KATHERINEE.STANGE personal information email
[email protected] website math.colorado.edu/∼kstange office Math. Bldg. 308 · +1 (303) 492 3346 address University of Colorado Boulder Department of Mathematics Campus Box 395 Boulder, CO, USA 80309-0395 research areas Algebraic and algorithmic number theory and arithmetic geometry, including Diophantine approximation, Kleinian groups, elliptic curves and abelian varieties, integer sequences, and cryptography, including elliptic curve, lattice-based, and post-quantum cryptography. education Doctor and Master 2001-2008 Brown University of Mathematics Ph.D. Dissertation: Elliptic nets and elliptic curves Advisor: Joseph H. Silverman Bachelor of 1997-2001 University of Waterloo Mathematics Pure Mathematics With Distinction, Dean’s Honours List history Current Position 2018-present The University of Colorado, Boulder Associate Professor 2012-2018 The University of Colorado, Boulder Assistant Professor Postdoctoral 2011-2012 Stanford University Experience NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Advisor: Brian Conrad 2009-2011 Simon Fraser University, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, and the University of British Columbia NSERC/PIMS/NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Advisor: Nils Bruin 2008-2009 Harvard University NSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Junior Lecturer Advisor: Noam Elkies Graduate Fall 2007 Microsoft Research Experience Research Intern, Cryptograph Group Advisor: Kristin Lauter 2 Summer/Fall Volunteer Work 2005 Volunteer, English Teacher, School #27, Izhevsk, Russia Volunteer, Community Projects,