

68 Khokarmoha 49 2429 97 Nlrgudl 64 1323

69 Kholynchiwadi 35 499 98 Nlwdunga 142 428

70 KhoPli 118 687 99 Pachangn 107 2133

71 Kolwadl 31 860 100 Pachcgaon 96 655

72 Kotnn 108 1910 101 Padah 39 2393

73 Kusalamb 154 1999 102 Pandharwadl 125 677

74 KUlCwudi (N. V.) (IS3) 150 327 103 Pangri 129 2153

75 Lambharwadi 156 435 104 Pargaon Gumra 104 2562

76 Limba 46 919 105 Pamer 153 1447

77 Loni 18 2012 106 Paloda 100 9805

78 Madmapun 26 265 107 Paundul 45 1045

79 Mahasanghvi 101 1585 108 Plmpalgaon Dhas 67 779

80 Mahindmwadi (N. V.) (67) 69 691 109 Pimpalncr 25 3649

81 Malckarwadi (N.V.) (132) 137 261 no Pimpalwandi 127 2334

82 Malkachiwadl 60 475 111 Pllnpalyachlwadi 36 427

83 Mandvcwadi 135 352 112 Plthl 74 15~ 173

6. PATODA C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr Name of VllIdge Code Populallon Sr N.tme of Village Code Populallon No. No No No (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3} (4}

113 Raimoha 53 3669 137 Talc PlmpaIgaon 84 1019

114 Rakshas Bhuwan 30 1877 138 TambaRajun 85 1844

115 Rale Sangavi 6 716 139 Taradgavhan 9 175

116 Rohotwadi 78 1658 140 TcmbhurOi 1110

117 Rupur 29 421 141 TherIa 77 1810

118 SabJcwadl (N.V.) (110) 109 239 142 Tupewadt (N.V.) (132) 136 146

119 Sakundwadt (N.V.) (108) 122 346 143 Ukhalwadl (N.V.) (131) 113 652

120 Sangalwadi 54 315 144 Ukhanda Chakla 4 994

121 Saradwadi (N.V) (127) 139 280 145 Ukhanda Ptlli 63 862

122 Saundana 93 412 146 Umbarvihlr 75 1111

123 Sautada 160 3095 147 VmdhyaklOhi 94 1102

124 Sawargaon Chakla 5 941 148 Vaijala 95 430

125 Sawargaon Ghat 146 1392 149 Vanjarwadi 56 523

126 Sawargaon Sone 92 887 150 Vlghqnwadl 34 870

127 Sawaswadl (N.V.) (131) 112 444 151 Wadalt 111 891

128 Shirapur DumaI 62 1752 152 WadLari 70 1636

129 Shtrapurgat 43 952 153 Waghira 80 1988

130 Shimr 15 3937 154 Wahah 145 728

131 Shripatwadi 3 343 155 Wancwadi (N.V.) (153) 151 261

132 Soncgaon 91 500 156 Wami 17 1959

133 Suppa 155 952 157 Yewalwadi 55 434

134 Tagadgaon 38 1748 158 YcwaIwadi 99 1060

]35 Tagarwadi (N.V.) (67) 68 273 159 Yewalwadl ]52 786

136 Takalwadi 52 310 160 Zapewadl 14 747

TOTAL: 173288 174


Loc:aIlOn Name of Vtllage Totalarca Total AmenU.les available (If not available wilJun the vllI .. ge a Code of the village Populallon dash (-) IS shown In Ibe column and IICllllo II In bracket the No. (in hedares and No. of distance in broad ranges V17_ 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and IO+-kml of rounded households Ibe nearesl place where Ibe flably i. available is given) UptolWO decimal Educa- Medical DrinkUlg Post Day or days Comm- places) uonal water and oflbe unication (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hal,lf any Ratlway SlallOR, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Tembhurni 627.23 P: 1110 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H:223 HP 2 Ghatshil Pargaon 2965.14 P:2317 P PHS ?; PO.~ -(5-10) BS H:419 M CHW W HP 3 Shripatwadi 402.66 P:343 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 67 HP 4 Ukhanda Chakla 856.19 P:994 P -~'" \li -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H:216 CH\V HP- 0 5 Sawargaon ChaJda 280.56 P:941 P CHW W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 178 HP 0 6 Rale Sangavi 341.93 P:716 P -(-5) W .(-5) -(10+) -(-S) H: 133 HP 7 NandewaIi 802.21 P: 1221 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H:231 HP 0 8 Gazipur 165.39 P:367 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:74 HP 0 9 Taradgavhan 263.01 P: 175 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:25 HP 10 Jamb 911.95 P:874 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 164 HP 11 Arvi 1434.63 P:2302 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:376 M CHW HP 0 12 Bawi 657.67 P: 1956 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 310 HP 13 Bramhanath Yelamb 992.57 P: 1386 P PHS W PO Fri BS H:247 M CHW HP 14 Zapewadi 789.86 P:747 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 135 HP 15 Shirur· 650.18 P:3937 P(2) PHC T lIO Man BS H: 830 M PHS W Phone RP R CHW 16 Dahiwandi 708.75 P:716 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 130 HP R 17 Warni 1809.69 P: 1959 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(10+) H: 384 M HP R 18 Lorn 1530.09 P:2012 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:380 M CHW HP 19 Bargatwadi 687.67 P:994 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 172 HP 20 Mangewadl (N.V) (18) 203.96 P:430 -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:74 HP 21 Manur 1796.61 P: 1957 P -(-5) W PO -(10+) BS H: 395 M HP 175


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use III Locauon aeb town and dIstance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal plallCs) Code to (in km.) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Culturable Area not by sooree waste avaIlable for (mcludmg Cultivallon goocharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


KR Bid(65) EA WE(50.00) 493.00 8423

PR Bid(65) EA GC(41 0.00) 2167.00 388.14 2

KR Bid(65) EA WE(40.00) 172.00 190.66 3

KR Bid(50) EA WE(50.00) 730.00 76.19 4

KR Bid(SO) EA WE(40.00) 223.00 17.56 S

KR Bid(50) EA WE(40.00) 260.00 41.93 6

KR Did(4O) EA WE(80.00) 622.00 10021 7

KR Did(3S) EA WE(2S.00) 120.00 20.39 8

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(42.00) 200.00 21.01 9

KR. Bid(30) EA WE(SO.OO) 774.00 87.95 10

KR Bid(30) EA 14.00 WE(80.00) 1097.00 243.63 11

KR Bid(30) EA 40.00 WE(50.00) 438.00 129.67 12

KR Bid(3) EA WE(1lO.00) 747.00 110.57 25.00 13

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(18.00) 36S.00 406.86 14

PR Bid(4O) EA GC(253.00) 218.00 28.00 104.18 15 WE(47.00)

KR Bid(42) EA 163.01 GC(4O.00) 418.00 77.74 16 WE(10.00)

KR Bid(42) EA GC(4S0.00) 815.69 444.00 17 WE(I00.00)

KR BJd(45) EA WE(75.00) 970.00 485.09 18

KR Bid(48) EA WE(25.00) 479.00 183.67 19

KR Bid(42) EA WE(1S.00) 156.00 32.96 20

PR Bid(52) EA WE(200.00) 1440.00 156.61 21 176


Locahon Name of Vtllage Total area Total AmemLles available (If not available Wlthtn the village a Code of the village Populallon da~h (-) lS shown III the column and next to It III bra<.ket the No (m hectares and No of dl~LlIKe Ul broad ranges VLt 5 kms, 5-10 krns and lO+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the fauhlY IS available IS given) uplotwo Dnnkll1g dccIDlal EduCd- Medical Post Day or days Comm- water UIIICdllon places) llonal and of the (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SLOP, hat,lf any R.ulway Stallon, Waler way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ..- 22 Badewadi 65225 P:316 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H.79 HP 23 Bahtrwadt (N.V.) (21) '" P.294 P -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H 53 24 Jathawad 769.71 P:47S P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS H 101 HP 25 Pimpalncr 230693 P 3649 P CHW W PO Mon BS H'S98 M HP 26 Madmapun 34344 P.265 P -( -5) W -C-5) -(10+) -(-5) H 54 HP 27 Hingewadt 39918 P 846 P -( -5) W -( -5) -(10+) BS H.163 HP 28 Gomalwada 65579 P: 1756 P PHS W -( -5) Mon BS H' 349 CHW HP R 29 Rupur 361.27 P.421 P -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H' 85 HP R 30 Rakshru. Bhuwan 1195.60 P: 1877 P PHS W PO -(-5) -(-5) H: 359 CHW HP R 31 Kolwadt 30047 P'860 P CHW W -( -5) -(-5) BS H 148 HP 32 Kanhobachiwadt 334.87 P 9<)8 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 167 HI' 33 Anandgaon 97588 P.1026 P CHW W -( -5) -(-5) as H.153 34 Vtghanwadt 56103 P: 870 P CHW HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'137 R 35 Kholyachtwadt 47971 P.499 P -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) H' 89 36 Punpalyacluwadi 454.58 P:427 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) H.64


37 Nagaryachiwadl 50200 P: 525 P -(-5) T -( -5) -(-5) as (N V.) (39) H: 92 HP 38 Tagadgaon 1371 64 P: 1748 P CHW T -( -5) -(-5) as H 321 M W R 39 Padah 134094 P 2393 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H 433 M CHW HI' H 40 Dhokwad 19481 P. 123 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H' 30 HI' 41 Khalapun 1546 13 p. 2237 P PHS W PO Thu BS H'433 M CHW HP Phone H 42 Khamba 38063 P. 582 P -( -5) T -(-5) -( -5) .(. ~) H'108 W HP 177


Appro- NoarelL Power !.and lISe (l.If. 111'111 under different types 0( land usc in Locauon .~it Iown lind distance Supply )Uletal'el rounded upto two dil4:imal pbc4:1) Code to (in km.) No. village Fore" Irrigaled Unlttigatcd Qll1ut'llble AteanO( by IOUfIle Wille Ivlillable for (inchidinJ CultiVltiM loumar and groves)

11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18

KR Bid(SO) EA WE(l25.00) 511.00 16.25 22 KR nid(52) ED • 23 PR Bld(55) EA WE(175.0(» 537.00 57.71 24

KR Bid(50) SA OC(150.00) 1177.00 23.00 706.93 25 WE(250.00) KR Bid(55) EA WE(~O.OO) 200.00 39.00 54.44 26 KR Bld(50) ED • 27 KR Bid(45) EA OC(850,OO) 80.00 61.47 13.~O 28 WE(50.00)

KR Bid(4S) EA GC(150.00) 197.27 29 WE(14.00)

KR Bld(45) EA GC(250.00) 1657.66 133.26 30 WE(50.00)

KR Bid(4S) EA GC(200.00) 35.00 15.47 31 WE(50.00) KR Bid(38) EA OC(50.00) 215.00 43.87 32 WE(26.00) PR Bid(3S) SA WE(50.00) 869.00 56.88 33 . KR Bid(35) E.D • 34 KR Bld(38) EA 35 KR Bid(4S) EA '.• 36 RAIMOHA

PR Bid(31) EA WE(25.00) 477.00 37

PR Bid(30) EA WE(10.00) 1046.96 85.00 169.68 38

PR Bid(40) EA WE(I20.oo) 1045.44 30.50 145.00 39

KR Bid(42) EA WE(8.00) 186.81 40

PR Bid(25) EA WE(?3.04) 1463.09 10.00 41

KR Bid(2?) EA WE(30.00) 350.63 42 178


Location Name of Vtllage Total area Total Amenities avatlable (If not available wUhm the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) IS shown 10 the column and next to It 10 bracket the No. (m hectalCs and No. of distance ill broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms, 5-10 Ions. and lO+kms of rounded household. the nCJl1Csl place where the faCibly IS available 15 given) uplotwo Educa- Medical Drmking decunal POSI Day or day. Comm- places) tional water and or the umcauon (potable) Telegraph markel/ (Bus Stop, hat,lf any Rauway Statton, Waler way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

43 Shirapurgat 689.40 P:952 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 166 M W HP R 44 K. Dhanora 567.62 P:469 P -(5-10) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'I09 M W HP R 45 Paundul 89489 P: 1045 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 219 M CHW HP 46 Limba 496.78 P:919 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 168 M HP 47 Aurangpur 668.24 P:374 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 79 HP R 48 Hlversinga 1056.33 P: 1905 P PHS T -(-5) -(-5) BS H:375 M CHW W HP 49 Khokannoha 1588.83 P.2429 P(2) PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H' 567 M W H R ~ Ghugewadi 357.49 P:631 P -(5-10) W -(-5 ) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 100 HP 51 Dhangarwadi 1246.33 P:335 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:84 52 Takalwadi 18181 P:310 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 56 HP "1'"'- 53 Raimoha 1625 49 P:3669 P H T PO Sun BS t H:978 M PHC W Phone H D R 54 Sangalwadi 826.85 P:315 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ~ H: 129 W R S, Yewalwadi 715.86 P:434 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:97 HP S6 Vanjarwadi 566.15 P:523 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 112 HP 57 Hatkarwadi 1412.14 P:308 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-)0) -(-5) H: 87 HP 58 Bhanakwadi Kh. 492.05 P:450 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) ·(5-10) H: 100 HP 59 Baragwadi 656.80 P:513 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 101 HP 60 Malkachiwadi 1268.32 P:475 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 119 HP 61 Anandwadi 435.50 P:427 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:93 HP 62 Shirapur Dwnal 765.16 P: 1752 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 257 M W HP 63 Ukhanda Plui 645.36 P: 862 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 107 M HP R 179


Appro- Nellrest Power Land ute (i.e. area Ul'lder dIfferent Iype' mIw Ule in l.,o(;ahon lWh IOwnanddlllalK:c Supply hectares fOUnded upo IWO decimal place.) Code to (inkm.) No. village Forest Imgated Unirri&ated Culturable Ateanot by lourcc wa.te available for (induding Cultivation loucharand g(O\'el)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 11 18

KR Bld(20) EA WE(39.00) 625.40 8.00 17.00 43

KR EA WE(27.00) 540.62 44

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(32.12) 852.77 10.00 45

KR Bid(32) EA WE(37.28) 440.50 9.00 10.00 46

PR Bid(20) EA GC(13.78) 565.32 8.14 81.00 47

PR Bld(20) EA GC(80.92) 75433 175.28 45.80 48

PR B~dt20) EA 217.84 GC(4277) 84339 231.88 .~)2S2.9S 49

KR Bld(25) EA WE(1460) 28527 19.60 38.02 SO

KR Bld(33) EA WE(8.30) 630.70 402.86 204.47 .51

PR Bld(29) EA WE(1l 78) 1.56.43 13.60 .52

PR Bid(28) EA GC(8.66) 1351.25 67.08 198.50 53

KR Bid(32) EA WE(10.S2) 803.77 12.56 54

KR Bid(34) EA GC(1l.65) 590.18 113.03 1.00 SS

KR Bid(32) EA WE(16.14) 438.96 111.05 56

KR Bid(36) EA WE(14.98) 767.13 581.93 47.50 57

KR Bid(35) EA WE(I1.81) 468.70 11.54 58

KR Bid(25) EA WE(12.61) 266.60 73.11 304.48 59

KR Bid(22) EA WE(22.88) 1159.44 21.00 65·09 60

KR Bid(l6) EA WE(4500) 300.00 40.00 50.50 61

PR Bld(15) EA WE(65.00) 618.16 12.00 70.00 62

PR Bld(l8) EA 80.89 WE(15.00) 536.58 12.89 63 180


l.uation N.unc of Vdlagt Total area Total AmenitIes available (If nu available WIthin the vl1Ja&e a Code ofihevilla&c Populauon dash (-) is shown In the column and nexi to IIID bracket the No. (III hectares and No. of dislance m broad ranBCs vit. 5 kms, 5-10 klnl and 10+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faciltly is Ivai14ble is given) uplotwo Drinl(lng decimal Ildu&a- Ml!dical Post Day or days Cornm- place!) Ilonal walet and of &he unicauOll (potable) Telegraph market I (BUISaop, hat, if any Railway SlatiOfl, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

64 Nirgudi 1759.51 P: 1323 P PHS T PO -(5-10) as H: 283 M W H R 65 Kakadhira 781.90 P: 892 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) as H: 182 M HP 66 Kltadakwa 6S Tagarwadl (N.V.) (67) 311.17 P: 273 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) as H' 55 HP @ Mahindrawadi (N.Y.) (63) 372.00 P: 691 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) ns H: 114 HP 10 Wadari 1471.77 P: 1636 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 263 M HP 71 Domri 170550 P: 1917 P PHS W pO Mon BS H.323 M HP Phone H 7Z Bedan,adi 954.31 P:500 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 105 W 73 Naigaon 122230 P. 1545 P PHS W PO -(-5) BS H:284 M D HP Phone H 74 PiWi 962.00 P: t5


15 Umbarvihir NA P: 1111 P CHW W -(-5) -(10+) BS H: 157 HP 76 Karanjwan 85200 P:978 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 167 W n Theria 353.00 P: 1810 P PHS T PO -(10+) BS H:298 M RP(5) W H CHW 78 Rohotwadi 350,00 P; 1658 P CHW T PO -(10+) BS H: 261 W 79 Ghatewadi (N.V.) (82) 656.83 P:243 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 34, W 80 Waghira 1052.00 P: 1988 P CHW W PO -(-5) -(oS) H: 315 HP 81 Bhayala 957.00 P:2004 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 238 M HP 82 Bcnsur 585.17 P: 1147 P CHW W PO -(-5) -(-5) H: 185 HP R 83 Jaulala 1337.00 P: 1257 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H: 201 W S4 Tale Pimpalgaon 1033.00 P: 1019 P CHW T -(-5) -(10+) BS H:205 W 85 Tamba RaJuri 2445.00 P: 1844 P PHS T PO -(10+) BS H 361 M W 181


Appro- Ne.lf(lIll Powcr Land IUC (i.e. MCI! umJct different 'fPC' of Lind use III I..oe.atioII ach k>wnanddi~ Supply ~1ares roonded upto Iwo decimal places) Code Lo (1ft km.) No. village Forcst Irngated Unirrigatcd Cullurable Area 001 by source waste ava.ubWfor (Ulcltlding Cllwvatioo gouchllrand grove,)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Ihd(24) EA 712.69 WE(50 00) 508.80 372.62 115.40 64

I'R Bid(23) EA WE{20.00) 460.88 301.02 65

I>R Bid(25) EA 17207 WE(2000) 249.34 85.43 66

PR Ihd(35) EA 371.89 WE(32 00) 400.69 0.49 67

I>R Bid(34) EA WE(20.00) 25400 15.17 22.00 Ji8

PR Bid(36) EA WE(4.00) 316.00 40,00 12.00 (f.}

PR Bid(30) fA ..,..- GC(38.00) 1184.05 249.72 70

PR Bid(28) EA 500.00 GC(12.30) 877.11 316J)9 71

KR Bld(25) EA 544 ')6 WE(8.00) 300.15 10160 72

PR Bld(22) EA 33720 WE(40.00) 84510 73

PR BJd(20) EA WE(38.00) 92400 74


PR Bid(40) EA NA 75

KR Bld(4S) EA WE(2.oo) 717.00 4300 90.00 76

PR Bld(40) EA WE(10.00) 310.00 20.00 13.00 77

PR Bid(3S) EA WE(S.oo) 31000 2000 15.00 78 KR Bid(35) EA • 79 KR BJd(40) EA WE(35.00) 858.00 4500 114.00 SO

KR Bld(45) EA WE(20.00) 850.00 42.00 45.00 81

KR Bld(45) EA GC(40.00) 112700 40.00 35.00 82

PR Bid(40) EA WE(16.00) 123400 21.00 6600 83

PR Bid(4S) EA GC(17.00) 821.00 73.00 122.00 84

PR Bid(42) EA WE(62.00) 2251.00 12000 12.00 85 182


LoutWn Name of Vula,e TOCAl.rea Total Amenitlel available (If not avaLlable withm the village a Code of the village -Population da.h (-) IS shown in lhc column and next to it m bracket the No. (mheaares and No. of dIStance in broad ranges viz 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 100kms of rounded household. the neare~l place where the facility is available is given) uptotwo Dnnkmg decimal Educa- Medical Posl Day or day. Comm· water places) tional and oCthe umcation (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SlOp. hat, If any Railway Station. Waterway) :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

86 Chumbli 1314.00 P: 1660 P CHW W -(-5) ·(l(l+ ) ·(·5) H:251 HP 87 Dhangar Jaulka 1029.00 P: 1070 P ·(-5) W .(.5) .(10+) BS H: 193 HP 88 Gitewsdi (N.V.) (100) .. P:489 P .(-5) HP .(.5) ·(·5) ·(·5) H:78 89 Belwadi (N.V.) (100) .. P:507 P -(-5) HP .(-5) -(·5) -( -5) H:68 90 Mangewadi (N.V.) (lOO) .. P:453 P .(-5) HP -(.5) -(·5) ·(·5) H: 68 91 Sonegaon 385.00 P:500 P .(.5) W .(.5) ·(10+) ·(·5) H: 112 HP 92 Sawargaon Sone 498.00 P:887 P -(.5) W -(.5) -(10+) .(-5) H: 166 HP 93 Saundana 411 00 P:412 P -(.5) W -( .5) -(10+) -(·5) H:64 HP 94 Vaidhyakinhi 1173.00 P.1102 P CHW W .(.5) ·(5-10) BS H: 233 M HP 95 VaiJala 412.00 P:430 P CHW W .(.5) ·(5·10) ·(-5) H: 81 HP 96 Pachcgaon 860.00 P:655 P CHW W -(.5) -(5·10) ·(·5) H: 131 HP 97 Bedukwadt (N.V.) (98) 20765 P: 128 P .(.5) HP .(.5) .(10+) -(·5) H:21 98 Daskhed 2761.35 P:2050 P PHS W PO .(1 1);.) BS H360 M CHW HP 99 Yewalwadt NA P. 1060 P CHW T .(-5) ·(.5) -(-5) H: 186 W 100 Patoda 6303 00 P:9805 P(3) PHC T PTO Thu BS H: 2055 M(3) PHS W H RP(5) CHW 101 Mahasanghvi 834.00 P: 1585 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:269 CHW HP 102 Dhalewadi 512.84 P:761 P .(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 146 W 103 Nafarwadi NA P: 1085 P CHW W ·(-5) -(·5) BS H: 152 HP 104 Pargaon Gumra 1777.19 P:2562 P PHS T PO -(11);. ) BS H:451 M CHW W Phone 105 Anpatwadi 497.97 P:931 P ·(-5) W -(·5) ·(10+) BS H: 156 HP 106 Manzari Ghat 444.00 P:457 P -(-5) W -(-5) ·(10+) BS H:74 HP 107 PachlUl&O 1033.00 P:2133 P PHS W PO -(10+) BS H:412 M CHW HP R


108 - Kotan 1838.74 P: 1910 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 293 M CHW HP 183


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I e. area under different types of land use in Location ach town and dIstance Supply hectares rounded uplo two decImal places) Code to (m km.) No. village Forest Imgated Umrngatcd Culturable Area nOi by source wa~le aVIIJ)"ble for (including CuhlvallOll gou"hllr and groves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Bld(42) EA WE(800) 1260.00 23.00 23.00 86

PR Bid(50) EA GC(40.00) 834.00 25.00 130.00 81

KR Bid(50) EA 88

KR Bid(50) EA 89

KR Bid(60) EA 90

KR Bid(37) EA WE{lO.OO) 330.00 20.00 25.00 91

KR Bid(40) EA WE(20.00) 350.00 20.00 108.00 92

KR Bld(40) EA WE(2000) 336.00 35.00 20.00 93

PR Bid(30) EA GC(60.00) 800.00 293.00 20.00 94

KR Bld(30) EA WE(1000) 36200 10.00 30.00 95

KR Bid(35) EA GC(3000) 38000 43000 20.00 96 KR Bld(40) EA • 97 KR Bid(35) EA WE(200.00) 2659 00 50.00. 60.00 98 KR Bld(35) EA NA 99

PR Bld(47) EA GC(190.00) 5764.00 165.00 184.00 100

PR Bld(50) EA WE(45.00) 70500 35.00 49.00 101 KR Bid(59) EA • 102 PR Bld~S9) EA NA 103

PR Bld(50) EA 13.50 WE(220.00) 2407.00 82.00 55.SO 104 KR Bld(52) EA • 105 KR Bid(54) EA WE(50.00) 360.00 19.00 15:00 106

KR Bid(52) EA GC(llO.OO) 850.00 49.00 24.00 107


KR Bid(55) EA 43.10 WE(46.00) 1669.69 6.76 72.59 108 184


Loea&ioIt Name of Village T0I.31an:a TtnaJ Am~nlllCl avaiJlIble (If oot avadllble wi!hin !he village a Code of the village PopulalWII dish (.) i ••hown in !he column and ne:ulO It III braeket!he No. (Ja hectares andNo,o{ distance UJ broad range. viz. 5 Jenu, 5·10 lans. and W+kms of rounlkd housohoLll lIle lIearest place whcl'Il lIle [",,[Illy is available IS given) PptolWO decjmal Edllca· McJil;llj Drinking POlIt Day otdays COOlm· placcs) tional Waler and oflhe umcallllll (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus SlOp. hill, if any Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

109 Sablewadi (N,V.) (110) 492.25 P: 239 P ·(.5) W .(-5) ·(-5) ·(·5) H:39 110 BhHdkllCI 974.34 P:839 P eHW W ·(·5) .(10+) ·(·5) H:203 HP R 111 Wadali 631.03 P: 891 P PHS W -(-5) .(10+) -(-5) H: 161 PHe R 112 Sawaswadi (N.V.) (131) ... P:444 P CHW HP .(·5) .(10+) BS H:61 113 Ukhalwadi (N.V.) (131) ... p; 652 P ·(·5) HP ·(-5) .(10+) -(.5) H: 108 114 Karesaon 1139.00 P:1205 P .(-5) W -(-5) .(10+) .(·5) H: 176 HI) R 115 Kantalwadi (N.V.) (114) ... P:275 P ·(.5) W .(-5) .(10+) ·(-5) H:41 116 Morjalwadi (N,V.) (131) ... P: 533 P .(.5) HP -(-5) -(.5) .(-5) H:84 117 Chahurwadi NA P: 500 P .(-5) W -(-5) .(10+) -(.5) H'84 UP 118 Khopti 671.72 P:687 P ·(-5) W ·(-5) .(10+) ·(-5) H: 140 HP R 119 Amalner 1658.55 P:3158 P(2) PHS W PO Mon BS H:608 M D HP Phone H CHW R 120 Daulatwadi (N.V.) (lOS) ... P:263 P CHW HP ·(-5) ·(-5) -(.5) H:40 121 Gandhanwadi 289.84 P:872 P CHW W -(-5) ·(-5) ·(-5) H: 175 HP 122 Sakundwadi(N.V.) (108) * P:346 P -(-5) HP ·(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:44 123 Cbinclloli 1026.00 P:587 P ·(·5) W -(-5) ·(·5) BS H: 127 HP R 124 Misalwadi (N.V.)(J 19) ... P:426 P -(-5) HP ·(-5) ·(-5) -(.5) H:68 12S Pandharwadi 695.56 P:671 P eHW W -(-5) .(-5) -(-5) H:96 HP 126 Dapchiwadl (N.V.) (119) ... P:434 P ·(-5) HP -(.5) -(-5) -(-5) H:55 127 Pimpalwandi 3670.26 P:2334 P PHS W PO Thu BS H:418 M RP HP Phone CHW 128 GayakwadWadl (N. V.) (129) NA P:206 P -(-5) W ·(-5) -(-5) BS H:38 HP 129 Pangri 2453.85 P:2153 P ·(.5) W ·(-5) -(-5) BS H:343 M HP 130 Jedhcwadi (N.V.) (131) ... P: 138 P ·(·S) HP ·(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:34 131 Jatnandur 2001.75 P: 1905 P(2) PHS w PO ·(10+) BS H:374 M(2) CHW HP Phone H R 185


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (i.e. area under dlfferenl types 0( land usc in Locanoo ac:h 10wn and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decimal place.~) Code to (in kin.) No. VtUallC Poresl Im~alcd Unirrigaled CullUfable AfCa not by source waSUl Ivallable for (mcludlllg Cultivation goucharAlld groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 KR Bid(55) ED • 109 KR Bid(40) BA WE(32.00) 1256.43 178.16 110

KR Bid(55) EA WE(lI.40) 324.48 120.75 174.40 111

KR BiQ(59) ED 112

KR Bid(59) ED 113

PR Bid(40) BA WE(20.20) 999.43 29.~ 90.33 114

kR Bid(55) ED lI5

KR Bid(5S) ED 116

KR Bid(55) ED NA 117

KR Bid(40) EA WE(1523) 603.27 53.22 118

PR Bid(49) EA 369.02 WE(4500) 834.53 410.00 119

KR Bid(4S) ED 120

KR Bid(SS) ED 28984 121

KR Bid(SO) ED ]22

KR Bid(40) EA WE(32'(X» 907.28 4.81 81.91 123

KR Bid(SO) ED 124

KR Bid(S7) ED 69556 125

KR Bid(56) ED 126

J>R Bid(40) EA 1160.72 WE(16.00) 60025 1777.18 116.11 127

KR Bld(39) ED NA 128

KR Bid(39) EA 311 00 WE(10.00) 2032.71 100.14 129

KR Bid(36) ED 130

KR Bid(3S) EA WE(SS.20) 1676.07 9449 175.99 131 186


Location Name of Village Total drea Towl Amemtles available (If not available wltlun the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) IS shown In the column and next to It In bracket the No (Ill hectares and No of distance III broad ranges VIZ 5 kms, 5-10 laus. and lO+kms of rounded households the nearcH place where lhe fauhty IS avallahle IS given) uptotwo deCimal EduUl- Medical Dnnklllg Post DdY or day. Comm- water places) tlOnal and of the UflICdtlO!I (potal:le) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hdt,lf dny RaIlway Stallon, Water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

132 DongcrkmIu 2099.38 P.291O P PHC T PO Mon BS H: 458 M PHS W H CHW R 133 Nalwandi 122543 P 1460 }) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H' 216 'IT 134 Bhatcwadi (N V.) (133) * P 653 P -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) H.IlO 135 Mandvcwadl NA P 352 P -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) H.80 HP 136 Tupcwadl (N.V) (132) * P. 146 P -( -5) HP -( -5) -(-5) -(-5) H.18 137 Malckarwadl (N V ) (132) * P:261 P -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.44 138 Nageshwadl (N V ) (153) .. P 405 P -(-5) HP -(10+) -( -5) -( -5) H 50 139 Saradwadl (N.V.) (127) * P 280 P -(-5) HP -(10+) -(-5) BS H.81 140 Ambewadl (N V) (127) NA P 580 P CHW HP -(-5) -( -5) -( -5) H.83 141 Ch,I..'ldcrwadl (N V ) (127) * P 601 P -(-5) HP -( -5) -(-5) -(-5) H 69 142 Nlwdanga 65024 P 428 P -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) BS H: 118 HI> 143 Chtkhall 816.40 P.I110 I> PHC W PO -(-5) BS H: 263 M CHW HI> 'H 144 Antapur 505.49 P:477 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:94 145 Wahali 1056.00 P. 728 P PHC W -(10+) -(-5) BS H: 173 M 146 Sawargaon Ghat 2041.00 P: 1392 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H: 286 M W 147 Jllcwadl (N.V.) (127) .. P 274 P -(-5) HP -( -5) -(-5) -( -5) H.50 148 Bedarwadi (N.V.) (154) * P:378 P -( -5) W -(-5) -(10+) -( -5) H: 59 149 Gavalwadi NA P: 885 P CHW W -( -5) -(10+) BS H: 146 HP 150 Kutewadi (N.V.) (I53) .. P.321 P -(-5) HP -(-5) -(1 O-t-) -(-5) H: 61 151 Wanewadl (N.V.) (153) .. P:261 P CHW HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H:42 152 Yevalwadi NA P:786 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+ ) BS H: 121 HP 153 Pamer 4684.20 P: 1447 P PHS W PO -(10+) BS, H:253 M HP 154 Kusalamb 1982.00 1>: 1999 1> PHS T PO Mon BS H:462 M D W H CHW 155 Suppa 887.95 P: 952 P -(-5) T -(-5) -( -5) BS H: 194 W 156 Lambharwadi 170.00 P:435 P CHW T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 109 W 187


Appro- Nearest Power Land u~e (i.e. area under different types of land use 10 Localion ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded uplo two decimal places) Code to (10 km.) No village Forest Imgated Ummgated Cullurable Arcanot by source waSLe available for (mcludlOg Cultlvalion goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR Bid(40) EA 601.10 WE(7130) 1095.79 56.19 275.00 132

PR Bid(45) EA 193.70 WE(1500) 86725 20.00 129.48 133

KR Bld(35) ED ]34

KR Bid(35) ED N~ 135

KR Bid(30) ED 136

KR Bid(35) ED 137

PR Bid(35) ED' 138

PR Bld(40) ED 139

KR Bid(45) ED NA 140

KR Bid(47) ED 141

PR Bld(60) EA WE(4.95) 622.12 13 51 966 142

PR Bld(65) EA WE(7.11) 751.26 2.00 5603 143

KR Bld(60) EA WE(1,,24) 489.69 4.35 10.21 144

PR Bid(5S)_ EA WE(19.52) 734.84 299.01 2.63 145

PR Bid(50) EA WE(37.00) 1540.00 334.00 130.00 146

KR Bid(50) ED 147

KR Bid(55) ED 148

KR Bid(40) ED NA 149

KR Bid(40) ED 150

KR Bid(35) ED 151

KR Bld(55) EA NA 152

KR Bid(55) EA WE(llO.OO) 4431.08 143.12 153

PR Bid(65) EA WE(9.01) 1646.14 6.00 320.85 154

PR Bid(65) EA GC(13.00) 725.28 20.()() 129.67 155

KR Bid(65) ED 770.00 156 188


Locauon Name of Village l'ot&1 afoa TOtal AmcllIues aVllllahle (If not avall.hle within the village a Code 0( the VIUIIgC PopulaUQII dash (-) IS shown In Ihe column and nellt to it in bradet the No. (lIIhc~n:s and No. 01 dlstanl:e III broad ranaes VIl.. 5 kIllS, 5-IOkms. uxllO+kml of rounded households the nearest place where the faCIlity IS Ivailahle .. given) uptotwo Medical Dnnktng nay ordayll dccllllal Hduca- Post Comm- w4tcr places) 1I000ai and of me unicatlon (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop, hal,lf any Railway Station, Water WI) 2 3 4 5 6 7 I! 9 10

157 MuggllOn 1877.00 P: 1743 P PHS T PO .(-5) AS H:298 M CHW W 158 Bhurcwlldi (N V.) (160) 531.34 P:370 P +5) W .(-5) -(1I}+) -( ·5) H:53 159 Gandalwadi 683.16 P:442 P -(-5) T .(-5) -(10+) -(·5) H: 100 W 160 Sautada 3737.40 P.3095 P rHC W PQ -(10+) RS H.647 M PHS HP H D CHW , - ----~------

Grand Total '" 113204.46 P:173288 P(165) H(!) H' 32257 M(52) PHC(8) H(l5) PHS(33) 1)(5) CHW(67) RP(12)

Note: (1) ... ArcaorLocationCodcNos. 23,115.134 and 148 are included marcaofLocallon Code NOli. 21,114, 133 and 154 respccllvely.

(2) ... Area of Locallon Code Nos. 88, 89 and 90 are included In area of Location Code No. 100. (3) ... Area of Location Code Nos. 112, 113, 116, and 130 arc included in area of Location Code No. 131. (4) '" Area of Locallon Code Nos. t 20 and t 22 arc included in area of Location Code No. lOS. (5) >I' Area of Location Code Nos. 124 and 126 are included in area of Location Code No. 119. 189


Appro- Nearest Power Land usc (I c. area under different types of land use In Localion ach town and d,stance Supply hectares rounded upto Iwo deCimal places) Code 10 (tn km ) No.. village Forest [mgaled Unlmgiltcd Cullurable Areanct by soun:c _sle available for (tncludlng Cultivabon goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 Itl

KR Bid(61) EA WE(80.00) 1656.00 35.00 106.00 157

KR 8id(70) EA WE(S'(}() 53234 158

Kit hid(5S) EA WE(5.00) 676.16 2.00 159

PR Bld(6B) EA WE(lO.OO) 3428.60 6151 237.29 160

5856.89 GC (3511.0S) 100000.86 900350 10511.91 WE (4320.22)

(6) * Area of Location Code Nos. 136 and 137 are included in area of Location Code No. 132 (7) * Area of Location Code Nos. 138, 150 and 151 are mcluded in arcaofLocation Code No. 153. (8) * Area of Location Code Nos. 139, 141 and 147 are included in area of Location Code No. 127. (9) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 27, 79, 97 and 109 are included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 28, 82,98 and 110 respecltvcly. (10)-.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 34, 35 and 36 are included in area break-up (Land usc) of Location Code No. 30. (11) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 102 and 104 arc included in area break-up (Land usc) of Location Code No. 105. (12) N.A. =Not Available. MAHARASHTRA TAHSIL ASHTI DISTRICT BID c T A H , •f D

o o a






BoStd "PO" Sur., of Indta map ... Ih tht permissIOn of Iht Sur~yor GenItal of indIO © Go_t ., _ Capyrogl'l.1994 191



Sr. Name of Village Code Po[,uldllon Sr Name of Village Code. Populallon No. No No No (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Ambcwadi 14 333 29 Daulawadgaon 13 2812

2 Ambhora 19 1339 30 Dcolah 25 2194

3 Anandwadl (N. V.) (98) 97 563 31 Dcsur 127 596 4 Andhalyachiwadl (N. V.) (160) 151 532 32 Dculgaon Ghat 3 1612 5 Aranvlhira 9 843 33 DCVI Nlmgaon 37 2717 6 Ashta 160 3335 34 Dcvigavhan 146 356

7 Aurangpur 89 173 35 Dhamangaon 40 4101

8 Balewadl 76 698 36 Dhangarwadl 59 481

9 Balewadl 157 680 37 Dhangarwadl 72 391

10 Bandkhcl 11 666 38 Dhanora 93 2348

11 Bavi 56 1718 39 Dhirdi III 503 12 Beed-Sangvi 65 1893 40 DOithan 58 1119

13 Bclgaon 126 1279 41 Dongargan 36 2416 14 Bhaloni 141 658 42 Gahukhel 16 1047

15 Bhatodi 161 463 43 Ganagewadi 64 445

16 Bhawarwadi 53 513 44 Gandhanwadi (N. V.) (160) 159 263

17 Bhojewadi 23 299 45 Gangadevi 6 822

18 Birangalwadi (N. V.) (40) 26 184 46 Ohata Pimpri 32 1018

19 Borodi 82 896 47 Ohongadyachiwadi 91 680 20 Bramhagaon 134 1506 48 Hajipur 142 570

21 Burudwadi (N.V.) (40) 28 213 49 Hakewadi (N. V.)(40) 27 289

22 Chikhali 121 1862 50 Hanumantgaon 122 603

23 ChinchaJa 129 627 51 Hatola 62 1941

24 Chinchewadi 10 463 52 Hatolan 81 489

25 Chincholi 94 891 53 Hingni 125 1182

26 Chinchpur 150 1167 54 Hivara 22 1471

27 Dadegaon 35 3098 55 Imangaon 118 430 28 Daithan 123 767 56 Jalgaon 108 2652 192

7. ASHTI C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Village Code. llopulatlon Sr, Name of Vtlld.!lc Code, Population No, No. No, No, (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

57 Jamgaon 152 1661 87 Muhinda 44 802

58 Kada 103 9184 88 Mandvl1 107 1252

S9 Kanadi Ilk. 114 1338 89 MangruJ 120 1011

60 KanadiKh. 85 683 90 Mar-Jlhwadi 391

61 Kapsi 63 582 91 Mal.'\wali 137 1420

62 Karanji 140 744 92 MaLkuli 138 1682

63 Karhewadgaon 149 960 93 Mha)obnchi wadi 24 728 64 Kamewadi 139 1124 94 Morala 46 699

65 Karlchel Bk. 41 827 95 Morcwadi 52 376

66 Karlchel Kh. 15 1096 96 Murshadpur 144 2040

67 Kasari 131 646 97 Nagla) wadi 47 1174

68 Kcl 12 668 98 Nunda 112 780

69 Kelsangvi 110 1148 99 Nandur 73 1480

70 Kerut 51 2438 100 Nlmgaon Bodkha 90 633

71 Kbadakwadi 42 515 101 Nimgaon Chaubha 101 2032

72 Khadkat 156 2017 102 Pandegavhan 133 25

73 Khalatwadi 61 456 103 Pandhari 143 1432

74 Khanapur 117 426 104 Pangra 43 487

75 Kharadgavlum 79 518 105 Pangulgavhan 135 740

76 Khilad 39 1490 106 Pargaon Jogesbwari 158 2051 77 Khunt.ephal 68 568 107 Parodi 88 1013 78 Khuntepbal Pundi 78 1032 108 Palan 50 406

79 Kinhi 54 811 109 PhatLcwadgaon 113 191 80 Kohini 57 407 110 Pimpalgaon Dani 86 821 81 Koyal 69 1206 III Pimpalgaon Ghat 2 947

82 Kumbhepbal 77 619 112 Pimpalsutti 124 98

83 Lalewadi (N.V.) (40) 29 178 113 Pimparkhed 21 1264

84 Limbodi 38 742 114 Pimpla 71 2322 85 Loni 67 3202 115 Pimpri Ashti 109 935

86 Mabajanwadi (N. V.) (40) 30 190 116 Pimpri Ghata 34 772 193

7. ASHTI C. D. BLOCK- contd.

Sr. Name of Village Code. Populauon Sr Name of Village Code. Population No. No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (l) (2) (3) (4)

117 Pimpri Ghumri 92 1686 140 Solapurwadi 83 749

118 Pokhari 148 702 141 Solewadi 147 527

119 Potsara 60 1816 142 Sulcman Deola 20 1403

120 Pundi 84 1257 143 Sumbhewadi 70 475

121 Radhapur 130 196 144 Surudi 48 2030

122 Ralesangvi (N.V.) (40) 33 130 145 Tagadkhel 8 456

123 Rui Nalkol 99 1471 146 Takali Amaya 100 1787

124 Ruti 119 269 147 Takalsing 154 2381

125 Sabadkhed 95 1470 148 Tavalwadi 145 847

126 Sakat 66 738 149 Thombal Sangvi 80 680 127 Sakhalwadi (N.V.) (lOS) 104 365 150 Underkhel 17 691

128 Salewadgaon 18 1368 151 Waghluj 74 1166

129 Sangvi Ashti 155 1303 152 Waghluj (Laman Tanda) 75 487

130 Sangvi Patan 49 1709 153 Wahira 87 1356

131 Saratewadgaon 98 790 154 Waki 115 880

132 Sawargaon Ghat 5 1734 155 Walunj 153 1248

133 Shedala 4 884 156 Wanjarwadi 31 351

134 Shekapur 128 543 157 Wanvewadi 45 1089

135 Sheri Bk. 105 1719 158 Wanvewadi 136 501

136 Sheri Kh. 102 999 159 Watanwadi 106 718

137 Shidewadi 132 470 160 Welturi 7 690

138 ShiraI 116 2772 161 Wctalwadi 55 423

139 Shirapur 96 1307 Total : 177926 194


Locauoo;_ . Name of Vt11.tgc TOtal area Total Amenities available (If not available within the village a Code of the village Populauon dash (-) IS shown m the column and next to It in brackctthe No. (UI hcctares and No. of distance m broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-J0 kms. and 10+kms of roanded households the ncarest pla'-l! where the faCility IS available IS gIVen) uplo two Educa- Medical Drlnkmg I)o\l Comm- dcclmal D.tyordllYs uona) waler places) and of !he umcallon (pouble) Telegraph market I (Bus SLop. hal,lf any Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Maralhwadi 462.95 P:391 P -(10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) BS H:92 HP 2 Pimpalgaon Ghal 1649.12 I): 947 P CHW W -(10+) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 179 HV 3 Dculgaon Ghat 1728.95 P: 1612 P PHS W -(10+) -(5-10) -(-5) H:303 M CHW HI> 4 Shcda)a 1111.51 P:884 P RP W -(10+) -(-5) -(-5) H:220 CHW HP 5 Sawargaon Ghat 1683.81 P: 1734 P PHS T -(l~) -(10+) -(5-10) H:~42 CHW W HP 6 Gangadcvi 369.29 P:822 P RP T PO -(10+) BS H: 187 M CHW W HP 7 Wclluri 1160.69 P:690 P CHW T -(10+) -(10+~ BS H:'149 W HP 8 Tagadkltcl 738.38 P:456 P CHW T -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) H: to) W HP 9 Aranvihira 920.19 P.843 P CHW T -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) H: 172 W HP 10 Chinchcwadt 336.33 P:463 P -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) BS H: 63 HP 11. Bandkhcl. 702.69 P:666 P (:HW T -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) H:136 W 12 Kel 557.75 P:668 P CHW W -(10+) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 141 HP 13 DauJawadgaon 1831.19 P.2812 P PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H:540 M RP HP CHW 14 Ambcwlldl 660.79 P:33J P -(IIH-) W -(10+) -00+) -(5-10) H:70 HP 15 Karkhcl Kh. 1208.55 P: 1096 P -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) H: 229 M HP 16 Gahukhcl 1296.56 P: 1047 P PHS W -(10+) -(5-10) BS H: 245 M CHW HP 17 UnderlWcl 857.01 P:691 P PHS W -(10+) -(5-10) BS H: 119 CHW HP 18 Salcwadgaon 2028.73 P: 1368 P CHW W -(10+) -(5-10) BS H:254 HP 19 Ambhora 991.71 P: 1339 P RP W PO -(5-10) BS H: 310 CHW HP 20 Sulcman Dcola 1086.10 P: 1403 P PHC W PO -(5-10) BS H:298 M PHS HI> H CHW 21 Pimparkhcd 1510.63 P: 1264 P CHW W PO -(10+) BS H: 270 HP 22 Hivara 1566.63 P: 1471 P CHW W PO -(10+ ) BS H: 313 HP .. 195


Appro- Nearest Power L,md usc (I e arC

II 12 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18


PR Ahmadnagar(19 ) ED NA

KR Ahmadnagar(23) EA W (75 (0) 148840 10.97 74.75 2

KR Ahmddnagar(23 ) ED WE(l65 (0) 147510 2845 6040 3 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(25) ED WE(2160) 859.88 66 (Xl 164.03 4 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(45) ED WE(59.35) 1323.68 12365 177.13 5 EAG

KR Ahmadnagar(46) ED WE(1430) 32131 1540 18.28 6 EAG

KR Ahmadnagar(45) ED WE(69.35) 768.()9 10365 219.60 7 EAG

KR Ahmadnagar(35) ED WE(1516) 60962 2435 89.25 8 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(35) ED WE(53.75) 61090 11409 141.45 9 EAG

KR Ahmadnagar(30) ED 32814 5.14 3.05 10 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(25) ED WE(4000) 609.28 1941 3400 11 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(25) ED WE(34 (0) 38706 4355 9314 12 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(22) ED WE(138 (0) 1571 54 2010 101.55 13 EAG

KR Ahmadnagar(30) ED 14 EAG • KR Ahmadnagar(35) ED WE(21 17) 1119.42 53.70 15 EAG R(1426) KR Ahmadnagar(45) ED WE(4760) 1301.97 12.25 38899 16 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(40) ED WE(28.38) 759.96 6867 17 • EAG KR Ahmadnagar(30) ED WE(5994) 181790 150.89 18 EAG KR Ahmadnagdf(32) EA WE(3042) 1499.27 12281 19

KR Ahmadnag,If(34 ) EA W(5.19) 928.74 12769 20 WE(2448)

KR Ahmddndgar(40) EA W(441 20) 50079 29050 21014 21 WE(68 (0) KR AhmJdnagar(41 ) EA WE(542 18) 804.14 220.31 22 196


Locallon Name of VIllage Total area Total Amenltles available (If not avatlable wlthm the village a Code of the village PopulatIOn dash (.) IS shown 10 the column and next to It 10 bracket the No (Ul hecldres and No of distance 10 broad ranges VIZ 5 kms, 5- 10 kms. and lO+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the factltty IS avatlable IS given) uptotwo deCImal Educa- Medical Drinkmg Post Day or days Comm- places) tlonal water and of the umcattOll (potable) Telegraph marlcet/ (Bus SLOp, hat, If any Railway Statton, Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

23 BhoJcwadl NA P:299 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) H.87 24 Mhasobachlwadi 454.25 P 728 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H 98 HP 25 DeolaU 2364 65 P.2194 P PHC T PO Tue BS H 445 M PHS W RP CHW


26 Blrangalwadl (N V ) (40) * p. 184 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.29 27 Hakewadl (N V ) (40) * P'289 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:57 28 Burudwadl (N V.) (40) * P'213 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:44 29 Latcwadl (N.V ) (40) * P: 178 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.35 30 MahdJanwadl (N V ) (40) * P.190 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.50 31 WanJarwadl 40241 P:351 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H' 85 32 Ghala Punpn 66225 P: 1018 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H 223 HP 33 RaJesangvl (N V) (40) * P 130 P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) H.35 34 PimpnGhala 81219 P 772 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 188 HP 35 Dadegaon 2604.64 P. 3098 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:639 M CHW HP H 36 Dongargan 1813 38 P.2416 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:517 M CHW W

37 Devi Nlmgaon 160538 P.2717 P CHW T PO -(-5) BS H.507 M W HP 38 Lunbodl 32161 P: 742 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 162 HP 39 Khilad 70954 P: 1490 P PHS T PO Thu -(-5) H' 320 CHW W HP 40 Dhamangaon 4660.20 P: 4101 P PHe W PO Mon BS H: 880 M RP(6) HP Phone H CHW 41 KarkhelBk. 105040 P:827 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H: 156 M HP 42 Khadakwadl 497.81 P:S15 P -(1 O-t-) T -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) H: 131 W 43 Pangra 858.18 P'487 P CHW T -(5-10) -(10+) BS 197


Appro- Nearest Power Land usc (I e area under different types of land use In Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two decnnal places) Code to (an Jan) No village Forest Imgated Untmgated Culturable Area not by source wa~te available for (including Cultlvtlon goo(.har and groves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR AJunadnagar( 45) EA NA 23 KR AJunadnagar( 45) EA • 24 KR AJunadnagar(55 ) EA 305.33 W(1 10 00) 138085 33945 19702 25 WE(32.00)


KR AJunadnagar( 65) EA 26

KR AJunadnagar(60) EA 27

KR Ahmdnagar(60) EA 28

KR Pathardi(49) EA 29

KR Pathardl(41 ) EA 30 KR Pathardl(38) EA • 31 PR Pathardl(34) EA W(5000) 39710 5120 13075 32 WE(33.20) KR Pathardi(39) EA 33

PR PaLhardi(35) EA W(55.00) 679.30 4130 1559 34 WE(21.00) KR PaLhardl(32) EA GC(237.00) 1842.40 84.00 329.24 35 W(45.00) WE(67.00) KR PaLhardl(22) EA GC(38400) 513 52 14520 31746 36 W(342.00) WE(111.20) KR PaLhardl(27) EA GC(l8600) 83342 20797 327.99 37 WE(5000)

PR PaLhardl(29) EA GC(37 00) 14345 10316 38 WE(3800) KR Pathardl(30) EA WE(l2000) 26926 14000 18028 39

KR Pathardi(32) EA 13861 W(81.00) 338826 72255 59819 40 WE(I34 (0)

PR Pathardl(32) ED 1800 WE(30.92) 81917 12120 5101 41 EAG R(lO 10) KR PaLhardi(17) EA 48491 985 305 42

KR Pathardl(14 ) ED WE(12.29) 75531 5500 3558 43 EAG 198


Loc ILion ]\,lIllC oj VIII,lge Toldl drea TOldl Amcmues available (If llUL avaudblc wlthm the village a Cude of me villagc Populdllon da~h (-) IS shown to the column and nexl lo It III bracket me No (m heddrcs and Xo of distance 111 broad ranges Vl7 5 lems, 5-10 kms and lO+kms of rounded hou~ehold; me nCdrc~t pla(.c where the fdcllIty IS dV

H 137 W 44 Mahmdd 140S 84 P 802 P CHW T -(5-10) -(S-10) BS H.246 M W 45 W •.mvcwadl 1068.83 P: 1089 P -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) H: 177 HP 46 MOTala 330J 67 P 699 P -(10+) T -(5-10) -(10+) BS H 129 W 47 N.lgLdlwddl 877 95 P.1174 P PHS T,W -(5-10) -(10+) BS H 181 M CHW HP 48 SuruJl 158077 P 2030 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.318 HP 49 Sangvl P.ll:m 147381 P 1709 P PHS T,W (5-10) Thu BS H J06 M CHW HP SO Patan 34614 P'406 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -( -S) -(-5) H: 81 51 KeTu] 1831 66 P.2438 P -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS H.4S4 52 MOfcwadl 63921 P:376 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) H.62 53 Hhaw:tr\\adl 32455 P'5]3 P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(5-10) H 104 54 Km]u 196020 P:811 P CHW W -(5-10) -(10+) BS Hl72 M 55 Wctalwadl 67938 P:423 P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H 96 M 56 Bavi 116043 P: 1718 P CHW T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H 284 HP 57 Kolum 54314 P 407 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) BS H'102 58 DOl Lhan 122390 P 1119 P PHS T,W PO -(5-10) BS H' 234 M RP CHW 59 Dhangarwadl 45003 P:481 P -(5-10) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H' 80 60 Potsara 93964 P 1816 P PHS W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS H 319 CHW 61 Khalatwadl 375.30 P 456 }) -(10+) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -( -5) H 59 62 Hdlola 151701 P'1941 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -00+) BS H' 301 63 Kapsl 99379 P 582 P CHW W,HI> -(5-10) -(S-10) BS H: 157 64 Ganagcwadl N.A P.445 P CHW W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H.11O 65 Bccd-Sangvl 351979 P 1893 P PHS T,W PO Fn BS H'423 RP CHW


66 Sakat 579.62 P.738 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 158 HI> 67 Lorn 3036.20 P.3202 P PHS T,W PO -(5-10) BS H: 587 M CHW HI> 199


Appro- Nearesl Power Land use (I.e. area under different types of-land u~ In Localion ach IOwn and distance Supply hcctare~ rounded uplo two deutnal place~) Code to (10 "tn.) No Village Fore~t Imgated Unirngaled Cuhurahle Area not by source wa~le available for (mcludmg CulllvlIon gou(.har and groves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR Pathardi(l2) ED WE(6.33) 1183.27 94.20 122.04 44 EAG KR Palhardl(14) ED 919.63 118.11 31.09 45 EAG KR Palhardl(15) ED W(64.94) 2780.71 16300 295.02 46

KR Palhardl(17) ED 789.34 45.85 42.76 47 EAG KR Pathardl(2l) EA WE(4874) 1205.80 180.60 114.37 48 R(31 26) KR Palhardi(23) EA W(40.21) 1130.20 6050 197.50 49 WE(40'(X) KR Pathardi(25) ED WE(8000) 224.37 4177 ' 50 EAG PR Pathardl(23) ED GC(198'()() 1630.62 110.21 222..04 51 KR EAG WE(31O.00) KR Pathardl(25) ED • 52 KR Palhardl(19) ED 318.16 62() 0.19 53

PR Palhardi(17) ED WE(115.()() 1676.17 55.00 114.03 54 EAG KR Pathardi(l8) ED 608.57 61.39 9.42 55

PR Pathardi(15) ED 13971 W(40.()() 670.90 5249 257.33 56

PR Pathardl(l6) ED WE(3000) 301.35 142.88 68.91 57 EAG PR Pathardi(l8 ) EA WE(8()(0) 94402 58.17 141.71 58

KR Pathardi(20) EA 34456 3400 71.47 59

PR Pathardl(25) EA WE(400) 800.64 11400 21.00 60 KR KR Pathardi(27) ED 36745 7.49 0.36 61

PR Pathardi(29) EA WE(24.llO) 1000.20 226.()() 266.81 62

KR Pathardi(25) ED 250.03 WE(1O.(lO) 59088 142.88 63 EAG KR Pdthardl(25) ED NA 64

PR Pathardl(30) EA 88095 WE(428 00) 672 27 225 ()() 1313.57 65 KR


KR Ahmadnagar(l8 ) EA WE(25 (0) 431.77 5000 72:85 66

KR Ahmadnagar(25) EA WE(7000) 2771.15 4790 147 i5 67 200


Locuion Name of VIlla,e To&al area Total Amenitles available (If not avatlable within the village a Code of the villaae Population dash (-) is shown lR the column and nexl to 1t 111 bracket the No. (in be<:tares and No. of distance m broad ranges viz. 5 kms, 5-10 kms. and lO-tkms of rounded households Ihe nearest place where Ihe [aabty IS avatlable is given) UptolwO Dnnking Post decimal &fuca- Medical Day or days Comm· places) lIonal waler and oflhe unicallOO (potable) Telegraph market' (Bus Stop, hal,tfany Railway SIIlUon. WaJe1way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

H 68 Khuntephal 422.75 P:568 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:99 M 69 Koyal 1114.06 P: 1206 P CHW T,W -(-5) -(5-10) -(oS) H:247 HP 70 Sumbhewadt 57238 P:47S P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:94 71 Pimpla 2155.40 P:2322 P PHS T,W PO Wed BS H:439 M RP HP CHW 72 Dhangarwadi 672.38 P:391 P -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 8:64 M 73 Nandur 1432.78 P: 1480 P CHW W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:283 74 Wash1uj 681.50 P: 1166 P CHW W,HP PO -(-5) BS H:223 M 75 WaghJuj (Laman Tanda) 383.75 P:487 P -(10+) HP -(-5) -(-5) BS H:85 76 Balewadi 56152 P:698 P -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 136 77 Kumbhephal 697.54 P:619 P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 143 78 Khuntephal PUndl 1011.85 P: 1032 P PHC W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:221 M PHS HP RP CHW 79 Kharadgavhan 477.91 P:518 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 107 HP 80 Tbombal Sangvi 733.38 P:680 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 128 HP 81 Hatalan 392.61 P:489 P CHW W -(S-IO) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 138 HP 82 Borodi 901.60 P:896 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) as H: 155 CHW HP 83 Solapurwadi 621.06 P:749 P PHS W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H: 138 HP 84 Pundi 750.40 P; 1257 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS H:255 HP 85 Kanadi Kh. 295.40 P:683 P PHS W -(5-10) .(5-10) BS H: 128 CHW HP 86 Pimpalgaon Dani 727.71 PI 827 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 155 HP 87 Wah ira 2142.98 P: 1356 P CHW T PO -(5-10) BS H:253 W 8B Parodi 510.76 p: 1013 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 189 W HP 89 Aurangpur 177.32 P: 173 P CHW W -(oS) .(5-10) -(-5) H:50 R 90 Nimgaon Bodkha 679.62 P:633 P -(5-10) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 109 M HP 91 Ohongadyachlwadi 905.03 P:680 P -(10+) HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 201


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under different types 0( land use In l..oc:allOll .th Iown .nd distance Supply heclares rounded uplO two decimal placcs) Code 10 (in Ian.) No. vallage Forest Irrigated Ummgatcd Culturable Area not by source waste available for (including CulUYlJOII goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Abmadnagar(25) EA WE(20.00) 349.05 17.18 36.52 68

KR Abmadnagar(25) EA WE(40.60) 982.56 36.62 54.28 69

KR Abmadgnagar(25) ED 564.55 7.10 0.73 70

KR Abmadnagar(27) EA GC(83.00) 1927.94 19.27 50.19 71 WE(75.00)

KR Abmadnagar(2S) , ED 631.54 21.07 19.77 72

PR Abmadnagar(26) EA WE(SO.31) 1181 23 67.41 103.83 73 KR PR Abmadnagar(20) ED WE(81.58) 476.37 85.92 37.63 74 EAO PR Abmadnagar(25) ED 344.12 34.42 5.21 75

PR Abmadnagar(30) ED WE(1O.12) 468.92 39.63 42.85 76 KR EAG PR Abmadnagar(3S) ED WE(1 5.1 7) 518.41 102.37 61.59 77 KR EAO PR Abmadnagar( 16) EA WE(l3.00) 582.85 389.00 27.00 78

PR Abmadnagar(8) EA WE(l9.00) 435.89 6.00 17.02 79 KR PR Abmadnagar(21) ED WE(32.00) 653.99 16.17 31.22 80 KR EAG PR Abmadnagar(20) ED WE(lO.OO) 327.29 3.00 52.32 81 KR EAG PR Abmadnagar(25) EA WE(20.00) 779.71 12.00 89.89 82 KR PR Abmadnagar(25) ED 621.06 83 KR PR Abmadnagar(29) EA WE(l0.37) 344.38 204.25 91.40 84

PR Abmadnagar(lO) EA GC(114.00) 141.40 25.00 85 KR WE(15.00) KR Abmadnagar(31 ) EA GC(107.00) 528.57 57.14 86 WE(35.00) PR Abmadnagar(25) EA GC(35.00) 1466.25 186.00 175.73 87 KR WE(220.oo) 0(60.00) KR Abmadnagar(26) EA WE(30.00) 437.35 16.00 27.41 88

KR Abmadnagar(27) EA WE(7.oo) 128.24 4.00 3S.08 89

PR Abmadnagar(25) EA GC(I25.oo) 435.00 94.62 90 KR WE(25.00) PR Abmadnagar(24 ) ED NA 91 KR EAG 202


Location Name of Village Total area T~I Amenilles available (If nO( available wUhm the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) II shwlIl an the column and I1<;xt ~o II. an brat.kct the No (10 hectares and No. of distance In broad ranges VIZ. 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 100kms of rounded households the nearest place where the facIlity IS available is given) uptotwo dccll1lal Educa- Medical DfIIlkmg Post Day or days Comm- water UnlCdtlon places) lIonal and of the (poLIble) Telegraph maIket I (Bus Stop. hat. If any Railway Stallon. Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

H: 115 92 Plmpri Ghumn 1435.86 P: 1686 P I)HS T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 301 M CHW W HP


93 Dhanora 895.49 P:2348 P PHS T PO Tue OS H: 451 M RP W PIwnc H CHW HP 94 Chinchoh 73506 P: 891 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 180 HP , 95 Sabadkhed 91806 p. 1470 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) OS H'303 HP 96 Shlrapur 1028.97 P: 1307 P CHW W -(-5) \ -(-5) -(-5) H: 243 HP 97 Anandwadl (N.Y.) (98) 439.34 P:563 P -(10+) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 127 98 Saratewadgaon 596.23 P.790 P CHW T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 144 W 99 Rui Nalkol 847.44 P: 1471 P PHS T PO -(5-10) OS H:309 M CHW W 100 Takali Amaya 1196.55 P: 17117 P RP T PO -(5-10) OS H 356 CHW W HP 101 Nimgaon Chaubha 2070.04 P:2032 P PHS W PO -(5-10) -(-5) H.417 CHW HP 102 Sheri Kh. 524.86 P:999 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 210 W HP 103 Kada 255996 P'9184 P(2) PHC T PO Sun OS H: 1844 M(2) PHS W Phone H(2) RP(9) HP CHW 104 Sakhalwadl (N.Y.) (lOS) 322.36 P.365 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) OS H64 HP 105 Sheri Ok. 1585.66 P'1719 P PHS W -(-5) -(-5) OS H: 312 CHW HP 106 Walanwadl 597.82 P:718 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) OS H: 134 HP 107 Mandva 1017.80 P: 1252 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) OS H: 278 W HP 108 Jalgaon 639.01 P:2652 P PHS T PO -(5-10) OS H: 678 M RP W CHW HP 109 PlmpnAshli 873.40 P:935 P -(-5) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 183 W HP 110 Kelsangvl 868.00 P: 1148 P CHW T PO -(5-10) -(-5) H: 217 W HP 111 Dhlrdl 39452 p. 503 P CHW T -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 203


Appro- !l:eare~l Power Land u~ (I e. ared under dlfferenl Iypes of land use an I.ocallon aeh lown.tnd dl,lan(.e Supply hC(.larcs rounded uplo lWO deumal places) Code 10 (lIIlm) No. vllI~ge ForC~1 IrngAled Ulllrngaled Cullurable Area not by source wasle available for (lOcludlllg CulllVllon goucharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Ahmadnagar(30) FA WE(W4.37) 1184.99 11500 31.50 92


PR Ahmadnagar(20) EA C(,(151 (Xl) 438.71 9612 184.66 93 WE(25 (X»

PR Ahmadnagar(25) ED WE(35'()() 571.06 78.12 50.88 94 KR EAG PR Ahmadnagar(30) EA GC(331.00) 414.94 40.17 121.95 95 WEe 10 ()O) PR Ahmadnagar(40) EA GC(32IUlO) 482.10 80.19 123.68 96 KR WE(15 (0) KR Ahmadnagar(45) ED • 97 PR Ahmadnagar(36 ) EA GC(405 (0) 348.42 50.00 113.68 98 KR WE(11847) PR Ahmadnagar(40) ED GC(282.00) 268.00 100 00 84.27 99 EAC WE(l13.17) PR Ahmadnagar(45) EA CC(162 (0) 633.95 103.05 104.19 100 WE(193.36)

PR Ahmadnagar(50) EA GC(16'()() 1463.65 193.17 27122 101 KR WE(l20.00) PR Ahmadnagar(40) EA GC(206 (Xl) 9666 68.50 53.70 102 KR WE(1 (X)'OO)

PR AhmadnJgar(15 ) EA CC(658 (0) 1105.96 200.04 179.47 103 WE(41649)

PR AhmJdnagar(36 ) EA • 104 PR AhmJdnagar(37) EA 6102 CCC 162 (0) 1290.92 11.00 26608 105 WE(117.00) PR Ahmadnagar(38) EA 586.25 955 202 106

PR Ahmadnagar(45) EA CC(70.00) 78462 1300 68.18 107 KR WE(3200)

PR Ahmadnag:IT(55 ) EA WE(1IO.00) 409.70 10.00 109.31 108

KR Ahmadnagar(56 ) EA WE(92 (0) 685.22 9.00 8718 109

KR Ahmadnagar(50) EA WE(52.00) 632.50 183.50 110

KR Ahmadnagar(45) EA WE(30.00) 308.17 31.44 24 91 III 204


Locauon Name of VIllage Total area Total Amcnltles avaIlable (If not avaIlable WlthlO the village a Code of the village Populallon dash (-) IS shown 10 the column and next to It 10 bracket the No (m hectares andNo of distance m broad ranges VIZ 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 100kms of rounded households the nearest place where the faClhty IS avaliable IS given) uplotwo decImal Educa- Medical Dnnkmg Post Day or days Comm- places) tlonal water and of the umcation (potable) Telegraph market I (Bus Stop. hat. If any RaIlway St.ltlOn. Waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

H: 108 W 112 Namia 533.31 P. 780 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 139 HP 113 Phattcwadgaon 731.17 P:791 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 146 HP 114 KanadlBk. 988.38 P: 1338 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H:240 HP 115 Wakl 992.00 p. 880 P CHW W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 146 HP 116 Shtral 1842.00 P:2772 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H: 535 M RP W CHW 117 Khanapttr 216.22 P:426 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 82 HP 118 Imangaon 439.54 P:430 P -(5-10) W -(5-10) +5) BS H: 83 HP 119 Rub 22400 P:269 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 39 M HP 120 Mangrul 824.60 P: 1011 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H.181 HP

121 Chlkhah 95495 P: 1862 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H.378 HP 122 Hanumantgaon 82559 P 603 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 108 HP 123 Dalthan 57791 P:767 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 125 W HP 124 Ptmpalsu tti 253.43 P:98 P -(-5) T PO -(5-10) -(-5) H: 19 W HP 125 Hingm 759.84 P: 1182 P CHW T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H: 209 W HP


126 Belgaon 1357.74 P 1279 P CHW T PO -(5-10) BS H: 265 W HP 127 Desur 831.65 P: 596 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H' 151 128 Shekapur 650.04 P:543 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 123 HP 129 Chmchala 461.08 P.627 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) HI02 HP 130 Radhapttr 37185 p. 196 P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H 39 HP 131 Kasari NA P:646 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.l44 HP 132 Shidewadi NA P:470 P CHW W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H: 88 HP 133 Pandegavhan 291.31 P: 25 -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 205


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I C. area under different types or land use m L.oeation ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two deCimal places) Code to (mkm ) No. vtllage Forest Imgated Unlrrigated Culturable Area nO( by source waste available for (mcludmg Cultivllon gouchar and groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Ahmadnagar(40) EA GC(33600) 64.56 117.75 112 WE(15.00) KR Ahmadnagar(4S) EA GC(10S.00) 503.12 40.0S 113 WE(80.00) KR Ahmadnagar(40) EA GC(52 00) 670.18 196.20 114 WE(70.00) KR Ahmadnagar(41 ) EA GC(600.00) 268.10 83.90 115 WE(40.00) KR Ahmadnagar(42) EA GC(906 00) 610.24 115.76 116 WE(21000)

KR Ahmadnagar( 65) EA GC(36.56) 123.44 29.72 117 WE(2650) KR Ahmadnagar(55) ED WE(21.00) 31504 103.50 118 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(25 ) ED GC(400) 10024 103.76 119 EAG WE(1600) KR Ahmadnagar(25 ) EA GC(7.87) 716.94 43.63 44.03 120 W(193) WE(10.20) PR Ahmadnagar(55 ) EA GC(198.00) 644.00 97.95 121 KR WE(15.00) KR Ahmadnagar(60) ED WE(15.84) 76000 49.75 122 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(45) ED GC(324.00) 128.30 111.61 123 EAG WE(14.00)

KR Ahmadnagar(48) ED GC(116.00) 110.47 10.96 124 EAG WE(16.00)

KR Ahmadnagar(40) EA GC(52600) 122.25 71.59 125 WE(4000)


KR Ahmadnagar(55) EA WE(257.00) 967.81 5.95 126.98 126

KR Ahmanagar(60) ED WE(4000) 639.69 72.~ 7987 127 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(60) ED 6960 WE(10~) 412.97 10.69 146.69 128 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(65) ED WE(161.08) 27393 9.33 16.74 129 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(62) ED WE(20.85) 293.30 385 53.85 130 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(55 ) ED NA 131 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(54 ) ED NA 132 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(60) ED WE(15.00) 211.15 46.72 18.44 133 EAG 206


Locauon Name of Village Total area Total AmemliCS available (If not available wU.lun the village a Code of the village l'opulduon dash (-) IS shown tn the column and nCXIIO II 10 brd(.kelthc No. (10 hccldres and No of dlstancc 10 broad ranges VIZ 5 kms, 5-10 krns and W+kms of rounded households Ibe nearest place where the facility is available IS given) UptOIWO Drtnklllg dcclmal Educa- Medical l'ost Day or days Comm- watcr places) liondl and oflbe umcallon (potdble) Telegraph market! (Bus SlOp, hat,lf dny R,ulway StatIon, Wdlerway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

H:6 HI' 134 Bramhagaon 1522.84 P: 1506 I' PHS W PO -(5-10) BS H:379 CHW HP

135 Pangulgavhan 595.14 P. 740 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 163 HP 136 Wanvcwadl NA P:501 P -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) H:74 HI' 137 Malawah 1617.08 P 1420 P CHW W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H'253 HI' 138 Malkuh 1410.37 P: 1682 P RP T PO -(5-10) BS H: 337 M CHW W HI' 139 Karhcwadi 642.16 P.I124 P -(10+) T PO r(5-10) -(-5) H: 170 W 140 KaranJI 65510 P:744 P CHW HI' -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 141 141 Bhaloni 41659 P: 658 P CHW W PO -(5-10) BS H: 122 HP 142 HaJipur 523.39 P'570 P CHW T -( -5) -(5-10) BS H'I04 W HI' 143 Pandhari NA P: 1432 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H:240 HI' 144 Murshadpur 516.36 P'2040 P PHS T -(-5) -(-5) BS H:446 M W HP 145 Tavalwadl NA P:847 I' -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H'127 HI' 146 Dcvigavhan 451.25 P'356 I' -(5-10) T -(-5) -( -5) -(-5) H: 66 147 Sole wadi NA P'S27 P CHW W -(-5) -(-S) -(-5) H: 91 HI' 148 Pokhari 338.09 P:702 P PHS W -(-5) -(5-10) BS H: 138 CHW HI' 149 Karhcwadgaon 1368.09 P'960 P CHW T PO -(5-10) -(-5) H' 184 150 Chinchpur 716.21 P: 1167 I' CHW W -(-5) -(-5) BS H.228 HP

lSI Andhalyachiwadl 401.54 P.532 I' -(-S) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5) (N.V.) (160) H IS2 Jamgaon 1461.14 P: 1661 P CHW W -( -5) -(5-10) BS H.372 HP 153 WalunJ 941.37 p. 1248 I' CHW W -( -5) -(5-10) BS H' 252 HP 154 Takalsmg 163527 P: 2381 P PHS T (lTD -(5-10) BS H' 411 M RP W H CHW HP 155 SangvI Ashh 792 70 P'1303 P CHW W Phone -(-5) -( -5) H.289 HP 156 Khadkat 148663 P.2017 I' PHS T PO Fn BS H.419 RP W 207


Appro- Nearest Power Land use (I.e. area under different types 0( land use to Location ach town and distance Supply hectares rounded upto two dcdmal places) Code to (10 km.) No. village Forest Imgatcd UnirrigalCd Culturable AreanOl by source waste available for (mcludmg Cultivtion goocharand groves)

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Ahmadnagar(65) ED 362.95 W(30.03) 181.54 371.81 553.51 134 EAG WE(20.00) 0(3.00) KR Ahmadnagar(64) ED WE(30.14) 420.07 9.20 135.73 135 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(45) EA NA 136

KR Ahmadnagar(40) EA 461.66 WE(92.37) 263.84 194.60 604.61 131-

KR Ahmadnagar(47) EA WE,(138.16) 1155.52 7.83 108.86 138

KR Ahmadnagar(65) EA • 139 KR Ahmadnagar(67) ED WE(53.37) 553.91 10.13 37.69 140 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(70) EA WE(25.10) 226.65 45.09 119.75 141

KR , Ahmadnagar(72) ED WE(10.39) 486.62 3.13 23.25 142 EAG

PR Ahmadnagar(65) EA NA 143

PR Ahmadnagar(60) EA WE(50.00) 321.84 125.07 ..) 144

KR Ahmadnagar(63) E,D NA 145 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(61 ) ED GC(30.00) 316.40 5.70 38.25 146 EAG WE(60.90) KR Ahmadnagar(62) ED NA 147 EAG PR Ahmadnagar(68) EA WE(38.03) 890.40 5.15 46.67 148

KR Ahmadnagar(70) EA WE(41.17) 878.39 9736 351.17 149

PR Ahmadnagar(73 ) EA GC(26 00) 518.83 61.00 60.38 150 W(19.()() WE(31.00) KR Ahmadnagar(73 ) ED 345.78 5.50 5026 151 EAG KR Ahmadnagar(69) EA WE(469.88) 845.97 49.23 9606 152

KR Ahmadnagar(71 ) EA GC(264 00) 528.28 49.83 63.26 153 WE(36.00) PR Ahmadnagar(73) EA GC(518 ()() 772.10 147.64 197.53 154

KR Ahmadnagar(70) EA GC(53500) 188.03 15.14 46.56 155 WE(7.97) PR Ahmadnagar(68) EA GC( 130 ()O) 1103.60 5760 150.98 156 WE(4445) 208


location Name of Village Total area Total Amenuies available (If nlll available Within the village a Code of the village Population dash (-) IS shown In the column and nelttto it in bracket the No. (in hectares and No. of dIstance in broad ranges V17. 5 kms, 5-10 kms. II1d Ul+kms of rounded households the nearest place where the (aahly is available is given) UplolWO Dnnking dectmal Educa- Medical Post Day or day. Cornm- water places} lIonal and oflhc unlcation (potable) Telc8raph marltet/ (BusSaop, hat, if any Railway Station, Waterway) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

CHW HP 157 Balewadt 681.06 P:680 P -(IlH-) W -(-5) -(-5) BS H: 152 HP 158 Pargaon Jogeshwari 1736.98 P:2051 P CHW W PO -(-5) BS H:464 HP

159 Gandhanwadt 22848 P:263 P -(10+) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (N V.) (160) H:48 HP 160 Ashta 1654.80 P:3335 P PHS T PO -(5-10) BS H:576 M CHW W H HP 161 Bhatodt 502.91 P:463 P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) H:74 M

Grand Total = 148091.59 P: 117926 P(U;I) PHC(5) H: 35259 M(38) PHS(35) H(9) RP (31) CHW(1l1)

Note: (1) * Area of Location Code Nos. 26, 27,28,29,30 and 33 are included in area of Location Code No.40. (2) -.- Area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 14,24,31,52,97,104 and 139 are included in area break-up (Land use) of Location Code Nos. 19, 16,40,51.98,105 and 148 respectively. (3) N.A.: Not Available 209


Appro- NClUWt Power Land use (I e. area under dIfferent types of llUld lise 10 i..ocalton ach town and dlstllntc Supply hectares rounded uplo two deCimal places) Code to (l!Jkm.) No. village Fore~t Imgated Untmgated Culturable Area not by 5oun::e waste available for (including Culuvuon gouchar and groves)

II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

KR Ab11llldnagar(65 ) EA W(5.84) 380.66 44.56 157 WE(250.00) PR Ahmadnagar( 63) EA GC(804.00) 779.96 64.14 39.08 158 KR W(l7.40) WE{32.40) KR Afunadnagar(63 ) EO 224.62 3.86 159 EAG l'R Ahmadnagar(68) EA WE(425.00) 108327 26.03 120.50 160 KR

PR Ahmadna&ar(69) ED WE(90.00) 360.5l 12.29 40.11 161 cAG ------2687.86 GC (979843) 9874918 8765.7J 16194.41 W (1423.74) WE (8986.26) R (55.62) 0(6840) 210


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APPENDIX II Land Utilisation Data in respect or Non.Municipal Towns (Census Towns)

Land Use (Area under different types of land use in hectares)

Sr. Nlime of IOwn and ToLaI Forest Irrigated Untrrigatcd Cu1lurable Arvanot No. C D. Block wuhm Area by hoorce Waste avallable bntckeu (mcludmg for c:uluvauon goochar lind groves)

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) - I. Alhli (Ashh) 5188.40 1500 W (748.10) 3861.24 138.72 425.34


List orVilJages where 00 amenity other than Drinking Water Fa<;Ulty is Available

Name of C D Block l.ocaltoo Code No Name "I' Village (1) (2) (3)


APPENDIX IV Summary showing number of villages having or not hllving Scheduled Caste Population

Dislnd/C. D Block TOLIlI Unmhabtted Inhabited Inhabitcd inhabited vtllages vlUageh villages villages villages havmg no havmg some SC popuialton SC popuIauon (J) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

18. BId District 1,280 11 1.2@ 73 1.196 1. Bid 224 224 7 217 2. Oeoral 198 S 193 6 187 3. ManJlegaon 204 S 199 5 194 4. AmbeJogai 146 146 5 141 S. Kaij 187 186 6 180 6. Patoda 160 160 28 132 7. Ashti 161 161 16 145

Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled Tribe population

Distnc:tIC D Block TOIaI Uninhabltcd Inhablled Inhabited Inhabu.cd villages villages villages villages villages having no havmg some ST popJialion ST population (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

18. IJId Di~trid 1,280 11 1.2W 70s 564 224 224 138 86

'I 198 5 193 97 96 'gaoo 204 5 199 III 88 , >gai 146 146 lOS 41 187 186 96 90 160 160 103 57 161 161 SS 106 213


List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe$ Population to the total population by ranges

No. of umnhabll.Cd villages ::: 1. Bid C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages :# 224

Ranges of Scheduled 1..ocallOn Locauon Location Caste/S"hcduJed Tnbe Code Name of village Code Name of Vlll~gc Code Nameo{VUlage populaMI1 No. No. No (Percentages) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1

A - Scheduled Casbl~ -5.00 ... 6 Khamgaon 31 ShahsJsnpur (Limb.t) 36 Katwatwadi 39 Kakadhml 41 Gaulwadl 41 Mengdewatii 47 IUdarnwad! 50 Nag/.Jlfl 51 SUryaduWadl 56 Rhats.tllgvl 87 Kolharwadl S8 WaJOalwadt 91 Bhavanwddl 94 KhumlTdS 101 GUilJala 114 Bedukwadl lIS Babhalwadt 111 Plmpalgaoo Majar8 120 Belwadl 132 Mankurwadi 118 Bdkarwadl 146 Masewadl ISO Ohangsrwadl 15S Anandwadi 159 Bhandarwadl 166 Gawan 1I':i8 Sasewedl 173 Jaltaiwadi 174 Sarwpwadl 175 Nlvdungawadi 178 l'andalyachlwal 180 l'.andharyachtwadt 183 S.. wanlwaul 189 Gogalwadl '04 ManewaJI 206 Malewadl

501--10.00 Sakshal Ptmpn 2 Bali.ldarpul 3 Tmdulwl{h (Shtll) 10 Pendgaon 11 NamaJgaoo 15 Kambi

17 ShahaJaJlpur (Kamkhedd) 20 Son~aon 22 Rudrapur 28 Khapar Pangn 32 Llmbaml n Plnlparg.avhan 37 WanJarwadt 38 Tipplttwadl 52 Dt--Ofayachlwa

1001-1500 5 Aherchmchoh 7 Naildur IHdvch) 9 Hingani (Haveh)

12 Kmhipal 14 Ghosapllrl 18 PlU'gaon (Slr~s) 23 Belura 25 Umrad J&8'r 26 Sallll!iana 30 RaJurI Bk (Navgan) 34 T~JeglOn 42 Charahata 53 Malapun 54 Kurla 57 Rabhas Bhuwan 60 1..oladgaon 61 Umrad (Khalsa) 69 Anandwadl (N V) 73 Antharvan Punpn 79 RaJun Ghodka 80 lI{alwalldl 81 Jamd - .. _- 85 Aher Dhanora 90 Wangt 214 APPENDIX IV - cantd. J, BI4 C. D. Bloek- contd

Man"", u( lK:JwduJcuj J~IIJiQl) l.ocillDll 1.IXI.11nn t,lw/8dlcdl.llcd tribe Ctldll Nume or v»IIIII4 CQdIJ N'""" of Villi", Cod" Name 1.)( Villill'l PflJI~ No. No. N". (PlfOUfINlp) I l '\ of. ~ 6 7

A - S&III1IMII4 C... - (:'IIJUI. 95 AlIJlIOII 97 NIllhIlJIII, 104 WiWjllQlJ CUlldh. lIZ lJonJcvi 113 MuggllOll 119 Mhih.. ar ur lU KC~apln IZ9 t\mbcJltw"h 131 lUijOIlVhftll 136 DdllIlal Ktwnu 139 OhJtSAlwli 14M UCI&IWII lSI MlIIJ7J1rI Ifaveli 155 I)all 156 Kolwadi 161 SoopelhWadl 162 Wad,,1«)1l (K.ll'.mhar) 163 Killumb ...

162 Ibl.lll1ilrl 169 Udll/ll.lw.dillWll ,170 Challda~",adl 171 SWilllUI' 191 TillllulwadlOhllJ :zm WlUlhavallll ZOII KlUladl 21g I'QlWa , 1$.OI-2i.l.OO • T11lUul#w1ld1 (I{,vcli) 16 K,Imlmed. 19 ' Shahllbajpur 24 KClUra Z9 Rlllllmba 4{) l'alwan 48 1~lkhandi (I'll) 49 PIUlfJ. (Ilel) 5' WiknllhplJr 59 JJalbiompur 70 litllwadi 74 lJllhirwad, 83 KaUUkl, 1m KukadllaDn 105 Gundh. ,07 Sandlllwan 109 PIIUiJOI1 110 SlJrdllhot III Nawabur Hi h 121 Pimpalncr t23 P"""1IItI J33 l:»wk.an Malia 145 UmbaG4ncKh 149 Kar"hoodl 167 MlIIljar Sumba 1111 Yclambhat 187 Morgaoll 195 Andhapun GhaL 196 Khadklghal 198 Anjallwillf 210 Siliunpllr :m (lUlul>ala 220 Pablllpl\ 224 llIPjl3ni Uk

20.01-:10.00 S PIlJaOR J apli 13 Belapiln 2:7 Kumll 3S MurJwlpur (RAjuci) 45 PlfJlpaJwadi 46 Bhlllw8m 55 Aurangpur 63 Mahalu Jawala 65 KhandcparglWll 61 AhcrNimpoo 72 Shidodc 76 Dchlphal(Chmdwh) 77 o,inclao!t Mall 78 Bid (Rural) 96 Ramgaon 91 Ran~gaon lOS l..imbelUl 141 Malunda 142 ~nathwatJi 185 Sltldlare8ol'gaon 193 Arnbll Wadgaon 197 Raubsgaoa 200 IJorthcd 2(f7 CklJangn 212 IlbotB 215 Devi IbbIdpoo 221 Oiandegaon 222 Jeba Plmpn

36.01 .l Above 61 NaA'l'fBk. 64 Rajkapul 66 Urnn S2 ShiVIII 84 P,.. Is- Mochi 127 Ghat Iawala 135 MluJ 192 Balapur 194 Kumbhan 216 S.... 215

APPENDIX IV - contd. 1. Did C. D. lllock- contd

Ranael of SchC41ulcd Locallon 1..0<-allOn 1..0calloo CaswlSchcdulcd Trillo Code Nallle of v'llage Code l\dme of V.luge Code Ndme 0{ Village 110 l'UIallOil No No No. (l'erC\l1\l.Igoli ) I 2 3 4 S 6 7

B - Sc.bt'dillcd Trlbcti

-5.00 • Sak,h.i1I'.mpn 3 Tarululw.uli (lJh.ll) 4 Tandulwadt (Havcli) 5 Ahercillncholl 8 Parg.ton JdPU 9 Ihngam (flavell) 12 Klllh.pa. 17 Sh.tn.tJdnpur (Kamkhcda) 18 P... rgaon (Ser.,,) 20 Soogaon 22 Rudrapur 2S Vmrad J.. gsr 27 KurnSl 29 R.ltmb4 30 Rajuri Ilk. (X.tvgan) 32 I..Ullbarul 39 kdk.tdhira 40 Pal .... an 41 G4ulwdd. 42 OJar.th.tla 46 Rhdlwam 47 KadamwaJ. 48 l4clkhandl (I'd) 49 PlltOda (Bel) 50 ]l;ag/.an 54 Kurla 60 Loladgaoo 61 NagpurBk. 62 NagpurKh 6S Khandcpargaoa 72 Shmdode 76 [)-..mipbal (Ouucholi) 78 Bid (Rural) 81 Jarud 82 Shlvnl 84 Pllnpalgaon Modn 85 Aher Dhanora &6 Sanmapur &7 Kollwwadl 90 Wang. 91 Ilhavanwadi 92 Botphadt 93 Ch.tv.tnwd,h (N V ) 95 Adgaon 96 Ramgaoq 98 Ranjegaoll 121 Punpalncr 123 PamIwti 128 Many.trwa

5.01-15.00 10 Peredgaon 14 Ghosaruri 5S Aul'll103P'll' 134 llramhaaaon

50.01 & Above 190 Dahlwandl 213 llavi

" 216

APPENDIX IV - contd.

No. of uninhabited villages == 5 2. Georai C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages == 193

Ranges of Scheduled Location l.ocatlon l..ocatlon Caslc/Schcduled Tnbe Code Narne of village Code Name of Village Code Name of Village population No No. No. (Percentages) I 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - Scheduled CI,tes -500'" 25 Iliwarwadi 31 Shckta 38 Gang_wadi 39 T.InYllchiwadi 50 Komalwadi 54 Govindwlldl 57 Pandharwadi 60 ManYllrwadi 63 Talewadi 102 Stngarwadi 105 Kaudgaon ltO Mulukwadt 115 Salbewlldi 1t7 Anandwadi 118 Borgaon Chalda 119 Vanmgalwadl 120 I\'arayanwadi 121 Iodwadi 127 Van)arwadi 130 Kumbharwadi 132 Khadki 136 llajipur 141 Klllwildl Mankapur (N.V.) 144 I Taltyaclll wadi 147 Loladgaon '~6 Dellludwadl 164 ' Koltyachi WadI 167 11lldulyachiwadi 184 Sindphana ChinchoU

501-1000 1 Kuranpimprl 2 Ilorgaon Ilk. 5 P;'tbarwala Sk. 6 Malegaon Bk. 8 Oulaj 9 Sudegaon 13 O&lkwad Jalgaon 14 MahlirTakh 16 SOrl PimpalgliOR 18 Dhumegaon 21 Khalegaon 23 Kumbh'e Jalglon 26 I'aulachiwadi 27 Chaklamba 29 Rasulabad 30 Tar4dgavhan 33 Savalc~hwar 45 Ktngaon 49 Bhojgaon 59 Vadgaon Dhok 64 Mlrkala 68 Barhanpur 85 Gangawadl 86 RaJapur 81 Govindwadt 98 Ghollas Pargaon 100 Matun 104 Plmpla 108 Shmdkhcd 109 Manmodi III ]avaharwadi 122 Saldllpur 129 Padabtngi 131 Pokhan 135 Nlmgaon Mayamba 137 Markadwadi 145 ShahdJanpur Chak1a 160 Chopdyachlwadi 161 Selu 165 Bhatcpuri 170 Looala 171 Nandpur 172 Kambi Ma)ar3 174 Bhend Kh 17S Kajalyachi Wadi 179 RUI 180 Jalgaon (MaJra) 187 Rameshwar 193 Pachegaon 195 Erandgaon 198 Aurangpur Kukada

1001-1500 7 Malegaon Kh 20 Ardhaplmpn 22 Bramhgaon 24 Mahandula 32 Mhalas Plmpalgaon 40 Dhondrat 43 Bagplmpalgaon 46 Takddgaon 52 Deopimpri 53 Rajplmpn 55 Malhlvara 65 Gadhl 71 K,ltchmchoh 75 Dhogalgaon 78 AntarvahBk 81 Rcvkl 83 Lukhamasla 88 Chavhanwadl 91 M.mubal Jawala 95 Ohalegllon 96 Babultara 101 Tmlarwam 106 SushI 107 Vadgaon Sushi 114 Chlkh4h 116 TandaJd 123 KaJala 124 Kolgaoo 125 Sawargaon Pokhan 126 Madalmolu 128 Aher Vahcgaon 133 Mankapur 134 Fubangvi 138 Dharwanta 142 Sirasmarg 143 Dimakhwadl 146 Ankota 148 Simpegaon 150 Hirapur

1001-1500 151 T4kdlgaon 152 Kekat P,lOgn 153 Rokda 154 Snala 158 Surth Bk 163 Thakar Adgaon 166 Slrasdcvl 168 Dhcnd Ilk 169 Marfala 173 Bhcnd Takh 176 Anlhmasla 178 Nlpam Iawalka 183 Khcrdawadl 185 t-;anddlgaon 186 Ma1egaon MaJra ISS Vahcgaon Amala 190 Dlgrds 191 Dhanora 1% Irgaon 197 Kopra

1501-2000 10 Panchalcshwar 12 Umapur 17 Matcgilon 37 Agar Nandur 41 Bclgaoo 44 Kolher 217

APPENDIX IV - contd. 2. Georai C. D. Block- comd.

Ranae_ 0( Sdlcdulcd Locauon Localion lM:ation Castel&heduJcd Tribe Code Name ohillalle Code Name of Viltaae Code Name of VUJaae populatioll No. No. No. (Percentages) . I 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - Sdlodulod Calltet ... COI(ld.

51 Dhat Antarwali 56 MUdhapuri 61 Ranmala 69 Hingangaon 74 Pandhari 79 Daithan S2 Deoki 84 ralwad. 89 Doiphodwadi 90 Kalhoda 91 Rampuri 99 Malesaon Chalda 139 UkhadpiJnpri 140 Takalaavhan Tut' Oeoni 159 TalcalBavhan Tart' Talkhed 162 Ialegaon 182 Kherda Bk. 189 AmI. 194 Pimpalgaon Kanada

2M! - 30.00 3 P.tharwala Kh. II Rak.ha ••bhuwan 19 Adpimpri 36 NaS7JIri 48 Oaundaaoll 62 Khandvi 66 Ranjan! n PanguJllaon 73 Mirgaon 76 Borgaon Thadl 77 Rahcri 80 Sangam lalgaon 93 Shnpal Antarwala 94 Oopal Pimpalilaon 97 Tape Nirngaon 149 It,kur ISS RohiU"d 157 Golea.on 181 Sub.npur 192 Talvat Borg"on

:W.0l '" Above 4 Guntegaon 35 }(hams.on 70 Gondi Kh

B ... ~hedul4!d Trlbflll

-5.00· t Kuranpimpri 1 Borgaon Bk. 4 Gumeaaon 5 Patharwala Ilk. 1 MaJegaon Kh. 8 Outaj 9 Surlegaon 11 Ralc.ha,abhuw.n 12 Um.pur 16 DOO Pimpalgaon 17 Malegllon 18 Dhumegaoo 21 Khalegaon 29 Rasulabad 33 Savaleshwar 3S Khamgaon 36 Nag1.lri 37 Agar Nan

501-\500 12 Pangulgaon &6 Ra.J8pur rn Mankapur 196 Irgaon

1501-25.00 89 Dolphodwadl

5001 & Above 193 Pachegaon 218


No. of uninhabited villages = 5 3. Manj'egaon C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages ,. 199

Rani\ls of S<:hedulud Location Loc:alion Locallon ClstclSc:heduled Tlibe Code Name of village Code Nllmc of VilIagc Code Nlime of Village populalion No. No. No. (PottClIlla&Cs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - SI:"edulOO Castes 10 Sultanpur -s 00 • 5 Ghvhllll Thll

5.01-10.00 8 Kalcgaon Thadi 18 SUrdl Najlk 27 '\ ,Rampimpalgaon 38 MlIIlgNI 46 MOIhlwadi 47 Sands Chinchoh 51 Kcsapuri 59 Surulllllaon 79 Nipam Talh \ 86 Talcwadl 89 Pardi 97 Ilanshchandra Plmpri 98 Dhlloor. I® Kanhapur 110 Wauvani 116 I hwargavhall 118 ' Lonwal 119 Patrud 125 KOibrul 134 EkburJlwadl (N V) 135 llwanpur 145 DcVfLhiphal 147 Kothlmblrwadl 150 Kasan Bodakha 152 Ihngam Ilk 165 Iltwara Govardhan 167 'Kauugaon Huda 17l ShindcwaUl 175 Aurangapur 189 Selu 192 Wdh 198 MhdLlrgaoo

10.01-1500 Takarwan Kaudg401l Thadl 13 $adola 14 Govmdwadi 16" Shahajanpur 17 RaJCgaon 19 Warol4 22 Mallpargaon 24 Klli Adgaon 26 lIarid Nlmgaon 35 Ekdara 37 Phui J>lmpalgaon 39 ManJrath 40 Chhatra Borgaon 45 Gangamaoia 48 Nagadagaon 49 Govllldpur SO D!;pcgdon 57 Roshanpuri 58 Chboliwadt 60 Ounjlhadl 61 Soona'lb31h 62 Kharal Adgaon 74 Punandgaon 83 Khalwal Nllllgaoo 91 Kadl Wadg.wn 92 Chmchawadgaon 95 MauJyachlwadl 96 Punparkhcd 99 Kcnde l'mlpri 100 , Rajcwadl 101 Nilrud 102 Dllkdcgaon )03 CltmclJola 104 Tigaon lOS Cltm"hou 106 Mamla 1(17 Salimba lOS Laxmlpllr 111 lIahcgavhan 112 Morwad 114 Kupp. J17 Uph 123 Dtgras 124 PUTlpri Kh 128 l.ahamewadl 133 Salcgaon 136 Sclura 137 Nakhalgaon 139 Babhalgaon 140 I>tndrud 141 Tclgaon Ilk 142 Bhcpa 144 Falmlawala

146 Chalgaon 149 ~xl4kha 153 Kandewadl 160 l'olmcr 164 Jalga\lban 166 Marndapur 219

APPENDIX IV.contd. 3, ManJlepon C. D, Block Contd,

~n"'6 ,If k/ulihlJQd l~ L®1I11oo Loclnioo CII''''!'kMdu'" 'rribo Codo Nime gf vlUIIIO Cmle Hamil of VUlail! CuIlo Namlluf ViIlaao J"'ll1Uli~1oo No. No. No. (lJIH'C4Inlajl.lJ) I ~ 3 4 5 6 7

A - Sehll4ulild Caliot! - CunW. 169 OOVllfllhlll 179 Pimpa1alllll Oadhe lSI Sirellia 191 MlilnalhaPlir 193 Mungi 194 DevlMna

to.OI-lS,oo 19') UhUoaaon 200 Kllvalyachiwadi 201 Kaya} 204 Bodhcpon

15.01-20.00 ~, Shelgaon Thlldl 3 Ridhori 6 Ulwara Uk. 7 Dubba Thadi U W#lIhora 25 SlIw.p,rgaoo 30 Talkhed 34 Tela.anKh. 36 KherdaKh. 43 Sommana 56 Lukhcgaoo 71 Shelapllri 76 KhlUtllpur 115 Dov8llon 87 Laul 93 Devdhi 94 Kaudg&Oll Bk. 113 Pusra 120 AnaoojllOO 122 K!talllllvlIlIIl lZ9 All1pur 131 UmrlOk. 151 Aad·tlingani 161 Tillismukh 163 Ka.arwadi 168 N1llpri Uk 170 Jaygson In WlIllaiBk. 177 Kaudgaon Gheda 178 Kaudgsoo Sabia IRa Tapuvan 183 Chlkhali 186 Sukli 196 Ami. 197 Kannapur

20.-01-30.00 II PlIrshollampun 12 Jaykow"dl 28 Jadid Jawala Z9 Shahapur Majara 31 Irla Majra 41 Abegaon 44 Mola 52 Phule I)impalgaon 53 Uhatwadgaon 64 Shimpctakll 67 Dcvkhcda 73 Renapun 80 . Shuklalirth Nimgaon 88 Maleg,aon 121 Mogra 126 Longaon 130 DcvlaKh 132 Smri Pargaon 138 Pnnpalgaon (Nakhate) 143 Sangam 148 Kan 154 llingani Kh. 158 SinganwlI(h 159 Mohkhcd 162 Borkhed 176 Talth Acharya JI!O Kanadl 184 Jailapur lBS Kundl J87 Khamgaon

~88 Rewalt 202 Moha

30.01 & Above 32 DllbbaMajra 33 Pungam 55 Manur 1S n..... mhagaon n OItorgaon 190 Safdarabad

n - Scheduh!d Tribes -5.00 • T4kwarwoln 11 Purshotl


3. Manjlegaon C. D. Block - contd

Ranges of Scheduled l.ocation Location LocatIOn CaatelSclledulcd Tribe Code Name of villa~e Code Name ot Village Code Name of Village p

D - SchedulcdTrlbes- COlltd. 61 Sonna 1hadi 62 Kharnt Adgaon 64 Shtl1'll'clakh 67 Devkhoda 69 (,.Jllnchalla'llhan 71 Shclapuri 78 Ghalatwadl 80 Shuklllllrth NimgaOll 83 Khalwat NlmgllOll 87 Lau! 88 M

~ Kaudgaoo fix 95 MauJ),schiwadl \00 R"Jewadl

103 Chinchola 104 TIgaon 105 Chm~holl I1Q Wad'll

122 Khatgavhan 123 JAgras 126 ~aon 129 Alapur 130 DevIIlKh. 131 UmnBk. 132 Siron Pargaoo 133 Salcgaon 137 Nakha!gaon 1 139 Uabhalgaon 140 Dindrud 141 Telgaon Bk. 142 Bhopa 148 Kan 150 Kas.ui Bodakha 152 Uinganlill 160 Pohner 161 Ttlasmukh 162 Botkhcd 163 Kasarwadt 164 Jalgavban 166 Mamdapur 167 KaudgaOli Huda 168 PunpnBk 171 Shmdewadl 172 W.mgiBk. 176 Takli Acharya 171 KaudgaOli Gho;!a 178 KaudgaOll S"bla 179 Punpalgaon Gadbe 181 Sirsala ISS Kundl 186 Sukh 187 Kbamgaon 192 Waka 193 Mungl 198 Mbatargaoo 200 Kavnlya Chlwadi 201 Koyal

501-1.5 00 33 Pungam 49 GOVIIWpuT 54 Manurwadl

SOOl & Above ISS Kacharwadt 221

APPENDIX IVtcontd. No. of uninhabil£d vmages = 4. Ambejogai C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages ,. 146

Ranges of Scheduled Locat,on lAcati.on Locallon Casle.lScheduled Tribe Code. Name of village CI.'lde. Name. of Vlliage Code Name.ofV~ population No. No. No (Percentages) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - Schdulcd ~es -5.00 * 18 Lonarwadi 35 VlIJawadl 49 Dauapur 60 Nawllbwadl 69 Khapartong 73 Murkutwadl 75 Dhaswadl 76 Iodwadl 89 Aswalamba 111 Shripalrayachlwadl 144 OIopanWlldl

5.01-10.00 20 Bclamba 22 LirtJblta 24 DabIu 2S Bhopla 30 Indapwadi 42 Malewadi 44 lend Wadi 50 Telghana 51 Ambaltdc 53 Helamb 54 Khodwa Sawargaon 58 Hmumantwadi 59 Ghobpwadl 64 Anandwadl 6S Nagdara 67 Munl 70 Saunc.lana 11 Guuewadt

72 Daithana Ghat 77 Katkarwadt 85 Sarfar&Jpur 86 Gardewadi 87 Rakshaswadl 88 Mamclapur (Parli) 92 Warwall 93 Sakud 100 Kuranwadt lOS Magarwadt 106 AmbeJogal (Rural) 115 Jogalwadi 122 Saygaon 136 Nandgaon 138 Limbsaon 145 Wakdt

10.01 - 15.00 3 Sonhlvra 5 Gopalpur 9 Wadkhel 17 Wadgaon Dadahari 36 Mtrwat 38 Mandava (Pam) 39 Kasarwadi 43 Chandapur 45 Nandagau1 52 MlUndwadi 55 Halamb 80 Bhatanwadl 90 Wantakh 91 Daunapur 96 Chichkhandi 98 Rajewadl 101 Shepwadi 104 Pimpla Dahiguda 1(17 Morewadi 108 Chanai 121 Bharaj 131 Tadola 135 Sugaon

15.01 - 20.00 4 Mandekhel 7 Tadoli 8 Pardlundi 14 Kauthah 16 Lonl 19 Wagbel 23 Nagapur (prlt) 26 Kanherwadi 32 Tokwadi 33 Sangam 37 Maralwadl 46 Ambalwadi 57 Gbalnandur 63 SalunkWadl 66 Ladzan 68 Dharmapun 82 Sornanwadl 83 Nupana 97 Bhawthana 102 Gtrwh (Apet) 103 Gtrwh (Bawne) 109 Dengar Punpla 116 Waghala (Radl) 118 Pokban 119 Glta 120 Jawalgaon 123 Radl 132 Dhanora 133 Mudegaon 137 Bardapur 141 Walewadl 142 Talegaat (Ghat) 143 Punpn 146 Pattiwadgaon 22.2

APPENDIX IV"Cfontd. 4. Ambejugal C. D. lUuck - cot1td

Ihlla'" 01' Sl:hadulcd Luc:1l1lC)1\ l.1JClIMOII Wfj.tlon Ot.~r:hu"uIQd 'I'ribe COOu NII'I1Q of "lUll" Cud., Nanw lit VlJIuj!Il ~" NAlIf14l i1f VlIll1g" ~llllOl\ Nu. Nu. N", (PCmltllllMlls) t 2 ~ 4 5 6 7

A - Srhedul.d CIIHIII' - tlllfid. 20.01- 30.00 WlIah.11l (Pllrll) :z Nuavlmvrl (, Malhlvlltli to , 1'IiI'Ian \2 NlIlhta t3 1t1jealWl\ 15 Sl.llu-Pllrllli 21 'rllIIlIJIIOIl (l'atli) 2!1 JltuwllJI

34 Dllutput 40 NlIl1d'lllj 41 Slit.lld~lI00

ao.Ol - 30.00 47 PUI 48 TII1I11 ~6 l'oUlldvllwi 61 Mutllmbi 62 Cbolhcwadl 78 Ujllnt 84 Olil1l1iirl 95 Yeld. ' 112 Watllbgill.l1l ttj Kolnwtlldl 114 SUlcl'hal 117 1kluAmba 124 Kumbel'hrl1 127 MllnlJuput 128 Patod. 129 OIIvlll 130 Akolll 1)9 Chandallwadi 140 114101.

30.01 & Above II '.k1l IJtshumkh 31 Iltamhawadi 81 Habh.dgaon 94 MlII1dVII (1'111111111) 110 Lokhandi SawatgliOll 12S Makcgaon 126 Nandlldi 134 Dailhllha Radi

8 - 8chedtded Trlbd -5.00· 10 Pillar! 11 'rakli Dc.bmukh 17 W.dSaon DadldJari 19 Waibel 29 llruwadi 37 Mlltalw,",i 39 Ka'lIl'Wlidl 41 S.tldalWll 47 I'u, 51 Ohllthllndur &7 K.k.ha.wlilli 9' Yeld. 100 KutIIl1wadI 10:3 OltwH (11Iwl1") 101 M(lf'f.lw.di 108 Challa! 109 Dona.t Pimpta 110 lokhandi 5awariiOll 118 Pukhatl III aharaj III SIl)IIIOII 123 Rlldl 127 Mamdllpur 128 PlI.cxIa

130 Akol. 131 Tldota 132 DhIlIlOtll 133 Mudell·on 134 Dalthana Kadl 13' SUJacn 136 N.ndllaOll 137 Bard.put 138 Limbs·OIl 140 Hawla 146 PaUiwadaaon

'.01-15.00 26 Kanhcrwadi 90 Wanlakli 97 Bhlwth.na 100 AmbcjOSBI (Rural) 129 nevla

50.01'" Above 99 Laman'l'and. 223


No. of uninhabited villages I: 1 5. Knlj C. D. Block No. of Inhabited villages • 186

RanscM of Scheduled Location Location Location C.aale/Schedulel! Tribe Code Name of vUlaac Code Name ur Villasc Code Name of VlIlaao ptJputation No. No. Nu. (Pcrccntages) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - Schcdlll,,'tl Castes -5.00 ... 3 Ghatewadi 6 Kashidwadl 7 Gal)\lCwadi 15 Sal'll! 22 Kolhc\\adi :11 Dongaon 34 Nlnnalwadl (N.V ) 3S Karalwadt 46 Tokewadi

55 Katcw~dl (N. V.) 61 Oharur 62 Matndwadl 67 l.amanlanda 69 Punparwada 11 Rcpcwadi 81 Kclanwadi 118 Dhannala 146 Wakdi 156 Mundewadl 1m Oaradwadl 165 Ramcshwarwadi 116 Kapryachl Wadi (N.V) 182 SatcCalwoIdl

5.01-10.00 2 Kotdyachi wadi 5 Iiwachiwadt 8 Gorwadi (N.V.) 10 Andhalyachiwadi 14 lola 16 Saml 17 SdIlgVI (S) 21 Nag/An (I.) 43 l)unpallaldta 44 PimpiaRul 50 Thclcgavhan S3 Gawandara 63 Ganjpur 73 Hasanabad 105 Kandt Hadan 106 lIiwara Kh 115 Tamah 123 Chandansawargaoll 128 Bobdcchlwadl 134 Malegaon 148 Anegaon lSI Sawlcshwat IS9 Bclgaon 161 Ohotra 162 Banegaon 167 Gadalyachl Wadi 170 Rajegaon 174 Dallhana 180 Sarukwadi

10.01- 15.00 11 Dahtfalwadmavlt 12 Deugaon 13 Sasura 18 Pimplagavhan 25 KOIhi 30 Shitpura 32 Takli 33 Hiwara Phadi 38 Sonnlkhota 39 Chinchwan 40 Dunakwad 47 Chikhal Bid 48 Chardari 49 Pargaon Pahadi 51 Ambewadglon 54 Bhogalwadi 58 Choramba 60 Ghagatwada 64 Chinchpur 68 Sonintoha 84 Wagholi 88 KalamAmba 90 Ladewadgaon 91 Kcndrewadi 96 1101 98 Depcwadgaon 102 Aurangpur 107 Somnalh Borgaon 110 Dhanora III Talborgaon 121 Ianegaon 122 Bankaranja 125 Dhakcphal 133 Sukh 136 Sonesangvl 140 Sami (Anandgaon) 143 Anandgaon 150 Paithan 155 VVaghcbabhalgaon 157 Ekurka 158 Kelgaon 164 Dhakanwadi 168 Pilthighal 178 Kewad

15.01-20.00 9 Wida 20 Yewla 28 . Koreg.ton 37 Rui Plmpla 42 KOIharban 56 Chondi 59 Aranwadl 6S Tandalwadl 72 Aswalll 74 AnJandhav 93 Umrai 94 Sangaon

99 Dighol Amba 100 Pala~kheda 103 Bansarola 104 Kawadgaon 112 Apegaon 119 kasari 120 Tambwa 124 Kumlx:phal 126 Pisegaon 127 KalJ 13S Surdl 144 I'alhra 224

APPENDIX I¥-contd. 5. Kaij C. D. Block - contd

Ranacs uI Scheduled Location location Locatwn Call1.e/Sclleduled Tobe Code Name of village Code Name of VllIagc Code Name of Vdlage populati.on No. No. No. (l~centaills) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A • Sehedule C.8tC~ - Contd. 245 Bawchl 146 DhalgllOll l5J NIlSson 166 Nandurghat 175 Boriaon Uk. 179 Chincholi Malt 181 Oaka 183 lladgllOJ1 185 Lakha

20.01 -30.00 19 Shmdi 23 LahuN Z4 Umrl 26 Mlllsajog 21 ArangaOll 29 ladhav l.wah 36 DevlaBk. 41 Daillfal Pllhadi 45 KhaUkt S7 Mob. JablllIlr 66 Awargaon 16 Rui DbafUr 77 A~.rdhav 78 Morrall 79 Kotpimpri 80 Khodas 82 Sonwala 85 Pangtl S6 Undn 81 KekatSamt 89 MulegllOO 92 Dhavadt 95 Kodan 97 t..aJegaon 108 Anjanpur 109 Kopra 113 lith.!! 114 Saundana 116 SabIa 117 KandlMab 131 Motegaon 132 Gotl'g.too 139 ~ontJ&wla 141 Bhatumba ·142 lawalbllill 152 Awasgaon 160 Malewadl 169 Slur1lrg!tat 17l Nahoh 172 Kalegaon Ghat 173 Hanumant Punpn In Warapgaon 184 Bhopala 186 Mangwadgaon

30.01 & Above 83 Adas 101 Bonsllwargaon 129 Salegaoo 130 Shelgaon GanJl 137 Sadola 138 Yusul Wadgaon 147 Dbanegaon

B - Scheduled Tribes -5.00 • 2 Kordyacbiwadi 6 Ka.hidwadi 8 Gorwadi (N.V.) 9 Wida 11 Dabifaiwadmavli 16 Saml 18 Pimpalgavban 19 Shindi 20 Yewta 23 Lahuri 24 Umri 27 Arangaon 28 KonIpon 29 ladhav Jawla 30 Sbirpura 31 Donaaon 36 DevlaBk. 39 Cbiru:hwan 40 Dunakwad 41 Dahifal Pahadi 44 PimplllRui SI Ambewadgaon S6 COOndi 63 Ganjpur 64 Cbmchpur 77 ASltdhav 83 Adaa 86 Undri 91 Kendrewadi 92 DMvadl 96 Hoi 103 Banll8rola lOS KandiBadan 108 Anjanpur no Dhanora 112 Apegaon 113 Itthal 115 Tarnali 111 KandtMah 120 Tambwa 121 Janegaon 123 Chandanll8wargaon 127 Kaij 129 Salegaon 131 Motegaon 132 Gategaon 133 Sukh 135 SUroi 136 Sonesangvi 138 YuaufWadgaon 141 Bhaturnba

142 Ja~ban 143 Anandgaon 148 Anegaon ISO Patilhan 153 Nalgaon ISS Waghebabhalgaon 157 Bturlca 158 KelgaOll 159 BelgaOll 225


5. Kaij C. D. Block - contd

Ranges of Scheduled LocatlOn Locauon Location CastelSchedulcd Tnbc Code Name of village Code Name of Vtllage Code Name of Vtllage populalton No No No. (Percentages) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B • Schedule Tribes - Cootcl. 160 Malewadl 162 Banegaon 165 Rameshwarwadl 166 Nandurghat 168 Ptuhtghat 169 Shirwghat 170 RaJCgaon 171 Nliholl 172 kalegaon Ghal 173 Hanumanl Punpn 174 Daithana 175 Borgaon Bit. 177 Warapgaon 179 Chinchoh Mall 182 Satefalwadt 184 Bhopala 185 Lakha 186 Mangwadgaon

501-1500 49 Pargaon Pahadl 54 Bhogalwadt 59 Aranwadt 114 Saundana 128 Bobdechteadl 139 SoniJawla 147 Dhanegaon 178 Kewad

15.01-25.00 57 Moha Jahaglr

2501-35.00 50 Thctegavhan 58 Choramba

3501-5000 102 Aurangpur 226


No. of uninhabited villages = 6. Patoda C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages = 160

Ranges of Scheduled Localton location location CastclSchcduled Tnbe Code Name of village Code Name of Vtllage Code Name of Village populdlion No No. No (Percentages) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A - Sd,edlllt!d Castes -5.00* 2 GhalShll Pargaon 14 Zapcwadl 18 wm 19 BargalWadt 20 Mangew8ch (N. V) 22 Sadewadl 24 Jathawad 27 Hmgewadt 31 Kolwadt 32 Kanhobaehiwoldl 34 Vighanwadl S4 Sangalwadl 60 Malkolchlwadt 61 Anandwadl 66 Khad.tkwadl 68 1'agarwadl (N V.) 72 Bcdarwadl 7S UmberVthlr 88 Gllewadl (N. V ) 89 Belwadt (N. V ) 9S ValJala 102 Dhalewoldt 103 Nafarwadl , lOS Anpalwadl I 106 Man7.3rt Ghat 112 Sawaswadl (N V.) 113 Ukhalwadl (N V) 117 Chahurwadi 121 Gamlhanwoldt 125 Pandharwadl 135 MdIldvewadl 136 TUpcwadl (N V.) 139 Saradwadt (N V) 141 Chanderwadi (N. V) 142 Nlwdanga 150 KUlewadl (N. V.) 151 Wanewadi (N. V) 152 Yewalwadi 156 Lambharwadl 158 Bhurewadl (N. V.)

501-1000 Tembhuml 3 Shnpalwadl 8 Gazlpur 9 Taradg.lVh.m II Arvi 13 Bramhanath Yelamb 16 DoIhlwandl 21 Manur 25 Punpalner 28 Gomalwada 33 AnandgliOll 38 Tagadgaon 42 Khamba 4S Paundul 46 Ltmba 41 Aurangpur 48 HlVersmga 49 Khokermoha 53 Raimoha 55 Yewalwadl 51 llalkarwadl 59 Baragwadi 64 Nirglldl 6S Kakadhtta 69 Mahindrawadi (N V) 70 Wadzan 74 Plubl 76 Kanmjwan 81 Bhayala 93 Salll1dana 99 Yewalwsdt 107 Pachangn 110 Bhadkhcl 114 Karegaon 118 Khopti 119 Amalner 123 Chmchoh 127 Pmpalwandt 132 Dongerkmhl 133 Noliwandl 143 Chlkhall 146 Sawargaon Ghat 154 Kusalamb 159 Ganda1wadt

1001-1500 4 Ukhanda Chakla 1 Nandewall 10 Jamb 15 Shlror 17 Warnl 29 Rupur 39 Padall 41 Khalaf'lln 43 Shlrapurgal 44 K Dhanora 62 Shuapur Dumal 71 Domn 73 Nalgaon 77 Therla 78 Rohotwadl 80 Waghtra 82 Bensur 86 Chumbh 91 Sonegaon 92 Sawargaon Sone 94 Valdhyakmhl 96 Pachegaon 97 Bedukwadl (N V) 100 Poltoda 101 Mahasanghvi 108 Kotan 129 PoIIIgn 160 Sautada

1 (, F\ 227

APPENDIX IV - contd.

6. Patoda C. D. Block - contd

Ranges of Sc..hcdulcd Locauon l.ocauon LocallOO Caslc/Sthcduled Tnbe Code Name of village ('ode lIiamc of Village Code Name of Village populallon No No No (Pcrcenlagcs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A -&:hcduh!d Caste, - ronld 1501-2000 6 Rale Sangavi 12 Bawl 30 Raksha~ Bhuwan 63 Ukhanda PIlU 67 Pi'mpalgaom Dhas 84 Talc Plmpalgaon 85 Tamba RaJun 87 Dhangar J.1ulka 98 Dd~khcd 111 W.ul.dl 131. .. Jdlnandur 144 A'ltapur 157 Muggaon

2001 - 30 00 5 Sawargaon Chakla 26 Mddmapufl 83 Jaulala 104, I'drgdon Gumra 145 Wahah 153 Pamcr 155 Suppa

II - Stheduh.>d Tribes -500* 4 Ukhanda Chakla 7 Nandewah 10 Jamb II AIVl 12 Bawl 13 Hramhanalh Yclamb

14 7"'pcwadl 15 Shlrur 17 Warn I

18 LOlli 19 Bargalwadl 20 Mangewadl (N V) 22 Badcwadl 24 Jalhawad 25 Plmpalncr 26 Madmapun 27 IImgewadl 30 Rakshas Bhuwan 31 Kolwadl • 32 KanhobathlWadl 33 Anandgaon 37 Nagdryachlwadl (N V) 39 I)adali 43 Shlfapurgdl 45 I'dundul 53 Ralmoha 64 Nlrgudl 70 Wadl.dfl 75 Umh.!rvlhlra 76 KaranJwan 77 Iberia 80 Wdghlra 82 Bcnsur 84 Talc Plmpdlgaon 90 Mdngewadl (N V) 91 Soocgaon

95 ValJ

501-1500 23 Ilahlrwddl (N V) 40 Dhokwdd III Wadah 228


No. of uninhabited villages ~ 7: AsIIti C. D. Block No. of inhabited villages ~ 161

Ranges ()( Scheduled Locauon Location' Locauon Caste/Scheduled Tnbe Code Name of village Code Name of Vtllllge Code Name of Vtllage populauon No. No. No (Percentages) I 2 3 4 5 6 7

A • SdleduWC... -S.OO* 8 Tagadkhel IS KlIrkheiKh. 19 Ambhora 2" MhHobachiwadi. 27 Hakewedi (N V.) 30 Mahajanwadt (N V ) 38 Llmbodi 42 Khlldakwadl 45 Wanvewadl 47 Nagtal_dt 52 Morewadl 53 Bhawarwadl 64 Ganllg4:wadl 91 Ghoogadyachiwadl 97 Anandwadl (N V ) 104 Sakhalwadi (N.V.) 129 Chmchala 130 Radhapur 131 Kasan 132 Shidewadi 136 Wanvewadl 143 Pandhari 145 Tavalwadl 157 Balewedi 159 GallllhaJIwadt (N. V )

5.01-10.00 4 Shedala 6 Gangadevi 9 AranVlhlfB 11 Bandkhel 13 DaulawadglOO 20 Suleman Deola 21 I'nnparkhed 25 Deola11 32 Glrata Punpn 35 Dadcgaon 37 DeVI Nlmgaon 39 Khtlad 40 Dhamangaon 41 Karkhel DIe. 43 Pangra 44 Mahind. S4 Kinhi 56 Bavt 62 llatola 63 KapA 65 Beed-SangV1 67 Lonl 69 Koyal 70 Sumbhewadl 73 Nandur 77 Kumbhephal 80 Thombal Sangvi 81 IIatolaR 83 SoIaipurwlldt 84 Pundl 88 !>arodt 90 Nimll.. -Dodkhil 92 PunpnGhumn 99 RUI Nalkol 100 Takalt Amll)'a 106 Watanwadt 112 Nanda 115 Wllki 119 Rull. 128 Shekapur 134· BRlmhllpOll. 135 Pangulgavhan 142 Hajipur 144 Murshadpor 147 SoIewadt 153 Walunj

10.Ot - 15.00 3 Deulgaon Ghat 5 Saw.argaon Ghat 16 Gahukhcl 18 Salewadgaon 22 Htvara 36 Dongargan 48 SUNdl 49 Sangvi patan 50 Patan 51 KeNl' 57 Kohim 58 Dollhan 60 Pouara 66 Salt., 68 Khootephal 74 W·ShluJ 78 Khonll!fJhal- Pundl 86 Punpalgaon Dam 87 Wlbira 93 Dbanore 94 Chmchloh 96 Shlrapor 98 Saratewldgaon 101 Nungaon Chaubha 102 Sheri Kia. 103 Kada 108 Jalgaon 111 Dhinh 113 PbaInIwadgaon- 114 KandlBk. 116 Shiral ' 120 Mangtul·< 125 Hmgm 126 Belgaon 133 PBndoga,,- 137 MataWall 138 Malkult ' 139 Kamewadi 140 KaranJI 149 Kame\Ndgaon 152 JamllMon , 158 Pargaon Jogeshwan lW Albia. 1M BhIRodl , 229

APPENDIX' IV - con/d.

7. Asbti C. D. BI0ek .., eontd.

Ranges of Scheduled Ux.:allon l.cK:4t1on 1.()C811on Caslc)Scheduled Tnbe Code NAme of vtUage Code NIImeof Y.tllage CQde Nam~ of \lIUage population No No. No (Percentages) I 2 3 4 5 6 7

A • Sehedllkld. CISte. ",ROIlW 15.01 - 20.00 2 PunpeIp;In:"Ghal 12 KcI 17 Underkhcl 76 Balewadl 82 Dorodl 85 • Kanadi,Kh. 95 SaNdkhed lOS Sheri Bk. 107 Mandva 109 Ptmpn Ashlt JIO Kclsangivi 117 , Khanapur 127 Desur ISO Cbirtdlpur ISS Sangvi ....hli 20.01 - 30.00 7 Wcltun 34 PmpnGiwa 46 ' Murala 71 Punpla 79 Kbaradgavhan 121 , Cblkhah 122 Hamimanlgaon 141 Rbalonl 146 Devlgavhan 148 Pokllan 154 TakalslOg 156 Kiladkat 3001 & AboYe 118 Imanpon 123 Dauhan 124 PunpalSUltl U • &iM!duled T.lbes -5.00· 1 Marathwadl 2 I·unpalgaon Ghat 3 Deulgaoneola 21 Pmp.rkhed 22 Ibvara 23 BhojCWadl 25 Oco1ah 26 Blrangalwadl (N.V.) 27 Hakewadl (N. V ) 32 ('dutta Punpn 34 PtmpnGhata 37 DeVI Nungaon 39 Khllad 40 DhaD\llngaon 41 KarkhclBk 43 Pangra 44 Mahmda 46 Morala 47 Nagtalwadl 49 SugVl Patan 51 Kerul 53 Bhawarwadl 54 KlDhl 56 BaYl 58 DoIthan 62 llatola 63 KapS! 66 Sakal 67 Lane 68 Klumtephal 69 Koyal 71 Ptmpla 72 DhaRgIU'Wlidl 73 Nandur 74 WaghluJ 76 o.lewa!l1 77 Kumbltcphal 78 Khurltephal Pundt 80 'fIwrttbaJ..~gvl 82 llorodl 84 Poodl 86 Punpataaoo Dani, 87 Wahlra 88 Parodi 91 Giwnpjyaduwadl 92 j·unpn Ghwnn 93 Dhanora 95 Sahadkhed 98 Saratewadpon 99 RUI Nalkbol 100 T.bbAOlaya 101 Nungaon Chaubha 102 SheriKh. 1.103 Kalla 104 Sakhalwadl (N. V ) 105 Shen Bk 106 Wllllanwadl 108 Jalgaon 110 Kclsangvl 113 rbitMeWlldjaon 114 Kanadi Bk 115 Wakl 116 ' SllIra! 117 Khanapur 121 Chlkhah 122 J~ 123 Dalthan 125 HlOgOI 131 "~n 134 Brambagl'loo 138 Matkuh 139 •.KMMWadl 140 Karan) I 144 Murshadpur 146 . De~IBlWhan 152 Jamgaon 153 WaluoJ 154 T4bbmg ISS Sangvl Ash!1 156 Kbadkal 157 l.BliIkw.adl 160 Asbla 5.01-1500 4 ShcU.ua 7 Wllbun ·9 -AAnN'lmra 35 Dadcgaon 48 SUl1ldl ,.65 I QGcId-.Sang VI 70 Swnbhcwaul 79 Kharadgavhan ""85 ,K,auadi Kh 107 Mandya III Dhlrdl !l5S J?argaon Jogcshwan

.. Excludes Ytllagcs With No SC and ST populalKln, as also 10000ly unmb.ted Villages (N. B Ranges With 'NIL' CDlnes have been _lied) 230



1. JIm C. D. BLOCK

Sr I..ocatJon Code - 1991 LoCdtlon Code -1981 Name of Vulage No (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Adgdon 18/l/lf3/ 95 18/00 I 0/00 I 01003010095 161 If 17 16/00 10(00 17 2 AheT Dhanora 18/11 1/2/ 85 18/oo1010010ft)020ft)085 161 1/123 1610010/0123 3 Aher Nlmgaon 18/1/ll 2/ 68 18/0010/0010/0020/0068 161 1/ 58 161 0010/0058 4 AherWadgaon 18/ 1/1/4/154 18100 I0/00 10/0040/0 154 16/1/136 161 0010/0136 5 Aher Chmchoh 18/1/1/l! 5 18/00 I 0/00 I 0/00 I 0/0005 16/l1 5 16/0010/0005 6 Ambc~awdh 181111/3/129 18/0010/00 10/0030/0 129 16/1/ 84 16/0010/0084 7 Ambu W ddgaon 18/1/1/5/193 18/00 10100 10/005010 193 16/11185 16( 00101 0185 8 An.mdwadt 1811/1/4/158 18/00 I 0100 I 0/0040/0 158 16/11153 16/0010/0153 9 Anandwddt (N V) 18/1/1/2/ 69 18/0010/0010/0020/0069 0/01 0 / 10 Andhdplln Ghat 1811/1/5/195 18/0010/0010/0050/0195 16/I/lS7 16/0010(0187 11 Anpnwdll 18( 1/1/5/198 18/0010/0010/0050/0198 16/1/179 16/00 I % 179 12 Antharvan Ptmpn 18/1( 11 2/ 73 18/ 0010/00 I 0/0020/0073 16/ 1/ 91 16/00 1010091 13 Allrangpur 18/1/1/2/ 55 18/0010/0010/0020/0055 16/11 12 16/0010/0012 14 Awalpur 181 11II 1/ 21 18(OOI0(0010/0010ft)021 1611/ 43 16/00 I 0/0043 15 Bdbhal Khunla 18/1/1/3/136 18/ OOlO/ OOJO/OO30(0136 16/1/108 16/0010/0108 16 B.,bh,t1wadl 18/111/3/115 181 DOlOl 00lO/0030/01 15 1611/ 70 16/0010/007 17 H.lhddarpur 18/1/1/ 1/ 2 18/00 10/00 10/00 I 0/0002 16/1/ 2 16/00 10/0002 18 Bahlrwadt 18/1/1/21 74 18/0010/0010/ 0020/ 0074 1611/ 93 16/0010/0093 19 Bdkarwddt 18( 1/1/3/138 18/00lO/OCt 0/0030/0138 16/1/113 1610010/0113 20 Baldpur 18! 1/1/5/192 18/00 10/00 I 0/0050(0192 16/ 1/184 16/00 I 010184 21 Barhanpur 18/1/1/21 59 18/00 10/00 10/002010059 16/1/31 16100 10/0031 22 Bavi 18/1/1/5/213 18/0010/00 10/0050/0213 16/1/205 16/00 10/0205 23 Bcdukwatll 18/1/1/3/114 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 114 16/ 1/ 68 16/0010/0068 24 Belapn 18/1/1/1/ 13 18/00 10/00 10/00 I 0/00 13 16/1/ 57 16/00 1010057 25 Bclgaon 18/1/1/4/148 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 148 16/1/146 16/0010/0146 26 Ilclkhandt (Pa) 18/1/11 11 48 18/00 10/00 1100 10/0048 16/1/128 16/0010/0128 27 Bclura 18/1/1111 23 18/00 I 0/00 10/00 I 0/0023 16/1/ 46 16/0010/0046 28 Bclwadl 18/1/113/120 18/00 10/001 0/0030/0 120 16/1/ 69 16/00 10/0069 29 Bhal\\dnl 18/1/1/1/ 46 18/00IO/oolO/oolO/0046 16/1/132 16/0010/0132 30 Bhanddrwadl 18/1/1/4/159 18100 I 0/00 10/0040/0 I 59 16/1/157 16/0010/0157 31 Bhatsangvl IS/1/l/21 56 18100 10/00 10/0020(0056 16/1/ 13 16/0010/0013 32 Bhav.lIlwadt 18/ 1/1/2/ 91 I 8/00 10/00 I 0/0020/0091 16/1/118 161001010118 33 Bid (Rural) 18/1/11 21 78 18/0010/0010/0020/0078 16/1/102 16/0010/0102 34 BordeVI 18/1/1/3/112 18/00 10100 10/003010 112 16/1/ 75 16/0010/0075 35 Borkhcd 18/11 1/5/200 18/00 I 0/00 I 0/0050/0200 1611/193 16/0010/0193 36 BorphadJ. 18/1/1/2/ 92 18/00 I 0100 10/0020/0092 16/1/117 16/0010/0117 37 Bramhagaon 18/1/1/3/134 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 134 16/1/111 16/0010/0111 38 Chdkurwadl 18/1/1/4/182 18/00 10100 10/0040/0 182 16/1/166 16/0010/0166 39 Chandam 18/1/ 1/5/219 18100 10100 10/0050/0219 16/1/210 16/00 1010210 40 Chandcgdon 18/1/1/5/221 18/00 10100 10(0050/0221 16/11212 16/0010/0212 41 Charahdla 18/1/1/1/ 42 18/0010/0010/0010/0042 16/1/126 16/0010/0126 42 Chaudaswadl 18/1Il! 4/170 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 170 16/1/173 16/0010/0173 43 Chdusdla 18/111/5/211 IglOO 10/00 I 0/0050/021 I 16/ 1/203 1610010/0203 44 Chavanwddl (N V) 18/)/1/3/ 93 18/010/0010/0030/0093 0/0/ 0 / / 45 Chmchoh M"h 18/1/1/2/ 77 18/00 10/00 10/0020/0077 16/1/103 16/00 1% 103 46 Dahlphal (ChUlC.hoh) 18/111/21 76 18/00 10/00 10/0020/0076 16/1/104 16/0010/0104 41 Dahtwandl 18/1/1/51190 18/0010/0010/0050/0190 J6/1/182 1610010/0182 48 Dcorayachlwddl (N V) 18/1/1/1/ 52 18/00 10100 I 0/00 10/0052 0/0/ 0 / I 231

APPENDIX V - contd.

1. BID C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6)

49 Devl Babhulgaon 18/ 1/1I5/ 215 18/0010/00 10/0050/0215 16/1/206 16/00 10/0206 SO Dhangarwadl 18/ 1/1l 41150 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0150 16/1/143 16/00 10/0143 51 DhavJ3chlwadl 18/111/4/179 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 179 16/1/164 16100 10/0164 52 DhekanMoha 18/11 1/3/133 18/0010/0010/0030/0133 16/1/112 16/00 10/0112 53 Dhorwadl 18/1/1/3/125 18/0010/0010/0030/0125 16/1/ 77 16/001010077 54 Dhotra ... 18/1/1/5/212 18/oo10(0010}OOSO/0212 16/ 1/204 16/0010/0204 55 Dolphodwadl 18/1/1/4/176 18/001CVOO 10/0040/0176 16/1/161 16/00 10/0161 56 Ganganathwadl ... 18/1/1/3/116 18/0010/00 10/0030/0 116 16/1/ 66 16/00 I 0/0066 57 Ganpur 18/111121 75 18/0010/OO10~JOO75 16/ 1/ 90 16/00 I 0/0090 58 Gaulwadl 18/11111/ 41 18/0010/0010ft)OI0{0041 16/ 1/216 16/0010/0216 59 Gawan 18/1/1/4/166 18/~1 0/001 0/0040/0166 16/1/15S 16/0010/0155 60 Ghargaon 18/1/1/5/209 18/0010/0010/0050/0209 16/11192 16/00 10/0192 61 Ghat lawala .. 18/1/1/3/127 18/oo10(001~O/0127 16/1/ 82 16/0010/0082 62 GhatSawh 18/1/113/139 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 139 16/1/114 16/00 10/0114 63 Ghosapun 18/111/11 14 18/00 10/00 10/00 10/00 14 16/1/ 56 16/00 I 0/0056 64 Gogahudl 18/ 1/1/5/189 18/0010(0010/0050/0189 16/1 190 16/0010/0190 65 Golangn .. 18/ 1/1/5/207 18/0010(0010/0050/0207 16/11200 16/001010200 66 Gundha 18/ 11 1/31105 18/0010/0010/0030/0105 1611/ 26 16/0010/0026 67 Gundhcwadl 18/11 1/3/103 I 8/001 0/001 0J0030/01 03 16/1/ 28 16/001010028 68 GunJala ... 18/ 11 1/3/101 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 10 1 16/1/ 18 16/0010/0018 69 HmgamBk. 18/ 1/115/224 18/001CVOOI0/OO50/0224 16/1/215 16100 1CV0215 70 Bmganl (Haveh) 18/1/1/11 9 18/0010/0010/0010/0009 16/1/ 9 16/00 10/0009 71 Hmgam Kh. .. 18/ 1/1/5/223 18/0010/0010/0050/0223 16/1/214 16/00 10/0214 n Imampur 18/ 1/ 1/ 21 89 18/oo10/ooI0~O/OO89 16/1 137 I 6,{00 10/0137 73 It .. 18/1/113/118 18/0010/0010/0030/0118 16/1/ 65 16/0010/0065 74 ladhavwadl (N. V.) 18/1l 1/ 1/ 44 18/0010/00 10/00 10/()()44 0/0/ 0 / / 75 laltalwadl 18/1/1/4/173 18/0010/0010/0040/0 173 16/1/160 16/001O/0I~ 76 larud 18/111/21 81 18/oo10/0010~/OO81 16/1/107 16/0010/0107 77 leba Ptmpn 18/11 11 5/222 18/0010/0010/0050/0222 16/ 1/213 16/00 10/0213 78 ltrcwadl ... 18/1/1/21 70 18/0010/0010~/OO70 16/1/ 55 16/0010/0055 79 IUJGavhan 18/11 1/31131 18/0010/0010/0030/0131 16/1/ 87 16/00 I 0/0087 80 Kadantwadl 18/1/1/1/ 47 18/0010/0010/0010/0047 16/1{127 16/00 iCVOl27 81 Kakadhtra ... 18/1/1/1/ 39 18/0010/ooI0/OO10!OO39 16/1/100 16/0010/0100 82 Kalcgaon Haveh .. 18/1/1/3/130 18/0010/0010/003010130 16/1/ 86 16/00 I 0/0086 83 Kalsambar 18/ 1/1/4/163 18/00 I CVOO 10J00401O 163 16/ I/1S8 16/001O/OIS8 84 Kambl 18/11 1/1/ 15 18/001OVOOIO!OO10/OO15 16/1/ 37 16/0010/0037 85 Kamkhada 18/1/1/11 16 18/00 10/001 OJOO IO!OO16 16/1/ 18 16(0010/0038 86 Kanadl 18/1/1/5/208 18/0010/00 IO!OO50/0208 16/1/201 16/00 I 01020 I 87 Karchondl ... 18/1/1/4/149 I 8/0010/001 0J00401O 149 16/ 1/144 16/0010/0144 88 Karegavhan .. 18/1/1/4/160 18/0010/00 I O!OO40/O16O 16/1/139 16/0010/0139 89 Karzam 18/1/4/ 157 18/00 10/00 10/004010 157 16/1/141 16/0010(0141 90 K,llhoda 1811/1/21 83 18/00 10/00 I 0/0020/0083 16/1/119 16/0010/0119 91 Katwatwadl 18/1/1/1/ 36 18/00t/OOlOteO I 01 OOM 16/ 1/ 98 16/00 10/0098 92 Kcsapn 18/ 1/1/3/124 I 8/00 I GVQO I 0/0030/01 24 16/ 1/ 78 16/0010/0078 93 Ketura 18/111111 24 18/001 OVOO 1O!OOlO/OO24 16/ 1/44 16{00 10/0044 94 Khadklghat 18/11115/196 18/0010/OOIO/OO50JQI96 16/ 1/189 16/0010{0189 95 Khamgaoll 1811/111/ 6 18/00 10/00 1O!OO 10/0006 16/ 11 6 16/00 I 0/0006 96 Khandala 18/111/5/186 18/OO10/0010ft)DSOJQI86 16/1/150 16/0010/0150 97 Khandepargaon .. 181111/21 65 18/00 I 0100 1O!OO20/065 16/1/ 89 16/0010{0089 98 Khapar Pangn 18/11111/ 28 18/00 10100 I OJOO I 0/0028 16/1/ 52 16/0010/0052 99 Khardcwadl ... 1811/1/4/177 18/00 1OVoo 10/0040/0 177 16/1/162 16(0010(0162 100 Khundl3s 18/ 111/3/ 94 18/001 OV001 O!OO30J0Q94 1611/ 16 16/0010/0016 101 Kmhlpal 18111111/ 12 18/0010(0010/0010/0012 16/1/ 35 16/0010(0035 232

APPENDIX V - contd.

1. 'BID C. D.' BLOCK -contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

102 Kolharwadi .. 18/If 1/ 21 87 18/OO10/OO10ft)Q2Oft)QS7 16/ 11 121 16/0010/0121 103 Kolwadi 18/ If 1/4/156 18/00 10/00 1Oft)Q40/() 156 16/ 1/142 16/0010/0142 104 Kukadgaon .. 18/If 1/3/102 IS/oo 10/00 10ft)Q30/() 102 16/ 1/ 15 16/0010/0015 lOS Kumbhan 18/If 1/5/194 18/00 10/00 10/0050/() 194 16/ 1/186 16/oolO/01S6 106 Kumsl 18/ 11 1/1/ 27 18/0010/0010/0010/0027 16/ 1/ 53 16/0010/0053 107 Kurla 18/11 1/ 21 54 1S/ooi0/001 0/()020/OO54 16/ 1/ 11 16/0010/0011 108 Llmba Ganesh 18/11 1/ 4/145 18/00 10100 1Oft)Q40/() 145 16/ 1/177 16/0010/0177 109 Llmbarul 18/ 11 1/ 1/ 32 18/0010/0010/0010/0032 16/ 1/ 95 16/00 10/0095 110 Llmbaml 18/1/1/3/ lOS 18/oo10/oo10/OO30JQI08 16/ 1/ 71 16/0010/0071 111 Loladgaon 18/ 1/ 1/21 60 18/00 10/00 10/0020/0060 16/ 11 33 16/0010/0033 112 Loni (ShahaJanpr) .. 18/11 1/ 3/100 18/00 10/00 10/0030/() 100 16/1/ 20 16/00 10/0020 113 Lonighat ... 18/1/11 5/201 18/0010/0010/0050/0201 16/,1/194 16/00 10/0194 114 MahaJanwadl 18/ 1/ 1/ 5/199 18/00 10/00 10/0050/0 199 16/1/178 16/0010/0178 lI5 Mahalas lawala 18/ 1/1/21 63 18/0010/00 I 0/0020/0063 16/1/ 62 ' 16/00 10/0062 116 Mahmda 18/ 1/ 1/3/141 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 141 16/11 116 16/0010/0116 117 Malapun .. IS/1/ 1/2/53 IS/oo I 0/00 10/0020/0053 16/1/ 10', 16/0010/0010 118 Malewadl .. 18/11 1/5/206 18/00 I 0/00 I O/OO50/()206 16/ 1/199 16/0010/0199 119 MandavIah 18/ 1/ 1/ 4/152 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 152 16/1/133 16/0010/0133 120 Mandavkhcl 18/ 1/1/ 41 164 18/001 0/001 0/0040/0 164 16/1/140 16/oo1JD140 121 Manewadl 18/ 1/ 1/ 5/204 ' IS/oo1 0/001 O/OO50JQ204 16/1/197 16/0010/0197 122 Manjar Sumba 18/ 111/4/167 18/00 10/00 10/0040/() 167 16/ 1/152 16/0010/0152 123 Mankurwadl 18/ 1/1/3/132 18/oo10/oo10/OO30JQI32 16/ 1/ 85 16/0010/0085 124 Manyarwadl 18/11 1/3/128 IS/oo 10/00 10/0030/0 128 16/1/ 83 16/00 lO/ooS3 125 Manzan lIavell 18/1/1/4/151 18/00 10/00 10/004OJQ 151 16/ 1/134 16/0010/0134 126 Masewadl 18/1/1/4/146 18/0010/0010/0040/0146 16/1/149 16/0010/0149 127 MauJ 18/ 111/3/135 18/00 10/00 10/0030/() 135 16/ 1/110 16/0010/0110 128 Maujwadl 18/1/1/3/137 18/00 10/00 10ft)Q30/() 137 16/ 1/109 16/0010/0109 129 Mcngdewadl (N V ) 18/11 1/1/ 43 18/0010/0010/0010/0043 0/0/ 0 / / 130 Mhalasapur 18/1/1/3/119 18/0010/0010/0030/0119 16/ 1/ 64 16/00 10/0064 131 Morgaon 18/11 1/5/187 18/0010/0010/0050/0187 16/ 1/175 16/0010/0175 132 Muggaon 18/111/3/113 181,0010/oo10/OO30JQ113 16/ 1/ 72 16/00 10/0072 133 Mulukwadl .. 1811/1/4/147 IS/oo 10/001 0/0040/0147 16/ 1/176 16/0010/0176 134 Murshadpur (Rajuri) 18/1/1/1/ 35 18/00 10/00 10/00 10/0035 16/ 1/ 96 16/00 10/0096 135 Murshadpur (Ghat} .. 18/ 11 1/5/217 18/ooI0/0010/0050JQ217 16/1/208 16/0010/0208 136 NagpurBk. .. 181l! II 2/ 61 18/00 I 0/001 0/0020/0061 16/ l/ 32 16/0010/0032 137 NagpurKh 18/1/1/21 62 18/00 10/00 10/0020/0062 16/1/ 61 16/0010/0061 138 Nagzan .. 18/1/1/1/ 50 18/0010/0010/0010/0050 16/1/130 16/0010/0130 139 Nalwandl 18/111/21 80 18/ooI0/0010ft)Q20/OO8O 16/1/ 88 16/0010/0088 140 , Namalgaon 18/1/ 111/ 11 18/00 10/00 10/00 10/00 11 16/1/ 34 16/0010/0034 141 Nandur (llavell) .. 18/ 1/1/1/ 7 18/0010/00 I 0/00 1OJOO(Jl 16/ 1/ 7 16/0010/0007 142 Natbapur .. 1811/1/3/ 97 18/0010/00 10/0030/0097 16/1/ 21 16/00 10/0021 143 Nawabpur 1811/1/3/ III 18/0010/0010/0030/0111 16/ 1/ 76 16/0010/0076 144 Neknoor 1811/11 4/ 172 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 172 16/ 1/156 16/0010/0156 145 Nlvdungawadl 18/1/1/41 175 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 175 16/1/170 16/00 10/0170 146 PaIt .. 18/1/1/41 155 18/00 10/001 0/0040/()155 16/ 1/135 16/00 10/0135 147 Palsmgan 18/1/1/5/220 18!OO10/ooI0!OO50ft)220 16/ 1/211 16/0010/0211 148 Pahvan 18/1/1/1/ 40 18/oo10/oo10!OO10!OO4O 16/1/125 16/00 10/0125 149 Pandharyachlwadl 18/ 1/1/41180 18/00 10/00 1010040/0 180 16/ 1/165 16/0010/0165 150 Parbham 18/1/1/3/123 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 123 16/ 1/ 79 16/00 10/0079 151 Parllaon JaptJ 18/11 1/1/ 8 18/0010/00 10/001010008 16/ 1/ 8 16/0010/0008 152 Pargaon (SlTas) 18/1/1/1/18 18/ooIO/oo10/OO10ft)Q18 16/ 1/ 40 16/0010/0040 153 Pategaon 18/1/1/ 3/ 109 18/0010/0010/0030/0109 16/ 1/ 73 16/0010/0073 233

APPENDIX V - contd.

1. BID C. D.BLOCK-contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

154 Patoda (Bel) 18/1/1/1/ 49 18/00 10/00 10/00 1010049 1611/129 1610010/0129 155 Pendgaon ... 18/ 1/1/1/ 10 18/0010/0010100 10/001 0 1611/ 36 16100 10/0036 156 PunpalldeVl 18(1/1/3/ 99 18{00 10/00 10/0030/0099 1611/ 23 1610010/0023 157 Pmtpalgaon (MaJara) 18/1/1/3/117 18/0010/0010/0030/0117 1611/ 63 1610010/0063 158 Pmtpalgaon Ghat 18/1/1/5/203 18{00 I 0/00 10/005010203 16/ 1/196 16/0010/0196 159 Punpalgaon Mocln 18/1/ 1/21 84 18/0010/001010020/0084 16/ 1/120 16/0010/0120 160 Pmtpalner 18/ 1. 1/3/121 18/00 10/00 10/003010 121 1611{ 67 1610010/0067 161 Pmtpa1wadl 18/1/1/1/ 45 18/0010/0010/001010045 16/ 1/131 16100 1010131 162 Pmtpargavhan 18/ ,1/ 1/1/ 33 18/0010/0010/0010/0033 16/1/ 94 1610010/0094 163 Pmtpamai 18/111/41 143 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 143 16/ 1/148 1610010/0148 164 Pokhan .. 18/1/1/ 3/140 18100 10/00 10/0030/0 140 1611/115 161001010115 165 Pokhan 18/111141144 18/00 I 0/00 10/0040/0 144 1611/145 1610010/0145 166 Pothra 18/11115/218 18/0010/0010/0050/0218 16/ 11209 1610010/0209 167 RaJkapur ... 18/l1l/21 64 18/0010/0010/0020/0064 16/ 1/ 29 16/0010/0029 168 RaJlln Bk. (Navgan) 181 J/ 1/11 30 18/001~10I00IOft)030 1611/ 47 1610010/0047 169 RaJun Ghodka 18/1/1/21 79 18/0010/0010/0020/0079 16/ 1/105 16/0010/0105 170 Rakshas Bhuwan 18/1/1{ 21 57 18/0010/0010/0020/0057 16/ 1/ 14 1610010/0014 17l Ramgaon 18/1/ 1/3/ 96 18/0010/0010/0030/0096 16/ 1/ 19 16/00 10/00 19 172 RanJegaon 18/1/1/ 3/ 98 18/0010/0010/0030/0098 1611/ 22 1610010/0022 173 Ratnagm 18/1/ 1/4/165 18/00 I 0/00 10J00401O 165 16/ 1/154 16/0010/0154 174 Raulasgaon ... 18/ 1/1/5/197 18/00 10/00 10/0050/0 197 1611/191 1610010/0191 175 Rudrapur 18/11 1/11 22 18/00 10/00 10/00 10/0022 16/ 1/ 45 16/0010/0045 176 RUlgavhan 18/1/1/5{205 I 8/00 I 0/00 1O/OO50ft}205 16/ 1/198 16/00 10/0198 177 RUlllmba 18/1/1/1/ 29 18/00 10/00 10100 10/0029 1611/ 48 1610010/0048 178 Safepur 18/111/4/171 ' f~l(IJOO4(T/0171 16/ 1/172 1610010/0172 179 Sakhare Borgaon 18/111/4/185 18/00 10/00 10/004010 185 16/ 1/181 16/00 10/0181 ISO Sakshal Punpn 18{ 1/ l{ 11 1 18/00 10/00 10/00 10/000 1 1611{ 1 16/0010/000 1 181 Samnapur .. 18/111/21 86 18/0010/0010/0020/0086 1611/122 1610010/0122 182 Sanapwadl 18/111/4/174 18/00 10/00 10/0040/0 174 16/ 1/168 1610010/0168 183 Sandarwan 18/1/1/3/107 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 107 1611/ 24 16/0010/0024 184 Sasewadl 18/1/1/4/168 18/00 10100 10!00401O 168 16/ 1/151 16/0010/0151 185 Salra 18/1/1/5/216 18/0010/0010/0050/0216 1611/207 1610010/0207 186 Saundana .. 18/1/1/11 26 18/0010/0010fOOI0/OO26 16/ 1/ 51 16/0010/0051 187 Sawanlwadl (N. V.) 18/1/1/4/183 18/00 10/00 10/004010 183 0/0/ 0 / / 188 Sawargaon Ghat 18/1/1/5/214 18/00 10/00 10/0050/0214 1611/188 16/0010/0188 189 ShahabaJPur 18/1/1/1/ 19 18/00 10/00 10100 10/00 19 1611/ 41 161001010041 190 Shahajanpur (Kamkheda) .. 18/11l/1I 17 18/0010/0010/0010/0017 1611/ 39 1610010/0039 191 Shahajanpur (Lnllba) 18/11l11/ 31 I 8/0010/001 O!OOIO/OO3 1 16/ 11 49 16/00 1010049 192 Shahajanpur (10m) 18/1/1/3/106 18/00 10/00 10/003010 106 16/ 11 25 16/0010/0025 193 Shldode 18/11 1121 72 18/0010/0010/0020/0072 1611/ 92 16/0010/0092 194 shlvm 18/1/1121 82 18/00 I 0/00 1Oft)020/OO82 16/ 1/106 16/0010/0106 195 Somnathwadl 18/1{ 114/142 18{00 10/00 10/004010 142 16/ 1/147 16/0010/0147 196 Songaon 18/1/1/1/ 20 18/00 10/00 1O!OO 10/0020 1611/ 42 1610010/0042 197 Soopelbwadl 18/11 1/4/161 18/00 10/001 0!004010161 16/ 1/169 16/0010/0169 198 Sultanpur 18/1/1/5/210 18/0010/0010!OO50/O210 1611/202 16100 I 0/0202 199 Surdthot 18/ 1/1/3/110 18/00 10/00 10/0030/0 110 16/ 1/ 74 16/001010074 200 Suryachlwadl (N. V) 18/1/ 1/1/ 51 18/0010/001 Oft)0101OO5 I 0/0/ 0 / / 201 Tadsoona .. 18/111/3/122 18/00 10/00 10/0030101 22 16/ 1/ 80 1610010/0080 202 Talegaon 18/1/1/1/ 34 18/00 10/00 1Oft)O 10/0034 16/ 1/101 16/0010/0101 203 Tandalyachlwadl 18/1/1/4/178 18{00 10/00 10!00401O 178 16/ 1/163 16/001010163 204 Tandulwadl (Bhill) 18/11 1/ 1/ 3 18/00 10/00 1Oft)O 1010003 16/ 1/ 3 16/00 10/0003 205 Tandu1wadl (Haveh) 18/1/1/1/ 4 18/00 10/001 0/0010/0004 1611/ 4 16/001010004 206 Tandulwadl Ghat 18/1/1/5/191 18/00 10/00 10/005010 191 16/ 1/183 16/001010183 234

APPENDIX V -contd.

1. BID C. D. BLOCK - contd

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

2CJ7 TlppalWadt 18/1/1/1/ 38 18/()() 10/00 I 0100 I 010038 16/ 1/ 97 161001010097 208 Udandwadgaon 18/1/1/4/16') 18/00 I 0/00 I 0/0040/() I (jI) 16/ 1/174 16/001010174 209 Urnr.td (Khalsa) 18/ 1/1/21 67 18/00 10/00 10/0020/0067 16/ 1/ 59 16/001010059 210 Urnrad Jaglr .. 18/1/1/1/ 25 18/00 10/001 0/0010/0025 16( II 50 16/001010050 211 Urnn 18/1/1/21 66 18/00 I 0/00 I 010020/0066 16( 1/ 60 16(001010060 212 Vallagwadl 18/1/1/4/184 18/0010/ooI0ft)040/OI84 16( lml 16/001010171 213 Wadgaon (Kalsambar) 18/1/114/162 18/00 10100 I Oft)040/O 162 16( 1/159 16/0010/0159 214 Wadgaon Gundha 18/1/113/104 18/0010/0010l0030JOI04 16( 1/ 27 16/00 10{0027 215 W.tdhavana ... 18/1/1/5/202 18/0010/0010/0050/0202 16( 11195 16(001010195 216 Walbalwadl (N.V) 18/1/1/21 88 18/0010/0010l0020JOQ88 010/0 / I 217 Waknathpur 18/111121 58 18/001 OJOOI0ft)020/OOS8 16( 1/ 30 16IOO10/()030 218 Wahpur 18/111/3/126 18/0010/oo10AD030/0126 16( 1/ ,81 16/00 10/0081 I 219 Wangaon ... 18/111/5/188 18/00 10/00 I 010050/0 188 16( I/,t 80 16(0010/0180 220 Wangl 1811/1/2/ 90 18/00 10/00 10ADQ20/0090 16( 1!l38 16(001010138 221 WanJarwadl 18/1/1/1/ 37 18/0010/0010ADOIO/OO37 16( 1/ 99 16/00 I 0/0099 222 W.trwllil 18/ 1/1/4/153 18/IX.lIO/OO10l0040JOI53 16/ 1/124 16/0010/0124 223 Wa~anwadl 18/111/21 71 18/(X) 10/00 10/D020/0071 16/ 1/ 54 16/00 10/0054 224 Ye1ambghat 18/1/1/4/181 18/(XJ 1O/(XJ 1O/O()40/O 181 16/ 1/167 16/00 10/0167

NOTE: While assignment the location code in 1991 we used five clements whereas only three clements were used in 1981. Dctalls are given below: Code Elemcnts 1991 1981 (1) (2) (3)

First District District Second Tahsil TahSil Third C. D. Block Village Code Fourth Revenue Circle Fifth Village Code 235

APPENDIX V - co-n"t.L


Sr Location Code - 1991 LocatIOn Code - 19 81 Name of VIllage No (Mdnual) (Computer) (Mmual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

I Adptmpn 18/2/2/1/ 19 18/0020/0020/00 10/00 19 16/2/ 75 16/0020/0075 2 Agar Nandur 18/2/2/21 37 18/0020/0020/0020/0037 16/2/ 15 16/0020/0015 3 AheT Vahegaon 18/2/2/4/128 18/0020/0020/0040/0128 16/2/ 161 16/0020/0161 4 Amla 18/2/2/5/189 18/0020/0020/0050/0 189 16/2/ 150 16/0020/0150 5 Anandwadl 18/2/2/ 4/117 18/0020/0020/0040/0117 16/2/ 126 16/0020/0126 6 Ankota 18/2/2/4/146 18/0020/0020/0040/0 146 16/2/183 16/0020/0183 7 Antarvah Bk .. 18/2/2/3/ 78 18/0020/0020/0030/0078 16/2/ 26 16/0020/0026 8 Ardhapimpn 18/2/2/1/ 20 18/0020/0020/0010/0020 16/21 76 16/0020/0076 9 Ardhmasla 18/2/21 5/176 18/0020/0020/0050/0176 16/2/ lOS 16/0020/0105 10 Aurangpur Iawalka 18/2/215/177 18/0020/0020/0050/0 177 16/21 136 16/0020/0136 11 Aurangpur Kukada 18/2/215/198 18/0020/0020/0050/0 198 16/2/ 155 16/0020/0155 12 Babultara 18/2/2/3/ 96 18/0020/0020/0030/0096 16/2/ 60 16/0020/0060 13 Bagplmpalgaon .. 18/2/212/ 43 18/0020/0020/0020/0043 16/2/ 46 16/0020/0046 14 Barhanpur 18/2/21 21 68 18/0020/0020/0020/0068 16/2/ 164 16/0020/QI64 15 HelgaOll 18/2/2/21 41 18/0020/0020/0020/0041 16/2/ 31 16/0020/0031 16 Belgudwadl 18/2/2/5/156 18/0020/0020/0050/0156 16/21 63 16/0020/0063 17 Bhaddllgwadl 18/2/214/112 18/0020/0020/0040/0112 16/21 166 16/0020/0166 18 Bhal Antarwall 18/2/2/21 51 18/0020/0020/0020/0051 16/21 72 16/0020/0072 19 Bhalepun 18/2/215/165 18/0020/0020/0050/0165 16/2/ 92 16/0020/0092 20 Bhend Bk 18/2/21 5/168 18/0020/0020/0050/0168 16/2/ 103 16/0020/01 03 21 Shend Kh 18/2/2/5/174 18/0020/0020/0050/0174 16/2/ 140 16/0020/0140 22 Bhend Takh 18/2/215/173 18/0020/0020/0050/0 173 16/2/102 16/0020/0102 23 Bhogalgaon 18/2/213/ 75 18/0020/0020/0030/0075 16/2/ 22 16/0020/0022 24 BhoJgaon 18/2/2/21 49 18/0020/0020/0020/0049 16/2/ 41 16/0020/0041 25 Borgaon Bk. 18/2/2/1/ 2 18/0020/0020/0010/0002 16/2/ 2 16/0020/0002 26 Borgaon Chakla 18/2/2/4/ll8 18/0020/0020/0040/0118 16/21 124 16/0020/0124 27 Sorgaon Thadl 18/2/213/ 76 18/0020/0020/0030/0076 16/2/ 23 16/0020/0023 28 Bon Punpalgaon 18/2/21 1/ 16 18/0020/0020/00 10/00 16 16/2/ 40 16/0020/0040 29 Brdmhgaon 18/2/2/11 22 18/0020/0020/0010/0022 16/2/ 84 16/0020/0084 30 Chaklamba 18/2/211/ 27 18/0020/0020/00 I 0/0027 16/2/ 77 16/0020/0077 31 Chdvhanwadl 18/2/2/3/ 88 18/0020/0020/0030/0088 16/21 64 16/0020/0064 32 Chtkhah 18/2/2/ 4/114 18/0020/002010040/0114 16/2/ 132 16/0020/0132 33 Chopdyachlwadl 18/2/21 5!lOO 18/0020/0020/0050/0 160 16/ 21 97 16/0020/0097 34 Chorpun 18/2/2/1/ 28 18/0020/0020/0010/0028 16/21 78 16/0020/0078 35 Dallhan 18/2/213/ 79 18/0020/0020/0030/0079 16/21 27 16/0020/0027 36 Deokl 18/2/2/3/ 82 18/0020/0020/0030/0082 16/21 30 16/0020/0030 37 Deopunpn 18/2/2/21 52 18/0020/0020/0020/0052 16/ 2/ 86 16/0020/0086 38 Dhalegaon 18/2/2/3/ 95 18/0020/0020/0030/0095 16/21 58 16/0020/0058 39 Dhanora 18/2/21 5/191 18/0020/0020/0050/0 I 9 I 16/ 2/ 153 16/0020/0153 40 Dharwanta 18/2/2/4/138 18/0020/0020/0040/0138 16/2/189 16/0020/0189 41 Dhondral 18/2/2/21 40 18/0020/0020/0020/0040 16/2/ 32 16/0020/0032 42 Dhurnegaon 18/2/2/11 18 18/0020/0020/00 10/00 18 16/21 38 16/0020/0038 43 Digrass 18/2/2/5/190 18/0020/0020/0050/0190 16/2/ 151 16/0020/01 5 1 44 DlIDakhwadl 18/2/21 4/143 18/0020/0020/0040/0143 16/21 176 16/0020/0176 45 DOlphodwadl 18/2/2/3/ 89 18/oo20/0020ft)030ft)089 16/21 65 16/0020/0065 46 Erandgaon 18/2/2/5/195 18/0020/0020/0050/0 195 16/2/ 158 16/0020/0158 47 FulsdngVl 18/2/21 4/134 18/0020/0020/0040/0134 16/2/173 16/0020/0173 48 Gddhi 18/2/2/21 65 18/0020/0020/0020/0065 16/ 21 109 16[0020/01 09 49 Gdtkwad Jalgaon 18/2/2/1/ 13 18/0020/0020/00 10/0013 16/2/ 36 16/0020/0036 50 Gdngawadl 18[2/2/3/ 85 18/0020/0020/0030/0085 16/2/ 51 16[0020/0051 51 Gangawadl (N V) ... 18/2/2/21 38 18/0020/0020ft)020ft)038 0/0/ 0 / / 52 Gaundgaon 18/ 2/2/ 21 48 18/0020/0020/0020/0048 16/ 2/ 43 16/0020/0043 53 Gcoral (Rural) 18/2/2/21 47 18/0020/0020/0020/0047 16/ 2/ 70 16/0020/0070 54 Ghogas Pargaon 18/ 2/2/4/ 98 18/0020/0020/0040/0098 16/2/ 121 16/0020/0121 55 Golegaon 18/2/2/5/157 18/0020/0020/0050/0157 16/2/ 62 16/0020/0062 56 Gondl Kh 18/2/2/3/ 70 18/0020/0020/0030/0070 16/2/ 18 16/0020/00 18 57 Gopat Plmpalgaon 18/2/2/3/ 94 18/oo20/0020ft)030/oo94 16/2/ 57 16/0020/0057 58 Govmdwadl 18/2/2/3/ 87 18/0020/0020ft)030/0087 16/2/ 48 16/0020/0048 59 Govmdwadl (N V ) 18/2/2121 54 18/0020/0020[0020/0054 0/0/ 0 I / 60 GulaJ 18/2/211/ 8 18/0020/oo20ft)O 10/0008 16/2/ 6 16/0020{0006 61 Guntegaon 18/2/2/1/ 4 18/0020/0020/0010/0004 16/2/ 4 16/0020/0004 62 haJlpur 18/212/4/136 18/0020/0020/0040/0136 16/21 172 16/0020/0172 63 llmgangaon 18/2/2/3/ 69 18/0020/0020ft)030/0069 16/21 17 16/0020/0017 64 lItrapur 18/2/2/4/150 18/0020/0020/0040/0 ISO 16/ 2/ 180 16/0020/0180 65 Hlwarwadl 18/2/2/1/ 25 18/0020/0020/00 10/0025 16/2/ 80 16/0020/0080 236

APPENDIX V -contd.

2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

66 Irgaon 18/2/215/196 1810020/0020/005010196 16/21157 16/0020/0157 67 Ilkur ... 18/2/2141 149 18/0020/0020/0040/C 149 16/21181 16/002010181 68 Jalgaon (MaJra) 18/ 2121 51180 ISIOO2O/0020100501018O 16/21 152 1610020/0152 69 lategaon .. 18/2/2/5/162 18/0020/0020/005010162 16/2/ 95 16l0020l0095 70 Iavaharwadl 1812/2/ 4/111 181002010020l004010 111 16/2/113 16l0020I0113 71 Jodwadl 18/2/2/41121 18/0020I0020!0040/0121 16/2/ 170 16iOO2010170 72 Kajala 181 2/2/4(123 18/0020/0020!00401O 123 16/2/ 169 16/0020/0169 73 Kajalyaclll Wadi .. 18/212/5/175 18/002010020!00501O175 16/2/139 16l0020I0139 74 Kalwadl Mankapur (N.V) 18/2/2/41 141 1S/OO2OIOO20,0040/O 141 0/0/ 0 1 1 75 Kambt Majara 18/2121 5/172 18/0020/0020/0050/0172 16/2/ 101 16I0020I010 1 76 KalChmchoh .. 18/21213/ 71 18/0020/0020/0030/0071 16/2/ 19 16/002010019 77 Kathoda 18/2/2/3/ 90 IS/002010020/003O/0090 16/ 2/ 53 16l0020l0053 78 Kaudgaon .. 18/2/2141 105 18/0020/0020/004010105 16/21118 161002010118 79 KeklllPlIlgn 18/21215/152 181OO2010020!005010152 16/ 2/ 67 16/0020I0067 SO Khadl{l 18/2/2/41132 IS/002010020!0040/0132 16/t 175 161002010175 81 Khalegaon .. , 18/ 2/2/11 21 181002010020/00 10/0021 16/ / 74 161fm01('1J7 4 82 Khamgaon 18/ 212/ 21 35 18!OO2010020100201OO35 16121 12 1610020/0012 83 Khandvl 18/2/2/21 62 18/002010020/0020/0062 16/2/ 107 1610020/01 07 84 KherdaBk. 18/2/2/5/182 18/002010020/0050/0182 16/ 2/ 145- 1~145 85 Kherdawadl 18/2/2/5/183 18/OO2OI00201OO50{0183 16/ 2/ 143 16/0020l0143 86 Khopall 18/2/2/21 58 18/0020/0020/0020/0058 16/ 2/ 87 16/0020I0087 87 Kingaon .,. 18/2/2/21 45 18/0020/0020/0020/0045 16/ 2/ 47 16/0020/0047 88 Kolgaon 18/2/2/4/124 1S/0020/0020ftX)40lOl 24 16/ 2/ 168 16/0020/0168 89 Kolber 18/212/21 44 18/0020/002010020/044 16/ 2/ 45 16l0020/0045 90 Koltyacluwadl (N.V) 1812/2/5/164 18/002010020/005010164 0/0/ 0 / / 91 Komalwadl .. 18/2/2/21 50 18/0020/002010020/0050 16/ 2/ 42 16/0020/0042 92 Kopra 18/2/2/5/197 18/0020/00201005010197 16/2/156 161WJO/0156 93 Kumbbarwadi .. 18/2/2/4/130 18/0020/00201004010130 16/2/178 16/0020/0178 94 Kumbbc Jalgaoo 18/2/2/1/ 23 18/002010020/0010/0023 16/2/ 85 16/0020I0085 95 Kuranpunpn 18/ 2/2/1/ 1 1810020/0020/00 10/000 1 16/ 2/ 1 16l0020/0001 96 Loladgaoo 18/2/2/4/147 18/0020/0020!0040/O147 16/ 2/ 184 16/0020/0184 97 LonaIa 18/2/2/5/170 18/0020/00201005010170 16/ 21 100 16/0020/0100 98 Lukbamasla 1812/2/3/ 83 18/0020/0020/0030/0083 16/2/ 28 16/0020/0028 99 Madalmohl ., 18/2/2/4/126 18/0020/0020l004010 126 16/ 21 133 16/0020/0133 100 Mahandula 18/2/2/1{ 24 181002010020/0010/0024 16/2/ 82 16/002010082 101 MaharTakh 18/212/1{ 14 18/0020/0020/0010/0014 16/2/ 37 16/0020/0037 102 Malcgaon Bk 18/2/2/1/ 6 IS/0020/00201OO1()J0006 16/ 2/ 34 16/0020I0034 103 Malcgaon Chakla .. 18/2/2/4/ 99 18/oo20/00201OO4OJ()099 16/ 2/122 1610020/0122 104 Malegaon Kh. 18/2/2/1{ 7 18/0020/0020/001010007 16/2/ 35 16/002010035 lOS Malegon MBjra .. 18/2/2/5/186 181002010020/0050/0186 16/2/147 16/0020/0147 106 Malluvara 18/2/2/21 55 18/0020/0020!00201OO55 16/2/ 89 16l0020l0089 107 MlIlkapur ... 18/2/214/133 18!OO2OI0020/0040/0133 16/2/ 187 16I0020I0187 lOS Manmodl .. 18/2/214/109 18/002010020l004010 109 1612/112 16I0020I0112 109 MIIlUilal IawaIa 18/2/2/3/ 91 18/0020/0020t0030/0091 16/2/ 54 16lOOl

APPENDIX V -contd.

2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK - conld.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

134 Patharwala Sk. IS/2/2/1! 5 IS/0020/0020/OO10/0005 16/2/ 5 16/0020/0005 135 Pathatwala Kh IS{2/21l{ 3 1S{0020{0020/OO 10/0003 16/2{ 3 1610020(0003 136 PaulachlWad. IS/2/2/11 26 IS/0020/002010010/OO26 16/2/ SI 16/0020/OOSI 137 Pimpalgaon Kanada 18/2/ 2/5/194 IS/0020100201005010194 16/ 2/160 16/0020/0160 138 Punpla IS/2/2/4/104 IS/0020/00201OO4OIOI04 16/2/119 16/0020/0119 139 Pokhan .. IS{2/2/4/131 IS/0020/0020/OO4O/0131 16/2{ 171 1610020/0177 140 Rahen IS/2/2/3/ 77 IS/0020/0020/OO3OJ0077 16/ 2/ 24 16/0020/0024 141 Rajapur 18/2/2/3/ 86 18/0020/0020/0030/0086 16/ 2/ 52 16/0020/0052 142 RajplDlpn 18/2/2/21 53 IS/0020/0020/OO2O/OO53 16/ 2/ 71 16/0020/0071 143 Rakshasabhuwan 18{ 2/21l{ 11 18{0020{002010010/OO11 I6I2{ 9 1610020/0009 144 Ramesbwar IS/,2/2/5/1S7 1S/0020/0020/OO50101 S7 16/2/149 16/0020/0149 145 Rampun IS/2/2/3/ 92 IS/0020/0020/OO30ft)092 16/2/ 55 16(0020/0055 146 Ranjant IS/2/2/2I 66 IS/0020/0020/OO2O/0066 16/2/135 16/0020/0135 147 Ranmala 18/2/2/21 61 IS/0020/0020/0020/0061 16/ 2/106 16/0020/01 06 14S Rasulabad ... IS/2/2/1/ 29 IS/0020/0020/OO10/OO29 16/ 2/ 79 16/0020/0079 149 Revkl IS/2/2/3/ 81 IS/0020/0020/OO3O/OO81 16/ 2/ 29 16/0020/0029 150 Roillthal IS/2/2/5/155 18/0020/002010050/0155 16/2/ 66 16/0020{0066 151 Rokda IS/2/2/5/153 I S/0020/0020I005O/01 53 16/ 2/ 49 16/0020/0049 152 Ru. IS/2/2/5/179 IS/0020/0020/OO5010179 16/ 2/138 16/0020/0138 153 Sa.dapur IS/2/2/4/122 IS/0020/0020/OO4O/0122 16/ 2/174 16/0020/0174 154 Sang8l'l1 lalgaon IS/2/2/3/ SO IS/0020/0020/OO30/OO8O 16/ 2/ 16 16/0020/0016 ISS Sathewad. .. 18/2/2/4/115 IS/0020/0020/004010115 16/ 2/ 131 16/0020/0131 156 Savaleshwar 18/2/2/21 33 IS/0020/0020/OO2O/OO33 16/2/ 11 16/0020/00 11 157 Sawargaon lahagtr IS/2/2/2I 34 IS/002Qf0020/OO20/OO34 16/2/ 13 16/0020/0013 ISls Sawargaon Pokhan .. 18/2/2/4/125 IS/0020/00201OO4010125 16/2/167 16(0020/0167 159 Selu 18/2/2/5/161 IS/0020/00201005O/o 161 16/2/ 96 16/0020/0096 160 Shahljanpur ... IS/2/2/4/113 IS/0020/0020IOO4O/0113 16/ 2/ 114 161002QfOI14 161 ShahJIIIPUr Oiakla .. IS/2/2/4/145 18/0020/0020/004010145 16/2/1S5 16/0020/01S5 162 Shekla .. IS/2/2/1/ 31 IS/0020/0020/OO1010031 16/ 2/ S3 16/0020100S3 163 Shindewadl ,. IS/2/2/21 67 IS/0020/0020I0020/0067 16/ 2/163 1610020101&3 164 Shnpat Antarwala .. IS/2/2/3/ 93 IS/0020/0020/0030/0093 16/2/ 56 161002010056 165 Simpeaaon 18/2/ 2/4/148 IS/0020/0020/0040J1)i 4S 16/ 2/1S2 1610020f0182 166 Sindkhcd 18/2/2/41108 18/002010020l004010108 16/2/115 161OO2Of01l5 167 Smdphana Oimchoh 18/2/2/5/1S4 J S/0020!002010050/O IS4 16/ 2/ 144 1610020/0144 168 Singarwadi 18/2/2/4/102 IS/002O/00201OO4OIOI02 16/ 2/ 129 1610020/0129 169 SiraJa .. 18/21 2/5/154 18/0020/0020/005010154 16/2/ 91 1610020/0091 170 Strasdevt ... 18/2/ 2/5/166 18/0020/00201005010166 1612/104 161OO2Of0104 171 Sirasmarg 18/2/21 4/142 18!0020/0020IOO4O/0142 16/ 2/ 186 16/0020/0186 172 Sujanpur 18/2/2/21 42 18/0020/0020/0020/0042 1612/ 44 1610020/0044 173 Sultanpur .. 18/2/2/5/1S1 18/0020/0020ft)05010181 16/ 2/ 141 16/0020(0141 174 SurdiBk. IS/2/2/ 5/158 18/0020/0020/005010158 16/ 2/ 61 16/0020/0061 175 Surklgaon 18/2/2/1/ 9 18/0020/0020/0010/0009 16/2/ 7 16/0020l0007 176 SushI 18/2/2/4/106 18/0020/0020/004010106 16/2/117 16/0020/0117 177 Takadgaon 18/2/2/21 46 18/0020/0020/0020/0046 1612/ 6S 1610020/0068 178 TakalewadJ (N.V ) 18/ 2/ 2/4/103 18/0020/0020/0040/0 103 0/0/ 0 / / 179 Takalgaon 18/2/2/ 4/151 18/0020/00201004010151 1612/179 16(0020f0t79 180 Takalgavhan Traf Gooral 18/2/2/4/140 1S/0020I0020100401014O 1612/ 191 1610020/0191 181 Takalgavhan Traf Talkhed .. 18/2/ 2/5/159 18/0020/0020/005010159 16/ 2/ 98 16/0020/0098 182 Talewadl 18/212/21 63 18/0020/0020I002010063 16/ 2/ 108 16/0020/01OS 183 Talnyachlwadl 18/2/2/21 39 1810020/0020I002010039 1612/ 33 161002010033 184 Talvat Borgaon IS/2/2/5/192 18/0020/00201005010192 1612/ 154 161002010154 185 Talwada 18/2/2/3/ 84 18/0020/0020{()()30/0084 1612/ 50 1610020/0050 186 Tandala 18/2/2/4/116 18/0020/0020/0040/0116 1612/130 1610020{013O 187 Tape NlDlgaon .. 18/2/21 3/ 97 18/0020/002010030ft)097 16/ 2/ 59 1610020{0059 1&8 Taradgavban 18/2/2111 30 18100201002010010/0030 1612/ 120 16/0020/0120 189 Tanyachlwadl .. 18/2/2/4/144 18/0020/00201004010144 1612/192 1610020f0192 190 Thaklr Adgaon IS/2/2/5/163 IS/oo20/0020/0050/0163 1612/ 94 1610020{0094 191 Tintlrwall1 ... 18/ 2/2/4/101 18/0020/0020l004010101 1612/ 128 1610020/0128 192 Ukhadptmpri IS/21214/139 IS10020/00201OO4010139 16/21 190 1610020f0190 193 Umapur 18/2/2/11 12 18/0020/0020/0010/0012 1612/ 39 16(0020(()()39 194 Vadgaon Dbok .. IS/2/2I 21 59 IS/0020/0020/0020/OO59 1612/ 110 161OO2OfOl10 195 Vadgaon Sushi 18/212/4/1(17 IS/0020100201OO4010107 1612/ 116 1610020f0 116 196 Vahcgaon Arnala 18/2/2/5/188 18/0020/00201005O/018S 1612/ 148 16/0020/0148 197 Vanj8rwadt .. IS/2/2/4/127 IS!0020/0020/0040,{I127 1612/ 165 16(0020/0165 198 Varangalwadl 18/2/2/4/119 lS/0020100201OO4010119 1612/125 161002010125 238

APPENDIX V - contd.


Sr. location Code - 1991 LocatIOn Code - 1981 Nclme of VlIlage No (M,mual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Aad-Hmgam 18/3/3/4/151 18/0030/0030/0040/0151 16/3/174 16/0030/0174 2 Abegaon 18/3/3/21 41 18/0030/0030/0020/0041 16/3/ 16 16/0030/0016 3 Adola 18/3/3/2/ 44 18/0030/0030/0020/0044 16/3/ 19 16/0030/0019 4 Alapur 18{3/3{4/129 18/0030{0030/0040/O 129 16{ 3/115 16{0030/0115 5. Amla 18/3/3/5/196 18/0030/0030/0050/0 196 16{3{197 16/0030/0197 6. Anandgaon 18{3{3/4/12O I 8{0030/0030/004O/O 120 16{ 3/ 77 16{0030/0077 7. Aurangapur 18{3/3/5/175 18/0030/0030/0050/0175 16/3/164 16{0030/0164 8. Bdbhalgaon 18/3/3/4/139 18/0030/0030/0040/0 139 16{ 3/132 16/0030/0132 9 Bahegavhan .. 18/3/3{3/1 I I 18/0030/oo301OO30/()lll 16/3/152 16/0030/0152 10 BdVI 18/3/3/3/115 18/0030/0030/0030/0115 16/3150 16/0030/0150 11 Bclura 18! 3/3/4/136 18/0030/0030/0040/0 136 16/ 31116 16/0030/0116 12. Bhalwadgaon 18/3/3/2/ 53 18 0030/00301OO2Oj()()53 16/3' 26 16/0030/0026 13 Bhilegaon 18/3/3/5/199 18/0030/0030/005010199 16/ 3/186 16{003010186 14 Bhopa 18{3/3/4/142 18/0030/0030/0040/0 142 16/3/147 16{0030{0147 15 Bodakha 18/3/3/4/149 18/0030/oo30{004O/0149 16/ 3/176 16{0030/0176 16 Bodhegaoo 18/1/3/5/204 18/0030/0030/0050/0204 16/ 3/200 16{0030/0200 17 Borkhed 18/3/3/5/162 18/0030/oo30{3050/0162 16/ 3/138 16/0030/0138 18. Bramhagaon 18/3/3/21 75 18/oo30/oo30{0020{OO75 16/ 3/ 70 16/0030/0070 19. Bramhagaon Devi 18/3/3/ 2/ 72 18/oo30/oo30{0020/0072 16/3/69 16{0030/0069 20. Chalgaon 18/3/3/4/146 18/0030/0030/0040/0 146 16/3 159 16/0030/0159 21 Chhatra Borgaon 18/3/3/21 40 18/oo30/0030{0020/004O 16/ 3/ 15 16/0030/00 15 22 Chhollwadl 18/3/3/21 58 18/oo30/oo30{0020/oo58 16/ 3/ 44 16/0030/0044 23 Chtkhah 18/313/5/183 18/0030/0030/0050/0183 16/3/173 16/0030/0173 24 Chlllchagavhan 18/3/3/21 69 18/0030/0030/002010069 16/3/ 51 16/003010051 25. Chmchola 18/3/3/3/103 18/0030/0030/0030/0103 16/3/121 16/0030/0121 26. Chmcholl 18{3/3/3/105 18/0030/003010030/0105 16/ 3 127 16/0030/0127 27. Chrnchwddgaon 18/3/3/3/ 92 18/0030/0030/0030/0092 16/3/ 92 16/(mO/0092 28. Dawargaon Bk 18/3/3/31 81 18/0030/003010030/0081 16/31 86 16/0030/0086 29. Dawargaon Kh 18/3/3/3/ 82 18/0030/0030/0030/0082 16{ 3/ 87 16/003010087 30 Dcpegaon 18/3/3/21 50 18/0030/003010020/0050 16/ 3/ 25 16/0030/0025 31. Dcvdclhlph,d ... 18/3/3/4/145 18/0030/0030/0040/0 145 16/3/160 16/003010160 32 Dcvdhl 18/3/3/3/ 93 18/0030/0030/0030/0093 16/3/91 16/003010091 33 Dcvgaon 18/3/3/3/ 85 18/0030/003010030/0085 16/3/ 82 16/0030/0082 34 Dcvkheda 18/3/3/21 67 18/OO30/0030/OO20ft)D67 16/3/71 16/0030/0071 35 DevlaKh 18/3/3/4/130 18/0030/0030/0040/0 130 16/3/101 16/0030/01 0 I 36 Devlhana 18/3/3/5/194 18/0030/0030/0050/0 194 16/3 179 16/0030/0179 37 Dhanagarwadl (Paytalwadl) 18/ 3/3/1/ 23 18/0030/0030/0010/0023 16/3/ 36 16/0030/0036 38. Dhanora 18/3/3/ 3/ 98 18/0030/0030/0030/0098 16/ 3 120 16/0030/0120 39 Dhorgaon 18/3/3/21 77 18/0030/0030/0020/0077 16/3/ 79 1610030/0079 40. Digras 18/3/3/4/123 18/0030/0030/0040/0 123 16/ 3/105 1610030/0105 41 Dtndrud 18/3/3/4/140 18/0030/0030/0040/0 140 16/3 145 16/0030/0145 42 DubbaMaJra 18/3/311/ 32 18/0030/0030/0010/0032 16/3/ 60 16/0030/0060 43 Dubba Thadl 18/3/3/1/ 7 18/0030/0030/0010/0007 16/3/ 7 16/0030/0007 44 Dukdcgaon 18/3/3/3/102 18/0030/0030/0030/0 102 16/3 129 16/0030/0129 45 EkburJlwadl (N V ) 18/3/3/4/134 18/0030/0030/0040/0134 0/0/ 0 / / 46 Ekdara 18/3/311/ 35 18/0030/0030100 1010035 16/ 3/ 65 16/0030/0065 47 Fakir lawai.! 18/3/3/4/144 18/0030/0030/0040/0144 16/3/161 16/0030/0161 48 Gangamaslcl 18/3/3/21 45 18/0030/0030/0020/0045 16/3 20 16/003010020 49 Gavhan Thadl 18/3/3/1/ 4 18/0030/0030/0010/0005 16/3/ 5 16/0030/0005 50 Ghcilatw.ldl 18/3/3/2/ 78 18/0030/0030/0020/0078 16/31 73 16/0030/0073 239

APPENDIX V - contd.

3. MANJLEGAON C. D. BLOCK - conld.

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

51 Govardhan 181 3131 51 1(f} 18/0030/0030/0050/01(f} 16/3136 16/003010136 52 Govllldpur 18/3/3/21 49 18/0030/0030/0020/0049 16/ 31 24 16/0030/0024 53 Govllldwadt 18/3/3/11 14 18/0030/0030100 10/00 14 16/ 31 27 16/0030/0027 54 GunJthadl 18/3/3/21 60 18/oo30/oo301OO20JQ060 16/ 3/ 46 16/0030/0046 55 Ilanshchandra Punpn 18/3/3/31 97 18/0030/0030/0030/0091 16/ 3/122 16/0030/0122 56 Barkt Nlmgaon IBI'J13/11 26 18/0030/003010010/0026 16/ 3/ 34 16/0030/0034 57 Hasanabad 18/3/3/5/173 18/0030/0030/0050/0 173 16/3/143 16/0030/0143 58 HmgantBk. 18/3/3/4/152 18/0030/003010040/0152 16/3/177 16/0030/0177 59 Hmgant Kh 18/3/3/4/154 18/0030/0030/0040/0154 16/ 3/178 16/0030/0178 60 Ihnganwadt (N V) 18/3/3/21 66 18/0030/0030/0020/0066 0/0/ / / 61 Hlwara B K. 18/313/1/ 6 18/0030/0030/0010/0006 1613/6 1610030/0006 62. Ihwara Govardhan 18/3/3/5/165 18/0030/oo301OO50!0165 16/3/111 16/0030/0111 63 Ihwargavhan .. 18/3/3/3/116 18/0030/0030/0030/0116 16131155 16/0030/0155 64 Irla MaJra .. 18/3/3/1/ 31 18/0030/0030100 I 0/0031 1613/ 61 1610030/0061 65 ladtd lawala ... 18/3/3/1/ 28 18/0030/0030/0010/0028 16/3/ 56 16/0030/0056 66 lallpur .. 18/3/315/184 18/0030/0030/0050/0184 16/3/172 16/0030/0172 67 lalgavhan 18/3/3/5/164 18/0030/0030/0050/0164 1613/110 16/0030/0110 68 laygaon .. 18/3/3/5/170 18/0030/0030/0050/0 170 16/ 3/134 16/0030/0134 69 laykowadi ... 18/3/3/11 12 18/0030/0030/0010/00 12 16131 12 16/0030/00 12 70 laykowadi 18/3/3/11 21 18/0030/0030/00 10/0021 16/3/ 33 16/0030/0033 71. liwanpur 18/3/3/41135 18/0030/0030/0040/0 135 16/3/114 16/0030/0114 72 Kacharwadt .. 18/3/3/4/155 18/0030/0030/0040/0 155 16131191 16/0030/0191 73 Kad! Wadgaoo 18/3/3/3/ 91 18/0030/0030/0030/0091 16/ 3/ 84 16/0030/0084 74. Kalegaon Thadt 18/3/3/11 8 18/0030/oo30PDOI0JQOO8 16/3/ 8 16/0030/0008 75 Kanadl .. 18/3/3/5/180 18/0030/0030PD050/01SO 16/ 3/l(f} 16/0030/0169 76 Kandewadt ... 18/3/3/4/153 18/0030/0030/0040/0 153 16/ 3/190 16/0030/0190 77. Kanbapur 18/3/3/3/109 18/0030/003010030/0109 16/ 3/125 16/0030/0125 78 Kannapur 18/3/3/5/197 18/oo30/oo30PD050/O 197 16/ 3/188 16/0030/0188 79 Karewadt ... 18/3/315/203 18/0030/0030/0050/0203 1613/199 16/0030/0199 80. Kan 18/3/3/4/148 18/0030/0030/0040/0148 16/ 3/157 16/0030/0157 81. Kasan Bodakha .. 18/3/3/4/150 18/0030/0030/0040/0150 16/ 3/175 16/0030/0175 82. Kasarwadl 18/3/3/5/163 18/0030/oo30PD050/0163 16/ 31108 16/0030/0108 83 Kaudgaon Bk. 18/3/3/3/ 94 18/0030/0030/0030/0094 16{3/ 88 16PDQ30PD088 84 Kaudgaon Ghoda 18/3/3/5/177 18/0030/0030/0050/0177 16/ 3/141 16/0030/0141 85 Kaudgaon Huda 18/3/3/5/167 18/0030/0030/0050/0167 16/ 3/140 16/0030/0140 86 Kaudgaon Sabla 18/3/3/5/178 18/oo30/0030PDOSO/0178 16/ 3/167 16/0030/0167 87 Kadgaon Thadt 18/3/3/11 4 18/0030/0030/0010/0004 16/ 3/ 4 16/0030/0004 88 Kavalyachtwadt ... 18/3/3/5/200 18/oo30/oo30/oo50!0200 1613/201 16/0030/0201 89 Kedar SangVl 18/3/3/21 68 18/0030/00301OO20JQ068 16/ 3/ 68 16/0030/0068 90 Kcnde Punpri 18/3/3/3/ 99 18/0030/0030/0030/0099 16/3/ 93 16/003010093 91 Kesapun 18/3/3/21 51 18/0030/0030/0020/0051 16/ 3/ 39 16/0030/0039 92 Khalwat Ntrngaon .. 18/3/3/31 83 18/0030/0030/0030/0083 1613/ 85 16/0030/0085 93 Khamgaon 18/3/5/ 187 18/0030/0030/0050/0 187 1613/170 16/0030/0170 94 Khanapur 18/3/3/21 76 18/0030/0030/0020/0076 16/3/ 78 16/0030/0078 95 Khaparwadl 18/3/3/3/ 90 18/oo30/oo30PD030/ 0090 1613/ 83 16/ 0030/ 0083 96 Kharat Adgaon 18/3/3/21 62 18/0030/0030/0020/0062 16/3/ 48 16/0030/0048 97 Khalgavhan 18/3/3/4/122 18/0030/0030/00440/0122 16/ 3/106 16/0030/0106 98 KherdaKh 18/3/3/1/ 36 I 8/oo30/oo30PDO 10/0036 16/ 3/ 64 16/0030/0064 99 Kill Adgaon 18/3/3/11 24 18/0030/0030/0010/0024 16/3/ 37 16/0030/0037 100 Kothtmblrwad .. 18/3/3/4/147 18/0030/003010040/0 147 16/ 3/158 16/0030/0158 101 Kothru1 18/3/3/4/125 18/0030/0030/0040/0 125 16/ 3/103 16/0030/0103 102 Koyal 18/3/3/5/201 18/0030/0030PD050/0201 16/3/196 16/0030/0196 103 Kundt 18/3/3/5/185 18/0030/0030/0050/0185 16/ 3/162 16/0030/0162 240

APPENDIX V -contd.

3.J\1ANJLEGAON C. D. BLOCK - con/d.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

104 Kuppa ... 18/3/3/3/114 18}oo30/oo3~30X>114 16/31130 16/0030/0130 lOS Lahamewadl 18/3/3/4/128 18/oo30}OO30.00401O 128 16/3/ 97 16/0030/0097 106 Laul 18/313{3f 87 I 8/oo30/oo3~30..oo87 16/31 96 16/0030/0096 107 Laltmlpur .. 18/3/313/108 18}oo30/()Q3~3OX>1 08 16/31124 16/0030/0124 108 Longaon 1813/3/4/126 18/oo30/oo30.0040X>I26 16/ 31100 16/0030/01 00 109 Lonwal 18/3/3/3/118 18}OO30/0030X>Q30X> 118 16/3/149 16/0030/0149 110 Lukhegaon .. 18/3/3/21 56 18}oo30/oo30X>Q2O..oo56 16/3/ 42 16/oo30{0042 111 Mahatpun 18/3/3/11 9 18/0030/()Q30X>Q 10X>Q09 16/31 9 16/003010009 112 Mdhpargaon 18/3/3/11 22 I 8/oo30/0030X>QI 0X>Q22 16/ 31 35 16/003010035 113 Malnathapur 18/3/3/5/191 18/OO30/OO3~Oft)191 16/3/185 16/003010185 114 Mamdapur 18/3/3/5/16(, 18/003010030/0050/0 166 16/ 3/139 16/0030/0139 115 Mamla .. 18/3/313/106 - 18/0030/0030/0030/0 I 06 16/3/126 16/0030/0126 116 Mmgrul 18/313/11 38 18/0030/0030/00 I 010038 10/ 31 67 116/0030/0067 117 ManJlegaon (Rural) 18/3/3/21 65 18/oo30/oo30!OO2Q!006S 161 31 72 16/003010072 118 ManJrath 18/3/3/21 39 18}OO30/oo30/OO2OX>Q39 16/ 31 14 16/0030/0014 119 Manur 1813/3/21 55 18}oo30/0030flX)2O!OOS5 16/3/4.! 16/003010041 120 Manurwadl 18/3/3/21 54 18JQ030/0030!OO2QJOO54 16/31 40' 16/003010040 121 Mdtegaon 18/3/3/3/ 88 18/oo30/oo3~30X>Q88 16/3/ 94 10/003010094 122 MauJyachlwadl .. 18/3/3/3/ 95 18/OO30/003~30J0()95 16/3/ 89 16/0030/0089 I 123 Mhatargaon 18/3/31 5/19~ 18~30/0030/OO50/O198 16/3/187 16/0030/0187 124 Mogra .. 18/3/3/4/121 181OO30J0030/0040X>121 16/3/ 76 16/0030/0076 125 Moha 18/3/3/5/2CY]. , 1~/OO30/OO30!OO50/02cy]' 16/31198 16/0030/0198 126 Mokhed 18/3/3/41159 18JQ030/0030/0040ft) 159 16/ 3/195 16/0030/0195 127 Morwad 18/3/3/3/112 18/0030/0030/0030/0112 16/31154 16/0030/0154 128 Mothtwadi 18/3/3/21 46 18/003010030/0020/0046 16/'3/ 21 16/0030/0021 129 Mungt 18/3/3/5/193 18/oo30/003QA)050!093 16/ 3/180 16/0030/0180 130 Nagadagaon ... 18/3/3/2 48 18/0030/0030/0020/0048 16/31 23 16/oo30/0CY23 131 Nakhalgaon 18/3/3/4/137 18/0030/0030/0040/0137 16/31117 16/003010117 132 Nandur 18/3/3/21 70 18/0030/0020/0020/0070 16/ 3/ 52 16/0030/0052 133 Nunla 18/3/3/5/195 18/0030/0030/0050ft)J95 16/ 31189 16/0030/0189 134 NtpamTakh 18/3/3/21 79 18/003010030/0020/0079 16/ 31 74 16/0030/0074 135 Nltrud 18/3/3/3/101 18/OO3QJOO3QA)030JQIOI 16/ 3/131 16/0030/0131 136 Padoh 18/3/3/5/174 1810030/00301005010174 16/3/163 1610030/0163 137 Pandharwadl (N V ) 18/3/3/3/ 84 18/0030/003Q!OO30/OO84 0/0/ 0 1 I 148 Pardi 18/3/3/31 89 18 oo30/003Q!OO30ft)089 16/31 95 16/003010095 139 Patrud 18/3/3/4!119 18/0030/0030/0040/01 19 16/31 99 16/003010099 140 Pawarwadl 18/3/3/21 63 18/0030JOO30/0020JO(l63 16/3/ 49 16/0030/0049 141 Phul Ptmpalgaon 181313111 37 1810030!003QA)OI0/0037 16131 66 16/003010066 142 Phule Punpalgaon 18/3/3/4/ 52 18/0030/0030/0020/0052 16/3/ 38 16/003010038 143 Plmpalgaon (Nakhale) .. 18/3/3/4/138 18/oo3010030/0040ft) 138 16/3/133 16/0030/0133 144 Punpalgaon Gadhe ... 18/3/3/51179 18/00J0/003Q!OO50/0179 16/31168 16/003010168 145 Punparkhcd 18/3/3/3/ 96 18IOO30/0030t0030JQ096 16/ 31 90 16/003010090 146 Punpn Bk. 18/3/3/5/168 18/0030/oo3Q!OO50/0168 16/3/137 16/0030/0137 147 Punpn Kh 18/3/3/4/124 18/00301oo3Q!OO4OJOI24 16/31104 I 6/oo30{01 04 148 Pohncr 18/3/3/5/160 18/0030/003Q!OO50/O 160 1613/107 16/0030/0107 149 Punandgaon 181 3/3/21 74 18/ 0030!0Q301OCY20/OO74 16/ 3/ 81 16/0030/0081 ISO Pun gam 18/3/3/1/ 33 18/0030/0030/0010/0033 16/ 3/ 62 16/0030/0062 151 Purshottampun 18/3/3/1/ 11 18/oo3Qf003D/OOIO/OOll 16/ 3/ 11 16/0030/0011 152 Pusra 18/ 3/3/3/113 181003Qf003010030/0113 16/3/151 16/0030/0151 153 RaJcgaon 18/3/311/ 17 18/0030/0030/0010/0017 1613/30 16/0030/0030 154 RaJC wadi 18/3/3/3/100 18/0030/0030/0030/0 100 16/ 3/119 16/0030/0119 155 Rampunpalgaon 18/3/311/ 27 18/oo30/oo3Q!OOIO/OO27 16/31 55 16/0030/0055 156 Renapun 18/3/3/21 73 18/0030/0030/0020/0073 16/ 31 80 16/0030/0080 241

APPENDIX V -contd.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

157 Rcwali .. 18/3/3/5/188 18/0030/0030/0050{O188 16/3/lS2 16/0030/0182 158 Ridhori .. 18/3/3/11 '3 18/0030/0030/0010/0003 16/ 3/ 3 16/003010003 159 Rgabanpuri .. 18/ 313121 57 18/0030/0030/0020/0057 16/3/ 43 16/0030/0043 160 Saciola 18/3/3/1/ 13 18/0030/0030/00 10/00 13 16/3/ 13 16/0030/0013 161 Safdarabad 18/3/3/5/190 18/0030/0030/0050{O190 16/ 3/184 16/0030/0184 162 Salug,on 18/3/3/4/133 18/0030/003010040/0133 16/ 3/112 16/0030/0112 163 Salimba ... 18/3/3/3/lrJ1 i8/oo30/oo30/0030/01 D7 16/ 3/123 16/0030/0123 164 Sand. Chincholi 18/3/3/21 47 18/0030/0030/0020/0047 16/ 3/22 16/0030/0022 165 Sallgam 18/3/3/4/143 18/0030/0030/0040/0143 16/3/146 16/0030/0146

166 SaMNarPUnpalgaon " 18/3/3/21 42 18/0030/0030/0020/0042 16/ 3/ 17 16/0030/0017 167 Sawal'laoo 18/3/3/1/ 25 18/003010030100 10/0025 16/3/ 54 16/0030/0054 168 Setu 18/ 3/3/5/189 18/0030/0030{OO50/0189 16/ 3/183 16/0030/0183 169 Shahajanpur 18/3/3/1/ 16 18/0030/0030/0010/0016 13/3/ 28 16/0030/0028 170 Shahapur Majara 18/ 3/3/1/ 29 1810030/0030/0010/0029 16/3/ 57 16/0030/0057 - i71 She1.puri 18/ 31 3/21 71 18/0030/0030/0020/0071 16/ 3/ 53 16/0030/0053 172 Shel8&al1 Thad! ... 18/3/3/11 2 18/0030/0030{OO10/0002 16/3/ 2 16/003010002 113 Shlmpet.akli ... ]8/3/3/2 64 18/003010030/0020/0064 16/ 3/ 50 16/0030/0050 174 Shindewadi 18/3/3/4/127 18/0030/00301OO4O{O127 16/ 3/ 98 16/0030iQ098 175 Shlndewadi 18/3/3/5/171 18/0030/0030/0050{O171 16/3/135 16/003010135 176 Shrungarwadl 18/3/3/11 20 18/0030/0030/001010020 16/ 3/ 58 16/0030/0058 177 Shuklatil1h Nimgaon 18/3/3/21 80 18/0030/003010020/0080 16/ 3/ 75 16/0030/0075 178 Simri Pllrgaon 18/3/3/4/132 18/0030/0030l0040/Ol 32 16/3/113 16/0030/0113 179 SlIIaanwadi .. 18/3/3/4/158 18/0030/00301OO4O{O158 16/3/193 161003{)fOI93 180 Sirsala 18/3/3/5/181 18/0030/0030/0050/0 181 16/ 3/166 16f0030/(}166 181 Somthana 18/3/3/21 43 18/0030/003010020/0043 16/31 18 16,1oo30l0018 182 Sonna Thadi 18/3/3/21 61 18/oo30/0030f()()20/0061 16/3/ 47 16/0030/0047 183 Sukll 18/3/3/5/186 18/0030/003010050/0186 16/3/171 16/0030/0171 184 Sultanpur 18/313/1/ 10 18/0030/0030100 10/00 10 16/31 10 16/0030/0010 185 SurdiN~ik 18/3/3/1/ 18 18/0030/0030/001010018 16/3/ 31 16/0030/0031 186 Sumnarwadi 18/3/3/4/157 18/0030/0030/0040/0157 16/3/194 16/003010194 187 SurumglOll 18/ 3/3/21 59 18/0030/0030f()()20/OO59 16/3/ 45 16/0030/0045 188 Takarwan 18/3/3/11 1 18/0030/0030/00 1010001 16/ 3/ 1 16/0030/0001 189 TakJi Adtarya ... 18/313/5/176 18/0030/003010050/0176 16/ 3/142 16/0030/0142 190 Talewadl ... 18/ 3/3/3/ 86 18/0030/0030{003010086 16/3/118 16/0030/0118 191 Talkhed 18/3/3/11 30 18/0030/0030/00 1010030 16/3/ 59 16/0030/0059 192 Tapovan 18/ 3/3/ 5/182 18/0030/0030/0050/0 182 16/ 3/165 16/0030/0165 193 TelgaonBk. .. 18/3/3/4/141 18/oo30/0030IOO4O{0141 16/3/148 16/0030/0148 194 Talgaon Kh. 18/3/3/1/ 34 18/0030/0030/00 10/()()34 16/ 3/ 63 16/0030/0063 195 TIgaon 18/3/3/3/104 18/0030/0030/0030/0 104 16/ 3/128 16/0030/0128 196 Tilasmokh .. 18/3/3/5/161 18/0030/0030/0050{O161 16/ 31109 16/0030/0109 197 Urnri Bt. 18/3/3/4/131 18/0030/0030/0040{O131 16/3/102 16/0030/0102 198 Upll .. 18/3/3/3/117 18/0030/003010030{O117 16/ 3/156 J 6/0030/01 56 199 Wadvani .. 18/ 3/3/3/110 18/0030/0030/0030/0110 16/ 3/153 16/0030/0153 200 Waghora 18/ 3/3/1/ 15 18/0030/0030/0010/0015 16/ 3/ 29 16/0030/0029 , 201 Waka 18/3/3/5/192 18/0030/0030/0050/0192 16/3/181 16/0030/0181 202 WanglBk. 18/ 3/3/5/172 18/0030/0030/0050/0 172 16/ 3/144 16/0030/0144 203 WaroJal 18/3/3/1/ 19 18/0030/0030/00 10/00 19 16/ 3/ 32 16/0030/0032 204 Wharkarwadl ... 18/3/3/41 156 18/0030/0030/0040/0 156 16/ 3/192 16/0030/0192

17-.0. 242

APPENDIX V - contd.


Sr. Locallon Code -1991 Locallon Code - 1981 Name of Village No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Ako1a 18/4/4/4/ 130 18/0040/0040/0040/0130 16/ 4/ 134 16/0040/0134 2 Ambaltek 18/4/4/21 51 18/0040/0040/0020/0051 16/ 4/ 65 16/0040/0065 3 Ambalwadl 18/4/4/21 46 18/0040/0040ft)020!0046 16/ 4/ 62 16/0040/0062 4 AmbeJogai (Rural) 18/4/4/3/ 106 18/0040/0040/0030/0106 16/ 4/ 80 16/0040/0080 5 Anandwadl 18/ 4/4/21 64 18/0040/0040/0020/0064 16/4/ 99 16/0040/0099 6 Aswa1amba 18/ 4/4/3/ 89 18/0040/0040;0030/0089 16/ 4/ 30 16/0040/0030 7 Babhalgaon 18/4/4/21 81 18/0040/0040/0020/0081 16/ 4/ 155 16/0040/0155 8 Bagzan 18/4/4/21 84 18/0040/0040/0020;0084 16/4/ 158 16/0040/0158 9 Bardapur .. 18/4/4/4/ 137 18/0040/0040;0040/0137 16/ 4/ 123 16/0040/0123 10 Belamba .. 18/ 4/4/1/ 20 18/0040/0040/ooI0;oo2(l 16/4/ 18 16/0040/00 18 11 Bharaj ] 8/ 4/ 4/4/ 121 18/0040/0040/0040/0 121 16/4/ 91 16/0040/0091 12 Bhatanwadl 18/4/4/21 80 18/0040/0040/0020/0080 16/ 4/ 113 16/0040{0I13 13 Bhawthana 18/4/4/3/ 97 18/0040/0040;0030/0097 1614/ 55 16/0040/0055 14 Bhopla 18/4/4/1/ 25 18/0040/0040/0010/0025 16/4/ 48 16/0040I0048 15 Bramhawadl ... 18/ 4/4/11 31 18/0040/0040/001010031 16/ 4/ 3S, 16!0040/0035 16 OIanai 18/ 4/4/3/ 108 18/0040/0040/0030/0 lOS 16/4/ 82 16/0040/0082 17 OIandanwadl 18/4/4/4/ 139 18/0040/0040/0040/0139 16/4/ 121 16!0040/0121 18 OIandapur 18/4/4/21 43 18/0040/0040/0020/0043 16/ 4/ 67 16/0040/0067 19 Chlchkhandl 18/ 4/ 4/3/ 96 18/0040/0040/0030/0096 16/4/ 54 16/0040/0054 20 Chopanwadl 18/4/4/4/ 144 18/0040/0040/0040/0144 16/4/100 16/0040/0100 21 OIothewadl ... 18/4/4/21 62' 18/0040/0040/0020/0062 16/4/ 96 16/0040/0096 22 Dabhl 18/ 4/4/1/ 24 18/0040/0040/0010/0024 16/4/ 33 16/0040/0033 23 Dalthana Ghal 18/4/4/21 72 18/0040/0040/0020/0072 16/ 4/ 70 16/0040/0070 24 Dalthana Radl 18/ 4/ 4/4/ 134 18/0040/0040/0040/0 134 16/ 4/ 138 16/0040/0138 25 Daradwadl .. 18/ 4/4/21 74 18/0040/0040/0020/0074 16/4/111 16/0040/0111 26 Dattapur 18/ 4/ 4/21 49 18/0040/0040/0020/0049 16/ 4/ 75 16/0040/0075 27 Daunapur ... 18/4/4/3/ 91 18/0040/0040/0030/0091 16/ 4/ 32 16/0040/0032 28 Dautpur .. 18/ 4/4/1/ 34 18/0040/0040;0010/0034 16/ 4/ 22 16/0040/0022 29 Devha1a 18/ 4/4/1/ 27 18/0040/0040/0010/0027 16/ 4/ 63 16/0040/0063 30 Devla 18/ 4/4/4/ 129 18/0040/0040/0040/0129 16/ 4/ 133 16/0040/0133 31 Dhanora 18/ 4/4/4/ 132 18/0040/004010040/0132 16/ 4/ 136 16/0040/0136 32 Dharmapuri 18/ 4/ 4/ 21 68 18/0040/0040/0020/0068 16/4/116 16/0040/0116 33 Dha.wadi 1814/4/21 75 18/0040/0040/0020/0075 16/ 4/ 110 16!0040/011O 34 Dongar Pimpla 18/ 4/4/3/ 109 18/0040/0040/0030/0109 16/ 4/ 83 16/0040/0083

35 Doundwadi "'I.', 18/ 4/4/21 56 18/0040/0040/0020/0056 16/ 4/ 73 16/004010073 36 Ganlewadi 18/ 4/ 4/ 3/ 86 18/0040/0040/0030/0086 16/ 4/ 2 16/0040J0002 37 Ghalnandur 18/ 4/ 4/21 57 18/0040/0040/0020/0057 164/ 74 16/0040/0074 38 Gholapwadi 18/ 4/4/21 59 18/0040/0040/0020/0059 16/4/ 98 161004010098 39 Girwli (Apet) 18/ 4/4/ 3/ 102 18/0040/0040/0030/0102 16/4/ 78 16/0040/0078 40 Girwli (Bawne) 18/ 4/4/3/ 103 18/004010040/0030/0103 16/4/ 61 16/0040/0061 41 Gita 18/ 4/4/4/ 119 18/0040/0040/0040/0119 16/4/ 90 16/0040/0090 42 Gopalpur 18/4/4/1/ 5 18/0040/0040/OO10ft)OO5 16/ 4/ 8 16/OO4Oft)OO8 43 Guttewadl 18/4/4/21 71 18/0040{0040/OO20/OO71 16/ 4/ 105 16/0040/0105 44 Halamb 18/ 4/4/21 55 18/0040/0040/0020/0055 16/ 6/ 104 16/0040/(}104 45 Hanumantwadl 18/4/4/21 58 18/0040/0040/0020/0058 16/ 4/ 94 16/0040/0094 46 Hatola .. 18/4/4/4/ 140 18/0040/0040/0040/0140 16/ 4/ 120 16/0040/0120 47 lIelamb 18/4/4/21 53 18/0040/0040;0020/0053 16/ 4/ 71 16/0040/0071 48 Indapwadl 18/ 4/4/1/ 30 18/0040/0040/0010/0030 16/4/ 34 16/0040/0034 49 Injegaon 18/ 4/ 4/1/ 13 18/0040/0040/0010/0013 16/ 4/ 17 1610040/0017 50 Jawalgaon 18/4/4/4/ 120 18/0040/0040/0040/0120 16/ 4/ 92 16/0040/0092

17·8 243

APPENDIX V - contd.

4. AMBEJOGAI C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

51 Juewadt 18/4/4/1/ 29 18/0040/0040/0010/0029 16/4/ 47 16/0040/0047 52 Jodwadl .. 18/4/4/2/ 76 18/ 0040/0040/0020/0076 16/4/ 109 16/004010109 53 Jogatwadt 18/ 4/ 4/3/ 115 18/0040/0040/0030/0115 16/4/ 81 16/0040/0081 54 Kanherwadl .. 18/ 4/4/1/ 26 18/0040/0040/0010/0026 16/4/ 46 16/0040/0046 55 Kasarwadt .. 18/ 4/4/2/ 39 18/0040/0040/0020/0039 16/4/ 38 16/0040/0038 56 Katkarv. adl 18/4/4/2/ 77 18/0040/0040/0020/0077 16/4/ 108 16/0040/0108 57 Kauthalt 18/4/4/1/ 14 18{0040/0040/00 I 0/00 14 16/4/ 14 16/0040/00 14 58 Khapanong 18/4/4/2/ 69 18/0040/0040/0020/0069 16/4/ 106 16/0040/0106 59 Khodwa Sawargaon 18/4/4/2/ 54 18/(X)40/0040/0020/0054 16/4/ 69 16/0040/0069 60 Kolnanadt 18/ 4/4/3/ 113 18/0040/0040/0030/0113 16/4/ 128 16/0040/0128 61 Kumbephal 18/4/4/4/ 124 18/0040/0040/0040/0124 16/4/ 126 16/0040/0126 62 Kuranwadl 18/4/4/3/ 100 18/0040/0040/0030/0100 16/4/ 52 16/0040/0052 63 Kusalwadt 18/4/4/21 79 18/0040/0040/0020/0079 16/4/115 16/0040/0115 64 Lad Lan 18/4/4/2/ 66 18/0040/0040/0020/0066 16/4/ 102 16/0040/0102 65 Laman Tanda 18/4/4/3/ 99 18/0040/0040/0030/0099 16/4/ 60 16/0040/0060 66 Lendwadt 18/4/4/2/ 44 18/0040/0040/0020/0044 16/4/ 66 16/0040/0066 67 Llmbgaon 18/4/4/4/ 138 ! 8/0040/0040/0040/0138 16/4/ 122 16/0040/0122 68 LlTnbuta 18/4/4/1/ 2~ 18/0040/0040/001 0/0022 16/4/ 27 16/0040/0027 69 Lokhandt Sawargaoll 18/4/4/ 3/ 110 18/0040/0040/0030/0 I 10 16/4/ 85 16/0040/0085 70 Lonarwadl 18/4/4/1/ 18 18/0040/0040/0010/0018 16/4/ 23 16/0040/0023 71 Lom 18/4/4/1/ 16 18(0040/0040/0010/0016 16/4/ 20 16/0040/0020 72 Magamadl 1'6/4/4/3/ 105 18/0040/00 ~0/0030/0 105 16/4/ 58 16/0040/0058 73 Mamdwadt 18/4/4/2/ 52 18/0040/0040/0020/0052 16/4/ 72 16/0040/0072 74 Makcgaon 18/4/4/4/125 18/0040/0040/0040/0125 16/4/ 129 16/0040/0129 75 Mdicwadl 18/4/4/2/ 42 18/0040/0040/0020/0042 16/4/ 68 16/0040/0068 76 Malhlvara 18/4/4/1/ 6 18/0040/0040/0010/0006 16/4/ 9 16/0040/0009 77 Mamdapur 18/4/4/4/ 127 18/0040/0040/0040/0127 16/4/131 16/0040/0131 78 Mamdapur (Parh) 18/4/4/3/ 88 18/0040/0040/0030/0088 16/4/ 4 16/0040/0004 79 Mandava (Parh) 18/4/4/1/ 38 18/0040/0040/00 10/0038 16/4/ 41 16/004010041 80 Mandckhel ... 18/4/4/1/ 4 18/0040/0040/00 10/0004 16/ 4/ 29 16/0040/0029 81 Mandva (Pathan) ... 18/4/4/3/ 94 18/0040/004010030/0094 16/ 4/ 51 16/0040/0051 82 Maralwadi ... 18/4/4/11 37 18/0040/0040/0010/0031 16/ 4/ 42 16/0040/0042 83 Mtrwat 18/4/4/1/ 36 18/0040/0040/0010/0036 16/ 4/ 37 16/0040/0037 84 Morewadi 18/4/4/3/ 101 18/0040/0040/0030;0101 16/ 4/ 51 16/0040{00S7 85 Mudegaon ... 18/4/4/4/ 133 18/0040/0040/0040/0 133 16/4/137 161004010137 86 Murambi ... 18/4/4/21 61 18/0040/0040/0020;0061 16/ 4/ 76 16/0040{0016 87 Murkutwadi 18/4/4/21 73 18/0040/0040/0020/0073 16/4/107 16/0040/0101 88 Multi 18/4/4/21 67 18/0040/0040/0020/0061 16/4/ 154 16/0040/0154 89 Nligapur (Parli) 18/4/4/1/ 23 18/0040/0040/00 10/0023 16/ 4/ 28 16/0040/0028 90 Nalldara 18/4/4/21 65 18/0040/0040/0020/0065 16/4/ 103 16/0040/0103 91 Nagpimpri 18/4/4/1/ 2 18/0040/0040/0010,10002 16/ 4/ 6 16/0040/0006 92 Nandadt .. 18/4/4/4/ 126 18/0040/0040/0040/0 126 16/ 4/ 130 16/0040/0130 93 Nandagaul 18/4/4/21 45 18/0040/0040/0020/0045 16/4/ 64 16/0040/0064 94 Nandgaon 18/4/4/4/ 136 18/0040/0040/0040;0 136 16/4/ 141 16/0040/0141 95 NandnaJ 18/4/4121 40 18/0040/0040/0020/0040 16/4/ 39 16/0040/0039 96 Nathra 18/4/4111 12 18/0040/0040/0010/0012 16/4/ 16 16/0040/0016 97 Nawabwadt 18/4/4/21 60 18/0040/0040/0020/0060 16/4/ 95 16/0040/0095 98 NlIpana 18/4/4/2/ 83 18/0040/0040/0020/0083 16/4/157 16/0040/0157 99 Pangn 18/4/4111 10 18/0040/0040/0010/0010 16/4/ 13 16/0040/00 13 100 Parchundt 18/4/4/11 8 18/0040/0040/00 10/0008 16/4/ 11 16/0040/00 11 101 Parh (Rural) 18/4/4/1/ 28 18/0040/0040/00 10/0028 16/4/ 45 16/0040/0045 102 Patoda ... 18/4/4/4/ 128 18/0040/0040/0040/0128 16/4/132 16/0040/0132 244

APPENDIX V -contd.

4. AMBEJOGAI C. D. BLOCK- contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

103 Plittiwadgaon 18/4/4/4/ 146 18/0040/0040/0040/0 146 16/ 4/ 117 16/0040/0117 104 Ptmplll Oahiguda 18/4/4/3/ 104 18/0040/0040/0030/0104 16/ 4/ 79 16/0040/0079 lOS Punpn ., 18/4/4/4/ 143 18/0040/0040/0040/0143 16/ 4/ 118 16/0040/0118 106 Pakhari 18/4/4/3/ 118 18/0040/0040/0030/0 118 16/ 4/ 89 16/0040/0089 107 Pus ... 18/4/4/21 47 18/0040/0040/0020/0047 16/ 4/ 77 16/0040/0077 108 Radi ... 18/4/4/4/ 123 18/0040/0040/0040/0123 16/ 4/ 125 16/0040/0125 109 Rajewadl 18/4/4/3/ 98 18/0040/0040/0030/0098 16/ 4/ 56 1610040/0056 110 Rakshaswadt 18/ 4/4/3/ 87 18l0040/0040/0030/0087 16/ 4/ 3 16/0040/0003 III Sakud 18/ 4/4/3/ 93 18/0040/0040I0030/0093 16/ 4/ .50 16/004010050 112 Sal Wlkwadt 18/ 4/4/21 63 18/0040/00401002010063 16/ 4/ 97 161004010097 Il3 Sangam 18/4/4/1/ 33 18/0040/0040/0010/0033 1614/ 36 16/0040/0036 114 Saradgaon 18/4/4/21 41 18/0040/0040/0020/0041 16/ 4/ 40 16/0040/0040 115 SarfaraJPur .. 18/4/4/3/ 85 18/oo4D1~4~)Q30/OO85 16/ 4/ 16/0040/000 1 116 Satephal 18/4/4/3/ 114 18/0040/OO4010030JQI14 '161 4/ 86 16/0040/0086 117 Saundana .. 18/ 4/4/21 70 18/004010040/0020/0070 16/ 4/ 114 1610040{0114 118 Saygaon 18/ 4/4/4/ 122 18/0040/0040/0040/0122 16/ 4/ 124 16/0040/0124 119 Selu Amba 18/4/4/3/ 117 18/0040/0040/0030/0117 16/ 4/-88 16/0040/0088 120 Selu-Parab 18/4/4/1/ IS 18/004010040/0010/0015 116! 4/119 16/004010019 121 Shepwadl 18/ 4/4/3/ 101 18/00401004010030/0101 16/ 4/ 59 16/0040/0059 \ 122 Shripatravyachlwadt 18/4/4! 3/ 111 18/0040/0040/0030/0111 1614! 84 1610040/0084 123 Somanwadt 18/4/4/21 82 18/0040/004010020/0082 16/ 4/ 156 16/0040/0156 124 Sonhtvra .. 18/4/4/1/ 3 18/oo40/oo40flDQI0/0003 16/ 4/ 5 16/0040/0005 125 Sugaon 18/4/4/4/ 135 18/oo40!0040/0040/O 135 16/4/139 16/0040/0139 126 Tadola 18/4/4/4/ 131 18/0040/0040/0040/0131 16/ 4/ 135 16/0040/0135 127 Tadoh 18/4/4/1/ 7 18/oo40/0040/OO10!0007 16/ 4/ 10 16/0040/0010 128 Takli Deshmukh 18/4/4/1/ 11 18/0040/oo40}D0101OO11 16/ 4/ 15 16/0040/00 15 129 Talegaon (Ghat) 18/4/4/4/ 142 18/0040/0040/0040/0 142 16/ 4/ 119 1610040/0119 130 Talegaon (Parli) 18/4/4/1/ 21 18/0040/0040100 1010021 1614/ 26 1610040/0026 131 TaInt 18/4/4/21 48 18/0040/00401002010048 16/ 4/ 93 16/0040/0093 132 Telghana 18/4/4/21 50 18/0040/0040l002010050 16/ 4/ 43 1610040/0043 133 Tokwadi ... 18/4/4/11 32 18/0040/0040/0010/0032 16l4{ 24 16/0040/0024 134 UJaRl ... 18/4/4/21 78 18/0040/00401002010078 16/ 4/ 112 16/0040/0112 135 ValJawadt ... 18/4/4/1/ 35 18!0040/oo4010010/OO35 16/ 4/ 44 16/0040/0044 136 Wadgaon Dadahan 18/4/4/1/ 17 18/0040/0040/0010/0017 16/4/ 21 1610040/0021 137 Wadkhel 18! 41 4111 9 18/0040/0040/00 10/0009 16/ 4/ 12 16/0040/00 12 138 Wagbet 18/4/4111 19 18/0040/oo4O/OO10}D019 16/ 4/ 25 16/0040/0025 139 Waghala (Radt) 18/4/4/3/ 116 18/0040/oo40/00JO/0116 16/ 4/ 87 16/0040/0087 140 Waghala (Parh) ... 18/4/4/1/ 1 18/0040/0040}DOI0/OOO1 16/ 4/ 7 161OO40{0007 141 Wakdl .. 18/4/4/4/ 145 18/0040/0040}D04O/O 145 16/ 4/ 101 16/0040/01 0 1 142 Walewdl 18/4/4/4/ 141 18/0040/0040I0040,Q 141 16/ 4/ 147 16/004010147 143 Wantakh 18/4/4/3/ 90 18/004010040/0030/0090 16/4/ 31 16/0040/0031 144 Warabgaon 18/4/4/3/ 112 18/0040/0040}DOJO,Q112 16/ 4/ 127 16/004010127 145 Warwatt .. 18/4/4/3/ 92 18/oo40/00401OO30}D092 16/ 4/ 49 1610040/0049 146 Ye1da 18/4/4/3/ 95 18/oo40/0040}D030}D095 16/ 4/ 53 16/0040/0053 245

APPENDIX V- contd.


Sr. Location Code - 1991 Location Code - 1981 Name of Vtllage No (Manual) (Computer) (ManuaJ) (Computer) (J) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Adas 18/515/31 83 18/oo50/oo50/oo30ft)083 16/ 51 64 16/0050/0064 2 Ambewadgaon 18/515121 51 18/OO50/oo5QA)020A)051 16/ 51 II 16/0050/0011 3 Anandgaan 18/ 515/4/143 18/0050/00501004010 143 16/ 5/142 I6!OO50/0142 4 Andha1yaclnwadl 18/5/5/1/ 10 18/0050/0050/00 10/00 10 16! 5/ 51 16/0050/0051 5 Anegaon 18/5/5/4/]48 18/0050/0050/004010 t 48 16/ 5/155 16/0050/0155 6 AnJandbav 18/5/5/21 74 18/oo50/oo50!OO20ft)074 16! 5/ 38 16/0050/0038 7 Anjanpur 18/5/513/108 18/0050/0050/003010 I 08 16/ 5/180 16/0050/0180 8 Apegaon 18/515/3/112 18/oo50/oo50!OO301O 112 16/5/176 16/0050/0176 9 Arangaon 18/5/ Sill 27 18/ooS0/oo50A)010ft)027 16/ 51115 16/0050/0115 10 Aranwadi 18/515121 59 18/oo50/ooS0/OO20ft)059 16/ 51 27 16/005010027 11 Asardhav 18/5/5121 77 18/oo50/0050A)D20!0077 16/ 3/ 32 16/003010032 12 Aswala ., 18/5/5/21 72 18/0050/ooS0ft)02Oft)072 16151 39 16/0050/0039 13 Aurangpur 18/515/3/102 18/oo50/oo50!OO30ft)102 16/ 5/1S2 16/0050/0152 14 Awargaon 18/5/5/21 66 18/oo50/oo50!002O/0066 16/S/41 16/0050/0041 15 Awasgaon 181515/4f 152 I 8/005ov0050ft)O lOft) I 52 16/ 51153 16/0050/0153 16 Banegaon 18/ 515/5f 162 18/oo5ovooSQA)050{O 162 16/ 5/125 16/oo50VQ12S 17 BankaranJa 18/51514/122 18/oo50/oo50{0040{OI22 16/S/ 72 16/005010072 18 Bansarola 18/515/31 HYJ 1~/0050/OO50ft)030/0103 16/ 5/151 16'005010151 19 Bawehl 18/5/5/4/145 1S/OO50/0050f()040fO 145 16/5/157 16/005010157 20 Belgaon 18/5/5/51159 18/0050/0050ft)OSOft) 159 16/ 5/117 !6/005010117 21 Bhalgaon 18/5/5/41146 J 8/oo5G/0050/oo40/O 146 16/ 5/171 16'005010171 22 Bhatumba 18/5/5/4/141 18/0050/ooS()ft)040A) 141 16/ 51105 16/005OVOIOS 23 Bhogalwadl 18/ 515121154 18/0050{0050A)D20!OO54 16/ 5/ 12 16l005ovoo12 24 Bhopal. 18/5/5/5/184 18/oo50/oo50fl)060}0184 16/ 5/164 16/005010164 25 Bobdechl wadi 18/ 5f 514/128 18/oo50/0050f0040/0128 16/ 5/109 16/0050/0109 26 Borgaon Bk 18/5/5/5/175 18/0050/0050/0050/0175 161 5/163 1610050{0163 27 Bonsawargaon 1815/5/ 3f 101 18!0050/0050,U030}0101 16/ 5/145 16/005OV0145 28 Chandansawargaon 1815/5/4{l23 18/0050/0050/0040/0123 16/S/ 97 16'OOSOV0097 29 Chardan .. 18/ 5/ 5/ 21 48 1&/0050/0050/0020ft)048 16/ 5/ 26 16/0050/0026 30 ChtkhalBld 18/5/5121 47 18f0050/oo501OO20ft)047 16/ 51 24 16/0050/0024 31 Chmcholl Malt .. 18/5/5/5/179 18{OO50/oo50/050/0179 1615/135 161OO5OVOl35 32 Chmchpur 18/515/21 64 18/oo5OV00501OO201OO64 16/ 5/ 73 16/0050/0073 33 Chmchwan 18/ 515121 39 18/OO50/0050ft)02O!OO39 16/ 5/ 6 16/0050{0006 34 Chondi 18/5/5121 S6 18/OO50!005~!OO56 16/ 5/ 13 1610050/00 13 35 Choramba .. 18/5/5121 58 18/oo5~50fl)020A)058 161 5/ 16 16/0050/0016 36 Dahilal Pahadl 18/5/5/21 41 18/0050/0050/002010041 16/ 51 7 16/005OVOOO7 37 Dahlfalwadrnavh 18/5/5/1/ 11 18/0050/0050/00 JO!OOI J 16/ 5/ 53 1610050/0053

38 Dailhana '" 18/5/5/5/174 18/005OV0050!OOSO..o174 16/ 5/132 16'0050/0132 39 Daradwadl 18/5/5/5/163 18/0050/OO50100SOft)163 16/ 5/123 16/005OVOI23 40 Deugaon 18/5/5111 12 18/oo50/oo50ft)DIO/OO12 16/ 51 54 16/0050i0054 41 Depewadgaon 1815/5/3/ 98 18/oo5(V005010030ft)098 16/ 51102 1610050/01 02 42 Devla Bk 18/515121 36 18/oo50/oo50!002010036 16/51 2 16/0050/0002 43 Dhakanwadl 18/ S/5/5/164 18/oo50/oo50!OO5O/0164 I6/Sfl24 16/005010124 44 Dhakephal 18/5/5/41125 18/oo50!0050~ft)I25 16/ 5/H17 16/OO5OVOI 07 45 Dhanegaon 18/5f 514/147 18/0050/0050/0040/0147 1615/172 161005010172 46 Dhanora 18/5/5/3/110 18/oo5OVtXl50!00301OO II 0 16/ 5/177 16/0050/0177 47 Dhannala 18/5/5/4/118 1810050/0050/0040/0 118 16/ 5/ 77 16/0050foo77 48 Dharur 18/ 5/5121 61 18/0050/0050/0020/0061 16/ 5/ 43 16/005OV0043 49 Dhavadl 18/515/31 92 18f0050/0050ft)030{OO92 16/ 5/ 66 16/0050/0066 50 DhOlra 18/5/5/51161 18/0050/0050/0050/0 161 16/ 5/121 1610050/0121 246

APPENDIX V - contd

5. KAIJ C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

51 Dighol Amba 18/5/5/3/ 99 18/0050/0050/0030/0099 16/5/101 16/0050/0101 52 Doka 18/ 5/ 5/5/181 18/0050/0050/0050/0181 16/5/161 16/(.~50/0161 53 Dongaon 18/5/5/1/ 31 18/0050/0050(0010(0031 16/5(112 16(0050/0112 54 Dunakwad 18/5/5/2/ 40 18/0050(0050(0020/0040 16/5( 8 16/0050/0008 55 Ekurka 18/5/5/5,157 18/0050/0050(0050/0157 16/5/118 16/0050/0118 56 Gadalyachl Wadi 18/5/5/5/167 18/0050(0050/0050/0167 16/5/120 16/0050/0120 57 GanJpur 18/5/5/21 63 18/0050/0050/0020/0063 16/5/ 74 16/0050/0074 58 Gappewadl 18/5/5/1/ 7 18/0050/0050/00 10/0007 16/5/49 16/0050/0049 59 Gdwandara 18/ 5/5/ 2/ 53 18/0050/0050/0020/P053 16/5/ 10 16/0050/0010 60 Ghagarwada 18/5/5/2/ 60 18/0050/0050{0020/0060 16/5/ 44 16/0050/0044 61 Ghalewadl 18/5/5/11 3 18/0050/0050/001010003 16/5/ 48 16/0050/0048 62 Gorwadl (N.V ) 18/5/5/1/ 8 18/0050/0050/00 10/0008 0/0/ 0 / / 63 Gotcgaon 18/5/5/4/132 18/0050/0050/0040/0132 16/5/139 16/0050/0139 64 Hadgdon 18/5/5/5/183 18/0050/0050{0050/0183 16/5/165 16/0050/0165 65 Hanumanl Plmpn 18/5/5/5/173 18/0050/0050/0050/0173 16/5/133 16/0050/0133 66 Hasanabad 18/5/5/2/ 73 18/0050/0050/0020/0073 16/5/ 40 16/0050/0040 67 Illwara Kh 18/5/5/3/106 18/0050/0050/0030/0106 16/5/148 16/0050/0148 68 Hlwara Pahadl 18/5/5/2/ 33 t 8/0050/0050/0020/0033 16/5/ 22 16/0050/0022 69 lIoi 18/5/5/3/ 96 18/0050/0050/0030/0096 16/5/ 98 16/0050/0098 70 Islhal 18/5/5/3" 13 18/0050/0050/0030/0113 16/5/175 16/0050/0175 71 Iadhav Iawala 18/5/5/1/ 29 18/oo50/0050{0010/0029 16/5/ 93 16/11050/0093 72 Jaocgaon 18/5/5/4/121 18/0050/0050/0040/0121 16/5/ 96 16/0050/0096 73 Jawalban 18/5/5/4/142 18/0050/0050/0040/0142 16/5/104 16/0050/0104 74 JaybhaYLhlwadl (N.V) 18/5/5/2/ 70 18/0050/0050/0020/0070 0/0/ 0 / / 75 Jlwachlwadl .. 18/5/5/1/ 5 18/0050/0050/0010/0005 16/5/25 16/0050/0025 76 lola 18/5/5/ 1/ 14 18/0050/0050/0010/0014 16/5/ 85 16/0050/0085 77 KalJ 18/5/5/4/127 18/0050/0050/0040/0127 16/5{11O 16/0050/0110 78 Kdlam Amba 18/5/5/3/ 88 18/0050/0050/0030/0088 16/5/ 70 16/(X)50/0070 79 Kalegaon Ghat 18/5/5/5/172 18/0050/0050/0050/0172 16/5/116 16/0050/0116 80 Kandl Badan 18/5/5/3/105 18/oo50/oo50{0030/0105 16/ 5(147 16/0050/0147 81 KandlMah 18/5/5/4/117 18/oo50/oo50!0040/0117 16/ 5/ 79 16/0050/0079 82 Kanhobachlwadl (N. V ) 18/5/5/5/187 18/0050/0050/0050/0187 0/0/ 0 / 83 Kapryachlwadt (N V.) 18/ 5/5/5/176 18/0050{0050{0050/O176 0/0/ 0 / 84 Karalwadl 18/ 5/5/21 35 18/0050/0050/0020/0035 16/ 5/ 1 16/0050/0001 85 Kasan 18/5/5/4/119 18/0050/0050/0040/0119 16/5/ 76 16/0050/0076 86 Kashldwadl 18/5/51l/ 6 18/0050/0050/0010/0006 16/5/ 46 16/0050/0046 87 Kalcwadl (N V ) 18/5/5/2/ 55 18/0050/0050/0020/0055 0/0/ 0 / / 88 Kawadgaon 18/5/5/3/104 18/0050/0050/0030/0104 16/5/150 16/0050/0150 89 Kckanwadl 18/5/5/3/ 81 18/0050/0050/0030/0081 16/5/ 35 16/0050/0035 90 KckatSaml .. 18/5/5/3/ 87 18/0050/0050/0030/0087 16/ 5/ 71 16/0050/0071 91 Kalgaon 18/ 5/5/ 5/ 158 18/0050/0050/0050/0158 16/5/114 16/0050/0114 92 Kcndrewadl .. 18/5/5/3/ 91 18/0050/0050/0030/0091 16/ 51 65 16/0050/0065 93 Kewad ... 18/ 5/ 5/ 5/178 18/0050/0050/0050/0178 16/ 5/134 16/0050/0134 94 Khadkl 18/5/5/21 45 18/0050/oo50{0020/0045 16/5/ 3 16/0050/0003 95 Khodas 18/5/5/3/ 80 18/0050/0050/0030/0080 16/5/ 36 16/0050/0036 96 Kodan 18/5/5/3/ 95 18/0050/0050/0030/0095 16/5/ 99 16/0050/0099 97 Kolhewadl 18/5/5/1/ 22 18/0050/0050/0010/0022 16/5/ 57 16/0050/0057 98 KolpLmpn 18/5/5/3/ 79 18/0050/0050/0030/0079 16/5/ 37 16/0050/0037 99 Kopra 18/5/5/3/109 18/0050/00:;OtOO30/0109 16/5/178 16/0050/0178 100 Kordyachl wadi 18/5/5/1/ 2 18/00511/00SJ/lIOlO/0002 16/5/ 23 16/0050/0023 101 Koregaon .. 18/5/5/1/ 28 18/0050/0050/0010/0028 16/5/ 92 16/0050/0092 102 Kolharban 18/5/5/21 42 18/0050/0050/0020/0042. 16/5/ 18 16/0050/00 18 103 KOthl 18/5/5/11 25 18/0050/0050/00 10/0025 16/5/ 82 16/0050/0082 247

APPENDIX V -contd.

5. KAU C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

104 Kumbephal .. , 18/5/5/4/124 18/0050/0050/0040/0 124 16/ 5/ 95 16/0050/0095

105 Ladegaon o' 18/5/5/3/ 97 18/0050/0050/0030/0097 16/ 5/103 16/0050/0103 106 Ladewadgaon 18/5/5/3/ 90 18/0050/0050/003010090 16/ 51 68 16/0050/0068 107 Lahuri .. , 18/5/5Ilt 23 18/0050/0050/00 10/0023 16/5/81 16/0050/0081 108 Lakha 18/5/5(5/185 18/0050/0050/0050/0185 16/5/166 16/0050/0166 109 Lamantanda ... l8/5/5/2I 67 18/0050/0050/0020/0067 16/ 5/42 16/0050/0042 110 Mamdwadt 18/5/5/21 62 18/oo50/oo50/OOZO!0062 16/ 5/ 59 16/0050/0059 III MalegaOll 18/5/5/4/134 18/0050/0050/0040/0134 W5/l59 16/0050/0159 112 Malewadt 18/515! 5/l(f.) 18/0050/0050/0050/0160 16/ 5/119 16/0050/0119 113 Mangwadgaon 18/515/5/186 18/0050/0050/0050/0186 16/5/167 16/0050/0167 114 MassaJog 18/5/5! 1/ 26 18/0050/0050/0010/0026 16/ 5/ 91 16/0050/0091 115 Moha Jahagir 18/5/5/21 57 18/0050/005010020/0057 16/ 5/ 28 16/0050/0028 - 116 Morfah 18/5/5/21 78 18/oo50/0050/OOZO/OO78 16/ 5/ 33 16/0050/0033

117 Motegaon " 18/5/5/4/131 18/0050/0050/0040/0 131 16/5/140 16/0050/0140 118 Mulegaon 18/ 51 5/31 89 18/005010050/003010089 16/ 51 69 16/005010069 119 Mundewadl 18/5/515/156 18/005010050/0050/0156 16/ 5/ 87 16/0050/0087 120 Nagzan (L) .. 18/5/5/1/ 21 18/0050/0050/00 10/0021 16/5/ 4S 16/0050/0045 121 Nagzan Gatmukh 18/5/5/21 52 18/0050/0050/0020/0052 16/ 5/ 9 16/0050/0009 122 Nabob .. 18/5/5/5/171 18/oo50/0050ft]050/O 171 16/ 5/130 16/0050/0130 123 Nalgoan 18/ 5/5/ 4/153 18/0050/005010040/0 153 16/ 5/173 16/0050/0173 124 Nandurghat 18/5/5/5/166 18/0050/0050/0050/0166 16/5/127 1610050/0127

125 Narewadt " 18/5/5/5/IS4 18/00S0/00S0/OO50/0 IS4 16/ S/t22 16/00S0/0122 126 Nlnnalwadi (N. V.) 18/ 515/21 34 18/0050/0050;0020/0034 0/01 0 I I 127 Paithan 18/S/5/4/150 18/0050/005010040/0 ISO 16/ 5/143 16/005010143 128 Palaskheda 18/S/5/3/1oo 1810050/0050/0030/0 100 16/ 5/146 16/00S0/0I46 129 Pangn .. 18/S/Sf 3f 85 18/0050/0050/0030/0085 16/ 5/ 62 16/0050/0062 130 Pargaon Pahadt .. 18/5/5/2f 49 18/005010050/0020/0049 16/5/ 17 16/0050/0017 131 Palhra 18/S/5{4/144 18/0050/0050(0040/0 144 16/5{156 16/0050/0156 132 PimpaJgavhan 18/5/511! 18 18f0050/oo50/OO 10/00 18 16/ S{ 83 16/0050/0083 133 Pimpaltakka ... 18/5/5f 2f 43 18/0050/0050/0020/0043 1615/ 19 16/0050/0019 134 Pimparwada 18/5/Sf 21 69 18/0050/0050/0020/0069 16/ 5/ 29 16/0050/0029 135 PlmplaRui .. 18/5/5f 21 44 18/0050/0050/0020/0044 16/5/ 20 16/0050/0020 136 PuachlWadt ... 18/S/Sf 1/ I 18ft)OSO/OOSO/OOIOft)OOl 16/ 5/ 52 16/0050/0052 137 Pisegaon ... 18/5/5/4/126 18/0050/0050/0040/0126 16/ 5/ 94 16/0050/0094 138 Ptuhlghal .. , 18/5/S/S/168 18/0050/0050/0050/0168 16/ 5/128 16/0050/0128 139 Ra}egaon 18/ 5/5/5/170 18/00SO/0050/00S0/0170 16/ 5/131 16/0050/0131 140 Rameshwarwadl 18/5/5/5/165 18/0050/0050/0050/0 165 16/ 5/126 1610050/0126 141 RCpeWadl 18/5/5121 71 18/0050/0050/0020/0071 16/ 51 30 16/0050/0030 142 Rui Dharur ... 18/ 5/5f 21 76 18/ooSO/0050/002OJ()076 16/5/31 16/0050/0031 143 Rui Ptmp1a 18/ S/5f 21 37 18/OO50/00S0/00ZO,oo37 16/ 5/ 4 1610050/0004 144 Sabia 18/5/5f4/116 18/0050/0050/0040/0116 161 5/ 78 16/0050/0078 145 Sado1a 18/5/5/4/137 18/005010050/0040/0137 16/ 5/170 16/0050/0170 146 Salcgaon 18/5/5/4/129 18/0050/0050/0040/0129 16/ 5(137 16/0050/0137 147 Sangaon ... 18f Sf 5f 3/ 94 18/0050/0050/0030/0094 161 5/100 1610050/0100 148 SangV1 (S) 18/5/5(1/ 71 18/0050/0050/00 10/00 17 16/ 5/ 90 16/0050/0090 149 Saml lSI Sf 5/11 16 18/0050/0050,0010/0016 16/ 5/ 89 16/0050/0089 150 Samt (Anandgaon) .. 18/ 5/ 51 4/140 18/OO50/OOS0/0040/014O 16/ 5/106 16/0050/0106 151 Sarukwadl 18/ S/5f 5/180 18/0050/0050/0050/0 ISO 16/5/136 16/0050/0136 152 Sarul 18/5/ SIl/ IS 18/0050/0050/00 I0/00 15 16/ 5/ 88 16/0050/0088 153 Sasura 18/5/5/1/ 13 18/00SOJ0050/0010/OO13 16/ 5/ 84 16/0050/0084 154 Salefalwadi 18/5/5/5/182 18/005OJ0050/OOS0/O 182 16/ 5/100 16/oo50/CJt 00 155 Saundana ... 18/5/5/3/114 J 8/005OJ0050/0030/O 114 16/5/174 16/0050/0)74 248

APPENDIX V -contd.

5. KAIJ C. D. BLOCK- contd.

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

156 Sawleshwar 18/ S/5/4/1.51 18/00.50/0050/0040/0151 16/ 5/144 16/0050/0144 157 Shcigaon GanJI 18/5/5{ 4{ 130 18{0050{OOS0{00401O 130 16/ 5m8 16/0050toI38 158 Shindl 18/5/ SIl/ 19 I S/OOSCV0050A)O 10/00 19 16/ 5/ 55 16/0050100SS 159 ShlCpura 18/5/5/1/ 30 IS/0050/0050/OO 10/0030 16/5/113 16{ooSOlO113 160 Shmlrghat 18/5/5/5/169 18{0050/0050/OO50/O 169 1615/129 1610050/0129 161 Sromalh Borgaon 18/5/5/3/1 fJ1 18/0050/0050/0030/0107 1615/149 16/0050/0149 162 SOIlesangvI 18/5/5/4/136 18/0050/0050/004010136 161 .5/169 16/0050/0169 163 SOIlljawla 18/5/5/4/139 18/0050/0050/0040/0139 161 S/108 16/0050/0108 164 SOIllrnoha .. 18/5/5121 68 18/0050/00S0/002O/lXl68 16/51 14 16{OO50/OO14 165 Soonakhota 18/515/21 38 18/0050/005010020/0038 16/ 51 5 16/0050/0005 166 SOIlwata 18/51 Sf 31 82 1810050/0050(0030/0082 161 5f 34 16{OOSO!OO34 167 Sukh 18/5/5/4/133 18/0050/0050/0040101 :33 . 16/5M8 1610050/0158 168 Surdi 18/5/5/ 41135 18/0050/0050/0040/0 135 16/5/168 16{0050/0168 169 Takh 18/5/5f 1/ 32 18/0050/0050ft)OlO~2 161 .5.(.111 16/00.50/0111 170 Tambwa t8/5/5/4!l20 18/0050/0050/004010120 16/51 '75 16{0050/0075 171 Tandalwadl 18/5/5/21 65 18/0050/0050/002010065 16{ 51 60 1610050/0060 172 Tarnah 18/5/5/4/115 18/0050/0050I0040/0115 1615/ 58 16/0050/0058 173 Tatborgaon 18/5/5/3/111 18/0050/005CV00301O 111 16/ 5!I19 16/0050/0179 174 Thetagavhan 18/5/5/21 50 18/oo5CV0050!0020JOOSO 16/5/ 15 16{OOSOIoolS 175 Tokewadi 18/515/21 46 18/005CVOOSO!0020IOO46 16/ 5{ 21 16/0050/0021 176 Tukuchlwadl 18/5/5/1/ 4 lR/ooSOl00501OO101OOO4 16/5/ 47 I (t005CV0047 In Umbrayachlwildi (N.v.) IR/5/ 5/ 21 75 18/0050/0050/002010075 oloi 0 I I 178 Umral 18/5/5/3/ 93 18/0050/00501003010093 161 5/ 67 1610050/0067 179 Urnn 18/515/11 24 1810050(00501001010024 16151 80 16(0050{0080 180 Undn .. 18/5/5/31 86 1810050/00501003010086 1615/ 61 16100'50/0061 181 VVaghebabhaigaon 181 51 Sf 51 iSS 18/00SOl00SCVOO501O 1SS 16{ 51 86 16{0050{0086 182 VVagho1t 18/5/5/3/ 84 1810050/0050/0030/0084 1615/ 63 16{0050{0063 183 Wakdl 18/51514{l49 18/0050/0050/0040;0149 16/5/154 1610050/01 S4 184 Warapgaon 18/5ISI5Jl77 18/0050/OO50fOO50A>177 16151162 16/0050/0162 185 VVlda 18151511/ 9 18/oo50/0050/OO10A)009 16{ 5/ 50 16(005010050 186 Yewta 18/5/5/1/ 20 18/0050/0050/0010/0020 16/51 56 16{OOSO/OO56 187 Yu~uf Wadgaon 18/5/5/4/138 18/0050/0050/0040/0 138 16151141 16(0050/0141 249



Sr. LocanonCode- 1991 Locallon Code -1981 Name of Villase No. (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (CompulCr) (1) (2) (3) (4) (') (6)

Amamet 1&16I6( 41119 18/006010060/0040/0 119 1616/ 54 1610060I0054 2 AnlbeWadl (N. V.) 1&/6(6/41140 1810060/0060/0040/0140 01 01 0 I 1 3 AnandllllOl\ 18/6/6111 33 18/006010060/0010/0033 16161 35 16l0060l0035 4 Anandwadl 18/6/6/21 61 18/0060/0060/0020/0061 16/6/65 16l0060l0065 5 Anpatwadl 18/6/6/3/105 18~30/010S 1616/123 1610060l0123 6 Antapur 18/6/6/4/144 18/()()60/0060/0040/O 144 16161 78 16/OOf1J1W18 7 Arvi 18/6/6/11 11 18/006010060/0010/00 11 16/ 6/ 21 161006010021 8 Auran&pur 18/6/612/ 47 18/0060IOO6O/0020t0047 16161 40 1610060/0040 9 Badcwadi 1&/6/6/1/ 22 18/006010060/001010022 16/ 61 2 16/006010002 10 Bahirwadi (N. V.> IS/6/6111 23 18/0060100600010/0023 0/ 0/ 0 / / II Baraswadi 18/616/2/ 59 181OO601006®020/OO'9 16161 64 16/006010064 12 Bargatwadi 18/616/1/ 19 18/006010060/0010/00 19 16161 29 16/0060I0029 13 Bawi 18/6/6/1/ 12 18/0060/0060/0010/00 12 16/ 6/ 23 16/0060I0023 14 Bedarwadl 18/ 6/ 6/ 2/ 72 181006010060I0020/0072 1616/ 86 16/0060I0086 IS Bedarwadi (N. V.) 18/6/6/4/148 18/006010060/0040/0148 0/ 0/ 0 / / 16 Bedukwadi (N. V.) 18/ 6/ 613/ 97 18/0060I0060/003010097 0/ 0/ 0 / / 17 &lw~i (N. V.) 1816/ 6/3/ 89 18/006010060/0030/0089 Of 01 0 / / 18 Benlur 18/6/6/3/ 82 18/006010060/0030/0082 1616/109 16/0060/0109 19 Bhadkbel 18/ 616/41110 18/0060/0060/0040/0110 16/ 6/ SO 1610060/0050 20 Bhanakwadi Kh. 18/6/6/ 2/ 58 18/0060I0060I0020/0058 1616/62 1610060I0062 21 Bhatewadi (N. V.) _18/6/6/41134 18/006010060/0040/0134 0/ 0/ 0 / / 22 Bhurewadi (N. V.) 18/ 6/6/4/158 1810060/0060/0040/015& 0/ 0/ 0 / / 23 Bhyala 18/6/6/3/ 81 181006010060/0030/0081 1616/108 16/0060101 08 24 Bramhanath Ye1amb 18/6/6/1/ 13 18/0060l0060/00 I0100 13 16/ 6/ 12 1610060I0012 25

APPENDIX V - contd.

6. PATODA C. D. BLOCK - contd.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

54 lathawad 18{6{6{1{ 24 18{0060/0060/OO 10{0024 16{ 6/ 30 16{0060/0030 55 laUlandur 18/6/6/4/131 18{0060/0060jOO4O/0131 16/6/ 73 16/0060/0073 56 Jaulala 18/ 616/3/ 83 18/0060/006010030/0083 16/61110 16/0060/0110 57 lcdhewadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/41130 18/0060/0060/004010130 0/ 01 0 I / 58 Itrewadi (N. V) 18/6/6/4/147 18/0060/0060/004010147 01 01 0 1 1 59 K. Dhanora 18/6/6/21 44 18{0060/0060/0020/0044 16/6/ 17 16JOO6O/0017 60 Kakadhlrd 18/6/6/21 65 18{0060/0060100201006S 16/6{ 69 1610060/0069 61 Kanhobachlwadl 18/6[6/ 1/ 32 18{0060/0060/00 10/00n 16/ 6/ 25 16/006010025 62 Kantalw.tdl (N V) 18/6/6/4/115 18/0060/006010040/0115 0/ 0/ 0 I I 63 KaranJawan 18/6/6{31 76 18{0060{0060/0O:J0/0071) 16/6/105 16/0060/0105 64 Karegaon 18/6/6/41114 18/0060/0060/0040101 ~ 4 16/6158 16/006010058 65 Khadakwadl 18/6/6/21 66 18/0060/0060/0020/0066 Ifj/6{ 88 16/0060/0088 66 KhaJapun 18/6/6/21 41 18/0060/0060/0020/0041 16/6/39, 16/006010039 67 Khamba 18/6/6/2/ 42 18/0060/0060/0020/0042 16/ 6/ 19 16/0060/00 19 68 Khokarmoha 18/6/6/2/ 49 18/oo60/0060jOO2010049 16/ 6/ '\~ 16/0060/0043 69 Khoiya"hlwadl 18/6/6/1/ 35 18/0060/00601001010035 16/61 46 1610060/0046 70 Khopu 18/6/6/4/118 18/0060/0060/0040/0 118 16/6/ 55 16/0060/0055 71 Ko1wadl 18/6/6/1/ 31 18/0060/0060/00 I 010031 16/61 26 16/006010026 72 Kotan 18/6/6/4/108 18/0060/0060/0040/0 108 16/6/51 16/0060/0051 73 Kusalamb 18/6/6/4(154 18/0060/0060/0040/0 154 16/6/ 94 16/0060/0094 74 Kutewadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/41150 18/0060/0060/004010 150 01 0/ 0 / / 75 Lambharwadl 18/6/6/4/156 18/0060/0060/0040/0 156 16/ 6/ 97 16/006010097 76 Llmba 18/6/6/2/ 46 18/0060/0060/0020/0046 16/6/ 38 16/0060/0038 77 Lon! 18/6/6/1/ 18 18/0060/0060/0010/0018 16/ 6/ 6 16/0060/0006 78 Madmapun 18/6/6/1/ 26 18/0060/0060jOO 1010026 16/6/ 49 16/0060/0049 79 MahasanghVl 18/6/6/3/1 01 18/0060/0060/0030/0101 16{6/113 16/0060/0113 SO MahUldrawadl (N V) 18/6/6/21 69 18/0060/0060/0020/0069 0/ 0/ 0 / I 81 Malekarwadl (N V) 18/6/6/4/137 18/0060/0060/0040/0 137 0/ 0/ 0 / / 82 Malkachlwadl 18/6/6/21 60 18/0060/0060/002010060 16/6/ 41 16/0060/0041 8, Mandvewadl 18/6/6/4/135 18/0060/0060/0040/0 135 16/6/ 83 16/0060/0083 84 Mangewadl (N V.) 18/6/6/1/ 20 18/0060!0060/00 10/0020 0/ 01 0 / / 85 Mangcwadl (N. V.) 18/6/6/3/ 90 18/0060!00601OO301OO9O 0/ 01 0 I I 86 Manur' 18/6/6/11 21 18/0060!00601OO 1010021 16/61 1 16/0060/0001 87 Manzari Ghat 18/6/6/3/106 1810060!0060/003010106 166/124 16/006010124 88 Misalwadl (N. V.) 18/6/6/4/124 18/0060!OO6O/OO401O 124 0/ 01 0 / I 89 MorJalwadt (N. V.) 18/6/6/4/116 18/0060{00601OO4O/O116 0/ 0/ 0 / / 90 Muggaon 18/6/6/41157 18/0060!0060/004O/O1 S7 16/ 6/ 96 16/0060/0096 91 Nafarwadl. 18{6{6{3{103 18/0060!OO6O/OO30/O103 16{6{115 16{0060/0115 92 Nagaryachlwadl (N V) 18{6/6/2I 37 18/0060!0060/0020/0037 0/ 0/ 0 I / 93 Nagcahwadl (N V.) 18/6/6/4/138 18/0060/006010040/0138 0/ 0/ 0 1 / 94 Nalgaon 18/6/6/21 73 18/0060/0060/0020/0073 16/ 6/ 87 16{0060/0087 9S Nalwandl 18/6/6/4/133 18/

APPENDIX V -contd.

6. PATODA C. D. BLOCK -contd.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

110 Punpalwandl 18/6/6/4/127 18/0060/0060/0040/0 127 16/6/ 74 16/0060/0074 III Punpa1yachl wadi 18/6/6/1/ 36 18/0060/0060/0010/0036 16/6/ 47 16/0060/0047 112 Plliu 18/6/6/21 74 18/0060/0060/0020/0074 16/6/ 89 16/0060/0089 113 Raunoha 18/6/6/21 53 18/0060/0060/0020/0053 16/6/ 45 16/0060/0045 114 Rakshas Bhuwan 18/6/6/11 ",30 18/0060/0060/0010/0030 16/6/ 33 16/0060/0033 115 Rdlc Sangavl 18/6/6/1/ 6 18/0060/0060/0010/0006 16/6/ 13 16/0060/0013 116 RohOlwadl 18/6/6/3/ 78 18/0060/0060/0030/0078 16/6/107 16/0060/0107 117 Rllpur 18/6/611/ 29 18/0060/0060/0010/0029 16/6/ 27 16/0060/0027 118 Sblcwadl eN V) 18/6/6/4/100 18/0060/0060/0040/0 I 00 0/ 0/ 0 / / 119 Sakunwadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/4/ 122 18/0060/0060/0040/0122 01 01 0 / 1 120 Sangalwadl 18/6/6/21 54 18/0060/0060/0020/0054 16/6/ 84 16/0060/0084 121 Saradwadl (N V) 18/6/6/4/139 18/0060/0060/0040/0139 0/ 0/ 0 / / 122 Saundana 18/6/6/3/ 93 18/0060/0060/0030/0093 16/6/118 16/0060/0118 123 Sautada 18/6/6/4/160 18/0060/0060/0040/0160 16/6/ 99 16/0060/0099 124 Sawargaon Chakla 18/6/611/ 5 18/0060/0060/00 10/0005 16/6/ 11 16/0060/00 11 125 Sawargaon Gha 18/6/6/4/146 18/0060/0060/0040/0146 16/6/ 80 16/0060/0080 126 Sawrgaon sOlIe 18/6/6/3/ 92 18/0060/0060/0030/0092 16/6/111 16/0060/0111 127 Sawaswadt (N V ) 18/6/6/4/112 18/0060/0060/0040/0112 0/ 0/ 0 / / 128 Shtrapur Duma! 18/6/6/21 62 18/0060/0060/0020/0062 16/6/ 66 16/0060/0066 129 Shlrapurgat 18/6/6/21 43 18/0060/0060/0020/0043 16/6/ 16 16/0060/0016 130 ShUll! 18/6/6/1/ 15 18/0060/0060/00 10/0015 16/6/ g 16/0060/0008 131 Shnpatwddl 18/6/6/ II 3 18T0060/OO6O/OO 1OJ0003 16/6/ 4 1~/0060/0004 132 Sonegaon 18/6/6/3/ 91 18/0060/0060/0030/0091 16/6/117 16/0060/0117 133 suppa 18/6/6/4/155 18/0060/0060/0040/0155 16/6/ 95 16J0Q60}0095 134 Tagadgaon 18/6/6/21 38 18/0060/0060/0020/0038 16/6/ 44 16/0060/0044 135 Tagarwadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/21 68 18/0060/0060/0020/0068 0/ 0/ 0 1 / 136 Takalwadl 18/6/6/21 52 18/0060/0060/0020/0052 16/6/ 60 16/0060/0060 137 Tale Punpalgaon 18/6/6/3 84 18/0060/0060/0030/0084 16/6/104 16/0060/01 04 138 TambaRaJun 18/6/6/3/ 85 18/0060/0060/0030/0085 16/6/103 16/0060/0103 139 Tarddgavhan 18/6/6/1/ 9 18/0060/0060/0010/0000 16/6/ 20 16/0060/0020 140 Tembhurnt 18/6/6/1/ 1 18/0060/0060/0010/0001 16/6/ 3 16/0060/0003 141 Theria 18/6/6/3/ 77 18/0060/0060/0030/0077 16/6/106 16/0060/0106 142 Tupewadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/4/136 18/0060/0060/0040/0 136 0/ 0/ 0 / / 143 Ukha1wadt (N. V) 18/6/ 6/4/113 18/0060/0060/0040/0 113 01 0/ 0 / 1 144 Ukhanda Chakla 18/6/6/1/ 4 18/0060/0060/00 1010004 16/6/ 10 16/0060/0010 145 Ukhanda Plttt 18/6/6/21 63 18/0060/0060/0020/0063 16/6/67 16/0060/0067 146 Umbervihtra 18/6/6/3/ 75 18/006010060/0030/0075 16/6/ 91 16/0060/0091 147 Vaidhyakinhi 18/6/6/3/ 94 18/0060/0060/0030/0094 16/6/120 16/0060/0120 143 Vatjala 18/6/6/3{ 95 18{0060/OO6O/OO30/OO9S 16/ 6/126 16/0060/0126 149 VanJarwadt 18/6/6/21 56 18/0060/0060/0020/0056 16/6/ 59 16/0060/0059 150 Vighanwadt 18/6/6111 34 18/0060/0060/00 10/0034 16/6/ 34 16/0060/0034 151 Wadalt 18/6/6/4/111 18/0060/0060/0040/0111 16/ 61 48 16/0060/0048 152 Wadzan 18/6/6/21 70 18/0060/0060/0020/0070 16/6/ 85 16/0060/0085 153 Waghlra 18/6/613/ 80 18/006010060/0030/0080 16/ 6/119 16/0060/0119 154 Wahah - 18/616/ 4/145 18/006010060I0040/0145 16/6/ 79 16/006010079 155 Wanewadl (N. V ) 18/6/6/4/151 18/~0060/0040!O151 01 01 0 I 1 156 Warnl 18/6/6/11 17 18{0060/00601OO 10100 17 16/ 61 7 16/0060/0007 157 Yewalwadl 18/6/6/21 55 18/0060/0060/0020/0055 16/61 71 16/0060/0071 158 Yewalwadl 18/6/6/3/ 99 18/0060/0060/0030/0099 16/6/116 16/0060/0116 159 Yewalwadl 18/6/6{ 4/152 18{0060{00601OO4O/O152 16/ 6{101 16{0060/0i0l 160 Zapewadt 18/6/6{ 1/ 14 18/0060/0060/00 10/00 14 16/6/ 24 16/0060/0024 252



Sr. Locat~n Code - 199) Locallon Code - 19S1 Name of Village No (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Ambewadi .. Isnnt1l 14 IS/0070~70}OO10ft)014 16/71 15 16/0070/0015 2 Ambhora 18{lntlf 19 IS/0070/oo70/OOlO/oo 19 16/7/ 45 16/OO70/004S 3 Anandwadl (N. V.) 1817{lf4/ 97 rI~7(J/0070}OO40/0097 0/01 0 / / 4 Andhalyacluwadl (N. V.) .. 181ml'Sl lSI 18/007010070/0050/0151 0/01 0 5 Aranvihira .. 1snntl I 9 18/007010070100 10/0009 16/ 7/ 6 16/0070/0006 6 Ashta Ig{l{l/~1 lW 18/0070/007010050/0160 16/ 7/150 16/0070/0150 7 Aurangpur 18{lnl3l 89 IS/0070/oo70/OO30/0089 1617/106 16/0070/0106 8 Ilalewadl 18 (l{lfJl 76 18/0070/0070/0030/0076 16m 67 16/0070/0067 9 Balcwadl lSnnlS! 157 18/0070/0070/0050/0157 16nt145 16/0070/0145 10 llllndkhcl 18nnlll 11 18/0070/0070/0010/0011 16fJ 13 1610070/0013 II BllYI .. IS(ln12/ 56 IS/0070/oo70/oo2O/oo56 16{71 55 16/0070/0055 12 BeedSangy! ISnn12/ 65 18/0070/0070/0020/0065 16{71 57 16/0070/0057 13 Be1saon lsnntsl 126 IS/0070/0070/00SO{OI26 16{7/ S9, 16f0070{0089 14 Bhalom ISnnts/ 141 18~70/0070/0050/()] 41 16{71121 16/0070/0121 15 Bhatodl 18nn!51 161 lS/oo70/oo70/()050fOI61 16{l/152 1610070/0152 16 Bhawarwadi Isnnf2! S3 IS/oo70/oo70/()020/OO53 l6{71 59 16/0070/0059 17 Bhojewadi ... 18nntl/ 23 1S/0070/oo701OO 1O!OO23 16{l1 43 16/0070/0043 IS Blrangalwadl (N. V.) .. 18nn12/ 26 18/0070100701002010026 O{o/ 0 1 I 19 Barodt IS{lnl3l 82 18/0070/0070/0030/0082 16{7/ 78 161oo70/oo7S 20 Bramhagaon ISnmS/ 134 18/0070/0070/0050/0134 16m 120 16/0070/0120 21 Burudwadi (N, V.) '" lSnn12/ 2S 18/0070/0070/0020/0028 OfO/ 0 I I 22 ChIkhah ISnm4/ 121 18/oo70/0070ft>040/() I 21 16m 137 16/0070/0137 23 Chinchala 18nmSI 129 18/oo70/oo70!OO50/()129 16{7/ 93 16/0070/0093 24 Chmchewadi '" lSnmll 10 18/0070/0070/0010/0010 16nt 4 16/0070/0004 25 Chincholt ISnm4/ 94 18/oo70Ioo70/OO40f()D94 16m 65 16/0070/0065 26 Chmchpur ISnmSI ISO 18/0070/oo70{OO50/()l50 16m 151 16/0070/01 5 1 27 Oadegaon IS{ln12/ 35 18/0070/0070/()O2O/OO35 16{l1 41 16/007010041 28 Dalthan IS{l/7/4! 123 18/oo70/0070{OO40/O 123 16{l/139 16/0070/0139 29 Oaulawadgaon IS{lntll 13 18/0070/007010010/()O13 16{l1 14 16/0070/0014 30 Owlali Isnntl! 25 18/0070/0070100 10{0025 16{71 20 16/0070/0020 31 Desur Isnnt5/ 127 18/oo70/oo70fl)050/0127 16{71 90 16/0070/0090 32 Deulgaon Ghat 18nntll 3 18/0070/0070/00 10{0003 16{7/ 5 16/0070/0005 33 Deyi Nllllgaon 18nn!2/ 37 18/0070/0070/0020/0037 16{71 51 16/0070/0051 34 Dcvlgayhan 18{lm51 146 18/oo70/0070~50,u146 16{7/148 16/0070/0148 35 Ohamangaon ISnn121 40 18/oo70/0070/OO2Of()040 16{71 23 16/0070/0023 36 Dhangarwadl ... ISnnl2/ 59 18/OO70/0070!OOUJ~59 16{7/ 36 16/0070/0036 37 Dhangarwlldl ISnnf3f 72 18/oo70/0070/0030ft)072 16{7/ 70 16/0070/0070 38 Dhllnora ISnm41 93 18/0070/0070/0040/0093 16{7/ 66 16/0070/0066 39 Ohmh 18nnt41 III 18/0070/0070/0()4{),ul1l 16{7/113 16/0070/0113 40 Doithan lS{lnl2l 58 18/0070/0070/()020ft)058 16{71 37 16/0070/0037 41 Dongargm IS{lnl2! 36 18/0070/0070ft)020f0(t36 16{71 so 16/0070/0050 42 Gahukhel ISrm!l! 16 18/0070/0070/00 lO/()O 16 16{71 19 16/oo70~19 43 Ganagewadl ISnnl2! 64 18/0070/0070/()O20/0064 16{l1 56 16/0070/0056 44 Gandhanwadl (N V.) IS{ln/5! 159 IS/0070/0070~50fOI59 0/0/ .. 0 I I 45 GangadeYI .. lS{l/7/1! 6 1S/0070/0070/OO10/()()()6 16{71 8 16/oo70/oooS 46 Ghata Punpn ISnn121 32 lS/0070/0070/()020/OO32 16{l1 22 16/0070/0022 47 Ghongadyachlwadl ISnnf3f 91 18/0070/0070/0030/0091 16{l1103 16/0070/0103 48 HaJipur ISnm51 142 18/0070/0070/OOSO,u142 16{l/119 16/0070/0119 49 Hakewadl (N V.) ISnnl2! 27 IS/0070/0070{OO20ft)027 O{oI 0 1 I 50 Hanumantgaon ISnnt4/ 122 18/oo70!0070fi)040JOI22 16{7/138 16/0070/0138 51 Hatola ISnn12!62 IS/0070/oo70/()020/0062 16{l1 34 16/007010034 52 Hatolan IS{l{l{3! SI 18/oo70/0070fi)030fi)OSl 16m 77 16/0070/0077 S3 Hmgm Isnnt41 125 18/0070/oo70/004O{0125 16{l/141 16/0070/0141 54 Hlvara IS{lntl! 22 18/0070/0070ft)O 10f0022 16{71 42 16/0070/0042 253

APPENDIX V -contd.

7. ASHTI C. D. DLOCK-contd.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

55 !mangaon ... 18(1(l!41 118 18/00701007010040,tU1 III 16(7/135 16/0070l0135 56 Jalgaon 18(lnt41 108 18/0070/007010040,tU 108 16(11 96 161OO7~ 57 Jamgaon 18(1nt5/ 152 18i0070/0070/OO50,tU 152 16(1/149 16/007010149 58 Kada .. 18(1nl4l 103 18/0070/0070l004010103 1617/ 63 161007010063 59 Kanadi Ok. 18(1(lf4/ 114 lS/0070/0070/OO4O,tU114 16f7/109 16/007010109 60 KanadtKh 18(1nl3l 85 18/007010070/0030/0085 1617/101 161007010101 61 Kapsi 18(lnrU 63 18/0070/OO7()ffl20(0063 16f71 35 161007010035 62 Kanuui ... 18(1m5/ 140 18!OO70/OO70ft)OSO/014O 16(1/129 161007010129 63 Karhewadgaon 18(1(lJSI 149 J8/0070/oo7U~50/0149 1617/126 16/007010126 64 Kllrhewadl ... 18(1n/5/ 139 18/0070/0070/0050/0139 16f7/127 16/0070/0127 65 Karkhell3k. .. lSnnnt 41 18/0070/007010020/0041 16f7/ 25 16/(XY7010025 66 Karkhel Kh 18(1(lfl/ 15 18{OO70/007QA)OI0/OO15 16171 12 161007010012 67 Kasan ... 18(1nt5/ 131 18/0070/0070/0050/0131 16f7/ 95 16/0070/0095 68 Kel 18(lml! 12 18!0070/0070ft)O 10/00 12 1617/ 3 161OO7~ 69 Kelsang"j .. 18(1l7/41 110 18/007010070t0040ft)l10 1617/114 161007010114 70 Kernl 18(1{lnt 51 18/0070/oo7~O/OOSI 16f7/ 62 161007010062 71 Khadakwadt .. 18(1(1121 42 18/0070/0070/0020/0042 16f7/ 26 161007010026 72 Khadkat 18(1mSI 156 18/0070/0070/0050/0156 1617/144 16/007010144 73 Khalalwaw .. 18(1n12/ 61 18/0070/0070/0020/0061 16f7/ 33 161007010033 74 Khanapur IS{lm4/ 117 18/0070/0070/0040/0117 1617/136 1610070/0136 75 Kharadgavhan ... 18(1nl3/ 79 18/0070/0070/0030/0079 16f7/ 79 161007010079 76 Khtlad 18{ln12/ 39 18/0070/0070l0020/0039 16f7/ 40 16/0070/0040 77 Khuntephal 18n{ll3/ 68 18/oo70/0070flOQ30/0068 16171 74 16/007010074 78 Khuntephal Pundt 18(1{l13l' 78 18/0070JQ070/OO30/0078 1617/ 81 161007010081 79 Ktnht 18(1nnt 54 18/0070/0070/0020/0054 16f7/ 58 161007CVOOS8 80 Kohini 18(1n12/ 57 18/0070/0070/0020/0057 16f7/ 54 161OO'7WOOS4 81 Koyal ... 18(1nl3/ 69 18/oo70/0070/0030{0069 16f7/ 75 161007010075 82 Kumbhephal 18(1{l131 77 18/007010070/0030/0077 16f7/ 68 161007010068 83 Latewadi (N. V.) 18(1(112/ 29 18/0070/0070/0020/0029 010/ 0 / / 84 Limbodi 18(1(112/ 38 18/0070/0070/0020/0038 16f71 52 161007010052 85 Lom ... IS(1(1I3/ 67 18/0070/0070/0030/0067 16f7/ 72 161007010072 86 MahaJanwad (N. V.) 18(1(112/ 30 18/0070/0070/0020/0030 010/ 0 / / 87 Mahmda .. 18n(112/ 44 18/0070/0070/0020/0044 16(1/ 28 16J007010028 88 MlOdva .. 18(1(lf4/ 107 18/0070/0070/0040/0107 16(1/ 88 161007010088 89 Mangrul .. 18nnl4l 120 18/0070/0070/0040/0120 16f7/133 16100700133 90 Marathwadl IS(1mll 1 18/0070/0070/0010/0001 16f7/ 1 16lOO7WOOOI 91 Matawalt IS(1n/5/ 137 18/0070/0070/0050/0137 16f7/124 1610070/0124 92 Matkuh ISnntS/ 138 lS/0070/0070/OO5O/0138 1617/125 161007010125 93 MhasobachlWadt 18(1(lfl! 24 18/007CV0070/OO10/OO24 16f7/ 18 161007010018 94 Morala ... IS(1n12/ 46 18/0070/0070/0020/0046 16f7/ 30 1610070l0030 95 Morewadt lS(1n12/ 52 18/0070/0070/0020/0052 1617/ 61 161007010061 96 Murshadpur 18nmS/ 144 18/0070/oo70/OOS0/0144 16f7/117 1610070/0117 97 NagtalwadJ 18n(112/ 47 18/0070/0070/0020/0047 1617/ 29 161007010029 98 Nanda ISnm4/ 112 18/0070/0070/0040/0112 16f7/ 98 1610070/0098 99 Nandur ... 18(1nl3/ 73 18/0070/0070/0030/0073 16f7/ 46 16/0070J0Q46 100 NungaOll Bodkha 18nnl3/ 90 18/0070/oo70/OO30ft)090 1617/107 161007010107 101 Nlm8aon Chaubha .. 18(1(lf4/ 101 18/0070/0070/004010101 1617/ 97 1610070/0097 102 Pandega"han ISnmS/ 133 IS/oo70/0070/0050/0133 1617/ 92 161OO70/(XY)2 103 Pandhan .. 18(1n/5/ 143 18/007010070/0050/0143 1617/131 161007010131 104 Pangra 18(1nf2/ 43 18/0070/0070/0020/0043 1617/ 27 161007010027 lOS Pangulgavhan ... 18(1(lfS/ 135 18/0070100701005010135 1617/122 1610070/0122 106 Pargaon Jogeshwan 18nmS/ 158 18/007~70ft)05O}OIS8 16f7/146 1610070/0146 107 Parodi 18{lnl3l 88 18/oo701OO701OOJOft)OS8 1617/105 16100701010S 108 Patan 18(1(1f2/ 50 18/0070/007010020/0050 1617/ 53 1610070/0053 109 PhaUewadgaon ISnm4/ 113 18/0070/0070/0040/0113 1617/111 1610070/0111 254

APPENDIX V - contd.

7. ASHTI C. D.BLOCK-contd.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

110 Punpalgaon Dam Isnnf31 86 1810070/0070/0030/0086 16m 102 16/0070/0102 III Punpalgaon Ghat ... 18nmlf 2 18/007010070/0010/0002 16m 2 16/0070/0002 112 PunpalsUttl ISnm41 124 18/0070/0070/004010124 16m 140 16/0070/0140 113 Punparkhcd Isnml/ 21 18/0070/0070/0010/0021 16m 49 16/0070/0049 114 Punpla ISnnf31 71 18/0070/007010030/0071 1617/ 71 16/0070/0071 115 Punpn Ashll ... 18nn!41 109 18/0070/0070/0040/0109 16m 115 16/0070/0115 116 Punpri Ghata .. 18nn!21 34 18/0070/0070/0020/0034 1617/ 21 16/0070/0021 117 Punpn Ghumn ISnnf31 92 18/0070/0070/0030/0092 16n1 108 Ib/0070/0108 118 Pokhan .. ISnnl5l 14S 18/0070/0070/005010148 16m 128 16/0070/0128 119 POlSara ISnnal 60 18/0070/0070/0020/0060 16/7/ 32 16/0070/0032 120 Pundt 18nnf31 84 18/0070/0070/0030/0084 16m 82 16/0070/0082 121 Radhapur ISnmSI 130 18/0070/0070/0050/0130 1617/ 94 16/0070/0094 122 Ralesangvl (N V.) 18nnm 33 18/0070/0070/0020/0033 0/0/ 0 / / 123 RUI Nalkol ISnm41 99 18/0070/0070/0040/0099 16m 99 16/0070/0099 124 RUb ISnm41 119 18/oo70{0070/0040/0119 16(1/134 16/0070/0134 125 Sabadkhed ISnm41 95 18/0070/0070/0040/0095 1617/ 64 16/0070/0064 126 Sakat 18n17!31 66 18/0070/0070/0030/0066 16/7/ 73 16/0070/0073 127 Sakhalwadt (N. V) ISnm41 104 18/0070/0070/0040,0104 0/0/ 0 / / 128 Salewadgaon IS17mll IS 18/0070/0070/0010/0018 16m 16 16/0070/00 16 129 SangVl Ashtt IS17m51 155 18/0070/0070/0050/01 'is 16m 143 16/0070/0143 130 SangVl Patan ISnna/ 49 18/0070/0070/0020/0049 16/7/ 19 16/0070/0039 131 Sar,llewadgaon 1S17n14/ 98 18/0070/(X)70/0040/0098 16/7/ 100 16/007U/OIOO 132 SawargaOIl Ghat ISnnll1 S 18/0070/0070/0010/0005 16m 9 16/0070/0009 133 Shedala 18nnl11 4 18/0070/0070/0010/0004 16n1 7 16/0070/0007 134 Shekapur ISnnl5/ 128 18/0070/0070/0050/0128 16/7/ 91 16/0070/0091 135 Shen Bk ISnm4/ 105 18/0070/0070/0040/0105 16n1 86 16/0070/0086 136 Shen Kh. 1817n14/ 102 18/0070/0070/0040/0 I 02 16/7/ 85 16/0070/0085 137 Shidewadl ISnnl5/ 132 18/0070/0070/0050/0 132 16m 130 16/0070/0130 138 Shirai ISnm4/ 116 18/0070/007010040/0 116 1617/112 16/0070/0112 139 Shlrapur IS17m41 96 18/0070/007010040/0096 16171 83 16/0070/0083 140 Solapurwadl IS1717f3/ 83 18/0070/0070/0030/0083 16171 80 16/0070/0080 141 Solewadl 1817m51 147 18/0070/0070/0050/0147 16m 116 16/0070/0116 142 Suleman Deola ISnmll 20 18/0070/0070ft)OlO/OO20 16171 44 16/007010044 143 Sumbhewadt IS17n13/ 70 18/oo70/oo70/OO30ft)070 1617/ 69 16/0070/0069 144 SUrudl 181717f2.I 48 18/0070/0070/0020/0048 16(1/ 38 16/0070/0038 145 Tagadkhel .. 1817ntll 8 18/oo70fiDQ70/ooI0ft)008 J6I7/ 11 16fiDQ70/00 II 146 Takah Amaya ISnm4/ 100 IS/oo70/OO701OO40101 00 1617/ S4 1610070/0084 147 Takalsing ISnmSI 154 IS/oo70/0070/oo50{0154 16(1/142 1610070/0142 148 Tavalwadl ISnmS/ 145 18/0070/oo70100S0{014S 16m 132 16/0070/0132 149 Thombal Sangvl ISnnf31 80 18/0070/oo70/OO30ft)OSO 1617/ 76 1610070/0076 1SO Underkhel Isnntll 17 18/0070/0070/00 IOft)017 16(1/ 17 16/0070/00 17 151 W.ah1uj 18{1/7!31 74 18/0070/007010030/0074 1617/ 47 16/0070/0047 152 Wlghluj(Lamantanda) 18/7/713/ 75 18/0070/007010030/0075 1617/ 48 1610070/0048 153 Wahira 18nnf31 87 18/0070/007010030/0087 16(1/104 1610070/0104 154 Waki lSnm4/ lIS 18/0070/0070/0040{O115 16(11110 1610070/0110 155 Walunj ISnmSI 153 18/oo70/oo70ft)050{0153 1617/147 16/0070/0147 156 WanJarwadl ISnnal 31 IS/oo70/oo70/OO20/OO31 1617/ 24 161007010024 157 Wanvewadt ISnnal 45 18/oo70/oo70ft)020{0045 1617/ 31 16/0070/0031 158 Wanvewadl ISnm51 136 18/oo70/oo70ft)050/0136 1617/123 16/0070/0123 159 Watanwadl ISnm41 106 18/oo70/oo70/0040{0106 1617/ 87 16/0070/0087 160 Wellun ISnmll 7 18/0070/0070/00 1010007 1617/ 10 16/0070/0010 161 Wetalwadl ISnnal 55 18/0070/0070/0020/0055 16m 60 16/0070/0060 255



Name of LC Name of VIlJage Social Name of LC Name of Village SOCial C D. Block No forest area CD Block No forest area (m (m hectares} heetares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

Bid 11 Namalgaon 1000 25 IItwarwadl 1500 '3'3 Plmpargavhan 1000 '37 Agar Nandur BOO 35 Murshadpur (RaJ un) 900 40 Dhoodral 2400 53 Malapun 1400 43 Bag-Punpalgaon 7.67 72 Shldode 1000 46 Takadgaon 33.00 73 Antharvan Punpn 550 47 Georai (Rural) 3144 78 Bid (Rural) 9100 49 Bho)gaon 1150 80 Nalwandl 2000 51 Rhat Antarwadl 800 82 ShlVIlI 3500 81 Rcvkl 1400 83 l

APPENDIX VI - contd.

Narncof L.e. Name of Villaae Socia! Name of L.C. Name of VIlIuge Social C. D. Block No. fO~.I'~ C. D. Block Nil foreJI'~ (ut (in heetms) heelates) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Cootd. 160 Pohner 1.00 6. Plltooa 7 Nandcwadi 800 172 WlIIliBk 9.00 10 Iamb 800 179 PimptllllM Oadhe B.OO 11 Arvi 14.00 183 OIlithali 6.00 12 Bawi 40.00 185 Kundi 10.00 13 Brahmllllllth Yelamb 23.00 186 Sukli 9.00 15 Shitur 28.00 187 Khll1\&aon 121.00 21 Manur 5.00 8.00 188 Rewali 25 Pimpalner 23.00 192 Walea 10.00 26 MlIdmapuri 39.00 194 Devthanl 10.00 28 Oomalwadt 13.50 4. Ambejoall .. Mandclkhel 20.00 30 Raklh.. Okavln 19.00 IS Scly..perali 9.00 33 Anandaaon 9.00 16 Loni 8.00 38 Ta"adaaClll 1500 20 Bclarnbt 1l.{X) 39 Fallah 30.50 28 Parti (Rural) 34.00 41 Kbalapuri 10.00 29 J~wadl 7.00 43 Shirapu rilit 17.00 32 Tokwadi 23.00 45 Paundus 10.00 '. 36 Mirwat 27.00 46 Limba 9.00 43 OIandapur 20.00 48 HlverslIIsa 24.00 48 Taint 8.00 49 Kholeaemona 19.50 \ 57 Ghalnandur 9.00 SO Ghuacwadl 19.60 66 Ladzani 10.00 53 Raimohl 36.S0 68 Dhlnnap;uri 15.00 5S Yewalwadi 1.00 78 Ujani 26.00 57 Hatkarwadl 47.50 81 Babhala'on 9.00 59 Boralwadi 73.11 91 Daun'pur 10.00 62 Shirapur Duma! 17.50 93 SIIkIld 30.00 63 Ukhanda PUll 29.50 95 Yeld, 19.00 71 Damri 10.00 96 Olichkh,ndi 16.00 76 Karanjwlft 10.00 97 Bhawthana 30.00 77 Theria 6.00 104 Pimpl. Dalllguda 10.00 83 llulala 23.00 106 Ambejosai (Rural) 140.00 84 Tale Pimpalaaon 41.00 ID9 Dongar Plmpla 25.00 87 Phangar Iaulb 5.00 110 LoIchlllt Sa warg,on 16.50 91 Sonegaon 10.00 112 Warabgaon 8.50 95 Vatjala 10.00 116 Waahala (RIdt) 7.00 100 Patoda 19.00 111 Selu Ambl 11.00 101 Mahasanllhvi 6.00 118 Pokhari 21.50 104 Pargaon Gumra 8.00 123 RIch 20.00 107 Pachanarl 4.00 134 Daithana Rad! 10.00 111 W,d,1t 34.00 m SUI'on 1.00 114 Karelaon 22.50 136 Nandg,OII 17.00 123 Chmcholi 5.00 142 Ta1egaon (Ghat) 12.00 127 Pimpalwandt 2.07 131 latnandur 36.00 S. KalJ 23 Labun 5.50 142 Niwdlll8a 8.00 31 RuiPimpl' 29.00 143 Chlkhali 7.3S 54 Bhogalwadt 14.00 144 Ant'pu 900 56 Chondl 11.00 IS4 KUlwsalamb S.OO 61 Dharur 3.00 155 Suppa 20.00 66 Awaraaon 7.00 157 MugglOll 35.00 ~' iC~'~ ,' •• <, '~"'*1I~A 160 Sauthada 61.51 96 HoI 18.00 257

APPENDIX VI - contd j

Name of LC. Name of VIJlage Social Name of LC. Name of Vtllage Social CD Block No. forest area C. D Block No forest area (m (m hectares) hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

7 Ashtt 5 Sawargaan Ghat 700 94 Chincholt 600 7 Weltun 36.00 95 Sahadkhed 3600 8 Tagadkhel 2100 96 Shuapur 2600 9 AranVIhlra 10.SO 100 Takalt Amaya 400 16 Gahukhcl 3100 101 Nunsaon Chaubba 1500 18 Sale Wadgaon 3500 103 Kada 3600 19 Ambhora 29.00 109 Pimpn Ashtt 700 35 Dadegaon 40.00 114 Kanadt Uk 4300 36 Dongargaon 39.00 115 Wakt 1950 37 DcVI Nungaon 21.00 119 RUll 1000 38 Limbodt 6.50 123 Danhan 1100 44 Mahmda 9.00 126 Bclgaon 3050 48 Surudt 22.00 130 RadhJpur 2000 49 Sangvi I'atan 40 SO 138 Matkuh 2000 50 Patan 10.00 141 Bhdlom 2585 51 Kerul 33.00 152 Jamgaon 1500 57 Kohini 8.00 153 WaluoJ 600 73 Nandur 10.00 154 Takalsmg 46.50 74 Waghluj 20.00 156 Khadkat 1500 82 Borodt 2S.SO 158 Pargaon Jogeshwan 900 89 Aurangpur 8.00 Grand Total: 4219.46 92 Punpri Ghuman 31.50




Name of Dtstnct Name of L.C. Name of VIllage No. of Girls CD. Block No. Schools (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

18. Bid 1. Bid 30 Rajuri Bk (Nargaon) 1 97 Nalhapur 121 Pimpalner 1 145 Limba Ganesh 1 155 Pali 1

·172 Naknoor ""- 181 Yelambghat 1 211 Chausata 1

2. Georai 40 Dhaondrai 1

84 Ta~wada 1 126 Madalmoni 1

3. Manjlcgaon 101 Nitud 1 110 Wadvani 2 119 Patrud

4. Amhejogai 23 Nagapur (ParJi) 57 Ghalnandur 1 122 Saygaon 1 137 Bardapur 1

5. Kaij J27 Kaij 3 166 Nandurghar 1 15 Shirur 1

6. Patoda 49 Khokarmoha 1 100 Patoda. 1 119 Amalner 1





SECTIONU TOWN DIRECTORY Nate E ••iDinc tile MlweYiatiGDs used ill Town Diredory

Tile to... " dVectory is pt"Csated fw eactt IOwa bcea shown. Towns for whicb information rould ROt be cove:riaI4iI'Ic:at ~ of __ life. As lire t981 aa.s obIaeod from ~ Survey of India. me SlIDe 1las SC\ICII ~ (I 10 VI and IV-A) IIa¥e ~ iacIudoII teen coftcctc4 locally or calcubwd in JdatioB to die acaresl for JW'CSC'Cal- of. dIis da&a. The 4aIa DIJIMaiae4 iD dIese bVIl. to the eXleRl possible. Columns 6 to 12 !me kelt staUDetIlS are the at'Q, 1)OpUlatioR .. 1991 afld past filled up on tbe basis of tocal inquiry. Distanee5 ceasuses. puwdt nates. deasity, i1Clt atiG, ~ aspcclS respecttvdy from the SlaW, dislrict .. satHfivision ... of lOWIlS, aJ8l4R~s. R1~ipaI fiaaaces.. civic. tabsH hcadquaa1ers as wei as the ~~ cit)' (urban area taeditat. edEatioalil _ other amenities _ t:ra&Ie. widt a poputat_ ot 100.000+) would bcip in ~ rulE mea::e. iBltusIIy -' banting faciIIies. It awers aD tile the 1ocalion of a towR. Commuuication faci1i.tics are ihoMI fOWRS in _ 4isIIicl .. n wily 1ICtIf.ie4 as weD as BOa-- ~ railway staHoa, ~ route aa4 avigable riva; ...aicipat fOWtIS. AD die iOWRS ia die 4isIrict ac amtRgal canal ill atpbabeUcat uder. Statement III deals with municipal fiaance {or * 'I1Ic .. GtIocacd .. dIese staleMe1SlS t.ave largely ~ .and also I'IOO-statutory town bodies managing cMc hceR fw'ai1IIed., * __ ipal tmcs. fOr_~ ~auoo gf the town prov1dcd they have scparaLe toWI'IS t1te t.aIIsitdars ... ~ executive at'tices's bu4gets aPd acctlIoIftts of thc1r OWlt. SlIp...... ~ IV plOVides informatica OR die civil:: aDd ~ 1 'IIIows ...... gmwIh ...., of * odtcr ~ avaiiahk m ~ town. Too" popuIatioa __ .. 6c dtaicL CdIilIwa '2 in 1M ..... ~ givea aMcr cotumn 4 and Scheduled CBeS/Sche

M. Cerp. Pucca road PI{

til Kachcha road KR

Cantt. Columns 7 to t t rOflects me infommuoo on 'system of scwtnge, mnnbcr of iatrines and method of disposal ,of C.T. night soil Codes usc-d arc : - O~. System of sewerage ;- CoIIImRs J to 171five population and growth rate of Sewcr/Scweragc S towRS siacc 1901 and would help m&awing lhe trends ill their growIh Tate. Cotunats " (., ;md '6(b) prcscDt area in Open sarf~,c;c drams OSD sq. kms., Column DUI'Aber ~s iacluding 7preseats af Box surface drains BSD house1ess housdlolds., Columns 18(a) and Ij(b) present Sytk drains SO density 8Rd 19 to 21 present sex Rtio.

SWcmeat n shows physical aspects and location of CesspoolIRCliuld CD each town. In physical aspects on1y the rainfall, l8aXimom Pit system Pt and mmimum temperature data as obtained from the Others o Director General of Meteorological Survey of India have 262

Melhod of disposal of nighl soil ;- avaIlable within brackets after recording the total number of such mstitutes. Head !oads HL Data related to medical facilItIes have been obtamed Baskets B . from the district and sulHlivislOnal medical officers and Wheel barrows WB shown under columns 4 and 5. All types of medical Septic tank latrines ST institutions whetter allopathic, ayurvedic, unani or homocopathic have been covered and indicated using the Sewerage S following codes :- Pit system PI; Hospital H Others 0 Dispensary D

Columns 12 and 13 indicate sources of protected Health Centre! HC water supply to the inhabitants of the towns. The Pnmary Health Sutr-Centrel information on major source of water supply is shown in the column 12 and on major source of stornge and capacity Primary Health unit etc. , under column 13. For statIng this lOformation following Family Planning Centre I FPC codes have been used: - T.B. Climc TB Overhead tank OHT Nursing Home NH Service reservoir SR Others 0 River infiltration gallery IG If the medical mstitution is Ayurvedlc, Unam or Borewell pumping system BWP Homoeopathic the same is indicated in brncket by provldmg Pressure tank PT the following additIOnal codes:- Tubewell water/Hand pump TW Ayurvedlc A Tap water T Unani U Well water W Homoeopathic Hom Tank water TK In case, more than one institution of any type is Column 14 gives IOfonnation regarding availability of available, the exact number IS shown withm the brackets. fire fighting services. In case, It is not avadable in the referrent town, the name of the nearest place where it is The mformation on educational facilities (.columns 6) available ha~ been mentioned and the distance from the is exhibited as per following codes :- town has also been indicated within brackets. Columns 15 Arts only A to 19 pertain to the number of electricity supply connections SCience only S avaIlable for domestic, industrial, commercial and road lighting points etc. Commerce only C Arts and Science only AS As in 1981, the statement IV-A provides data 10 respect of civic and other amenities in the notified or Arts and Commerce only AC recognised slums of towns with a population of above Combined for all categones ASC 50,000 (Le. class I and class II towns). Arts, SCience and Commerce. Statement V gives information regarding amenitIes hke Law L medical, educational, recreatIOnal and cultural facihties UnIversity U available in the town. 1991 population figures for each Others 0 town have also been indicated and this wdl facditate m analysing data on facilities available to the people. In 1991 Column 10 pertains to the number of recognised census, additional data on educatIOnal institutes of a l>horthand, typewriting and vocational training institutes particular type meant only for women is recorded wherever (grouped as others) which Include Applied Art/Palnling 263 college, Phannacy college, B.Ed. college, Teacher's training help in formulatmg plans for oP'!ning new hostel::. III order school, MusictDancmg institute, Nursing school etc. The to meet the problems of the single worlUng woman. fonowing codes are used :- Columns 17 to 20 show recreational

.. I' 00 .., ... --a ..,~ .,...... 00 .... li.,.. s: ;g It) C .-. .... 0- ~ 0- o .. 8 -~ t!- ...... 10 00 1~- $ 10 .., :e '" :e '"~ :I g& !:: N N .... ~ 10 '"t;J .2.:- N .... OIl 5 ...... - - o .., oc'-' C i .., COl 00 ]-0';::1- ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0: e<3j ~ ,::I s ~ ~ Z g .t: .., li .....00 :Q .... ~ r::~ ~ .,.. .., ~ 0- .,.. .., -0\ -._,

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.E -< > 271


Towns showing their outgrowths with population

Serial Name of the town Population of Outgrowth Population of No. with location code core town outgrowth (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

There are no outgrowth in thiS district, hence the mformation is nil


--!II'" !: :::::!:: ?T!"? !! :sz :: __L_ _:.:...:...._ :: ::: ::._ :: =:: !_.





Note: 1. The total area figures for !he State and !he distncts are as supplied by the Surveyor General of India. The total area figures for C. D. Blocks arc arnved at from the Tahsil area figures supplied by Lhe Seulement CommIssioner, Maharashtra, Pune. The area figures for towns are as supplied by the respective Municipal CorporatIOns, Councils and Cantonment Boards or town plannmg department.

2. In Maharashtra, Tahsils and C. D. Blocks arc co-tcrmmus. The area figures for tahsil as a whole are supplied by the Settlement Commissioner. The C. D. Block total area IS obtained by deducting the areas of statutory towns therein (I. c. MUfllclpal Corporations, Muntclpal Councils and Cantonment Board~) from the total area of the tahsil.

3. The C. D. Block urban area is obtained by adding the areas of the towns (Census towns and outgrowths) situated therein. The C. D. Block rural area IS obtained by deductmg the C. D. Block urban area from the total area.

4. The dIstrict urban area is obtained by addmg the areas of the concerned urban uOlls mcluding Census towns and outgrowth in the district. The district rural area is obtained by deducting the district urban area from the total area as reported by the Surveyor General of India.

5. The State urban area is obtamed by adding the district urban areas. The SLale rural area is obtained by deducting the State urban area from the total area of the Slate as reported by the Surveyor General of India.

6. Smce the source for the total area figures 10 res~ct of the Slate and the district is the Surveym General of India, while that for the total area figures In respect of the C. D. Blocks IS the State Govt., the total areas, as also the rural areas, for the C. D. Block in dlstnct, may not add upto the correspondmg figures shown agamst the dlstnct.

7. Area figures of State, some districts, C. D. Blocks and urban places are proVisional.

8. Names of towns treated as such for the first lime 10 1991 have been marked With an astensk (*).

9. Names of towns treated as such for t}le first time In 1981 which contmue as towns m 1991 have been marked with two astrisks (**).

to. In urban PCAS Ward level data for columns 3 and 44 to 48 are not avaIlable, hence kept blank.

11. Abbreviations

(1) M. Corp. - Mumclpal Corporation (2) M. Mumcipahty (3) Cantt. Cantonment (4) C. T. Census Town (5) O. G. Outgrowth

12. N. A. Not Avmlable 276


No. of lAeaUon District I C. 0 Block I UA I Total I Total Population (Includma Area in <>CWPled No. of Code City /Town RuraV InSlttutlonal and Houle1esl Populatton) Sq. KIn •• Residential HousehQlds No. Urban House.

p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 BID DISTRICI' T 10693.00 335009 367181 1822072 937410 884662 R 10600.87 27700}. 302478 1495104 765849 729255 U 92.13 S8007 64703 326968 111561 155407

Bid C. D.Block T 1508.39 41463 46723 224500 115202 109298 R 1508.39 41463 46723 224500 115202 109298 U

1 Oeorai C. D. Block T 1531.05 40851 46592 212634 1(11977 104657 R 1531.05 40851 46592 I 212634 107977 104657 U

3 M.. jlepon C. D. Block T 1668.64 45012 48391 238p83 121771 116312 R 166&64 45012 48391 23&083 121771 116312 U - \ 4 Ambe,iolai C. D. Bloc:k T 1277.74 38027 40247 214676 110706 103970 R 1277.74 38027 40247 214676 110706 . 103970 U

S Kalj C. D. Block T 1754.28 47076 53009 253997 130610 123327 R 175428 47076 53009 253997 130610 123327 U

6 PIIIAIda C. D. Bloct T 1310.82 32257 32251 173288 88561 84727 R 1310.82 32257 32257 173288 88561 84727 U

7 Ashti C. D. Block T 1470.22 34254 37422 187915 96118 91797 R 141834 32316 35259 177926 90962 86964 U 5188 1938 2163 9989 5156 4833 Ashti (C. T.) U 5188 1938 2163 9<)89 5156 4833 TOTAL URBAN 92.13 58007 64703 326968 171561 155407

Bid (M) U 8.29 20092 22165 112434 59537 52897 Geom(M) U 430 4271 4786 23665 12263 11402 ManjIegaort (M) U 4.73 6040 6795 34665 17812 16853 Pull (M) U 7.81 12695 14258 7U,70 38040 34630 Ambe.Jogal (M) U 10.1& 10130 11369 57159 30300 26859 Dhantr(M) U 4.94 2841 3167 16386 8453 7933 Alhti (C. T.) U 51.88 1938 2163 9189 5156 4833 277


Tora! population In the age-group Scheduled Castes Scheduled Triba Utetalel (0-6)

P M F P M F P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

'377937 194878 183059 244281 125635 118646 lOSt 5 10684 9831 719512 49Z580 2l69l1 312725 161091 151634 203237 104142 99095 18012 9374 8638 533958 3711OSO 15S901i 65212 33787 31425 41044 21493 19551 2S03 1310 1193 ISS5S4 114530 11014

48038 24815 23223 31447 16018 15429 1579 806 773 80498 51014 23484 48038 24815 23223 31447 16018 15429 1579 806 773 80498 57014 23414

44521 23169 21352 26602 13558 13044 3977 2109 1868 69863 50590 19273 44521 23169 21352 26602 13558 13044 3977 2109 1868 69863 50590 19273

52080 26668 25412 32950 16781 16169 2127 1092 1035 78958 57281 21677 52080 26668 25412 32950 16781 16169 2127 1092 1035 78958 57281 21677

44094 22752 21342 34762 17938 16824 2360 1249 1111 79207 55377 23830 44094 22752 21342 34762 17938 16824 2360 1249 1111 79207 55377 23830

53144 27268 25876 42380 21906 20474 3706 1904 1802 96599 67001 2959. 53144 27268 25876 42380 21906 20474 3706 1904 1802 96599 67001 29598

35844 18503 17341 15971 8177 7794 979 503 476 62700 44383 18317 35814 18503 17341 15971 8177 7794 979 503 476 62700 44383 18317

36910 18899 18011 20397 10402 9995 3345 1742 1603 71998 4~77 22Ol1 3S004 17916 17088 19125 9764 9361 3284 1711 1573 66133 46404 19729 1906 983 923 1272 638 634 61 31 30 5865 3573 2292 1906 983 923 1272 638 634 61 31 30 5865 3573 2292 65212 33787 31425 41044 21493 19551 2S03 1310 "93 185554 114530 71024

21838 11242 10596 12858 6848 6010 662 352 310 68185 41625 26560 4958 2604 2354 2457 1279 1178 135 74 61 12376 771.6 4650 7430 3787 3643 3920 1964 1956 137 65 72 17911 11215 6ti96 15129 7947 7182 8680 4516 4164 919 470 449 38838 24188 14650 10436 5355 5081 9702 5150 4552 445 244 201 34176 20951 13225 3515 1869 1646 2155 1098 1057 144 74 70 8203 5252 29S 1 1906 983 923 1272 638 634 61 31 30 5865 3573 2292 278



Agncullural Total mam workers Cultlvalors Labourers Location DISln,-l! Total! (I-IX) (1) Code C D Block! Rural! (II) No. U A ! Clly ! Town Urban P M F P M F P M F 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

18 BID DISTRICT T 758589 461982 296607 372658 224187 148471 231452 101718 129734 R 669914 387906 282008 365988 218817 147171 219395 95397 123998 U 88675 74076 14599 6670 5370 1300 12057 6321 5736

Bid CD Block T 98073 56876 41197 55052 31997 23055 28476 12291 16185 R 98073 56876 41197 55052 31997 23055 28476 12291 16185 U

2 Georal C D. Block T 97894 55287 42607 54664 32242 22422 32458 13602 18856 R 97894 55287 42607 54664 32242 22422 32458 13602 18856 U

3 ManJlegaon C D Block T 108041 63457 44584 46586 29578 17008 '1(6656 20879 25777 R 108041 63457 44584 46586 29578 17008 46656 20879 25777

U ""\

4 AmbeJogat C. D Block T 95702 56794 38908 45052 28520 16532 238752 17638 21114 R 95702 56794 38908 45052 28520 16532 238752 17638 21114 U

5 KatJ C D Block T 112650 64916 47734 62166 37484 24682 38230 16643 21587 R 112650 64916 47734 62166 37484 24682 38230 16643 21587 U

6 Paloda C. D Block T 79044 44133 34911 51569 29179 22390 18196 7009 11187 R 79044 44133 34911 51569 29179 22390 18196 7009 11187 U 7 Ashll C. D. Block T 81636 48704 32932 51420 30124 21296 17255 7570 9685 R 78510 46443 32067 50899 29817 21082 16627 7335 9292 U 3126 2261 865 521 307 214 628 235 393 Ashtt (C. T) U 3126 2261 865 521 307 214 628 235 393

TOTAL URBAN: 88675 74076 14599 6670 5370 1300 12057 6321 5736

Bid (M) u 28566 24938 3628 1511 1263 248 1627 1034 593 Oeorai (M) U 7207 S587 1620 783 616 167 1456 623 833 Manjlgaon (M) 'J 9764 8092 1672 1018 925 93 1867 833 1034 Parh(M) U 19576 16903 2673 1316 1047 269 2311 1425 886 Ambcjogal (M) U 14932 12396 2536 787 714 73 2143 1278 865 Dharur (M) U 5504 3899 1605 734 498 236 2025 893 1132 Ashlt (C. T.) U 3126 2261 865 521 307 214 628 235 393 279



Uvesock. Forestry, Fishing. Hunting Minlllg and Quarrying Manuractunng. proccllm&. Servicin& Manufacturing procel5ln&. SelVic:in& and Plantauon. Orchards and Anled activities and RqJlin in Ilwehold Industry and RqJain in 0Iher !han (lll) (IV) [V(a») Household Industry lV(b») I' M l' M II M 1/ P M I' 31 32 33 34 35 31 31 39 40 41 42 12833 11028 1805 806 627 179 8946 6758 2188 23041 20393 2M8 10082 8435 1647 436 323 113 7539 580S 1734 13712 11940 tn2 2751 2593 158 370 304 66 1407 953 454 9329 8453 176

1446 IllS 231 25 20 S 1281 316 2423 2168 15S 1446 1215 231 25 20 5 1281 316 2423 2168 155

1407 1272 135 58 so 8 1412 1088 324 1760 1625 13S- 1407 1272 135 58 50 8 1412 1088 324 1760 1625 135

1866 1699 167 95 n 18 1302 960 342 2502 1947 555 1866 1699 167 95 77 18 1302 960 342 2S02 1947 555

1435 1316 119 124 84 40 840 644 196 2378 2016 362 1435 1316 119 124 84 40 840 644 196 2378 2016 362

1159 lOS3 106 33 23 10 J113 879 234 1512 1383 J29 1159 lOS3 106 33 23 10 1113 879 234 1512 1383 129

1161 790 371 45 38 7 847 668 179 tIl4 985 129 1161 790 371 45 38 7 847 668 179 1114 985 129

1747 1221 526 119 87 32 776 624 152 2262 2035 227 1608 1090 518 56 31 25 744 601 143 2023 1816 'JJ1l 139 131 8 63 56 7 32 23 9 239 219 20 139 131 8 63 56 7 32 23 9 239 219 20

2751 2593 158 370 304 66 1407 953 454 9329 8453 876

1260 1198 62 59 S6 ') 487 30B 179 3581 3271 310 246 233 13 10 9 246 166 80 569 SOB 61 254 235 19 2 2 ISS 13S SO 901 830 71 220 206 14 140 121 19 2S7 198 59 2142 1910 232 520 480 40 96 60 36 1t1 76 35 1548 1388 160 112 110 :2 89 47 42 349 327 22 139 131 8 63 S6 7 32 23 9 239 219 20 280


Location District I Total I Constmction Trado and Canmcrce Code C D. Block I Rural I (VI) (VII) No. U. A.I City I Town LIrban p M F P M F 2 3 43 44 45 46 47 48

18 DID DISTRICT T 11685 10659 1026 32710 30660 2050 R 4963 4570 393 13841 12765 1076 U 6722 6089 633 18869 17895 97

Bid C. D. Block T 1022 885 137 2468 2266 202 R 1022 885 137 2468 2266 202 U

2 Gcoral C. D. Block T 465 432 33 1706 1600 106 R 465 432 33 1706 1600 106 U

3 Manjlegaon C. D Block T 1102 1020 82 2581 2406 175 R 1102 1020 82 2581 2406 175 U _..

4 AmbeJogal C. D Block T 576 549 27 1774 1659 115 R 576 549 27 1774 1659 115 U

5 KatJ C. D Block T 496 476 20 2045 1920 125 R 496 476 20 2045 1920 125 U

6 Patrua C. D. Block T 664 613 51 1521 1371 ISO R 664 613 51 1521 1371 ISO U

7 Ashu C D Block T 861 777 84 2243 1990 253 R 638 595 43 1746 1543 203 U 22.1 182 41 497 447 50

Ashtt (C T) U 223 182 41 4~7 447 50

TOTAL URBAN 6722 6089 633 18869 17895 974

Bid (M) U 2066 1836 230 6575 6232 343 Georat(M) U 485 452 33 1529 1434 95 ManJlegaon (M) U 699 678 21 2225 2151 74 Parh (M) U 2181 1972 209 3848 3640 208 AmbeJogat (M) U 960 862 98 3159 2997 162 Dharur(M) U lOS 107 1036 994 42 Ashtt (C T.) U 223 182 41 497 447 50 281



Transport. Storage and OIlIer Services Commllllicaliuns M.,.ginaJ wtMten Non-worlc:er. (Vm) (IX)

P M F P M F P M F P M F 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 11691 11566 125 5'1767 44386 8381. 97817 13345 84472 96666 462083 503583 4650 4620 30 29308 25234 4fn4 94559 12484 82075 730631 365459 365172 7041 6946 95 23459 19152 4307 3258 861 2397 235035 96624 138411

1037 1032 5 4843 4037 8~ 11925 1191 10734 1145~ 57135 57367

1037 1002 5 4843 4037 806 11925 1191 10734 1145~ 57135 57367

395 392 3 3569 2984 585 21654 6771 14883 93086 45919 47167 395 392 3 3569 2984 585 21654 6771 14883 93086 45919 47167

575 572 3 4776 4319 457 11870 It 56 10714 118172 57158 61014 575 572 3 4776 4319 457 11870 1156 Iml4 118172 57158 61014

932 927 5 3839 3441 398 11045 842 ll1200 107929 53070 54859

932 927 5 3839 3441 398 11045 842 1~03 107929 53010 54859

601 598 3 5295 4457 838 13892 745 13147 127455 65009 62446 601 598 3 5295 4457 838 13892 745 13147 1'17455 65009 62446

5m 501 6 3420 2<119 441 9332 689 8643 84912 43739 41173 5m 501 6 3420 2979 441 9332 689 8643 84912 43739 41173

712 705 7 4241 3571 670 15048 1155 13893 91231 46259 44972 603 598 5 3266 3017 549 14841 IO')() 13751 84575 43429 41146 109 1m 2 675 554 121 2m 65 142 6656 2830 3826 109 1m 2 675 554 121 207 65 142 6656 2830 3826

7041 6946 95 23459 19152 4301 3258 861 2397 235005 96624 138411

2910 2811 39 8490 6869 1621 1126 219 847 82742 34320 48422 392 389 3 1491 1157 334 316 114 202 16142 6562 9580 661 658 3 1952 1645 3m 624 88 536 24277 9632 14645 1744 1730 14 5417 4654 763 306 72 234 5'1788 21065 31723 943 9Il 30 4665 3630 1035 616 231 379 41611 17667 23944

282 280 2 7~ 643 126 63 6 57 10819 4548 6271 109 1m 2 675 554 121 2m 65 142. 6656 2830 3826 282


Urban B10ckwise Figures of Total, SC and ST Population


Ward No. Block TOIaI SC ST Ward No. Block Tolal SC ST No. Populahon Populauon Population No Populallon Populauon Populallon (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

621 143 60 56 571 71 9 2 599 89 57 1151 156 53 3 454 143 20 58 796 290 6 4 513 86 59 802 63 7 5 490 78 60 690 16 3 6 584 165 6 61 580 51 7 506 379 62 816 164 8 501 121 63 857 92 9 900 85 5 64 742 37 7 10 375 36 12 65 351 2 6 11 642 51 4 2 66 308 5 12 731 128 5 67 624 13 815 76 7 68 404 12 14 849 170 3 69 390 4 15 934 284 19 70 657 51 3 16 754 87 8 71 533 17 693 49 7 72 603 18 697 172 73 638 19 665 143 74 828 20 661 120 75 727 11 21 547 70 76 628 4 22 514 55 77 571 23 536 163 5 78 618 13 24 590 189 79 651 22 25 460 80 532 26 456 6 8 81 823 51 3 27 629 335 82 492 277 28 597 24 83 446 333 29 734 6 7 84 798 133 21 30 766 22 85 517 76 31 797 86 480 18 4 32 723 44 I 87 563 61 33 682 14 5 88 623 112 6 34 578 33 89 757 241 6 35 618 4 90 734 79 36 547 10 91 792 IS 37 527 lOS 92 740 44 6 3' 573 179 7 93 783 8 1 39 721 42 94 684 31 5 40 520 408 95 65S 86 12 41 531 16 96 641 24 42 566 8 97 576 9 13 43 582 34 12 98 600 52 6 44 633 99 642 4 4S 609 9 100 650 39 46 679 18 101 648 23 9 47 837 54 102 580 48 744 19 4 103 471 4 49 981 128 9 104 538 8 13 50 1003 34 5 105 568 51 528 77 106 664 52 784 78 8 107 774 12 53 786 118 5 lOS 720 83 54 946 106 30 109 656 55 615 55 8 110 717 19 283


Ward No Block Tool SC ST Ward No Block TOUll SC ST No. Populallon Populauon Population No. Population }lopulauOll Population (I) (2) (3.) (4) (5) (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)

111 667 24 144 5(f1 112 813 37 145 7(x; 6 113 800 140 146 658 13 114 527 17 147 647 152 115 610 111 148 381 to 116 704 141 12 149 512 2 117 329 13 150 503 39 118 337 28 151 644 119 1447 52 3 152 454 27 120 555 153 602 125 121 590 154 573 109 122 602 155 620 466 123 383 156 503 254 13 124 804 12 157 722 125 912 14 158 632 457 126 625 483 159 691 28 127 1411 12 2 160 502 166 128 791 45 161 747 448 129 764 372 162 719 149 130 755 21 163 860 330 11 131 5S7 84 164 449 132 591 28 65 165 493 9 6 133 443 6 166 522 18 7 134 435 24 167 559 37 7 135 . 3114 46 20 168 673 8 136 701 57 7 169 763 6 137 674 ., 170 517 6 138 605 74 171 678 98 139 362 9 172 708 4 140 551 9 173 622 141 S6S 5 174 671 8 142 SOl 175 944 23 143 618 44 TQlal 112434 12858 662 284

APPENDIX - conld.


Block Total SC ST Ward No Block Total SC ST Ward No. No. Pcpulatlon I'cpulauon Populauon No. PopulatIon Populauon Populallon (1) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) ('I) (5)

1 n6 151 39 7 23 507 2 632 111 24 481 53 3 784 95 3 8 25 398 4 4 883 75 26 541 9 5 667 31 14 9 27 673 174 6 689 91 10 28 476 32 7 S99 125 8 II 29 444 IS 2 8 579 321 30 504 9 684 308 12 31 778 3 10 U7 25 2 13 32 600 11 456 83 5 14 33 499 4 12 408 68 10 34 1527 13 724 19 7 IS 35 693 3 14 626 3Zl 25 16 36 694 15 538 17 37 382 16 297 46 38 362 8 4 17 548 337 18 39 430 6 18 436 153 40 443 5 19 382 19 41 567 9 20 450 20 42 439 9 12 6 21 487 8 43 425 22 410 TOTAL 23665 2457 135


Ward No. Block Total SC ST Ward No. Block TOiaI SC ST No Popul,lllon PopulatIon Population No Populallon Populallon Populallon (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) ('I) (5)

1 525 11 29 724 8 2 734 12 30 435 3 740 14 5 31 462 4 696 39 3 13 32 605 2 5 833 130 7 33 575 6 698 321 14 34 448 7 858 235 2 35 497 12 8 972 171 12 15 36 484 23 9 894 160 37 432 10 886 101 24 16 38 493 11 800 29 14 39 532 12 908 95 17 17 40 470 13 827 68 10 'II 467 3 14 707 52 18 42 317 15 663 68 19 43 518 11 12 4 16 509 8 44 535 23 17 602 26 20 45 637 127 5 18 828 104 46 549 19 801 249 21 47 465 249 20 763 119 48 604 37 6 21 476 49 5n 195 22 501 22 50 521 7 23 388 28 51 627 29 24 484 23 52 722 21 8 25 620 581 53 855 27 9 26 701 21 54 695 363 10 27 717 55 642 204 28 646 TOTAL 34665 3920 137 l8.)

APPENDIX - conld


Ward No. Block Total SC ST Ward No. Block Total SC ST No. Pq>ulauon Populauon Pq>ulauon No. Population Population (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 1078 834 2S 65 765 86 6 2 228 6 13 66 473 98 2S 3 672 314 3 67 S62 81 S 4 918 228 27 68 647 1 5 470 69 480 52 20 2 6 623 II 9 70 374 176 7 400 127 16 71 734 179 9 3 8 674 66 16 72 724 354 5 9 812 47 73 421 174 2S 10 294 63 74 562 142 It S6S 76 75 17 75 468 108 12 451 26 21 76 412 68 13 496 64 77 417 252 14 431 48 18 18 664 313 15 60S 38 79 366 237 13 16 506 32 80 437 337 17 455 81 56& 18 288 19 82 582 26 19 664 44 20 83 289 20 374 2 84 849 6 4 21 604 72 22 85 280 5 3 22 451 26 86 857 9 23 40S 134 21 87 841 24 609 15 88 342 2S 418 89 492 26 318 ...... 22 90 340 3 21 370 91 646 54 5 28 286 14 23 92 660 295 29 488 93 563 S63 30 666 402 94 585 341 31 687 24 95 509 6 32 709 40 96 SID 33 561 68 97 744 1 34 134 6 25 98 553 35 865 142 26 99 764 9 36 515 100 644 5 37 503 44 27 101 488 38 822 21 20 102 382 8 39 429 325 103 635 5 3 40 318 282 28 104 766 24 41 581 43 lOS 647 41 9 42 363 106 686 27 43 830 29 107 586 28 10 44 581 lOS 452 27 4 45 741 13 109 466 60 21 46 768 3 5 110 773 10 40 11 47 626 131 30 III 561 6 48 557 45 112 723 78 47 49 606 113 691 12 50 374 20 6 114 424 51 449 7 31 115 488 9 189 13 52 434 81 19 116 325 8 146 53 759 13 117 478 73 54 713 43 16 32 ItS 622 1 14 55 528 1 6 33 119 722 56 810 21 120 249 57 744 49 121 632 10 58 488 14 5 122 488 ~1 59 457 51 7 34 123 766 6 60 483 3 124 417 61 656 12 35 125 733 40 62 889 36 126 664 63 830 5 127 719 15 64 798 73 IS Total 72670 8680 919 286

APPENDIX - conld


Ward No. Block Total SC ST Ward No Block Total SC ST No. Population Popu latloo No. Populllti~ Populatl(>l1 Population (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 653 162 20 48 642 10 6 2 670 21 49 810 60 16 3 561 136 50 315 2 4 486 18 22 51 558 2 4 5 766 69 52 735 6 6 727 16 23 53 605 6 3 7 778 54 417 19 8 751 55 854 13 4 9 193 56 548 12 5 10 768 218 7 57 643 8 23 5 11 424 424 24 58 809 22 12 517 517 59 636 30 45 13 746 719 25 60 1031 I 2 6 14 1071 248 61 673 49 IS 436 15 26 62 299 16 16 S06 493 63 599 18 6 17 7% 23 64 854 182 11 7 18 558 12 21 65 752 86 6 19 522 10 66 7'SP 234 20 763 31 7 28 67 568 8 8 21 614 43 68 492 22 721 S6 6 29 69 301 45 23 513 15 70 S69 9 24 841 219 71 698 21 25 861 24 30 72 522 10 26 840 58 73 516 '5 2 27 555 27 31 74 652 11 28 514 7 21 75 626 5 17 29 550 78 32 76 523 17 12 30 425 30 77 390 31 571 143 33 78 807 286 1 32 629 399 79 732 118 11 13 33 758 528 80 464 156 34 611 253 34 81 606 105 18 35 636 161 82 700 100 10 14 36 718 185 83 819 194 30 37 662 122 9 84 747 114 32 IS 38 654 1% 21 35 85 759 179 31 39 610 18 36 86 326 121 12 16 40 809 319 6 87 747 314 6 41 712 193 88 485 326 17 42 610 147 89 700 360 2 18 43 497 11 90 519 34 10 44 454 2 19 45 441 119 46 817 1 47 379 4 TOTAL 57159 9702 445 287

APPENDIX - conld


Ward No. Block Total SC 5T Ward No. Block Total SC ST' No. Populalion PopulatIon Population No Population )'opul.illOll PopulalJOII (I) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 708 9 3 17 409 5 2 778 18 616 61 3 626 33 19 427 95 4 534 213 20 469 85 8 5 567 534 21 531 9 53 6 579 81 22 444 42 65 7 548 548 23 447 IS 8 573 24 559 6 2 9 443 25 462 2 10 521 4 2 26 722 15 2 11 866 4 1 27 332 139 12 723 66 6 28 573 18 13 630 I 3 29 178 58 14 896 85 15 739 27 4 TOTAL 16386 2155 144 16 486


Ward No. Block Total SC ST Ward No. Block Total SC ST No Population Popul.thon Popu)allon No Population Population Population (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 I 685 44 11 11 6f17 62 34 2 2 582 423 12 12 733 63 3 3 631 290 13 13 776 42 5 4 4 731 11 14 14 590 37 5 5 508 13 1 15 15 448 95 13 6 6 464 71 3 16 16 483 7 7 520 54 17 17 701 66 8 8 469 I 9 9 487 TOTAL 9989 1272 61 10 10 574 5 288


No of Total Scheduled Toul Scheduled Calle Loc:auon DUlnc:t I Total I households Caste Population POPUlation In the Coda C. O. Ulockl Rural I with S C. age-gl'Ollp 0-6 No.r U. A. / Cu)' / Town Urban memben p M 11 P M F

2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 DID DISTRICT T 48120 244281 125635 Jl8646 53537 27322 26215 R 40514 20'3237 104142 99095 44698 22819 21879 U 7(JJ6 41044 21493 19551 8839 4503 4336

Bid C.O. Block T 6350 31447 10018 15429 7023 3544 3479 R 6350 31447 tOO18 15429 7023 3544 3479 u-

2 Georal C.O. BlOck T 5S37 26602 1355& 13044 5913 3086 2827 R 5537 26601 13558 13044 5913 3086 21127 U

:3 ManJIc:gIOR C.O. Block T 6860 32950 16781 16169 7670 3897 3n3

R 6860 32950 16781 16169 7~70 3897 3773 U

4 Ambejogai C 0 Block T 6643 34762 17938 16824 7749 4034 3715 R 6643 34762 17938 16824 7749 4034 3715 U

5 KaiJ C.O. Block T 8340 42380 21906 20474 9134 4593 4541 R 8340 42380 21906 20474 9134 4593 4541 U

6 Plloda C.D. Blodc T 2994 15971 81n 7794 3286 1711 1575 R 2994 159'11 8l'17 7794 3286 1711 1575 U

7 Ashu C O. Block T 4022 20397 10402 9995 4163 2082 2081 R 3790 19125 9764 9361 3923 1954 1969 U 232 1272 638 634 240 128 112 Ashu (C. T.) U 232 1272 638 634 240 128 112

TOTAL URBAN : 7(f.'tj 41044 21493 19551 8839 4503 4336

Bid (M) U 2456 12858 6848 6010 2717 1378 1339 GeorlU (M) U 488 2457 1279 1178 595 308 287 ManJlegaoo (M) U 735 3920 1964 1956 922 457 465 Parh(M) U 1524 8680 4516 4164 1954 1023 931 AmbeJogat (M) U 1787 9702 5150 4552 1944 970 974 Dharur(M) U 384 2155 1098 1057 467 239 228 AshU (C. T.) U 232 1272 638 634 240 128 112 289


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORYOF MAIN WORKERS Luerates Total main workers (I-IX) CultIvators (1)

p M F P M F P M F

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

79518 57288 22230 104955 59092 45863 13850 8S~2 5298 59613 44046 15567 93574 50593 42981 13556 8358 5198 19905 13242 6663 11381 8499 2882 294 194 100

9641 7060 2581 13613 7493, 6120 2265 1341 924 9641 7060 2581 13613 7493 6120 2265 1341 924

6836 5214 1622 12431 6603 5829 2273 1345 928 6836 5214 1622 12432 6603 5829 2273 1345 928

7763 6002 1761 16027 8452 7575 1327 86S 462 7763 6002 1761 16027 8452 7575 1321 86S 462

10393 7567 2826 16474 8887 7587 1233 838 395 10393 7567 2826 16474 8887 7587 1233 838 395

14517 10514 4003 18838 10190 8648 2325 1497 828 14517 10514 4003 18838 10190 8648 2325 1497 828

4743 3453 1290 7648 4045 3603 1498 906 592 4743 3453 1290 7648 4045 3603 1498 906 S92

6390 4655 1735 8937 5180 3757 2666 1583 1083 5720 4236 1484 8542 4923 3619 2635 1566 1069 670 419 251 395 257 138 31 17 14 670 419 251 395 257 138 31 17 14

19905 13242 6663 11381 8499 2882 294 194 100

6807 4528 2279 3281 2612 6(f) 95 56 39 1013 690 323 772 551 221 11 11 1687 1133 554 1060 784 276 40 35 S 3844 2558 1286 2443 1824 6\9 57 10 27 4989 3281 1708 2615 1983 632 24 21 3 895 633 262 815 488 321 36 24 12 670 419 251 395 257 138 31 17 14

20-A 290


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY LtveslOCk, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting Labouren Agricultural and Plantauons, Orchdrd. and !lIlted actlVllle~ Location Dtltrict I Total! (II) Code C.D.Block! Rural! (III) No U. A.!City !Town Urban P M F P M F 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

18 BID DISTRICT T 70448 33046 37402 1564 1355 209 R 67503 31478 36025 1239 1064 175 U 2945 1568 1377 325 291 34

Bid C.D Block T 8673 3m 4696 152 124 28 R 8673 3m 4696 152 124 28 U

2 Georal C D. Block T 8707 4014 4693 123 110 13 R 8707 4014 4693 123 110 13 U

3 Manjlegaori C D. Block T 12882 5978 6904 258 220 38 R J2882 5978 6904 258 ' 220 38 U

4 Ambejogal C.D. Block T 13274 6271 7003 286 256 30 R 13274 6271 7003 286 256 30 U

5 Kal) C D. Block T 14319 6727 7592 199 177 22 R 14319 6727 7592 199 177 22 U

6 Patooa C.D. Block T 5195 2325 2870 74 62 12 R 5195 2325 2870 74 62 12 U

7 Ashu C.D. Block T ~597 2235 2362 170 135 35 R 4453 2186 21fJ7 147 115 32 U 144 49 95 23 20 3 Ashu (C. T.) U 144 49 95 23 20 3

TO'l'ALURBAN 2945 1568 1377 325 291 34

Bid(M) U 253 143 110 165 154 11 Geollll (M) U 283 J27 ]56 19 19 ManJlcgaon (M) U 348 149 199 14 11 3 Parli (M) U 576 342 234 23 16 7 AmbcJogai (M) U 80S 503 302 68 58 10 Dharur(M) U 536 255 281 13 13 Ashu (C. '1') U 144 49 95 23 20 3

20-8 291


OF MAIN WORKERS Manu{actunng, Processing, Servtcmg and Manufactunng, Processing. Servtcing and Minmg and Quarrying RepalD m Household Industry RepaID m other than Household Industry (IV) IV

P M F P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

51 31 20 1795 1393 402 3427 3068 359 33 18 15 1647 1306 341 2360 2100 260 18 13 5 148 87 61 1067 968 99

2 2 256 192 64 431 376 55 2 2 256 192 64 431 376 55

3 2 346 253 93 256 235 2r 3 2 346 253 93 256 235 21

169 143 26 365 317 48 169 143 26 365 317 48

10 9 ISS 163 22 411 370 41 10 9 185 163 22 411 370 41

4 4 275 245 30 413 391 22 4 4 275 245 30 413 391 22

169 135 34 146 132 14 169 135 34 146 132 14

13 13 252 179 73 371 310 61 13 13 241 l7S 72 338 219 59 5 4 33 31 2 5 4 33 31 2-

18 13 5 148 87 61 1067 968 99

69 31 38 387 348 39 14 10 4 47 41 6 1 1 19 19 101 92 9 2 2 18 14 4 208 193 IS 14 9 5 16 5 11 247 220 27 7 4 3 44 43 5 4 33 31 2 292


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY Transport, storage and Constructions Trade and Canmerce commumcatlOlls location Dtstnct ! Total! (VI) (VD) Code CD. Block! Rural! (Vm) No. U. A./Clty !Town Urban P M F P M F P M F 2 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

11 BID DISTRICT T 2260 1882 378 1952 1686 266 1776 1717 59 R 1042 96S 77 863 778 85 716 700. 14 U 1218 917 301 1089 908 181 1060 1015 45

Bid C.D. Block T 213 188 25 180 165 IS 234 231 3 R 213 188 2S 180 165 15 234 231 3 U

2 Georai C.D. Block T 85 83 2 73 71 '2 51 51 R 85 83 2 73 71 2 51 51 U

3 ManJlegaOll C.D. Block T 174 158 16 154 13<4 20 86 86 R 174 158 16 154 134 20 86 86 U

4 AmbeJogai C.D Block T 213 206 7 128 112 16 164 159 5 R 213 206 7 128 112 16 164 159 5 U

5 KalJ C.D Block T 123 120 3 188 174 14 98 97 R 123 120 3 188 174 14 98 97 U

6 Paloda C.D. Blode T 84 71 13 43 37 6 28 27 R 84 71 13 43 37 6 28 27 U

7 Ashtl C.D Block T 174 160 14 122 106 16 66 62 4 R 150 139 11 97 85 12 55 51 4 U 24 21 3 25 21 4 11 11 Ashtl (C. T) U 24 21 3 25 21 4 11 11

TOTAL URBAN: 1218 917 301 1089 181 1060 1015 45

Bid (M) u 394 295 99 367 304 63 402 390 12 Geom(M) u 81 70 11 90 80 10 65 63 2 ManjlegaOll (M) u 69 66 3 125 1Il 14 79 77 2 Parh(M) u 373 242 131 193 153 40 283 282 AmbeJogli (M) u 263 209 54 234 204 30 193 167 26 Dh.rur(M) U 14 14 55 35 20 27 25 2 Ashti (C. T.) U 24 21 3 25 21 4 11 11 293



Other Services Margmal workers Non-workers (IX)

P M F P M F p M F 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52

7832 6362 1470 10026 1622 8404 129300 64921 64379 4615 3824 791 9526 1523 8003 100137 52026 48111 3217 2538 679 500 99 401 29163 12895 16268

1207 897 310 1275 132 1143 16559 8393 8166 1207 897 310 1275 132 1143 16559 8393 8166

SIS 439 76 2404 862 1542 11766 6093 5673 515 439 76 2404 862 1542 11766 6093 5673

611 550 61 1012 148 864 15911 8181 7730 611 550 61 1012 148 864 15911 8181 7730

570 503 67 1175 117 1058 17113 8934 8179 570 503 67 1175 117 1058 17113 8934 8179

894 758 136 1797 116 1681 21745 11600 10145 894 758 136 1797 116 1681 21745 11600 10145

411 350 6! 536 44 492 7787 4088 3699 411 350 61 536 44 492 7787 4('.88 3699

506 410 96 1345 107 1238 10115 5115 5000 407 327 80 1327 104 1223 9256 4737 4519 99 83 16 18 3 15 859 378 481 99 83 16 18 3 15 859 378 481

3217 2538 679 500 99 401 29163 12895 16268

1149 891 258 153. 31 122 9424 4205 5219 161 129 32 13 6 7 1672 722 950 264 223 41' 158 21 137 2702 1159 1543 710 550 160 38 5 33 6199 2687 3512 751 587 164 118 33 85 6969 3134 3835 83 75 8 2 2 1338 610 728 99 83 16 18 3 15 859 378 481 294


No. of Toeal SUteduled Total Scheduled Tnbe LocallOn Dtstnctl Toeall households Tnbe Populauon populaUOll m the Code C. O. Block I Rural I wlthS. T. age-group 0-6 No. U. A./City I Town Urban members P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 BID DISTRICT T 3916 20515 10684 9831 4766 2450 2316 R 3389 18012 9374 8638 4245 2180 2065 U 527 2503 1310 1193 521 270 251

Bid C.O. Block T 303 1579 806 773 403 201 202 R 303 1579 806 173 403 201 202 U

2 Gcoral C.D. Block T 813 3977 2109 1868 881 458 429 R 813 3977 2109' 1868 887 458 429 U

3 ManJ1eaaon C D. Block T 403 2127 1092 1035 518 261 2S7 R 403 2127 1092 1035 518 261 257 U

4 Ambejogal C.D. Block T 387 2360 1249 1111 532 264 268 R 387 2360 1249 1111 532 264 268 U

5 KalJ C.O. Block 714 3706 1904 1802 941 490 451 R 714 3706 1904 1802 941 490 451 U

I; Paloda C.D. Block T 175 979 503 476 232 118 114 R 175 979 503 476 232 118 114 U

7 Ashu C.D Block T 609 3345 1742 1603 745 394 351 R 594 3284 1711 1573 732 388 344 U IS 61 31 30 13 6 7 Ashu (C. T.) U 15 61 31 30 13 6 7

TOTAL URBAN : 527 2503 1310 1193 521 270 251

Bid (M) U 144 662 352 310 128 60 68 Gearai (M) U 28 135 74 61 38 22 16 MlIlJleaaon (M) U 32 137 65 72 36 19 17 Parh(M) U 180 919 470 449 189 96 93 AmbeJogai (M) U 96 445 244 201 84 48 36 Dharur(M) U 32 144 74 70 33 19 14 Ashu (C. T.) U 15 61 31 30 13 6 7 295


lNDUSlRIAL CA TEGOR YOF MAIN WORKERS Lileralel Toial main workers (I-IX) Cul"\lalOrs (1) p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19

6045 4459 1586 8488 5004 3484 2131 1348 783 4558 3535 1023 7856 4449 3407 2099 1320 779 1487 924 563 632 555 77 32 28 4

361 284 77 701 388 313 165 85 80 361 284 77 701 388 313 165 85 80

1040 822 218 1731 1040 691 767 510 257 1040 822 218 1731 1040 691 767 510 257

549 423 126 996 552 444 168 104 64 549 423 126 996 552 444 HjS H>4 64

743 S79 l64 llOS 624 481 267 151 116 743 S79 164 1105 624 481 267 151 116

945 722 223 1553 843 710 389 251 138 945 722 223 1553 843 710 389 251 138

226 165 61 456 243 213 46 26 20 226 165 61 456 243 213 46 26 20

732 564 168 1330 775 555 298 194 104 694 540 154 1314 759 555 297 193 104 38 24 14 16 16 1 38 24 14 16 16

1487 924 563 632 555 77 32 28 4

456 275 181 162 147 15 3 3 52 35 17 45 31 14 71 42 29 43 31 12 514 334 180 217 200 17 5 4

268 162 106 I~ 91 15 6 5 88 52 36 43 39 4 16 15 38 24 14 16 16 296


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY Livestock, Forestry, Flshmg, Hunung Agncultural Labourers and Plantations, Orchards and alhed actlVlUes Locauon DIstnctl Total I (IT) Code CD. Block I Rural I (III) No. U. A.I Clly I Town Urban p M F P M F 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

18 BID DISTRICT T 4564 2197 2367 503 373 130 R 4521 2177 2344 467 340 127 U 43 20 23 36 33 3

BldCD Block T 426 210 216 22 20 2 R 426 210 216 22 20 2 U

2 Geom C D Block T 830 411 419 50 41 9 R 830 411 419 5.0 41 9 U

3 ManJlegaon C D Block T 669 308 361 42 36 6 R 669 308 361 42 36 6 U

4 AmbeJogal C.D. Block T 559 287 272 44 36 8 R 559 287 272 44 36 8 U

5 KalJ C.D. Block T 987 440 547 37 30 7 R 987 440 547 37 30 7 U

6 Patoda C D Block T 253 119 134 107 59 48 R 253 119 134 107 59 48 U

7 Ashu C D Block T 799 404 395 166 119 47 R 797 402 395 165 118 47 U 2 2 Ashu (C T) U 2 2

TOTALVRBAN 43 20 23 36 33 3

Bid (M) U 2 17 15 2 Georal (M) U 18 9 9 6 5 Manjlegaon (M) U 5 5 3 3 Parh(M) U 3 2 5 5 AmbeJogal (M) U 8 5 3 4 4 Dharur(M) U 5 2 3 Ashu (c. T.) U 2 2 297



Manufactunng. Processmg. SelVlcmg and Manufactunng. Processmg. SelVlcmg and MInIng and Quarrymg RepaIrS In Household Industry RepaIrS m other than Household Industry (IV) IV (a)] IV (b)]

P M F P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

45 30 15 246 155 91 34 23 11 214 126 88 11 7 4 32 29 3

5 3 2 10 8 2 5 3 2 10 8 2

2 2 10 8 2 2 2 10 8 2

3 3 12 10 2 3 3 12 10 2

2 2 160 82 78 2 2 160 82 78

15 9 6 21 17 4 15 9 6 21 17 4

3 2 3 2

4 3 4 3

11 7 4 32 29 3

12 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 12 10 2 5 5 298


INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY Transport. Storage and ConStruCllons Trade and Commerce Commumcatlons Locauon District I Total I (VI) (VO) Code C. D Blockl Rural I (Vll) No. U. A IClly/Town Urban P M F P M F .. M F 2 3 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

18 BID DISTRICT T 81 78 3 154 132 22 138 137 R 41 40 89 71 18 41 40 U 40 38 2 65 61 4 97 97

Bid C.D Block T 4 3 13 8 5 12 12 R 4 3 13 8 5 12 12 U

2 Georai C.D Block T 19 18 8 8 R 19 18 8 8 U

3 ManJlegaon C D Block T 12 12 S 3 2 1 2 R 12 12 5 3 2 2 2 U

4 AmbeJoglll C.D. Block T 7 7 21 IS 6 5 5 R 7 7 21 15 6 5 5 U

5 KalJ CD. Block T 13 13 20 18 2 9 9 R 13 13 20 18 2 9 9 U

6 PatOOa C.D Block T 3 3 6 4 2 R 3 3 6 4 2 U

7 Ashu C.D Block T 8 8 7 6 R 5 S 5 4 U 3 3 2 2 Ashu (C T) U 3 3 2 2

TOTAL URBAN 40 38 2 65 61 4 97 97

Old (M) U 8 7 24 23 10 10 Geom(M) U 4 4 ManJ1eaaon (M) U S 4 6 6 Parh(M) U 14 13 22 20 2 73 73 AmbeJogal (M) U 12 12 2 2 3 3 Dharur(M) U 9 9 2 2 Ashll (C T.) U 3 '3 2 2 ------...... _-----_._--- -~ -~ ------~ , 299



abeT ServlceS Margmal wOlkcrs Non-wolkers (IX)

p M F P M F P M F 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

625 553 72 1105 155 950 10922 5525 5397 349 311 38 1098 153 945 9058 4772 4286 276 242 34 7 2 5 1864 753 1111

44 39 5 89 14 75 789 404 385 44 39 5 89 14 75 789 404 385

44 41 3 456 84 372 1790 985 805 44 41 3 456 84 372 1790 985 805

83 74 9 58 10 48 1073 530 543 83 74 9 58 10 48 1073 530 543

40 39 86 14 72 1169 611 558 40 39 86 14 72 1169 611 558

62 S6 6 182 17 165 1971 1044 927 62 56 6 182 17 165 1971 1044 97:1

30 7 31 2 29 492 258 234 30 7 31 2 29 492 258 234

46 39 7 197 12 185 1818 955 863 39 32 7 196 12 184 1774 940 834 7 7 44 15 29 7 7 44 15 29

276 242 34 7 2 5 1864 753 1111

8S 76 9 5 2 3 495 203 292 10 8 2 90 43 47 19 15 4 94 34 60 81 73 8 702 270 432 65 54 11 338 153 185 9 9 JOI, 35 66 7 7 44 15 2Q . __ ------300


Area of VIllage No of Location No of m Hect- Occupied Total population Name of Village House- Total populatlon Code ares and ReSidentIal (tndudmg Institutional and holds m the age-group (0-6) No of Townl Houses Houseless PopulatIOn) Wardm sq krns.

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)

BIDC.D T 15666197 41463 46723 224500 115202 109298 48038 24815 23223 BLOCK R 15666197 41463 46723 224500 115202 109298 48038 24815 23223 U

1 Sakshal Ptmpn 102729 368 390 2234 1136 1098 469 243 226 2 Bahadarpur 23227 90 94 678 352 326 144 81 63 3 Tandulwadl (Bhill) 45075 118 137 651 327 324 163 91 72 4 Tandulwadl (Haveh) 33541 77 115 513 265 248 106 54 52 5 Aherchmchoh 92615 297 321 1623 805 818 352 174 178 6 Kharngaon 23076 121 126 602 328 274 143 76 67 7 Nandur (Haveb) 318.26 133 149 710 349 361 1(>8 77 91 8 Pargaon Japtl 403 49 83 92 372 201 171 81 43 38 9 Hmgam (Haveh) 64406 64 72 280 148 132 60 38 22 10 Pendgaon 42265 24V 246 1260 661 599 285 145 14V 11 Namalgaon 307 98 73 80 403 207 1% 86 42 44 12 Kmhlpat 20790 36 37 212 102 110 44 21 23 13 Belapun 19814 65 68 427 207 220 94 36 58 14 Ghosapun 92297 206 222 1178 589 589 285 143 142 15 Kambl 407.48 117 117 696 358 338 153 83 70 16 Kamkheda 115032 373 407 2033 1016 1017 428 218 210 17 ShahaJanpur (Kamkheda) 36426 165 165 754 395 359 170 86 84 IS Pargaon (SIf8S) 808 51 206 222 1227 619 608 280 158 122 19 ShahabaJPur 231.00 55 57 254 122 132 67 34 33 20 Songaon 205.45 72 77 467 229 238 117 59 58 21 Awalpur 19864 50 51 336 168 168 80 40 4V 22 Rudrapur 476.76 81 85 477 244 233 83 46 37 23 Belura 81964 265 297 1516 =753 763 335 172 163 24 Ketura 61312 169 188 824 420 404 150 69 81 25 UrnradIaglr 60591 172 188 898 461 437 180 99 81 26 Saundana 420.05 135 145 832 421 411 185 98 87 27 Kurnsl 89354 134 142 806 414 392 157 82 75 28 Khapar Pangn 85477 151 168 1002 503 499 247 126 121 29 RUlhrnba 52048 150 167 700 352 348 150 76 74 30 RaJun Bk (Navgan) 258236 941 1026 5115 2643 2472 1137 571 566 31 ShahaJanpur (Llmba) 24105 53 58 270 135 135 71 38 33 32 LtrnbaTUI 59204 223 255 1225 619 606 280 152 128 33 Ptmpargavhan 78340 104 127 670 335 335 149 74 75 34 Talegaon 777 12 180 200 1109 568 541 239 121 118 35 Murshadpur (RaJun) 38204 173 186 906 462 444 209 117 92 36 Kalwalwadl 87913 109 121 622 332 290 135 73 62 37 WanJarwadl 64755 230 266 1383 718 665 288 146 142 38 Tlppalwadl 87927 158 171 795 411 384 199 110 89 39 Kakadhua 53488 119 121 793 395 398 167 83 84 40 Palwan 91454 320 358 1834 966 868 374 212 162 41 Gaulwadl 78167 78 82 508 264 244 109 52 57 42 Charabata 135857 380 414 2117 1083 1034 434 223 211 43 Mengdewadl (N V.) 32986 53 53 246 103 143 59 23 36 44 Iadhavwadl (N V ) 384 35 58 58 459 236 223 96 48 48 45 Punpalwadl 148961 236 262 1450 752 698 307 151 156 46 Bhalwanl 162128 81 84 490 253 237 102 54 48 47 Kadamwadl 38881 148 149 975 491 484 264 138 126 48 Belkhandl (Pa) 182534 136 176 678 341 337 158 80 78 49 Patoda (Bel) 191927 268 311 1530 768 762 362 176 186 50 Nagzan 90050 161 190 797 411 386 168 79 89 51 Suryachlwadt (N V ) 32545 39 39 234 127 107 57 29 28 52 Deorayachlwadl (N V ) 18946 45 45 310 163 147 54 25 29

10 NA VGAN RAJURI CIRCLE 35925.56 8559 9377 48481 24728 23753 10680 5485 5195 301



LIvestock , Forestry. location Scheduled Scheduled Tolal Agncultural Flshmg. Huntmg Literates Cult! vators Code Castes Tnbes Mam Workers Labourers and Planlauons. No Orchards and allied actiVities (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

16018 15429 806 773 57014 23484 56876 41197 31997 23055 12291 16185 1215 231 T 16018 15429 806 773 57014 23484 56876 41197 31997 23055 12291 H,185 1215 231 R U

80 97 9 10 502 168 583 483 403 301 103 175 1 31 26 146 49 182 119 113 73 33 29 2 16 18 11 10 131 52 154 167 134 148 4 8 3 46 45 10 9 134 43 134 105 93 67 33 37 3 4 121 116 3 5 329 141 440 4~5 258 252 113 164 7 5 9 9 85 9 179 140 165 130 10 9 6 45 52 135 31 186 86 100 27 61 59 7 54 50 5 3 110 41 103 87 42 29 46 55 3 2 8 23 18 5 5 56 13 82 35 53 10 21 25 6 9 52 45 37 36 347 138 334 292 199 193 87 97 10 18 15 100 41 104 89 32 1 51 88 6 11 11 14 69 28 65 55 42 32 18 22 12 47 49 106 44 92 26 65 15 10 9 13 75 69 35 39 248 74 303 27l 127 143 85 102 14 4 14 23 17 175 68 175 54 144 41 15 198 194 524 198 471 416 261 153 129 240 16 30 30 14 5 145 49 185 187 127 2 56 185 17 69 55 3 2 334 125 288 114 158 31 78 78 18 25 18 58 35 64 43 43 26 13 16 19 13 13 6 4 80 24 112 126 97 116 10 9 20 87 28 64 63 48 52 5 11 21 21 18 5 4 140 62 116 45 94 13 8 26 22 84 80 325 128 378 284 274 196 68 83 7 23 79 82 240 114 223 71 160 38 13 32 6 24 59 60 15 18 195 66 204 167 132 92 56 74 2 25 52 61 179 'li 227 181 142 112 53 67 1 26 82 86 10 11 191 72 211 205 112 121 68 82 2 27 38 37 198 64 245 193 142 55 45 127 17 8 28 55 56 1 I 194 92 161 64 79 17 51 47 3 29 353 359 18 20 1586 718 1369 635 360 172 310 357 23 2 30 6 7 60 17 66 65 35 27 19 36 6 1 31 45 47 9 8 273 81 295 55 217 21 43 34 9 32 31 32 132 46 175 133 143 101 24 32 2 33 64 65 232 95 260 118 143 57 60 54 1 34 87 100 216 63 181 183 102 109 46 68 1 35 14 10 136 49 187 173 84 99 66 72 2 36 58 49 317 133 343 210 222 153 57 54 2 37 25 21 196 56 180 66 93 28 63 33 4 4 38 12 13 6 11 206 94 187 129 130 96 21 32 3 39 170 156 12 14 520 199 470 410 244 238 155 168 7 40 1 4 5 2 187 93 138 143 97 96 25 44 4 41 156 140 4 1 600 253 504 514 288 343 101 143 22 16 42 2 4 38 16 43 33 37 27 3 6 3 43 119 31 122 122 107 104 15 18 44 147 151 322 70 400 319 339 256 41 57 2 45 63 63 1 123 38 117 127 71 58 36 69 46 13 17 7 6 160 29 235 180 227 158 5 21 47 63 56 7 11 124 53 151 177 114 136 10 32 9 6 48 147 127 10 16 438 186 321 357 200 258 49 87 14 49 15 19 13 11 195 62 193 197 162 151 11 46 3 50 4 1 37 11 56 49 43 23 10 26 51 10 8 77 10 94 57 83 39 11 18 52

2942 2879 261 264 11864 4471 12152 9OS5 7380 5236 2509 3463 198 46 10 302


Manufactunng, Manufactunng, Location Name of Mmmgand Processmg, Processmg, Code Servicing and Servlcmg and Trade and Village Quarrying ConstructionS No. Repalfsm Repam mother Commerce liousehoid than lIousehoid Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V (b») (VI) (Vn) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

BIDC.D. T 20 5 965 316 2168 255 885 137 2266 202 BLOCK R 20 5 965 316 2168 255 885 137 2266 202 U

1 Sakshal Plmpn 14 2 14 16 2 Bahadarpur 11 3 17 12 1 3 Tandulwadl (Bhill) 1 9 7 4 Tandulwadl (llaveh) 2 2 5 Aherchmchoh 2 2 15 2 14 13 16 6 Khamgaon 1 1 7 Nandur (Havell) 7 3 7 8 Pargaon Iapll 1 3 9 IImgam (llavell) 10 Pendgaon 4 2 11 11 Namalgaon 8 12 Kmhtpal 2 1 1 13 Bel"pun 5 1 \ 5 14 Ghosapun 2 39 18 7 1 11 15 Kambt 8 2 3 5 3 2 16 Kamkhcda 4 5 24 14 4 6 17 Shahajanpur (Kamkheda) 1 1 18 Pargaon (Slras) 17 3 2 9 19 Shahabajpur 2 3 2 20 Songaon 3 1 21 Awalpur 4 4 1 22 Rudrapur 1 6 5 3 23 Belura 4 9 4 24 Ketura 17 4 4 8 25 UmradIagtr 1 4 4 26 Saundana 8 2 13 27 KumSl 5 1 1 5 28 Khapar Pangn 7 11 2 5 29 Rulltmba 6 12 4 30 Rajun Bk.(Navgan) 102 54 312 12 11 101 6 31 Shahajanpur (Lamba) 1 1 4 32 umbarul 11 7 4 33 Ptmpargavhan 1 1 3 34 Talegaon 3 1 3 16 4 35 Murshadpur (RlIJun) 4 6 3 5 3 36 Katwalwadl 4 1 10 3 1 37 WanJBrwadl 46 1 6 38 Ttppatwadl 5 4 3 39 Kakadhtra 6 1 11 40 Palwan 8 10 4 14 41 Gaulwadl 1 4 42 Charahata 3 2 22 7 10 2 43 Mengdewadi (N.V) 44 Iadhavwadt (N.V.) 45 Ptmpalwadl 1 2 2 2 2 46 Bhalwam 3 1 1 47 Kadamwadt 2 48 Belkhandl CPa) 2 6 49 Paloda (Bel) 5 4 11 3 50 Nagzan 7 3 2 51 Suryachlwadl (N V.) 2 52 Dcorayachlwadl (N V )

10 NA VGAN RAJURI CIRCLE 211 80 670 70 133 43 330 23 303


Populauon.1981 Transport. Locauon Storage Marginal Total SC ST Code and Worlc.en Non-WOlken No. Communications Other ServlC:e1

(Vrn) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M :; M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

1032 5 4037 806 1191 10734 57135 57367 170266 10116 9886 541 SIS T 1032 5 4037 806 1191 10734 57135 57367 170266 10116 9886 541 515 R U

4 28 5 3 166 550 449 1501 66 6S 5 10 1 6 1 12 64 158 143 3n 21 11 2 2 4 2 173 157 495 12 16 10 14 3 1 1 131 143 395 11 9 8 1 4 5 10 1 365 383 1213 95 90 5 2 1 149 133 413 6 8 6 3 5 4 89 159 186 511 38 39 7 4 3 1 98 77 284 41 32 3 4 8 1 1 5 49 61 48 220 18 17 3 5 9 16 15 30 327 277 929 39 43 27 21 to 5 2 14 103 93 306 19 22 11 1 37 55 218 22 27 14 8 12 7 1 115 194 297 40 39 13 12 6 2 286 318 654 41 33 14 2 15 4 5 30 178 254 469 13 21 15 7 35 4 31 545 570 1690 20 23 5 16 1 1 209 171 550 14 10 3 17 3 20 7 190 324 304 925 13 75 18 I I 10 57 79 139 13 8 19 2 7 115 lOS 268 2 4 5 2 20 2 to 45 94 60 271 21 4 1 92 128 96 346 17 II 2 5 22 11 4 22 53 353 426 1220 64 53 23 10 18 151 179 182 682 31 36 J I 24 5 4 55 253 215 156 59 51 16 17 25 I 9 42 194 188 601 8 12 26 5 13 1 3 203 184 768 57 51 19 21 21 5 11 2 I 75 251 231 774 47 40 28 6 16 92 115 192 581 14 14 29 28 122 31 49 551 1225 1280 3507 263 253 12 14 30 1 3 17 66 53 175 2 1 31 4 IS 288 309 263 999 20 33 2 6 32 1 2 20 158 182 519 23 22 8 4 33 7 23 4 3 308 420 840 S4 41 3 7 34 17 8 32 273 229 710 64 72 35 3 14 3 6 142 III 540 16 12 36 9 2 17 107 358 348 1081 44 42 37 2 6 48 157 183 161 635 33 32 38 5 10 1 8 TI 200 192 632 8 8 4 1 39 3 25 4 1 22 49S 436 1580 141 154 3 2 40 1 3 126 101 655 II 8 41 9 42 7 579 520 2242 145 160 42 24 60 86 43 114 101 44 13 351 318 1012 63 58 3 4 45 5 136 110 813 51 34 1 1 46 I 6 256 298 457 5 10 47 I 9 3 29 190 131 595 58 51 19 17 48 5 33 1 25 38 422 361 1084 110 88 49 1 4 218 189 625 18 16 50 1 11 58 51 69 90 52

141 580 94 291 2681 12285 12017 36620 2031 1959 187 187 10 304


Area of Village No of Location 10 Hect- No of Total population OcCUpied Total populallon Code Name of Village ares and Resldenllal House- (mcludmg Instltullonal and 10 the age-group (G-6) No of Townl Houses holds Houseless PopulatIOn) Wardm sq kms

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (I) (8) (9) (10) (II)

53 Malapun 81467 366 378 2045 1061 984 497 250 247 54 Kurla 1264 84 299 331 1714 876 838 360 183 177 55 Aurangpur 23736 56 57 279 141 138 64 33 31 56 Bhatsangvl 29871 123 125 568 292 276 117 66 51 57 Rakshas Bhuwan 41501 149 189 510 244 266 112 57 55 58 Waknathpur 43267 108 119 547 283 264 133 77 56 59 Barhanpur 35841 115 127 663 326 337 139 65 74 60 Loladgaon 50353 199 215 1097 569 528 191 102 89 61 NagapurBk 543.53 77 87 410 210 200 86 39 47 62 NagapurKh 51486 175 183 1206 603 603 252 123 129 63 Maha1as lawa1a 602 86 339 375 1739 873 866 379 191 188 64 RaJkapur 28550 32 34 178 96 82 42 22 20 65 Khandepargaon 61961 245 255 1545 768 777 \~81 178 203 66 Umn 17864 60 60 284 156 128 78 46 32 67 Umrad (Khalsa) 40817 103 124 668 333 335 175 84 91 68 Aher NImgaon 26505 65 74 332 182 150 51 25 26 69 Anandwadl (N V ) 147 178 880 444 436 207 101 106 70 lifewadl NA 138 162 791 400 391 173 84 89 71 Wasanwadl NA 144 150 862 437 425 177 97 80 72 Shldode 90293 239 278 1451 740 711 336 170 166 73 Antharvan Plffipn 70197 277 337 1479 796 683 305 157 148 74 Bahlrwadl 103 103 580 302 278 137 74 63 75 Ganpur 27

20 BID CIRCLE 2792710 9505 10824 51816 26672 25144 11715 6027 5688

93 Chavanwadl (N V ) 364 72 59 62 320 151 169 61 31 30 94 Khundras 28886 68 79 385 208 177 100 59 41 95 Adgaon 58540 152 190 702 347 355 132 66 66 96 Ramgaon 26040 64 72 317 161 156 72 38 34 97 Nathapur 177550 508 551 2307 1152 1155 531 254 277 98 RanJegaon 58029 266 338 1121 554 567 257 115 142 99 Ptmpaladevt 98170 204 248 }028 516 512 195 93 102 100 1..001 (Shahajanpur) 61994 156 179 754 385 369 140 75 65 101 Gunjala 261 15 48 53 248 130 118 50 29 21 102 Kukadgaon 93398 197 213 1052 536 516 247 131 116 103 Gundhewadl 465 77 86 93 418 211 207 97 48 49 104 Wadgaon Gundha 63560 272 292 1462 753 709 285 150 135 105 Gundha 59125 227 243 1068 541 527 220 123 97 106 Shahajanpur (Lonl) 37947 76 92 334 165 169 79 44 35 107 Sandarwan 38906 131 155 506 254 252 104 56 48 108 Limbaml 30121 126 155 554 284 270 98 50 48 109 Pategaon 27891 78 91 378 202 176 56 28 28 305



_ ...~ ...... _~It • ...._. Llve$\ock, rorc~try. Locauon S(,hcdt.lIcd SC'hedukd TOlar A~ntultufal f i<'hJn~, HUllung LltCfcltt'S OJltivators Code Ca,tc~ Tnhos M.un Wor!..,·rs Lahwrers and Plantations, Or<,hanh. aml No aUIC

4860 4726 182 181 13317 5682 12778 8631 5719 4218 2659 3434 377 87 20

3 3 42 9 76 95 75 95 1 93 9 5 84 15 105 53 53 30 23 21 13 94 37 58 8 8 178 68 184 168 136 108 19 60 8 95 37 38 3 2 59 18 77 62 12 3 96 139 146 528 198 544 329 111 27 254 292 36 97 117 120 4 5 265 67 312 263 141 96 107 151 16 98 49 48 201 89 319 239 176 82 104 152 4 99 36 26 157 56 :;:09 170 132 9'1 43 70 10 100 4 3 53 16 67 65 66 64 I 1 101 95 100 265 98 304 264 146 143 58 113 31 102 16 9 105 31 114 26 107 19 4 7 103 79 75 376 117 394 341 307 138 58 203 104 111 98 274 131 281 177 157 69 79 102 2 105 12 11 58 21 81 22 71 19 5 3 106 44 48 107 65 117 109 58 58 47 49 107 65 63 161 58 128 43 60 29 27 8 4 108 38 27 128 48 110 38 78 23 11 14 1 109 ---_ --- 306 J. sto C. O. BLOCK - contd, KVRAL PRtMAity INDUSl'lUAL CATEGORY OF

MIIIUfact.lltina. ManuCa,:tUrllll. tAJllltiUlt rrutellllli. tt~"UI"a. Cud. NItti. "r MlniJtj&ind Trida and Vilt. .. Qu.rl)'lll, SlII'¥IClIlI,lIl1d 8111"1(11111 .tld Cun.ltllctlortl Hb. ltcI'll,. II; Kllpllta II; ~thClr Coouncn:e l-tuulchold 1)11111 t1uUJllhultl lndlllUy tndullty (tV) (V(I») (V (b») (Vt) (Vtt) M p M 1'1 M P M 1'1 M P (I) (2) (26) (21) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) ~4) (35)

~3 Mlllapllri 8 2 5 1 1& 1& 1 54 Klltl. 24 3 31 6 3 16 32 !~ AUtallllpilr I 7 1 I 56 UhllIlIll.,,1 3 2 9 51 ItIIk.hl. Ilhuwln I II :2 ~ 58 W.ltnllthpur 1 8 59 UatfllnflUt 6 3 4 lIO IAllllcfllOll 15 :2 I 6) Hillapurbk. 12 :2 S 3 62 H.IJl9Ur ktt. 2 3 3 63 Mill •• J.wIll 27 3 1 3 14 27 4 e4 lbJlulput 1 65 Khlttd4lpa"aon ! 4 7 9 4 66 1Ilbri 1 \ t 61 1Ilbtld (Khalsa) 2 3 :2 68 AherNIm ••on 3 4 3 1 69 Anittdw.dl (N.V.) to 1 28 70 Jb.wadl 3 \\ ('; 11 Wa.anwadl I 6 I 7 72 ShldCJde 7 6 t'i 1 73 Alilbarvan I'lmprl ! 2 I 3 2 74 Uahirwldi 9 \9 :\ \2 75 OlnflUt 76 Dabiphal (OIi11d1oU) 5 :4 1 77 ChlnchoJI Mall 5 12 5 78 nld (Rural) 36 29 435 103 301 64 419 34 79 R.juri Ghodka 3 3 10 3 1 80 N.lwlI)di 1 10 5 16 8t SaNd 5 $ 13 4 12 12 Shi\'ni •3 4 5 8 6 ~ 83 Kathoda 3 I 31 6 84 l'impa1aaoo MClchi 25 8 3 31 10 85 Ahct Dhlnotl 7 2 9 15 86 SlII11napur 1 7 2 3 4 2 .7 Kulharwldi 3 11 5 1 34 2 88 W.lbllLwadl (N.V.) 11 oS 2 89 Itnampur t 90 WI"al 3 12 7 5 91 Uhlwanwadl 1 1 2 3 9Z Borphadi 3 10 4 7 3 5

20 IJtI) metE 15 5 172 71 721 140 454 69 822 100

93 Ch."anwadi (N.V.) 94 KhWHItls 1 10 95 Adall,," S 5 96 RamalOlt 91 Nathaplt 27 4 14 2 47 2 98 Rlnjeaaon 7 4 13 (\ 7 6 3 99 PlmpaladcYi 8 5 2 7 too Loni (Shahajanpur) 6 3 4 lOt GUnjall 102 Kukadaaon 20 2 10 8 103 Oundhcwldi 1 104 Wldaaon Gundhl 4 3 6 105 Omdba 2 12 3 4 106 Sbahajanpur (l..oni) 101 Sandarwan 2 I 1 1 lOS Umbann 4 3 6 2 6 4 109 Patcgaon 7 1 4 21·8 307 CENSUS AdSTMACT MAtN wOttKSRs

t'opull1liUII. 1981 'ttllll'pur!, Uk:llttotl SWtll,1l Marginal Tolil SC 51' Code .tid Wutltl!tI NI1IJo-Wui'kul't Nu, ClJI1Imul1itaLiOlU Other Sotvll*1

(Vl11) (IX) M p M f1 M 11 M It p M F M F (:36) (m (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (4~) (46) (47) (48) (I)

1 U 3 I 3~ 598 1Cf1 1418 145 104 53 6 27 1 4 11 417 458 1450 111 139 5 ~ 54 :1 14 1:14 14IJ I~ 15 4 I 5$ 3 9 3 1211 1

46$ 3 1314 504 182 2211 13712 14302 30531 1931 1942 94 78 20 75 74 93 5 1 SO 102 74 295 8 6 94 10 7 30 156 151 677 41 57 95 72 114 84 271 28 29 96 5 411 4 20 77 588 749 1631 77 79 97 3 12 3 33 63 209 241 845 68 72 98 3 10 4 8 86 189 187 970 26 28 99 11 22 83 154 116 804 44 45 100 63 53 153 1 1 101 2 211 4 8 231 244 1258 99 94 102 2 85 97 96 348 14 IS 103 16 359 368 1246 68 73 104 3 19 5 1 115 259 235 1050 136 116 lOS 5 14 84 70 63 293 8 8 106 2 6 21 30 116 113 399 19 11 101 3 14 2 4 154 223 429 24 25 108 1 7 9 92 129 331 45 39 109 308


Area of Village No. of locatIOn m Hect- No of Total population OcCUPied Total population Code Name of Vlilage ales and House- (mcludmg Institutional and Resldenllaj m the age-group (0-6) No of Town/ Houses holds Houseless Population) Ward In sq kms

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

110 Surdithot 56633 169 180 819 424 395 173 86 87 111 Nawabpur 16929 43 51 234 128 106 45 25 20 112 Bordev! 41486 67 90 350 171 179 75 39 36 113 Muggaon 280.18 53 69 303 159 144 68 33 35 114 Bedukwadl 374.01 91 109 398 202 196 79 44 35 11S Babhalwadt 37028 94 10'7 43S 128 20'7 94 S4 40 116 Ganganathwadl 64504 85 96 477 250 227 94 50 44 117 Ptmpalgaon MaJara 41545 139 151 683 344 339 158 80 78 118 h 142155 218 244 1222 652 570 255 141 114 119 Mhalasapur 564.74 144 170 680 346 334 1St. 83 73 tID lklwadl 55913 65 67 ~1J2 1Gl 1m 97 51 45 121 Ptmpaln("f 153959 973 1125 4359 21118 2171 885 458 427 122 Tadsonna 98255 394 449 1990 1005 985 414 211 203 123 Parbham 85192 281 315 1425 706 719 283 144 139 124 Kesapun 37323 82 91 477 222 255 109 53 56 125 Dhorwadl 79963 101 126 488 245 243 117 62 55 126 Wahpur 49089 83 105 435 221 214 104 59 45 127 Ghatlawala 58393 89 95 481 266 215 1()(j 61 45 128 Manyarwadt 35487 146 163 710 353 357 164 79 85 129 Ambesawah 73328 133 170 622 305 317 145 76 69 130 Kalegaon Haveh 83650 268 328 1287 651 636 273 145 128 131 IUJGavhan 38328 87 104 517 275 242 104 67 37 132 Mankurwadl 48244 82 90 345 190 155 70 46 24 133 DhekanMoha 127364 294 369 1523 779 744 331 161 170 134 Bramhagaon 36781 49 58 235 122 113 50 25 25 135 MauJ 49556 226 355 828 435 393 148 80 68 136 Babhal Khunta 42950 143 151 522 270 252 120 68 52 137 MauJwadl 62039 187 204 963 481 482 215 105 110 138 Bakarwadl 987.65 70 89 354 179 175 72 39 33 139 GhatSawh 54578 281 350 1721 833 888 376 167 209 140 Pokhan 108602 218 268 1261 715 546 247 145 102 141 Mahmda 141962 267 322 1314 68f 633 294 139 155

30 PIMP ALNER CIRCLE 3111225 8341 9767 40814 20777 20037 8645 4467 4178

142 Sonmathwadl 33469 64' 80 289 156 133 63 39 24 143 Ptmpamal 123194 135 160 571 296 275 129 71 58 144 Pokhan 91358 146 165 863 451 412 204 111 93 145 Llmba Ganesh 197027 454' 531 2570 1:;06 1264 534 287 247 146 Masewadl 447.60 83 84 586 293 293 152 72 80 147 Mulukwadl 56204 221 284 1069 528 541 213 108 105 148 Belgaon 347.90 66 66 478 242 236 99 50 49 149 Karchondl 137860 235 274 1329 674 655 383 198 185 150 Dhangarwadt 703 91 108 114 935 498 437 232 136 96 151 Manzan Haveh 69703 147 168 867 426 441 221 lOS 113 152 Mandavlah 54707 152 171 772 388 384 191 93 98 153 Warwall 80607 143 153 888 460 428 174 92 82 154 Aller Wadgaon 125252 314 346 1797 917 sso 444 223 221 155 Pall 233052 573 629 3335 1751 1584 680 350 330 156 Ko1wadl 41939 137 142 694 368 326 153 79 74 157 Karzam 1I53 16 170 176 1034 557 4TI 217 124 93 158 Anand wadi 28798 52 57 316 160 156 51 21 30 159 Bhandarwadl 46624 65 80 336 181 155 66 34 32 160 Karegavhan 903 91 174 253 940 474 466 188 89 99 161 Sonpethwadl 86225 80 80 436 222 214 75 43 32 162 Wadgaon (Kalsambar) 56239 78 84 415 209 206 89 45 44 163 Kalsambar 132490 215 274 1180 621 559 174 105 69 164 Mandavkhel 52753 99 107 503 254 249 97 43 54 165 Ratnagm 32018 76 91 444 230 214 115 65 50 166 Gawan 29524 76 81 380 197 183 65 37 28 !1 309



uveslOCk Fore.try Scheduled Total Agncubura] Locauon Sdleduled LlleraleS Cul11valOrs Fislnng, Huntmg Castes Tribe5 Mal' Workers Labourers and Planlatlons, Code Orchard$ and No. allied actIVities (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1 ) 64 62 212 71 232 228 147 127 78 101 no 17 ]9 59 30 72 43 46 18 15 25 2 111 21 22 6S 28 90 77 52 I) 29 63 3 112 18 19 92 22 72 57 43 34 25 23 113 10 7 86 21 92 lOS 67 67 19 41 114 4 2 81 10 135 123 77 68 49 54 3 115 15 22 86 27 140 114 1® 73 31 41 116 2 1 156 51 162 98 151 86 3 12 117 123 )19 285 96 360 211 29'.l 113 51 93 2 118 50 49 153 44 150 138 96 90 44 48 119 l 84 16 109 80 77 46 2\ 31 5 J 120 312 344 25 20 1144 583 1123 271 338 73 370 170 11 1 121 53 50 530 213 537 454 359 318 82 126 122 104 114 13 18 371 2')1 368 53 170 19 112 33 8 123 30 31 132 102 113 117 94 101 15 . l~ 1 124 13 19 90 24 130 117 87 66 16 .14 24 7 lZS 12 10 81 37 128 137 III 116 12 19 1 126 120 93 99 21 113 123 lOS 10'} 8 !6 127 28 28 2 183 78 188 185 12A 139 3S 46 6 128 39 25 124 26 152 143 S6 85 46 <;7 8 129 43 43 364 96 360 3M6 318 354 10 29 130 36 36 113 48 103 81 67 5j 31 26 131 6 5 55 6 110 93 119 17 33 76 132 126 124 34 28 409 104 384 220 204 97 I}l Il9 6 133 7 7 13 "1 71 24 71 63 47 40 \S 22 134 145 126 240 104 204 IS, 61 61 112 122 3 135 25 29 124 43 125 142 IJ7 135 6 6 136 47 5 203 51 246 71 1 S8 4 lI4 67 137 I 51 97 3 95 3 138 lOS 120 4 7 328 99 437 206 284 110 69 9S 7 139 63 55 1 397 73 313 28" 266 259 15 2; 3 140 164 145 312 72 330 328 189 179 112 144 5 2 141

2691 2607 llO 98 9821 3576 10668 7342 6377 4078 2566 3130 231 17 30

41 34 43 7 69 50 50 38 10 11 4 142 29 27 83 30 153 60 137 56 12 3 1 143 35 27 4 2 129 28 266 168 239 144 23 24 3 144 222 229 7 & 65& 336 612 502 343 310 112 112 2 145 13 12 154 51 161 98 74 32 66 66 8 146 36 31 239 109 283 307 176 218 64 76 10 3 147 29 42 120 49 120 123 99 106 14 17 2 148 142 123 4 188 39 303 247 229 188 44 59 149 15 11 99 21 243 217 164 157 74 60 150 49 41 2 5 183 57 186 174 Wi 118 20 42 17 4 151 38 25 3 2 170 33 172 149 121 110 34 38 4 152 42 38 4 2 227 17 242 243 166 100 34 140 3 153 61 S6 318 90 471 313 264 203 67 86 82 J4 154 232 210 7 6 1000 395 829 546 391 ~23 161 199 61 13 155 39 37 13 9 125 14 135 150 99 67 27 83 1 156 55 43 248 75 222 207 191 185 5 13 15 157 4 7 82 31 68 56 47 37 18 19 158 2 4 58 9 82 74 78 70 2 4 159 14 29 144 23 241 172 208 99 26 73 160 25 22 57 21 127 119 104 101 9 16 6 2 161 24 18 2 112 45 97 JW 70 73 24 34 162 98 77 295 19 327 313 250 230 18 83 163 22 13 120 45 122 98 91 49 17 48 2 164 26 21 68 11 170 116 77 76 38 39 165 4 6 119 56 107 113 65 80 21 32 5 166 310 1. DID C. D, PLOCK - contd. RVRAL PRIMAav INDUSTRIAL CArOOOf{ Y OF

MIIIJII(lIclUrilla, MlIIJuf.Cf.urlnj, l.ocIfJOn N."..ot Minlnsand PJQCCJI"", Prcccuin" Co44I .l1li 'fl'lld# .nd VIII.p QlllU'l)'ill, SoIVICinS IIld Servicina Con.tl1l'ilUHI. No. fl.cpaiTl in Ropllin, In OIher Commcrco HOilachuid than 1l000lllhuid Inoul1ry lndulll)' (IV) lV(a») rv (b)J (VI) (VIl) M II M r M F M P M P (I) (%) (26) (27) (ZS) (29) (30) (31) (32) <3') (34) (U)

110 SlIIuiLiwt I 1 JlI Nawabj,ur Z - Z 3 IlZ Botdwl :3 4 Z Jl:J MilIa"'" I - 114 Ikdukwadi 1 I 11$ DlIbbalwadi 5 - 116 Oanpnathwa4i .....- Il7 PimpaJlJOlJ Maja,. Z Z :2 111 It 4 :1 fl9 t.1halMsapur 1 Z :: - 120 Dclll'adi 2- 121 l'impdner ZO I lU) Z JZ Z 124 9 1J.2 TIdilllllla 1 6 30 19 2 123 PlUbban. :9 t S 6 12- 124 lW.apsri "I I I 125 Dborwadi :3 - 126 WaJipur 127 0hlIl lawai. 128 Many.rww 8 3 129 Ambe.awali 1 130 Kaic&1IOIl l1avcb 5 7 :2 Z I3t luJ Ga\lbaft , , 132 Mankurwadl I I Z 133 DlwbnMoha 13 :3 9 5 17 134 Bralllrurpon Z I :1 US'Mau} 7 5 :2 1 136 Rafthal KJwntA I 137 MauJwada I 13& BakarwlUh 2 139 GbalSawh S 42 S 11 140 I'ckft.n 3 I 7 I 141 Mahinda 7 2 t s

30 PIMP AI.NER CIRCLE 3 111 34 NJ 16 IOJ 1 316 21

Ie Somnadtwadi 143 Pnpam" 1 144 P,*ban 1 145 UmbaCillllcsh 5 2 34 9 34 146 Masewadi 2 4 I 147 Mutukwadr 22 7 3 3 2 148 .lklpwl 2 149 Karchondi S 3 3 7 ISO DhafJgarw" 2 I lSI Manzari Halleli 6 2 3 4 6 152 Manda" Jali 2 7 1 153 Wannti 17 2 3 4 7 154 Ah"... Wadpln IS II S 8 ISS Palj 14 3 30 2 49 33 156 Kolwadi 3 4 1S7 Kan:aai 2 3 158 An.dwadJ. 1 159 Bbaddafwadt 160 Kanlja"han 6 161 ~adi 2 162 Wadpon (Kalsambar) 2 163 Kalsarnbar 14 6 5 164 Mandavkhcl 6 '3 I 1(iS Ratnagln 3 166 Gawari 4 311 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKeRS

1'llf'ul.~Ion, 19&, Trlltllpoi1, l.oc$ion SlUr'lo Mllrllinlll relit! SC S1 Codc lind W,,""CfI Noo-WorlccrI No. ComlllunlllaUonl Olhcr SCl'VlgoK

(VlU) (tX) M P M f M F M F )1 M F M Jl (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (4') (42) (43) (44) (4') (46) (47) (48) (l) , 10 191 157 711 ,.. 56 3 Z 110 1 6 '6 57 172 4 2 1Jl I l 81 99 346 11 10 112 1 2 .7 85 176 10 IZ H3 3 16 16 94 72 12 lZ Jlot 90 1 3 .. 80 '"277 m- 8 30 1~ 83 424 14 15 116 1 1 83 111 158 508 4 2 117 6 14 110 278 249 913 25 25 118 4 13 196 1113 543 45 ,% 11 6 119 4 10 47 12 74 40l 3 14 9 120 26 140 6 17 !31 10411 1369 3121 211 271" 16 21 121 7 23 6 42 4611 489 1748 54 6t S 2 122 .5 21 21 391 3)1 275 1312 49 44 123 5 25 104 113 439 24 33 124 4 115 122 427 13 17 12$ 2 2 1 92 76 370 12 10 2 126 1 152 91 :m 32 25 127 12 165 172 ,72 21 39 4 128 4 5 153 169 S07 37 34 129 8 1 1 200 249 1017 46 55 130 3 26 58 146 103 318 29 25 131 4 80 62 297 2 4 132 2 37 44 208 351 316 1100 84 81 133 1 3 51 50 202 6 5 134 1 12 231 210 744 46 33 135 1 145 110 312 7 9 136 3 195 234 216 131 4 II 137 118 82 54 286 138 5 9 5 229 391 453 1.504 1(X; 110 10 10 139 17 2 40 402 219 881 49 41 140 11 1 20 3.51 28.5 996 109 90 141

76 528 44 311 2989 9798 9106 33158 1905 1893 61 56 30

2 11 34 16 49 200 29 31 142 2 4 143 211 468 24 26 143 98 185 146 469 23 19 7 9 144 .5 71 9 67 694 695 2136 239 214 6 5 145 6 74 132 121 381 12 11 146 3 2 5 3 240 231 874 31 26 147 3 122 113 288 13 22 148 1 10 .57 371 351 1007 25 24 149 1 1 255 220 684 11 13 1.50 2 1.5 2 240 267 672 .50 41 151 4 89 216 146 69.5 42 33 152 1 7 1 4 218 181 83.5 22 24 11 8 IS3 6 18 I 19 111 427 396 1395 47 57 154 24 66 5 32 116 890 922 3179 111 90 6 6 ISS 1 233 116 488 18 22 156 9 6 6 335 264 844 34 38 157 I 16 92 84 362 8 7 158 2 1 7 98 74 413 3 6 159 1 14 92 219 202 847 41 47 1M 3 1 8 24 87 71 429 23 27 161 1 112 99 349 16 15 6 2 162 7 27 9 294 231 1136 84 82 163 2 3 132 148 612 5S 42 164 2 110 98 324 3 4 165 7 3 90 70 390 1 4 3 3 166 312

1. BID C. D. BLOCK - contd RURAl, Pl{lMARY ------._------

Area of V.lbge No I.)j Location N'o of mHcc.t- O"wple~1 'j owl poP'llatlun Code Name al VIllage arc& Homp· Total pvpulauon .inti Reslden! Ilil (Uldudmg In~liLiJtIan.d nml No 111 the ~ge grnup (0-{) of Townl llJuses hl'ld~ Homelcss Populawm) Ward In ~q k,m.

p M f P M F (I) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) (Ill (9) (to) -(11) 167 M.mFrSumba 9f7 !i6 2"~ 2119 1494 768 726 325 167 158 168 Sasewadl 48414 61 67 3% 206 1'l{) 72 n 45 169 Udoloowadgaon 117246 190 199 1106 579 527 21:' 132 85 170 Chaudaswadt 21085 37 39 192 102 9(1 3:1 18 17 171 Safepur 46'> 60 J'l3 148 683 310 ~53 14S 68 77 172 Neknoor 1641115 i5lA 1701 8919 4663 4256 1&10 938 872 173 Jailll1w3dl 61462 80 83 459 2,5 224 43 24 19 174 Smapwadl 49961 77 91 410 2fJ7 :'~3 IIll 65 4~ 175 NlVdllOJtawadl 424.56 7'1 98 118 1f;7 151 65 40 25 176 DOlphod~adl 286 31 108 118 7'1.7 364 303 169 84 85 177 Khan!c\\adl 200 11 liS 161 843 442 401 174 95 79 178 Tandalyadllwadl 38991 (/4 !36 418 217 201 96 55 41 179 DhavjachlWadl 3li238 74 80 414 218 196 85 4~ 41 l80 Pandharyachnvadl 36360 116 131> 677 347 3s0 In 70 73 181 Yelambghat 144709 501 574 2996 1560 1436 568 2% 27: 182 Chakurwadl 93280 175 188 837 440 30 7 :41 70 71 183 Sawanlwadl (N V ) 26593 94 108 4'12 l6[ 231 III M 47 184 Vallagwadt 43974 S7 94 493 250 243 117 53 64 185 Sakhare Borgaon 546 II 148 154 821 395 426 165 67 98 ------~-- --_------40 MANJAR SUMBA CIRCLE 331)9934 8a77 9114 45742 2361f) 12132 9600 'l000 4600 ------.------~~------_------_. ------186 Khandolla ()7573 141 168 959 5m 452 170 IOU 70 187 Morgaon 143892 398 448 2285 1163 1122 51~ 243 275 18S Wangaon 584 98 151 180 888 1'i6 432 115 86 89 189 Gogalwadl 12436 32 32 217 II] 105 415 28 20 190 DahIWantil 7408 7 7 3S 18 20 10 4 6 191 Tandulwadl Ghat 63173 157 181 917 437 410 201 101 100 192 Balapur 114444 138 168 664 317 327 184 93 91 193 Ambll Wadgaon 6J906 137 150 74') '377 372 128 65 63 194 Kumbhan 4!l922 105 In 5'14 2'i8 no ]02 44 58 19S Andhapun Ghat 502 35 154 194 805 4()() 4(J5 129 SR 71 196 Khadklghat 60969 240 257 1305 665 640 217 113 104 197 Rau1asgaon 102209 IS: 188 9Q4 4Q8 4% I'P 101 91 198 AnjanwatJ 131482 350 384 1835 933 fi')7 393 2M 189 199 MahaJlUlwadl II 12 42 '!18 25.J 1110 5-;1 'is') 141 129 112 ZOO Borkhed 221825 342 :m 1902 974 928 3116 206 180 201 Lomghat 1641 16 261 283 1300 701 6YJ Hi 1 15::> 109 202 Wadhavana ,nss 137 172 715 361$ 347 125 60 6'i 203 Punpalgaon Ghat 68962 163 193 864 441 421 162 ,91 68 204 Manewadl 36281 136 140 636 307 329 114 00 ')4 205 RUlgavhan 3:-5 os 95 114 433 20'1 224 94 41 :1 2(Xj Malewadl 37040 SI 82 406 2:'1 lR.'. 17 43 31 :Z07 GoIangn 56299 120 139 610 '{Jj 297 12'i M 61 208 Kanadl 6()696 205 229 1110 562 54' 240 122 I III 209 Ghalllaon 930.S9 140 149 7)0 361 3·';<} 125 61 6f 210 Sultanpur 284 OS 117 121 543 282 261 J 19 6:> 57 211 Olausala 134148 992 992 5414 299(J 14'l'i 974 52) 449 212 Dhotra 38770 20 41 32 156 1".. ' , 25 16 9 213 Bavi 19800 I 1 3 . 1 1 214 Sawargaoo Ghat 32526 92 93 506 2'i6 2S0 36 4.; 11 :lIS DCYI Babhulgaon 8S~ 47 200 206 1069 53~ 517 ')27 llO Ii' 216 Satra 60590 lOS 119 57(J 31:: 258 100 5(' 44 Z17 Murshadpur(Gholt) 27347 76 78 390 109 191 71 33 3R Z18 POlhra 764 55 1'iX 163 )l'~9 437 4fi2 1&1 99 81 Z19 Chandam 48128 43 51 :,.. n 14~ 136 7J 34 17 Z20 Palsmgan 73096 308 3,11 i ~l--;- ~) ~15 761 301 15() 144 221 Chandegaon 28371 109 109 587 :('1) 2'.11 139 67 72 Z22 leba Punpn 83705 217 241 104:' 117 5:'8 ~21 118 103 313



LIvestock, Foreslly. Location Sdwdui("d Scheduled Total AgncullUraJ FlShmg, Hootmg Literates Culuvaiots Code Castes l'nbes MalO Workets Labourers and Plantauon~. Orchards and No alhed aclJ.vlhcs (I-IX) (J) (11) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (11) OJ) (14) (15) (Iii) (17) (18) (19\ (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) ( I)

131 130 372 116 387 369 16:." 200 115 160 167 ; 8 138 42 )02 101 68 88 2 13 168 70 78 309 149 279 241 217 53 24 187 169 11 1 65 3J 52 48 45 43 ~ ., 170 43 48 151 5Q 158 49 110 II 29 17 171 J89 Jh4 45 35 2756 1535 2112 878 744 321 5'lfi 482 14 172 i 7 4 4 61 15 100 116 62 38 46 78 173 8 8 43 • II 90 35 86 3() 2 5 174 3 4 4 4 53 14 81 9Q 7S 94 '3 5 175 23 20 5 1 16il 7J 186 189 1]9 131 14 Z3 40 32 176 19 29 3 2 214 80 208 167 131 91 23 76 14 In 5 2 80 15 104 ]23 97 118 3 5 178 10 11 108 28 115 109 99 106 J I 2 179 9 14 151 149 193 107 114 69 20 28 12 2 180 2S3 245 22 14 875 441 702 492 321 iN 217 3~7 4 181 27 23 16; 65 281 253 236 222 16 30 2 182 4 7 1015 44 122 135 89 99 23 36 1 183 12 13 124 35 1;,'0 Jm 94 65 21 42 184 78 87 204 78 227 108 HiD 71 54 37 185 ______N 2454 2,10 128 97 11186 4711 11386 8448 6905 5161---_-_ 2133 3024 317 72 40 38 44 13 16 279 115 207 103 149 70 2.5 26 5 186 220 206 630 305 543 395 337 1.79 81 107 2 187 34 30 258 72 221 250 IE) 219 20 31 1 188 1 52 25 48 12 40 4 4 8 1 189 16 16 9 3 10 12 2 3 7 9 190 64 55 217 64 257 237 139 lIS lQ.1 121 .2 191 106 107 9 14 130 48 lSI 138 n 4(1 76 98 1 192 93 86 9 I" 1% 92 165 159 U6 104 I} Sol 1 2 193 85 81 175 67 136 138 98 HH 24 34 194 78 69 166 44 213 144 163 l~ 22 18 IS 195 125 100 2 2 454 315 307 202 141 ~5 W5 III 196 .... 109 III I 14 262 136 232 211 136 127 51 7:- 197 174 loS 44.:l 168 437 1')7 271 :70 106 111} 6 2 198 37 26 265 145 301 Z95 248 249 20 34 I 199 228 228 11 16 499 266 519 449 242 219 1tll 212 7 1 200 63 67 433 2,9 348 332 257 221 ()2 1(1.) 201 48 45 :m 8<) 195 168 145 97 24 68 11 202 40 36 251 134 206 113 141 66 45 65 1 2 203 17 14 176 no Ill7 148 140 110 42 38 204 22 17 94 44 114 92 100 78 13 14 205 I 1 106 34 127 107 53 38 05 69 206 69 66 2 i36 61 178 35 122 5 54 30 207 75 82 246 84 2% 237 183 118 94 118 208 21 20 150 52 177 205 l'l8 153 31 52 209 45 4Q 3 4 145 53 J38 136 100 105 28 30 210 467 413 14 9 1'.198 839 1653 972 382 244 4:'3 636 14 211 38 2 85 19 27 14 19 14 2 212 2 1 1 213 21 28 148 76 122 123 101 107 4 14 214 1·1l 113 3 2 298 154 259 186 108 41 1)8 . 144 215 117 105 161 42 165 156 40 31 109 lU 216 116 39 117 113 7<) 93 21 17 217 55 57 238 166 219 129 136 71 46 4li 2 218 13 9 82 36 71 74 49 54 1~ 20 2 219 121 133 26 21 495 227 445 346 294 216 9.1 130 8 220 73 80 160 81 158 58 95 28 41 30 221 114 113 255 151 266 227 116 76 101 142 4 222 ------314


MMlufaCIUrma, MaollfllQlur!na, Luoa"~ l\'~S1iinll. ProColonina, CQdo Namoof Mining.nll Trallaanll Vill'IQ Quarryina ScrvlcUlllllnd S01'Yioinll .nd Cllm~rucllon. No. Rcpail1l in Repa".. in Illbe, Comm4lM 1I1l11~uhuld Ihrul 1I1l11~l1huld )lId"l~ry Inllu~u')' (lV) {V(a)} [V (b)l (VI) (VU) M F M F M Ii M F M f (1) (2) (26) (27) (311) (39) (30) (31) (33) (33) (34) (35)

161 Ml\l\ja, Sumba 5 at til 19 168 SlIsowlidi I 18 1 I~ Udllllllw_dllaon 12 2 4 170 UI."daaw~di 111 Safllpllf 1 3 4 112 N\llc.1UlQI' 103 '.) 112 3 13 258 13 173 Jailalwadi 174 SlUlapwadi I 1 11, NlvdlU'l1l3w.d1 1 1 116 Iloiphllllwadi 2 2 <4 177 Khardowlldi 16 4 7 178 TandlllYllchiwlIlI1 2 1 119 Dhavjachiwadi I 3 2 2 1110 PlUldlllll')'a~hiwlllii 1 It 1 2 1 \2 $ 181 Yulllmbilhat 2 32 2 9 32 3 182 ('''ha''u''''lIlh I 2 I 183 Sawanlwlldi (N. V.) 184 Vailagwadi 1115 SakhllfO UOfillon 3 2

40 MANIAR SUMBA CIRCI.E 216 33 304 20 149 12 482 33

\86 Khlulda\1I 7 :3 4 2 1 3 187 MOQIaon :3 32 1 8 11 1811 WanllllOl1 2 1 1 189 Gogldwadi 1 190 Dllhiwamli 191 Tandulwadi Ohal 1 4 2 I 192 Oalapllr I 1 193 AmbU Wadgaon 10 3 194 Kumbhari 5 4 195 Andhapuri Ghat Z 1 3 196 Khidkiahal 4 4 6 191 Raula·aaon 10 7 S 3 5 198 Anjanwali 8 7 I 1 10 2 199 Mahajanwadi 12 S 7 2 2 2 6 200 Ourkhod 40 10 12 8 IS 1 201 LOlliahal S 1 S 1 202 Wadhavana 4 1 2 203 Pimpalgaoll Ghat 2 3 5 204 Mancwadi 1 I 205 Ruillavhan I 206 Malewadi I 5 200 Oolangn I 10& Kanadi 3 3 200 Ghargaon I 1 210 Sullanpur I 211 Chllusala 27 43 S8 8 3 196 17 212 DhOlra 213 Bavi 214 Sawdrgaon Ohat 2 2 I 2 21S DeYI Rabhulgaon 2 3 216 Satra 1 11 1 217 Murshadpur(Ghat) 8 2 2 218 I'othra 6 1 4 7 6 2 219 OIandani 2 220 j'alsmgan S 7 2 8 221 Chamlegaon 10 3 1 1 222 leba I'mlpn 12 2 I S 31S C£NSllS ABSfRACT MAIN WORKBRS

llupulllllon, 101' Tr.napml. l.oc:a~\QI'\ 9101'1j_ MIlIJIUIIII rQ1lI1 SC S1' Cadll IHId WQrk," Ne>"....Wurkor. Nu. CQmllllllliOllf.iQJlI DUll" Ikl",icol '

('1m) ,Q!) M JI M F M F M fl P M F M F ()6) ()7) (38) (39) (41) (41) (42) (4j) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

15 26 l 3110 356 1036 100 lot WI 2 4 J04 19 300 1 6 t68 14 6 - ..... 3 300 283 195 7S 71 169 I 2 $0 42 18S III 11 110 , » 1 -1 100 171 195 616 S6 54 111 64 :m 49 20' 486 alSo 2N92 7286 2114 l13 13 lel 112 I 1 136 107 318 4 6 5 S 113 6 95 III 03 327 19 a2 174 I 86 52 200 1 3 l7$ 2 :I 6 4 112 170 484 j 6 176 2 10 2 73 232 161 SQ 14 16 3 4 177 1 113 78 420 6 5 178 7 .. 3 99 84 407 10 12 1"19 4 1 10 90 144 133 533 to 12 3 2 180 9 76 II 7 74 1151 1170 lilS 3211 1114 42 38 \8\ I 1 1~9 144 ns 20 I~ 182 "5 4 1')9 96 183 5 6 14 1Z4 m 442 10 II 184 7 I 137 167 1&1 778 57 68 185

180 700 93 335 1964 tlI89 llno 38014 2006 19l1 106 99 40

II 2 11 81 219 %61 600 20 23 S 7 186 17" 55 4 2 2,4 tU8 513 1692 129 120 187 3 10 1 4 234 178 770 8 6 18& 1 6 of6 58 47 142 7 4 1119 t 1 8 7 7 5 2 190 4 Z 228 193 710 S6 43 191 8 37 118 IS1 423 96 98 13 9 192 6 5 45 'JUT 168 700 76 69 4 5 193 S 1 122 t37 486 8S 82 194 1 3 3 187 258 854 8 lOS 195 1 46 6 14 358 424 1147 104 94 9 7 196 4 17 2 16 38 250 247 849 101 100 3 6 197 5 13 3 13 t1 488 4119 1424 55 51 198 1 5 1 4 17 246 247 917 46 3Z 199 8 26 6 2 455 417 1749 190 172 200 I 17 1 4 16 355 lOS 1234 28 28 201 9 1 2 173 117 647 22 21 202 9 18 235 272 789 so 49 203 3 56 120 125 637 19 15 204 95 132 414 25 23 205 3 18 97 57 320 10 18 206 1 133 135 129 462 35 42 207 12 37 2li6 274 941 68 75 8 8 208 6 1 184 143 643 23 26 209 I 8 144 125 408 40 43 210 16 2 459 26 4 1346 1459 4127 380 3m 12 7 211 I 5 2 86 27 212 1 I 9 213 5 6 11 134 116 371 15 25 214 1 6 1 273 351 843 80 91 7 6 215 14 3 147 102 624 ltO 73 216 6 1 1 82 78 328 217 7 9 3 218 333 657 41 59 218 73 62 234 10 13 3 2 219 3 25 I 370 416 1364 135 125 2 6 220 7 68 138 165 484 221 14 13 6 251 301 1163 133 III 16 23 222 316


Area of Vdlage No. of LotatiOJl inHect­ ~o.of Total populatIon

P M F r M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11)

223 HmganlKh. 290.40 2.~1 267 1488 740 748 314 161 153 224 HmganlBK. 1044.49 ---191 119 1~:; 539 514 1:50 _----_._-_-17 73 50 CHOUSALA CIRCLE 27697.72 6981 7641 37641 19415 18232 739~ 3836 3562 ...... ___ ....

* Please see the footnote of Village Directory N.A. Not Available 317


Livestock, FOR!StI)'. LocauOll Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricullllfli FIShing. Hllntmg Luerates CulUvators Code Castes Tnbes Main Workers Labourers and Planlabom;. No. Orchards and allied lieU vitles (I-IX) (I) (IT) (Ill) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (l)

58 60 425 198 391 406 325 343 42 55 3 223 86 90 375 245 Z86 181 136 61 113 118 224

3071 2907 125 133 108~6 5044 9892 7721 5616 4362 2424 3134 92 9 50 318

1, lUll C. 1>. bLOCk - r:ottttJ. ktJttAL PRIMAKY tNbUSTtUAL CAT1300ltY OF

Mllllllr.btUtlnll. ManUrlitlutlll_t ~tIun NIl",e I)f MllIlnslll1d jjl'UtCult1 l1. t'tu:llulni. Code SIIIVltlt11 and Setvlclt11 111111 1'tlldii! und VUla8~ ~U'ttylnll Col1stl\Mlbn. No. Rllpaltt It! ltlll'lIl1'1 111 othut CUttlm~tllAl Hou.llho1d U1dtl Uuu!llhohl mdu.tty tndU&Il')' (tV) IV(.)l tv (b)l ('VI) (Vll) M 11 M Ii M F M 11 M F (l) (a) (2f1) (21) (aM) (21,1) (:10) (11) (12) (1,) (34) (3~)

12:\ 1I,"8*,1l<1\. \I 8 2 3 2a. 111"*11111 llK. - 7 ...... 4 5() CnOUSAl.A CmCI.l! 2 Isa 9M 183 9 46 11 3115 23 319 CKNSVS AbstRACT MAlN WORKERS

~I4UUl\, lIMIt 1'l'IInlput\. t.ocatiort Slot... Mlll'llinld 'f0l.ll SC Sf Cude and Workers NUI\-Wodt~h No. CunlttlunlClUM. Othllr SCr\liccs

(VW) (tX)

M F M ~ M F M F P M F M F (36) (j1) (3 It) (39) (40) (41) (4~) (4~) (44) (4S) (46) (47) (48) (I)

7 l 349 34. 1014 tt tl ~ 3 22 2 1 253 326 1001 21 ~7 S fi a14

170 ~ 8S5 71 72 889 9451 9622 31343 22-\3 2\81 93 ')$ 50 320 2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK RURA.L PRIMARY-

Area of , Vulage Nu.of Location 1J'I1Iec~- No. of Total populdtlOn Occupied TO!..aJ poP'l]atlorl <-Ode Narrus of Vdlage ales and ReSidential HOllle- (mr:lua: 118 rn"ulutiun~lllnd In t1". age·g.roup (0-6) No. of Town/ HOUSM hold$ Houseless P()pulatlOn) Ward til sq I<:ms. ------l' M F l' M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -_.(6) (7) (8) ---(9) (10) (11) 2. GEORAI C 0 BLOCK T 1511009.61 40851 46592 2126~4 107977 104657 44521 23169 :1352 R 158009 63 40851 46592 217634 lrJ7977 104657 44521 23169 mS2 U --.------_...... _- --- ... -- ~--~-,-- _-_ .... ----- 1 Kuranp1mpn 454.38 187 203 1198 615 ~81 3!8 1511 16U 2 Borgaon Bk. 137326 283 311 1410 679 741 Jl'5 qS 1(,7 3 Palharwala l

10 UMAPUR CIRCLE 3115384 7920 9157 41470 21004 2U11)6 8'529 4459 4070

32 _ Mhalas Punpalgaon 275.46 93 100 '511 249 262 114 54 60 33 Savalcshwar 37931 114 121 592 302 290 120 64 56 34 Sawargaon Jahaglr 17585 Unmhablted 35 Khamgaon 45670 118 121 705 354 351 129 56 73 36 Nagzan 358.80 209 219 1088 537 551 267 141 126 37 Agar Nandur 116106 244 275 1344 691 653 305 157 148 38 Gangawadl (N. V ) * 124 129 564 274 290 127 63 64 39 Talnyaehlwadl 14S136 294 316 1598 801 797 313 137 176 40 Dhondral 3215 05 1


Llve.lock, Forestry, A,ticultutll Location Sdlcduied Scheduled Litl:5ratel Total CuhivllLOrs FIShing, Hunttng Caste. Tribes Main Workets Labourers and Plantations, Code Orchards and allted activIlles (I-IX) (I) (II) (III) M JI M F M P M F M F M P M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21-) (22) (23) , (24) (25) (1)

13558 13044 21lJ9 1868 50590 19273 55281 4l607 32~42 22422, 13602 18856 1272 t3~ T 2 13~58 13044 2109 1868 50590 19273 55287 42607 32242 22422' 13602 18856 1272 135 R U

37 38 11 10 248 45 300 264 180 83 79 172 8 .5 1 61 76 12 9 298 174 407 225 265 107 94 114 9 -2 49 44 12 31 101 92 80 61 13 26 3 4 3 128 119 5 6 177 71) 190 129 96 41 72 78 7 4 is 25 19 14 192 74 187 192 115 107 32 79 17 2 5 59 5S 3(13 134 348 159 221 66 82 91 1 6 131 132 16 12 S(l6 223- 536 331 371 244 76 77 21 2 7 113 99 8 7 59'S 266 647 171 380 59 154 98 33 3 8 44 35 :2 3 178 60 244 158 181 15 43 139 7 9 87 81 271 104 253 122 158 43 64 75 9 to 215, 244 33 30 S8'l 289 '52 378 194 82 159 277 35 11 600 , 556 • 10 7 1441, 735 1589 1244 717 592 422 593 18 6 12 40 31 300 150 360 343 259 263 4.5 75 19 2 13 29 33 213 69 227 174 161 128 26 38 14 102 31 107 101 38 29 65 72 IS 37 34 2 :2 226 111 230 188 ISO 152 32 34 16 122 123 12 10 436 200 441 464 347 387 54 69 17 1!1 28 8 6 261 103 249 213 208 180 8 18 3 1 18 81 66 162 49 173 72 121 39 32 28 2 3 19 48 43 158 57 193 106 178 51 13 52 20 95 90 10 7 523 227 622 607 481 503 42 89 11 21 49 39 168 67 168 97 122 66 33 28 3 22 38 29 168 44 169 115 141 90 4 14 10 4 23 37 30 167 59 161 152 102 95 25 50 9 4 24 6 6 174 54 202 125 191 118 8 6 1 1 25 25 17 169 41 193 207 164 t80 18 25 -, 26 ZOZ 'UT1 130'3 611 1214 83S 613 381 304 393 31 8 27 74 17 116 69 89 2 19 21 28 21 20 12 10 76 41 137 142 125 138'0 7 3 39 '3 '7 342 117 301 192 201 135 38 51 6 30 36 42 360 161 446 391 295 243 02 130 4 31

2477 - 240' 160 133 10251 4437 11063 1058 6974 4728 2138 3022 288 46 10

27 29 138 60 140 127 88 64 30 S8 12 32 II 21 6 8 1.58 76 174 10! tS4 56 57 44 28 :2 33 Uninhabhod 34 122 126 8 6 209 93 201 134 71 46 114 86 3 3S 121 127 17 21 228 82 275 284 90 77 146 204 11 36 120 III I 3 2'l1 89 :no 347 178 1S3 118 190 44 37 3 4 150 116 152 120 117 47 33 73 .- 38 28 23 9 11 388 132 449 343 246 177 150 164 4 39 335 321 3 2 1625 669 1355 942 718 455 318- 45S 57 40 124 113 323 87 358 316 144 90 164 220 17 41 Uninhabited 42 133 146 13 10 728 312 619 391 205 148 133 212 122 2 43 119 111 12 7 272 72 362 267 235 134 95 132 8 44 30 29 190 56 201 153 134 106 44 47 2 45 91 78 355 119 343 280 114 69 157 205 46 7 1 23 13 15 9 7 4 47 147 115 278 67 297 300 251 246 32 52 3 48 30 33 169 49 174 57 122 42 22 12 3 49 5 5 71 34 88 67 51 32 20 30 10 3 50 91 86 9 7 301 III 277 261 lSI 127 75 134 1 51 87 100 11 10 277 89 299 184 225 72 34 106 3 52 129 132 5 9 41,5 112 717 664 493 426 110 216 17 14 S3 322


Manutacwrin •• MlllluCacturin •• LocaIion Namcol Proceasilla. l'l'O!:e ..illa. Code Mlllu"and Trade and Vi]" Qulll'l')'lftI Sc:rYieina lind SCII'Yk:in.W QJnltlUCtioni No. RC('lIln in ltepaitt In other ComIJllU\:e Iluusehuld dian llousehold lndu.uy lndusuy (IV) [V{a)} (V (b») (VI) (V1l) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (21) (29) (30) (11) (32) (33) (34) (3$) 1. OnORAt C D. m.neK T SO 1(XJ1 324 Ita! 135 43'2 '3 UIM tOfi R 50 •1 1081 324 1625 135 432 33 1600 las U

I Kutanplmpn 4 .. 10 2 Bur,IIOn Ok. 6 7 , 3 I'lilharwala KIt. 1 4 Ou,"&aon 8 7 2 1 5 Pllharwala Bk. 7 2 1 6 6 MalqaonBk. 1'3 2 10 6 7 Malcaaon Kh. 19 1 13 1 2 ..- 7 8 (lutaj 1'3 ~ 7 t 2 1. 9 Surlcaaon 2 2 I 4 10 Panellltcshwar 2 .. 11 RakshasabhuwUl 1 3 20 2 9 45 4 12 Umlpur 90 11 43 4 16 145 9 13 Gaikwad Ialgaon 7 4 t 6 14 Mahar Takli I 2 6 2 4 6 2 IS Maruticluwadi (N.V.) I 1 16 Don Pimpalgaan 3 2 17 Males- 12 2 S 7 18 Dhumcgaon 13 9 .. 2 19 Adpsmpri 3 I S 20 AnJhapimpri 1 1 21 Khalegaon 7 26 9 13 2 22 Bramhgaon 1 6 t 1 23 Kumhhc Jalaaon S 3 3 2 24 Mallllnuula 2 7 1 1 '3 25 lIiwarv.·adi 1 26 Paulac:hiWadl .. 1 3 : 27 Chaklamba , 8 14 37 5 3 64 2 28 OIorpuri •'3 I 29 Rasulabad 1 4 30 Taradaavhan 23 2 3 '3 1 I 31 ShcklA 10 3 10 12 2

10 UMAPUR ORCU! 11 6 100 S2 254 44 69 S 390 'l6

32 Mllala. PimpalgllOR 3 2 1 33 Savalelhwar 5 1 3 6 34 Sawargaon Iahl,ir Uninhabited 35 Khamgaon 1 5 3 36 NI".ari 6 7 6 31 Agar Nandur 3 7 7 38 Gangawadi (S.V.) I 39 TlIlnyadllwadl 18 1 2 19 40 Dhondral 36 5 31 4 17 60 S 41 Belgaun 2 4 S t 8 42 Sujallpur Uninhabllcd 43 Bagpimpalgaon 14 10 62 7 8 18 2 44 Kolhcr 3 2 3 45 Kingaon 10 2 3 46 Tlikadgaon 8 6 15 19 47 GWI1lI (Rural) 1 48 G.lundgaon 2 3 49 DhoJgaon 10 3 4 SO Kom.&lwadl 1 3 51 8hat AnlArwall 4 10 9 52 JJeopllnpri 7 2 9 2 f> 53 RaJpimpn I 33 34 7 323 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS

Popullltiun. 1981 TtaRcputt. t.ooauon SlOt..., Marlln.l 1'OIa1 SC ST Code ImI Wurj(en Non-Workers No. Cotnl'llunkatlOh. OIJlQr ScI'ViWt

(Vm) (IX) M F M F M F M II P M 11 M t: (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) ("1) (41) (4:1) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 392 :I 1984 Sa! 6171 14813 45919 47167 173026 10377 10268 9S1 8in T 2. 391 3 :2984 ,as 6771 14883 45919 47167 173026 10077 10268 951 892 R U

1 14 4- 4 53 311 266 1000 35 7 3 1 4 11 4 :2 183 270 333 1349 77 96 19 IS :2 4 I I 6 58 55 309 78 "70 3 4 :2 23 79 179 t81 585 106 HJ9 6 9 4 8 2 7 15 181 172 693 23 '17 13 13 -5 13 '1 34 239 211 210 ItSB 60 66 6 .. 13 .5 29 2.51 401 3Z9 147" 56 68 11 8 7 1 42 , 12. 312 494 (iSS 1738 lOS 103 12 12 8 6 2 24 52 222 280 777 30 37 17 13 9 2 14 .- S 37 267 410 71J 51 ~4 4 3 10 5 84 10 1 31 502 610 1996 180 202 33 26 11 19 119 28 58 95 1458 ISSI 5904 539 509 25 22 12 1 18 3 46 SS 187 195 1154 32 32 4 3 13 22 2 51 It4 164 134 661 15 IS 14 2 21 34 60 4S 15 13 2 75 95 124 114 710 28 40 16 5 11 b 70 25 289 319 1286 S9 .5, ...... 17 7 6 3 74 55 126 174 718 27 40 18 6 3 I 20 99 III 121 430 54 54 19 1 2 30 122 170 137 603 33 38 20 3 38 3 122 148 391) 183 1975 65 64 7 6 21 2 1 33 63 177 243 518 26 22 22 4 3 19 43 181 185 375 25 27 23 11 1 46 48 134 128 533 22 27 24 1 4 76 128 128 382 10 12 25 2 1 61 19 163 186 579 13 13 26 12 134 27 149 395 1063 1071 3688 ISO 127 27 8 31 83 84 360 1 28 23 26 106 83 334 13 21 2 6 29 1 2.2 10 149 276 204 769 28 34 30 '2 '21 4 67 113 307 359 1385 50 43 31

79 657 129 1139 3063 8802 9345 34201 1991 2060 161 140 10

4 5 109 135 399 20 14 32 10 2 57 128 128 421 12 15 33 UnirthabilCd 34 '2 2 2 79 153 138 521 31 35 8 9 35 3 6 2 1 13 261 254 645 71 75 4 '2 36 23 2 11 41 300 265 1111 lOS 96 7 8 37 1 3 47 119 123 38 2 6 2 67 90 285 364 1237 23 27 1 1 39 21 97 17 365 571 1216 1308 5146 241 242 16 10 40 13 5 47 98 318 30S 1173 90 102 41 UnmhabilCd 42 10 47 10 26 639 809 1842 109 119 4 3 43 1 15 I .5.5 122 237 261 1113 31 28 6 7 44 2 4 51 91 168 136 692 17 17 45 4 20 3 69 lOS 277 275 1298 95 91 46 7 7 18 29 985 31 26 4 2 47 6 1 129 58 175 1~ 846 100 96 48 10 2 13 14 142 243 651 33 22 5 3 49 1 2 1 1 25 79 78 327 3 1 SO 6 21 16 298 262 738 55 60 51 2 11 3 62 125 292 313 960 59 57 52 1 2 21 6 1 24 593 608 1769 21 18 53 324


Area of Vtllage No. of Location m Hecl- No. of Total population Occupied Tolal population Code Namc of Villagc ares and Resldenllal House- (tncludlOg Inslliullonal and m the age-group (~) No of Town/ Houses holds Houseless Population) Ward In sq.kms.

P M F P M F (1) (2) , (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (II)

54 Govindwadt (N V ) 236.77 69 69 380 194 186 76 37 39 55 Malhivara 42274 91 96 484 244 240 118 50 68 56 Mudhapuri 461.47 156 158 847 453 394 160 90 70 57 Pandharwadl 81669 199 208 1018 511 507 234 125 109 58 Khopali 428.07 Vntnhablled 59 Vadgaon Dhok 121988 354 382 1759 903 856 321 167 156 60 Manyarwadl 752.54 182 185 1064 519 545 224 111 113 61 Ranmala 643.94 138 167 627 319 308 121 58 63 62 Khandvi 155823 437 524 2325 1204 1121 5~7 277 260 63 Talewadi 434.96 154 166 841 419 422 184 91 93 64 Minala 597 00 196 211 1076 539 537 197 97 100 6S Gadhi 41270 737 842 4009 2155 1854 &46 432 414 66 Ranj.m 1871 45 272 290 1319 673 646 275 137 138 67 Shindewadi 303 83 70 75 436 225 211 116 62 54 68 Dlmanror 22760 92 103 500 269 231 100 60 40

20 GI!ORAI CIRCLE 3132326 8117 9022 43412 22200 21212 9220 4713 4507

fD Iltngangaon 45888 131 150 680 341 339 148 76 72 70 Goodl Kh 39963 118 144 660 350 310 155 83 72 71 Kdk.hlllchoh 95973 172 182 925 471 454 187 99 88 72 Pangulgaon 28697 56 65 264 129 135 59 33 26 73 Mlrgaon 57153 151 163 691 363 328 143 90 53 74 Pandhari 62318 118 129 621 322 299 121 68 53 75 Dhogalgaon 880.91 260 263 1384 698 686 314 158 156 76 Oorgaon Thadl 399.02 85 95 474 242 232 127 64 63 77 Raheri 879.45 239 268 1316 681 635 285 166 119 78 Antarvalt Bk. 165971 369 423 1911 965 946 406 211 195 79 Dailhan 739.64 308 367 1552 768 784 343 163 180 10 SlI1,am Il1pon 398.02 Jl6 120 562 288 274 144 73 71 81 Rovkl 1237,12 302 332. 1545 784 761 384 2.00 184 82 Dodd 675,15 144 164 671 341 330 163 1)1 72 83 Lukhlml.11 1151.44 272 318 1449 712 737 326 151 175 84 Talwldl 3500,36 1290 1.530 7494 40tH 3433 1521 813 708 85 O.npwldl 9411,08 253 261 1474 768 706 372 210 162 86 RajaJlllr 1181.72 233 283 1269 650 619 310 175 135 87 OuYlllllwldl 705.20 132 165 624 306 318 132 63 69 81 Ch.vhlnwadl 574,60 215 221 1236 635 601 266 114 152. 89 Dulphoclwldl 402,33 114 133 430 226 204 96 47 49 90 KIl.hodl 823,94 2S4 187 \169 577 592 266 113 153 91 Mlftubal J.Wall 599.40 119 137 683 341 342 146 72 74 92 Rllnpuri 2044.44 559 603 3010 1519 1491 580 216 294 93, Shripal Anllrwall 389,18 70 80 443' 222 221 90 46 44 94 (]opal Pinlpl11'Clft 41 \.13 93 123 513 260 253 120 54 66 95 Db.lopon 278,52 97 108 481 250 237 101 53 48 96 B1buha,. 221.51 61 76 334 168 166 74 35 39 97 Tape NimS.on 430.75 77 84 386 202 184 88 46 42

30 TALWADA CIRCLE 23831.54 6408 7274 342.57,, 17640 16617 7467 3853 3614 98 Ghogas I'argaon 126993 323 393 1539 768 771 274 136 138 99 Malegaon ChaUa 57851 162 207 693 337 356 165 92 73 100 Maluri 2108.19 340 392 1675 827 848 308 151 157 101 Tinllrwani 104891 315 366 1376 699 677 264 141 123 102 Smgarwadl 478.99 76 91 384 187 197 92 42 50 103 . 'Takalcwadl (N.V.) ... 56 61 255 133 122 67 37 30 104 Pimpla 325100 553 648 2763 1406 1357 607 294 313 lOS Kaudgaon 423.82 75 81 319 181 198 90 41 49 106 Sushi 98067 193 232 871 429 448 220 126 94 1(17 Vad&aon Sushi 65114 140 171 747 371 376 149 84 65 325



LIvestock, Forc~lry, l.ocallon SLheduJed Scheduled Total Agricuhurai Flshmg, Hunllng Literates CultivatoR Code Castes Tnbes MdmWorken Labourers and Plantallons, No Or(.hards and allied a(.llvltlCS (I-IX) (I) (II) (lIl)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I) 3 3 68 17 121 119 36 40 37 69 10 8 54 28 25 103 37 126 60 82 15 37 44 55 76 74 226 54 245 173 134 68 92 104 56 18 24 7 3 167 65 229 190 67 53 111 131 26 5 57 Unmhablled 58 82 69 12 18 485 205 437 344 159 80 206 249 2 59 9 12 243 103 301 245 188 121 83 111 3 60 55 41 132 49 159 154 94 66 45 85 2 61 268 257 8 6 527 167 596 510 358 199 173 301 6 62 17 21 165 29 232 153 140 97 22 46 13 63 40 51 232 126 267 281 173 89 72 190 64 322 262 27 17 1466 754 883 263 129 18 95 212 17 6 65 146 145 318 lOS 325 299 146 122 107 172 1 66 68 7 lOS 95 85 50 19 45 67 27 21 165 80 138 121 116 113 13 8 68

2851 2715 148 138 10944 4227 11051 8362 5619 3707 2971 4411 422 45 20

SO 62 153 51 178 171 110 102 43 59 9 7 69 100 100 2 1 144 43 178 162 81 75 79 85 70 66 59 12 12 251 107 246 192 97 68 90 119 18 71 34 36 8 7 50 18 68 72 31 30 37 42 72 75 70 8 4 167 51 175 167 71 79 80 87 3 73 62 48 2 3 148 75 166 130 72 58 84 70 74 81 88 300 115 356 292 193 100 105 184 19 3 75 67 56 7 5 85 15 125 118 85 80 35 38 76 158 138 13 10 369 98 341 379 179 201 133 173 77 135 131 470 211 485 422 226 160 204 245 1 78 145 134 12 II 412 224 418 230 221 31 140 193 2 79 71 74 108 36 168 170 121 132 37 37 1 80 111 92 14 12 279 75 411 352 230 175 100 155 31 81 56 54 16 15 73 25 198 168 85 56 99 lOS 112 97 110 6 4 269 74 404 383 232 230 127 149 1 83 715 636 22 7 1998 667 2221 1304 714 385 784 865 79 84 71 69 9 11 380 83 403 373 282 III 101 260 85 62 63 42 46 230 69 355 171 210 63 130 ]OS 1 86 18 15 1 4 119 28 In 187 147 159 15 25 2 87 57 71 339 79 299 83 186 49 65 34 2 88 36 42 39 33 87 20 122 69 70 9 45 58 89 104 117 6 6 199 33 287 281 ISS 121 126 159 90 35 40 7 9 154 60 175 159 131 110 26 49 1 91 245 240 11 10 639 282 812 583 409 251 258 305 13 92 53 55 10 6 99 40 123 33 77 26 38 4 1 2 93 58 46 7 7 125 42 144 109 72 15 63 91 2 94 2S 31 93 37 138 50 103 25 28 24 95 20 17 58 12 100 61 56 37 39 22 1 96 59 52 58 9 102 64 72 7 25 55 2 97

2866 2746 2S5 224 7856 2679 9375 6935 4718 2945 3136 3800 189 14 30

S9 39 365 162 378 34S 274 268 45 72 98 50 58 154 67 178 169 127 115 30 52 3 99 59 56 16 tr 4~ 226 357 251 287 194 26 52 100 70 73 4 5 368 166 342 262 197 121 91 132 101 I 2 75 IS 89 95 84 91 I 4 102 3 2 37 11 76 47 73 45 2 2 103 126 125 9 8 587 218 .802 516 591 359 142 149 19 104 6 7 100 39 101 104 79 85 11 18 I lOS 57 52 4 2 190 45 221 219 175 183 35 34 2 106 54 3S 9 10 183 76 206 214 ISS 171 19 ., 101 326


Manufacturing. MllluCacturing. Location I'rocening. Prcx:euing, Code NllltIl:lo( Mining and Trade and VUlalil QUarrying Servicing and Servlcina and Constructions No, Repain; in Repairs in Ulber Cootmeroe Jfoulchold !han lIousehold Induatry IniluMlry (IV) [V(Il») (V (b)J (VI) (VU) M I' M F M Jl M F M P (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (jI) (3Z) (33) (34) (35)

54 Oovindwadi (N,V.) 1 3 4 11 55 Malhivars 3 3 56 Mudhaputi 2 3 3 57 Pandharwadl 6 I 2 11 58 Khopati. Uninll&biled 59 Vadgaon Dhok 4 3 19 4 6 U 60 M.IIIyarw~di 7 6 2 3 II 2 61 RanmaJa 4 2 4 2 62 Khaoovi 2 3 IS 3 I 13 2 63 Talcwadi 2 6 :% 33 6 t 5 64 Mirkala 6 3 5 65 Cadhi 17 9 432 19 '~ 63 10 66 Ranjani ~ 24 5 11 67 ShindewlIdl 2 68 D.,hanpur I 3 4

1 20

69 llingangaon 4 70 Goodi Kh 1 2 2 71 KawhiJtchob 7 2 to 10 72 l'angu'saon 73 Mlrgaon 3 3 3 3 14 Pandhan 3 1 2 7S Bhogalgaon 11 3 S 4 76 Borgllon 11uldl 1 2 17 Rahen 5 1 3 5 18 Antarvali Ok. 2 3 15 6 10 79 Dallhan 12 1 14 80 Sangam Ialgaon I 2 81 Revki 13 10 5 13 8 2 82 DeOkl 1 1 6 I 2 83 Lukharnalla 3 20 5 3 84 Talwada 65 24 26 2S 86 8 85 Gangawadi C) 1 3 2 86 RaJlpur 5 2 87 Govllldwadi 7 2 3 2 88 Chavhapwadi 12 15 89 DoiphodW4d1 3 Z 90 Kathoda 3 1 91 Manubai Jawala 2 5 1 92 Rllmpurt 17 10 13 43 S 93 Shripal Antarwala 2 94 ('lopal Pimpalgaon 2 9S Dhal~gaon 3 96 Habuitara 2 I 97 Tape Nlmgaon 1

30 TALWADA CIRCLE 155 S7 154 9 61 8 226 19

98 ('''hogas Pargaon 15 1 3 14 99 MalCillOll ChakJa 5 2 6 100 M41uri 10 3 1 6 101 TlIllarwani 16 6 2 5 102 SlIlgarwddl \03 l .. kalcwad. (N V ) 104 I'unpla 3 16 7 2 lOS K4udgaon I 5 3 106 SUshi :,J. 2 2 107 Vadglton SushI ~!. 7 4 3 327 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKYS

Population. 1981 T...... Location S&oraat Marainlll Tmal SC ST Code Ind Workers Non-WlII'ke,. No CQfnanunioliion. OIhor SorvlRlI

(YUI) (IX) M P M fl M J1 M ,p P M F M F (36) (31) (l.) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (l)

9 9 1 13 66 54 1 S 61 113 119 358 23 IS II l6 79 182 142 664 57 55 "56 4 2 76 124 206 193 622 4 10 2 S 57 Unmhabiled sa S 21 7 1I7 1$6 349 356 1405 66 64 8 16 59 6 4 I IS 73 200 227 768 6 9 60 8 1 7 1(1() 147 537 51 47 2 1 _61 3 21 $ 29 85 579 526 1663 156 145 5 2 62 4 6 2 2 78 IllS 191 724 17 19 63 1 7 2 24 272 23% 883 38 41 16 21 64 .3 19 U 9 67 ,263 1$24 1817 36 24 65 Z 22 .. 11 14 337 333 1091 94 96 66 2 12 18 lOS 98 341- 10 S 61 - 1 48 24 83 86 436 23 23 4 4 68 101 ., 523 103 1232 2420 9917 10430 33184 1728 1697 92 94 20 12 2 5 15 158 153 672 51 S4 69 12 2 4 II 168 J37 525 48 46 4 2 70 14 3 47 77 178 185 SZZ 42 53 23 23 11 9 9 !2 54 ISO 23 21 72 2 7 1 36 47 152 114 493 54 51 73 4 2 39 38 117 131 547 73 67 74 3 16 t 60 87 282 3a7 1000 65 61 Z Z 75 2 30 22 87 92 339 55 46 3 S 76 15 4 10& 7S 232 181 1059 40 31 9 9 77 2 2S 8 94 105 386 419 1637 186 172 78 6 22 5 44 J67 306 387 1378 .,6 167 79 6 1 16 14 104 90 449 51 64 12 11 so 2 14 3 22 109 351 300 1200 82 80 7 5 81 I 3 3 1 15 142 147 416 51 55 82 3 10 2 57 55 251 299 1145 80 71 10 2 83 16 426 21 375 586 1465 1543 5436 309 284 6 5 84 6 1 al 106 283 227 1136 46 40 14 17 85 7 3 29 205 266 243 928 SO 62 45 59 86 1 1 37 19 92 112 563 25 16 87 4 14 48 237 288 281 804 40 47 88 1 1 2 23 62 81 73 402 50 57 37 29 89 2 1 67 61 223 250 762 59 60 4 2 90 1 7 51 63 115 120 512 28 26 91 4 54 8 215 357 492 551 2480 201 202 6 7 92 2 2 1 8 96 91 92 379 61 46 6 4 93 2 2 21 57 95 87 448 SO 48 94 3 1 2 81 110 lOS 443 31 34 95 2 2 43 66 62 333 33 28 1 2 96 2 33 100 87 284 37 39 7 7 97

47 688 82 1532 2853 6733 6829 26742 2a71 2028 196 191 30

26 5 125 138 26S 288 1546 84 79 98 5 2 45 66 114 121 614 34 33 99 1 23 5 42 228 428 369 1720 67 83 14 12 100 2 22 6 66 156 291 259 1302 49 54 14 5 101 3 22 18 76 84 369 3 S 102 1 5 24 52 51 103 22 4 60 100 544 741 2335 97 93 104 1 I 23 22 57 72 382 5 8 lOS 4 2 33 59 175 170 803 43" 33 106 7 I 37 58 128 104 649 ,40.": 36 15 12 107

...... _,."1 ..... ~ 328 2. GEORAI C. D. BLOCK - contd. _' R(TI~t Pl:JMARV

Atellof Village No. of Ux.lllion III Hect- No. of TOlal popullltwn Occupwd TlMal ropul,tion Code Name of VillII#c arcs and Residential IIuu ••• (including II1IUlUlional and In the a&~'Bl'OlJp (I),.{j) No o(Towni Houles hold. HOIIlelelS Population) Ward in $q.km •.

p M F P M F (I) 0) m (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) 108 Sindkhcd 64t.'5 161 198 821 433 31i18 149 88 61 109 MlII1mod, 46J.98 lOS 1I0 6~1 319 314 133 69 64 110 Mulukwadi 547.10 97 111 396 190 206 95 54 41 111 Ja:v~hllrwadi 5{)~.57 135 171 634 308 326 122 69 53 112 Uhadangwadl 531.42 77 82 416 2t3 200 98 55 43 113 Shahajllllpur 75.41 Unmhabllei) 114 Chlkhah 414.74 75 79 4't7 210 211 91 54 43 liS Sathewlldi 596.88 110 r30 531 2ff) 262,' 113 60 53 116 TlUldala 1259.19 153 179 738 357 381: '120 57 63 117 Anlll1dwadi 436,90 109 IZZ 526 262 264 79 49 30 W$ Borg4Ol1 Chakla 691.18 ISf 165 soa 391 411 ,206 122 64 119 Val'llngalwadl 615.25 1(» lZ4 SOl 23' 264 \H9 58 61 t20 NaraYlIJlwadi 460,35 U6 123 573 286 287 1~ 62 63 121 Sodwadl 766.21 39 94 31S tllO 20S 95 43 S2 122 Saidapur 519.84 9. 101 SJZ 261 ZSt 87\ 52 3S 123 Kajala 510.02 134 J46 642 32(; 316 120 68 52 124 Koigaon 1970.52 423 SZl 2159 1D9S 1(164 417 :24 193 125 Sawar&&QIt Poklulri 610.66 18t 191 979 490 489 226 lI8 lOB 126 Mada!mobi 1998.25 939 998 5290 2649 2641 635 545 9() 121 Vanjarwadi 617.77 16S 186 752 352 400 164 68 96 128 Ahet V.ilwgaOll 1506.00 331 360 1711 848 863 361 182 179 129 Padlilsingi 137030 387 441 1947 1027 920 4C6 213 193 130 Kumbharwadl 782.22 186 21S 957 483 474 228 104 124 131 flokhari 526.58 145 171 660 339 321 148 76 72 132 Khadki 496.15 1":37 146 6')5 372 323 168 96 n 133 Mankapur 248.46 37 37 175 97 78 35 19 16 134 fulsangvl 1103.25 234 254 1073 532 541 187 WI 86 135 Nimgaoll Mayamba 5]5.15 231 270 U79 567 612 259 123 136 136 HaJlpur 478.90 79 99 423 211 212 91 44 47 137 Markadwadl .. 77 8~ 471 242 229 99 55 44 138 Dbarwanta 664.33 112 181 861 432 429 119 90 89 i39 Ukhadpimpn 6lJl61 182 202 830 420 410 153 11 16 140 Takal&avhan Tan Georal 277.66 113 US S99 289 310 91 39 52 141 K.ilwlldi M.lllkaplJT IN V ) 314.30 49 54 284 144 140 55 33 22 142 Suasmarg 46683 493 539 2471 1252 1219 539 280 259 143 Dtmllkhwadl 575.86 162 166 847 429 418 112 81 91 144 Tartyachi wadi 50198 83 85 436 204 232 96 44 52 145 Shahajanpur Chakla 7541 1st 203 952 474 478 201 102 99 146 Ankota 288.66 to 13 49 24 25 It 5 6 147 Loladpon 378.80 84 84 484 257 21:1 III 58 53 148 Simpegaoo 87.73 60 62 313 m 142 64 39 25 149 Ilkur 221.84 114 1'30 700 365 335 136 67 69 150 Hlrapur 427.52 233 249 1234 618 616 251 141 110 151 Takalgaon 313.12 160 176 Sfl 439 432 228 122 106

40 MADALMOHI C]RCLE 3727424 9608 10820 48634 24409 24225 9705 S2S0 4455

152 Kekat Pangn 133213 439 417 2290 1157 1133 455 260 195 153 Rokda 208.65 49 70 272 142 130 52 22 30 154 Suala 411.84 98 118 4116 248 238 117 55 62 155 Rohithal 1075.82 338 '162 1843 973 870 414 220 194 156 Bclgudwadl 579.14 104 124 473 232 241 122 62 60 151 Golcgaoll 719.00 234 301 11:17 627 650 276 136 140 158 SurdlBk. 55331 109 126 624 320 304 124 63 61 159 Tdkalgavhan Tarf 1 alkhed 517.87 132 166 543 260 283 In 60 73 160 Chopdya(..hiwadl 55414 196 253 854 426 428 186 89 97 161 Selu 884 81 275 331 1~38 681 657 286 153 133 162 Jdlcgaon 2346.68 7'19 850 3762 1915 1827 837 432 405 163 'Ih


Livestock, Forestry, ScJtJauJed SehoduJed TOIaI Agncultural Location LlIer~ Cultivators Fishmg, Hunting Ca.tes Tnbe. ' MaIn Workers Labourers and Planlatiot1i. Code On,hards and No. allied aClivillcs (I-IX) (I) (IJ) QTI)

M P M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14f (15) (16) (1!) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (2,) (24) (25) (1) 42 36 4 4 217 85 235 176 172 107 24 65 7 lOS 18 22 110 29 183 192 166 174 10 15 109 4 2 73 17 104 lOS 89 81 12 23 110 31 211 152 77 143 174 117 145 7 22 3 111 6 5 80 27 Ito 109 67 8 40 101 112 Uninhabited 113 22 28 106 51 98 115 63 69 13 43 7 114 6 8 96 38 139 130 102 79 27 45 3 ' 115 37 47 7 7 196 95 184 176 110 69 45 105 1 116 5 4 113 21 150 163 120 136 15 21 1 117 20 18 3 7 208 97 200 244 154 163 25 74 2 U8 11 11 9 9 III 36 122 143 104 128 10 14 2 119 5 5 5 5 118 30 143 150 116 99 8 49 120 4 4 62 12 92 liS 72 26 11 89 121 19 21 \(} 6 157 77 145 144 lOS 107 28 34 122 SO 39 4 3 134 62 185 123 137 116 46 7 123 131 119 SO 44 528 192 571 465 373 156 146 306 124 63 65 5 4 219 55 247 290 174 198 48 84 5 125' 323 301 16 14 1476 743 1295 706 450 231 413 407 9 126 11 13 6 5 173 96 197 170 136 83 24 83 15 127 97 111 440 191 386 403 307 354 28 42 8 128 98 83 4 2 587 212 489 409 221 215 101 152 3 129 19 16 217 53 249 228 189 125' 28 96 9 2, 130 22 34 141 43 155 162 121 133 14 26 1 131 13 9 185 67 182 164 123 126 17 17 7 132 6 12 8 9 46 14 53 29 31 19 10 10 8 133 68 66 10 8 323 166 283 324 146 189 82 129 2 134 51 56 7 11 264 122 275 282 181 211 27 52 1 135 5 4 125' 55 95 99 84 92 4 5 136 20 18 128 35 117 130 85 86 25 43 137 58 67 9 10 210 61 214 201 77 63 111 136 138 70 63 3 2 226 92 212 ISS 130 91 42 55 2 139 SO 41 3 2 105 42 180 78 1117 47 37 27 4 140 2 2 55 29 78 67 59 64 141 167 178 10 6 624 266 625 417 221 107 194 2n 18 142 57 SO 13 19 200 47 238 272 89 49 131 220 143 7 8 96 50 107 93 61 38 43 53 144 33 37 9 6 183 43 260 228 159 123 86 104 145 3 4 10 3 13 14 13 14 146 11 7 3 2 114 28 134 111 10) 83 6 21 9 3 147 20 14 85 42 95 87 67 66 22 19 148 94 84 224 109 182 167 134 74 41 92 149 17 74 9 10 292 98 276 228 87 13 63 204 6 1~ 62 52 217 72 205 213 143 169 23 39 6 151

2394 2308 258 238 119"44 4805 12396 10673 7fH7 6358 2497 3962 165 15 40

153 142 3 2 429 132 583 466 301 156 259 305 152 12 17 56 9 64 36 SO 16 10 20 153 34 26 61 11 112 93 46 23 52 69 154 221 200 390 121 505 433 313 239 138 186 9 155 9 8 86 20 112 102 67 49 39 52 - 156 133 148 19 13 228 84 318 327 165 146 140 178 157 42 41 133 27 167 73 108 31 32 41 7 158 47 49 110 39 149 147 105 9S 32 42 159 30 32 2 3 160 80 245 83 204 52 28 26 160 49 53 306 112 362 269 197 194 53 62 35 2 161 348 338 6 4 888 319 888 695 469 376 216 299 70 162 98 70 240 83 340 147 217 26 III 118 2 163 7 6 51 6 65 42 63 35 I 7 164 330


MlIIlIlfl<:turin •• Manuracturing, ~\ Procesalng. Namo of Minma MId ProccSlin8. Codo SOIVicina and SOIViclna and Traclo and VII" QuarlYill8 eon.IlUQlIo". No. Repalnin Ropain In OIhcr Commol'Cll Jlouschold "'an lIouaohold !nllua,,>, !ndu'll)' (IV) (V(I») (V (b)l (VI) (VO)

M F M I~ M [l M F M F (I) (2) (l6) (27) (l8) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

108 Sinclkbcd II .. , 109 Manmodi I 3 1 110 Mulukwadi 1 111 JI\'&hlfWldi 9 6 112 Bhadanawadi 2. 113 S~anpur UninhabilOd 114 Oaikhali 4 6 US SlIhcwadi 2 I 3 116 TUldall S 2 13 117 Anandwadi I 5 3 I 2 118 DOIlaon OIak1a 2 6 4 5 119 Val'MJalwadi I I 3 120 Nal'l)'anw.m 8 4 3 1 121 lodw.di 3 I 3 ..... I 122 Saidapur 5 2. 2. 123 KlI,jala 124 Kolgaoa .. 9 5 11 I~ Sawallion Pokhari 2. 4 9 I 1 1 126 Mad.lmob! 27 31 74 6 22 133 7 127 VanJifWadi 7 8 I 2. 1 128 Aher Vahe,aoll 2 I 7 11 1 129 Padalsinai 38 33 2S 2 18 130 Kumbharwadi 2. 2. 5 2. 3 2 131 Pukhan 2. 5 2 2 132 Khadlti 8 5 15 9 2. 2. 133 Mankapur 3 134 Fulsanavi 3 3 12 I S 135 Nima_OIl Mayamba 20 9 5 2 2 8 2. 136 Hajipur I I 2 2 137 Marltadwadi 3 3 138 Dhlrwanta 6 3 7 139 Ukhadpunpri 19 6 3 4 140 Takalgavhan Tarf Gcorai 11 2. 4 3 141 Kalwadl Mank_pur (N.V.) 2 I 3 2 142 Sirasmara 55 11 13 3 2 40 2 143 Dirnakhwadi 7 2 4 1 144 Tanyachiwadt 145 ShahljUlpur Chakla 4 3 146 Ankota 141 l.oladaaon 12 2 2 148 Simpcgaon 2 2 149 Ilkur 2 2 ISO IIirapur 12 6 4 72 2 151 • TakalgllOll 10 5

40 MADALMOHI CIRCLE 7 336 127 301 28 77 6 418 30

152 Kckll PlIIIg" 7 2 I 2 153 Rokda 2 I 154 Sirala 2 3 3 3 15,5 Rohnhal 6 6 6 1 13 156 Bclgudwadl 1 157 GoleglOll 4 1 2 158 SunhBk 2 4 4 159 Takalgavhllll Tarf Talkhed 8 8 2 160 Chopdyachlwadl 8 2 I 2 161 Sclu 8 23 19 8 9 4 162 Ialegaon 12 5 12 5 28 163 lbakar Adgaon 2 164 Kollyachl Wadi (N.V) 331


Population, 1981 Transport, Location SLoraee Marginal Total SC 51' Code and Wuril.el'J Non-WorIcel'l No. Communlc&lion& Ocher Services

(VIII) (IX) M F M F M F M F Jl M F M F (36) (37) (3&) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

12 3 18 60 ISO 15:;\ 732 16 14 108 2 2 15 121 122 420 11 14 100 2 1 10 '1 76 94 315 4 :3 110 6 1 52 26 113 126 483 15 11 111 1 8 8 95 86 215 112 Uninhabited 113 4 2 12 6 100 96 297 15 21 114 4 3 35 41 9~ 91 444 8 6 1 2 lIS 8 2 21 52 152 153 732 52 69 14 11 116 6 1 28 43 84 58 354 16 11 117 7 2 4S 19 m 1411 697 30 29 118 1 1 46 31 70 90 394 S 3 9 6 119 3 1 28 36 115 101 364 2 2 120 1 11 6 77 84 323 S 10 121 5 12 116 95 477 14 11 12 IS 122 2 :3 83 138 110 500 26 17 S 4 123 1 22 3 83 168 441 431 1802 122 121 23 17 124 I 7 2 98 48 145 151 76S 68 63 125 51 116 24 57 178 1297 1757 4081 229 219 8 7 126 I 4 1 8 38 147 192 4S5 3 3 7 5 127 S 17 6 41 72 421 388 1405 67 63 128 17 64 9 22 60 516 451 1483 98 94 129 6 S 1 56 63 178 183 708 11 15 130 3 5 3 S6 41 128 118 536 31 35 2 S 131 10 4 11 28 179 131 504 7 3 132 1 13 23 31 26 133 2 30 3 18 18 231 199 1046 55 63 13 13 134 I 30 4 35 54 257 276 885 44 51 41 42 135 2 1 10 34 106 79 354 5 6 136 1 18 7 107 92 329 14 14 137 10 1 28 68 190 160 688 34 36 8 10 138 12 3 7 61 20) 194 735 49 38 10 9 139 1 13 1 4 98 lOS 134 544 46 45 6 9 140 2 12 11 26 55 47 141 S 77 17 59 130 568 672 2120 145 166 5 2 142 S 1 36 11 ISS 129 590 28 19 18 16 143 2 2 5 40 92 99 311 10 13 1 1 144 7 I 40 63 174 187 769 20 24 7 S 145 2 9 11 69 11 10 3 2 146 2 2 7 11 116 lOS 323 9 19 147 2 2 12 t 64 54 217 15 8 148 3 1 24 13 159 155 679 24 22 25 18 149 7 24 2 34 IH' 308 300 1078 66 65 35 39 ISO 3 14 5 44 34 190 185 666 40 44 11 10 151

114 674 146 1629 2781 10384 10771 39609 1904 1915 307 277 40

4 7 4 192 341 382 320 1727 93 107 IS2 1 35 49 43 45 302 11 12 153 1 2 1 46 51 90 94 398 154 2 16 2 77 88 391 349 1440 131 127 ISS 5 1 23 36 97 103 376 9 10 IS6 2 4 3 81 82 228 241 1120 107 118 157 9 1 4 117 149 114 430 27 29 158 2 2 24 36 87 100 447 51 41 159 2 3 34 161 147 184 641 22 19 3 4 160 1 13 3 24 101 295 287 1213 59 55 161 5 71 15 183 225 864 907 3582 301 304 2 4 162 8 3 92 250 278 264 1488 103 108 163 2 28 73 56 164 332


Area of Vl1lage No,of location m Hect- No of Tollll populallon Occupied Total population Code Name of VI1lage ares and lIousc- (mcluJlIlg Inslltutlonal and RCSldentlal m the age -group (0-6) No, of Town/ Houses holds Houseless Popul.mon) Ward ID sq kms

p M F P M r (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11)

165 Bhalcpun 511 71 107 112 664 321 343 131 59 72 166 Sirasdevi 166056 493 596 2623 1325 1298 596 301 295 167 Pddulyachlwadl 63204 46 47 336 168 168 91 45 46 168 Bhend Bk 44325 133 155 691 348 343 154 73 81 169 Marfala 97574 227 295 1074 532 542 211 112 99 170 Lonala 42982 106 128 433 205 228 92 48 44 171 Nandpur 34241 94 llO 477 247 230 136 73 63 172 Kamht MaJara 45099 120 146 680 351 329 140 82 58 173 Bhend Takh 91934 255 354 1218 643 575 236 135 101 174 Bhend Kh 65248 lOS 135 505 262 243 110 65 45 175 KaJalyachl Wadi 33957 84 96 440 220 220 98 48 SO 176 Ardhmasla 130879 301 308 1647 796 851 373 173 200 177 Aurangpur lawalka 25885 Unmhablted 178 Nlpam Iawalka 144009 304 352 1614 841 773 330 171 159 179 Rui 132482 373 418 1898 950 948 414 210 204 180 Ialgaon (M4Jra) 24102 47 53 250 131 119 95 27 28 181 Sul1anpur 64641 109 128 463 229 234 90 49 41 182 Kherda ilk 687 29 133 152 671 312 359 161 70 91 183 Kherdawadl 141101 124 144 603 303 300 114 63 51 184 Smdphana Chmchoh 36105 174 221 554 283 271 108 53 55 185 Nandalgaon 48656 104 117 592 294 298 145 69 76 186 Malegaon MaJra 27334 63 80 260 135 125 50 25 25 187 Ramcshwar 21346 70 74 301 ISO 151 62 31 31 188 Vahegaon Amald 960.98 390 456 1706 862 844 331 178 153 189 Amla 958,90 249 301 1310 662 648 287 135 152 190 Digras 364.31 63 93 299 125 174 56 21 35 191 Dhanora 73216 180 194 848 415 433 161 75 86 192 Talval Borgaon 939.43 248 278 1492 766 726 290 147 143 193 Pachegaon 2031.60 645 791 3238 1687 1551 652 322 330 194 Pimpalglon Kanada 644.33 135 146 845 422 423 196 99 97 195 Erandgaon 486.60 87 99 433 226 207 81 44 37 196 Irg'on 540.80 83 89 531 270 261 125 64 61 197 Kopra 218.89 51 51 245 126 119 34 18 16 198 Aurangpur Kukada 354.47 lOS 118 521 266 255 113 62 SI

SO lATEGAON CIRCLE 34426.75 8798 10319 44861 22724 22137 9600 4894 4706 lit Please see the foot note of village Directory 333


Livestock, Fore~try. Scheduled Total AgnculturaI Location Sdtcduled Lncr'dles Culuvators Flshmg. Hunlmg Castes Tnbes Mam Workers Labourers and PI.mtallons, Code Orchards and No allied aCllvtties (I-IX) (I) (11) (Ill) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

23 33 8 3 152 37 136 83 89 32 23 49 5 165 180 172 534 194 660 374 352 172 170 186 11 166 2 3 51 18 87 85 45 46 33 34 2 4 161 49 53 143 42 180 185 151 169 8 14 168 58 65 220 56 245 239 188 159 35 76 3 169 20 17 90 27 94 17 70 4 11 13 2 170 22 19 8 5 73 20 108 67 48 20 51 44 171 35 28 127 42 164 78 154 71 8 6 172 90 70 287 80 278 146 228 131 17 6 2 1f3 18 20 ll8 38 109 77 79 72 14 3 174 18 10 72 13 114 75 95 _66 7 5 175 97 109 11 9 295 71 459 510 258 271 180 228 2 176 Unmhablted 177 132 105 7 7 432 150 381 229 208 III 108 III 178 75 79 20 16 414 143 504 450 348 251 100 186 179 9 6 2 3 37 7 67 58 42 42 7 6 5 180 52 49 91 25 108 19 85 6 17 12 181 55 66 153 34 171 167 101 100 46 60 4 182 42 34 118 38 157 145 92 91 37 51 3 183 7 7 6 3 98 28 176 143 90 72 82 69 184 36 48 6 5 109 28 160 138 83 35 64 102 185 14 16 61 16 87 62 70 53 12 7 186 11 6 77 37 80 73 67 69 7 ' 1 1 187 100 115 420 160 440 416 276 282 82 120 10 188 1I2 106 270 66 368 300 233 170 115 125 189 17 25 45 21 70 76 54 46 10 29 3 190 61 62 161 59 225 82 156 43 42 37 4 191 168 160 353 111 383 313 252 148 96 155 1 192 128 116 1162 1040 840 247 780 433 S04 242 165 178 8 1 193 72 68 202 81 216 191 63 41 94 146 14 1 194 23 16 8 5 102 45 116 123 58 53 46 66 2 2 195 33 28 20 17 87 35 146 148 91 51 44 96 3 196 13 12 69 32 67 17 56 6 17 197 15 17 156 81 156 147 133 127 12 18 198

2970 2870 1288 1135 9595 3125 11402 8579 7124 4684 2860 3661 208 15 50 334


MAl1u(lIclUrUlg. MIlIlUfllc:lUriI1E, l.DCaU(lIt Namcof' Millin, and Proteldlla, PrUf..csQJ11&:, Code and Trade and Vltlaac QUluryilli SCNicil18 Scr"kulg ant.! Constnld lOllS No. Rc:pail'lw lieplU u in other Commerce Ilou&ehotd t!1jJII lIOUS(lhol d Indo,tty tndll'Uy (tV) [V(.)I IV (h)1 (Vt) (Vm M F M II M I' M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (0) (m (32) (33) (34) (35)

IllS WIa&cpun 1 2 :2 5 HI6 Sirudcvt 22 5 22 3 29 3 167 P.dulyldllwlWli 1 J 1 U58 Wletd Ilk. .. 6 3 Ul9 Marf'Il. 2 .3 I 1 1'70 Lonua 1 3 t t 111 Nandput 2 1 2 112 KambiMIJ .... 173 8JumdTIkli 10 :2 .. 114 Dhend Kh. 7 1 2 11S Kajllyachi Wadi 9 4 2 176 Ardluna.l. 1 7 4 .. JTI Allranapur I.walb Unlllhabllcd \78 Nlpanl '_walk. S 3 15 4 13 1'19 Rill 17 .3 2 5 I 5 2 111) JalallOll

SO JATEGAON CIRCLE 9 236 52 173 25 74 10 225 7 335


....Iation. t 981 1'hIIl'J'ClI\. toc:.tioft SWrll&e MIII··1 TWIt SC ST CccIc Md WO(kcn Non-WOlters ~, Cumtnun&c.tioos Other ScMtcl

(VlU) (IX) M r: M r: M F M F P M F M r (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (<<) (45) (46) (47) (43) (1)

I I 1 39 70 146 190 49S 23 2. I 1 165 10 41 I 6 167 6j9 7" 2194 191 164 39 43 166 4 1 5 .. 76 79 111 161 I ~ 1 168 15ti 639 32 32 161 II 2 10 69 2fT1 234 1149 ,. IS 181 4 71 III 13<4 S2S 5 4 1'Jo 3 2 1 34 138 J29 G 4 I n II 17I 1 1 :1 III 185 1.-0 680 67 fiO 112 2 13 9 9 tlt 356 298 1319 80 13 '13 6 :1 13 51 140 llS 426 20 :N 174 :1 52 104 93 430 16 1& 115 B , 13 337 321 1327 37 21 IS II I'M Uninhllbi&ed 116 6 7 177 3 22 .. 91 161 369 382 1417 121 ItO 1 \2 11& 3 24 7 3 71 443 427 1733 66 61 23 17 179 1 1 2 3 62 58 167 .. 3 .. 4 IlK) 4 1 2 129 tl9 86 337 44 32 181 8 3 11 41 130 151 S77 51 fiO III 10 3 18 40 128 lIS 612 11 13 183 I 2 5 12 101 116 442 64 58 27 22 184 1 I 42 134 118 414 17 16 ISS 3 2 I 19 47 « 188 14 9 186 1 1 7 21 63 57 248 IS 6 187 2 28 6 20 43 402 31S 1554 137 134 188 II 5 7 88 287 2m 1305 153 132 189 1 1 31 55 67 299 12 19 9 6 190 1 II 1 I 133 189 218 877 106 97 191 3 6 12 72 371 341 1194 117 110 192 7 39 8 63 392 844 726 2SO& 76 70 II 16 19l I 5 3 17 SO 189 182 723 56 52 17 18 194 2 5 1 1 108 84 472 29 24 10 7 195 4 1 1 124 112 459 18 13 16 14 196 3 3 63 56 39 199 8 1 191 4 2 1 110 107 445 17 14 198

51 442 125 1239 3766 10083 9792 39290 2677 2S68 19S 190 SO 336


Arcaof Village No. of location In I1ect- No. of Total populatl()n

p M P P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)

3 MANILEGAON T 167129.29 45012 48391 23S083 121771 116312 52080 26668 25412 C.D.BLOCK R 167129.29 45012 48391 238083 121771 116312 S2080 26668 25412 U

I Takarwan 1812.25 820 820 4251 2158 2093 963 475 488 2 Shclgaon Thadl 30225 83 83 425 228 197 82 51 '31 3 Ridhon 44025 124 124 694 360 334 161 99 62 4 Kaudgaon Thadl 361.87 56 57 305 157 148 64 33 31 5 Gavhan Thadl 279.27 84 84 431 226 205 106 64 42 6 Ihwara Bk. 137516 285 285 1458 724 734 310 157 153 7 Dubba Thadt 22472 58 58 345 175 170 75 40 35 8 Kalcgaon Thadi 26370 95 95 477 21:1 250 86 41 45 9 Mahalpun 352.87 101 101 543 271 272 144 55 59 10 Sullanpur 91544 204 204 1176 617 559 28~ 155 127 11 Purshollampuri 1181.01 306 317 1588 815 773 355 190 165 12 Jaykowadt 38580 51 51 307 159 148 76 32 44 13 Sado!a 2306.82 477 477 2708 1379 1329 511 304 267 14 Govmdwadl 70283 114 114 598 311 287 136 74 62 15 W.. ghora 142845 309 313 1688 884 SOt 348 186 162 16 ShahaJanpur 36608 135 135 675 326 349 161 89 78 17 RaJegaon 179271 433 438 220') 1096 1IJ3 502 247 255 18 SurdtNaJlk 382.85 116 116 129 380 349 114 88 86 19 Waro!a 116240 422 439 1934 948 986 497 251 246 20 Shrungarwadt 83907 121 121 730 379 351 163 93 70 21 laykowadt 46202 144 144 683 329 354 194 90 104 22 Mahpargaon 85354 244 244 1313 691 622 317 174 143 23 Dhanagarwadl (Paytalwadt) 76434 100 100 565 279 286 101 48 53 24 Kilt Adgaon 2542.53 610 610 3240 1668 1572 686 363 323 25 Sawaraaon 1674.00 357 362 2118 1093 1025 493 265 228 26 Harki Nimaaon 945.22 201 204 1096 56S 531 241 132 109 27 Rampimpal ••011 380.00 57 57 320 175 145 76 39 37 28 I.did lawai. 540.41 193 198 1307 676 631 283 147 136 29 Shahapur MaJ.ra 410.08 53 53 259 123 136 7S 34 41 30 Ta1khod 2409.25 761 774 3977 2063 1914 832 429 40J 31 frl. MaJra 338.16 51 51 260 134 i26 57 31 26 32 DubbaMaJra 258.59 109 109 422 222 200 109 54 S5 33 lJunllnl 2.73.38 91 9\ 376 2.0\ 175 96 5\ 45 34 Telalon Kh. 348.77 100 108 741 376 365 \70 94 76 35 fikdara 589.89 208 2.22 1309 676 633 290 166 124 36 Kherdakh. 652.31 212 212 1013 508 50s 212 111 101 37 l'hull'lmpa1aaon 541.24 35 35 209 116 93 43 29 14 38 MlllaNl 2172.00 32.6 326 1719 844 875 346 169 177

10 TALKHBD CIRCLE 33031.53 H25S 8341 44198 22559 21639 9853 5150 4703

39 Manjralh 2209.99 383 393 1878 966 912 416 211 205 40 Chhatra Boralon 580.80 262 265 1254 639 615 269 130 139 41 Abeaaon 1293.08 271 317 1383 674 709 283 140 143 42 Sarwar Pimpalgaoo 622.69 122 122 726 373 353 155 81 74 43 Somthana 244.45 175 177 1170 589 581 322 168 154 44 Adola 339.58 35 35 173 81 92 42 23 19 45 Gangamasla 1355.97 567 574 2825 1441 1384 571 277 294 46 MOlhiwadi 138042 393 393 2017 1045 972 419 232 187 47 Sands Chmcholi 1069.92 227 227 1085 538 547 242 120 122 48 Nagadagaon 415.34 127 138 519 258 261 127 68 59 49 Govmdpur 247.23 72 72 310 161 149 76 35 41 50 Depegaon 398.77 134 144 748 404 344 181 88 93 51 Kesapun 118038 1013 1021 5184 2759 2425 1118 618 500 52 Phule Punpalgaon 113100 306 306 1720 870 850 419 215 204 53 Bhatwadgaon 887.00 190 190 1047 542 50s 224 113 111 337


LIVCSlOCk, llorcstry Scheduled Scheduled TOUlI Agricultural Ux.Jllon Literatcs CUIUVJlors Fishing, Huntlllil Castes Tnbes Mum Worker. Labourers and Plantations, CuJe Orchards and ~o allied acllVlllc5 (I-IX) (I) (il) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (l9) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

16781 16169 1092 1035 57281 21677 63457 44584 29578 17008 20879 25777 1699 167 T 3 16781 16169 1092 1035 57281 21677 63451 44584 29578 17008 20879 25777 1699 167 R U

292 233 1003 390 1105 580 482 240 330 324 15 1 43 36 140 68 115 68 63 23 50 45 1 2 72 61 154 S6 170 108 116 IS 30 92 5 3 16 24 26 14 97 44 61 21 19 22 12 4 7 8 113 35 119 98 106 95 5 3 5 5 f45 144 --' 306 123 377 279 126 65 155 202 36 7 6 26 34 81 23 99 70 71 59 27 11 7 16 26 131 57 124 83 58 13 55 70 S 4 7 123 30 152 112 83 72 57 56 9 26 31 2Z7 68 341 293 164 14J 1.,2 151 I 10 164 170 6 5 328 136 376 264 195 54 117 208 25 11 48 38 67 13 79 83 46 51 33 32 12 173 185 5 5 656 284 712 301 366 83 253 207 23 13 171 80 98 7 38 65 15 14 48 41 (' 123 29 138 136 379 153 413 281 193 57 172 213 12 15 34 35 115 31 183 190 132 123 46 63 3 16 142 148 3 2 476 188 547 458 310 246 187 21J7 8 17 36 32 4 8 220 72 191 190 130 96 40 94 18 147 141 337 HJl 554 387 425 160 95 224 I 19 15 10 148 40 197 149 127 70 59 79 I 20 9 10 123 44 162 163 114 125 33 37 3 21 82 95 3 249 82 361 297 204 157 102 138 21 22 12 11 110 40 158 125 112 83 32 40 23 167 183 648 206 926 378 378 60 415 289 2 24 209 197 14 14 528 197 569 310 284 86 175 203 30 8 25 72 75 10 10 258 58 269 98 176 38 51 57 9 2 26 11 6 88 17 93 67 49 38 25 29 8 27 131 136 351 110 349 31J7 193 129 124 174 12 28 29 23 41 14 60 59 20 21 36 38 2 29 332 303 7 2 1090 443 to17 671 387 39 377 606 9 30 34 29 2 2 56 16 73 57 44 32 25 2) 31 96 93 122 36 113 98 51 19 53 79 2 32 63 55 13 13 94 30 88 58 32 7 48 50 3 33 60 54 13 8 176 49 163 175 73 93 71 78 2 34 77 85 30 33 309 106 318 238 85 30 161 199 25 2 35 80 73 313 149 271 265 166 16 72 243 36 16 15 53 13 53 46 28 ~5 22 20 37 66 72 395 166 465 409 236 203 179 202 2 38

3138 3055 III 103 10157 3693 11630 7959 5984 2892 3923 4875 293 22 10

115 124 40 44 423 180 518 386 171 55 249 320 49 3 39 93 90 331 119 367 368 177 182 141 181 18 2 40 140 148 14 16 371 179 397 365 196 146 166 209 5 1 41 4 5 7 5 170 85 205 119 59 24 105 93 6 42 103 110 238 90 285 145 67 2 151 140 7 43 25 26 45 28 42 13 28 4 7 9 44 192 181 10 8 795 416 714 326 250 29 285 269 9 45 75 79 5 3 518 156 56) 537 191 116 283 416 4 46 42 :n 234 7S 301 l31 In 43 128 183 15 47 30 27 I()(J 35 136 108 47 9 77 95 3 2 48 14 19 8 8 72 17 88 76 52 44 31 32 49 49 54 2 4 205 71 186 1lID III 98 62 81 50 225 199 24 28 1878 1162 1159 315 147 10 163 266 60 3 51 208 :'~I 5 6 354 132 446 404 146 80 223 322 17 52 167 lJ'j 285 80 284 197 76 2 183 195 6 53 338


Manufactunng. ManuCactunng. Location Minmgand Processing. Processing. Code Name of Trade and Village QuarrYing Servicing and Servicing and Constructions No. Repairs m Repairs in other Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) IV(a») IV (b») (VI) (Vll) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (2S) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

3. MANILEGAON T n 18 960 342 1947 555 1020 82 2406 175 c. D. BLOCK R 77 18 960 342 1947 555 1020 82 2406 175 U

1 Takarwan 6 3 4S 2 15 71 2 She1aaon Thldi I 3 Ridhori 5 S 4 Kaudaaan Thada 1 2 5 Gavhan Thada 6 HlwaraBk 12 4 9 7 DubbaThadi 8 Kalegaan Thadi 5 1 9 Mahatpuri 4 3 2 1 10 Sultanpur I 7 6 11 PurshoUampun 12 4 , 5 12 Jaykowadi - 13 Sadola 7 1 9 4 9 14 Govindwadi 1 1 4 1 7 15 Waghora 2 9 2 , 5 5 16 Shahajanpur 2 2 17 Rajepan 8 3 2 12 18 SurdaNaJiIt 6 2 4 19 Warola 20 2 2 3 20 ShNnaarwadl 2 21 Jaykowada 1 3 2 4 22 Maltpargaon 6 1 3 10 23 Dhanagarwadl (Paytalwadl) 2 6 1 1 24 KltiAdgaan 17 17 26 4 39 2 25 Sawargaon 12 4 7 6 16 4 26 Harkl Nlmaaon 1 9 4 3 27 Ramptmpalaaon 2 1 2 3 28 ladJd lawala S 5 1 29 Shahapur Maj&ra 1 30 Talkhed 30 8 26 13 69 31 Ida Majra 2 32 DubbaMajra 33 Pungana 2 34 Telgaon Kh. 3 4 1 1 35 Ekdara 17 3 1 2 9 36 Kherdakh 1 1 7 I 8 37 Plaul Ptmpalgaon 2 38 ManaNl S 3 9

10 TALKHED CIRCLE 2 186 53 186 16 79 7 316 14

39 Manjrath 1 8 2 3 14 3 40 OIhatra 8orsaon 9 3 1 6 41 Abegaon 2 1 8 5 42 Sarwar Pimpalgaan 3 4 4 10 43 Somthana 3 6 5 22 44 Adol. 2 2 1 45 Gangamula 10 7 22 7 10 21 4 46 Methlwada 9 2 11 7 22 1 47 Sands OImchoh 3 3 12 2 15 2 48 NagadaglOll 5 1 1 49 Govllldpur 2 1 SO Depegaon 2 2 1 51 Kesapun 3 100 2 161 10 32 52 PhuJe Ptmpalgaon 8 6 19 S3 Bhaawadpon 2 6

':I C 339


Population. 1981 Transport. Locauon Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No. ConunWticttiOllI Other Semces

(Vm) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 572 :3 4319 457 1156 10714 57158 61014 197320 12324 16982 1110 1046 T 3 572 :3 4319 457 1156 10714 57158 61014 197320 12324 16982 1110 1046 R U

9 132 10 189 1052 1324 3358 142 122 1 1 I 113 128 326 32 35 5 7 2 9 10 190 216 564 M 67 6 7 3 2 37 60 67 259 21 32 1 4 4 3 1 22 106 85 344 7 6 5 8 26 4 23 84 324 371 1243 41 34 6 1 :3 15 73 85 274 8 12 7 .5 10 103 IS7 446 7 8 4 2 8 S 14 24 }.OS 116 439 7 9 9 10 19 50 257 216 868 99 91 10 :3 15 26 104 413 405 1391 100 92 11 1 79 65 306 57 55 12 2 39 9 I 3 666 1025 2440 185 176 2 13 7 6 1 140 206 600 40 49 14 3 10 2 28 127 443 396 1584 58 59 4 7 15 2 2 9 141 150 465 13 7 16 18 2 17 7 532 648 2148 101 121 17 9 6 183 159 576 28 25 16 21 18 3 5 3 34 391 565 1417 113 122 19 6 2 3 54 179 148 605 5 2 20 2 8 167 183 566 18 14 21 14 8 4 322 321 1157 97 104 22 2 3 2 34 119 127 1000 33 36 5 23 3 42 9 420 742 774 3011 206 213 24 7 32 4 5 80 519 635 1640 64 60 2 8 25 1 15 9 172 287 261 955 90 75 10 8 26 1 2 4 82 74 333 5 3 27 9 3 327 324 865 56 52 28 1 7 20 56 57 212 21 26 29 6 100 17 3 320 1043 923 3619 205 200 30 2 1 11 60 58 198 19 25 31 6 6 109 96 276 52 56 32 3 34 113 83 219 33 33 2 1 33 1 7 3 213 190 441 24 21 8 7 34 2 16 1 4 97 354 298 933 61 69 17 17 35 1 16 4 7 57 230 183 956 88 93 2 2 36 1 1 6 63 41 320 11 24 4 3 37 4 27 2 7 18 372 448 1935 79 83 49 49 38

63 598 80 201 2rJ72 10728 11608 38289 2291 2311 133 150 10

24 2 448 526 1861 101 92 93 94 39 1 14 272 247 1155 47 59 28 29 40 1 14 7 53 276 291 1265 76 73 24 19 41 5 9 1 168 234 692 33 26 15 10 42 8 16 3 18 304 418 730 7 6 43 2 5 25 34 54 200 36 30 3 4 44 11 96 10 57 167 670 891 2433 166 159 13 7 45 8 30 2 26 480 409 1754 51 49 3 3 46 8 100 237 216 1244 83 100 47 3 122 153 566 38 36 33 32 48 2 5 18 68 55 397 46 46 8 5 49 8 1 28 217 136 531 41 38 50 90 403 24 1 3 1599 2107 3328 55 61 33 22 51 9 18 2 424 446 1364 64 55 2 4 52 11 3 48 255 200 1218 9 3 2 2 53 340


Area of VLll

p M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 54 Manurwadi 291.55 149 149 798 403 395 172 88 84 55 Manur 1289.20 214 214 886 456 430 216 118 98 56 Lukhegaon 37265 79 83 442 220 222 69 32 37 57 Roshanpuri 611.00 170 170 727 367 300 129 61 68 58 Chhollwadi 4n.60 140 140 842 502 340 251 160 91 59 Surumgaon 371.82 169 169 717 378 339 123 66 57 60 Gunjlhadi 605.85 178 178 953 478 475 179 95 84 61 Sonna Thadl 89065 295 300 1388 688 700 2')7 156 141 62 Kharal Adgaon 1034.26 240 253 1327 6SS f112 298 145 153 63 Pawarwadl 45499 90 94 S30 279 251 9" S4 40 64 Shimpetakli 81308 309 309 l213 601 612 254 129 125 65 ManJlegaon (Rural) 2253.97 Uninhabited 66 lIinganwadl (N.V.) '" 51 51 275 137 138 79 37 42 67 l)Cvkhcda 297.00 138 138 710 336 374 165 76 89 68 Kedar Sangvl 24039 69 Chinchag

20 MANJLEGAON CIRCLE 29170.14 7640 7778 39152 20034 19118 8736 4498 4238

81 Dunparkhed 1370.80 291 292 1482 735 747 330 178 152 97 Ilanshchandra Plmpn 129389 206 2('(7 1201 600 601 274 133 141 98 Dhanora 12097 31 31 221 114 1('(7 40 19 21 99 Kcnde Punpri 16183 32 32 228 III 117 48 19 29 100 RaJewadt 114824 321 322 1878 945 933 405 206 199 101 Nuntd 286936 887 888 4671 2374 2297 994 499 495 102 Dukdcgaon 229.92 112 112 540 273 267 129 66 63 103 Chmchola 158250 376 376 1872 912 960 416 197 219 104 Tigaon 144450 239 239 1234 640 594 2n 144 133 lOS Ounchoo 94677 226 226 1051 552 499 195 101 94 I !Xi Mamla 310.69 62 62 292 140 152 66 29 37 1('(7 S.tIlmba 859.18 185 185 1047 518 529 220 110 tlO ., lOS Lallmlpur 27659 47 47 275 146 129 52 29 23 109 Kanhapur 51894 81 81 358 180 178 62 31 31 110 Wallvant 203813 1350 1691 7588 4(xH 3587 1624 784 840 341



Livestock, I'orellry, Scheduled Scheduled Total Agneultural LocallOll Literates Cuillva10n Flshmg, Hunllng Castes Tribes MainWorken Labouren and Plantallons, Code Orchards and No. alhed actlVllles (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

22 16 28 30 198 66 218 181 111 47 61 133 9 54 142 144 183 57 261 245 50 8 164 234 55 38 46 114 27 135 90 76 19 45 67 I 56 46 48 213 59 214 144 88 44 104 97 7 57 71 52 312 51 181 138 49 27 79 102 58 20 21 2X1 78 192 149 83 57 84 91 59 54 51 15 12 235 90 256 189 130 83 85 105 6 60 91 95 I 3 287 73 374 253 135 64 137 185 17 1 61 70 69 2 5 251 86 390 268 189 91 160 169 3 3 62 101 51 145 109 45 24 88 85 63 ]76 ]66 2 243 89 358 3]8 48 31 301 287 64 Untnhabited 65 63 18 70 72 25 oS 40 66 66 15 81 6 3 139 72 116 146 46 28 110 114 67 68 15 9 4 5 244 91 119 101 52 26 52 11 5 (f) 23 13 23 23 10 14 8 8 ! 70 72 82 11 12 ISO 91 184 79 21 6 91 65 ] 1] Unmhabited 72 40 31 12 39 64 2 15 25 2 1 73 24 23 76 35 77 69 7 50 64 3 74 140 146 120 41 122 85 10 4 45 71 9 3 75 39 38 128 48 95 72 10 51 71 1 16 91 104 104 18 149 147 43 14 78 131 10 77 23 22 9 11 153 15 281 188 95 67 108 103 36 2 78 45 40 170 31 234 127 128 3& 97 89 1 79 67 66 10 ]5 96 14 159 149 94 85 21 61 8 80

2849 2804 203 219 9951 4084 10230 7120 3395 1626 4338 5288 318 23 20

IS 7 18 18 18 18 81 Unmhabl\cd 82 113 103 23 28 391 183 442 358 234 167 141 181 26 6 83 Unmhabited 84 50 59 117 25 138 145 73 78 SO 67 85 25 29 208 79 261 200 157 126 76 76 1 86 367 318 22 18 1228 364 1031 87IJ 346 283 471 559 38 4 87 42 34 2 2 93 30 90 8 58 6 26 2 1 88 23 .\; 131 34 136 83 63 17 59 65 1 89 7 8 122 57 159 89 122 60 22 28 1 90 68 61 167 65 229 119 91 12 100 103 7 2 91 61 65 198 60 303 262 201 197 38 49 27 8 92 140 124 13 19 40S 184 418 320 157 47 162 252 22 5 93 175 177 20 19 511 270 614 593 20S 218 301 338 14 6 94 37 42 9 11 156 49 187 152 95 92 57 59 18 95 95 104 339 109 383 353 259 200 59 135 24 3 96 43 29 321 94 331 362 282 320 34 39 97 10 9 54 16 69 17 58 11 9 6 98 12 11 66 16 51 6 50 2 1 4 99 116 lOS 12 11 458 169 489 136 287 60 159 71 100 244 224 1188 40S 1219 1049 539 38g 554 633 14 2 101 38 40 122 4S 142 141 100 40 24 99 4 102 104 120 4 8 423 111 463 419 273 211 142 203 2 103 73 67 6 S 221 51 352 321 280 217 42 49 1 104 68 66 7 9 288 66 279 232 168 W7 74 122 I lOS 13 17 83 11 78 65 56 48 15 17 106 68 82 256 81 268 249 147 135 73 lOS 7 107 26 14 44 12 78 80 66 72 8 8 1 lOS IS 16 51 7 105 82 90 56 II 26 1 109 317 358 8 4 2490 813 2185 1179 404 261 215 415 33 110 342


MlIluCacturmg, Manufactunng, Location Processmg, Processmg, Code Name of Mmmgllnd Trade and Vula,c QuarrytJlg Servlcmg and Servlcmg and Constructions No. RepalU in Repairs mother Commerce Household than Household Induilly Indultry (IV) IV(a)] IV (b)] (VI) (Vm M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

54 Manurwadl 9 1 6 19 1 55 Manur 10 21 3 56 Lukhegaon 9 4 2 57 ROlhanpuri 4 3 1 58 OthOllwadi 4 5 6 10 5 6 59 Surumgaon 3 3 1 4 60 GunJlhadl 10 1 2 3 61 Senna Thad. 10 1 10 40 2 62 Kharat Adgaon 2 6 10 2 3 4 1 63 Pawarwad. 3 1 3 64 Shlmpetakh 2 2 65 MIIlJlegaon (Rural) Unmhablled 66 Hmganwadl (N V.) 67 Devkheda 2 2 4 68 Kedar Sangv. Unmhablted 69 Chmchagavhan 3 5 70 Nandur 1 1 2 71 Shelapun 8 7 3 12 7 72 Bramhagaon DeVI Unmhablled 73 Renapun 8 2 2 74 Punandgaon 6 5 2 7S Bramhagaon 10 6 7 11 3 76 Khanapur 9 2 5 77 Ohorgaon 5 2 78 Ghalalwad! 7 29 14 79 Nlpam Takh 1 80 Shuklatinh Nlmgaon 14 6

20 MANJLEGAON CIRCLE 6 2 89 20 314 30 273 21 355 39

81 Dawargaon Bk. 82 Dawargaon Kh Unmhablted 83 Khalwal Nlmgaon 11 3 4 6 84 Pandharwadl (N V.) Unmhabned 85 Devgdon 6 86 Talewadl 2 2 1 1 11 2 87 Laul 18 6 11 4 10 31 88 Mategaon I 89 Pardi 4 1 1 90 Khdparwadl 3 4 2 91 Kadl Wadgaon 5 2 5 3 6 92 OIin(.hawadgaon 4 7 7 7 6 1 93 Devdh. 17 2 5 2 12 2 94 Kaudgaon Bk. 14 21 8 5 20 1 9S MauJyachlwadl 4 5 2 I 96 Plmparkhed 17 5 2 4 2 2 I 97 Hanshchandra Punpn 4 3 98 Dhanora 1 99 Kende Punpn 100 RaJCwadl 8 1 8 2 6 3 101 NltNCi 13 7 21 6 8 20 4 102 Dukdegaon 7 2 103 Chmchola 2 10 2 8 104 TIgaon 4 6 3 lOS OImchou 4 14 8 106 Mamla 3 1 107 SaJunba 13 9 108 Laxmlpur I 109 Kahhapur 2 1 110 Wadvanl II "5 -----r34 104 428 307 32 9 398 34 343


Population, 1981 Tnnspon, Loc:acion Storage Marginal Total SC S1' Code and Workers Non-Worken No. Cornmlllllcalions Other Services

(Vill) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (4&) (1)

2 lQ 68 l7S 146 768 21 24 54 2 14 1 195 184 752 70 69 4 4 55 1 1 28 73 57 59 424 23 24 56 10 1 3& 152 178 557 22 33 57 3 19 3 4 15 317 187 491 68 73 58 15 1 I 185 189 558 II 10 10 11 59 20 222 286 938 80 59 20 11 60 24 37 171 277 276 1351 95 109 18 16 61 12 12& 26S 276 1311 119 121 61 5 134 142 478 3 3 63 5 8 243 286 1006 60 52 35 32 64 Unmhablled 532 26 29 I 2 6.S 5 67 65 66 4 8 3 160 228 636 68 75 3 2 67 Unmhabned 68 6 55 2 248 256 290 6 4 69 I 36 35 88 70 14 23 5 2CT1 318 497 88 96 71 Unmhablled 72 5 6 2 53 64 70 304 18 19 73 2 7 89 121 367 15 24 74 14 10 3 2 45 145 137 703 142 134 75 2 15 136 146 619 68 72 76 1 II 11 135 ll5 516 85 79 77 2 4 6 51 212 255 820 IS 14 5 8 78 6 14 123 214 19S 826 67 84 79 2 12 117 131 5S4 SO 41 80

19S 947 71 178 1274 9626 10724 34124 2CT13 2081 353 318 20 21 25 98 81 Unmhabiled 82 3 17 9 9 372 476 1485 69 71 S4 51 83 Unmhablled 84 9 7 146 134 576 35 41 6 8 15 1 10 2 5 70 226 213 715 24 20 B6 & 98 14 18 142 1230 1015 2978 208 196 9 8 87 4 5 89 80 64 251 42 46 88 7 I 76 112 94 456 27 2& 89 5 70 112 147 443 12 7 90 2 10 7 72 203 235 1044 71 61 91 2 11 1 63 235 206 900 80 73 92 41 12 11 131 353 332 1373 115 III 9 17 93 5 33 8 1 I 572 512 2031 224 2f11 94 6 2 24 137 134 589 39 33 95 U , 2 '4 350 340 1351 13' 127 S 4 96 8 3 269 239 1131 27 27 7 5 CJ7 1 44 4S 46 1t8 4 4 98 52 54 59 178 II 10 1& 19 99 2 17 1 5 260 451 537 1516 96 104 100 7 43 9 2 S6 IIS3 1192 3626 171 184 tOI 3 4 131 126 341 34 29 10% 2 22 4 6 4 443 537 1846 131 124 tOO 16 I 4 28 184 239 1173 66 69 104 10 1 20 38 253 229 964 24 22 9 11 105 2 I 2 61 85 198 11 15 106 19 6 2 20 248 260 166 22 24 101 2 3 68 46 199 12 14 l~ 4 75 92 323 11 17 109 30 500 44 31 IS3 1785 225' 5689 288 288 JlO 344


Arca of Villagc No of LocaUOfI m lIcLl- No of TOI.iI populauOfl Occuplcd Total POPUl.lllOil Codc i\'olmc of Vdlagc arcs and I1ouse- (mcJudmg InsUlUUona! and Rcsldcntlal m the age-group (0--<» No. of Townl Houses holds Ilouscless l'opulauOl1) Wardm sq kms

p M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

111 B.ihcgdvhan 90520 183 206 1088 568 520 210 108 102 112 Morwad 1112.05 201 274 1035 499 536 253 119 J34 113 Pusra 102301 148 189 811 418 393 201 101 100 114 Kuppa 149827 440 441 2222 1164 1058 398 245 153 115 BolVI 23414 134 146 722 379 343 164 80 84 116 l hwarg.lVhan 39538 116 143 586 294 292 113 57 56 117 Uph 145777 608 750 3081 1577 1504 681 355 326 118 LoIlWal 37549 97 98 425 212 213 83 41 42

30 NITRUD CIRCLE 33301 83 9150 9857 49365 25237 24128 10752 5411 5341

119 Patrud 237200 1226 1358 7730 3939 3791 1870 ,,960 910 120 An.mdgaon 173637 388 428 1909 962 947 456 238 218 121 Mogra 191325 384 442 2110 1059 1051 515 255 260 122 Khatgavhan 24320 130 156 706 375 331 150 86 64 123 Digras 24082 136 161 770 387 383 157 82, 75 124 I'llnpn Kh 54373 213 255 1022 516 506 191 96 95 125 Kolhrul 109036 241 253 1285 677 608 230 128 102 126 Loogaon 128085 390 451 1961 992 969 542 268 274 127 Shmdewadl 71900 140 156 786 415 371 191 97 94 128 Lahamcwadl 142700 151 158 772 370 402 179 73 106 129 A1apur 35545 168 172 730 359 371 162 73 89 130 Dcv1a Kh 45304 79 94 442 235 207 100 51 49 131 Umn Uk 83412 370 392 1751 879 872 385 196 189 132 Simn Pargaon 114788 229 246 1236 619 617 288 145 143 133 S

40 J)L~()RUD CIRCLE 3570871 9795 11092 51834 26401 25427 11548 5938 5610

160 POOner 279556 492 564 2lH8 1445 1373 581 286 295 161 Ttld;mukh 47872 116 132 6% 368 328 168 87 81 162 Borkhcd 52000 126 154 504 249 255 111 53 58 163 KaSaIV."ul NA 213 253 1061 515 546 215 101 114 1M j"lgdvhJn 33350 70 78 499 255 244 109 49 60 345


l.ivesto..k, Forestry, Location SLhcdulcd Scheduled Total Agncultural Flshmg, Hunting Literates Cultivators Code ClSte! 'Inhes MaUl Workers Labourers and Planlallon~, No. Orchards and allied actiVities (I-IX) (I) (IT) (III)

M F M F M F IV! F M I, M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I) 64 57 317 96 292 225 190 191 22 33 3 111 54 51 171 48 257 201 194 148 48 53 112 84 77 10 6 148 42 213 83 125 34 48 49 6 113 161 132 16 15 556 193 529 445 289 252 118 179 17 114 I 188 27 170 146 96 90 57 55 115 20 20 123 34 152 131 120 77 25 54 116 232 229 14 15 718 257 820 575 345 233 32.'i 334 8 117 18 16 98 35 111 76 69 44 35 32 118

3043 2881 166 170 12534 4277 13068 9803 6292 4560 3631 4521 278 37 30

228 219 1781 1018 1960 1064 566 211 720 780 33 7 119 162 187 1 2 258 96 566 435 322 203 164 211 5 3 }20 241 211 13 12 417 126 513 430 192 20 263 41Y7 6 I 121 76 60 2 3 167 61 185 66 122 24 40 42 3 122 55 56 1 3 178 59 240 213 133 108 79 103 7 123 60 65 259 128 282 89 187 34 91 5S 124 40 37 370 146 378 281 183 92 166 185 7 2 125 208 204 6 6 454 190 499 273 201 143 118 125 10 2 126 16 16 196 37 216 91 136 66 25 19 30 3 127 18 43 167 84 220 200 96 95 85 101 22 2 128 62 54 1 1 167 47 194 179 67 44 70 133 21 129 52 47 5 4 115 31 133 115 44 44 46 52 30 19 130 157 148 8 7 404 199 467 263 182 58 197 179 11 10 131 135 131 16 12 249 102 345 318 109 52 174 252 5 132 42 38 10 8 161 60 189 183 120 13-4 52 45 10 133 10- 10 98 43 106 131 42 61 63- 70 134 28 20 96 9 112 55 81 45 29 10 135 70 16 265 90 279 165 178 35 73 128 4 136 70 76 4 3 279 72 334 233 126 50 III 161 31 137 75 71 137 48 176 141 57 23 110 116 138 89 72 13 17 289 79 3.50 276 192 m 103 138 16 139 304 293 24 25 1199 611 1190 890 444 276 368 568 22 140 143 154 13 IS 500 136 ~69 350 225 181 104 134 6 141 48 43 2 1 127 30 164 88 81 37 66 50 1 142 116 106 218 90 216 35 119 4 78 2b 7 143 66 58 178 66 284 249 191 152 11 94 144 55 63 446 187 420 362 331 217 52 85 8 145 51 48 143 44 223 157 167 93 39 64 146 14 13 56 13 117 119 103 106 12 13 147 221 206 16 10 428 140 594 615 363 388 175 218 148 34 48 145 36 ISO 198 149 153 21 43 149 70 74 21 16 281 104 361 381 2'JJ 229 14 119 19 150 29 23 60 21 80 85 14 13 61 72 151 55 55 13 15 428 226 410 263 147 73 142 181 22 152 22 24 54 9 127 126 58 21 63 lOS 153 193 170 337 146 368 241 154 24 176 217 4 154 207 172 118 29 93 87 44 22 41 65 155 6 3 50 1 90 72 55 35 2 25 22 156 3 2 111 13 126 157 116 106 4 51 157 94 71 140 26 195 185 134 43 184 158 227 202 391 173 421 352 160 110 190 231 11 3 159

3665 3497 376 332 11917 4826 13972 10213- 6618 3-993- 4561 5857 380 55 40

188 193 14 9 789 354 738 358 320 99 279 250 7 160 62 51 9 9 157 26 196 160 61 37 103 121 21 161 52 61 7 4 114 40 147 92 70 36 62 53 4 162 72 93 14 10 223 87 276 286 81 84 164 197 8 163 34 31 7 11 133 47 154 127 96 63 53 64 164 346


Manufactunng, Manufactunng, Location Name of Mmmgand Processmg, Processmg, Code Servicmg and SeI'Vlcmg and Trade and Village Quartylng ConstructionS No. Repatnm Repairs mother Commerce Household than Household Industry Induslly (IV) [V(a)] [V (b)] (VI) (Vm M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (21) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

111 Babegavhan 5 19 11 23 112 Morwad 3 1 2 113 Pusra .5 5 19 1 114 Kuppa 8 1 15 16 1lS Bavi 2 I 116 Hlwargavhan 1 2 117 Uph 6 18 27 23 118 Lonwal 2 1 1

30 NITRUD ORCLE 11 5 298 151 625 324 151 18 626 52

119 Patrud 2S 7 60 3 68 1 280 6 120 Allandgaon 15 2 1 39 16 9 121 Mogra 1 11 2 14 122 Khatg;lvhan 5 1 3 3 123 Digras 6 2 6 124 Punpn Kh. 1 125 Kothrul 14 2 126 Longaon 10 9 60 10 121 Shmdewadl 5 2 1 13 128 Labamewadl 3 1 4 3 129 ALipur 6 1 3 1 7 130 Devla Kh. I 1 4 131 UmnBk 8 12 8 6 2 11 1 132 Sunn Pargaon 8 2 1 10 3 133 Salegaon 2 4 2 --.- 134 EkbufJlwadl (N V.) 135 Iiwanpur 136 Bclura 1 7 2 10 3 137 Nakhalgaon 30 18 12 3 13 138 Pimpalgaon (Nakhalc) 3 2 1 139 Babhalgaon 10 2 2 12 4 140 Dmdrud 4 9 10 66 6 17 126 17 141 Tclgaon Bk. 12 6 10 7 73 7 14 60 10 142 Bhops 3 1 3 143 Sangsm 3 5 4 144 Fakir Iawlla 2 2 4 3 9 145 Devdahlphal 1 8 6 146 Olat&aon 7 2 1 147 Kothunbirwadl 1 I 148 Karl 4 2 18 2 12 3 149 Bodakha 4 1 I I 1 ISO Ka.lri Bodlkhl 2 8 20 8 7 7 I lSI Ald-Hmgalll 2 152 Hinganl Bk. 8 13 4 20 lS3 Kandewadl 1 2 154 I1mgani KII. 1 6 12 ISS Kacharwadi 3 I 156 Wharkarwadi 9 11 157 Sumarwadl 4 158 Singanwadl 3 3 5 t59 Mohkhed 4 9 3 12

40 DlNDRUD CIRCLE 24 8 180 64 376 65 271 26 677 46

160 Pdtner 10 22 2 35 161 Ttlasmukb 3 2 1 1 1 162 Borkhed 2 4 2 2 163 Kasarwadl S 2 2 5 164 JaJgavhan 3 I 347


Populalion. 1981 Transport. Locauon SIOt.,e Marainal TOlaI SC 5T Code and Worken Non-Worken No. Communications Other Services

(VIU) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (4~) (46) (47) (48) (1)

18 27.5 29.5 972 34 32 III 9 1.5 242 320 787 6.5 42 112 1 3 6 6.5 199 24.5 630 43 48 113 4 .5.5 14 24 82 611 .531 1.523 81 98 114 1 13 1 1 43 208 154 346 115 4 .5 142 156 475 12 13 116 9 59 6 23 194 734 73.5 2138 147 153 14 11 117 3 1 42 100 95 413 10 8 1 2 118

82 1074 134 189 192.5 11980 12400 39742 2381 2356 132 136 30

37 171 29 133 729 1846 1998 6719 190 184 119 2 8 396 512 1744 180 151 120 1 23 546 621 1601 148 137 10 8 121 1 7 23 87 167 178 639 53 56 122 9 9 147 161 800 126 121 14 10 123 3 19.5 234 222 796 42 43 11 8 124 6 2 4 41 295 286 1247 94 93 28 28 125 16 65 2 20 64 473 632 1212 121 132 126 6 1 137 199 143 381 8 13 127 5 2 I 3 9 147 193 625 22 23 128 13 S 50 160 142 422 26 19 5 2 129 1 6 5 15 97 77 291 10 13 12 11 130 3 31 4 2 127 410 482 1213 93 79 9 7 131 36 11 10 9 264 290 1189 116 1I0 132 1 1 14 172 159 587 60 54 133 1 82 S3 134 2 9 159 149 410 14 10 135 3 10 125 251 261 1123 20 22 136 11 3 76 321 339 1086 114 104 137 S 30 130 126 445 47 .53 138 1 10 5 21 295 274 1011 6 .5 2 8 139 18 116 13 90 222 955 1121 3968 180 174 11 17 140 8 57 .5 11 119 S05 493 1395 123 127 7 8 141 9 6 91 144 127 533 47 35 7 7 142 1 4 160 196 187 S45 63 64 143 1 3 16 168 156 991 94 91 144 2 12 66 82 318 347 1349 42 43 145 7 20 32 139 158 758 44 37 146 37 31 429 1 1 147 18 4 416 353 1236 66 73 16 14 148 4 4 11 139 120 SOl 3 1 149 16 4 11 333 367 1624 138 143 ISO 1 2 84 68 133 151 6 48 7 2 .5 403 483 1418 95 79 41 45 152 2 I 2 97 103 410 9 12 153 1 14 6 31 352 365 1130 126 lIS 38 43 154 4 114 8.5 288 15S 1 6 41 101 74 316 7 6 156 2 S IS 125 110 S24 3 5 1.57 7 1 160 124 536 62 51 158 2 30 6 30 424 429 2020 333 301 4 2 1~9

113 772 99 434 261.5 12001' 12599 43645 2923 2779 218 219 40

7 56 7 S 21S 702 800 2772 133 140 111 101 160 2 3 3 172 165 486 56 53 161 1 2 1 13 102 ISO 485 57 68 24 19 162 11 3 10 IS 229 245 888 52 64 10 13 163 1 1 101 116 439 12 14 164 348


Arcaof Village No. of I.ocallon mHect- No. of Total population Occupied Total population Code Name of Village arcs and lIouse- (U1cJudlOg In~utullOl1al and Resldenllal m the age-group (0-6) No. of Townl IIouses holds Ilouscless I'opulauon) Ward to sq kms.

p M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

165 lIiwara Govardhan 965 05 283 317 1580 796 784 267 138 129 166 Mamdapur 33082 109 117 574 216 298 132 61 71 167 Kaudgaon Huda 104720 243 276 1549 787 762 346 180 166 168 PlmpnBk 185309 416 432 2429 1252 1177 SOl 265 236 169 Govanlhdll 133900 378 390 2283 1190 1093 511 242 269 170 Jayg.ton 110300 270 278 1586 810 776 380 187 193 171 Shllldew.tdl NA 175 182 836 450 386 14\ 82 59 172 Wangl Bit 194540 359 399 202h lOIS 1011 411 224 187 173 I1asanabad 52700 69 69 324 176 148 74 44 30 174 Padoll 25981 80 81 457 234 223 87 48 39 175 Aur,mgdpur 23892 93 96 479 247 232 90 47 43 176 Takh Acharya 113694 390 400 1999 1030 969 445 235 210 177 Kaudgaon Ghoda 100028 262 310 1473 7ffJ 704 305 172 133 178 Kaudgaon Sabia 57940 157 167 780 391 389 189 ,93 96 179 Plmpalgaon G.tdhe 1517 46 527 586 2604 1381 ,223 510 263 247 180 Kanadl 29409 72 81 329 161 168 65 32 33 181 Sirsaia 254198 1384 1601 6582 3368 3214 1526 755 771 182 Tapovan 276.56 100 100 519 287 232 96 50 46 183 Chtkhal. 490 14 91 100 5m 256 251 93 48 45 184 Jall.apur 25169 56 76 312 151 161 66 31 35 185 Kundl 58989 140 154 764 400 364 146 85 61 186 Sukh 392 10 131 144 647 342 305 122 65 57 181 Khamgaon 61739 129 133 612 297 315 136 71 65 188 Rcwali 83555 318 357 1712 879 833 385 199 186 189 Sclu 19843 95 110 520 253 267 89 38 51 190 Safdarabad 20450 50 59 270 117 133 51 23 28 191 M.unalhapur 54378 126 137 582 284 298 149 69 80 192 Wah 85235 194 232 779 395 384 176 89 87 193 Mung. 82359 138 166 653 340 313 82 39 43 194 Dcvlhana 611.15 162 172 1001 518 483 222 106 116 195 Nimla 269.68 SI 51 393 206 187 77 43 34 196 Amla 998.62 240 262 1238 632 606 227 111 116 197 Kllllnapur 810.70 209 225 1225 610 615 254 121 133 198 Mhatargaon 67122 77 94 449 225 224 93 47 46 199 Bhtlcgaon 456.02 110 122 593 3m 286 114 65 49 200 Kavalyachtwadt 662.74 243 278 11io 581 529 221 114 107 201 Koyal 482.91 128 159 698 363 335 121 67 S4 202 Moha 197073 616 715 2896 1611 1285 523 262 261 203 Karcwadt 1285.12 276 296 1256 621 635 260 129 131 204 Bodhegaon 815.00 208 218 1330 674 656 324 ISS 169

SO SIRSALA CIRCLE 3591708 10172 11323 53534 27534 26000 11191 5671 5520

... Please see the fOOlnoLC of village DirecLory . N. A. - Not Available 349


Llveslock, Forest!}', 1.ocaIJon Scheduled Scheduled TOLdI Agncullural Fishmg, Hunting Literates Cultivators Codc Castes Tnbcs M,lln WorkCrlI Labourers and 1)lantaLJon~, Orehards and No. aUled acllvlties (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (l5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I)

81 76 449 214 438 282 268 138 125 135 12 7 165 38 42 8 9 129 58 157 144 60 49 91 95 166 50 54 4 3 322 90 394 402 265 242 76 153 17 4 167 205 193 37 36 505 169 687 504 354 202 233 294 41 4 168 180 162 499 189 587 459 315 229 210 213 1 169 165 ISO 362 112 424 442 192 181 166 255 to 170 32 24 3 I 188 23 259 214 199 172 21 36 11 171 167 188 5 3 505 198 541 360 344 191 105 148 7 2 172 3 4 64 26 92 64 55 36 25 28 5 173 9 7 122 43 113 75 74 35 28 40 I 174 25 20 113 32 137 61 115 1 19 60 175 241 226 9 9 329 103 545 469 186 136 294 320 15 176 135 118 4 3 323 102 435 195 224 50 154 143 18 177 59 61 8 10 213 62 179 10 84 1 57 9 15 178 161 142 6 7 646 292 738 375 219 5 295 364 13 179 37 47 89 39 87 107 50 26 104 1 180 453 439 71 60 1595 729 1758 663 302 71 410 460 48 3 181 50 47 169 159 152 136 85 76 60 60 182 50 36 III 66 168 171 135 143 26 27 183 3S 31 51 15 80 61 67 50 7 II I 184 109 106 1 I 83 61 231 220 115 109 97 109 10 185 47 53 7 4 138 31 201 176 115 104 52 67 186 16 87 3 2 115 61 154 135 70 69 50 63 23 2 187 191 194 394 110 499 430 301 252 149 174 2 188 18 21 125 63 153 150 91 89 37 55 2 189 51 54 61 15 76 76 34 34 39 42 190 42 42 99 27 159 133 100 81 37 52 3 191 38 31 2 4 208 58 203 139 164 95 32 44 192 42 36 2 5 171 40 231 65 163 29 51 36 1 193 64 60 253 67 25~ 52 H14 5 101 41 28 194 8 S 86 14 118 76 82 39 35 37 195 103 H14 306 110 359 87 264 31 49 42 196 97 102 286 134 314 218 115 4 94 210 20 197 19 22 3 3 125 39 III 85 54 45 29 39 14 198 40 37 137 51 154 119 82 36 61 82 1 199 78 74 4 I 217 44 299 123 163 63 85 56 26 4 200 51 52 8 7 135 37 219 147 114 16 100 71 201 334 263 1000 367 670 384 391 161 132 206 4 202 16 11 298 113 336 103 279 73 23 30 24 203 78 82 285 74 335 354 207 215 84 134 16 204

4086 3932 236 211 12722 4797 14557 9489 7289 3937 4426 5236 430 30 50 350


ManuCa<:wrtng. Manufacturing. Locallon Name or Mmingand Processing. Processing. Code Scrvicing and Servicmg and Trade and Village Quarrying Constructions No. RCplllfi in Rcpam m oilier Commerce Household ilian Household Industry Industry (IV) (V(a)1 IV (b)1 (VI) (Vll) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

165 IIiwara Govardhan 2 2 5 2 7 166 Mamdapur 1 4 1 167 Kaudgaon Huda 7 2 5 8 168 Pimpri Bk. 14 3 S 1 12 169 Govarohan 16 6 11 9 3 10 170 lay,aon 6 1 14 7 11 3 171 Shindewadi 2 1 16 4 2 4 1 172 WanglBk. 18 3 20 13 I 16 173 Ilasanabad 1 1 174 Padoh 2 2 175 Aurangapur I 176 Tah Acl1arya 6 7 6 4 10 2 m Kaudgaon Ghoda 1 12 2 2 6 178 Kaudgaon Sabia 3 1 I 3 179 Punpal,aon Gadhe 56 9 10 ISO Kanadl 7 3 181 Sirsaia 32 3 27 8 167 72 178 5 202 9 182 Tapovan 1 I 1 183 Cbtkhali 1 184 Iailapur 2 1 185 Kundl 2 I 2 186 Sukh 5 6 2 8 2 187 Khamgllon 7 188 Rcwah 15 4 7 189 Sclu 5 5 4 4 190 SaCdarabad 2 191 Malnailillpur 6 1 7 192 Waka 2 I 193 Mungl 10 1 194 i)eviliana 4 4 4 195 Nunla 1 196 Amla 4 26 13 4 3 197 Kannapur 6 12 198 Mhatargaon 4 2 199 Bhtlegaon I 1 200 Kavalyachlwadl 12 3 2 201 Koyal 2 202 Moha 14 5 12 1 5 22 203 Karcwadl I 2 3 204 Bodhegaon IS 3 2 2

50 SIRSALA CIRCLE 34 3 200 54 446 120 246 10 432 24 351


PopulallOn. 1981 Tnmsport. Location SlOrage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Worken Non-Workers No. Communications Other Services

(Vll) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

16 2 104 356 398 1661 177 163 165 27 119 127 486 22 25 3 3 166 I 15 5 17 388 343 1215 27 30 167 3 24 27 151 538 522 1734 67 63 36 24 168 4 17 1 101 603 533 1741 134 130 7 5 169 2 16 2 6 9 380 325 1188 125 123 170 2 2 2 8 189 164 677 21 23 3 3 171 5 25 3 16 153 458 498 1626 22 23 6 3 172 5 84 84 224 8 2 173 1 5 34 121 114 410 15 14 - 174 1 1 2 26 lOS 145 454 27 18 175 6 18 3 5 76 480 424 1238 37 52 7 4 176 2 16 9 211 325 298 1277 83 84 5 5 177 S 10 20 168 192 211 694 76 70 178 7 129 5 3 38 640 810 1985 147 137 4 9 179 1 2 74 61 268 28 34 180 44 348 31 4 82 1606 2469 3570 100 81 5 3 181 4 1 135 95 401 41 31 182 6 88 80 459 44 36 183 I 6 38 65 62 242 25 32 184 4 1 12 168 132 594 29 29 185 3 10 141 129 496 41 44 186 4 9 143 171 480 69 61 3 2 187 8 16 380 403 1140 93 100 188 5 5 22 99 95 501 25 21 189 1 4 61 53 249 .58 39 190 4 32 125 133 484 36 39 5 4 191 4 27 192 218 585 21 25 192 5 136 109 112 725 60 49 5 11 193 7 205 265 226 500 32 29 194 43 88 68 242 6 3 195 8 I 265 273 254 948 49 50 196 7 3 3 22 293 375 1028 103 100 197 7 3 27 III 112 364 23 23 8 7 198 8 9 153 158 504 5 9 199 8 15 162 267 244 1014 94 76 200 I 2 2 74 142 114 674 .59 42 8 5 201 5 83 5 6 35 935 866 2675 240 125 24 2 202 4 253 285 279 687 3 5 203 8 2 338 302 1010 71 76 204

119 2 928 73 154 2828 12823 13683 41520 2653 2455 274 223 50 352


Arellof Village No. of L.ocalion U1 IIecl- OCCUpied No. of Tolal P()puldtlon T utal po~ldtion CoUll Name of Village arcs and House- (Illcludwg Inslitutionallind Residential in the age-group (0--6 J No, ofTown! lIouses holds lIousclcss Population) Wardtn sq. kms.

p .M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (to) (11)

4. AMBfiJOGAf T 128992.64 38027 40247 214676 IIJ7~ 103970 44094 22752 21342 C. D. BtOCK R 128992.64 38027 40247 214676 110706 103970 44094 22752 21342' U

I Waghala (ParH) 1234.24 140 178 983 504 479 215 100 115 2 Nagplmpn 838.71 172 179 1063 545 518 186 86 100 3 Sonhlvra 551.28 178 178 872 438 434 217 118 99 4 Mandckhel 580.70 230 254 1373 717 656 253 135 1l.S 5 Gopalpur 15992 56 58 373 lliS 185 93 45 48 6 Malhivara 517.79 136 139 635 317 318 126 58 68 7 Tadolt 47'1.22 95 108 SIS 270 245 104 49 55 g Ilarcl\undl 25UlO 106 III 56() 2117 273 128 64 64 9 Wadkhcl 545.00 149 153 890 470 420 193 98 95 10 Pangn 60537 362 402 2089 1049 HMO 430 220 210 11 Takh Dcshmukh 28672 72 78 387 211 176 91 55 37 12 Nalhra 42235 245 258 1396 708 688 259 126 133 13 lnJCgaon 460 17 302 302 1468 176 692 277 147 130 14 Kaulhah 1697.11 328 ~7 1761 916 845 443 240 203 15 Sclu-Parah 68355 190 191 896 479 417 191 108 83 16 Loni 1118.00 270 276 1398 750 648 293 157 136 17 Wadgaon Dadahan 147100 S25 SS8 2623 1370 1253 661 335 326 18 1..ollllfIVJ(h 220.99 110 110 537 285 252 115 62 53 19 WagllCl 329.64 168 190 898 454 444 2b3 153 110 20 Belamba 682.71 338 341 1795 937 858 374 201 173 21 Tlilegaon (I'arli) 610.18 261 275 1629 837 792 315 171 144 22 Umbula 42185 209 220 903 456 447 157 92 65 23 Nagapur (Ilarh) 2180.60 736 785 3836 1946 1890 711 350 361 24 DJbhl 850.02 321 352 1998 1014 984 417 210 2(17 25 Hhopla 801.96 85 86 551 297 254 108 55 53 26 Kanhcrwadt 1389.13 685 745 3706 1937 1769 759 404 355 27 Dcvhala 503 13 1 1 10 6 4 2 1 1 28 Parh (Rural) 4271 16 16 17 97 56 41 19 9 10 29 Jlrcwadl 49429 36') 398 2090 1065 IU25 477 244 233 30 Indapwad\ 528 \2 223 238 1129 605 524 219 153 126 31 Br.unhawadl 323.87 78 78 425 203 222 104 46 58 32 ToIcwadi 56167 380 399 2153 1116 !O37 443 218 225 33 Sangam 47154 153 164 884 454 430 179 94 85 34 D,lUlpUr 63119 247 274 1311 665 646 299 164 135 35 ValJdwadl 38801 424 458 2205 1174 1031 572 295 277 36 Mlfwal 76450 254 261 1441 738 703 308 160 148 37 Mdralwadl 326.40 129 130 733 372 361 165 83 82 38 Manda .. a (I)arh) tol)505 358 373 2289 1140 1149 499 254 245

10 PARLJ CIRCLE 29742.14 9101 9655 49')01 25751 24J50 10726 5560 5166

39 Kas.lrwadl 29862 184 186 1033 533 500 196 105 91 40 Nandna) 45141 141 144 833 433 400 16J 90 71 41 Saf'ddgaon 91927 397 415 2104 1()}5 1039 382 190 192 42 Moliewoldl 78567 246 248 1387 684 703 253 112 141 43 C'hdndapur 43247 77 82 556 287 269 127 60 67 44 Lend"'''.!1 535 'i() 166 167 884 451 433 221 112 109 45 \ I I,. aul 138631 428 446 2391 1220 1171 490 257 213 46 Amb.d\\adl I 31.J!13 190 203 1097 556 541 194 93 101 47 l'u. 190565 594 653 3019 1538 14H1 551 290 261 48 Tabu 59847 228 236 1243 637 606 215 114 101 49 \)auapur 53800 72 74 410 200 210 77 37 40 50 'Iclghana 25524 77 83 316 175 141 49 33 16 51 Amh.tltck 37472 93 93 616 310 3~ 124 57 61 52 MllmJwaJI 67184 157 157 865 444 421 197 90 107 53 J[eldmb 114962 383 393 2230 1161 1069 SIX! 252 248 353



LIvestock, Forestry, Locallon Scheduled Scheduled Total Agncultural Flshmg, Hunllng LIterates Culu vators Code Castes Tnbes Mam Workers lAbourers and PlantatIons, No Orchards and allIed acltvtltes (I-IX) (I) (Il) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

17938 16824 1249 1111 55377 23830 56794 38908 28520 16532 17638 21114 1316 119 T 4 17938 16824 1249 1111 55377 23830 56794 38908 28520 16532 17638 21114 1316 119 R U

119 116 165 41 274 255 221 192 28 62 9 I 114 liS 327 92 262 266 193 199 39 55 I 2 52 43 187 60 213 232 169 190 26 41 3 141 119 344 86 382 369 206 196 126 167 4 23 18 48 12 105 92 66 50 29 38 5 102 84 147 43 173 196 60 64 107 132 6 40 41 127 41 140 125 98 88 39 37 7 49 48 141 53 160 141 94 72 56 68 4 8 61 54 185 22 262 240 217 179 35 59 9 228 206 8 8 526 238 557 492 230 216 226 269 19 10 66 57 3 3 98 33 117 88 64 3 40 85 5 11 179 184 378 201 352 370 139 130 200 240 12 159 160 412 198 422 402 283 284 100 116 9 13 159 147 371 90 466 245 198 96 171 145 8 14 108 92 209 44 264 204 122 47 \14 156 2 15 138 123 278 64 408 289 238 52 101 219 30 11 16 143 134 6 5 506 167 725 486 170 29 300 405 85 1 17 8 6 118 9 150 157 65 10 46 128 16 12 18 66 78 3 3 205 81 246 176 127 61 62 105 17 3 19 80 76 420 161 481 252 261 73 180 176 ~ 20 171 156 433 181 409 348 215 159 159 185 21 33 38 211 110 237 247 170 132 55 114 2 22 336 329 1141 5Il 1016 637 370 160 358 438 65 3 23 75 80 493 132 552 486 188 79 252 397 50 4 24 24 21 139 45 161 167 145 153 12 14 25 347 327 105 94 1065 407 900 541 322 99 342 433 22 26 3 2 1 2 1 27 30 5 30 19 17 5 1 14 28 261 269 10 9 579 248 499 307 171 134 119 148 19 5 29 49 35 261 87 282 222 136 124 98 96 15 1 30 66 78 70 14 122 106 55 16 62 83 1 31 189 186 621 215 575 337 217 73 220 261 4 32 74 88 223 87 243 65 78 3 105 60 4 33 182 171 295 124 346 213 73 16 89 137 21 8 34 29 28 429 106 558 460 202 92 279 361 13 2 3S 80 76 297 91 363 282 178 116 95 162 20 36 55 59 2 3 160 46 183 125 85 45 54 78 13 37 136 125 268 90 602 501 445 398 93 102 38

4142 3967 137 125 11910 4235 13239 10141 6288 4035 4420 5787 458 53 10

73 51 4 2 221 55 302 220 239 169 39 48 9 39 115 69 205 66 215 215 151 156 51 57 2 40 224 220 26 20 475 134 595 562 389 333 159 226 9 41 62 63 208 33 392 311 221 155 167 156 42 29 29 143 SO 158 4 III 1 13 15 43 37 30 162 30 296 278 209 199 82 79 44 172 162 572 190 628 508 430 343 133 163 8 45 106 104 290 94 280 280 180 140 58 137 )6 46 326 288 15 13 802 416 766 550 284 90 294 441 23 2 47 183 175 378 180 320 206 153 34 73 165 35 4 48 8 8 126 81 100 63 50 39 20 21 11 I 49 10 10 106 46 84 66 60 47 14 19 2 50 12 19 183 59 154 125 77 4 39 119 51 62 54 147 49 257 245 138 141 109 102 52 90 94 486 158 594 309 505 244 53 50 53 24-A 354


Manufactunng, Manufacturmg, Locauon Name of Mmll'lgand Processmg, Processmg, Code Trade and Village Quarrytng Servlcmg and Servicing and Constructions No Repaus III Repatrs mother Commerce Household than Ilousehold Industry Industry (IV) [V(a)] [V(b») (vD (Vn) M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

4. AMBEJOGAI T 84 40 644 196 2016 362 549 27 1659 115 C. D. BLOCK R 84 40 644 196 2016 362 549 27 1659 11S U

1 Waghala (Parh) 10 1 2 2 Nagptmpn 10 9 5 3 2 3 Sonhivra 4 4 Mandekhel 15 5 2 4 4 5 Gopalpur 5 4 6 Malhlvara 3 1 7 Tadoh 1 , 8 Parchundl 3 1 9 Wadkhel 3 1 2 10 Pangn 16 3 4 9 11 Taklt Deshmukh I 2 12 Nathra 6 13 InJegaon 4 7 14 Kauthah 8 2 53 2 10 15 Selu-Parah 15 1 3 16 Lonl 9 9 3 5 4 1 17 WadgaonDadahan 2 13 2 48 37 42 4 17 3 18 Lonarwadt 3 1 4 19 Wagbel 1 2 9 4 2 10 20 Belamba 6 2 2 1 14 21 Talegaon (Padl) 1 4 9 3 5 22 umbuta I 2 23 Nagapur (parh) 21 17 25 3 10 60 9 24 Dabhl 7 6 1 1 8 2 Z5 Bhopla 1 26 Kanhcrwadl 10 31 4 15 71 27 Devhala 28 Parll(RUral) 1 7 29 lnewadl 7 2 12 4 6 69 3 30 Indapwadl 4 1 1 8 3 31 Bramhawadl 3 6 32 Tokwadl 13 3 9 27 33 Sangam 8 8 1 7 34 Dautpur 3 8 1 13 10 15 9 10 35 ValJawadl 1 6 1 15 1 6 36 Mlrwat 7 1 2 1 23 37 Mar.dwadl 2 8 2 7 38 Mandava (parh) 9 4 2 12

10 PARAU CIRCLE 9 10 175 56 3ll 84 144 15 409 20

39 Kasarwadl 2 2 6 1 40 NandnaJ 2 3 2 1 41 Saradgaon 3 2 I 2 IS 2 42 Malewadl 1 2 43 ChandaPlu 2 2 3 44 LendWadl 45 Nandagaul 9 5 14 46 .t\mbalwadl 3 2 6 5 47 Pus 3 14 18 6 2S 31 48 TaInl 1 8 3 8 49 Dauapur 4 6 50 Telghana I 51 Amballek 5 2 5 52 Mamdwadl 1 53 Helamb 18 13 2

24-1'1, 355



Populatlon, 1981 Transport, Location Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No. CommUnlcatlons Other SerYlces

(Vill) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

927 5 3441 398 842 10203 53070 54859 169210 10614 10228 266 259 T 4 927 5 3441 398 842 10203 53070 54859 169210 10614 10228 266 259 R U

4 230 224 920 44 41 1 2 10 3 283 249 845 30 38 3 4 2 1 13 225 202 566 3 6 18 334 287 900 30 27 2- 4 4 83 93 235 5 1 2 144 120 485 74 67 6 1 129 120 489 18 17 7 2 1 127 132 389 29 37 8 4 1 208 180 650 36 33 9 4 48 2 492 548 1562 37 37 10 5 94 88 349 40 41 2 4 11 2 5 356 318 1121 146 156 12 4 15 2 354 290 1156 112 86 5 7 13 1 15 2 144 449 456 1247 118 134 14 2 5 1 215 213 639 87 81 15 4 8 3 99 342 260 1065 42 31 16 35 15 3 645 767 1426 112 116 17 3 12 7 135 95 409 9 13 18 8 10 I 2 4 206 264 725 71 72 19 2 13 97 456 509 1386 32 28 2 2 20 4 13 47 428 397 1384 129 117 1 3 21 3 5 1 219 199 687 5 "I 22 14 93 7 52 138 878 1115 3483 129 111 23 9 31 3 12 62 450 436 1544 140 154 24 1 2 136 87 399 25 30 57 4 7 344 1030 884 2887 73 88, 26 1 4 2 52 27 4 5 26 17 2306 55 56 5 6 28 56 40 11 13 111 553 607 1408 16 10 29 2 15 2 21 321 281 935 86 73 30 2 1 81 115 373 51 52 31 34 51 260 541 440 1794 37 45 32 5 28 1 1 108 210 257 865 56 72 33 26 95 25 11 72 308 361 799 2 1 34 9 27 3 45 616 526 1593 27 23 35 24 14 16 374 405 1183 64 64 36 5 7 84 189 152 578 41 34 37 19 18 12 120 526 528 1789 93 87 38

315 710 81 116 1785 12397 12224 40623 2071 2049 19 28 10

6 98 231 182 908 46 48 39 4 1 218 184 775 57 49 40 16 62 470 415 1475 32 37 41 1 9 292 383 877 42 9 3 3 103 126 162 463 19 14 43 5 32 155 123 429 20 14 44 9 20 64 592 599 1977 17 10 45 10 3 22 273 239 1083 5 2 46 6 68 10 33 77 739 854 1605 189 192 3 4 47 7 32 2 8 8 309 392 1078 148 141 48 9 2 30 64 70 83 332 5 7 49 7 91 75 303 4 50 20 8 156 181 541 13 9 51 1 8 2 187 176 600 29 28 52 1 15 1 301 566 459 1434 48 48 53 356


Area of Vdlage No. of No of location mHect- Occupied Total populatlon Total populatIOn Code Name or"Vtllage ares and House- (mcludmg InstltUllonal and Residential in the age-group (0-6) No ofTowni Houses holds Houseless PopulatlOn) WaTdm sq. kiDS

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11)

54 Khodwl'Sawargaon 1443.49 331 364 19&5 952 1033 438 213 225 55 Habunb 543.00 248 299 1673 860 813 366 184 182 56 Doundwadt 87569 213 216 1017 492 525 172 88 84 57 Ghalnalldur 2861.00 1213 1363 1143 3831 3312 1356 671 685 58 Hanumantwadt la7.00 59 59 298 164 134 59 34 2S 59 Gholapwadt 130.17 40 42 223 lOS 118 38 11 21 60 Nawabwadi 200.65 65 6S 415 20S 210 18 39 39 61 Murambl 420.03 157 157 167 420 347 143 86 57 62 OtOlheWadl 225.74 142 142 675 356 319 136 73 63 63 Salunkwadl 237.74 201 200 998 493 50s 191 91 100 64 Anandwadt 706.00 69 72 334 111 163 6S 36 32 6S Nagdara 363.49 209 226 1128 585 543 264 150 114 66 Ladzan 727.00 283 301 1490 752 738 280 147 133 67 MUlti 31000 102 102 625 309 316 140 60 80 68 Dhannapuri 292020 798 833 5068 2609 2459 1100 550 550 69 Khapartong 576.44 151 159 839 408 431 181 83 98 70 Saundana 268.66 127 128 738 347 391 176 83 93 71 Guttcwadi 431.46 lOS ItO S51 286 26S 106 57 49 72 O.ilhana Ghat 1099.00 258 m 1427 749 678 330 188 142 73 Murlcutwadl 481.00 169 188 IOS7 542 515 236 121 115 74 Daradwadt 328.00 75 76 469 249 220 99 50 49 75 Dhaswadl 474.00 145 147 912 473 439 212 105 100 76 Jodwadl 45900 136 136 867 448 419 173 89 84 77 Katkarwadt 51700 142 147 919 482 437 213 120 93 78 UJaDl 158600 483 519 2n4 1413 1361 515 255 260 79 Kusalwadl 467.43 123 128 725 363 362 157 82 75 80 Bbatanwadt 75300 184 195 1039 505 534 201 87 114 81 Babhalgaon 91559 223 232 1268 638 630 234 123 111 82 Somanwadl 607.33 166 167 897 452 445 199 101 98 83 Nlrpana 402.63 143 lSI 725 369 356 130 73 57 84 Bagzan 54666 199 209 1001 518 503 184 90 94

20 GHA TNANDUR CIRCLE 33642.63 10396 10995 59051 30240 28811 11912 6008 5874

85 SarfaraJpur 586.40 93 104 431 226 20S 80 41 39 86 Garoewadi 665.03 163 186 904 471 433 202 103 99 87 Rakshaswadl 81586 162 165 977 514 463 212 122 90 88 Mamdapur (PaTh) 45352 106 106 634 336 298 137 70 67 89 Aswalamba 91430 236 286 1454 773 681 321 176 145 90 Wantaklt 145508 274 327 1547 801 746 297 147 150 91 Daunapur 1715.18 340 389 1861 967 894 443 241 200 92 Warwati 895.37 367 317 2OS1 1086 995 451 243 208 93 Sakud 1980.06 428 438 2703 1446 1257 696 374 322 94 Mandva (Patban) 1478.22 275 276 1768 925 843 400 216 184 95 Ye1da 191200 448 461 2976 1561 1415 755 397 358 96 Chlchkhandl 1443.71 280 290 1764 931 833 393 209 184 97 Bbawthana 109728 303 312 1843 1008 835 335 181 154 98 RaJCwadl 905.24 164 169 9<46 487 459 233 124 109 99 LamanTanda NA 175 181 1230 632 598 300 154 153 100 Kuranwadt N.A. 150 150 918 473 445 210 106 104 101 Shepwadt N.A. 251 271 1460 751 709 310 171 139 102 Girwh (Apel) 384.63 lSI 167 815 409 406 158 65 93 103 Glrwh (Bawne) 994.78 402 447 2100 1047 IOS3 449 225 224 104 Pttnpla D.thlguda 109386 390 403 2259 1200 IOS9 471 265 206 lOS Magarwadt NA lfi6 173 978 S36 442 172 lOS 67 106 AmbeJosal (Rural) 9{17544 20 22 113 63 SO 23 13 10 107 Morewadt NA. 333 358 1895 992 903 343 172 \71 10& Chanal 2061.00 519 566 2893 1518 1375 578 292 286 109 Dongar Pttnpla 1568.00 367 412 1882 987 895 352 183 169 1\0 lJ.>khandl Sawqaon 721.63 43\ 446 l4'16 \25\ InS 458 239 2tl} 357



uvestock, FORstry. Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricuhural Locatwn Literates CullivalOfll FlShmg, HWlling Castes Tribes MamWorkefli Labcurefll and Plantauons, Code No. Orchards and albed activiues (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1) 89 109 40S 148 485 286 319 156 126 130 4 54 93 94 426 136 461 343 290 208 118 130 2 55 m 142 266 ll5 248 196 132 114 15 74 6 56 742 640 26 12 2369 1054 2066 960 318 135 619 753 36 51 16 9 107 40 73 76 58 56 12 20 Sit 9 5 58 36 61 58 46 23 12 35 59 9 1 120 62 95 114 79 91 14 11 60 94 91 - 20S 76 220 182 154 65 182 61 74 68 173 . 65 20S 202 147 141 57 61 62 80 86 303 147 268 242 112 88 132 ISO 6 1 63 13 12 89 24 83 68 46 29 24 37 6 2 64 56 43 266 93 301 305 228 239 58 66 1 6S 148 138 406 195 332 303 155 142 122 157 4 66 16 19 196 60 126 86 83 64 30 19 1 67 484 489 1403 5SS 1281 802 717 320 349 469 7 68 8 14 195 82 200 ISO 173 118 16 32 2 69 29 22 166 95 184 114 120 36 55 n 10 26 21 143 38 145 95 61 32 71 63 11 67 68 332 73 393 321 296 262 59 55 72 15 10 271 96 249 243 162 149 62 92 73 128 39 109 104 104 101 4 3 74 15 11 224 67 242 270 192 149 33 116 75 14 15 233 83 239 178 179 128 36 50 8 76 30 30 209 65 215 200 159 165 22 34 71 339 356 860 487 122 393 301 116 228 271 15 78 181 80 176 189 155 132 12 57 79 50 61 221 86 284 79 235 50 38 28 80 203 219 327 146 322 210 176 96 112 102 I 81 n 75 190 79 222 135 149 11 49 61 4 82 55 59 219 102 110 59 116 31 36 22 83 125 138 218 99 236 114 132 36 72 18 6 84

4622 4427 71 47 15479 6194 15551 11019 8851 5585 4028 5224 241 13 20

15 10 100 27 109 101 94 95 8 5 85 37 29 178 26 258 240 149 139 93 99 5 116 39 32 9 6 196 148 210 218 144 126 110 148 87 31 25 109 18 174 169 148 152 19 17 88 40 29 294 52 408 365 271 229 lOS 132 89 112 98 11 75 327 102 389 319 256 228 91 87 8 1 90 138 140 379 151 498 213 286 133 124 74 55 5 91 68 60 514 200 551 129 332 39 138 86 5 2 92 144 121 552 111 706 489 360 225 288 264 12 93 360 331 459 198 483 345 186 81 116 181 54 7 94 348 315 15 9 365 80 896 117 680 86 155 29 16 95 100 91 228 33 525 259 431 96 76 162 96 ISO 137 53 48 557 222 Sll 369 132 40 331 321 2 97 73 62 190 41 238 231 162 161 55 74 1 98 541 518 271 61 300 240 98 84 48 43 21 8 99 34 31 6 6 145 46 280 238 163 135 81 97 32 5 100 110 99 399 196 387 240 157 99 95 117 32 1 101 66 58 252 111 208 152 82 57 65 94 1 102 114 179 12 9 616 370 493 251 88 42 111 203 14 103 165 152 638 250 512 221 239 60 100 146 18 104 48 33 214 117 279 202 lOS 18 100 179 16 lOS 2 5 4 3 38 12 24 9 9 9 106 143 136 34 21 611 366 469 191 117 42 153 141 25 1 107 198 173 1 795 369 810 692 383 Z98 273 362 13 1 108 178 168 10 9 517 213 476 428 229 225 129 190 42 2 109 401 392 2 2 764 407 60S 418 193 130 195 254 15 2 110 358


Manufactunng. Manufacturmg. Location Processmg. Processmg. Name of Mmmgand Code Servlcmg and SCIVlcmg and Trade and Village Quarrymg Construcllons No. RepalTS m Repatrs mother Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal) [V (b») (VI) (Vll) M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

54 Khodwa Sawargaon 17 2 2 3 55 Halamb 1 11 1 2 4 56 Doundwadl 6 2 8 I 1 2 1 57 Ghatnandur 29 24 4 99 9 21 232 22 58 Hanumantwadl 2 59 Gholapwadl 60 Nawabwadl 61 Murambl 1 62 Chothewadl 3 63 Salunkwadl 9 2 2 64 Anandwadl 3 1 65 Nagdara I 66 Ladzan 11 3 6 67 Murti 4 2 4 68 Dharmapuri 28 5 27 2 10 48 69 Khapartong 1 4 70 Saundana 3 2 71 Guuewadl 2 3 72 Dalthana Ghat 12 4 3 8 73 MUrkutWddl 2 3 74 Daradwadl 1 7S Dhaswadl 4 1 2 2 76 Jodwadl 4 I 2 77 Katkarwadl 5 3 1 4 78 UJanl 4 17 37 22 79 Kusalwadl 1 3 80 Bhdtanwadl 1 I 2 81 Babhalgaon 7 9 3 5 2 82 Somanwadt 12 2 2 83 Ntrpana I S 84 Bagzan 7 4

20 GBATNANDURCIRCLE 41 179 34 275 41 119 2 467 33

85 Sarfarajpur 4 86 Gardewadl I 3 6 2 87 Rakshasw.ldl 4 2 3 2 88 Mamdapur (Parh) 1 1 89 Aswalamba II 2 4 90 Wantakh 8 3 6 91 Daunapur 9 3 7 92 Warwall 3 8 8 5 93 Sakud 2 9 I 13 94 Mdndva (Palhan) 2 75 61 9 14 95 Yelda 7 13 5 4 96 Chlchkhandl 8 5 97 Bhawlhana 3 2 9 3 10 98 RaJCwadl 7 8 99 Laman Tanda 109 98 5 8 5 100 Kuranwadl I 1 101 Shepwadl 23 20 10 6 16 102 Glrwh (Apel) 7 6 2 15 103 Glrwh (Bawne) 16 6 5 2 19 1 104 Ptmpla Dahlguda 2 4 2 17 45 4 24 5 lOS Magarwadl 15 2 17 1 106 Ambejogal (Rural) I 107 Morewadl I 29 10 35 108 Chanal 31 27 2 21 17 12 109 Dongar Punpla 4 2 8 4 14 11 110 Lokhandl Sawargaon 19 15 36 21 30 2 359


Population. 1981 Transport. Locauon Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workera No. Commumcatlons Other SeMces

(Vlli) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 6 6 24 329 443 418 1451 31 45 54 13 20 4 166 399 304 1293 43 47 55 18 3 6 78 238 251 800 98 96 56 74 554 34 16 120 1749 2232 5513 408 350 57 1 91 58 253 8 9 58 2 1 44 59 181 5 6 59 2 6 4 104 92 327 5 6 60 200 165 657 90 SS 2 61 1 148 117 498 48 54 62 6 31 225 232 850 66 66 63 3 1 33 87 62 21l 7 5 64 13 9 28 275 210 906 34 40 65 6 25 3 19 122 401 313 1262 127 119 66 4 1 14 59 169 171 472 12 14 67 27 68 6 8 302 1320 1355 3742 384 360 68 1 3 12 1O(i 196 175 666 2 4 69 4 7 104 156 173 478 15 11 70 1 4 53 137 117 442 19 16 11 15 64 356 293 1252 61 52 72 12 8 2 32 46 261 Z26 473 16 10 13 14 17 126 99 720 74 8 5 231 169 541 15 13 75 1 8 23 46 186 195 935 18 21 76 7 14 6 31 261 206 461 25 16 77 7 91 4 11 171 680 797 2399 99 87 2 2 78 4 22 187 151 384 79 7 243 221 212 743 23 26 80 2 16 149 316 271 1066 133 163 81 6 14 101 216 209 633 6 11 82 3 9 9 122 190 175 596 44 40 83 13 1 53 281 336 834 110 117 84

214 1142 85 314 3442 14369 14350 45980 2584 2488 7 7 20

3 3 11 114 93 393 8 7 85 1 2 6 211 187 672 30 29 86 2 5 2 12 242 173 577 9 8 5 6 87 4 162 129 472 88 4 9 1 8 25 357 291 1239 45 45 89 11 2 42 63 370 364 1295 85 79 90 1 13 1 9 181 460 500 1473 86 97 91 4 48 2 13 378 522 488 1633 71 55 92 4 17 26 219 714 549 1619 128 106 93 5 2 22 11 13 44 429 454 1226 216 206 94 2 14 1 33 672 632 626 2268 77 83 22 17 95 5 1 6 230 400 344 1141 27 22 96 2 19 5 7 497 459 1343 73 72 97 5 2 249 222 438 27 22 98 10 2 2 33 330 325 775 8 6 99 2 1 5 193 202 459 8 11 4 5 100 17 31 2 22 364 447 1130 85 69 101 4 26 1 43 201 2ll 739 55 46 102 8 170 4 6 47 548 749 1480 63 72 6 5 103 24 39 4 39 298 649 540 1675 132 147 104 1 23 3 1 52 256 188 740 32 21 105 2 12 39 41 144 17 18 106 18 81 7 4 523 708 1181 63 79 29 25 107 10 48 4 11 11 697 672 2502 167 150 lOS 15 24 5 2 14 509 453 1749 60 50 11 11 109 23 73 15 2 28 644 729 2015 88 94 4 ~ 110 360


Area of Village No. of Location in Hect- No. of Tel"l population Occupied Total population Code Name of Village ares and House- (including Institutional and Residential in the age-group (~) No. of Townl Houses holds Houseless Population) Ward in sq. kms.

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) '(8) (9) (10) (11)

III Shripatrayachiwadi 352.21 89 90 533 280 253 104 55 49 112 Warabgaon 637.07 244 248 1218 622 596 243 126 117 113 Kolnanadi 623.90 170 196 994 524 470 171 82 89 114 Satc[ihal 565.39 157 168 1004 499 505 242 128 114 115 Iogaiwadi N.A. 141 145 754 381 373 163 80 83 116 Waghala (Radi) 1043.34 758 . 829 3824 2040 1784 769 399 370 117 ScJu Amba 686.87 189 198 1015 529 486 173 81 92 118 Polchari 964.38 272 281 1476 762 714 289 158 131

30 AMBEIOGAI CIRCLE 37095.82 9014 9631 51676 27028 24648 10940 5743 5197

119 Gita 484.75 161 167 901 455 446 176 92 84 120 Iawalgaon 2387.42 631 661 3664 1930 1734 710 388 322 121 Bbaraj 860.23 260 271 1509 763 746 259 127 132 122 Saygaon 1347.31 446 478 3126 1589 1537 668 331 337 123' Radi 2224.17 599 630 3686 1905 1781 733 388 345 124 Kumbcphal 1005.00 .387 404 2365 1214 1151 506 272 234 125 Makegaon 501.00 260 276 1234 631 603 216 119 97 126 Nandadi 464.00 155 164 892 444 448 154 77 77 127 MamdapuT 572.42 270 286 1389 692 697 204 89 115 128 Patoda 1517.88 544 572 3008 1527 1481 575 280 295 129 Devla 1113.08 370 391 2015 1026 989 371 196 175 130 Akola 575.18 167 179 1097 563 534 179 96 83 131 Tadola 474.23 130 142 901 486 415 188 100 88 132 Dhanora 1598.23 498 516 2803 1447 1356 513 264 249 133 Mudegaon 797.00 277 288 1580 831 749 254 142 112 134 Daithana Radi 385.00 155 156 883 464 419 174 87 87 135 SugaOll 952.00 344 357 2031 1025 1006 422 203 219 136 Nandgaon 1005.15 274 307 1586 825 761 319 169 ISO 137 Bardapur 3517.00 1087 1126 6513 3299 3214 1356 691 665 138 Limbgaon 1322.17 344 352 1996 1006 990 384 200 184 139 Chandan wadi 357.99 102 106 501 257 244 105 50 55 140 Hatola 1351.71 334 358 1651 837 814 240 119 121 141 Walewadi 291.35 114 114 608 3Cl6 302 86 40 46 142 Talcgaon (Ghat) 1302.32 273 289 1359 676 683 240 129 III 143 Pimpri 225.25 122 123 601 304 297 136 67 69 144 Chopanwadi 323.01 152 158 872 454 418 179 101 78 145 Wakdi 237.37 52 53 291· 149 142 48 25 23 146 Paltiwadgaon 1319.83 1008 1042 4985 2581 2404 1121 569 552

40 BARDAPUR CIRCLE 28512.05 9516 9966 54047 27686 26361 10516 5411 5105

N. A - Not Available 361


Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total AgneullUral Fishing, Hunting Literates Cultivators Code Casles Tribes Main Workers Labourers and Plantations, No. Orchards and allied activities

(I-IX) (I) (11) (Ill)

M F ~ F M F ~ F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)' (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1) 7 5 154 78 136 III 89 23 23 86 III 151 158 337 166 336 293 164 109 126 176 112 122 116 310 148 256 169 103 18 130 148 113 125 108 192 101 258 257 138 116 94 137 114 22 24 201 90 199 138 48 30 113 104 115 379 373 1327 3608 4157 4702 398 38 ·30 - ,,-- ~------~------,,------.. ------88 87 261 165 243 I.:IS <)1) 38 110 106 5 119 334 281 1100 554 1012 820 39') 323 449 471 13 120 102 103 7 4 451 276 395 2H6 204 131 121 146 6 2 121 101 88 2 2 1012 756 681 115 241 242 103 9 1 122 312 284 6 5 1119 541 '}87 176 487 11 343 147 12 I 123 256 236 593 315 611 503 235 183 280 3\1 8 I 124 213 182 394 263 350 170 204 45 127 122 125 143 145 273 144 226 124 90 26 73 86 2 126 193 183 10 10 437 248 391 250 119 29 186 212 5 127 366 337 24 20 852 474 798 617 333 265 275 339 56 2 128 256 242 73 62 551 292 511 406 201 36 240 364 9 1 129 155 145 26 20 337 195 308 302 174 171 97 124 2 I 130 66 6S 19 13 292 118 277 268 142 59 116 209 2 131 266 240 57 42 829 428 767 631 366 220 311 406 3 132 150 127 3 4 480 275 466 258 280 99 122 154 IS 133 211 192 5 4 227 96 241 223 114 105 105 115 3 134 109 102 4 8 480 180 507 337 264 143 152 190 5 135 77 60 3 2 398 159 371 167 233 56 79 106 9 I 136 522 504 8 7 1734 904 1644 1099 658 351 544 666 25 3 137 96 86 20 17 449 204 536 443 273 187 211 253 2 138 64 6() 123 48 122 79 68 27 40 51 5 139 170 169 4 2 528 327 434 385 203 183 136 192 13 140 55 49 - 165 97 167 147 100 83 64 64 141 lID !O8 336 166 355 274 187 98 128 172 142 53 56 162 54 166 179 116 136 33 30 1 143 8 13 248 90 222 ISO 138 90 61 60 2 144 9 7 84 40 78 36 61 25 10 11 145 415 360 2 2 1069 428 1440 411 864 184 378 191 7 146

4900 4511 273 224 14984- 7837 14306 9004 6844 3304 5033 5401 219 15 40 362


Manufactunng. Manufactunng. Locallon Process mg. Name of Village Mmingand Processmg. Code Servu;mg and Servlcmg and Trade and Quarryina Constructions No. Repalnm Repairs mother Commerce Household than Household Industry Indijstry (IV) [V(a)J LV (b») (YJ> (VII) M F M F M P M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

111 ShnpatrayaclJlwadl 5 2 8 112 Warabgaon 22 6 2 1 113 Kolnanadl 8 3 5 114 SalephaJ 2 6 6 5 115 Iogalwadl 1 13 8 116 Waghala (Radl) 17 2 432 9 7 42 6 117 SeluAmba 5 .12 2 4 118 Pokhan 5 4 2

30 AMBEJOGAI CIRCLE 33 28 171 56 902 184 179 5 331 27

119 Glta 2 7 3 8 120 Iawalgaon S3 8 5 20 121 BharaJ 3 17 5 13 122 Saygaon 1 38 20 35 2 123 Radl 14 52 9 1 27 2 124 Kumbephal 1 31 3 10 125 Makegaon 6 2 2 1 126 Nand.tdl 8 4 15 4 4 10 127 Mamdapur 2 23 8 14 3 128 P"loda 2 Ui 4 38 1 129 Devla 2 13 1 18 I 130 Akola 9 4 9 4 131 Tadola 5 I 132 Dhanora 2 17 3 16 133 Mudegaon 3 13 4 13 134 Dalthana Radl 10 2 135 Sugaon 7 2 18 6 15 136 Nandgaon 9 I 10 5 8 137 Bardapur 21 25 52 3 19 135 20 138 Ltmbgaon 8 2 8 2 8 139 Chandanwadl I 1 4 140 Hatola 8 10 4 13 141 Walewadl 1 142 Talcgaon (Ghat) 4 1 8 2 10 143 Punpn 1 II 144 Chopanwadl 4 3 145 Wakdl 1 3 1 146 Paltlwadgaon 13 82 29 2 21

40 BARDAPUR CIRCLE 119 50 528 53 107 5 452 35 363


Population, 1981 Transport, Localion Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Wolken Non-Worken No CommwlIcalions Other SeMccs

(Vill) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

10 144 142 400 III 19 I 6 286 297 980 57 49 9 8 112 6 2 4 74 264 227 877 107 106 113 6 2 241 248 730 95 72 2 114 7 8 3 182 235 551 18 20 115 9 28 7 16 166 1015 1184 2830 209 206 116 2 10 2 3 2 252 244 888 101 80 2 117 5 13 1 2 30 395 500 1216 102 98 118

169 4 815 92 245 2683 13091 13221 38850 2349 2225 93 85 30

1 17 4 18 32 194 266 829 87 80 119 6 67 18 918 914 3099 305 293 120 6 20 7 3 95 365 365 1182 37 28 121 48 47 9 1 9ff1 1422 2208 70 67 122 15 36 6 1 SIS 917 1090 2712 212 209 123 10 33 7 3 5 600 643 1844 243 205 124 2 8 1 8 281 425 1338 197 190 125 5 19 3 2 23 216 301 644 110 102 126 6 28 6 301 447 1113 81 67 127 20 44 10 14 137 715 727 2487 304 294 16 19 128 5 21 3 15 70 500 513 1703 228 254 50 49 129 2 11 2 255 232 957 148 139 17 20 130 4 7 2 1 2ff1 146 724 46 51 3 4 131 14 35 3 5 680 720 2428 216 176 23 21 132 4 12 5 29 140 336 351 1486 121 131 133 1 6 2 223 196 619 117 131 3 3 134 15 25 1 6 15 512 654 1802 115 105 6 4 135 18 3 42 215 412 379 1397 80 75 6 3 136 28 162 31 :3 107 1652 2008 5109 366 341 131 7 17 1 1 20 469 527 1630 82 73 19 11 138 1 2 135 165 388 44 40 139 8 39 8 5 398 429 1710 70 72 3 4 140 2 139 155 1038 46 42 141 1 15 2 7 321 402 1472 144 155 142 1 14 2 138 118 496 54 58 143 9 4 232 268 767 II 9 144 2 2 57 69 49 249 7 6 145 10 63 6 20 841 1121 1152 2326 69 73 146

229 774 140 167 2293 13213 15064 43757 3610 3466 147 139 40 364


Area of Village No. of Location IJ1 I1ect- No of Total populallon OccUPied Total population Code Name ofVtllage ares and House- (mcludlOg InSUlUtlonal and Resldenllal m the age-group (0-6) No of Townl Houses holds Houseless Populauon) Wardm sq krns

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) m (8) (9) (10) (11)

5 KAIJ C D aLOCK T 17432322 47076 53009 253997 130670 123327 5314 27268 25876 R 174323.22 47076 53009 253997 130670 123327 5314 27268 25876 U

1 Plfachlwadl 49200 83 93 366 176 190 79 47 32 2 Kordyacht wadi 184974 287 353 1245 608 637 300 147 153 3 Ghatew3l1! 91188 130 181 540 266 274 124 61 63 4 Tukuchlwadt 564 80 67 106 4()} 220 183 84 45 39 5 Jlwachlwadl 202311 325 368 2298 1217 1081 S19 218 241 6 Kashldwadl 294.42 18 96 384 ISO 204 81 42 39 7 Gappewadl 48020 129 150 510 302 268 .. 115 59 56 8 Gotwadl (N V ) • 117 119 582 295 287 141 56 85 9 Wlda 361886 673 186 3321 1621 1106 708 366 342 10 Andhalyachlwadl 73253 120 193 450 221 229 113 52 61 11 Dahtfalwadmavh 239100 535 581 3132 1643 1489 668 343 325 12 Deogaon 121400 297 3&5 1397 106 691 309 150 159 13 Sasura 514.99 154 ISO 718 342 376 168 77 91 14 lola 52056 154 210 681 341 346 163 81 82 15 Sand 400.04 137 158 764 384 3SO 148 76 72 16 Saml 92045 215 232 1096 561 535 210 100 101 11 SangVl (S) 713.66 204 247 890 433 457 209 100 109 18 Punpalgavhan 689.92 285 342 1237 612 625 300 163 140 19 ShlJ1dl 1621.31 395 424 2002 998 1004 402 186 216 20 Yewta 1680.10 409 50s 2124 IOS1 1013 448 226 222 21 Nagzan (L) 1229.81 81 ISO 569 301 262 156 86 70 22 Kothewadl 459.61 161 117 933 477 456 206 117 89 23 Lahun 1981.55 413 461 2194 1120 1014 451 214 231 24 Urnn t1l7.55 386 417 2062 1015 987 424 234 190 25 Kothl 395.44 125 150 540 255 285 106 52 54 26 MassaJOg 1545.43 332 356 1700 882 821 332 169 163 27 Arangaon 149818 208 220 1221 609 612 290 140 ISO 28 Koregaon 7oo02 280 285 1444 741 703 287 144 143 29 Iadhav Iawla 75845 211 221 1120 584 536 245 121 124 30 Shlrpura 40022 118 120 685 361 324 145 85 60 31 Dongaon 31275 110 113 552 272 280 123 56 67 32 Takh 115905 426 431 2405 1255 1150 556 279 277

10 WtDACIRCLE 3392681 7657 8846 39640 20115 19525 8613 4355 4258

33 Ihwara Pahadt 2OS4.94 322 361 1727 889 838 3SO 191 189 34 Nlrmalwadl (N V ) 21535 61 75 299 145 154 68 28 40 35 Karalwadl 315.10 90 % 396 198 198 99 53 46 36 Devla Bk 241030 531 677 2133 1092 1041 499 247 252 37 RUI Punpla 42178 84 100 421 199 222 90 41 49 38 Sonnakhota 91595 172 225 854 417 437 189 91 98 39 ChlOchwan 97412 311 388 1728 837 891 436 208 228 40 Dunakwad 105839 285 401 1230 613 617 279 143 136 41 Dahtfal Pahadl 52260 124 128 677 350 327 158 89 69 42 Kotharban 90674 254 299 1271 664 601 305 169 136 43 Punpaltakka 81992 127 160 578 299 279 114 59 55 44 PunplaRut 46889 153 231 738 350 388 165 75 90 45 Khadln 139388 296 394 1852 957 895 457 228 229 46 Tokewadl 76221 126 166 659 343 316 163 88 75 47 Cbtkhal Bid 290885 382 617 1733 879 854 418 245 173 48 Chardan 120544 259 364 910 455 455 181 83 98 49 Pargaon Pahadl 1163.03 299 349 1592 833 759 340 191 149 50 Thetegavhan 23850 94 99 406 205 201 103 45 S8 51 Ambewadgaon 67274 206 240 1050 533 511 228 123 lOS 52 Nagzan Gaunukh 1600 Unmhabned 53 Gawandara 1065 S3 254 303 1205 630 57S 268 164 104 365


Livestock, Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Total Agncultural Fishing, Hwtung Locauon LlIerates Culuvators Code Casles Tobes MamWorkel"l Labourers and Planlauons, No Orchards and allted acll vlties (I-IX) (I) (II) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

21906 20474 1904 1802 67001 29598 64916 47734 37484 24682 16643 21587 1053 106 T 5 21906 20474 1904 1802 67001 29598 64916 47734 37484 24682 16643 21587 1053 106 R U

76 33 68 71 66 68 2 1 52 54 9 13 176 27 320 333 248 211 49 118 2 6 9 74 26 140 133 128 121 6 9 3 52 4 109 99 106 91 2 8 4 66 53 429 112 644 574 556 516 67 53 5 3 4 3 2 77 42 90 107 79 99 3 5 6 6 11 6 107 34 141 28 128 23 7 5 5 7 20 22 3 4 54 9 151 98 109 66 42 32 8 299 323 5 7 775 328 774 629 456 373 129 217 19 10 9 11 12 71 12 94 42 75 25 7 14 4 1 10 176 156 2 736 240 830 776 421 455 284 307 7 2 11 77 68 333 139 342 129 255 118 32 4 17 1 12 33 56 164 80 155 130 130 119 1 10 4 13 24 26 155 51 166 113 134 76 26 34 14 16 14 215 62 180 202 157 172 7 26 15 51 36 2 363 143 306 298 89 97 191 200 16 35 40 224 93 215 225 74 71 117 153 17 85 83 16 9 272 113 280 285 171 187 70 89 18 236 251 19 22 483 198 591 551 316 329 166 204 23 6 19 176 165 11 15 485 217 540 587 353 409 65 157 28 3 20 23 16 89 6 146 138 137 126 4 11 1 21 5 2 111 40 275 272 104 95 145 150 1 22 305 286 2 595 216 573 548 327 286 148 238 9 23 249 205 17 14 462 183 539 402 328 248 145 147 3 24 37 37 122 53 120 138 75 76 36 61 2 25 214 181 530 283 423 171 292 85 65 75 8 26 130 126 11 12 348 173 313 320 211 244 70 69 1 27 137 127 21 14 414 147 329 300 93 81 200 214 7 28 148 125 12 9 349 145 297 259 174 43 79 212 29 37 41 4 3 174 .44 175 35 116 12 53 23 30 4 3 9 6 134 39 150 1 135 2 3 31 173 161 615 227 621 532 432 354 125 169 10 32

2839 2688 145 133 9264 3519 10097 8526 6475 5276 2343 3016 158 27 to

113 99 231 54 450 288 326 200 62 81 17 33 3 4 24 7 85 52 77 43 5 8 1 34 5 1 50 5 104 103 77 43 27 60 35 233 237 31 24 425 130 590 295 383 160 162 131 3 36 30 37 94 27 77 54 61 32 12 20 37 46 64 148 37 227 207 170 141 25 61 4 38 107 118 3 9 390 145 407 369 239 160 60 191 9 39 79 79 17 15 252 81 326 319 221 209 54 101 18 4 40 96 84 4 4 135 3& 188 187 107 107 57 64 17 15 41 103 94 205 40 30t 311 193 196 78 113 13 2 42 25 20 114 24 162 177 160 175 1 43 29 40 4 2 151 37 172 204 122 140 30 62 9 2 44 208 222 357 86 484 432 299 255 127 172 19 45 11 10 95 19 159 89 113 61 25 27 9 46 109 113 224 47 446 349 367 298 41 39 47 47 53 175 42 212 248 179 206 12 36 1 48 99 84 75 64 296 78 420 419 294 283 88 131 10 49 17 22 60 61 79 14 106 101 56 11 47 88 50 71 54 4 5 252 78 251 262 127 141 80 116 51 Unmhabited 52 48 42 254 59 327 382 248 321 34 55 14 53 366


Manufactunng, Manufactunng, LocatIOn Processmg, Processmg, Name of Mmmg and Code Servtcmg and Servlcmg and Trade and Village Quarrymg Constructions No Repairs m Repatrs ill other Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) (V(a)] (V (b)] (VI) (Vil)

M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

5 KAUC D BLOCK T 23 10 879 234 1383 129 476 20 1920 125 R 23 II) 879 234 1383 129 476 20 1920 125 U

1 Plrachlwadt 1 2 Kordyacht wadi 10 3 1 3 Ghatewadt 1 2 4 Tukuchlwadi 1 5 Ilwachtwadl 4 4 6 Kashldwadl 1 7 Gappewadl 8 Gorwadl (N V.) 9 Wtda 24 10 16 3 5 54 3 10 Andhalyachlwadl 4 1 2 11 Dahtfalwadmavh 6 3 15 6 _I 11 2 12 DeogaOll 5 1 3 2 6 13 Sasura I 4 I 3 14 lola 3 15 Sarul 1 1 16 Saml 6 3 17 Sangvt (S) 3 2 3 18 Punpalgavhan 9 4 4 1 12 19 Shmdl 22 8 18 12 20 Yewta 12 7 12 3 28 3 21 Nag7.lln (l) 22 Kolhewadl 18 3 2 23 Lahun 18 11 3 4 22 24 Umn 10 9 4 10 25 Kothl 5 1 26 MassaJog 10 2 1 I 7 2 27 Arangaon 5 2 3 28 Koregaon 6 10 2 29 Jadhav Iawla 13 10 30 Shlrpura 3 31 Dongaon 1 2 2 32 Taklt 3 13 2 5

10 WIDACIRClE 156 69 137 8 38 2 214 16

33 Ihwara Pahadl 8 12 6 '2 34 Nlfmalwadl (N V ) 1 35 Karalwadl 36 Devla Bk 6 9 12 2 37 Rut Punpla - I I 38 Soonakhota 8 2 6 1 3 39 Chmchwan 2 22 5 15 4 40 Dunakwad 4 5 4 41 Dahtfal Pahadl I 42 Kotharban 3 7 43 Punpaltakka 2 44 PunplaRul 3 1 2 1 45 Khadkl 3 7 3 3 2 46 Tokewadl 4 2 3 47 Chtkhal Bid 7 7 15 3 48 Chardan 10 2 49 Pargaon Pahadt 6 5 2 1 50 Thetegavhan 1 I 51 Ambewadgaoo 4 4 2 2 5 52 Nag7.lln Gaunukh Unmhablted 53 Gawandara 7 1 3 6 367



Populallon, 1981 Transport, Localton Storage Matlinal TOlal SC ST Code Non-Workers and Workers No. Commumcatlons Other SeMccs

(VID) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (19) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1 )

598 3 4457 838 74S I3J47 65009 62446 200896 14250 13704 1242 1194 T 5. S98 3 4457 838 74S 13147 6~ 62446 200896 14250 13704 1242 1194 R U

1 1 108 119 388 1 1 1 2 7 2 SI 288 253 1163 61 71 14 17 2 3 2 5 19 121 122 848 18 13 3 1 111 83 262 5 4 4 2 12 I 1 573 S06 1389 46 38 8 10 5 2 6 11 84 86 3TI 2 4 6 , J23 160 117 391 12 12 7 22 ~ 122 133 8 8 63 13 I 62 846 1015 3513 214 228 4 9 1 1 1 59 J27 128 356 7 9 10 S 75 7 4 11 809 7CJ2 2190 158 153 11 :3 20 4 11 263 353 299 1320 65 62 12 11 1 54 187 192 668 20 36 13 3 3 2 67 173 166 601 20 17 14 4 8 3 204 178 636 12 17 15 1 16 2 255 235 900 27 19 16 2 13 1 2 15 216 217 876 9 6 17 1 11 :3 48 84 284 256 lOll 35 35 12 8 18 S 29 4 407 453 1640 169 162 15 16 19 I 38 7 3 12 508 474 2173 200 210 6 3 20 4 I 3 161 121 294 33 27 21 1 19 9 2 200 184 407 3 4 22 3 39 10 1 24 546 5CJ2 1843 246 242 4 2 23 3 27 7 2 70 534 515 1593 108 112 9 8 24 1 1 135 147 526 52 45 4 4 25 13 26 7 285 458 365 1664 15 16 6 2 26 4 17 7 2 295 290 726 22 29 9 6 27 13 3 37 411 366 1130 98 123 11 7 28 2 18 3 1 287 276 686 26 22 2 3 29 1 2 81 185 208 491 10 10 30 5 1 151 122 128 486 2 3 8 10 31 2 29 8 3 58 631 560 2042 18 23 10 7 32

65 511 112 117 1603 9901 9396 32590 1704 1743 129 117 10

18 3 8 113 431 437 1760 58 42 33 1 1 2 59 100 34 1 93 95 429 5 4 35 14 2 11 292 491 454 2145 53 42 36 2 2 10 9 112 159 554 54 41 2 3 37 10 3 1 45 189 185 901 9 9 38 3 51 14 4 38 426 484 1319 36 44 39 4 15 3 1 29 286 269 985 21 27 40 6 1 162 140 303 21 12 41 7 11 20 352 276 684 56 61 42 137 lCJ2 790 3 6 43 4 29 41 149 143 749 52 57 44 20 3 17 473 446 1160 111 114 45 3 7 74 177 153 440 13 18 46 1 12 4 4 98 429 407 2361 36 26 47 1 7 4 8 243 199 772 20 26 48 3 11 4 2 412 338 844 58 48 49 2 1 1 99 99 146 5 4 13 12 50 2 27 3 3 2 279 2S3 933 S6 54 10 12 51 Unmhablted 217 13 13 52 4 11 4 303 193 688 31 28 S3 368


Area of Vtllage No of Location Ul Hect- No of Total population Occupied Total popuiallon Code Name of Village arcs and Rcsldenhal House- (Ulc1udlllg InsUlullonal and In the age-group (0-6) No ofTQwn/ Houses holds liouseless Populallon) Wardm sq kms

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 54 Bhogalwadl 235987 480 689 2168 1092 1076 475 242 233 55 K,ltewadl (N V ) 23515 128 146 753 394 359 179 102 77 56 Chondl 70398 254 301 1493 751 742 369' 187 182 57 Moha JahaglT 145205 356 454 2011 1043 974 505 265 240 58 Choramba 89356 265 311 1290 658 632 297 168 129 59 Aranwadl 77182 160 200 715 376 339 186 100 86 60 Ghagarwada 92485 285 329 1208 639 569 255 123 132 61 Dharur 577705 51 55 364 194 170 59 29 30 62 M,undwadl 69325 145 185 619 322 297 144 66 78 63 GanJpur 44395 173 200 933 462 471 241 135 106 64 Chmchpur 531 13 185 218 1021 526 495 227 122 105 65 Tandalwadl 86109 178 198 876 437 439 ' 198 95 103 66 Aw,ugaon 44757 153 161 901 460 441 182 92 90 67 Lamantanda 81038 181 210 1360 692 668 318 152 166 68 SOlllmoha 105604 277 358 1358 708 650 316 168 148 69 PlTnparwada 172319 175 217 1036 519 517 232 121 III 70 Iaybhaychl Wad! (N V) 21220 42 49 302 159 143 73 40 33 71 Repewadl 554-78 91 94 518 288 230 110 63 47 72 Aswala 925 88 334 353 1878 944 934 447 225 222 73 llasanabad 18686 59 68 322 167 155 57 12 25 74 AnJandhav 92797 249 264 1527 856 671 287 155 132 75 Umbrayachlwadl (N V ) 17505 209 214 1478 762 716 384 193 191 76 RUI Dharur 180360 299 307 1893 959 934 426 211 215 77 Asardhav 163104 487 502 2750 1433 1317 603 320 283 78 Morfah 118090 267 293 1370 691 679 269 130 139

20 DHARUR CIRCLE 4779347 9913 12052 51609 26420 25189 11779 6097 5682

79 Ko1plTnpn 84737 231 236 1338 673 665 259 121 138 80 Khodas 51693 212 216 1089 577 512 250 135 115 81 Kekanwadl 37582 116 117 736 384 352 203 101 102 82 Soowa1a 931 17 239 277 1241 616 625 225 119 106 83 Adas 240281 893 965 5064 2620 2444 997 513 484 84 Waghoh 40560 102 103 549 286 263 120 64 56 85 Pangn 412&4 114 120 592 302 290 114 65 49 86 Undri 132919 396 414 2096 1049 1047 440 209 231 87 Kekat Saml 70435 187 216 1165 583 582 265 130 135 88 KalamAmba 1566 01 436 481 2384 1187 1197 514 273 241 89 Mulegaon 42195 63 67 349 190 159 63 36 27 90 Ladewadgaoo 145440 436 510 2306 1206 1100 521 277 244 91 Kendrewadl 108051 176 184 1066 546 520 199 97 102 92 Dhavadt 74799 146 165 768 391 377 154 74 80 93 Umral 621.49 227 231 1339 682 657 322 160 162 94 Sangaon 1021.06 278 279 1544 784 760 257 128 129 95 Kocian 75875 175 175 1111 574 537 242 120 122 96 Hoi 232454 692 780 4254 2273 1981 805 419 386 97 Ladegaon 106544 323 366 1889 986 903 387 206 181 98 Depewadgaon 58889 141 145 798 395 403 166 86 80 99 Dtghol Amba 1309 47 320 343 1788 922 866 311 159 152 100 Palaskheda 50814 164 170 818 401 417 142 69 73 101 Bonsawargaon 59413 197 222 1113 565 548 250 119 131 102 Aurangpur 54698 115 119 577 292 285 139 74 65 103 Bansaro1a 183108 841 915 4512 2496 2016 808 411 397 104 Kawadgaon 744 81 236 238 1153 582 571 232 110 122 105 Kandl Badan 80393 217 263 1369 710 659 304 155 149 106 HlwaraKh, 227 11 125 132 650 343 307 131 69 62 107 Somnalh Borgaon 1011 30 228 233 1241 639 602 239 117 122 108 AnJanpur 45122 152 201 916 468 448 203 113 90 109 Kopra 37008 94 96 533 282 251 98 50 48 110 Dhanora 71951 251 257 1276 644 632 253 121 132 369



uvestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agneultural Fishing, Hunting Literales Cultivators Code Casles Tnbes Main Workers Labourers and Plantations, No, Orchards and allied acllVllles (I-IX) (I) (II) (ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (15) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1) 117 118 70 62 429 131 479 466 320 301 78 152 10 54 14 13 170 24 223 228 195 2 6 226 3 55 145 138 6 13 259 66 356 190 255 98 79 89 2 56 285 264 161 147 370 98 491 392 299 219 168 167 57 76 84 187 179 286 81 298 249 147 115 75 117 4 58 56 60 31 35 148 48 173 169 115 102 40 66 59 79 78 264 45 369 313 196 122 162 177 60 6 6 80 16 90 81 59 30 27 49 61 1 1 112 24 176 109 128 91 44 18 62 34 38 16 17 224 !!4 199 180 167 145 19 32 1 63 52 51 26 16 223 77 270 242 187 174 60 62 3 64 73 92 249 89 231 191 118 81 76 111 3 65 123 120 298 179 247 168 162 55 48 112 1 66 7 9 238 51 362 355 86 95 243 257 12 1 67 96 90 311 54 316 169 222 49 34 114 15 2 68 8 14 105 40 329 339 314 310 13 27 69 43 6 72 69 62 56 1 11 70 1 74 20 164 148 124 91 39 55 71 I1b 176 429 150 476 488 194 188 223 288 3 72 10 13 88 38 90 94 75 80 6 8 2 73 134 111 512 159 350 271 121 80 131 182 36 2 74 327 80 401 384 163 148 235 236 75 275 241 480 218 414 290 214 121 162 149 8 '76 339 297 31 22 566 208 675 567 351 14 289 549 77 175 170 297 75 383 249 209 53 116 181 15 78

3161 3667 726 615 10533 3109 13188 11255 8308 6002 3406 4992 261 35 20

170 165 3$ 178 354 333 173 144 136 182 2 79 123 110 309 135 304 75 139 13 122 59 13 80 1 1 175 40 206 79 149 27 42 52 4 81 159 147 369 176 327 157 252 66 56 88 1 82 849 815 19 17 1478 737 1259 500 638 259 270 218 16 83 35 29 143 71 141 139 96 100 27 36 84 85 85 193 104 149 150 76 69 65 79 85 250 227 2 4 525 327 537 428 327 264 129 156 86 132 133 267 116 299 279 190 162 92 113 2 87 170 118 566 300 636 638 488 480 94 143 3 88 58 44 103 39 80 93 54 68 17 25 4 89 168 145 635 253 611 641 409 498 85 131 4 90 65 73 2 5 286 117 289 259 195 158 78 100 91 82 82 10 8 206 102 183 24 129 16 16 4 5 92 122 106 351 122 339 293 189 172 111 li8 7 93 128 122 496 255 415 381 217 201 122 168 7 94 155 133 297 119 287 208 172 93 86 114 3 95 373 257 3 1308 627 988 740 613 325 189 389 12 96 217 205 498 244 483 301 325 101 91 192 3 97 49 52 223 134 196 195 164 163 II 28 1 98 181 167 405 195 466 468 248 101 129 349 20 99 18 65 265 176 191 182 93 126 50 53 2 100 180 180 300 152 282 219 119 38 104 169 2 101 39 37 121 116 137 87 152 13 117 7 23 5 102 436 314 26 16 1635 679 1119 826 423 246 417 546 20 loo 90 93 293 153 323 194 196 94 102 97 104 74 62 4 5 366 143 346 304 236 241 44 56 9 4 lOS 30 22 195 106 177 173 130 94 41 78 1 106 93 82 379 189 356 362 229 219 97 140 1 101 141 114 8 12 247 125 240 184 94 52 120 131 4 108 68 45 152 76 174 118 94 16 68 101 109 73 10 340 184 321 201 186 84 114 114 110

?<;-A 370


Manufacturmg. ManufaclurUlg. Localion Processmg. ProcesslIlg. Code Name of Mmmgand Trade and Village Quarrying Servlcmg and Servicing and Construction. No RepaIrS 1Il Repairs in other Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a») [V(b») (VI) (Vn) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) ('27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

54 Bhogalwadl 1 22 2 5 5 S5 Katewadi (N.V.) 13 1 56 OIondl 2 1 3 57 Moba Jahagir 2 4 4 6 58 Choramba 2 2 24 10 10 10 2 59 Aranwadi 1 7 1 5 60 Ghagarwada 4 5 2 8 1 61 Ohllrur 3 I 62 Mamdwadi 2 63 Ganjpur 2 3 1 64 OImchpur 6 2 I 65 Tandalwadt 14 9 2 66 Aw.rgaon 9 1 5 67 Lamantanda I 2 7 5 68 Sunimoha 11 11 I II 3 69 )'imparwada 2 70 Jaybhaycha Wadi (N.V.) 2 2 I 71 RCpeWadl 1 72 Aswala 2 7 3 3 5 73 lIasanabad ) ) 74 Anjandbav 17 2 5 2 75 Umbrayachlwadi (N.V.) I 76 Rut Dharur 4 14 2 12 11 71 Asardhav 1 9 2 6 78 Morfali 11 13 12 4 4

20 DHARUR CIRCLE 13 7 130 26 257 41 72 4 168 24

79 Kolplmpn 7 5 3 8 80 Khodas 10 3 1 81 Kekanwadl 3 1 1 82 Sonwala 3 4 3 1 83 Adas 3 32 47 18 78 4 84 Wagholl 1 4 3 85 Pangn 2 2 86 Undn 8 4 3 II 87 KekatSaml 6 1 88 Kalam Amba 7 6 3 7 7 89 Mulegaort 1 2 90 Ladewadgaon 6 38 2 1 14 91 Kendrewadl 3 2 92 Ohavadl 6 5 2 6 93 Umrai 9 6 3 4 94 Sangaon 17 2 8 4 3 95 Koclari 2 8 1 4 I 96 1101 6 6 29 5 27 '2 97 Ladegaon 16 5 2 3 2 98 Depcwadsaon S 1 4 99 Dighol Amba 13 9 3 2 15 100 Palaskheda 11 1 '2 101 Borilawargaon 8 5 '2 I 19 '2 102 Auralllpur 4 1 103 Ban.arola 23 1 28 10 48 12 104 Kaw.dgaon 8 '2 1 5 1 lOS Kandi Badan 12 19 4 106 Uiwara Kh. 1 2 101 Somnath Borgaon 11 3 3 108 Anjanpur 5 1 2 4 109 Kopra 2 5 110 Ohanora 5 I 2 5 25-'8 371 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS

PopubWoJl, 1981 TransJ'lOlt, LJcation Storage Marginal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No, Communication. OIhllr Servicos

(VID) (lX)

M F M F' M P M F P M F M l~ (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

5 33 HI 613 6m 2265 71 69 35 25 54 I 4 171 131 $5 7 7 2 3 13 192 539 662 21 24 56 12 2 3 1')2 549 430 764 61 62 51 :3 21 4 13 97 347 286 966 4 3 111 134 58 4 I 20 47 183 123 526 29 24 59 3 3 270 253 580 57 59 60 1 104 89 III 4 2 61 1 I '3 62 143 t26 639 7 4 62 1 6 2 3 73 2ffi 2111 678 27 29 13 14 63 2 '} 4 27 80 229 173 !;ot 50 36 5 5 64 2 9 3 '3 81 200 161 811 47 ')0 2 '3 65 4 17 I 3 213 270 616 62 51'S 66 6 I 330 313 859 II 13 67 11 1 12 167 380 314 888 44 48 68 Z 190 178 999 5 12 137 124 69 87 74 70 2 124 82 317 2 2 71 40 6 468 446 1251 34 27 72 7 4 77 61 221 6 5 73 3 2'1 5 2 80 504 320 1164 46 40 74 2 361 '332 15 13 36 17 8 109 477 535 Ill52 146 1~1 1. 3 76 19 2 1 3 757 747 1299 204 179 1 2 77 11 I 150 308 280 797 46 41 78

64 509 123 190 1912 13042 12022 37307 1695 1594 337 337 20 ----- 20 7 319 332 937 125 106 79 15 3 217 273 220 766 78 68 80 5 142 178 131 390 2 I 81 8 2 205 289 2.63 932 76 ~') 1 82 26 131 16 17 706 1344 1238 4328 745 688 63 53 83 1 9 3 20 145 104 332 25 20 84 4 2 1 153 139 456 59 61 2 , 85 11 44 8 9 119 503 500 1556 51 48 86 8 4 39 284 264 941 100 104 87 4 20 10 3 82 548 477 1833 52 59 88 2 110 66 398 172 179 89 6 48 10 595 459 1634 152 151 90 11 1 26 257 235 854 44 45 91 14 2 21 189 187 164 601 61 60 92 4 6 3 1 41 342 323 !>fiO 68 62 93 3 34 3 369 379 1157 32 30 94 1 10 53 287 276 869 117 118 95 13 94 18 6 308 1279 933 3007 337 262 96 6 35 'i 150 503 446 1410 141 138 97 1 9 4 15 1\19 193 666 5 8 98 1 35 8 4 456 394 1551 146 136 99 13 19 3 209 235 752 50 41 100 8 19 5 283 329 1066 111 128 101 3 S 4 150 136 122 396 26 25 102 19 131 21 12 100 1365 1090 3780 459 327 4 103 1 10 13 96 246 281 885 84 90 104 6 16 3 2. 364 353 980 57 53 4 5 105 1 1 1 166 134 503 22 18 I 2 106 2 10 3 283 240 1083 75 80 20 19 107 4 6 1 33 228 231 659 41 33 14 13 108 5 1 3 108 130 422 49 35 109 14 3 41 316 390 1060 110 372


Area of Vlllaae No.ot Locatlon in llecl- No. of Total population Occupied Total plpulalion Code Name of Vtllage ares and lIouse- (llIcludtng Insllluliona1 and Residential III the age-group (~) No. oITown/ Houses holds Houscless PopulauOll) Wardm sq.kms

p M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

III Tatborgaon 500.47 173 177 977 492 485 198 93 lOS 112 Apepon 977.12 440 473 2613 1472 1141 440 230 210 113 bahal 609.86 205 221 987 493 494 221 104 117 114 Stundana 461.14 220 227 1204 594 610 247 117 130

30 HOLClRCLB 31250.46 9561 10334 53405 27699 25706 10019 5444 5275

liS Tamalt 771.29 211 222 1287 677 610 288 147 141 116 SabIa 49961 162 179 929 490 439 185 98 87 117 KandiMali 92284 380 415 2219 1101 1118 483 230 253 118 Dhanna1a 379.00 89 93 516 263 253 91 39 52 119 Kuan 61112 183 192 975 496 479 196 100 96 120 Tambwa 1417.38 413 420 2391 1214 1177 519 260 259 12, lanelaon 75987 234 238 1203 620 583 242 121 121 122 Rankaranja 67866 365 420 1761 889 872 391 220 171 123 Otandansawargaon 1018.88 260 283 1400 718 682 271 137 134 124 Kumbephal 852.46 279 289 1602 816 786 327 171 156 J25 Dhakephal 764.46 2(J7 210 1238 618 620 268 135 133 126 Ptsegaon 699.43 290 298 1401 722 679 303 15'7 146 127 Kalj 4187.48 3169 3647 18510 9850 8660 3741 1929 1812 128 Bobdeclllwidt 640.12 162 164 7f!} :m 372 156 80 76 129 Salesaon 1909.75 534 573 2862 1476 1386 641 333 308 130 Shelgaon GanJi 34709 166 167 855 454 401 148 79 69 131 Mote&aon 17025 52 57 287 152 135 69 36 33 132 Gocegaon 560.70 194 201 999 498 501 184 90 94 133 Sulttl 490.53 108 120 542 277 265 92 50 42 134 Malegaon 983.76 280. 328 1384 721 663 254 144 110 135 SUrdl 729.40 235 249 1349 715 634 290 154 136 136 ScnesangV1 985.83 242 260 1214 626 588 249 136 113 137 Sadola 43147 137 145 824 437 387 176 104 72 138 Yusuf Wadgaon 2444.63 627 685 3561 1781 1780 752 367 385 139 Sonijawla 1095.52 285 288 1757 916 841 412 203 209 140 Sami (Anandgaon) 90121 302 332 1575 763 812 318 149 If!} 141 Bhaaumba 800.75 219 219 1284 675 609 203 1(J7 96 142 lawalban 1321.16 397 441 2159 1124 1035 419 229 190 J43 Anandgaon 122849 273 286 1416 715 701 283 150 133 144 PUra 529.08 77 80 346 189 157 63 35 28 145 Bawchl 47930 73 84 389 187 202 92 43 49 -146 Bhalgaon 75536 128 134 801 402 399 139 68 71 147 Dhanegaon 55659 194 2!J1 1061 552 509 226 113 113 148 Anegaon 602 81 168 168 918 479 439 180 lOS 75 149 Wakdt 241.84 58 58 239 122 117 62 35 27 ISO PllIhall 562.96 306 327 1489 768 721 323 167 156 151 Sawleshwar 691.71 197 262 1111 598 513 193 98 95 151 AWI'gaon 93492 223 235 1215 587 628 248 126 122 153 Nllg_ 990.01 365 387 1858 948 910 325 164 161

40 KAUCIRCLE 3495432 12244 13363 67696 35033 32663 13802 7109 6fl}3

154 Narewad\ 440.56 90 103 582 296 286 118 63 SS 15S Wagbcbabhalgaon 241529· 5(J7 610 2833 1476 1357 561 300 261 156 MWldewadi 793.49 161 178 918 504 414 188 106 82 iS7 Ekurb 74204 203 264 906 451 455 184 98 86 lSi T


Livestock. Forestry Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural. Loca&ion LIterates Cult.ivawn fJ.Shina. IlI111tina Castes Tnbes MainWQrken Labourers and PIantuwos. Code OrdIards and No. allied ac:uvitles (I-IX) (I) (U) (Ill) M F M F M F M P M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2S) (I)

53 47 291 165 U3 203 159 ll3 68 82 6 III 249 179 18 12 1000 417 606 349 229 82 232 243 17 liZ 143 145 14 19 261 127 285 179 114 26 99 135 16 12 l13 166 191 44 46 351 197 339 213 127 42 143 160 4 114

5485 4922 272 261 15404 7367 13730 10107 7789 4972 3690 4854 189 19 _30

39 33 4 3 194 39 331 286 222 110 90 110 I liS 114 99 238 81 261 131 189 92 51 37 5 116 261 244 6 7 543 291 537 79 386 21 82 51 5 117 13 11 135 42 131 67 113 46 12 19 2 118 86 79 188 62 242 11 157 61 9 2 tJ9 183 193 10 8 643 284 624 257 435 118 121 128 8 120 79 77 18 21 347 154 332 1~ 224 81 79 60 121 136 123 391 142 4~ 6fi 350 28 J3 2 122 66 55 408 220 373 188 294 139 '314 36 4 113 133 116 400 159 446 116 255 99 121 III 3 124 84 68 302 139 3Z1 1.91 232 234 47 4S 1 t25 140 125 356 124 369 323 213 212 113 106 1 126 1510 1352 114 88 6603 3747 4510 1608 746 171 1217 1268 122 2 127 40 35 34 28 220 83 l1l 170 69 67 93 98 1 128 523 473 14 13 794 372 70s 569 lfll 189 335 361 13 129 187 173 271 101 203 l11fi 117 91 49 93 6 1:30 34 26 1 4 74 32 14 2 59 14 131 118 116 5 3 30S 175 25t 24 l~ 11 40 5 1 132 32 41 3 2 187 120 136 52 103 11 26 34 ) 133 73 65 350 171 387 367 231 189 95 ISS 4 2 134 122 124 15 22 417 183 342 275 2m 144 tOO 128 I 135 93 82 15 13 364 198 294 283 139 126 109 145 1 136 192 160 238 108 203 5 80 106 5 1 137 639 589 5 6 IOS0 600 817 393 416 137 237 240 S 138 235 212 70 7S 423 146 451 394 185 9' 246 298 1 139 88 90 415 252 379 240 285 141 62 96 1 140 141 120 5 5 407 181 333 3-12 1-10 136 139 203 1 141 229 2CJ7 9 13 594 285 601 210 354 97 153 168 5 142 96 82 12 10 355 155 407 226 322 176 33 36 7 4 143 34 27 120 48 97 16 4S 2S 28 4& 6 144 33 33 109 66 93 ~l 63 67 19 21 2 3 J45 70 66 243 126 206 171 103 76 8l 95 1 146 201 201 35 20 361 182 282 203 73 5 114 184 52 141 41 36 14 16 254 132 22S 165 lS3 31 37 129 1 148 4 6 60 26 67 59 58 6 7 1 149 86 85 20 26 387 179 388 304 2Sl 20!1'2 72 93 1 ISO 39 32 347 143 322 285 269 202 31 83 151 112 147 289 167 317 314 2~ 134 48 162 1 152 142 140 7 4 571 318 48S 262 248 134 92 121 80 2 153

6448 5949 417 388 19953 10039 17141 9401 8448 3898 4456 S084 3S1 15 40 145 41 164 122 129 82 29 38 154 ~OO 187 3 3 778 346 736 544 5S1 362 91 166 18 155 5 7 251 40 262 240 225 103 28 136 156 71 64 4 3 240 121 205 254 137 166 36 84 157 2S 26 2 4 11S 37 18 98 57 67 5 29 15& 39 27 9 9 214 93 190 211 175 192 12 18 139 57 82 2 2 12S 4S 181 194 128 21 45 110 160 26 24 135 49 131 166 84 102 36 62 161 31 2S 10 7 200 114 156 116 110 86 27 29 162 9 6 144 72 174 134 157 117 11 15 163 39 43 204 101 154 lSI 126 114 ~ 34 164 374



Manufacturing, Manufa~turmg. iAatton Processlllg, Processlllg, Name of Mlnmgand Code Servicing and Trade and VIU.tgc Quarrymg Servicing and ConAtnlCtiOfll No. Repairs In RcpaJrl III other Commerce Household than lIoll~ehold Yndustry Industry (IV) IV(a)] LV (b)J (VI) (VU) M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (3S)

111 llitborgaon 4 3 S 5 3 1\2 Apegaon 14 15 1 29 4 m l$lhal 2 8 8 13 1 114 SlIWldana 18 1 13 1

30 1I0LCIRCLB 1 2t7 35 310 6 101 7 344 29

Il5 ramah 3 1 3 11(; Swia 3 3 2. 1 117 KandlNlah 2 2 10 9 1 8 118 Dhann,ll" 2 2 119 Ka~an 4 3 120 Tamb", a 7 2 6 2 3 121 lanegaon 11 2 122 Bankaranja 9 2 1 1 2 Izj Chandansawargaon 12 2 2 8 7 2 124 Kumbcphal 8 4 14 S 12 125 Dbakephal 6 1 16 4 126 l\segaon 6 2 9 1 11 121 KaIJ 49 10 216 21 104 723 24 128 Bobdechlwadt 1 2 2 129 Sale&1lOO 11 4 12 II 6 18 130 She.lgaon GllnJi 10 I 2 1 3 10 131 MOlcgaon 132 Gotegaon 8 2 9 3 7 133 Sukh 134 Malegaon 8 3 4 2 15 2 135 Sunh 8 5 2 136 SonesangV1 17 8 5 137 Sadola 1 1 5 138 Yusu{ Wadgaon 2 20 4 17 8 28 2 139 SauJlIwla 1 5 140 Sarnl (Anaudgaon) 6 5 2 1 141 Dhatwnba 1 2 6 2. 141 Sawalban 13 \ 17 1 1 20 143 Anandgaon 3 2 19 2 1 8 l44 Pathra 3 1 145 Bawchi 4 1 146 Bhalgaon 6 2 4 147 Dhanegaon 2 2 5 3 9 4 148 Anegaon 10 2 6 2 149 Wakdl 150 Paithan 17 2 10 151 Sawlcshwar 9 3 152 Awasgaon 1 2 7 2 1 153 Naigaoo 2 12 1 17

40 KAIJCIRCLE 4 2 224 42 4)2 52 188 3 958 40

J54 Narcwadl 1 2 1 155 Waghcbabhdlg8()11 15 3 5 2 2 13 3 156 Mundcwadl 2 157 Ekurka 3 3 10 4 158 KclgaOil 7 1 2 159 Belgaon 160 Malcwadl 4 161 DhOlrd 4 162 Bancgaon 1 1 163 Ddradwadl 2 164 Dhakdnwadl 2 2 375



Populauon, 1981 Tr,lIlsport, location Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No. CommuOIcdllons Othcr Service,

(Vlll) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M r· M F (36) (37) (38) (19) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

5 10 3 229 282 704 39 31 111 4 6S 20 10 40 856 752 2009 114 99 8 8 112 6 19 5 12 81 196 234 811 131 126 26 25 113 7 26 9 2S5 397 761 82 113 114

159 918 185 109 2863 13860 12736 42049 3948 3602 144 130 30

2 9 5 40 346 284 866 125 132 3 3 115 2 5 1 6 119 223 189 672 56 48 116 6 28 5 11 521 553 518 1605 182 157 3 4 117 1 5 62 127 124 367 7 8 4 4 118 15 2 262 254 206 733 68 58 119 2 40 8 7 378 583 542 1984 175 158 8 8 120 3 11 2 198 288 242 956 64 63 8 14 121 9 3 40S 461 401 1467 86 90 122 5 27 8 212 345 282 1135 67 70 123 5 23 2 2m 370 363 1216 97 103 124 2 12 17 297 323 975 63 50 125 1 14 3 11 353 345 1067 106 88 126 139 2 1194 109 72 317 5268 6735 12579 819 781 56 76 127 3 5 226 202 556 13 11 26 16 128 8 41 7 102 770 715 2292 249 268 1 11 129 6 13 251 202 847 2 2 I 1 ]30 1 2 76 78 57 265 8 7 131 1 16 5 3 232 244 245 1006 30 26 5 6 132 1 5 1 80 141 133 483 41 17 133 5 18 11 I 334 295 1285 40 47 134 13 3 17 7S 356 284 2031 2m 183 32 30 135 7 16 3 14 332 291 136 1 8 171 234 211 137 7 77 8 43 306 921 1081 3924 946 926 4 3 138 13 1 1 37 464 410 1288 191 174 34 31 139 17 2 7 186 3n 386 1377 96 103 140 1 21 3 4 342 263 1093 124 111 141 2 36 3 7 309 516 456 2007 119 102 8 8 142 14 6 4 187 304 288 1431 129 112 19 12 143 14 3 9 21 83 60 323 45 3S 144 3 1 4 2 90 108 1169 143 139 12 11 145 6 2 196 226 13 146 8 16 7 7 19 263 287 451 16 8 15 to 147 3 15 1 24 89 230 185 790 34 34 15 I7 148 2 10 55 48 177 1 5 149 3 30 4 3t 66 349 3it 1374 112 110 17 17 I~ I 9 21 276 2m 984 33 26 151 1 22 16 59 270 255 1200 125 138 2 1 152 2 31 5 7 149 4~6 499 3572 217 211 41 32 153

218 2 1842 263 266 4963 17626 18299 5S560 4828 4614 328 322 40

3 1 64 132 100 158 IS4 5 36 8 :2 51 738 762 2677 187 196 IS5 2 S 1 1 13 241 161 572 156 15 1 246 201 795 32 36 5 6 157 6 2 115 HJ7 377 18 18 158 3 217 142 534 20 20 11 12 159 3 2 143 175 628 44 S8 10 9 160 6 2 141 103 359 11 12 S 4 161 2 14 1 6 179 19S 526 9 5 9 9 162 1 3 2 46 176 ISS 473 4 2 1 4 163 3 I 154 162 479 13 P 164 376


Area of Vtllage No. of Location In Hect- OccUPied No of Tota) population CQde TOlal population Name of Vtllage ares and Residential House- (mcluding Insututlonal and In the age-group (0-6) No. of Townf Houses holds Houscless Population) Ward In sq Ions

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

165 Rameshwarwadl 75450 202 202 1269 660 609 250 128 122 166 Nandurghat 220758 1023 1089 5766 2950 2816 1134 561 573 161 Gadalyachl Wadi 391.53 63 61 381 205 182 68 45 23 168 PIWtlghac 24200 103 105 622 327 295 133 78 55 169 Slururghat 99700 579 652 2751 1438 1313 586 323 263 170 RajCgaon 34260 192 195 1030 523 507 179 91 88 171 Nahob 98200 307 324 1998 1003 995 445 210 235 1'12 Ka1cgaon Ghat 1372.11 354 376 1812 963 900 330 ITl 153 173 Hanumanl Plmpn 632.20 214 221 1238 639 599 189 99 90 114 Danhana 568.00 139 148 756 311 385 '1.44 80 64 175 Borgaon Bk. 146160 350 360 1837 907 930 364 168 196 176 Kapryachi Wadi (N V ) 31605 64 75 289 147 142 54 25 29 rn Warapgaon 121546 406 474 1899 999 900 354 186 168 11& Kcwad 92&94 142 142 750 376 374 160 ' 87 73 179 Otincholi Mali 146838 700 159 3$96 1868 1728 618 314 304 ISO Sarukwadt 513.36 89 98 557 283 274 132 66 66 181 Doka 39637 100 120 462 240 222 71 33 38 182 Satefa1wadl 846.00 199 204 1168 608 560 243 132 III 183 Uadgaon 6fI) 07 174 204 713 368 345 142 76 66 184 Bhopala 41210 131 141 780 419 361 164 99 65 185 Lakha 603.00 142 149 757 376 381 182 95 87 186 MlUlgwadgaon 1160.00 252 268 1439 750 689 292 ISO 142 187 Kanbobachlwadl (N V.) ISO 18 19 22 122 67 55 19 12 7

SO HANUMANT PlMPRI CIRCLE 26398.16 7701 8414 41647 21403 20244 8231 4263 3968

Pleasc see the footnote of Village Directory. 377


Livestock, Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Total Agricultural Locauon LIterates Culu vaLOrs Flshmg, Hunting Castes Tnbes Mam Wolkers Labourers and Plantauons, Code Orchards and No. allted actiVlues (I-IX) (I) (II) (llI)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (l4) (15) (l6) (l7) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

34 26 32 29 378 141 327 326 220 250 53 68 2 165 517 556 57 60 1728 911 1509 787 543 173 517 557 22 166 15 12 123 66 109 109 85 98 15 9 167 36 34 4 9 205 96 160 115 119 89 32 24 1 168 294 257 9 9 734 336 699 470 361 44 266 424 5 169 36 46 24 19 353 191 262 236 135 146 75 83 2 170 202 210 5 1 508 224 521 508 330 357 141 145 2 171 226 207 4 6 586 278 511 420 283 241 163 173 1 172 159 149 21 22 351 111 312 207 204 96 84 101 173 26 25 8 8 208 119 206 226 171 200 31 25 174 1S6 179 25 25 517 279 476 480 261 264 163 201 175 1 1 70 21 86 88 68 69 11 16 176 230 216 45 41 581 309 520 415 297 190 164 218 3 In 42 54 10 33 223 133 161 197 117 106 35 78 178 324 323 30 27 1092 498 946 713 402 241 352 425 5 179 24 27 154 81 141 75 103 45 23 28 180 45 31 146 41 lOS 38 78 32 15 2 181 23 26 3 3 261 105 310 284 261 247 18 32 2 182 72 69 208 lOS 193 179 138 133 40 38 183 112 94 4 5 267 130 197 93 119 20 58 72 184 76 72 6 13 196 95 182 III 82 20 67 83 8 :3 185 161 143 7 7 406 172 353 112 171 38 79 55 21 5 186 1 40 26 37 23 3 3 187

3373 3248 344 345 11847 5564 10760 8445 6464 4534 2748 3641 94 10 50 378


Manuf IIctunng, Manufac.tunng, I.ocatlon llroccM.mg. Name of Mimngand Processmg, Code Servldng and Tnule and VIllage Quarrymg Scrvlcmg and Con~truwons No Rcpdlrs In RepaIrs In olher Commerce Household !.han Hou~ehold Industry Indu~try (IV) IV(a)] IV (b)] (VI) (VII) M F M F M 11 M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

165 Rameshwarwadl 5 3 166 Nandurghat 31 13 95 9 30 85 5 167 Gadalyachl WadI 6 2 168 PJuhighat 1 169 Shlfurghat 5 13 3 9 170 Rajcgaon 2 11 7 5 3 171 Nabob 4 10 1 4 172 Kalcgaon Ghat 10 6 2 2 4 2 173 iIanwnanl Punpn 4 6 174 Dal!.hana - 2 175 Borgaon Bk 4 17 4 176 KapryachJ Wadi (N V.) 1 1 177 Warapgaon 4 13 3 10 178 Kcwad 2 179 Otmcholl Mall 37 25 6 12 24 1110 Sarukwadt 4 2 181 Doka 2 2 1 1 182 Satcl'alwadl 2 7 2 7 183 lIadgaon 4 3 184 Bhopala 5 3 185 Lakha 5 1 8 186 MdIIgwadgaon 3 8 2 10 34 187 Kanhobachlwadl (N V)

50 IlANUMANT PIMPRI GRCtE 3 142 62 227 22 77 4 236 16 379


Populauon, 1981 T,an&port, location SlOI'ase Mar,lfIal TOlal SC ST Code and Workers N~WorkeJJ No. CommunIcations Other Services

(VJIl) (IX) M F M F M F M P P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

4 40 7 333 283 ass 22 20 1 2 165 25 161 30 304 1440 1725 4214 296 285 23 21 166 1 2 96 73 335 11 10 167 1 6 2 6 59 161 121 445 13 11 168 6 31 2 14 178 725 665 2002 79 87 4 6 169 4 25 8 261 263 677 27 33 12 13 170 1 32 2 1 482 486 1196 65 73 6 4 171 3 39 2 1 83 451 406 1532 115 m 172 5 13 6 7 74 320 318 942 101 85 16 15 173 t 1 165 159 642 48 39 12 7 174 3 26 11 431 450 1626 173 186 33 29 175 3 3 2 6 S 55 49 176 3 23 7 8 479 477 1864 126 134 57 51 177 1 8 It 1 215 176 685 44 52 22 28 178 7 101 20 8 276 914 739 3231 275 292 16 17 179 9 2 1 67 141 132 396 ISO 8 4 5 98 127 86 517 4 2 5 4 181 11 2 41 298 235 917 22 27 12- 8 182 7 7 J 175 165 721 13 15 183 1 11 I 126 222 142 538 75 72 4 2 184 3 8 3 8 79 186 191 654 67 81 6 5 185 11 16 10 206 397 371 1335 161 157 34 32 186 3 1\ 24 18 187

92 671 155 63 1806 10580 9993 33102 2075 2151 304 288 SO 380


Area of Village No. of Location m IIect- No. of TotalpopulatJon Occupied Total population Code Name of Village ares and Resldenllal House- (meludlOg Institutional and 10 the age-group (~) No. of Townl Houses holds Houseless PopulauOl1) Ward 10 sq.kms.

P M F P M 11 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

6. PATODAC.D BLOCK T 133204 46 32257 32257 173288 88561 84727 35844 18503 17341 R 13320446 32257 32257 173288 88561 84727 35844 18503 17341 U

1 Tembhuml 62723 223 223 11I0 556 554 i85 98 87 2 Ghauhd Pargaon 2965.14 419 419 2317 1172 1I45 483 265 218 3 Shnpalwadt 40266 67 67 343 174 169 53 26 27 4 Ukhanda Chakla 85619 216 216 994 504 490 195 96 99 5 SawargaOl1 Chak1a 28056 178 178 941 466 475 183 90 93 6 Rale Sangavi 341.93 133 133 716 362 354 184 99 85 7 Nandewah 80221 231 231 1221 603 618 267 132 135 8 Gazlpur 165 39 74 74 367 191 176 98 54 44 9 Taradgavhan 26301 25 25 175 95 80 32 18 14 10 Jamb 91195 164 164 874 423 451 159 82 77 11 Arvl 1434.63 376 376 2302 1185 1117 419 218 201 12 Bawl 65767 310 310 1956 988 968 416 215 201 13 Bramhanath Yelamb 99257 247 247 1386 703 683 247 132 115 14 Zapcwadl 789.86 135 135 747 373 374 171 94 77 15 Shirur 65018 830 830 3937 2007 1930 761 378 383 16 Dahiwandi 70835 130 130 716 366 350 172 76 96 17 Warnl 1809.69 384 384 1959 972 987 422 209 213 18 Lonl 1530.09 380 380 2012 997 1015 410 203 207 19 Bargatwadi 68767 172 172 994 535 459 219 132 87 20 Mangewadl (N V.) 203.96 74 74 430 205 225 92 41 51 21 Manur 1796.61 395 395 1957 997 960 337 164 173 22 Badewadl 652.25 79 79 316 153 163 68 38 30 23 BahlrwaU. (N. V.) * 53 53 294 155 139 58 34 24 24 lathawad 76971 101 101 475 243 232 III 58 53 25 Ptmpalner 2306.93 598 598 3649 1879 1770 771 394 377 26 Madmapun 34344 54 54 265 134 131 51 30 21 27 Hmgewadl 399.18 163 163 846 426 420 197 91 106 28 Gomalwada 655.79 349 349 1756 875 881 347 171 176 29 Rupur 36127 85 85 421 2m 214 101 48 53 30 Rakshas Bhuwan 119560 359 359 1877 947 930 346 172 174 31 Kolwadl 30047 148 148 860 443 417 189 lOS 81 32 Kanhobachlw.tdl 33487 167 167 998 503 495 209 100 109 33 Anandgaon 975.88 153 153 1026 528 498 237 134 103 34 Vlghanwadl 56103 137 137 870 447 423 173 81 92 35 Kholyachlwadl 47971 89 89 499 255 244 103 52 51 36 Plmpalyachlwadl 45458 64 64 427 215 212 73 36 37

10 SlIlRUR CIRCLE 2866866 7762 7762 42033 21284 20749 8539 4369 4170

37 Nagaryachlwadl (N.V) 502.00 92 92 525 258 267 87 40 47 38 Tagadgaon 1371.64 321 321 1748 916 832 298 165 133 39 Padalt 1340.94 433 433 2393 1217 1176 458 237 221 40 Dhokwad 194 81 30 30 123 63 60 29 14 15 41 Khalapun 154613 433 433 2237 1093 1144 409 187 222 42 Khamba 38063 108 108 582 289 293 94 38 56 43 Shtrapurgat 689.40 166 166 952 489 463 198 1m 91 44 K. Ohanora 56762 109 109 469 238 231 95 47 48 45 Paundul 894.89 219 219 1045 524 521 174 91 83 46 Limba 496.78 168 168 919 484 435 163 92 71 47 Aurangpur 668.24 79 79 374 193 181 85 51 34 48 IIiversmga 105633 375 375 1905 954 951 396 202 194 49 Khokannoha 158883 567 567 2429 1226 1203 454 245 209 50 Ghugewadl 35749 100 100 631 334 297 157 84 73 51 Dhangarwadt 124633 84 84 335 179 156 83 50 33 52 Takalwadi 181.81 56 56 310 165 145 67 39 28 S3 RalJlloha 162549 978 978 3669 1977 1692 718 363 355 381



LIvestock, Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled Agnculwral Locallon LIterates Toral Cuillvators l'tshIRg, Huntmg CaSleS Tnbes MamWorkers Labourers and Plantations, Code Orchards and No allIed aell Vll1eS (I-DO (1) (ll) (TIl) M F M F M F M F M I' M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1) 8177 7794 503 476 44383 18317 44133 34911 29179 22390 7009 11187 790 371 T 6 8177 7794 503 476 44383 18317 44133 34911 29179 22390 7009 11187 790 371 R U

36 31 307 139 309 283 236 246 39 34 39 35 610 263 554 621 392 463 63 139 8 4 ? 15 11 85 37 97 112 97 III 3 43 59 5 9 297 108 250 260 214 152 28 87 4 91 109 278 153 244 251 136 146 85 109 5 55 53 In 63 152 140 126 124 8 14 7 6 88 72 23 17 305 152 308 302 212 234 52 64 3 1 11 11 90 3S 88 72 67 1 17 71 8 6 8 63 26 42 27 23 15 12 11 9 45 46 3 6 :m 102 222 230 162 199 35 29 1 10 122 91 4 3 692 432 613 480 375 283 135 187 3 11 185 162 5 8 413 142 496 500 392 397 58 94 12 41 45 6 5 396 214 353 336 178 184 97 141 13 16 15 3 3 151 55 182 188 149 160 16 27 1 14 225 223 2 2 1368 814 965 388 189 70 255 278 20 3 15 29 25 147 30 188 298 222 229 12 70 16 114 102 19 17 473 230 501 485 392 397 73 81 3 17 32 51 2 2 490 219 535 324 454 289 16 21 4 18 16 9 2 5 157 31 254 134 242 126 5 7 1 19 S 7 2 5 81 20 119 7S 94 44 24 30 1 1 20 83 90 548 244 496 416 319 302 60 98 16 6 21 3 1 3 4 65 32 71 39 64 36 4 3 22 11 15 60 17 87 66 63 54 5 7 10 5 23 2 4 3 4 117 49 117 113 109 107 5 6 24 96 91 1 1 901 348 883 767 557 510 140 182 49 38 25 29 25 2 3 64 37 78 79 49 51 20 22 7 6 26 13 15 7 4 198 91 225 201 87 92 54 77 23 19 27 61 52 434 184 463 442 284 236 115 193 28 31 26 106 39 108 91 89 75 14 16 29 189 165 6 10 521 224 490 357 309 197 96 150 1 30 20 19 5 4 170 62 214 216 100 95 80 105 12 5 31 7 7 5 7 201 41 259 270 182 192 49 68 6 1 32 33 34 6 7 252 54 265 265 235 239 17 25 33 5 4 176 39 254 262 110 123 72 138 34 58 8 136 84 121 74 I 2 3 35 ,113 18 123 123 122 123 36

1798 1698 125 141 10776 4752 10741 9203 7111 6267 1762 2586 179 88 10

4 2 110 33 140 123 114 102 17 20 1 37 55 45 561 242 424 169 341 10'3 44 63 1 38 117 126 5 5 620 286 595 577 372 396 96 160 4 39 3 4 31 14 23 20 14 9 8 11 40 148 160 587 251 548 402 360 211 114 178 41 16 15 187 75 133 102 106 74 16 25 1 42 67 66 13 10 219 64 244 237 123 48 89 188 4 43 24 25 146 54 128 116 111 76 10 40 - 44 51 48 13 12 266 109 264 248 188 86 30 150 7 8 45 39 23 220 73 230 257 171 167 30 79 46 21 15 75 23 82 39 46 6 33 33 47 79 76 449 173 472 420 365 337 50 79 48 101 88 656 282 572 294 384 121 64 155 7 1 ' 49 13'1 27 142 112 139 107 1 4 1 1 50 57 15 75 85 68 81 4 4 51 67 20 69 84 57 78 5 6 1 52 179 159 15 8 1155 45& 1019 638 396 360 123 243 18 53 382


Manlolfacturing, M.lI1ufaclUrmg, location Processing, I'rocc!sing, Cude Name of Mmlng.ltd Tr#de and Village Quarrymg Servicln, and ServiclJlg and C01'll1(U(.llOns No. Repair. m Rep.ll rs in othl':T Commerce HOllsehold !hIm HOIIschvlJ Industry Industry (IV) (V(a)] rV (b)J (VI) (Vll) M P M fl M --Jl M F M P (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (10) (31) (32) 03) (34) (35)

6. PATODA C D. BLOCK T 38 7 668 179 ')SS 129 613 51 1371 ISO R 38 7 668 179 '}S5 129 613 51 1371 150 U

1 Tcmbhumi 9 3 3 '2 '2 Ghatshil Pargaon It 6 ZZ 9 II to 3 Shnpatwadl 4 Ukhanda (''hakla 1 5 Saw~lrgaon Chatta 1 3 5 6 Rale Sangavi 1 5 1 '7 Nandewali 14 '3 2 '3 8 Gazipur 1 1 9 Taradgavhan Z 10 Jamb 5 5 11 Arvi 11 '3 10 12 H 12 Bawi 11 9 16 I 5 13 Bramhanam Yetamb 15 3 1 31 5 14 Zapewadi 5 1 3 15 Shirur 19 3 93 6 24 '3 185 4 16 Dahiwandi 3 5 1 48 3 17 Wami 2 1 5 1 3 18 Lam 16 7 2 12 2 19 Bargatwadi 2 1 20 Mangewadt (N.V) 21 Manur 8 5 15 2 4 35 22 Badewadi t 23 Bahirwadl (N V.) 7 24 Jo1mawad 1 2S Plmpalner 30 3 13 24 28 26 Madmapun 27 Hinsewadl 17 2 3 1 20 11 ') 28 Gomalwada 2 10 I 17 3 29 Rupur 1 2 30 Rakshas Bhuwan 7 5 32 1 7 8 2 31 Kolwadl 13 8 3 I 32 Kanhobachtwadt 20 9 1 33 Anandgaon 2 5 1 34 Vtghan~adl 1 2 35 Kholyachtwadi 8 7 36 Pimpalyachiwadl

10 SHlRUR CIRCLE 35 6 117 43 331 53 143 7 385 56

37 Nagaryachtwadt (N.V.) 3 2 38 Tagadgaoo 4 2 2 4 39 Pad.1t 27 8. 23 7 3 11 40 Dhokwad 1 41 Khalapurl 10 5 10 14 42 Khamba 3 1 43 Shirapurgat 2 6 5 3 44 K. Dhanora t 1 4S Paundul 6 4 1 Z 8 46 Umba 5 7 6 2 1 5 47 Aurangpur 48 Hiveninga 12 2 13 4 7 49 Khokannoha 11 1 4 13 21 2 SO Ghugewadt 1 51 Dhangarwadi 1 52 Takalwadt 53 Ralmoha 37 6 15 9 - 61 6 383



Population. 19lH Tr4nsport. Locahon Swrage Marginal Total SC S'f Code and Workers Non-Workers No. CommunIcations Olhcr Servlccs

(VITI) (IX) M P M F M P M F P M F M }1 (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (4K) (1) 501 6 2979 441 689 8643 43739 41173 128216 5997 6011 369 366 T 6 501 6 2979 441 689 8643 43739 41173 128216 5997 6011 369 366 R U

1 17 56 247 215 775 26 26 I 7 33 2 618 522 1662 85 103 2 77 57 226 9 14 3 7 21 253 230 651 37 37 5 7 4 13 ' 1 2 222 216 642 71 77 5 4 2 1 27 209 187 532 44 48 6 20 6 SO 289 266 827 58 49 14 11 7 I 1 29 102 7S 203 8 6 1 2 8 5 1 15 53 38 144 6 4 9 1 13 2 201 221 771 49 54 9 6 10 5 48 7 15 114 557 523 1792 24 31 24 20 11 2 11 33 68 459 400 1029 55 65 12 5 26 3 350 347 1205 42 42 7 5 13 2 5 1 191 186 416 11 12 3 3 14 17 163 21 2 1041 1540 2786 113 109 4 4 15 3 1 6 178 146 542 16 3 19 6 1 55 470 447 1597 58 59 9 9 17 3 28 5 2 112 460 579 1672 40 50 18 2 28 ISO 253 175 371 2 5 2 2 19 67 86 83 20 4 35 2 4 22 497 522 1782 90 103 21 1 21 62 61 62 230 4 22 1 13 27 55 46 23 1 1 126 119 381 24 24 45 6 14 219 982 784 2080 24 23 25 2 56 52 221 34 37 6 8 26 10 1 22 42 179 177 504 10 9 5 2 27 3 31 10 2 412 437 1344 23 2 1 1 28 2 6 10 93 113 313 35 35 29 3 27 2 3 75 454 498 1485 154 129 30 1 4 3 14 42 215 159 481 6 8 31 1 1 25 243 200 754 8 5 32 4 1 1 263 232 508 12 16 5 5 33 2 6 193 161 323 8 7 34 2 7 55 112 105 181 1 35 I 92 89 257 36

90 588 97 194 1337 10349 10209 28687 1143 1166 99 86 10

3 118 144 37 3 23 2 237 492 426 1355 47 61 3 3 38 8 51 6 1 622 598 2212 110 88 39 I 8 39 32 87 1 2 2 5 40 to 30 6 20 178 52S 564 1787 104 112 41 1 5 3 62 156 129 502 21 19 42 1 11 2 245 224 763 38 48 7 10 43 5 37 110 78 482 39 51 2 3 44 1 18 3 5 53 255 220 906 40 40 17 13 45 3 9 2 1 254 177 728 24 19 15 10 46 1 2 2 10 109 132 265 24 20 47 3 18 2 13 136 469 395 1458 81 84 48 J 67 14 3 243 651 666 2059 114 86 4 2 49 I 192 184 224 50 1 4 5 100 66 303 51 6 96 61 249 52 8 352 21 14 79 944 975 3178 159 166 8 12 53 384


Area of Village No. of Locauon in Hect- Occupied No of TOlAl populauon Code Name of Village TOIaI population ares and ResidentiAl lIouse- (mcludlng Institutional and In the age group «)..{;) No. of Townl Houses holds Houscless Population) Wardm sq kms

p M F P M F (1) (2) ,) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

S4 Sangalwadl 82685 129 129 315 160 ISS 68 40 28 S5 Yewalwadl 715.86 97 97 434 213 221 118 62 56 S6 Van}arwadi 566.15 112 112 523 275 248 125 65 60 57 Halkarwadt 1412.14 87 87 308 142 166 94 46 48 58 Bhanakwadl Kh. 49205 100 100 450 222 228 125 50 75 59 Baragwadl 656.80 lot 101 513 254 259 100 47 53 60 Malkachlwadl 126832 119 119 475 231 244 121 67 54 61 Anandwadl 43550 93 93 427 203 224 96 46 50 62 Shuapur Dum,it 765.16 257 257 1752 917 835 417 224 193 63 Ukhanda PlttL 64536 107 107 862 447 415 181 105 76 64 Nlrgudi 175951 283 283 1323 690 633 279 155 124 65 Kakadhira 781.90 182 182 892 470 422 179 104 75 66 Khadakwlldi 52684 184 184 856 438 418 149. 81 68 67 Pimpa1gaon Ohas 805.07 196 196 779 395 384 123 65 58 68 l'agarwadi (N V.) 311.17 55 55 273 142 131 48 32 16 69 Malllndrawadl (N.V) 372.00 114 114 691 348 343 169 83 86 70 Wad7.an 147177 263 263 1636 835 801 359 183 176 11 Damn 110550 323 323 1911 1039 878 368 217 151 72 Bcdarwadl 95431 105 105 500 238 262 108 44 64 73 Nalgaon 122230 284 284 1545 802 743 290 153 137 74 Plthl 96200 289 289 1506 776 730 296 153 143

20 RAIMOHA CIRCLE 3336592 7798 7798 38623 19836 18787 7T18 4

75 Umbarwllr NA 157 157 1111 551 560 259 128 131 76 Karan}wan 85200 167 167 978 488 490 227 109 118 77 Theria 353.00 298 298 1810 934 876 401 204 197 78 Rohotwadt 350.00 261 261 1658 841 817 332 164 168 79 Ghalewadl (N. V.) 656.83 34 34 243 128 115 43 22 21 80 Waghlra 1052.00 315 315 1988 1022 966 453 225 228 81 Bhayala 95700 238 238 2004 1004 1000 428 210 218 82 Bensur 58517 185 185 1141 572 575 249 118 131 83 Jaulala 133700 201 201 1251 650 607 212 153 119 84 Talc Punpalgaon 103300 205 205 1019 511 502 205 108 97 85 TambaRaJun 244500 361 361 1844 972 812 361 184 In 86 Chumbh 131400 251 251 1660 859 801 370 190 180 87 Dhangar Jaulka 102900 193 193 1070 548 522 212 114 98 88 GitcWlldl (N V ) * 78 18 489 269 220 98 52 46 89 Belwadl (N V ) * 68 68 507 268 239 108 51 57 90 Mangewadi (N V ) * 68 68 453 236 217 98 56 42 91 Sonegaon 38500 112 112 500 252 248 120 64 56 92 Sawargaon Sone 49800 166 166 887 454 433 194 96 98 93 Saundana 411 00 64 64 412 214 198 86 48 38 94 Valdhyakmhl 111300 233 233 1102 563 539 239 128 III 95 ValJala 41200 81 81 430 222 208 80 39 41 96 Pachegaon 86000 131 131 655 313 342 ISO 61 83 97 Redukwadl (N V) 20765 21 21 128 12 56 24 17 7 98 Oaskhed 276135 360 360 2050 1046 1004 454 220 234 99 Yewalwadl N.A. 186 186 1060 549 511 239 134 lOS 100 Patoda 630300 2055 2055 9805 5009 4796 2069 1040 1029 101 MahasanghVl 834.00 2(IJ 269 1585 821 758 297 146 151 102 Dhalewadl 51284 146 146 161 402 359 149 16 13 103 Nafarwadl NA 152 152 1085 572 513 233 119 114 104 P.argaon Gumra 1777.19 451 451 2562 1315 1247 554 292 262 lOS Anpatwadl 49791 156 156 931 478 453 190 89 101 106 ManzanGhat 44400 74 74 451 230 227 16 33 43 107 Pachangn 103300 412 412 2133 1041 1092 487 299 188

30 PATOOA CIRCLE 3007400 8149 8149 45781 23418 22363 9757 4995 4762 385



I.Jvc.tock Forestry, Scheduled Scheduled TOlal Agneultural Localton Literates CulUvators FI'hmg, Hunlmg C.hlcs Tnbcs MaIO Workers Labourers and Pl.mtatlons, Code No Orchards and allied al.UVIUeS (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M F M F M r M F M F M F M f· (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I)

2 1 66 17 69 87 62 80 1 I 54 11 15 51 18 74 71 64 58 5 12 55 124 30 90 102 60 2 25 98 56 9 14 53 9 59 82 54 78 1 4 57 44 9 117 80 34 II 51 69 31 58 14 13 108 58 108 15 82 2 3 9 10 59 7 8 70 25 95 122 92 121 60 1 2 71 27 97 99 88 94 2 4 61 123 122 414 141 440 383 237 211 145 170 62 68 66 246 122 235 70 216 67 1 3 63 54 67 3 386 169 296 272 158 160 50 90 9 4 64 35 31 241 79 200 251 143 165 16 84 7 65 12 17 249 96 220 199 142 63 43 113 9 1 66 63 60 212 89 184 193 122 134 25 51 2 5 67 4 4 62 28 60 87 57 83 I 4 68 17 27 113 41 164 182 155 175 I 7 I 69 41 45 2 4 431 153 402 339 265 198 91 131 9 10 70 136 121 522 196 472 218 322 145 55 57 9 3 71 4 4 108 41 131 137 96 99 2 14 21 24 72 84 78 496 209 338 162 196 93 39 42 19 18 73 51 52 375 130 399 219 205 88 128 122 16 3 74

1633 1593 58 46 9985 3886 9410 7293 6205 4487 1415 2538 193 89 20

15 22 5 2 225 65 279 279 244 252 16 21 7S 27 22 8 15 217 59 248 156 179 54 9 90 14 10 76 101 103 20 15 451 125 420 471 323 374 33 65 77 96 92 474 197 394 390 171 225 115 154 5 78 62 14 63 63 56 51 6 11 79 150 132 3 8 514 197 538 547 447 300 55 242 4 3 80 72 67 590 322 465 450 404 415 30 34 I 81 65 57 7 5 327 145 305 321 205 213 67 105 1 82 175 156 281 112 315 214 186 90 88 121 2 83 85 85 2 277 99 263 278 239 250 3 18 84 142 144 500 165 521 493 339 320 93 162 85 100 100 437 99 449 468 196 161 162 278 55 28 86 99 95 312 170 263 267 136 143 63 116 4 87 5 4 143 42 141 142 86 70 48 71 88 1 1 132 53 142 130 129 9 9 121 89 3 2 96 28 127 134 103 110 17 24 90 33 36 3 7 133 41 138 131 102 97 21 33 91 47 53 251 89 242 161 213 56 23 103 92 19 16 109 43 117 117 103 102 11 15 93 71 58 274 126 274 180 175 113 44 62 10 94 11 8 9 4 119 40 119 ~5 96 25 13 30 1 9S 35 39 147 57 160 153 118 95 40 57 96 8 11 22 5 41 39 40 21 1 18 97 159 158 30 32 564 259 586 394 346 141 133 222 9 6 98 32 26 300 129 263 194 179 60 65 130 3 2 99 602 565 22 14 3373 2010 2304 1081 607 427 366 501 73 15 100 104 83 457 160 423 456 310 344 69 96 10 4 101 7 4 143 32 206 157 204 157 2 102 6 4 274 96 230 202 109 61 109 141 I 103 265 258 60 43 711 380 635 219 347 '52 I3l 141 27 17 104 11 5 227 69 235 120 205 104 II 16 2 105 6 8 3 1 124 56 118 l(X) 95 89 15 10 I 106 92 87 12 7 566 329 558 521 411 385 77 129 4 107

2lHi ~499 187 158 12832 5813 11582 9083 7 ]03 5166 1945 3337 227 85 30 386


Manuf4clllnng. Manuf4clllring. Locauon r-;dmeof Mmmgand Processmg. Processmg, Code Servlemg and Scrvlung and Trade and Vrllage Quarrying Constructions No RepalfSm RepaiD mother Commerce Household than IIousehold Indusll)' Industry (IV) [V(a») [V (b») (VI) (Vm M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

54 Sangalwadl 5 5 55 Yewalwadi 2 1 56 VanJarwadl 3 2 57 Ilalkarwadl 2 1 58 Bhanakwadl Kh. 59 Baragwadl 4 7 2 60 Malkachlwadl 1 61 Anandwadl 4 2 62 ShiTapuT Dumal 27 3 63 Ukhanda PIUI 1 64 Nlrgudl 8 13 12 5 10 4 65 Kakadhlra 11 1 S 66 Khadakwadl 7 2 2 67 Punpalgaon Dhas 3 S 6 7 68 Tagarwadl (N.V.) 1 69 Mdbmdrawadl (N.V) 3 2 70 Wadzan 7 5 5 4 71 Domn 4 2 12 2 '1 9 72 Bedarwadl 9 1 73 Nalgaon 8 1 9 13 11 1 74 Plthl 7 3 6 2 6 2

20 RAIMOIIA ClRCLE 162 37 216 24 92 7 207 20

75 Umbarvthtr 1 .1 7 4 3 76 KaranJwan 3 1 1 22 9 77 Theria 1 1 3 2 13 9 78 Rohotwadl 3 9 1 5 8 5 79 Ghalewad, (N V.) 1 1 80 Waghlra 7 3 2 1 81 Bhayala 3 82 Bensur 11 1 2 2 83 laul41a 14 2 1 2 6 84 Tale Ptmpalgaon 3 2 7 4 1 85 TambaRaJun 18 1 8 5 13 6 86 o.umblt 4 3 10 I 87 Dhangar Iaulka 4 2 9 6 2 2 88 Gllewadl (N.V.) I 1 89 Belwadi (N.V.) 1 90 Mangewadl (N V ) 2 1 91 Sonegaon 3 3 1 92 Sawargaon Sone 1 1 1 93 Saundana I 2 94 Valdhyakmhl 2 6 3 4 95 ValJala 4 2 96 Pachegaon 97 Bcdukwadl (N V.) 98 Daskhcd 24 18 3 S 14 3 99 Yewalwadl 3 3 2 100 Paloda 2 39 16 100 13 172 4 381 13 101 MahasanghVl 2 102 Dhalewadl 103 Nafarwadl 1 4 \04 Pargacn Gumra \1 2 15 II 18 3 105 Anpatwadl 5 2 2 2 106 MdRzanGhat 1 107 P.achangn 11 7 5

30 PATODA ClRCLE 3 176 49 200 25 260 11 499 37

26-8 387


PopulatIon, 1981 Transport, Location Storage MdrglRal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No Communlcallons Other Servlccs

(VITI) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (4S) (46) (47) (48) (1)

3 91 6S \56 1 1 S4 2S 39 114 III 425 13 to S5 7 23 178 123 365 S6 1 83 83 367 12 17 57 1 5 45 100 103 321 58 2 116 146 128 308 17 19 S9 t 8 136 lt4 347 60 1 S 8 101 lt7 405 6 8 61 7 19 9 69 468 383 1270 79 102 62 S 12 183 212 162 695 42 48 63 3 33 8 3 19 391 342 1250 30 33 4 64 3 14 2 1 11 269 160 1127 80 62 65 15 I I 53 217 166 687 14 14 66 4 10 2 3 9 208 182 1288 57 57 67 I I 1 81 43 68 2 10 184 lSI 69 I 15 28 131 405 331 1491 44 48 2 2 70 5 49 6 10 157 557 503 1694 118 130 71 2 18 1117 107 590 4 3 72 9 34 6 7 214 431 367 1040 58 50 73 5 24 1 2 230 375 281 1316 86 78 74

85 2 835 89 169 2401 10257 9093 31700 1463 1476 61 64 20

4 3 2 272 279 700 13 11 75 S 6 11 \42 229 192 664 23 16 76 8 30 28 514 405 1365 21 17 17 17 77 18 60 4 12 29 435 398 1137 75 66 78 6 65 46 79 7 12 5 28 479 391 t347 18 19 80 2 25 539 550 941 31 27 81 8 9 38 18 229 236 1074 63 67 82 3 13 1 5 137 330 256 1000 121 119 83 3 7 4 5 12 249 212 897 67 61 84 5 40 3 28 451 351 1501 155 139 3 1 85 2 17 I 410 332 1230 62 70 4 4 86 4 35 4 285 255 779 64 64 87 I 4 128 78 88 I 2 126 108 89 4 109 83 90 2 6 2 10 112 107 481 34 26 2 2 91 3 113 212 159 690 46 46 92 11 97 70 367 21 18 93 2 28 4 95 288 264 851 34 29 94 3 74 103 79 37& 9 8 4 4 95 2 36 152 153 536 18 18 2 1 96 31 17 97 3 49 3 2 213 458 397 1724 129 118 24 23 98 1 7 2 81 286 236 843 34 25 99 137 2 427 90 23 146 2682 3569 8043 312 335 16 9 100 7 15 12 2 1 402 301 1207 92 79 101 1 196 201 615 4 6 102 6 4 64 338 247 67& 103 13 S6 4 4 340 676 688 2001 210 217 40 42 (04 1 5 1 52 242 281 625 6 6 lOS I 5 1 112 127 396 10 14 3 3 100 4 38 5 5 483 566 1973 lOS 138 3 3 107

242 2 927 170 116 1646 11720 11634 34052 1777 1759 118 100 30 388


Area of Vtllagc No of Location No of inlIect- Occuplcd Totai populallon Codc Ndme of Vtlldge Total population ares and Residential "OU5C- (mcludmg Instlluuonal and No holds m the age-group (0-6) of Townl Ilou~e~ lIou~e1ess Population) Ward III ~q kms

P M F I' M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11) 108 KOlan 1838.74 293 293 1910 969 941 499 254 245 109 Sablcwadl (N V ) 492.25 39 39 239 121 118 56 32 24 110 Bhadkhc1 974.34 203 203 839 419 420 176 99 77 111 Wadah 63103 161 161 891 431 460 224 105 119 112 Sawaswadl (N.V.) • 61 61 444 231 213 98 53 45 113 Ukhalwadl (N.V ) 108 108 652 338 314 ISS 82 73 114 Karepon 113900 176 176 1205 620 585 240 129 III 115 Kantalwadl (N. V.) • 41 41 275 142 133 65 31 34 116 MorJaiwadl (N'V) • 84 84 533 266 267 130 69 61 117 Chahurwadl N.A. 84 84 500 249 251 128 67 61 J 18 Khopll 67112 140 140 687 346 341 149 73 76 119· Amalner 16S8.55 608 608 3158 1642 1516 605 318 287 120 Daulatwadi (N. V ) • 40 40 263 134 129 57 27 30 121 Gandbanwadt 289.84 175 175 872 457 415 188 107 81 122 Sakundwadt (N.V.) • 44 44 346 170 176 87 48 39 123 Oimcholi 1026.00 127 127 587 333 254 117 71 46 124 Misalwadt (N. V.) • 68 68 426 218 208 87 45 42 125 Pandharwadl 695.56 96 96 677 349 328 151 73 78 126 Dagachlwadl (N. V.) • 55 5S 434 220 214 93 42 51 127 plJl1palwandt 367026 418 418 2334 1192 1142 439 228 211 128 Gayakwddwddl (N V ) N.A 38 38 206 108 98 30 18 12 129 Pangn 245385 343 343 2153 1100 1053 404 191 213 130 ledhewadl (N. V ) • 34 34 138 82 56 16 8 8 - 131 Jal'lantiur 2(Xll 75 374 374 1905 949 956 428 204 224 132 Dongcrkinhl 209918 458 458 2910 1481 1429 560 303 257 133 Nalwandl 122543 216 216 1460 737 723 318 169 149 134 Bhdtewadl (N.V.) • 110 110 653 352 301 127 73 54 135 MlII1dvcwadl N.A 80 80 352 175 177 80 41 39 136 Tupcwadl (N V ) • 18 18 146 85 61 32 23 9 137 Malekarwadl (N V ) * 44 44 261 124 137 6} 29 32 138 Nageshwadi (N.V.) • 50 50 405 212 193 lOS 53 52 139 Saradwadl (N. V.) • 81 81 280 141 139 57 28 29 140 Ambcwadl (1'1' V ) NA. 83 83 580 309 271 142 77 65 141 Oianderwadl (N.V) * 69 69 601 324 277 127 69 58 142 Niwdanga 65024 118 118 428 223 205 62 35 27 143 Ch'khah 816.40 263 263 1110 572 538 233 123 110 144 Antapur 5OS.49 94 94 477 246 231 112 58 54 145 Wahah 105600 173 173 728 368 360 140 72 68 146 Sawarllaon Ghat 204100 286 286 1392 719 671 273 131 142 147 JII~wadl (N. V ) • 50 50 274 126 148 56 26 30 148 Bcdarwadl (N.V) • 59 59 378 183 195 94 42 52 149 Gavalwadl NA 146 146 885 466 419 ISO 90 60 ISO Kutewadl (N.V.) • 61 61 327 170 157 76 41 35 151 W.lnewadl (N V ) • 42 42 261 126 135 67 27 40 152 Ycwalwadl NA 121 121 786 404 382 153 78 75 153 Pamer 4684.20 253 253 1447 747 700 293 158 135 154 Kusalamb 198200 462 462 1999 1025 974 410 206 204 ISS Suppa 88795 194 194 952 470 482 191 87 104 156 Lambharwddl 77000 109 109 435 227 208 78 45 33 157 Muggaon 1877 00 298 298 1743 9m 836 370 200 170 158 Bhurewddl (N V ) 53734 53 53 370 197 173 87 40 47 159 G.u\ddlwadl 68316 100 100 442 234 208 85 42 43 100 S4utarla 313740 647 647 3095 1587 1508 609 325 284

40 AMALNER CIRCLE 4109588 8548 8548 46851 24023 22828 9770 5065 4705

* Please sec the footnote of village Dlrcctory N. A - Nllt AvaIlable 389



LiveSlock Foreslry. LocauOll Scheduled Scheduled Tola! AgnculLUral Fl>hmg, Hunung Literates CuluvalOrI Code Castes Tnbcs Mam Workers lAbourers and Pl,U1lallOnS, Orchards and No. allied acllVllles (I-IX) (I) (ll) (lII)

M F M F M M F M F M I' M l- (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (l~ (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I) 138 144 7 4 351 89 525 223 396 114 88 98 lOS 49 28 70 64 70 64 109 30 39 137 29 237 155 205 123 15 20 11 11 110 77 79 38 41 152 53 237 236 133 131 53 87 15 14 111 5 5 94 23 117 110 101 105 1 2 1 1 112 3 4 2 2 90 21 186 166 163 143 16 23 113 55 52 274 93 298 278 263 239 24 39 1 114 4 5 84 16 71 76 55 60 2 10 11 6 115 87 4 154 170 150 4 4 164 116 1 91 \I 129 132 124 127 3 5 117 28 32 183 86 153 40 136 23 5 16 118 165 139 15 14 1043 525 7(1) 357 146 74 310 266 3 119 70 26 67 14 55 11 10 3 1~ 10 5 6 4 159 8 263 101 256 97 6 4 121 55 27 95 36 33 2 62 34 122 23 27 6 4 126 26 160 145 111 112 25 32 123 90 30 113 72 113 72 124 5 6 4 4 115 12 198 57 189 55 6 125 72 16 il2 68 112 68 126 92 101 26 26 688 319 586 51J7 342 298 99 185 30 7 127 5 5 56 12 61 66 7 29 4 11 9 1211 137 125 542 168 565 521 451 445 57 71 3 129 24 5 36 23 36 23 130 159 145 459 162 465 461 316 330 95 122 131 107 114 1 2 739 347 772 630 483 457 88 138 10 5 132 63 64 8 7 255 81 394 355 315 216 12 III 28 20 133 124 24 192 146 89 41 87 95 JO 10 134 3 91 40 72 93 65 83 2 9 4 135 28 9 42 37 39 34 3 2 136 57 14 63 70 53 60 ') II 2 137 69 21 III 52 86 29 21 23 138 3 2 75 16 64 29 55 25 1 2 2 2 139 147 38 140 137 137 133 4 140 9 6 149 26 159 79 140 50 17 29 141 6 6 38 36 115 107 107 104 4 3 142 41 49 275 110 262 256 201 232 7 17 2 143 44 41 89 28 127 121 109 1«Xi IS 15 144 86 68 184 97 181 148 116 101 31 40 145 54 54 124 89 365 217 275 82 38 131 4 146 49 11 61 75 55 68 1 4 4 3 147 73 13 107 121 105 52 09 148 211 54 265 197 24i 173 ;6 24 149 5 4 44 8 97 93 95 93 150 4 3 53 15 64 49 56 46 3 :3 151 3 2 189 75 234 101 221 98 152 157 133 420 187 388 366 ISO 174 136 177 2 153 100 80 510 2«Xi 509 254 313 155 72 8U 2 154 114 119 270 92 266 217 169 141 59 71. 3 155 12 7 103 31 127 121 110 113 3 4 I 156 137 134 413 104 467 325 311 221 liS 8~ 30 13 157 7 7 75 12 116 110 75 42 3S 68 1511 12 12 122 22 127 i4 103 0 17 8 159 212 192 1J 13 723 273 846 734 493 386 246 323 4 2 160

2105 2004 133 131 10790 3866 12400 9332 8760 6270 1887 2726 191 109 40 390


Manufaclunng. Manufaclunng, Locauon Name of Milling and Processmg, Processmg. Code Scrvtcmg and Trade and Village QuarJ'ymg Scrvtcmg and Constructtons No Repausm RepatJ's m othcr Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [Veal) [V (b») (VI) (Vil)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

108 KOllIn 22 4 8 5 2 109 Sablewadt (N V ) 110 Bhadkhel 5 1 III Wadalt 3 13 8 3 112 Sawaswadt (N V ) 7 2 1 113 Ukhalwadl (N.V) 4 I 114 Karcgaon 4 3 115 Kantalwadt (N. V) 2 1 116 MorJalwadt (N.V.) 117 Otahurwadl ll8 Khopti 2 3 119 Amalner 23 3 61 12 76 4 120 D.lUlatwadt (N. V ) 1 121 Gandhanwadt 122 Sakundwadl (N V ) 123 Chmchoh 9 124 Mtsalwadt (N.V.) 125 Pandhdrwadt 2 2 126 Dagachlwadt (N. V ) 127 Punpalwandt 15 4 13 3 18 23 3 128 Gayakwadwadi (N V ) 1 1 28 12 8 6 3 3 129 Pangn 5 11 1 1 130 Iedhewadt (N.V.) 131 Iatnandur 5 2 2 1 3 7 3 132 Dongerkmht 34 10 11 2 14 1 57 4 133 Nalwandi 8 5 8 6 4 134 Bhatewadt (N V ) 1 2 135 Mandvewadt 136 Tupewad, (N.V.) 137 Malekarwadt (N V ) 138 Nagcshwadt (N. V ) 3 139 Saradwadt (N V.) 1 140 Ambewadl (N.V.) 1 141 Chanderwadt (N.V.) 142 Ntwdanga 1 143 Chtkhah 1 7 2 2 7 144 Antapur 2 145 Wahalt 1 1 8 3 146 Sawargaon Ghat 2 8 4 8 1 147 It!"ewadt (N V.) 1 148 Bedarwadt (N V.) 149 Gavalwadt 3 ISO KUlewadt (N.V.) 151 Wanewadt (N V) J 3 152 Yewalwadl 1 1 2 153 Pamer 26 8 8 1 9 4 154 Kusalamb 11 2 18 2 7 3 24 6 155 Suppa 8 5 3 156 Lambharwadi 2 3 151 Muggaon 5 3 5 3 6 2 158 Bhurcwadt (N V ) 1 159 Gandalwadl 2 160 Sautada 32 12 4 5 15

40 AMALNER CIRCLE 213 50 238 27 118 26 280 37 391


Populauon. 1981 Transport. Location SlOrage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No CommumcalJons Other Servlccs

(VID) (IX)

M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

9 13 323 431 395 1259 54 59 108 9 51 45 109 99 182 166 789 39 43 110 9 3 5 8 189 216 499 47 50 12 21 111 4 114 103 112 2 35 152 113 113 3 4 2 318 305 1019 41 54 2 5 114 71 57 US 2 3 112 94 116 I 13 119 106 289 I 117 7 I 137 193 164 857 38 38 118 20 118 8 5 315 868 844 2813 97 72 22 26 119 I 62 67 53 120 153 194 161 437 2 2 4 121 52 74 88 122 12 18 173 91 713 32 31 9 6 123 43 lOS 93 124 10 154 141 117 368 2 7 2 4 125 49 lOS 97 126 6 40 7 9 172 597 463 2927 89 79 15 13 127 1 2 2 47 32 128 17 20 4 7 29 528 503 2108 182 152 3 4 129 46 33 130 4 33 3 41 484 454 1897 97 82 131 4 71 13 2 79 707 720 2017 59 79 132 14 2 8 343 360 1608 35 27 133 2 31 61 129 94 134 1 4 102 80 268 135 43 24 136 9 23 52 44 137 1 1 68 100 73 138 4 10 66 67 44 139 1 16 168 118 140 1 96 165 102 141 3 1 108 97 595 12 15 142 34 3 2 9 308 273 1096 52 55 143 1 1 3 118 107 313 2S 23 3 144 24 4 55 187 157 848 93 88 145 6 20 3 21 194 333 262 1076 43 50 146 16 65 57 147 2 76 74 148 3 1 3 99 198 123 574 2 3 149 1 14 73 50 150 I 12 21 50 65 151 2 7 3 143 170 138 511 6 3 5 6 152 1 25 3 2 10 357 324 1844 141 131 3 6 153 .3 59 6 7 194 509 526 1826 85 106 154 1 21 1 3 74 201 191 711 74 74 2 4 155 9 2 100 87 389 13 8 156 3 19 3 20 124 420 387 1266 94 101 2 3 157 4 81 63 158 5 6 80 101 114 342 11 9 159 8 39 8 23 84 718 690 2518 148 168 6 6 160

84 2 629 85 210 3259 11413 10237 33777 1614 1610 91 107 40 392


Area of Village No of location No of Ulllect- OCCUplCU Towl populallon Code Jl\ame of Vllldgc House- Total populdtlon arcs and I~csldcnudl (mLludlllg Institutional and No U1 the dge-group (0-6) of To\\n/ IIou.cs holds IIouselc,s l'opuldtlOn) Ward In sq kms

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)

7 ASIITIC D BLOCK r 14809759 34254 37422 187915 96118 91797 36910 18899 18011 R 14809759 32316 35259 177926 90962 86964 35004 17916 17088 U 1938 2163 9989 5156 4833 1906 983 923

1 Mardthwadl 46295 80 92 391 194 197 70 43 27 2 Plmp.llgaon Gh.tt 164912 168 179 947 479 468 181 94 87 3 Dculgaon Ghd! 172895 268 303 1612 817 795 349 188 161 4 Shcuala 111151 176 220 884 446 438 187 100 87 5 Sawdrgaon Ghat 168381 312 342 1734 891 843 281 141 140 6 G.tl\gadcvl 36929 179 187 822 403 419 137 68 69 7 Weltun 116069 144 149 690 343 347 122 59 63 8 Tdgddkhcl 73838 87 10l 456 236 220 98 53 45 9 Ar.tnvllur.t 92019 154 172 843 434 409 216 95 121 10 Chlll"hewadl 33633 63 63 463 236 227 103 50 53 II B.tl\ukhcl 70269 122 136 666 347 319 145 75 70 12 Kel 55775 129 141 668 334 334 134 \ 73 61 13 Daul.twddgaOll 1831 19 516 540 2812 1410 1402 592 296 296 14 Arnbcwadl 66079 68 70 333 178 155 63 42 21 IS KarLhcl Kh 120855 186 229 1096 544 552 268 131 137 16 G.thukhcl 129656 215 245 1047 552 495 201 115 86 17 Underkhcl 85701 116 119 691 360 331 113 53 60 18 Sdlcwadgaol\ 202871 249 254 1368 684 684 246 124 122 19 Ambhora 99171 267 3JO 1339 640 699 213 101 112 20 Sulcmdl\ Dcold 108610 272 298 1403 698 705 249 120 129 21 Pllnp.irkhed ISIO 63 250 270 1264 645 619 251 138 113 22 Ihvdra 156663 287 313 1471 726 745 282 132 150 23 BhoJCWddl NA 70 87 299 154 145 68 38 30 24 Mhd,ob.tLhlwadl 45425 97 98 728 377 351 146 73 73 25 Dcoldh 236465 409 445 2194 1134 1060 380 211 169

10 DAULA WADGAON CIRCLb 2727846 4884 5363 26221 13262 12959 5095 2613 2482

26 Blrangdlwddl (N V ) * 27 29 184 96 88 49 25 24 27 lIakcwadl (N V ) * 56 57 289 149 140 71 39 32 28 Burud\\adl (I\' V ) * 43 44 213 llS 98 38 24 14 29 I...ltcWddl (N V.) * 33 35 178 87 91 32 16 16 30 M.lh.tJanwadl (N V ) * 44 50 190 91 99 37 20 17 31 WanJdrwdlh 40241 71 85 351 182 169 80 47 33 32 Ghald I'llnpn 66225 205 221 1018 511 507 187 105 82 33 R


Livestock, Foreslry. LocalJon Scheduled Scheduled Tolal Agncuhural Fishing, Hunllng Lileraies CultlValorS Code Ca.lcs Tnbcs M"111 Workers Labourers "nd Plantations, No Orchards and allied a<..llVllies (I-IX) (I) (II) (III)

M r M I' M F M F M r M F M F (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

10402 9995 1742 1603 49977 22021 48704 32932 30124 21296 7570 9685 1221 526 T 7. 9764 9361 1711 1573 46404 19729 46443 32067 29817 21082 7335 9292 1090 518 R 638 634 31 30 3573 2292 2261 865 307 214 235 393 131 8 U

9 8 80 29 108 125 87 96 11 25 1 81 79 19 17 255 121 247 252 159 65 48 1S5 2 119 121 12 4 379 149 417 20 308 4 36 10 1 3 28 20 53 68 225 86 200 201 126 134 27 56 4 2 4 108 82 16 14 475 167 484 413 328 241 86 163 4 I 5 33 27 5 2 248 127 177 170 131 91 11 77 6 74 80 41 42 211 101 169 84 101 32 47 50 5 7 5 3 5 2 113 42 110 118 85 85 20 32 1 8 26 24 50 13 194 77 131 159 100 146 2 4 9 12 9 101 29 121 85 105 51 13 34 10 28 20 III 27 169 166 167 162 1 2 11 51 50 2 1 167 99 171 179 143 122 11 56 1 12 95 82 15 17 714 241 701 502 444 276 137 202 6 3 13 68 24 74 61 69 57 3 3 14 21 30 1 1 219 65 272 241 222 206 6 34 15 68 61 16 10 280 84 225 269 192 234 10 33 16 67 53 6 5 207 81 190 ISO 97 1 71 148 17 71 73 1 2 401 179 366 341 270 227 53 109 2 18 31 28 4 2 347 199 331 374 233 299 34 72 3 19 58 66 30 32 376 186 361 315 277 282 I 2 20 17 20 62 60 17 16 346 132 304 239 216 165 44 69 2 21 86 104 5 4 439 190 355 161 219 84 80 72 3 22 1 1 34 73 65 60 43 5 19 6 2 23 150 34 223 225 206 220 2 4 24 104 61 47 50 613 321 497 515 223 206 153 260 18 39 25

1217 1124 367 320 6753 2790 6478 5430 4568 3529 912 1721 78 65 10

3 2 41 9 41 45 39 40 2 2 2 2 26 2 2 58 11 71 40 39 16 13 II 19 13 27 40 21 54 66 46 58 8 8 28 41 26 40 58 40 5S 29 5 4 45 17 44 48 39 44 4 30 69 23 87 93 80 81 4 3 8 31 411 51 6 4 250 100 267 284 208 255 6 16 1 3 32 21 14 28 23 26 23 1 33 n 84 II 12 173 58 182 176 124 138 33 35 1 34 149 144 83 73 693 294 770 197 515 52 117 127 53 4 35 143 149 689 339 610 504 374 284 116 184 14 24 36 98 98 64 56 792 271 738 564 373 287 192 241 13 I 37 7 3 175 40 184 218 168 198 11 19 1 38 50 56 12 II 338 81 301 329 203 269 21 55 3 39 194 205 59 71 1164 626 979 721 535 485 139 186 17 10 40 44 36 9 7 177 58 191 75 141 41 31 32 2 41 1 92 18 118 128 114 121 2 7 42 16 11 6 8 105 24 89 27 69 19 4 8 6 43 20 23 2 3 175 38 181 108 137 69 11 18 14 18 44 7 5 195 51 291 216 197 156 62 52 12 45 92 90 3 2 147 42 206 145 43 15 150 127 46 25 20 6 4 247 85, 329 308 266 268 32 36 47 119 117 115 40 548 175 498 443 358 343 56 88 3 48 106 77 10 II 505 224 459 169 290 78 94 86 4 2 49 20 21 77 31 84 56 60 43 13 12 5 50 147 133 28 19 565 345 647 533 462 365 136 163 12 2 51 2 6 71 36 87 103 82 90 I 10 "52 2 4 2 137 82 127 121 93 84 28 36 4 53 394



Manufal..turmg, Manufacturmg, Location Processmg, Proccssmg, Narneof Mmmgand Code Servlcmg and Trade and Village Quarrytng SefVlcmg and Constructions No. Repaus m RepalJ'~ mother Commerce Household than Household Induslry Industry (IV) (V(a)} (V(b») (VI) (Vll)

M 11 M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

7. ASIITI C.D. BLOCK T 87 32 624 152 2035 227 777 84 1990 253 R 31 25 601 143 1816 207 595 43 1543 203 U 56 7 23 9 219 20 182 41 447 50

1 Maralhwadi 2 6 2 Ptmpalgaon Ghat 4 9 5 4 3 Deulgaon Ghal 22 5 I 2 6 4 Shedala 6 4 5 2 2 5 I 5 SdwargaOIl Ghat 12 3 13 3 6 Gangadevi 2 2 6 4 7 Wellun 2 8 Tagadkhel 1 9 Aranvihira 4 6 10 Chmchewadl 1 11 Bandkhcl 12 Kel 2 ~ I 13 DaulawadgaOll 17 11 10 to 21 2 14 Ambcwadl 2 15 Karkhel Kh. 8 1 9 16 Gahukhcl 4 1 5 17 Underkhel 3 2 5 18 Sdlcwadgaon 19 3 4 1 6 19 Ambhora 7 1 9 2 20 Suleman Deola 4 I 11 2 4 9 2 21 Ptmparkhcd 2 1 8 2 5 22 Hlvara 7 2 4 II 10 23 BhoJcwadl 1 1 24 Mhasobachlwadi 2 2 3 25 Deolall 4 16 7 21

10 DAULAWADGAON CIRCLE - 99 25 113 9 53 158 15

26 Btrangalwadi (N.V) 2 27 Hakewadl (N.V.) 28 Burudwadl (N.V.) 29 Latewadl (N V.) 30 Mahajanwadl (N.V.) 1 31 WanJarwadl 3 32 Ghata Plmpri 8 10 8 7 33 RalesangvI (N.V.) 34 Ptmpn Ghata 4 I 4 2 5 35 Dadegaon 14 1 17 3 3 11 1 36 Dongargan 3 2 1 40 1 21 5 37 Devl NtmgaOIl 13 14 18 10 48 3 38 Llmbodi 2 1 1 39 Khtlad 42 3 7 4 1 40 Dhamangaon 9 5 40 3 24 2 96 8 41 Karkhel Bk 5 1 42 Khadakwadl 1 43 Pangra 1 3 1 44 Mahmda 4 2 1 1 45 Wanvewadi 7 6 46 Mordla 2 1 47 Ndgtalwadl 1 1 12 2 1 48 Surudt 4 1 11 5 10 2 49 SangV1 Patan 12 2 10 3 15 1 50 Palan 1 1 51 Kerul 4 2 9

52 Morewadl 'T' 53 Bhawarwadl 395



Popul.tuon. 1981 Transport. location Storage Margmal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No. Commumcatlons Other ServIces

(Vill) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1) 705 7 3571 670 1155 13893 46259 44972 150442 8132 7787 1287 1241 T 7. 598 5 3017 549 1090 13751 43429 41146 143152 7826 7499 1262 1217 R ~07 2 554 121 • 65 142 2830 3826 7290 306 288 25 24 U

1 1 4 86 72 285 3 3 1 2 16 232 216 806 68 58 14 9 2 15 22 4 35 47S 365 300 1247 80 87 16 12 3 11 14 2 5 37 241 200 756 34 34 33 34 4 9 29 4 2 81 405 349 1436 82 78 9 9 5 6 17 57 226 192 695 44 37 7 S 6 4 9 1 110 174 153 595 72 82 31 26 7 1 2 1 2 3 124 99 322 2 2 2 4 8 18 9 16 303 234 697 37 28 12 7 9 2 27 115 115 259 1 7 2 10 1 2 23 178 130 663 37 31 11 1 9 1 163 154 598 44 44 5 2 12 S 51 7 4 66 705 834 2372 98 94 20 21 13 5 19 99 7S 362 7 7 14 9 15 2 83 270 228 742 17 16 1 3 15 12 2 2 5 325 221 939 43 60 15 12 16 2 10 1 170 181 525 7 6 3 2 17 1 10 2 69 318 274 1267 S4 61 4 11 18 14 32 1 S3 307 272 1337 29 30 2 1 19 10 25 9 1 81 336 309 1127 52 53 18 15 20 6 21 2 2 87 339 293 1028 74 64 11 9 21 3 18 2 12 215 359 369 1323 88 77 5 3 22 17 81 63 272 3 3 S 23 8 154 126 349 3 3 24 3 52 10 7 636 538 2152 103 74 33 38 25

103 394 6S 73 1532 6711 5997 22154 1069 1016 264 243 10

1 51 42 26 11 40 67 60 27 61 32 28 47 33 29 2 47 51 30 1 12 14 83 62 310 1 1 31 19 9 27 10 217 213 937 55 58 32 1 1 27 31 20 33 2 7 2 1 8 215 190 568 61 66 34 2 38 9 1 562 798 770 2887 115 97 135 110 35 10 30 4 5 137 612 548 2282 78 79 36 8 63 18 1 80 636 698 2405 87 96 52 41 37 1 185 155 567 5 5 38 2 19 1 17 62 422 359 1180 46 61 10 8 39 18 101 22 6 193 1047 1155 4238 165 173 43 53 40 11 2 17 139 204 201 606 55 42 41 5 19 125 120 289 42 5 12 87 131 141 408 26 26 7 10 43 2 11 1 1 136 227 149 703 27 28 1 4 44 • 1 6 7 13 276 293 271 7 6 2 3 45 10 3 79 135 134 641 37 56 5 4 46 7 9 2 52 32 225 228 570 30 34 5 3 47 22 29 8 2 41 604 442 1183 84 77 2 48 5 25 4 289 438 350 1440 93 99 6 11 49 4 1 41 109 115 321 15 13 50 3 18 3 35 616 607 2044 141 133 14 12 51 3 1 3 2 16 83 85 274 6 9 52 1 119 146 418 1 3 53 396


Arc .. of VIllage No. of Locauon In Hect- No. of Total populatu)I1 Occupted Total popillalton Code Name of VIllage ares and House- (mcludtng In~llluuonal and Resldentldl m the age-group (0-6) No. of Townl lIouses holds HOllsclcss Populauon) Wdrdm sq kms.

P M F I' M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (l) (8) (9) (I0) (ll)

54 Ktnht 1960.20 155 172 811 399 412 133 63 70 5S WClalwadi 679.38 84 96 423 211 212 101 49 S2 56 Bavi 1160,43 277 284 1718 888 830 409 221 182 S7 Kohtm 54314 88 102 407 216 191 19 40 39 58 Doiman 122390 228 234 1119 583 536 196 99 97 51) Dh,lOgarw .. di 450.03 13 80 481 245 236 96 47 49 60 POlSara 939.64 301 319 1816 931 885 369 188 181 61 KhalalWadt 37530 59 59 456 235 221 103 53 50 62 Hdtala 151701 291 301 1941 1035 906 469 248 221 63 KdPSl 99379 125 157 582 289 293 140 75 65 64 Gan .. gewadl NA 98 110 445 225 220 113 50 63 65 Becd-Sangvi 351979 352 423 1893 942 951 191 213 184

20 J)IIAMANGAON CUtCl.E 4221303 1724 8590 43046 21895 21151 11722 4487 4235

66 Sw..al 57962 139 158 738 361 377 130 \ 52 78 67 Lonl 303620 564 587 3202 1646 1556 538 255 283 68 Khuntcphal 422.75 99 99 568 297 271 88 49 39 69 Koyal 111406 235 247 1206 623 583 251 138 113 70 Sumbhcwadl 57238 80 94 475 236 239 93 43 50 71 Plmpld 2155.40 411 439 2322 1208 1114 465 250 215 72 J>hangarwadl 67238 64 64 391 189 202 64 36 28 73 Nandur 1432.18 282 283 1480 769 111 271 150 121 74 Waghluj 681.50 213 223 1166 605 561 218 109 109 75 WaghluJ (Laman Tanda) 383.75 77 85 487 243 244 116 62 54 76 Halewadl 56152 132 136 698 337 361 liS 50 65 77 Kumbhcphdl 69754 128 143 619 318 301 1(16 52 54 78 Khunlcph .. 1 Pondl lOll 85 202 221 1032 554 478 164 85 79 79 Kharadgavhan 47791 90 107 518 247 271 100 47 53 80 Thomb.tl Sangvl 73338 125 128 680 352 328 141 18 69 81 lIalolan 392.61 117 138 489 236 253 81 44 37 82 Borodl 90160 139 155 896 451 445 184 98 86 83 Solapurwadl 621.06 133 138 749 384 365 133 75 58 84 Pundt 150.40 245 255 1251 633 624 231 111 114 85 Klinadl Kh. 29540 114 128 683 343 340 130 65 65 86 PlIllpalgaon Dalll 12111 155 155 821 404 423 153 68 85 81 Wahlra 2142.98 241 253 1356 691 659 270 136 134 88 Parodi 510.76 169 189 1013 508 50s 230 113 111 89 Aurangpur 177.32 40 SO 113 88 85 20 14 6 90 Nimgaon Bodkha 679.62 105 109 633 311 316 145 12 73 91 GhongauYllchlwadl 90503 113 115 680 363 317 128 66 62 92 )"mpn Ghumn 1435.86 281 301 1686 855 831 322 156 166

30 Ph\1PALA CIRCLE 2407337 4699 5000 26024 13264 12160 4893 2480 2413

93 J)hanora 89549 408 451 2348 1252 1096 421 208 219 94 Chmchoh 135.06 166 ISO 891 444 441 110 84 86 95 Sllbadkhcd 91806 271 303 1410 762 708 295 151 144 96 Sbmlpur 102897 229 243 1301 68S 622 240 125 115 91 AnandwlIdl (N.V.) 439.34 80 127 563 295 268 III 55 56 98 Saratcwlldgaon 59623 140 144 790 410 380 133 62 71 99 RUI Nalkol 841.44 218 309 1411 166 10S 266 136 130 100 Tak .. h Amaya 119655 349 356 1181 925 862 310 151 159 101 Nungaon Ch .. ubha 207004 399 417 2032 1062 910 357 191 160 102 Shen Kh. 52486 206 21.0 999 517 482 148 71 71 103 Kada 255996 1677 1844 9184 4880 4304 1567 796 171 104 Sakh41wddt (N.V ) 32236 61 64 365 197 168 61 31 30 lOS Shcn Ok 15.8566 286 312 1719 841 872 280 138 142 106 Watanw .. ut 59182 130 134 118 364 354 149 16 73 107 Mandva 1017.80 257 278 1252 625 627 234 124 110 397


Livestock, Forcslly Scheduled Scheduled Total AgneulllJral Locallon Literalcs Culuvalors Flshmg, Hunting Castes Tribes MaIn Workers Labourers and Plantallons, Code Or<.hards and No. allied aeUVllies (I-IX) (1) (U) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F· (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I) 29 27 4 3 258 141 225 189 156 134 17 52 4 54 91 20 92 60 88 56 4 55 73 72 8 10 368 109 425 157 323 117 39 24 11 9 56 29 19 115 23 112 94 105 94 1 57 17 69 2 4 320 139 307 184 133 119 45 58 3 58 85 21 127 17 123 14 3 1 59 90 93 402 156 460 176 283 87 62 58 28 5 60 104 16 138 73 127 63 61 95 82 6 4 403 51 522 250 399 124 67 103 14 19 62- 24 30 6 7 120 42 147 137 93 83 9 14 26 39 63 5 4 71 10 122 120 64 91 83 75 82 364 124 489 411 304 252 98 145 7 2 65

1880 1818 521 437 10331 3991 10873 7546 7375 5123 1607 2020 293 169 20

50 52 2 2 213 98 213 166 126 102 47 52 66 112 84 44 41 984 469 909 606 696 498 102 95 14 5 67 37 30 7 5 168 74 167 165 152 156 5 8 I 68 45 40 10 11 355 173 312 255 178 ]60 70 85 6 2 69 12 16 21 26 113 36 126 101 107 79 15 22 70 284 263 36 24 538 192 648 422 365 199 200 212 1 71 2 2 97 32 106 82 91 67 14 15 1 72 65 63 16 14 420 161 408 407 287 304 72 100 4 2 73 61 59 1 1 346 119 297 277 194 174 68 90 74 135 43 III 117 56 59 52 58 75 58 71 12 14 173 59 176 105 118 66 26 37 21 76 28 24 7 4 215 88 153 148 101 97 34 51 77 66 46 7 5 351 176 252 209 149 135 25 55 78 52 55 12 16 118 50 134 130 109 94 21 36 79 23 2S 3 5 174 80 171 137 129 87 40 47 80 23 19 129 76 124 104 81 70 16 32 81 60 75 13 17 148 64 290 301 161 167 111 131 82 17 21 215 98 201 214 136 126 54 85 83 44 43 18 18 348 164 349 185 264 III 27 63 11 2 84 52 52 27 25 20S 104 172 100 113 75 20 20 9 1 85 53 63 7 10 172 57 200 172 67 51 120 121 2 86 76 70 4 6 341 112 380 348 286 264 43 69 5 6 87 37 42 3 3 283 125 261 256 208 195 29 59 2 88 55 31 56 55 51 50 4 5 89 14 18 157 60 164 79 105 54 26 24 15 90 10 10 15 18 206 69 196 183 148 139 32 44 2 91 86 82 7 4 430 199 458 324 313 243 71 67 23 1 92

1365 1323 274 271 7089 3009 7034 5648 4791 3822 1344 1683 120 26 30

176 113 2 3 531 361 ~18 351 248 198 85 128 17 '2 93 52 44 234 101 229 296 186 224 23 27 1 12 94 132 126 7 7 388 177 390 328 219 203 86 118 9 1 95 73 72 332 119 373 343 274 258 63 82 1 96 6 9 178 65 164 138 134 102 22 35 97 49 44 16 18 226 81 232 152 187 134 15 16 98 66 61 24 23 378 164 384 274 221 160 90 106 2 2 99 56 78 16 14 493 216 485 162 315 92 78 55 20 12 100 126 110 29 30 687 333 585 558 427 452 58 91 17 2 101 51 55 I 4 254 75 297 281 241 247 30 33 8 102 586 502 46 32 3217 1741 2451 631 574 235 316 264 50 4 103 2 3 1 6 125 55 91 41 69 25 9 15 104 134 149 14 21 342 180 461 232 323 142 49 67 7 2 lOS 21 2,3 5 4 207 III 184 64 104 23 40 35 5 2 106 92 1(1J 29 36 333 141 359 176 264 93 52 75 3 I 107 398



Manufaclunng, Manufactunng, Location Process mg. Processmg. Ndmeof Mmmgand Code Servicing and Servicing and Trade and VIllage Quarl)'Ulg Constructions No. Repairs m Repairs in other Commerce Houschold than Household Industry Indu~lry (IV) [V(a)] IV (b)] (VI) (VII)

M F M F M F M F M F (1) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

S4 Kmhl 8 8 SS Wetalwadl I S6 Bavi 13 4 S 57 Kohml I I 58 Donhan 5 2 "1 4 58 S9 Dhangarwadi 1 60 Potsara 26 4 16 9 14 61 Khalalwddl 9 10. 62 IIatola 4 7 3 3 4 63 KapSI 1 4 5 64 Ganagewadl 2 65 Bced-SangvI 3 17 14 IS

20 DHAMANGAON CIRCLE 5 136 35 276 20 114 ",22 348 27

66 Sakal 18 II 7 5 67 Lonl 22 12 I 23 68 Khuntephal 2 4 - \ 69 KOydl 7 2 8 8 3 5 70 Sumbhewddl 1 71 Punpla 25 5 2 18 72 Dhangarwadl 73 Nandur 15 5 I 74 WaghluJ 16 9 5 4 7S WaghluJ (Laman Tanda) 1 76 Balewadl 5 I 2 77 Kumbhcphal 2 6 78 Khuntcphdl Pundt 15 8 9 12 2 79 Khdradgavhan 1 80 Thombal Sangvl 1 1 81 Halolan 5 4 4 82 Borodl 4 4 2 83 Solapurwadl I 2 2 3 84 l'undl 4 8 3 6 12 85 Kanadl Kh 2 6 3 8 86 Punpalgaon Dam I 3 87 Wahird 2 I 8 5 4 3 88 Parodi 2 6 I 4 89 Aurangpur 90 Nungaon Bodkha 3 I 3 91 Ghongadyachiwadl 1 I 92 PunpnGhumn 2 9 4 6 2

30 PIMP ALA CIRCLE 2 73 14 162 29 46 3 130 18

93 Dhanora 1 1 19 9 2 36 10 94 Chmcholt 2 2 3 2 26 95 Sabadkhed 27 14 10 2 96 Shlrapur 2 18 1 5 97 Anandwadl (N.V.) 1 2 2 98 Saralcwadgaon 15 3 I 1 99 RUI Nalkol 10 12 18 9 100 TakahAmaya 1 27 I 8 8 101 Nungaon Chaubha 19 16 5 5 17 2 102 ShenKh 5 I 5 103 Kada 9 68 6 216 5 120 9 414 44 104 Sakhalwadl (N V ) 3 I 105 Shen Bk 17 7 23 9 106 Walanwadl 2 26 2 107 Mandva I 4 19 5 399



Population, 198 I Transport, Locauon SlOI'age Marginal Total 5C 5T Code and Worken Non-Worken No. Communications Other ServIces

(Vffi) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

8 24 2 14 174 209 742 37 37 2 54 1 2 20 51 99 101 305 55 18 15 3 24 294 439 379 842 35 27 56 1 3 14 104 83 383 33 32 57 3 49 5 4 116 272 236 1010 56 60 58 2 3 134 115 85 244 59 3 28 12 40 331 431 378 1359 79 69 60 2 70 97 78 345 61 4 20 275 513 381 1689 78 83 62 9 46 141 110 505 27 29 5 7 - 63 136 103 84 316 3 2 64 3 27 10 10 106 443 434 1683 87 106 40 43 65

126 593 129 280 3648 10742 9957 33965 1570 1607 327 - 311 20

10 1 60 148 151 652 7 9 66 8 31 6 9 322 728 628 2722 90 72 35 33 67 1 2 1 1 130 lOS 442 26 33 11 11 68 5 25 2 16 79 295 249 929 38 34 10 13 69 1 2 18 110 120 433 13 16 5 6 70 5 32 5 23 219 537 473 1940 245 216 4 4 71 39 83 81 380 4 3 72 4 20 14 14 347 290 1237 90 93 4 2 73 3 10 48 308 236 906 51 40 7 8 74 1 1 132 127 327 1 4 75 3 132 161 124 617 73 76 12 16 76 9 8 165 145 589 29 36 17 16 77 5 36 9 3 41 299 228 897 73 46 10 7 78 3 113 141 405 38 37 6 9 79 3 181 191 608 25 29 3 5 80 11 2 11 47 lot 102 546 19 19 81 8 2 161 144 778 41 58 2 82 3 2 183 151 654 10 10 83 17 4 163 284 276 1058 58 33 5 8 84 10 4 171 240 607 41 37 16 12 85 7 36 72 168 179 629 44 51 5 4 86 8 19 4 6 38 311 273 1084 54 58 4 6 87 2 9 1 1 246 248 833 26 20 6 5 88 1 1 32 29 148 6 3 89 3 7 7 111 146 126 554 12 12 4 3 90 9 3 1 35 166 99 501 5 7 91 1 29 5 87 397 420 1362 61 59 3 6 92

58 308 52 127 1536 6103 5576 21838 1164 1094 185 192 30

12 91 10 2 11 732 734 1686 96 73 2 4 93 12 4 215 151 789 45 40 94 5 19 3 24 40 348 340 1229 124 113 5 4 9S 1 8 2 17 35 295 244 1148 63 71 96 3 1 15 131 115 97 2 8 1 101 178 127 1203 57 63 11 16 98 1 21 5 7 107 375 324 1238 68 83 8 7 99 3 24 2 365 440 335 1728 51 50 12 6 100 3 23 5 40 477 372 1743 113 107 27 28 101 2 5 1 32 220 169 885 40 35 6 10 102 94 590 63 7 494 2422 3179 8101 511 381 33 30 103 2 7 1 20 66 86 61 104 7 25 12 1 152 385 488 1708 115 111 42 42 105 1 3 4 96 180 194 572 17 16 2 2 106 3 11 2 6 134 260 317 1103 86 14 29 28 107 400


Arc.t of VllIagc No of Loca\lon In Ilcct- No of Total popul.lllon Occuplcd Total populduon Codc Ndmc of Vlllagc arcs and Rcsldcnlldl House- (mcludmg Inst!tuuondl and holds m thc age-group (0-6) No of Townl Houses IIousclcss Population) Wdfdm sq kms

P M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

lOS Jollgaon 63901 502 6711 2652 1458 1\94 571 300 271 100 Punpn A~hll 87340 166 183 935 457 478 210 102 108 110 Kel\angvl 86800 197 217 1148 575 573 247 127 120 111 Dhmh 39452 107 108 503 248 255 99 58 41 112 Nanda 53331 134 139 780 395 385 155 72 83 113 Phducwadgaon 731 17 142 146 791 374 417 176 82 94 114 Kanadt Bk 98838 223 240 1338 687 651 265 141 124 115 Waki 99200 137 146 880 449 431 204 103 101 116 Shirai 184200 522 535 2772 1406 1366 497 262 235 117 Khdnapur 21622 82 82 426 230 196 91 54 37 118 Imangaon 43954 80 83 430 212 218 90 41 49 119 Rutl 22400 39 39 269 141 128 65 34 31 120 Mangrul 82460 177 181 1011 508 503 196 99 97 121 ChLkhaJi 95495 349 378 1862 940 922 384 192 192 122 Ilanumantgaon 825 59 106 108 603 312 291 106 54 52 123 Ddlthan 57791 124 125 767 409 358 161 90 71 124 1)lmpdl~uttl 25343 19 19 98 51 47 20 9 11 125 lImgOl 75984 193 209 If82 589 593 261 126 135

40 KADACIRCLE 2827351 8236 8988 45343 23472 21871 8546 4351 4195

126 Bc\gaon 135774 244 265 1279 630 649 239 120 119 127 DesuT 83165 121 lSI 596 323 273 113 55 S8 12S Shckdpur 65004 106 123 543 2ff} 274 130 67 63 129 C'hlllchdla 46108 91 102 627 315 312 144 71 73 130 Radhapur 371 R5 39 39 196 101 95 42 28 14 131 Kasan NA 134 144 646 322 324 128 67 61 132 Shlucwadl NA. 82 88 470 234 236 76 38 38 133 Pandcgavholn 29131 6 6 25 14 11 3 3 134 Bramhagaon 152284 334 379 1506 739 767 305 163 142 135 Pangulgavhan 59514 149 163 740 395 345 152 75 77 136 Wdnvcwad, NA 68 74 501 271 230 96 55 41 137 Malolwah 161708 245 253 1420 711 709 298 139 159 138 Matkuh 141037 313 337 1682 857 825 330 165 16~ 139 K.uhcwadl 64216 160 170 1124 593 531 263 131 132 140 Kdranjl 65510 126 141 744 358 386 130 75 55 141 Bhalom 41659 121 122 658 330 328 123 58 65 142 HaJlpur 52339 104 104 570 300 270 112 63 49 143 Pdlldh,m NA 237 240 1432 724 708 323 166 157 144 Murshadpur 51636 414 446 2040 1030 1010 451 212 239 145 Tavalwadl NA 127 127 847 452 395 178 106 72 146 Dcvlgavhan 45125 63 66 356 184 172 100 50 50 147 SOICWoldl N.A. 89 91 527 282 245 116 61 55 148 I)okhan 338.09 133 138 702 358 344 135 66 69 149 Karhcwadgaon 136809 160 184 960 494 466 248 131 H7 ISO Chmchpur 71621 217 228 1167 602 565 288 152 136 lSI Andhdlyachlwadi (t<; V ) 40154 80 80 532 280 252 108 55 53 152 Jamgaon 1461.14 320 372 1661 864 797 353 192 161 153 W.tluoJ 94137 212 252 1248 644 604 248 121 127 IS4 TakalslIIg 163527 399 411 2381 J234 1147 479 265 214 ISS Sangvl Ashll 79270 264 289 1303 646 657 291 142 149 156 Khadkal 148663 399 419 2017 1047 970 359 191 168 \57 Balewadl 68\ 06 144 152 680 343 337 123 69 54 IS8 Pargaon Jogc~hwan 173698 415 464 2051 1034 1017 411 204 207 159 GandhanWddl (N V.) 22848 45 48 263 134 129 53 22 31 160 Ashta 165480 518 576 3335 1701 1634 706 353 353 161 BhalOdt 50291 74 74 463 254 209 94 54 40

SO ASllTI CIRCLE 2625922 6773 7318 37292 19069 18223 7748 3985 3763 URBAN 1050 ASlIn 5188 1938 2163 9989 5156 4833 1906 983 923 * Please sec lhe fool nOleof Village Directory. N.A. NOl availahlc 401


LlVIlllk>tk, f1oHl.uy SeillUllllGd UlIiIlUOO Sdrtldukld Liwrate8 Total CUltlVIWfI Aarlelllwrill fliAhlng, lIUllIlflll Cute. TrllxlI Mliin War""fI L.booNri 111111 I'llnllll"nll, COOIl Oft.:harll. 111111 N(l. IIIHIIIl att! vllici (I-IX) (I) (If) (Ill) M [I M II M [I M [I M [I 'M V M Ii (ll) .-(-13) (14) (I~) (HI) (17) (18) (19} (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I) 162 146 6 6 854 32.5 679 364 118 107 m 166 10 :1 1011 82 n 178 55 253 282 133 207 14 21 2 1 109 86 90 11 6 250 99 302 160 215 128 53 30 II() 30 30 21 24 10') 49 141 11 120 6 16 3 III 23 23 236 102 202 lt7 171 102 24 IS _I 112 38 54 7 7 149 83 195 136 123 80 45 48 11 6 113 91 90 10 II 339 148 372 7 285 3 45 2. 1 114 42 46 12 16 225 lOS 235 154 149 83 5S 68 7 1 115 l7S 171 58 43 739 344 753 122 481 83 118 21 27 6 116 41 38 2 3 130 49 113 112 51 54 47 57 2 1 117 71 74 112 29 lOS 104 70 63 16 38 1 I U8 8 7 73 20 71 59 13 13 34 42 12 4 119 53 55 204 82 282 204 161 85 99 102 7 17 120 190 193 38 52 470 16'J 472 452 349 331 71 109 11 6 121 64 66 4 3 165 69 149 110 92 60 35 49 I 122 150 129 3 1 222 84 196 191 111 lOS 63 84 1 123 18 15 34 12 29 17 25 13 4 4 124 60 79 6 8 293 95 346 18S 231 84 92 97 125 3006 2870 368 375 12707 5842 12098 6814 6684 4195 1972 2101 234 88 40

68 77 349 156 358 350 237 253 25 64 33 21 116 61 52 126 24 184 173 181 172 ,127 21 17 92 16 132 149 123 99 2 48 1 128 10 13 130 46 173 187 132 137 8 35 14 11 129 3 2 49 28 50 28 31 15 9 13 130 18 10 12 16 185 t!3 186 137 94 80 36 52 2 3 131 9 5 81 29 136 70 89 31 39 36 132 1 2 4 1 9 1 8 I 133 58 78 20 It! 310 154 384 291 260 151 50 119 16 11 ,134 31 29 140 24 185 187 178 181 2 5 135 13 11 125 25 159 146 9 3 136 94 112 370 92 417 272 94 4 137 111 103 2 1 496 172 433 337 262 244 69 84 3 1 138 69 65 3 5 222 41 301 193 231 154 59 37 6 2 139 45 46 1 1 201 137 165 110 118 63 20 42 3 140 9S 91 187 81 170 141 86 68 48 69 141 26 27 123 41 147 140 3 142 24 24 311 98 ·389 126 326 96 22 22 3 - 143 82 94 11 15 740 553 449 141 67 78 12 15 52 6 144 16 14 214 67 218 18 174 3 20 13 2 145 52 51 81 19 84 49 53 24 16 23 9 2 146 17 24 103 34 142 21 98 17 18 4 1>17 73 74 211 112 183 142 130 109 35 28 l48 53 54 187 44 235 236 162 176. 31 54 3 I -149 89 100 313 116 310 286 148 191 36 65 24 17 150 123 36 155 139 108 108 22 22 15 4 151 94 83 3 2 341 109 414 289 268 230 65 41 17 10 152 51 ~2 9 10 414 197 343 265 175 121 39 72 68 54 153 290 261 7 5 667 313 637 433 402 278 158 147 4 -' 1.54 112 1<17 14 14 341 2m 338 353 207, 225 62 85 4 155 229 212 25 12 498 274 629 478 403 310 151 155 13 156 I 7 4 213 12 191 72 101 31 82 38 . 157 135'" HO 58 59 552 251 546 437 36'i 263 90 153 11 2 158 2 I 64 30 74 61 67 58 2 159 211 2DI , 7 112$ 34Cl 911 650 492 386 155 205 33 19 1.60 2' It 136 69 IZ3 79 65 54 16 19 19 S 161 2226 ,., 1'0 . "~24 4lJlY1 9')60 6fiJ.1) 6391) 4413 I~OO 1767 36,4 170 SO

,,. .,.. 3(17 1()50 - '1 ", ,~" 2m 22tJ1 1M 214 :3S 393 Ul II 402


ManurllClUring. MMlufadUring. l.oca&ion Pftl«!ssina. Processmg, Code NaP1CoI Mini", IIld Tradoand VIIlIP Quarryi", ScrvK:in& and ScNlCin& and Coo\\mClIOnl No. Rcpainin Repairs in oIher Commcra IIousehokI !han llouschold Indultt)' Indullry (IV) (\'(-)1 IV (b») (VI) (VD) M F M I; M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

Ie. JaI... 9 302 42 2 47 27 It» IlImpri A.hIi 25 2 75 24 9 5 I 110 ""I..... vi I 18 4 III DhiNi I 3 112 NandI :I 2 1 113 Phadewadpoll , 2 4 114 KanlIIli Ilk. 6 7 2 7 liS Wlki I 6 :2 116 Slur" 7 22 10 27 111 Khanapul 4 2 III lmanlaon II 2 1 119 Ruli 3 t t I» Mllllnd 2 1 I 121 Chikhllh 7 :I 6 :I :I 122 IlanumlIIIta- 7 2 6 123 Dallhan JO I 3 124 ' .....11IIIl1 125 Hm,ni 5 2 3 4

126 Uelpun '1. 4 18 4 13 :I 127 DeMIr 121 ~ 4 129 0tiddIaIa 9 2 I :I 130 Radhapur 3 4 131 Kauri 28 3 10 132 Sllilkwadi 2 3 1 133 ~ ..... 134 BramhacIlOlt 25 4 4 4 ':1$ ..... pv._ :% 136 W... 'Vewadi I J31 Maw.. i 4 19 2 S 131 Maltuli 5 5 15 II 18 139 Kadtewali I I 2 140 Kanmji 2 9 4 2 141 Bhaloni :I 4 IS 142 lIaJipar 1 1 1 1 143 PIOdhari 13 5 :I :I 4 144 Munhadplar S 21 22 41 :I 145 1ivalwIIdi 2 6 10 1 146 Dev;,.vban 2 2 147 5cllcwadi :I 8 10 141 Ndtari 13 3 149 KllbcWad,lOIt 1 2 16 I S 150 Otirtc:hpur '1. 21 9 23 2 10 I 151 Andhal,.lIChi",acli (N.V.) I 4 4 :% U2 JlQtpot! S .. 1 :I 7 27 153 W..... j 6 '1. 19 3 1 6 5 U4 T•• llina --' 4 19 I 15 1 US SIn,vI A.hIi 22 20 :I 5 '1. 156 Khadkal 3 2 11 I 16 4 157 o.lewadl 3 '1. 151 PlqIOll Jopsbwlri .5 21 7 1 13 159 O..... "' ... i (N.V.) I , UiO Ash .. 10 9 67 18 7:1 29 3 161 OhakJili 2 4 2

SO ASlm CIRCLE 2 91 40 393 68 IS] 4 7:14 28 URBAN

1050 ASII11 56 7 23 9 219 20 182 41 447 50 403


Populalioo. 1911 Ttlntport, ~ SlOt... MatJinal Toe.l SC ST QIde _lid Wuatce,. Noo-Workers Nu. Conmtooicaliun. OIlIer Service.

(VOl) (lX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (4:2) (43) (44) (4~) (46) (47) (48) (I)

5 61 19 13 50 7M 780 1809 48 38 1 101 2 11 1 9 22 195 174 705 63 SO ID'} 3 8 2 10 1114 263 229 863 65 64 It 110 1 2 lSI 107 93 395 22 19 21I' 26 111 1 75 193 193 569 22 26 112 5 2 42 119 137 162 623 40 42 m t 17 :1 398 315 246 996 69 51 4 2 U4 :} 1,2 2 2 89 212 188 .545 46 44 10 7 IU 7 54 tl 716 653 .528 2475 170 181 42 3% 1J6 1 111 114 290 24 30 3 Z 117 3 107 114 297 S5 47 118 7 1 '}. 69 61 176 4 3 119 1 10 8 110 218 189 789 49 120 6 16 3 8 23 460 447 1488 172'I 160 12 26 121 I 5 1 1 68 162 113 565 71 14 4 9 122 1 6 2 1 It 212 156 &Xl 111 102 4 3 123 7 22 23 59 16 13 124 9 3 177 240 231 885 64 64 4 .5 12'

167 '}. 1083 165 182 3890 11192 11167 37269 2451 2227 356 349 40

9 17 5 73 271 226 1277 72 74 4 JZ6 3 I 139 100 515 29 33 127 2 2 7 137 118 432 13 17 128 I S 2 3 142 122 SOl 17 20 129 2 1 26 51 41 115 - 130 3 9 2 136 187 527 16 14 7 12 131 3 1 75 97 91 533 3 5 132 J 9 .5 J 17 133 4 20 .5 2 98 353 378 1331 44 53 27 26 134 2 I 8 210 ISO 563 38 35 135 2 162 110 68 322 6 .5 136 14 7 416 287 293 884 51 59 137 18 31 3 24 132 400 356 1422 94 93 138 1 52 106 240 232 475 25 28 139 7 3 27 134 166 142 544 25 32 140 7 7 4 9 41 151 146 568 70 73 4 141 162 153 108 424 2S 26 142 1 14 3 263 335 319 1127 17 24 143 21 208 38 6 17 575 852 344 12 4 144 I 3 1 2 138 232 239 573 9 8 7 6 145 2 4 46 96 77 203 36 38 146 5 99 140 125 425 17 16 13 JJ 147 5 2 2 175 200 927 56 54 148 2 IS 2 259 230 722 6 3 149 17 29 1 71 67 221 212 785 78 73 ISO I 1 2 21 11 104 102 lSI 4 14 1 23 136 427 372 1207 55 66 2 2 152 1 22 I 73 117 228 222 1002 37 33 II 6 153 1 33 6 30 221 567 493 1904 225 234 154 1 34 21 26 IS 282 289 %0 81 80 15 11 l5S 5 16 6 6 90 412 402 1814 164 177 8 I~ 156 ' 3 3 132 152 133 S69 4 4 7 3 151 5 34 12 14 108 474 472 1751 17 33 29 24 158 5 1 5 16 55 52 159 22 75 9 22 183 768 801 2745 142 120 160 10 5 I 32 131 98 3S1 18 21 161 144 639 138 428 3145 8681 8449 27926 1572 IS55 130 122 SO

107 2 554 121 65 142 2830 3826 7290 306 288 25 24 IOSO 404 1. BID TAHSIL URBAN .PRIMARY

ANllol VIII. Nu.uf l.ocllliln In IIiie&- No. of Oeeupilld TOlIlI pupullillM fftthtl PUPUililWIf Cude NIlITIII ot'1'uwn/Wlrd 11'0' Ind HOllie- (ineludlnl InIlLIlULlonllind Ib.WenUal In Ihl! iI'I!'lrull~ (04) Nu. of'1'ownl JtUll~ •• hold. ""ulolou Populltloo) Ward In Iq. km ••

p M Ii It M Ii· (I) (2) (3) (4) ") C&) (1) (8) (9) (10) (II) 1000 (I) DlD(M) 1.2, _! 22185 IIU~4 !'!~, ,289' 218~8 1I!4! W§98

Ward No. I 7844 8507 43279 23369 19910 8082 4~j(j 387~

2 Ward No. 2 6927 7621 38124 20023 18101 7315 3'1111 3597

3 Ward No. 3 S321 6037 31031 16145 14886 6441 3314 3127 40! CENSUS ADSTRAC'r INL>USTRtAL.CATBOORY OP MAIN WORKBRS

UVi!.~. ttUfhUY. Scheduled SJjetlul~d rrul ~i.IIt LilCrfill!. CuIUviltUti AtlflWlliihll 11bhllll. HIIttU*'I ell~ll!~ 1 tlbIl. MllillWUlbh L.booftlh IIIid PlatiUl1k!m, Cude Otehahh Iftd l'\u alllfd IldiViii@S (t=IX) (f) (tt) (ttl) z==: e=--- == er: M I: M M l' M 11 M II M 11 M jl (Il) (1'\) (14) (l~) (16) (11) (Hi) (11) (aO) (21) (22)- (21) (14) (lj) (1). - " -- (IOlU 3;1 310 4\61~ iMM 241)1. ~II 12M 1411 1m. ~

1134 1203 7~ 1t 1407S 94S2 8680 1275 ~91 tOll 431 217 331 16 :1

2211) 2105 68 70 10029 584S 7246 1089 :m 77 329 1119 167 II :4 406


MUlilfaauring. Manufacturing. l.ocaion PrOCClIlIISt I'ruceulng. Code NamcoCTownJ\Vard Mining and Trade and Qulrryiac ServlClII, and Scrvklllgand COlIslructKlfli No. RCpalrsin Kepair5 III other Commen:e Il

3Cm (l)BID(M) 56 3 30Il 179 3271 310 1836 230 6232 343

WatdNo.1 42 26 1038 28 746 99 1590 tol

2 W.... No.2 36 no 45 llO1 153 569 23 2193 113

3 WantNG.3 19 3 156 I .. 1032 129 521 1<* 2449 129 407


J\1pu1allon.19111 TnIR'port. locaIion Siorage Marginal Total SC Code Non-W_e15 ST alld Workers No. ComllllllllClibOlll OdIcr ServlCCs

(Vm) (IX) M F M 1- M F M F .t M I: M F (36) (37) (3&) (J9) (40) (41) (42) (0) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

2371 39 61!69 1621 219 847 J43:W 41422 110287 '~II 2442 84 71 3000

1121 12 3202 733 171 3011 14180 18338

&59 17 13SS S63 CiO 241 IIlS3 1(i519 2

891 10 1309 325 42 292 1IS7 13505 3 40S


Aroll of VllhllJl1 Nil. lit l.'oCdUOII In lh!£\- No of 'l'otal ~14I1Uli {)ct-uplcd '1 ulll I IXll'lllllllon COlIc ~dlt1l;Ot llfi!slIIld HouII!- (~llIdlh~ tnlUlUliottal ahd ltclildcntllli Itllhl! agc-lthlUI' (1).41) No r"\\!ltWaftl 01 rown' Houles holdll I tUlileless PtlpIllIiUotI) Walt! in sq kltlS

l' M F II M I· (I) (2) (3) (4) (~) (6) (1) (II) (I}) (10) (II)

Itloo (It) t1tlOIUt (\1) 410 G1t 47gtl 21aM mM 11402 41)~8 2(1(14 2j~4

I WMdNo.1 1}'14 t 117 ~(nu- 2~1W 2441 11O~ S~ ~4<)

2 WarJ No.:2 61J6 171 3~98 1844 1754 861 449 412

3 Ward~" 3 281 321 1461 808 6!3 370 210 160 4 WarllN" 4 166 190 984 52S 459 234 124 110

5 Ward "l) ~ 126 151 832 425 407 ISO 89 91

6 Watd So. f') 154 170 897 456 441 160 82 78

7 Ward~" 7 190 214 988 SI9 469 192 III 81 8 WArd No. K 165 188 939 S06 413 18S 100 8S 9 Warll No 9 liS 131 673 354 319 124 63 61 10 Ward No 10 90 109 476 232 244 82 42 40 II WArd 1\0 11 ISO 165 948 493 455 212 107 lOS 12 W.. rd '\0 12 121 137 178 398 380 162 93 69 13 Ward No 13 94 103 600 295 305 113 56 57

14 Wdrd ~o 14 152 160 1026 527 499 226 116 Ito 15 Ward:,\o 15 110 118 693 368 325 lOS 60 48 16 \\drd No 16 137 152 694 347 347 101 52 49 17 Ward Nu. 17 131 143 744 384 360 144 76 68 18 WdrdNo 18 153 162 873 443 430 142 75 67 11) W,trli'l/o 19 103 114 567 294 273 97 52 45 20 Ward No 20 163 170 864 456 408 160 91 69 40U


LlWIWtk. truttlIU). !khedlilctl 'l'1lIa1 ~1l11iVIIIOhl fll.hillg, ItltttUl1g Tril1CK Mah' Wutkllt_ lind PllIlliJlliUlltl, ()tthllttls 1111IJ allied Ill.liVllics (I-IX) (I) (It) (ttl) -;;;:-c M M I' M tl M tl (11) (ICI) (\7) (\ II) (~I) (~2) (21) (\) =_ - 7S'X =- 127\1 11711 14 I1I7 Ittl

3111 Jti{) :14 :\(1 14'9 11211 1249 ~7~ (t() 22 111 2116 ~7 4 I 436 3118 It 13 1050 611 842 34() 66 18 199 :m 33 4 2

43 37 14 II 461 221 330 62 ~O 4 33 43 19 3 255 235 266 107 230 4') 7 49 :l2 4 4

272 152 I liS 26 13 11 3 6 2 ~ 3 5 301i 222 202 34 13 S II II (I 28 25 369 2(J1) 247 75 21 7 211 49 17 7 4 5 3 330 177 246 6S 58 30 19 22 22 II 90 84 234 106 163 11 25 6 3 3 9 16 16 173 103 94 22 6 to 5 H) 330 253 2\4 24 '} 2 4 1\ 3 270 154 1116 33 27 4 38 26 3 12 175 lOS 157 54 41 28 13 18 13 2 2 334 191 243 31 18 7 18 2 14 296 220 172 20 24 2 2 15 242 174 120 9 18 2 2 4 16 5 3 260 172 174 56 2S 15 28 28 5 17 5 352 278 20S 50 37 13 6 7 23 18 4 5 211 141 128 39 46 16 3 9 4 19 6 3 7 5 334 225 200 43 56 6 6 23 11 20 410


ManufacturNlg. Manufaclurmg. Loc:auoo Processing. Pruu:s~mg. Name of Mmlngand Code ServiCing and ServICing and Trade ami Town/Ward Quarrymg COlistructions No. Rcpamln Repairs in other Commerce Iluuschoid than liousehoid Induslry Industry (IV) IV(a») IV (b)J (VI) (VU) M I· M F M F M [1 1\.1 II (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1000 (ll) GEORAI (M) 9 166 80 508 61 452 33 1434 95

WanlNo. I 9 66 5S 155 39 un 19 255 29 2 W.udNo 2 14 2 40 5 182 7 129 14 3 Ward No. 3 3 23 41 2 43 2 4 WnnJNo 4 5 3 11 16 68 9 5 Ward No. 5 4 14 3 75 3 6 Ward No 6 39 9 3' 71 2 7 Ward No. 7 18 11 68 9 II Ward No II 39 5 49 4 9 Ward No. 9 29 8 52 10 Ward No. 10 7 20 21 3 II WanJ :So. 11 20 18 5 96 6 12 W.ud 1':0.12 14 3 53 13 WanJNo.13 7 9 4 54

14 W.nJNo.14 7 3 28 9 12.~

15 WanJNo.15 20 3 4 81 3 16 W .. nJNo.16 11 3 6 42 17 Ward No. 17 21 4 II 4 44 18 WllrdNo.18 3 6 13 9 43 3

19 Ward No. 19 12 4 2 27 4 20 WllrdNo.. 20 8 7 38 41I


PopulatIOn, 1981 Transport, Location SLOraaC MarglllaJ 'Iolld sc s'r Codc and Workcn Non-Workers No. CommUilicaUoos OIhcr SCIVICCI

(Vm) (IX) M F M r; M F M F I· M I: M F (16) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

389 3 ll57 334 114 202 6562 9580 15495 534 489 50 40 1000

93 276 119 6 II 1334 11155 74 lOS 36 45 57 957 1357 2 19 99 8 22 63 456 S28 3 21 42 4 2 295 408 4 17 42 16 240 381 5 10 46 19 II 9 243 398 6 19 62 9 2 8 270 386 7 9 45 7 260 367 8 II 28 7 6 6 185 300 9 19 21 18 138 222 10 27 35 13 5 8 274 423 II II 36 3 7 21l 340 12 3 29 4 13 138 238 13 15 32 9 284 468 14 4 36 12 II 2 185 303 IS 6 29 3 3 8 224 330 16 7 32 8 3 2()9 301 17 13 58 21 2 4 Z36 376 18 2 32 6 166 234 19 2 72 12 256 365 20 412 3. MANJLEGA()N TAHSIL 'URBAN PRIMARY

ANII of Vllll1l1~ Nil or LooIlII\)l\ III IIcltl- Nu uf Tolll) VllpulllUoo Occupied 1'otal I1Ol'ulatillll tOOl! N,Iffil!ot IIl'I!salltl lIoll5e- (incltlllillil ihstitUtiollalllhll kl!5iJcrllllll in the IigC-lltoil(l ((}-6) No 'ruwll!Watd ortowhl IItIU5C~ I\uld~ ([ouseles5 I1opulamlll) Wantlh sq km!l

~ ~ R _~ ------~ _. 11 M F P M 11 (l) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (II) (9) (HI) (II) ~-;? ~ =- -- ~-~ - - HIlI) (ttl) MANJLtltlAoN (M) 113 6{J4(! b795 346M 17812 \61153 7410 3181 3Ml

Ward Nu. I 4115 SS1 2(i1H 11K8 13111 618 126 112 2 Wllrd No.2 1439 15116 7676 'l990 3686 1157 791 7M 3 W.tdNo, :1 251 303 1370 70S 6()2 287 153 1M

4 WlirdNu.4 159 169 1111 5')9 ~!i2 2(17 1,\1} 1211

S WlirdNu, .5 444 SOl 2jl)2 124() 114(1 ~~H 2111 217

6 Wilt.! No, (i 128 119 971 3!lJ 474 222 m Il~

7 WlmlNn,7 146 152 872 4~!l 417 228 Ito 1111 \ 8 Wllnl No, 8 105 122 6'20 327 293 141 89 ~2

I) Word So CJ 135 148 701 346 liS 123 63 tJI) 10 Ward No 10 213 220 1363 707 656 259 141 m II W,udNo.11 135 149 724 36S 359 I Of! 49 59 12 Wdrd No. 12 163 180 897 452 445 147 71 76

13 W,ud ~o 13 162 170 1180 600 574 ZlIl 1311 143 14 Ward No. 14 173 200 945 473 472 166 119 77 15 W



1.lvIl8Wek, lIuli!8uy, t.ue&lioo Sthillllllllll Schllllutlld I lila I I'IlIrltuhuflll Ill.hlnll,lIli11L1nll I.II~rlll"M CUllivllhlfM C1I81i1A 'I'rloo. Mllin Wurkl!t. Lllbtlllflln Ilnd Itlllntltiionl, Cooe No, Orchilfulllnll .. lJied MClivilicl (l-lX) (1) eU) (til) M II M I' M II M I' M II M P M II (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (til) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

\964 \956 65 n 1121S 6ff){) SOOl 1672 91S 93 135 \9

33 20 4 4 KIlO S6!! 6011 44 63 2 2() 17 24 650 6(,0 43 41 2710 1596 1735 397 143 III 134 286 93 2 2

66 54 452 317 325 83 III 6() 64 II 3 19 15 283 173 267 20 31 3 3 4 235 237 793 413 528 59 31 8 19 27 23 .5 248 136 275 24 38 3 2 5 20 2 6 16 13 192 65 204 14 8 12 6 3 7 306 275 175 57 126 72 4 35 61 3 8 9 12 243 163 184 100 50 15 21 58 9 495 317 316 25 77 29 13 5 10 2 6 291 229 177 24 52 2 15 14 10 11 344 23S 231 34 36 13 15 6 12 :119 j~9 178 78 28 11 54 58 13

7 363 i~ ill 13 21 2 2 5 14 11 Il 100 ilJ§ il~ 52 36 46 46 15 354 222 ~41 20 40 24 9 16 ~IJ~ 174 ill 33 19 2 IS 19 2 17 114 83 ~{J ~~ j 4 13 5 I, 17 1'1 6 281 169 'itff 4B 2 jj 19 2 2 19 58 69 382 246 UI 55 27 5 20 217 264 212 H7 ~HI ~Itl I IItl I) 21 28 \ !\I}I) }~I ibh 4M ~ HI 4 22 301 ~14 9~' _II] (lM W I~ II~ If) 23 4t4


Manufacturing. Manur"clUr1ll8. Locallon Name or Milling and ProceSlins. IJroccUlIIg. Code SCrvlCllIJ oIl1d Trade and Town/Wanl QUllflyinS ServiclIIg and COfl.truL'lion~ No. Kerlirs In l(crlli ts in othcr COO1mcf~ Iluuschuid thall Ilouichoid Industry Indu~lry (IV) (V(I») IV (b)} (VI) (Vn) M F M .. M )1 M .. M F (I) (2) (26) (21) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

IOlO (Ill) MANJLI1GAON (M) 2 13' SO 830 71 678 21 21St 74

WanlNo.1 16 S 48 5 86 161 2 2 WanlNo.2 2 14 7 141 3 220 4 361 13 3 WanlNo. 3 3 18 2 21 74 4 4 WanlNo.4 lIS 9 11 49 5 Wanl No.5 2 51 59 III 5 6 WanlNo.6 3 31 4 20 3 123 7 Wanl No. 1 20 3 15 114 8 WanlNo.S 9 1 16 14 9 Ward No 9 4 5 13 4 40 10 W.nlNo.IO 26 5 7 115 3 11 WardNo II 2 2 5 38 2 12 Ward No. 12 2 26 3 6 65 13 WanlNo.13 4 31 4 29 71 14 WllnlNo.14 2 19 9 72 15 Wanl No. 15 1 17 21 45 16 WanlNo.16 3 4 32 2 18 2 17 WanlNo.l1 32 2 24 50 18 WanlNo.1S 5 2 4 24 19 WanlNo.19 26 8 89 8 20 Ward No. 20 13 65 3 II 65 4 21 Wanl No. 21 19 5 38 14 31 5 70 17 22 Wanl No. 22 I 19 7 116 2 23 WanlNo.23 II 8 57 12 44 4 186 6 415



Population. 1981 1'l'lInJpM. Locatloo Stt"",\: Margmal TOillI SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No. Communic:atioos OIher Servia:s

(Vrn) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M F M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

658 3 1645 307 88 S36 9632 14645 22.'i5S 522 513 23 26 1010

73 111 9 2 6 778 1251 1 190 437 64 3 30 2251 3259 2 17 99 12 382 579 3 18 34 4 4 292 528 4 80 112 17 6 33 711 10;54 S 19 16 2 16 2X1 434 6 5 27 4 10 66 241 337 7 5 35 6 13 43 188 178 8 S 46 19 15 162 240 9 II 41 9 36 391 595 10 5 48 6 188 335 11 II 68 14 221 4tO 12 23 32 3 II 90 317 406 13 6 76 8 tl 3 251 456 14 12 28 4 2 248 396 15 22 40 3 286 478 16 28 49 6 17 11 243 411 17 4 27 S 73 136 [8 23 53 13 3 4 245 488 19 19 2 51 18 3 9 310 528 20 29 62 36 5 107 431 516 21 IS 22 21 S 362 467 22 38 125 24 2 55 832 1156 23 416 4. AMBEJOGAI TAHSIL URBA'N PRIMARY

ANllllr VIIIIIIIlI Nil. of t .. KlIllllIll I1I1Iillll-= NIl.llf '1'111111 IlVpulllliUIl ~uplild 'rullil PIlpuMloo Codl) Nilmuur 8N.IIIIII 11011111" (1llfJluJIHII fll~llhlli"llIlI hull !\UI,dlllllllll In dlllligllollwuP (~) Nil. 'I'own/WliN uf''1'uwn/ IItlll81lS huilis I (uu~lIll!u Jll)pUI~lioll) Wllrllin "il. kmi.

p M [I I' M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (~) (6) (7) (II) (9) (1m (11)

1020 (IV) ItAkl.l (M) 7.111 12695 14258 72670 311040 3463() 15129 7947 7182

I Ward No. I tm 745 33M 1774 1592 723 375 3411 2 WllrdNu. :2 2U1 239 1023 S26 497 151 113 68 'l Wliru 'Nil. 'l \\1)0 1329 662\ 3449 3\'72 \453 756 697 4 Wllrd No.4 565 625 3235 I (;)!! 1537 7'J7 435 362 5 Wllr;.! No.5 330 394 2127 1114 1013 583 303 280 6 Wllrd No.6 217 232 127() 664 606 318 165 153 7 WllrdNu.7 635 712 3499 1802 I(m 747 397 350 8 WlmlNo.8 217 283 1328 696 632 325 173 152 9 Ward Nil. 9 154 156 1193 644 549 275 140 135 10 Ward No. 10 370 405 2090 1079 1011 334 163 171 11 Ward No. 11 312 351 1789 922 867 389 191 198 12 Witt! No. 12 139 169 823 418 405 211 103 108 13 Wiffl No. 13 380 456 1906 986 920 405 206 199 14 Wllfd Nil. 14 970 1075 5885 308S 2797 1279 661 618 15 W,trJ No. 15 990 1099 4833 2594 2239 1014 543 471 16 Ward Nil. 16 288 332 1707 900 807 406 222 184 17 Ward No 17 230 280 1297 673 624 311 155 156 18 Watd No. 18 393 418 2035 1055 980 431 252 179 19 Waro 1'\0.19 109 114 582 307 275 107 50 57 20 Waro No. 20 394 440 2275 1216 1059 371 205 166 21 WaHl No 21 301 337 1675 863 812 282 149 133 2l Ward No 22 ISO 189 986 521 465 153 82 71 ~j Wattl1'\o.23 292 311 lS08 930 8711 360 194 166 M WshJ No. 24 268 288 1773 929 844 406 222 184 M WatilNo 25 74 77 553 296 257 112 58 54 ~ WafllNo.28 266 306 1408 725 683 201 97 104 ~1 Wllffl NU. ~7 229 277 1505 796 709 323 169 154 ~8 WaW No 2~ 370 410 2099 1075 1024 381 198 183 ~9 Wllro NO, 211 447 492 2277 1203 1074 447 222 225 3() Ward No 30 386 442 2399 1236 1163 416 203 213 31 Wdrd 1'\0 31 224 236 1291 686 605 252 126 126 32 WMOXO 32 86 90 622 335 287 91 54 37 33 Waro ~o 33 299 359 2091 1112 979 465 277 188 34 W.. ro ':1,0 34 230 256 II 83 629 554 159 85 74 35 Waro XI,) 35 125 130 733 370 363 129 64 65 10 Ward i'o:l,) 16 181 204 1383 729 654 322 169 153

1030 (V) AMIlE.JOOAI (Nt) 1799 10130 11369 57159 30300 26859 10436 5355 5081

I Wllftl~u 1 242 263 18114 962 922 420 206 214 2 WilN Su.:1 :124 jSlJ 1\119 HOI! 1I.tO 403 223 ISO 3 W.rdSu.l 239 248 1529 800 729 ;133 173 100 4 WardNu.4 2<16 2M 1561 Ill') 732 332 Ifill Hi4 S Ward No. S :US 349 1681 818 IlOO 319 ISO 199 6 WatdSu.6 469 SOl 2809 1618 1131 316 208 168 1 WlItd Su. 7 344 3tH 1843 963 8110 251 117 124 WltdS".' 366 .404 1114. 937 9U 297 136 161 II* Wlttd Su, I) 231 2$1 1702 932 770 34. 172 176 11) W.td Su, II) 1119 207 139' 713 6112 297 143 15-4 11 W.rdSu, II 176 I!)J 11.164 4119 1.3 \19 14 12 Will'll Su, 12 252 219 lta5 .n 7~ 379 177 2112 U Wltd Su," 3" J7. 2005 1049'" 451 25Cl 201 I. WIN Su. 14 227 241 742 9"63. m 14. 140 It WINS",IJ IU 217 "101264 W1 fltfI 196 10) 16 W.,.,S~, 16 251 %In U21 7112 7" '20 141 172 II Wit,,, Nil. 17 16 'I 610 U4 2. In "66 $7 I. WI,d Nil, III II. 2lM ~$I fUll 44' m ~2 5J 19 Ward No 19 278 118 1617 853 7114 337 183 154 417


Llvcstock, Forestry, Schedulcd S<.hedulcd To141 Agncultural Location Literates Cultivators Fishing, lIuntlng Castes Tnbcs MamWorkers Labourers and PlanlallonS, Code Orchards and No allied actiVIties (I-IX) (I) (IT) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M P M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

4516 4164 470 449 24188 14650 16903 2673 1047 269 1425 886 206 14 1020

715 667 38 30 1058 537 810 314 31 3 29 18 16 6 1 80 58 6 19 417 338 219 17 2 251 255 54 42 2355 1689 1436 55 3 45 12 4 3 129 118 12 10 893 566 771 66 6 61 43 1 4 218 198 536 275 460 57 16 21 4 5 50 58 346 155 316 228 157 182 28 39 6 105 108 8 12 1025 580 826 180 62 14 157 114 5 7 329 321 274 92 269 72 26 12 103 37 2 8 326 223 266 14 16 5 2 2 1 9 10 6 3 2 791 511 509 35 70 76 16 11 10 86 90 1 508 239 445 168 6 58 25 9 II 11 9 6 7 198 79 204 99 2 2 2 2 2 12 71 66 18 17 722 487 443 44 10 31 17 5 13 74 94 8 10 1889 1259 1279 67 45 2 54 15 28 14 429 317 40 40 1887 1185 1038 94 57 2 74 31 12 15 361 309 15 15 507 2ffJ 389 33 12 29 11 2 16 218 210 292 104 330 94 1 80 57 10 17 457 430 5 8 619 326 501 185 14 13 34 31 1 3 18 13 13 212 120 134 11 12 2 2 4 3 19 10 10 2 973 676 547 54 53 3 4 13 3 20 645 390 438 70 54 1 24 34 4 21 31 26 403 224 241 28 45 10 12 16 2 22 613 586 544 275 375 162 19 1 114 136 3 23 452 210 449 48 63 127 43 35 24 198 127 118 14 27 2 15 8 3 25 9 5 596 438 348 39 18 1 24 4 4 26 3 2 2 376 142 423 104 52 1 124 76 3 27 46 46 788 555 500 70 27 5 21 7 7 28 72 53 34 31 864 366 562 50 9 15 14 7 29 38 46 26 21 844 525 547 62 29 26 13 1 30 45 45 170 165 452 240 305 25 16 19 12 3 31 4 3 264 206 153 4 21 3 1 32 35 12 680 471 470 43 20 3 2 3 2 33 3 3 526 327 297 44 30 6 12 9 34 24 16 282 198 171 6 26 6 2 1 3') 446 246 314 17 9 2 1 1 36

5150 4552 244 201 20951 13225 12396 2536 714 73 1278 865 480 40 1030

154 144 570 377 423 21 23 1 26 3 3 I 55 48 622 397 458 102 26 3 65 68 13 2 427 252 384 lW 25 10 25 69 49 3 120 98 3 4 332 155 433 193 11 1 131 170 25 4 855 805 478 206 369 107 4 197 86 3 5 448 316 9 6 1375 705 484 81 20 60 35 29 2 (> 29 24 4 3 816 648 419 24 54 13 20 7 58 56 3 3 696 528 419 96 27 4 1 33 8 134 109 621 312 358 52 11 1 5 8 4 9 41 44 392 242 307 53 13 104 26 4 10 62 23 14 7 408 240 227 37 3 12 12 11 5 11 298 274 502 287 358 99 2 22 26 5 5 12 494 448 523 218 446 78 13 152 20 15 13 170 137 6 3 496 279 300 62 7 2 10 6 9 14 106 108 12 9 506 334 289 26 4 2 21 15 3 15 259 253 4 2 480 228 292 47 3 72 24 9 16 80 67 214 126 131 12 6 7 2 17 6 7 429 303 204 17 31 6 1 4 18 66 ~4 1 3 588 377 352 30 33 4 28 5 7 2 19

?P ~ 418


Manufa(.[urtng. MdllUfdclunng. (.ouItron ProccsslIlg. Proccssing. Namcof MIIIUlgand Codc ScCVIClIlg and Secvlcrng and Trade and Town/Ward QUllrrying Conuructions No Repairs ill RCpall'll1ll other Commerce llou~chl)ld than Hou~chold IndU

1020 (IV) f'ARU (M) 121 19 198 59 1910 232 1972 209 3640 208

1 Ward No. 1 4 76 4 190 157 104 3 2 Ward No. 2 3 2 8 1 4 1 3 WdrdNo.3 18 6 91 113 169 2 4 Ward No. 4 1 1 61) 4 81 136 7 S WarelNo 5 40 4 58 5 116 13 6 Ward No. 6 19 9 46 1 7 Ward No. 7 3 100 11 73 3 208 6 8 WdrdNo.8 6 1 6 14 3 9 Ward No. 9 22 104 2 44 1 10 Ward No. 10 2 54 1 15 133 4 11 Wdrd No. 11 119 19 14 33 102 24 41 1 12 WdfdNo.12 19 4 38 10 10 4 99 65 13 Ward No. 13 4 1 50 2 15 132 4 14 Ward No. 14 24 1 172 3 314 4 186 3 15 Ward No. 15 14 4 50 1 353 15 109 4 16 Ward No 16 58 3 II 2 55 6 17 Ward No. 17 1 62 13 27 5 70 10 18 Ward No. 18 3 98 12 20 1 143 19 19 WardNo 19 14 2 10 1 52 20 Ward No. 20 15 9 37 3 14 259 2 21 Ward No. 21 42 7 12 143 2 22 Ward No. 22 29 8 64 23 Ward No 23 1 41 15 48 11 24 Ward No. 24 6 38 29 81 1 25 WarolNo.25 16 16 12 76 WarJNo 26 36 4 8 I 136 6 27 Ward No. 27 72 6 65 2 50 3 28 Ward No. 28 8 2 91 16 31 1 165 4 29 WarJNo.29 30 6 156 4 29 2 121 3 30 Wanl No. 30 19 t2 76 6 20 226 3 31 WarllNo 31 7 1 51 3 15 90 6 32 WanlNo 32 12 4 83 2 33 WanlNo.33 73 6 lOS 140 5 34 WanlNo.34 22 1 6 SO 3 35 Ward No. 35 7 8 6 38 36 Ward No. 36 50 156 2 43 4

1030 (V) AMllE.fOGAI (M) {)() 36 76 35 1388 160 862 98 2997 162

1 Ward No. 1 2 56 1 13 2CJl 3 2 W.uJNo.2 49 6 23 10 162 7 3 Ward No. 3 17 3 25 3 165 10 4 Ward No. 4 26 6 167 13 5 WarJNo. S 43 6 31 16 6 WanlNo.6 8 27 32 2 64 4 7 WanlNo.7 1 42 19 152 2 8 WaniNo. Ii 1 10 91 27 41 66 6 9 WaniNo 9 6 3 48 3 22 85 5 10 WanlNo.tO 1 40 14 5 41 3 11 Ward No. II 3 2 33 1 23 I SO 2 12 Ward No. 12 1 2 67 22 25 2 110 10 13 Ward No. 13 44 28 2 41 5 26 2 49 9 14 Wanl No 14 49 12 14 1 77 5 15 WAnlNo.15 37 2 1I 125 I 16 WaniNo 16 30 1 8 652 17 WanlNo.17 6 'I 12 9 8 53 18 Ward No. 18 15 19 52 ~ 19 Ward No. 19 33 2 63 8 80 419


Popu[auon. [981 Tr,msport, [»calion Stora.ge Mdrgmai Total SC ST Code Non-Workers and Worl.ers No Comnlumeallons Other SCrvlUls


M F M F M F M F P M I, M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

1730 14 4654 763 72 234 21065 31723 48946 1439 1380 197 192 1020

76 284 122 3 %3 1275 1 10 194 13 307 480 2 127 866 33 3 25 2010 3002 3 105 311 10 13 I 914 1470 4 52 174 12 654 956 5 24 32 6 348 378 6 62 1 158 28 2 9 974 1508 7 43 3 68 16 6 427 554 8 35 42 4 3 378 532 9 29 120 12 9 15 561 961 to 40 101 21 2 II 475 688 11 4 28 11 214 306 12 23 172 20 4 39 539 837 13 151 304 38 24 62 1785 2668 14 137 5 232 32 1 6 1555 2139 15 183 42 10 1 511 773 16 55 26 7 1 343 529 17 59 132 103 11 554 784 18 16 25 2 173 264 19 41 121 23 4 669 1001 • 20 14 145 25 425 742 21 15 66 2 280 437 22 54 80 13 2 554 714 23 29 41 4 1 480 795 24 4 25 4 178 243 25 12 110 23 376 644 26 21 36 16 373 605 27 30 120 35 2 15 573 939 28 78 117 19 2 6 639 1018 29 52 98 27 5 13 684 1088 30 63 41 3 2 379 580 31 7 22 2 182 283 32 27 97 27 642 936 33 22 122 27 332 510 34 9 70 4 199 357 35 21 32 9 415 637 16

911 32 3630 1035 237 379 17667 23944 42362 2270 2137 80 6'5 1010

24 69 13 16 2 523 899 27 93 8 4 IS '577 823 2 37 41 24 416 600 3 22 4S 9 396 539 4 22 53 14 509 702 5 18 226 36 2 3 1192 1047 6 14 104 22 I 1 543 855 7 17 139 52 6 14 512 801 R 81 22 96 10 8 6 566 712 9 48 51 9 3 I 403 628 10 38 54 14 4 I 344 451 II 41 85 32 2 33 473 660 12 34 70 14 9 36 594 842 I3 29 lOS 36 12 7 430 569 14 14 74 6 4 19 364 562 15 46 4 59 16 9 490 683 16 II 25 3 3 193 211 17 to 67 13 7 15 ' 291 411 18 14 86 15 8 14 493 740 19 420

4. AM~JOGAI TAHSIt. - conui. URBAN NttMAttV

Area of Vtll~ge No. of LQcallon m~ No. of Total popuIatlOll Occt!picd Total populallOll Code Name of ares and !louse- (Including Institutional and Rcsidunlwd In the age-group (0-6) No. 1'ownIWard of Townl Uousa holds I10usclcss PopulatlOll) Wallllll sq. JuQS.

p M F P M F (1) (2.) (3) (4) (S) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1030(V) -AM8lQOG,u-(M)CtJftt4L 20 Ward No. 20 90 100 642 321! 314 140 72 6ll 21 Ward No. 21 21S 236 1185 682 S03 172 97 75

22 Ward No. 22 254 272 1293 728 i 56S ISO 81 69 23 Ward No. 23 651 719 3061 1625 1442 472 238 234 24 Ward No. 24 271 315 1445 766: 619 260 131 129 2S Ward No 2S 299 361 1704 8SS, 849 286 138 148 26 Ward No 26 288 312 17S2 8S8 864 289 139 ISO 27 Ward No. 27 224 245 1502 796 706 296 152 144 28 Ward No. 28 146 159 1060 578 482 218 liS 103 \ 29 Ward No. 29 250 261 1568 825 743 303 145 158 30 WarclNo.30 188 19'1 usa SSt 487 123 76 47 31 Ward No. 31 200 204 1278 69l 586 227 112 115 32 Ward No. 32 In 223 913 46S 448 106 59 47 33 Ward No 33 319 376 2003 10'10 933' 3fTl 214 183 34 WlIrclNo.34 7f1J 785 2879 1415 1464 488 282 206 3S Ward No. 35 296 494 759 497 2& 118 66 52 36 Ward No 36 S90 659 2m 1485 1292 563 276 287 - 4'21



L.l vestock, Fort:sU)', Location Sdleduled Scheduled lbtal Agricultural Fishing, HlJllting Literates Cultivators Code Eastes 'flribes Main Wolkers tabourers- and'Plantlltions, No, 0tcl!ards and allied atllVlltcs (I-IX) (I) (ll) (Ill) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (1S) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (I)

4 6 3 3 209 122 134 23 14 11 8 3 20 39 21 8 8 504 267 249 40 28 30 15 3 21 8 2 2 613 354 282 73 56 9 25 26 14 6 22 35 23 16 12 l-Z76 845 676 156 17 2 50 47 38 25 22 30 ' 24 21 5"12 304 321 47 15 20 11 17 3 24 21 29 2 663 467 360 58 30 2 5 5 25 89 127 13 10 713 544 404 66 27 3 17 29 g 26 171 149 3 3 549 316 349 75 65 14 20 23 19 4 27 3 5 421 1.72 253 13 20 16 3 5 28 33 33 630 382 331 32 29 2 24 11 8 29 3 2 430 332 229 52 21 2 21 21 12 30 4 9 8 495 239 291 25 34 3 24 2 5 31 8 9 395 350 191 33 20 S 6 8 32 299 261 13 5 545 467 373 34 3 39 2 33 276 237 47 43 1'100 991 55S 318 14 7 16 15 3 34 113 66 17 ' 14 4t8 162 131 18 2 3 11 35 604 551 15 IS 1003 591 596 216 7 3 37 68 30 3 36 422





20 W"rd No 20 33 12 5 27 21 Wdfd No 21 2 2 22 12 54 10

22 Ward ~1I.22 21 3 22 45 5 23 Ward No. 23 58 3 46 138 7 24 Ward No. 24 37 7 31 85 3 25 W.mj No 25 66 23 102 2 26 W• .,d No 26 2 43 3 22 139 27 WMdNo27 66 8 10 89 12 28 W.. rdNo.28 4 21 6 102 29 W.. rd:So 29 2 5 50 25 116 3 30 Ward No 30 17 2 7 45 3 31 WardNo 31 32 3 29 69 4 32 W



PopulatIOn, 1981 Transport, Locatwo Storage MarglOal Total SC ST Code and Workcrs Non-Workcrs No Commumcallons OIher Servlccs

(Vm) (lX)

M F M F M F M F I' M F M J. (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

6 35 3 194 291 20 18 80 11 8 433 455 21 16 83 23 51 22 395 470 22 35 294 96 9 23 940 1263 23 25 91 22 2 445 630 24 28 105 47 5 9 490 782 25 33 113 27 2 7 482 791 26 9 71 14 3 17 444 614 27 18 61 10 8 7 317 462 211 23 60 10 11 13 477 698 29 10 96 24 2 13 320 422 30 22 82 12 9 17 386 544 31 4 92 22 4 7 264 408 32 37 154 27 15 12 682 887 33 22 424 286 5 855 1145 34 23 6 8 2 358 242 35 58 2 224 49 19 40 870 1036 36 424


Area of Village No. of Lx.alion In lIecl- No of TOlal populatIOn Occupied Tolal popul.auon Code Name of ares and lIouse- (meludmg institutional and RcsldcnLlal In the age-group (~) No Town/Ward of TowlI/ Houses holds lIousclcss Population) Ward III sq kms

p M F P M F (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1040 (VI) DIIARUR (M) 4.94 2841 3167 16386 8453 7933 3515 1869 1646

WardNo 1 890 989 4913 2564 2349 1036 580 456

2 Ward No 2 1919 2141 11295 5785 5510 2427 1256 1171

3 WardNo 3 32 37 178 104 74 52 33 19 425



Livestock, Forestry, Location Scheduled Scheduled Total Agneulwral Fishing, Hunting Liieratcs Cultivators Code CaSieS Tnbes MamWorkers Labourers and Plantallons, Of(.hards and No allied aellVilies (I-IX) (I) (11) (Ill)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

1098 1057 74 70 5252 2951 3899 1605 498 236 893 1132 110 2 1040

7fJ1 711 2 1564 673 1180 777 235 140 461 610 20

360 319 12 69 3652 2210 2666 187 262 96 399 491 90 2 2

31 27 36 8 53 41 27 25 3 426


Manufacturmg. Manuf.. L1unng. Locallon Processing. Process mg. Code Name of MUllngand Trade and Town/Ward Quarrying SeMcing and ServiCing and ConstructionS No Repairs In Repairs In other Commerce Household than Household Industry Industry (IV) [V(a») [V (b») (VI) (VU) M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1040 (VI) DIIARUR (M) 47 42 327 22 107 994 42

WdfdNo.1 5 71 17 172 7

2 Ward No.2 39 39 256 22 90 805 22

3 Waard No 3 3 3 17 13 427



Populalton, 1981 Transport, Loc.lllon Slorage M

(VIn) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M [0' M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (I)

280 2 643 126 6 57 4548 6271 12836 901 920 55 44 1040

50 143 20 2 3 1382 1569

227 2 498 106 4 54 3llS 4669 2

3 2 51 33 3 428


Arcaof \lillage No. of Location rn Hecl- No. of TOl8l'popuJlIlion OcaIpied TOIal popWlIlion Code Name of ares and House- (including Institutional and Residential rn 1M age-8roup (0-6) No TownlWard of Townl Houses holds Houseless Population) Wanfm sq. kms.

P M F P M F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (I) (8) (9) (10) (11) fOSO (VO) ASJrn (Cf) 5188 1938 2163 9989 5156 4833 1906 -983 923

Ward No. I 124 130 685 362 323 134 72 62 2 Ward No. 2 91 100 582 302 280 107 51 56 3 Ward No. 3 106 120 631 319 312 148 78 70 4 Ward No. 4 143 156 731 388 343 98 40 58 5 WaRlNo.5 121 134 508 258 2SO 98 53 45 6 Ward No. 6 106 113 464 253 211 91 55 36 7 W


uVC$tock. FOI'C5I.ry • Schc:dula.cl Total AgnculLUral Locauon Sc:IlcduIc.4 LllcralU Cuiuv.lOrs FIshlOg. IIUDtlllg a. .. Tribes Main Wolkers Labourers and 1}larnallOOi. Code No. Orchards and allIed aCll Vllles (I-IX) . (I) (II) (III) .

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (1)

638 634 31 30 3573 2292 2261 865 307 214 235 393 131 8 1050

27 17 241 163 151 35 8 3 6 4 217 206 218 119 112 53 5 4 22 33 4 2 2 136 154 176 89 140 83 13 5 27 63 3 3 5 6 345 221 175 29 15 7 5 6 3 4 7 6 190 122 125 49 13 8 5 14 16 5 35 36 2 166 101 lOS 12 6 4 5 4 6 25 29 201 164 129 27 21 2 2 9 11 7 200 158 99 14 9 11 8 186 106 131 55 21 11 18 30 7 9 3 2 166 87 130 52 5 4 4 33 6 10 35 27 18 16 235 130 ISO 49 11 7 45 39 14 11 32 31 209 146 156 73 6 10 5 28 10 2 12 23 19 2 3 269 182 176 132 33 65 38 57 12 13 21 16 227 150 123 33 5 5 5 2 14 45 50 5 8 191 132 100 10 4 2 2 18 15 137 84 109 82 76 69 8 10 16 29 37 216 138 ISO 77 56 22 47 53 2 17 430


ManufacturlJ1g. Manufactunng. LocaUOII Name of Milling and Proccs.lJ1g. ProccsslJ1g. Code Trade and TownIWard Quarl)'lng Servicing and ServlClng and Construcuons No Repdlfs In Rep,lIn III other Commerce Household thdn Houschold Indu~try Industry (lV) (V(a») (V (h») (VI) (Vn) M F M F M F M F M F (I) (2) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35)

1050 (Vn) ASIlTI (Cl') 56 7 23 9 219 20 182 41 447 50

WardNo 1 29 15 13 60 10 2 Ward No. 2 4 15 28 4 3 Ward No 3 21 8 5 15 2 4 WardNo 4 25 7 82 4 5 WardNo 5 5 10 11 29 9 6 Wanl No 6 17 :3 25 7 Ward No 7 8 7 31 8 WardNo 8 4 14 14 18 9 Ward No 9 4 9 5 15 2 10 WardNo 10 41 7 3 12 2 21 17 11 WanlNo 11 6 13 IS 11 12 Ward No. 12 15 2 5 14 2 37 10 33 7 13 WdrdNo 13 5 7 27 14 WardNo 14 23 2 11 3 31 7

15 Ward No. 15 2 4 2 6 10 16 Ward No. 16 3 4 17 WardNo 17 15 3 11 431


Population, 1981 Tr,ulSport, LocaUOIl Sloragc Marginal Total SC ST Code and Workers Non-Workers No Comrnumcauons Other SCMCCS

(VIn) (IX) M F M F M F M F P M r M F (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (1)

)07 2 554 121 65 142 2830 3826 7290 306 288 25 24 1050

4 28 5 4 24 207 264 9 24 9 4 186 226 2 SS S 3 179 226 3 9 29 to 26 11 187 303 4 7 40 6 7 10 126 191 5 11 35 5 12 7 136 192 6 6 42 13 133 231 7 S 24 12 3 144 209 8 8 2 44 10 8 131 162 9 3 18 5 4 163 225 10 8 27 3 2 J72 234 11 10 24 9 5 19 189 291 J2 8 46 8 215 253 13 1·1 37 14 4 189 241 14 2 54 3 132 206 15 IS 3 7 31 134 120 16 4 12 IS 2fJ1 252 17 432



FERTILITY LEVELS General Ferttilly Rate (CFR) - The number of Fertility is a major component of population growth. children born alive during the last year per 1,000 marned In the 1981 Census, questions on fertilIty related to age at women m the age of 15-49. marriage, number of survivmg children, number of chIldren General Marttal Fertll,ty Rate (GMFR) - The number ever born alive and children born alive during the last year of chIldren born ahve during \he last year per 1,000 mamed were asked. The first three questions were asked to all ever women 10 the age group 15-49. married women and the last question related to currently Total Fertility 8.ale (TFR) - Total number of children married women. The measures of fertihty worked out are that would have bom alive per woman, had the current based on the F-Series Tables of 1981 Census pertallting to schedule of age specific fertililY rates been applicable for MaharJShtra State and are defined as below. '\ the entire reproductive period. Age Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) - The average Total Marital Fertility Rate (TMFR) - Total number of number of children born alive during the last year per woman \ children that would have born alive per marned woman, of a particular age group. had the current schedule of age specific marital fertihty rates Age Specific Marital Fertility Rate (ASMFR) - The been applicable for the entire reproductive period. average number of children born alIve during the last year Child Woman Ratio - No. of children in age group 0-4 p..:r per married woman of a particular age group. 100 women in the age group 15-49.

Age Specific Marital Fertility Levels, 1981

Bid DlSlnct Maharashtra Slate Age Group Toul Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (J)

15-19 0157 0152 0187 0.157 0157 0157

20-24 0270 0270 0266 0246 0260 0219

25-29 0244 0251 0209 0199 0217 0169

30-34 0161 0165 0135 0125 0142 0.092

35-39 0100 0102 093 0069 0079 0048

40-44 0052 0053 0.047 0.032 0038 0019

45-49 0016 0016 0019 0013 0015 0007

It can be seen from the above table that fertility levels 45-49) 10 urban areas. Rural fertility rates are higher in the distncl are higher compared to the State figures in all compared to urban rates 10 the dlslrict [except age group the age groups for both rural and urban arcas. The (15-19) and (45-49)] as well as the State. Other fertIllty dIfferentials are more pronounced 10 the age group (25-29) measures are given 10 the following table. to (3S~39) m rural areas and in all the age groups (except 433

Other Fertility rrreasures

FertllllY Measure Bid Distntt Maharashlra Sla.te

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

O.F.R 139 141 127 lOS 120 86 (137) (134)

OM.F.R. 159 159 157 135 144 116 (157) (168)

T.P.R 4.4 45 3.9 3.4 38 2.5 (4.3) (4.3)

T.MF.R 5.0 50 48 4.2 4.5 3.6 (4.9) (5.2)

Crude Binh Rate 1123 N A. N.A 25.53 N.A. N.A. (30. SO} (31.75)

No. of children ever born per woman 5.24 527 501 4.95 5.16 4.48 m age group 45-49

Mean age at mamage 156 15.4 165 168 16.3 17.9

Child WOOl an ral10 55.6 55.2 57.6 51.0 530 47.4

Note: Figures in brackets &-e adjusted estimates:

Different fertility measures indicate that fertility levels MORTALITY LEVELS in the district are higher compared to the State average in • Information on the questions on children ever born and both rural and urban areas. This is duly supported by the children surviving canvassed for all ever married women lower female age at marriage in the district compared to the State. Child-woman ratio in the district is higher compared has been tabulated by age of the mother. From this, estimates to the State average for both rural and urban areas. of child mortality have been worked out by using BrJSs tcchnique. Estimates of Child Mortality, 1981

Bid DlStnct Maharashtra Stale Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (l)

q (2) p 122 132 71 114 133 71 M 126 140 63 121 140 82 F 117 124 81 107 125 71

q (3) P 137 ISO 73 121 145 78 M 142 155 76 124 148 81 F 132 144 70 118 143 74

q (5) P 161 ISO 92 145 110 93 M 161 180 91 146 170 95 F ~ lW 93 144 169 90 From the estimates of child mortality LNwubel of deaths MOVEMENT OF POPULATION by ages 2, 3, and 5 given above as q(2), q(3) and q(5)I, it What is migration ? is observed that the level of child mortality in the dlstricl is Migmlion is the third component of population change, higher compared to the Slate. However, 111 rural areas the the other two being mortality and fertility. A person is differentials between the district and St.'l.lC level~ of mortalil)' considered as a migrant by place of birth if the place in are significant only before age 5 [as rv.ca\cd by q('S)J whereas the variation in urban areas is not much sIgnificant which he is cnumemtcd during the census is other than the Female chlld mortality i!> lower compared to males in the place of his birth. Similarly a person is considered as a distnct as well as the Stale. mlgmnt by place of last residence if the place in which he 29-1\ 434 is enumerated during the census is other than his place of predominatc in intradistrict migratlon while males immediate last residence. predommatc in interdislrict, interstate and international Internal and International Migration. migrauon. SImIlar trend is noticed in case of Bid district also. The migrational movements are of three types (i) Migration within the Slate itself with its components. (a) The number of migrants born in oilier Slates of India Migration wilhin the district of enumeration (intradislrlct was 44.04 lakhs in 1981. It is seen that 16.85 per cent of the total migrants are from other States. In case of Bid migration) (b) Migralion from one district of State to another 1.34 district of Stale (mtcrdistrict migration), (ii) Migration from district per cent of the total mIgrants arc from Olher Slates. one State to another State of the country (interstate migration), and (iii) Migration from onc eountry to another In case of Maharashtra 8 Stales namely Uttar Pradesh, country. The first two slreams together constitute imernal Kamataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, migration, while the last type of movement is called Kcmla, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu together account for 40.50 international migration. lakhs (or 91.98: per cent) out of 44.04 lakhs interstate migrants. In respect of Bid dislrict of the t01a1 6.65 thousand, Why the people migrate? Knrnataka account for /30.72 per cent, Andhra Pradesh For the first lime in the census, reasons for mIgration account for 30,01 per cent. Gujarat account for 8.61 per cent, were elicited In 1981. Keeping operational conSlramts in Madhya Pradeso account for 8,40 per cent and UUar Pradesh view the reasons for migration werc broadly catcgoflsed as account for 6.67 per cent mterstatc mIgrants. (1) employment (2) educatlOn (3) marrIage (4) family Rural-Urban components of Migration. movement ,and (5) other reasons. Reasons for migratIOn have been eliCited only with reference Lo movement from p~ace The now migrants would consist of four streams such of last residence. as rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and uroon to urban. The data on the basis of these various streams lfl Impact or Migration. case of migrants is clasSIfied by place of birth. It presents The growth of population of particular place depends data only In relatIOn to internal migrants. The data for Bid upon the biological variates such as mortalIty and fertility distrIct is presenled separately. and migraLion. The knowledge of IIcnd in migration helps Of the total interstate migrants of 214.66 lakhs 60.95 in future plannmg of a place. per ccnt have moved from rund to rural, 10.44 per cent from Analysis of Bid District in Comparison with Maharashtra urban to urban, 21.01 per cent from rural to urban and 7.56 Migrants by place of Birth. per cent from urban to rural. In case of Bid distnct of the On the basis of migrants by place of birth, there arc total 4.90 lakhs interstate migrants, 75.36 per cent have 261.43 lakhs migrants in Maharashlra in 1981, comprising moved from rural to rural, 5.65 per cent from urban to urban, of 104.68 takhs males and 156.75 lakhs females. These 13.23 per cent from rural to urban and 5.75 per cent from migrants constitute 41.64 per cent of total populatIon. Male urban to rural. migrants constitute 32.29 per cent of male population while , In case of migrants from other States numbering 44.04 female migrants account for 51.62 per cent of female lakhs, 16.18 per cent have moved from rural to rural, 32.31 population. per cent from urban to urban, 47.57 per cent from rural to In Bid district (undivided) there were 4.97 lakhs urban and only 3.85 per cent from urban to rural. In case migrants comprising of 1.31 lakhs males and 3.66 lakhs of Bid district of the total 6.65 thousand migrants, 20.07 females. The migrants of this dIstrict constitute 33.43 per per cent have moved from rural to rural, 37.48 per cent from cent of total population. Male and female migrants account urban to urban, 22.34 per cent from rural to urban and 20.11 for 17.30 and 50.14 per cent respectively. per cent from urban to rural. From the disLribulion of total migrants in Maharashtra Note: Analysis IS based on Table 'D I 'of Migration Tables by place of birth, it can be clearly seen that females Part V-A & B, 1981 census. 4.~:;

PERCENrr AGE DI~tBurU.t)F PE1tt."ENfn\O~DfS1lRmmION OF" MIBRAmS BY,PLACE OFiBIRthl M IORJ(NrStwr.PLACEtOFIBOOH MAHAR \SIITRA ___ r_ ... BID ttl ltd (\," ,u, 19S1 Censll~ Place 0( HIrth ---_ Place 0( mrth I\.r>l)n~ \I.lio.!' r ~ I ~: Per~ons !l.1dles l.:mJl~, (I) (2) (3j ,Il (I) (2) (3) (~ I ------(1\) Migrants hom "WIthin the 21,4()(,.413 7,851,11\1 I .(IU.jI2 CA) il.llgranh born within the 490,018 127,461) 3b2,549 , Sldlc (. • I ulller.. tlUlt (82 II) (15 (I~) (~(lM) ~I.lW of cnUlnOflltWll (9863') (97 .. ~} fIJI) ()~}

(I) Migrdlll5 holm 13,IU9.1tlK 4,44",3(C 9,375,406 (I) Mlgl'lllltsbom 119,319 !l5,Ml 253,718 c1,c\\ h,·r.: III dlstna 01 (52.86) (42.ui) (59 HI) clscwherem disfnCl 0{ (6li lfl) (IlS 44\ (M32) CIIUIIICI"JtWII enumemlOl1

(II) Mlgr.uth hom IniMher 7.64b,765 l,4()!1,859 4.237.906 (II) MIgrants boorln other 150,1>,)9 41,ll6li IOR,83 I d"lriCL 01 the Stdte C!925) (3256) (270'3) dl$trut~ of inc Stolt.: ( I, I ~_I) f ~l.Ol} (2973)

(B) Mll:lr.!IIt~11o'lIin·bth.:r St.11cS 4,401,751 2,469,647 1,

(C) ,\IIlgr.utH hom In other 273,()94 I 45,!J67 128,027 (C) MIgralll' I, '11' III ,'ther m 94 79 cllUlltries (1 (4) (139) (082) countne, (003) (007) (O02)

Total Mlgmnts 26.14:l~318 10,461,875 15,675,443 loul :\llgrJIII> 496,836 130,801 3tJ6.ooS (I (JO.(Xl) (IOOOO) (100.00) (10000) (100.(1) (100.00)'


1981 Census 1981~ Pldcc of Binh Pldce of Hirth Migrants Percentage Migrants Pel'CClttage to total to total migrants migrants (I) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

1. Andhra Pradesh 333,71{) 758 1. I\ndhra l>radesh 1995 30.01

2 GUJarat 777,180 17.65 2 Gujdrdt 572 8.61

3 Kamataka 925,171 21 OJ 3 Kamalak .. 2041 3072

4. Kerala 215,937 491 4 M.ulhY8 I'r.ltlcsn 558 840

5 Madhya Pnillosh 484,062 10.99 5 RdJa~drdn 398 599

6. Rajasthan 200,060 4.54 6. UUdf I'rdde,h 443 667

7. TamtlNadu 184,570 419 '1 oI.!l for SIX ~t.ltes 00)7 9040 Other stdles - 63-8- 960 8 Uttar Protdesh 929,749 21 II Total 664S 10000 T01.31 for eIght states 4,050,439 9198

Other slates 353,312 8.02

Total 4,403,751 10000

·30-A B 4%



Pldcc of Enumcrdllon

Place of Birth Toial Rural Urban (I) (2) (3) (4)

Total internal migrants (1) Within the Slale Total 21,466,473 14,710,804 6,755,669 (100.()(» (68.53) ) (31.47) Ruml 17,593,442 13,083,051 'l,51 0,389 (81.96) (60.95) (21.01) Urban 3,864,350 1,623,383 2,240,966 (18.00) (7.56) (10.44)

(2) In other Slates of India ~ ..... 'f'oml 4,403,751 882,680 3,521,071 (100.00) (20.04) (79.96) Rurdl 2,807,480 712;546, 2,094,934 (63.75) (16.18) (47.57) Urban 1,592,278 169.604 1,422,673 (36.16) (3.85) (32.31)

Note - TOIal Includc the mIgrants whose place of birth IS unclasslfiable as Rural or Urban



Place of Enmneralion

1"lace of Bllth 'foul Rurdl Urban (I) (2) (3) (4)

Total internal migrants

(1) Within the State Total 490,018 397,477 92,541 (100.00) (81.12) (18.88) Rural 434,040 369,225 64,815 (88.59) (75.36) (13.23) Urban 55,874 28,181 27,693 (11.40) (5.75) (5.65)

(2) In other SlaLes of India Total 6,645 2,671 3,974 (100.00) (40.18) (59.82) Rural 2,818 1,333 1,474 (42.41) (20.07) (22.34) 3,827 1,336 2,490 (57.59) (20.11) (37.48)

Note - (1) Total mclude the mlgr.nts whose place of bmh IS unclasslflable dS Rural or Urban. (2) 'The figures for rural/urban place of enumerauon may nOl add up 1010lai place 01 enwncrauon In dll cases and there will be some margmal differences as the D-llable was processed on compuler and was adjusted 10 '-01IfOn11 10 the earlier PCA figures by sUlldble correction factor 437



~o of I-hlldren ever Chlld­ Mean GH{ (1:-'11'1{ 'IMFR CBR TFR bom per woman III Womdn Age at age group 45-49 Ratio Marnage (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

M .. harll~htra lOS 135 34 42 2553 495 51.0 168 134 168 4.3 52 3175 GCCdlcr BOlllh.ty 62 86 IS 27 1494 . 386 43.9 188 116 162 34 5 I 2803 lh ItIL 88 112 26 33 2158 4.36 513 180 112 168 39 49 3242 98 127 32 4.0 2418 483 514 17.6 113 174 44 55 32.88 83 121 30 40 2237 433 41.0 184 110 159 40 53 2941 128 153 40 47 3017 531 55 S 16.4 151 181 47 5.6 35.65 6 Dhulc 122 148 38 45 2854 556 560 169 154 188 48 57 3610 7 higdon 124 150 40 46 2891 535 53.2. 161 149 180 48 55 3469 1!Xl 126 3.3 39 2632 'i03 51 I 162 124 146 38 45 ,059 I'une 95 119 28 37 2311 466 487 170 123 154 36 4Il '1.969 10 S.ttdra 103 125 33 3'1 :565 478 482 162 lIS 143 3S 4'i 2934 II S.tllgh 98 116 30 30 2314 470 474 161 114 136 ., 'i 42 2692 124 150 38 46 2877 532 528 161 136 164 42 51> 3142 13 Kollt.trur 87 109 27 34 2133 450 427 173 112 140 35 44 2741 14 AurdllgdruJ 141 164 45 51 3244 521 580 IS 9 143 )(.0 46 52 3258 l'i P.uhham 135 155 43 48 30.74 544 568 153 137 157 43 49 3105 139 159 44 50 3123 524 556 156 137 157 4.3 49 3080 17. N.uIJcd 150 172 47 5.3 32.70 557 627 153 ISS 181 50 56 3431 ) 8 (hman.tI",J 140 162 44 50 3123 5.47 579 IS 6 145 169 46 5.2 3252 19. Bulddllol 146 171 47 5.6 3325 539 55.7 16.2 142 J73 46 55 3244 20 Akola 135 169 4.3 53 3105 551 553 167 146 183 47 57 35.54 21 Amravdll 121 162 40 53 27 ,29 554 531 1;;3 146 195 4.8 64 3297 22 Yav.llmal 133 163 42 51 2951 579 579 166 159 195 5.0 61 3531 23 W.lrdh.l I ()I) 142 35 47 2464 565 502 167 143 IS6 46 62 3224 24 !\'dgpur lOS 143 34 46 2526 529 50 (, 169 146 194 46 63 3410 25. BhanJdr.t 107 132 35 4 J 2660 479 497 165 137 J69 45 53 3288 113 139 36 43 2634 521 523 164 149 J83 48 57 3476

Nole (I) UnadJu,ted dnd adjusted values ot GFR. GMFR, TFR, TMFR and CIlR arc given at dlstnct level (2) AdJu\tcd rate, h .. vc hccn obL.llllcd USUlg PtF ralto tcchllIque .ugge;tl!<.! by Wilham Bra". \~here P ,ldllds for lhe a\e(dgc panty of \\Olllcn ill a p"rll(.ul.1f age group and F stands for the average panty equlvalenl obtdillcd from penod fertility fdiC' and by CUnlUldliOll and UltcrpoldtlOll (3) hgure.1Il the first lme against the Sldle/Dlslnclllld(('dlC un"dJustcd Mes, whlk IhOloe III the second line rndlcatc adjusted we, _...... O'>~ ;-, ",-- - ~ ...... r-- ...... ~ <'I ...... 00 ...... ~ ...... _ .,., .... ~ ~M -r-- ~~ ~..; ~IO CO~ ::>. 5555 f:::<'1 ~o\ r--oo -Q\ ~~ .,.,~ '" r- 3~ ~ '-' ~g ~e Me M"'~ '-' "'~ M '-' ~; Me M '-' 5 I ~- ~e "1' '-' 10 '-' N '-' E ;g I~ 00 M ...... 0\ ...... 00 ...... ~ ...... II) ...... ~ ...... 10 ...... 10 ...... r-- ...... r--- "' ~s "' ...... <'1 00 00 - ~r::- Z §::1 ~~ ..or- gJ~ ~~ ~i ",0\ ~a Ei ;;;;~ r--"1 ooM r::~ ~~ 0.. 1"100 11)0 r-M r-..,: <'1M ~.o ""r- Mr-- r- 00 r-M 0010 ~ ej ~~ r-", Ma- ~O :j:'" MOO ... CO .,. '-- J!:~ be "1' '-' r- '-' ::1e r-e 3e "'~ ~~ ",e r-- '-'00 00 '-' 00 '-' "'~00 '-' U N ... -'-' ~ -Q\ I

- a- ...... "1' ...... M ...... 0 ...... r-- ...... 0 ...... M ...... 0 ...... r- ",-0 M~ SVl ~oo ",,,, ~G' S ...... - 88Q\ OO ." ... r--~ M~ ~r-- ~~ ~ ...... ~ .... I r- ~8 ","1CO _ N~ M. "'-: ~r-: r-r-- "'M r-r- 000 VIM ~ ... r-- g~ ff'. 1'1 "1'~ 10M -~ i~_t!, - ~.o ~~ V<'I MM... ~ :'1 r! '-- r-- ._ ~c '-' '-' ::t;!. ~C!, Nt!, M '-' ~a - ...-' '-' ~E. I - '-' '-' ::: ... ,I ~ - - ~ I .., I """ I ~ ...,;- ;:;"'" _...... ~ - 0- "'~ 00 ...... ~ ...... r- ...... r-- ...... ~ ...... "1' ...... G 000;- 55 ...... : ...... ",,,, ",- or on ~~ M~ gr::- ",r-- 008 ~<.O '"OOM M'" ..-: r- N - r--"".... '" _8 ",::6 ",'" 00 _ .,.0 ",<'I ",00 r--- 10- , ;; ~-- ('I N"": ooM 81'1 r-\O ~N ""- 8....: Moo N_ r--M § ~N r--c -Ot!, '"00 M"1' ~;;; 00<'1 r--t!, r--t;! ~"" c 3~ "'c :!C!- t!, ~c M '-' .... '-' \'-' ~B -~ - ~ M "'~ - ~ Co - ",.. CQ ~ 'J; :-. _...... cr; ...... ~ ...... r-- ...... '" ...... "' ...... ,.1'1 1'1- "'r--- ...... ),g::- '" ...... 8 ...... z ~ ...... t€~ -'"Mr-- ~~ ",M M~ '!f) o~~ . OOM -oM ..oM ",'" s~ r--~ 0.. -co\ §~ -0\ ~..,: 00 .... M-O COlO -'" 000\ ~ < ~ 00 .... ~O\ ~~ -<'I ;;l;'" "'1'1 ~gJ 00", "'N ~r- 3- ~~ :z~ ('. ~ -oC ~c M '-' _rJ. M '-' -0 '-' M '-' Mt!, Mt!, ~c NC;!. ...L.J ~ r-- - '-" '" '-' 7. C-' ;z: ~ -< -~. '- 0 _...... M ...... M ...... 0 ...... 00 ...... 0 ...... Nr- ",-'" ...... r--~ ~tn ~~ "' ...... '" ...... r--- OM r-M '"V'" ...... :z I.t. ~~ \0- ooM r--'" 00 0 ~oo ~~ ~~ ~r- NM MIO ","1' 8~ ~~ ,... ~ ~ '$,"': -000 ""M MM 'wi r-","'~ ....-M '" ~oo ~M "'10 ~O !'!VI- r- r--r-- 1'110 br-- ~r- vr- ~ M ._, M'-" ~ '-' M '-' ~c 10 '-' "''''.,. '-' ~e .,. '-' "'C "'C "'C --'-' ve 0\ '" E- "E :::I -;;;J C ._:.. c == t N .,...... N ...... r-- ...... r-- ...... M ...... ~ 0 <'1-0'" ...... r--'" OOM 10 00 .,.00'" ...... v'" ""r--"" ...... b~ $0:- :j:M' ",,,] OO 0\1'1 M~ oo~ .5 M ~ ~~10 • MM N- r-- §~ ~~ -E- ~ ~:: IO_ N.,., OM r- .... N ""M ""- '" ...... ~~ ~~ -010 00 -6 :j: ~ O\~ b~N ._, r--r--1'1 ._, gJe M ._, N--0 ._ tO~ -::6 "''''~~ ::>. c ~S a~ Me ._, N '-' '-' ... ~ - - Q oS - 5 ~ !:! C-' .c... -< ~ E-

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