Kimberly Johnson Third Field Reading List: Seventeenth-Century Devotional Poetry

Devotional Poetry Donne, John, Holy Sonnets, La Corona, Hymns Crashaw, Richard, Steps to the Temple Herbert, George, The Temple Vaughan, Henry, Silex Scintillans I and II Traherne, Thomas, Dobell Poems, Poems of Felicity Taylor, Edward, Preparatory Meditations Selections from Alabaster, Southwell, Herrick, Quarles, Wither, Cowley, Marvell, Milton

Secondary Materials The Bible (King James Authorized Version)

Augustine, Confessions, tr. R.S Pine-Coffin. New York: Penguin, 1961.

Beachcroft, T.O., “Crashaw--and the Baroque Style.” The Criterion 13 (1934).

Clark, Michael, “The Honeyed Knot of Puritan Aesthetics,” in Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth- Century in Theory and Practice, ed. Peter White. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985.

Coolidge, John S., The Pauline Renaissance in England: Puritanism and the Bible. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.

Durr, R.A., The Mystical Poetry of . Cambridge: Press, 1962.

Eliot, T.S., “The Metaphysical Poets,” from Selected Essays.

Eliot, T.S., The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993.

Empson, William, Seven Types of Ambiguity. New York: New Directions, 1947.

Empson, William, “ and Miss Tuve,” Kenyon Review 12 (1950).

Ferguson, Margaret, “St. Augustine’s Region of Unlikeness: the Crossing of Exile and Language,” Georgia Review 29.4 (1975).

Fincham, Kenneth, ed., The Early Stuart Church: 1603-1642. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.

Fish, Stanley, Self-Consuming Artifacts: The Experience of Seventeenth-Century Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972.

Gardner, Helen, introduction to : The Divine Poems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952.

Gilman, Ernest B., Iconoclasm and Poetry in the English Reformation. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Harman, Barbara, Costly Monuments: Representations of the Self in George Herbert’s Poetry. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1982.

Keller, Karl, The Example of Edward Taylor. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1972.

Kermode, Frank, “The Private Imagery of Henry Vaughan.” R.E.S., 1.3 (1950). Lewalski, Barbara, Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth Century Religious Lyric. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979.

Low, Anthony, Love’s Architecture: Devotional Modes in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry. New York: New York University Press, 1978.

Martz, Louis, The Poetry of Meditation. New Haven: Press, 1962.

O’Grady, Kathleen, “The Pun or the Eucharist? Eco and Kristeva on the Consummate Model for the Metaphoric Process,” Literature and Theology 11.1 (1997).

Pettet, E. C., Of Paradise and Light: A Study of Vaughan’s Silex Scintillans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960.

Post, Jonathan F. S., Henry Vaughan: The Unfolding Vision. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982.

Roberts, John R., ed., New Perspectives on the Seventeenth-Century English Religious Lyric. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1994.

Scarry, Elaine, “Donne: ‘But yet the body is his booke.” Literature and the Body: Essays on Populations and Persons, ed. Elaine Scarry. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.

Schoenfeldt, Michael, Prayer and Power: George Herbert and Renaissance Courtship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

Schweitzer, Ivy, “Semiotics of the Sacrament in Edward Taylor’s Preparatory Meditations” in Praise Disjoined: Changing Patterns of Salvation in Seventeenth-Century English Literature, ed. William P. Shaw. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.

Smith, Hallett, “English Metrical Psalms in the Sixteenth Century and their Literary Significance.” Huntington Library Quarterly, 9 (1945).

Stein, Arnold, George Herbert’s Lyrics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968.

Stewart, Stanley, The Expanded Voice: The Art of . San Marino: Huntington Library, 1970.

Strier, Richard, Love Known: Theology and Experience in George Herbert’s Poetry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983.

Summers, Joseph, George Herbert: His Religion and Art. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954.

Tuve, Rosemond, A Reading of George Herbert. London: Faber and Faber, 1951.

Vendler, Helen, The Poetry of George Herbert. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975.

Wade, Gladys I., Thomas Traherne. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944.

Walton, Izaak, The Lives of Doctor John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Doctor Sanderson. New York: Duffield, 1906.

Warren, Austin, : A Study in Baroque Sensibility. Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1939.