View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by University of Salford Institutional Repository From countercultures to suburban cultures : Frank Zappa after 1968 Halligan, B Title From countercultures to suburban cultures : Frank Zappa after 1968 Authors Halligan, B Type Book Section URL This version is available at: Published Date 2016 USIR is a digital collection of the research output of the University of Salford. Where copyright permits, full text material held in the repository is made freely available online and can be read, downloaded and copied for non-commercial private study or research purposes. Please check the manuscript for any further copyright restrictions. For more information, including our policy and submission procedure, please contact the Repository Team at: 1 From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 Benjamin Halligan Keywords: Frank Zappa Suburbia 1968 Counterculture Sexual liberation “Freaks” Valley girl Ronald Reagan Suburbia would prove to be the terminus of Frank Zappa’s satirical project. In the final analysis, the ringmaster of freaks, a mother to the North American counterculture, and champion of outsiders, would find himself outnumbered and outmanoeuvred by the rising tide of ‘plastic people’. The nature and efficacy of Zappa’s last formal political stand at this juncture is the concern of this chapter. It is the precise social and political moment of this juncture – as the 1970s turned into the 1980s, and the dawn of the Reagan era, perceived as the final routing of “the long 1960s” – that lends a context to Zappa’s seemingly reactionary sentiments, a framing which goes some way to recover Zappa’s work from its detractors. Those detractors typically admit to bafflement and frustration at Zappa’s infantile and puerile preoccupations of these years. Despite the ingenuity and forensic textual analysis of those who would seek to defend Zappa against the serious charges 2 arising from his recordings at this time (homophobia, racism, violent misogyny, red baiting), principally associated – in print, at least – with Watson and Leslie (2005), Zappa’s cultural significance seems to have waned rapidly since his death. In his study of the music of 1989, for example, Clover quickly passes over Zappa: although his legacy is noted as central to Clover’s concerns of the intermeshing of music, social upheaval and formal political change (‘… despite his role as unofficial attaché to Václav Havel’s government, and despite the memorial statue of Zappa to be found in Vilnius, Lithuania…’, (Clover 2009: 6-7)), Zappa’s presence in the music scene of 1989 is considered marginal from Clover’s twenty year perspective. At best, Zappa is indicative of earlier paradigms of music and change; at worse (and in a moment of the widespread infiltration and subversion of the mainstream: the second summer of love and early manifestations of grunge), irrelevant. Indeed, at this rough point in Zappa’s own career, after a run of albums that increasingly privileged instrumental music over satirical social content (a transition apparent in the Synclavier use of Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention from 1985 and with the full shift to ‘serious’ and Zappa-executed compositions marked by Jazz from Hell of 1986), and with the data-dump-like release of a dozen or so official live double albums between 1988 and 1992, Zappa would seem to have abandoned any claim to contemporary and popular relevancy. The instrumental and compositional, of confounding complexity, with increasingly difficult challenges to live performance and appreciation, would preoccupy his remaining years, culminating in the collaboration with the Ensemble Modern and the density and freeform abstraction of what is typically held to be Zappa’s farewell symphony: the composition ‘N-Lite’ on the posthumous Civilization Phaze III (1995). After 1989, when Zappa had mostly abandoned touring and even guitar playing, satirical music 3 was an exclusively archival concern, and best framed via hours of live recordings. Frank Zappa, as he had been known, was ever-more historicised in this tendency: to paraphrase one live release, the question seems to have been posed, and answered in the affirmative: did humour belong in music? And yet Zappa, as a contemporary composer, remained a diffident figure: wilfully obtuse, avant-garde to the point of delivering “impossible” scores, difficult to take seriously by the Conservatoire (responses that Zappa certainly cultivated and actively courted),1 and tedious and humourless for those who knew the Zappa of old. What change had speeded this process, so that the figure of Zappa as a countercultural gadfly, ferocious guitarist, scourge of Republicans, and fearless band leader, had faded into the background by the late 1980s? It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that it was in Zappa’s engagement with the idea of suburbia that his satire began to flounder and his political positions grew increasingly disorientated, and that this ultimately prompted Zappa’s retreat from contemporary concerns in favour of a renewal of his lifelong objective to be taken seriously as a composer. However, an engagement with the idea of suburbia had been present throughout Zappa’s career, and so connected the countercultural years to those of the onset of Reaganism. A number of Zappa’s “lesser” and often more problematic recordings evidence this connection, and so track a key aspect in the evolution of Reaganism and neoliberalism: the routing or dissipation of any latent countercultural sensibilities. 1968 and the Suburbs 1 See particularly the transcript of Zappa’s 1984 keynote address to the American Society of University Composers, “Bingo! There Goes Your Tenure”, reproduced in (Zappa, Occhiogrosso 1989: 189-194). 4 Initially the homogenising mores, ambience and routines of suburbia was a target for the counterculture: that horizon of modest expectation for compliant, complacent and uncomplaining members of the workforce. The quiet boredom and desperation beyond the manicured lawns, the essential hypocrisy of the moralism of these mostly white, ex-urban middle classes, their seeming indifference to those outside or back home, those lacking financial security, and a fear of those who would erode financial and civil security, represented the order to be usurped. Timothy Leary’s cry of ‘tune in, turn on, drop out’ was the invite to break free from this gravitation pull, and gain a subjectivity that would have been understood to be both the antithesis, and the breaking, of the suburban fate that awaited. Zappa’s entourage and acolytes, and his cosmology of, for Miles (2004: 282), that ‘pantheon of anthropological discoveries’ – freaks, mothers, hippies, groupies, including The GTOs, and outsiders such as Wild Man Fisher and Captain Beefheart – represented a society of difference and nonconformity: the alternative. The success and duration of such a collective sensibility – this alternative: the counterculture – is identified by social historians of ‘the long 1960s’. Within a decade of 1968, however, revolutionary impulses and radical subjectivities had been near- fully buffered by and absorbed into a new suburbia. Suburbia, once a target, was now a destination. And yet this counter-revolution was one that had also been achieved via an accommodation of the alternative: demands would be mostly met and freedoms readily granted. Boardrooms were thrown open and wealth moderately redistributed as the baby boomer generation – with force, through persuasion, via reassurance, and in the name of progress, after occupations, draft card burning, the full countering of the prevailing culture and, more problematically, and a la Zappa, the trashing of its 5 received values and its proposed futures – took the reigns of power, and the keys to the institutions, from their parents. Left critics of 1968 and, more specifically, left critics of the project of the ‘soixante’huitards’, tend to accept the success of the social, cultural and institutional upheavals but on specific grounds: demands were met but these demands were intrinsic to post-1945 society, to finesse the burgeoning service and tertiary sectors, as manufacturing resumed its decline, and to deinstitutionalise, socialise and modernise market relations. Régis Debray’s ten year anniversary reading of 1968 (1979: 45-65) advances just such an hypothesis: empowerment as having occurred at the behest of global capital, with 1968 as a kind of spasm internal to the bourgeois sphere and as necessary for a radical reorganisation of industry at the point of the dawning of new modes of production. The long 1960s is a period which sits unhappily in Zappa’s career: the trajectory from arch-satirist and avatar of the underground to Mother-less, berater of consumers – from Freak Out! (1966) to Sheik Yerbouti (1979). To track Zappa’s concerns in these matters of social change is to find that the sociological meshes with the scatological. Sexual activity became, for Zappa, the continuum of, and echo- chamber for, post-1968 freedoms. Initially, such freedoms were enabled by free love and the availability of contraception and abortion, and a leisure sector further given over to facilitating sexual encounters rather than orientated to marriage, mortgage and monogamy. The achievements of communal living (multiple, simultaneous partners: the eradication of the call on or sole loyalty between one and the other), which itself
Frank Zappa and His Conception of Civilization Phaze Iii
University of Kentucky UKnowledge Theses and Dissertations--Music Music 2018 FRANK ZAPPA AND HIS CONCEPTION OF CIVILIZATION PHAZE III Jeffrey Daniel Jones University of Kentucky, Digital Object Identifier: Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Jones, Jeffrey Daniel, "FRANK ZAPPA AND HIS CONCEPTION OF CIVILIZATION PHAZE III" (2018). Theses and Dissertations--Music. 108. This Doctoral Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations--Music by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact STUDENT AGREEMENT: I represent that my thesis or dissertation and abstract are my original work. Proper attribution has been given to all outside sources. I understand that I am solely responsible for obtaining any needed copyright permissions. I have obtained needed written permission statement(s) from the owner(s) of each third-party copyrighted matter to be included in my work, allowing electronic distribution (if such use is not permitted by the fair use doctrine) which will be submitted to UKnowledge as Additional File. I hereby grant to The University of Kentucky and its agents the irrevocable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free license to archive and make accessible my work in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I agree that the document mentioned above may be made available immediately for worldwide access unless an embargo applies.
SKIVLISTA 3-2018 Hello Music Lovers, the Following Items Will Be Sold on Open Auction Which Means You Can Ask About Leading Bids by Phone Or Mail
AUCTION – AUKTION SKIVLISTA 3-2018 Hello music lovers, The following items will be sold on open auction which means you can ask about leading bids by phone or mail. Please send your starting bids by mail, phone or post before the last day of auction. Hoppas allt är bra med er och era skivspelare. Här kommer en ny lista och jag hoppas du hittar något intressant till Auction deadline is Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 22.00 / 10 PM Central samlingen. Jag har reflekterat över att vissa artister som tidigare brukade vara mycket efterfrågade nu är tämligen European time (20.00 / 8 PM UTC/GMT) svårsålda. Två bra exempel är Elvis och Spotnicks. Visst, jag förstår att det är ointressant om man redan har alla STOPPDATUM ALLTSÅ TISDAGEN DEN 27 MARS 2018 KL. 22.00 SVENSK skivorna på listan i samlingen. Men då ser jag heller ingen anledning att aktivt leta efter skivor med dessa artister för SOMMARTID. att eventuellt hitta något ni saknar. Det bästa är om ni som bara vill ha Elvis eller någon annan artist skickar en lista på vad ni har eller vad ni söker. Jag hjälper gärna till att leta fram skivor ni saknar men att lägga ner tid och resurser 7" SINGLES/EPs FOR AUCTION på att köpa in speciella artister som ni ändå aldrig köper verkar knappast meningsfullt. Men kom gärna med förslag på vad ni vill se mer av i mina listor. Någon speciell musikgenre? Minimum bid (M.B.) is SEK 50 / US$ 8 / € 6,- / £ 5 unless otherwise noted . Rutan har fått en fettknöl på huvudet bortopererad i dag men är nu hemma igen, pigg och glad.
The Music of Frank Zappa MUGC 4890-001 • MUGC 5890-001 Dr
The Music of Frank Zappa MUGC 4890-001 • MUGC 5890-001 Dr. Joseph Klein" III. Social and Cultural Context" Cultural Context — 1940s & 50s: Post-War Period " Cultural Context — 1940s & 50s: Family and Lifestyle" Cultural Context — 1940s & 50s: Cold War & “Red Menace”" Cultural Context — 1940s & 50s: Cold War & “Red Menace”" Cultural Context — 1950s: B Movies" Cultural Context — 1950s: B Movies" “Zombie Woof”! “Cheepnis”! “The Radio is Broken”! Overnite Sensation ! (1973)! ! Roxy & Elsewhere ! (1974)! The Man From Utopia ! (1983)! Cultural Context — 1960s: Civil Rights Movement" Cultural Context — 1960s: Great Society, Viet Nam War" Cultural Context — 1960s: Hippie Culture & Flower Power" Cultural Context — 1970s: Watergate, Recession" Cultural Context — 1970s: Disco Era" Cultural Context — 1990s: Collapse of the Soviet Union" Archetypes in the Project/Object" § Suzy Creamcheese" §! Hippies" §! Plastic People" §! Pachucos" §! Lonesome Cowboy Burt" §! Bobby Brown" §! Jewish American Princess" §! Catholic Girls" §! Valley Girl" §! Charlie (“kinda young, kinda wow…”)" §! Debbie" §! Thing-Fish (composite archetypes)" “Who Needs the Peace Corps?” (We’re Only In It for the Money, 1968)" I'll stay a week and get the crabs and! Take a bus back home! I'm really just a phony! But forgive me! 'Cause I'm stoned Every town must have a place! Where phony hippies meet! Psychedelic dungeons! Popping up on every street! GO TO SAN FRANCISCO . How I love ya, How I love ya! How I love ya, How I love ya Frisco!! How I love ya, How I love ya! What's there to live for?! How I love ya, How I love ya! Who needs the peace corps?! Oh, my hair is getting good in the back! Think I'll just DROP OUT! Every town must have a place! I'll go to Frisco! Where phony hippies meet! Buy a wig & sleep! Psychedelic dungeons! On Owsley's floor Popping up on every street ! Walked past the wig store! GO TO SAN FRANCISCO .
Giordano Montecchi A SPASSO CON FRANK Melologo underground intorno al grande Frank Zappa da Baltimora reinvenzioni zappiane di Giorgio Casadei e Emilio Galante 0 [SENZA MUSICA] A Mister Edgard Varèse, 188 Sullivan Street, New York. Agosto 1957 Gentile Signore, forse ricorderà la mia stupida telefonata dello scorso gennaio... Mi chiamo Frank Zappa e ho 16 anni. Le sembrerà strano ma è da quando ho 13 anni che mi interesso alla sua musica. All’epoca l’unica formazione musicale che avevo era qualche rudimento di tecnica del tamburo. Negli ultimi due anni però ho composto alcuni brani musicali utilizzando una rigorosa tecnica dei dodici suoni con risultati che ricordano Anton Webern. Ho scritto due brevi quartetti per fiati e una breve sinfonia per legni ottoni e percussioni. Ultimamente guadagno qualche soldo per mantenermi con la mia blues band, The Blackouts. Dopo il college conto di continuare a comporre e penso mi sarebbero veramente utili i consigli di un veterano come lei. Se mi permettesse di farle visita anche solo per poche ore gliene sarei molto grato. Le sembrerà strano ma penso proprio di avere qualche nuova idea da offrirle in materia di composizione. La prego di rispondermi il più presto possibile perché non resterò a lungo a questo indirizzo. La ringrazio per l’attenzione. Cordiali saluti Frank Zappa Jr. ................... 2 1 PEACHES EN REGALIA [VAMP] I duri del rock lo sentono come loro proprietà esclusiva, come profeta anti- establishment. Gli accademici lo tollerano in quanto compositore... un’eccezione! per il mondo del rock. Chi lo vuole un giullare simbolo della trasgressione più anarcoide.....
7 Frank Zappa Forever Il Genio E Tutti I Suoi Nipoti
06LIB07A0612 06LIB05A0612 FLOWPAGE ZALLCALL 12 20:34:06 12/12/98 l’Unità DA SENTIRE 7 Lunedì 13 dicembre 1999 Interzone ◆ De Gli Antoni, Bastien Di rado ho ascoltato una fusione così aggeggi sulla superficie di vecchi vi- originale di strumenti dal vivo e nili e costringendo la puntina a per- campionamenti, riuniti all’insegna corsi obbligati e imprevedibili, ha di un comporre elettro/acustico che, dietro una tradizione longeva, che va Questo piccolo mondo moderno nonostante l’eterogeneità delle fonti, dagli orologimusicalisettecenteschi, si scrolla di dosso quella coperta fra- ai futuristi, a John Cage, ai vari in- tempo stesso,civieneincontrolegge- chio Tzadik e appartiene pertanto al- opera di un musicista che nei «Soul diciachiamata«contaminazione». ventori di strumenti checostellanole GIORDANO MONTECCHI ra, con il sorriso sulle labbra. Speri- la corte di re Zorn. Ma De Gli Anto- Coughing» si è guadagnato fama di Comune a Mark Degli Antoni e periferiedellamusicamoderna. mentazione dal volto umano? Musi- ni, 37 anni, viene da San Francisco e maestro del campionamento, ma le Pierre Bastien è anche il senso di I sei pezzi di «Musiques Paralloï- oul Coughing, Rough Assem- ca leggera d’avanguardia? Uhm! al vetriolo radical-jewish sembra cui geometrie trasparenti ripudiano provvisorietà: episodi felici lungo un dres»sonovariazionisultemadiuno blage, Nu Creative Methods, Già sento i mugugni di chi pensa che preferireungustopiùludico,concre- allegramente quel gusto per l’accu- percorso di cui non si sa bene la meta. o più giradischi che, trascinandosi S Effectifs du profil. Questi nomi rompere i codici comportiautomati- tizzato in miniaturesurreali(17pez- mulo incontrollato così tipico delle Ancor più esile, quasi indifeso, è in- dietro il loro brusìo piezoelettrico, dicono qualcosa? A qualcuno forse camente altre rompiture; di chi ritie- zi per 35 minuti di musica), in bilico musiche post-qualcosa.
THE RONDO HATTON REPORT VOL IX DECEMBER 21, 2011 IN THIS ISSUE As the winter solstice marks the end of Zappadan , our ninth edition rolls out a selection of old friends and new prepared to confess all for your celebratory pleasure. Still not enough of you stepping up to the plate , but the intake is broad enough to prove that we're a catholic church . So if you like what you see here -- and even more if you don't -- take some time out over your holy-daze to let us know how it is where you come from. 'Cos that's the way we like it. As always, the texts are supplied as a single pdf file. Those wishing to fondle & fetish a paper version can download and print texts at their leisure; conservers of the carbon footprint can view online. Thanks to all who contributed this time. Content is alphabetic by author . Views are the opinion of the writer and the responsibility of the reader. You is what you am . Anyone wishing to correspond with a contributor may do so through the 'SUBMIT' page, and messages will be duly forwarded. You are encouraged to do so: please let the authors know that you appreciate their efforts - it will make them happy. Hopla! CONTENTS 1. HATS OFF TO DWEEZIL? / Jim BEUGH 2. LINGUA FRANKA PART V / Arjun von CAEMMERER 3. I AM A FRANK ZAPPA FAN / Joe CRAWFORD 4. VINYL HYGIENE DILEMMA / Andy HOLLINDEN 5. WHAM BAM THANK YOU SHAZAM / Simon PRENTIS 6. LARRY TAUGHT ME TO GO MERRY-GO-ROUND / John RILEY 7.
Michael Kieran Harvey Collection A homage to Frank Zappa 48 fugues for Frank 48 Fugues For Frank A musical homage to the life and work of Frank Zappa, composed and performed by Michael Kieran Harvey, and complemented by Lingua Franka – concrete poetry by Arjun von Caemmerer, 48 Fugues for Frank premiered in 2010. A labor of love for Zappaphiles and anyone else with an interest in advanced music, innovative poetry and artistic vision. Each of the ten pieces uses four or five ideas inspired by, reacting to, 48 or developing some of Zappa’s signature techniques. Track listing (with obscure Zappa influences): 1. 48 Fugues For Frank #1 — (Greggery Peccary, Pentagon Afternoon) 7’50” 2. 48 Fugues For Frank #2 — (The Girl in The Magnesium Dress) 7’07” 3. 48 Fugues For Frank #3 — (Jazz From Hell) 7’18” 4. 48 Fugues For Frank #4 — (Tink Runs Amok) 6’20” Michael Kieran Harvey 5. 48 Fugues For Frank #5 — (Civilization Phaze III) 4’36” 6. 48 Fugues For Frank #6 — (G-Spot Tornado) 3’46” 7. 48 Fugues For Frank #7 — (St Etienne: guitar solo) 6’16” 8. 48 Fugues For Frank #8 — (Ruth is Sleeping) 4’58” 9. 48 Fugues For Frank #9 — (The Black Page) 5’13” 10. 48 Fugues For Frank #10 — (Baby Snakes) 6’02” P 2010 MOVE RECORDS … FOR MORE INFORMATION ON RECORDINGS BY MICHAEL KIERAN HARVEY VISIT Jugalbandi 2: “Thirteen” for L. Shankar Jugalbandi 2: “Thirteen” for L. Shankar J Jugalbandi 2: “Thirteen” Jugalbandi 2: “Thirteen” for L. Shankar remain indebted forever to Ernest Rust who opened my mind to the J for L.
Frank Zappa After 1968 Des Contre-Cultures Aux Cultures De Banlieue : Frank Zappa Après 1968
Volume ! La revue des musiques populaires 9 : 2 | 2012 Contre-cultures n°2 From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 Des Contre-cultures aux cultures de banlieue : Frank Zappa après 1968 Benjamin Halligan Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/volume.3421 ISSN: 1950-568X Printed version Date of publication: 15 December 2012 ISBN: 978-2-913169-33-3 ISSN: 1634-5495 Electronic reference Benjamin Halligan, « From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 », Volume ! [Online], 9 : 2 | 2012, Online since 01 September 2016, connection on 10 December 2020. URL : http:// ; DOI : This text was automatically generated on 10 December 2020. L'auteur & les Éd. Mélanie Seteun From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 1 From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 Des Contre-cultures aux cultures de banlieue : Frank Zappa après 1968 Benjamin Halligan EDITOR'S NOTE This text was published in Countercultures & Popular Music (Farnham, Ashgate, 2014), while its French translation appeared in this issue of Volume! in 2012. Volume !, 9 : 2 | 2012 From Countercultures to Suburban Cultures: Frank Zappa after 1968 2 1 SUBURBIA WOULD PROVE TO BE THE TERMINUS of Frank Zappa’s satirical project. In the final analysis, the ringmaster of freaks, a mother to the North American counterculture and champion of outsiders would find himself outnumbered and outmanoeuvred by the rising tide of ‘plastic people’. The nature and efficacy of Zappa’s last formal political stand at this juncture is the concern of this chapter.
Table of Contents Frank Zappa/Mothers Of Invention Singles 23 How Could I Be Such A Fool? I Help, I'm A Rock, Third Movement: It Can't Happen Here 23 How Could I Be Such A Fool? I It Can't Happen Here 29 Trouble Comin' Every Day / Who Are The Brain Police? 31 Who Are The Brain Police? I Trouble Comin' Every Day 34 Big Leg Emma I Why Don't You Do Me Right? 36 Son Of Suzy Creamcheese I Big Leg Emma 46 Lonely Little Girl I Mother People 48 Motherly Love /1 Ain't Got No Heart 51 Ruben And The Jets: Deseri / Jelly Roll Gum Drop 52 Anyway The Wind Blows I Jelly Roll Gum Drop - USA Promo 56 My Guitar I Dog Breath 57 My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama / The Orange County Lumber Truck - Venezuela Promo 64 Peaches En Regalia / Peaches En Regalia - USA Picture Sleeve Only 64 WPLJ / My Guitar 65 Tell Me You Love Me / Will You Go All The Way For The U.S.A.? 68 Mi Guitarra (Quiere Matar A Tu Mama) / Desde Mi Corazon Hacia Ti 69 Tears Began To Fall [Mono] / Tears Began To Fall [Stereo] 71 Tears Began To Fall / Junier Mintz Boogie 72 Tears Began To Fall / Happy Together - France 83 Magic Fingers I Magic Fingers - USA Promo 85 Magic Fingers I Daddy, Daddy, Daddy 86 Daddy, Daddy, Daddy I Magic Fingers 88 What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning?I Daddy, Daddy, Daddy 90 Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus [Stereo] / Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus [Mono] - USA Promo 93 Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus / Eat That Question 94 I'm The Slime / Montana 96 Cosmik Debris I Uncle Remus 101 Don't Eat The Yellow Snow [Stereo] I Don't Eat The Yellow Snow [Mono] Promo 103 Don't Eat The Yellow Snow I Cosmik Debris 104 Don't Eat The Yellow Snow / Camarillo Brillo 106 Du Bist Mein Sofa / Stinkfoot 107 Find Her Finer [Stereo] I Find Her Finer [Mono] - USA Promo 108 Find Her Finer I Zoot Allures - USA 109 Disco Boy [Stereo] I Disco Boy [Mono] - USA Promo 110 Disco Boy I Ms.