UNT Digital Library Value Study – Codebook

Official Record Data


Is the survey participant on Faculty Panel (UNT faculty or staff) or Student Panel (UNT graduate student)?

o [1] FSPan o [2] StudPan



o [1] DOC (Doctoral Student) o [2] MA (Masters Student) o [3] PB (Post‐baccalaureate) o [4] PREDOC (Pre‐doctoral) o [5] PROF (Professional doctorate)



o [1] Arts & Science Doctoral o [13] Information Doc o [2] Arts & Sciences – Masters o [14] Information Master o [3] Arts & Sciences Professional o [15] Merchndsng Hosptlty & Tourism o [4] Business Doctoral o [16] Music Doctoral o [5] Business Masters o [17] Music Master o [6] Education Doctoral o [18] Public Affairs & Comm Srv Doc o [7] Education Masters o [19] Public Affairs & Comm Srv Mast o [8] Engineering Doctoral o [20] School of Journalism‐Masters o [9] Engineering Master o [21] UNTD Masters Educ & Human Srv o [10] Graduate Degree Seeking o [22] UNTD Masters UrbanProf Studies o [11] Graduate Non‐Degree o [23] UNTD Non Degree GRAD o [12] Graduate School Masters o [24]Visual Arts Master


Acad Plan (Academic Plan)

o [1] ACCT‐MS o [2] AGEO‐MS

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [3] AGER‐PHD o [47] HIED‐MS o [4] APAN‐MA o [48] HIED‐PHD o [5] APAN‐MS o [49] HIST‐MA o [6] ARTE‐MA o [50] HIST‐MS o [7] ARTH‐MA o [51] HIST‐PHD o [8] ATAX‐MS o [52] HMGG‐MS o [9] ATPI‐MS o [53] INFO‐PHD o [10] ATPI‐PHD o [54] INSC‐MS o [11] AUID‐AUD o [55] INSD‐MA o [12] BEHV‐MS o [56] INSD‐MS o [13] BICM‐PHD o [57] ITDS‐MS o [14] BIMO‐PHD o [58] JAZZ‐MM o [15] BIOL‐MS o [59] JOUR‐MA o [16] BIOL‐PHD o [60] JOUR‐MJ o [17] BUSI‐MBA o [61] KINE‐MS o [18] BUSI‐PHD o [62] LILS‐PHD o [19] CHEM‐MS o [63] LISC‐MS o [20] CHEM‐PHD o [64] LSHA‐MA o [21] CINS‐EDD o [65] LSHA‐MS o [22] CINS‐PHD o [66] LTEC‐MS o [23] CLIN‐PHD o [67] LTEC‐PHD o [24] COUN‐MS o [68] MATH‐MS o [25] COUN‐PHD o [69] MATH‐PHD o [26] CPSY‐PHD o [70] MEEN‐MS o [27] CSCE‐PHD o [71] MGMT‐PHD o [28] CSCI‐MS o [72] MSEN‐MS o [29] DBUSI‐MBA o [73] MSEN‐PHD o [30] DCOUN‐MED o [74] MSES‐MS o [31] DCRJS‐MS o [75] MUCO‐PHD o [32] DEADM‐MED o [76] MUED‐PHD o [33] DGNDE o [77] MUSI‐MA o [34] DSGN‐MFA o [78] MUTH‐PHD o [35] EDAD‐EDD o [79] PADM‐MPA o [36] EDER‐PHD o [80] PADM‐PHD o [37] EENG‐MS o [81] PERF‐DMA o [38] ENCW‐MA o [82] PERF‐MM o [39] ENGL‐MA o [83] PHIL‐PHD o [40] ENGL‐PHD o [84] PHYS‐PHD o [41] ENSC‐PHD o [85] PSCI‐MA o [42] EPSY‐MS o [86] PSCI‐PHD o [43] GDES o [87] PSYC‐MS o [44] GNDE o [88] RECR‐MS o [45] HIED‐EDD o [89] RSRC‐MS o [46] HIED‐MED o [90] RTVF‐MA

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [91] RTVF‐MFA o [96] SOCI‐PHD o [92] SART‐MFA o [97] SPAN‐MA o [93] SLAN‐MS o [98] SPED‐PHD o [94] SOCI‐MA o [95] SOCI‐MS



o [1] Accounting o [35] Graduate Non‐Degree o [2] Applied Anthropology o [36] Graduate Non‐Degree UNTD o [3] Applied Geography o [37] Higher Education o [4] Applied Gerontology o [38] History o [5] Applied Tech & Perf Improvemen o [39] Hospitality Management o [6] Art Education o [40] Info Tech & Decision Sciences o [7] Art History o [41] Information Science o [8] Audiology o [42] Interdisciplinary Studies o [9] Behavior Analysis o [43] Jazz Studies o [10] Biochem & Molecular Biology o [44] Journalism o [11] Biochemistry o [45] Kinesiology o [12] Biology o [46] Learning Technologies o [13] Business o [47] Library Science o [14] Business Administration o [48] Literacy and Language Studies o [15] Business Administration UNTD o [49] Long Trm Care, Housing & Aging o [16] Chemistry o [50] Management o [17] Clinical Psychology o [51] Materials Science and Enginrng o [18] Computer Sci and Engineering o [52] Mathematics o [19] Computer Science o [53] Mechanical and Energy Eng. o [20] Counseling o [54] Music o [21] Counseling Psychology o [55] Music Education o [22] Counseling UNTD o [56] Music Theory o [23] Creative Writing o [57] Musicology o [24] Criminal Justice UNTD o [58] Performance o [25] Curriculum and Instruction o [59] Philosophy o [26] Design o [60] Physics o [27] Educational Admin UNTD o [61] Political Science o [28] Educational Administration o [62] Psychology o [29] Educational Research o [63] Public Administration o [30] Electrical Engineering o [64] Radio / TV / Film o [31] Engineering Systems o [65] Radio, Television and Film o [32] English o [66] Recreation & Leisure Studies o [33] Environmental Science o [67] Rehabilitation Counseling o [34] Grad Degree Seeking Undecided o [68] Sociology

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [69] Spanish o [72] Studio Art o [70] Special Education o [73] Taxation o [71] Speech‐Language Pathology



o [1] A&S General Access Lab o [37] Computer Science & Engineering o [2] Accounting Department o [38] Computing & Info Tech Center o [3] Admissions o [39] Copy Centers o [4] Advancement o [40] Counseling & Testing Center o [5] Anthropology o [63] Counseling and Higher Educ o [6] Art Education & History o [64] Criminal Justice o [7] Art Studio o [65] Ctr Economic Development o [8] Arts & Sciences Student Srvs o [66] Dance & Theatre o [9] Asset Management – Admin Div o [67] Dining Services Admin o [10] Assoc Dean – Teacher Education o [68] Economics o [11] Athletics o [69] Educational Psychology o [12] Auxiliary Services o [70] Engineering Technology o [13] AVP of Student Affairs o [71] English o [14] Behavior Analysis o [72] Enrollment Mgmt o [15] Biology o [73] Equity & Diversity o [16] Budget Office o [74] Facilities o [17] Campus Dining Service Administ o [75] Finance & Administration o [18] Career Center o [76] Financial Aid o [19] Center for Lifelong Learning o [77] Foreign Language & Lit o [20] Chemistry o [78] Geography o [21] Chile Field Station Program o [79] Graduate School o [22] CLEAR o [80] History o [23] COBA Computing Center o [81] Honors College o [24] COE – Technology o [82] Hospitality/Tourism o [25] COE Student Advising o [83] Housing Administration o [26]Coliseum/Gateway Center o [84] Info Tech & Decision Sciences o [27] Coll Public Affrs & Comm Serv o [85] Institute Applied Sciences o [28] Coll. Merch. Hosp. & Tourism o [86] Institutional Research/Accred o [29] Coll. of Visual Arts & Design o [87] International Studies Program o [30] College of Arts & Science o [88] Journalism o [31] College of Business o [89] Kerr Hall Housing o [32] College of Education o [90] Kinesiology/Health/Recrtn o [33] College of Engineering o [91] Learning Technologies o [34] College of Information o [92] Libraries o [35] Communication Studies o [93] Library – Information Science o [36] Compliance o [94] Linguistics & Technical Commun

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [95] Mail Services o [59] Registrar o [96] Management o [60] Rehab Social Wrk Addictions o [97] Maple Hall Housing o [61] Research Services o [98] Marketing o [62] Risk Management o [99] Materials Sci & Engineering o [103] Sociology o [100] Mathematics o [104] Space Management & Planning o [101] Micro Maintenance/Classrm Supt o [105] Speech & Hearing Sciences o [102] Mozart Square Housing o [106] SSF‐Career/Leadership Develop o [41] Music o [107] Student Acctg & Univ Cashier o [42] Music – Conducting & Ensembles o [108] Student Health & Wellness Ctr o [43] Music – Education o [109] Student Money Management o [44] Music – History/Theory/Ethno o [110] Student Recreation Center o [45] Music – Instrumental Studies o [111] Teach North Texas o [46] Music – Jazz Studies o [112] Teacher Ed & Administration o [47] Music – Vocal Studies o [113] Texas Academy Math & Science o [48] Office of Disability Accom o [114] Trio Center for Student Dev o [49] PACS Undergrad Program o [115] Undergraduate Studies o [50] Physics o [116] Union Administration o [51] Police Parking & Transport o [117] Universities Center‐ o [52] Political Science o [118] University Ombuds o [53] President‐UNT o [119] University Press o [54] Provost & VP Academic Affairs o [120] UNT‐International o [55] Prtnrshps for Strong Commun o [121] VP Research o [56] Psychology o [122] VP Student Affairs o [57] Public Administration o [123] VP University Relations o [58] Radio TV & Film o [124] West Hall Housing


o [1] Other o [2] Humanities o [3] Social Sciences o [4] Natural Sciences o [5] Formal Sciences o [6] Professions and Applied Sciences o [7] Library and Museum Studies



o [1] Academic Advisor I o [4] Academic Counselor o [2] Academic Advisor II o [5] Academic Professional II o [3] Academic Assoc Dean o [6] Academic Professional III

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [7] Academic Technician III o [34] Envt Health & Safety Coord II o [8] Accountant I o [35] Envt Health & Safety Coord III o [9] Accountant II o [36] ESL Instructor IELI 9 mos o [10] Accountant III o [37] Executive o [11] Adjunct Faculty o [38] Facilities Engineer o [12] Admin Specialist III 9mos o [39] Facilities Supervisor I o [13] Administrative Coordinator I o [40] Facilities Technician II o [14] Administrative Coordinator II o [41] Facilities Technician III o [15] Administrative Coordinator III o [42] Faculty Director o [16] Administrative Coordinator IV o [43] Financial Analyst III o [17] Administrative Specialist II o [44] Graphic Designer I o [59] Administrative Specialist III o [45] IT Manager I o [60] Administrative Specialist IV o [46] IT Manager III o [61] Assistant Director I o [47] IT Programmer Analyst I o [62] Assistant Director II o [48] IT Specialist I o [63] Assistant Director III o [49] IT Specialist II o [64] Assistant Librarian o [50] IT Specialist III o [65] Assoc Dean Univ Libraries o [51] IT Specialist IV o [66] Assoc Dir Athletics o [52] Lecturer o [67] Assoc Professor o [53] Lecturer (Continuing) o [68] Associate Dean Honors College o [54] Librarian o [69] Associate Librarian o [55] Library Associate o [70] Asst Dean University Libr o [56] Library Specialist I o [71] Asst Medical Dir Health Ctr o [57] Library Specialist II o [72] Asst Nursing Supervisor o [58] Marketing Specialist I o [73] Asst Professor o [76] Marketing Specialist II o [74] Athletic Program Asst Dir o [77] Marketing Specialist III o [75] Chief Nurse o [78] Media Technical Manager II o [18] Chief Pharmacist o [79] Medical Support Technician II o [19] Communications Specialist I o [80] Non‐Student Help – Hourly o [20] Communications Specialist II o [81] Police Lieutenant o [21] Construction Manager o [82] Police Sergeant o [22] Construction Specialist III o [83] Postdoc Resch Assoc – Hourly o [23] Contract Administrator I o [84] Postdoctoral Research Assoc o [24] Curator o [85] Prgm/Proj Coor I o [25] Data Analyst III o [86] Prgm/Proj Coor II o [26] Dean o [87] Principal Lecturer o [27] Dean, Honors College o [88] Principal Lecturer (Continuing o [28] Dept Chair/Div Head o [89] Print Services Manager o [29] Development Associate o [90] Professional Svcs Provider I o [30] Digital Image Specialist o [91] Professor o [31] Director I o [92] Publications Coordinator o [32] Director II o [93] Purchasing Assistant o [33] Envt Health & Safety Coord I o [94] Research Analyst II

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

o [95] Research Analyst III o [106] Senior Director Development II o [96] Research Associate Professor o [107] Senior Director I o [97] Research Professor o [108] Senior Director II o [98] Research Scientist I o [109] Senior Lecturer (Continuing) o [99] Research Scientist II o [110] Sign Language Interpreter o [100] Research Scientist III o [111] Student Services Assistant o [101] Residence Hall Director o [112] Student Services Coord II o [102] Scientific Lab Assistant o [113] Student Svcs Specialist I o [103] Senior Academic Counselor o [114] Student Svcs Specialist II o [104] Senior Assoc Dir Athletics o [115] Student Svcs Specialist III o [105] Senior Associate Dean o [116] Visiting Lecturer



o [1] Administrative o [2] Classified Staff o [3] Faculty o [4] Instructional Admin o [5] Other



o [1] Archivists/Curators/Museum Tec o [2] Business/Financial Operations o [3] Comm Service/Legal/Arts/Media o [4] Computer/Engineering/Science o [5] Healthcare Practitioners & Tec o [6] Librarians o [7] Library Technicians o [8] Management o [9] Natural Resource/Construct/Mnt o [10] No IPEDS‐S Reporting o [11] Non‐postsecondary Teaching o [12] Office/Administrative Support o [13] Primarily Instruction o [14] Primarily Research o [15] Production/Transport/Material o [16] Service

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

* D11_SOC


o [1] Accountants and Auditors o [30] Life, Physical, and Social Science o [2] Administrative Asst, not Legal, Techs Medical, and Exec o [31] Managers, All Other o [3] Business Operations Specialists, All o [32] Market Research Analysts and Other Marketing Specialist o [4] Computer and Information Systems o [33] Media and Communication Managers Equipment Workers, Other o [5] Computer Occupations, All Other o [34] Media and Communication o [24] Computer Programmers Workers, All Other o [25] Computer User Support Specialists o [35] Occupational Health and Safety o [26] Construction and Related Workers, Specialists All Other o [36] Occupational Health and Safety o [27] Curators Technicians o [28] Education Administrators, o [37] Pharmacists Postsecondary o [38] Procurement Clerks o [29] Education Teachers, Postsecondary o [39] Public Relations and Fundraising o [6] Education, Training, and Library Managers Workers, Other o [40] Residential Advisors o [7] Educational, Guidance, School, and o [41] Supervisors, Production and Voca Counselor Operating Workers o [8] Engineers, All Other o [42] Writers and Authors o [9] Executive Administrative Assistants o [43] Postsecondary Teachers, All Other o [10] Family and General Practitioners o [44] Supervisors of Construction and o [11] Financial Analysts Extraction Workers o [12] First‐Line Supervisors of Police and o [45] Reporting Detectives o [13] Fundraisers o [14] General and Operations Managers o [15] Graphic Designers o [16] Healthcare Practitioners, Tech Workers, Other o [17] Healthcare Support Workers, All Other o [18] Instructional Coordinators o [19] Interpreters and Translators o [20] Librarians o [21] Library Technicians o [22] Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses o [23] Life Scientists, All Other

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.



o [1] Administrative Support Workers o [2] Craft Workers o [3] Executive/Sr Level Officials o [4] First/Mid Level Officials o [5] No EEO‐1 Reporting o [6] Operatives o [7] Professionals o [8] Service Workers o [9] Technicians


EEO6Code o [1] Executive/Admin/Managerial o [2] Faculty o [3] No EEO‐6 Reporting o [4] Professional Nonfaculty o [5] Secretarial/Clerical o [6] Service Maintenance Workers o [7] Skilled Crafts o [8] Technical/Paraprofessional

UNT Position

Q3POS How would you describe your current position at the University of North Texas? (If more than one statement describes your position, please mark the one that is most time consuming.)

o [1] Administrator o [2] Faculty (i.e., Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Instructor) o [3] Graduate Student (Masters or Doctoral) o [4] Researcher (Non‐faculty) o [5] Staff o [6] Other


*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Please indicate the highest level of education you have completed.

o [1] Grammar School o [2] High School or equivalent o [3] Vocational/Technical School (2 year) o [4] Some college courses o [5] Associate’s Degree (2 year) o [6] Bachelor’s Degree (4 year) o [11] Some graduate courses o [7] Master’s Degree (MS) o [8] Doctoral Degree (PhD) o [9] Professional Degree (MD, JD, etc.) o [10] Other o [11] Some graduate courses

Q5POSTEACH Does your current position involve teaching university courses?

o [1] Yes o [2] No

Q6POSRES Does your current position involve research?

o [1] Yes o [2] No

Awareness of UNT Digital Library

Q7FAMDL How familiar are you with the UNT Digital Library, a centralized repository of digital collections from the libraries, colleges, schools, and departments at the University of North Texas. (Link opens in a new tab.

Not at all Familiar Slightly Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar Extremely Familiar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] o o o o o


*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

How familiar are you with UNT Scholarly Works, an open access repository within the UNT Digital Library containing articles, working papers, presentations, academic posters, reports, and other scholarly and creative products of the UNT community? (Link opens in a new tab.)

Not at all Familiar Slightly Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar Extremely Familiar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] o o o o o

Q9FAMPTH How familiar are you with The Portal to Texas History, a gateway to Texas history materials comprised of digital collections from over 200 Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, genealogical societies, and private family collections. (Link opens in a new tab.)

Not at all Familiar Slightly Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar Extremely Familiar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] o o o o o

Q10AWAREDL Operational Definitions; Number of Yes responses for each respondent.

Are you aware of the following resources in the UNT Digital Library:

In the UNT Digital Library? Yes No Not Sure

Q10_1CSR Congressional Research Service Reports: Reports from the [1] [2] [3] mid‐1970’s through the present

Q10_2CC CyberCemetary: Web sites and publications of defunct U.S. [1] [2] [3] government agencies and commissions

Q10_3ETD Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Publications by UNT masters and doctoral students [1] [2] [3]

Q10_4FCC The FCC Record: Decisions, reports, public notices, and other documents of the Federal Communications Commission from [1] [2] [3] 1986 to the present

Q10_5NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: 13,000+ [1] [2] [3]

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

aeronautical research publications (1915‐1958)

Q10_6ORAL Oral History Transcripts: Interviews about World War II, politics, community activism, desegregation, and recollections of life [1] [2] [3] in Texas

Q10_7POP “The ”: John Gilliland’s radio broadcasts that record the audio history of popular music from the 50’s and 60’s [1] [2] [3]

Q10_8FASH Texas Fashion Collection – Online: A digital collection of [1] [2] [3] historically significant fashion from top designers

Q10AWAREDL How many times the answer Yes (1) was selected in response to the collections in question10; No (2) and Not Sure (3) were not factored in for analysis.

Yes = 1


Operational Definitions; Number of Yes responses for each respondent.

Are you aware of the following resources in The Portal to Texas History:

In The Portal to Texas History?

Yes No Not Sure Q11_1DMA Catalogs for Dallas Museum of Art exhibitions, 1903 and 1983 [1] [2] [3]

Q11_2FW A collection of over 4,000 digital resources related to the history of Fort Worth, Texas [1] [2] [3]

Q11_3LOT The Laws of Texas, Gammel’s complete 33‐volume set charting Texas law from colonization to statehood [1] [2] [3]

Q11_4MAP More than 15,000 digitized maps dating from 1500 [1] [2] [3]

Q11_5SWQ The Southwestern Historical Quarterly (1897‐2004): A premier source of scholarly information about the history of Texas [1] [2] [3] and the Southwest published by the Texas State Historical Association

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Q11_6TDNP The Texas Digital Newspaper Program beginning in 1829, which includes over one million news pages [1] [2] [3]

Q11_7UNTYB University of North Texas yearbooks from 1906 to 2007 [1] [2] [3]

Q11_8TXYB Yearbooks from more than 800 Texas colleges and universities [1] [2] [3]

Q11AWAREPTH How many times the answer Yes (1) was selected in response to the collections in question10; No (2) and Not Sure (3) were not factored in for analysis.

Yes = 1


Q12REF Frequency of 3s

In your course syllabi, how often do you include references to digital materials in each of the following:

Never Occasionally Frequently Q12_1REFDL The UNT Digital Library [1] [2] [3] Q12_2REFSW The UNT Scholarly Works [1] [2] [3] Repository Q12_3REFPTH The Portal to Texas History [1] [2] [3] Q12REF Frequency of 3s Note: To ensure a numeric value for all three number 12 questions, if there was no value, a value of “1” was assumed and changed in the datafile within SPSS Q12REF Range of summed values: 1+1+1 = 3 3+3+3 = 9 Recode into usable variables RQ12REF [1] 1‐3 = Low [2] 4‐7 = Moderate [3] 8‐9 = High

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Q13CITE Frequency of 6 or more times

In your research proposals, reports, and publications, how often have you cited materials from: Never Once 2‐5 Times 6 or More Times Q13_1CITEDL The UNT Digital Library [1] [2] [3] [4] Q13_2CITESW The UNT Scholarly Works [1] [2] [3] [4] Repository Q13_3CITEPTH The Portal to Texas History [1] [2] [3] [4]

Q13CITE Frequency of 6 or more times Range of summed values: 1+1+1+1 = 4 3+3+3+3 = 12 Recode into usable variables [1] 1‐4 = Low [2] 5‐7 = Moderate [3] 8‐12 = High

Q14IMP Frequency of strongly agree?

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree nor Disagree Agree Agree Q14_1IMPDC A major research university must have extensive digital collections, [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] aside from electronic journals and = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 newspapers.

Q14_2IMPOA I think open access repositories are critical for long term [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] access to an institution’s scholarly = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 outputs.

Q14_3IMPCONT Resources in the UNT [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Libraries’ digital repositories contribute = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 to my work.

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Q14_4IMPREC I would advise a colleague with similar interests to use the resources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] in the UNT Libraries’ digital repositories. = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4

Q14_5IMPEMP I would factor a university [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] library’s digital resources and services = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 into my employment decision

The next two questions concern the UNT Digital Library as a whole [Q56]:

Q15PRSTGDL How important are these digital resources to the prestige of UNT as a research university? Note: Recoding to exclude “4” Neither Important nor Unimportant and “8” No Opinion

Neither Not at all Very Somewhat Important nor Somewhat Very Extremely No Important Unimportant Unimportant Unimportant Important Important Important Opinion [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] = 1 = 2 = 3 = 0 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 0 o o o o o o o o

Q16RLVNTDL From the perspective of your position at UNT, how relevant are these resources? Note: Recoding excludes “6” Not Sure to give a zero value

Not at all Somewhat Extremely Relevant Slightly Relevant Relevant Very Relevant Relevant Not Sure [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] = 1 = 2 =3 = 4 = 5 = 0 o o o o o o

The next two questions concern the open access UNT Scholarly Works repository [Q57]:

Q17PRSTGSW How important are these resources to the prestige of UNT as a research university? Note: Recoding to exclude “4” Neither Important nor Unimportant and “8” No Opinion

Not at all Very Somewhat Neither Somewhat Very Extremely No

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Important Unimportant Unimportant Important nor Important Important Important Opinion [1] [2] [3] Unimportant [5] [6] [7] [8] = 1 = 2 = 3 [4] = 4 = 5 = 6 = 0 = 0 o o o o o o o o

Q18RLVNTSW From the perspective of your position at UNT, how relevant are these resources? Note: Recoding excludes “6” Not Sure to give a zero value

Not at all Somewhat Extremely Relevant Slightly Relevant Relevant Very Relevant Relevant Not Sure [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] = 1 = 2 =3 = 4 = 5 = 0 o o o o o o

The next two questions concern The Portal to Texas History [Q58]:

Q19PRSTGPTH How important are these resources to the prestige of UNT as a research university? Note: Recoding to exclude “4” Neither Important nor Unimportant and “8” No Opinion

Neither Not at all Very Somewhat Important nor Somewhat Very Extremely No Important Unimportant Unimportant Unimportant Important Important Important Opinion [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] = 1 = 2 = 3 = 0 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 0 o o o o o o o o Q20RLVNTPTH From the perspective of your position at UNT, how relevant are these resources? Note: Recoding excludes “6” Not Sure to give a zero value

Not at all Somewhat Extremely Relevant Slightly Relevant Relevant Very Relevant Relevant Not Sure [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] = 1 = 2 =3 = 4 = 5 = 0 o o o o o o

Interest in Digital Library


*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Please indicate your interest in including your scholarly outputs (i.e., journal articles, conference presentations, posters, etc.) in UNT’s open access Scholarly Works repository? Note: Q21 not recoded; consider excluding value “6”

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Moderately Extremely Not Applicable Interested Interested Interested Interested Interested [6] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] o o o o o o

Q22 [TEXT] Please explain your lack of interest:

Q23CTRBSW Thinking ahead, how likely are you to contribute your scholarly outputs to UNT’s open access Scholarly Works Repository? Note: Recoded to exclude “3” Neutral

Extremely Unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Extremely Likely [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 o o o o o

Q24INTDR Please indicate your interest in contributing a copy of your research data to a future UNT Data Repository.

Not at all Extremely Interested Slightly Interested Somewhat Interested Moderately Interested Interested [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] o o o o o

Q25 Please explain your lack of interest:

Q26DEPDR In the future, how likely are you to deposit your research data to a future UNT Data Repository? Note: Recoded to exclude “3” Neutral

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

Extremely Unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Extremely Likely [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] = 1 = 2 = 0 = 3 = 4 o o o o o Scholarly Outputs Q27SOPJA For the previous two years, indicate the number of your scholarly outputs in each of the following areas. Include items prepared alone or in collaboration with others.

Q27_1SOPJA Journal articles Q27_2SOPBK Books Q27_3SOPBC Book chapters Q27_4SOPBR Book reviews Q27_5SOPEBA Edited books or anthologies Q27_6SOPCON Presentations at professional conferences


Q28GENDER What is your gender?

o [1] Female o [2] Male o [3] Other

Q29AGE How old are you?

o [1] 18‐24 o [2] 25‐34 o [3] 35‐44 o [4] 45‐54 o [5] 55‐64 o [6] 65 or over


*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.

We invite your additional comments about the UNT Digital Library, including the Scholarly Works Repository, as well as The Portal to Texas History.

*These fields will not include numeric values in SPSS.