Statistical Handbook of Middle Eastern Countries, Palestine, Cyprus, Egypt
THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 JEWISH AGENCY FOR PAI^ESTINE ECONOMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE STATISTICAL HANDBOOK OF MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES PALESTINE, CYPRUS, EGYPT, IRAQ, THE LEBANON, SYRIA, TRANSJORDAN, TURKEY JERUSALEM, 1945 DISTRIBUTOR: D. B. AARONSON, P. O. B. 1175, JERUSALEM FOREWORD TO SECOND EDITION. This Handbook went out of print shortly after its first appearance, and a second edition was decided upon in response to numerous requests. In addition to the correction of certain misprints, the present issue includes an outline table as well as a supplement contaming new figures which have meanwhile become available. These additional statistics have been given the same serial numbers as the corresponding tables in the main text. The footnote signs are likewise those of the main tables. Suggestions for improvements or amendments to be included in any later edition will be appreciated. Jerusalem, April 1945. A. B. Copyright 1 944 by ihe Economic Research Institute of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem. Reprinted (with additions), 1945. Printed in Palestine by Stereotypes at tbe Azriel Printing Works, Jerusalem. -' PREFACE. -5 Modern economic policy has become almost entirely dependent on re- liable information regarding the processes and tendencies of economic and social life, which has been reduced to numerical statements and relationships. The growing complexity of modern society, the close connections to be found between the priyate and public fields of economy, the degree to which Government finance is dependent on foreign trade, employment, price level and other indices of economic development — all these make it necessary for the figures and data of economic and social life to be constantly available if state and political activities are to be successfully conducted nowadays.
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