Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group

Proud of our Borough Ambitious for the future

Labour are proud of our Borough. Together we’ve built a community that cares for one another, that supports our veterans and looks after the most vulnerable. We are investing in our borough, supporting the young, protecting the elderly, making and Bedworth an even better place to live. A Labour Council will always be on the side of hard-working people.

We will take action to improve Town Centres.

Our multi-million-pound plan will boost trade, support local business and help create more jobs for local people. We will work to bring new companies to our borough and invest in local people so that local people can access local jobs.

Your Labour Council will;

• Invest millions to make our town centres the best they can be

• Consult on new action plans to improve our towns

• Continue to bring new events to our towns while continuing to support existing community activities such as the Carnival, Civic Bonfires and Christmas lights events

• Urge County Council to join Transport so we get cheaper and more frequent services on train and bus journeys

• Continue to support small, medium and large companies who bring jobs to Nuneaton and Bedworth.

Promoted by June Tandy on behalf of Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group all at 86 Red Deep, CV11 4QZ. (2020)

• We’ll continue our award winning ‘Think Local First Campaign’ to support local small business

• Create opportunities for more apprenticeships both within the council and local business

• Continue to be a ‘Living Wage Foundation’ employer and encourage others in the local economy to do so as well

• Continue to maintain high quality car parks to attract visitors to our Borough

We will transform our sports facilities.

Our plans include a new leisure centre in Bedworth and significant improvements to The Pingles and Top Farm School sports hall. Labour will build a new skate park in Bedworth, transform Riversley Park and deliver record investment in our parks and open spaces across the borough.

Your Labour Council will;

• Work to address the significant health inequalities that people of Nuneaton and Bedworth face.

• Build a new leisure centre in Bedworth, including a swimming pool

• Extend The Pingles to include a larger pool and more facilities for local people

• Create an outdoor amphitheatre in Bedworth park

• Upgrade Nuneaton band stand and create an outdoor entertainment area for local groups and kids.

• Enhance the community sporting hub at the Top Farm School including, creating a 100-station gym, 2 dance studios and an all-weather pitch

• Expand services at Bedworth Civic Hall for residents of all ages

• Invest in more outdoor gyms across Nuneaton and Bedworth

• Invest in sports facilities at Bulkington Pavilion, Paul’s Land, Heatley Pavilion, Keresley Community Centre and Stockingford Community Centre.

• Build a new Skate park in the Miners Welfare Park

Promoted by June Tandy on behalf of Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group all at 86 Red Deep, CV11 4QZ. (2020)

• Extend Bedworth Miner’s Welfare Park to include Coalpit Fields through to Hawkesbury Village linked by cycle and pedestrian routes

• Extend Nuneaton’s Riversley Park across Avenue Road through to Wem Brook linked by cycle and pedestrian routes

• Protect and enhance Whittleford Park as a nature reserve

We will clamp down on those who drop litter and fly-tip.

Under Labour, our Council will invest in more patrols to combat those who don't play by the book. We will always be on the side of hard-working people, so we'll invest in more CCTV and prosecute those who fail to abide by the rules.

Your Labour Council will;

• Increase our response team to ensure fly tipping is cleared quicker.

• Support more community litter picks, working with communities who are proud of our Borough

• Target dog fouling and take the strongest possible action against those who don’t respect our Borough

• Hold road shows with information to ensure we do all we can to maximise recycling

• Take positive measures to reduce climate change effects locally

• Strengthen our work with the Police, arguing for more resources in Nuneaton and Bedworth

• Call for more officers on the Beat

• Invest in CCTV to protect our communities and make people feel safer

• Urge Warwickshire County Council to switch our lights back on at night

Promoted by June Tandy on behalf of Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group all at 86 Red Deep, CV11 4QZ. (2020)

We will deliver 200 more council homes for local people.

A Labour Council will invest in our council housing, supporting tenants with new bathrooms, windows and kitchens. We will always fight developers who try to get away without improving our community infrastructure while building the new homes our children and grandchildren need. We will work to tackle homelessness, supporting local people who have fallen on tough times.

Your Labour Council will;

• Deliver 200 more Council Homes in the next four years

• Secure 25% more affordable homes across the Borough for the next generation to get on the ladder

• Invest millions of pounds in our existing Council housing each year to provide new bathrooms, windows, doors, kitchens and additional insulation

• Build more whole life housing – this is housing that can easily be adapted to care for the most vulnerable in society

• Continue to improve the Council Tax Support Scheme that helps the poorest in society.

• Work to end the scandal of homelessness by creating more hostels like we have at the former Council House

• Review the local plan and fight Conservative planning laws that put developers first

• Secure tens of millions of pounds from developers for local community facilities

Promoted by June Tandy on behalf of Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group all at 86 Red Deep, CV11 4QZ. (2020)

We will always protect our communities from Conservative cuts.

Labour will continue the battle to get our streetlights switched on and more Police on the beat. After ten years of Conservative cuts, Labour will always be on the side of decent working people.

Every time local Conservatives claim to oppose something, ask them why they’ve supporting taking millions of pounds away from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council. Every cut, every charge, every single difficult decision has been forced upon our area by a Conservative Government. They know the cost of everything but the value of nothing.

Labour is the last line of defence between local people and a Conservative Party who simply don’t care about local hard-working people.

• Under the Conservatives, local community centres would be sold off or closed down. Nuneaton Museum and Bedworth Civic Hall would be partially closed down

• Plans to invest in Nuneaton and Bedworth Town Centre’s would be put at risk. The Conservatives did not vote for Labour’s budget plans in February 2020

• The Conservatives have even proposed charging more rent to mobile homeowners

• Under the Conservatives, plans to build new leisure centres would be put at risk. Only through the local plan, can we secure funding from developers to invest in our Borough. The Conservatives don’t want to build a new swimming pool in Bedworth. They want a second one in Nuneaton.

• The Conservatives will put developers first and by scrapping the local plan, they’ll still legally have to build as many homes, but the developers will have complete control over how, when and most importantly where

• The Tories at Warwickshire County Council have whacked up their council tax by £57 a year. Labour in Nuneaton and Bedworth have increased it by just £5.

Promoted by June Tandy on behalf of Nuneaton and Bedworth Labour Group all at 86 Red Deep, CV11 4QZ. (2020)