Over 1,800 Students Read the Technician Vol. XV, No. 25 104-105
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Over 1,800 Students Read The Technician Vol. XV, No. 25 OFFICE: 104-105 PRICE m IHRIINGS ATTEND MINSIRELS AS STUDENT COUNCIL HEAD ANNUAL EEAIURE VIEW IN PU_L_[[N MILE LIGHT BALLO TING 0E TEXTILE MEN Production Goes Off'in Fine Style Large Number of Girls From Col- W Brown Defeats Matthews, Hioh leges Take Part in Annual 0n Both Tuesday and Wednes- SIAIE HAS PART Man in Primary, for Position Style Show day Nights of Secretary of Student RALEIGH SHOW ..i‘:‘3.:."“::.‘.’.‘33.‘:.1:..‘i"l: in: Council OUTSTANDING-—-COSTUMES CAST IS ABLY—-DIRECTED iN “I." "herd” by ‘ m“ or m. — GIVEN SEVERAL AWARDS BY NOTED ENTERTAINER tile students. During the showing KNOX TAKES ELECTION .— Several Representative Exhibits °‘ “‘i'" "‘ "'° “M" “We FOR TECHNICIAN HEAD Miss Ruth Williams Wins Grand ' Songs Go Over Well With Audio Stile Show, this group seemed to IN CLOSE FINAL RACE Prize of Silver Set for Best Cos- ences; Many Alumni of College On Display. During kBetter inbnlmn "il‘eres‘ed "i "‘0 “h“ 0' tume; Textile Building Thrown Take Part in Minstrel; Ten Ra- ousmg Wee « ntade' reof"hthanchin "'9the girlsdome”who wore"re Lloyd 3 UMP—1’0”d f0? Busine- leigh Girls Lend Manager of Technician; Dunn Open for Inspection of Public; Services; Prof. Featuring representative exhibits at them. Wins Head Cheer Leader Peat Harrelson and Graham Talk at Fountain Performs Fine Job As the Federal Housing Exhibit in the Such comments “it“! "member Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. State that piece of goods. ‘0“ remem- By Landslide; Landreth Scorn Style Show; Fabrics Woven By Interlocutor; Comedy, Dancing, her what a time we had with the Somewhat of Surprise By Largo State College Textile Students and Songs Featured Throughout College is taking an active part in the loom on that one,” or “I don’t re- Show exposition which Is being held this member So-and-so’s defining that Margin Over Guzas for Watau- Visitors from all parts of the state week here. cloth,” or “is that seersncher, or gan Editor; Canady Defeats thronged the Textile Building and Pul- Before pitifully small audiences on The exposition was opened Tuesday In“ Whit ‘9 “I” were PNTthhI- Dozier for Business Manager of len Hall yesterday to view the six- night with a concert by the State Col- This group of textile students Magazine; Rex Wins Alumni teenth annual Textile Exposition both Tuesday and Wednesday nights, lege band which lasted about one hour. «flight to set along in life. It con- staged by State College students and the Junior Class “Dixieland Minstrels." Student handiwork from the architec- contention on the field In which Trophy; Pierce Handed Presi- which was featured by the appearance featuring dancing. singing. anthoom- turn] Engineering (and Landscape they are specializing will get them dency of Y. M. C. A. of 128 young ladies from nine women's edy. was reeled off successfully in Architecture departments, the Textile anywhere. colleges to model materials woven by Pullen Hall. School. the Ceramic Engineering de- ————-— Running true to all predictions, Bill the textile students. partment, the Agricultural Engineer- “El-IA SIGMA PI Aycock polling 662 votes walked away Nine first prizes, eight second prizes, Although critics might have sized up ing department. and the woodshop are with the presidency of the State Col- five thirds, and four fourth prizes the production as being decidedly ama- on display at the exposition. lege student body. defeating Jim Hill where given the girls from the teurish, the show was one of the best The Architectural Engineering and who garnered 191 votes in the final separate institutions that constructed college entertainments which has been Landscape Architecture departments election held Tuesday. and modeled the garments exhibited. presented here in some while. Most have on‘ display drawings of work Despite the increased enrollment this A grand prize was awarded for the done by students. featuring small year. the final voting was about the outstanding costume shown. The of its sudcess was probably due to the homes. The Ceramic Engineering de- same as that of last year when about clothes shown by the students were director, Irwin Setzer. widely known partment has a selection of small Says Misfits in Busines Are Cost- 875 students visited the polls. This made as part of their class work in radio entertainer and humorist. Iy Because of Waste of Time is only about one-half of the student home economics, from selections of pieces of pottery adaptable to use in body. Lloyd Brown, although second In the opening act, all of the songs, homes, while the Textile School is and of Money in the primary held April 17. came fabrics designed and woven by State with the exception of one, went over showing various patterns used in College Textile students. , weaving. The woodshop is displaying Explaining that the chief aim of the out on top in the election Tuesday. do- Miss Ruth Williams. of Roseboro, well with the audiences, as was evi- several pieces of furniture and plans feating Charles Matthews, top man in student at Peace Junior College was denced by the feeble amount of ap- personal side of psychology in busi- the first vote. Brown received 443 awarded the grand prize. She W0"! 3 Above are the new student government officers and the new Tncmvlcran heads for heating a small home. ness is to do away with so many mis- votes and Matthews 369. plause which the small groups mus- In a separate display the Agricul- tits in industry. Dr. K. C. Garrison, In one of the closest races of the grass-green coat 9“" 0‘ wafiie fabric, for the coming year who were elected at the final voting Tuesday. In the upper tered up. Those doing vocal solos in ture Engineering department has sev- professor of psychology, declared that with White and brown accessories left is pictured Bill Aycock, who is the new president; Jim Hill. in the upper eral systems of furnishing water to the field of business psychology is day Bob Knox defeated Hall Morrison The award was a 90-piece set of cor- right. is the vice president. In the lower left is Bob Knox, new editor of Tim the first act were Russell Rogers, Pete small for the editorship of Tm: Tmnivrorax. sage pattern sterling silver given by TECHNICIAN and in the lower right is Claude Lloyd, business manager of the Allan Bailey. Frank Geile, farm homes. These are mostly divided into three parts at a meeting campus newspaper. Knox received!“ Newcomb. systems which can be installed for of Delta Sigma PI. international com- votes and Morrison 389. Claude Lloyd E. F. Cook of Cook and Taylor Com- newspaper “Spivis” Stevens, George Norman, and moderate costs. merce fraternity. Tuesday night. pany. Inc. of Fall River. Mass. The "Goodie" Elliott. Prof. A. M. Fountain. The exhibits are located on the lob- was unopposed for business manager material was made by E. L. Bolick and acting as interlocutor and dressed in by of the mezzanine floor. while the “There are approximately 50 per of the paper. H. D. Carpenter of the Textile School. “soup and fish” did a fine job of di- Agricultural Engineering exhibit is on cent of the people in business that are Springing somewhat of a surprise Dean Thomas Nelson of the Textile _ recting the efforts of the end men. The the main floor in one of the side misfits," Dr. Garrison declared. “This Ed Landreth walked away with a also School gave the principal address ex- best among the and men was “Tubby" rooms. means that about 50 per cent of the able majority over John Guns for plalning the place of the textile indus- Hanks. who was graduated from State State students have also aided in people in industry are dissatisfied with editor of the Wataugan. campus maga- try in North Carolina. He stated that BUNVENES IUDAY ENGINEERS FRAI College in 1933 and who took an active entertaining the visitors to the exposi- their jobs. These misfits are costly zine. Landreth received 536 votes this state has the largest textile in- part in student minstrels while in ‘ acts were both from the standpoint of production while Guzaa received 315. Joe Canoe d t. I tat i th I d . tion. Last night tumbling and from the standpoint of labor turn- dy with 489 votes defeated N. B. Dozier .g‘kzpfin;“5..; tfihnconzfixnsffie Student. Federation yOpens_. Today Tau Beta. Pl Takes_ in ,Five Out- school. His jokes kept the crowd con- provided; Wednesday night an awk- over. A large number of accidents re- h 1 ed 348 f b 1 Colic e has the lar est enrollment of in Sir Walter Hotel WithMere- standln Iunlor En ineers “am" A" °‘ "‘9 5““ we" “"1 8‘1““ “9 mm“ by “'3“ w re“ ' °' “' "m mu" any t‘extile school I: the country and (Hill A8 Hostess Yestgrda Aftemgoon rather aged and some bordered on Nease; and tonight a crack squad will sulting in loss of life and waste are ager of the magazine. the“ misfits. Jesse Dunn scored a clean victory the largest graduating class. y hitrawness,with thebutaudiences.they seemed to make 8 be drilled by the same student. Thedue E°leaders“ 3”“in extentbusinesstoare beginning over Charlie Lynch for head cheer- to realize that If they eliminate this leader during the coming school year. C0" 3- W. Harrelson and D" Frank The North Carolina Student Federa- Bob Seitz was unanimously elected The second act was opened by .a ALTHAUS DETAILED HERE versityGraham.ofpresidentNorth Carolina,of the Greaterboth madeUni- tion will meet today and tomorrow at president of Tau Beta Pi, national chorus of girls in a song and dance problem.