The Schedule Table 1 in the Community of Aberarth In

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The Schedule Table 1 in the Community of Aberarth In THE SCHEDULE TABLE 1 IN THE COMMUNITY OF ABERARTH IN THE COUNTY OF CEREDIGION Number Extent, description and situation of Qualifying persons under paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 on Map the land (1) (2) (3) Owners or reputed Lessees or reputed Tenants or reputed Occupiers owners lessees tenants (other than lessees) 1 2 sq m of the curtilage of the Mr. G. Griffith _ _ Mr G Griffith property Fron Villa, Aberarth. Fron Villa Fron Villa Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 2 46 sq m half width of Trunk Road Mr. S.F. Lamb _ Mr M Smith Mr M Smith A487 and existing property wall and Glancledan Rock Villa Rock Villa frontage of the property Rock Villa, Llanon Aberarth Aberarth Aberarth. SY23 5HB Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 2A 16 sq m of the curtilage of Rock Mr. S.F. Lamb _ Mr M Smith Mr M Smith Villa, Aberarth. Glancledan Rock Villa Rock Villa Llanon Aberarth Aberarth SY23 5HB Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 3 80 sq m half width of Trunk Road Ms. N. Pattinson _ _ Ms. N Pattinson A487 and frontage and grassed Craigle Craigle garden area of the property Craigle, Aberarth Aberarth Aberarth. Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ Mr N Biggs Craigle Aberarth Aberaeron SA46 OLJ 3A 63 sq m of the frontage and garden Ms. N. Pattinson _ _ Ms. N Pattinson area of the property Craigle, Craigle Craigle Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ Mr N Biggs Craigle Aberarth Aberaeron SA46 0LJ 4 70 sq m half width of Trunk Road Mr. R.J. Phillips _ _ Mr R.J. Phillips A487 and frontage of the property Isfryn Isfryn Isfryn, Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 4A 20 sq m half width of Trunk Road Mr. R.J. Phillips _ _ Mr R.J. Phillips A487 and the access to the rear of Isfryn Isfryn Isfryn and garage and to the Aberarth Aberarth adjacent properties Ponderosa, Aberaeron Aberaeron Afonig, Alicia and Fron Villa , SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ Aberarth. 4B 11 sq m Access to the rear of Isfryn Mr. R.J. Phillips _ _ Mr R.J. Phillips and garage and to the adjacent Isfryn Isfryn properties Ponderosa, Afonig, Alicia Aberarth Aberarth and Fron Villa, Aberarth. Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 5 24 sq m Half width of Trunk Road Mr. J.A. Hallam _ _ Mr J.A. Hallam A487 and part of front garden of the Gwynfa Gwynfa property Gwynfa, Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LT SA46 0LT THE SCHEDULE TABLE 1 IN THE COMMUNITY OF ABERARTH IN THE COUNTY OF CEREDIGION Number Extent, description and situation of Qualifying persons under paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 on Map the land (1) (2) (3) Owners or reputed Lessees or reputed Tenants or reputed Occupiers owners lessees tenants (other than lessees) 5A 17 sq m of the front garden of the Mr. J.A. Hallam _ _ Mr J.A. Hallam property Gwynfa, Aberarth. Gwynfa Gwynfa Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LT SA46 0LT 6 280 sq m Half width of Trunk Road Mrs. J.M. Davies _ _ Mrs J.M. Davies A487, and part of side road Water Swan/Arosfa Swan/Arosfa Street and part of the front garden Aberarth Aberarth and outbuildings of the property Aberaeron Aberaeron Swan/Arosfa, Aberarth. SA46 0LL SA46 0LL 6A The right to enter 123 sq m of the Mrs. J.M. Davies _ _ Mrs J.M. Davies front garden of the property Swan/Arosfa Swan/Arosfa Swan/Arosfa to construct and Aberarth Aberarth maintain an elevated walkway on Aberaeron Aberaeron the frontage of the property SA46 0LL SA46 0LL Swan/Arosfa, Aberarth. 6B 66 sq m garden fronting the Mrs. J.M. Davies _ _ Mrs J.M. Davies property Swan/Arosfa, Aberarth. Swan/Arosfa Swan/Arosfa Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LL SA46 0LL 7 78 sq m Part of un-classified side Mrs. P. James _ _ Mrs P James road adjacent to the property Alicia, Alicia Alicia Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 7A The right to enter 36 sq m half width Mrs. P. James _ _ Mrs P James of the bed and bank of the River Alicia Alicia Arth to construct and maintain a Aberarth Aberarth footbridge over the River Arth. Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ 7B The right to enter 32 sq m of the Mrs. P. James _ _ Mrs P James rear access and side garden of the Alicia Alicia property Alicia to construct and Aberarth Aberarth maintain a retaining wall on the Aberaeron Aberaeron boundary of the property Alicia with SA46 0LJ SA46 0LJ an unclassified side road 8 12 sq. m Part of garden to the front Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson and side of the property Glasfryn, Glasfryn Glasfryn Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR 8A The right to enter 104 sq m half Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson width of bed and bank of River Arth, Glasfryn Glasfryn and side garden of the property Aberarth Aberarth Glasfryn to construct and maintain a Aberaeron Aberaeron footbridge over the River Arth to the SA46 0LR SA46 0LR south of the property Glasfryn, Aberarth. 8B 5 sq m Part of side garden of the Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson property Glasfryn, Aberarth. Glasfryn Glasfryn Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR THE SCHEDULE TABLE 1 IN THE COMMUNITY OF ABERARTH IN THE COUNTY OF CEREDIGION Number Extent, description and situation of Qualifying persons under paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 on Map the land (1) (2) (3) Owners or reputed Lessees or reputed Tenants or reputed Occupiers owners lessees tenants (other than lessees) 8C 22 sq m on frontage of the property Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson Glasfryn, Aberarth. Glasfryn Glasfryn Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR 8D 107 sq m Part of side access and Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson rear and side garden of the property Glasfryn Glasfryn Glasfryn, Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR 8E 15 sq m Part of side garden of the Dr. J. Tuson _ _ Dr J Tuson property Glasfryn, Aberarth. Glasfryn Glasfryn Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR 9 98 sq m Part of access and Mr. S.C. Bailey _ _ Mr. S.C. Bailey driveway to the property Y-Glyn, Y-Glyn Y-Glyn Aberarth. Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR Mrs. B. Bailey Mrs. B. Bailey Y-Glyn Y-Glyn Aberarth Aberarth Aberaeron Aberaeron SA46 0LR SA46 0LR .
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