American Friends Service Commitiee International Division Southern Africa International Affairs Report
AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITIEE INTERNATIONAL DIVISION SOUTHERN AFRICA INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS REPORT Letter No. 12 from Ted Lockwood July 27, 1985 Af: AFSC' e Southern Afri~& Int6"'·ii8.tioiial Affairs Representative, Edgar (Ted) Lockwood carries responsibility for writing reports, initiating conferences, seminars, and personal contacts that support the work of the member nations of the Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) in fosterlng greater regional development and economic coopera tion. To be included on the mailing list, write to AFSC, Africa Programs at 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Contributions to defray mailing and duplicating costs are welcome. NOTE: The text of this letter refers to two political parties, both named ZANU. ZANU-PF (Patriotic Front)refers to the ruling party headed by Prime Minister Robert Mugabe. ZANU refers to the minori ty party, headed by Ndabiningi Sithole, which split from ZANU-PF prior to the independence. UANC, the United African Na tional Un ion, headed by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, and ZAPU, the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, headed by Joshua Nkomo, both minorit~ parties, are also mentioned. De",,!" Friendf:, A politician I once knew used to say, "There is nothing I hate more than surprises." Surprises can be nasty shocks to our preconceived notions. They illustrate our inability to read how others, especially those of another group, another race, another class, are actually feeling and thinking. But surprises can also be happy surprises when things go much better than we could have imagined they would. Zimbabwe's elections had both kinds of surprises. The nasty shock was Ian Smith's winning of 75% of the 20 "white seats" in Parliament, a win that has caused more explanations, letters to the editor of the Harare Herald and general furore than any topic in a long time.
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