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The BG News January 19, 1972

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 19, 1972" (1972). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2669.

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By Harold Brow a billion Child Care Development Act drugs for the sharp rise in street crime policy of President Nixon "Nixon was Asst. Managing Editor from being vetoed, while $6 billion is in this country. "The addicts need elected on a campaign promise to end appropriated for a spare shuttle money to sustain their habits and this is the war and we're still there I give him Senator Birch Bayh. iD-Ind.i. program often their only source of income But credit for cutting troop strength, but emphasized lhat individual rights are President Nixon vetoed the child care we are concentrating our efforts on the we should have been out by now " still important in American society proposal because he said it promoted a lesser drugs and not the real killers, during a speech before 500 persons in socialistic system and would destroy like heroin." he said. HE QUESTIONED the logic of the Grand Ballroom. I'nion yesterday the concept of the family Sen Bayh said legislators and law keeping a residual force of 30.000 troops "We lose our freedom one word at a "Before the ink was dry on that veto. enforcement personnel are out of touch in Vietnam to insure the release of time, one sentence at a time, one bill at Nixon announced the space shuttle with the problems relating to crime POW's when 550,000 men couldn't do a time, one judge at a time and one program." Sen Bayh said "This is He attacked procedures that allow the same job. election at a time." the two-term IS why 1 question the priorities of this juveniles to be detained in the same "History shows us that POWl are senator said "I intend to object to country. We cant have proper child cells as hardened criminals and said not released until after the war ends. those who are trying to short-cut our care, but we can spend billions in attempts at rehabilitation often fall far That was the situation in the Korean freedoms in any way." space " short of the real need. Sen Bayh is conflict." he said individual effort can protect and Sen Bayh also said law and order chairman of the Senate Subcommittee I'e refused to support a call for guarantee our constitutional rights (o should not be considered a racist to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency amnesty for deserters and draft ourselves and our children, we jusl platform ' It's a sad state when we "State penitentiaries have become evaders until the war is over "There need the courage to stand up for them." can't use our parks because of the places in which people are put in cold should be some way to do this, because Sen Bayh said crime rate." he said. storage with little hope of we have done it following previous I'e advocated prison reform on the rehabilitation." he said "The best wars " HE ENCOURAGED individual basis of training and rehabilitation and investment society can make is to participation in the electoral process said law enforcement officials should recycle these people toward a useful The senator said one of the first and said. People can become more emphasize prevention and not pursuit." issues facing the current session of involved than through the I'arris Poll detention "Big Brother tactics and congress will be that of women's If they don't, that is a problem the rest wire tapping are not the solutions to the "Some people we can't help and the rights I'e plans to lead proponents of of us must deal with " problem We can have safe cities and system isn't going to change overnight, constitutional amendments calling for The senator also called for a streets without them." he said but things can change if the people equal pay for equal work, equal access reordering of the nation's priorities to demand it." he said to educational opportunities and prevent programs such as the $12 HE BLAMED the increased use of Sen. Bavh also attacked the Vietnam business opportunities for women In a press conference following his speech. Sen Bayh declined support to any Democratic candidate for the Presidency. "I'll support the person who I feel is right on the issues We need a person who can restore faith in ill levels of government through goodwill." he said Sen Bayh said he would do everything possible to avoid a repeat of Indiana Senator Birch Bayh tpoke before a crowd the disunity at (he 1968 Democratic of 500 in the Grand Ballroom of the Union National Convention. "That yesterday. disenchantment helped elect Kichard Nixon President." he said Moore cites benefits 3-year degree sought

By Terence Cochran University which was incorporated in "The three-year baccalaureate Staff Reporter his budget message last week. program has turned out to be most I'e stated then that, "In colleges we appropriate in the countries of New President Hollis A. Moore Jr. have been guilty of artificially inflating Zealand and Australia." Dr Moore suggested yesterday that it may be the amount of time and exaggerating explained. "There, it's the basic- time for society to redefine what a the lasting importance of some studies degree, and beyond this one earns an college degree is and what to expect of we still require." Honors'degree " Birch Son. Birch Bayh said yoslarday ha would "object to thosa who arc trying to it. Yesterday he said the meaning of, "Another thing is that since the state short-cut our freedoms in anyway." The program was sponsored by Cultural Dr. Moore made the comment in and need for, a college degree had is not allowing us to grow anymore, a Bayh Boost, the Student Body Organization and Student Activities. reference to his proposal for a three- changed over the years, and that "we three-year turnover of students over year baccalaureate option at the need to explore a lot of different ways any given period of time would open up of doing things" as times change a 25 per cent larger enrollment Dr. Moore also explained some opportunity for the University." he major reasons for proposing a three- said. year baccalaureate program Pe said a primary consideration is DR. MOORE said that conceivably, City aims for protection boost that he cannot foresee costs per unit with his proposal for a new. one-year hour staying at their present level. introductory program, a student could "If the unit cost continues to rise, the move from this initiatory year into an Bowling Green City Council took the university to finance additional police examination and complete training. hearing would probably take place only way to cut costs for a student area of specialization or career first step toward beefing up the City and fire protection. City officials expect the cost of during the second week of March. pursuing a degree is to have him buy orientation in his last two years. Fire Department Monday night by In order to receive the money, the manning the east side fire station In legislative action, council gave fewer units." he said. giving first reading to an ordinance city must present a long-range plan around the clock until that time to be first reading to an ordinance "We really have no time-table in adding five full-time men to the force detailing planned improvements in the approximately $10,000 in overtime pay establishing rates of taxation for fire HE ADDED THAT a three-year mind for the inititation of the program Safety-Service Director Wesley K fire department through fiscal year protection outside the city limits where program would probably consist of the if the committee approves of it." Dr. I'offman said the state budget for the 1976. Poffman said. The men would "THESE MEN ARE working there is no reciprocal agreement with same time period and the same number Moore said. 1971-73 biennium includes $70,000 for begin work May 1, allowing time to overtime on a voluntary basis to man another political subdivision to provide of hours as a current three-year period He explained that he hopes to have each city containing a state-assisted administer the civil service the east station and we can't expect fire protection. Thus, no "extra" or summer hours the committee appointed for the study them to continue to do so indefinitely." First reading was also given to an would be necessary for such a degree. by sometime next week Poffman said ordinance to update building Dr. Moore cited a recent report by a Dr. Moore concluded that it could be If the request for additional men is regulations in the city to conform with group in educational research, the up to the individual colleges to make approved, the fire department would those recently adopted by the county. Carnegie Commission, as another many of the changes if the program is Council takes step consist of one chief, three lieutenants Since county inspectors also work reason for his three-year proposal The approved He indicated that the college and 18 regular firemen. within the city, officials want to have Commission strongly advocated the curriculum committees would be Poffman also requested that council the codes conform. creation of such proposals, he said primarily involved. authorize hiring three additional toward abolishment policemen to fulfill promises made last spring when a one-half of one per ceni Student Council yesterday took the Under the proposed constitution. increase in the city income tax was first step toward abolishing itself and each member of the steering approved However, this ordinance Veh to speak tonight officially changing the Student Body committee would be responsible for was not introduced Organization iSBOi into a service administering one of the organizations Poffman informed council that organization service programs. several improvements have been made The Council, meeting for the first The constitution would also gjve the at the city jail. "New plumbing, Raymond Russell Veh. founder of the Cards will then be collected and Veh's party platform stands strongly time since early fall quarter, passed by steering committee the power to including a sink which we have not had American White Nationalist Parly and taken to the speaker's table where on his white power demands He said he voice vote a proposed SBO constitution "pursue the purposes and establish before, and a television monitor of the candidate for the American three graduate students will screen believes in complete segregation and and bylaws which would replace the general policies" of the SBO. establish inner door of the cell have been added." Independent Party nomination for them advocates a policy of voluntary present sixteen member Council with standing committees and review their he said. President, will speak in the Grand Lane said, in the interests of an repatriation to Africa. an eight member steering committee operation; insure sound expenditure of The cell has also been painted and Ballroom. Union, tonightat7:30. orderly program, no verbal comment He favors an immediate withdrawal Student Body President Art Toalston. the organization's funds: confirm or new bedding purchased. New tloor will be accepted from the audience. from Vietnam Veh also plans to who proposed the constitution change, reject nominations to committees; covering is expected to be added soon, Veh will discuss his political views When Veh spoke at Toledo University abolish all income taxes and to lower said with a smaller organization a consider amendments to the he said. and his observations of the national and the University of Chicago the ,il i state and city taxes better more efficient work group can organizations constitution and set up Dr. Thomas Anderson, fourth ward scene as viewed from a position on the program turned into heckling matches be formed temporary committees to study issues councilman, announced that the city right, according to James W Lane, where nothing was accomplished. Lane "I go to campuses because it's the Under the present constitution, the of student concern. received the revised zoning ordinance vice president of Phi Alpha Theta. said last place for free speech." said Veh proposed constitution and bylaws must The proposed constitution states the from the planning consultants late history honorary. John Gerhardt. Veh's running mate, i don't believe the problems of be approved by two thirds of the purpose of the SBO as being the Monday afternoon. A special meeting A question and answer period will be will also appear in the Phi Alpha Theta- America will be solved by hiding them Council in two successive meetings establishment o' "service and cultural of council is set for tomorrow night to held following Veh's speech Audience sponsored program under a rug. but by bringing them out in before they can be instituted Toalston programs of significant student accept the ordinance and announce a members will be requested to write Veh recently gained some support for the open and talking about them," he has called a meeting for Wednesday, interest" and "to work for meaningful date for a public hearing. their questions on index cards which his campaign from the American said. January 26 so the Council can vote student participation in University they will receive as they enter the National Socialist Party, according to "I may not be right but wherever 1 again on the constitution affairs." DR. ANDERSON said the public ballroom. Lane said. Lane go. I draw crowds." •age I Ah* M News, WeeWJoy, January 19, 1972 opinion subversive teaching? i amnesty bill Ruisell L. VaaMelcr theme or plot that best exemplifies a itself) and make that move in human mind from thinking; especially, Guest Student Columnist particular work or what character in a accordance with the basic strategy when one considers that a manuscript Draft resisters and military deserters from Canada came to certain plot was cuckolded. Time for which applies now and which will apply can only make a part of the plot of a Ohio Monday to call for a rejection of Senator Robert Taft's Consider that teaching should not reflection in these courses has been in meditating future tactics. masterpiece" The addage is neither "Programming" is a very interesting there but here, too The meaning though amnesty proposal. definitely be an interaction with people .severely limited due to syllabi and not an answer and question period procedure point to submerge It is plausible to is evident a person transcends in mind The bill was presented to the U.S. Senate on Dec. 14 and called SUBJECTIVELY, it is better to assume that as the minds of students only when learning has become the for those in exile to engage in an alternative service, either in the alone where the students simply remark or mimic an answer sought by a teacher. understand how the foundation of move so does the mind of the teacher and essence for achievement armed forces, in domestic programs like VISTA, or in Moreover, students should learn "how a literary period is felt in terms of vice versa. That is. students should To computerize learning into a government-run hospitals and social agencies. to" describe their necessary actions in •diagonals and lines' which move program the type of learning they so mimicry establisnes the syndrome of The draft resisters claim the bill is merely a political issue, forming answers and "how to" reflect on thru a period. To understand desire in accordance with the teacher alienation with a non-purposeful cause pointing out that Taft is a conservative Republican, and a all their ideas in the entirety of "diagonals" and "lines" one should think to/at arriving with a meaningful, but in some respects it has a very potential, stimulating relativeness of meaningful affect on a person's future supporter of President Nixon. composition due thru reasoning. of a chess board; for example, an intricate game made intricate by not the values and goals just not inethicsor in consideration of norms, standards, what Taft is a noted Republican who has openly displayed his desires It is always better to understand this i your I underlying movement of an carved members but by a highly elevated aesthetics but in intellects associating one will or may in ol a society. for President Nixon's re-election. Presidential campaigns are in answer or problem than to merely system of directional moves. the minds If conform we must, conform shall we full bloom now and this amnesty bill may be another one of "voice throw" an answer lhaving no Bobby Fischer does not move without have some control over. But begat your Nixon's aces in the hole to gain a reverse in the public's attitude conscious but programmed i. To a complete strategy for attack and MANY TIMES IT has been the case of child with an unlikeness of yourself. In toward the present administration. understand is to allot time for reflection defense, i'e has plotted a course the teacher, as I am sure that you are this case, child is a group; is the aware of from high school and the cinemascope of an old time featurette. It The draft resisters who are criticizing the proposal are correct and deep questioning of a problem and isubject) of many courses "sort", to assign matter which "it" has is true and provable that there must be in assuming the passage of the bill will make the Republican not to hurridly "voice throw" an answer (manuscripts i to lake if his opponent just to keep the class moving on and on in moves into a defying position. Therefore, felt substantial for learning or standards and practices of conformity in Party look good. vain hope to keep abreast with the syllabi he relies not on hope, but on a rather knowledge. In what useful way this a system if the system is to work at all But what about the content of the bill itself? and to arrive on time according to highly thought scheme devised for substantialness was intended only served I'owever. without change, growth cannot No doubt, the proposal appears to be a step in the right appointed test dates. altering at the precise moment for a to alienate the student from a direct practice its art. direction, but the question of whether or not draft resisters should In literary survey courses especially, more in-depth move (a group, going into functioning ol self The above several statements should be forgiven, rests on the argument thai a crime was never the learning groups (teacher and maybe one author's work for two or The old theme that "intense plot lead one into asking, in context with the learning process, is the moderator committed to begin with. Saying "sorry" for the sake of being students) try to cover a multitude of three weeks and really learning the over i learning > makes for a masterpiece in authors and transcript' to accentuate the all period as the group informs itself of manuscript iperson) only denies the i teacher i the one to begat another official when there is no need for apologies is absurd. istudent I as though the student had a Richard Burroughs, a draft resister form El Paso, Texas is tub-Intellect? An intellect which right when he says the amnesty "won't mean anything to anybody MMtlbS' demanded the teacher to conduct the except those people who really have to go back to the States. class much as a taxman would a people'' Taft may be assuming too much if he thinks the resisters and deserters are anxious to return to America and make "amends." WHY NOT DO away with the teacher's Some consider the air in a foreign land to be much more position and rather position his utility his abilities, and his learning into the appealing. body of another student gone bald? One aspect of this would be an atmosphere ol extremity, due to the ranging intellects of personalities, unemployment making a union more evitable in terms of psychologically finding everyone as inefficient in knowledge as functional Last year the General Assembly passed legislation to extend thinking of the group's conformity to unemployment benefits by an additional 13 weeks in times of equal status This is a means to avoid unusually high employment-in addition to the 26 weeks of benefits alienating the teacher from the group in already allowed. terms on consolidating a basis for fluxion Unfortunately, the State of Ohio will not receive the extended of answers to actually gravitate minds unemployment aid because we just didn't make it in the numbers rather than having to cope with a game. prejudicial status or leadership. Federal legislation set the minimum level of unemployment at True, it is of our culture society to arrange hierarchies of fraternalistic 6.5 per cent of the work force. Ohio's general unemployment level patlerns- child as a sub-division in was 5.1 per cent. categorization, similar to personnel In other words, the more people we have unemployed designations in a factory I'owever. one should be asked if he likes working that summer job on an assembly line placing a switch where three screws somewhere ,.rt Mavbe next vear we will go over the 6.5 per cent down the line will be inserted and then unemSent mirk so we can qualify for additional benef.ts. 'OH, THE HILL WITH IT!' not int.ii led and be blamed if his part •omehow did not get boxed with the finished product.

Many tunes Ihis has been the case in ETHICAL STANDARDS news urn assembly line class rooms where the teacher i plot -product) quizzes the student imanuscript-switch) to attain, andntten times in a poor analysis of. how FOR THE BG NEWS ADVERTISING much one has absorbed on the job today The implication is that the teacher 1. The BG News will publish no advertisement selling Lerrers should also be evaluated by the students, at least every time the students are any product or service illegal in the United States, the subjected for evaluation, in terms of class mom procedure, analysis of State of Ohio or contrary to the rules and regulations of subject content, expressionism of the empty statement group, etc with the idea of a purpose not 1 this University. jn end A hassle ' No. Subjectively, a individuality and independence as well necessar) function for any future A recent ad designed to lure rushees progress to occur within the group into the beckoning jaws of a local Greek It seems all non-Greek BG males just organization used the slogan "Beer and lost their manhood' teacher-student > II the teacher or the students have hit a Broads" as the bait to tempt its victims I have no desire to abolish the rights ol 2. a. The BG News will publish no advertisement discrimin- That speaks for itself in yet another sad anyone to go Greek; what 1 do desire is sound, intellectually fixed i secured' commentary on sexism and BG Greeks that campus Greeks would re-evaluate summit, then Mount Kverest is in A much more subtle ad. although equally their purpose and image letting this be another universe Even if Everest ating against anyone on the grounds of race, creed, na- wasn't, the summit's air would be so as repulsive, has been perpetrated on the reflected in future promotional material tional origin or sex. student by a brother Greek Organization Perhaps it might attract someone thin that the jogging brain would using as its slogan "One Man is No other than drunken, horny studs for a suffocate not from the lack of oxygen but from the stenchness of enlightenment Man." change and. after all. isn't that your 0 atroplucation I can only chuckle in sympathy at REAL purpose And they wonder why b. No advertisement will be published that is knowing- people who would concoct such an empty people are being turned off . So for those "enlropists" It is better statement Not only does it directly defy to pick someone's nose than to walk away, and it is better to walk away, than ly misleading or fraudulent. history and every great person who has D. Norman Ferguson lived, it puts its big thumb on 419 Offenhauer to do nothing c. No advertisement will be published that contains artwork or copy that is, in the judgement of the busi- THe BG news ness staff, considered in poor taste. This includes adver- explain sbo An Independent Student Voice tising that is indecent vulgar, suggestive, repulsive or of- A number of students at BG view the Student Body Organization as nothing Editorial Staff fensive. more than a puppet, something the administration can point to to "prove" that students have power, when in fact editor kathleen m. haze all decisions and policy are made by the managing editor damon v. bock administration and faculty. assislont managing editor... horold a. brown 3. Advertisement in no way reflects endorsement by I'd hope that Art Toalston, SBO editorial editor cynthia a. suopis president, could issue a year-end report makeup editor katherino I. hatton this newspaper. We respect everyone's right to advertise. on SBO's accomplishments of last year (ports editor jack n. carle to show these people that students at BG do indeed have power and a say in things chief photographer keith h. meiser However, these guidelines are set up to insure that the which affect them copy editor lisa m. boulanger entertainment editor gale e. bogle rights of others are not infringed upon in any way. Larry Oansinger Dept of History

Business Staff

Philip A. Stickney business manager.... philipa. stickney Business Manager advertising manager vawghn e. rockhold

Mrtorrol and Business Offices 10* University Hall Phone 372-2710 ot 372-2819 M»iim»i Miillml mm I, ii,w»i^iii • Kathleen Fraze Vaughn E. Rockhold ■»"-i. mi m ,.«*■. i>»»—»nit»m ■ Ci »nn«ei >«e Editor Advertising Manager ■>'i ■passe'*» tests n nQtsi i i » *»re— *» — i »i' HI ii i«in»iirtiiini ■! i in »n i»»,.im»ii»»M.don».0|i i , ■*»■ i i iiMfcatw ipi n »e»r«»e»S^iete«»»*S»t»si»seM»e»ieS»« TIMIGN**., , January 1«. 1?72/Fwn 3 riff ft ' r ***-+- 'Worthwhile experience' Student works for Taft

By Jim Carey himself during fall quarter task was his work on a study feeling " to be in contact with in the Washington offices of of the amount of money that Sens Edward Kennedy (D- A Bowling Green student Senator Robert A Taft Jr a senator spends per Mass >. Birch Bayh iD-Ind. I mingling with Capitol Hill iR-Ohio). completing any constituent" V.e said the and George McGovern (D- influential* may sound tasks that the senator results of the study showed N.D. >. whose offices are somewhat out of the requested an amount of less than one located close to Senator ordinary, but (or Bill The program, sponsored cent for each constituent in Taft's. Bennett, junior iA&Si. by the Experimental Studies the senator's district. As a result of the 40-hour Washington DC became a Program of Bowling Green, Bennett said after working work week last quarter with familiar location last offered 16 hours of academic with Senator Taft. he hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. quarter, far removed from credit, and provided Bennett became relatively familiar he said he can now really NmnaratabyMarcyl the rural setting of Bowling with the ■most worthwhile with him appreciate college life. But. Green. experience of my 15 years in "He's a very humanitarian in summing up the quarter's Head From left, Stain Bargby, freshman. Stan Mortal, >ophomora (A*S), and Barb An American Studies school " person, and is very aware ol work, he admitted his slay in major. Bennett answered an Mis duties for the senator what his constituents and Washington was an "aspect Johnson, frathman (Ed.) show only a few of the different typas of headgeor advertisement in The BG covered a wide range of people desire." he said of life that is learned only by gear worn to protect against the chilling winter winds. News last spring, and found activities. At times, he took He said when the senator experience." care of copy at press votes on issues concerning conferences, while at other the Vietnam war. he takes times he chauffeured into consideration the Senator Taft and his wife responses of the people and the views of the President Nixon to present Ved' budget OFTEN, he dealt with the senator's incoming mail, "HE'S A LOT closer through which Bennett said lo the desires of the people WASHINGTON (API - business recovery this year, total $1,065 trillion turned full employment and full economists say. the real he gained an insight into the than you'd expect.'' he said President Nixon will send to since tax collections are out to be roughly $20 billion production dollarsand-cents deficit will nature of the senator's "My experiences were Congress Monday his fourth geared to individual incomes too high be stimulative but not constituents sociological and cultural, as consecutive red-ink budget, and corporation profits. The lag caused a serious IF SUCH PROSPERITY inflationary Nixon warned "1 became aware of the well as political.'' Bennett reportedly calling for record And the recovery to date shortfall in income to the prevailed. and if a year ago that the full conservative elements of the said spending of nearly S247 has been disappointingly Treasury while outlays unemployment were down to employment budget must Ohio people from what they During his first 48 hours in billion in fiscal 1973. slow Nixon's optimistic climbed higher than around 4 per cent instead of never fall into deficit wrote to the senator."' he Washington, he said he saw a The size of the prospective lorecasl of a year ago that expected The 1972 deficit, the present 6 I per cent, the because that would be said During the three- man run over by a car on deficit was not divulged by 1971 national output would which Nixon lasl January tax system would produce inflationary month period he worked in Constitution Ave.. a shoot government sources, but estimated at only 111 ti roughly $248 billion in fiscal the office, much ol the mail out and a victim of an they acknowledged ihat the billion, apparently will be 197:1 revenues With federal Bill concerned China and assault bleeding profusely on deficit gap in the currenl CCN staffer about 3'z times that amount spending at around $247 Communism, he said Capitol Hill fiscal year. 1972. will have I'owever. the White Mouse billion, there would be a I'r >.iul his most difficult He said it was a "unique widened to nearly $40 billion drops case again forecasts a "full "full employment surplus" by the fiscal yearend next employment surplus." This of about $1 billion June 30 Timothy I'erpel. means that spending will not I'owever. the "full Contribution to hospital Even if Nixon's 1973 sophomore (A&S I. dropped exceed the theoretical employment budget is deficit is estimated at only assault and battery charges amount of revenues which merely an economic concept half that much - and it against an agent of the the Treasury would take in if and a planning tool As long probably will be higher -- he Toledo Metro Squad in the economy were running at as it Slavs in balance. solves zoning dispute will have piled up total Bowling Green Municipal deficits of more than $85 Cowl yesterday. The zoning dispute to build a clinic but residents activities which can, by an billion since taking office. Herpel. a photographer for % ILAO Campus Hicks involving a property in the opposed the plan because orderly location and Thai would top any other the Crystal City News, 900 block of West Wooster they feared further changes. arrangement of facilities, be administration except charged in December that appears to have been A local landlord warned that more efficient more Franklin li Roosevelt's Agent Marvin Gerkins had resolved the property might be turned accessible lo the public, and final term in World War II struck him while attempting Martin Hanna. attorney into a "hippie nest" if the can promote higher quality to take a camera outside the for Dr PaulOverhaulse. who change wasn't allowed of visual and functional WHATEVER ESTIMATE Municipal Court Building on petitioned council to change Hanna said the latest design." of the deficit Nixon submits North Maple Street. the zoning of the property move would qualify the No opposition to this plan lo Congress, the actual Gerkins was ordered to from residential to light property for an S-3 was voiced from the gallery amount will be governed pay court costs as a result ol It Mall commercial, said the classification iSpecial or members ol council largely by the pace of the the case. ^ lg property is going to be District i under the proposed fret uiitk 1.0. donated to Wood County zoning code and thus solve CHILDREN'S SATURDAY CRAFT COURSES Hospital, which is directly the dispute THE WORKING HAND CRAFT CENTER announces the opening ol a craft-cen- adjacent The S-3 designation allows tered program for children of two age groups. The courses will be taught by Dr. Overhaulsc requested construction of buildings for Chris Jones. the original change in order "public and institutional The underlying educational goal will be to involve children in activities which produce real and meaningful objects, thus integrating physical, mental, emo- ALPHA GAM PLEDGES- tional and imaginative functions with socially valued productions. NICHOLS THE "YOKE" WAS ON US Course C-1 Crafts for Small Beginners, age 5 lo 9 meets 10 to 12 a.m. Course C-2 Crafts for Big Beginners, age 9 to 13 meets 1 to 3 p.m. SATURDAY - BUT WE Each course runs 10 weeks, beginning February 5th LOVED IT! TUITION $40.00 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO TEN Interested parents should register now at THE THE WORKING HAND CRAFT CENTER ACTIVES 515 Conneaut SALE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS BLACK LITE •/m SALE EXPANDING!! =^'k ENTIRE CASUAL BLACK LITE BULB THE 4V|JP AND FIXTURE FALCON PIZZA SLACK INVENTORY Reg. 9.00 to 15.00 REDUCED TO $5.99 (NON-FILTERED) 9.99 FILTERED 13.99 HAS EXPANDED 1 FREE POSTER WITH NOW YOU CAN GET ALL SWEATERS EITHER DEAL THE SAME HOT 904 E. WOOSTER SALE SALE PIZZAS AND SUBS HALF-PRICE!!! ON THE EAST END THE BROTHERS OF OF CAMPUS FROM ALL FLARED SIGMA NU THE DAIRY TWIST PIZZA DENIMS $2.99 & $3.99 INVITE ALL INTERESTED (ACROSS FROM HARSHMAN) ALL MUFFLERS & MEN TO A For Fast Hot Delivery SCARVES HALF-PRICE RUSH SMOKER Falcon Pizza West 352-1215 Stocking Caps Falcon Pizza East 354-9933 reg. 3.00 now $1.9i NICHOLS TONIGHT 7-9P.M. Head Bands reg. 1.50 onl BOWLING GREEK OHIO now • O*. FALCON PIZZA 109 South Main Street REFRESHMENTS Pat* 4/Th« BO Ntw», W.dn.ida,. Jonuory 1», 1973


* r; , 1



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FIRST PRIZE WISHBONE LB. CAN ITALIAN OHIO UNCLASSIFIED SHORTENING DRESSING aoz B CAMPBELL'S OLD FASHIONED HI C C e 20B POTATOES Vegetable Soup. 18 Bisquick . 49 Fruit Punch 4t OZ 29 t VARIETIES CAT FOOD m\i«+ BETTY CROCKER «--._ FRANCO AMERICAN CHIQUITA 9 Lives. oz 6/'l Hamburger Helpers , Olc hravy. IO'.OZ. IT BRUSSELL ARMOUR _. _ DOG POOD ARMOUR c $ SPROUTS PINT BANANAS, Corned Beef... 79 Ken-L Ration $2 6/ 1 Potted Meat.... *oz. 25 39

PRICES GOOD THROUGH Where Thrifty Shopping is a Pleasure^ BETTY CROCKER STALEY'S KRAFT CHEESE JANUARY 24, 1*72 c c WE RESERVE Gingerbread 0,39 Waffle Syrup oi 58 Velveeta 1 LB. QUANTITY RIGHTS Great Scot THANKS FOR SHOPPING GREAT SCOT! FRItNDlY FOOD STORES The BG News, W.dnwdoy, January 19, im/Fag* 5 District caucus meets here McGovern delegates selected

By Barb Braeker representing other delegates nominated by the meeting Monday was to "see culminated In the various - The fifth district candidates for the fifth district caucus, two had how many people are district caucuses. Democratic caucus met Democratic presidential to be women and one had to interested in going all-out McAlister said the Monday evening in the nomination. be under 30. for Senator George McGovern campaign it Alumni Room of the Union THOSE DELEGATES McGovern." organized in every district of and selected an advisory list chosen as "preferred" THESE requirements are Dr. Shuck called upon Ohio, with the exception of of 12 nominees as McGovern nominees by the fifth district fulfilled by the delegates "those who have been the 21st district. delegates to the national caucus were: Ms Lupe selected. concerned with the war and Mobilization there is Democratic convention in Deleon. Defiance: Ms Other people nominated by civil rights" to make their dependent on the actions of July Lorrine Novak, an assistant the caucus were Dr. voices heard at the other candidates, he said. Approximately SO people librarian at Defiance William Kirby. University convention McAlister quoted attended the caucus, which College; Dr. Virginia Platt. professor of mathematics; "COME OUT for McGovern as saying. "After chose four delegates and two professor of history at the Tom Losey. 20. from McGovern." he urged 1 win a couple of primaries. alternates as its own University; and Jay Snook. Defiance College: Dr. "Show people we do care " I'll have charisma." preference. Antwerp. Edward Shuck. University "I'm not going to vote for According to McAlister. However, the entire list of William Scott of Tiffin and director of international a Democrat just because McGovern is now entered in 12 nominees will be turned Mike Florio, a 19-year-old programs; William he's against Nixon," said approximately 22 primaries. over to Sen. McGovern who political science major at Spragens, University Dr. Shuck. "George "The big one." said will then choose no more the University were chosen associate professor of McGovern has. at every McAlister. "is California on than six of them. as alternates. political science; Johanna opportunity, clearly stated June 2." McGovern's final choice will All delegates are required Diehl of Defiance and Dr. the fact that he is against the be made to achieve a to be qualified electors in the Harold Seeberger, professor war." Your balanced slate of delegates. fifth district and to be of economics at Heidelberg Dr. Shuck asked that all Jody Chand, waitress lakes order* from students *-ying out The names of these six members of the Democratic College. those "disturbed with the order? th* now rostaurant-typ* food plan initiated in McDonald persons will be placed on the party and none can have There are 23 district barbarism in Indochina" cafeteria last week. primary ballot with the voted as a member of caucuses of the type held support McGovern. "who is names of delegates another party in the last four here Monday night. The going all the way as a liberal years. state caucus to choose an candidate " Senator McGovern. advisory list of delegates-at- McAlister told the caucus however, added some large will be held at 10 a.m. that plans for the McGovern further stipulations Saturday at The Neil House campaign began in June and HHH berates Gilligan According to Bob McAlister. in Columbus state chairman of the The state caucus will McGovern campaign, the choose 39 delegates-at-large On other topics. Alpenhorn Room COLUMBUS. ■APi- Sen "commandeered" the state and 1968 Presidential senator wants 25 per cent of and 19 alternates. To be 1'ubert Humphrey. (D- party organization nominee attended a Humphrey proposed that a his delegation to be under 30. breakfast hosted by State selected as a state delegate, Minn i. said yesterday he "I think my struggle here date be set to get out of McAlister said Mr-tiovern the nominee must be in Specials Auditor Joseph T Kerguson Vietnam, then provide for faces an uphill battle for is an uphill battle." he told a also called for balanced Columbus for the caucus Ohio delegates to the news conference "It is not Ohio tVFL-CIO withdrawal of troops. representation for women • Vi Spaghetti - Vi Lasagna Democratic national .one I shrink away from-it is representatives and farm Dr. Edward Shuck said an- and minority groups. w/meot sauce, Italian Salad, convention because Gov. one I welcome." organization leaders were on He said he did not believe Therefore, of the four other primary purpose of the John J Gilligan has The former vice president hand prisoners would be released Bread & Butter tf>« rn GILLIGAN last month until there is total troop only Ql.bU Grant provides monies endorsed Sen H.dmund withdrawal. WE WANT * Sandwiches Muskie of Maine for the • Meatball • Stacked Ham Presidency and has thrown to blood bank trainees his weight to that campaign • Stacked Corned Beef The Ohio AFL-CIO is the YOU • Italian Salami backbone of Humphrey's TO BE AN • Stacked Roast Beef Students training to be must have completed 90 support. directors of blood banks in credit hours of academic Humphrey said ho did not on a bun or Italian bread £4 fin the specialists degree work to qualify for fault Gilligan for endorsing program in applied biology certification by the Muskie. He said he can get a ATO may qualify for four American Association of majority of Ohio's 153 •Your favorite cocktails graduate fellowships Blood Banks. convention delegates. downtown The fellowships, made LITTLE SIS Mtffi BG available through an $18,405 WED. NITE AT 8 O'CLOCK Akgenhorn Roora It tell Mae Sat grant to the University from AT THE ATO HOUSE Dating Room II to 10 Me* Sal. the Department of Health. SIGMA CHI 12 ta I Sun Education and Welfare will "COME ON OVER!!!" $1 3S Daily luncheon Special 11 to 3 provide stipends, dependency allowances, fees and tuition. CORD I ALL Y INVITES Students in the program hold masters degrees and ALL INTERESTED MEN TO A STADIUM VIEW ATTENTION SUNOCO RUSH PARTY STUDENTS SNAP-ON WHEEL ALIGNMENT TONITE-7.30

ROAD SERVICE Acres •( Free Parkins; ALL TYPES OF — NOW PLAYING — Be.lirj Tel. EVE. - 7:30. 9:30 REPAIR WORK Green KH2K LCiriema-z, SAT-SUN. 2. 3:45. 5:30. 7:30. 0:30

24 HR SERVICE NOTE: Thursday is BGSU mte All area students IDs requited. CINEMA 2 only $1.00 352-9012 CINEMA 1 is leased to RA expeditions WED. thru SAT - and the SI 00 rate does 1530E. W00STER not apply to CINEMA 1 All pass lists also suspended in CINEMA 1 - WED. thtu SAT

■ We can tid i-Hf tni■! | • limited number of A MOVIE FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE qualified wnior Of graduate students to WHO LOVED "SUMMER OF 42" 9ain "LOVE STORY" and "DR. ZHIVAGO"! FINALLY, AN g) SEE WHAT admission RATED MOVIE YOl YOUR CHILDREN for the msion starting ; fall 1972 m racofjnind WIFE OR GIRL- CAN SHOW FRIEND CAN YOU ABOUT medical ENJOY! LOVE! schools STADIUM VIEW across from Bowling overseas Green Stadium is now taking applications We oiler the lollowing pro- ' grsm en intensive 8 week orientation and highly concen- from mature students for winter quarter. ' trated technical language in- struction. 190* o> the Oilti cultv m attending & remaining You and two or three of your friends can ■ m a foreign school is the lan- ■ guage barrier.) The intensive programs are given in the live in a beautifully furnished 2 or 3 bed- country where you will attend medical school. SHINS CIWI«C**MaoK*MuanrrrftOOucTK* moToeauncoMOIOIUDr 0 entcro a» st» s cuemmm room suite for as little as $85.00 per person. For the. Qualified students who oitrneuru rr wutuin BUIUK coar wish to partake of this pro- [U OM unan u ewrm gram, admission can be sec- ■ ■ ured to a recognized European . A DIFFERENT KIND OF LOVE STORY! See this great value today! Medical School Wri'lf today for furthtr information and an application form STARTING SUNDAY-3 Days ■ Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Features - Eve. - 7:15, 9:30 EUROPEAN MEDICAL students placement service, inc. Sat.-Sun. - 2:30, 4:40, 7:15, 9:30 um 3 McKmley Avenue. :Asbertson. N.Y. 1160? \l\ -*\Ai aPartmentsl ^^Bloody Sunday" Campbell Hill Road and Route 6. Bowling Green _Sl -Zip- Graduation Oete_. BATES & SPRINGER, Inc. Than u no charge for ap- plication form and lubse- Glenda Jackson RterRnch MANAGERS: 352-5088 quent inttnitw. iRl-^-agT—.| Directed by John Schlesinger . foe. e/The M New., Woor.Mdov, January If. 1*72 Ultimote gool performing Students compose orchestra way painting a picture is By Gale Bogle winners are chosen to he tries to make up the Plymouth Symphony and the Grosse Point Symphony, what it's all about in art. In Entertainment Editor appear as soloists with the program to include a variety the case of music it's orchestra at one of its of musical styles. where he worked with paid professional musicians. performing." The 85-member University concerts, he said. The program for the Symphony Orchestra will According to Raab, the "My job in trying to plan a concert will be "Overture to present a concert Sunday orchestra gives at least two program is to schedule as HIS SITUATION AT the University is not so much the 'Bartered Bride. " by | afternoon, under the concerts each quarter on many of the standard works Smelena. the incredible direction of Emil Raab. campus It is also involved that the students should different because, "some of our students are already Flutist Suite." by Walter The orchestra is one of in the opera production once become familiar with music Piston and '"New World' several large ensembles in a year, gives a special with a variety of mood and professionals in the sense that they play with the Symphony" by Dvorak. the School of Music which program for young people of texture so it becomes The concert will be at 2: JO offer credit and experience the community and presents interesting as well as Toledo Symphony, in which they are paid as professional p.m. in the Main Auditorium to students. The others are a pop's concert in the spring. educational." he said. of University Kail. in choral activities and Last year me orchestra Raab has worked with players." he said. "Music is here to be Assistant conductor of the University bands appeared in Chicago before community and civic orchestra is Richard The orchestra is a full the Music Teachers National orchestras, including the performed," he said "The ultimate goal is Cioffari, instructor in symphony and "it's a very Association It has also Ann Arbor Orchestra, the performance studies. good one.'' said Raab "It's played in various cities in Jackson Symphony, the performance in the same one of the better university Ohio. orchestras. A lot of students don't realize this is here.'' THE ORCHESTRA exists ore my "It's an opportunity to mainly to give music Answers hear some of the great majors the opportunity of By Joaay Kali piano movers (b) Thomas works written for symphony symphonic performance Edison (cl radio. V-OI'8-6 B-8 >i and it's free," said Raab. experience'' by playing Ed. Note. The followlag 5. Shipwreck Kelly 'B-S'O-S'WV-E'B-S'V-I director of orchestral classical, romantic and quiz should test yoar became a legend as the This week's Great activities and conductor of modern works, Raab said. kaowledge of old-time radio record (a I marathon dancer Atwater-Kent Revival will the orchestra As conductor of the for all yo» trivii-aostilgla (bl goldfish swallower (c) feature The Shadow in "The orchestra, Raab plans freaks. It was prepared by flagpole sitter. Shadow's Revenge." Amos ALL SYMPHONY programs and rehearses and the boat of WFAL's old-time 6. Slogan of the times: 'n' Andy in "The Kingfish members had to audition to prepares the orchestra for radio thaw "The Great "Use your head, save your Sells Andy a Car." Inner be given a place in the the performance. Atwater-Keat Revival." hair with " (•) Sanctum with "Only the orchestra Raab said there Raab said members which Is beard Saaday from Wildroot (bl Fitch (cl Dead Die Twice" and The is a lot of competition, rehearse five hours a week I to 11 p.m. Brylcream Rolling Stones with "Hot especially in the wind As a director in a play, his 7. On radio, a burst of Rocks, 1964-1971." instruments section. job is to direct the players 1, Their slogan: "Ask the machine guns signalled the I'e explained that in a and direct the interpretation man who owns one." The arrival of (al The FBI (bl symphony there is only one <>( the work. car: la) Packard tbl Hudson Dick Tracy ic I (iangbusters Concert first flute or first clarinet The orchestra drills to be (c)Studebaker 8 Virginia McMath part in those sections In the sure notes and rhythms are 2. John Daly interrupted it became better known as (a) string sections there are correct I'e said he works for the Pearl Harbor Virginia Mayo (bl Ginger The Temptations will Rogers (c I Lana Turner. perform in concert Feb Emil Raab, conductor of the University Symphony Orchestra, i> many players performing with the students in announcement: (a) Army- Conductor the same part rehearsal so they will be Navy game (bl 9. By the mid-twenties, the 10 in Memorial Hall. thown in rehearsal with part of tho orchestra for the opera Every year competitions able to play music as it is Philharmonic concert (cl frozen food process was Ticket prices have not which takes place next month. are held for the written church service. marketed by la) Sara Lee been finalized This instrumentalists. and The final step is to get the S. In "The Caine Mutiny." (b) Clarence Birdseye (cl information should be sections of the orchestra Humphrey Bogart was Wilbur Pepperidge. released within the next Review together so they perform relieved of his command by 10. Bank Night and Dish two weeks with one interpretation of (a) Van Johnson lb) Joseph Night were popular features The concert is the piece of music in mind. Cotton ic) Jason Robards. of (aI movie theaters (b) sponsored by Union Raab said 4. Oscar-winning short churches (c) ballparks. Activities Organization Concert for Bangla Desh "The Music Box" concerned ACCORDING TO RAAB, (aI Laurel and Hardy as By Larry Epke four acoustic land inaudible i There is little or no effort early material. guitarists among the group to expand on the studio Perhaps it is indicative Anna Moffo . This three-record set The most aggravating versions, no improvization. that the band does better on recorded live on Apple at the feature of the album is just an attempt to recreate the tune "Bangla Desh" than Aug 1 concert lor the relief stretching of 80 minutes of the studio sound. Even at on any other of Harrison's to present recital of Bangla Desh presents a music, nine minutes of this, it fails. songs. problem, in that no rock fan introductions and an Which is not to say that the "Bangla Desh" gives them Following a December. She has made 10 films and can help but have unspecified amount of time album is without good a chance to play a melody 1969. recital at Lincoln has received Italy's "Silver expectations of greatness on crowd noise over the six points Actually, it has with a strong beat, one of the Center, the New York Times Griffo" award and a from the group of sides, apparently to bring many "That s the Way God few lyrics with which wrote. "Anno Moffo gave a nomination for "The Golden established stars performing the record above the Planned It" by Billy Harrison can do a good job lesson in how to put across a Globe.'' Italy's Oscar on this album mundane level of a double Preston, lively and spirited, easily and with a recital last night equivalent, for her work in After all, when the record to the much rarer and is the album's best cut. coordinated instrumental "Her voice was pure and the film "A Love Story." Beatles guitarist and more cosily triple record Ths Leon Russell medley line. The whole song fits cool, but it was what she did Ms Moffo has her own drummer join with the likes pinnacle. also has the band playing at together well, and the band with it that counted She' television series. "The Anna of Leon Russell. Eric This results in things like fever pitch, despite cloying improves markedly on the decorated it with an amazing Moffo Show," which is seen Clapton. Bob Dylan and Billy side six. with a whole seven stops for narration which single array of colors, vibrato in all on Italian television 35 Preston, can anything less minutes of music on it. add nothing to the music, 1 If you think a Beatle can degrees and kinds." weeks each year, and she is than greatness be expected' Beyond this is the singing of and fight the regular flow of do no wrong, if you'd like to Ms. Moffo was called back a frequent guest on Sadly the answer is yes George Harrison, who the songs Indeed. Preston help the Pakistani children for four encores that American television shows. The greatness doesn't take obviously needs the studio and Russell are the musical in some way. or if you just evening Invitations from leading over, despite its techniques to put his voice stars of the entire album want to hear a collection of Reserved seat tickets are European. U.S. and South appearances from time to over effectively. Here, he THE INDIAN MUSIC musicians of this calaber, now on sale for the American opera houses time The players play, the only sounds strained. section with Ravi Shankar buy this record. University Artist Series began with Ms Moffo's 1959 singers sing, but no one MORE PROBLEMATIC seems competent, though I Maybe you'll like it after a presentation of Metropolitan Metropolitan Opera debut. seems able to shine through than these technical know nothing about Indian while, for it is really not a Opera star. Ms. Moffo. Since then she has sung 16 or let the full range of his difficulties is the philosophy music. Dylan's portion of bad album. But don't expect Sunday, Jan. 30. roles in that house alone. talents show that this band, however the show and album presents the real greatness possible Ms Moffo has been In recognition of Ms. THE SONGS ARE merely talented its individual parts an excellent picture of his from this band to show up acclaimed by both critics Moffo's achievements, the played, rather than are, can do real justice to style, and has him here. You'll be Anna Moffo and audiences all over the Italian government in 1968 Expanded upon, or even the soft songs of George performing some of his best disappointed. world for her roles in opera, bestowed on her its highest mch removed from the Harrison It seems recital, concert, radio, honor, the Commendatore of studio versions ridiculous for any 26- television and motion the Order of Merit of the The reasons for (his seem niember group to attempt to pictures. Republic of Italy. numerous The sound play "Something" as it was Film Odyssey premiers THE SOPRANO HAS Tickets for the 8 p.m. quality is inferior, and the done on "Abbey Road." received praise in every concert in the Main concert sound men Other songs are also tried, 'Film Odyssey" motion picture history, and designed for television 39 Steps; "Rules of the music center in which she Auditorium of University apparently had difficulty unsuccessfully. "My Sweet premiered on the Public almost none of them have viewing. Game : " " Intimate has appeared. Vienna. Hall are $4 for adults and getting all the varied sounds Lord." "Awaiting On You Broadcasting Service Jan. 14 been shown on television The first 12 feature-length Lighting;" "Potemkin;" Florence, Rome. New York $3.50 for students. They can of a 26-person band All," " Beware of at 8:30 p.m. on WBGUTV. before films include: "The Blue and "Barrier." and Washington, among be purchased in 405 Student i The fact that the band was Darkness." and others are channel 70. They will be presented Angel;' "Grand Illusion;" other*. Services Bldg. ^hastily organized is rather all rushed through and come The films selected for the uncut and uninterrupted "M"; "Seven Samurai:" UII ny ^evident in such items as out muddled, both in sound series have gained Foreign language films will "Beauty and the Beast;" having three electric and and musical content. recognition as milestones in be shown with subtitles "Ivan the Terrible." "The Serving diverse interests goal of Cultural Boost fund By Gale Bogle He said this indicates the is top-40 commercial music organization.'' Hoffman David Gibson, senior ied.l. Eatcrtaiomeat Editor wide spectrum of interests oriented, which has its place said. will be sponsored by Cultural in which Cultural Boosts can in the University But Cultural Boost is also Boost at the end of this The public is really a lot of operate. community, but there is a kind of "glorified month. smaller groups with a wide "A CONCERT WITH 7.000 room for other music." producer" which can Women at the University range of interests Cultural people doesn't mean you're Cultural Boost has been respond to creative wanted a Women's Week. Boost is working to meet the serving the public." responsible for bringing the programming which others Cultural Boost has provided needs of those diverse (Hoffman said. Charley Byrd Jazz Quintet. devise funds, while the women are interests and not the public Because flexibility is built Luther Allison and Buzzy "We're a source of money organizing the programs and as a whole into Cultural Boost, there is I.inh.Hi to campus to try to that encourages people to be doing the actual work "We don't attempt to give no problem in programming meet the needs of various creative." Hoffman said involved in developing the entertainment to the campus events for this campus, he groups for entertainment. Cultural Boost financed week. that everybody's going to said trips for the Black Gospel like. The whole concept of Sprague and Hoffman "I DON'T KNOW WHO Choir last quarter, Cultural Boost has also serving everybody is absurd, agreed that Ohio is a good Buzzy was for. but I'm glad I sponsored a black evening brought Sen. George to I don't even attempt it," place to be for brought him." Hoffman and the play. "No Place to McGovem to campus and is taid Steve Hoffman, entertainment because it is said Linhart was doing very Be Somebody." bringing several more coordinator of Cultural located right between New well in New York at the time political figures this month Boost York and Chicago, which he came here. THE PROGRAM including Sen. Birch Bayh. According to Mike makes it simple for groups Even though Linhart did INNOVATES events with yesterday. Sprague, vice president for to stop here not appear to do very well various departments on Hoffman said not rules and regulations, in a "They might not be the here number-wise, every campus and tries to serve everybody is going to get the poll of the top five biggest groups in the whole time Cultural Boost hits, it is the academic area of program he wants, but the "real gut of Cultural Boost" speakers for college world, but I'm not afraid of serving an audience, he said. campus as well as provide Cultural Stew* Hoffmen, coordinator of Cultural Boost, and Mike campuses, the list ranged bringing in an. unknown." Cultural Boost innovates entertainment is the student, who comes in , Sprague, vke president for roles and regulations, are working from Shirley Chisholm, Hoffman said. '"• its own programs because A week of programs and with an idea he wants to congresswoman of New "We're not in a race with "if we don't innovate plays about Samuel Beckett, promote that Cultural Boost boosters *• moot the need* of the many dtvarsa entertainment Inter—ts York, to Buffalo Bob UAO " Sprague-Mid "UAO ourselves, we're a hollow which was developed by can sponsor. within the University. Th. M N.wt, January 1*. l»72/»oa. 7 *v L/CF to sponsor arts exhibition

The United Christian the artists involved UCF of Margii Peskett. associate cities sponsored by the Ohio Ms. Peskett will perform an Fellowship (UCFi plans to will not receive any professor of PPE. and the Arts Council, but they have imprnvisational dance to the sponsor a monthly show commission on the sale, he New Music Ensemble under not yet performed at the e.e. cummings poem, "On which will feature the works said the direction of Dr. Donald University War and Peace." Also on the of student artists. It will The exhibition will open M. Wilson, assistant The program will include program are "Alpha for open the showing with some with a presentation by professor of music. "Wedding March for Magnetic Tape," by April type of live performance University Performing Both groups have just Magnetic Tape and the Tow Graham, senior (Mus. Ed i each month, also featuring Dancers under the direction completed a tour of six Ohio Dancers." bv Dr Wilson and Norman Brown, senior students. (Mus.) and "Graphic Mobile "We want to give students for Three or more some recognition for what Instruments with Dancer*," they are doing in the field of by M William Kralins. art and allow people to see them, hear them and get a THE PERFORMANCE chance to talk to them." said will be at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Rev Eugene Keil. associate at the UCF and is free and director of UCF. open to the public. There will The first showing will be refreshments afterwards begin Sunday and feature an and a "chance for the artists exhibition of prints, and observers to mingle,"- watercolors and oils by Rev Keil said. Erica Johns, a December The UCF building is also graduate of the University, open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.: and oils and watercolors by daily for viewing the art. Marv McLaughlin, junior displays. The New lo»l Cily Ramblers i Ed >. Rev Keil said anyone In addition to student interested in hanging their, works, there will be a Hit—| m mmt twin works in the center or'; display of graphics limn the participating in the monthly University Publications An art* exhibition sponsored by UCF will open with shows, which might involve Office, including seven Dancers Friday concert features presentation by the University Performing Dancers. things like short dramatic items which won awards at pieces or a poetry reading, the 1971 American College should call him at 352-4752. , 1 Public Relations Association bluegrass music group meeting. HE SAID paintings can be 'Young, Gifted and Black' purchased from the showing Bluegrass is coming to half-brother of Pete Seeger. situations, performing by direct arrangement with still makes his living as a coal miners Bowling Green with the benefits for a "To Be Young, Gifted and youngest American and the "To Be Young. Gifted and performance Friday night of performer He has been strike, the civil rights Black", the story of the late first Black playwright to win Black" is the creation of playing music professionally the New Lost City movement and the WBGU-FAA playwright Lorraine the NY. Drama Critics Robert Nemiroff, Ms. Ramblers since the mid-fifties at Herkelev confrontations I'ansberry. as told in her Circle Award. I'ansberry's husband 1' During the 1960s the group and Columbia own words, is transformed recorded about 20 albums of TRACY SCHWARZ owns Fire Zone' into a motion picture for the American ballads, a farm in Pennsylvania and Following the concert Daniel Cohen, former season's premiere of "NET "hillbilly" songs and other is studying at a nearby state there will be a square dance Playhouse Biography'' folk material teachers' college John featuring a caller and the managing editor of Science ALPHA TAU OMEGA tomorrow at E :to p.m on Digest magazine, will be the Since the Cohen is a professional Ramblers playing fiddles, WBQU-TV. telephone guest on Free Fire epidemic of the 1960s has photographer and , . Lorraine I'ansberry was CONGRATULATES IT'S Zone, WBGU-FM at died down, the Ramblers filmmaker, who has made IXibro. autoharpand Spooni ;I4 years old wlicn she died of midnight. have only been doing a few- several features concerning They will sing everything cancer in 19B5 Per most Secretary - Cohen, speaking live from President - NEW OFFICERS concert dates a year. folklore. from unaccompanied ballads famous work. "A Raisin in K. C Brewer his home in Monticello. Rick DeSilva Only one member of the The Ramblers have been through modern Bluegrass the Sun." had made her the group. Mike Seeger. younger active in several political to a contemporary satire on N.Y.. will be discussing his Public Relations Officer - forays into the occult Cohen Vice President Internal - Kentucky's wild hemp crop, Russ Daley entitled "Wildwood Weed." is a noted skeptic in the John Feldman The concert, sponsored by field Vice President External - Keeper of the Annals - State pay raise Cultural Boost, will be at 8 Listeners may call 372- Dino Manno Ron Rausch p.m in Memorial Pall. 2826 and address their Admission is 50 cents questions to Cohen. Comptroller - Social Chairman - awaits board vote Bill Montrie Mike Peregord Pizza Drivers Do Assistant Treasurer - Pledge Trainer - COLUMBUS i API - State Pay day is Friday for the Gary Yost Stein Pedetson employees won't receive more than 48.000 slate this week the pay raises workers allecled by Accept Tips! approved by the legislature legislation granting a 38 last Saturday. cents per hour, or 10 per Auditor Joseph T cent, pay raise. About 9.000 Ferguson said he was state university employees advised not to approve the under civil service and some made Everything Must Go! raises because the federal county employees under Pay Board has not approved state civil service are also a big splash with them affected the Alpha Chis \\ // BABY OWLS - Thanks for the PANT STOP Thanx for a FANTASTIC TEA HOOTIN' GOOD BREAKFAST! THE BROTHERS OF STORE CLOSING CHI-Olove, Your Sisters PHI KAPPA TAU at 900 East Wooster St. INVITE ALL INTERESTED PHI KAPPA PSI MEN TO AN RUSH PARTY 1/2 OFF! OPEN HOUSE Everything has to go! Prices have been slashed to practically WEDNESDAY 7:00-9:00 JAN. 19 giveaway lows on finest quality merchandise. No specially pur- JAN. 19 & JAN. 20 chased merchandise...all regular stock! Sorry, no alterations, no GOOD LUCK TO THE NEW returns. All sales final! 7:30 - 9 P.M. OFFICERS OF ALPHA GAMMA ENTIRE STOCK DELTA President- Jan Lull If the world were a hamburger, you'd prob- ably want to eat Something Different! 1st V. Pres. - Karen Pabst SLACKS and JEANS It it! We ate! Everything from Kosher )' Corned Beef Sandwiches to our almost- 2nd V. Pres. - Lynette Music Famous Tenderloin Steak Dinner, with our salad bar & bread and bagel table Have Corr. Secretary - Daryl Irvine your favorite cocktail, too. at Rec. Secretary - Jean Zimmerman fi!S NOW 1 /2 OFF something different Treasurer - Pat Hannaman House - Betsy Ryan MS S. MM 353-7875 Steward - Nancy Manwell Lounjt mtkdiys \* I. Fn Sil HI 2 30. dining wtifcdays hi 12pm Social - Sue Edmond Sun m 9 Rush - Anne Maier PANt Panhel - Jan Dickson TOP Activities - Becky Neff 900 East Wooster St. BOWLING GREEN •too i/Th. M Haws, January I*. 1972

Office of Career Gimbel'i-No report yet. anal., group field supvr. FEBRUARY 4 O.-No report yet. Planning and Placement Marathon Oil-Assoc FEBRUARY 3 Firestone Tire & Rubber- Versailles Ex. Vill. Schls.. Service* it open Monday to talesman, mktg. dev. trng. MONY-No report yet Tch. areas, ill. mgmt. O.-HiBh schl. English Friday from S a.m. to S p.m Nat'l. City Hk of General Tire ti Rubber- Glidden Durkee-No report English & Spanish, speech tt On Monday. Jan. 24. and Cleveland Mgl dev. Product dev., programming, yet. hearing, spec. educ. Wedneaday. Jan 26. the program. acctg., mgmt. prod., pers.. SCHOOLS Mansfield Pb. Schls., 0- office will be open until 9 Huntington Nat'l Bank- ind. reltns., rtl. sales mgmt. JANUARY 31 Sp educ.-EMR 47 DBC p.m. Mgmt. trng Hoover Co.-Cost acctg.. Norwood Pb. Schls.. 0.- speech & hearing therapy, BUSINESS Kobart Mfg -Engineer, gen. acctg., inventory No report yet. primary grades, art. JANUARY 31 acct. control, mgmt. dev. FEBRUARY 1 Wickliffe City Schls.. O.- Eaton Yale & Towne-- Gimbel's-No report yet. program. •• Fairview Pb. Schls.. O.- No report yet. Acctg. trainee, pers. FEBRUARY 2 Westfield Co -No report All areas. FEBRUARY 3 • Northmont Lc. Schls.. trainee. United Telephone Co.-- yet Dade County Schls . Fla- Oweni-Illinois-No report Acctg. asst. Cleveland Plain Dealer- All areas except soc. stud. O.-El. ed.. bus ed.. sec. sp. yet Kawneer Co.--Sales, Summer internships. Clermont Northeastern ed. lib. sci, math. FEBRUARY 1 acctg. Toledo Blade-Full-time Schl., O.-El. ed -all areas, Greenwich Pb. Schls Owens-Illinois No report Traveler's Ins. Co— emplmt., summer high schl.-Eng.. math., KL, Conn-Most areas yet. Casualty-property acctg. internships ind. arts. FEBRUARY 4 Schls.. Joseph Home Co.-Exec "North Olmsted Bd. of Greenwich Pb. trng. program. Ed. O.-No report yet. Conn-Most areas Dan Wolfram, sophomore (A*S), expresses his views by Alexander Grant-Staff FEBRUARY 2 Mentor Bd. of Ed O-Ind English. Graffiti signing the paper marked, "Take your frustrations out hero- SUMMER JOBS accountant Fairview Pb. Schls.. 0- arts, bus., math., Ohio Nat'l. Life-No report All areas. sci.. sp. ed.. guidance sheet no! on your wife." The sheet is posted next to the elevators on yet. Dade County Schls., Fla - ' Evening also Ihe first floor of the University library. Firestone Tire & Rubber- All areas except soc. stud. '• Evening only Guys & Gall needed for summer employment Tech, areas, rtl. mgmt. North Olmsted Bd. of Ed., its! ■ h io at numerous locations throughout the nation is i5| His including National Parks, Resort Areas, and Private Camps. For free information send self DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE T5 ■>! addressed, STAMPED envelope to Onrvy Cor* 71 On I Fi I ■'![. tunity Research, Dept. SJO, Century Builti ing. Poison, MT 59860. ACROSS 45 Surface of 12 Galena and APPLICANTS MUST APPLY EARLY. I Jump. stagnant water. hematite, ™!^jj 4 Brusque. 47 Querying 14 A mile has 320. 8 Catch, In ■ way. exclamation!. 19 Periods of warm 13 River 2,700 miles 48 Moreover. weather: 2 Ions. SO Girl friend.: Fr. words. 15 Whcro 13 52 A. A. U. 21 During last Across in. member*. month: Abbr. "If you can't TRUST youi friends 16 Part of a 56 Type of bal. 24 Small yellow HAPPY BIRTHDAY 59 Rogue*' bird. who would you rather trust? cathedral. 17 Timber wolf. gallery: 26 Partially: Prefix I'm building a lifetime ol friend- 27 Boxers' TO THE GREATEST 18 Outgrowth of 2 words. 4» 49 I K ship and business on the Industrial 61 Berlin product. bailiwick. ix-~P-« Revolution: 62 Modern poet. 29 M. Coty and TRUST." 2 words. 63 Another time. others. ^TBaf (AND YOUNGEST) 20 Fall, theatrical 64 Repair. 31 Bltarre works Kyle: 2 words. 65 Linei. of art. 22 Tf auriialpa l> 66 Provender. 32 African magic. ALPHA GAM MOM EVER! ita capital. 67 Tricky. 34 Servile flattery. DANIEL F. KIRK 23 Spanish Islands. 36 Metropolitan W% M DOWN COLLEGE AGENT 25 Work on paper. offering. PAT CYBULSKI THE COLUMBUS MUTUAL 26 Indian. 1 SO per rent. 37 Well-known 352-7710 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 28 Row. 2 Melville title. name in liEE 30 Architect Jonei 3 Type of financial automobiles. 11573-1652). obligation: 42 Culls. 33 Wagnerian earth 2 words. 46 Italian pronoun. goddess. 4 Candidate's con- 49 Friend : Delta Tau Delta 35 Anna Christie. cern: 2 words. 2 words. Queen Christina, 5 Patriotic 51 Finn's neighbor. etc.: Full name monogram. 52 Unoriginal one. DOAAINOS Little Sister Rush 38 Reward. 6 Mellow In tone. 53 Breakwater. 3° Silk voile. 7 Western lake 54 Others: Let. 40 Christmas carol. resort. 55 Hindu deity. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8 Coming ashore. 41 All let: Slang: II Single. Jan. 19 & 24 8 p.m. 2 wordi. 9 Alaskan Islands. 43 Dutch town. 10 Shining light. 58 Wriggling. 352-5221 44 Salt Iron. 11 Adventure story. 60 Permit. COME MEET THE BROTHERS AND LITTLE SIS S.

THI WIZARD OF ID t porker awd Jahauay hart

* rrsooo F&KlbVK GIANT THlN6**T OF A SALE — / NIGHT ■■«■ CLaSSIFIED 'iw" ONLY on a cold morning we loved SPECIAL Thurs nite only 7 It! Your sisters 9pm price SI 75 Stadium 1 or 2 female rotates needed CAMPUS CALENDAR Spring Quarter 352-6395 Plaza Barbershop. HI6 K Bunnic love-vou caughl me WednesdayJan Vi 1972 Woosler 352 9098 Weekly twice i Pope you're happy drawing for free haircut Free renl- one bedroom with first lime > Alias Al lurnished apartments for WEDNESDAY llr Joseph K Balogh. chairman si Sociology Dept LAW SCPOOL WILL I renl 4135 per month Call member of Gov Gilligan S task force on prisons will DZ'a What belter way M 3525747 after 4pm discuss lask force report River Room In ion I 30pm LIKE IT' CAN I MAKE If there lo start the quarter A new book by a recent law than a great tea with Ihc graduate for propesctivc law 1 F r-mate needed now fr Hi ;sl Ski Club. Its Ed Bldg 6 30pm Year book pictures DZ's" PPITAl'S students Send 12 95 Kroos spring Rent paid till Feb 15 :00 TO 9:00 RM All money lor Canadian trip must be in Signup started for Call Alice 353-9445 Wing I'ollow fr Seven Springs Press. Box 3709A To my big Darlene. Do you Milwaukee. WisSJ217 believe ii" I do and it s Aparl sublease, reduced Delta Sigma Pi 7 30pm Alumni Hoom. I'nion Key GREAT' So are you Lfrl rate and I month free Avail pictures will be taken AIRLINE TICKETS- Your happy little Domestic and Int l-l'ollday March ph 352-7375 •••••••• Travel 352-6567 140 N Main Gamma Thru Upsilon 202 I'anna. 7 30pm Key pictures Nanc-Being your little is just Two female roommates will be laken at 7 30pm Or Buford will present a film on the greatest So glad to be a Look-special 8 lbs dry- needed-Cherrv Pill ra.l 352- * JEANS * Kurope All welcome part ol the familv 1. and L 5«2»afler5 30 cleaning only 12 50 Kathv STADIUM PLAZA Phi Alpha Theta Piston Ponorarv. Grand Ballroom 1 m roommate for spring Union. 7 30pm Kussell Raymond Veh will speak on his LAUNDROMAT i2 drs from Delts-you really know how to and or summer 150 mo 352- candidacy and his political views Lumsl show us a good time' Thanks * SHIRTS * 0126 for a great lea Xl's BEYOND THE ORDINARY 1 F. roommate needed Feb PICK QUALITY' GIFTS at PAPOS * KN IT TOPS* Ihe WORKING PAND l-l bdrm apt between CRAFT CENTER 515 DONT FORGETEVERY downtown and campus Conneaul across from Citv S70 mo incl utll 352-2751 LOST Students to execute various WED NITE 3 for 1 at the Cl Park programs on your campus M needed for house win and LOST Black ladies billfold FOB SALE OR RENT Need cert cards in it Excellent pay Write DONT FORGETEVERY orsprqtrS6S mo 354-0821 Campus Services Agency. Sentimental value Keep WED NITE- 3 for I at Hie Clearance Sale at VATAN'S. 534 50th St Sandinkv. Ohio 1 bdrm. turn, air cond apt cash as reward 2-5022 Cl. 109 N. Mala 25' oil on 44870 prefer married couple 8125 German clocks, oxidiied plus utilities 353-4872 LOST blk and tan Little Bonnie-Igor says he is vases and Swiss Music SERVICES OFFERED name Nathan-if found, ready and wailing to meet Boxes SAVE NOW' you Welcome to the family- M r mate 5 room apt 875 mo *•••••••* please call 352-SOU or 372- SWEDISP LESSONS S2 an 2350 LfrL Darlene 364-3302 hour 3529224 SPEAKERS,mm pair but good LOST 1 year old Mack cat. Congratulations to the Need female r m spring for Eiperienced accurate apt RENT DISCOUNT call striking round green eyes, Frivolous Four'' Make 14 Zenith portable TV with typist, dissertations theses Nita 352-5729 little while on chest 660-4661 activation mean something stand ei cond 870 352 54U Answers to Malcolm to yoa-Snakes' days Wanted male roommate Reward call 372-4523 PERSONALS Urgent'Call 362-0011 Kay and Rick, Lea Paul custom call 362- LOST Betwrus Sealord Is Using m your future' Air congratulations on your 3874 leave message lor Rob 4 bdrm home. 211 Eberl v call THE watch REWARD Call .152 Force ROTC 2-year program pinning Patty and Kathy 353-1735 or 353-9455 7491 can get you there Call 372- Bug pipes, fiu all VW 217* Grape juice is blue. Alpha motors 845 call 352-0786 Students fr Faculty 2 br-1 RIDES Gams are too' Blue P' . bath 2 br-1', bath. 2 br-2 DONT FORGETEVERY here's to you' VW BUS 65 good shape 415 bath. 81(0 fr up call Rate needed to Erie or WED NITE -3 for 1 at the S Church Pendlelon Really 363-3(41 Buffalo Jan 20 or 21 call 2- Cl. DZ's-lt's time to uncover 4272 those SUPPRESSED 19(4 SMC Porsche call 354 Apt to sublet 1 bdrm fanshd Nut cleaa STADIUM DESIRES Get high' 4245- or write PO Boi 82 call Wayne 353-4222 DEN BG PELP WANTED PLAZA LAUNDROMAT with aiiendam on duty at all Jayne. you are a wunderbar Free rent Falcon St) Apts 1-2 (ACROSS FROMHARSHMAN) Waitress wanted Apply m limes Open nil 10 30pm |2 llllle. LfrL Karlvn 42 F86 stanonwagon good bdrm Call Steve Mesaiaa Pagliai sPina drs from Lams i condition 8150 364-1193 until 352 5334 after 5 Xi Pledges-Breaklasi In bed 2 The tO New., W.dne«Joy, Jonuory If, If 73/Pafe* Sessions cite underground medio role

By Petty Schmidt underground FM radio Goodwin, a staff member of not." said John Wiseman, a This session, during which Staff Reporter station in Detroit, in co- WABX. columnist for the Detroit many poets read their operation with the Detroit The conference was Free Press works, was accurately John Sinclair, recently Student Government divided into more than IS l.'e said magazines like summed up by a comment freed on appeal bond for sessions, many of which Rolling Stone can't survive made earlier by Ken charges of possession of "We must either search were concerned with the role on circulation alone "Thus. McClosky. who writes f marijuana, appeared and struggle for alternatives of the media in the youth in order to succeed poetry for the Alternative Saturday at a day-long within our society, or culture. financially, they might have Press-'Anything can be conference on youth and remain closed and alienated "THE UNDERGROUND to accept advertising from poetry but not everything community at the University from dealing with the real media seem to have people whose products are is." of Detroit environment-that's one of developed an awareness to not consistent with their Speaking at a press The conference was the reasons we're having the social problems that the philosophy." he said. conference later in the day. sponsored by WABX. an conference." said Jerry overground media have Jerry Goodwin of the Sinclair disclosed the WABX staff, pointed out an outcome of his recent effective way of meeting with John Lennon, counteracting this bind in Yoko Ono and Jerry Rubin. which underground media "We're tentatively often finds themselves planning to have several big "We began to accept name rock groups tour the commercials from Ford that country as the primaries are gave the impression that the taking place, in the hopes of customer could drive away a choosing a people's new Maverick for only $77 candidate who will fulfill his down." Goodwin said campaign promises." He said the station sent Sinclair said one ol its staff members to chick it out. and he ALTHOUGH the plans discovered that he had to put have not been finalized, over $200 down Sinclair said at least one Immediately after the thing was clear—the pflihpr Father James Groppi, currently named in four law suits for his Ford ad was played. WABX candidate would have to involvement in civil rights oction, spoke at Saturday's began countering it with its advocate ending the war GrODpl conference about the rose people within organized religion consumer protection story. according to the terms of the have played as acthristt. I* "Ford stopped running People's Peace Treaty. that particular ad. not only Fr. James Groppi. whose on our station, but on all the contempt conviction was stations," Good win said overturned last week by the Supreme Court, also spoke APPEARANCES by the at the confernce. Several Statistics degree proposed recently freed John Sinclair female members of the of the Rainbow People's audience confronted Fr. The Academic Council will concepts of statistics, and 3 in areas such as sociology, Party and poet Ed Sanders Groppi with the dilemma vote today on a proposal second division will cover psychology and market highlighted the conference. they personally thought presented by Dr Dr Robert applied statistics. research." said Dr. Patton. Both participated in a existed within the Catholic Patton. associate professor THE THIRD section of the The cost of establishing a session entitled, "Today's Church-its "sexist" attitude of Quantitive Analysis and masters program will enable masters program will be Poet is Tomorrow's...?" of holding Up Mary as being Control, asking for an students to apply their low, according to Dr. Sinclair said he hadn't a model because she was a interdepartmental program research education to a Patton. seriously written poetry in virgin leading to a masters degree research project in any Dr Patton said the live years I'owever. he It's true that the Church in statistics. department on campus. proposal passed the Poetry reads several poems that he is prejudiced against women Dr. Patton said "Through such a program, graduate council. He said he Peat Ed Sanders (Ufl) and John Sinclair, Rainbow People's had written in his two-and-a- in many ways." Fr Groppi undergraduates specializing students will be able to apply expects approval from I i Party chairman, listenlisten at a member atof fMthe ourjienaoudience roads his half-year stint in prison, replied. "But there are more in statistics in the College of statistics as a research tool Academic Council. WO rK S /I Op wor|( „, ^ p,.,^ ^k^, ,„,„ of the conference including one on the escape important issues than the Business Administration and of Timothy Leary. virginity of Mary " statistic minors in the College of Arts and Sciences In Order To Expand Its have shown an interest in establishing a masters Educational and Production program. At present in the Programs Asian studies program ok'd College of Business, statistics is considered as an area of preferred interest. THE PHILIP MORTON An Asian studies program Dr. EdVvard Chen, departments, have been of Asia, with emphasis on students who are interested Dr. Patton said one area in in the College ol Arts and assistant professor of approved by Academic India. Pakistan. Japan and in taking a Japanese the proposed program will Sciences will be offered fall history, said the program, Council. China." said Dr. Chen language course." said Dr. be devoted to the theoretical SHOP quarter. 1972. which is in partial operation Dr. Chen said the program A formal rationale Chen Academic Council in the College of Education, is for the undergraduate and presented to Academic approved the proposal offers a major and minor in is not designed to make a Council lists an added In his opinion the chances Has presented by John Friksen. Asian studies Courses, specialist of the student objective as an attempt "to of finding a high school dean of the college, at the totaling 180 credit hours "Our purpose is to present to give the student a teaching position are better Jan. 5 meeting within seven related the student an overall view perspective on his own with a major or minor in MOVED civilization through an Asian studies. appreciation of different "More and more high Fact Line 'rings the bell' traditions and cultures.. schools are offering non- To According to Dr. Chen, western courses," said Dr. students will be able to Chen with University community concentrate on one or two countries, but will be THE WORKING Approximately 16.500 used to because the questions that can be solved expected to take courses operators are more telephone calls have been within the immediate related to all countries. Panther is putting the pull received by Fact Line since experienced." said Olson telephone area, but can give "A major weakness of the over look together fo HAND CRAFT its opening last April, The inlormation is becoming the telephone numbers to program at present is we Spring! The abstract jac quara sleeveless pullovei according to the information more factual as people are people needing them outside have no oriental language service's student asking more detailed this area. has a V-Neck and is grea course, and we'd like to have looking lucked in or cesu CENTER coordinator. Neil Olson, questions, he said ally over your pants. In During the weekend a at least two." said Dr. Chen. senior i BA i. During the first two weeks "Chinese is recognized as green/grey, purple/ trend toward questions orange, or brown/blue, Fact Line, initially of the quarter, one of the major languages 515 Conneaut concerning campus events sized S-M-L. The wide organized to promote approximately 3.000 calls in the United Nations and internal communication were received by the and scores on athletic events hipster, split leg pant in Japanese is spoken by over blue, purple, brown, grey, organization, said Olson keeps the Fact Line within the University, 100 million people." he said. or orange are super com- PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE telephones ringing, said operates as a research Most of them concerned The council approved fortable and super fashion- Olson. A system to inform able in 70% Polyester/ NO METERS center for desired schedule problems or the offering a Japanese information location of classes, he said. Fact Line of team scores as 30% Rayon heather knit language course, but it could . . . end they are machine From West Wooster turn right on Meeker Avenue they occur has been "'We are able to answer allocate no money to finance washable. Mi* or match a installed. Then right on Morton Avenue to Parking behind the questions better than we FACT LINE deals with all an instructor Dr. Chen said nylon placket yoke front Fact Line is in operation shirt, in white, blue, purple, he is trying to find a brown, charcoal or orange. Mondays through Fridays. 8 Japanese graduate student THE WORKING HAND a.m. to midnight and Pants are sired 5 to 13. who could come to the shirt Is S-M-L. Sundays. 12 noon to University and teach under a CRAFTCENTER midnight. scholarship. Fact Line's number is 372- "We have about 15 to 20 THE WORKING HAND CRAFT CENTER 2445 WILL SOON OPEN EVENING COURSES Professor to present FOR THE COMMUNITY AND FOR UNI- urban history lecture VERSITY STUDENTS.

Dr. Sam Bass Warner Jr.. the College of Arts & If you are interested in any of these professor of history at the Sciences. courses, please indicate your interest University of Michigan, will The purpose of the Forum deliver the History Forum is to expose recent trends in and mail in the coupon: lecture today at 3 p.m. in the historical research which S27WSEW5fifi2i*i2affifimEaEW zwaKBaaa Alumni Room. Union. involve novel use of Dr. Warner's topic will be traditional techniques, new THE WORKING HAND "Techniques and methodology and new Opportunities in Urban theories. Two more CRAFT CENTER History." programs are planned for 515 CONNEAUT AVE. A prominent urban the spring. Faculty and historian. Dr. Warner is the students are welcome to BOWLING GREEN. OH. 43402 author of several books, attend the program. I AM INTERESTED IN TAKING including "Street Car — Off-Loom Weaving Beginning Water Coloi Suburbs".and "The Private News reader — ttathei Wotk and Braiding Beginning Sculpture City." Terry Jones, professor of wins drawing Contemporary Jewelry Macrame political - science, will ^Ppcrtter Enameling Other conclude ' today's program The winner of the "••'•V*** Wf ■. C JwMMtWM with remarks on recent Woodville Mall gift THESE COURSES Wilt MEET ONCE A WEEK FOR TEN WIE«S social science methodology certificate was Debby TUITION Witt BE APPB0XIMAIEIY S40 00 PIUS MATERIALS Paint buckets moved aside to prevent being used to understand Foster, 305 Vine St.. students Item running into ttsem wnwe urban processes Pemberville, an employee of NAME hurrying through Untvonify Hoe new Both speakers are the University admissions AODRESS^ i mwt • fire haiard laced next to • appearing as part of the office. The $25 certificate 1 ■ ■ ■IS E. WOOSTDt ST. worm hooter. Heat and paint (ust don't interdisciplinary Forum entry blanks appeared in an COLONY HOUSE speaker series, sponsored by ad in The News on Dec. I, PHONE the history department and 1971. >tO/Th*M Cagers put five game streak on line against Kozelko, TU s By JACK CARLE year who is playing in the collecting 13 caroms a game. "WE'VE GOT to stop Kozelko got off only 11 Sports Editor pivot this season and making So it would appear the key Kozelko. he's their team." shots st the basket again.t his presence felt around the to stopping Toledo is to stop said Haley. "We will put a OU, hitting seven of them, Coach Pat Haley will put league Kozelko. The Falcon lot of pressure on him and while the rest of the Rockets his 2-8 basketball team on coaching staff seems to lay off someone else. We could hit only 17 of 52 the road to Toledo tonight in KOZELKO HAS been the agree. might make someone else a attempts from the field. hopes of breaking a five- leading Rocket scorer in all player, but he's (Kozelko) a game losing streak. but one of their 12 games proven player and the rest of "A ZONE, that's how OU However, there is a 6'8" TU is 10-2 for the season, them have to prove did it. That's got to be the obstruction that will draw a losing only to the University themselves " way to beat him," lot of attention standing in of Detroit and Ohio "Stopping Kozelko is the commented Haley. the way. University. key to beating Toledo." said Heft echoed Haley's The player is Tom "Tom Terrific'' is assistant coach John Heft, thoughts, but indicated that Kozelko, a first-team all averaging close to 27 points who has scouted Toledo in its the OU zone caught Toledo Mid-American Conference a game and is also the last three ball games. by surprise and that they selection at forward last leading Rocket rebounder. However, the Rockets will probably be ready for ., must put five players on the now. court at one time-five Monday night the Falcons High-flying frosh players no one seems to worked with two types of know about zone defense: a two-three zone and a one-three-one "THEY HAVE eight zone, with Al Russ or Tony people." commented Heft. Bell on the point and Brian try scrappy TU "They are sound, Scanlan under the basket. fundamental ball players, Besides a zone defense, aw Ion jtonlan By KENNY WHITE invade conference rival adequate shooters. One of Haley indicated that he will Sports Writer Toledo. The Rocket the eight could beat you with have his team slow the pace yearlings are a very scrappy Kozelko" down. In the aftermath of the 95- and aggressive team They Clubbers "They could be the best 67 thrashing of the Findlay also have some players who fundamental team in the "WE WILL slow it down a Oilers last weekend, coach can shoot the print off the league," Heft continued little It'll be more of a Co-taploin Tom Bibik tries io gal poll a couple «f Ohio Ivory Suesberry's freshmen ball put down "They don't make many control-type of game on the (3-1) are preparing for a "We will be playing mistakes and they do a great road We will run at home. DriVB University opponnnli in the Falcons' first league match two rough weekend of against the best guard we've job of playing together " Most of our turnovers at WMIM age. Offering resistance or* Dave Slrock (10) and Chris basketball faced this year," Suesberry Ohio, 4-2 However, none of the other Miami occurred when we Collins. In its 28-point victory, the said. Steve Cooper is the Rocket players are were running," commented yearlings once again played man who makes the Rockets The Bowling Green hockey averaging in double figures. Haley good, sound, fundamental click He is carrying a 25- club got goals from four Mike Parker and John ball. It marked the second poinl average and is very different men to knock off I'odak are the closest with Haley is pleased with the Bellard expects 1st win time the high-powered quick His running mate. the Ohio University club. 4-2, nine points each. improvement of Scanlan in offense had the ability to run Dennis Sluder. is also a Saturday at the Ice Arena Other top Rockets are two- the center spot. Scanlan is up a lot of points on the pesky individual who can Terry White. Bob Schlitts, year lettermen Bill the leading BG scorer in ByDANCASSKDAY freshman last Saturday the position. That was until a scoreboard. give you fits all night Bob Schmidt and John Chapman and Tim far man MAC games, averaging 20 5 Sports Writer "Al s problem is he's lost change of strategy moved The big men (Ron Weber. Basalyga scored once each both averaging seven points points a game in two a lot of confidence." Bellard Dave Wolfe up from 190 for Cornelius Cash and Skip THE ROCKET front line to help the clubbers to their a game Harman is TU's contests. The Falcon wrestlers gel said "I'm counting on him that meet. Howard) did everything but consists of Jim Brown (6'7") eighth win of the season nominee for MAC player of "He had a fine, fine their first bonaf ide chance to to regain it Dayton lost two good bring back the Oilers' and Jell Butch (IT'I at the against three losses. the week Kozelko was last shooting effort against win a meet when they host wrestlers this year in Duane backboard as a souvenir. forward spots Brown is an "Considering we only weeks winner, the first Miami. He's really a threat the Dayton Flyers at "I'M NOT down on him and Dennis Keleppelle, who The trio collected 42 excellent shooter and a good practice twice a week, the week of MAC competition. to score because of tire high Memorial Tall tonight at 8 IV s our acting captain and reportedly left to wrestle at rebounds among them and rebounder Russell Frost, at boys played very well." said arc he gets on the ball," p.m. he helps the others. I'll let Michigan State next year. completely intimidated 6'8". will be in the pivnl spot coach Rai Korkiala "With BESIDES HAVING to Haley said Bowling Green. 0-2. has linn solve his own problem." However, the Flyers have Findlay's offense to the for the Rockets who lost to the help of Jack Vivian play one of the outstanding dropped Mid-American Bellard hopes he'll begin four wrestlers who impress point of unbearable torture. Ohio State 75-70 in their last (varsity coach I and Dr. Sam players in the league, the BELL'S PROGRESS in Conference matches to solving them tonight. Bellard and they're all outing Cooper (HPE head), our Falcons seem to have a jinx only two weeks of practice is defending champion Ohio Tonight will also mark the seniors. Three are CORNELIUS "THE The freshmen will have to program is progressing very about playing at the pleasing to Haley "He's a University and contender return of Mark Contos in the undefeated, but the same Magician" Cash, was the big play a good team defense nicely " Rockets' field house BG has comer. With a little more Miami 118 class Contos missed the trio had bad fortune in their gun for the freshmen Cash and must control Cooper and Korkiala. a graduate not won at Toledo since the work he could be an asset Dayton, on the other hand, Miami meet because of a last outing against BG gave the latest lessons of Brown. Toledo sets up its assistant in his first year of 1958-59 season TU has won defensively for our team." is not a noted wrestling strained arm It's "ball magic in 10 easy offense very quickly and coaching, had praise for his 12 straight games at home said Haley. power, accumulating a 2- questionable who'll start at DAN HEI.l.AR (134.. tricks," as he hit the nets for shoots often Suesberry will goaltenders Carl Link and against Bowling Green. Haley will start the same J record againsl the likes of 150 and 167 Mike Corrigan (142) and Ray a game high 24 points while counter with Jeff Fred Schmidt The Falcons Ohio University's key to line-up with Le Henson and Barlham College. At 150. Dennis O'Neil will Dysas have yet to lose this snatching 20 rebounds. Montgomery and Dick Selgo broke up a close 2-1 battle beating the Rockets was the Tom Scott at forward. Wittenberg. Ohio Wcsleyun start if he makes weight, but year l.'eller was a substitute But tonight there is going - in the backcourt, Howard in with a pair of goals in the use of the zone defense Scanlan at center and Russ and Muskinghain. all small Bellard isn't pushing him to last year, but lost two years to be a shoot-out at O.K. the pivot and Cash and third period for the win. against Kozelko so he could and Jeff Lessig at guard college team make it for this meet If he ago in his effort against the Corral when the freshmen Weber on the front line The Falcons have a not get the ball in close to Bell and Dalynn Badenhop doesn't make weight, Falcons. tentative game lined up with the basket OU's zone was a will be the first reserves on HEAD COACH ilruce freshman Oail Williams will Steve Taylor beat Detroit this weekend and collapsing type, with the five the bench llellard hopes moll nl Ins step in Corrigan, 8-3, last year, and will play a home and home Bobcat players forming a The game will be televise 4 regulars will be ready to go Mike Melting and Brian Wolfe decisioned Dysas, 11- Gymnasts beat YS series with Kent State Jan. ring around the TU beginning at 8 p.m. on agalnil IOC Flyers, but with Russell are once again 5. 28-29 pivot Channel 11 Dayton'i past record against battling to see who starts at Bellard called Dayton's BO. he d rather thev miss 167 HVY. Jim Howard, "a real The women's gymnastics and second in the balance tonight s meet and be in top ox." Two years ago he beat team was victorious last beam event shape for Toledo's visit here "I MAY MOVE Melting up BO's HVY, 14-1. weekend, 75.3 to 51.1 over The other co-captain. Saturday to 177 and let (Dave* Nieset Dayton usually starts Youngstown State. Linda Seitz. was second in "ONE OF THE YEARS TEN BEST! 1 don't want to look by sit out this week i because of three freshman. Their 118 is Co-captain Beth Edwards the side horse vaulting and A superb piece of film-making — Eastwood gives his Dayton to Toledo, but we injury i I don't know yet." a senior, but he's "oh" for third on the uneven parallel best performance!" — Time Magazine have to be at full strength stated Bellard "I'll have to placed first in three of the three in past performances four events. Ms Edwards bars Sandy Werley was Saturday Bellard said look al Dayton's 177 at the against the Falcons. won the balance beam and second on the bars and Al usual Al Womack meet before 1 decide." "Dayton doesn't wrestle Bonnie Koglman was third 11261 Joe Finneran 11341 Either Jerry "Turtle" side horse vaulting and tied the competition we do, so we for first in the floor exercise on the balance beam. Glenn Blackburn M.' Noito or Steve Sova will should be able to beat event Ms Seitz explained thai Detective Harry Callahan. Steve Taylor I 1581 and Dave start at HVY. With both on them." Bellard reasoned. the competitors have Wolfe I90i will open lor the the injury list against "If we get beat, it'll be Frannie Lowe tied with routines in all four events, MXJ don't assign him to murder cases. Falcons Womack will Miami. Bellard was almost because of something we do, Ms Edwards for first in but in the meets againsl attempt Io comeback after forced to use 184-pound not what they do," he floor exercise and was first other schools the best girls being upset by a Miami freshman Mike Schmidt! at predicted. on the uneven parallel bars compete in their best events MXJ just turn him loose. Ms Seitz also indicated that the girls compete more Ice chips with themselves rather than with the other team and *^eat^**.*djti|fMV there is a sense of self- Vivian takes rap but team just blew it satisfaction among the team members. Grace, poise, endurance, strength and coordination By FRED R. ORTLIP going to lay down. Maybe they don't listen anymore St. are stressed in the four Assistant Sports Editor Louis i this week's opponent) frightens me to death," he said, events according to Ms. looking at the large chalk board with the schedule and Seitz When a team like Howling Green loses to a team like Ohio various statistics written on It. "And Lake Forest (Jan. 28-29 The next meet for the State in the former's own rink, especially after the former at home i .I don't know if I can even show up for them." women gymnastics team is clobbered the latter in the latters rink, one doesn't have to He paused. "I wish I had 19 pairs of eyes in every hip this Saturday at Ball State. look far to assign the blame pocket (of his players). I'd see who goes back and thinks The next home meet will be After the Lake Superior State series Dec. 3-4 (and perhaps about the game and who doesn't. It would sure be a lot easier Jan 29 with the University even before i. there was no excuse for BG to lose in the Ice to make the player list for St. Louis, wouldn't it? of Michigan and Miami Arena the remainder of the season, barring injuries or other University unforeseen calamities It goes without saying they should "THEY (THE PLAYERS) don't have one thing to be Feb. 5 they have a meet at have whipped Ohio State, a team which rarely wins on the unhappy about. They're treated like prima donnas. I'd like to Eastern Michigan with road have 10 cents for every hour we've bumed the midnight oil to Eastern and Central Coach Jack Vivian whose hard work and undying patience make this organization respectful, to get 3,500 fans to fill this Michigan On Feb. 16 thev Eve. at built the club from less than a "nothing" to "something", place will perform at the halftime unnecessarily heaped much of the blame on himself after the "There again it comes back to me. This team played its of the Western Michigan Clint Eastwood 7:00.9:15 embarrassing 2 1 undressing Saturday. guts out on the road. It all comes right back to what I basketball game. Sat Sun at should ve done. You can chalk that one up to the lack of a Other meets will be at 2:10.4.20. "I SUPPOSE I'M the one who screwed up because they decent coach." Kent State with Slippery Dirty Harry ^ J weren't ready to play." he said "I didn't think I had to be a But Jack might have been a bit too harsh on himself, in this Rock on Feb. 18. and the 7:00,9:15 psychologist tonight I consider it very distasteful to have to writer's opinion. As he put It: "I didn't think you had to tell Midwest Regional at Central Admission get this team up for 3.600 fans after they've been on the road 19-. 20-. 21-year-olds to get up for a game like this." Michigan. Feb. 25-26 The $2 - Adults for seven straight games last meet of the year is at «-•- ' They pay me for getting the team ready. to"be right, not HE WAS right. It's Incomprehensible to me how a team home against Ohio State on wrong. I must have been wrong somewhere tonight or they'd can get itself up to win six of seven straight games against March 4 CLINT EASTWOOD in DIRTY HARRY" AMalpaaoCompany Production Co-Slarnno HARRY GUAROINO • RENI SANTONI • ANDY ROBINSON ■ JOHN LARCH and JOHN VERNON as "The Mayor" • Executive Producer Robert have been fired up higher than hell," he went on good competition, then return home and blow it before the The women returned from Dalay - Screenplay by Harry Julian Fink t R M Fink and Dean Reisner - Story by Harry Julian Fink t R M Fink "After the way they played on the road (winning six. losing second largest Ice Arena gathering in history. And against a vacation early and worked Produced and Directed by Don Siejel • PANAVISION- • TECHNICOLOR* • Warner Bra*. A Klnney Company one), they deserve a helluva lot better fate " The Falcon team that never wins on the road. This Is one a lot of people out the week after mentor paced aimlessly back and forth in his office, staring will wonder about for a long time, especially Vivian. Christmas, and they at nothing in particular, his hat tipped back on his head But if there's any consolation, Bowling Green will have an practice every afternoon in opportunity to revenge perhaps its most embarrassing the women's gym. "WHEN WAS THE last time we scored one goal at defeat ever Feb. 11-19. It's hard to foresee Vivian having to There are eight girls on $1.00 home''" he asked. "It's been a long time." You have to go worry about getting his troops up for those rematches the traveling team and back to early in the 1969-70 season, the Falcons' first as a But then it was hard to foresee anyone having to get BG up another five girls compete in Every Thursday for BG SU HTO'B'Q'll varsity crew. , for Ohio Stale here Saturday after the Falcons had dropped home meets and on the and High School Students "I told em before the game they (Ohio State) weren't the Bucks in their own back yard. exhibition team. THfATRF