W. Va. State College Holds Tennis Tournament I—Mer -.— in Her Alloil Arounda«*Rkiin/L Court by F R a N K BROWER Game
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THE CAROLIHA TIMB3 SATURDAY. ATO. 12t^ J950 Browsing Brower W. Va. State College Holds Tennis Tournament I—mer -.— in her alloil arounda«*rkiin/l court By f r a n k BROWER game. A new comer on the horizon is Misa Mary Plummer of H art been CAN YOU? ford, Conn. who haa been hit Can you build a better buildini;? Charles Confident Of Victory Over H « W , P b y ting a fast and accurate ball the Can ygu bake a better cake? S 8.fe.y, .< latter part of the moath of July Can you paint a better picture the college. in some of her challenge match es. Miss Dash Davis and Miss Than the other fellows make? This year’s tournament is Joyce Canady are favorites in Leam to do just one thing better, scheduled to include a^meof th the Novice division of the wo In just one, lone thing excel, Beshore; Not Worried About Louis best players men’s event. And you need not fear the future eountrv and is pointed up as me Cincinnati The quiet young Z t to be held m r« « n l ye.rs^ The doubles for men will For the world will pay you well man from out of the bosom of Tournamant director, 1- loya again be featuring the play of ALPHAS BACK HENDERSON CASE — NOW THAT this valley in Southern Ohio, Rrown has announced t»ai Lloyd Brown and l>r. Wallace is all business and especially, Bankhead Becomes Problem there will be two divisions this with Hawkins and F. Brown THE EXCITEMENT CAUSED BY THE HISTORICAL jiiii- the.se days, when the business is presenting them with their i Tuw cast's ruled on by the IJ- S. Siiprfinc Court lias subsided peo- fighting and raking in a few ^ There will be a Novice divisiolf toughest play. Holland and plt* art aiixious to know how, when and whfre it all starte<l . shekels. to S care of the outsUndmg Wanie Ferguson are expected THE CASES OF HERMAN SWEATT and (}. W. McUurin Also, just off the cuff, it Child Of Dodgers Staff numbers of new beginning te^ to move up in their rating even doesn’t matter whether it is nis players at the college so as though they have been bard atrainst the uuiversilies of Texas and Oklahoma r 'Si>eetively were peared eleven times in relief Freddie Beshore of California New York — Monday night “ barin, ” catcher Campanella, to g L them the advantage of preyed to beat.House and Kent instigated and prr>s«'cuted throiifjliout by tli<' Xational Association roles, sometimes not being in or Joseph Barrow 1/ouis of De was “ gloom” night in Flatbush who is a genilis with the problem experience of play in « tounia-i( i4^sdftife matches this for the Advancement of Colored I’eople . HOWEVER, THE troit. The memory is a pee\iliar and the fans are wondering boys of the mound, showed no volved in the final decision. He Slimmer. i ' has a knack for walking batters ment. This idea has ^ HEXDEIISOX CASE which had to do with thing and “ Ez/,” has that thing what gives with Dan Bankhead, thing (except a brilliant field ned for sometime but is year ing play) which .should keep at the wrong time, although his First round matches will be segregation in dinin*,' cars on Southern rail just as anyone else has. who showed so much promise at it is expected to materialize played all day on Augu^it 15th The fans, for long months his introduction to the Brook him Oil the Dodger roster. The strikeout record is not bad. Shot- roads can be chalked up solely to the vision, tou progresses with a finger on since so many request have come with regular play continuing now, along with much of the lyn fans. fielding play mentioned was a in from interested " eouraffe, fnanees and lejjal professional his proper position, covering the premist' that if a man can through Saturday of the same Press, have tried to consider Denied, specifically, by man have U‘en takuig t h e college know-how of Iho Alpha IMii Alj>ha Frater strike out as many as he walks week. Charles a “ second” Joe liouis. ager Shotton and not comment first base. X'o one else could elective tenuis course this sum- nity in the world. THE DECISION 14EN- There just isn't any such crea ed upon by owner Branch Ric as a fielding pitcher, he w'us in he has an opportunity, with im DEREI) BY THE court in favor of Elmer ture like that and it will be key, the word of General Man toughie, as double plays go, but proved control, to become a reg Sactnell Paige Mum On ular member of the mound staff. In the Open division its Henderson, had its orij^in in 1942 when Hen good to settle the mental dis- ager E. J. (Buzzy)) Bevasi, have been there to do so. pev-teii that keen interest will be Signing With The quilibrium of many gents of Montreal Royals, that the deal Reports that Rickey had What lies behind Bankhead's derson, seekinff funds to institute proeeed- performances no man can tell. evident with the entry of Er the bashing beak business, who was “ pretty well sealed” to rtr- flowu to watch Erskine in action nest Holland of Tuskegee Insti Major League inffs against the Southern Railroad for seg want their cake and then have st‘em to have been “ Press stor He can fire that ball as though turn Bankhead to the Kovals tute, Ala. and the current CIAA Providence, R. L. — Leroy regating him in a dining car, and unable to the gall to want to eat it too! and bring Carl Erskine, who has ies with a degree of Yeast iu it were coming from the mouth Tenuis singles champion, mak Paige, th* “ Old Demon” of the As for Beshore, that is in the now notched five straight wins them.” However, Rickey did of a cannon, but we might re raise funds elsewhere, came to ALPHA PH I ing a bid for his f i r s t West Vir- flinging slab, refused here this sack! As for Joe Louis, he cer for Montreal, back to the Flat show up i!i .Montreal to see E r call Campanella’s advice to ALPILyTiMTERXlTY and pleaded his g i L Open title. This title is week to make any cotnments on tainly isn’t as young as he used bush fold, seem to ring truer skine in action against the Je r Landrum, while enroute from case . THE FR.-iTERKTfY, THE FIRST NEGRO Fraternity held by Uoyd Brown of Insti the signing of a National Lea be and there is no reason all than ever before. sey I'ity Giants. Chicago to St. Louis; “ Never tute. Va. and it is expected gue contract. Pitching with the to become interracial immediately convinced of the soundness the ex-Louis fans cannot accept Bankhead, guilty of many ex Bankhead had only completed mind the fast ones; give me the guy that can get it over the that these two will be seeded Philadelphia Stars, who had the of Henderson’s case Charles as well as any other hibitions of apparent wildness • wo games in twelve starts, has a earlv and take the form of favor plate.” And Campanella knows Manchester, New Hampshire, champion that might come along or lack of control, and handled :ix and five mark now for the ites for a number of tennis fans IT DIRECTED HENDERSON WHO IS A MEMBER of (whom they would be forced to as gently as possible by his won and lost eoluinu, has ap whereof he speaksl Blue Sox cancel their scheduled in this area. Wednesday night game because another fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, to institute proceedings accept as far as the NBA is con ■Brown has won the title the of information received about in court, and allotted $500 to cover preliminary costs. It also cerned.) last two years aud even though As for the fans they might Paige’s signing, the taciturn appointed top ranking Negro lawyers from within its own he has not been seen in evidence mound ace told reporters “I as well make up their minds that A & T Names New Coach; on the courts as much this year ranks to pursue the case. Belford V. Lawson, of Washing there is no invincible fighter. can’t tell you from whom the of year as in the past is expected fers come. My manager says I ton, D. C. national president of the fraternity for the past As for memories of the snp- to give a good account of him five years, was appointed with John A. Sandifer, of New pos(Hl to be invincibles, ask any have two. There might be some self should be farewell enough thing to the Giants rumor and York, the fraternity’s legal counsel to file briefs and argue old timer from Chicago’s South Face 10-Game Grid Card to gain a final round berth. Side about the hitless wonders, the other is a Boston club, I be the case . , . Dr. Hawkins will be in this lieve the Braves.” the Chicago White Sox and the Greensboro — The appoint-' on enemy turf. for 2 o’clock at W ar Memorial keen competition along with Dr. AIDED BY OTHERS — During the eight years from 1942 everybody went broke in the ment of a new coach and the Beginning th(> home schedule Stadium.