2020 NCHSAA Individual Wrestling Regionals

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2020 NCHSAA Individual Wrestling Regionals 2020 NCHSAA Individual Wrestling Regionals CHAPEL HILL - The NCHSAA will host the 2020 Individual Wrestling Tournament Regionals today, Friday, February 14, and Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 14 host high school sites. The most up-to-date information of each of the 14 re- gional championships can be found at TrackWrestling.com by searching for “NCHSAA” in the tournaments page. The top four wrestlers from each of the 14 regions will qualify to the State Individual Tournament, which will be held next Thursday through Saturday, February 20-22, 2020, at the Greensboro Coliseum. Media outlets needing credentials for the Individual Wrestling Tournament should complete the online credential request form, which can be found in the single event credential request calendar on the credentials page of the NCHSAA Website. The deadline for requests is Tuesday, February 18th, at 5:00 p.m. Media members that have year-long NCHSAA-issued credentials (green photo ID badge) will be able to use those credentials for tournament access. The NCHSAA, in partnership with the NFHS Network and TrackWrestling.com, will stream every match and every mat from the 2020 Individual Wrestling State Tournament live through NFHSNetwork.com and TrackWrestling.com for valid subscribers to one of the sites. Tickets for the event are $25 for full tournament passes, $5.00 for Thursday session only, $15.00 for Friday or Saturday, and $7.00 for Championship Session only tickets. 2020 NCHSAA REGIONAL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT SITE INFORMATION 1A REGIONALS 2A REGIONALS 3A REGIONALS 4A REGIONALS 1A EAST 2A EAST 3A EAST 4A EAST HOST: Uwharrie Charter HS HOST: Croatan HS HOST: Cleveland HS HOST: Laney HS 5154 Hwy 220 Business S. #1 Cougar Lane 1892 Polenta Road 2700 North College Road Asheboro, NC 27505 Newport, NC, 28570 Clayton, NC 27520 Wilmington, NC 28405 1A WEST 2A MIDEAST 3A MIDEAST 4A MIDEAST HOST: Mount Airy HS HOST: Wheatmore HS HOST: Cape Fear HS HOST: Cardinal Gibbons HS 1011 North South Street 3678 Finch Farm Road 4762 Clinton Road 1401 Edwards Mill Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Trinity, NC 27370 Fayetteville, NC 28312 Raleigh, NC 27607 2A MIDWEST 3A MIDWEST 4A MIDWEST HOST: North Davidson HS HOST: A.L. Brown HS HOST: Ragsdale HS 7227 Old US Hwy 52 415 East 1st Street 1000 Lucy Ragsdale Drive Lexington, NC 27292 Kannapolis, NC 28083 Jamestown, NC 27282 2A WEST 3A WEST 4A WEST HOST: West Wilkes HS HOST: North Henderson HS HOST: Hough HS 6598 Boone Trail 35 Fruitland Road 12420 Bailey Road Millers Creek, NC 28651 Hendersonville, NC 28792 Cornelius, NC 28031 2020 NCHSAA Individual Wrestling Regionals 2020 NCHSAA REGIONAL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS & WRESTLER COUNTS 1A EAST 2A EAST 2A MIDWEST 3A EAST ABBR. # ABBR. # ABBR. # ABBR. # Albemarle ALBE 9 Ayden - Grifton AYGR 9 Bandys BAND 8 CB Aycock CBAY 13 Bishop McGuinness BIMC 5 Bunn BUNN 13 Bunker Hill BKHL 14 Clayton CLAY 10 Chatham Central CHCE 9 Clinton CLIN 4 Carver CARV 3 Cleveland CLEV 11 Chatham Charter CHCH 2 Croatan CROA 12 Central Academy CATA 13 DH Conley DHCO 14 East Carteret EACA 12 Currituck County CUCO 9 Central Davidson CDAV 11 East Wake EWAK 2 Granville Central GRCE 11 Dixon DIXO 11 East Gaston EGAS 7 Eastern Wayne EWYN 6 John A. Holmes HOLM 7 First Flight FIFL 10 East Lincoln ELIN 11 Fike FIKE 14 NC Leadership Academy LEAC 6 Greene Central GRCE 8 Forbush FORB 5 Franklinton FRAN 10 Lejeune LEJE 6 Heide Trask HETR 5 Forest Hills FHLS 2 Havelock HAVE 13 Louisburg LOUI 6 Hertford County HECO 5 Lexington LEXI 8 Hunt HUNT 5 Manteo MANT 11 Nash Central NACE 3 Mount Pleasant MTPL 12 Jacksonville JACK 5 Neuse Charter NECH 10 North Johnston NOJO 7 North Davidson NDAV 10 New Hanover NHAN 6 North Moore NOMO 5 North Lenoir NOLE 12 North Forsyth NFOR 10 North Brunswick NBRU 11 North Stanly NOST 7 North Pitt NOPI 11 North Lincoln NOLI 5 Northern Nash NNSH 6 Pamlico County PACO 13 Northeastern NORT 11 North Surry NSUR 9 Northside NSID 6 Pender PEND 6 Pasquotank County PACO 8 North Wilkes NWLK 8 Rocky Mount RMNT 3 Rosewood ROSE 14 Richlands RICH 7 Salisbury SLBY 9 Rose ROSE 4 South Davidson SODA 9 Roanoke Rapids RORA 7 South Point SPNT 14 South Stanly SOST 11 South Lenoir SOLE 12 South Rowan SROW 8 South Brunswick SBRU 10 South Stokes SKES 13 SouthWest Edgecombe SOED 9 Surry Central SURC 12 SouthSmithfield-Selma Johnston SMSLSJHN 75 Southside SOUT 3 Southwest Onslow SOON 13 West Davidson WDAV 9 Southern Nash SNSH 8 Tarboro TARB 3 Washington WASH 14 West Iredell WIDL 12 Swansboro SWAN 5 Uwharrie Charter UWCH 14 West Craven WECR 8 West Stanly WSTY 7 Topsail TOPS 14 Voyager Academy VOYA 5 West Stokes WSTK 7 Vance County VNCE 1 Wilkes Central WLKC 7 West Brunswick WBRU 11 West Carteret WCAR 12 2A MIDEAST White Oak WOAK 9 1A WEST ABBR. # ABBR. # Andrews, T. W. TWA 0 2A WEST Alleghany ALLE 6 Anson ANSO 8 ABBR. # Andrews ANDR 9 Atkins ATKI 6 Ashe County ASCO 12 3A MIDEAST Avery County AVCO 12 Bartlett Yancey BAYA 8 Brevard BREV 8 ABBR. # Bessemer City BECI 7 Carrboro CARR 10 Burns BURN 8 Cape Fear CPFR 8 Bradford Prep BRPR 8 Cummings CUMM 9 Chase CHAS 4 Cedar Ridge CDRG 10 Cherokee CKEE 5 Durham School Of Arts DSOT 5 Draughn DRAU 1 Chapel Hill CPHL 14 Cherryville CHER 11 East Davidson EADA 10 East Burke EABU 6 Douglas Byrd DBYD 6 East Surry EASU 10 Eastern Randolph EARA 6 East Henderson EAHE 12 E.E. Smith EESM 3 East Wilkes EAWI 9 Fairmont FAIR 5 East Rutherford EARU 7 East Chapel Hill ECHL 7 Elkin ELKI 4 Graham GRAH 0 Foard FOAR 14 Eastern Alamance EALA 11 Hayesville HAYE 7 J.F. Webb JFW 4 Franklin FRAN 6 Eastern Guilford EGFD 11 Mitchell MITC 13 Jordan-Matthews JOMA 8 Hendersonville HEND 7 Gray`s Creek GYCK 9 Mount Airy MOAI 12 Ledford LEDF 14 Hibriten HIBR 10 Harnett Central HCTL 6 Mountain Island Charter MIC 4 McMichael MCMI 7 Lincolnton LINC 13 Lee County LEEC 3 Murphy MURP 8 Morehead MORE 11 Madison MADI 10 Northeast Guilford NEGL 2 North Rowan NORO 0 N.C. Sch.Science & Math NCSO 4 Maiden MAID 9 Northern Durham NDUR 5 North Stokes NOST 10 Oak Grove OAGR 13 Mountain Heritage MOHE 9 Northwood NRWD 12 Polk County POCO 9 Providence Grove PRGR 10 Newton-Conover NECO 11 Orange ORAN 14 Robbinsville ROBB 14 Randleman RAND 8 Owen OWEN 3 Person PERS 10 Rosman ROSM 5 Reidsville REID 13 Patton PATT 8 Southern Alamance SALA 8 Starmount STAR 8 South Granville SOGR 6 Pisgah PISG 12 Southern Durham SDUR 11 Swain County SWCO 13 St. Pauls STPA 12 R-S Central RSC 11 Southern Lee SLEE 7 Thomas Jefferson THJE 7 Thomasville THOM 9 Shelby SHEL 2 Terry Sanford TSAN 8 Union Academy UNAC 8 Trinity TRIN 13 Smoky Mountain SMMO 9 Triton TRIT 9 Walkertown WALK 9 West Caldwell WECA 3 Union Pines UPIN 14 Wheatmore WHEA 14 West Lincoln WELI 14 West Johnston WJON 9 West Wilkes WEWI 11 Western Alamance WALA 5 Western Harnett WHAR 5 Westover WOVR 7 Williams WILL 7 2020 NCHSAA Individual Wrestling Regionals 2020 NCHSAA REGIONAL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS & WRESTLER COUNTS 3A MIDWEST 4A EAST 4A MIDWEST ABBR. # ABBR. # ABBR. # A.L. Brown ALBR 4 Ashley ASHL 11 Butler BUTL 12 Asheboro ASHE 12 Athens Drive ADRV 11 Davie DAVI 13 Carson CARS 5 Broughton BROU 11 East Forsyth EAFO 7 Central Cabarrus CCAB 9 Corinth-Holders CHOL 14 Glenn GLEN 14 Concord CONC 10 Enloe ENLO 8 Grimsley GRIM 5 Cox Mill CXML 10 Garner GARN 7 Hickory Ridge HIRI 14 Dudley DUDL 5 Heritage HERI 8 High Point Central HPC 10 East Rowan EROW 9 Hoggard HOGG 11 Independence INDE 9 Jay M. Robinson JMRB 8 Knightdale KNIG 8 Northwest Guilford NOGU 13 Monroe MONR 3 Laney LANY 14 Page PAGE 7 Montgomery Central MTGC 7 Leesville Road LVRD 13 Pinecrest PINE 13 Mount Tabor MTAB 7 Millbrook MILL 11 Porter Ridge PORI 12 Northern Guilford NGFD 14 New Bern NBRN 14 Purnell Swett PUSW 3 Northwest Cabarrus NWCB 9 Rolesville ROLE 13 R.J. Reynolds RJR 8 Parkland PKLD 1 Sanderson SAND 6 Ragsdale RAGS 11 Parkwood PKWD 13 South Central SCEN 12 Reagan REAG 12 Piedmont PIED 12 South Garner SOGA 6 Richmond RICH 12 Rockingham County ROCO 8 Southeast Raleigh SERA 8 Rocky River RORI 3 Southeast Guilford SEGF 13 Wake Forest WFOR 12 Scotland SCOT 9 Southern Guilford SGFD 7 West Forsyth WEFO 14 Southwest Guilford SWGF 8 Southwestern Randolph SWRA 14 Wakefield WFLD 14 Sun Valley SVAL 6 Weddington WEDD 9 West Rowan WROW 10 4A MIDEAST 4A WEST Western Guilford WGFD 8 ABBR. # ABBR. # Apex Friendship APXF 8 Ardrey Kell ARKL 12 Apex APEX 9 Berry Academy BERR 7 Cardinal Gibbons CGIB 14 East Mecklenburg EMCK 10 3A WEST Cary CARY 14 Garinger GARI 1 ABBR. # Fuquay - Varina FVAR 12 Harding University HARD 3 A.C. Reynolds ACR 6 Green Hope GRHP 13 Hopewell HOPE 6 Alexander Central ALCE 6 Green Level GLEV 7 Hough HOUG 14 Ashbrook ASHB 1 Hillside HILL 4 Lake Norman LKNM 14 Asheville ASHE 6 Hoke County HOKE 9 Mallard Creek MLCK 14 Charlotte Catholic CHCA 9 Holly Springs HSPR 10 McDowell MCDO 11 Cramer CRAM 10 Jack Britt JBRT 12 Mooresville MOOR 12 Crest CRES 6 Jordan JORD 13 Myers Park MPRK 11 Cuthbertson CUTH 14 Lumberton LUMB 13 North Mecklenburg NMCK 2 Enka ENKA 12 Middle Creek MDCK 13 Olympic OLYM 13 Erwin ERWI 4 Overhills OVER 9 Providence PROV 7 Forestview FORE 9 Panther Creek PCRK 9 South Caldwell SCAL 14 Freedom FREE 4 Pine Forest PFOR 14 South Mecklenburg SMCK 12 Hickory HICK 0 Riverside RVSD 11 Vance VANC 6 Huss HUSS 6 Seventy-First SFST 12 West Charlotte WCLT 8 Kings Mountain KIMO 14 South View STVW 14 West Mecklenburg WMCK 8 Marvin Ridge MARI 7 North Buncombe NOBU 9 North Gaston NOGA 12 North Henderson NOHE 9 North Iredell NOIR 10 South Iredell SOIR 10 St.
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