41%.. ,7 ' @Th Combustion Weekly by the Students 0] N. 6. State Coll
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..«fig?-. ...,.;=-. .. -. ...-_-........ “41%..7,. ,7 Over 1,800 Students Patronize The Head The Technician Technician Advertlm' ‘ @th Combustion Weekly by the Students 0] N. 6. State College of zfgricuhure and Engineering STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 19, 1.935 OFFICE: 104-105 PRICE nan. MAGRUDERAIN COLLEGE pauses T0 SCHOLARSHIP INIRIMARY VOTE IN SINIE NNIN. .— I I Education School Candidate For Alpha Zeta Fraternity Meets to Lieutenant Colonel Magruder to Dr. Josiah Morse Lashes Out at Presidency More Than Doubles Discuss Removal of Cotton Head State College Military l Invitations I Modern Educational Systems Unit Another Year in Some Countries Opponents’ Vote Processing Tax Seniors who have not yet placed —— Another of life’s little dramas their orders for invitations will be MATTHEWS LEADS FIELD ““9 “m '0 the fore as a r‘fsnlt FORSTER AND WILLIAMS no ONE YET NEINTED MANY AWARDS PRESENTED allowed until Wednesday to do so TO HIGH HONOR STUDENTS . IN SECRETARY PRIMARY $5.33, W" “Md-about He“ URGE TAX CONTINUANCE T0 SUCCEED CAPT. EDEN announced (‘laude Farrow, chair- Two freshmen were sent out to man, yesterday. ' Aycock and Hill Enter Final Elec- a graveyard to find the tombstone Bill Had Been Introduced in As- Colonel Magruder Returns As State The committee members have Noted Psychologist and Philosopher tion for Presidency; Loser Be- of a departed individual by their sembly to Ask Congress to Nulli- R. 0. T. C. Head for His Fifth been taking orders all week. since Says Education Slipping Back to scheming lodge brothers. After the deadline was to have been Sat- Place Occupied During Dark : comes Vice President; Knox and searching in the dark for hours fy Cotton Processing Tax; Group Consecutive Year; Captain Eden urday, but they realized that all I Morrison Contend for Technician with no success, the two became Met Wednesday and Sent Reso- to Leave for Service in Hawaiian the seniors would not place their Ages; Says Isolation Impossible; Editorship; Lloyd Unopposed as so tired that they sat down to rest lution to House Protesting Tax Islands After Serving Six Years; orders by that time, hence the ex- Dean E. L. Cloyd Reads Names Business Manager; Finals to be a while, wondering all the while Removal; Forster Gives Reasons No Other Change Will Be Made tension. it is necessary that the of High Honor Students; Met- what they could tell the brothers orders be placed early so that the calf and Graham Give Brief Held in Y. M. C. A. April 23 when they would get a chance to For Not' Abolishing Excise in Personnel . invitations may be ordered and get out of the place. One of them sent back from the printers at Talks at Exercises More than doubling his opponents’ flashed his light around on the . A special meeting of agriculture stu- E L. Bflrrs Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Magruder, least two weeks before commence- dents called to decide whether students head of State College's military de- ment. Cash must accompany all Lashing out at the educational system total votes in the primary election tombstones around him, and final- in the school should participate in the Winning the Southern extemporane- in this country and other countries, Tuesday, B‘ill Aycock, junior in the ly on the one he had his hand on. efforts being made to nullify the resolu- ous speaking championship at Bir- partment, will be retained here for the orders. Dr. Josiah Morse, noted professor of Education School. was high man in It was the loug-searched-for ob- tion passed by the General Assembly en- mingham, Butts is well on the road fifth consecutive year, according to in- psychology and philosophy at the Uni- the race for president of the student ject. dorsing the removal of the processing to the national championship. Batts’ formation received from the War De- versity of South Carolina, expressed the body tax in the cotton industry was held victory made the fourth time that partment by Col. J. W. Harrelson, ad- idea to a Scholarship Day audience in with 416 votes. in the Grange Room in Polk Hail last State College has won the title in the INNNINN ANNUAL Pullen Hall Wednesday that college! The balloting was unusually heavy night. _ past five years, this creating a new ministrative dean. and universities today are manufac- for a primary election, nearly 800 stu- NAN REGIMENI _ The meeting. which was sponsored An exception to the army's regular turing degrees instead of cultivating dents visiting the polls located in the by Alpha Zeta, had as its guest speak- four year terms of duty. Lieutenant IN NEAR sNNN scholarship. Y. M. C. A. Only three men were in er Dr. G. W. Forster, head of the de- Colonel Magruder's retention was at Before an audience which nearly filled the fight for president. Jim Hill, jun- partment of Agricultural Economics. the request of Dean Harrelson, who Pullen Hall, Dr. Morse declared that ior from the Textile School, was sec- IN BE_E_NNNIN£N and Representative 0. D. Williams from visited the office of the chief of in- Pi-Ne-Tum Will Be Ready For scholarship is declining and that un- ond with 196 votes, and Seamon Hud- Hyde County. IIINIINIININE fantry in Washington last December. Distribution Tomorrow, An- less this decay is checked, education son was third with 181 votes. Aycock Annual Proficiency Tests For The meeting came as a 'result of a Since that time no indication of ap- nounces Staff Editor may go back to the place it had during and Hill will enter the final election State R. 0. T. C. Unit to Be previous meeting early Wednesday proval was received here until the an- ‘ the Dark Ages. In some countries, he on April 23 to decide the position, Held Throughout Next Week morning of large cotton producers $an NINI WEEK nounceemnt made yesterday. The second issue of the Pi-Ne-Tum. stated. it has already slipped back at Charles Matthews, sophomore in the called by Dr. Forster and Mr. Clarence Lieutenant Colonel Magruder first least a 1.000 years, since the true ideals Agriculture School, came here in the fall of 1931 afler State College Forestry annual. will of education are stifled by dictators. pulled somewhat Major Alexander L. P. Johnson, of Poe, editor of the Progressive Farmer, Cast in Junior Minstrels to In- serving in the chief of infantry's office make its appearance on the campus of a surprise when he topped a dad the regular army. will inspect the held in Ricks Hall at which time a clude More Than Fifty Stu-_ and the students are allowed to learn of six candidates for secretary and State College R. O. T. C. regiment in resolution Was adopted and presented in Washington. Prior to that time Saturday morning, according only those facts which the government treasurer of the Student Council. He the military proficiency tests to be that afternoon to the state legislative dents and Local Girls he was an instructor in the Infanry Charles Matthews, associate editor of so dictates. had entered the race at the l’ifst min- held next week. committee on agricultural affairs. Service School in Columbus, Georgia. the publication. In comparing the present with the ute as a “dark horse" candidate, his Annually prescribed by the War No action was decided upon as a res- One of the most ambitious enter- During the World War he was with Following the same general plan as Dark Ages. Dr. Morse blamed the new name having to be inked in the bal- olution was passed in the House yester- tainments to be presented by State the intelligence section of the Ameri- ecclesiastical order which sprang up lot. Since he placed in the election. Department. the inspection will cover day which will be referred to the Senate can force's General Headquarters in last year the publication has remained during the latter period as the influence both classroom work and drill field College students in recent years, the France. the same size. kept the same cover as which retarded education to such an Amil Gerlock, another candidate from maneuvers. On Monday the regimental tomorrow to nullify the previous en- Junior Class production "Dixie Land extent that it required a long time to the Ag School and third place winner units will be inspected for proficiency dorsement. No successor has yet been named to its predecessor, and was the same with 202 votes, loses his place on the Dr. Forster presented the history of Minstrels of 1935" will be given in fill the vacancy to be left by Captain 'number of pages. The ink is a shade assume its former place. Practically in close order drill. followed by an agricultural relief. tracing its origin two performances in Pullen Hall next John R. Eden, executive officer, who all of the old Greek and Roman classics Council to Matthews. Lloyd Brown. examination in combat exercises on from the lighter green than previously used. were destroyed by this rising Christian sophomore from the Textile School, Tuesday. On Thursday Major Johnson slump that began in 1922 to week on Tuesday and Wednesday will be transferred by the War De- The make-up of the annual is like movement as “pagan" literature. and was second with 203 votes; Fred Gore, parade to the present situation and the “Triple nights, April 23 and 24. partment to duty in the Hawaiian Is. sophomore from the Engineering will review the regimental A” activities under the New Deal. He lands. Also an exception to army wise but little different. Two more probably some of the world’s most be held in honor of the Textile School stated that returns from processing tax With a full cast of more than fifty, Captain Eden is now valuable literature was wiped out dur- School was fourth with 111 votes; faculty, at which time he will rate the were the basis including State students.