Daimler Annual Report 2007

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Daimler Annual Report 2007 Annual Report 2007 Key Figures Daimler Group 2007 2006 2005 07/06 Amounts in millions of € Change in % Revenue 99,399 99,222 95,209 +0 1 Western Europe 49,289 46,999 44,620 +5 thereof Germany 22,582 21,652 20,726 +4 NAFTA 23,499 27,857 26,756 -16 thereof United States 20,270 24,943 23,930 -19 Other markets 26,611 24,366 23,833 +9 Employees (Dec. 31) 272,382 274,024 293,839 -1 Investment in property, plant and equipment 2,927 3,005 3,445 -3 Research and development expenditure 4,148 3,733 3,928 +11 thereof capitalized 990 715 591 +38 Cash provided by operating activities (including discontinued operations) 13,088 14,337 11,032 -9 EBIT 8,710 4,992 2,873 +74 Value added (including discontinued operations) 1,380 631 1,452 +119 Net profit 3,985 3,783 4,215 +5 Net profit from continuing operations 4,855 3,166 2,253 +53 Earnings per share (in €) 3.83 3.66 4.09 +5 Earnings per share, continuing operations (in €) 4.67 3.06 2.16 +53 Total dividend 2,028 1,542 1,527 +32 Dividend per share (in €) 2.00 1.50 1.50 +33 1 Adjusted for the effects of currency translation, increase in revenue of 3%. Daimler Divisions > Divisions 2007 2006 2005 07/06 Amounts in millions of € % change Mercedes-Benz Cars EBIT 4,753 1,783 (787) +167 Revenue 52,430 51,410 47,831 +2 Return on sales 9.1% 3.5% -1.6% . Investment in property, plant and equipment 1,910 1,698 1,633 +12 Research and development expenditure 2,733 2,274 2,469 +20 thereof capitalized 705 496 391 +42 Unit sales 1,293,184 1,251,797 1,216,838 +3 Employees (Dec. 31) 97,526 99,343 104,345 -2 Daimler Trucks EBIT 2,121 1,851 1,564 +15 Revenue 28,466 31,789 29,922 -10 Return on sales 7.5% 5.8% 5.2% . Investment in property, plant and equipment 766 912 979 -16 Research and development expenditure 1,047 1,038 966 +1 thereof capitalized 283 211 130 +34 Unit sales 467,667 516,087 509,299 -9 Employees (Dec. 31) 80,067 83,237 84,254 -4 Daimler Financial Services EBIT 630 807 513 -22 Revenue 8,711 8,106 7,797 +7 New business 27,611 27,754 24,334 -1 Contract volume 59,143 57,030 55,301 +4 Investment in property, plant and equipment 29 17 25 +71 Employees (Dec. 31) 6,743 6,813 7,076 -1 Vans, Buses, Other EBIT 1,956 1,327 1,867 +47 Revenue 14,123 13,151 14,267 +7 Investment in property, plant and equipment 241 378 840 -36 Research and development expenditure 368 421 439 -13 thereof capitalized 2 8 70 -75 Unit sales 328,122 305,001 315,567 +8 Employees (Dec. 31) 39,968 37,679 49,391 +6 ;Yaed]jܨÜgmjÜhgjl^gdagÜNal`Ükljgf_ÜZjYf\kÜYf\Ü ÜaffgnYlan]Ühjg\m[lkÜo]ÜYj]Ü^g[mk]\ÜgfÜo`YlÜo]ÜÜ \gÜZ]klÜhjg\m[af_Üafkhajaf_Ühj]eameÜYmlgegZad]kÜ xjkl¥[dYkkÜljm[ckÜnYfkÜYf\ÜZmk]kÜoal`ÜeYpaemeÜÜ 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